P.O. BOX 119 , NT X0E 1J0 kNK5 wmoEp5 vtmpq



APRIL 1, 2001 TO MARCH 31, 2002

Salaries and Benefits/Staff

The Board’s permanent staff in the period remained unchanged from previous years. Salaries were adjusted as of April 1, 2001 to take into consideration the cost of living increase in Nunavut and the result of performance appraisals and contract re-negotiations in some cases. Other benefits such as vacation travel assistance and pension plan were paid to staff as approved by the Board in its 2001-2002 budget and workplan. Contrary to previous years, the Board was not able to hire a summer student. However, a non-permanent half-time position was created to assist the Project Clerk and the Licensing Administrator with the processing of backlog of applications and related administrative duties. Towards the end of the year, planning for the hiring of a new Technical Advisor and for an Acting Licensing Administrator to replace an employee on maternity leave was made so that these positions would be filled as soon as possible in the new fiscal period.

Board Meetings

The following is a list of the meetings that occurred during the fiscal year.

Meeting Number Date (d/m/y) Place/Type

#2001-01 27-04-01 Teleconference

#2001-02 04-06-01 , NU

#2001-03 12-06-01 Teleconference

#2001-04 25-06-01 Teleconference

#2001-05 11-07-01 Teleconference

#2001-06 24-07-01 Teleconference

#2001-07 27-07-01 Teleconference

#2001-08 09-08-01 Gjoa Haven, NU (Boston Hearing Decision)

1 #2001-09 30-08-01 Teleconference

#2001-10 28-09-01 Teleconference

#2001-11 16-10-01 Teleconference

Lupin Hearing 15-11-01 , NU

#2001-12 22-11-01 , NT

#2001-13 25-11-01 Yellowknife, NT

#2001-14 14-12-01 Edmonton, AB (cancelled)

#2001-15 18-01-02 Teleconference

#2001-16 06-02-02 Gjoa Haven (moved to Yellowknife due to bad weather)

#2001-17 05-03-02 Teleconference

Public Hearings

Jericho Mine – Application for a Mining and Milling License

The Board took part in pre-hearings with the Nunavut Impact Review Board in Cambridge Bay the week of June 3, 2001. Two board members and staff also attended pre-hearings in Kugluktuk the same week and in Gjoa Haven a few weeks later as participants were not able to travel there at the same time due to weather. Later in the year, the proponent notified the board that its project was put on hold, even though the application would remain active. Joint hearings with NIRB, and separate hearings for water licensing issues, will be held sometime in the future.

Boston Advanced Exploration Project – Renewal

The licensee has applied for the renewal of their current industrial water license. The board originally scheduled pre-hearings and hearings in Cambridge Bay. However, the Board decided, after consulting all parties, to conduct the pre-hearing via teleconference, and the hearing in writing. The Board met in Gjoa Haven the week of August 7, 2001 to review the written evidence and a new license and decision were issued at the end of September 2001.

Lupin Mine – Application for Amendment to Security Deposit

The licensee has applied for an amendment to their current industrial water license. The Board has reviewed the application and held a public hearing in November 2001 in Kugluktuk, and finalized its decision at the end of December 2001.

Town of – Amendment to Water License

The licensee has applied for amendment to their current municipal water license. The board has reviewed the amendment application and decided to hold a public hearing. However, the

2 Minister of DIAND rejected the license originally issued by the Board, and the matter has been taken to the Federal Court by NTI. The Board has decided to adjourn its proceedings temporarily until the Federal Court rules on the status of the water license.

Polaris Mine – Application for Decommissioning

The licensee has submitted its final Abandonment and Restoration Plan for the closure of the mine. The Board, jointly with DIAND, held pre-hearing meetings in Resolute Bay in August but the public meeting had to be rescheduled to September due to weather. The Board and DIAND proceeded with the approval of portions of this application by way of a written hearing during the period. Other components of the decommissioning of the mine are subject to a Fisheries Act authorization which was not finalized during the year, and the board and DIAND have yet to complete their own approval.

Nanisivik Mine Decommissioning The licensee notified the Board of final closure of the Mine two years before schedule and applied for the renewal of their water license, due to expire at the end of September 2002. The application was forwarded to NPC for land-use plan conformity and to NIRB for environmental screening, and the Board decided that the application would be subject to a public hearing, to be held in the following fiscal year. In preparation for the hearing, the Board decided to hire a Community Liaison Coordinator in , jointly with the Hamlet of Arctic Bay and the Government of Nunavut. Pre-hearings and hearings have been scheduled to take place in the next fiscal year.

Site Visits

No site visits were held this year except at Polaris in conjunction with the pre-hearing in Resolute (costs are allocated to Polaris Public Hearing).

Licensing Operations

During the period, the Board issued, renewed or amended the following licences:

Type License No Project Applicant/Licensee

Nanisivik Mine, a division Renewal NWB1NAN02 Nanisivik Mine of CanZinco Ltd.

