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Multimedia and Live Performance Ian Willcock Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of PhD Institute of Creative Technologies De Montfort University December 2011 Volume Two Bibliography Agile Alliance, (2001). Agile Alliance: The Agile Manifesto. [Web page] Available at: (Accessed June 9, 2011). Allison, J. T. & Place, T. A. (2005) Teabox: A Sensor Data Interface System. Proceedings of the 2005 Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME-05). Vancouver, Canada,pp56-59. Anderson, D. P. &Kuivila, R. (1990) A system for computer music performance.ACM Trans. Comput. Syst., 8,pp56-82. Anderson, D. P. &Kuivila., R. (1991) Formula: A Programming Language for Expressive Computer Music. Computer, 24,pp12-21. Apache Subversion. (no date) [software] Available at: (Accessed June 17, 2011). Audacity (2010) [Software] (version 1.3) Available at Auslander, P. (2009) Reactivation: Performance, Mediatization and the Present Moment. In Chatzichristodoulou, M., Jeffries, J. &Zerihan, R. (Eds.) Interfaces of Performance, pp 81-94.Farnham, Ashgate Publishing Ltd. Auvray, S., (2008).InfoQ: Distributed Version Control Systems: A Not-So-Quick Guide Through. Available at: (Accessed June 19, 2011) Aylward, R. &Paradiso, J. (2006) Sensemble: A Wireless, Compact, Multi-User Sensor System for Interactive Dance.Proceedings of the 2006 Conference onNew Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME-06). Paris, France,pp134-139. Barbosa, A. (2003) Displaced Soundscapes: A Survey of Network Systems for Music and Sonic Art Creation. Leonardo Music Journal, 13. Barbosa, A., Cardoso, J.
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