Gestational After Delivery Short-term management and long-term risks

1 JOHN L. KITZMILLER, MD need to be addressed and mother-infant 2 LEONA DANG-KILDUFF, RN, CDE bonding encouraged. Cesarean delivery 3 M. MARK TASLIMI, MD and neonatal intensive care unit admis- sions are affected by parental and clini- cian input and institutional policies, as fter the intensified treatment often at least 6–12 weeks to determine their well as determined by glycemic control, required for treating gestational di- status. Many studies over 3 de- obesity, and hypertension during preg- A abetes mellitus (GDM), clinicians cades on all continents of the globe nancy. If medication has been used to may be tempted to relax after delivery of demonstrate the high risk of subsequent treat GDM, it is usually stopped at deliv- the baby. If it is assumed that no further diabetes in this female population. The ery. Encouragement and training for management is needed, an excellent op- degree of this risk is best assessed by healthy nutrition, planned physical activ- portunity to improve the future health glucose tolerance testing. Randomized ity, and weight reduction as needed, con- status of these high-risk women may be controlled trials have proven that sev- tinued cessation of smoking, facilitation lost. There are special concerns for the eral interventions (diet and planned ex- of breastfeeding, and effective planning early postpartum care of women with ercise 30–60 min daily at least 5 days for the next or no more pregnancies are of GDM. Encouragement and facilitation of per week and antidiabetic medications) high importance for all GDM mothers af- exclusive breastfeeding is very important can significantly delay or prevent the ter delivery. Considerations concerning because of the profound short-term as appearance of in the lactation (11,12) and contraception (13) well as long-term health benefits to the women with impaired glucose tolerance in women with GDM are presented else- infant and the reduced risks for subse- (IGT). The high-risk women can also be where in this supplement. quent obesity and glucose intolerance assessed for cardiovascular risk factors, Immediate postpartum persistence of demonstrated in many breastfeeding with appropriate management and fol- at the level of type 2 dia- women. A method of contraception low-up to reduce the risk of coronary betes is uncommon in women diagnosed should be chosen that does not increase heart disease, cardiomyopathy, and with GDM, and is even the risk of glucose intolerance in the stroke. These women should be edu- more unusual. Both can be ruled out by a mother. Some women with GDM will cated to seek specific preconception few fingerstick glucose tests in the first have persisting hyperglycemia in the days consultation before the next pregnancy days after delivery (to rule out diabetes: after delivery that will justify medical to avoid the teratogenic effect of unrec- fasting plasma glucose [FPG] Ͻ126 mg/ management for diabetes and perhaps for ognized diabetes. dl, Ͻ7 mmol/l; casual plasma glucose hypertension, microalbuminuria, and Ͻ200 mg/dl, Ͻ11.1 mmol/l). If diabetes EARLY POSTPARTUM CARE dyslipidemia. Treatment should be main- — is suspected and is confirmed by labora- tained according to the guidelines of the Provision of puerperal obstetrical and tory fasting or casual glucose tests (14), American Diabetes Association and other neonatal care is the first concern after vag- medical nutrition therapy, self-monitoring relevant organizations and adjusted for inal or cesarean delivery of women diag- of blood glucose, and planned physical ac- the needs of lactation. Treatment should nosed with GDM (1). GDM mothers who tivity are continued. The diabetic food be continued in adequate fashion to min- had imperfect glycemic control, obesity, plan should be designed for good glyce- imize risks to the early conceptus if there or hypertension may have an increased is a subsequent planned or unplanned frequency of preterm delivery and post- mic control, effective lactation, and infant pregnancy. partum complications (2–8). Hopefully, health. Consultation with a registered di- Most women with GDM will not a minority of babies will need to be man- etitian is desirable. If type 1 diabetes is have severe hyperglycemia after deliv- aged in the neonatal intensive care unit suspected and confirmed (14), ery. This group should be followed for (9,10), but if they do, parental anxieties therapy is reinstituted. If type 2 diabetes is suspected imme- ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● diately postpartum, the addition of oral From the 1Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Santa Clara County Health System, San Jose, California; the agents can be considered. Glyburide 2California Program, Stanford, California; and the 3Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Stanford University Medical School, Stanford, California. (glibenclamide) or glipazide do not ap- Address correspondence and reprint requests to John L. Kitzmiller, MD, Santa Clara Valley Health System, pear in the breast milk of treated women PEP Services, Suite 340, 750 S. Bascom Ave., San Jose, CA 95128. E-mail: [email protected]. (15), and any type of insulin can be used Received for publication 28 March 2006 and accepted in revised form 9 May 2006. if needed during breastfeeding or bottle- This article is based on a presentation at a symposium. The symposium and the publication of this article were made possible by an unrestricted educational grant from LifeScan, Inc., a Johnson & Johnson company. feeding. Three small studies show that met- Abbreviations: CVD, cardiovascular disease; FPG, fasting plasma glucose; GDM, formin is excreted into breast milk with a mellitus; GTT, ; hsCRP, highly sensitive C-reactive protein; IFG, impaired fasting range of milk/plasma ratios of 0.35–0.71, glucose; IGT, impaired glucose tolerance. but with no indication of harmful effects on A table elsewhere in this issue shows conventional and Syste`me International (SI) units and conversion factors for many substances. the infants (16–18). Larger studies are DOI: 10.2337/dc07-s221 needed to be able to determine that met- © 2007 by the American Diabetes Association. formin therapy is indicated for diabetic

DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 30, SUPPLEMENT 2, JULY 2007 S225 GDM after delivery

Table 1—Reasons to perform glucose tolerance testing after pregnancies complicated by GDM BMI, weight gain after pregnancy, family 1. The substantial prevalence of glucose abnormalities detected by 3 months postpartum. , fasting and postchal- 2. Abnormal test results identify women at high risk of developing diabetes over the next lenge glucose levels during and after preg- nancy, postpartum and 5–10 years. ␤ 3. Ample clinical trial evidence in women with glucose intolerance that type 2 diabetes can inadequate -cell secretion, and the need be delayed or prevented by lifestyle interventions or modest and perhaps intermittent drug for pharmacological treatment during therapy. pregnancy (24,27–30,36,38,42,46,50– 4. Women with prior GDM and IGT or IFG have CVD risk factors. Interventions may also 52). However, the risk factors are unable reduce subsequent CVD, which is the leading cause of death in both types of diabetes. to predict all cases of subsequent type 2 5. Identification, treatment, and planning pregnancy in women developing diabetes after diabetes: the biggest risk factor is a GDM GDM should reduce subsequent early fetal loss and major congenital malformations. pregnancy. The prevalence of type 1 dia- betes identified 1–10 years after GDM in mostly European studies is 2.3–9.3% (Ta- women during lactation. The use of acar- first is the prevalence of abnormal results ble 2) (40–42,45) and can usually be pre- bose is attractive during lactation because by 3 months postpartum (cited references dicted by detection of ␤-cell–related absorption of the oral drug is quite limited, published since the last International autoantibodies during or after the GDM but there are no studies of the pharmaco- GDM Workshop in 1998: 22–33). Im- pregnancy (26,46,53–58). logical effect of delayed gastrointestinal ab- paired fasting glucose (IFG) is defined as The important third reason to iden- sorption of carbohydrate on the quality of FPG Ն100 or Ն110 mg/dl (Ն5.6 or Ն6.1 tify glucose abnormalities postpartum is lactation. Use of a thiazolidinedione could mmol/l), depending on study and guide- that six randomized clinical trials dem- also be an attractive choice, since the drugs line (14,34,35). IGT is defined as a 75-g onstrate the benefit of several interven- are highly protein-bound “and the large vol- glucose tolerance test (GTT) 2-h plasma tions (diet and exercise 30–60 min ume of distribution of the maternal com- glucose of 140–199 mg/dl (7.8–11.0 daily at least 5 days per week, acarbose, partment should ensure that relatively little mmol/l). Diabetes is defined as repeated metformin, or peroxisome proliferator– crosses into breast milk” (19), but there are FPG Ն126 mg/dl (Ն7 mmol/l) or 2-h glu- activated receptor-␥ agonists: thiazo- no studies as yet of the use of pioglitazone or cose Ն200 mg/dl (Ն11.1 mmol/l) lidinediones, “glitazones”) in delaying rosiglitazone in diabetic lactating women. (14,34,35). The prevalence of isolated or preventing type 2 diabetes in women Finally, the woman with diabetes should be IFG is 3–6%, that of IGT is 7–29%, and with glucose intolerance (59–72). educated about 1) the risk of early fetal loss that of diabetes is 5–14% 4–20 weeks af- These trials are reviewed elsewhere in and major congenital malformations if hy- ter pregnancy in women who were diag- this supplement (73). perglycemia is not controlled before the nosed with GDM and received treatment The fourth reason is that women with next pregnancy, 2) the possibility of preven- during gestation (Table 2). The variance prior GDM have a high frequency of CVD tion of diabetic complications with good in prevalence may depend on the fre- risk factors (30,43,46). Reduction of type control of glucose and blood pressure, and quency of obesity in the sample and dif- 2 diabetes in these women should be of 3) the long-term risks of cardiovascular dis- ferent diagnostic standards for GDM in great health benefit (74–77), since coro- ease (CVD) with type 2 diabetes and means the pregnancy, but does not seem to de- nary heart disease, heart failure, stroke, of its prevention (20,21). Women with pend much on geographic location of the and their associated mortality are com- GDM but without diabetes diagnosed im- study. The majority of recent studies of mon in this population (78). Clinical tri- mediately postpartum should be advised to early postpartum follow-up after GDM als are ongoing to test this hypothesis. have later glucose tolerance testing, to have yield an IGT prevalence of 17–23%. Intensified multifactorial treatment of a prepregnancy consultation before the next The second reason to identify glucose type 2 diabetes already present is of dem- pregnancy, and to request early glucose intolerance after pregnancy is that abnor- onstrated benefit in reducing diabetic and screening in the next pregnancy. mal test results identify women at in- cardiovascular complications (79). Clini- In the absence of obvious diabetes creased risk of developing type 1 diabetes cal trials are also needed to determine the soon after delivery, the timing of de- or especially type 2 diabetes over 1–15 best methods to reduce CVD risk factors layed postpartum glucose tolerance years follow-up (cited references pub- in women with prior GDM and to mea- testing (6–12 weeks or later) may de- lished since the last International GDM sure the impact on long-term health. pend on the length of continuation of Workshop in 1998: 36–46). Systematic The fifth reason to predict or iden- health insurance coverage. Obstetrical reviews of older studies conclude that 35– tify diabetes after GDM, but not least or medical care should continue until 60% of subjects develop type 2 diabetes important, is that women with undiag- delayed postpartum glucose status is by 10–20 years after a GDM pregnancy, at nosed hyperglycemia entering subse- determined and the patient is educated rates much greater than control groups quent pregnancy have high rates of about indicated preventive therapy or who did not have glucose intolerance major congenital malformations in their diabetes/CVD risk reduction. Patient re- during pregnancy (47–49). The higher infants (80–83), which can be reduced ferral may be necessary to continue this rates were in studies of particular ethnic by planning pregnancy and using inten- management. groups in the U.S. Recently, follow-up sified preconception care of diabetes programs elsewhere also have identified (84,85). Unfortunately, for many rea- POSTPARTUM GLUCOSE increasing rates of type 2 diabetes by 5–10 sons, women with type 2 diabetes have TESTING — The rationale for delayed years after GDM (Table 2): 9–43% type 2 been less likely to use preconception postpartum glucose testing (at 6–12 diabetes in Europe (37,40–42,45,46) care (83,86,87), so major public efforts weeks) of women with prior GDM is and 11–21% in Asia (38,43,44). The fre- are required to improve this dangerous based on five sets of facts (Table 1). The quency of type 2 diabetes is influenced by situation.

