PHONE 202-885-1200

Kevin Zeese (Green, Libertarian, Populist) and http://www.Zeese.US

1. Name the two biggest challenges facing , and briefly explain how you would work to solve them. (Maximum 100 words)

1. Climate Change is of particular importance in Maryland because the Chesapeake Bay has coastline equal to one-third the east coast thus Maryland will be impacted more than most by the chaotic weather it causes. Thus, we need to end U.S. addiction to dirty 19th/20th Century fossil fuels and transition to a 21st Century clean, efficient, sustainable energy economy. Again, the financial power of special interests that dominate politics are a major barrier to overcome. This needs to be the Environmental Century.

2. Transit – Maryland needs a regional transit system for the 21st Century connecting National Place, Silver Spring, Bethesda (Text cut due to word limit)

2. Name the two biggest challenges facing the , and briefly explain how you would work to solve them. (Maximum 100 words)

1. Ending the dominance of the military industrial complex, oil lobby and Israeli lobby in US foreign policy. This results in a militaristic policy of shock and awe rather than diplomacy and negotiation. The U.S. needs a rapid, responsible exit from and avoidance of military action against Iran. We cannot bring stability to Iran due to the mistakes the U.S. has made and all we fear – terrorism, theocracy, civil war – is made more likely by our staying.

2. Reversing the expanding rich-poor divide and democratizing the US economy. The wealthiest 1% have the same wealth as the bottom 95% (Text cut due to word limit)

3. Name a political figure (either local or national) you greatly admire and explain why. (Maximum 100 words)

Nelson Mandella as he showed the political stamina and persistence to make a paradigm shift in South Africa. The U.S. needs a paradigm shift away from corporate control of government. John McCain describes our electoral system as “nothing less than a massive influence peddling scheme where both parties conspire to sell the country to the highest bidder.” This is the source of our inability to deal with the four problems described above as well as many others like health care for all, free college education, housing and other necessities of the American people.


PHONE 202-885-1200

4. Name two specific skills or experiences that make you uniquely qualified to represent Maryland. (Maximum 100 words)

I’ve worked for thirty years in Washington, DC on a wide array of social and economic issues. From this experience I know how Washington, DC works and how to get things done in DC. And, I have experience as an organizer and advocate that I will bring to my office. I will hire the best organizer/advocates on peace, justice, democracy and prosperity and use my office to create a national movement to change the direction of the U.S. to put the needs of the American people first.

5. How long have you lived in Maryland, and how has it changed since that date. Explain why those changes have been to the benefit or detriment of Maryland residents. (Maximum 100 words)

I came to Washington, DC area in 1977 for George Washington University Law School. I’ve lived throughout the region and worked in Maryland for a long-time, e.g. served on Mayor Schmoke of ’s Working Group on Drug Policy in the 1980s. My current stint in Maryland has been three years in Takoma Park.

6. Explain why your appeal transcends your home-base location. In other words, all Maryland residents should feel comfortable -- whether they live in Baltimore, the DC suburbs, in Western Maryland, on the Eastern Shore, or elsewhere. (Maximum 100 words)

My views on the Iraq War, on health care for all, free college education, reduced taxes on the middle class (I favor no federal taxes on the first $100,000 in income), protection of the environment and civil liberties is more consistent with the views of Marylanders from all parties than any other candidate. The fact that I am the first candidate in the history of the U.S. to receive the nomination of the Green and Libertarian Parties shows the breadth of my appeal across the political spectrum.

7. Fill in the following blanks (Maximum two sentences): a) The most recent book I read and enjoyed was “Democracy at Risk: Populism for the 21st Century” by Jefff Gates. b) My favorite television show/movie is “An Inconvenient Truth.” c) In my spare time I love to garden.

8. If WAMU includes an Internet link to me, the link should be and http://www.Zeese.US (my wiki Campaign Site).