JAGUARS HEAD COACH URBAN MEYER Jaguars vs. Browns Postgame Media Availability Saturday, Aug. 14, 2021

Q. Overall assessment of the game? Yeah, I just keep—everybody is reminding me it's a 20-game season, so now what is it, 19 season games left. Yeah, disappointed with the offense, 85 yards first half, and it was a classic how-not-to-play-field- position. Guys gave great effort on the kickoff return and knock it out 60 yards and it goes back to the 10- yard line, just classic how not—so a teachable moment. And then that was one of our good players, I think it was Wingard. And then the 4th and 1, real disappointing. I thought our defense hung in there. We gave up a lot of yards passing, but did good against the run. Trevor [Lawrence], I believe, was 6 of 9, but we gave up two sacks, I believe, with the No. 1 offense, which we shouldn't do. But I'll get more for you, if he's holding the ball a little bit long—I kind of felt he did on one of them. But we'll have more for you after we watch. But just disappointed offensively. I don't like slow offenses, and I told those—I thought the third quarter was better with just tempo, getting up the line of scrimmage, snap the ball. I don't want to be one of those slow, wallowing offenses, and we'll go and get that fixed.

Q. Do you think the tempo was on QB ? No, it was on us. We've just got to get it and go, go, go, and emphasize that. No, not at all.

Q. Was QB Trevor Lawrence was trusting what he saw or holding the ball too long? I have not really had a chance to chat with him yet, I will. I'll certainly answer that question when I talk to him. But I asked the same thing to Bev [Darrell Bevell]–not Bev, but Schotty [Brian Schottenheimer]. I said, ‘How did he play? He said, ‘He did pretty good.’ I thought the ball to his left right in front of us, I think it was 3rd down, he really anticipated a nice out-cut, scrambled and delivered a nice one down to Marvin Jones, but I do believe he held the ball a little bit, and I've got to find out why. We've got to find out why.

Q. Did you expect some jitters out of a rookie on his first game? He’s played in environments tougher than that one now. But it is an NFL team, and there's good players all over the field. So, I'm anxious to talk to him. I've not spent—we were coaching the game, so I'm not going to spend a lot of time saying, ‘What did he think?’ He certainly wasn't awestruck. We've just got to execute better. We've got to protect him better and got to get all our wide outs healthy and just play better.

Q. How did you think OL and OL played tonight? Oh I asked them, and once again, I just don't know because I don't want to say something I haven't really studied yet.

Q. Is it even more concerning that you had most of your starters and they had most of their backups, third-teamers in there? Concerning, yeah, everything is concerning. It’s my job to be concerned. Yeah.

Q. Are you much more encouraged with CB CJ Henderson’s progress thus far? Yeah, I saw him make a couple plays out there tonight. I just like the fact he's getting back into game shape. I'm not sure how many plays he had, but that COVID knocked the teeth out of him, and then he came back and started practicing good. So, we've just got to get him revved up to game speed and game shape. We get back tomorrow, we get back tomorrow, which is going to be important. DJ Chark is still a little ways away. We need some juice on offense right now.

Q. Are you guys paying a portion of LB ’s salary for the trade? I believe we are. I don't—that's a Trent Baalke [question]—yeah, I just don't want to say something that's not true.

Q. Can you take us through why LB Joe Schobert wasn't a good fit for this defense? I wouldn't say he was a good fit. We felt good about the depth we have right now at the linebacker position. And that was one of those things I just listened and learned a lot about the whole process with that. I get it, you've got special teams value, too, when you start taking [Shaquille] Quarterman and Quincy [Williams] and Dakota [Allen] and there's another one, Chapelle [Russell]. So, we have four young cats that have some really special teams value to us right now. And Damien [Wilson], we felt, is really coming on.

Q. How did you feel out there your first NFL game coaching and first game in general in a few years? It felt great. Until I looked up and saw 85 yards at halftime.

Q. What did you feel were positives for your defense? “Yeah, I thought good energy. I thought we're going to—we are—Baltimore and it's the Jaguars style. Joe Cullen—I thought the defensive line, we made some investment in the defensive line. I never felt like we lost the line of scrimmage on the defense. Obviously, we've just got to make a couple plays when the ball is in the air. The two screen plays came, it was like we never saw a screen before, and they came out, Cleveland executed it [well] and we just didn't play well on the screens.”

Q. Did you find it at all disheartening that the players gave up a 20-play, 89-yard drive in the fourth quarter that ate up 10 minutes of the clock? Am I disheartened? Yeah, of course, yeah. Like you said, I'm not sure. I'll visit with our defensive staff— 'Who's on the field? Why are they on the field? Why did we take a –?’ Coach [Charlie] Strong and I had a little chat, like it's—the newness to me is the length of the season. I keep hearing that over and over again, and I’m just, I'm learning. I would have kept them in the whole game, but that probably is not very intelligent.

