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C O N T E N T CONTENTS. Me m b e r s of t h e Co u n c il from 1st J a n u a r y , 1944, to 3 r d O c t o b e r , 1945 .. .. .. v to viii I n d e x ix P r o c e e d in g s on B il l s in t r o d u c e d in t h e Co u n c il . x ix M in u t e s o f t h e P r o c e e d in g s of t h e Co u n c il 1 B il l s a s s e n t e d to a f t e r t h e F in a l A d j o u r n m e n t of B o th H o u s e s a n d b e f o r e t h e P r o r o g a t io n 99 Qu e s t io n s a s k e d b y H o n o r a b l e Me m b e r s a n d Re p l ie s th e r e t o 101 P roclamations — P r o r o g u in g t h e P a r l ia m e n t o f V ic t o r ia 103 D isc h a r g in g M e m b e r s o f t h e L e g is l a t iv e Co u n c il from A t t e n d a n c e a n d D iss o l v in g t h e L e g is l a t iv e A s se m b l y 105 S e l e c t Co m m it t e e s . 107 D iv is io n s in Co m m it t e e of t h e w h o l e Co u n c il 109 Re p o r t from S e l e c t Co m m it t e e — D .I . R e po r t of t h e S t a n d in g O r d e r s Co m m ittee 121 MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL D u r in g t h e P e r io d F rom 1st J a n u a r y , 1914, to 3 r d O c t o b e r , 1945. Date Appointed Date of Number of Electors enrolled. Name of Province and Member. for taking Poll R etirem ent by at Election. effluxion of time. Remarks. METROPOLITAN PROVINCES. DOUTTA GALLA: 7 28,389 §39,529 Elector, The Honorables— \ Females, 11,140 Percy James Clarey *12 June, 1943 11 June, 1949 Re-elected after retirement by effluxion of time. Paul Jones 15 June, 1940 14 June, 1946 Elected after retirement by effluxion of time from old Melbourne Province (Act No. 4409). EAST YARRA: §39,995 Elector, { M ^ ies> 28,300 The Honorables— William Haslam Edgar *12 June, 1943 11 June, 1949 Re-elected after retirement by effluxion of time. Sir Clifden Henry Andrews f 15 June, 1940 14 June, 1946 Elected after retirement by effluxion of time from old Eager, K.C. East Yarra Province (Act. No. 4409). HIGINBOTHAM : hoc a tio pi . f IVTales, 25,286 The Honorables— §36,478 Elector, | Fema;e8j n ’192 James Arthur Kennedy *12 June, 1943 11 June, 1949 Re-elected after retirement by effluxion of time. James Stanley Disney 15 June, 1940 14 June, 1946 Elected after the retirement, by effluxion of time, of Hon. W. Tyner from old South-Eastern Province (Act No. 4409). MELBOURNE: soi nfin t?i 4 / Males, 22,151 The Honorables-— §31,760 Electors ^ Females> 9j609 Daniel Laurence McNamara *12 June, 1943 11 June, 1949 Re-elected after retirement by effluxion of time. William James Beckett fl5 June, 1940 14 June, 1946 Elected after retirement by effluxion of time from old Melbourne East Province (Act No. 4409). MELBOURNE NORTH: , /Males, 32,884 §42,510 Electors | FemaIeSj The Honorables— Likely Herman McBrien 12 June, 1943 11 June, 1949 Elected in place of Hon. Sir Herbert Olney who retired by effluxion of time. Archibald McDonald Fraser 15 June, 1940 14 June, 1946 Elected after the retirement by effluxion of time of Hon. E. L. Kiernan from old Melbourne North Province (Act No. 4409). MELBOURNE WEST: •too oor in * / Males, 26,968 The Honorables— 1f38,335 Electors ^ Females> 1 1 3 6 7 Patrick Leslie Coleman 23 Oct., 1943 11 June, 1949 Elected in place of Hon. J. H. Disney, deceased. Patrick John Kennelly 15 June, 1940 14 June, 1946 Elected after retirement by effluxion of time from old Melbourne Wrest Province (Act No. 4409). MONASH : , 29,492 146,073 Elector, The Honorables— / Females, 16,581 Sir Francis Grenville Clarke, *12 June, 1943 11 June, 1949 Re-elected after retirement by effluxion of time. K .B.E. 18 July, 1942 14 June, 1946 Elected in place of Hon. A. Crofts, deceased. Resigned Sir Francis Edmund Joseph 13 July, 1943, under Act No. 3660 s. 196. Beaurepaire |j23 Oct., 1943 14 June, 1946 Re-elected. COUNTRY PROVINCES. 