Mind & Its Languages of Reason






A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers

Copyright © 2020 William John Cox All Rights Reserved.

No part of this publication can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without permission in writing from William John Cox, who asserts his moral right to be identified as the author of this work.

ISBN: 9798670203142

Incorporating by reference the entirety of the author’s published work–more than 16 books–and more specifically relying on papers published in Mind & Its Languages of Reason in 2019, which derived from Millennial Math & Physics published in 2015, which was the print compilation of the eBooks, Mindkind: Math & Physics, and Time Travel to Ancient Math & Physics published in 2012, which published writings, drawings, and descriptions first compiled in the late 90s.

Front Cover: A Model of the Quantum Universe, as imagined by the author. Software engineering modeling (and UNBaseConverter&Calculator) by Brian Norberto Gonzalez, and spiral graphics and cover by Liam Newman.

Back Cover: A drawing made by the author almost 40 years ago to illustrate an imagined geometric reduction of a cube with parabolic curves, starting from all eight corners and descending simultaneously to and through its center and beyond–revealing its inverse sphere. The symbolism of this early matrix of UN numbers led to their handwritten expression by Helen Werner Cox, who painted the portraits of the author and drew the UN Quantum Calculator. Steven Cox digitally rendered drawings into interior graphics.

WilliamJohnCox.com Mindkind.info HelenWernerCox.com


The Work


Dedication ...... 6 A Synopsis of The Work ...... 8 A Geometrical Model of the Universe, as Defined by Quantum Numbers, With the Quantification of Pi, Phi, e, and i...... 17 UN Model of the Quantum Universe ...... 26 Universal Numbers ...... 31 The Multiples of One ...... 34 The Divisions of One ...... 39 Quantum Numbers ...... 43 The Square Roots of Negative One (i) ...... 45 The Computerized Calculation of Quantum Numbers...... 50 The Quantification of Pi, Phi, e, and i ...... 56 Merging UN Mathematics and Geometry ...... 64 A Spherical Quantum Matrix ...... 71 The Essence of Pi ...... 73 Ratio Numbers ...... 77 The Formula ...... 79 Light, Time, and Mind ...... 86 By the Beach: In Quarantine ...... 90 Matrices ...... 110 3

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers

A Life of Work: A Professional Autobiography ...... 118 Law Enforcement ...... 121 Los Angeles Police Department ...... 123 National Standards for Policing ...... 125 Peers for Peace ...... 127 Practice of Law ...... 128 The Holocaust Case ...... 131 Forensic Practice ...... 136 Publication of the Suppressed ...... 137 State Bar Prosecutor ...... 140 Political Activism ...... 142 1980 Presidential Campaign ...... 145 Law Enforcement Alternative to War ...... 146 A Peaceful Political Evolution ...... 148 War on Drugs ...... 149 Political Publications ...... 150 The United States Voters’ Rights Amendment (USVRA) ...... 152 The Rights of Liberty ...... 155 Philosophy ...... 157 Mindkind ...... 158


The Work

Physics and Mathematics ...... 159 The Reality of Mind ...... 162 Personal ...... 164


A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers


To My Mother, Minnie Irene Oswalt-Cox (1899-1946), Who holds me, eternally, within her arms, She, who gave me life, mind, spirit, and song; And To My Father, Samuel Hubert Cox (1897-1951), He who taught me to read books and to chart the sky; and How to plan work and to work the plans, Allowing me to see today—how tomorrow could be; He, whose patriot forefathers fought for our liberty, Engendering a duty to defend our freedoms, and Sustaining our strength and courage to right wrongs; And To their children, and theirs; The motto on the Cox crest being: Go, seek someone who is worthy to be taken into our family.


The Work

Samuel H. Jr., Mary Jean, Billy Jack, Jo Evelyn, Mother, Amanda Lynn, Lon Ed, Father, John Larry, and Doris Nell. Filmed in the dirt yard of a 200-acre, dry-land cotton farm, located on the highway and railroad, halfway between Ropesville and Wolfforth in the Panhandle of Texas, at a house without utilities, except windmill well water. Night was lighted by kerosene, food was cooked with mesquite, fields were plowed with horses and mules, weeds were hoed in the summer, and cotton bolls were pulled by hand in the fall. The photograph was taken in 1941, as the oldest, “Buddy” was leaving to serve in the War, and the youngest, “Billy Jack” was learning to talk. He would go on to rename himself William John in 1968, when his official birth certificate filed in Lubbock by the doctor who delivered him on his grandmother’s farm, was found to have never had the name filled in.


A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers


“A Geometrical Model of the Universe, as Defined by Quantum Numbers, With the Quantification of Pi, Phi, e, and i” and this synopsis were drafted by William John Cox as comprehensive descriptions of the languages written and visually demonstrated in The Work, establishing him as the sole author of a universal, 16- base mathematical language to substitute as ASCII for the digital language of communication, allowing all existing computer operations access to a vastly simplified application of calculating positive numbers: 1,2,3,U, 4,5,6,N, 7,8,9,S, C,X,W,10. Each Positive One (+1) is composed of one billion “One Pluses” (1+), valued at 0.000000001, with each little eit (e-it) being further defined as a ratio reduction of the number e, commencing in base two 8

The Work

(1+ = 7√e). The ratio increases by 7s (9) in succeeding two-square bases, including the UN base-100 (256) positive number matrix, in which the eit is calibrated at (1+) = UN√e. The UN quantum number system introduces the mirrored calculation of negative numbers using a representative WS (252)-base, four-place, matrix based on the tiny counting number 0.010U which, when multiplied by WS, adds up to 0.WWW0–the fractional equivalent of Positive One. Valued at 0.010U, the iit (i- it), or “One Minus” (1-), is the millionth quantum element of the Negative One (—1). In the series: .010U, .020N, .030S, .0U10, etc., each counter inherently contains three quantum numbers (e.g. .0101, .0102, .0103, .010U). These can serve as quantum Qx, Qy, and Qz, for the identification of N (eight) individual (positive-negative-neutral) quantum 9

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers possibilities for each number in the negative matrix, allowing NN to equal 1:000:000–the number of initial quantum elements in each Negative One (—1). Geometric squaring of the One Minus iit demonstrates that its 4th power equates with the Negative One (—1); however, (1-) can be additionally identified as the Nth successive, quantum square root of the Negative One, where the iit is calibrated at (1-) = QN√—1. Thus, a Positive One (+1), less a One Plus (1+) eit, becomes a Negative One (— 1), and the One Minus (1-) iit is quantified as the Nth successive quantum square root of Negative One (—1).


The Work

When calculated in UN, these scientific numbers are quantified at N: Pi = 3.2U3W58NNN, Phi = 1.7X36679N, Phi2 = 2.7X36679N, and e = 2.96X14152N. Irrational numbers of science, including 2Pi at 5.UN6XC411, translate into UN quantum geometry through the ancient fraction (1/7), by which 1/6 places proximate Pi at 3.2U72U7, 2Pi at 5.U72U72, and which relates to the UN fractional square root of Phi at 1.U4C16U.


A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers

The UN quantum language logically organizes the multiples of the (1-), .010U iit, commencing with its 12th (18) multiple, the quantum Pi number .12UN and its computational progeny, which synchronize the mirroring of the negative and positive matrices in merging UN with current applications, such as spherical geometry and hydromagnetic dynamics. In a mind experiment, let us size the square negative WS (252) iit flat two- dimensional matrix identically with the slightly larger, square flat positive 100 (256) eit matrix, and stand them on their bottoms. We then merge and superimpose the two matrices through each other, slicing them vertically, and seamlessly reattaching them to a common axis. The twin matrices are balanced on magnetic pivots at each end, allowing the matrices to rotate freely, as a three- dimensional carousel ( ).


The Work

As the matrices spin on their axis, we can imagine that whenever a green probable number on the positive eit matrix is lighted, if emits a photon which immediately strikes a red receptor on the spinning negative iit matrix at a precise point denoting the proximate fractional negative reciprocal of the probable positive number. Or, a negative red photon can almost instantly impinge upon a positive green receptor. (See “The Device” on page 53.)

Translated by the UN languages, and using its quantum capacities, the artificial


A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers intelligence (AI) created by minds can be instructed to skip over things that AI cannot otherwise calculate or imagine on its own. This fact may be our salvation from the perils of artificial intelligence, as only minds can create the instructions to tell AI to do something its logic says is impossible, such as the existence of something where nothing can be proven to exist, even the existence of mind itself– except by the evidence of its creations. The Work contains a lexicon of practical mathematical and geometrical languages to harmonize all existing computers and their current operations. Moreover, it encourages the rapid development of practical quantum computerization to help solve the almost insurmountable problems we now confront as a People, and to effectively harness and instruct artificial intelligence for the free, peaceful, and productive use of the People. We who have the


The Work imagination to create, and the courage to ensure the proper and safe use of our own work. The essential principles of the UN languages explained in The Work, as prefaced by this synopsis, are being published as an eBook, paperback, and free download. A greater depth of discussion is offered in Mind & Its Languages of Reason, which is also being republished to include these revisions. All writings and visual creations, including the geometry of the UN models–everything relating to the UN languages–is indelibly copyrighted © by William John Cox, as its sole author, and they are vigorously defended to the maximum extent legally possible, worldwide, as a valuable international intellectual property right, to ensure their peaceful use and development. A free license to use the UN languages is conditionally allowed by the 15

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers author for peaceful research, development, and personal operations. Non-exclusive licenses for peaceful commercial and professional use of UN languages–whether to generate revenue, or to secure financing for income- producing endeavors–are readily obtainable.


The Work


The collection of papers titled Mind & Its Languages of Reason was concluded last year with a mind experiment about an imaginary quantum calculator of UN numbers. With the subsequent completion of the following graphic model of the universe, an effort was made to summarize and expand the universal geometry and mathematics of Mind, to equip our visualization of the modeled universe with a useful mathematics to encompass and explain it.


A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers

The UN Quantum Model of the Universe is intended to visually convey the existence of our entire universe, from its initial appearance as a white dot until now, consisting of the total mass of moving particles of light and their relative coexistence, as they restlessly and chaotically move, and they interact, electromagnetically, with each other. The quantum cohesion of the related 18

The Work particles of light is being stretched apart, not only by their magnetic repulsion of each other, but by the accelerating electromagnetic (EM) physical dynamic of their initial discharge. Positive particles flow, twist, and spiral through the black, negatively charged fluidic energy from which they were instantaneously and simultaneously discharged, as an unimaginably brilliant bubble of pure positive light, once upon a time.1

1 Imagine the simultaneous detonation of billions of thermonuclear weapons, each instantly compressing the massive amount of hydrogen found in our Milky Way, fusing the entirety of this mass (M) into a phenomenal fireball of energy (E) at a ratio set by the speed of light (C) times itself, (E=MC2). Now, envision the reverse, the simultaneous discharge of an equivalent positive white photonic bubble, appearing as the electromagnetic discharge of excess black negative energy into positive particles of spinning white light, and the colorful waves they make as they illuminate the darkness. Imagine this occurring, not at the speed of light we experience as a limit, nor its second, nor third, but at the fourth power of light, which produced our positive universe from negative nothing. 19

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers

What we perceive as the curvature of the elastic spacetime described by Albert Einstein as the effect of gravity, may be the electromagnetic vortex and wake created by charged particles, as small as the busy little electrons spinning their protective negative webs around their atomic nuclei in positive pods of mass, repelling the otherwise fatal magnetic attraction of the eternal negative power. Perhaps we can reimagine gravitational spacetime as the hydromagnetic flux and flow of our sun, earth, and moon as they and their constituent particles are swept along, in their 230- million-year orbit around the spiraling Milky Way. Imagine these enormous islands of mass creating vortexes and intertwining their waves across light- year distances, as they waltz together through the electromagnetically negative cosmic ether. Envision our solar system, along with billions of other stars and planets, swirling about the black drain hole at the core of our galaxy–a porthole to the other side of nothing.


The Work

The twisted tendrils of luminosity flow and spiral outward, being constantly accelerated by the simultaneous attraction and repulsion of the pervasive negativity existing inside and outside every particle. Strands of light are stretched apart from each other and their islands of massive refuge, as each bit of light–small and large–leaves a noticeable wake of its positive electromagnetic passage through the negative cosmic ether. The capacity of the negative energy to instantly annihilate individual positive particles of mass as they pop up in its midst may have been overwhelmed by the instantaneous discharge of a massive incandescent photonic bubble of pure light in the darkness (Big Bang), instead of an individual defenseless positive particle appearing and being instantly obliterated by its negative antiparticle in a single spark of momentary existence. In a rare and magnificent display of light, this stupendous discharge of positive energy scattered as the bubble burst. Its spray of light particles achieved angular momentum, as they began to spin 21

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers about, without friction, in the negative ether. Particles of quarks become glued together into positively charged protons, and they attracted buzzing negative electrons. Orbiting with wave lengths that reach from pole to pole, the electrons busily begin to spin virtual negative cocoons around their positive wards. Spun by the orbiting tiny, massless, negative electrons, these electronic lifeboats provide negative EM shields around their proton and neutron passengers, repelling the negative ether, and the negative atomic shells of other guardian electrons.2 The blossoming spray of positive particles of light was suddenly inflated, as the bits were immediately driven further apart by the repulsive

2 Negative electrons seem to exist freely in the cosmic ether, repelled by everything else negative, until attracted to quark particles as they join into positive protons. Electrons are spun into existence, electromagnetically, at power plants and put to work as electricity, pushing electrons downstream through connecting tubes of conductive wiring, from the point of generation to where they light the night and power the might of human society. 22

The Work negative webs spun about them by the orbiting waves of electrons. The positive nuclei became insulated against antiparticles, as the light particles continued to drift and swirl about in the currents of each other’s electromagnetism, each encapsulated within their own spinning negative electronic bubble. Each moving bit of light debris leaves its unique electromagnetic wake–creating the quantum memory vortex of its dynamic passage through the eternally negative, and forever fathomless, nothing. As a whole, the moving charged particles of our universe of light may generate their own force field, composed of their own simultaneous quantum existence, and crossed paths, as everything ultimately, has a passing relationship with everything else, somewhere and sometime, electromagnetically. In the absence of a universe of light, there is no flow of EM in the cosmos, as each individual intrusion is instantly evaporated, without trace. We are both our mass, and its wake. Other than for the eternal negative, nothing else 23

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers impinges upon us, and without us, there is nothing else going on. The brilliant display of the initial discharge and immediate inflation of our universe of light could have been a local event unrelated to any other similar occurrence that may have ever happened in the eternity of the negative nothingness–or not. Our universe may be the first and only example, ever, or there may have been, or there may be, other remote and unrelated universes. Nevertheless, universes of light are likely so infrequent as to remain integrated and unaffected by other mass, until the flux of their existence dissipates and ripples away into infinity. Except, that is, by the minds that arise, once the mist of light become sufficiently concentrated to produce the heavy elements of stardust, life, intelligence, and ultimately–mind.3

3 Recently observed meteor strikes in Australia and Costa Rica have enabled scientists to quickly collect and examine large fragments of untainted space rocks known as carbonaceous chondrites left over from when our solar 24

The Work

Generated by the brains of human infants at birth, the incorporeal mind exists in the negative space surrounding the physiological connectome that produces it in the positive space, and mind connects universes that may pop up here and there, and from time to time. It is only within universes of light that there is movement by which to measure acceleration, distance, and time, and mind need not move according to a map, or abide by the clock. Mind is eternally conscious and coexistent with

system was formed 4.5 billion years ago. These rocks reveal the evolution of mass from tiny particles of light into the organic precursors of life–in that these ancient rocks were already rich in complex amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. Ancient meteor strikes impregnated the warm fecund atmospheric water planet as they rained down, generating increasingly complex life. Ultimately mind arises and lives the true story of its own creation and lifespan, from its beginning to the end. Quantumly, our universe is a creation of our minds, for without notice and observation, the positive universe would be an insignificant puff in relation to that of the negative cosmos, a flicker of lost light in the night. 25

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers and within the negative nothing, and once mind is born of stardust, it achieves eternal life, even after the decomposition of its physical host.