Q. How did you feel about the offensive line? The ones or overall? The ones, I think we had two sacks with the ones, but I'm not sure it was a pressure. I'm sorry, I'll let you know more this week.

Q. You have your first cut down day on Tuesday. Do you walk out of here tonight knowing what you're going to do? No. No, that's going to be tomorrow. I think we go down to 85 and then we’ll just keep cutting each week.

Q. Obviously you were down WR DJ Chark Jr. still; what did you see from the wide receivers that were out there? Just okay. I thought Laviska [Shenault Jr.] and Marvin [Jones Jr.] competed really well. I thought the twos and threes went in there and really competed. I loved [Josh] Hammond. I loved the -- Tavon Austin shows up in five days and he's all over the field. I like those guys. They just practice like that. Also, you've got [DJ] Chark and Phillip Dorsett are guys we're counting on, and then [Jamal] Agnew, I pulled him. I thought he had a couple nice plays, but I pulled him out because he's our returner. We invested quite a bit into that, so he's going to be with kid gloves until we get to Game 1, he's so valuable. So, I'm not panicky. I saw the same thing you did, ‘Let's move the ball up the field,’ and we didn't do it.

Q. When you’re calling time-out, does that say a little bit about what you're doing trying to get a look on all these guys? Yeah, I just think it's fair. We're going to—the livelihood of some players are going to be on our hands right now, and so I just kept staring at it and I said I want to see these guys play. Half those receivers will be gone. And how do you do that without letting them play? I'm sure Cleveland, they've probably got the same dilemma. That's the way I look at it. As I've been saying all along, I'm trying to take as much subjectivity out of this as I can, and how do you do you that, watch the film and chart it.

JAGUARS QB TREVOR LAWRENCE Jaguars vs. Browns Postgame Media Availability Saturday, Aug. 14, 2021

Q. Were you wanting to get maybe one more series? TREVOR LAWRENCE: Always, yeah. You always want to -- that's the tough thing I'm learning about preseason. You've got to take care of yourself and the team and make your plays count when you're in there, because you just aren't going to get as many as you'd like sometimes, just depending on how the game is going. I thought we were starting to kind of settle in there a little bit. I thought the guys that came in there in the game did great. Cleveland did a good job, big zone team. They matched us pretty well. But no, I mean, I feel like the first time out there I felt comfortable, felt poised. Obviously the first play is not kind of what you want for the first play, but after that I thought we did a good job. We communicated well up front. They did a really good job with protection, at least one of those sacks was on me for sure, just holding the ball too long. That's something I'll work on and just maneuvering in the pocket is something I've always got to work on. Other than that, I missed an easy one to Marvin, a little quick out that I wish I would have hit, but other than that I felt good out there. I thought we were seeing it all on the same page and there's obviously things to clean up, but I thought it was a pretty good day.

Q. Did you feel your comfort level grow as the drives went on? TREVOR LAWRENCE: For sure, yeah, and that's like anything. The first play, especially the first game here in the NFL, you're a little bit nervous, but after that, you're just playing ball. Definitely felt that setting in. Was feeling more comfortable and like in these preseason game, it's just hard to get in a rhythm the way we're doing it because we're just trying to get looks, and a lot of people playing and figure it out. I think we're doing a good job. Obviously want to win the game. That's the goal. Want to get better from that standpoint. But no, I thought the guys, we played the whole way through, and I think everybody saw that.

Q. After that second series, you spent a lot of time on the sidelines with Marvin Jones Jr. What was he sharing with you after that? TREVOR LAWRENCE: Yeah, we were just talking. That's the first time -- obviously we've been together in practice and all that, but in a game it's different, and the communication and what -- we had a 3rd down and we had a certain route on this 3rd down. We were just talking about how deep he is, what I'm thinking he's going to do, how I'm seeing it, how he's seeing it from his standpoint, and it's just great conversations to have, a guy that's been doing it for a long time, and now playing with a new quarterback and I haven't played with him before, those are things you've just got to work out and talk about, so he's awesome, communicates really well, and that's what I'm trying to do with all the guys. This is what I'm seeing here, this is why I did that, that's why I made this call, and just working through it.

Q. Do you look upon this result tonight as disappointing in any way or do you just look upon it as a learning experience, it's the first preseason game and just kind of move on from that? TREVOR LAWRENCE: Yeah, it's disappointing any time you lose, but it is a preseason game, and for us that doesn't change anything. We still want to win. But you do have to take the nuggets that you can learn from and some things you're going to do well and other things that'll kind of show you I need to work on it, got to clean this up. We learned a lot. There's a lot of things we need to work on. But at the end of the day, you want to win the game, and we didn't, so we want to get better at that.