S226 DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 30, SUPPLEMENT 2, JULY 2007 Kitzmiller, Dang-Kilduff, and Taslimi

Table 2—Observational studies published since 1998 identifying glucose abnormalities after pregnancies complicated by GDM (short- and longer-term follow-up)

Number Follow-up Percent Percent Percent type 2 Study Region GDM followed after delivery isolated IFG IGT diabetes Short-term follow-up Conway and Langer (22) Texas 179 4–13 weeks 3.3* 16.7 7.8 Ko et al. (23) China 801 6 weeks NA 22.7 13.1 Pallardo et al. (24) Spain 788 3–6 months 5.8* 14.1 5.4 Costa et al. (25) Spain 120 2–12 months 2.5* 10.8 2.5 Bartha et al. (26) Spain 102 3 months NA 6.9 8.8 Aberg et al. (27) Sweden 193 12 months NA 21.8 9.2 Schaefer-Graf et al. (28) California 1,636 1–4 months NA 21.8† 14.1 Jang et al. (29) Korea 311 6–8 weeks 2.3* 23.2 16.7 Pallardo et al. (30)‡ Spain 838 3–6 months 4.8* 10.4 3.5 Agarwal et al. (31) United Arab Emirates 549 4–8 weeks 5.5* 15.3 9.1 Winzer et al. (32) Austria 98 12 months 5.0§ 20.0 15.0 Lin et al. (33) China 127 Ͼ6 weeks NA 29.1 13.4 Current study California 527 6–21 weeks 6.3§ 23.3 4.7 Longer-term follow-up Buchanan et al. (36) California 91 1–2 years NA NA 15.4 Kousta et al. (37) U.K. 192 1–86 months 9.4* 27.1 24.0 Bian et al. (38) China 86 5–10 years NA 7.0 20.9 Linne et al. (39) Sweden 28 15 years NA NA 35 Albareda et al. (40) Spain 352 6 years 7.1* 17.3 11.1 (2.6% type 1 diabetes) Cypryk et al. (41) Poland 193 1–8 years 0.5* 13.5 18.7 (9.3% type 1 diabetes) Lauenborg et al. (42) Denmark 330 6–10 years NA 26.4† 37.0 (3.9% type 1 diabetes) Cho et al. (43) Korea 170 1–5 years NA 25.3 10.6 Cheung and Helmink (44) Australia 102 1–8 years NA 16 29 Hunger-Dathe et al. (45) Germany 173 2–10 years NA 19.1† 9.2 (2.3% type 1 diabetes) Lobner et al. (46) Germany 302 2–11 years NA NA 43.1‡ *1997 American Diabetes Association criteria (34). †Includes IFG by 1997 American Diabetes Association criteria. ‡Some overlap with prior study. §2003 American Diabetes Association criteria (14). ‡May include type 1 diabetes. NA, not available.

