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WEEKEND EDITION 18 ONE FAST FILLY AB \X'hat A Runner breaks the track record during the All Arnerican trials

RUIDOSO, NEW MEXICO • FRIDAY, AliG. 16, 2002 • 0 U R ) 6 T ! I Y 1·: .-\ I{ , N c> . 2 -1 Capitan trustees A REAL PICK-ME-UP ntx• water putnp Neighbors likely to see Bonito service shut off Sept. 30

BY UONEL W. LIPPMANN five extraterritorial residents Tuesday night. f'{ II( Tlll' Kl lllll\< I '\r\l ._ A majority of the citizens present at the board's regular meeting vocally urged the A The village of Capitan Board of Trustees trustees to approve providing water to the voted not to approve the purchase and installa­ Bonito pipeline customers. tion of a pump that would keep water coming to Despite positive feedback from most of the packed house and a straw vote that showed a vast majority in favor of continuing to provide water to the Bonito customers, the board refused to second a motion made by Trustee u Bobbi Shearer io purchm;e and install the need­ ed pump. This action may close the is:me of thl' Bonito pipeline pPrmanently. In February, the City of Alamogordo announet•d that effective ,July :n it would no PHOTO BY LIONEL W LIPPMANN longer supply water to Capitan. Mayor Su~ven Capitan mayor Steven Sederwall, middle. tokes St.'derwall received a postponement until G around at Tuesday's board of trustees meeting Sederwall September and instructed village water t-~uper­ told the crowd village hall was sale agarn - whrle weanng visor Tt>rry Cox to research the cost of purchas­ a gas mask - a«er mold made several workers stck earli­ ing a pump that would get treated well water er thrs month See the related story on page 9A Sec CAPITAN. p.tge 'i.\ Officials want youth Programs • Luna County could oommunity group is trying to Luna County pm;t.H the high­ serve as a m< 1del afler replicat.R the suca>s.'l of the city est unemployment ratP in the reducing juvenile crime. of Deming and Luna County. state and the lowest per capita "In 1997, they reali:wd they income, he said. had a big problem," after three Over the course of five yean;, boys beat and robbed an £•lderly community entities such a.."l the woman, stole ht>r car, and then school hoard, the county com­ InnovativP programs could raped, beat and robbed a flC'hc>OI mission and the town came create a detour for youn~ people nurse, he said_ together to c-reate partne>rship headed for trouble, members of "They were high on druf-.'1-: projects. A youth shelter was the Lincoln County Community and drink," Castro said. ''They built to provide a safe plad for $:}!)0,000 Thesday. and the first thing thP council Today, the delinquency rat!.' Sergio Ca."ltm. a juvt>nile pro­ thought wa'l to build a detention ha" dropped and the camp 1s no DIANNE STALLINGS/STAFF J bation officer Wlth the .Juvenile center, but they realized they longer wK>d a...; other programs George Polaco of the Ru1doso Solid Waste Department. operates one ol two grapplrng trucks that prck up Jm;tice DiviRion of Children, couldn't afford a 100-bed facili­ catch children before they need yard deb11s throughout the v1llage See the related story on page 2A Youth and Families, said the ty." Sec YOUTH. 11.1gl' :\A ------2 DIGGIN' UP BONES Councilor suggests using GRT for parking space BY DIANNE sruuNGS center, not planning and zorung, not the judi­ Goins also que>'tioned how propPrty owners ~I fiXNI ~" '1·\FF \XlUTl-Jl cial. Money for all thl' other ha~ic serviceB come living around the land propo~ fc1r purchase from tJw gross n>ceipt.o;; tax~ feel about more traf1ic. cars and spenal events Raising property taxE-s to buy land for park­ She worries thnt Ruido~o will go the way of in their area. 0 ing and special event..'i doesn't make sense many towns and negl£"<:t Jt.'i shopping area, Assistant villagP attorney Charlt·~ Rennick when the village is facing more critical chal­ causing busine.'i!WS to mon· out. To stay that said three of the four sJdPs facing Uw land that lenges in it..s water supply and forest health, movement, the village could use a CRT tax des­ could be purchased art> zont>d t·omrnt·t'l'ial. says a long-time resident. ignated for economic deYt·lopment, Hyars said. "I keep looking down thl' ro;tcl." Byars ~wd. Dick Goins, who frequently attends the "Ours is going towarcl the airport and to pay "lfwe keep going as we an·, then>'s going to lw meetings of the Ruidoso ViUage Council, spoke off the police building," shP said. "In my opin­ more traffic and businesf*'~ willl(•avP." out against penalizing all land owners for a ion, it would be better for u:-; to take some from Although revenue from lodgPrs tax is up. 0 purchase of nearly five acre..q near the Comfort the airport and put it back wh~·re the money i.s gross receipt taxes are down, she said. adding Inn that he contends primarily would benefit raised- the shopping area." that village officials nel'd to look nl whal\; downtown merchants. Mayor Leon Eggleston Pxplained that the wrong with the current approac-h. Previously. a But Councilor Deborah Marcum-Byars water department is an enterprise fund and lodge owner told councilors that the lodgers Lax countered that unlesR the village can provide supports it:.;eJf through user fees and a 1 per­ may be higher, not hecau.."le mon· people an.• in acreage to stage special events and parking for cent GRT, which is u...,cd to buy water rights town, but because rooms cost more, especially -2 shoppers, many bl.lhinesses and promoters will and for other improvement..'!. with the opening of the Hawthorn Suite_-;_ move to neighboring Ruidoso Downs. 'I'Pe vil­ Goins reminded the board that Councilor Councilor Bob Sterchi said he too is looking lage already lost the annual motorcycle rally Ron Anderson drove downtoW11 during the ahead and is certain that the financial denwnd and antique car show, she pointed out. busy 4th of July holiday and found 50 empty associated with forest health will be VPlY high But she agreed that money could be found parking spaces. in two to five years. through other SOW'OOS, such as a gross receipts "''lJe downtown merchants are the direct Goins said in his perspective of the futur-e, if tax-fed airport reserve fwul. beneficiaries (of more parking or special events property taxes continue to increase, homeown­ "Many municipalities meet their infrastruc­ nearby)," Goins said. "Let's tax them." ers won't be able to afford to pay them. MElMlE 8ATTUR/8TAFf ture needs through property taxes, but ours Eggleston said the council isn't oontemplat­ Councilors conducted a closed session on t.he Ranctv navis entertained the crowd at lhe racetrack Aug. 9. would only pay for the fire department - not ing adding more tax at this point. simply redi­ proposed land purchase, but took no official the police deparlment, not the senior citizens recting the use of an existing GRT. action after reconvening in the open meeting.

INSIDE Buslncs.~ ...... 6A Opinion ...... 411. Buildin~ permits · VAMONOS Buying all those Classlfleds ...}-BB Vamonos ..... lC Crossword 7B Obituaries ....9A Local sculptor Dave McGary letters .4A Spotts .. __ ... 18 shattertng 2001 mark school supplies is ready to show off his latest ~ BusinessJ81.. StrcetTalk/4A '

~-- -~--L--~------______.:..... __ - ·- - -· . ~

PAt;E 2A • Hl II)()',() !\I\\., t()CAL NEWS fRIDAY, AuG. 16, 2002 Outdoor living expo receives OK &otn council despite village policy BY DIANNE SlJlWNCS Patricia Thompson, n_•presenting the "It's the fustest growing group of trav­ • Noted that the meeting set for Aug. station relocation, approved the annual expo proposed for Aug. 15-17,2003, Hatd elers with the highest portion of dispos­ 27 is canceled because a quorum of coun­ renewal agreement with S~ the event will concentrate on education able income," she said "Let them see cilors will not be able to attend. Corporation for computer consultation A waiver of village poliLy cleared the and information with seminars and what we have here so they will come • Approved paying for up to $10,000 services, and approved the designation way for the use of the Ruidoso demonstrations, but will include some back and boost the gross receipts taxes." of computer equipment aln>.ady in place of Lorri McKnight, acting village man­ C'_,onvention (:._•nter in August 2003 for a retail sales, mostly by local merchants In other business, the council: at the Ruidoso Valley Chamber of ager, as a new signatory and official reP:' Mountain Living Hunting, Fishing and dealing in outdoor gear, recreational • Set a public hearing for Sept. 10 to Commerce visitors center. The equip­ resentative to the Regional Wastewate17 Outdoor· 1 .iving Exposition_ vl'h ide travel, log home builders and consider adoption by reference of amend­ ment was ordered with the understand­ Treatment Plant modification project, Bm·har·a <'mne, sales din"<.:tor for the relak->d items. ments to the state's uniform traffic code, ing a grant would be received. The cham­ replacing Alan Briley, former village cenu•r olr M(•<:hPm DrivP, submitted the The l{ocky Mountain Elk including portions on littering, double ber paid, but the grant money hasn't manager. n~quest li:Jr thP waiver, explaining that Foundation, which boasts a huge mem­ fines in construction zones and electron­ come. Councilors agreed to query the • Approved under the consent agen., village policy pr·ohibiL"l retail sales events berHhip, has been invited to participate, ic personal assisted devices on the road­ state to see about getting special appro­ da an annual renewal ~ment for, during certain high tourist seasons and Thompson said. She'd also like to include way. priation. If they can't, the money could , professional l~ service with H. John holidnys. Ttw dates nm from Memorial bow hunting and youth-oriented sports. Chief Lanny Maddox explained that be taken from a surplus in the lodgers Underwood Ltd at a rate of$90,000 per Day weekL•nd through Labor Day week­ Couneilor Ron Hardeman offered the by adopting the code, police officers have tax fund. year up to 900 hours (equating to 75 end, the wt>ekPnd of A-;penfest, two mot ion to approvt> the waiver and a choice of citing people either under • Approved under the consent agen­ hours per month) with additional work WL'Cks pr·ior· lo th<-· weekend of the Councilor Debonth Marcum-Byars sec­ municipal law, which goes to municipal da .an agreement with RMKMc each month charged at $120 per hour. ChristmaH .Jubilet• and Thanksgiving ondL', needles along the street. pling trucks and crews were on state Forestry Division to village councilors Tuesday that ing for submissions, opening some RuidoHo residents are fed Her biggest fear is that by the road, eliminating piles of reduce the number of trees on the specifications for the trucks the bids and -then awarding a up with waiting. full, the piles - by then much pine needles, tree limbs and pine lots and clear away underbrush were finished by Corona that contract." One Camelot resident said lot dryer- will still be in place when cones stacked along village road­ as fire prevention measures. day, and he is hoping for deliv­ Specifications detail what owners in her neighborhood the rainy season stops. Then sidef-1. Director Leonard Corona said ery of one within 90 days. The features the solid waste director were told the area iB the second they become fire dangers, she The village solid waste he has two trucks on the road expense will be covered by the requires on the trucks. They're additional yard debris fee. The needed before advertisements second truck may have to wait for bids can be placed. limMIM¢11 iW BRIEFS until revenue begins to come in "But the critical factor is if a from vacant lots now being truck is available or they need GOP meeting cutters, bear carvers and such to 2 p.m., at the Hondo School Please contact the chamber at charged, Mason said. lead time to create it," - will attend the meeting. Gymnasium. There will be 257-7395 for a parade entry Lorri McKnight, village McKnight said. "Leonard The Lincoln County activities for all ages. Free application or stop by the finance officer and acting vil­ seems to think there might be Republican Party is announc-· Chamber presentation cholesterol screening and office at 720 Sudderth Drive. lage manager, said a lease/pur­ some available that won't ing itA next Third Tuesday blood pressure checks will be Join up to celebrate chase arrangement is anticipat­ require making them from Meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 20, A presentation by the given. United Blood Services "American Spirit!" ed for acquiring the trucks. scratch." at Cree Meadows Country American ChriRlmas Group will hold a blood drive .. Plus, Club at 301 Country Club and the Ruidoso.. Valley pm·t ici pants can partake in a Rand in Ruidoso. Socials will Chamber of Commerce is bicycle safety event course. A be at 5:30 p.m., with the din­ scheduled during a special child safety clinic (car seats), ner and meeting at 6. Guest meeting of the Ruidoa,;o Village drug awareness courses and Rpeakers will be Dub Council Aug. 23. electri{·al safety courses will Williams, State The meeting was caJled by be given as well. More than 30 Representative and candidate Mayor Leon Eggleston for 10 vendors will be there. for re-election, Maury St. a.m. at village hall on Cree John, candidate for County Meadows Drive and Kansas AspenFest parade Commissioner and Beverly City Street. Callaway, candidate for The Ruidoso Valley County Treasurer. All are Hondo health fair Chamber of Commerce invites invited to attend. all to participate in the The Hondo Valley AspenFest parade, Oct. 5. The Book discussion Community Health Fair wiH theme this year is .. American be held Aug. 22, 2002, 9 a.m. Spirit." There is no entry fee. A discussion and reading by Lisa Dale Norton, author of Hawk Flies Above and Anatomy of a Romance, will Frank J. DiMottaJ MD be from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. _A ..}JoM.e To k~-to((T .. __A Doc.toJL To Tlwst. today at Books & Beans, 2501 Sudderth Drive in Midtown. Kirkus Reviews compared her work to Terry Tempest Williams and Annie Dillard. Dale Norton brings her evoca­ tive, poetic and passionate narrative voice to New Mexico, where she will give an Oil exclw~ivP reading and discuss thP relationships between Lea!Je lo fake /or 9ranleJ landscape, creativity, person­ n I experience and heart that Jhe worukr o/ day lo day resulted in her two books. Wfun it wiff ch.angP /oi'Plfl'r Admission is a $5 donation. none o/ uj can truflJ Jay . Wood-cutting meeting ...J!oue and f,.;end..lhip are gl'eal Ruidoso-area wood-cutting 9'/t.l contractors and others using flaVP tO lg/,f WUlj fon•Rt resources have been (/od fo ftp invilPd to a meeting on See them., JPuf them., ~,fum Thursday, Aug. 22, featuring t/,~un H prescnta tion by Rick Dclaco, Ruidoso urban Jhi.. 1 fa,. each o/lfou wP pra'J. forester. Delaco said he will spell ..Jo //,o.1P o&ou wh.o lor.tcheJ our hear/3 tfw!Je pa.il ~w out the rules governing tree­ thinning in the vi1lage, and Wl'e/u, :J/umk You /or lh-e love, 3upporf and gifb. particularly those having to do with permitted cutting of ~ are /JnnoreJ lo f.aue t>hal"eJ La.. i.iie ~ 22 'Jear!J with large trees. The meeting will begin at IJOU, 6:30 p.m. in the council cham­ bers of the vi11age hall on Jranh muf S,_ _/Joopsr, f?r;tlafUJ, Lf"tance, cJetUe, .q,.ammlj, ' Kansas City Road. _Auntie anJ ma11lj otfw,.J. Delaco said he hopes those KAWLIGA~s Solllhwttsl Gifts & lndkm Artifacts engaged in any forest-based :zc? sfUiderlh. nuido~ ~.stem Af"t Furnltu~ - Horn Fun•lrun: (SOS) 257-3540 business - thinners, fire-wood See Jimmy & Judy www.ruidoso.net/equinearts

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~RUIDOSO NEWS Kmnl GREEN taldng Qlre of YOUR· business is OVR busineSs EoiTOIUAL AoVISHR, 100". 19 1()4 PMk Avenue, P.O. Box ll8 Ruidoso, N.M. 88355 • Telephone (505) 157-400 I • fax (505) 257-7053 For~ baqqldes. call (50S).ZJ7-400t Dianne Stallings ...... County reponer, Ext. 22 v· BRAD L. TREPJ'OW PuBUSHER, ExT. 3 Sanely Suggltt ...... •..•lklucadon, Vamonos reporter, Ext. 15 WHS SCHWBNGELS EDITOR, ExT. 18 Todd Foqrua ...... : ...... Sports editor, Ext. 5 Melanie Saltier ...... Business reponer, I!Jtt. 23 Tilt /bUdDsD Nrtv~ (USPilS ~72-lm.,ISSN 07-tH-102) ~ publimcd ead\ Wc:dne, NM Sil34S ..-.I at aoldiUonol m:ll1in3 t>llloa ~ Send ~ ch:mll"' to the Ridlltet> Nt~~~~P.O. 11m 128. Ruldooo, NM86l55. 1hr lbdJmr,N,..,. I'C5<:M:5 llll' riQht to rtjcCt ~and edll copy that II cMIItlmobj«tionallle. U:lbilltY fur my mor In lllll'mWng Wll not-' the wlur rl the oaWII tpiiOt! In Wlhldt lite error ocnm tnd slWI be &OIIsllcrl by CtW- ra:tlonlo dle"""' ~we. No ponlon rlilic: ~ Nn~~> may be usaJ in any rrt3Dnl';r Mlhoot the-~ 1fti1tm anoanrlll)e~ ....U: ...... ~·-·······.. - ..----..-----...... -- ...... ------.---. --... .. -r- --- ...-- -..-- ...... - ---..,.- - .... y- ~ - - :

FRIDAY, AUG. 16, 2002 LOCAL NEWS YOUTH: More prOgrams needed FROM PAGliA -- . opportunities to do positive and other entities such as Big the more para-military , things," he said. He stressed the Brothers/Big Sisters, and the . approach, he said. importance of a youth center state Children, Youth and ~ 'They came up with all of the . and a shelter for children who Families Department. programs without rwsmg have been hurt by a parent or While Lincoln County isn't taxes," Castro said. 'They fotind . guardian - a place to stay while experiencing the drive-by shoot­ grants, involved foundations figuring out the next step. They ings and other violent crimes ' ' and shifted money. Wf!lre tcying need someone to listen to and often associated with gangs, to replicate the approach before support them. he . that could change . .Let us beyour . we have a tragedy like Deming. said. if steps B.Ten't Substance abuse is the biggest "If there is no ..(Lun-. Count¥) taken now, problem faced by our youth infrastructure for Ruidoso · Police Fresh Produce Store! J locally. Just last Friday, there all of the young came up with ~ ·Chief Lanny were 150 kids at a party in · to develop their all of the pro­ , Maddox said. He's Ruidoso Downs." potential - not been involved The community also is at risk just the Girl grams without from the start of from possible fires that could be Scol!-ts and Boy raising taxes• . the local effort, EXTRA LARGE. started by drug or drink-using Scouts - we're originally called teens, he said, recalling that the missing the They found Struggling to ROCKY FORD Cree Fire in May· 2000 that boat," Allen said. grants, involved Survive, he said. · burned about 6,500 acies of U.S. Incarcerating . , "Tiris has to be Forest service land. The fire was one juvenile for a foun datio · ns••• a team concept, CANTALOPES started by a smaJ.i group of par­ year at the and that's not tying juveniles and one adult. Springer deten- · Sergio Castro always easy in 'We don't want to. wait until tion center coats juvenile probation officer Lincoln County," · the whole village burns down," $40,000, Castro he said, noting the he said. said. Last year, Lincoln County success of C~p Sien·a Blanca, Luna County eventually budgeted $180,000 for juvenile which handles already ~djudi­ 2 built a 20-bed juve~e facility, detention and the figure didn't . cated juvenile·s in a · para-mili- but found once the progrn.ms include the transportation costs tary atmosphere. were in place, the beds weren't paid thrqugh the sheriffs office. "I want to get kids before PREFERRED TRIM needed. Lincoln County and its five that," Maddox 13aid. "We need to "'they sold them to the feder­ incorporated communities get them midstream and h(}lp al system and they will generate ·would be wise to invest on the them develop a sense of self­ FOR T·BONE' STEAK· $1 million this year, so it front end. instead of spending worth." improved the County's financial even more money combating Castro invited councilors to position," Castro said. crime and jailing offenders, visit a model program in Fort · A domestic violence shelter CelStro said. Worth, Texas, saying the JJAC was created and public trans­ "We need upfront planning, will pay for the trip. While pOrtation system started, he not necessarily money," he said. Councilors Ron Hardeman and Said. One lobbyist represents all But money is a need, a repre­ L. Ray Nunley expressed inter­ of the entities in Santa Fe, and sentative of the coWlty Health est, Councilor Deh(Jrah has brought in "a lot of money and Wellness Board said. Marcum-Byars and Mayor Leon from the state, the federal gov­ Funding for after-school pro­ Eggleston said they will meet enunent: and from foundations," grams and the Youth Asset with Luna County Manager La.- Castro said. Building program were cut, yet Soott Vinson while they're in the Ted Allen, representing the hours between school dis: area on another issue later this Americorp and the New Mexico missal and when parents come month. · Council for Conununity home from work are prime for For inore information about OLATHE Volunteerism, said his program juvenile crime and mischief, she the task force, call (505) 258- 10$1 provides a way for young people said. 4250 or 258-5803. The group SWEET CORN FOR to build self-esteem and to give "We need one f~," she said, meets at 11:30 a.m .. back to their communities. urging a cooperative effort of the Wednesdays at the Pizza Hut on "I think they need more co1mty, cities, school districts Mechem Drive. EXTRA LARGE SEEDLESS

... . ,. .... - . - .... - - •' - . - ' .. -.~, .. • "'D.~~E~ -· :"':~": :;:....- . CGARYtQ • . • RED GRAPES Artist Reception OR EXTRA LARGE SEEDLESS You are cordially invited to join Dave for a Collector~s Evening to premiere his three latest Masterworks 7 THOMPSON 69·~ "2\!El\'10R1lE§ OF HONOR " • THE RAJIN1\1.AKER }¥j(()N1LJl\1ENT GRAPES LB • Also the first piece of his new series from the Northwest Coa~t region. NEW CROP US NO. 1 6'THE EYE OF THE RA'\lEN 7 ~ Saturday, August 1 7, 2002 • 6:00 to 8:00 pm RUSSET POTATOES 2002 Sudderth Drive • Ruidoso, New Mexico • (505) 257-1000 9 9 ~ 10 LB. BAG



.SHAMPOO OR CONDITIONER ~0lz. ·79~ While· Suppli•s;· Last! No Ra.inchecks! We: reserve- the right to limit ·quantities. · Fridaty,_ •-aturcJP·Y & Sunil•y Only August 1-·a,· 17,11, 2002

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• ..... PINION BEST AVAILABLE COPY .•.. FRIDAY, AuG. 16, 2002·.; PAGt: 4A CALL Us: KEITH GRJ~E:--;, EurToRlAL AnvisER • 257-4001 • [email protected] .,

\ '- ....

RUIDOSO NEWS . I • .: ~ Brad L. Treptow, publisher Wes Schwengels, editor

A :-okdiaNL·ws Group Ncw..,pape'r. Puh\islH.'U t.>vc:ry Wc:dnL~day and Fritf.n at llH Park Avcn m.:, Ruidll.'>ll, Nt:w Mc:xiu • COPYRIGHT l002 OUR ()PINIO!'t .· Political governance -. . and private enterprise

Midtown open space could be a test case FRIENPS ~ ..o. I I>ON'T LET uidoso for all its half-cen­ locals and visitors. ury-plus as an incorpo­ Even as that effort cranked FRIENPS GIVE R ated municipality has up, with considerable fanfare, tended to be ungovemable. a property owner comes f~r­ THEM INSII>ER Whether it's the tradition of ward with an already financed free spirits seeking to do their development proposal that own thing in a mountain par­ would provide hundreds of INFORMATION adise, or hidebound conserva­ parking spaces in a structure tives insisting on the right to (suitably disguised) at Country do as they please with their Club and Sudderth. lives and property, there's little The whole scheme ultimate­ question that in Ruidoso, pri­ ly might include a landscaped YOUR OPINION vate enterprise has cE: many feet bel~w the crest inch diameter tubing,. approximately 75 be male, year, she'd become governor. ing major disasters. During such disas­ of a hill behind them. not m front of a feet away, which I have off~red to paint female, Green, Why run again? ters cell phones and wired phones usu­ view· to match the trees. From their decks, the Libertarian or "I have the experience, and ally fail and· one of the few remaining Ruidoso appraiser Rod Adamson has tops of both antennas will be directly in your garden there's so much work to do in elec­ modes of corrtmunjcation is via amateur appraised our home and those on both front of and below the tree line on Bruce variety tion reform - something I've radio. Communication to the "outside sides of it within the past year. He tells Chapman's property, 100 yards away. MOUNTAIN Democrat or been working on all this tenn. world" during a disaster is made via the me the a,ntennas had absolutely no effect Our property is not in -between anyone Republican. The Legislature gave $2 million antennas, which were complained about ASIDES on the values, and seemed surprised else and either the mountains or the val- And, if they to do an interactive computer reg­ during the re~nt P&Z hearing. To fur­ anyone would make such a claim. ley view. KEITH GREEN get elected, istration system that should get ther degrade the amateur antennas The Planning and Zoning ... I truly believe this is no longer : you're sure to lots of deceased voters off the because they are owned by private citi­ Commission made it clear each request- about views or aesthetics. Unfor- ..: see them again - about four rolls. We want it operational zens and are not owned by a commercial edpermitisjudgedonitsownmerits.An tunately, it has morphed into a purely-· years later, when they're running before the next Presidential elec­ firm (such as a cell phone company, approval for us would set no precedent. emotional issue for many of those : for re-election. tion." which charges for the services provided) Mr. Bremner misunderstood our fil- involved. Because ofNew Mexico's polit­ Vigil-Giron has testified before is unwarranted and counter to encour­ ing. We never intended. to install the Radio amateurs communicate using ical registration (mostly Demo), Congress on election reform. "On aging volunteer support in our commu­ antennas before the home. When we about the same wattage as an average you - predictably - tend to get a national level, we cannot relent nity. bought the lot, we were unaware of any better acquainted with the in our resolve to restore the confi­ Amateurs always want to be good appliCRble ordinances. We filed now to light bulb in your home. You use the Democrats, who inevitably occu­ dence of the American people in neighbors and will work to remove be certain - before investing more equivalent of our maximum permitted power when you iron a shirt or blouse. PY the lesser executive offices in our electoral systems," she says. interference, if any, caused by their money - that we can secure a permit We pose no threat to. anyone. Local ama­ state office buildings in and If she's thereby hinting at the equipment. Interference is very, very when the time comes. around Santa Fe. last Presidential election outcome rare but people often believe, without The Juniper Hills Architectural teurs have been recognized nationally That's because, except for gov­ and what happened in Florida - any supporting ·evidence, a problem Committee (Mr. R. F. Madera) _ :after · for providing necessary eme~ncy com~ ernors and people we send to well, she hints further that if with their phone, TV or stereo is due to ·giving us written permission, upon munications in every forest fire, power Washington, inevitably those re­ every state•s election system was an antenna in their neighborhood. which we based the purchase of our lot- outage, other emergency and many pub­ runners for lesser statewide elec­ as good as New Mexico's, there'd Amateurs, if contacted, will assist in was given false information ... 1 quote lie events in or around the Ruidoso area tive offices are Democrats. be no problem. finding the real cause of the problem from the letter, to him, placed on the in recent years. Amateur operations are Such a one is the current occu­ And, of course, she acknowl­ and assist in correction. record with P&Z by the writer. "Mr. strongly supported by o~ti.ons like pant of the office of Secretary of edges she is one partisan the Department of Defense, Red Cross, : Civil Air Patrol, Search and Rescue. and..:. State, a native Taosefia (i.e., one Democrat. SfREEI' TAlK born and raised in Taos l named .f-0 others. I like to think we're good neigh.- ~ Rebecca Vigii-Giron. She dropped ~rs and pretty good citizens who ~: in this week as an adjunct to· QUESTION: Are you spending more or less this year form a useful, no-coat service to our cotri- : LEITERS POUCY attending a confab of all 33 coun­ mrinities without causing harm to aJ:\i-: on back-to-school purchases? ' ~. ty clerks (eight of them The Ruidoso News encour­ one. .... • Republicans) at the Carrizo ages letters to the editor, espe­ . EdJ~= Lodge. cially about local topics and Ruidcii'b • And, since we'd visited with issues. Each letter must be ""'~. . signed and must include the ~- her Republican opponent - a writer's daytime telephone num­ Make .a factual decision "~'!- • dynamic Navajo woman named ber and mall address. The phone ~·.~. . number and mailing address will Sharon Clahchischilliage - in the not be printed; the hometown To the editor: . .! ' : office a whilQ back, it wouldn't will be. The telephone number Having read your story "Turn on the: have been politically correct to wilf be used to verify authorship. Radio" and also having attended the: No letter ,.n.u be printed without decline a conversation. the writer's IUlDle. meeting of the P&Z CoDJ,fuisB:ion wlmre: Besides, Vigil-Giron is one of Letters should be no more Mr. Juge'~ sketch Plan :was reviewed. I; those sparkling, personable, polit-­ than 300 words in lenl(th, of pub­ lic interest, and free of libel; edit­ can only ho~ that cletu:' o\:dectiv~ mindS • ical profe88ionals with. a knack for ing will be for length, grammar ''More, because I have "I think it's pretty ~uch -~·Probably more· because I, . o:p. the CQriunissiOn. an~ (village):~·: easy conversation and a memory or spelling. Shorter letters are two children this year, but the same. The (school have an oora kid th,at's re.ach·a eorrOOt d.®iSiOn.based,''-'' .taetU-· for names and faces that would do preferred and generally receive sreater readership. The Ruidoso It's not costing as much supply) list looks about · going tQ be attend lOg .al· Ud'onnation ~: well 8tiJ .r~~·~~~d; . a Bruce King proud. News reserves the right to reject as it used to." · the same." school;'' ., .~te .. ·~w ·~·wdi,ng·. ~~~~~IJ~~~= She's also a rare state official any letter. Longer by-lined · :. •'tettpa'iJ, '.Che ~ces ~~r,&"'"·.an: going for a third term; she had "Guest Commentary" articles Phyllis Chea sandra VIllalva wiD be consid'ered; CQ}J the editor Mescalero RuidOso Downs .Marilyn Smllll : .... toea~ ~t.e~.r:a~. ·~~·~f$K~~U1dt served in the office from 1987 at (505) 257-4001. Mescalero . .not be. coilsttainett· ,~by~ feait·,.i~;.;,;·.:...;.~~ ... : through 1990r stepped aside eight Letters may be delivered to · ancl.tess ~·. ·rt~~~-7tb~:. years for her deputy, Stephanie the Ruidoso News office at 104 aoevident f .· Park Avenue, mailed to P.O. Box . w Jftbei~ ., ~t-C Gonzales, then came back in via 128, Ruidoso, NM 88365; faxed the ballot~ in 1998, to 267-7053; or sent by e-mail to ruidoaonews@ zianet.com. Yes, you ctan legally ~ SANDY auaom~AFF ... yourself' in office one- time. and ., . .; .