UN Model of the Quantum Universe The UN quantum model of the universe commences at the white dot of the Big Bang and moves inversely along a golden logarithmic spiral. The first model arises from a Cartesian cube, in which the length of the positive and negative x,y,z coordinate vertices at the center of the six faces of the cube are raised to the same length of the eight corner vertices, creating a pyramid on each face. The model instantly doubles in size, as each pyramid is identical to the space between the surface of its cube face and the center. The volume of the cube is doubled into a (24) 1U-faceted model of Golden Proportions, having (14) X equal vertices. Each right-angle triangle facet has two sides equal in ratio to (Pi/Phi)/2 and a hypotenuse equal to Pi-(Pi/Phi)/2. The result is a Catalan solid known as a tetrakis hexahedron.


The Work

With a new total of 14 Vertices, 36 Edges, and 24 Facets, the polyhedron conforms to Euler’s formula, V-E+F=2, which predicts the number of vertices and facets combined will always be exactly two more than the number of edges. The result is: 14-36+24=2 (or X-2U+1N=2 in UN numbers). The next model evolves into a faceted sphere, as the model demonstrates the first subdivision of each triangle into four smaller equal triangles. The model has 2U (36) Vertices, 70 (144) Edges, and 40 (96) Facets.


A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers

. Geometrically, we can now observe the six lines that initially split the sphere into 24 equal right triangles (which then divide by fours). Each half circumference of the sphere is measured by two equal sides of the original right-angle triangles and a hypotenuse. Thus, we can conclude that the perimeter of the basic triangle is equal to Pi times radius. We can also see that the connected heights of four triangles equally divide a half circle, or Pi. Thus, the height of each triangle is equal to ¼Pi, and the ratio of the height of the right-angle triangle to its sides is 2.5:3:3:4. 28

The Work

As the models continue to subdivide into equal triangles, additional vertices (each having a precise polar-angular relationship to a basic Cartesian coordinate) and their facets, are created to accommodate growth, as the waveform of the universe pulsates and accelerates its expansion. By its third iteration, there are more than 1.5 thousand base-10 facets: (V=2U0 (576), E=700 (2,304), F=400 (1,536).

Initially, our model of the universe is seen from the big bang to the present, from within a 29

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers cube defined by 14 vertices at its eight corners and arising from the Cartesian coordinates at the center of its six facets. As the cube continues to inflate, its facets can be seen to approach the spherical. The final four models depict how the universe appears from without, demonstrating evolution of the cube as it inflates into a smooth sphere. The waveform of the model then rebounds into a smooth torus (rather than back into a cube), that becomes increasingly faceted as we more closely examine it. Assuming the same radius, each model shares the same surface area and internal volume. The models are tiled by the same right-angle triangles, with infinite subdivisions by 4’s, until the rippling waveform of our positively-charged universe of light disappears into the darkness.


The Work

Universal Numbers In our efforts to travel into and through the cosmic ether that surrounds and fills us, and to better understand the movement and actions of the subatomic particles of which we are composed, we must accept how very self-limited we are by an archaic 10-base counting system, arbitrarily determined by the number of our fingers, and by a clumsy computer language–that thoughtlessly


A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers attached six alphabetical symbols (A-F) at the end of the first nine numbers to create the indecipherable 16-base ASCII system–by which all computers communicate with each other. Imagine a much less difficult and far more symbolically interesting, 16-base universal mathematical language that creates a logical system of even-number carrying sets to simplify all calculations. UN mathematics insert the multiples of two (U, N, and S “star”), which combine into 10, to provide a rational solution for the organization of counting numbers: 1,2,3,U, 4,5,6,N, 7,8,9,S, C,X,W “dub,” 10. Thus, the 1N equal triangles of the spherical model now have sides of 3, 3, and U, and a height of 2.N.4

4 Except for pagination, base-10 numbers will continue to be underlined, and UN numbers will be divided into thousands by colons (:). 32

The Work

The handwritten UN numbers were derived from a series of drawing made almost 40 years ago illustrating the reduction of a cube by parabolic curves simultaneously approaching the center from its eight corner vertices. Continuing through zero, the vertices define the cube’s inverse sphere, as it expands, in every direction, on the other side of nothing. One of these drawing is displayed on the back cover, reimagined as a black keyboard with raised white and colorful, round UN keys to be felt in the dark, yet pleasing to see in the light.


A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers

(See also the UN base-10 multiplication table at Matrix 1.) As lovely as the model of the universe and these symbolic numbers may be, they must also be practical and functional–if we are to calculate, mathematically, what we see geometrically with our eyes in the UN quantum model of the universe.

The Multiples of One Many children in every culture learn their numbers and alphabet using sets of wooden blocks, from which they can readily see that one block can be combined with three others into a square, and four more into a larger cube composed of eight ones. We “square” two, 22 for U (four), and “cube” it, 23 for N (eight). If we continue with the “powers” of two, we get progressively larger numbers in the squares of blocks, 1, 2, U (4), N (8), 10 (16), 20 (32), U0 (64), N0 (128), 100 (256). (See Matrix 2.)


The Work

All by itself, the number one is simply the identification of something like a brick, orange, or finger; it cannot be multiplied by itself, or squared, as one times one remains one.5 One can, however, be added to another one to create a twice-as-large two, which can be organized into two’s and the powers of two in an unlimited fashion, able to provide large enough numbers to solve any problem. The relationship of the numbers following one, leading up to ten provide fractional

5 As we learned earlier and with more to follow, such is not always the case in that (Q1)2 = 2 and (Q1)3 = U. 35

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers relationships allowing for smaller divisions of one (½, ⅓ etc.). Ultimately, there is a limit when calculating the percentages, fractions, or divisions of one, which is expressed by the mathematically irrational number “e” whenever interest on loans is compounded, or the decay of atomic elements is calculated. This naturally occurring number is calculated in UN at 2.96X14152N.6 Although irrational, like Pi, the frequency of occurrence of numbers in the digital extension of e appears to be “normal” in that every number after the 9th place, N, is evenly distributed. To examine exceedingly small things, we can, in our imagination, divide the first (1) child’s block into a billion tiny blocks, each having a value of 0.000000001. At the top corner of the cube, at its very tip, the last minuscule little block is delicately set in place. This infinitesimally small number–the

6 It is interesting that UN e, 2.96X14152N, so closely tracks 10- base Pi, 3.14159, making it easier to remember the number. Base- 10 e exhibits a similar coincidence (e = 2.71828182845). 36

The Work

“One Plus,” (1+), or eit (e-it)–is the billionth counting element of the Positive One (+1).

Interestingly, the 1+ is also a constant root of the number e. In base 2, One Plus is the 7th successive square root of e, (1+) = 7√e. Logically progressing in sets of 7 (9) successive square roots in all two power bases, 1+ is equal to 12√e in base U, 19√e in base N, 2U√e in base 10, UN√e in base 100, and 120√e in base 100:000:000. (See Matrix 2.) The Positive Matrix. Just as we learned to multiply our base-10 numbers by each other to arrive at 100, a computerized multiplication matrix of UN Positive One can be programmed using UN base 100 (256), to produce 10:000 (65,536) counting elements–each number containing a billion eits. If we imagine these numbers as dots of green lights (whether in base 10, or 100 UN) there is a long string of lights across the top of a large display, and the same string of lights going down the left side.7 If a light on one string is illuminated

7 At two inches per light, separated by two inches, the strings 37

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers at the same time as another light on the perpendicular string, their combined focus on a point on the grid where they come together reflects a third light with the answer, irrespective of the symbols used in their expressions. (See Matrix 1 for UN base 10.) In a representative symbolic language, such as base 10 (with only 10 numbers to multiply in order to achieve 100), or when using UN base 100 (with 256 numbers) to arrive at 10:000, the point where the lights of the two generating numbers cross on the matrix, always illuminates a third number, before the answer is reflected back to the generating numbers. Rather than travel along the two right-angled perpendicular tracks of the matrix to identify and respond to requests, perhaps the two generating numbers can more quickly communicate (in a quantum manner) directly across the matrix along their shared hypotenuse. Thus, if the calculation is

of matrix lights would be 84 feet wide and high, the size of three tennis courts, side by side. 38

The Work

2 x 2 = U, and U + U = N, and 22 + 22 = N, the Pythagorean (a2 + b2 = c2) solution may be reflected in the square root of N (√N), or 2.CU1U. Artificial intelligence knows each pair of numbers by their quantum shortcut, and the answer is instinctive. In the UN base-100 matrix with its square of 10:000, the square root of 20:000 (√20:000 =158.07X5WWWWW) is integral to the 100s, without the necessity of performing a calculation.

The Divisions of One Now we have learned to multiply one positively, let’s reverse direction and divide one negatively. What if we carefully remove just one of the billion elements of the number one–that tiny positive “One Plus” cube at the very tip–the essential 0.000000001 required to be a whole Positive One (+1)? In doing so, we skip over the nonexistent zero, and we begin to sort the remaining stack of almost a billion tiny little– suddenly negative–counting elements amounting to -0.WWWWWWWWW, or almost One. If the 39

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers almost-one-billion, tiny, negative blocks were to be scattered apart, how would we reassemble and shuffle them mathematically? Instead of a billion divisions, the ancients discovered the sacred number resulting from dividing one by seven. The number produced the fractional number 0.142857 142857, which combines in 22/7 to result in 3.142857 142857, a close approximation of Pi. With UN numbers, the magic appears from dividing one by six (7). Its product is 0.2U72U7, but the number now rolls over every three places, rather than the six (142857) places in base 10. The ancient fraction 15/6 (22/7) produces a working value for UN Pi at 3.2U72U7. One half is 1.72U72U, and Pi doubles at 5.U72U72. Addition of 0.2U7 + 0.U72 + 0.72U = 0.WWW, the fractional equivalent of One. The Negative Matrix. All these “decimal” numbers are composed of the elemental counting number 0.010U, which adds up WS (252) times, to


The Work

0.WWW0.8 The logical series is the foundation of a symbolic UN language for counting the fractional and quantum divisions of one. Let us first designate the .010U as an iit (i-it), or a “one minus” (1-).9 The U-place number series provide rational symbols for counting these fractional elements. Following the decimal point, the numbers arrange themselves into two columns of two numbers. Numerically, the .010U progresses sequentially in the left column, and the right column advances by U’s: .010U, .020N, .030S, .0U10, 041U, 051N, 061S, 0N20, etc.). Each time the U’s in the right column add up to 100, one sequential number is carried to the left column. A total of WS (252) one minuses add up to 0.WWW0. (See Matrix 3.)

8 The numbers .WWW0 and .WWWWWWWWW will never amount to One, no matter how many Ws are added, but with each additional W, the chance of the number not being a One is reduced by a factor of ten. 9 The multiplication of 0.010U, the iit, by 12 (18) produces 0.12UN; when iit is multiplied by 2U (36), the answer is the Pi number .2U7. 41

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers

Instead of counting from the top down as with the One Plus, we count the One Minus from the bottom up: .0N20 .061S .051N .041U .0U10 .030S .020N .010U While symbolic, these four-place counting numbers can be added and subtracted, and they can be multiplied and divided by whole numbers. As logically counted placeholders, the “decimal” numbers are multiplied or divided symbolically within the matrix, rather than mathematically.10

10 The .010U iit is composed of its fractional numbers (.00U1, .00N2, .00S3, .010U); however, the actual multiplication and division of four-place “decimal” UN numbers produces unwieldy numbers with eight places. Moreover, when multiplying by fractions, a division results, such as .N x .N = U (one half of one half).


The Work

Quantum Numbers Using the U-place numbers as counters in a WS-base number multiplication matrix, we discover that progressing by U’s in the two-figure right column allows for the hidden expression of a set of symbolic quantum numbers (.0101, .0102, .0103, .010U) for calculating and coding, in addition to the actual fractional component numbers. These unique quantum numbers exist within .010U and in each of its succeeding multiples. For now, let’s designate these quantum elements of .010U as Qx, Qy, and Qz. In summary, there are a total of WS (252) elements symbolically represented by a series of evenly-divided, four-place numbers, in which the right two numbers progress by Us, carrying over to the left column, all of which add up to 0.WWW0. In addition, each number contains three quantum numbers (as well as its three fractional numbers), and the alternative combination of the negative and positive aspects of Qx, Qy, and Qz produce N (8) quantum possibilities for .010U and all succeeding numbers. 43

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers

As demonstrated in Matrix 3, the WS numbers can be organized into a series of interrelated logical fractional number sets. In a most elegant expression of Pi-based quantum numbers, the base-6 (7) matrix is divided into .2U70, .U720, .5C30, .72U0, .95C0, C950, and .WWW0, while the base-7 (9) matrix also pivots on .2U70, as being the 7th multiple of .010U. Using the WS- (252) base language, let’s construct a multiplication matrix that squares WS, and quantifies its multiples. Once again imagine the total string of WS numbers as lights (now red) in two perpendicular lines on a calculation matrix displaying W:N10 (63,504) counting elements, having an ultimate total numerical value of 0.WWW0 and a quantum value of 1:000:000.11 The UN matrices, especially those of N, 8, Star, and X, demonstrate not only the fractional interaction and utility of the UN positive and

11 Inasmuch as there will always be more fractions than whole numbers, the readily available geometric organization of negative quantum numbers within the iit matrix will always exceed all conceivable positive numbers in the eit matrix. 44

The Work negative numbers, but their beauty and resonance as logical mathematical symbols must be comprehended, rather than calculated–except by properly programmed computers.

