User Note: Although These Data Have Been Updated Based on 2007
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User Note: Although these data have been updated based on 2007 imagery it should be noted that only the losses and gains of wetlands from previous mapping efforts were identified and mapped. The majority of the line work from the original mapping has not been modified to fit the 2007 imagery. Due to the limitations of this method, the National Wetlands Inventory deems it necessary to include vital information on the imagery used to create the original wetland data. Image Year: 2002 Scale: Digital Emulsion Type: Color Infrared For further information regarding the source data used, see Appendix A for a complete historic map report, or contact the National Standards and Support Team. [email protected] Supplemental Map Information (User Report) Project ID: R05Y10P05 Project Title or Area: New Jersey Update Source Imagery (type, scale and date): New Jersey 2007 High Resolution Orthophotography Collateral Data (include any digital data used as collateral): • SSURGO hydric soils • NED (10m) • DRG contours Inventory Method (original mapping, map update, techniques used): The NWI update for New Jersey was created with the 2007 NAIP imagery. Polygons were created using headsup digitization. Wetlands were identified at a maximum zoom scale of 1:25,000 and delineated at a larger scale if necessary. Older NWI datasets were used to identify wetland locations.. A “reverse mask” was used to facilitate the identification of lost wetlands using the original NWI polygons. This mask was overlain with the 2007 imagery acquired by NJ. The result of the overlay focused the analyst on only those areas identified as wetland in previous photo interpretation. If the analyst identified an area as no longer a wetland, the analyst delineated the area from the polygon and re-attributes the new polygon with the Anderson Level II code for the new land cover class. These areas were removed and identified as a wetland “loss”. Classification (Cowardin wetlands, riparian, uplands, hydrogeomorphic, etc.): The wetland classifications for the New Jersey project area are in accordance with the Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States (FGDC 2013), based on the original document of the same name by Cowardin et al. (1979). Data Limitations: Because this map was created through the interpretation of aerial photography, the user is cautioned of certain limitations and potential inaccuracies in dataset: • In general, changes in the landscape after the date of imagery will result in discrepancies from current conditions. • A small percentage of wetland areas may have gone unidentified, especially in forested areas where identification is difficult under vegetative cover. • The target mapping unit for this project was 0.5 acre, meaning that some but not all wetlands smaller than 0.5 acres were identified. • Water regimes should be considered approximate, as they are difficult to ascertain from aerial photography, and limited field verification was possible. Description of wetland habitats: Table 1 - Description of wetland attribute values. Wetland Types Description E1UBL Permanently flooded, estuarine deepwater habitat. E2FO1P Estuarine intertidal irregularly flooded woody broad leaved deciduous vegetation greater than 6 meters in height. E2EM5P Estuarine intertidal irregularly flooded emergent phragmites. E2EM1P Estuarine intertidal irregularly flooded persistent emergent vegetation. E2FO4P Estuarine intertidal irregularly flooded woody needle leaved evergreen vegetation greater than 6 meters in height. E2SS1P Estuarine intertidal irregularly flooded woody broad leaved deciduous vegetation less than 6 meters in height. E2FO1/SS1P Estuarine intertidal irregularly flooded areas, characterized by a matrix of scrub- shrub and forested vegetation. E2EM1N Estuarine intertidal regularly flooded persistent emergent vegetation. L2ABH Permanently flooded, littoral deepwater habitat greater than 20 acres in size with aquatic beds. L2EM2H Permanently flooded, littoral deepwater habitat greater than 20 acres in size with emergent aquatic vegetation (e.g. white water lily). L2UBH Permanently flooded, littoral deepwater habitat greater than 20 acres in size. PABG Intermittently exposed ponds vegetated with aquatic beds (e.g., pondweed). PABH Permanently flooded ponds vegetated with aquatic beds (e.g., pondweed). PEM1/SS1A Temporarily flooded depressions and floodplains characterized by a matrix of herbaceous and deciduous scrub-shrub vegetation. PEM1/SS1C Seasonally flooded depressions and floodplains characterized by a matrix of herbaceous and deciduous scrub-shrub vegetation. PEM1A Temporarily flooded wetlands dominated by deciduous herbaceous vegetation. PEM1C Seasonally flooded wetlands