... ·• \t . ·.. ·- ·.~:::;:~ •• . ., ' ; : ~1.- • -.I •. ~j ~· . ' . •. " .• ··+ .J t: .. ··"'" ._;; .. '· ... ,~"''·''.· _··~:;.>l;"':~;!~~:,:L :d Lili;: A£.i:~;~~~;.:~,~·J:i~i •. ;·~Jt. ' ' ~·

· FRIDAY, AuG. 16, 2002 LOCAL NEWS RUIDOSO NEWS • PAGE 5A ~ CAPITAN: No pump FROMPAGElA off and was given a fuiai date Hemphill says he· 'regretS statement' .. of Sept. 30. This meant that ' from .Capitan to the Bonito the pump, if it was to be pipeline so that these five cus~ bought, must be ordered no made at recent school board retreat tamers could continue to ·later than Aug. 28 in order for . ' ~ - receive water. · it to. be installed by the dead­ Superintendent says new high school theater getting closer to done at Tuesday's board rrteeting , Sederwall .stated that },te line. '. felt the land owners affected The village has already BY SANDY SUG(m' ment, and an item on the draft agenda to approved the board goals for the 2002- by Alamogordo's decision to been put on notice by Gary RUIDOSO_~ S'fAF~~__1!___--~-- discuss the annual school board retreat 2003 school year, and approved a bid cut off. the water to Capitan Mitchell, attorney for four of was ~moved "%a lll8ke the meeting short­ from Lincoln Transportation for 1:1ctivity , had in fact "saved Capitan in ·the plaintiffs, that if the water At the regular meeting of ijte Ruidoso er," said School·Board President Susan ~portation services for the school 1957 by permitting easements is shut off to his clients, he will . School .Board Alig. _13, 12-year ,school Luttennan. district. The rate approved was $1.60 per across their property... Mr. Cox sue for actual damages, pUni­ 1>9ard member Ronnie Hemphill read a After the meeting, a Mescalero parent mile plus tax, $75 per day for additional found a pump for $6.000 plus tive damages and att.Qrney's statement about his comment referring said her children attended Ruidoso drivers and a $35 cleaning fee· when the cost Qfbringing and paying fees. In addition to. this. he will to i.mproved test scores resulting from schools last year, and the. younger ones. excess tr~sh is left. in the bus. Last year'~'> . for three-phase electricity to ask the 12th Judicia:l District' losing Mescalero students to the new will attend the new Mescalero school this · rate was $1.57 per mile plus tax. . the pump site. Court for il\junctive relief for school: · year, but her high sch()ol-age daughter Superintend~nt of Schools Mil{e Four of the five extra-terri­ his' clients. "l made a statement at ·our board wanted to return to Ruidoso High School. Gladden said the fine arts auditorium is torial water customers on the The fifth person has been retreat last week,. which. was quoted and ''Ate my children going to be treated moving closer to completion, and the old Bonito line. have been receiv- asked to provide an easement printed in the Ruidoso News (Aug. 7). It differently because they live in part of the fine arts building is ready for . . ing it since 1957. The other . for a $!l60,QOO · CoJD.lllunity is unfortunate that the invited reporter Mescalero?" Manisha Shaffer asked. band, choir, art and dram~t cl.asses. The customer on the line received Development Block Grant pro- chose w include this statement in ·her "Now we don't know. He (Hemphill) does­ architect and landscape eng4'leer met his tap at a later date in an .. ject, . con~erning necessary article. · n't say why he stated it or what he did ~th Gladden Tuesday and will make a· e:xchange for an easement on improvements to the storm "Our stafF, ·adminiStration and thiS mean by it. I think he owes not only recommendation on .dealing with the his ·property. Capitan pur­ drainage on 4th , Street, that board have dedicated many hours to the Ruidoso but all the students that have Gavilan Canyon Road side of the audito­ chased this water from the Village of Capitan sought education of the Native American stu- · been attending from Mes~ero an apolo­ rium building, where earth arid rock an~ Alamogordo. .. . for two years before it was dents, and all should be commended, not gy, becarise the way we took it, our kids piled and at risk of eroding. Armed with' this informa­ approved. CriticiZed for our unending efforts in this are slowing down Ruidoso on test The new auditorium will seat 347, tion. Mayor Sederwall placed The action to not supply endeavor. scores." and chairs with arms have been ordered, this matter on the agenda of a water to the customers on the "' regret Illllk:ing the statement, I Another parent, Candace Valcarcel, Gladden said. · regular meeting of the Capitan Bonito pipeline may put the regret the perceptions derived by the said, "I think he owes the community an The next meeting of the school board Board of Trustees. But three granting of this easement in Mescalero Apache tribe in .regards to the apology because that was totally out of was changed from the usual second out of four refused to consider doubt. BecaU.se of the grant's statement, and mostly, I regret any harm line ... It was an embarrassment to me to Tuesday of the month to Sept. 17. at 7 it for· a variety of reasons, tenuous status, a ·resident on done to the Ruidoso Munic.ipal Schools as have a school board member say a thing · p.m. in the Central Administration expressing concern over who­ 4th Street, who gets most of the result; of my statement." like that." Building. The public is welcome to would pay for the P1.1111P and a the flooding when it occurs, There was no discussion of this state- In other business, the school board attend. village resolution that denies has put the village on notice the granting extrateriitorial that he intends to sue the next water taps. time his house and property ··Shearer and Sederwall are flooded. pointed out that this cost would Also of concern to the vil­ be amortized over a period of lage is seven miles of asbestos time due to the fact that the vil­ concrete pipeline that, accord­ lage was charging higher rates ing to Dr. Bernhardt Reimann, tO. e:xtraterritorial customers the Village environmental than to village customers. advisor, will have to be ' . The que.stion of the Bonito removed' and treated as toxic pipeline appeared on the agen­ waste if it is allowed to become das of at least the last six vil­ dry. Even if this is not the lage regular and special meet­ case, the landowners in ques­ i ings without any agreement tion can force the village to being reached among the. remove this pipe as part of an trustees. Sederwall negotiat­ abandoned easement at which I ed_with Alamogordo for a time time it would become toxic l extension on the pipeline shut- waste. WW\\I$ruidosonews.co1ll - ·I J 1 Quick~ ... .• NaiDe an Electrician!

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.RUIDOSO. NEWS BUSINEs·s PAGE 6A CALL Us: 257-4001 FmDAY, AVG. 16, 2002

iiJiiiiji.~j BRIEFS High Country Oudet open Sept. 11, 2001, she said, but High Country Outlet is picked up' again laat month planning a ribbon-cutting cere­ with the cooler weather and mony with the Ruidoso Valley with new customers ·finding Chamber of Commerce for 3 the store. p.m. Aug. 30 with food and bev­ · The ~ew location has about erages and drawings for prizes.·· 5.400 square feet· of space. It . · · The home decor· and fur­ offers imported rugs and fwni­ nishings store re1ocated from ture and _custom ordering of Vision Drive to 'the former bed ·linens in 350 different fab­ Ruidoso ·post office ·building at . rics and leather. 2927 Sudderth Drive in March. Fruit market moves "We were hoping that we would be more accessible and Tom and Suzanne Freeman ' easy to find." said Lissa relocated their Country Fruit IGnder, who co-owns the busi­ Market to one-half mile north ness with her father, Bob Pace, of Airport Road on U.S. 48. The and manages it with her broth- husband-and-wife team has er~ David. · operated a fruit stand in The family refurbished the Ruidoso for seven years, last on building, but is displaying the Carrizo Canyon Road. 1961 dedication sign where it They sought a permanent was originally placed and location to sell .their wares - incorporating old mail boxes locally grown fruits and veg­ into the design of the store. eti..bles, and roasted corn and The store also is selling post chile. Currently' they offer office boxes. Customers have ,­ peaches, · plums, pears, black­ used them for jewelry boxes, eye peas, cucumbers, green Facelifts, · piggy banks and storage for beans, cider, caramel apples, wine bottles, silverware and jams and jellies, and will soon documents. have apples and figs. makeovers "It's just kind of fun," The store is open May Kinder Said. through mid-October, every Books Etc. owner J. F. "Rip" Business dropped after day from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. VanWinkle recently refurbished the facade of his building (above) and added a $20,000 staircaSe to reach pub­ The Economy and the Markets lic parking. C))e. Taco at 319 Sudderth Drive (top right) undergoes stucco treatment. The building (right) hous­ Consumers and the Fed ing Ronnie Hemphill, C.P.A, and the Natural Health Care Complex at 1035 IY I8CIIAEI. SWANSON while only spending $0.2 tril­ Mechem Drive also is being renovated. ~ PARGO~ ~ANY lion in interest payments. PHDlOS BY MELANIE SATTL£RJsTAFF Each percentage point cut in DUring the current down the FFTR decreases personal cycle, the Federal Reserve has interest income by $26 billion pushed monetary policy to be annually while reducing as stimulative as is reasonably expenses by $7.7 billion annu­ Area construction surge continues poesible. ally. 1\n.~me)y tight relation­ This means that consumer Ruidoso Downs Hampton Inn-work starts;-peFmit~~st·~estemuissued in Rwicloso ship exists between the Fed interest inc6me falls much . '- ' nr• . Funds Target Rate (FFI'R) faster than consumer interest BY MElANIE SII1UR last mo~th, 28 more than in July 2001. Communications of Ruidoso Downs and and personal interest expendi­ expenses. The net effect is a Of the total permits, 15 were for single­ Roswell. tures for consumers. Each per­ drop in cash flow of $18.3 bil­ . Both Ruidoso and Ruidoso Do'WD.B'are family residences, 50 percent more than The tower will be used for a paging sys­ centage point cut in the FFl'l\ lion annually for each percent- experiencing upswings in development­ those issued a year ago. Manufactured tem and BOO-megahertz system for tele­ saves co~ers age point drop in including t\yo new motels and an apart­ homes accounted for two, and seven were phone and radio to enhance radio commu­ $7.7 billion on an the FFTR. ment complex. for commercial alterations and additions. nication between Ruidoso Downs and annual 'basis. con­ However, this · Ruidoso in July granted a commercial The bulk, 79, were for residential alter­ Buck Mountain, said Travis Atwell, tech­ Factoring in the ···Oldersumers) suf- gap between lost permit to contractor Carl Tucker of ations and additions. nician with Key Communicatioris. timing and the size fered most of income. and Bowie, Texas, for a Best Western hostelry Ruidoso Downs issued $2 milliQn in The business provides two-way radio of the cuts to date, the income increased savings is on Camelot Drive with a total construc­ building permits in July, including one for and telephone service to businesses and the Fed has freed even more compli­ tion value of$2.19 million. Larry Strain of a new hotel on U.S.. 70 at a cost of $1.8 emergency response entities. Atwell up $42 billion for loss and cated than it Port Lavaca, Texas, oWilS the 39,703- million. TNJ Construction is building the expects that in the future the n~w tower additional con­ enjoyed liiBe appears. Just as square-foot motel, which will include a three-story Hampton Inn next to Denny's will "give better coverage for the valley," sumer ·spending ofthecost advertisers covet 1,500-square-foot carport parking area. restaurant. The hotel will comprise 61 improving Lincoln County emergency since January of savings.'' certain age demo­ Building permits issued through July units. Owner Sharma Surendra also owns management systems. 2001. graphics due to by Ruidoso's planning office show an over­ the Economy Inn in Ruidoso Downs. The city granted Doug Siddens a per­ Aggressive rate Micahel Swanson their ab:\}ity to all increase of 24.4 percent for 2002, and Building permits issued this July total mit for construction of a $166,780 resi­ cutting has also Wells FafBo spend discretionary an increase of 34.57 percent compared to $1.97 million more than July last year. dence on Agua Fria Road. benefited another inconi~, the gap July of last year, including the hefty com.­ And the $8,370 in total fees collected by Earlier this year, Anasazi Builders big spender. Government between lost income and sav­ mercial permit. the city for July 2002 tops this month last Corp. of Pojoaque began constructing interest payments have fallen ings affects two very different The value of permi:ts issued so far this year by $7,687, though the city issued just Ladera Apartment Homes on DiPaolo significantly, thanks to the groups. year totals $29.7 million, and th~ total three more permits this year. Hill in Ruidoso Downs at a coat of $2.3 lower short-term rates. Statistically, older con­ ~t fees collected in July, $32,454, tops N4J_e permits were for alterations and million. The 60-unit complex owned by The federal government has sumers typically have little this month last year by 95.73 percent. additions and another was for the·$15,000 Steve Crozier is going in across from the swapped a significant part of debt and higher aCCUIJ1.ulated Ruidoso issued 109 building permits construction of a radio tower by· Key racetrack entrance on U.S. 70. its short-term debt for lower savings. This group has suf­ rates during the last 20 fered most of the income loss months. In fact, the govern­ and enjoyed little of the cost Focus on Agriculture ment has saved $45 billion in savings. Typically, younger interest payments thanks to consumers are the exact oppo­ the cheaper cost of borrowing. site with little or no savings Young G•nters, women stepping up And without a doubt, the , and heavy debt loads. U .8. Treasury will try to posi­ These consumers have ben­ · Br SJEWARr TRUELSBI Yet, Gibson is optimistic. they know public Perceptions recently in passing a new farm tion its portfolio's duration to efited the most from the Fed's AMERICAN FARM BUREAU "Our young farmers and of farming and public buy-in to bill. "With commodity ~ continue to take advantage of pOlicy. However, given the dif­ ranche:rs are more enthusias- solve the· complex problems of as· low as they are right n9w, a this situation. Businesses have ferent spending. patterns, the The average age of farm tic than ever and feel as agriculture are imP9rtant. farm b~ ~ essential to .h~lp also been quick to position Fed's hope is that young con-· · ·operators is almost 55 years,· though there is a bright Near DanvillE!;, Ky., AFB some farms survive 8o ·tb.ey themselves to reduce their cost sumera have taken these sav- · easily qualifYing them for future. And that's why they do Women's Chair Terry Gilbert can continue farming for the of borrowing. ings and immediately · membership in AARP, but their best to use technology also sees great potential on the' next 5 or 10 years," ~e ~­ Unfortunately, government returned to buy·even more. · there is a generation~ young . and move forward as they try farm and in farm organiza- Gilbert'alsop.otea a trend of statistics regarding compre­ This complicated relation­ fanners and ranchers tefi,dy to to find a niche market or tioils for wonten. "I think one more worb.en 'worJcin8':~~:f;he hensive business interest pay­ ship between debt holder8 and face the challenges·· ahead. something that will help keep of the skills diat w()men bring farm to supplement tb:.. ~­ ments and receipts are only debt· payers shows that the Women too are playing an them in bUsiness for a long to Farm Bureau is the ability ily inoome or obtain medical published on an annual 'basis Fed's stimulative policy has important role in Am~rica's time,"· says GibSQn. to communicate and their will- insurance. On the farm, they making it difficult t:o peg the important limits. farming future, particularly in This attitude, which is cqn- ingn~s to sit down and talk often handle the bookkeeping exact amount of benefit Low interest rates b~ically promoting agri~ture and firmed by an American Farm about iasues witli the public." or wprk alongside their b .... derived &om the lower rates. favor todays consumption edw:ating_the non-farm public. Bureau p()ll ·of ;young fanners, Gilbert believes ~cultural ban~. While her busbaiid ~ How~ver, there are some over tomorrow's investment, ··Utah dairy farmer Kerry should· be a relief for eon- education and conswn~r · tAki.D!t · CJ~ttle. to, IDQrket, hidden costs that give the Fed which is a. legitimate policy· Gibson is SO-years-old . P.nd sumeriJ. They win increasingly aw~ness provide eireenent Gilbert Was ~ on otb.. TeaSOn to limit further cuts of goal in a recession cycle. chairman of the American rely on these young farmers as · opJ)ortunities for wom~. · "I , · catti~,in a pasture: . , · · the FFTR. There is no such Politically speaking, how­ Farm Bureau Federation baby ~omer farmers ~nd · think. women can be very . Farming.~ always ~n a thing as a free lunch in eco­ ever, older debt holders (typi­ Young Farmers and Ranchers their eareers. Some . of these active in; .. p~moting ·agppPJ,- f~y ~~- ~t's n,Ot ~lY: .. nomics. and the Federal cally enthusiastic voters) will Co~~- He's already get- older farmers no dolWt will . ~ i~,-811~.-'w~t agnew-. WJu1t·:is ~~w;~~tJUlt.~e~,l~c;i.:: Reserve's low interest rate pol­ begin to exert more pre~ ting ~nt.Y of eqxmen~ on retire earl)- rather tlu1n deal · .· ~~ '4~J.~ ~~y,_ 'hQW,, ..•~~i~ ~ties·ot,;Yw:.wr·~:.. icy has been creating an since it .is their income .that · the f8mily fim'n near Ogden in with all the headaches of'. we'Geed.'l®"l~~ ev~ clarY· ··. 61'8 and Wo.tt,J.~ are·· ~P,ing important, negative economic continues to suffer as the Fed dealing 'With the recU:ITCnt farming. , · · tO -·li'\te·. and ·hbW it .touclu~s .· . '!9· tlie. fiitute feedback. attempts to· prime the eco~om­ ·A siinp]e comparisdn of per­ ic pump. . =rpri=~~~ -~.~":!~~~.~~~~.;~)>~' . sonal income and spending , tti~·1bw~_-, til·~tli.·····_e i11ii(6n_·~':tii~·- , h~.~a&~~7·~~~.-~:~_~_-!i_:.·w~r __ ~'G.--_-·_!_·_~~_-'·M.-.~~ wofli~__,.~.~~~-::_ili .. ·~1tea_.,; .~_ .J_:n_ ·_ . ~';~~~~~~~;:~~~~~J shows that householrJs reoopre Theite are not investment ' w~ drOught is wonMming ~-a tol,@ier _:M · · · t9rY-~~•. oontactm8···tij~D$Jetors_'ah6ut liJJ~'t .~ • · app~~tely $1,.1 trlll1on recommendations. Con.ault and irlsect rohl' .. are bad · ,. ~ ~·.theh- fathers ·~ch ublicWJi ~~t'{'?;:df,:.:tc';~f.f ,,. ··flDi. ~·:• ~IUi:Anrmrii:o:n '·>~'·;~UtdlY fnt; ~~ .in~e .*.-~~·' # '. -·~-·;1-i: -. ·~~;_( ';_/.;'--~. '. -, '''\. . . ~ . _;~~\ ~~·- ~\··:~ ~·· .· ·: ;>::::: ', . ·~: ~ /'·· ··' . . ,,· ' < ;:··· •• '·t~r.;.:···· .•. "t:i·, ·•

- ' :' ~ .; .. · ...... ,...... ~.~ - - • 'II .. • .- ...... • ... • • ... ' ...... • • • " " • ' ' . . '

' '.

FRIDAY, AUG. 16, 2002, LOCAL NEWS RUIDOSO NEWS • PAGE 7A Downs mulls matching county's solid waste rules .. ·: .. City council also talks new sewer rate plan for mobile home parks,. approves lt;ase with emergency m.edical service provider

-:.-- BY MDANIE Ul1lER the county and municipalities in for commercial oo $14.65 for resi­ C()uncilor Margie Moralef!! said ~n ident and retired teacher Dean RUIDOSO NEWS SfAFP WRITER 1991. Carrizozo and Capitan officials dents. increase in gross receipts tax'would. Holman on the extraterritorj.al zon­ J dispute LCSWA's authority tO ·set "We wanted to make it fair," said alleviate the coat of raising water ing board. At Ruidoso Downs' city council rates. John Waters, city administrator. rates to the citizens by spreading The council selected Mayor Bob A; meeting Tuesday, Attorney · Don . Councilors. discussed In 1992, a line was some of the burden to visitors. Miller and Waters as voting· dele­ Dutton presente~ a proposal for an a section of the new removed frorp the · The co:uncil approved an agree­ gates for the' business ~eeting of the ordinance that would proVide for effi­ water and sewer ordi­ -'We wanted to · ordinance . that ment with· Preabyt;erian Healthcare New Mexico Municipal League cient and sanit(uy collection of solid nance ·adoptf;!d ,July 29 ntake (the ·exempted tourist Services to manage emergency med., Annual Conference on Aug. 29 in waste, iruindatory disposal, and regarding sewer connec­ lodging facilities. ical service and to lease emergency Deming, at which the league will penalties for violation of the ordi~ tions servicing multiple. sewer rate) Councilors will con­ medical equipment to the city for elect officers and adopt a· municipal nance. units. ' The proVISIOn sider adding that·lan- $20,000 annually, which required a policy statement. The Lincoln County Solid Waste allows the city to charge ·fair." guage ' again · at a · budget increase of $5,000. Councilors met in an executive Authority is asking each of its mem­ a minimum monthly· fee· John Waters future -regular meet.:. Jim Stover, PHS representative, session to consider purchase of real ber entities to adopt a similar ordi­ for sewer service multi­ city administry~tor ing. · lamented the recent decrease in fed­ property and .water rights. After nance in order to make regUlations plied by the number of The council talked eral funding. which necessitated the C()ming back into regular session, uniform between Lincoln County, units bei:p.g serviced by about the possability higher fee. Rural emergency service they . agreed to buy water rights Ruidoso Downs, Carrizozo, Cor&na the sewer connection. of adopting an ordinance for an · providers have the' same fixed costs when negotiations on a 9.68-acre­ and Capitan. The solid ·waste authQr.;. · When the riew sewer rates pass~d, · increase in its infrastructure gross ·as others, but receive fewer calls and feet deal are finalized. The city has ity is also seeking the ability to set citizens brought to· light the section receipts tax as part of the new water thus less income, he said. funds already" budgeted. rates froin time to time· as. provided providing for a per-unit fee .. for rate structure. If the coimcil decides · The council filled two board The City of Ruidoso Downs' next · by the joint-powers agreement. mobile home park residents. The city to adopt a hlke of one-eighth or one­ vacancies at the mayor's recommen­ regular council meeting takes place The new ordinance, already had been charging parks a single sixteenth, the citizens must ·vote ·tQ dation. Resident and business oW:ner Monday. Aug. 26, at 5:30 p.m. in the adopted by the county, would reaf­ rate. Councilors will look at revising approve it; tentative election dates Barbara Green will serve on the Hubbard Room of the municipal firm that joint resolution s~gned by the charges from a $32 per unit cost are Dec. 10or 17. planning and zoning board, and res- bttilding on Downs Drive. OutdoorS volnnteer group plans three trips through September BYDIANNESili.IJNGS continue with tread mainte- ."The park is a treat to visit dwellings near a deep gorge overseen by Tim Pohlman, ·General memb~rship meet- RUIDOSo NEWS STAFF WRf'fER nance, reduction of cross slopes with wildlife, trails, beautiful cut by Frijoles Creek. The. instructor at the VFO's May ings of the organization are pruning, step and waterbar vistas, coal camp ruins, and park's visitors center shows· Trail Building Workshop. conducted at 7 p.m. on the The New Mexico Volunteers construction and cairn con- lakes 'for fishing or no-wake films and exhibits about the The project puts trail build- first Wednesday of each for the Outdoors is offering struction. boating," she said. The camp- historic area. ing theory into practice, Peale month at the Clubhouse for some real deals for peopl~ who Participants will camp· at ground gate is locked at 10 Saturday breakfast and says. After completion, about the Home Qffice Plaza, 2403 enjoy nature, hard work and · the group shelter in Soda p.m. dinner and Sunday breakfast 20 miles of rerouted trail will San Mateo NE in ca'maraderie. Pocket Campground, elevation To sign up, contact Hoehne will be provided, but bring be opened to the public, he Albuquerque·. That's two Three projects ·this month 7,500 feet, in a large meadow at (505) 262-9059 or e-mail at lunch to eat on the trail said. blocks north ofl-40. The meet- •· and next month will take par­ for tents and space fQr [email protected]. Saturday. The visitors center The scheduling is Friday to ing next month will be Sept. 4. ticipants to Sugarite State camper.s. A covered shelter, Heading the Bandelier pro- has a snack bar 'for those who Friday, Sept. 20-27., instead of Park near Raton, Bande)ier tables and pit toilets are avail- ject, Sept. 7•8, is Ruth want to hike down and back. just one weekend. Weekend­ IABTINEZ CONSTBIJCTION · National Monument near able. Hot showers can be found Hartswick. Participants will Contact Hartswick by Sept. only volunteers also are .ltr. ~nus Santa Fe and Diamond Creek . at the visitors center and camp on the mesa top in the 3 by calling (505) 294-3551 or encouraged to attend. · NBW CONSTIDCIION to work on the Conijnental drinking water at nearby Lake Juniper Campground near the [email protected]. Camping will be below the ADDITIONS, GABAGII, .IITAL lOOPS Divide. Alice Campground. entrance station. It has tables, Ray Peale, heading the Continental ·Divide above PIIIIIIIIIAIII The group is looking for The deadline tO sign up is fire rings, flush toilets and Diamond Creek Fall Diamond Creek, requiring a 505-682-2060 m,embers, but trying the work Aug. 23. Hoehne advises vol- water taps, but no hook-ups. Backpack Classic, said the three-mile backpack taking on for size as a non-member unteers to bring camping gear, Drive-through spaces are project will connect two sec- two to three hours. Group I the first time is a good way to work clothes with long sleeves available. tiona of the Continental meals begin with dinner on FACT decide if these hands-on pro- and pant legs, work boots, The crew will work on the Divide Trail, worked on by Friday, Sept. 20 and extend jects fit. . The phrase, I gloves, a day pack, water bot- two-mile Frey Trail that con- NMVFO for the last two through breakfast.Qn Friday, , Project leader Barbara ties, insect repellent, sun- nects the campground with the years. Sept. 27. "Land of Enchantment" ' Hoehne says those joining the screen, sunglasses, a hat, rain valley floor. All levels of work The work consists of new The deadline to sign up is was first noted in the Sugarite gathering may see a gear, campfire chair and food are needed from pruning vege- state-of-the-art trail construe- Sept. 13. Questions about the title of a book on .e~~~.Rt. rock to mounta.illt \ion or other wildlife .fbp 1 ,fill, ,...JW¥lliJo. 1 , the tation to moving. tion and rerouting of the CDT project can be directed NewMexicoby. at the popular park. Wor:K on a Saturday night dinner provid- Bandelier is dedicated to along· the Aldo Leopold Peale at (505) 473-967'0 ore- . . .. . trail begun two years ago will ed by VFO. tHe preservation of ancient cliff Wilderness's Black Range mail at [email protected] . Lillian Whiting in 1906• . . .itiiii1iJI.iD POUCE :·. ·. Furniture taken 12 in the 200 block ofSunnyslope to PMC Construction, valued at Drive. The boy was arrested at $1,000, a camera valued at Ruid·osos New Tavern! .. Ruidoso police are investigatr the skating park on White $200, clothes valued at $300 and food & Spirifs · · ingthe theft ofa mattress and oof­ Mountain Drive, charged with binoculars valued at $80 were 1000 square foot bance Floor ~ fee table taken &om a residence being an incorrigible child, reported missing. from a room at Billiards & Game Room • Daily Drink Specials in the 200 block of Carrizo referred to the Juvenile Probation 29 Pines Motel, 1802 Sudderth DJ mhc of country, rock & roll, R&D, and club music. · Canyon Road Aug. 8. An officer Office ·and released to a parent. Drive between 8 a.m. and 7:30 located at: 2408 Sudderth Dr. · . wrote in his report that suspects p.m. Aug. 13. Phone: 257-7522 · . 'arrived at the same time he did, Jacket stolen . · .. and he pursued them but lost Abuse arrest NOUNS Of OP(NAT/ON: - .. them. Someone reportedly entered a /1\ondoy • Saturday • ll:OOANt • 2:00ANt home in the 400 block ofMechem Police arrested Alejandro E. Sunday • ]2:00PM - 12:00AM . ,. · Money missing Drive between ·noon Aug. 8 and Ruiz, 38, of Ruidoso, Aug. 14, FOOD SfNV£0 0~/LY TIL /O:OOPM noon Aug. 9, removing a "very charging him· with abuse of a .. . Police report that $500 was heavy biker jacket" valued at child, interference with commu­ · taken from the office and recep­ $500. nications and criminal damage ~ : tion area of High Sierra of property. , · Condominiums, 504 Excaliber Wmdow broken ' . Drive, between 9 p.m. Aug. 11 0 Key tossed C :: -~-t • ~- and 8 a.m. Aug. 12. The clean-up The rear window of a vehicle WEfK£ND $2.50 person said the back door was not was shattered when the driver Police arrested Rebecca L. locked when she came in, the was leaving the Pizza Hut park­ Simpson, 26, of Ruidoso, Aug. DRINK Margar!fas $. ,~•~-- _--·--­ report sta:tes. ing lot .at 725 Sudderth Dr. about 11~ charging her with burglary SPRIALS Bloody Marys! 10:30 p.m. Aug. 13. of a motor vehicle for alleging Incorrigible child taking and tossing the ignition Motel theft key of another person's vehicle. Police arrested a 16-year-old Simpson led the palice to the boy reported as a runaway Aug. A laptnp compUter belonging ·. ignition key, the report states.