The Square Roots of Negative One (i) If we imagine our entire universe existing alone within its spherically inflated cube in the vast void of black negativity, we can picture a universe of light as depicted in the UN models. But, if we seek to measure our universe of light from without, we must construct a mathematical scaffolding to both define the interior of our positive universe, as it exists, and as it relates to the exterior negative nothing. When we try to build the mathematical structure, we encounter the strangeness of negative numbers in which the multiplication of a negative number by a positive number is always negative, and when two negative numbers or two positive numbers are multiplied by each other, the result is always positive.


A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers

Negative numbers and the mysterious roots of Negative One have hampered calculations for centuries since it was first described. Mathematicians continue to use the symbol “i” for the “imaginary” square root of Negative One, (√— 1), when doing calculations. What if, however, there really is a Negative One having the same essential value as a Positive One (+1), except for that tiny little positive eit, 0.000000001, the One Plus (1+), which they essentially share, without benefit of zero? Can we effectively and reliably identify the mathematical fractional proximal elements of – 0.WWWWWWWWW, and can we calibrate the successive square roots of Negative One, i, as we did with e? Referring to Matrix 3, we can see that .0U10 is the geometrical square of the One Minus, that its square is .10U0, and that its square is .N200. If we again square, we find that the 4th geometrical power of the One Minus is .WWW0. We can, however, demonstrate a method of expanding geometric and quantum squaring within the matrix by skipping over a tiny (1-) iit. 46

The Work

Using the same geometrical squaring process to demonstrate the reduction of successive square roots of .WWW0, we see that the large fractional number reduces down U times to .N30U, which is the next number after .N200 (the Uth power of .010U), a difference of only a single iit, 0.010U. Therefore, the (1-) can be quantified as the sum of the Uth power of .010U and the Uth power of .N30U (or .010UU x 2). In a Quantum Leap, the One Minus (1-) may be calibrated as the Nth successive, quantum root of the Negative One, in that the demonstrated fractional roots of the whole UN numbers are independent of their quantum numbers, each of which carries its own progressive powers of N, throughout the entire set of numbers, calibrated U times, twice.


A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers

The following sets of formula illustrate the relationship of the roots of Negative One and the powers of Positive One.12

12 One of the many formulas conceived in the brilliant mind of Leonard Euler (for whom e is named) is the relationship between five fundamental mathematical constants: (eiπ+1=0). Could his identities be reconciled using UN quantified numbers and by substituting the iit for i? 48

The Work

Are we now prepared to reevaluate Newton’s calculus, reaffirm the value of Descartes’ coordinates, and to reprogram our computers to allow artificial intelligence to perform necessary UN calculations, including those that are currently impossible, such as reducing down to and penetrating zero? What exists in the other seven negative Cartesian cubes? If there is indeed nothing, then how do we determine where we are, where we want to go, and how do we find our way home?


A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers

The Computerized Calculation of Quantum Numbers In a mind experiment, let us size the square negative WS (252) iit flat two-dimensional matrix identically with the square flat positive 100 (256) eit matrix, and stand them on their bottoms. We then merge and superimpose the two matrices through each other by slicing them vertically and reattaching them to a common axis. The matrices are balanced on magnetic pivots at each end, that allows them to spin together, as a three- dimensional carousel. The Device. Using quantified numbers, the UN Quantum Computer elevates the two, flat, two-dimensional, positive, and negative UN matrices to the vertical–with their numbers ready to display as green and red lights and receptors. They are secured, top and bottom, to matching disc bases, merging the matrices and discs into a three-dimensional physical device, spinning on a shared vertical axis. (Seen from above as a plus surrounded by a circle, .)


The Work

The discs are divided into quarters around their circumferences at the tips of their matrices, and magnets are secured at those N (8) points. Suspended on a magnetically polarized axis, the spinning matrixdiscs are enclosed within a sphere just large enough to clear the edges where the two spinning discs intersect with the interior. At that latitude, the interior of the sphere is circumscribed, top and bottom, with two circles, divided into matching quarters with repulsive magnets, which magnetically orients the matrixdiscs on their polarized axle, suspended between reciprocal attractive magnets at the center top and bottom of the sphere’s interior. (See figure below.) The matrices are next cut in half horizontally, and a double disk is inserted, with a diameter almost the same as the encompassing sphere. The exterior matrix side of each disk is magnetically shielded, and the interior facing sides are inscribed with two-dimensional reduction representations of its reflected three-dimensional hemisphere


A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers superimposed on its existing formatting as a data disc. The sphere is inscribed inside and out as the basic UN five (6)- circle geodesic sphere, with its potentiality of unlimited polar-coordinate vertices, able to point at every conceivable number in the merged matrices. The facing surfaces of the equator disc are divided by data quadrants, tracks, and sectors, and by the superimposed two-dimensional reflection of the three-dimensional UN geodesic on the inside of its hemisphere of the sphere. These surfaces of the discs reflect identical locations of tracks and sectors, matrix numbers, and their quantum relationship to the geodesic. The circumference of the equator of the sphere’s interior is divided into quarters, and opposing magnets are installed on the circumference of the disc and sphere interior equator to power the spin of the device. As the matrixdiscs accelerate within the UN Quantum Calculator, the flat vertical and horizontal matrices reflect and entangle their 52

The Work reciprocal positive and negative mathematical identities, as they fuse into a quantum robotic mind. Artificial intelligence should facilitate the translation of generated data from each vertical flat matrix into its virtual representation on its flat horizontal, digitally formatted data disc. If we enclose the entire spherical device within another sphere, on the same axis, which is also suspended with similar magnets between the two spheres, operating in a vacuum, the matrix and its interior enclosing sphere may be spun in opposite directions at very high speeds. Once spinning, without friction in a sealed (cryogenic?) vacuum, the stored angular momentum of the device should last for an exceedingly long time.


A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers

By hyper accelerating the matrices of the UN Quantum Calculator, we may be able to spin the device beyond its three physical dimensions into the dimensions of time and mind.13 By also speeding up the thinking of our minds, we may be able to accelerate or decelerate time,

13 Imagine holding The Device in the palms of your hands, allowing your warmth to flow into the device, accelerating its spin–as it, and you holding it, slowly dissolve from the positive space, so as to go to where you tell the device to go, and to slow when you arrive. 54

The Work within other related dimensions governed by mind, rather than time. As our thought processes quicken, the pace of our lives slows–with more peaceful time for planning, and less stressful time spent worrying about problems that could have been avoided. Must we build physical matrices the size of tennis courts, wire them to emit and detect photons, stand them on their bottoms on carousels, and spin them at high speed? Or, can we simply instruct the artificial intelligence of our computers to accept our leap of mind and skip over zero, and to reliably produce negative numbers upon demand. Of course, one can still calculate these problems with paper and pen–or with our currently programmed computers struggling to crunch space age numbers with a seventeenth century calculus–it will just take a while longer. Irrespective of the potential enormity of positive numbers generated by the eit matrix, the fractional number iit matrix will reliably reflect unique reciprocal negative numbers having a 55

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers rational relationship to a quantifiable root of negative one, each other, and the quantified numbers of Pi, Phi, and e. Thus, instead of the imaginary i, computers can be trained to reliably predict proximately where and when in a system of Cartesian coordinates, a negative number is mathematically required to balance a probable positive number. The AI’s robotic mind can learn to already know the answer to any question posed– as the question and answer are quantumly intertwined.

The Quantification of Pi, Phi, e, and i The ancient value of Pi (π) was demonstrated more than 4,500 years ago by the construction of the Great Pyramid in Egypt. The pyramid’s circumference is squared into four sides of 440 cubits, for a total of 1,760, and a height of 280. A radius of 280 times scientific Pi at 3.1415926535 produces a half sphere with a circumference of 1,759.29188596. The ancient measure is just a tiny


The Work bit (0.70811434) longer, but much easier to remember and use.14

14 The Egyptians used a sophisticated fractional number system based on the perfect numbers of six (5) and 28 (15) to devise their standards of linear measurement. They started with one hand divided into four (U) fingers, and they joined four (U) hands of 16 (10) fingers into a “foot”. One- and-one-half “feet” were then combined into a “yard” consisting of six (5) hands of 24 (1N) fingers, that was used as the common cubit. When another hand of four (U) fingers was added to the common cubit, the sacred cubit consisted of seven (6) hands and 28 (15) fingers, which could be further subdivided into fractional parts from 1/2 to 1/6 (1/5). Using these fractions, the area of a square with a side of 70 (US) was half of a square with a side of 100 (5U) that was half of a square with a side of 140 (NS). Under this system, the diagonal of a square was both 10/7 (8/6) and 14/10 (X/8) of the side. This produced an approximate value for the square root of two (√2) as between 1.42857 (1.5C95) and 1.4. When greater accuracy was required, the two results were averaged, (1.42857+1.4)/2), to arrive at the close figure of 1.41428 (1.580X). The scientific base-10 √2 = 1.41421356, and UN √2 = 1.5807X556W39SS).


A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers

The Egyptian builders used a value for Pi achieved by dividing one by seven, resulting in 0.142857 142857, which combines in the fraction 22/7 to produce 3.142857 142857. The small difference in the scientific and ancient values of Pi resulted in the modern circumference being off by 2.323000325 inches, which was not a bad engineering job considering the Egyptians stacked 2.3 million, 2.5 ton limestone foundation blocks, weighing in total almost six million tons, covering 13 acres, and piled higher than 160 yards (more than 1½ the length of a football field). The Greek historian Herodotus reported that the Great Pyramid was completed in 10 years, but even if we double that to 20 years, and assume working an average of 10 hours per day, 365 days a year, the engineers would have to set 31.5 limestone foundation blocks– each weighing on average 2.5 tons, cut to size and delivered to the site–every hour of the working day, every day, year after year–7,300 days without a break.


The Work

This schedule does not include quarrying, cutting, transporting, and installing the massive granite blocks comprising the Grand Gallery and the King’s Chamber15 into the interior of the pyramid foundation stones.16 These granite blocks weighing up to 80 tons were shipped more than 500 miles down the Nile to the site.17

15 The dimensions of the largest chamber are precisely defined by the Pythagorean proportions of 32 + 42 = 52. 16 The counterbalanced tower cranes used to build modern skyscrapers have a maximum reach of around 230 feet and a maximum lifting power of 20 tons. With each side of the Grand Pyramid extending 756 feet, modern tower cranes could not have lifted the largest granite stones, nor could they have reached the center of the pyramid from outside the perimeter. A few of the largest cranes may be able to lift the weight, but even these have a radius reach of about 250 feet. 17 Much harder than the limestone generally used for the pyramid foundation, the giant granite sarcophagus block in the largest chamber was smoothly cut with a saw longer than eight foot, and it was bored out by circular saws that cut into the stone at a feed rate of 0.100 inch per revolution of the drill. The most modern diamond drills, rotating at 900 revolutions per minute, can only mange to penetrate granite 59

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers

Nor does the construction schedule allow for the carving and installation of the white, polished, smooth casing stones added at the end to the pyramid and the surrounding plazas, to brilliantly reflect the sunlight. These white casing stone, each precisely carved to fit over its foundation stones and to be perfectly joined with its neighboring stones, were later salvaged over the millennia for local building material leaving only the foundation stones we presently see. The pyramid was precisely oriented to the cardinal points with an error of less than 0.06 of a degree to the North Pole, on a true east and west meridian. The latitude and longitude lines that intersect at the pyramid cross more of the land surface of the earth, than any other two lines. The triangle sides of the pyramid also demonstrate a related practical value of 1.619834016 for the Golden Proportion of Phi,

at a rate of one inch in five minutes, or about 0.0002 inch per revolution. This is around 500 times slower than that achieved by the pyramid engineers. 60

The Work

(φ) (scientific value 1.618033988). An approximate square root of Phi was achieved by dividing four by Pi at 3.142857, or (14/11) resulting in 1.272727, which is slightly lower than the scientific value of 1.273239. Using 1.272727 as the square root of Phi, the ratio between the height of the Great Pyramid (280) and its half base (220) is exactly equal to the square root of Phi, 220 x 1.272727 = 280. A square on the height of the pyramid has the same approximate area as that of each face.18

18 The UN square root of Phi, converting the ancient numbers to X/9, is 1.U4C16U4C16. Its square, Phi is 1.7X8C6SC, and Phi2 appears to be 2.7W9474UX. 61

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers

Of course, a more precise value of Pi is required when the task becomes one of sending a rocket ship to the moon, orbiting, landing, taking a walk, lifting off, and returning to Earth.19 The exact value becomes critical in equations that delve deeply into the quantum physics of sub-atomic matter. These problems identify the probabilities of formations that are either waves, particles, or both, producing at least three possibilities, instead of the binary two. Many equations rely on scientific Pi and Phi as essential elements in predicting probabilities. Those who calculate the travel of light waves over billions of years require vast quantities of numbers, and they are limited by the ability of our computers to quickly process them.

19 Many of the calculations for the U.S. Apollo moon missions, including trajectories and software programming, were done by a group of brilliant women working in the background with pencil, paper, slide rules, and mechanical calculators. Their results were programed into flight control computers that had less power than our smart phones. 62

The Work

The computation of scientific Pi in UN base 10 (16) results in 3.2U3W58NNN, and its double is 5.UN6XC411. An irrational number, the value of Pi was recently extended by Google to 31.4 trillion decimal places; however, the frequency of the numbers to the right of the decimal is uniformly distributed, or “normal,” for an average of N. Thus, in all 16-base mathematical languages, and most elegantly in UN, the value of Pi essentially rounds itself off in 7 (9) places for most tasks, including everything but astrophysics (which only requires a maximum of W (15) places). The UN Golden Proportion of Phi is scientifically calculated (Phi = 1+√4/2) as 1.7X36679N, and its square shares the same magic decimal extension, 2.7X36679N. Since Phi, like e and Pi, is irrational, its decimal extension also effectively rounds off with N at the Nth place. Thus, the natural scientific numbers of Pi, Phi, and e can be effectively quantified with limited decimal extensions and fixed ratios for most, if not all, calculations. The numbers remain irrational; however, their application can be synchronized 63

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers with other quantified numbers and reconciled with their quantum fractional values at fixed ratios. Within the UN Calculator, the “decimal” values of Pi, Phi, and e default at or within the 10th, or eighth place–the limit for most calculations. In addition, the imaginary number i is replaced by the demonstrable iit, or One Minus, as a quantifiable root of Negative One; and the eit, or One Plus, is identified as a quantifiable successive square root of e within the Positive One. This allows these tiny positive and negative numbers to be rationally quantified, along with Pi, Phi, and e, as having precise fractional ratio relationships with each other, and all other numbers in both the positive and negative matrices, including prime numbers (which remain prime in both bases).