Q. It looked like you held the ball a little bit on a couple plays. Would that be normally where you'd scramble a little bit and you were just trying not to scramble and take those hits in the preseason? TREVOR LAWRENCE: No, not -- it wasn't that, but I will agree with what you said. I think using my legs a little bit in those situations when protection is great, we don't have anybody open, they're just matching us well on defense. They had some good zone calls today. Just using my legs to extend some plays and put us in a better situation. I think I could have done that a little bit better tonight for sure, but no, it didn't have anything to do with me not trying to take a hit or anything.

Q. Do you take a minute or a second at all to kind of soak it in? TREVOR LAWRENCE: Yeah, I mean, I think that's something we talked about this week, some of us players, like during the national anthem, that's a really cool time to soak it all in. We're all lined up right there, the whole stadium is quiet and you can kind of just reflect and know how blessed you are to be out there, and it was a pretty cool moment for my first time out there, and really just even to hear guys like Linder, like he talked about that. This is eighth year and he's still -- like that moment is still so big for him every game. We're all just grateful to be out there.

Q. Any nerves more so for this game than any other games you've played just because it's the first one in the NFL? TREVOR LAWRENCE: Not really. I mean, a little bit, just like first NFL game, whatever that is. Not really -- I usually typically get nervous before the first game of any season anyway, so that's pretty standard, but no, it was exciting. I was ready to get out there. It's been a long time coming. This has been my dream, so it was good.

Q. What did Jr. give you on those really short passes that you guys were hitting early? TREVOR LAWRENCE: Yeah, he's awesome. Just run after the catch, super strong, physical runner with the ball, and you can see what he does in space. Like we had a few tonight that he did a really good job. He always will make the first guy miss or shed the tackle. That's something he's really good at. He's just a really dynamic player because he can run any route in the route tree and get open, and then he can do stuff like that where he can get the ball in his hands and he can make plays.

Q. Could you talk about the throw you made to Marvin Jones when you had time and you watched him run that route and you read that play? TREVOR LAWRENCE: Yeah, so we had a -- I'm trying to think on that play. I was in the pocket for forever, so eventually it ended up turning into a scramble basically because he's seeing me back there like, all right, I hit you up three, four times, nobody is open, and he did a good job of getting open and reacting, and that's something we've been working through camp is a scramble drill, and I didn't actually scramble, but everyone has that time clock of, all right, the play is not working as it was designed; at this point we've got to make something happen. He did a good job, reacted quick, went up field, and at that point I saw his back turned. I could have probably led him a little bit more, I just didn't want to overthrow him with the DB's back turned, so he made a great catch.

Q. Coach Meyer mentioned wanting to up the tempo on the offense, get to the line a little bit quicker. Is that just them getting the play call to you earlier or are you taking a little bit of a different approach in the huddle? TREVOR LAWRENCE: I think it's a little bit of everything, different times, it's different things. It's just sometimes you're not going to be able to get the play call in really quick, like Coach Bev has got a tough job to get the right call for that situation that changes every play. So sometimes it could be that, but I thought we did a good job getting the call in. It's more so now like early when you have different personnels coming in and you're playing a lot of different guys, you've got to get used to the flow of substitutions and we've got a big roster right now, so a lot of guys are playing, so it's not always the easiest thing just to come in and out and stay on the ball really fast. That's something we definitely need to work and get better at and in practice having the play clock emphasis, like when I get the call, let's get it out, get up there quick, try to ID it so we can make adjustments because that's what you don't want is to get up there late and not be able to react to what the defense is doing. You're just snapping it because you've got to hurry and beat the play clock. I'm sure that's what he was talking about and I agree it's something we've got to get better at. Yeah, it's always a little bit tougher when you've got so many substitutions right now.

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JAGUARS DE/OLB Jaguars vs. Browns Postgame Media Availability Saturday, Aug. 14, 2021

Q. Can you talk about the approach of the defensive line tonight as the first time as a group together since you were rebuilt? JOSH ALLEN: First and foremost, man, our goal every time we go out and take the field is to stop the run. That's our mindset because we can't rush the passer, we can't get pressure, we can't do what we need to do unless we stop the run. That's the easiest thing to do in the NFL, and if a team is real efficient a team should do that. Our mindset was to come in this game to stop the run. We didn't know who was going to play. We were ready for whoever, and we just got to stop the run and get better week in, week out.

Q. Screen defense, it looked like they got a couple of decent screen passes on you guys. How do you fix it? JOSH ALLEN: I don't know, run to the ball. You know, it's just one of those gimmick plays that's all about your eyes and just leverage. You know, just got to run to the ball, play with that, remember what we're coached, and we'll get it fixed. That's not a hard fix.

Q. What are your feelings or are you disappointed that it didn't go better for the first preseason game? JOSH ALLEN: I mean, first and foremost, we play to win. I don't care -- like for ones, twos, threes, fours, I don't care. Our mindset is to go out there and win, and we didn't win. That kind of hurts everybody, just to have that pride. We have a pride to us that we just don't want to lose, and just to come out and lose hurts, but I know this team, and I know we're going to be good, and we're going to keep fighting. That's what it is.