The purpose of delayed postpartum CURRENT STUDY: FAILURE meals. All patients received medical nu- glucose testing is to identify any type of OF FPG TO IDENTIFY CASES trition therapy from registered dietitians glucose abnormality present: IFG, IGT, OF IGT OR TYPE 2 and were trained to keep daily food type 1 diabetes, or type 2 diabetes (14). DIABETES 6–21 WEEKS records of carbohydrate intake in their Both isolated IFG and isolated IGT pre- AFTER PREGNANCY IN A own languages. They were taught to use dict (to different degrees) later risks of MULTIETHNIC POPULATION — daily planned physical activity whenever type 2 diabetes and of CVD, and com- In San Jose, CA, we evaluated the yield of possible. When the majority of glucose bined IFG-IGT generally has the greatest postpartum 2-h 75-g GTTs performed in values exceeded 99 mg/dl (5.5 mmol/l) predictive power (30,88–99). There has clinical laboratories in a multiethnic pop- fasting or 129 mg/dl (7.2 mmol/l) post- been debate about the applicability and ulation of women with GDM treated dur- prandial in any given week, medical ther- efficacy of different types of - ing 2000–2003. GDM was diagnosed by apy was instituted with glyburide ing in the postpartum state. It is claimed private clinicians based on a 50-g 1-h glu- (26.6%) or one of several insulin regi- that the greater stability and reproducibil- cose screening test value Ͼ199 mg/dl mens (36.8%). If hyperglycemia ex- ity of FPG compared with GTT suggests (Ͼ11.1 mmol/l) or a 100-g 3-h GTT with ceeded the stated limits using glyburide that FPG would be more easily and widely any two values Ն95 mg/dl fasting, 1-h therapy up to a maximum of 20 mg/day, applied for clinical screening and diagno- 180 mg/dl, 2-h 155 mg/dl, and 3-h 140 patients were changed to insulin therapy sis (14). In the case of women with GDM, mg/dl (5.3, 10.0, 8.6, 7.8 mmol/l, respec- (45.7% of those on glyburide), with dos- the pregnancy has already been the tively) (14). Patients were then referred to age adjusted sequentially as needed. All screening test for “glucose abnormality,” one of two diabetes and pregnancy edu- patients were given laboratory requisi- so what is needed after GDM is a diagnos- cation and treatment centers for coordi- tions before delivery and encouraged to tic test. It is generally agreed that random nated multidisciplinary management go for a postpartum 75-g 2-h GTT at glucose testing is not systematic and that under the supervision of one physician. 6–12 weeks after delivery, with the tim- assays for glycosylated hemoglobin or All patients were trained in daily finger- ing depending on the continuation of proteins are not sensitive to moderate hy- stick capillary self-monitoring of blood their health insurance coverage. perglycemia or glucose intolerance (14). glucose at fasting and 1 hour after main Of 527 women with GDM complet-

DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 30, SUPPLEMENT 2, JULY 2007 S227 GDM after delivery