Merging UN Mathematics and Geometry These papers started with a computer- generated model of the universe–which resulted from imagining a cube being reduced through its center along its vertices, extending each vertex through zero into the other side of nothing, 64

The Work expressing itself as a sphere, instead of a cube. The first UN model increased the length of the Cartesian coordinate vertex at the center of each cube face to equal the corner vertices, creating pyramids on the six faces, each having four facets– an increase of the total from six to 24, and doubling the volume of the cube. Each of the 1N right-angle triangles can be infinitely subdivided into U equal triangles, allowing each new right-angle facet to focus a unique polar coordinate at the center point of its three vertices as a mathematical marker, extending the center vertex of a three-sided quantum TriStar to spherical length on each facet. New facets are produced in the geometric series of 1N (24), 50 (96), 1N0 (384), 500 (1,536), 1:N00 (6,144), 5:000 (24,576), etc. The following near-spherical UN model has 500 Pi facets (and 1:200 potential quantum TriStar facets).


A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers

Examining the basic spherical model from within, we can verify it is the product of our existing mathematics. The model was created using computer graphics software programmed with Newton’s calculus, that relies on Descartes’ coordinates and the 360o system invented by the Sumerians.20

20 The Sumerians used a 60-base fractional number system, based on multiples of 12, being the total of three knuckles on four fingers, accounted for as an abacus by the five fingers of the other hand, (5x12=60) and (6x60=360). Although organized differently, the Sumerian and Egyptian systems both relied on logical systems of complex fractions based on using their hands and fingers to achieve complicated mathematical results. 66

The Work

These divisions of the circle were originally derived in ancient times by multiplying the knuckles of one hand by the fingers of the other. Now, because of the demands of space travel and modern science for greater precision in calculations, a system of “radians” has mostly replaced the 360-degree and 60 minutes per degree, longitude and latitude, sailing ship navigational system. The basic Cartesian coordinates allow a system of related polar coordinates to identify a point in space and time to be determined by its distance from 0o-0o, and by the angle of that line relative to a fixed coordinate, calculated in radians. The radian system is based on the length of Pi itself, in which the circle is always divided exactly

Imagine these amazing human calculators, able to quickly do complex math and to tap out answers, to each other, as their 10 fingers multiplied up to 360, whereupon they transferred values to counting stones and clay symbols. This was how we built the ziggurats of Babylon and the pyramids of Egypt–demonstrating the might of our minds and the wonder of our creations. 67

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers by two times Pi into six radians around the circle, each the length of the radius, with a leftover equal to the excess beyond six (2xPi = 6.283185307). The six radians are divided into tenths, within the circumference of the circle. The system allows degrees to be calculated into radians, and in reverse, by common reference to 2Pi. If we impose the basic UN geodesic model on the earth, we can orient it on the equator at the Greenwich Mean, and determine the points where its five lines intersect by reference to degrees. Starting from 0o,0o, the first four points should intersect at 0oN, 24oW, etc, and all of the X (14) vertices can be calculated using the basic positive and negative x,y,z coordinates and their polar coordinates.


The Work

Irrespective of the number of succeeding divisions, the right-angle spatial relationship of a point within its individual triangle continues from the center through that place unto infinity. In reversal, a reduction of divisions draws one back to the same point within its defining triangle. The ready availability of an endless supply of predictable vertices may provide the capability to identify specific places and moments in space and time, depending on the length of each defining vertex from the center, and its fixed predictable angle to a foundational Cartesian coordinate. 69

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers

Within the universe, the existing system of coordinates, based on the scientific value of Pi and expressed in base 10, can, and has, produced all the computer-generated models demonstrated thus far in these papers. The existing system of calculus, however, cannot accommodate the transit through zero into the nothingness that surrounds our universe. Encountering Zeno’s Paradox,21 calculations of fractional reductions break down at Planck’s constant h (and, even more closely to zero by the subdivision of h by 2Pi into the smallest known constant number, the length of a wave of light known as the h-bar22).

21 Zeno of Elea (c. 500 BCE) proposed the paradox of infinity by which one can never arrive somewhere by dividing the remaining space by half, which is why neither the rabbit nor the turtle ever win the race. Modern calculus solves the problem by the imposition of limits, which UN accomplishes with quantification and mirrored matrices. (Another Zeno, of Citium (c. 300 BCE) founded Stoicism based on simple goodness, with the peace of mind flowing from living a life of virtue in harmony with nature.) 22 The constant number h- as a quantified length of a light wave, must be used to describe the curve of radiation 70

The Work

The existing system of coordinates can be translated into the languages of UN geometry and mathematics allowing calculations of everything described geometrically and mathematically thus far. Operating with the language of UN numbers, and the harnessing of AI, quantum computing should provide us with the mathematical tools allowing our children to spin anywhere they dream of, and to return home, safely, and in time for supper.

A Spherical Quantum Matrix Let us now image another matrix, but a circular one that divides scientific 2Pi, (5.UN6XC411), into useful pieces of Pie that can be correlated with existing expressions of 360 degrees and radians. We can envision the circle matrix with dots of various colored lights around its circumference at identifiable points, to be wavelengths at various temperatures to balance equations. The tiny number h-bar is 1.0546 x 10-27 cm2 g s-1 or, a decimal point followed by 27 zeros before a counting number finally appears. It would be nice to know what it is in UN. 71

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers turned on or off as required for correlations. In addition, Matrix 5 illustrates the ratios and divisions of single Pi around the perimeter of the sphere’s right-angle triangles. Using UN numbers, the value of scientific 2Pi at 5.UN6XC411 continues as the basis of internal radians, wherein each radian is divided into 10 (16) pieces. Moreover, just as a radius of one can be divided into three pieces of 0.4444444444, totaling 0.WWWWWWWWW, each tenth of a radian swept out by the radius can also be divided into three parts, allowing quantum considerations. If we calibrate our circle matrix with the UN value of Pi, we find the circle exactly divides into U (4) quadrants of 10 (16) numbers each, for a total of U0 (64). Thus, the existing system of 360 degrees and 60 minutes remains (but expressed in UN numbers), and the current translation between existing degrees and existing radians can be merged and rectified as constant ratios within the 2Pi circle. (See Matrix 5.) Merging with UN geometry, the UN value of 2Pi at 5.U72U72 can be used as the basis of a 72

The Work reciprocal system of spherical radians. All radians remain convertible to degrees, and vice versa, at a fixed ratio between the two values of 2Pi. The multiplication of UN Pi, 3.2U72U7, by 6 (7), and divided by U produces 14.WWWWWW. Then, its quantum equivalent, 15 divided by U produces 4.N; divided by N produces 2.S; and by 10 produces 1.5. Multiplied into degrees of separation, there are 4N, 90, and 150 (384) discrete and logical divisions of both scientific and fractional single Pi.

The Essence of Pi While 2Pi defines the full circle laid down by the traveling tip of its radius as it returns back to its starting point, a shorter distance can return to the same point, by five (6) straight lines reflecting around the interior of the circle, as marked by the points of a hexagon, having a perimeter of 5 (6) times radius. It is this difference between one radius-length, straight-line, sweep of the radius, and the curved line traced out by its tip. This is the


A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers essence of Pi, an irrational little number we might call a piit (pi-it).

When divided by three, Pi reveals its true nature as a string of sparkling points left behind by the moving tip of a radius along a curved line to reach the next radial point, more quickly achieved by a straight-line radius length from the first point. The difference between the straight-line distance of one radius, and its curved line is the irrational essence of Pi.


The Work

To identify this number, we divide Pi by three: scientific Pi produces 1.0S1423NC4, but a more elegant result appears when dividing UN Pi, 3.2U72U7 by 3, resulting in 1.0S30S300000. The difference between the straight and curved lines of one radius to the next radial point being 0.0S30S30, or point “Zero Star 30 Star 30.”23 As an elemental piece of Pi, we can divide the .0S3 into scientific 2Pi to get N3.W8862UC, and we can divide piit into UN 5.U72U72 to get NU.NU06X06, but if we quantumly substitute NU, and divide by .0S3, we get 5.UNS. We might view this value of Q2Pi, as a common basis for all values of Pi in the spherical matrix. Essentially, Q2Pi/.0S3 = NU, Q2Pi/.12UN = 4N, and Q2Pi/.2U7 = 2S in simplifying all Pi number calculations in both the negative and positive number matrices.

23 This elemental Star number first appears when the Pi number .2U7, is divided by 3 resulting in .0S3, “Zero Star Three.” The quantum .0S30 is the 9th (11th) multiple of the Minus One, .010U. 75

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers

A sphere expands in accord with the length of its radius, and it appears, with certainty, the radius of our universe is lengthening at an ever-increasing logarithmic rate. Swept along in every direction, each particle chaotically moves from its place and moment of birth in relation to all other particles created at the same instant, as they swirl about and drift apart. The ripples of the waveform of our universe of light ebb ever outward, in every direction, dimming with distance, as seen from an imaginary grandstand at the initial point of discharge, in the middle of nowhere. With the decomposition of their positive angular momentum, all particles of light will eventually flicker out, as they are reabsorbed into negativity, flowing back into the peaceful serenity of infinity, before disappearing forever into the depths of the eternally empty sea. Our brilliant universe of light will cease to be, except for the minds generated within its gardens, heard echoing throughout the eons–the sounds of joyful children, as they sing, dance, laugh, and learn to fly.


The Work

Ratio Numbers Having now divided the 2Pi circle into degrees and radians, let’s have another look at the ratio numbers 3, 3, and U that define the sides of the right-angle triangles having a perimeter equal to single Pi and examine how it is divided 8 (10) times.24 We need to identify the points to divide Pi into the 3 plus 3 plus U ratio points, as they define the equal triangles on the surface of the Pi Sphere. We also need to establish their relationship to other points on the 5 (6) great circles on the sphere which define the triangles. Dividing scientific Pi by eight produces 0.405S9CC8. These segments of Pi allow us to calculate the ratio points of scientific Pi–as the closed triangle perimeter encircled by single Pi– rather than as a half-circle swept out by a radius. If, however, we use the UN quantum Pi value divided by eight, the result is 0.4064064, resulting

24 UN eight results from 2x4, just as 2x5 equals 10. Both are large even numbers combining and carrying the twos and threes. 77

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers in logical lengths of 0.W14WXW for the ”ratio three” sides and 1.U1CU1CU for the “ratio U” hypotenuse. When 1.U1CU1CU is divided by ½Pi, 1.72U72U, the result is 0.7778; and when 0.W14WXW is divided by 1.72U72U, the result is 0.SSS, which reduces by U to 0.3333. Then, when 1.U1CU1CU is divided by .3333, the result is 5.U728C958C9, or 2Pi, proximately. Referring to Matrix U, and its .17777777 matrix resulting from 1/8, the logic of the fractional progression is apparent, .3333, .USSS, .5555, .6WWW, .7777, .9333, .SSSS, etc. In conjunction with the 8 matrix, the X matrix demonstrates the natural consolidation of the quantum Pi numbers:


The Work

Although incomplete and requiring further study, an elementary approach to translating existing mathematics, including spherical geometry and magnetohydrodynamics, into that of UN mathematics and geometry has been outlined and demonstrated in these papers and attached matrices.

The Formula Nothing was offered here to either prove or disprove the formula, eE3= NπMCU suggested in the conclusion of Mind & Its Languages of Reason when published last year; it may, however, provide a means to do so. 79

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers

These papers encourage assigning the mathematical constant of the speed of light to be at its fourth power, as Isaac Newton’s universe may exist as the fourth successive square root of the power that created it. To create an expanding mathematical model on the outside of this universe, we can reimagine the relativity of Albert Einstein’s elastic space-time fabric as the physical dynamics flowing from the passage of electromagnetically charged particles of mass– including galaxies, stars, their planets, and their constituent particles–through an eternal fluid-like negatively-charged cosmic ether, each bit of mass on its way to ultimate decomposition and electromagnetic reversion. In his field equations on gravitation, Einstein sought to unify Newton’s mechanical laws governing the three dimensions of width, breadth, and height of absolute space, with time, in creating the concept of spacetime to explain all motion


The Work within the universe, irrespective of its origin or manner.25 In equating gravity with acceleration and movement, Einstein intuitively used complicated mathematical computational devices known as “tensors,” discovered by others, to algebraically describe relationships between sets of objects and their energy and momentum densities. In doing so, Einstein was able to compress all the information required to describe the universe, including the complex nature of curved space time, on the left side of the equation. Then, using Newton’s gravitational constant (G) on the right side, Einstein was able to describe the movement of mass through the gravitational field. Overall, his equations demonstrate the effect mass has on the curvature of spacetime, and vice versa. Newton thought time to be absolute and that it runs at the same speed everywhere in the universe; however, in uniting space and time,

25 Einstein believed the universe exists without reference to anything else and that it remains curved in upon itself, as it expands. 81

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers

Einstein was able to demonstrate that time was relative to mass.26 Representing his spiritual reliance on a controlling God, Newton believed gravity kept the universe in balance in an unchanging and static universe, and that gravity united Heaven and Earth. Einstein, a believer only in the rational and metaphorical God of Spinoza, did not believe the “Old Man” played at dice. For him, the universe remained deterministic and measurable, while in quantum mechanics, tiny particles were found to be governed by total randomness, effectively calculated, nonetheless, in terms of probabilities. Einstein could never accept the description of the movement of subatomic particles provided by quantum mechanics, although every experiment has proven it works for tiny particles–just as every

26 Under relativity, the faster one travels, the heavier one becomes, as mass ultimately becomes infinitely heavy and incapable of exceeding the speed of light. Identical clocks record a slowing of time in the one subjected to acceleration by being placed on a jet airplane and flown around the earth. 82