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•'. . ~· . - ~:t _:~:.::~~.. ~~ .. PAGE 8A • RUIDOSO NEWS LOCAL NEWS FRIDAY, AuG. 16, 2002

..--·~ - 'Zozo chamber backs breakfast,. animal festival -...... BY JUUE CARJER with the Carrizozo Street Fair. "Destination Carrizozo," is aimed at animals. Annual Animal Humanitarian award, FIIR HiE Kl 'IDOSO I\E\1:'S B~akfast serving hours will be 7:30, to promoting .Carrizozo as a stopping Planned activities include a tradi­ exotic breeds_display, and veterinarian 9:30 a.m. at the Recreation Center. It . place~ not just a pass-through town. tioJ'lal "Blessing of the Animals" fol-, lectures on pet care. Proceeds frOm the The August Carrizozo Chamber of will include all-you-can-eat pancakes In a det8.iled .presentation, Cynthia lowed·by a pet parade, animal~themed · day will purchase spay/neuter certifi­ Commerce meeting saw the nomina­ for $5 a person. Culbertson outlined the ·proposal ,for sto~lling, Search and Rescue Dog cates. for · disbursement• according tp tion and election of a new vice presi­ Proceeds will go toward the pur­ the CarriZOOZOO Animal Festival, Demo, Roswell Zoo reptile exhibit, peed and a percentage donated to the dent. chase of new town Christmas decora~ planned for Oct. 19. . Smokey Bear. and the Glee Club Lincoln CoWl.ty Humane> Society. Cynthia Culbertson will be replac­ tions. Tickets are ·noW on sale. For The concept is. to provide a fun-filled singing animal sOngs: The Uptown Cafe in the Recreation ing Janet Lynn, who tendered her let­ advance purchases, call Pat . Voss at · day for aU ages as well as promote The festival will include :a trivia con­ Center is again open for lunch business ter of resignation in July, citing illness­ 649-2205. Carrizozo, local business and local test to highlight merchants and busi­ under the new management of Fran induced family time conflicts. Canjzozo chamber businesses are venues. The emphasis of the day will nesses, an art exhibit and animal art Mack. The chamber was invited to The Chamber will be hosting a adopting a logo to use in advertising be on appreciation, ~ucation, under., classes· for kids at the ZoZo Galleries, have the September meeting at the __ s.-.,. '1 - Pancake Breakfast Sept. 2 to coincide and business promotion. The logo, standing ·and responsible care for all B,osque, del Apache e~}?it, a First ~e. i\jftilt11§[41 ENGAGEMENTS Foriner LCSW"A n-ianager Cannella-Johns

Michelle Anne Cannella, daughter of Frank and Marge Cannella of Alto, and named recyCler· of the year Mr. and Mrs. Andy Mark Johns, son of Wendell and Andy Johns BY DWINE STIU.UNGS programs for the Grant County SWA, the Jessie Johns of Carlsbad, were· married III:U10SO NEWS STAFF WRJl'ER Lincoln County SWA, the Torrance County Saturday, Aug. 10, at the First Christian SWA, the villages of Ruidoso and Ruidoso Church in Ruidoso. · Joe Lewandowski, , former manager of the Downs, the Tri-City Landfill Commission and A reception followed the ceremony at Lincoln County Solid Waste Authority, recent­ the Alamogordo Public Schools. , Alto Lakes Gdlf and Country Club. ly was selected as the 2002 Recycler of the TQ.e Grant County SWA converted the pro­ Michelle is currently attending New Year by the New Mexico Recycling Conference gram at Silver City to a diversion-driven, pay­ Mexico State University as a senior in hotel, Coalition at its annual conference. as-you-throw 'system. Lewana.owski said the restaurant and tourism management. The Grant County Solid Waste Authority, operation has grown from nine to 23 employ­ Andy graduated from NMSU in 2001 which Lewandowski manages, received the ees during his tenure. with a bachelor of science degree in 2002. Municipal Government Recycler Award. The Grant County SWA will be changing its mechanical engineering and will return in COURTESY Lewandowski, owner ,· of Operational name. to Southwest Waste Authority, along the fall to begin work toward his master's Consultants, has amassed 23 years of experi­ with_ a boar~ expansion to include the govern­ degree. ence in administration and operation of solid ments of both Grant and Hidalgo counties and waste and recycling businesses. He served in all of the other municipalities in the area. Lincoln County from 1993 to 1995. Unlike many areas that are cutting back or He's been involved in planning, evaluating eliminating recycling, the Silver City opera-' and guiding 13 local governments in establish­ tion tops the state and about 3,000 blue recy­ ing successful operations. Over his career, he cling bins will be added, according to . was instrumental in the operation of recycling Lewandowski . ICiiCM BIRTHS Recent births at Lincoln Apache and Rex Pinal Jr., 6 lb, McCullough, 8 lb, .03 oz, 20 County Medical Center: 5. 7 oz, 19 3/4" 112" July 29, 2002, a daughter, July 30, 2002, a daughter, July 17, 2002, a son, Shane Hay1ee Marie Jamison, to Cara Dannon Jean Caviness, to So ~ha~ our enr,ployees Matthew Evans Jr., to Pamela Thompson and John Jamison, Tammy Brasel and Roy Mendez and Shane Evans, 7 6lb, 7.6 oz, 21" · Caviness, 6 lb, .9 oz, 18 1/2" nr,'a,y_ spend ~he holiday lb, 15.7 oz, 21 1/2" July 29, 2002, a daughter, July 30, 2002, a son, Justin July 21, 2002, a daughter, Jordan Marie Gaston, to Soto Crotts, to Linda Soto, 8 lb, . wi~h their fanzilies...•. · Jasmyne Kaylene Heisey, to Jessica and Michael Gaston, 7 12.5 oz, 21" Kristen Torres and Jerry lb, .04 oz, 19" July 31, 2002, a son, Kyle. Heisey, 7 lb, 1.4 oz, 20 314" July 29, 2002, a son, Erik David Rushing, to Wendi and qr1l July 24, 2002, a son, Jericho' '· Joltti': ·JJ~ck · 'Nfceuilotigh;' 'tb' · Gtady 'RUshing, 9 lb, 10.2 oz, .. The .. R.UlUOSOu,.NE~S .,.,, Andrew Frizzell, to Narcisa Brigette and Scott 22" will be closed on Montoy. and Frizzell Frizzell, ... Jr., 'tlb, 13.8 oz, 19 1/2" Monday, September. 2nd } July 24, 2002, a son, Langdon Hasten Sago, to in observance of Labor Day.. Michelle Belone and Loren Sago, 7 lb, 7.1 oz, 19 112" July 24, 2002, a daughter, Advert:ising DEADLINES for Anita Margrita Marie Baroz, ! to Rosemarie Mendez and Wed., s·ept. 4th will be Bobby Baroz, 7 lb, .6 oz, 20 ' 1/2" July 25, 2002, a daughter, Friday, A~gust 3Qrh .@ 3:00pm. Mandy Lynn Williams, to .. Roxanna and Terry Williams, 6 lb, 7.2 oz, 19 112" To reserve your advertising July 25, 2002, a daughter, Kira Renee Maldonado, to Regina and Adrian space Call: 257-4001 Maldonado, 7 lb, 10.9 oz, 20 114" July 25, 2002, a daughter, RUIDOSO NEWs· Jasmin Mendoza, to Beatriz 104 PA~K AVE. • RUIDOSO, NEW MEXICO 88345 Guizar, 6 lb, 4.1 oz, 19 112" www. ruidosonews.com July 26, 2002, twin sons, Duncan Caleb and Daniel Colton Daugherty, to Amy and ...... ~ ...... William Daugherty, Duncan - -..

was 6 lb, 8.1 oz, 18 l/2", and .....~ iO Daniel was 5 lb, 4.9 oz, 17" July 27, 2002, a son, Michael James Pinal, to Tracy

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FruoAY, AuG. t6, 2002 LOCAL NEWS RUIDOSO NEWS • 'PAGE 9A Jill P&Z Commission wants lower densities for annexed land BY DIIINNE SIJIWNGS RUIDOSO NEWS STAFF WRITER . land be zoned· as single-fronily because the village has no He pointed out that C1 allows density residential, condomini­ manufactured housing is residential ·(Rl) with no neigh- preservation .zoning. art galleries, siDall convenience ums, a mobile home park arid a involved. Lower densities and le.as borhood oommercial or higher Another 51.5:t acres in that stores and office buildings, while KOA Campground. · "In the past, people accom­ intensive· oommereial. use were densities. area were f'e90m.tnended to stay C2 permits "full blown" retail In other action. the board: modated the grvl.llld when they recommended Jast week for sev..; Another 35.11 acres, unde­ about the same as they were, activities such, as multiple bay • Approved· _a varian~ on · built instead of the ground eral areas annexed earlier this veloped and also ·in Upper designated in the ETZ with R1 service .statio~. stonige units Lots 12 and 13, Block 10 in accommodating them," he said. y~ into the village ofRl.lidoso. Canyon, were called single fami- along Grindstone 'Canyon Road and hotels of 50 or more "units. Ponderosa Heights, requested "Not. every piece of land lends The Planning and Zoning ly residential in the ETZ, ,and . and C1, commercial ~neral. · "It's· a matter of scale," by Phyllis Gent. She asked for a. itself to manufactured housing. Conunission's recommendations ·were recommended to stay t;fmt starting at the south end of Runnels said. 480.:sqtutre..foot carport to be We are to enforCe developm.ent will be. furwarded to the village way. Tomah&.wk Trail. A neighbor­ About · 29 acres in the built 4 feet from the front lot sqmdards" such as slo~ and council Aug. 27 to set public · On 13.53 acres along Gavilan hood oomlilercial,. C2, desigD.a• Lookout Estates-~- were pro­ line. which is 16 feet less .than hillside cuts, The decision can l.1earinga. .. . Canyon· Road that were general tion that a1Io'Ws a wider range of posed for R1, except for the · ~- 'Dle quarter acre lot beappealed to the village coun- About 42 undeveloped acres conunercial(Cl) in the ETZ, the commercial . uaes had been Inokout Mountitin condomini­ has a mobile home and deck cil. · in Upper Canyon designa~ as commission wants eommunity requested. ' um development. phase, which W:.d the carport can't be built • A variance on Lot 6, Block · planned commercial and multi- commercial (C2) because of the "I recommended the more was :i:'ecommended for R4, high anywhere else. ·• . 1 in Pinescape Subdivision family while they were part of type of businesses already in the restrictiye zoning," said Mike density residential. • ·Denied a variance request­ requested by Ron Bergeron was the unincorporated extraterrito- area. The comprehensive plan Rwmels, director ofvillage plan­ About 4.46 acres along U.S. ed by Cesar A Fierro for Lot ·1, tabled for more infonnation. rial zone around the' ·village, for the village shows the land as ning and zoning. "Businesses 70 called C1 in the E'12 would Block 7 of Camelot Subdivision, The single-family zoned lot of were proposed for lower density .· ·industrial already there are ·grandfathered be C2 in lliie with most of the about one-third of an acre.- to .33 of an acre is improved with a now that the property falls with- On 36.61 acres along Carrizo . in (permitted) as non-conforin­ development along the highway allow a deeper cut into the hill­ home, attached deck and under­ in the village. Canyon Road, wlUch were R1 in ing··UBea that can expJmd up to in that area, if the village coun­ side. Commission members ground attached garage. In line. with current discus- the ETZ, the board recommend­ 25percent~ cil follows the suggestion of the noted that Fierro exceeded the The applicant wants a vari~ sions about the need to lower ed all parcels stay within that "The new zoning will protect commission. The village's com­ amount · of cut · previously ance to allow the existing roof densities .in the village because classification; without any property own~rs from heaVy prehensive plan called· for high approved and had been ordered · overhang· of the garage to of long-term impacts on the neighborhood commercial. A commercial use because Carrizo density residential. 'l'he site is a tQ restore the hillside to the des­ remain as it, 5 feet, 6 inches area's water supplies among section shown in the comprehen­ .has a fairly narrow right of way junkyard, which is a non-con­ ignated contour. Runnels from the front lot line, which is other things, the board decided sive plan as reserved for hillside and it's the major road to Conning use in either C2 or R4. explained that a site plan is 14 feet, 6 inches less than to reconnnend that all of the preservation was designated Rl (Casino Apache)." The site is surrounded by high very iiDportant, especially when required. . . . ' . ' Capitan school superinte~dent: details light problems to board of trustees BY UONR W.LIPPMANN The highway department says school, purchase ana install these heavy rain. It also stands up better Village would have to contribute 10 FOR THE Rutooso NEWS· _____ that the flashing lights are not nee- lights, they are also responsible for than other gravel given the volume percent of their wages to the fund essary because no child has been all maintenance to them. of traffic on the subdivision roads, whereas the Village only contributes Faced with a daunting 18 item killed crossing. Highway 380 to go to In regard to this, a resident in the h~ said. 6 · percent to the current retirement agenda, plus ~ public hearing, the school Sederwall responded to this audience asked rhetorically who Other action taken by the Board plan. . Capitan Board of Trustees showed by pointing out the callous and inbu- paid for the flashing lights on the of Trustees included: · It was further noted that employ­ .an unusual amount of unanimity in m.ane nature of this attitude, The east and west sides on. the unincor- • The granting of a five year fran- ees cannot roll'their savings from the deciding most of the items requiring department has since approved the porated Village of Lincoln, and who ~hise to Valor Telecommunications existing plan to PERA, and for this their approval. lights, but continues to refuse to pay pays for maintenance of them. and action on an encroachment on reason, the adoption of PERA would Gary Tregembo, president of the for them. In other action, the bid for supply the Village's right of way. An agree- only be of interest to new employees Capitan School Board, accompanied The village has received a $4,000 of gravel to be used to maintain the ment on this encroachment was set- and those recently employed. '.,. by Larry Miller, superintendent of donation towards purchasing and 37 .miles of unpaved roads within tied amicably. • A public meeting for the pur­ Capitan Schools, gave a lengthy pre- installing the · lights · from Cone the Village was awarded to Huey • The purchase of a Dodge pose of amending Capitan"& ordi­ sentation concerning the vast Construction, the company that has Construction even· though this was Durango fqr the Police Department nance on trash rates. amounts of red tape and planning installed the $1.2 million upgrade to not the lowest bid. Village Road that will be financed at no interest • A four day work week of 10 that has to accompany the installa- the Village'.s water distribution Foreman Jonathan La May testified by the New Mexico Finance authori- bQurs per day for Village employees tion of two flashing lights on· infrastructure. that the gravel Huey supplies is ty. The loan on this vehicle will be effective Sept.l. Water and emer­ Highway 380. This. project has been The cost of the entire project, superior to. that of the lowest bidder. paid back in three years. gency crews will be available 24 "hanging fire" because of the State which must meet the rigid specifica- Huey's gravel, which comes from the • Allowing employees to choose hours a day. Highway Department for 14 years, tiQns set by the Highway Bonnell gravel pit, contains more between PERA (the State retire- • The appointment of Alex and was finally acted upon only after Department, is estimated to be less caliche tl:ian other gravel, and as ment program) and the existing Trujillo and Peter Renich were to Mayor Steven Sederwall threw his than $10,000.- Not only must the such it compacts better and is less retirement plan. It was noted that serve on the Village Planning weight into the fray. ' · - ~· _ _.. fY VillaV, 'in '-et'h:ijunction -with the likely washed down hill during should employees choose PERA. the CommiEJ~i.on.,,. .. ; , .. , .,.,.,.. ... '.Ml'~ .l.!! .t .1 Village hall illness cause found, fixed On the Web: www.ruidosonews.cotn •- Mold and an installa­ that the problems with the tion in the building, mold ·interior environment of resuiting from a flood that tion mistake made several Village Hall stemmed from occurred in the old pat:t of village workers sick. three things. The duct that the building some years ago mixes fresh air with recircu­ was continually circulated to BV LIONEL W. LIPPMANN lated air in tlie new air con­ the offices in the new build­ FOR THE RUIDOSO NEWS ------ditioning ana ventilation ing. system was inadvertently This, when coupled with At Tuesday's regularly left closed when the -system the hazards of constantly re­ scheduled meeting of the was installed during the circulated air, apparently Village of Capitan Board of building of the new Village was the cause of the illness Trustees, Mayor Steve Hall. Thus no fresh air could suffered by the employees. Sederwall announced, while enter the building. Thanks to the complete wearing a gas mask, that the Additionally, there were and prompt service by the environmental issues that inadequate return ·air vents original, contractor, Ron had caused the entire staff of in the system, causing one LeClair, inspector for the Village Hall to become ill office to be frigid, another State Construction with identical symptoms had comfortable, while another Industries Division and been repaired. was too hot. , Rhodes Environmental, the After the. laughter sub­ As the result of the. almost problems were promptly sided, Sederwall explained total lack of fresh air circula- diagnosed and remediaterl;. IAIMitJiJj DEATHS

Dora Gomez Her last position when she retired was as the librarian assistant at Santa Fe high School. She Visitation for Teodora "Dora" Are~o loved gardening, cooking and feeding the birds A tragic auto .accident in the early Gomez, 76, will be· 2 to 5 p.m. today at in her yard. Berardinelli Family Chapel in Santa Fe. Survivors include daughters Patricia L. 1960's took cvrh.e ·Plaids'' on the A rosary will follow at 7 p.m. at Santa Maria BaUnbin and her husband, Rudy, of Pukalani, · -w-ay to their first perfor•nance. No-w­ de la Paz Catholic Church, and Mass of HI, ~nevieve Gomez of Arroyo Seco, and Christian burial will be celebrated at 9 a.m. · Dolores G. Gomez and her husband, Anthony, t:b,.ey'xe.coming back. to earth to give Saturday, Aug. 17 at Santa Maria de la Paz. of Las Cruces; a .Bon, Ron Gomez, of Santa Fe; a Burial will follow at Rosario Cemetery. brother. Adolfo Arellano of Silver City; a sister, . . ~ show- at 2 P:M Satllrday~ Mrs. Gomez died Monday, Aug_. 12, 2002, in Esther Arellano of Silver City; granddaughters . the Espanola Hospital. Rosela and Marcela Balinbin, Andrea Gomez Augus-t 24, ·at the Spencer-~eater! She was born in Santa Rita on April 1, 1926, and Teresa ·Chavez; grandsons Vicente Gomez, •'' to Carmen and Emilio Arellano. Ron Gomez .Jr., and Joseph Chavez; and a · Heavenly seats $30 & $33! She married Albert S. Gomez, from the great-gnmddaughter, Joy Balinbin. Hondo Valley, on Jan. 20, 1946 in Silver City. Arrangements ·are under the direction of •. The couple lived in RUidoso from 1946-1964~ Berardinelli Family F'uneral service, 1399 · She worked· in the Santa Fe Public Schools. I Luisa·s~t. Santa Fe, (505) 98~8600. 'J>·

. .•.. .• ' . .• • s 1

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N PAGE lOA. RUIDOSO NEWS WCALNEWS FIUDAY, AUG. 16, 20(}2. Looking back at the fair

All the animals at last week's Lincoln County Fair were looking their best At. right, Brand Franklin, Capitan 4-H. gives serious concentration to lamb show judge Jason Lamb· as he checks for condition­ ing.


