Inside Pg 4 02-22A
4 The Goodland Daily News / Friday, February 22, 2002 Violence should be a four-letter word Violence is certainly not a four let- abusive individuals will change, lack of money or re- ter word but it should be. Especially cris who beat up their sources, no family support, low self violence against women and children. friends, acquaintan- esteem, thinking the children need a Statistics reflect that 95 percent of do- ces, or businesses father, or lack of information about mestic violence victims are women, lovington associates because violence. although men can also be victims. prevention center they were so out of A fulfilling mature relationship al- So, what gives anyone the right to • control and couldn’t lows for the individuality of each part- beat another person? — Because their help it? No, they ner and seeks to bring out the best. It is supper wasn’t ready on time? They just beat their open to change and exploration, invit- spoke without permission? They had pushing, restraining, hitting or kicking. spouse and/or children! ing growth in both individuals. It en- a bad day? Please, how dare they think Physical assaults may occur frequently Violence doesn’t only happen in courages open expression of feeling that they can hurt someone and it’s or infrequently, but in many cases they poor people’s homes. It has no barri- and thoughts, allowing each to be re- okay. Regardless of who is being vic- tend to escalate in severity and fre- ers, it crosses all racial, economic and sponsible for themselves. timized, domestic violence is a serious quency over time.
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