The Work test has proven that relativity accurately describes the movement of larger objects in the universe. Einstein’s theories of relativity improved upon Newtonian classical mechanics in making certain predictions (such as the precession of Mercury and the deflection of starlight around the sun) to demonstrate and calculate the curvature of space. His theories regarding large objects were quickly confirmed; however, Einstein remained uneasy about “spooky” quantum mechanics for the rest of his life, as he sought the mathematics to unify the two theories, even onto his death bed. To achieve a balanced solution of his primary field equation, Einstein was forced to multiply Newton’s gravitational constant (G)27 by 8π on the right side, and to divide the product by the speed of light, c, at its 4th power.28

27 The gravitational constant, G applies Newton’s inverse square law. The weakness of the gravitational force over great distances makes it difficult to measure, and G is accurate to only three places, making gravity the only force yet to be reconciled by quantum physics. 28 The speed of light is 299,792 kilometers per second. 83

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers

Quantifying these external values of 8 x Pi and light (c) to the 4th power may allow us to examine both the interior of our universe and its external expansion and ultimate decomposition. Moreover, the use of UN numbers, generally, may help to resolve any remaining contradictions in Einstein’s field equations, as they relate to quantum mechanics. The practical demonstration of using symbolic language to program a Pi-based UN quantum calculator, expands our vision to see ourselves enabled to travel about within our universe, freed from its internal physical speed limit of light, as factored by time. Now, let us multiply the imaginative power of our minds by the natural constant of light at its Uth power–the source of

Converted to UN at U7:310, cU = 19:4X2:867:78W:48S:100:000. N (8) times Pi (3.2U3W58NNN) equals 17.21W94UUU. At 3.2U72U7, NPi = 17.2U72U7. 84

The Work the universe we observe and the minds with which we perceive it. Once we perceive the light we measure internally as the Ud successive square root of an external limit, we are encouraged by the thought we could learn to slightly accelerate and skillfully spin about within our universe, unhampered, as though we were arriving from without, and just passing through. Energized to travel at the Uth power of light in the negative space, we could spin around our universe in a matter of seconds, perhaps like the UFOs occasionally sighted darting through the skies and seas of the earth.29 From the point of view of the greater power of light, we find ourselves outside looking into the

29 It would be a delight to share my mind experiment of examining and quantifying the exterior waveform of our universe with Einstein, who as a boy imagined riding alongside a single wave of light, as it wiggled and squiggled through the ether. I felt the intellectual presence of Einstein when I was at Princeton University several years ago, just as I had earlier sensed the spirit and courage of Galileo when I visited his museum in Florence, Italy. 85

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers creation of light, instead of inside the creation, trying to look outside. We can also experience ourselves, personally, from within, once we understand that what we can see reflected in the mirror of our existence is infinitesimal in comparison to the vastness of the emptiness within that seen.

Light, Time, and Mind These papers present a theory that there is nothing physically beyond our magnificent universe of light and color, but a vast, black, negative space, existing, nonetheless, as the field of an Abiding Mind. Existing eternally in a quantum sense, mind instantly envelops each rare quantum photonic bubble that produces the possibility of a fertile universe of light, with a potential for life, intelligence, and mind. The electromagnetic discharge that birthed the bubble of our universe was not sparked by mind, but mind was surely present at the instant it occurred, and mind certainly cheered when it appeared a sufficient quantum discharge of


The Work illumination survived inflation under the protective webs spun by negatively-charged orbiting electrons. Ever since, mind has watched our universe expand outward at an ever-increasing logarithmic rate, in every direction, being both attracted to and repelled by the negative nothing. If there is a timeless presence of mind, coexistent with eternity, it is likely our universe of light has been observed for the past 13.8 billion years of its existence, along with its gradual evolution of mass, life, intelligence, and mind. We were neither created, nor are we judged, rewarded, or punished; we simply exist, and we either learn to fly from our nest before we die, or we do not. Surely, we will be lovingly watched until such time as our evolution into beings of mind is celebrated, or our extinction is mourned. It is not that the Abiding Mind is uncaring, it is just that if we were to be physically or mentally interfered with, the waveform of our universe of light might collapse into incoherence and dissolution. Our concept of time as the fourth dimension of curved spacetime is generated by our


A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers observation and recording of the movement of mass within our universe. We use our embryonic computers to model a reversal of the orbits of the earth around the sun, trying to rewind the galactic clock all the way back to the Big Bang, and beyond. What we perceive as billions of years during which our universe slowly evolved and expanded, might appear from the outside as a second or two of visible expansion, and disappearance, much like a single burst of a holiday fireworks display. What we experience as 13.8 billion years within, may be but a blink of an eye in the eternal without. Our universe must be beautiful to behold as it expands outward in the blackness displaying its brilliant spectra of light, but only momentary in existence–without the concept of time to measure and slow its movement. Inasmuch as Einstein equated time with the speed of light, it may be that the Ud power of light enables us to examine our universe as though we were observer minds from other universes, past, present, and future–where the flight of light is factored by mind, instead of time.


The Work

Having been sufficiently energetic to swamp the annihilation barrier that instantly destroys individual positive particles as they randomly bubble up in the cosmic negative, the waveform of our physical universe should continue to flow for another 20 to 50 billion years–a spreading rippling current destined for ultimate reduction into nothing.30 Mind remembers all and forgets nothing, as it simply records the truth of existence, living with, and within the minds of all those who become aware of, and learn the difference between, reality and fantasy. As we struggle to survive the pandemics, economic collapse, environmental self-destruction, continuous warfare, and instinctive intolerance that threatens the extinction of humanity, we have a

30 Opinions differ as how long it may take, but at that precise moment, when the last, lonely particle of light surrenders its last spin to inevitability, the capacitor of negativity may be suddenly overwhelmed, locally, and compelled to discharge a positive photonic electromagnetic bubble, for all minds to see. 89

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers fleeting opportunity to overcome our genetic animalistic intolerance, manifesting itself as deception, violence, and war. We must use the full power of our collective minds and our remaining earthly resources to peacefully evolve, as intended by nature within our Garden of Earth. With the metamorphosis of mind, our children will be capable of spinning about our wonderful universe of light, carrying with them our collective wisdom, our unique creations, and the fruits of our minds, as they discover other warm water oxygen planets, circled by large silver moons that tug upon the tides, allowing the oceans to wash the land and to water the gardens, where the minds of happy children can thrive, learn, and find joy in living.

By the Beach: In Quarantine Just before Christmas in 1983, my older sister, Mary Jean passed away. She had cared for me when our mother died when I was four, and she took me in at 16 during the summer of 1957 when I had no


The Work other place to go.31 Earlier, I had visited Mary in the Texas hospital when she was in a near coma, and 37 years ago I did not have the financial means, or emotional strength, to attend another of my siblings’ funerals–as the eight of us were divided in half. The two oldest and the two youngest remained of us who had clung together in 1951, when I was ten, alone without parents or grandparents.32 I was 42 years old back in 1983, and I had already experienced a long and productive professional career, culminating in the Holocaust Case, which I had successfully prosecuted two years previously. I had spent the last year, deeply in debt from the investigative and litigation costs associated with the high-profile matter, as I shuttered my public-interest law practice and stopped accepting new cases or paying my bills.

31 As an orphan and chronic runaway, I was a ward of the court awaiting my sentence to military school in New Mexico that fall–in lieu of being “reformed” at the Texas youth farm. 32 All have now passed, and I am the last of my generation. 91

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers

With my home office in foreclosure and being close to eviction and homelessness, I accepted the offer of a friend to house-sit her cat in an apartment on the sand, just south of the pier in Seal Beach. I took with me some of the mathematical and geometric drawings and models I had worked on during the litigation and in the subsequent year of contemplation. (See back cover.) I had earlier developed the language of UN mathematics to better explain my initial drawings of reducing the cubical universe, and I had worked out a multiplication matrix and addition, subtraction, and conversion tables. Then, when the drawings revealed the existence of an inverse spherical model on the other side of zero, I produced the first six-circle model on a small two-inch rubber ball and painted it in the colors it still displays. One of the first questions I asked was: if the perimeter of each triangle is clearly equal to Pi, what is its UN value?


The Work

A high school math teacher lived next door in Seal Beach, and as I explained my problem, he told me about the ancient 22/7 fraction used to produce a close approximation of Pi. He suggested I convert the fraction to UN numbers, and do the division to calculate Pi in the UN language. I made notes, followed his instructions, and made my first long-hand conversions and calculations of Pi in UN. As the sun was setting over the Pacific Ocean, my mind first combined the image of the Pi divisions of the sphere, with the natural Pi numbers, and I immediately realized the


A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers significance of the discovery. I was able to do enough calculations to determine that the magic division of one by seven worked wonderfully in UN–but then I had to return to reality and earn a living. Six years later, having served in the interim as the operations officer and general counsel of a national security consulting and investigation firm, with corporate and government clients, I semi- retired. In 1989, I was living in a studio apartment on Ocean Boulevard overlooking the bluff and beach, watching the ships come and go through the entrance of the stone breakwater into the Long Beach Harbor. To reestablish a home-office private practice, I equipped myself with state-of-the-art equipment, and accessed the computerized data resources our firm had identified and sold to corporate clients. I opened an “investigative law” office, consulting with major law firms in those days before easy Internet access, helping my legal clients to identify and supply their critical evidentiary needs.


The Work

During this time, I undertook representation of a “secret client” in another pro bono (for the public good) case, when I arranged for the publication of the suppressed Dead Sea Scrolls in November 1991. Following this, I wrote a 1,000- page research manuscript about the history of monotheism based on the latest archeological and documentary discoveries. After almost 30 years, the revised manuscript was recently published as The Way of Righteousness: A Revealing History and Reconciliation of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. I spent much of the Nineties, however, in the solitude of my harbor apartment, working at this same old law school desk that has served me for more than 50 years, continuing to develop both UN geometry and mathematics. I built a number of cardboard and superglue models to ascertain by direct measurement that the ratio of the sides was exactly 3:3:U. Subsequently, I learned enough about spherical geometry to demonstrate the proofs mathematically.


A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers

Being forced to solve many basic arithmetic problems caused much wishful dreaming about a functional UN electronic calculator. All math problems, no matter how minor, required conversion from base 10 to UN, and the long division and multiplication in a new language was tedious and time consuming.33

33 Even the multiplication tables we memorized in the third grade became a stumbling block, as the computational values of all existing numbers changed. Remembering that three times three no longer equals nine, but seven instead, required the development of mental muscle memory to avoid errors. 96

The Work

Expanding 22/7 to the much longer fractions used by Johann Lambert in the eighteenth century to extend Pi, I consumed entire notebooks calculating long divisions such as: US5X4W1/1N4U295 = 3.2U3W58NNN–a beautiful sight when first beheld. Adapting Newton’s binomial theorem, I spent days calculating UN e to 20 places, only to learn later I had a carrying error around the 8th place. One night, while walking home from the neighborhood market, I was attacked by two robbers and beaten in the face and over my head with a bottle of wine. With my eyeglasses broken and nearly blinded after the bottle broke over my head, I released brainstem fury and police training to fight off the men and drive them away. After I reported the crime and had my head and face stitched up (once again), I found myself fearful for the first time of walking city streets at night. I encountered and adopted a young, golden, half Dingo, half German Shepherd female dog named KD, and I rigorously trained her to 97

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers accompany me almost everywhere I went wearing a leather K9 working-dog harness. Most days, we visited the local Dog Park where KD was the alpha female, but fortunately, her training allowed tight control. One of KD’s tricks was to sit in front of me, and I would toss a tennis ball straight up above her head. She would leap up into the air, snatch the ball, and do a full 360o spin before landing and dropping the ball at my feet. She wanted to do it over and over again. One day, a brown-eyed, seven-year-old, Caribbean princess, with schoolgirl braids stopped by and asked if she could throw the ball. Naomi took over the duty of tossing KD’s ball whenever she was in the park with Buster, her little male Rat Terrier. I soon fell in love with Naomi, and learning she came with a single mother, my interest increased.


The Work

With time and patience, Helen accepted me into her family, and I left my harbor apartment and moved into their Cambodian Town condo. I continued to practice “investigative” law and to provide contract prosecution services to contribute my share of the household expenses. Primarily, however, Helen gave me the freedom to continue my work on UN geometry and math, while she served as a middle-school librarian.


A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers

Working at this same old law school desk, but in the corner of Helen’s bedroom, I completed two books over the next year. She contributed several original drawings, including the previous handwritten number chart. Mindkind: Math & Physics and Time Travel to Ancient Math & Physics were published as eBooks. To support a marriage and our need for a steady income, I was appointed as a supervising trial counsel for the State Bar of California, which regulates the practice of law in the State under its Supreme Court. Gainfully employed in February 2000 and with my old debts paid, Helen and I (along with Naomi) were married in Christ Church within the walls of the old city of Jerusalem. I spent the next seven years running a team of lawyers and investigators prosecuting dishonest lawyers and criminal gangs engaged in the unlawful practice of law. Receiving a professional income for the first time in my life, and living modestly, Helen and I were able to fund a retirement, buy a home with garden, and secure Naomi’s college education. 100

The Work

After retiring in 2007, I published a combined print copy of the two math eBooks as Millennial Math & Physics in 2015.34 I did little additional research or work on the UN math or geometry, but I continued trying to communicate the languages to professionally trained individuals to evaluate their usefulness–with uniform rejection and metaphorical pats on the head. After writing about the spiritual and metaphysical mind in The Way of Righteousness, I expanded my interest in the scientific mind in Mind & Its Languages of Reason. Publishing in May 2019, I included my thinking on quantum numbers and I experimented with the concept of an imaginary quantum calculator.

