Hightstown Gazette
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Hightstown Gazette. VOLUME XC HIGHTSTOWN, MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1938 N U M B E R i6 HITCHHIKER STABS HORSE SHOW AT Two-Year-Old GENEROUS DRIVER Borough Relief YMCA Planning NEW BRUNSWICK Ewing Orioles Killed by Truck Joseph Norton, of North Main Street, New Brunswick society is in its usual a State House employee, generously Cost in August Fall Activities early autumn dither as it plans for the Bow to Locals, 10-4, On Cranbury F arm picked up a couple of hitchhikers early fourth annual charity horse show and Mohday morning when he was return Amount to $552 For Local Group attendant social functions to be held In C. J. Tourney Roland Canxpbell Fatally Injured Satur ing home from Trenton. Friday and Saturday, September 10 and One of the youths sat in the front £ighty-Six Persons Receive Assistance Recreation Committee Meet* Tonight 17, on the grounds of the New Jersey Hightstown Nine Win* Opea^ of Tour day Afiemotm — Driver Absolved Plus 21 Employed at Sewing Project At Boro Hall—State Hi-Y Conference nament Play Last Saturday—Deuels- From Blame—Death Caused by Frac seat and the other occupied the rear College of Agriculture. seat. Near Joe's Bar-B-Q the front 3-—Surplus Commodities Distributed. At Camp Ockanickon. Considered the most opulent event of beck, Morris and Canspb^l Pace tured Sktdl. Home Team’* Attack. s p t rider stabbed Norton on the right The relief costs in the Borough for The fall activities of the Y, M. C. A. the city’s outdoor season, the show and Run over by a truck on the farm side. The blade of the small pocket- the month of August amounted to groups are in the process of beginning. its Saturday night supper dance annual The local nine opened Jake Green in Cranbury Township where he was knife broke. The riders became scared $551.79, according to the monthly re- With the closing of the softball season ly afford local society with a reason for berg's Centra! Jersey baseball tourna living, Roland Campbell, two-year-old at the sight of blood and as soon as •port submitted to Council Tuesday and the league championships to be open houses a n d rounds of parties^ ment with a 10-4 victory over the Ew son of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Campbell, the car stopped they jumped out of the night by Director of Welfare F. K. playei the last of the summer projects The show's proceeds will benefit the ing Orioles last Saturday at Roebling. of R. F. D. 2, Hightstown, was fatally machine and ran away. Hampton. will be closed, after one of the most St. Peter’s and Middlesex General hos In the second tilt of the afternoon on injured Saturday afternoon. The boy Norton, in a weakened condition, pitals, New Brunswick institutions. The report states that 19 families satisfactory expediences of recent years. the same diamond Bellmawr and Roeb died at the Middlesex hospital six drove to a nearby telephone and com The boys' and young men’s groups will In the past the show has attracted ling battled to a 15-inning stalemate, hours after the-acddent. Coroner Wil municated with the Hightstown state representing 73 persons received $285.50; some of the largest tanbark galleries in 13 single persons received $140.29, and open as soon as school and leadership 4-4. liam J. Maher said death was caused police who brought him to a local phy plans permit. the east. Prospects for even greater by a severe fracture of the skull. sician for treatment. the ^wing project, $126. success are seen this year by the large Scoring at the outset of the game, This amount was distributed as fol Kenneth G. Stults, chairman of sum committee planning the event. the Orioles jumped into a 3-0 lead in Michael Williams, 25, Negro, an em lows : mer recreation committee, has called the first frame. G. Sullivan, lead-off ployee of Herman Brendt, owner of the Alabama Negro Cash ............ $35.00 a meeting tonight at 7:30 in the Bor man for the losers, greeted Danny farm, was operating the truck. He was Food ......................... 286.50 ough Hall to hear any protests and Negro Jailed on Barlow with a slashing single to left- not held as state police of Hightstown Given Workhouse Shelter — _____ 60.00 constructive softball suggestions. Dr. field. Devlin walked and both run said the death was entirely accidental.. Hospitalization ..... 44.29 C. Dunn Williams and Monte Norcross Threat to Kill ners advanced on a sacrifice. J. Sul The dead boy was a cousin of June Sewing project ............... 