S= Seven sons of Sceva Silversmith’s Strike

Acts 19, Paul was still on his 3rd journey, and he headed back to . Remember back in :19-21, Paul had already been to Ephesus and taught in the synagogue. There was a church established there as well. Ephesus was the center of trade in that part of the world. Besides being a great commerce town, many tourists came to see the temple of Artemis, one of the seven wonders of the Ancient World. There he met 12 disciples who have been baptized; but it was a baptism of repentance taught by . (*Scholars believe maybe these men were baptized by from Acts 18, or Apollos had been taught by the same teacher because that was the baptism he knew.) Paul then baptized them. Paul laid his hands on them, and the Holy Spirit came on them. These men were now able to speak in tongues and prophesy. Paul then does what he does best; he entered the syngagogue. He spoke there boldly for 3 months. After 3 months, the people started becoming hardened and disobedient. So Paul moved on to a school of Tyrannus where he taught for 2 years. Paul even went house to house teaching. This was Paul’s longest stay in any city. Paul even healed people through his aprons and handkerchiefs. In 13-16 we read an interesting account. A Jewish chief priest named Sceva had 7 sons who went around trying to invoke the name of to heal people. An evil spirit talked backed to them in vs 15 and said, “Jesus I know, and I know about Paul but who are you?” Then the man with the evil spirit jumped on them and began beating them. The seven sons even ran out of the house naked and bleeding. This account circulated around Ephesus, and many people came to know Jesus. Many even burned their sorcery books and scrolls. Hundreds of thousands of dollars went up in smoke. The word of the Lord spread! Then a silversmith name Demetrius tried to stop Paul. He stirred up the merchants and reminded them how they were losing money and how Paul discredited the goddess Artemis. Demetrius was probably only concerned amount the money!! Artemis was worshipped as the mother goddess around the world, a fertility goddess. People came to see this temple and like all tourists wanted to take home a souvenir. So this was where Demetrius’ business of shrine making comes in. Ephesus was now filled with confusion, rage and rioting. Paul wanted to speak, but his disciples wouldn’t let him. got ready to speak up, but when they realized he was a Jew, they wouldn’t let him. And they began to shout for 2 hours, “Great is Artemis!!” Finally, the city clerk quieted them all down and said basically you have nothing to charge them with, let it go! Then clerk dismissed everyone!

Baptism Administered by John Baptism Authorized by Jesus Immersion in water Immersion in water Baptism of preparation Baptism of fulfillment Baptism of repentance Baptism of faith Preceded before call to repent Preceded by preaching of Looked forward to Looks back to the Christ and cross Confessed sins Confesses faith in Jesus Associated with no name In the name of Father, Son, & HS For remission of sins For remission of sins No Promise of the Holy Spirit Promise of the Holy Spirit

Acts 19 Review Questions

1. Did Paul travel by land or sea going to Ephesus? ______

2. How had the disciples been baptized? ______

3. How many men were baptized? ______

4. How long did Paul speak in the synagogue?______

5. After the syngagogue where did Paul teach and for how long? ______


6. What did the evil spirit answer the seven sons of Sceva? ______


7. How did the Jews and Greeks feel after evil spirits cast out? vs 17____


8. How much did all of the books burn add up to?______

9. How did Demetrius stir up the people of Ephesus? ______


10. Why didn’t they let Alexander speak?______