34 I was hospitalized near death in November 2014 with full- body sepsis. As I slowly recovered, I realized I might not have all that many years left, and that I had best start publishing some of the papers and manuscripts accumulating on my bookshelves–if they were to ever be read. Learning the process, I self-published a series of books starting in 2015, including Millennial Math and The Book of Mindkind: A Philosophy for the New Millennium. 101

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers

In January 2020, I published The Choices of Mind: Extinction or Evolution?, and by the end of February, I had completed a rough draft of this final paper. It was, however, incomplete as much work remained to calculate the interior relationships to ensure the rationality and reliability of the UN quantum numbers. Last year, when I first envisioned the concept of a quantum calculator, I did not have the time, energy, or inclination (or digital calculator) to concentrate for hours and days on the laborious calculations necessary to develop and demonstrate the computational gearworks of its matrices. Mind included color figures and tables that substantially increased the price of the print paperback, and I decided to publish a more affordable black and white edition. I also intended to include a paper updating my thinking on the UN calculator, and explaining the computer graphics model of the quantum universe. Helen and I had scheduled for some time to attend an exhibit of the French artist Edgar Degas at the National Gallery, and we spent a few days 102

The Work during the first week of March 2020 enjoying the spring weather, visiting the museums, and sampling the cosmopolitan dining of Washington, DC. We flew home, but immediately took off for a quick trip up the coast to Portland, Oregon to visit an art gallery to discuss a show of Helen’s work. We had a lovely dinner with two of her former models and returned to Long Beach on March 12th, the day before national travel restrictions were imposed because of the coronavirus pandemic. As Helen napped on the return flight to Long Beach, I worked on the tray table in a new dot-grid notebook she had just bought me in Powell’s Book Store. For the first time, I combined the 6 and 7 configurations of the quantum numbers into a visible dot matrix that organized and displayed the fractional numbers as dots, and which demonstrated the ability to generate and calculate quantum numbers. Having just traveled through two of the national hotspots of COVID-19, and in 103

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers quarantine, I awoke early on Pi-Day, March 14th and wrote a paper about the role of Pi in UN mathematics and geometry. As I began to recalculate and refine the UN languages and to organize them into this presentation, I engaged in a mental exercise I have not rigorously practiced for more than 20, if not 40 years. Arising around 2:00 a.m. during the weeks of isolation, I spent long days at the old desk in my study, working out long hand calculations and notations in Helen’s composition book. Demonstrating the inherent logic of quantum numbers required page after page of hand calculations, all of which were fraught with the possibility of concentration failures and computational errors.


The Work

On March 19th, Brian Gonzalez (the gifted young software engineer who created the computer graphics in the UN model of the universe) programmed and installed a UN calculator on my desktop computer. His calculator converts base-10 to UN numbers and calculates basic problems, reporting the result in UN numbers.35 With the UN base calculator, I finally had a tool to reliably work out the remaining matrices required to prove the inherent internal logic of UN quantum numbers. Several more weeks of concentration were required to prepare the

35 I might have gotten by without the UN calculator, had I the intellectual resources of Isaac Newton, who fled the bubonic plague in 1665, and spent the next year at his family’s farm analyzing the spectrum of light, the laws of gravity, and creating his calculus. He later stated he was embarrassed by the amount of time he spent calculating. I, myself, wonder if the stacks of notebooks with pages of small, handwritten calculations, notations, and drawings in an imaginary language might be Exhibit One at my own sanity hearing. 105

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers matrices, and then another week or so was required to finalize the paper. “A Model of the Universe” was published on April 30, 2020 in the new edition of Mind & Its Languages of Reason, which in turn was included in June 2020 as one of the series of little books published in the paperback compendium, A Gift of Mind. Working in forced isolation, I continue to struggle with what I do not know, and without the benefit of peer review of that I think I do know. Working alone, I can think almost as quickly and deeply as the past, although I have become more prone to forget my findings once I have worked them out and recorded them. I recently found myself working the same problem, mere pages away from its earlier solution in my notebook. I am now feeling every day of my 79 years– exhausted, mentally, physically, and emotionally, confronted with the reality of a pandemic projected to kill millions worldwide, with a global economic collapse threatening all civil societies and self-governments, and an environment


The Work becoming dangerous from the abuse of its resources. I am comforted by the knowledge that my research and writing tasks are largely complete, as this has been the only thing within my control to do. The probabilities of my life span are increasingly certain and dear, but it is not a tomorrow of death I fear, but a living tomorrow filled with the dread, despair, and sorrow of ignorance, failure, and societal collapse of the humanity I am born of, and cherish with all my being. Generations of young people arriving at their age of responsibility reading these words may be encouraged to imagine an alternative happy ending, and to learn the languages and virtues of truth, thus empowering them to create the means to make their dreams a reality. Our children can learn to plan and to foresee their own futures– rather than to live wasted lives, mindlessly seeking and living the fantasies of others. For now, there is much to be done if we are to survive physically, politically, and socially–if we are 107

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers to make use of what we have learned to evolve into beings of mind, allowing our children to freely travel throughout the universe on spring break, before returning to their studies, instead of dying from parental neglect. Unless we commence to better care for our children, immediately, they are all going to die horrible deaths, within the lifetimes of babies being born today, no matter how rich or powerful their parents may be.

Continuing isolation orders, and a public disorder curfew have allowed additional time in my study and for peaceful reflection in Helen’s Garden since this paper was first published in April. I have rewritten and expanded the papers 108

The Work with new illustrations and descriptions of the UN calculator, and I prepared the Synopsis. My work is done. wjc August 20, 2020


A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers



The Work



A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers



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A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers



The Work


A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers



The Work



A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers


The eighth and last child of a pioneer family that included American Revolutionary War patriots36 and American Civil War rebels37, William John Cox

36 DAR Genealogical Research Database (Cox, Solomon) http://services.dar.org/public/dar_research/search_adb/? action=full&p_id=A027084. DAR Genealogical Research Database (Cox, Samuel) http://services.dar.org/public/dar_research/search_adb/? action=full&p_id=A205252. 37 Tyler, George W., “Bell County Rangers and Confederate Soldiers,” The Belton Journal, January 31, 1918, http://files.usgwarchives.net/tx/bell/military/civilwar/ra ngers.txt.”Texas, Civil War Service Records of Confederate Soldiers, 1861-1865,” database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:FZ4T-7G8: accessed 6 September 2015), Samuel H Cox, 1862; from “Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations from the State of Texas,” database, Fold3.com (http://www.fold3.com: n.d.); citing military unit Eighteenth Cavalry (Darnell’s Regiment), NARA 118

The Work was born on a dry-land cotton farm near Lubbock, Texas, to Samuel Hubert and Minnie Irene (Oswalt) Cox. Cox traces his ancestry through his sixth great- grandmother, Naomi Hussey (who married Solomon Cox) and her forebear, Sir John Hussey and his marriage to Lady Anne Grey, back through the House of Plantagenet to King John (who sealed the Magna Carta) and to William the Conqueror, who is Cox’s 30th great-grandfather.38 The 200-acre farm on which Cox grew up was initially without irrigation, electricity, or indoor plumbing, and the fields were plowed with work microfilm publication M323 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1961), roll 100. 38 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Hussey,_1st_Baron_ Hussey_of_Sleaford 119

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers horses. The family endured the great 1950s Texas drought which caused massive dust storms in the Panhandle.39 Following the death of his mother when he was four years old and the deaths of his father and last surviving grandparent at age 10, Cox was raised by his siblings. He became a habitual runaway and was declared a ward of the court. In lieu of reform school, he attended New Mexico Military Institute40 from which he received a high school diploma in 1958. After a four-year enlistment, Cox was honorably discharged as a United States Navy Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class (E5) in 1962.41 Previously known as Billy Jack, Cox discovered in 1968 that he had never been

39 https://www.npr.org/2012/07/07/155995881/how- one-drought-changed-texas-agriculture-forever. Burnett, John, “When the Sky Ran Dry,” Texas Monthly, July 2012. Kelton, Elmer, The Time It Never Rained, (Forge Books 2012). 40 http://www.nmmi.edu/overview/heritage.html. 41 http://www.corpsman.com/history/history-of-the- hospital-corps/ 120

The Work officially named. With the option of naming himself, he chose William John Cox to be entered on his birth certificate. Cox and his brothers and sisters had 25 children. With the death of his last surviving sibling in 2006, Cox is the last of his generation of his branch of the Cox Clan in America.

LAW ENFORCEMENT In the early Sixties, Cox became a part of the “New Breed” movement to professionalize the American police service. Employed in 1962 by the El Cajon, California Police Department.42 He attended the nearby San Diego Police

42 “El Cajon Force Reaches Quota”, The Valley News, December 9, 1962. 121

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers

Department Academy from which he graduated with top honors.43 While working with a police dog44 and as a detective, Cox served as president of the El Cajon Police Officers Association45 and the San Diego County Chapter of the Peace Officers Research Association of California (PORAC),46 which was instrumental in establishing the first Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) Commission and drafting the national Law Enforcement Code of Ethics.47

43 “City Officer No. 1 at Police Academy,” The Valley News, March 10, 1963. “Patrolman Tops In Academy Test,” San Diego Union Tribune, March 10, 1963. 44 Farina, John, “Dogs Help El Cajon Police In Putting the Bite on Crime,” San Diego Evening Tribune, May 10, 1966. 45 “Cox Leads EC Police Association,” The Valley News, July 20, 1966. “El Cajon Cop Roles Pondered,” Daily Californian, July 29, 1967. 46 “Enforcement Groups Plans Installation,” Daily Californian, November 9, 1967. Peace Officers Research Association of California, http://www.porac.org. 47 Hooper, Michael, PhD, California Law Enforcement, California Department of Justice, p.5, 122

The Work

Los Angeles Police Department In 1968, Cox transferred to the Los Angeles Police Department where he graduated with top honors from the Police Academy. He received an A.S. degree in Police Administration from Rio Hondo College and was selected to author the first of the five-volume Police Department Manual. Although the operational and management volumes had been written 20 years previously under the legendary Chief William H. Parker, the opening policy portion of the LAPD Manual remained unwritten. Completion of the Policy Volume was one of Edward M. Davis’ primary goals when he became Chief of Police in 1969. Over the next two years, Cox worked independently in researching, http://www.mhhe.com/ps/cjustice/ap/pdf/ap_ca_supple ment.pdf. IADLEST Model Minimum Standards, International Association of Directors of Law Enforcement Standards & Training, http://www.iadlest.org/modelmin.htm. Grank, J. Kevin, “Ethics and Law Enforcement,” The FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, December 2002. 123

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers drafting, and securing approval of the principles, philosophy, and policies involved in the policing of America’s second largest city.48 Concerning the relationship between Los Angeles police officers and those they protect and serve, Cox wrote, “The police at all times should maintain a relationship with the public that gives reality to the historic tradition that the police are the public and that the public are the police; the police are the only members of the public who are paid to give full-time attention to duties which are incumbent on every citizen in the interest of community welfare.”49 The definition remains in effect and continues to guide all police decision making in Los Angeles.

48 Los Angeles Police Department Manual, Volume I, Policy. 49 Los Angeles Police Department Manual, Volume I, Policy, Section 115.35. 124

The Work

National Standards for Policing Having been promoted to Investigator and Sergeant, Cox was loaned in 1971 to the Police Task Force of President Nixon’s National Advisory Commission on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals, which defined the role of the police in America. Over the next year, his assigned task was to research and write the introductory chapters of the report which included the role of the police, policy making and the exercise of discretion, criminal justice systems relations, and community crime prevention.50

50 Report of the Task Force on Police, National Advisory Commission on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals, Government Printing Office, 1973. Lasley, James R., Hooper, Michael and Dery III, George M. The California Criminal Justice System (TCCJS), (Prentice-Hall, 2001), p. 3. 125

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers

In defining the role of the police in America, Cox wrote, “The police in the United States are not separate from the people. They draw their authority from the will and consent of the people, and they recruit their officers from them. The police are the instrument of the people to achieve and maintain order; their efforts are founded on principles of public service and ultimate responsibility to the public.”51 “If the overall purposes of the police service in America were narrowed to a single objective, that objective would be to preserve the peace in a manner consistent with the freedoms secured by the Constitution.”52 This standard has never been withdrawn or replaced as a matter of national policy. Following his graduation from law school in 1973, Cox was employed for one year by the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA)

51 Report of the Task Force on Police, National Advisory Commission on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals, Government Printing Office, 1973, p. 9. 52 ‘Ibid, p 13. 126

The Work of the United States Department of Justice, which was the funding agency of President Nixon’s War on Crime. Starting as a Law Enforcement Specialist, Cox was appointed as a special assistant to the Director (and as acting Deputy Director) of the Office of National Priority Programs. The Office was responsible for the implementation of national criminal justice standards and goals.53

Peers for Peace As the author of the Department’s shooting policy, Cox testified during hearings in 1979 conducted by the Los Angeles Board of Police Commissioners into the shooting death of Eulia May Love by LAPD officers on January 3, 1979.54 Cox recommended the Department create a “Peer Review Commission” consisting of citizens and police officers to investigate and make disciplinary recommendations regarding complaints of police

53 National Program Strategy for Criminal Justice Standards and Goals, (LEAA Office of National Priority Programs, 1974). 54 Domanick, Joe, “A Shooting Reminiscent of the LAPD’s Worst Days,” Los Angeles Times, June 6, 1999. 127

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers misconduct. Refining the definition of the police role he had written in the Policy Manual, Cox urged the Police Commission to recognize that: “The people of the City of Los Angeles and their police are peers for peace.”

