Not Just a Railway Company
Not Just A Railway Company ANNUAL REPORT 2017 CONTENTS USER GUIDE Category Tab How to Use the Category Tab Clicking on the category WEB tab will bring you to the Clicking on this icon top page for each category. will bring you to the relevant website. FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS This report contains forward-looking document due to the effects of the eco- report does not constitute an offer of of the Securities Act of 1933 will be EDITORIAL POLICY statements, including future outlooks nomic situation inside and outside Japan securities in the United States. Based on used. The prospectus states that said and objectives of the JR Kyushu Group. and of the Kyushu area, real estate the American Securities Act of 1933, securities may be acquired from an This annual report was developed for the purpose of impart- These statements are judgements made market conditions, the progress of offering or selling securities in the United issuing company or seller and also ing a deeper understanding of the Group’s operations (JR by the Company based on information, respective projects, changes in laws and States is not permitted, with the excep- contains detailed information and projections, and assumptions available regulations, and a wide range of other tion of cases where there is registration financial statements on issuing Kyushu and related companies) to our stakeholders. It at the time of the document’s creation. risk factors. The purpose of this docu- of securities or exemption from registra- companies and their management. is the editors’ aim to communicate financial and non- Accordingly, please be advised that ment is not to solicit the purchase of the tion.
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