Renewal NWB1POL Polaris Cominco Ltd.

Arctic Zinc -Nunavut Renewal NWB2ARC Project Geoscience Office

Canada-Nunavut Renewal NWB2COM Committee Bay Geoscience Office Original NWB2COR Coronation Gulf

Renewal NWB2GEO02 George Lake Kinross Gold Corporation

3 Assignment NWB2GOO9801 Goose Lake Kinross Gold Corporation Meadowbank Renewal NWB2MEA02 Project Ashton Mining of Canada Original NWB2RIC Ric Project Inc.

Original NWB2SEP September Lake University of Tennessee

Renewal NWB2SIS02 Sissons Project Cogema Resources Inc. Kennecott Canada Amendment NWB2TAK0002 Takajuak Lake Exploration Inc.

Vic Ashton Ashton Mining of Canada Original NWB2VAM Mining Inc.

Original NWB3CAP Cape Dorset Municipality of Cape Dorset

Amendment NWB3IQA0103 Iqaluit Municipality of Iqaluit

Renewal NWB3RAN Municipality of Rankin Inlet

Kugluktuk Original NWB4COP Construction Jivko Engineering

Ekaluktutiak Hunters & Trappers Original NWB4EKA Organization Department of Community Aliarusik 2nd Government and Original NWB4PEL Crossing Transportation

Stickleback Hope Bay Joint Renewal NWB4WEI02 Weir Venture

Lady Franklin PIN-3 Dew Defence Construction Renewal NWB5FRA02 Line Canada

Fox-5 Broughton Island Dew Defence Construction Original NWB5QIK Line Canada

Noranda Mining and Extension NWB2SOM9901 Aston Bay Exploration Inc.

Minnguq Municipality of Extension NWB4QIK0001 Tannery

Astarte River Original NWB2AST0102 Area Cominco Ltd.

Ellesmere Renewal NWB2ELL0101 Island Cominco Ltd. WMC International Original NWB2MAZ0102 Maze Lake Limited

4 Noranda Mining and Assignment NWB2SOM9901 Aston Bay Exploration Inc.

Amendment NWB1JER9801 Jericho Tahera Corporation

Original NWB2JAC0101 Jackson Inlet Twin Mining Corp

Interim NWB2JAC0101 Jackson Inlet Twin Mining Corp

Cam-2, UMA Engineering Original NWB5GLA0101 Gladman Point Ltd

Cam-1, Jenny Defence Construction Original NWB5JEN0101 Lind Island Canada

Kennecott Canada Original NWB2BRO0101 Brodeur Project Exploration

Major General Original NWB2TAH0103 Tahoe Lake Resources

Wet Coast Capital Amendment NWB2WET0002 All Night Lake Corp

Navigator Renewal NWB2ROB0102 Roberts Lake Exploration Corp.

Lady Franklin PIN-3 Dew Defence Construction Original NWB5FRA0101 Line Canada

Nadluardjuk Original NWB2NAD0101 Lake BHP Inc.

Ashton Mining of Original NWB2EO+B20K0103 Eokok Lake Canada Inc.

Wet Coast Capital Original NWB2MAR0103 Marcean Lake Corp

Kinross Gold Renewal NWB1G000104 Goose Lake Corporation Municipality of Pond Amendment NWB3PON9904 Inlet

Contwoyto Ashton Mining of Extension NWB2CON9901 Lake Canada

Amendment NWB1LUP0008 Echo Bay Mines Ltd.

Hope Bay Joint Amendment NWB1BOS0106 Boston Gold Venture

Elu Inlet Sherwood Mining Original NWB2ELU0205 Project Corporation

5 Kinross Gold Assignment NWB2GEO9702a George Lake Corporation

Nadluardjuk Renewal NWB2NAD0206 Lake BHP Diamonds Inc. Hope Bay Joint Renewal NWB2HOP0207 Hope Bay Belt Venture

Cam-1, Jenny UMA Engineering Original NWB5JEN0203 Lind Island Ltd

Brodeur Kennecott Canada Renewal NWB2BRO203 Project Exploration

As an integral requirement of licenses or applications, licensees are required to submit various reports and studies to the Board. In the period, the Board received and reviewed the following documents:

NWB2INU0002 Spill Contingency Plan-Inulik Project NWB1NAN9702 Interim AR plan technical review NWB1NAN9702 TCD Elevation request NWB4QIK0001 Spill Contingency Plan-Minnguq Tannery Feb 2001 NWB4QIK0001 Abandonment and Restoration Plan-Minnguq Tannery Qikiqtarjuaq March 2001 NWB4RES9803 Spill & Fire Safety Emergency Plan-Resolution Island April 27, 2000 NWB6ENN0904 Spill Contingency Plan- Lake Lodge Dec. 15, 1999 NWB2HOP002 Spill Contingency Plan- Hope Bay Belt June 13, 2000 NWB2MEL0103 Fuel Contingency Plans & Environmental Management April 25, 2001 NWB2MAR/2WET0002 Fuel Plan Contingency Plan for Material Spills for Exp. Camps, Drilling & Remote Site NWB5RES9803 Annual Report 2000- Summary of 2000 Activities and Site Investigation Reports NWB1BOS9801 Boston Public Hearing- FSC Report Acid Rock Drainage Sampling for KIA NWB1BOS9801 Boston Public Hearing- FSC review of ARD characterization studies conducted at Boston NWB1BOS9801 Boston Public Hearing- Knight Piesold report of Past ARD Characterization at Boston NWB1BOS9801 Boston public Hearing- John Brodie- Boston Reclamation cost review NWB1BOS9801 Revised Abandonment and Restoration Plan -Resubmission requested in new license NWB1BOS9801 Fuel Tank Farm Construction As build Report by EBA NWB1NAN9702 Phase II ESA Solid Waste Site NWB1BOS9801 DIAND review of 2000 Annual Report and 2000 Compliance review NWB1NAN9702 Soil Bioremediation proposal NWB1BOS9801 Annual Report 2001 NWB1HOP 0002 Annual Report 2001 NPC Submission for Hearing West Kitikmeot Land Use Plan NWB1NAN9702 Review 2000 Annual Report NWB1ULU 0008 Review 2000 Annual Report NWB1LUP0008 NWB Review AR plan and reclamation cost estimate NWB1CUL 9902 DIAND review of 2000 Annual Report and 2000 Compliance review NWB2TAH0101 Spill Contingency Plan NWB1CUL 9902 Acres Site Visit Report NWB2BRO0101 2001 Annual report NWB6ENN9904 Resubmission of Spill Contingency Plan NWB1NAN9702 AR Monitoring Plan NWB1LUP0008 Echo Bay Technical Review of AR plan by EBA

6 NWB1LUP0008 Echo Bay Proposal to Study Alternate Approached to Cover Lupin Mine Tailings NWB1LUP0008 Echo Bay Proposal and Cost estimate for mine site reclamation Nuna logistics NWB1LUP0008 NWB Review Reclamation Cost Estimate NWB1NAN9702 EBA report, Response to Sept. 18, and Discussion paper NWB1NAN9702 Chronic Toxicity Study Final Report NWB1POL Abandonment Restoration Plan Preliminary review NWB1NAN9702 Hydraulic Confinement WTDA Final Report NWB1NAN9702 Metal Loading Study Report NWB1NAN9702 Waste Rock Disposal Plan NWB1NAN9702 Test Cover Evaluation NWB1POL Abandonment & Restoration Plan Cominco Response to regulators NWB1NAN9702 Geotechnical Inspection Report NWB1GOO0101 2001 Annual Report NWB2MEA0002 2001 Year End Annual Report NWB2ELU 0205 Spill Contingency Plan NWB2TAK 2001 Annual Report NWB2JAM 2001 Annual Report NWB2BRO0101 Preliminary review of application NWB2NAD0101 Spill Contingency Plan NWB3GJO9904 FSC Final Report New Water Works/Water supply for Gjoa Haven NWB2ULU0008 2001 Annual Report NWB2MEA Renewal preliminary review of application NWB5FRA0101 2001 Annual Report PIN-3, NWB5PEL9803 2001 Annual Report CAM-4, NWB5GLA0101 2001 Annual Report CAM-2, Gladman Point NWB5RES9803 2001 Annual Report BAF-5, Resolution Island NWB5RES9803 Resolution Island Project-Revised Spill Contingency Plan N4L3-1561 2000 Annual Report, Resolute Airport

Training and Professional Development

Training activities are on-going as per the Board’s Training Plan and budget. This year, training activities were kept to a minimum. Board staff made presentations on water licensing requirements in Nunavut at the Geoscience Forum in Yellowknife in November 2001, and at the Nunavut Mining Symposium in Cambridge Bay in March 2002.

Technical Expertise

On-going technical expertise is obtained from various consultants to assist the Board in the review of applications that do not require a public hearing.

Special Projects

NPC Planner

A contribution of $25,000 for this project has been made in the fiscal year. Planner is not yet operational to the satisfaction of the board, and work is on-going with the other partners to ensure that the project meets the requirements of the Board and other parties.

7 NWB Database

The second phase of the NWBIS project was initiated as planned and completed on budget during the second half of the period.

Board Office Operations

Overall expenses are consistent with the approved budget. Significant reductions over the budgeted costs have been achieved in the “Notices/Ad/Posting” budget item due to the new policy to have applicants defray these costs. On the other hand, legal costs have increased substantially due to work required on legislation and various legal cases currently in progress, which were not anticipated. It is worth noting that legal work due to the Iqaluit license was not covered under the public hearing funding.