Above, Stephanie Gomez leads her goat into its pen during the 2002 Lincoln County PHOTO BY JUUE .CARTER ' Fair, held last week. At right, Brit Ventura took home a number of accolades from the fair, including Grand Champion Doe in the ilijftiliiil EXHIBITS Breeding Rabbits category, Grartd Champion Braldlna 1/145 - 1) Kylle Gaines; 2) Shropshire; 2) Trlsha Yocum; 3) Hendricks; 2) Jeremy Zamora in Meat Rabbits and the Jones Traveling Jordan Hill; 3) Michelle Shivers; 4) Jasmine Candelaria Baking lt}304- 1) Tessa Hendricks Trophy. Matthew Dutchover Thlsls4H Workbook (Junlor)/91- 1) Baking I (Junlor)!lD& - t) Tricla Braiding 11/148- 1) Tessa Jasmina Candelaria; 2) Trislla Vocum Yocum Hendricks; 2) Jeremy Zamora this Is 4H T-Shirt (Senlor)/89 - 1) Baking I (Junlor)J297 - 1) Trlcla Braldlnglll/f47- 1) Bailey Shivers Chezara Chavez; 2) Crystal Villa Yocum Braiding (Junlor)/145 - 1) ·JassJca this Is 4H Box (Senlor)J9D- 1 Baking I {Junlor)J298 - 1) Trlcla Hansell; 2) Tyler Shropshire Chezara Chavez Yocum Braiding (Junlor)tt47 - 1) Erin This Is 4H Wortbook (Senlor)/91 - Baking I {Junlor)/299 - 1) Trlcla Hightower (Best of Show) 1) Chezara Chavez Yocum Braiding (Junlor)/148 - 1) Kendal Advontui'O$ With Your Camera/184- Baking It (Junlur)fJ01 - 1) Robert Wilson; 2) Kaltlyn Vega 1) Jesse ScarafioHI; 2} Tyler Dutchover Loathercraft 11134 - 1) Ryan Scaraflotti; 3) Tyler Scarafiotti; 4) Tyler Baking II (Junlor)/302 - 1) Robert PHOTO BY JULIE CARlER Miranda; 2) Ralph Miranda; 3) Scaraflottl · Dutchover Anthony Valdes: 4) Victor Valdes Photo Storyf185 - 1) Jesse Baking ll (Junlol')fJ04 - 1) Robert l.edlen:nlttn44 -1) Kendal Wilson; ScamflotU Outchover 2) Kendal Wilson cropped & Uncropped Photo/109-1) Baking 1111311 ·- 1) Kaitlyn Vega IJiatMnnft {Senlor}/144- 1) Patrick Marshal Wilson · (Reserve Champion) Qiiljiji OF CHAMPIONS Luna {Best of Show) , Flub Photott90- 1) Marshal Wilson Paby & Plt:S/312 -1) Jennifer Shafer Adventui'O$ With Your Camera/193- (Overall Winner. GJalld Champion) Jones Traveling Trophy - Brit Rooster: Saul Acosta, Hondo Valley 4- Malttet SWine - Grand Champion: Venturn, Gapltan H sara Rush, Capitah "C" Mountain 4-H 1> Kylle Gaines 1) Marshal Wilson Mary Beth FFA s.wmo 111111- PastrV a Ples/312 - 1) DIIFJ goat - Grand Champion MeatRabbHa-Grand Champion: Brit Dairy Helfer - Grand Champion: Sew\ao 1/UI'l - 1) KyUe Gaines Cropped 5 Uncropped Photo Shivers Standard: Oanlelle Mills, Capitan 4-H; Ventura, Capitan FFA Steven Chavez, Hondo Valley 4-WFFA 8ewlnQ IIJ201 - 1) Bailey Shivers; 2) (Junlor)ft89 - 1) Erf11 Hightower Baking 1111306- 1) Opal Greer Grand. Champion Miniature: Wesley Breeding Rabbits -Grand Champion Breeding Beet - Grand Champion Bethany Sweat Rub Photo -(Junlor)/190-=..t) Erin Clowning Posters/111 - 1) Justus Hall, Capitan 4-H: Grand· Champion Doe: Brit Ventura, capitan FFA; Grand Beet Helfer:· lane Dixon, Carrizozo Mix a MRh 11205 - 1) Jennifer Hightower Wilson Nigerian: Wade Sullemeler, Capitan Champion Buck: Sara Ru~h. Capitan FFA Shafer Black I WhHe/191 -· 1) Erin Gardonlnu/Fiower/26 - 1) Michelle 4-H 4-li . MJmust Steers - Grand Champion Mit tl Mllldt IV!tD - 1) Kal!Jy11Vega Hl{lhtoWer Sftlvilrn aroner (Meal Cft1ctcena) - GraM Btiitlbig Stttibii - Orahd Champion MitrJ

t' ·,..~. ,,...Bit~t~ii'f';~·· ...~~\";.~l:;~~·o,;·o~lJ~~ '' RUIDOSO NEWS I SE~TION B

I 1: ' •• '~ ...~ ~ ' , ~ I ! SPORTS FRIDAY, AUG. 16, 2002 CALL Us: Tooo FuQuA, SPORTS EDITOR • 257-4001 • [email protected] PAGE lB " RECORD. BREAKER. side line . ' Fast filly AB What A Runner. with iockey Jay Conklin aboard, is led to the winner's circle following the 10th All Sports on Tap ···················~········~·. American Futurity trial Thursday at Ruidoso Downs. ·AB Friday,Aug.16 ·What A Runner stopped the clock at 20.99, a new record HDIS8 Racing : ·.for 440yards at the track. 1\11 American Derby trials at Ruidoso Oowns.Noon · 2002 New Mexico Quarter Horse and Thoroughbred Yearling and Mixed ·L AB What A Runner sale at Ruidoso Horse Sales Co., 4 p.m; Saturday. Aug. 17 sets new mark during tlols8 Racing Ruidoso Thoroughbred FuturitY trials at Ruidoso Downs; Noon 2002 New Mexico Quarter Horse and All American trials Tlloraugllbred Yearling and Mixed Sale at Ruidoso HoiS8 Sates Co., 4 BY TODD· FUQUA p.m. . Softball RUIDOSO NEWS SPORTS ll~D~IlD=R ______-~- ~- Mountain Double Classic at Eagle Creek Sports Complex Rambow Futurity winner First 'lb Flash didn't dis­ Sunday. Aug. 18 appoint his many connections on Thursday during the Horse Racing CloVis Cla5sic Futurity at Ruidoso All American Futurity triala at Ruidoso Downs, he just Downs, 1 p.m. didn't run the fastest. Softball First 1b Flash won his trial heat with ease, outdis­ Mountain Double ClaSSiC at Eagle tancing the field by at least a length and posting what Creek Spotts Complex was, at the time, the fastest time of the day, crossing On Deck the finish line at 21.13. ..••...... •••.•••.•.•....•..• But two trials later, the track was scolfhed by AB What A Runner. lOUD FUQUAISTAFf BoWl~~~= a bo'MinO in direction, so no one could say AB What A leabue ttlls Fall at the Ruidoso The gray filly, ridden by jockey Jay Conklin and any Badilla weren't as dominating as they had been during BaiNtln(l Center can call 258-3557 trained by Bret Vickery, not only set what was the Runner had much of an advantage as far as a tailwind. the Rainbow Futurity trials, but they did have their to enter. The Ceoler will feature fastest mark as of press time, she also set a new track They could just say that the horse ran really· fast. share of top three finishes. mlt

,. ,· of· those sires, that dominate the _Winning percentages. With that day at that distance. 1 prefer works out of the gate and, if pos­ "nloroughb:teds, this is·}ess of a domili$ting factor. . . sible, in company. The mBin- reason for this is that bfeeding by a Thoroughbred sire is'limited each year to about 40 to 60 mares and only ruttur­ Fastest qualifiet'S from trial races al breeding is allowed~ Wjth quarter horse sires, there is little - They will win a high pe~ntage of the races. they qualifY for, . , ,. , if any -limit and~ top ~swill breed (natural. embryo or but at odds that do not justify a straight wager. . . artificial) to as many QJ3 20Q to 800 mares in one breeding season. , .... •'• ...... ·. .· . .First Down Dash-,~ ~t:bave d~Piina~

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'fl.ley work ~ard together ·on called on one of their own, a man who speaks of their transfer from Corona to Baptist aild · Bosque Prep," McVeigh . getting the girls ready,. padng them grew up in Carrizozo and played foot­ Carrizozo, "Corona's loss is deijnitely lamented. "That means we will have to through drills and wor)dng on tech­ ball u,.; a Grizzly when he attended our gain." Apparently these are two travel to Albuquerque twice this year nique. Baca gets the girls really Carrizoz9 High School. Now, Bill girls to watch this season. as compared to only once last year." pumped up with her high energy level · McVeigh is home, right back where he He's also very satisfied with the He says the girls are working hard and zeal. started from 28 years ago, except now addition of high school senior Amanda on their performance and their energy "'This will be a much improved sea­ he's the man in charge. Corley to the JV team. "She's a goOd levels are up. During a recent practice son. The girls have more skills a~d McVeigh began his career in '1972, blocker who moved to Carrizozo from session, the girls. were gojng through more confidence in their abilities to learning the art of coaching from his Pine Hill," Coach McVeigh related. -plenty of tough setting, passirig, and . use them," McVeigh said. 'They'r~ hit- mentor, F1o Valdez, in RoswelL He Sophomores Tierney· Burd and Sarah hitting drills. ting better, and the pa~sing team is · coached in Carrizozo for four years;· and White, freshman Mary Beth Shivers, McVeigh uses a special . piece of 'really good... these girls areqwck." He moved on to Capitan where he had "14 and two eighth graders, Ka,itlyn Vega,· equipment called a "Spike It," a tall attributes this to the fact that JVN very good years." Then it was on .to and Sofia Ramirez will also play op. JV.: pole that holds the volleyball in posi~ girls playing this season.are the same Hondo for a tw~year stint, but he just Last season, the Grizzly record was tion, so the girls can practice the "two girls who won state track last season. couldn't resist the call of the wild. 12-15, putting them firmly in second steps, jump up, and ·whack it" tech- . The Grizzly teaYDs will host the Bill McVeigh is now proud to be a place in· the district. Advancing to the nique for the spikilig maneuver. first scrimmage games in Carrizozo Grizzly again, and he is proud of his regional competition in Albuquerque · He is also ecstatic over a new piece Aug. 24. lfi,ve other team,s will girls, too: 16 very enthusiastic, dynam­ brought them face-to-face with their ofeiquipment the teams will be getting attend the event - Estancia, ic young women who will comprise the archrival, Temple Baptist, a 4-lA nextweektobetterpracticetheirdrills. Hondo, Magdalena, Mountainair varsity and junior varsity teams. His school. Ack.nowledWng ·their loss to Known as an "Air Cat," this machine, and 'fularosa. There will be round­ varsity team will include Lacey Burd, Temple Baptist, McVei~ said, "We McVeigh says, "uses air to shoot balls robin eliminations · using both of whose position is hitter/blocker; and could have played a little better.'' wherever it's directed, acting as an Carrizozo's gyms for play, ,one for Ashlie Samora, a setter. Five juniors adding that this year his "goal is to win automatic setter, server, or passer. It Vat"Sity, the other for JV. The time will also play on the varsity team: district, then move on to 1;:he regionals. can shoot up to 1,100 balls per hour. has not yet been l;lnnounced. Justine Beltran, Ariel Burr, Monique He admitred that "Everyone is excited Aund, it's only one r-----~------~------~------~--~::::::::::::~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Jiron, Ariel Vallejos, and Adrianne this year, and we all hope to have a Zamora, as well as sophomores, goOd season., :~ti~~e ~u::e~ Aug. ust 22-25, 2002 y~~c:~<;!:~:~Y= Stephanie Brewer and Sonja Vega (a The new playing districts set up by Capitmi got theirs • Duke Energy setter), and freshman Whitney the New Mexico Activities Association last year, and ' • Southwestern NM -Deming, New Mexico on-Line • Foxworth-Galbraitb · • Lumber Co. fiea, t Urtng • Acordia Mountain Real Live Duck Races • Outhouse Races . ~~;:!b!:·Memorial Duck Royalty Pageants • Hot Air Balloons~';;;.. o;;~~sp.ita 11•. And More! ~~:etCA1\r b~ The Water Track # .;s ~ ~t; . . is back! rs r. For Information 209 E. Spruce • Deming, New Mexico (505) 544-0469. 1-888-345-1 t 25 Fax (505) 544-0774 • www.demi

MELODY HAYES/STAFF Tho 2002lady Grizzly volleyball team. Standing, left to right, Francesca Rossi. Sara White, Mary Beth Shivers, Lacey Burd. Justine Beltran, Monique Jiron. Whitney Whittaker. Kaitlyn Vega and Amanda Corley. Kneeling, left to right, Ariel Burr. Adrianne Zamora, Victoria Rossi, Stephanie Brewer, Sonja Vega, Ariel Vallejos and Ashley Samora. FOaiBAlL: Business owners & Managers: Grizzlies are young How effective has FROMPAGllB double on defense with the returning Anthony Beltran. your advertising All of their receivers graduat­ ed last year, so they have none been? returning. But 'frevor Douglas and Jesse Samora look good to Call the Ruidoso News Advettising Depruunent for details. 257-4001 be .the top two receivers. One of the Green brothers will a1so play as receiver, but Ventura was not Reynaldo R. 'Martinez. M.D. sure yet which one. "Sam Green, Specialty; Jack Green, Trevor Douglas and Family MedlcintJ Brent Dixon. Those four amid really make a difference," he Education: said Universfty of NtJw Mexico SChool of MedlclntJ, AJ/:Juquerqua, NM When asked about how the Office: redistricting affects their team., Residency; ReynaldO R. Martinez, M.D., LL.C. Ventura replied. 'The only team Eastern New Mexico Family 313 W. Country Club Road we have new to play is Hondo. Practice Residency Program Suite48 They took Mescalero's place. We Roswell. NM 88201 won't have to play Mesca.lenl any (505) 622-2882 longer because they are playing E·malf: mnart5l,®]uno.com 11-man now." It's .lust lfJ/bliJ/ll/l Fun! They're still in the same dis­ Hours: trict, though, as Gateway Mon., Tues .• Thurs. and Fri. Christian. out of Roswell, and 9:00a.m. -5:00p.m. Earn an Wednesday . Lake Arthur. 9:00a.m.- 12:00p.m. That pair will be their most Associate of Science Degree fonnidable adversaries. Lake Same-day appointments Arthur was state 1'\UlDel'-up to in Professional Pilot Training Ramah last season, and Dr. Reynaldo Martinez Gateway. went to the playoffS .from . and was defeated. Ventura real- As a new family practitioner at izes that "those two ~are .. probably the toughest on ed- Eastern New Mexico Medical Center. ule that I lmow of right now, from looking at last year." Or. Martinez is looking forward to Overall, Ventura feels confi­ . dent that the Grizzlies win do : much better this year. His great­ caring for you and your family.· Highly : est hurdle, he has admitted, will Several finandal aid packages are.available. trained and educated, this Roswell be to get out· of district. If that .. . . . : - .. . ' .. ~- ·. happens, ·then he feels they will ·. · native/tatr the. $peclal skills-. ,aftd .. . doOK. Registe~ fol". the fall s~~ester • ' ' -· ·~ .... • - ' .t~ - ., - •• ·•' . ' ' . AlthQl.tgh, the ~s biggest thr,ou~- Sep~mber ~ 200Z~ goal from afbotbalhJtandpoint is carf(10

...... ,. ~ ~ RUIDOSO NEWS


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FOR SALE BY OWNER modeled, 1 Br/1 Ba, 1 2080 sq. ft. FP, front & large front room with appli­ ject to the Federal Fair water well. Room for hors­ Hot tub room with large dressing room wlsink. back covered decks, lever ances. 2 car garage, l-lousing Act of 1968 which es. Nice view of SB & spa, FP, 2.5 car garage Partly furnished. New ale. lot. easy access. Near U­ fenced yard. No Inside · makes it il!egal to adver­ Capitan Mtns. Located be­ with workshop, · wrap washer/dryer, range and brary & Golf. No smoking, pets. Call Doris at BeMax. ~ise "any preference. limi· tween Ruidoso & Capitan. around deck with view, carpet. great rental proper­ no pets. References. t + 258-5633 · tation or discrimination 354-2128. Owner many extras. Selling with ty. Must see. $58K. 505· yr. lease. $1000/mo + de­ based on race, color, reli­ all appliances. including 378-4427 ext 1804 or 505- posit. 257-4 7 4 7 gion, sex, handicap, famili­ 2B0/2BA AND sunroom & WID, great room furniture. 430-6704 ar status or national origin; deck, FP, partially furnish­ master BR furniture. High 2B0/2BA SINGLE · CAR · pr any intention to make ed. Completely refurbished water pressure. Asking 103 MOBILE HOMES FOR GARAGE. $900/month. Ontu. NEW REAL log home. :any such preference, lim!- . in and out. Approx 314 price $159,995. 256-5139i SALE 2B0/1 BA $750/month . __.,..z Furnished. WID, 212 ptu~:~ • tatlon or discrimination." acre. Large fenced yard. 512-930-1133 or emai 505-532-6386. . living room, den & large· Alto area. $65,000. 336- 3 BD/ 2 Ba Double wide ~for- RaaiWOfld.. • :This newspaper will not berglundlr@apl cpm 405 FLUME, 3 Story lodge Aspen Real Eatatw kitchen, covered deCk 1134J home in Ruidoso Downs. w/vlew. $775 + burs. IJe· ~ knowingly accept any ad­ No money down: less than slyle home, 3bdl3ba, 2 • :Vertlslng for real estate 3BD/2BA, TWO decks, RANCHO RUIDOSO Val­ fireplaces,. loft. gameroom, . posit & refe(ences re- ley Estates. 4 bdrm, 2.75 $600/mo w/ good credit. quired 258-4267 : which is in viQiation of the basement. completely fur­ Call or come buy Thor­ $1395/month, owner/agent FULL SERVICE • taw. Our readers are here· nished, ideal location,1 03 bath manufactured home. 257-2576. Tape and textured, huge oughbred Homes. 378- PROPERTY 3BDI2BA house w/ ~ by Informed that all dwell· Kirkman Circle. 505-258- BQ64. NICE ~ lngs advertised In' the 5217 or 617 596 4707. master bedroom with walk ADOBE HOUSE 2BCS, Din­ MANAGEMENT basement wom area. • newspaper are available , thru closet and .flilsther ing & Living room, laundry Completely remodeled. Call for appt. bathroom. Fully furnished, BARGAIN! Located on room , natural gas,· patios, ~ on an equal opportunity one acre, 3 bdrm, 1 bath Fenced yard on 1/2 acre. < basis. To complain of dis­ ALTO HOME,. Full Golf motivated seller. carports $650/mo 258· .NIGHTLY, 378-4035 • plus view. 3 Bd/2Ba, Spa­ $145,000. BILL PIPPIN mobile add-on with cov­ 5730 :crimination, can HUD toll ered and open decks, lots WEEKLY • 1ree 1-800-424-8590. cious open living area. REAL ESTATE. 257-4228 ONE BEDROOM home. $249,000. 102 College Ad. of storage, fireplace and AVAILABLE · SEPTEM· RURAL BEAUTY. $0 woodstove. You get what BER 1st large 3/2 on the & $300/mo. 3 Bdrm mobile ?4=B:-;:RJ.-r.::2;:;B:-::A~U"P;;;O;:;:-:A-:;T;:;E::-;O~D:::;-o~u~­ Call 336-4948. Open Sun. MONTHLY. $400/mo. $200 deposit. : bte Wide, new metal roof. down! 3 bed, 3 ba, CH/A & you see including two ve­ River - 2 story duplex, FP, -10-2 kitchen with built-ins. hicles. $42,500.00 BILL WID tlook-ups, etc. 400 No pets. 258-4060 or 420 - 8.9 acres, Tularosa, NM 1818 < ·.paved roact Cross fenced. BY OWNER: 3Bcll28a, $99,500. Call (806) 236- PIPPIN REAL ESTATE Walnut (behind RMS) CALL: -arena, 3 horse stalls FP, carport, large lot & big 4116 (806) 352-4204 257-4228. Shown by appolnfment. on­ storage area. Please call ly. $750/mo + deposit. 1-800-658-2773 Wlplpe framing tor 6 more. VALLEY HOME. irrigated FOR SALE, to be moved, Hay barn, well. Pistachio, during the day. 258·9055 Pets OK w/ deposit. 1 year 4+ acres, 2,1 00 sq. ft., 2 10X52 Mobile Home. 610 lease. 257·1161 257-9057 Pecan, and fruit trees. CHALET WITH views on BD/ 2 BA. plus pavillon on Valley View Ln.,Ruldoso Cash/terms. (505}378· quiet cul-de-sac. Four. river. $285,000. 505-653- Downs. $995 OBO. · 378- EXCEPTIONALLY~ New Mexico's Automotive Website 0014/{505)430-6498. 2.75, livil"!g. dining, den, 2 4545. . 1830 (915)650-4538 lv CLEAN, quiet, 2 bedroom, offices, hot tub. fenced 102 CONDOS msg. BY OWNER lncome/prop­ ~'-y~~~ ·-®~-~i . . ."d. . ""~-~- ··~~ er_ty, Ideal Bed-lnn-Break- yard. 107 Monica's Court. FORSA\..E 257-9596 MOBILE HOME For sale. l ct.erti. ··· ·. · ~ -"""''m!l'cr : t. HondoNalley, 9- 2.Bdf1.5ba. Call910-2512. , acres. Large/adobe FOR SALE: Beautlf1,.1l, posit. 1-868·556·1349. cllitles, centrally located In CONVERTIBLE. • me wtgreenhouse. Pan­ BEAUTIFUL CONDO PRICE REDUCEOf Brand Alto H~ 48, furnished 4 ~ large 3Bd/2Ba Southwest PINON PARK FOR LEASE: Really nice Bd/2.5Ba w/ large clnlng .<80 $23.990 1 oo flf /\I r •; r 1\ Tl f~IAII-'>11\ff · Cll.bin 3 BR with large nity. Selling due to health $179mo 3BRI2Bath , 100 REAL ESTATE lllll l!Hl n!All'>fATI LOG STYLE 3 bedroom NEW 28X48 $39,990 decks and two carports, Mountain Home on seclud­ 622-0456. Carl 1-800-682-3034 $299/mo 3 BR/2Bath : owe ed 14 acres next to City NEW 28x60 $43,990 616Mechem L.imits. Exclusive CHAMPION'S RUN Con­ .:1~88 SF Home on 1/2 do. 212. FP. WID. $72,000. $319/mo 3BRI2Bath Ruidoso, NM 88345 ·Jilcre 3 bdrms/2baths, 5x27 $495,000 listing. To view NEW 28x66 $46.990 GfiRY LYDCH please call owner/agent 3/3 2 FP, WID, wood floor­ garylynchrealty.com ;~vered deck, 5x15 porch, ing, $85,000. Both close to $339/mo 3BRI2Bath ;.sx9 mud-suntoom, 5x3 Barbara Willard. Work NEW 2Bx76 $57,990 257-2576. Home 257-4121 pool. 378-4880 or 430- REALTY ~$nclosed entry, axe work­ 6503 $429/mo 48R/2Bath 257-4011 . el,lop, approx 400 sq. ft VERY NICE .5Bd/3Ba, NEW 32x80 $64,990 · lforage area, vaulted ceil­ manufactured year 2000 CONDO FOR Sale: Cham­ $559/mo 4BRI2Bath BEAUTIFUL ACREAGE - :.mg. woodstove extensive home, permanent founda­ pion· Run Condo, 2Bd/2Ba, CALL 1 -800-695-1112 ONE WITH 360" VIEW$1 ...fMdscaping. $65,000 204 tion, decks, FP, secluded furnished, complete, good QUALITY HOMES Some of the prettiest tracts in the county. ·:ras.vnan Hills Rd. 336-7076 Call Bandy @ rutrujdosor­ Investment. $89,000. 720- 10625 Central NE Good tree coverage, strong restrictions and :_,..-_0' 430-0340 ealtors com 258-3888 840-1294 Albuquerque. NM owner financing. Utilities must be under: . ground. Located near the Spencer Theater• -fr}O REAL ESTATE 100 REAL ESTATE 100 REALESTATE 100 REAL ESTATE Only five 20-acre tracts left. Owner/Agent. REAL ESTATE NEW ALTO VILLAGE. CUSTOM HOME ~c;£,0/UV p,o. Box 111 Premier builder in Alto Village is putting all Associate Broker Alto, NM 88312 the extras into this wonderful, custom ptljlcoo 300 Snowcap CaovvN 336-4567 Hom.etOftlce 3 bedroom, 3 112 bath home with a 2-cat , 15 Mesa Or. ~ # ·~~"""'"·. Print W. ML!I'Idy, Broker 43D-0200 Cell W" pdnt4ij)ziNWcqm garage plus golf cart garage. View. Full (aOif } .. MOUNTAIN CHAl.ETlhree bed-· Membership. This builder always sells fl:tidf' • v ~ '*" ."',: .;·- lk·;,~~:: room. 2 bath remodeled home ~ with fireplace and large master DOUBLE THE PO$SIBILJTIES! ~·~~~···· .~ ' suite. Nice tcees. Comer of Enjoy your time in Ruidoso in this 3, could be . CHARU in lhis 3 bedroom. 3 '!;bath, bal­ Canyon and EastVIew. $159,900. new 3 bedroom. 2 bath, high ceilings, conies & decks, updated, unique wi\Ots o1 196882 4 bedroom condo. With 2 kitchens, 2 fire­ IIDfliOOU8 .9 acre, roses, fiowurs. hot tub. beams, birch Wdod, bUIII·In fireplace. places, use the 4"' bedroom as a living room ~ buyll $t09.90011194869 Reduced to $199,500.1195490 ··~~ ENCHANTING E.STATE Airport ~ , • j~~ " ,._ Hwy Home and horse property and this one could be a double unitl Dining :J20 COIIlllrV ~lUll Or. with all the amenities! Will be · area, private patio, and a view. $96,500, ~.,..~ aired on Discovery Channel ~~ ~ -~ ""'~ ;. """''~ ·.-. '\"' r· Thursday, Aug. 8th al 3:00 PM. "Making New Friends Whlle Keeping the 01d"' .,k- ~~-~- . ~ Owner/Agent. $680.000. #97080 ~·-*" ·~"¥~~~? . ~- ~ .. , ~ERRA BLM.1:A 'Vt~:from 100 RF Al loST!\ TE ltlU REAL ESTATE ' BEAUTIFUL .68+ JlCRE LOT goes to level; Alto Lake9 t'ioli :and country . Cedar Creek, :J bdrin, 2 '/. balhs, sun Club so.ciai·memtill'r!i~lllot wllh , 11>om, new metal roof . a many olfler . trelis. ·Uttlo croek'flllislhrouoh ~ • . lthProveme. ntsl 2. 480 sq.fL, one tEMII. rear .of property. $24,500. #98805- 1iJbe CCIYI>I8d rront poR:h & back deck. • j I • -~ .·~ "·'' . Cbuble carporL $229;5001 1196272 1197.398 Nflllhlm N•lll MiXkD hantln11•11d llshlnf ~hall, $15,000 p•r•-· . . llWII~rtAasn · .