13,836 BALLAARAT: §19,932 Electors / The Honorables— "\_Females, 6,096 Alfred James Pittard *12 June, 1943 11 June, 1949 Re-elected after retirement by effluxion of time. George Bolster 4*15 June, 1940 14 June, 1946 Elected after retirement by effluxion of time from old Wellington Province (Act No. 4409). soi 4 /Males, 14,459 BENDIGO : §21,408 Electors | FemajeSj 6 ;Q49 The Honorables— John Herman Lienhop *12 June, 1943 11 June, 1949 Re-elected after retirement by effluxion of time. Colonel George Victor Lansell, f 15 June, 1940 14 June, 1946 Elected after retirement by effluxion of time from old C.M.G., V.D. Bendigo Province (Act No. 4409). 16,012 GIPPSLAND: 121,252 Elector, The Honorables— \ Females, 5,240 William MacAulay 12 June, 1943 11 June, 1949 Re-elected after retirement by effluxion of time. Trevor Harvey 23 Oct., 1943 14 June, 1946 Elected in place of Hon. J. M. Balfour, deceased. * Member declared elected on Nomination Day, 21 May, 1943. § Number enrolled for the 1943 Periodical Election, t „ „ „ „ „ ,, 28 May, 1940. f Number enrolled for the 1943 By-election. II „ „ „ „ „ 8 Oct., 1943. Membbbs of the L egislative Council o f V i c t o r i a — continued. Date Appointed Date of Number of Electors enrolled. Name of Province and Member. for taking Poll Retirement by at Election. effluxion of time. Remarks. COUNTRY PROVINCES— continued. NORTHERN: u, , /Males, 13,749 The Honorables— §18,449 Electors | Female^ 4>700 George Joseph Tuckett *12 June, 1943 11 June, 1949 Re-elected after retirement by effluxion of time. Richard Kilpatrick 15 June, 1940 14 June, 1946 Elected after retirement by effluxion of time from old Northern Province (Act No. 4409). NORTH-EASTERN : ricooaeu , /Males, 12,099 The Honorables— §16,390 Electors | Females, 4 )2 9 1 Percival Pennell Inchbold *12 June, 1943 11 June, 1949 Re-elected after retirement by effluxion of time. Sir John Richards Harris, fl5 June, 1940 14 June, 1946 Elected after retirement by effluxion of time from old K .B.E. North-Eastern Province (Act No. 4409). NORTH-WESTERN : eiQo-ioun + /Males, 13,607 The Honorables— §18,342 Electors ^ Females, 4 ,735 Sir George Louis Goudie *12 June, 1943 11 June, 1949 Re-elected after retirement by effluxion of time. Percy Thomas Byrnes $13 June, 1942 14 June, 1946 Elected in place of Hon. Henry Pye, deceased. SOUTHERN: , /Males, 16,856 The Honorables— §-4,797 Electors ^ Females, 7,941 Gilbert Lawrence Chandler . *12 June, 1943 11 June, 1949 Re-elected after retirement by effluxion of time. Sir William Charles Angliss .. $15 June, 1940 14 June, 1946 Elected after retirement by effluxion of time from old Southern Province (Act No. 4409). SOUTH-EASTERN: coo n w i. /M ales, 16,615 The Honorables— §23,958 Electors *^Females, 7 ,3 4 3 Charles Percival Gartside 12 June, 1943 11 June, 1949 Re-elected after retirement by effluxion of time. Cyril Everett Isaac 15 June, 1940 14 June, 1946 Elected after the retirement by effluxion of time of Hon. W. Tyner from old South-Eastern Province (Act No. 4409). SOUTH-WESTERN : coo 1 m eh . f Males, 16,275 The Honorables— §22,101 Electois | Females, 5 ,826 Gordon Stewart McArthur *12 June, 1943 11 June, 1949 Re-elected after retirement by effluxion of time. Allan Elliott McDonald 15 June, 1940 14 June, 1946 Elected after the retirement by effluxion of time of Hon. J. P. Jones from old South-Western Province (Act No. 4409). W ESTERN : jtoa erAo em 4- / Miales, 14,851 ^[20,503 Electors { Fema|e8) 5 ;652 The Honorables— *12 June, 1943 11 June, 1949 Re-elected after retirement by effluxion of time. Resigned Leonard Roy Rodda -j^ 15 July, 1943, under Act No. 3660, s. 196. 23 Oct., 1943 11 June, 1949 Re-elected. Robert Chisholm Rankin 15 June, 1940 14 June, 1946 Elected after the retirement, by effluxion of time, of Hon. M. Saltau from old Western Province. ttTotal No. of Electors, 481,812 * Member declared elected on Nomination Day, 21 May, 1943. 8 Number enrolled for the 1943 Periodical Election, t „ „ „ „ „ „ 28 May, 1940.
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