PRACTICE OF LAW While working full-time on the LAPD and traveling on the National Advisory Commission, Cox attended evening classes at the on the G.I. Bill and academic scholarships.55 He served on the staff of the Law Review for two years and published a proposal for a legal remedy alternative to the Fourth Amendment Exclusionary Rule.56 His comment was cited to the California Conference on the Judiciary,57 the Supreme Court

55 “Scholarships Awarded”, Los Angeles Times, February 1971. 56 Comment, “The Decline of the Exclusionary Rule: An Alternative to Injustice,” Southwestern University Law Review, Volume 4, Spring 1972, Number 1. 57 Court Reform Blue Ribbon Committee Report, Delegate Recommendations to the California Conference on the 128

The Work of the United States,58 and the United States Senate.59 Cox was awarded a Juris Doctor degree cum laude in 1973. Cox was working in Washington, DC when the results of the State Bar examination were published, and he was administered his attorney’s oath by Justice Tom C. Clark in the chambers of the U.S. Supreme Court. In autographing a photograph of the event, Justice Clark predicted that

Judiciary 1972, Exclusionary Rule Task Force, pp 9-10. 58 Petitioner’s Opening Brief, pp 40-41, California vs. Krivda, 409 U.S. 33, (1972). 59 Hearings on the Federal Criminal Law, Subcommittee on Criminal Laws and Procedures of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, July and September 1973, (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 27- 292, 1974) p. 6544, fn 3. 129

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers

Cox’s voice “will be a strong one for equal justice.”60 Appointed a Deputy Los Angeles County District Attorney in 1974, Cox prosecuted a wide range of criminal cases in the superior courts during the next three years. In 1977, Cox opened a public interest law practice in Long Beach, California in the historical landmark Skinny House.61 He primarily represented indigent juveniles accused of serious

60 State Bar of California, http://members.calbar.ca.gov/search/member_detail.aspx ?x=58998. 61 “Residence Here to Have Width of but Ten Feet,” Long Beach Press-Telegram, July 25, 1930. Swanson, Ed, “Smallest Home in Nation,” Long Beach Press-Telegram, February 7, 1932. http://www.longbeach.gov/TI/Media- Library/Documents/Historical-Points-of-Interest- GIS/SKINNY-HOUSE/. Christensen, Joyce, “Skinny House,” Long Beach Independent, Press-Telegram, May 31, 1980. Kelly, Erin, “Built on Dare, It’s Only 10 Feet Wide,” Los Angeles Times, June 28, 1980. LaRiviere, Anne, “Skinny House Not for Everyone,” Los Angeles Times, January 30, 1983. YouTube|6I3g7OMh2Ng. 130

The Work crimes and received court appointments in capital punishment and major felony matters.62

The Holocaust Case Among the cases Cox handled was a pro bono publico63 matter in which he represented , a Jewish survivor of the Auschwitz concentration camp. He investigated and sued a group of radical right-wing organizations, including the and Institute for Historical Review,64 that engaged in and which had offered a reward for proof of Nazi gas chambers.65

62 “Two Reversible Errors Shown in Juvenile Proceedings,” Daily Journal, November 8, 1978. 63 Latin, “For the public good.” 64 “The Private World of ,” The Investigator, October 1981. Liberty Lobby, Inc. vs. Jack Anderson, et al., U.S. Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit, 746F.2d1563, November 2, 1984. 65 Brin, Herb, “Inside Liberty Lobby—a Network of Hate,” Heritage, June 12, 1981. 131

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers

The groups were headed by Willis Carto, the creator of the Populist Party and America’s foremost anti-Semite and anti-black racist.66 Carto was an early associate of William Luther Pierce, a leader of the American Nazi Party and the author of The Turner Diaries. In 1975, Carto established the newspaper The Spotlight. The Turner Diaries and The Spotlight had a significant influence on domestic terrorist Timothy McVeigh, who detonated a bomb in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995 which killed 168 people.67 The New York Times called Carto “a reclusive behind-the-scenes wizard of the far-right fringe of American politics who used lobbying and publishing to denigrate Jews and

66 “About Willis Carto,” Southern Poverty Law Center, https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist- files/individual/willis-carto. “Willis Carto,” The Anti- Defamation League, http://archive.adl.org/learn/ext_us/carto.html. 67 Kaplan, Jeffrey, Ed., Encyclopedia of White Power: A Sourcebook on the Radical Racist Right, (AltaMira Press, 2000). 132

The Work other minorities and galvanize the movement to deny the Holocaust. . . .”68 In what the Smithsonian Magazine called “a stroke of legal genius” and a “crafty interpretation of the law”, Cox created and charged the defendants with a new civil wrong, or “tort” entitled “Injurious Denial of Established Fact.” The denied fact would have to be so established as to require the Court to take judicial notice of “that which is known need not be proven”.69

68 Martin, Douglas, “Willis Carto, Far-Right Figure and Holocaust Denier, Dies at 89,” The New York Times, November 1, 2015. 69 Sauer, Patrick, “Mel Mermelstein Survived Auschwitz, Then Sued Holocaust Deniers in Court,” (Smithsonian Magazine, August 27, 2018). https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/mel- mermelstein-survived-auschwitz-then-sued-holocaust- 133

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers

The primary legal issue in the case was resolved in October 1981, when Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Thomas T. Johnson70 took judicial notice of the fact that “Jews were gassed to death at Auschwitz in the summer of 1944.”71 In the aftermath of The Holocaust Case, Carto’s influence, nationally, was severely diminished, and he was subsequently removed

deniers-court-180970123/. 70 Woo, Elaine, “Thomas T. Johnson dies at 88; judge ruled that Holocaust was a fact,” Los Angeles Times, December 31, 2011. 71 “Mermelstein Victory,” Heritage, October 23, 1981.”Footnote to the Holocaust,” Newsweek, October 19, 1981, p. 73. Lipstadt, Deborah, Denying the Holocaust: The Growing Assault on Truth and Memory, (New York: Plumb, 1994), pp. 138-141. Shermer, Michael and Grobman, Alex, Denying History: Who Says the Holocaust Never Happened and Why Do They Say It? (Berkeley|Los Angeles|London: University of California Press, 2000), p 43. Kahn, Robert, Holocaust Denial and the Law: A Comparative Study, (Palgrove Macmillan 2004) pp 22-31. 134

The Work from office through a coup d’état by staff members of the Institute for Historical Review.72 The Holocaust Case was the subject of the Turner Network Television motion picture, Never Forget, in April 1991. produced the movie and was featured as Mel Mermelstein. Actor Dabney Coleman played Cox.73 Cox’s

72 Carvajal, Doreen, “Civil War Rages Among Holocaust Revisionists,” Los Angeles Times, May 8, 1994. 73 Rubin, Ronald, Never Forget, Turner Network Television, produced by Leonard Nimoy & Robert B. Radnitz, https://www.amazon.com/dp/6302168422. O’Connor, John J. “Certifying the Holocaust’s Horrors,” New York Times, April 8, 1991. Pack, Susan, “A Promise Fulfilled,” Long Beach Press-Telegram, April 6, 1991. Nimoy, Leonard and Radnitz, Robert B., “‘Never Forget’ Did Tell the Truth About History,” Los Angeles Times, April 22, 1991. Nimoy, Leonard, I Am Spock, (New York: Hyperion, 1995), p. 306. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9G1zZY4UFy8. 135

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers memoir about the matter, The Holocaust Case: Defeat of Denial was published in July 2015 and includes relevant documents from the court files.74

Forensic Practice Between 1984 and 1988, Cox served as general counsel and operations officer of a private security consulting and investigation firm, whose clients included Fortune 500 companies and nuclear weapons sites operated by the United States Department of Energy. Cox recommenced a specialized practice of law in Long Beach, California and primarily provided investigative, forensic, and data services to other law firms for the next ten years. One of the leading cases he worked on was the successful

74 Cox, William John, The Holocaust Case: Defeat of Denial, (eLectio Publishing, 2015). https://www.amazon.com/Holocaust-Case-Defeat- Denial/dp/1632131609. “Former Attorney Shares Experience of Defending a Holocaust Survivor,” Long Beach Press-Telegram, p. A7, July 10, 2015. 136

The Work litigation involving the heirs of The Three Stooges in support of attorney Bela G. Lugosi.75

Publication of the Suppressed Dead Sea Scrolls In 1991, Cox acted for a “secret client” in arranging for the publication of almost 1,800 photographs of the Dead Sea Scrolls that had been suppressed for more than 40 years.76 Considered to be “the academic scandal of the twentieth

75 Solomon, Steve, “Stooge Law”, INC., September 15, 1995, http://www.inc.com/magazine/19950915/2619.html. Conklin, Mike, “Son of Dracula: Bela Lugosi Jr. Legally Sinks His Teeth Into Show Business”, Chicago Tribune, April 6, 1999. 76 Wilford, John Noble, “Dead Sea Scrolls To Be Published,” New York Times, November 20, 1991. Chandler, Russell and Goldman, John J., “Final 20% of Dead Sea Scrolls To Be Published,” Los Angeles Times, November 20, 1991. Flores, Laura, “2 L.B. men aid printing of Dead Sea Scroll books,” Long Beach Press-Telegram, November 19, 1991. “Dead Sea Scrolls photographs to be published,” New Straits Times, November 22, 1991. 137

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers century,” the failure to publish the entire corpus of ancient documents had deprived several generations of biblical scholars the ability to study the scrolls.77 Following its conquest of East Jerusalem during the “Six-Day War” in June 1967, the Israeli government claimed ownership of the unpublished scrolls, but left them in the Rockefeller Museum and primarily under the control of Catholic Dominican priests from the École Biblique. As those who sought publication were fearful of litigation by the Israeli government, Cox agreed to represent, pro bono, the source of the photographs as an “undisclosed client” and the source of the publishing funds as an “undisclosed

77 Vermes, Geza, The Story of the Scrolls: The miraculous discovery and true significance of the Dead Sea Scrolls, (Penquin 2010). 138

The Work donor” to protect them from legal action. He personally signed a contract with the Biblical Archaeology Society to publish A Facsimile Edition of the Dead Sea Scrolls in November 1991.78 The monopoly broken, the Huntington Library in California subsequently allowed all “qualified scholars” to study its set of photographs, and the Israel Antiquities Authority permitted the publication of a microfiche edition.79 Appearing as a witness for Professors and James M. Robinson—who had written an introduction and prepared an index for the book—Cox testified at a trial held in Jerusalem in January and February 1993, during which he refused to identify the source of the

78 A Facsimile Edition of the Dead Sea Scrolls, (Washington, DC: Biblical Archaeology Society, 1991). Shanks, Hershel, Freeing the Dead Sea Scrolls: And Other Adventures of an Archaeology Outsider, (Continuum, 2010) p. 155. 79 Harrington, Daniel J., “What’s New(s) About the Dead Sea Scrolls?,” CrossCurrents, http://www.crosscurrents.org/deadsea.htm. 139

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers photographs.80 To this day, Cox has never disclosed the identity of his “secret client.”81

State Bar Prosecutor Between 1999 and 2007, Cox served as a supervising trial counsel for the State Bar of California where he led a “Fast Track” team of lawyers and investigators that targeted the prosecution of attorneys accused of serious crimes and misconduct. Combining criminal and civil law

80 Wilford, John Noble, “Israel Court Bars Access to Scroll,” New York Times, January 23, 1993. Rabinovich, Abraham, “Dead Sea Scrolls Trial Continues In Jerusalem,” Jerusalem Post, February 3, 1993. Thompson, Joy, “Book on Scrolls violated copyright, Israeli court says,” Long Beach Press- Telegram, August 2000. “Dead Sea Scrolls copyright upheld; damages awarded for infringement,” The New York Times, August 31, 2000. Shanks, Hershel, “Lawsuit Diary,” Biblical Archaeology Review, May/June 1993, p. 71. Cohen, David L., “Copyrighting the Dead Sea Scrolls: Qimron v. Shanks,”, Maine Law Review, Vol. 52:2, 2000, p.380. 81 Silberman, Neil Asher, The Hidden Scrolls: Christianity, Judaism and The War for The Dead Sea Scrolls, (New York: Grosset/Putnam, 1994), p. 136. 140

The Work with administrative procedures, Cox formulated a strategy to use the Superior Courts to assume emergency jurisdiction over law practices that posed a substantial risk of harm to the public.82 Cox’s team was so successful that the California legislature extended the authority of the State Bar over the unlicensed practices of law operated by criminal gangs.83 Working with law enforcement officials, the team served court orders, seized files and bank accounts, and shut down the unlawful practices.84

82 “State Bar Initiates Fast Track for Egregious Cases of Attorney Misconduct,” State Bar of California, September 10, 2002, http://www.calsb.org/state/calbar/calbar_generic.jsp?cid =10144&n=36181. McCarthy, Nancy, “‘Bad apples’ now face fast discipline,” California Bar Journal, September 2002. Houston, David, “Legal Community Reels From Attorney Theft Scandals,” Los Angeles Daily Journal, August 2, 2004. 83 California Business & Professions Code Section 6126.3. 84 Curtis, Diane, “Bar Goes After Phony Lawyers,” California Bar Journal, March 2006. Blackwell, Savannah, “State Bar Starts Taking Over Fake Law Firms,” Daily Journal, January 28, 2007. 141

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POLITICAL ACTIVISM Believing that control of the United States government had been seized by special interest groups and no longer cared for the voters who elected it, Cox filed a class action lawsuit on July 9, 1979 on behalf of every American citizen directly in the U.S. Supreme Court.85 The petition alleged, “There is a widely held belief, shared by many, that the Congress of the United States is in the ‘grips of special interest groups’ and is no longer responsive to the needs of individual citizens.”86

85 “L.B. Attorney Files Class Action Suit in U.S. Supreme Court,” The Grunion Gazette, July 12, 1979. Brennan, Mary, “L.B. Lawyer vs. Uncle Sam,” Uncle Jam, p. 44, August 1979. Editorial, “L.B. Lawyer’s Proposal: Let Nation Vote on SALT,” Long Beach Independent Press-Telegram, July 4, 1979, p. B8. Eastham, Tom, “Untitled”, Hearst Papers, July 5, 1979. 86 William J. Cox, a citizen of the United States, on behalf of himself and all others similarly situated, Petitioner, vs. Jimmy Carter, President of the United States, . . . et al., Respondent, Supreme Court of the United States, October Term, 1978, No. 79- 31, July 9, 1979, p 5. 142

The Work

As a remedy, Cox petitioned the Court to order the President and Congress to conduct a National Policy Referendum to restore political power to the voters. At the time, ratification of the SALT II treaty was controversial, and Cox argued, “A national policy referendum regarding the advisability of ratification would provide the opportunity for discussion by the governed regarding the strengths and weaknesses of the Nation.”87 Cox asked, “is it not time to allow the people a voice in the future of their nation and in the quality of life preserved for their children? . . . is it not true that the election of representatives is now

87 Ibid p 6. 143

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers more dependent upon massive expenditures of contributions from special interests groups than upon a vote by an informed electorate? Has not the vote in political contests become so valueless as to create disenfranchisement through apathy for most Americans?”88 Cox recognized his “duty to future generations to petition my government and to exercise my vote, in repayment for that which has been given me by all those who have labored and died for my freedom. I am a person possessed of but a single vote, and it is upon that foundation that I do hereby most respectfully submit my petition, asking only that is be reviewed by my government.”89 The “motion for leave to file a petition for writ of mandamus” was denied without comment.90

88 Ibid pp 18-19. 89 Ibid p 23. 90 Supreme Court of the United States, Office of the Clerk, Order in Case No. 79-31, October 1, 1979. “Mr. Cox goes to Washington—and finds a predictable lack of interest,” p 1, Independent/Press-Telegram, July 29, 1979. “A win here and 144

The Work

1980 Presidential Campaign To publicize the National Policy Referendum and to introduce a law enforcement alternative to making war against the people of other nations, Cox conducted a write-in campaign for President in 1980.91 In the days following the election, Cox traveled to the California hotel near the Santa Barbara ranch of President-elect Ronald Reagan

a loss there in Cox’s quixotic crusade,” Independent/Press- Telegram, October 2, 1979. Smith, Helen Guthrie, “Attorney’s drive for national policy referendum faltering,” Independent/Press-Telegram p B4, November 9, 1979. 91 Belcher, Jerry, “Campaign Launched From War Plank,” Los Angeles Times, November 22, 1979. Houser, Bob, “Long Beach lawyer runs for president,” Independent Press-Telegram, November 22, 1979. 145

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers and held a press conference in the cocktail lounge where the world news media had assembled. Over drinks with the reporters, he conceded the election and did not demand a recount. As he was leaving the hotel, Cox dropped off a handwritten letter at the presidential transition press office asking Reagan to please consider that the USSR was undoubtedly lying about the strength of its military―before commencing a wasteful, unnecessary, and expensive buildup of the U.S. military.92

Law Enforcement Alternative to War Relying on the constitutional powers of Congress, Cox’s alternative to war calls for congressional hearings to determine if specific named foreign leaders (such as Saddam Hussein) pose a risk of harm to the United States. If so, in lieu of declaring war against a nation (such as Iraq) and its people, Congress would declare the

92 Houser, Bob, “L.B. lawyer tells why we should vote ‘Zero’ for president,” Long Beach Press-Telegram, August 18, 1980. 146

The Work offending individual[s] to be “outlaws”—outside of the law—and would order the President to file a legal action in the International Court of Justice against the offenders’ government and to “arrest” the specified leaders.93 The primary focus of compulsion would be to compel the outlaws to leave their country and to personally appear at the trial in The Hague to defend their “government.”94 Any application of force would be entirely directed against the individual outlaws. Their primary victims—the people of their own nation—would be constantly reassured that no harm is intended toward them, and the goal would be to continue good relations with the people following resolution of the crisis.

