The Story of James Brown Hits the Big Screen
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Lighting The Road To The Future Data Entergy’s Back to Zone School Day Page 6 “The People’s Paper” August 9 - August 15, 2014 49th Year Volume 15 A Data News Weekly Exclusive Get On Up! The Story of James Brown Hits the Big Screen Page 2 State & Local Health News Southern Seniors Have Girlfriends Rock a Choice Page 5 Page 9 Page 2 August 9 - August 15, 2014 Cover Story Get On Up The Story of James Brown Hits the Big Screen “He was someone who was more than just about music, he handled much of his own business as well and did things that a lot of Black artists were not doing at the time,” says Data News Weekly publisher Terry Jones who interviewed James Brown for one of the first issues of Data News Weekly. By Edwin Buggage life that is important, but how you finish And through cast that includes Viola Davis, as his troubled mother, hard work, determination, perseverance and sacrifice also in the film is Dan Aykrod, Jill Scott, Lennie James, you can make your dreams a reality In the film Brown Craig Robinson, Tika Sumpter, Brandon Smith and in- Get On Up: The Story of James Brown is played by Chadwick Boseman who does an excellent credible performances by Natchez Mississippi twins On August 1, 2014 the film “Get on Up” was re- job in his portrayal as the Godfather of Soul Capturing Jamarion and Jordan Scott who both played a young leased It is the story of James Brown, a man who to perfection the many stages of James Brown’s life James Brown changed the face of music and the world His story is a and playing a complicated character that is an award From the advertisements and trailer of the film great example showing it is not where you start out in worthy performance The film has a stellar supporting left some with low expectations and concerns about Cover Story, Continued on next page. P.O. BoxDATA 57347, New Orleans, NEWS LA 70157-7347 | Phone: WEEKLY(504) 821-7421 | Fax: (504) 821-7622 INSIDE DATA editorial: [email protected] | advertising: [email protected] Terry B. Jones Contributors Freddie Allen CEO/Publisher Edwin Buggage Kichea S. Burt Cover Story 2 Commentary 8 Edwin Buggage Jineea Butler Charlene Crowell George E. Curry Editor Newsmaker 4 Health News 9 Bob Moos Glenn Summers Calla Victoria Calla Victoria Art Direction & Production Home Style 5 State & Local News 10 Executive Assistant Editorial Submissions June Hazeur [email protected] Data Zone 6 National News 11 Advertising Inquiries Accounting [email protected] Please call 504-309-9913 for subscription information or to obtain a back issue of the paper ONLY. Dated material two weeks in advance. Not responsible for publishing or return of unsolicited manuscripts or photos. Cover Story August 9 - August 15, 2014 Page 3 Cover Story, Continued from previous page. how the film would portray James he was doing this long before them DJ Dave Soul remarks on the Brown Would it go into the life of a when it was a lot tougher for a Black wide span of James Brown’s music, man who overcame extreme pover- artist to assert himself in business ” “His music has influenced so many ty to rise to greatness, or would it be artists and producers not just in a slapstick type caricature similar James Brown: The Man hip-hop but all music He was a vi- to the likes of Eddie Murphy SNL and His Music Continues sionary in so many ways and his life sketch where he imitates James to Influence Generations is an inspiration In hip-hop there Brown? Fortunately, that was not The music of James Brown is ac- wouldn’t be as many rap classics the case says Melissa “Soul Sis- cording to whosampled com a web- if it wasn’t for his music ” He also ter” Weber, who is a DJ at WWOZ site dedicated to researching songs mentions the connection between hosting a show dedicated to soul that sample different artist, the mu- James Brown and New Orleans music as well doing well attended sic of Mr Brown has been sampled Bounce Music, “The Brown Beat, DJ gigs across town She is a long- 3000 times Of course that does not the drum pattern comes from time James Brown fan and says of count the number of independent “Funky Drummer” Derek B “Rock the film, “As someone who is really artists who have sampled his music the Beat” which is the second most into James Brown, he is my favor- so the number is much larger And music that is used in bounce mu- ite artist of all times, I went into the what may be surprising for some sic ” film as a skeptic, and after I saw it is that it is not just hip-hop artist While today because of perform- I loved the film I think in the little who sample his music it can be ers such as New Orleans based over two hours the film covered as- found in everything from pop, rock, bounce artist