Q. Did you feel like you communicated pretty well on defense with all the new guys? JOSH ALLEN: Yeah, communication was something that we did not worry about just coming in because I know we communicate throughout practice, and I know it's going to carry on today. Communication-wise up front, back end, like it was -- I feel like we did what we needed to do, and I feel like we can always get better and improve, but it's definitely a great start, and we just need to keep improving week in.

Q. What have you seen from DT DaVon Hamilton? JOSH ALLEN: Oh, man. DaVon [Hamilton] has the capabilities of being the best nose tackle in the whole NFL. We tell him that. Everybody tells him that. I truly believe in -- like I said, everybody truly believes that he can be the best nose tackle, and I think he is. But as long as he believes that, as long as he goes out there and does his job, he's going to be the best.

Q. You've seen a number of guys shipped out the last couple years; what's that like when a guy gets traded like LB Joe Schobert did the other day? JOSH ALLEN: It's football. You know, it's the . The more you play in this league, the more stuff you're going to see, as y'all probably know in your profession. You just can't take anything for granted. Luckily Joe [Schobert] went to a team that needed him most. That's a blessing. But for a lot of other people, it doesn't happen like that. You know, I hope Joe and his family transition well, and I wish him nothing but the best, and any other guy who's about to go -- these first cuts, I feel like we bust -- I feel like everybody on this team through training camp busts their butt to be on this team, but we can't have everybody on this team. But I think they keep working, somebody is going to pick them up.

Q. What would you say about the depth at the inside linebacker position? JOSH ALLEN: The inside linebacker spot? We're deep. I feel like we have a good group in the middle. I feel like we just keep playing downhill, play the run, and just do -- they do linebacker things, I feel like we're going to be straight, so really not worried about that.

Q. DE/OLB K'Lavon Chaisson stayed on the field a little bit longer than the rest of the team. What kind of progress have you seen from him especially in this new season? JOSH ALLEN: I mean, from what I've seen, I saw him get a lot of good rushes in when they were -- like when the Browns actually started to drop-back pass, and he was getting a lot of good rushes, so now he's starting to learn how to capitalize with those and set his moves up, so just seeing the growth from year one to year two is definitely a big improvement, and like I said, I can't wait to really just rush with him and just go all out. It's going to be a fun year to watch us two plus [DL Dawuane] Smoot. Smoot is somebody that's definitely grown, and I can't wait to rush with him.

Q. As on outside lineman playing a new scheme, did you like the pressure you put on the quarterback? Do you feel you have to improve that? How are you feeling after this game? JOSH ALLEN: I mean, when we put ourselves in a position to rush the passer, I feel like we're going to live up to -- we're going to have that opportunity. But from when I was out there, I feel like for when it was more quick passes and -- know what I'm saying, so the best we can do is just really push the pocket and get our hands up so we might get tips and passes. But later in the season, once we play more and more, we get in more and more situations and more and more different types of plays, that's when you can come back to me on that one.

Q. This loss in the preseason, it doesn't generally correlate or indicate how a team will do in the regular season, but for a team that hasn't won in 16 games, how much do you guys feel like you desperately need a win, especially the guys from last year, even if it is preseason? JOSH ALLEN: Yeah, I mean, last year was last year. I mean, you're not going to get another answer. We have a whole new coaching staff. We have whole new faces as you can tell on the defensive side, all new faces that has not played in a Jaguars' uniform before, who's playing in a winning culture, who's playing on teams that have been successful on defense, and so now they're bringing that here, and I feel like as soon as we play together and as soon as we like really connect on the way of like, okay, I know what you're about to do next. I feel like we're about to be a tough defense. I feel like we're going to be a tough team. I feel like this is going to make us stronger because we know we need to fix. It's not like anybody is out- talenting us. It's not like we just got blown out. We're going to be straight. We're going to go back to work on Monday -- well, we're going to watch film Monday, get rejuv Monday, come back -- what's today, Saturday? Come back Monday, be ready to practice, you know what I'm saying? That's what I'm looking forward to. I'm looking forward to seeing how people are going to respond, and we're ready for the next challenge when that comes.

Q. What was [Head Coach] Coach Meyer's message after the game? This was his first time in the NFL; he's used to winning. What was his message afterwards? JOSH ALLEN: Come to work. Like you said, he's not used to that. That makes me want to play even harder. Like I want to win for myself and my team but also this whole coaching staff, for him, because that's the trust that he puts in us, and that's the trust that we need to give back to him. He basically told us to come back to work. He went up to guys individually to talk to them, see how their head was at, and everybody I talked to- I know we're locked in. It's the only way to improve every week, and just come back stronger.