Table 3—Ethnicity and postpartum glucose abnormalities on 75-g 2-h GTTs 6–21 weeks after tolerance (109–111), neither breastfeed- delivery in women with prior GDM in San Jose, CA ing status nor use of low-dose combina- tion oral contraceptives influenced the Normal Isolated Isolated Combined Type 2 diagnosis of postpartum glucose abnor- Ethnic group GTT IFG IGT IFG-IGT diabetes Total malities in the present and other studies (105,112–114). Progestin-only prepara- Asian Indian 51 (66.2) 5 9 8 4 77 tions were not used in this population. Far East Asian 48 (51.1) 10 26 6 4 94 In our analysis of women with prior Southeast Asian 105 (68.2) 7 26 10 6 154 GDM, impaired fasting glucose (FPG Hispanic 64 (66.7) 3 15 9 5 96 Ն100 mg/dl, Ն5.6 mmol/l) (14) was not Non-Hispanic white* 78 (73.6) 8 11 3 6 106 sensitive (34%) in identifying IGT and Total 346 (65.7) 33 (6.3) 87 (16.5) 36 (6.8) 25 (4.7) 527 type 2 diabetes on the postpartum GTTs, Data are n or n (%). *Caucasian: European, Russian, or Middle Eastern origin. although of course it identifies its own category of glucose abnormality (Table 6). Regarding type 2 diabetes only, 44% ing the postpartum testing at 5–21 weeks 35.2% in the obese group. The distribu- had FPG Ͻ100 mg/dl (Ͻ5.6 mmol/l) on after delivery, the GTTs were diagnostic tion of postpartum glucose abnormalities the GTT. The lack of sensitivity of FPG of isolated IFG in 6.3%, isolated IGT in in the BMI categories of the represented persisted among the different ethnic 16.5%, combined IFG-IGT in 6.8%, and ethnic groups is presented in Table 4. groups and BMI categories (data not type 2 diabetes in 4.7% (14). Thus, 34.3% Even in Caucasian and Hispanic women, shown). The two-by-two tables show that of the group demonstrated postpartum postpartum glucose abnormalities were lower values of FPG set at Ն95 or Ն90 glucose abnormalities, a rate similar to common (19 and 26%, respectively) in also miss a substantial number of cases those in other recent U.S. reports (22,28). the groups with BMI Ͻ25 kg/m2,al- (51 and 38%, respectively) of IGT ϩ type Only 4 of the 25 women (16%) diagnosed though they were more common in 2 diabetes. All other studies but one (115) with type 2 diabetes had an FPG Ն126 groups with BMI Ն30 kg/m2. also show that postpartum IFG has low mg/dl (Ն7 mmol/l) on the GTT. The re- Postpartum glucose abnormalities sensitivity of predicting “postprandial” sults of the postpartum GTTs in the dif- were found in all GDM treatment groups, glucose intolerance and type 2 diabetes ferent ethnic groups are presented in although there was the expected variation after pregnancy (22,25,30,31,37,41, Table 3 (100). There were just a few in frequency with increasing intensity of 116,117) and at other times in women black/African-American, Native Ameri- treatment required to maintain normo- (93,96,118–121). Therefore, the 75-g can, and Pacific Islander women in this glycemia (Table 5). For women with prior GTT with fasting and 2-h glucose mea- population, and they were excluded from GDM not requiring pharmacotherapy surements is the best diagnostic test to the analysis. It is apparent that postpar- during pregnancy, 20.9% had postpar- identify important glucose abnormalities tum glucose abnormalities were common tum GTT abnormalities (mostly IGT). after pregnancy in women with prior (26.4–48.9%) in all represented ethnic Previous investigators demonstrated GDM. Use of the simpler FPG test alone is groups. many antepartum and postpartum pre- not recommended. Prepregnancy BMI (101,102) was dictors of a higher rate of type 2 diabetes atypical in this population of women with after pregnancy. These predictors include MANAGEMENT OF GDM in that 60.1% had BMI Ͻ25 kg/m2, advanced maternal age, elevated BMI in IGT AFTER PREGNANCY — How 25.6% were overweight (BMI 25–29.9 kg/ some studies, the degree of fasting and should the clinician manage the woman m2), and only 14.3% were obese (BMI postchallenge hyperglycemia during or with prior GDM and IGT identified after Ն30 kg/m2), probably because of the after pregnancy, earlier diagnosis of pregnancy? Certainly weight loss or high proportion of Far East and South- GDM, the need for pharmacotherapy, and weight maintenance medical nutrition eastern Asian women (only 0.9% obese by poor pancreatic ␤-cell compensation for therapy and 30–60 min exercise daily at National Institutes of Health standards). increased insulin resistance (26,28, least 5 days per week should be applied It has been suggested that specific BMI 29,36,40,43,105–108). These predictors (64,76). The 2-h 75-g GTT should be re- classifications should be validated for are not to be denied, but many so-called peated at some interval, since it can revert Asian women in the U.S. (103,104). Post- “low-risk” women with prior GDM also to normal or abnormal “spontaneously.” partum glucose abnormalities were of have postpartum glucose abnormalities, For women with persisting IGT after a similar frequency in all the prepregnancy so we recommend universal testing at good effort of medical nutrition therapy BMI categories: 33.4% with BMI Ͻ25 6–12 weeks or later after pregnancy. Al- and planned physical activity, clinical tri- kg/m2, 36.2% in those overweight, and though lactation may improve glucose als support the clinician adding pharma- cotherapy (73,74,122). Acarbose delays Table 4—Cross-tabulation of pre-pregnancy BMI, ethnic groups, and 6- to 21-week postpar- carbohydrate absorption and helps with tum glucose abnormalities in women with prior GDM in San Jose, CA postprandial glucose control, but side ef- fects limit usage (123). Metformin de- BMI (kg/m2) Asian Indian Far East Asian Southeast Asian Hispanic Caucasian creases hepatic glucose production and lipid oxidation, improves peripheral tis- Ͻ25 51.4 (35) 78.4 (46) 82.5 (31) 28.1 (26) 51.0 (19) sue insulin sensitivity and helps with 25–29.9 32.4 (28) 21.6 (60) 16.1 (40) 41.7 (35) 21.6 (35) weight loss (123,124). Thiazolidinedio- Ն30 16.2 (42) 0 1.5 (0) 30.2 (38) 27.5 (34) nes (glitazones) as peroxisome prolifera- Data are percent of cases in different BMI categories (percent with abnormal glucose tolerance). tor–activated receptor-␥ agonists increase