1^.00 have been a.sked to advise and pass on livan knocked both men hc«ne when Campbell, 8, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Term for Cutting Surplus commodities received and dis protests. he smacked a bingle through the pitch Edgar B. Campbell, New Brunswick Owner of a Farm er’s mound. Slashed Both Arms, of Cempanioa—Po tributed: 75 bags of rice, 75 bags of Group Loader* dog warden, who drowned August 14 prunes, 6 cases of peas, 30 hampers of Sullivan proceeded to second on a in an abandoned clay pit known as Egg tato Pickers Engage in Fight Early One week from tonight, the local Jerry Cox ChArsed With Attempt to i , r .1 t . n- j Sunday Momkig on Hoffman Fsum. cabbage, 75 bags of flour and 75 bas group leaders will meet at the call of Kill H«rvey S«tt, of Union V JU y- Sround out, and from there he tallied Pond bn Route S-28 in East Brunswick kets of potatoes; a total of 336 pack Township. LeRoy Pullen for fall planning and fel Fra«. Over $20. I Hoagland s drive. M.rando ended In a cutting affray Saturday night ages. Twenty persons were certified lowship. All group leaders who served , the inning by being thrown out, ihird Williams had.driven the truck to the about 9 o’clock, Sandy Shufford, of for WPA work., Employed at sewing last year and several new men will Charged with an attempt to kill Har- to first. farm to get some corn. He saw the Montgomery, Ala., stabbed Nathaniel project, 21 persons. meet in the Lakeview apartments to vey Scott. Union Valley farmer, Jerry Hightstown tied the count in the Campbell youngster playing with Carl Archer, of Ocala, Fla. H e w as ar Recorder'* Report formulate program and leadership plans, Cox, Negro, of Cape May, was held for third after garnering two in the pre Brendt, son of the farm owner, and raigned before Recorder F. K. Hamp to be approved by the group work action of the Middlesex County ^and ceding inning. T^py scored the mark talked with him. Recorder F. K. Hampton submitted ton Sunday oi^omplaint of Officer Dis- to Council Tuesday night a report for committee of the board of directors. jury a hearing before Acting Re ers on three hits, two errors, and two When Williams started to leave the borough a n d sentenced to serve 364 August. Thirty disorwrly cases with A final vacation church school evalua corder of Monroe Township Wilton passed balls. farm he heard a shout and stopped days in the Mercer workhouse. Shu- 20 paying fines amounting to $113; six tion meeting for departmental super Applegate Sunday afternoon. In the fifth, however, the victors the truck. The boy was lying near the ford was charged with cutting both committed to workhouse and four sus visors and pastors is scheduled for four Th.e arrest took place Saturday af chalked up three runs to spurt ahead vehicle, his head badly injured. arms of Archer with a pocket knife. pended sentences. o’clock this afternoon in the Lakeview ter Cox, 45 years old, allegedly attempt and never be threatened from then on. Taken to the hospital by his father, Both are Negroes. Thirteen motor vehicle cages with 12 apartments. ed to force his employer at the point Campbell was safe as the shortstop the boy was discovered to be in a cri Arm Broken paying $124 in fines and one suspended of a shotgun to pay him the wages hobbled the pill and advanced to sec During a melee early Sunday morn Next Wednesday afternoon at the tical condition. He did not rally and sentence. One case reviewed and set ‘‘Y’’ headquarters in Trenton, the Berea he had earned as a potato picker. The ond on a passed ball. Cutinelle beat died about midnight ing on the John R. Hoffman farm, tled out of court. Hi-Y Council will meet to plan for the employer, Harvey Scott, owner of a out a hit to the pitcher and as he slid Hightstown-Princeton road, in East farm in the Half Acre section of Mon into the base the first sacker dropped State police reported that Williams Windsor Township, Lloyd Zone, of participation in the annual State Hi-Y was absolved from blame in the fatal FINANCIAL REPORTS Conference to be held at Camp Ock roe Townsliip, said he refused Cox's the ball and “Soupy” tallied. Homestead, Fla., suffered a broken arm. demand for immediate payment of $20 accident. It is not known whether the Collector-Treasurer E, V. D Erving anickon. near Medford Lakes. Each Robinson beat out another infield hit. boy ran in front of the truck or jumped After first aid treatment by Dr. W. Berea delegate is invited to bring an and told him to come back for pay- Morris filled the bases when he bunted L.