Q. What did you think about CB CJ Henderson's play tonight, and what have you tried to do if anything to try to help him get back to feeling like he's an important part of this team? JOSH ALLEN: I mean, he is an important part of this team. He's been out -- he was out for I don't know how long, but I know he was out for a long time, and when he came back, he came back slow. Not slow in play-wise but just like he has to get back into the swing of things. We've been weeks in in training camp, and he comes back in the thick of things. For him just to go out there and make plays like that, I feel like we have a heck of a talented corner, and I feel like it's just going to make our job a lot easier, him, Shaq[uill Griffin] -- yeah.

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JAGUARS OL Jaguars vs. Browns Postgame Media Availability Saturday, Aug. 14, 2021

Q. Urban just talked about the concern about not getting the ball down the field, having 85 yards of offense at halftime. What's your assessment of the first preseason game? BRANDON LINDER: Yeah, first preseason game, a lot of things to learn from, new team. I think we did some things well. Obviously some things we didn't. Can't speak on it until you truly watch the film. You always feel a certain type of way, but until you watch the film, that really solidifies what happened out there.

Q. How did you feel about Trevor's command in the huddle tonight? BRANDON LINDER: I thought he did well. I mean, a rookie, first preseason game. I remember how I was then. I thought he did well. Again, room to grow, first preseason game, excited for what's to come.

Q. Coach Meyer mentioned wanting to up the tempo and get you guys to the line faster. How do you fix that? BRANDON LINDER: You just rep that in practice. That's just something you've got to do in practice, and that's something that we'll emphasize this week.

Q. I think after he came out, you came out at the same time and you guys were sitting on the bench right next to each other. Can you kind of give us an idea of what you guys were talking about, what you were telling him? BRANDON LINDER: Yeah, I mean, just number one, here we are back at it, right. It's football, the same game we've been playing since we were kids. I think we're going to be a very good team. We were talking about what went on out there. The kid understands it. He sees it. He's only going to get better. I wish we had more time to play out there. As we get going, everything starts rolling. You get to see the defense, see how they're playing. We were just talking about the two series we had.

Q. Were you able to see what happened on that first sack? BRANDON LINDER: Haven't seen it yet. I think we gave up some pressure, and he couldn't -- I don't know, same thing, you've got to watch the film. We need more protection. It is what it is.

Q. Were you satisfied with the offensive line's performance tonight? BRANDON LINDER: I mean, no, I would like to obviously drive down the field those first couple drives, score, 1st down, 1st down, 1st down. That's what we had in our mind. It didn't go that way. Again, we've got to watch the film. Once we see it, we can critique it, and the good thing is we've got next week to learn and to keep going.

Q. You talked about you remember what you were like your first preseason game. What were you like that second game? How much did that change? BRANDON LINDER: Oh, yeah, it changed a lot. This is everyone's dream, right, to be in the NFL, playing at their home stadium. The crowd was great. And again, it was football. It's the same game we've been playing since we were kids. As the season goes on, we get better, things start rolling. You shake out all the nerves and then you just roll.

Q. Brandon, did this timing set up pretty well for getting a rookie quarterback? You've got a long week before New Orleans and then after Dallas, you've got two weeks. BRANDON LINDER: Yeah, of course, of course. Again, it's a new offense, new team. Every day we're getting better. Every day we're building that cohesion, that communication. That's what you need. It was great. I'm glad we all played. I'm glad he didn't rest any of us. Get out there, shake the rust off for some of us older guys, but yeah, every day it's just going to keep building.

Q. How much more would you like to play in the next game? I know you played two series tonight. Did Cleveland do anything that maybe messed up communication on the line? BRANDON LINDER: No, I don't think they did anything. I mean, yeah, I would like to -- the more you play, like once we get into that first game, you play the whole game, that's what we love. You get to start flowing, you get to see what the defense is doing. We're still in camp. We prepped Cleveland, but it wasn't a full week of film watching and bringing out all the plays. It was a very basic game plan, so first preseason game, next one, be better. Third one, and then we'll start rolling into the season.

Q. What are you seeing from Cam Robinson, , that battle? We were talking to Cam, he was pretty blunt just saying I have a good relationship with Walker. BRANDON LINDER: Oh, yeah, they've got a great relationship. We've got a great offensive line room. We all love each other. Cam is playing great. Walker is doing some really good things as a rookie. But don't get it twisted, it's all love in there.

Q. What did you think about ? BRANDON LINDER: I thought he did well. Again, got to watch the film. I'm doing my job seeing the defense, so I'm not like watching Ben, but I thought he did well, so I'm excited. I'm excited to watch the film and see how everyone did.