dominated by deciduous herbaceous vegetation. PEM1E Wetlands dominated by herbaceous vegetation where the surface in inundated for extended periods during the growing season, or when not inundated the water table is usually at or near the surface throughout the growing season. PEM1F Semi-permanently flooded depressions dominated by herbaceous vegetation. Pf Palustrine agricultural wetlands. PFO1/EM1A Temporarily flooded depressions and floodplains characterized by a matrix of herbaceous and forested vegetation. PFO1/EM1C Seasonally flooded depressions and floodplains characterized by a matrix of herbaceous and forested vegetation. PFO1/SS1A Temporarily flooded depressions and floodplains characterized by a matrix of scrub-shrub and forested vegetation. PFO1/SS1C Seasonally flooded depressions and floodplains characterized by a matrix of scrub-shrub and forested vegetation. PFO1A Temporarily flooded depressions and floodplains dominated by deciduous forested vegetation. PFO1C Seasonally flooded depressions and floodplains dominated by deciduous forested vegetation. PFO1F Semipermanently flooded depressions and floodplains dominated by deciduous forested vegetation. PSS1/EM1A Temporarily flooded depressions and floodplains characterized by a matrix of scrub-shrub and forested vegetation. PSS1A Temporarily flooded scrub-shrub wetland usually located in drainages. PSS1C Seasonally flooded scrub-shrub wetland usually located in drainages. PSS1F Semipermanently flooded scrub-shrub wetland usually located in drainages. PUBF Semi-permanently flooded ponds. PUBG Intermittently exposed flooded ponds. PUBH Permanently exposed flooded ponds. R2UBF Semipermanently flowing lower perennial rivers. R2UBG Intermittently exposed lower perennial rivers. R2UBH Permanently flowing lower perennial rivers. Table 2 - Special modifier descriptions Special Description Modifier x Excavated - Lies within a basin or channel excavated by humans. d Partially Drained/Ditched – The water level has been artificially lowered through the use of human-made ditches and drains, but the area is still classified as wetland because soil moisture is sufficient to support hydrophytes. f Farmed wetlands occur where the soil surface has been mechanically or physically altered for production of crops, but where hydrophytes would become reestablished if the farming were discontinued. Farmed wetlands should be classified as Palustrine-Farmed. h Diked/Impounded - Created or modified by a human-made barrier or dam which obstructs the inflow or outflow of water. r Artificial - Substrates classified as Rock Bottom, Unconsolidated Bottom, Rocky Shore and Unconsolidated Shore that were emplaced by man using natural or synthetic materials. List of wetland plant species in New Jersey and their indicator status: I Scientific Name Common Name Indicator Status Althaea officinalis Common marsh-mallow R1: FACW+ Amsinckia spectabilis Woolly-breeches R1: UPL I Atriplex pentandra Crested saltbush R1: FAC- Bassia hirsuta Hairy smotherweed R1: OBL I Bidens hyperborea Estuary beggarticks R1: OBL ICalamagrostis coarctata Nuttall's reed grass R1: OBL Calopogon tuberosus Tuberous grass-pink R1: FACW+ Cirsium horridulum Yellow thistle R1: FACU- Cladium mariscus ssp. jamaicense Jamaica saw-grass R1: OBL I Dendranthema arcticum Arctic-daisy R1: NI Diodia virginiana Virginia buttonweed R1: FACW Eleocharis obtusa Blunt spike-rush R1: OBL Eleocharis ovata Ovate spike-rush R1: OBL I Hypericum punctatum Dotted st. john's-wort R1: FAC- Lathyrus palustris Marsh vetchling R1: FACW+ I Leymus arenarius Sea lyme grass R1: FACU- Leymus mollis Sea lyme-grass R1: FACU Ligusticum scothicum Scotch lovage R1: FAC Lobelia elongata Long-leaf lobelia R1: OBL Lobelia nuttallii Nuttall's lobelia R1: FACW I Lomatogonium rotatum Marsh-felwort R1: OBL Ludwigia alternifolia Bushy seedbox R1: FACW+ ILycopus asper Rough water-horehound R1: OBL Scientific Name Common Name Indicator Status Lycopus europaeus European water-horehound R1: OBL I Matricaria maritima False mayweed R1: UPL Mertensia maritima Oysterleaf R1: FACW I Opuntia stricta Erect prickly-pear R1: UPL IPlantago coronopus Cut-leaf plantain R1: UPL Platanthera nivea Snowy orchid R1: FACW IPolygonum fowleri Fowler's knotweed R1: FAC Polygonum glaucum Seaside knotweed R1: FACU Puccinellia kurilensis Dwarf alkali grass R1: FACW I Rhynchospora colorata Starbrush white-top-sedge R1: FACW Rumex crispus Curly dock R1: FACU I Rumex salicifolius Willow dock R1: FACW ISagittaria calycina Hooded arrowhead R1: OBL Salicornia bigelovii Dwarf glasswort R1: OBL Salicornia maritima Slender glasswort R1: OBL I Salicornia rubra Red saltwort R1: OBL Salicornia virginica Woody saltwort R1: OBL Samolus valerandi ssp. parviflorus Water pimpernel R1: OBL Sarcocornia perennis Woody glasswort R1: OBL Senecio pseudoarnica Seabeach