100 Rt/\L I <,T 1\T~.

.. or t t n ·= :

.. PAGE 48 • RUIDOSO NEWs CI.ASSIFIEDS FruDAY, AuG.'l6, 2002: -~

IO'J IHJUS( <-; 1 Ob CONDOS FOn RENT 107 APAnTMENTS 111 ACREAGE 112 LOIS I I G Sl OR/\C.Eo Rf liT 200 HELP WANTED 200 HEtPW!INTI f> FOR SALE I OH flENl CONDO FOR Rent: FOR RENT FORTRESS MINI Storage ATTENTION! CRI:.E MEADOWS Coun.-:.••"' 2Bd/2Ba Condo tully fur­ NICEST TWO aeoroom, ARABELA RANCH BUILD OR DBL wide al­ at the Castle, HWY 7Q. All WEBER'S GRILL try . Club se.eks.: nished. $980/mo. Availa­ one bath apartment in lowed. Street to street, lev­ sizes, including (2) 20X60 Accepting applications for Cooks/prep-cooks. Inquire 260 Acres-$85,900,00 at 301 Country Club Or_ · DON'T ble September. 720-840- town. Cathedral qeilings, 140 Acres-$37.900.00 el lot, community water in Prestige C~blnet Show.- Servers and Coo~s- Top availalbe, soft view of Sier­ roam. 257-0313 or 257- Dollar paid for Expen­ Top wages paidl 1294 washer/dryer. dishwasher. Ne~r Ruidoso & Hondo WOAR. V••. refrigerator, stove includ- Valley ra Blanca. $28,000.00. . 7622. enced Gooks.441 Mechem .FOR RENT: 1 Townhouse . ed. Gas heaVhot water. Spectacular Capitan BILL PIPPIN REAL ES­ DALLAS BASED cosmet' WE HAVE ULOW UTILITIES." 915- TATE 257-4228 117 W/\NTl D TO f1E'Nl BUS PERSON, HOST· (2 level), 1 condo (1 level), Mountain Views, Private .. ESS. SERVER· & DISH- c company develop! .., RENTALS! 212, long term. Unfurnish­ 757-804~ for derails. 1 0°/o Down. Owner WOULD LIKE to rent a 1 erritory. Sales rep wan . Financed FULL ALTO Golf & Coun- . WASHERS needed. Apply ed - $775, furnished $825 NOW AVAILABLE wheel Bdroom Apt or House in in person at 1074 Me­ d .. Toll free 877•416 ·· plus deposit and utililies. 1-600-8.83-4841 ' tc-y Club membership Lot.. Ruidoso. Reasonable 1133. ' • chair accessible 2BD '!::B:":'U':":l-:-L-::D:-:E:::R:i'S:-:-'/ OH High Mesa on Rainbow Qhem, Log Cabin Restau­ ~ Great locations. Call Doris apartment. Certain income =~D~E:V;:-;;:E;:-L-;O:;;P;:;;-'- rates for year round occu­ rant. *'*LOQKQUI at REMAX. 256-5633 ERS. Will ·trade 5 land Court. $26,595.Call Ed pancy.Mall info to Box FRONT D.ESK clerk need:: ' ' restrictions apply. Call 512 ed, 3-11, 4 days a week, .· MANQB...)...Ji- Fur­ Camelot Place Apartments tracts with Sierra . Blanca < )261 -51 03 234, Sonora, TX 76950 , nished, 2B0Rf1 1/2 FURNISHED WHISPER· views and within walking Please apply in pers~n ~­ 257-5897, TTO 1-800-659- 114COMMERCIAL PROPERTY 152 FARMS & RANCHES Ramada Llmiteo, RUido;so ~ BATH condo. Stove, lNG Bluff Condo 3Bdi2Ba. 8331. Equal Housing Op- distance downlown for free $850/mo + utilities, non­ QUIET HORSE Farm near Downs, '' Refrigerator, Dish­ portunity 1St .6. and clear home, property SMOKEY BEAR Restau­ washer. $750 per smoking, 1 year lease. value , $550,000. Race Track, 3/4 River FULL TIME Grill C.ook • & ~ Call Casas de Ruidoso toll rant in Capitan is For Sale. Frontage, 5 minutes from Cattltt Baron & Farley~s . month, includes water ,Owner/Agent. Work 257- 354-22S3.• are currently accepting part-time cashier. Great . and electric. On Mar­ free 1-688·257-7577 or lo- SECLUDED RUIDOSO 2576. Home 257-4121 town. 5.25 acres, borders benefits. Apply in perso':.' - cal257-7577 ' Nat'l Forest, · 7 ft ·privacy app1icatiom> for all posi­ ket, month to month. One Bdrm. Downstairs, 115 COMMERCIAL at 418 Sudderth. ' unfurnished. Utll paid. Non FOR SALE By· owner 10 wall, 6 ft. pjpe fencing, 5 lions. Great wages and the -NO PETS. AVAIL­ Acres in Lama Grande Es­ PROPERTY RENT stall barn .w/ Studio Apt: GREAT WALL OF CHINA ~ ABLE AUGUST 19. UNFURNISHED' CHAM­ smoking. $400/mo. + $200 best tip potential around. PION'S Run, Condo deposit, ·6 month lease . tates. Very private. Gas, ATTIC SPACE available, 2Bd/3Ba, indoor swimming Insurance and 40 I (k) plan is now hiring PT/FT seruer: electric and water in place. pool. private well, trees g. a­ and ~ostess. Ap- 2Bd/2Ba. $750/mo + elec­ 678-8522 or 430-8522 Lv upslairs with _great vl~s. available. Apply in person ~ tricity. Non-smoking. One Msg. $10,0.00/acre. 354-1929. lore. $625K. 378-8163 Excellent space for art1st. for ""'''"'"'·" ~ ~ear lease. Call Casas de an interv\ew between HOME FOR Sale. MFG 3 $400/mo. $1 oo utilities. 1G4 RV SITES RENT 2p.m.-5p.m. . Mon.-Fri. lU.D...- Un1urnlshed Ruidoso toll tree 1 -888- bed/2 bath. 1300+ sq. toot. Call Donna at Casas· de 2BDR/1 BATH. Stove, 257-7577 or local 257- 7 RV Spaces by River and lla.m.- 3p.m. Sat. & ~· Tape and textured, new Ruidosn '1!1·-----~ 6011 Mechem Lease - Purchase Lincoln County Resident r '-·· ADMINISTRAnVE AS. 'I Llkl Lolltl 111/s Coumyl" 2BR-1 BA-S500.00 SISTANT. The Otero County Community Health ~21.. ~--TA~~ Call Me About These Great Listlngsl Deck-Wooded Lot 4 Council seeks FT Admin · Estate (or .the Real World":" REAL~rY Asst. to provide adminis­ 1 • 162 Spmce Dr. Nffi!ly listed split-kvcl 4/2 on hvp Blocks off Sudderth trative support, suppll( In­ Aspen Real Estate BUYER AGENT lots. Unfurnislred willz oak floors formation, maintain tiles, 1"· 97: 1-800-658-2773 a11d two pellet stoz•es. Quality car­ BEPRESERTADVES 108 4th St. produce routine corre­ 118,1H1, (HM) 336-1095 pet mzd 1111!1111 roof in 1997. Large spondence/ rei)Orts. Send ·~--- . Call 420-3807 00, Of enuoii;.JoeZ.Go~ .....~ Why risk a possible conflict of Interest? master l>cdroom 111>stnirs toith Furnished resume and references to Call us to be your Buyer Representative, - t rlli G enclosed bnrbeqtte area. Must ;see OCCHC at 700 1st St.. Lifetime Area R~sldcnt • 23 Years RUIDOSO · We will get you the results YOU DE$ERYEI . .. ~ ' 420-9745 Suite 771, Alamogordo, Area Real Estate li::~~~n,!rienee can: ·;~. ,, , ""': l!<• 'l'i.·c.' .L,-' J:LssZc;;;;;~ ¥'"·eciate! $129.900 NM88310 or . '"P'l!! ~ ! • ~ ··~- SIERRA BLANCA VIEW ·-- Lynn.Stasr -~.252...-421.4--- .. . l __,.-"'· )1 Significarrt price reduction 011 tllis ...,.., ~ ~~ . .., Gorgeous mt. ttome. 2:big ~. t:'tl:"~"'!tr~~~ftn-...~~" l10me located on Crt-e Ma.Yirlows Golf 257-6738 2 lots (can be bought at $f 79,000 · · · · Raynefl Stamper·- '258'-2122:~..,;q:,JJ.:Y.»..~Y' ... -- .• '\l wf one lot). Fully furnished Co11rsc witlr a terrific view<>{ Sierra custom window coverings. Richard Ebener - 336-7483. ·: - -- 8/anr:a/ Year-round acccssi/1ility and 100 HI:;ALESTAT(; 't;i $t99,000. #97856 clos.• to doz~mlonm. Frtrnislted two -~-~ .~ "~' ~ , A. at ,.. •...... larxe bedraoms, 2.5 lmtlls, dcll­ ======..;:Ca~ll Joseph Zagone 420-3807 QUIET SECLUSION liili~.o; ""'•lffi:t-•" fn, ~~ - I.J... IJ •• 111111CZ1MII.CIII gamcroom wltich co11/d be ...:-~"""" --··lj.:-.," ,...... ,,.,.. for this home in Alto with full golf • -~, ¥~ ':l.' 'I!'• q.,: ... membership. 3 Br, 1 314 Ba with ~ ~ '( .,. . lllll llf/\1 1',1/\11 10() REAL ESTATE 100 REAL ESTATE ;~ .Wind Dancer Realty.com wooded view. Buill-In lireplace, ~ . ' covered deck to enJoy the whis- Anita L. Hoff pering pines. $149,000. #96478 f®-. ... Call 81420-3807 - ~- .. .-. "1: ~ R.J Cdal. ~ . ' ' 505·257·0320 ·~ · · · 800·760·7217 1100 Sudderth Dr. . ~ ~ area@zi:met.com Ruidoso, NM 88345 m LOOKING FOR A GOOD tunod or site built homes alkr..wd. DEAL m Bank Repo a 111e $7,200. lendw wants lt sold before the AfFORDABIUTY wm4 end or August. 112 Jack Uttle Or. SPACE. 1+40 sq.ft., 3 BR. I 3/~ 1661 sqJt., 3 Br, 2 BA. nice anea. BA. Sierra Blanca view, 115 Davis Wood interior, good conditloo. Dr., Ruidoso. Wood & life !loon. Uned at $159,900. Malee an offer! $84.900 \.EV£L PARCEL AT 630 MT. 103 WINTER PARK. Sun 'hltey' CAPITAN RD. In Qpitan. If) Sd., woocled 112 acre. l bedroom, aae with water already tapped ln. 2 barh, built-In fireplace. carport. MARCIA GUYNES Mostly level. Nice area. manufac- fully furnished. $129,000. is pleased to announce her return to www.winddancerrealty.com AEIMAX of F]uidoso - ' Multi-Million Oo.llar Producer .fm_lir&.:1 ~ President, Ruidoso Board li · '- . . • COLDWeLL of Realtor#® 1997~1998 ~ BANt\eR IJ 1009 Mechem Pfiill 101 HOUSES 101 HOUSES 101 HOUSES 1 01 HOIJ"-~f .. ., Ruidoso, NM 88345 FOB SALE. ron SAL C FOR SALE f'OFl SAl £ · ON: (5051 258-5833 • Toll Free: t-800-657-8570 C.ll: (505) 430-8574 • Res: (505) 354-2047 Fax: (505) 258-5839

1\11 IUIIJ•,f •, tot 11-:>u·.r~, 1111 HOUSES 101 HOUSES 1 ()H; "'!,.f.u 1 1 ,_,n ~~1\t l- FOR SALE FOR SALE

601 Mechem Dr. Sl. 2 Ruidoso. NM 88345 1-an.eas.s33a sos.630-31 oo 505430.5042 (cell) EIJU Weinreich -. ellleruldoso.com 16Uing Nnu M-aco for 19 yea,.,. [email protected] Cb«i Chit Jl(y WYb-Sitr Fer tM R«ip' oftM Mo111b/ Alto Lakes Golf& Countrv Club IIDbWfl~ Enjoy dining and playing golf or .3D-400Z tennis at Alto. Watch·the deer a.7 acres In Bent, NM, zz miles f'rom and creatu..-ss, such as raccoons Ruidoso near U.S. 70. F ..tuNs well with and turkeys, take long walks in the woods - all you have to do is liTigation, barn, auest llouse with rwcl­ buy one of these houses: woocl deck and workshop. Main house Is $179,900 Beautifully remodeled BIG WITH KOU PRICE LOWERED . 1800 sq ft. 3 bedroom, ~ 112 bath with and decorated On 21ots in Alfo. 3 Br. 31/2 Ba homew/2 New construction wt spectacular view of· 48 tt redwood deck whh vl.-w ..- Sierra Dest Park WODd's ~ Four bedrooms, quiet cozy cul­ offices, oversized garage, full membership. Sierra Blanca. Fabulous 35 ft high Blanaa. THIS PROP•RTY AD.IOINS THE de-sac location. Lots of deck~. In the pines. Built by master carpenter & contractor w/ entrance, 4 Br. 3 Ba, split level. Magniflce.nt NATIONAL FOREST. . · Financing! Owner Financing - lots of room, many quality eXtras! $358,000. #97115 tile, hot tub. 2 Lots from nat'l forest. 2600 sq.ft. This is a good buy. Hurty before the CALL JOYCE W. COX $225,000. #921 04 CALL, PEGGY JORDAN remodeling begins and get a good deal. ~~- . VERY-SHARP · . 1-8118-tl82•8004 NESTLED IN THE TALL PINIES Huge condo in Alto Alps~ Perfect for golf lot owners. ~rt... i{ STUCCO HOME rloru~.com • 258-3888 1 is this full golf membership lot e-mail: bQbwt\lte

~-,• ,. ' I .:::L;~·~,;~~.~,:;S:£;_,:~L"."::.:,<:. ~ :. ~,,:;.,. ~~~ ....""""IW"""'r""'P'-'9"""1,...._._.,r""""" __ ..,.__,______,... _ _..._~._..------~~---~-~--


I'• "ti\HI)."'-.1.ol\l1/\'i.d o/\11"-) :->o·' lllli'WAtnt:.o 2U() Ill Lf' Wi\N fl ll ,!lJU Ill l I' \'Vi\! II l tl .· '() WUI1K VVANTE.O ~100 r ... H~ d, I I I AI H ~ H J•' l • ..., .~. I ~I 1 \. • • 0\ I 'i\ o1.. •I • , A I ! ~' IMMEDIATE· SCHOOL SCttOOL NURSE - Re· COLOR COORDINATED BODACIOUS YARD Sale. GARAGE SALE: Saturday Buill Driver Poaltlona. ••-EIIal•ment glon IX Education Cooper- · .[] custom made queen com­ ESTATE &BARN SAL& Saturday, 7 am. No NE8. only B am to ? office desk Training available. Great 811818181'S ...... ative .Is seeking a highly forter, bed skirt, two Friday, AUG 23 please. camper shell, w/ cr8denza. Bowflax. Ex­ hours; perfect for retirees Long tllnn .~ ~llent ,..,~ Only qualified lndlvldt.lal com­ Brillanto Construction shams, $ decorator pil­ Saturday, Aug 24, sctlonal SOfa,· bunkbed set, ercise bike. Futon. Mise or stay-at~home Moms, terlou• epplla~nls with experi8H4f miHed to school health lows, tablecloth with table. 9AMto4PM books housewares, fu~l" ilems. 208 Chavez.· Starting $9.50/hr.· Bonuses Thomas Brillante need apply. Drug aue111 :.Tnlml. pr:c>grams. Service sites Redwood Dedts- RemodJ)Ilng Excellent condition NO EARLV. BIRDS ture, antiques, toots. a~a,!la!:'le. Call 378-541 0. Ap~ly et Quell Pflr&DIInl!l nc., will be Carrizozo, Corona, $175.00 258-9105 • ·clothes. far all. 524 Sud­ HUGE DRIVEWAY Sale! Palfltlng • New' Conslruelioo , PL.EASE 151 Brady C. anyon Dr. · H8 I\'IHillm, Bulle 3D2, and Hondo School dis­ umiture 9 COUches, Dln darth KOKOPELLI CLUB now Uncoln Tower. 261-2359 Uc.«mmensu­ an Preschool in Ruidoso, Best Qfferl · 1023, RUIDOSO. NM, ·I Hl I AllM I OlJIPfl.lf tiT rate with experience. needs a #1 Pre-School Ask for Terry, H1 t.lI •• ~ f -lo • II I ,J , : not required. owns TR'S MARKET Now Hir­ bloodlines. $300. 505-653- CONSTRUCDON VILLAGE FURNITURE I lH :1 ~ f1 1 I J l d til : Send Resume To: 378-4848 Ing Cashier/Kitchen Help 4501 ..1!~'4. • P.O. Box a:uo $7~8/Hr. Paid Vacation ev­ PET AND Plant siHing; "JI- oJ New & Used Furniture ;: Ruidoso, NM 88]45 ery 6 mos. Apply in Per­ your house or mine. Mine d/~11~" FQRBENT ~. son. Alto 336-7819. & Mattresses : Foul To: for small dogs; yours for • One Bdnn. lbath ,furnished apartmen~ good ~Dell larger pet ,cats and plants. 430-6"125 We Buy, Sell & Trade .. 505/Z57-1004 Call Sandy for Information. location. $565/month, bills included 257-0306. ..UC#IJliJ • 650 5ucld8rthl 257-7575 f.tDTEL 6 Ruidoso now Over ]0 years experience • COMMERCIAL PROPBRI'Y FOR LEASE: awepting applications for 295 LIVESTOCK In Uncotn county Great Sudderth Location!!! 920 sq.ft. of usekeeping. Please ap­ )11 t,1.1\l llltll fl"{ ldo>l 9 6 10 year old Registered Reference• AnUable bJJilding plus 300 sq.ft. garage. High visibil­ wlthln at 4'\2 Hwy 70 ,.GBY. ~ I Ullll 1,1! 1/ I Quarter Horse Geldings. ity good ~,.est "'fttck Driver CHAINSAW HUSQVAR· location. for any usc. $950/month, Permanent Position + Proflci~nt In barrels, poles 401 AHTIOUf S AHT NA 262 XP w120• and 24 " includes utilities. Call Mark at 257-7786. NEEDED: · MAtNTE­ with well- & headers. (505) 885-8555 Salary $9.64 hourly. after5 PM · ANTIQUES & More, 2B25 bars. Used tess than 5 NANCE person for 3 yr. established locally Excellent benefit Sudderth, 630-9070. Buy­ hours. $350. Call Bob 354- Tall Pines Realty oil elderly commumty. package Included 307JN', ESTt.1EtiT OPPORTUNlTlES ing and Selling Antiques, 0121 257-7786 Wages D.O.E. 30 hr week. owned business. - (vacation, sick, retire­ $35K NEEDED to finish Coins, Collectibles. Large 1:./0 1,1l)'>l< 1\l lll'oJill11,1! II) pllcatlons available at All shifts available.- ment & insurance). Custom Home on 1.5 acre selection of Indian Dead­ · TIERRA APTS. 107 Benefits :Vailable. Applications accepted River Lot. Private, Ponds. pawn Jewelry. Monday - ANTIQUE UPf\IGHT Pla­ J"ck Uttle Or., Ruidoso ~14>po P.M. '1\ui,sday. ~ Healthllletiremlmt "

,-I I HC)lJl1f (."J 1 f 1 I J I( )I I ,f "--i 1 t I' I I C)I J f l.., 101 IIOUSr ', 1r1 I I I• HI ·I •, I~ I lll)(Jl-i(S I UH :,AL £ fUri'.,A{ I It JJl <,1\t [ I OH c~ro.\ l I j )! 1\l I It 1H ',J\( 1:-

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1' ,• YARD,«, G/\111\Gf' SAl rs r,o I SE-RVICES no 1 All ros f or1 <;AI E bBfi l £GAL NOTICFS GBG l f ctl\1 flr""~rrr r ~-.. r h• I I ~.At I" If l II< ~ • • HOME PAINTING, Power 2002 THUNDERBIRD. ~157 2T (8) 14, 16 02·5~, Attom~:~ys for Plaintiff of studenla. are ownao.Jw Washing, Decks Sealed, PROFESSIONAL TREE Hardtop/convertible, exte- Lincoln County Head ~­ carpentry Work done. Ae­ • SERVICE rior - Evening Blacl\; interl- LEGAL NOTICE \lalntlff(s) by fSI Philip M. Kleinsmith School bus contraGtQrs Eiastomerick stucco sid­ Hazard tree or - torch Red/ Black. V-8 . , 6035 Erin Park Dr., #1203 must •submit proof of ·dw ing, New homes built. 30+ Specialists! auto. Traction control & full · Region IX Education Co­ vs. Colorado springs, CO following with .proppsall;;;,:_;, years experience in Ruido· Top of the Line package Interior. Stunning! , operative Council meeting 80918 1. Ability . to provide P~L so 336-9116 Equipment No waiting. September de- ' ~ T. hursday Augu.st 22. (1} Wade Thom~s alkla 1-88~-6417 Ex.amlner Certification. "19 livery. MSRP @ $47,500. 2002, 9:00 am _ REC IX Jimmie Wade Thom.as drivers. . •· ,_ • HOMEOW=N:::E:::R:;:S,..-_...,T~i~re~d~o~f We chip all we cut! If you want a clean 258-5673 ' Conference Room. The (2) Rebecca Thomas a/kla. MS1i7H(8)16.23 2. Ability to provide Najlaq­ LookinQ at dead branch­ · · . . meeting is open to the Rttbecca U. Thomas al ~afety Council Deftp?.­ es? I w1ll chip. 258·8733 job done right! FOUR CHfiOME wheels, public. Agenda. items in- Call Today (3)GMAC MortQ.aga Corp L~GAL NOTICE slve DriVIng and .First AI~ Licensed and Insured 16 in., American raciqg elude personnel develop-· DBA ditech Corp Instruction. · ·• , Free Estimates rims. W/4, L T265175R 16, ment activities, {4) Unknowns: All STATE OF NEW MEXICO 3. Ability to provide all ve­ 258,TREE (8733) AlT. Blg-0 -Big Foot Tires. awards/contracts, and per- Unknown Occupants IN THE PROBATE hicle maintenance :an~ ·$600. OBO 354-5454 sonnet In accordance with Andlbr Tenants · COURT storage. . •. , FOR SALE: 19!:)2 .Ford . . tl'!~ Amertcans With Ols.a· Of The Subject Real LINGOLN COUNTY . 4. Ability to provide appr~ Taurus. Needs englntt. ·bll1ties Act, community Estate Tammie .d. Maddox. ptlately licensed arid $500 080. 258-4627 members are requested to (5) Unknowns: AU Clenk · trained driverS and sub~tt­ Unknown Spouses tutes when necessary. • ~ TOPNOTCH contact Sandy Gladden, 1 257-2368, ifpublic accom­ Of Any Party Hereto ::S.J.~ k.~~f:W.oF THE 5. Ability ,to provide sub;>tL­ THINNING & LAWN MUST SELL And All Other Persons - tute vehicle us.e when nec- CARE modations are needed. ·· ESTATE · OF Minnie 1 ~J7 4 Chevy, 1-Ton Living Or Dead Who~e · Green, DECEAS1i=D . essary. · ... lsi Sandy Gladden, Names Are Unknown, CONTRACT . LENGTt-4: Pro,essionaiThinning F\.111 s1ze camper Executivtt Director Who Claim Any Interest No-ncE TO CREDITORS School days from Sepl~­ and In The Subject Real · Lawn Servictt, Fire Boox S12.500 ber 3, 200.~. through IJ!ay Estate NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV­ 23, 2003, and ·in a~ BrE;~aks, Roofs & Gutters CAsll S9.fl00 ance ~ith the head Start Hauling #15171 1T (8)16 E;N that the undersigned Will Trade Defendant(s) has been appointed p(tr- calendar. • Ucenced ' ROUTE SPECIFIC'~- Free Estimates LEGAL NOTICE . sonal representative of this -~20-9745 NOTICE OF SPECIAL estate. All persons having . TIONS: .Current ·round:-tr1p 420.5115//1 585-3396 L57-f173B MASTER'S SALE OF claims. against this estate route speclftcatlons are as CITY OF RUIDOSO REAL ESTATE follows;. ~ TRACTOR WORK, Exca­ DOWNS are regulred to present MULTl FAMILY Garage th~lr claims wnflln two (2) Undetermined - Provide vating, Septic Systems, 6,.->5 FOUR WHEEL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV~ bid Information on Schgol Sale. WID, microwave, NEW £0NSTBlltTION Roads Built, Hauling, NOTICE OF INTENTION months after the date of kids & adult clothes & toys, ADDITIOMS, GAIAGES 1994 FORD Ranger, 4x4, EN THAT PURSUANT TO the first publication of this Bus Transportation Veh1- Mowing, Electric and Wa­ 3LV6, Auto, Air, AM/FM- TO ADOPT COURT ORDER IN THE cle Producllon workSheet - furniture, oHice items., etc. FREE llS11.ll.tES notice; or the claim will be Saturday 7 Sunday, 8 am ter Lines Installed. 354- Cassette, Bed liner, ABOVE CAPTIONED per mile bid (4 diesel vahl­ 7000 or 430-5557 ORDINANCE 2002-09 forever barred. Claims . to ? 115 Moccasin Trall, 505-682-2060 Matching Sl1,ell. 101 K. MAlTER. THE SPECIAL must be presented either cles and 2 g·asollne v.~r­ MASTER INDICATED BE­ cles). · Fawn Ridge. WILL IRON clothes at my Good Condition. Nice NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV­ Jo the undersigned person­ home. Call 257-0307. Ask truck. $5495. 257-7689 LOW WILL SELL AT al representative at the ad­ CONTRACTOR BESP.O}\t­ EN that the Governin~ PUBLIC AUCTION TO SIBILITIES; Provide ~., fll SERVICE-S for Letty Bod\/ of the City of Ruido­ dress listed below or filed 1995 RED Land ·Rover THE HIGHEST BIDDER with the Probate Court of ,propriately licensed ·anc;t YARD MAINTENANCE, Discovery, V-8, 4wd, leath­ so Downs shalr conduct a IN LAWFUL MONEY OF trained drivers for schoQI Public Hearing in conjunc­ Uncoln, County, NewMex­ mowing, weedeating, rak­ er. 6 disc. CD brushgua.rd. THE UNITED STATES OF ico,.located at the follow­ buses, provide .compen~a­ ing, gutters cleaned, haul­ 91,000 mites; Must sell. tion with the regular meet­ AMERICA THE REAL ES. tion and benefits associat­ ~ ing scheduled for Tues­ ing·address: 300 Central, MARCO ing. Free estimates. 257- $11,000 OBO. 505-760- TATE DESCRIBED BE- . Carrizozo, NM. ed with drivers; prov~e 3007. 1134, 505-742c3147 day, September 10, 2002 LOW. on-going training for driv­ CONSTRUCTION at 5;30 P.M. at the Cily Qu.llry Built Home• Tired of UN~IG.HTJ.V '98 .IEEP Cherokee Sport Dated; August 6, 2002 ers; provide qualified i;uti­ CommtJrclal •Additions• Hall Hubbard Room, . 122 THE DATE, TIME AND stltute drivers when necli~S.­ Dead Branches? 4x4, 6 cyl., automatic, Downs Drive, Ruidoso RBmod/111(1• Decks • PLACE OF SAID SALE IS; Is/Clint Green, Jr sary; provide all operating, Concrete •Framtng• Trees trimmed up 42K, excellent condition. Downs for adQpting the fol­ maintenance and fuel $8,700. 336-1792 ' lowing Ordin;;~nce. POBox 7717 starting @ $5.00 & up, Date: September 18, 2002 Ruidoso, NM costs associated ·wHh us~ License GB9805006 '99 TAHOE 4 wd, one Time: 10:00 A.M. · of the vehicles in tr~n~­ Bonded References Available (505) 378-6116. ucensed & Insured · owner, towing package, Place: Front door ot the portlng Head Start stu­ 35 Vrs Experience loaded, brand new brakes, ORDINANCE 20D2-09 Lincoln County N5156 3T (8) ~. 14, 16 C:Ients;. and provide su!;)st(­ (505) 910-7991 Ask for Yogi On-Star, cell phone, fan­ Courthouse tute vehicles when nec~- · 257-0610 or 420·0926 tastic condition, maint. re­ ADOPTING A MUNtCI· 300 Centra Ave. LEGAL NOTICE cords, 3,000 ml warranty PAL INFRASTRUCTURE Carrizozo, NM tft?'coLN COUNTY H~AO left, $17,900. 258·4314 or GROSS RECEIPTS TAX Region IX Education coop­ START RESPONSIBlLt­ see at Ruidoso Police De· Common Description· erative Js seeking propos­ TIES: Provide regul~lo(l paved, leveled or made to partment wttekdays SECTION 1. IMPO- 311 Spring Rd. als tor dally to and from school buses for transJjpr­ drain. 378-1190 SITION OF TAX Ruidoso New Mexico school transportation serv­ tatlon of Head Start S\bo­ 657 TRUCKS FOR SALE SECTION2. Ices for 2002~2003 school ·dents to Nob Hill earl¥: PAINTING/STU CO GENERAL PROVISIONS 1993 DODGE Club Cab, ~I Qesc~tlgn: year for .3 vehicles for Childhood Canter ahil WORK/CARPENTRY. short bed. 94K. Loaded. SECTION3. LO 6, BLO K 4 OF · Head Start students In the Hondo Valley School ~!;lit«; Free estimates/Jobs done Set up for 5th wheel. SPECIFIC EXEMPTIONS FIRST PLAT OF WING­ Ruidoso School District, provide vehicle lnsurartce to your satisfaction, all S~CTION 4. DEDI~ 0 and 1 vehicle In the Hondo All Complete Yard Care. $5295. 354-8117 FIELD HOMESTEAD lncludi~ • liability; prov'l® work guaranteed 7 years. CATION SUBDIVISION, RUIDOSO, Valley School district: vehi­ children s names and' ad- Tree removal, thinning. 30+year experience In Rui­ BLACK CONTINENTAL SECTION 5. EF~ cles used In transportation pruning, hauling, raking. LINCOLN COUNTY, 'NEW doso 336-9116. Mark IV truck topper shell. FECTIVE DATE. MEXICO, AS SHOWN BY mowing, gutters. Free ostl· 60x74. Good condition. ;•.rlfJ Hl I P .. ~. 1\t J1 [ () .''lll 11r t r• ·::AUT£ n mates everyday. Refttrrals PIANO TUNING & Repair. THE PLAT THEREOF $250. 376-8339. COPIES OF ORDINANCE FILED IN THE OFFICE available. 257-5808 Also Plano Lessons. Call 2002..09 ARE ON FILE IN Ruth for lessons. Call Pin­ CHEVROLET PICK·UP, OF THE COUNTY CLERK THE OFFICE OF THE OF LINCOLN COUNTY, key for tuning Both quali­ C10, 1967, 6 cyl, 4 speed, CITY CLERK AND ARE . METAL fied. 257·5284. Make offer. 430-4642 · SEPTEMBER 2, 1958 ROOFS AVAILABLE FOR PUB­ 67f• MOTORCYCL £!S LIC REVIEW MONDAY D~clu, Addition.•, Custom Work The date of the court Or­ THROUGH FRIDAY BE­ der Is July 1. 2002, pur· PGinrlng. GarGgu, at Affordable Prlcesl 1988 BMW K75 20K. TWEEN THE HOURS OF R~modd.s, Car· suant to which an Order of ' KITCHEN~ BATHS, Good condition. $3500 8:00 A.M. AND 5:00 P.M. porl.s, Hom• Rttpalrs, Fr1111 METAL nOOFS, 080.354-8117 Sate was Issued on July 1, Estlrnatrs Bol-co Bulld#!r!l CERAMIC TII.E, 2002. The referenced l:57-63J7 NM Uc ll0/5!llfl WITNESS MY HAND AND Court Order entered tudg­ DECKS, ETC. H.O. - FXO Superg11de, THE SEAL OF THE CITY 1999. twin cam, all the ex­ ment for Plaintiff for BII.I,V THE KID CASINQ 4 RUIDOSO DOWNS GREEN ACRES Pine TRIMLINE tras. 14K. $11,900. 336- OF RUIDOSO DOWNS $111,542.47 plus Interest, Needle Removal, Brush CoNSTRUCTION ;•no llf LP WANH'O 4663 THIS 16TH DAY OF AU· costs ot this action, Includ­ BACE,J'BACK- Thinning and General GUST2002. ing costs of the sale and Clean-up.(We Show Up) 258-9186 b7l MOTOA HOME IS CURRENTLY ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS costs to preserve the Real ... FOR SEASONAL !PART-TIM& for More Info 257- •,r;;~r.:u ~~r:J 1996 FORD Tiago Mon­ /S/ CAROL VIRDEN .~ act;: or· ~ R"WANTED CI'PICLERK Es~. ln!d~·ng ~ A~EA.a: OUND -TIME • - 111~; tara Motor Home, 460' t~n· ...... :·~ e~' pe tax 1- gina, 23', SOK, Omm gel1'­ tiol) Intel' st 7. FOR & • • 0 Ull P ."VANH:.D erator. $24,000. 336~2507 pel' shiiiJ. rue to the FOOD fllWEBt\G& ·~..; SPINE INTERVENTION date o rsaid sale. Cook(s) PROCEDURES. ACLS l>fU RECREATIONAL IJ5148 4T {B)2, 9. i&, 23 Hoot(s) - Hostess(cs) VEHICLES CERTIFIED & GOOD IV Special Master: Waiter(s}- Waitress(es) SKILLS. FOR SALE: - 22• 1997 LEGAL NOTICE Dock/Receiving .Personnel EXCELLENT PAY AND Dutchman Travel Trailer. Falsai Sukhyani Blll'knder(s) GOOD WORKING Good cloan condition. So­ STATE OF NEW MEXICO Special Master ENVIRONMENT COUNTY OF LINCOLN Dishwasher(s) lar battery charger. Queen 2222 Parkwest Dr., NW Bus Person(s) Fax Resume to bed. Call 258-4006 TWELFTH .JUDICIAL Albuquerque, NM 87120- Arst Savings Bank has a f1,.1ll-time teller/ DISTRICT (505) 628-1552 1>7'! CAMPERS 3660 S£CUBITYIEMT proof position opening at our Ruidoso 505 228-8484 Or Call 1993 SKAMPER Tent Citifinancial Mortgage Security Officer(s) Branch. Prior teller experience preferred, (505) 628-3761 Company, Inc. but not required. Accuracy and a desire to Trailer. Clean. Very good KLEINSMITH & ASSOCI­ CASINO OPERATIONS condition. Sleeps 6. ATES, P.C. Change Booth Cashiers serve the public are a must. Interested $1850. 354-1116 Case No. CV applicants can mall or fax their resume to 200 • HFLP WAIHED 200 I If L P \"11\fn H) TRACk MAJNTENANC£ 1-505-257-7170 or e-mail your resume to: Custodian(s} - Day & Night [email protected] Landscaping I Laborer TBe\CK OPEftA.~S· Arst Savings Bank Pad·Murual Tellers Attn: Randy Christopher Program Sellers 2713 Sudderth Drive Parking Auertdants Ruidoso, NM 88345 Ticket SaJespeople f.lli1:41!.LUIJ'" Positions are being filled imme