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CORNERBACK Jaguars vs. Browns In-game Media Availability Saturday, Aug. 14, 2021

(On leaning on the team based on what he has experienced) “Everything I picked up on, everything I was taught — you know I’m trying to teach them the same thing. You know the main thing is we get a lot of ‘the team is young’ — the main thing is there is no edge when you’re the best in the world, so I try to get everyone to understand. Be the best, be great — don’t worry about this age. We can do this now, we don’t have to wait for it, so you know that’s the type of message I have been trying to pass on to the guys who believe that were such a young team that doesn’t have an edge. [I have been trying to pass on] that we are the best in the world, so I am trying to get that installed into their head now early.”

(On the secondary making plays) “Most definitely, we are only as strong as the guys that we continue to teach them the right way and the right things to do. Those guys are coming along so well, and it is good to see that and be able to see how good these guys really can be. You know on the sideline talking about how [Andre] Cisco is coming in and showing that grit — being able to come in and make the tackles that he can make. CJ [Henderson] being out after the last couple games last year and coming back healthy and making the plays he is making is awesome.”

WIDE RECEIVER MARVIN JONES JR. Jaguars vs. Browns In-game Media Availability Saturday, Aug. 14, 2021

(On how the team played the first couple series) “We moved the chains, that’s what we want to see when we are here. You know we move the chains — one six [Trevor Lawrence] made some good plays. He made some plays especially scrambling. You know that’s what you want to see — you want to move the ball and stuff like that. Obviously, we didn’t punch it in [the end zone], but it was it is.”

(On how much QB Trevor Lawrence is learning) “We talk constantly and that’s what I told him. After every play we can go back to the sideline — the receivers [will] talk like, ‘Hey what did you see?’ I tell him what I have seen. When he has experience you say, ‘Hey, next time when you look for this one it will be open here.’ It’s give and take — you have saw what he threw up there and it makes it easy for me. Just throw it up and I am going to go get it. I said that when I first met him.”

(On his poise and bouncing back after a negative play) “Most definitely — it’s all about resilience and he has that, so he didn’t bat an eye. He said let’s go make some plays and he did that, so I am glad to be a part of this whole situation with him as well.”

(On how good the receiving core can be) “It’s amazing just looking to the left and looking to the right you see the playmakers we have and the different dynamics we bring to the game. You see it out there at practice and it translates. Looking at number 10 [Laviska Shenault Jr.] break all those tackles — you know it’s fun to watch, but I can’t do a lot of watching because I have to block for him because he can break some tackles.”

(On being leader on a young roster) “Oh, most definitely — they are like my kids and you know I have the kids at home and they keep me young and running around and it’s just a joy to be here. You know with all the young people and all the young receivers we have in the receivers room — cracking jokes and stuff like that … It keeps me young, I just go out here and show them how I do it.”

BROWNS HEAD COACH KEVIN STEFANSKI Jaguars vs. Browns Postgame Media Availability Saturday, Aug. 14, 2021

Opening Statement: Some really good reps out there to teach off of. Wasn't always clean, but appreciate how the guys competed. Plus on in the turnover margin, as you know we making a big deal out of that. On the injury front I think you know we saw Mac, Wilson, Steve Carlson, and Kiondre got injured there in the game. So I'll have more information tomorrow on those. But I will take any questions you have.

Q. (On Donovan Peoples Jones performance) KEVIN STEFANSKI: Yeah, I think he did it last year, too, Dan. When his number is called he's been make plays going all the way back to last year. He's a dependable player. He shows consistency. Plays very hard. So I think he's having a nice camp.

Q. (On the play of his second team offensive line) KEVIN STEFANSKI: Yeah, I think we had one sack in maybe 44 attempts, Tony. I thought protection was pretty good all in all. Thought the quarterbacks did the nice job getting the ball out of their hands in a timely fashion, but any time we have any of the QBs in there we're trying to keep them upright as much as we can.

Q. (On Greg Newsome and Greedy Williams play) KEVIN STEFANSKI: I thought just from my vantage point I thought they both competed. We have to look at it to see how it was. I know this, it's never perfect. Especially coming out of your first game, first time playing for Greg. First time, been a long time for Greedy, bouncing back from that injury. I told him and Hub, to be out there in that this first game coming off injury, I thought that was a great testament to how those worked in the rehab.

Q. How about Jeremiah Owusu-Koramoah? He looked fast out there is that kind of as advertised? KEVIN STEFANSKI: I would say so. Yeah, that's what he's done in practice. He plays at a very high speed. He's twitchy. He defeats blocks. So, he did a nice job, and I know already there will be things he can improve.

Q. Is there any surprise though considering he missed that time at the beginning of camp? That he looked up to speed? KEVIN STEFANSKI: Well, I think he worked really hard when he was out with Coach Tarver and Coach Bloom to make sure that he was caught up on the mental side, and then it's football, so when he's out there and they're keeping score and they're between the white lines, he's doing what he does.

Q. Does a kicker get deducted a point because he hit the upright even though it went through? KEVIN STEFANSKI: Not that I'm aware of, Tony. Was it three points? Yeah.

