122 | P a g e International Standard Serial Number (ISSN): 2319-8141 International Journal of Universal Pharmacy and Bio Sciences 7(6): November-December 2018 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL PHARMACY AND BIO SCIENCES IMPACT FACTOR 4.018*** ICV 6.16*** Pharmaceutical Sciences Review Article……!!!

PHARMACOGNOSTIC STUDY AND IMPORTANCES OF MEDICINAL SQUAMOSQA: A REVIEW Deshmukh Sukanya *, Gharge Varsha, Deshmukh Tejal, Jadhav Priti, Virkar Manisha Gourishankar Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research, Limb, Satara, Maharashtra, India.

ABSTRACT KEYWORDS: Annona squamosa is a traditional medicinal which has been

used in alternative medicine from ancient times. Different parts of Annona squamosa, Annona squamosa such as fruits, root, seeds, leaves and barks have Pharmacological Activities, been used to treat many diseases. Some of the active constituents Custard Apple, Pharmacology. have been identified and investigated for biological actions while the FOR CORRESPONDENCE: rest are yet to be explored. Current understanding of pharmacological Deshmukh Sukanya* properties of Annona squamosa not only supports alternative ADDRESS: medicine but also contributes to the development of potential drugs Gourishankar Institute of for certain diseases. Therefore, an updated review on pharmacological Pharmaceutical Education & actions of Annona squamosa is in urgent need. The purpose of this Research, Limb, Satara, review is to provide current understanding of important Maharashtra, India. pharmacological properties of Annona squamosa. The information

provided in this article could be used to proceed to the designation

and development of new pharmacological agents prepared from

Annona squamosa for commonly encountered diseases.

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123 | P a g e International Standard Serial Number (ISSN): 2319-8141 INTRODUCTION: The family of comprising of about 150 plant species is known for its insecticidal property. Annona squamosa, commonly known as ‘Custard apple’ is a native of West Indies and is cultivated throughout India, mainly for its edible fruit. It is a tropical fruit tree originating from Asia and America. This plant species is traditionally used in treatment of different disorders such as constipation, fever, ulcers, cancer and tumour. It is also reported to exhibit antimicrobial, antioxidant, and antibacterial and hepatoprotective properties [1, 2]. The leaves and roots of A. squamosa are also well known for their delayed insect growth regulating activity in the form of larval-pupal intermediates and half ecdysis adults. The plant is also effective against insects especially Lepidopterans and Coleopterans [3, 4].This review covers the pharmacological properties of different parts of Annona squamosa and biologically active constituents responsible for treatment potentials. A considerable attention to the benefits of biologically active chemicals could attribute to the development of potent drugs to certain pathologies.

Figure No.1: Plant of Annona Squamosa. MORPHOLOGY [5] Root- Branched tap root

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124 | P a g e International Standard Serial Number (ISSN): 2319-8141 Leaves – Leaves are oblong –lanceolate, 10-15 cm long and 3-5 cm wide, alternately arranged on short petioles, young leaves are slightly hairy, solitary and clustered crystals occur in epidermal cells. Flower-The trees are semi-deciduous, Flowering occurs during spring to early summer, and in permanently humid regions, flowering occurs throughout the year. Calyx- The six petals are arranged into two whorls with three each and the petals of the inner whorl are degenerated into small scales or completely disappear. Androcium - Each carpel holds on oblong, smooth, shiny blackish or dark brown seed, ranging in length from 1.3 to 1.6 cm, with a pale swelling at the hilum or albumen filled with numerous transverse, brown lines of clefts. Floral Characteristics-Inflorescences are supra-axillary. - Each carpel holds on oblong, smooth, shiny blackish or dark brown seed, ranging in length from 1.3 to 1.6 cm,. Fruit - Trees start to bear fruit when 3-4 year old. In India fruits are produced in July-august. Sugar apple, as the name says it all, is sweet as sugar. The flesh nearest to the rind, tastes like sugar crumbs too. Seed- Irregular branches with thin gray bark contain N-Nitrosoxylopine, roemerolidine and duguevalline antimalarial alkaloid. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS The chemical constituents of annona squamosa - flavonoids 6, 7, Alkaloids7,8 ,glycosides 9,10,11 vitamin C112 USES [13, 14] 1. The roots are used in headache, scabies, and cough, as demulcent, diuretic, tocure diarrhea, jaundice, cholera, and dysentery and in snake bite. 2. Leaf, shoot, bark and root have been reported to have medicinal properties. 3. The unripe fruit is astringent, and the root is a drastic purgative. 4. The green fruit and seed have effective vermicide and insecticidal properties and are used as astringents in diarrhoea and dysentery. 5. Crushed leaves are applied as an effective cure for ulcers and malignant sores. 6. A poultice of fresh leaves is used for dyspepsia and when mixed with oil it is used for diseases of the scalp.

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125 | P a g e International Standard Serial Number (ISSN): 2319-8141 CONFLICT OF INTEREST- NO ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors are sincerely thanks to Gourishankar Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research, Limb, Satara, India for providing the facilities to complete this review work. Sr Activity Plant Year Remark Chemical constituents Referenc no part es 1 Cytotoxicity leaves 2017 The alkaloids anonaine, asimilobine, Alkaloids, vitamin C 15 and corypalmine, liriodenine nornuciferine and and minerals, including seeds reticuline were identified in extracts by potassium, calcium and UPLC-ESI-MS/MS analysis. This study phosphorus reinforced that A. squamosa presents a remarkable phytomedicinal potential and revealed that its antimicrobial mechanism of action is related to bacterial membrane destabilization 2 Transesterification Seed, 2017 In this study MontmorilloniteK-10 clay has sodium hydroxide, 16 been used as catalyst for transesterification sodium methoxide and of Annona squamosa (Custard apple) seed potassium hydroxide. Oil. The synthesized product has been Sulphuric acid, characterized by FT-IR, hydrochloric acid and NMR and GC-MS to experiment the sulfonic acid; viability of the oil as an alternative source of biodiesel 3 Bioactive Leaf 2011 the mass spectra of the compounds found Annona squamosa 17 Components in the extract was matched with the was reported in the leaf National Institute of Standards and Photosynthetic Technology (NIST) library. GC-MS Characteristics, analysis of A. squamosa leaf extract Water Relations, and revealed the existence of Sodium benzoate Foliar Mineral (27.50%), 4, 4-Tert- Butylcalix(4)arene Compositionextract. (12.34 %), 4, 4- Dimethylcholesterol [8- have been isolated. (10.30%), Butyloctylpthalate (9.67%), [10-11] Flavonoids stigmasterol acetate (2.92%), from leaves [12] isoamylacetyate (2.29%) justifying the use Aporphine alkaloids of this plant to treat many ailments in folk [13], glycoside [14] and herbal medicine and squamoline were isolated from this plant. 4 Photosynthetic Leaf 1996 Dark respiration was unaffected by salinity Chlorophyll 18 Characteristics, stress. Root zone salinity of 3 dS·m–1 fluorescence, Calcium, Water Relations, administered for 52 days did not influence chloride, Nitrogen, and Foliar Mineral foliar sodium concentration or the ratio of potassium, and sodium Composition sodium to potassium, but increased chloride concentration and decreased nitrogen concentration. The sodium response indicated that some form of exclusion or compartmentation occurred. Salinity reduced osmotic pot