H&RBLOCK .'Oil Ill l P \VIINTED 200 HELP WIINTEO IRW>!...... ,.'-""'a:&"'" Applications are available at tbe Receptimrlst'l. located on the 2nd floor of the &ccutive Offices. QUEST PERSONNEl, INC. has several For more information or convenient l'l&ilwm;.cllm!I:Dl Ruid?so Downs Race Tnu:k & Casino positioos1:• openings for the following positions: times and locations, call 1~11ubrc Ucensins by the New Mexico Rac:in,g ComuliSllliOJ2!JII Construction Workers I General Laborers I 505-257-4213 •• !I(NMFtC) and_ lor Meltieo Heavy Equipment Operators I ~.:r.rew ~c·,~J Drivers with COL's I(NMCICEI), which W111 eatail a bBckground/criminal rcconf inv·ca.t• hio..,>ir•n All employees hired are subject to mandatoty nntdOII)f Applicants must pass a mandatory drug~ screening test Applicants must have their own transporta­ tion to job site. Applicants must be qualified, and reliable. Please bring resume and/or references with you when applying. Please allow 30-40 minutes to complete the necessary paperwork. 200 HI I P WIIIJl F1l 200 Hr l f' WANTED ,.'00 llflf~'.".'/\f-JTt-D 200 Hf I P \'J/dJll I> START IMMEDIATELY Apply in person at Lincoln Towers Job Fai·r 1096 Mechem Dr. #302 and .... -1' ... ~ . Ruidoso, NM 88345. Invitation for Qualilied Labo~~, The Ruidoso News Is seeking a highly energetic, detail· orient· Craftspeople and Skilled Workers ,'00 H( l P WANT! 0 •''"' fH I I' WAN II D ed Individual for the Circulation Manager,s p~,.IIIC)n. T,he right candidate will be a customer service speclatl•t with. PC knt)WJ· Rehabilitation and Stabilization of . edge_ Database software and Microsoft Office experience' ••, ~toric Reso~es in Lincoln New.Mexieo _ THE preferred but not necessary. Minor travel will be required from Zook and Zinn Architects jn cooperation with .the Historic Linoobi Difference time to time. · pleased to announce that rehabilitation projects will be This position Is a full time poaiUon, Monday thro~gh ed historic structures in Lincoln. The work will be r::~=~~ Friday, grant from the National Park Service. Stive America's ' ssyou 8:00a.m.-5:00 p.m. and It Includes full benefits: medical, Hubbard Museum of th,e American Wcs.. ' . Stores, Inc. tal, vision, life Insurance, paid vacation and alck leave as · WAL*MART as 401(k) savings plan Is available. Position Is at a base of plus monthly bo.nusea, DOE. •••tv Join the best retailing team, recog­ All Interested candldatea·should send a co~~lete rtNsutn~ nized by Fortune Magazine as one of salary history and reqadre11:1•nta .to: Br.ct· ,·'h:•ptq\V the riiOst admired companies In the Ruidoso News, P.O.vBox 12fi;·Ruldoso, NM 8S$5s•o1·28. world. As a member of the Wal~Mart can be sent ,via email to btreptow.l.lldaad)'i~)Ys.com. ~am. you will receive competitive

« , · The closing W~$ and quatlfy for a comprehen­ Frtday,tAUSI,.Itdeafii··.···~.•.• P··~~. i.•·.•fi.l!.··~'3Q,.2qoa · ..... ;·~. ·•.tl9n.. · : ..t ..·. • , ,... · ·. · . ·~'blmeftls package including mer- , :chandlse discounts, 401(K). stock pur­ The Ruldo_so NaWa aa _a.\'lktiical··.i)p~~!\\l,t\liY'•'WI'~tQy~r., chase plan, health benefits and No .Phc;l:le Calla. pl•aQ~·· · · · career advancement opportuniUes . ' ' . '·);

. I: ' q, . . ~. tf~tt~f~~f(~.,ri~;·,·i2!,.. ~···· .. ·, ..· '. ' . CIASSIFIEDS RUIDOSO NEWS • PAGE 7B I If ~

LJ-8~ ll r aAl tHJTIC[ S G!>G LFGAL NOff\'I S 6Ht1 ll I..•AI l~tl f ll I •, dfesses . to contractor; as­ (2) Norlnco 7.62x25 semi­ .school year for 1 vehicle In sist with. Head Start appro­ automatic pistoJ the Capitan School District N.'V'. TIJ\;1ES • CROSSWORD p(late training; and submit and 1 vehicle in the Cam~ N6.0515 teqbes~.1 to contractor In PtJrported owner: James zoz9, ~11()01 District. Vehl· Edited by Will Shortz advance for unscheduled MilS!lP · . <:les' Wl8d ln ~-rtatlon field trips (com~nsation (1) Stevens Model 79 - .20 of 'stUdent$ @r& ~IKJ b tod;uch field trips Is not ln­ augf!J shot9un · • l:.incoln'County Head Sta~ ACfl088 M~r M Fa1ara Club .cfllded .within this propos- 2) Connecticut Valley School' . bus contractors 1 Partiality .• Oakley event ~rms 50 caliber Black must su~mit proof ·of the . 85 Catc:hea some · ·~~OPOSAL SUBMIS·­ · Powder Rifle following With P.roposals: · 6 Word whh aand 35Vemehero SlON: All sealed and com-· (3) Springfield Armory 1 . Ability to provide or speed Phlleae' rays .. pl6te proposals must be Model 1903. 30-06 caliber COL Examiner · Certifica­ 8 Easy one for an ee Mlllrary sen. · · received at the REC &X of­ rifle tion to drivers 31 Dogcattcher's 'fice· by Tuesday, August (4} WinchesterModel97- 2. Ability to provide infielder· catCh 17 Marinara '20, 2002 - 4:00 pm. Pro­ 12 gauge shotgun . National Safety Council 1• Expunge, with 41. JambOree alternative posals will be opened at (5) 300 Savage Lever Ac­ Defensive Driving and in 9:3U am; Wed11esday, Au~ tion Model 99 with mount­ · First Aid instruction "out" . ' shelter II The -o• Reo gtJst 21 , 2002.- Reg1on IX ed scope 3. · . . Ability to provide . 111araeli dance 888ack talk office. For additional lnfor­ (Bl·Winchester Model70- all ·vehicle . malntenan.ce 42 On the ball m~tion, cont~ct· Fred flo-· :Z70 caliber bolt action rifle and storage 1e leland. southwest 44 Makes ·simPler mero or Teresa Barnett, (7) Winchester M(ldel 70 - · 4, · Ability to provide ~f MaJcxw:a DOWN REC IX- 257-2368- 1400 300 mag rifle appropriately licensed and ·17 Uke a Dali. 48 1930 Vmcent 1 PotWco Abzug Sudderth, Ruidoso, NM trained drivers and substi­ Youmans song_ -~~~5 . ' Purported Owner: Rene tutes when necessary · watch SOCochlae , 2 "Talk turkey,• Bautista . . 5. · Ability to prl)vide 11 ~ot on ·~J" e.g. fi.1_.58 2T (8) 9, 14 Ward's Westernfleld, Mod­ substitute vehicle use f'Nowayt") .portrayer el 18A . 22 caliber pump ri- when necessary Michael 3 Draws a bead JJi9AL NOTICE fle . CONTRACT LENGTH: 1t "'Final answer?• on School days from Septem­ aaker . 51 Great Lakea ,, .. NQDCE OF PUBLIC Purported Owner: Keith ber · 3, 2002 through May tribesmen " SALE · Warren 23, 2003, and in acco.rd­ 20 Go balliatfc .t!:~~r.. 'uNcLAIM'EDPERSONAL • Winchester Model 250 ance with the Head Start 23 Fine fiddle M Toasrer-a WOlds Informally . . pROPEjfn( calendar. Purported Owner: William ROUTE· . SPECIFICA· atB~er's 18 -stonny S~rison N()TtCE Is hereby glven Boring · TIONS: Current . 'round• hardware Weathe,. tha~ the Lincoln County ·· P-389mm . · trip route specifications are ·28 Poe cla8aic, composer e Justice's garb S'-'eriff's Department will as follows: . be. selling the following un­ Purported Owner: Jose Undetermined ~ Provide with "'The• 82 Shade giver 7 HaWkiSh god .Cialmed personal property Ruelas and Rafael Loya bid information on School 33 Future fungus 83 Miser's pronoun 8 Garden walkway ·m--t--+~.._..._....J at:a 2-Day Firearms Auc­ 1986 Blue Mercury Grand Bus Transportation Vehi­ Uor( to be held on Saturday Marquis bearing Texas cle Prodi,IC:IIon Worksheet t Carnivorous fish a(\d Sunday, August 24~ registration - ~r mUe · bid. · (2 diesel 25, 2002. beginning at vall cles and 2-gaaollne ANSWER TO. PREVIOUS PUZZIF. 10 Following order& 9:00A.M., by Charles F. Purported Owner: Sergio vehicle} . ' · · · tt Overeat. with Dlckerso11 AuCtioneers, at Cervantes . CONTRACTOR RESPON­ -our fhe;Dickerson Bam, 3g2o · 1986 Blue lzuzu 2~ door SI.BILmES: . Provide BP:: \n(ftS1 Picacho, Las Cru­ hatchback bearing Texas proprlatelv llcenSci:Mi ~· and W+~r+.iff 12 Commando's 35_morgana 48 Glaa ingredient registration trained drivers for school weapon ~es. New Mexico: (mirage) 62 Lab heaters buses; provide compensa­ 13 Mas' mates 36 Hollywood's Ken · Purported owner; Sergio Vehicles Will be sold ·at a tion and benefits associat­ 63 Tool buildings flarhirez · later date. ed with drivers; provide 21Removesa or Lena (1) :raurus PT 99 Semi·au­ on-going training for drtv­ squeak from 37 Tiara inlay& 65 Director tOI'flatic 9 mm handgun If. prior to the sale, the true ers; provide qualified sub­ Premlnger {2} Star 9mm semi-auto­ owner identifies the per­ stitute drivers when neces­ ~~ftl 22 _out a living 38 All moniker, with matic handgun. sonal property to be sold sary; provide an operating, 25 Bam topper "the"' sa River to the I3) Smith & Wesson Model and offers strict proof of mamtenance and fuel Caoplan .sea. 357 caliber handgun identity and ownership of costs associated with use 21 Actress Moran 40Vote for (4.) lnterarms 12 gauge the personal property, the of the vehicles In trans­ ii+-a+i+.mif %1 Undo a change 43 Where the slldtaun personal property shall be porting Head Start stu­ !i) Uartin .22 caliber rifle · returned to the true owner. dents; and provide substi­ 28CO Aaptors play Answere to any three o1uet In thlll puzzle 6) Norlnco semi-automat- tute vehicles when neces­ predecessors are available by toucMone phone: MARTHA GUEVARA sary. 45 Snick and - :l c 'rifle, 7.6~39mm caliber, 30_pole (thrust and cut) 1·90CH2G-5656 (OSC per~). wlih(5)mag ASSISTANT COUNTY UNCOLN COUNTY ;(nnlenflela Model 60.22 MANAGER HEAD START RESPON­ ~:+::-t:i:i-1 31 Onierly . 47 Vote against Annual~ are available torlle . cal rifle . . SIBILmES: formation 85161 3T(8)9,14, 16 Provide regulation school 48 Soap operas, beat ot Sundlly cronwotda from._ 1a1t t50 rported owner: Brian buses for transportation of 32 Rover's restraint e.g. years: 1-eaa.7-ACROSS. • !$on LEGAL NOnCE Head Start students to ar Single Six .22 cali- Capitan Head Start stte a and Carrizozo School site; ~~r revolver Region · IX Education Co­ provide vehicl(l lnsurarice .P(lrported owner: Sheldon operative is seeking pro­ includin~ liability; provide erown . posals for dally to- and children s names and ad~ "WU'W.ruidosoneU's.com ~1' Lorcln L-380 .380 call­ from~ school transPQrtatlon dresses to contractor; as­ !)~r auto handgun services for 2002-2003 sist with Head Start appro-

•>t't SEHVICES. 501 SERVICES '>01 SF RVIC:I S 'iOI SERVICES 501 SEHVIC&.~; 501 SERYICtS sot c.~• nvrcr c:; I,Qt • I 1., fr I ,

~0r i D I E c ./ R ...-.. :

RETR \CT:\BLE DECK, P. PHYSICI \:\S-F.\\IILY PR.\CTICE I "'I);DO"' . \ \Y); I:'\ C "H{'gh Quality work done to the customer's satisfaction• Btu~ Ski~s Shades ot comfort & • Painting- Interior & Exterior Tr'ee Thinning & Removal Nee" & ooctorc· Baautv •Awning 6 Matal Roofing ~ Distribution & Installation '"n ~ . • Decks.- New Construction & Preservation Tree Climbing ~ Firewood Deck Patio Furniture *Martial Arts - Private <;3roup Lessons Get Bsck to Work or Plsy... Fsst & & Lot Clearing • Pine Needle Removal •ucenae - GB 98 #87082 & 4th Dan W.T.F. Bart Parsons I Owner FAMILY PRACTICE Upscale Outd()ors Call. now for a free estimate or about Taekwondo classes. (505) 257·0726 • Cell: 430-0798 IMMEDIATE CARE CLINIC 1216 Mechem lllese businesses ar licensed, bonded and Insured. · Email: [email protected] ' 63.Q-5300 (No Appointment Necessary) bam5@hotmail com NM Uc.#3178 Monday·FrldiiY B:ooam-a:oopm • Saturday 8am-Noon 258-3934 721 Mechem • Sierra Mall • Ruidoso, NM 505-301-4006

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I < .~ ' I ( ·A I t /! } t II I • ~ l•til• I l t ,f\1 t I') I H I c. I 'l I 1\lJ I 1>', f OH ~il\l I 601 AUTOS f DR SALE prtate training; and submit Hondo Valley School site; GUST2002•. requests to contractor in provide vehicle Insurance advance for unscheduled lncludln2 liability; provide IS! CAROL VIRDEN field trips (compensation children s names and ad­ CITY CLERK for such field trips Is not In­ dresses to contractor; as­ cluded within this propos- sist with Head Start appro­ al.) . priate training; and submit Mi170 1f (8)10 PROPOSAL SUBMIS-. requests to contractor In SION: All sealed and adVance for unscheduled LEGAL NOTICE complete proposals must field trips (compensation be received at the REC IX for such fle.ld trips Is not In­ CITY OF RUIDOSO .All ,of ·the·se Uhifs~ arc& .J,ord. eertified oHJce by Tuesday. August cluded within this propos- DOWNS 20, 2002 - 4:00 pm Pro­ . al.l posals will be opened at PAQPOSAL SUSMIS­ NO"JlCE OF 1NTENTION 9::)0 a.m.. Wednesday, S,ON: AU sealed and . TOADOPT a"d have, F~rd·- ·F · .Wflrraratv for. August 21, 2002- Reaion complete proposals must IX office. For additional in­ be received at the REC IX formation, contact Fred office by Tuesday, August ORDINANCE 2002-88 Romero or Teresa Barnett, 20, 2002 - 4:00 pm. Pro· REC IX - 257-2368 - 1400 posals will be opened at Notice Is hereby given that 15,110 ,6· · · ·. APR Sudderth, Ruidoso. NM !l:30 Wednesday, nai a.m., or 88345 August 21, 2002 - Region the Govemlng Body of the . IX ottlce. For additional in­ City of Ruliioso Dqwns 115162 sf (6) 9, 14, 19 formation, contact Fred shall · conduct . a Public Hearing In conjunction with LEGAL NOTICE ~~~e,~ ?~~~~:;~:~1n:o~ the regular meeting sctfed,. . Sudderth, Ruidoso, NM uled for Tuesday, Sep~m- .t. Region IX Education Co­ 88345 ber 10, 2002 at 5:30 P.M. operative Is seeking pro­ at the City Hall Hubbaid posals for daily to- and i5169 1T (8)16 Room, 122 Downs Drive, from- school transportation Ruidoso Downs for adopt­ services tor · 2002-2003 L£GAL NOTU'::~ ing the following Ordi­ school year for 3 vehicles nance. for Head Start students In CITY OF RUIDOSO the Ruidoso School Dis­ DOWNS trict, and 1 vehicle In the ORDINANCE 2002-oa Hondo Valley School Dis­ NOTICE OF INTENTION trict; vehicles used In TO ADOPT AN ORWNANCE transportation of students AMENDING CHAPTER 4 are owned by Uncoln DEPARTMENTS A~ County Head Start. ORDINANCE 2002-10 CLES 4 SEcnON 8 (E) School bus contractors "'SEWER CONNEcnONS · must submlt proof of the NOTICE IS HEREBY giv­ SERVICING MULTIPLE following with proposals: en that the Govomlng UNITS" 1 . AblJlty to provide Body of the CIIY of Ruido­ COL Examiner · Certillca­ so Downs shalr conduct a 4-4-&(E) Sower Connec­ Uon to drivers Publlo Heat'lng In conjunc­ tion• ServiCing Muhlple 2. Ability to provide tion with the regular meet­ Unite National Safety Council Ing scheduted for Tues­ Defensive Driving and day, Sel)!ember 10, 2002 First Aid Instruction at 5:30 P.M. at the City 3. Ability to provide Hall Hubbard Room, 122 Copies of Ordinanc:e 2002- all vehicle maintenance Downs Drive. · Ruidoso 08 are on file In the office and storage Downs for adopting the fol­ of the City Clerk and ere 4. Abllint to provide lowing Ordinance. avall(lble for public review appropriately licensed and Monday through Friday trained drivers and substi­ between the hours of 8:00 tutes when necessary ORDINANCE 2002-10 A.M. and 5:00P.M. 5. Ability to provide substitute vehicle use AN ORDINANCE AMEND­ when necessary ING AND RESTATING CONTRACT LENGTH: CITY OF RUIDOSO Witness my hand and the School days from Septem­ DOWNS ORDINANCE 94- seal of the CltV of Ruidoso ber 3, 2002 through May 07 PROVIDING FOR THE Downs this 16fh day of Au­ 23, 2003, and In accord­ EFFICIENT AND SANITA­ gust2002. ance wllh the Head Start RY COLLECTION OF calendar. SOLID WASTE IN THE ROUTE SPECIFICA­ CITY OF RUIDOSO Ia/ CaroJ Virden TIONS: Current round­ DOWNS, PROVIDING City Clerk trip route speclflcatlons are FOR MANDATORY OIS­ as follows: 'POSAL, AND PROVIDING Undetermined - A PENALTY FOR VIOLA­ Provide bld Information on TION OF THE ORDI­ School Bus Transportation NANCE. Vehicle Production Work­ sheet - per mila bid. (4 Section 1 Short Tltle diesel vehicles and 2-gas­ Sef;:Uon 2 Definitions ollne vehicle) • Section 3 Mandatory Col­ CONTRACTOR RESPON­ lection and Disposal of SIBILITIES: Provide ~ Garbage, Refuse. Rub­ proprlate\y licensed and bish, and tralned drivers for school Debris buses; provide compensa­ Section 4 ReaHirmatlon of tion and benefits associat­ Previous Acts of the Board ed with drivers; provide of Trustees i!slt~!! 1M~~torv Fee r~.:• e.drtvars ~ .neces- ~n 7 Pe:;ttles seotlon 8 S.verablllty m ~IAH~~~~ Section 9 Ef(ectlvo Date costs associated Wfth use of the vehicles In trans· Copies of Ordinance 2002- lftl131U 'lt.IIE porting Head Start stu­ 10 are on file In the office dents: and provide substl· of the City Clerk and are CIO@IUID~ tute vehleles when neces- available for public review Monday through Friday ,.. ..., n·r rn7coLN COUNTY HEAD between the hours of 8:00 START RESPONSIBILI­ A.M. end 5:00 P.M. IJI1IiWI.YDi»­ TIES: Provide regulation i.R~Jm'IP'OOI 101.\Y

WITNESS MY HAND AND ~ school buses for transpor­ --~,...., ...... ,., tation of Head Start stu­ THE SEAL OF THE CITY ___..... dents to Nob Hill Early OF RUIDOSO DOWNS Childhood Center and THIS 16TH DAY OF Au- - Further your #;{.•

i I children's education••.. ~,.' r Subscribe to the Ruidoso News In Lincoln & Otero Counties: 3 tnonths: $14.00 6 Dlonths: $20.00 1 year: $34.00 Out of' Lincoln & Otero Counties: 3 IDODths: $21.00 6 IDODths: $27.00 1 year: $43.. 00 . CaU257-4001· ·. ·start your s•b$erii\tto··~today! )-~r ~ :-. . . • RUIDOSO NEWS

FRIDAY, AuG. 16, 2002 CALL Us: SANDY SuGGITI, FEATURES DEsK •" 257-4001 • ssuGGtn·@RuroosoNEWs.coM PAGE lC ·Visions '

·in bronze Dave McGary stands with -- "Memories of Honor," the third in a trilogy in the artist's Warrior Series. Local sculptor Dave McGary exhibits At far left is "Eye of the Raven," one of McGary's newest works, and·the three of his latest pieces Saturday . first in a series of seven of northwest coastal· Indians. BY SANDY_ SUCGITT Honor" and "The Rainmaker." RUIOQSO NEWS g~F_\V_Rll_~ "Eye of the Raven" is the first of a new series ofsculp­ Sculptor Dave McGary tures of northwest coastal opens his doors from 6 .to 8 Indians. "Memories of HQDor" p.m. Saturday for his· annual is the third in a series depict­ artist's reception/show to ing the Hunkpapa · Sioux exhibit three new pieces: "Eye Chief Crow King. In the first, of the Raven," "Memories of "A Matter of Honor," he is a young warrior on his horse at the end of the battle; in "Trophies of Honor," he's a mature warrior. He's an older man in "Memories of Honor," but the sculpture portrays his ·strength and honor, and he wears a chiefs bonnet with a trailer of spiked eagle feath­ ers. This piece will be installed in the Buffalo Bill Historic~l Center in Cody, Wyo., and McGary will be doing a 30- foot monument of "Battle of Two Hearts" for. that muse­ um. "The Rainmaker," commis­ sioned by the Rainmaker Community, will stand 20 feet