Q. You are going up against the overall number one pick, and a guy who can run for governor of the state of Ohio and probably win in the state of Ohio. Did that give a little extra juice to this game? KEVIN STEFANSKI: Not for me. You know, this is a part of the process. We focus really on the work, and I thought the guys did a nice job competing out there. We got another one next week.

Q. On Demetric Felton’s performance KEVIN STEFANSKI: Yeah, did a nice job. Again, I think he's shown up in practice as well. Made the big points to the young guys especially. You got to take the practice field to the game field. I thought a lot of the guys did that. Like I said, never perfect. Always things to clean up. Demetric had a couple nice moments there.

Q. On being able to create pressure even without Myles Garrett, Jadeveon Clowney or Malik Jackson KEVIN STEFANSKI: Yeah, you got to have a plan when you're rushing. I thought the guys did a nice job. We have to apply pressure to the quarterback whether we rush, four, five, six, it doesn't matter. I thought the guys did a nice job overall. But the rush plans I think were pretty on point.

Q. His first impressions of Trevor Lawrence KEVIN STEFANSKI: No, he's a great player. But, no, I can't say I watched him too closely.

Q. On his expectations of Case Keenum KEVIN STEFANSKI: I don't think it's effortless, Tony. I know what you're saying. He prepares really hard, Tony. I think he was excited to play. As you know, he loves this game. So, to see him out there and operate and having Baker there to support him and having Kyle come in, I thought that was a really nice job of that room in general to take charge and lead this team up and down. Was it perfect? No. But pleased overall with how those guys operated.

Q. Was Mayfield involved with any playcalling? KEVIN STEFANSKI: No.

Q. Was he on the headsets? KEVIN STEFANSKI: No.

Q. On the play calling process KEVIN STEFANSKI: Yes, and I'm not going to get into who it was, Tony. As you know, as I've said before, it's an extremely collaborative process. While one person made the call, everybody is very much involved.

BROWNS QB CASE KEENUM Jaguars vs. Browns Postgame Media Availability Saturday, Aug. 14, 2021

Q. Looked like you had fairly decent protection from those guys up front? CASE KEENUM: Yeah, yeah, you could probably say better than fairly decent. I think they did a great job tonight. I've got a lot of faith in Nick [Harris], Dunny [Michael Dunn], Mike, those guys up front. They did a great job. They did a really good job tonight.

Q. It's been a long time since you've been in a game even though this was a preseason game. Was it fun, exciting? What was it like for you? CASE KEENUM: Yeah, it was definitely fun, exciting. It was great to get the rust off. It has been honestly -- I guess since week 17 of 2019 season that I got some serious playing time, so it was good to get back out there and knock some of the rust off and see the field. It's just different in games than it is in practice. I thought it was a good night.

Q. What did you think of WR Donovan People-Jones tonight, especially that catch he had on third down? It looked like he got it with one hand. CASE KEENUM: Yeah, I didn't get to see it really, but I'm excited to watch that on film. I saw a little bit of the replay, and, man, he did a great job. Pretty tough man coverage.

Q. What does it say about a guy like that to come back in year two, stacking good plays on top of good plays, building on what he did last year? CASE KEENUM: I think the second year in an offense always really helps to have a great foundation. He knows where to line up. He knows kind of what to expect from plays and from routes. He can really kind of work the little bitty details of the intricate part of this offense like a guy who's not a rookie.

Q. You got the ball early to RB Demetric Felton. Kind of an unfamiliar position for him, slot receiver. What did you think of him tonight? CASE KEENUM: Yeah, I thought he did a great job. He's one of those guys you can put just about everywhere and he'll find the ball, put the ball in his hands. He did a great job tonight.

Q. I wanted to ask you about QB Trevor Lawrence. Did you have any first impressions of him, just what you saw? CASE KEENUM: I didn't watch. When I'm playing, I'm usually working on what the defense is doing, looking at pictures and stuff. I thought our d-line did a great job, got after him a little bit. I think he was on the ground -- I don't know how many sacks, was it two or three at least, and you've got to give a lot of credit to our coverage guys down the field. It looked like he was holding the ball for a long time, had to, so I was really proud of our defense and how they played.

Q. Even though you rested so many regulars, is this the kind of night you'd expect from a team that has the expectations and a roster like yours? CASE KEENUM: Yeah, I don't think really for us we don't look at who we put out there, we don't look at who's put out there against us. As an offense for me, speaking as an offense, we want to move the ball. We want to get first downs. I wanted to get in the end zone at least once, but I thought when Kyle [Lauletta] got in there he settled in and played really well, getting in the end zone, giving those guys a chance. I don't think it matters who we put out there, who's against us. We'll try to go score any time we do.

Q. What kind of opportunity is this for QB Kyle Lauletta to have a game like this? He'll probably get some more longer opportunities as the preseason goes along. What kind of opportunity is it? CASE KEENUM: It's a great opportunity. Speaking from experience as a young guy, you just never know how many reps you're going to get at any point. So you've got to take advantage of them while you can. He took advantage of them tonight. I thought he really settled in quickly and made some really good reads and throws down the field and got his chances.