S228 DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 30, SUPPLEMENT 2, JULY 2007 Kitzmiller, Dang-Kilduff, and Taslimi

Table 5—Frequency of postpartum glucose abnormalities according to GDM treatment group pared with GDM women with normal (San Jose data) glucose tolerance postpartum. The women with IGT destined to develop type Normal Isolated Type 2 2 diabetes by 36 months also initially Treatment group n GTT (%) IFG (%) IGT (%) diabetes (%) demonstrated reduced HDL cholesterol. LDL cholesterol levels were not different MNT only 192 79.1 1.8 17.2 1.9 postpartum in any of the GDM groups Glyburide 77 62.5 4.7 31.2 1.6 compared with control subjects, but LDL Glyburide Ͼ insulin 64 49.1 8.5 35.6 6.8 subfractions were not reported (136). The Insulin 194 59.3 9.5 23.8 7.4 authors concluded that factors other than MNT, medical nutrition therapy. lipids might contribute to the high prev- alence of cardiovascular morbidity in a insulin sensitivity and may improve lipid CVD events (68). Assays of inflammatory similar cohort of women with prior GDM balance and cardiovascular and renal markers for potential clinical use include followed for 12–18 years in Los Angeles function (72,125–127). Metformin and white blood cells, soluble adhesion mole- (137). A total of 56 former GDM mothers glitazones may help “take the load off” the cules, cytokines (the interleukins and tu- without IFG or IGT studied 5–6 years af- overworked pancreatic ␤-cells (75,128). mor necrosis factor-␣), and acute-phase ter pregnancy in Rhode Island had signif- As noted above, it is important to identify reactants (fibrinogen and highly sensitive icantly increased proportions of subjects and control type 2 diabetes before a sub- C-reactive protein [hsCRP]) (134). C-re- with elevated total cholesterol (39%), el- sequent pregnancy. This may justify con- active protein is a correlate of obesity in evated LDL cholesterol (13%), and sys- Ͼ tinued follow-up in the gynecological women with GDM (135). The American tolic blood pressure 140 mmHg (9%) setting of women with the potential to be- Heart Association/Centers for Disease compared with control subjects with sim- come pregnant, or close collaboration Control Scientific Statement concluded ilar BMI distribution (138). Elevated tri- with other physicians. that class IIA evidence supported use of glycerides and LDL cholesterol levels Published data are less helpful in de- hsCRP as the best inflammatory marker 6–11 years after pregnancy were also ciding management of women with iso- currently available (134). “Other inflam- noted in women with prior GDM com- lated IFG. At least follow-up with delayed matory markers (cytokines, other acute- pared with control subjects with similar repeat GTT testing is justified, since IFG phase reactants) should not be measured glucose and BMI parameters in Boston predicts risk of development of impaired for the determination of coronary risk in (139). Women with prior GDM were glucose tolerance or type 2 diabetes (71) addition to hsCRP.” Measurement of more likely to have elevated triglycerides and perhaps risk of CVD (88,89,96). hsCRP using standardized assays should and low HDL cholesterol than a control be done (in the absence of current infec- group in Denmark (140). Increased in- CARDIOVASCULAR RISKS tion or estrogen/progestogen hormone tramyocellular lipid concentration identi- IN WOMEN WITH PRIOR use) “twice (averaging results), optimally fied IGT in Austrian women with prior GDM — The question arises whether 2 weeks apart, fasting or nonfasting in GDM, compared with a glucose-tolerant and how to evaluate CVD risk markers in metabolically stable patients. If hsCRP control group (141). In Asia, total choles- women with glucose abnormalities per- level is Ͼ10 mg/l, the test should be re- terol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides sisting after pregnancies with GDM. In- peated and the patient examined for were significantly higher, and HDL cho- flammatory processes are now known to sources of infection or inflammation.” lesterol was significantly lower in 801 contribute to atherosclerosis (129,130). Otherwise, hsCRP levels are categorized women with prior GDM versus control Research continues on the role of lipopro- as low risk (Ͻ1 mg/l), average risk (1.0– subjects after adjustment for age, BMI, teins, cytokines, oxidative stress, loss of 3.0 mg/l), and high risk (Ͼ3.0 mg/l) and smoking (23), but only triglycerides nitric oxide bioactivity in the vessel wall (134). discriminated between IGT and normal (131), and effects of angiotensin and al- Several investigators have studied lip- glucose tolerance in the women who had dosterone (132,133). Addition of LDL ids in women with previous GDM. Latina GDM (23,43). subfractions (to detect small dense parti- women diagnosed with IGT 6–12 weeks On the other hand, standard lipopro- cles, LDL phenotype B) to the standard after pregnancies with GDM in Los Ange- tein concentrations were not different in lipid profile may help in predicting risk of les showed elevated triglycerides com- women with prior GDM compared with