BY SANDY SUGCM two-story ho1,1se and we didn't have win­ you're 73 years old, you can't paint like dow coverings so I took som~ of my nude you used to." paintings and put them in Porter paints standing in front of· a L.B. Porter, tlie 73- the window. Train engineers vertica] easel - changing from his "exec­ year-old pioneer of nudes "I lived next to would come by and whistle." utive trifocals" to "close-up" glasses. in Western paintings will Porter is a prolific painter, Hondo Valley's art historian John be at Studio W for the a railroad track even at 73: Since the middle Meigs said that Porter "combines grass opening of his work in the ••• Train engi­ of last year, he's painted 53 roots feelings for the )and of the front gallery this week­ pieces for the upcoming invi­ au~ BCU'rrJ which could be delicates, . or · Northhampton, Mass. Bob's tip office keys and had been look- Our third laundry-related wound up on probation after DAVE's WORLD even hand-washables~ pot. to can be summarized in three ing for them aU~y. · Household Hint for Guys is pleading guilty · to shooting a Tnr•uNa MaDIA· Sanvrc;as mention your bleach and your words: '"Buy more underpants:" "While· standing. in the based on a news story from the gun within 100 yards of a fabric softener. ·and Qf eo~ As Bob explains in his letter: kitchen telling me his prob- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, building. So our third laundry all your washer/dcy~f OJ!!ioP.$~ "My wife . and I share house- lem," Alice relates, "he started . sent in by many alert readers, tip for guys is: Before shooting . Do you want Wai'ri:l' ;Was1i an~· . work on a random basis. For s..cratching his posterior - and concerning an incident several your washer, always check , . coid rlria&? Hot wahli:~«J.watin ~ instance, sometimes she _does finally noticed something was years ago in Chippewa Falls, · .around for buildings! linSe?Wet.~.M~j·~i~Ji?··L,J~~; SOJJ,l~times I do. I fig- in there. Now bear in mind he Wis. What happened wa$, a · There you have it, guys! And '!h~t. ~ut "~tjij~, '!lhlf!?. '"' ·ure~· out :tW,.t laun~ry gets had been sitting at his desk all man became angry at ·his Good luck, and good launder­ This ift.:w,'Jl.-i~-,.)i;n.ilj~ .. ' :i:.'.l~ , «lol'Ui':-wheit.();(te of us IS out of llft;en~.oon· and grove an hour to washing machine,- which was­ ing! , . ~~drop -:~tft~~l,~ ~~:. \ gndefW~Iir.~~J bought six new ~~:~~"and is first noticing n't working right. So, follo~ NOTE TO GOVERNMENT the recommended procedure in ElMPLOYEES: You can keep = pfOB~~il,.· .Up !1·:' ,e:1 :!\r':~a::·~~~ =. 8(), reports Alice, Bob felt the Guy Book of those dollars. •. his death.. ~ )bat woraa were: wife does the l~undry." . around inside his underpants, Troubleshooting, he pushed it ·;~~ ,"0~ ·say ....,. ~birt is: -yellow,, . ~omewher~ in .J?~icist ·and guess what he found? down a flight of stairs. Dave Barry is . a humor :;)·:1· whfclt Yf:.a:~~~~1Q:r, bu~it'll . JfGav~n, Albert Ems1;eiii is, CO:awct~ A sli~. two-hea_ded Jneredibly. this did not solve columnist for the Miami ' . . . '.a L~ARK ,y*)J,l()\\1'. ';Jit()es'. t:l$t:. smacking himself in the. fore- ~1. the problem. So the man (w~ Herald. Write to him c/o The . . ;·., -~ · · r. , . ·. · .- ·• _. ;; •.".:·J~··•i4'4~i(tJ.i"'d.)/il;,, .. ~{.~-~"·~P:~ .I:J).~c.t:-.. · , ·' · · ·· . ,.~~·; · :• ; d.· No.be:fonnd his office keys. are not making this up) shot Miami Herald, One Herald ···. '.~_•. ,,. "'' w •11, .... -. .• ·1 •.• '·'"'· ... , ..."~'i::.tz .. ·..r~·.ll..'i.it~-'-· ,ftJ...'k~f><_·-;;.·.-1 __ -'··_· ~..,.,.,.,_...• ,.... _· ..... __ ·•'•'1b.:..il..:t:'" ·....,, ...... ~...;.;.~:·'···· .l... dul . ·.u-tY.., . .. . t . .. 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.. PAGE 2C • Rt:.IDOSO NEWS LOCAL NEWS FRIDAY, AUG. 16, 2002 MCGARY: Exhibit Saturday PORTER: western works on display FROMPACUC FROM PAGEIC and an honorary doctor in height near the Spencer Theater of humaniti,es de~ee Porter, who was · - but those who visit the o·pen from the London among the first to pop­ house this weekend will see the 12th Institute · of Appfied ularize the painting of century Jornada Mogollon shaman, S~iences. He taught nudes in contemporary pouring water with a sacre,d red school in New Mexico, .Western landscapes, mac.aw on his shoulder. · and worked as a visual will be at Studio W The area surrounding Sierra information specialist at from 1 to 5 p.m. on White Sands , Missile Saturday to meet the Blanc~ was part of the Jornada public. Branch of the Mogollon, who lived in Range before working southern New Mexico and who full-time as a profession­ ceased to exist by the ~id-i500s. · al artist from 1964 on - SIINDY SUGGITTISTAFF' McGary's production studio and as a· painter, writer, gallery are at 2002 Sudderth Drive, illustrator, lecturer, and he has a home in Nogal, as well. · muralist, photographer and art juror. tions. as a home and gallery in Scottsdale, Porter is a . member of the International Eight paintings and three drawings will and galleries in Aspen and Vail. He Museum of Art Hall of Fame, the El Paso Art be displayed at Studio W this weekend: from splits ·his time between Scottsdale Association, the · International Association 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday and Sa,turday, and and Ruidoso. for the .Visual Arts, the Black Hat Society, from noon to,5 p.m. on Sunday. Since the construction of :Free and is a Kni.ckerbocker Artist of America, Port~r will be at the gallery from 1 to 5 Spirits at Noisy Water at the He's also received many awards and reco~- p.m. on Saturday. Museum· of the Horse, McGary has been honored with the New Mexican . of the Year Award and an Honorary 'Lifetime Alumni Award from Eastern New Mexico University for his contribution to the arts in New MeXico. The Republican Party bought hit;~ sculpture "Chief Washakie" to give to Vice President Dick Cheney, and McGary met with the president, vice COURTESY president and their wives in ""The Rainmaker" is the fifth in a series of seven on the A.nasazi Washington, D.C .. eight months ago, Indians that farmed, hunted and gathered in the Sierra Blanca area. he said. Keeping the youngsters entertained during a suriun.er visit to. Carrizozo "OUCH! This goes singer R.W. Hampton's gospc>l somP of the other activities here ... YOW! That goes album; rock 'n' roller Chuck that the grandsons participat­ there ...OW! This looks good Berry and to a Randy Travis ed in while they were visitors here ..." two-tissue country heart in Carrizozo. During their summer visit breaker. At West by Southwest they in Carrizozo, withotft their "What can we do now, observed David Spencer dt"aw~ parents, I showed two grand­ Grandma?" they wanted to ing on the Pony Express mail­ children how to know. The grand­ bag. At . a friend's place they create pom- sons, ages 6 and 8, saw a camel, Arabian horses, pom make- visited during the donkeys, petted a barn cat and believe bugs. I Lin~oln County mon­ an indoor Egyptian cat. They used the glue soon seasQn, so we pet~d "Skotty,, my neighbor's . gull, e:>qllain~ had. plenty .of indoor . pet skunk, they checked out lqg-~­ boiuling' thiie: ·· - · books fioin the N.M: State· - fl.'qly, ·the prop­ After · a brain­ Library bookmobile, and visit­ er and safe storm session of two ed the train caboose that way of using a seconds, I said, !'It .serves as the Carrizozo glue gun. They· has stopped raining. Visitors Center. During Art in painted on I have a fun, outside the Street festivities they met rocks, made a At, CaJi anJ Steel. game for you guys. and got autographs from Miss fake fur snake PIIACTICAL0 CREATIVE WAYS It's as . easy as Erin Griggs; and heard barber TO INCLUDE FUN IN and other EVERYDAY LIVING pulling carrots from shop quartet singing by Roy crafts. Their ~Y_f"O!-~Y E. _C_!fAVE_! a garden." We head­ Dow, Scott Shafer, Jim Miller grandpa ed outside, each boy -and Doug Jarrad. Sheriffs showed them holding a plastic Posse member Rosemary how to mQke a walking stick, bag. I explained how the rain LaRue showed them Pony teaching them to use sand had softened the dirt. I showed Express posters. paper and brush on varnish. that with a gentle twist and Last but not least, they They had plenty of cultural turn technique they could pull baked chocolate chip cookies, experiences, besUles eating out a green weed. The winner looked through binoculars to jalapeno salsa and playing would be the one with the most spot a cottontail rabbit, lizards Spanish · Bingo. When we weeds ·in the bag. and birds. They ate watermel­ worked on "inside stuB" we lis­ I headed indoors to the com­ on, killed flies with flyswatters tened to Vicente Fernandez fort of my recliner and a good (outside) and sat on the steps belting out a three-tissue ren­ book. I had barely read one of the town's fire engine. They dition of"Ya me voy para siem· page when one wise grandson fed the geese at the lake, shot pre" (I am going away forever). was at my side. «we're bored," the B-B gun on the outskirts of We listened to Wolfgang he says, "What can we do now, town, and visited Smokey Bear Amadeus as he tickled the Grandma?" Historical Park at neighboring ivories; Cowboy Symposium The following describes Capitan.

~~ BILLY THE KID CASINO ·TERRAZA CAMPANARIO RESl'AURANT ' Billy the Kid Casino Buffet . · BRfAKFASI'BUfi£J'•SAT.&SUH.-800·11:30AM own omeleHe@ our !',., . . PAsT.A, ME>acAN FooD.. Create your PlUME Rm, HAM•. SlHIAYUKHIQfEJ•12 NO(~f_-.3:30PM '. PORJC CHOPs. Ares & MOAEI e. Buffet~ EnJoy a bowl of Menudo or DE.s.sEAT 8AR ~ CJ.IECICOVT OUR Fresh Fruit. Our Breakfast Buffet Is New SALA() BAld MENU CHANGES DAnY' $erVed saturdays & Sundays $5.95 +TAX - DAILY LUNCH - or.Order.ftOrn our menu. . DINNERS · . AtsO,c~nt lpnch & Dfnner. · $7.95 +TAX- SUNDAY- THuRSDAY COME.ENIOYOURft\I;XICAN CUISINE. $9.95 +TAX- FRIDAY- SATURbAY "It's Always, All You Can Eatr . .. O~N Dolly!~- am- 8.~pm Billy the Kid Casino TJII.UA,C~fMAAIO.IliiTAUJWII· at Ruidoso Downs Racetrack ·· .. , ·, ~M#IJI/i:qnFfHHI ·-$.:..$$ Open Daily 11:00 AM $-$$ -1en:suddel1h._--. ~-. • ~'" - ' so5-2S7·4227- ' • <

., .fl

·.: ...... FRIDAY, AUG. 16, 2002 LOCAL NEWS ~UIDOSO NEWS • PAGE 3C .. rea ore

lTIIHIIRI! I II Fl!TIIWIIAI\Y I Attend Ypur Superma,.ket ofRuidoso ~ c~Friendliest Store in Town.. Z ·House of Worship Fn~.lurilll FuU Servke Mn~t MIIJbt lr FftiiNst Proclace You 'I'OIIIId · This Week 3lt Mecban Dr~ l\aldolo, NM U345 (Acruodrom W....,. Auto) ·

~·s~ .. FA!\-IILV VIS ION CENTER · Dr. D. Joyce Sunnenrnoser -.P ~-1Z:i\:«>N'AI... Dr. Analol" F. Gutowski 1710 Sudderth Dr. • 707 Mechem (505) 257,..5029 2151 ltlgllway 70 Come by FamUy VIsion Center at 159 Member FDIC 257-4043 Mescalero Tmil in the Sierra Professional Bldg. THE TITLE COMPANY,INC For <;::omplete Land Title ~ervices First Federal Bank Truman Barnett 398 Sudderth Drive • Ruidoso President 257-4006 • fax 257-2503 508 Me~:hem • RuldQso MEMBER FDIC

144Sudderth Dr.. 257-7547

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!. r. ~~~ 451 Sudderth • 257-4033 100 VIRion Street • 257·9031 1-800-656-6711 -.-N.;;iiAUD--. Custom 401 Sudderth Drive ~·~I Windows fi/W COI'IES I ~Slmo,~ 505- 257-4611 ... :e-.. Showers flvm 6 oentt • ,..c..-ull Mirrors & Inside Wai-Mart 4tQQh With .... : ..... ~?ou...-...c;..u. Screens 505-378-1124 ad. Limit 500 •. GasllliJ & Sharon 1..ada:y Hea'll)' Glass 100 I Mechem Dr. . 505-258-4599 Tabletops --~·...... _ .... __ ,..._6 NM u,_,.., 118~020 RUIDOSO CHURCHES ASSEMIILY OF GOD a.in; Sunday worship: liUS a.m., 6 p.m.; Weciileldav CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST LDS 106 Alpine Village Roa.d,lSS-3659, 336-7076. Dom.: Carol\& Prubytulan Cluach Reverelld Scott King. Calm Ctlatlano Cau de Otadonl39 El Paso Rd .• Sunday: Church School. 10 a.m.; VMa!Up, II a.m. Rulda10, 257·232-4. Pastor c.rlos Cu=xL Reunion Apache blc!Un "-bly of Cod Bible study. 7 p.m. Onmh of J-<:hNI LDS Ruldcoo Brand\, North on Reunion Publica 1:00 f.m.; Estudio de Ia Atalaya 1:50 p.m. Matt: Hscuela de Ministerio Teocratico 7 p.m.; Nogal fresbyt~ri.an Olurch Reverend Bill Sebring. Genenl J-7:00 p.m.; IJomlngo 10:00 a.m. Oub Mescalelu, 61t-4747. DoOald Pettey, pasloc. Sunday BAHA'lFMnf Hwy. 48, between Ruidoso and Capitan, Joe Magill, School:· 9:4.5 a.m.; Sunday worsflip, 10:45 a.m. and 7 336-435'1. Sunday schedule: Sacrament starts al fo a.m.; Reunion de oervido 7:50p.m.; Juev. Estudio de libro Adult Sunday Schoo\: 10 •.m.; ~P 11 a.m. Amlatlld S.b.do11:00 a._m. (NAos). p.m.; Wednesday serric:es: 7 p.m. tsalla'l Faith Meeting in members' homes. 'JST·Nrl or Sunday School; Priesthood and Relief Society. 7:00p.m. 336-7739 REFORMED CHURCH OINt Chvcb In the DowN Rllido5o Downs. 37&­ Cum:h ofjesu ~I WS Mescakro Br.mch,671· LunJERAN MO. Syno;d MM. AliUICI Marty Lasle, l'ast«s. Sunday. 6:00 Sun fird Aumlbly of God Muulero Rdormrd Mescalero. Bob Schut, Putor. a.m., lO:0!1Iing woo;bly. 10:45 a.m. St. Calholle Clnuda R:uidoolo, 257-ml. s.nment Mon.: junior high youth 6:30 p.m. WO!d.: 8Cbool (includes m- PriDwy 11:20 a.m.; Priesthood Relief Soc. &: Young 11211 Hull Road, 253-11!11, 257-5296. Kevin L Krohn, 'l1lurllday: 7 p.m. ~s duurhl; 5unda}' evenmg praise: 6 ~AI Galvan. Sacrament of Penance; Sat. 5:00 meeting 7 p.m. Thur.: Kids Oub (gradet1· 3:.30. p.m.; Wed. family nlghl: 7 p.m. \\bmeD. 12:10 a.m. Pastor. Sunday: Worship 8:30 a.m. IMay.Qct.), 1<1'.30 p.m. or by appointment; Sat.~ 6 p.m.~; a.m.; Sun. Sdiool &: AdUlt Bible Class 9-.30 a.m. Thur.o. ~ Cluuda O>rneftlolle·Square, 613 Sudderth 8AP11ST Suo. Mus: flia.m. (English), 11:30a.m..IEPgllsh); EPISCOPAL Eve Bible Study. 7:00p.m., caU for location. SI:VENm DA'l ADVENTIST Drive, 257-9265. John&: Joy Wy•tt, Pastors. Sunday Saaament of~ Set.510 5::!0p.m.; Sur.day Ep~ O.wdl of the Holy Mount 121 M~em lluicloso Seventh Day Aclvmild W Parkway, Agua School, 9:45. Churdl. tG-.30 un.; 6:30p.m. with 1leDt 1iet! B.tptbt Clnudl M.s. St. Jude Thaddeus, San Patricio: 8 8.IIL Sunday,9a.m. and 6p.m.;Wednesday 7p.m. Whilr ttal1, Ruidoso. father John W. Fenn, Recto<. Spnday MElHODiST Fria, Ruid050 Dowm, 37'11-4161. Pastor Earl ROberlson ChlJc!ten'sChurch Sun. Eve. HnldlaopServiceo 11 a.m. Eud1arisl: a.m~ Wed: Lradmhip CWs 6 p.m. &: Prayer 7 pm. Wed. Mwn\aln l'laza on Mechem. 336-1919. St. Thaaa Ca1ho1k: Church Corona. Sunday Mass: 6 8 &: 111'.30 Wednesday: Daughters of 51J5.439-0760i Assoc. Pastor Wilburn Morrow 622-1206. ICing: noon; Eucharist &c healing: 5:30p.m.; Choir prac­ -Comtnunlty United Melhodlal O.urch Junction Road, Sarurday· Sabb.llh school9-.30 a.m.; Olwd! servke: 11 Bihle Study Adillt 1 p.tll. ThUJS. and Youlh, Thum. 7 .. p.m. tk:e: 1 p.m. behlnd."t'he Caffee House". Bob Sawyer, Pastor. a.m. Wedneoday: Prayer meeting 7 p.m. p.m. fiDI Bapdit Oluda Sunday Scbool: 9:45 a.m; Sunday woi'ship: 6:30 a.m., 4211 Med>ml Drive. Ruicloso. NM 118315. (505} 257-2061. St. J.-ph Apac:lte MINion Mescalero. Father Paul Epbcopal Cfuopel of San Juan Uncoln. Sunday: Holy t0'.55a.m. UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHUII.CH CArwboy ·Ontrth Noon Sundayo al the Cleneo<> Rural Tun Gill&nd, Pas~~>r. Comtempons)' Servbs. llolenbagen. Sunday Mass:10;30 a.m. • Eucharist tll-.30 a.m. Ewnla Center. Evety~me Welcome. P'!mdler Buster Saturday 1 p.m. «<6:15a.m. SW\day. Thld!llonal Servitt PENTECOSTAL Sacramenlo Mounll.bu UniWJan Unlvenallal Rftd of Amarillo. CaU J7B.484{) few mo~ info. 11 a.m., Suilday Scbool aU ages 9:6a.m., Youth Power Oar lAdy of Guadalupe Bent. Father Paul Bolenbagen. St. Aane'a Eplscop.tl Chapel Glencoe. Sunday: Holy , The Apostolla of Llnalla Counl); UPC !Wnax Center, ChUtth, m~ing in ml!lllbenl' homes. Call75il • 1881 .. Hour, 5-.30 p.m.; Sunday livening Sen?ce 6:36p.m~ Saturday t.bss: 6 p.m.; Sunday t.bss: 8 a.m. Bucharist: 9 a.m. 1009 Ml!dlem Dr., Unit tt. Pasi(IT. Art Dunn. Sundi\y www.mtnsun.com \smuuc Gracellanrat Church Gavilan Canyon Rd, 336-1213. Wednesday Activities fur all ages, 6:30 p.m. afternoon. 4:30 PM. Adult, chlldnms & youth classes. SUn. II10II'IIng pra,u 6:30a.m.: Sunday school 9 a.m.; fUU.COSPEL NON·DENOMINATIONAL llei'Vice 10 ._DL •.I . CHRIS11AN Vo'ednesday evening, 7:00 PM, Bible Study. <> Fhat Baptbt Chutdl Cawspolnt Cluletain fdlcnnhl · Fan Goal)el BUI~- ~m'a. ~owshlp mt'l. NAZARENE . Abunda~~t We Family O.wm 2810 Suddath Drive, Ruidoso DomtS. Randy W.dener. P&Sior. s,..nday: 11. Otilat Catlered Chmdl 'Memem._Sulte K-llob'a fiW)t 711 an Ruidoso. Dinner at siX M(l!ldays. Sulle 210, 257-111!8. M&rkGenlry,paSW<.Sunday wor­ Mllade Ule M1nlaiJy Cenla ROn lllce & Catht!rlne 1007 5 c.IIahan, Mlnlllers Avalalable 24 houra few lle.tllng Worslllp hour 11 a.m; Sunday school 9-.30 a.m.; live. Pboae:·25&.174.0.SC.V.K&elaa,Putor.~ .. '.fi::'WJ&e,~,u. ~""Welcome! Aape Clnarda of the NParme At!Jtus, 12 miles north ship 8:30a.m. Thursday Bibll' study 7 p.m. ' ' worsltlp: 6 p.m: Wed. Prayer meeting 1 p.m. of IMdo6o on HW)t 4&, 336-aOOi. diades Hall, Paslor. prayer.35«1:2$5HI\Iil ~rom prayer9a.m.; Sunday WlJUhlp IIIOrV!c:e 10 a.m.; • · e-mall~oom Orlldml's ClrurdltO a.m. Sn001 group mee:!lngs, · · · Sat.ldlemali.· ve \'&dhip, 6:30 ~Sunday School. '!45 /unerican M ;on.uy FeUo-bip Rick Smith. EU· F.lmtll.t~O.wda· . ' a.m.; Sdnday McJmlng ~~ Ill-AS a.m.; Sunday Peacea.ape) ~(UL(:) varloua times W.ter San Patricio. 2.999. Monday:\Women's Bible study 6:30p.m. at TbmJe. BID Jones, Pator. Sunday School: 9".45 oLDL; bldudlng youth group, a.t and Wlrctlolls. • ,~ fotmtala of LiY1nS BvrnloR~,~ p.m.; 1\18day Prayer~ 1:00 AftoNosUI. 336-7\J15. 1-*l'rklt.Pulof. Momln& Sunday wmshlp: 11 a.m. . 7 Scblolzsky's De Thelday: Rllidoso men's Bible study mapel: 6:50a.m. .(Sept.-Jua,e); Sun. Service: 11 a.m. Pfnl CIJrlltlm Cltardl (DIId tao of a.mt) HuB and · ·Siui\dAySd\001: t.Oa.m.;l!venlng!le!Vkes: :30p.m. p.o\.; Yledr.esday Youlh Wonhlp, 6:30p.m. noon at Pizza Hu Medlem Drive. Wednesday.~ lglnla Baallata Vida Etema ·. · Ca.~ C.:ny~ Road. • Sunday, ~y and Friday. l'RtiSDYn!I\IAN through Mllyl Cap Jr. High and Sr. HiM YoWh NON.SECIAIUAN Groups 6:30 p.m. a Christ Communi I}' fellowship. E· 420 Mechem Drive. (Sunshine Classroom) lWnon Rev. James .M. Smltb, Pastor. Sunday School, K· flnl I'Ra\mal!m Ch)U(h tot Sullon Drive (Nob Hill), mail: ~clcS8ameri . issionary.org ~. Putor. Culto de Predication 3 p.m. 12/Adult 9".30 a.m.; Sunday Warship; 111'.§5 a.m.; .J$.IOVAII'S WITNESSES Ruidoso. 257-22211. Cathy ll. Caudle, Pas!m. Sunda)l! Spld~ AwartDa~ Study Grwp Minister: Geotge Chancel Cholr: Wednesday 7 p.m. Church ecbool9-.30 a.m.; wonhlp 8:30am lc II a.m. Calv.uy Chapel 127 . lon, ne>rship lll-.JQa.m.; . 1569 ~. Public'lklk eveoy moi\lh. Wednesday: Midcwec bible study 7 p.m. , a.m., 7:15 JUri.; ThllnJng lll\kln 6:30p.m. wednesdliy Ca. ~otway C.aarda ;, C1uUt 415 Suddl!rth, Ruldoeo, m- Waldttower: 111-.50 a.m. Mo!lday: Bible Study 7:30 p.m. ~6Mp.m. ~··Jay Wlllmpq, Minister. SUnday Bible Sllldy; 9-.30 ~ MinlatrySd!ool7:30p.m.; Service Meelillg Mountain~. Canlzo Chriallan FeU wiblp Leonanl Kanesewah Iii, a.m.; SUn.~ iD-.30a.m., 6 p.m.; Wed. Bible . II@ p.m. Pariah eomm untied PrabytnWI Church Pastm. ~ Wblte Mt. ., 1 mi. W. ollnn of the R.tcto.o a.Ptl;t Cllluda l:l.li Cburdl Dtlve, Palmer etudy: 7~ • • .· ''1,• , ~Hiepmlde.lol 'ltMip de JU.ova And>o, Reverend ·· Kin& Sunchy WOrship: g a.m.; Mountain CocbMesca)ero. Sundays 111'.30 &c 6:30, Wed. Gatnvay. 'W.iyne Joyat.l'utvt. Sutioby SchoOl: 9-..6 ( ,· ... _._. Sunday SdJoo1; 10 a.m. · 6-.30371H7119 .