Big Freedia and main- pects of James Brown’s complicate R&B, electronic dance music and stream artist Miley Cyrus having life I think Chadwick Boseman did many other genres including New placed twerk dancing into the living a phenomenal job as James Brown Orleans Bounce Music This local rooms of middle class America, it and I feel he should get an Oscar form of music has become identifi- is something that people from New nomination for his role ” Musician able by two samples, one being the Orleans have been doing for over and Singer Clyde Wilson agrees, Showboys song “Drag Rap” (Trig- two decades DJ Jubilee (Jerome “Get on Up was a great movie, it german) and Derek B “Rock the Temple) is considered by many the was very educational and now we Beat” or Cameron Paul’s “Brown King of Bounce He is known for “As someone who is really into James Brown, he is my favorite artist know the story behind the glory In of all times, I went into the film as a skeptic, and after I saw it I loved Beats” that both contain replayed his high energy songs that get the the film it showed that although he the film,” says Melissa “DJ Soul Sister” Weber. Chadwick Boseman as versions of James Brown’s “Funky Cover Story, Continued was great he was as all of us flawed James Brown. Drummer ” on page 4. in some ways But what I thought was good in this movie is that it prowess was Data News Weekly’s showed how he overcame so much Publisher Terry Jones Who as a adversity to become a success ” teenager was able to meet and in- terview Mr Brown for either the Soul Brother Number 1 first or second issue of the Data James Brown was a man who News Weekly Almost 48 years took his life and fate in his own later he laughs as he tells the sto- hands He was one who was ahead ry of his meeting and interview of his time given the racial climate with the legendary entertainer at the time He was a man who de- “When my father started Data manded respect and throughout his News Weekly I went to a show life and in his passing in 2006 has and I was taken backstage to in- become an icon influencing genera- terview James Brown The funny tions in the process that stretches thing about this show was that he far beyond his music During his was told by the doctor that he was life he came to embody a symbol sweating too much and for medi- of Black empowerment and some- cal reasons that he may have to one who fought injustice and using stop performing And we were his musical gifts he was a freedom going to do a story about James fighter of great importance and an Brown quitting the business, but inspiration to many David “DJ Dave as we know he kept on making Soul” Holmes is a DJ and music great music and impacting the producer who is from New Orleans world in amazing ways ” by way of Chicago who after Hurri- Speaking of the importance of cane Katrina calls Atlanta his home James Brown at the peak of his He is known for his great skills as fame and his impact Jones contin- a performance DJ and holds James ues saying, “It was a thrill meeting Brown in high regard “He was one him, and he was the top singer in of the few Black artists of the time the world to us It was the cover sto- to take control of all aspects of his ry; it was a big thing for a young kid career, in addition to getting into like me ” Continuing he says com- other business ventures He was paring his impact to an artist of to- one of the artists who bought an day he says, “He was someone who unfiltered Black sound to the main- was more than just about music, he stream with music that was unapol- handled much of his own business ogetically Black and soulful ” as well and did things that a lot of James Brown’s connection is Black artists were not doing at the far and wide, his music and influ- time When I think of someone who ence spans generations But one was doing some of the things he person who was on the frontlines was doing in business, I think today of seeing James Brown when he of someone like what Master P, or was at the peak of his performing Cash Money Records or Jay-Z, but Page 4 August 9 - August 15, 2014 Newsmaker The Legend of LIONMAN One Cowen Institute Million Kick Challenge Awarded Grant for Work Kicking Obesity Out Of America with At-Risk Population The Third Annual The Legend vocate, AARP, Data News Weekly, ing with us on September 17, 2014 The Aspen Institute, one of the The collaborative received a Of LIONMAN One Million Kick and Amerigroup have also the fight Children and adults of all ages can nation’s largest education and pol- planning grant from the Opportu- Challenge is excited to welcome and partnered with The Legend Of register at www LIONMAN1mkick- icy think tanks, has awarded the nity Youth Incentive Fund last year, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foun-