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BROWNS LB JEREMIAH OWUSU-KORAMOAH Jaguars vs. Browns Postgame Media Availability Saturday, Aug. 14, 2021

Q. Walk us through that sack. JEREMIAH OWUSU-KORAMOAH: Oh, yeah. Pretty good play. I give praises to the D-linemen. I give the praises to the coaches who called the play and just a play we executed on.

Q. Overall you played almost three quarters tonight. How did you feel overall you did? JEREMIAH OWUSU-KORAMOAH: I said in an interview this week that I would play a lot, and that's very much what I did. I'm glad I got the experience because I got those reps, too. To be able to catch up some of what I lost over those 10 days.

Q. When you made that stop at the end, you guys were trying to keep them out of the end zone, obviously. Do you think your stop was going to do it? JEREMIAH OWUSU-KORAMOAH: I thought so. That's why I was right there. No, man, it's understanding where we've got to bring it every play, play in, play out. The energy was lagging a little bit, so just trying to find something to pick us up.

Q. It seemed like you were playing really fast out there. Are you kind of up to speed? JEREMIAH OWUSU-KORAMOAH: I'm still trying. There was a lot of mistakes that I made out there. Probably the media don't really see. But still a lot of mistakes on my part, a lot of details I need to clean up as far as my part.

Q. You were able to play as fast as you normally do or not? JEREMIAH OWUSU-KORAMOAH: Yeah, I mean, I would say I was, but in certain instance I was still not feeling as well as I wanted to. There's a balance to it, but I just couldn't truly get that balance tonight. But it comes with experience.

Q. You kind of let us in to what you want to do better? JEREMIAH OWUSU-KORAMOAH: Yeah, just details, like I said. Making sure my drops are 100 percent right, making sure my eyes are 100 percent right. It’s really the mental things. Physically I'm still running fine. Physically I'm still beating the blocks but it's just some mental things.

Q. You guys got after Trevor quite a bit; what did you see out of him and what did you think about him? JEREMIAH OWUSU-KORAMOAH: Well, you know, he's a smart guy. I don't think I was in there when he was in there, but as I was watching, a lot of pressure we got on him. When you've got smart guys like that that want to think and guys that want to set plays, you want to get on him and put pressure on him, and that's what we did tonight.

Q. Obviously you were out there making plays, Greg Newsome started the game and Demetric Felton was making plays. Was it kind of cool to see the rookie class out there? JEREMIAH OWUSU-KORAMOAH: Yeah, those are all my guys. We are probably about to go back to the hotel and chat about it, get on the bus. No, it's a good experience to have for all the rookies and solidify what we're going to do next.

BROWNS CB GREG NEWSOME II Jaguars vs. Browns Postgame Media Availability Saturday, Aug. 14, 2021

Q. On his play today You know, I think I had a pretty good first game. It was fun to finally be out there going against a different opponent. I thought I played fast. I made a few mistakes, but we’ll fix those in the film room. I think ultimately I played a good start.

Q. On his near Yeah, I think I got that one, but it’s all good.

Q. On the explanation of the near interception You know, as soon as they gave it to him, next-play mentality. They gave it to him, get ready to play the next ball.

Q. On covering WR Marvin Jones Jr. I mean, at the end of the day I got to keep my eyes on my man, finish the play. I don't know what is going on back there, but my job is to not let him catch the football and I let him catch the football. At the end of the day, I just got to stick my eyes to my man and finish the play.

Q. On QB Trevor Lawrence It's cool. I mean, he's obviously another fellow rookie, so he's learning just like I am. He had a solid start. Like I say, all rookies, it's our first game so a lot of rookies are going to make mistakes. We all make mistakes. I think he played a pretty good first game.

Q. On the defensive line creating pressure I mean, that helps me a ton. When I know my I know my D-line is going to get to the quarterback, that means the ball has to be out fast, therefore I got to be tight in my coverage. So, shout out to the guys up front and to the front seven. Man, they do a great job of creating pressure and things like that. I'm very thankful for those guys up front.

Q. On stopping WR Marvin Jones Jr. from a first down Yeah, man, you know, I was a little mad already from getting the ball caught on me. Like I said, next-play mentality, and I was ready to make that next play. So, I was just ready to go, and it was a good play.

Q. On LB Jeremiah Owusu-Koramoah’s sack Man, he was a stud, he's a beast. I'm glad we got him on our team for sure. You seen what he did today. Obviously he came off the COVID list so he's really fresh into things. He's really not even close to where he's going to be at all either. He played a great first game.

Q. On LB Jeremiah Owusu-Koramoah’s speed No. I seen it from the first day at rookie mini camp how this guy moves. He's a beast.