Table 6—Predictive value of FPG measurements on postpartum oral GTT to identify 2-h glucose abnormalities (San Jose data)

FPG values IGT ϩ type 2 2-h glucose Predictive values of Predictive values of Predictive values of (mg/dl) diabetes normal FPG Ն100 mg/dl FPG Ն95 mg/dl FPG Ն90 mg/dl Ն100 50 33 Sensitivity 0.338 Sensitivity 0.486 Sensitivity 0.623 Ն95 72 66 Specificity 0.913 Specificity 0.826 Specificity 0.646 Ն90 92 134 Ͻ100 98 346 PPV* 0.602 PPV 0.522 PPV 0.417 Ͻ95 76 313 PNV† 0.779 PNV 0.805 PNV 0.814 Ͻ90 56 245 *Predictive value of a positive test; †predictive value of a negative test.

DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 30, SUPPLEMENT 2, JULY 2007 S229 GDM after delivery control subjects 1–3 years after preg- HDL cholesterol. Inflammatory markers References nancy in Italy (142) and in Spain, despite were not measured (140). Total plasma ho- 1. Kjos SL: Postpartum care of the woman the increased BMI and waist circumfer- mocysteine level was a risk factor for the with diabetes. Clin Obstet Gynecol 43:75– ence (30). In the latter study, women with development of diabetes after GDM in Ko- 86, 2000 IFG had significantly increased odds ra- rea (43). As with lipids, continuing investi- 2. Adams KM, Li H, Nelson RL, Ogburn PL tios for obesity and hypertension than the gation of the CVD risk Jr, Danilenko-Dixon DR: Sequelae of un- women with postpartum IGT (30). Also factors is justified after GDM, to determine recognized gestational diabetes. Am J in Spain, the only lipid abnormality was the likelihood of CVD events and means of Obstet Gynecol 178:1321–1332, 1998 increased VLDL cholesterol levels at a their prevention. 3. Yang X, Hsu-Hage B, Zhang H, Zhang C, 5-year follow-up of 262 women with Zhang Y, Zhang C: Women with impaired prior GDM (143). Similar concentrations CONCLUSIONS — The initial post- glucose tolerance during pregnancy have of plasma lipids were found in white partum management of women with significantly poor pregnancy outcomes. Diabetes Care 25:1619–1624, 2002 nonobese women with prior GDM and in GDM should focus on maternal-infant 4. Hedderson MM, Ferrara A, Sacks DA: control subjects matched for age, BMI, well-being, encouragement and training Gestational diabetes mellitus and lesser and waist-to-hip ratio in a retrospective for healthy nutrition, planned physical degrees of pregnancy hyperglycemia: as- case-control study in Brazil (52) and in a activity, weight reduction as needed, con- sociation with increased risk of sponta- similar study in China (33). More re- tinued smoking cessation, breastfeeding, neous preterm birth. Obstet Gynecol 102: search is needed on lipid abnormalities in and provision of appropriate contracep- 850–856, 2003 women with prior GDM, with or without tion. We conclude that women with prior 5. Myles TD: An expanded description of IFG and IGT, and the relationship to sub- GDM have substantial rates of IFG, IGT, delivery-related maternal morbidity for sequent CVD. and type 2 diabetes after pregnancy best diabetic patients. Obstet Gynecol 101 Recent studies of insulin resistance identified by a 75-g 2-h oral GTT 6–12 (Suppl.):38S, 2003 and components of the “metabolic syn- weeks or later postpartum. Continued 6. Crowther CA, Hiller JE, Moss JR, McPhee AJ, Jeffries WS, Robinson JS, for drome” in women with prior GDM sug- prolonged follow-up is indicated to 1) of- the Australian Carbohydrate Intolerance gest that a chronic systemic inflammatory fer and apply treatment in women with Study in Pregnant Women: Effect of response may be present in glucose- IGT designed to delay or prevent devel- treatment of gestational diabetes melli- intolerant women and may be an early opment of type 2 diabetes, 2) follow tus on pregnancy outcomes. N Engl J Med feature of the cluster of CVD risk factors women with IFG or normal GTT to detect 352:2477–2486, 2005 known as the metabolic syndrome (144– later conversion to IGT or type 2 diabetes 7. Langer O, Yogev Y, Most O, Xenakis 147). A total of 23 women studied 1–10 (more research is needed to better define EMJ: Gestational diabetes: the conse- years after pregnancy with GDM in New the conversion rate in women receiving quences of not treating. Am J Obstet Gy- England had higher mean levels of BMI, appropriate advice on nutrition and phys- necol 192:989–997, 2005 waist circumference, triglycerides, ical activity 30–60 min daily at least 5 8. Saydah SH, Chandra A, Eberhardt MS: hsCRP, and interleukin-6 compared with days per week), and 3) identify diabetes Pregnancy experience among women with and without gestational diabetes in 23 control subjects (148). Insulin sensi- for intensified treatment before a subse- the U.S.: 1995 National Survey of Family tivity was similar to control subjects in quent pregnancy to lower the risk of ma- Growth. Diabetes Care 28:1035–1040, women with prior GDM in Barcelona, but jor congenital malformations in their 2005 insulin secretion was lower and waist cir- infants. 