l 11'-"D NEWS SEPVI CE SUNDAY RELEASE 724- 8801 Ex 210 · Sept. 29, 1968 Sept. 28, 1968

Duluth--- Jan Peerce , world renowned of tJ,e Me tronolitan , will be t he first concert star to be presented by the University Artists Series

sponsored by the University of i·t!innesota, Duluth (UMD).

Peerce will appear at 8 p.m, j\Tovember 19 at t he Duluth Auditorium.

Series Co-chainnen Leonard Pudolph and Neale F.oth also announced three

other artists who will perform c'l uring the firs t season: * Carlos J1fontoya, one of the world 1 s grea.test Flamenco guitarists, on J anuary 7. * Philippe En treir•ont , the 34 year old French pianist acclaimed on six continents, on February 11. * John Gary, star of staBe and television, on April 15. ' He believe these stars will give our University Artists Series an ex-

citing, auspicious beginning/· Rudolph c1nd Poth declared in a joint statement.

1 We are confident , also, that t he citizens of Northeastern r"innesota

2nd Northwestern Wisconsin ,. 2nd the students, faculty ancl staff at ll';D 1 t te Co l-

l egc of St. Scholastica. and Wisconsin State L::niversity at Superior will r espond by purchasing season tid·cts at most attra.ctive pric::es during the next month. 1

Prices for the r egular se2_son ticket for a.11 four cor..cert s are $10, 50 9

$13. 50 and $16. 50. Sir..r l e ticket prices are $3.50 1 $4.50 and $5. 50.

Discount season tickets for students, faculty ci.nd staff of the t hree

Twin Ports campuses are $8.00 , $11.00 and. $14.00. There will be no cliscow1t price for singl e concert tickets.

Season t i cket co-chairmen t 1rr s . Donal c1 ~fe l 2,nder nnd Dr , V2.lworth Ph unb s aid season tickets can be purchas ed ,,t 101 Kirby Student Center, the Glass

Block, Goldfines by the Bridge? 2nd t/1.c Duluth Arenc1.-Audi toriurn ticket offices beginning Monday. ( 'OTC ) '

University Artists Series--page 2

Tickets may be ch2.r ged to accounts at t !-i.e Glass Dlock and Goldfine' s for r egul ar or discount s e2.son tickets . Discount ticket applic2.tions will he checked 2.gains t curr ent student, faculty 2nc staff lists.

Checks for season tickets rurchased in person or by mail should be made out to the University of Minnesot2., Duluth.

Co-chairmen tlelcmder and Plumb noted t hat season tickets f or similar concert series at other university cc>..rnpuses 2.rouncl. t he nation 1:ave sold quickly.

They said seats will be assipned in the order of the receipt of ticket applica- tions and that ch2-rter season ticket holders will have r enewal privileges for the 1969-70 concert season.

Jan Peerce, one of the most porul.8.r sing-e rs at t he },(e t 9 is equally at home in classicRl arias 2nd popular songs. Fis recording- of ''Bluebird of Happi- ness' has sold in t he millions of copies. It was while he was singing on t he stage of Radio City r,,usic Fall t hat t he faJ11ous conductor heard him. Peerce soon bec3J11e knovm as nroscru1ini ' s favorite t enor ." In his quarter century at the fvle tropoli tan, Peerce h2.s sunp r.iost of t he r;re;:i t t enor roles. His concerts Rround the worlr1 have stamped hir,, as cne of t his n~tion I s most active cultural mr.bassadors.

Car]os t.1ontoya, a Sp2.n.ish gypsy born in ~1a.0rid, achievec n::i ticnal re- novm at the age of 14. Since then~ ~11ontoya has brought fl3JJ1e:;--ico music to virt ually every major out:rost cf the free world. In addition to his r-J.obal tours~ Montoya has won international favor t hrough r. is r.urnerous recordi ngs and now is a living syrr.bol of flamenco music the world over.

Philipre Entrerront 1vas born to a JTI.usical farr iJ.y , his mother being a pianist and his father beinr- a conductor. His 1"other bepa.n givi ri.g hi m l essons at age six and his rrogress was rapid cind spectacular. Fe made his Arr·erican debut at the National Gallery in W?.shington in early 1954 end t he acclaim he receivec from tre critics has made h:i.m one of t'. ·e tor performing and Yecording artists in the U. S . ( ;r. :re) university Artists Series-·-page 3

John Gary's singing career began at the ape of nine when he won a scho l- arship at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in City. He made a cross

country tour at t he ap:e 14 1 lost his boyish voice on stHfe 1 t hen served three years i n the Marin.es during the Korean war. It was then that he developed the singinr: voice which h2.s made him one of the top r ecording artists and a television star. His John Gary Show on CBS-TV was hailecl as the top music-variety show of

the season 1 and each of his RCA albun1s has been a best seller.

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