93 “Outlaw War,” Media Monitors, http://williamjohncox.com/wp- admin/post.php?post=117&action=edit, September 14, 2005. 94 “A Law Enforcement Alternative to War in Syria,” Nation of Change, http://www.nationofchange.org/law- enforcement-alternative-war-syria-1344172113, August 5, 2012. 147

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Using modern means of communication, the people could be directly contacted, and appropriate rewards offered for the capture and surrender of the outlaws who oppress them.95

A Peaceful Political Evolution Since retiring from the State Bar of California in 2007, Cox has primarily dedicated himself to the promotion of a “peaceful political evolution.”96 The political movement focuses on: holding a National Policy Referendum every four years coincident with the presidential election; using a national paper ballot to allow voters to personally answer the 12 most critical policy questions; encouraging voters to write in the name of the

95 “The Failure of War as an Instrument of Foreign Policy: A More Effective Solution,” Counterpunch, http://www.counterpunch.org/2013/10/04/the-failure- of-war-as-an-instrument-of-foreign-policy/, October 4, 2013. 96 Yarbrough, Amy, “Lawyer, Writer, Activist – and Now, Web Site Creator,” Los Angeles Daily Journal, October 15, 2007. 148

The Work candidate they most trust to effectuate their policy;97 and a national paid voter’s holiday for federal elections.98

War on Drugs Along with thousands of current and former members of the law enforcement and criminal justice communities in 190 countries, Cox is a member of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP) and serves in its speaker’s bureau. The mission of LEAP is “to reduce the multitude of harmful consequences resulting from fighting the War on Drugs and to lessen the incidence of death, disease, crime, and addiction by ending drug prohibition.”99

97 “Write-In Voting and Political Protest,” Counterpunch, June 1, 2016, http://www.counterpunch.org/2016/06/01/write-in- voting-and-political-protest/. 98 An Introduction to Voters Evolt, http://usvra.us/an- introduction-to-voters-evolt/. 99 http://www.leap.cc. 149

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Political Publications In 2004, Cox’s election-year book, You’re Not Stupid! Get the Truth: A Brief on the Bush Presidency, was published by the Progressive Press.100 During 2012, Cox published two eBooks on political issues: • Target Iran: Drawing Red Lines in the Sand contains a history of Iran and its conflict with

100 Cox, William John, You’re Not Stupid! Get the Truth: A Brief on the Bush Presidency, (Joshua Tree: Progressive Press, 2004). 150

The Work

the United States and Israel over its uranium enrichment program, a discussion of the likelihood of war between the parties, and a peaceful solution that offers a comprehensive nuclear weapons policy for all nations.101 • Mitt Romney and the Mormon Church: Questions provides a brief review of the Mormon corporate empire and the power it holds over high priest and presidential candidate Mitt Romney, whose family has been a part of the Mormon Royalty since the Church’s creation.102 To discuss political principles and philosophy, Cox wrote an entirely fact-based political philosophy as a story of courage and love, narrated by fictional characters. Sam: A Political Philosophy was published in December 2015. 103

101 Cox, William John, Target Iran: Drawing Red Lines in the Sand, (Mindkind Publications, 2012). 102 Cox, William John, Mitt Romney and the Mormon Church: Questions, (Mindkind Publications, 2012). 103 Cox, William John, Sam: A Political Philosophy, (Mindkind Publications, 2015). 151

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The United States Voters’ Rights Amendment (USVRA) Expanding on the principles of a peaceful political evolution by the People as an exercise of their reservation of consent to be governed by corruption, Cox drafted and commenced circulation of the United States Voters’ Rights Amendment (USVRA) to the U.S. Constitution in 2012. The USVRA incorporates the proposed corporate personhood amendment by Move to Amend;104 however, it goes further to clearly establish that the right to cast an effective vote is an inherent right under the Constitution.105 The USVRA is a comprehensive Voters’ Bill of Rights intended to transform the United States government into finally becoming a fully functioning democratic republic. It provides for national paid voting holidays, a national hand-

104 http://www.movetoamend.org. 105 “The Right to Vote, Effectively,” Counterpunch, July 8, 2016, http://www.counterpunch.org/2016/07/08/the- right-to-vote-effectively/. 152

The Work countable paper ballot, and a process for the people to have a more direct role in the formulation of public policy.106 Moreover, it mandates voter registration and prohibits , restricts and lengthy campaigns, and it encourages public financing of elections and discourages paid lobbying. Finally, it eliminates the Electoral College to allow for open primaries and the direct and popular election of presidents.107 In 2015, Cox organized USVRA.US, a California nonprofit corporation to further public education about the Voters’ Rights Amendment,

106 “Who Should Make Political Policy, the People or the Politicians?” Information Clearing House, June 23, 2016, http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article44951.h tm. 107 http://www.usvra.us. Foerster, Charles, “Voters’ Rights Amendment and War,” Nation of Change, May 6, 2012, http://www.nationofchange.org/voters-rights- amendment-and-war-1336313338. Stapleton, Richard John, “Voting: Duty, Privilege, or Right?” Media Monitors Network, July 22, 2012, http://usa.mediamonitors.net/content/view/full/96598. 153

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers and he created the Internet website, USVRA.us to support the initiative.108 Written by Cox, the corporation published Transforming America: A Voters’ Bill of Rights in December 2015. The book is dedicated “To the People of the United States of America, whose consent to be governed cannot be taken for granted.”109 To demonstrate how the public policy-making provisions of the USVRA could be adopted by the people of other nations to better ensure the democratic principles of their own representative governments, Cox also published An Essential History of China: Why it Matters to Americans in December 2015.110 Dedicated to Peace in the Pacific, the book summarizes 4,000 years of Chinese dynastic history and focuses on 100 years of the Communist Dynasty. It goes on to compare and contrast the governments of the United States

108 http://www.usvra.us. 109 Cox, William John, Transforming America: A Voters’ Bill of Rights, (USVRA.US, 2015). 110 Cox, William John, An Essential History of China: Why it Matters to Americans, (Mindkind Publications, 2015). 154

The Work and China and to illustrate how the principles of the USVRA could benefit the people of both nations. Working with the Political Science Departments of the California State University at Long Beach and Long Beach City College, Cox established the organizational framework of Youth for the Voters’ Rights Amendment (Y4VRA), a national, student-led, campus-based, nonpartisan political movement to compel the enactment of the USVRA.111

The Rights of Liberty Commencing in the Fall of 2017, the USVRA launched a social media ad campaign in support of Mel Lindsey, a 91-year-old World War II veteran and retired educator, who filed a petition of redress

111 Propes, Steve, “Local Attorney Seeks to Amend U.S. Constitution,” Beachcomber, May 13, 2016, p. 1. “Transformation: a Student-Led Mass Political Movement,” Counterpunch, April 19, 2016, http://www.counterpunch.org/2016/04/19/transformati on-a-student-led-mass-political-movement/ 155

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers against his government on behalf of all American citizens, asking Congress to enact the USVRA. Lindsey mailed his petition and a copy of Transforming America to every member of Congress, the President and Vice President, the justices of the Supreme Court, and each member of the presidential cabinet.112 When Lindsey’s petition failed to elicit any response, Cox drafted a Petition For Writ of Mandamus directed to the Supreme Court of the United States in which he presented this question: “If it is true the American People are currently governed by a corrupt, ineffective, unrepresentative, and threatening government, do they have a reserved, inherent Right of Liberty to vote in a national referendum regarding the Voters’ Bill of Rights in a peaceful attempt to recover, preserve, and better effectuate their democratic republic?”

112 Osier, Valerie, “Long Beach Veteran, 90, Petitions U.S. Government for Voters’ Rights,” Long Beach Press Telegram, November 13, 2017, p. A3. 156

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Cox argued that the “Rights of Liberty” are reserved by the Ninth and Tenth Amendments of the United States Bill of Rights and that they are not confined to the “specific terms of the Bill of Rights.” When the Court refused to allow Cox to file his petition, he mailed a personal copy to each individual justice of the Supreme Court on April 9, 2018. There was no response.113

PHILOSOPHY In 1978, writing under the pseudonym of Thomas Donn, Cox published Hello: We Speak the Truth, an exploration of the dynamics of the mind, the origin of consciousness, the reality of existence, and personal transformation.114

113 https://williamjohncox.com/assets/pdfs/SupCtRevisedPl eading.pdf. 114 Donn, Thomas, Hello: We Speak the Truth, (CLS Publishing Company, 1978). Republished in 2019 as A Message of Mind: Hello, We Speak the Truth in The Gift of Mind series. 157

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MINDKIND Over the next three decades and building on the concepts first considered in Hello, Cox conceived the philosophy of Mindkind. The philosophy brings together the scientific elements of time, Earth, and humanity in exploring the evolution of the mind, and it examines religion and culture in developing the thesis that humans are members of a Universal Mindkind. The philosophy presents the concept that humans have evolved into a unique species that is essentially exploring, creative, nurturing, and highly cooperative. It proposes that humans are bound to the earth until such time as they overcome the diseases of deception, hatred, and violence that infects and retards their evolved nature, individually and collectively. Moreover, humanity will never be able to develop the knowledge, wisdom, and power to ever fly from its 158

The Work earthly nest and to travel to any significant place in the universe or to explore adjacent dimensions until every child on Earth—irrespective of class or culture—has equal access to nutrition, health care, and education. In December 2015, Cox published The Book of Mindkind: A Philosophy for the New Millennium. Its dedication is “For the Children of Mindkind: To give wings to your imagination, allowing you to soar on the winds of time.”115

PHYSICS AND MATHEMATICS Although he had little interest in algebra and almost failed geometry in military school, Cox later developed an interest in ancient mathematics and the physical universe in much the same manner as Victorian philosophers. As a matter of logic, he questioned whether the speed of light that governs our universe could involve a different metric.

115 Cox, William John, The Book of Mindkind: A Philosophy for the New Millennium, (Mindkind Publications, 2015). 159

A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers

Cox imagined the universe could be contained and tracked within a geometry expressed by an expanding sphere whose surface is defined by six great circles and 14 vertices into 24 equal right- angle spherical triangles. The perimeter of each triangle is equal to Pi times radius, and the ratio of the sides, hypotenuse, and height of the triangle is exactly 3:3:4:2.5. To determine these ratios, Cox constructed and measured a number of physical models over the years and was able to finally prove the ratios, mathematically, following the advent of the Internet and the availability of relevant formulas. To more accurately calculate the geometry of the Pi spheres, Cox imagined the expansion of base-10 mathematics to base 16. As an alternative to ASCII, “Universal Mathematics” is symbolized by: 1,2,3,U, 4,5,6,N, 7,8,9,S, C,X,W,10. The mathematics produce an elegant set of base


The Work numbers, such as 0.010U and 0.12UN, and it allows Pi to be essentially rounded off at 3.2U3W58NNN. The number 0.010U anchors a logical 252- base fractional number series: .010U, .020N, .030S, .0U10, .041U, .051N, .061S, .0N20, . . . .WWW0. The left two digits advance sequentially from .01 to .WW, and the right two digits advance by U’s, 0U to W0. Thus, each of the 252-base fractional numbers carries a subset of four unique quantum numbers. The number 0.000000001 is identified as a successive square root of the number e. Commencing with base two, the number is the ninth successive square root of e, and its value adjusts by multiples of nine, with each subsequent squaring of two. In base-256 (UN base 100), - 0.000000001 is the 72nd (UNth) successive square root of e. In 2012, Cox published two eBooks on physics, geometry, and mathematics―Time Travel


A Model of the Universe and Quantum Numbers

To Ancient Math & Physics116 and Mindkind: Math & Physics for the New Millennium.117 In December 2015, he published a combination of the two eBooks as a full-color trade paperback book titled Millennial Math & Physics.118

THE REALITY OF MIND In November 2018, Cox began to circulate a new book for comment among the faculty and graduate students of the mathematics, physics, chemistry, and computer science departments of the top 25 technological universities in the world. Mind & Its Languages of Reason is a collection of essays organized under the subjects of Mind, Quantum Physics, Measuring, Counting, and Calculating. It was published on May 1, 2019.119

116 Cox, William John, Time Travel To Ancient Math & Physics, (Mindkind Publications, 2012). 117 Cox, William John, Mindkind: Math & Physics for the New Millennium, (Mindkind Publications, 2012. 118 Cox, William John, Millennial Math & Physics, (Mindkind Publications, 2015). 119 https://williamjohncox.com/mind.pdf. 162

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Written during December 2019, Cox published The Choices of Mind: Extinction or Evolution? in January 2020. In June 2020, he published the companion books of The Way of Righteousness: A Revealing History and Reconciliation of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and The Gift of Mind: A Compendium. The Work: A Geometrical Model of the Universe, as Defined by Quantum Numbers, With the Quantification of Pi, Phi, e, and i was published on August 2, 2020.


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PERSONAL Cox has three children (Catherine, Lori, and Steven), six grandchildren, and four great- grandchildren from his marriage to Patricia Ann Reed, a stepdaughter (Michelle) from his marriage to Brigitte Zickbauer, and a stepdaughter (Naomi) from his current marriage to master artist Helen Werner Cox.120 They live in Long Beach, California.

120 http://www.HelenWernerCox.com. 164

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