9. Kitzmiller JL, Elixhauser A, Carr S, Ma- cumference was higher, and the propor- During pregnancy women with GDM jor CA, De Veciana M, Dang-Kilduff L, tion with blood pressure Ͼ130/85 mmHg should be educated that glucose intoler- Weschler JM: Assessment of costs and was 42 versus 29% in the control subjects ance may not be temporary, that it can be benefits of management of gestational (143). Average hsCRP and interleukin-6, modified by behavior changes and that diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Care 21 but not tumor necrosis factor-␣, were postpartum testing will be important. (Suppl. 2):B123–B130, 1998 higher in a prior GDM group than in con- Presuming an increased risk for cardio- 10. Svarre JA, Hansen BB, Molsted-Pedersen trol subjects 3 months after delivery in vascular events in glucose-intolerant L: Perinatal complications in women with gestational diabetes mellitus: signif- Austria, with or without direct measures women with prior GDM (151), large icance of a diagnosis early in pregnancy. of insulin resistance (149). In Italy, hsCRP long-term follow-up studies are needed to Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 80:899–904, and fibrinogen concentrations were sig- identify the frequency and value of CVD 2001 nificantly elevated in women 1–3 years risk markers and to determine if interven- 11. American Dietetic Association: Position after pregnancy with GDM, even exclud- tions (antioxidants, aspirin, behavior of the American Dietetic Association: ing women with IGT (142). Gestational modification, glucose and blood pressure promoting and supporting breastfeed- hyperglycemia predicted a high risk of control, and specific pharmacological ing. J Am Diet Assoc 105:810–818, 2005 later metabolic syndrome after adjust- agents) can reduce the frequency or mor- 12. Gunderson EP: Breastfeeding after gesta- ments for age and prepregnancy BMI in tality of coronary heart disease, heart fail- tional diabetes pregnancy: subsequent another Italian study (150). In the large 4- ure, or stroke in these women. Recent obesity and type 2 diabetes in women to 23-year follow-up program in Den- reports of low rates of postpartum glucose and their offspring. Diabetes Care 30 (Suppl. 2):S161–S168, 2007 mark, the prior GDM group of 481 tolerance testing (152,153) and of life- 13. Damm P, Mathiesen ER, Petersen KR, women had 68% impaired glucose regu- style modification (154–158) in women Kjos S: Contraception after gestational lation, 59% elevated fasting serum insu- with prior GDM show that a dramatic par- diabetes. Diabetes Care 30 (Suppl. 2): lin, 54% central obesity, 28% hypertension, adigm shift in clinical practice is neces- S236–S241, 2007 and 35% dyslipidemia, mainly character- sary to improve the lifelong health of 14. Expert Committee on the Diagnosis and ized by elevated triglycerides and reduced these women. Classification of Diabetes Mellitus: Fol-

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low-up report on the diagnosis of diabe- factors of developing diabetes mellitus in 38. Bian X, Gao P, Xiong X, Xu H, Qian M, tes mellitus. Diabetes Care 26:3160– women with gestational diabetes. Acta Liu S: Risk factors for development of 3167, 2003 Obstet Gynecol Scand 81:11–16, 2002 diabetes mellitus in women with a his- 15. Feig DS, Briggs GG, Kraemer JM, Am- 28. Schaefer-Graf UM, Buchanan TA, Xiang tory of gestational diabetes mellitus. Chi- brose PJ, Moskovitz DN, Nageotte M, AH, Peters RK, Kjos SL: Clinical predic- nese Med J 113:759–762, 2000 Donat DJ, Padilla G, Wan S, Klein J, Ko- tors for a high risk for the development 39. Linne Y, Barkeling B, Rossner S: Natural ren G: Transfer of glyburide and glipiz- of diabetes mellitus in the early puerpe- course of gestational diabetes mellitus: ide into breast milk. Diabetes Care 28: rium in women with recent gestational long-term follow-up of women in the 1851–1855, 2005 diabetes mellitus. Am J Obstet Gynecol SPAWN study. 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