Listing Showing Events from 24/07/2015 to 02/08/2015 and Within 10 Miles of Bakewell Visitor Centre
Listing showing events from 24/07/2015 to 02/08/2015 and within 10 miles of Bakewell Visitor Centre Time to....... Peak District Photography Gallery at Bakewell Visitor Centre Bakewell Visitor Centre , Old Market Hall, Bridge Street, Bakewell, Derbyshire, DE45 1DS 1st Jan 2015 - 31st Dec 2015 Contact: Information Tel: 01629 813227 Email: Web: Come and enjoy our fully accessible gallery, on the mezzanine floor of the historic Old Market Hall in the centre of Bakewell. Well Dressing at Hope Hope, Hope Valley, Derbyshire, S33 27th Jun 2015 - 24th Jul 2015 Contact: Pavilion Gardens Tel: 0129823114 Web: Pablo Bronstein at Chatsworth Chatsworth, Bakewell, Derbyshire, DE45 1PP 4th Jul 2015 - 20th Sep 2015 Contact: Enquiries Tel: 01246 565300 Web: Please see website Pablo Bronstein has been commissioned to make a series of new works in response to Chatsworth and its historic collection. FESTIVAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY 2015 at Arkwright's Cromford Mills Arkwright's Cromford Mills, Mill Road, Cromford, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 3RQ 11th Jul 2015 - 26th Jul 2015 Contact: . The Festival of Archaeology celebrates its 25th anniversary. Rayner Exhibition at Haddon Hall Haddon Hall, Bakewell, Derbyshire, DE45 1LA 11th Jul 2015 - 31st Aug 2015 Contact: Haddon Hall Tel: 01629 812855 Email: Web: Normal admission prices apply. The Peak District Photography gallery showcase their recreations of Samuel Rayner's famous lithographs of Haddon Hall. 'Beyond Existence' Exhibition at Peak Shopping Village Peak Shopping Village, Chatsworth Road, Rowsley, Matlock, DE4 2JE 11th Jul 2015 - 15th Aug 2015 Contact: Katayune Jacquin Tel: 01629 735326 Email: Web: The gallery is delighted to announce exhibitions and events for 2015.
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