AsSEMliLY OF GOD . Study 7:00pm. '1\e Word ofUfe Chun:h EPISCOPAL Rev. Chuck Fulton. pastur/.6(8.2339. 711 'E' Ave., Car(ltozo, NM. Affiliated SL Malthlu Epi8cclsW Chapel w/the Bvangelistlc.As8embly Church. Sunday7ID.pm Carrit.ow, 6th & E Street. Sunday: Holy lludlarist9:30 a.m. BAFTIST ME'IHODIST Flm B•ptistCburch United Melhodltt Oturm Parbh Hayden Smith. Pastor. Sunday School: 9:45a.m.; Sunday worship: 11 a.m., 7:15 liinity- 1001 D. Ave. 648-2893/648-2846, CUrimzo. ~ And~ pas; ·p.m.; Cllun:h tialnlng; 6:30 p.m. Sunday tor. SUnday_ld-oool 10:00 a~ SW!day wordi!P.ll:OO.:m.choir t>rac:tke (~ .· ~ Plll<.Uniled Methodlsl Women livery 3sd ~ 1:00 pD1i FellowMip CA'liiOUC J:Jinner 4th Sun. cl month 12:.30 pm. Calholic Church Smla Rib NON-DENOMINAnONAL . MS-2&5.1. Falher Dave~ Paster. Satunlay Ma9s: 6:00 p.m.~ Sunday Mass: CtrriZ1mJ Commanlly Chardt WG) 11 a.m.; 1\Jesday Adull fH~ Study: 6 p.m. CHURCH OP CHRIST . JohnnleL~.pas!or.ComerofCAve.&:Thbteenth.648-2186.Childml's Perry Zumwalt, minister. Ave. Cit 121b, CmizozO, NM. Swlday SchoollO:OO Church 10:30 am; WorshipServke tG-.00 am; Wednesday Bible Study 7:30pm. am;Worshlp5ervlce 1\:00am;l!vening Wonhlp 1:1Spm; ~ajr Bible

'• I . Jill PA,GE 4C • RUIDOSO NEWS LOCAL NEWS FRiDAY, AUG. 16, 2002 A complicated life and death: John Ringo, part 3 I Johnny Ringo's tr.avels had talk too much for a fighting had fled the scene, Billy Clanton side, tQward the top - the exact . I. taken him through the Hoodoo man." Which was exactly right. and the McLaury brothers were trajectozy that· a suicidal bullet I War in Texas, had given him a If not for Ike's big mouth, the · gunned down in what is proba­ would have followed. That, cou- year or so in jail, and now, in q-tost famous glmfigbt ·to come bly, thanks to Hollywood, the . pled with Ringo's own threats of I Arizona Territory, he was out of the Old West might never Old West's most famous suicide, s~med ro close the case. known as one of the leading have happened. (Does this mean shootout. But there were dif:icrepancies ... lights of the "Cowboy"' faction, we should thank him?) It wa8 said at the time that as the outlaws were known, in · But there was more to it than Aftermath there were no powder bums on the Tombstone area. just that... ln all my studies of Whether or not they were let. Ringo's head, but the fact is, con~ Providentially, Ringo had the Old West, there are few peo­ ting the Earps deal with ~their sidering that Ringo had ·been taken what he proba­ ple that I have dirty laundry, Ringo and .the dead in the Arizona sun for at

bly thought of as a come across who others were not about t,o let the least a ·day, who would have I . vacation in the sum­ seem to have no deaths of three Cowboys' go un­ checkec,l? However, and , mo.re mer of 1881. Despite redeemable traits avenged. significantly, the hlunmer of his the fact that he land­ at all. Ike, however, During that legendary gun­ revolver was caught in his watch ed in jail in Austin, is one of them. A fight,. Wyatt Earp was the only chain. OK, toot could have hap- · Texas, on his way to cowardly braggart, one who was not touched by; a pened if· Ringo had decided - COURTESY DREw GOMBER Missouri, where his he was also a trai­ bullet. Doc Holliday received a very quickly-to end it all and in family had once lived, tor to his friends. crease across his' back, Morgan Julr 14, 2002: the author seated in the exact location where John Ringo's his haste, the ,hammer caught body was discovered July 14, 1882. Ringo was not present Ike proved this Earp was hit in the shoulder on the chain. But ev~n nwre sig-. in Arizona, as he prob­ ::/)rew (/omla beyond a Shadow of and Virgil Earp took a round in ,' nificantly, Ringo's gunbelt was HISTORIAN. splin~ The end ably would have been, TH& Hu••.AAD Mua&:uM a doubt when he the calf. By Dee. 29 of that year, ·head and the other one on upside down. Now, that is on the evening of Aug. OP THI! AUEfiiCAN WEST made a deal with Virgil had recovered enough to tered Morgan's spine. It. took By June, his associates had · peculiar:; Also, his feet were 12. Wyatt Earp. In this resume his duties as about a half hour for Morgan to taken note of the fact that wrapped in rags (his boots were Back around the context. to Ike's Tombstone's chief of police, and die, during which time the rest Ringo's bouts with depression· later found looped across his end of July, a group of Mexican friends, it may as well have been on that night, as he croSsed the · of . the Earps were sent for - · were on the rise and in late June saddle). Why? traders, going about their busi­ a deal with the Devil. Wyatt was street between the. Oriental even his little dog was present - or early July he was reported to Of the many theories about ness, were ambushed by a interested in running for sheriff Saloon -and the Eagle· Brewery and, in an emotional scene · be in Tombstone on an .. extend­ Ringo•s death, . suicide really group of men (who were proba­ in the upcoming election against (known today as the Crystal shortly before midnight, the ed jamboree," which is to say, a does seem to be the ·most logical. bly Ringo's partners in crime - Johnny Behan and he made a Palace), he was struck by no less man. described as the most binge. On July 2, he · told a But wait. Consider this for a Brocius, the Clantons, deal with Ike wherein Ike would than five shotgun blasts. Luckily "affable" of the Earp brothers reporter that "he was as certain :tnoment: Remember how it was McLaurys and the rest), in a "rat out" some of his associates for Virgil, the would-be assas­ passed into history. Big brothet, of being killed as he was ofbeing claimed that Wyatt Earp had canyon and robbed of all their who had recently perpetrated a sins were all the way across Wyatt looked down at his broth~ living then." On July 8, Ringo not killed Curly Bill as he goods and cash. Not only that, stage robbery. wide Allen Street, and because er, the one who intimates insist. left Tombstone, his ultimate always insisted he did? Well, but many of them were mur­ Ike made the deal, perhaps of the range, his life was spared. ed was his favorite. ~d went destination being the outlaw isn't it odd that Ringo's body was dered in the attack. It was an letting Frank McLaury in on it, But not one of his arms. His left. quietly and temporarily insane. hangout Galeyville. On the 13th, found seated next to a road outrage to both the Mexican and and then began having second elbow was so badly mangled on the road, Ringo met his pal, where it was bound to be found? United States governments. thoughts. He knew exactly what that he never regained the use of Vendetta Sheriff's Deputy Billy What ifWyatt, wanting to avoid There are ~Y theories as to would happen if his outlaw his arm. Two nights lat{lr, Wyatt Breakenridge, who said later the same controversy that he what happened on the night of cronies found out about his The following month, on Jan. found the man he considered that Ringo was so drunk he was had experienced with Curly Bill, Aug. 12, 1881, and there are still treachery. When Ike dnmkenly 17, Ringo had a famous con­ to be the triggerman in "reeling in the saddle." There~ had left Ringo's body where he many questions. The word gut the idea· in his head that frontation with the Earps and Morgan's death Frank were several others either seen knew there would be no doubt "retaliation" comes readily to Wyatt had Jet the secret out of Holliday. Drunkenly spying Stilwell ~ in the railroad yard in the area or who later claimed that it would be found? Wyatt mind. All that is really known is the bag, he began babbling them on the street in in Tucson. Wyatt and his posse to have been in the fateful area did, many ,years later, say that that a group of the Tombstone about it all over town, effectively Tombstone, Ringo decided that shot Stilwell so many times that day: Bartender and gun­ he killed Ringo. On the other Cowboys were ambush~ at a letting the secret out himself. he would challenge Wyatt Earp that there was a running joke man "Buckskin" Frank Leslie, hand, he also said that he didn't place alternately identified as And it has been theorized that to a gunfight. Wyatt refused - in Tucson for the next week or gambler Johnny-behind-the­ kill Ringo. Guadalupe Canyon or Skeleton this may have had something to "There's no money in it"- was so to the effect that they didn't deuce O'Roarke were both seen And that is what drive8 me Canyon and wiped out almost to do with the fact that, on Oct. 26, his comment and attitude, but .know whether to bury Stilwell in the area. Wyatt Earp later crazy about Johnny Ringo. the last man. The only survivor 1881; when Ike, his brother Doc Holliday was ready. "I'll be or sell him for scrap metal, claimed to have been there. When people who believe that was Cowboy Billy Byars, who Billy, the McLaurys, Billy your huckleberry," he told there were so many bullets in On July 14; a teamster he .committed suicide present displayed admirable courage Claiborne and possibly Wes Ringo. However, according to his body. named John Yoast was travel­ their case to me. I can see that and presence of mind. Realizing Fuller faced the Earps and Doc eyewitness George Parsons, a Earp's legendary vendetta ing down the trail in Turkey ~ey have a great case for their that he was the only man left Holliday in an alley about 90 most interesting contest of arms went on and on all aroUQ.d the Creek Canyon in the theory and are undoubtedly cor­ alive and that the killers were feet from the OK Corral, none of was averted when "Police vigi­ Tombstone area, leaving Chiricahuas when he spied a rect. Unfortunately, when those even then stripping the bodies, the Cowboy "Big Guns" were lant for once and both dis­ corpses, most of whom were man sitting in the place where a who say he was murdered pre­ Byars stripped himself and present. Where was Brocius, armed." · probably deserving, all over the clump of oaks copverged. He sent their case, I can see that feign,ed death. His desperate·· Billy-Grounds, Pony Diehl and, Morgan's turn came three countryside. Wyatt claimed to took to the man to be sleeping, t/zey"have a great'xase for their garnb1e was a SUIX'ftl8. He sur--· rm- that matter, Ringo? Is it pos­ months after Virgil, on March have killed Curly Bill at a place but when he passed by later, he theory and are undoubtedly cor­ vived. sible that they simply decided to 18, 1882. (No, they didn't hap­ called Iron Springs, but the found that the man had not rect. Pretty much ofa no-win sit­ No one reaDy knows who per­ let the Earps and Holliday do pen the same night as both Cowboys disputed this fact, moved. Upon further inspection, uation. petrated this deed. Author their house cleaning for them? films "Wyatt Earp" and . claiming the gunfight never Yoast found that the man was Glenn Boyer lays the blame Things that make you go WJ'ombstone" told us). ·Morgan happened. The fact is, no one .Ringo and that he was dead - Sources: John Ringo by squarely on the Earps, and oth­ lunmnun..... was playing billiards in Hatch's ever saw Curly Bill again... and, in fact, had been for at least David Johnson; Legendary ers have claimed that it was It is not my purpose to re­ Billiard Parlor and Saloon as And, with the death of Curly aday. . Characters of Southeast Arizona I • Mexican soldiers avenging 'their examine the misnamed his brother Wyatt looked on Bill, at least as far as outlaw A heavy caliber slug had by Ben Tra~ck and t; : countrymen. Still others claim "Gun!ight at the OK Corral" in from a raised "kibitzer's" chair leaders were concerned, only · entered Ringo's head at the right Aristocracy's Outlaw by Sylvia ~·; ' that it both-the Earps and ') was the confines of this column - at up against the wall. Two shots John Ringo was left. temple ~d exited on the left Lynch. J • :J the Mexican soldiers, in a com­ least today. Suffice to say that· rang out in the alley behind the ·~ bined effort to eradicate the "bad after Claiborne, Fuller, and plaee. One of the bullets splin­ <.,.~ f guys." Perhaps time will tell, but most significantly, Ike Clantnn, tered the wood· over Wyatt's for our purposes, the main dling is that John Ringo was TWt Pre­ sent. Dr. Art Snyder The feud and Dr. Roderick Fields Ringo returned shortly after the killings and we can only are accepting new patients imagine his outrage. We would like to Invite you to our practice. We are a specialty pradice In September of 1881, which provides assessment and treatment of acute and chronic illness Johnny Behan's deputy, Frank associated wlth arthritis and rheumatism, osteoporosis and health Stilwell, was arrested for stage education regarding these conditions. robbery, which embarrassed • Rheumatologlcal disorders • Musculoskeletal disorders Behan to no end. It was also • Autoimmune diseases • Osteoporosis around this time that Ike We ba~e a state of the nn DEXA scanning machine We are also acccpring parents for Infusion therapy for osteoporosis evaluation and COUDMihtl! IJie same ~>•ing Remlcode at co•rs competitive lo hospital ba.

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SIGN HERE PLEASE Area kids take stage at Spencer -----····· -~. - - - . . I Fifty~five area children able for $5 (children 12 and pals try to stay on the straight Tate and Asia Cosgr~y as star in the song and dance under) and $10 for the one­ and narrow as they go over "Wolf Gang." original "Re4 Riding Hood" at .. night-only performance. Call the river and through the Kristina Islas, Meghan the Spencer Theater tonight the Spencer Theater at. 336- · woods. to grandmother's Davis, Heather' Hixon, at 7. 4800 for information. house. Morg~n McMakin, Angela The yo-'ung stars, ages 6 to Sponsored in part by Missoula Children's Ga,rdner, Ashleigh Se~na, · 17, have been rehearsing the Ruidoso News and Ruidoso The~tre directors Dylan Callie Black, Adelina Garcia, snappy, hour-long musical Lincoln Ford Mercury, "Red Wright and Sage Wright cast' Stacie Cadena, Rebecca with Missoul-a Children's Riding IJood" is an original "Red Riding ,Hood" following Heimann, Courtney Lawson 1 · Theatre directors all week Missoula Children's Theatre audition!:! Manday morning. and Mirrissa Balderrama· and are ready to share their adaptation of the classic Seventy-seven area children play the "Forest Shadows" .I stage talents with the commu­ "Little Red Riding Hood." In tried out for the 55 parts. and James Tate,. Taryn nity at large. this heart-warming tale, Red The ·cast includes: Shelli McAlister, Madeleine I Excellent seats are avail- Riding Hood and her pre-teen Jensen as. "Red," Correy Cruz Bonniot, Kiley Hu,tt, Tanya as "Woodsman,'' Cody Jopes Scott, Cody Dawnson,. Logan as "Locksmith," Aleah Topper, Mobley, Taylor McAlister, Amber Gardner arid Amber Rebekah Bolin, Makala · Long as "Girlfriends," Zach . Hopkins, Samantha Bailey, Doth as "Brother," Hannah Kathryn Kinder, Issac Lopez, Kashmar as ."Sister" . and Forrest Sweat and Ruby JacquelineSicard as .. Baby." · Green as "'Raccoons." Cole Heinann plays "Robin Two additional area Hood," Cameron Rist a:s .. Boy youths, Sarah DiPaolo and Who Cried Wolf,". Juliette Nicole Doth, serve as assis­ Sicard, Maddie Paton and tant directors. Haley Wi,liams as "Three Many of the players in "Red Little Pigs," Billy Kinder as Riding Hood" are appearing "Little Lovable Wolf' and on sb1ge for the very first time Joshua Jarrell, Justin tonight. Please come out to Johnson, Ryan Williams, the . Spencer for this special SANOY SUGGm/STAFF Lexie Doth, Bailey Huffmon, performance and help the Author Michael McGarrity soon ran out of books to sign when he COURTESY KATHLEEN MCDOHALD Erin Drane, Bethany Sweat, young· actors feel like the was in RuidOso last weekend, as the 75 copies ordered by Books Local kids prepare for their performance of "Red Riding Hood." Breanna Hernandez, Ella stars they truly are. Etcetera were quickly scarfed up Aug. 10 at the book signing. 'Forever Plaid' returns for performance put off by March fire · When "Forever Plaid" was first to Coins in the Fountain, Heart and Soul, IID.raculously return to earth to perform appear at the Spencer Theater this past Magic Moments, Dream Along With Me, the big show they never got to do in life. spring, a devastating wildfir~ swept Day-0, Lady of Spain. Cry, Catch A "The Plaids" staring at the Spencer through the Alto area, forcing the cancel­ Falling Star, Papa Loves Mambo and include performers from the original lation of the sold-out musjcal comedy. Perfidia, plus hilarious show-stopping Broadway version, as well as veterans of Now, five months later, the hit renderings of Shangri-La, Sixteen Tons the Los Angeles, Las Vegas and San Diego Broadway musical comedy about four pop and Chain Gang. productions. All four of the actors have harmony sin~ers who finally get to do the In "Forever Plaid," Sparky, Smudge, also appeared iri' a number of feature gig they never played, actually get to do Jinx and Frankie comprise an up-and­ films, television shows and commercials the gig they never got to play at the coming vocal group called The Plaids who and various other national tours of Spencer. sing in the style of their idols- The Four . Broadway productions. "Forever Plaid" takes center stage on Aces, The Four Freshm.en, The Crew Cuts Written, directed and choreographed Aug. 24 at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Excellent and The Hi-Los. ·· by Stuart Ross with musical continuity seats for $30 & $33 are available for the 2 On the way to their first big gig, The and arrangements by James Raitt, p.m. matinee. Cali the Spencer Theater Plaids are killed in a tragic car accident by "For~ver Plaid" opened in New York on Box Office at .336-4800. a group of teens on their way to see the May 20, 1990. Since then, the show has COURTESY SPENCER mEA'IER "Forever Plaid" is a trip through the Beatles• 1964 debut on the Ed Sullivan gone on to success in productions in across "Forever Plaid'" will be at the Spencer Aug. 24. era of tight-harmony vocal hits like: Three Show. Now,,,. 40 years later, The Plaids , the world. Sileflt auction Aug. 24 BY SANDY SUCGIJT shops since the 1970s and has To Place RUU>OSO NEWS STAFf WRffER -accrued many awards and hon­ ors. An elected full member of • A silent auction fundraiser the Pastel Society of America Your Ad for prominent Roswell artist in New York City,, the Ted Robertson, who was American Portrait Society in In the Ruidoso recently diagnosed with can­ Los Angeles, Calif., and a cer, will be from 10 a.m. to 3 member of the Pastel Society of p.m. Saturday, Aug. 24 at the Southwest oin Dallas, News Eastern New Mexico Texas, he is also listed in Who'S University-Ruidoso, in Sierra Who in the West, Who's Who in Call Mall, 709 Mechem Drive. the World and in the 20th edi­ For those who wish to pre­ tion of Who's Who in American view the art ahead of time, Art, and other biographical 251-4001 visit the campus from 3 to 5 publications. . p~m. on Friday, Aug. 23. In April, his work was dis­ Robertson's paintings and played at the Roswell Museum CHIROPRACTIC prints will also be for sale, said and Art Center in a retrospec­ FACT OUTLOOK Patsy Blasdell, one of the orga­ tive exhibition. Well known for nizers of the fundraiser, along his yearly Christmas angels, by • Dr. jack V. with Jerry Rice of Ruidoso and Robertson's latest angel, In 1863-68 Waters · Billie Hunter of Roswell. "Angel of Justice," was painted Chiropractic After serving in the lOlst in remembrance of· the 9/11 , Known as the "Wng Walk", Navajos Physician Airborne Division ~ at Fort tragedy. ' Campbell, Ky~. as the divi­ Art work still may be donat­ and Apaches are relocated to Bosque sion's illustrator, Robertson ed for the silent auction by call­ Redondo; fmally allowed return WHIPLASH SPECIALISTS to to For many yan, Oocton o( Chiropr.Kti< h;wc' suc­ studied art at Hergman Art ing Blasdell at 258-9151, Rice their homelands after thousands die of cesslislly cired for p«Jpk with whipLulL Aftrr an School, Colorado State at 257-2579 or Hunter at (505) OUUlmobile :uxilignments that an: sp«ilically caus· University in Denver, Colo. He 623-3955. i"'l doe mon lunn tD th~ no:n'OW ')'Sttm. Hdsb~ cr<­ worked for a time as a com­ aros renslon around the offending joint and >ppli.s pressure ro· mUm it to iibl<. sionist paintings in pastels, Hnw do ,au know if ycu •~ suffering from COURTESY oils and watercolors. whipbsh! Most p:uimts rompbin of 1\in. l':>trrnts describe muscle ttaB as a burning pain, prickling i>t WIDTE MOUNTAIN .pngling. Mo~ $CVUC di.c damage nuy r eumple. in a ...... end a>lllsion. the victim'• <-at adopted March· I4, 1927. il flm ~h.d fimtl:ud. The body mnvcs forwJ'rd Terrjr Rolan~ M.D. alo1111 with the automl>bile. but the head nem•iru State Tree - Pinon, tnomctnatily behind and abnonnally jerks haclo •rnl adopted March 16, 1949. is pleased to ·announce the association of fonh. This action c:&n bulge. tear or mptun: tho dinl ond 11erv"r mou. Even if you do not ha...: sympmnu after an a..:idml you should Sta~ Bird - Cbaparral Bird, be thotDUghly c:Wni111:>d by your cbiropracror. 'too Dr. Simmons practices gene~al neurology, and adopted March 16, 1949. often, problems occur £D!ST8, CERTIFIED .CHIAOI't'IACW=TIC. Pinto Beans. · SPOFIT8 ?tfY&te!AN, BoAno E1.10>11U! for an appointment today! Ct

,t . -- ,-· . ---·· ..... - .,...... - ... ·- ..... , ..

. ~ . PAGE 6C • RUIDOSO NEWS LOCAL NEWS FruoAY, AuG. 16, 2002

'BRAVO! Cheapfteas Walker and Townes VanZandt. one will have a chance to view Flea Market in Capitan: Cheap stars the moon and the Spiral . Antiques, new, gently used, Adromeda Galaxy through the crafts and plency of other items Starry Nite ill in Linooln will powerful telescppea that will be will fule Smokey Bear Blvd. be at 8 p.m. behind the Wortley available. west of the Brewer Shell Station Hotel Sponsored by Rural The Lin,coln State Monument inside and out from 8 a.m.-5 Economic · Development and the Hubbard Museum prop­ p.m. today and Saturday. This is Through Tourism, the e'Vent fea- ' erties will remain open until 6 the final · flea . market for the tures a slide presentation about p.m. Afterward, visit the Ellis year. For information, call the constellations by Jason Store and Country Inn at mil~ Phyllis, 354-4321 or 354-4270, Peterson and Carla Adams from marker 92 on Highway 380 for a .or Deenie at 354-6507 or ~ the New Mexico State lamburger (no, that's not a typo). 2331. -University Astronomy For more information, · call Cheap tunes Department.: They will hand out the Ellis store at (800) 653-6460 star charts showing the star or Sue Hamess at 630-0044: Local songwriter, singer, gui­ clusters .and how to find them Cheap stleets tarist and recording artist P. and explain the phenomenon of Blake Martin will perform at 2 meteorite showers and how the The Ninth Annual Carrizozo p.m. Saturday at Mountain earth's rotation affects the stars' Street Fair seeks entries for the Java and Dreams, downstairs in positions. Cost is $1 donation for Street Fair -Parade, 10 a.m. the Four Seasons Mall, with adults, children 12 and under _ Sept; 2, Labor Day. Prizes and hand drum percussion and bass are free. Bring your own lawn · ribbons will be awarded to par­ accompaniment. His recent chair and telescope and dress ticipants in various categorieS. reeordings are reminiscent of warmly. Call Karla Organist at 648-5637 SANDY SUGGmJSTAFF Kris Kri.stofferson, Jeny Jeff After the slide show, every- for more informati~n. · . Muslca New Mexico performed its first concert at the Ruidoso Public Library Aug. 11 - indoors, because of mud around the Backstage Theater (the outdoor performance platform) and threats cif rain. Conductor Ugo Antique Chinese pieces at the Zozo DiDio led the orchestra in works from Mendelssohn to Mozart for an hour and a half performance. · • Five other artists will &cters are haunting. They're THIS WEEK's MOVIES religious artifacts and they ··········-·········~······································~············-···················~·············· also display works at the move you on that level." · Road to Punllllon · Signs " C~rrizozo Drama, 1 hr. 59 min. Thriller, 1 hr. 47 min. gaJJery Aug. 24. Also opening Aug. 24 is the Rated R for violence and language. Rated PG•13 for some frightening moments. work of five artists: In Depression-era Chicago, hit man Michael O'Sullivan (Tom Writer/DirectorM. Night Shyamalan follows up The Sixth Sense BY SANDY SUGCflT Hanks) is known to friends and enemies alike as the "Angel of and Unbreakable with his new feature film. Signs, a thriller set In • "Money Lures" by inter-· Death." Uncompromising in his work. O'Sullivan is just as devot· Bucks County, Pa., focusing on the mysterious appearance of a HUJIX JSO NEWS !IT1\FF WRIIlffi nationally known artist ed to his private life as an upstanding husband and father of two five-hundred-foot'design ot circles and lines carved into a fami- Richard Mock of Brooklyn, young boys. But when those worlds collide, taking the lives of his iy"s crops. Mel Gibson stars as Graham Hess, the family patri- . wife and younger son, O'Sullivan and his surviving son leave arch. who is tested in his journey to find the truth behind the . The Zozo Gallery in N.Y., three-dimensional origi­ their sedate home life behind and embark on a startling journey unfolding mysteJY. Joaquin Phoenix is Merrill Hess, brother to Carrizozo will take a trip to the nals made out of money. of revenge. Graham and a former minor league baseball star, past - way beyond the time. MocJ:c:'s work is now touring Starring: Tom Hanks, Jude Law, Paul Newman, Jennifer Jason Starring: Mel Gibson, Joaquin Phoenix, Cheny Jones. Rory Leigh, Stanley Tucci Culkin, Abigail Breslin zone of the Lincoln County War with Andy Warhol's in the Directed by: Sam Mendes Directed by: M. Night Shyamalan- to centurie~ld artifacts of the "Show Me the Money: The Produced by: David Brown, Richard D. zanuck, Dean Zanuck Produced by: M. Night Shyamalan. Frank Marshall, Sam Mercer Wu Tai Shan pilgrimage site in Dollar as Art" exhibition by Written by: David Self Written by: M. Night Shyamalan . Showtimes: 1 p.m.·. 4:15p.m., 6:45p.m., 9:15p.m. Showtimes: 1:30 p.m.*, 4:45p.m., 7 p.m., 9:20p.m. China, one of the four sacred the Federal Reserve System *Friday and Saturday only *Friday and Saturday only Buddhist Mountain sites., The and the Trust for Museum XXX . opening is from 10 am. to 5 p.m. Exhibitions, Washington, Action/Adventure and Thriller, 2 hrs. 04 min. Saturday, Aug. 24. COURTESY D.C., which includes the work Rated PG-13 for violence, non-stop action sequences, sensuali­ Refreshments will be served. Many Asian relics will be for sale of 40 artists living and dead. ty, drug content and language. starting Aug. 24 in Carrizozo. Vin Diesel stars as former extreme sports athlete Xander "XXX" La Luz photographer Jim This exhibit runs through Gage, notorious for his death-defying public stuntp. Betting he Stresen-Reuter - whose pho­ April 20, 2003. and will travel can succeed where ottler conventional spies have falled. xander tographs will be on exhibit at longing for humanity's spiritu­ to the Naples Museum of Art Is recruited by NSA Agent Gibbons (Samuel L. Jackson) to become a different kind of undercover agent. Enlisted for a dan­ the gallery from Saturday on­ al dimensions." in Naples, Fla., the Palm gerous covert mission, he must use all his extreme skills to com­ has brought his collection of Gallery owner Gary Eklund Springs Desert Museum in bat a clever, organized, and ruthless enemy far beyond the scope sculptures representing the has about 20 pieces from this California, and the Fresno of his experience. Starring: Vln Diesel, Samuel L Jackson, Asia Argento, Eve, beliefs of Confucianism. Taoism collection displayed in the Metropolitan Museum in Michael Roof and Buddhism in China created upstairs gallery. The majority California. Directed by: Rob Cohen Produced by: Neal H Moritz . by local or itinerant artists, in of them range in price from • "Extraordinary Beauty in r Written by: Rich Wrlkes l 'l:t~b,.~., , .... , ' the "Min YBD,• or people's style. $1,000 to $10,000, with a few Ordinary Places,.. photography Showtlmes: 1:15 p.m.*, 3:45p.m•• 6:30p.m.• 9 p.m. Tom Hanks and Paul Newman in Dream works' Road To According to Stresen­ as much as $25,000. - by Jim Streaen-Reuter. color •friday and Saturday only ~ Perdition. Reuter, these sculptures have "''m overwhelmed as i see and black-and-white pho­ never been exhibited before, the actual pieces," Eklund tographs. and were rescued during the said. '"It's just extraordinarily • "Paintings That Engage Cultural Revolution in China beautiful and humbling. The • the Eye and Relax the Soul" by (1968-69) and stored in China more you look at it. the more Tamiris Duke of Tularosa: for 28 years. you start thinking and feeling watercolor and acrylic medita- "'n my opinion, this group more in terms of its original tive art. · of sculptures transcends their ·purpose and wondering about · • Tables and fine painted cultures and their religions,"' the people that created it. porcelain by Carrizozo's own he said. "Whether you have -rhe level of skill of some of Bill Kerr. any familiarity with Asian it and the amount of detail is • "Unique Sculpture IT' by religions or not, they seem to just staggering. The expres­ Michael Musselwhite of project an ancient and familiar sions on the faces of the char- Colorado. All American Festival to begin today at ttack The All-American Festival Links of Sierra Blanca, $250 Aug. 31, Sept. 1 and 2: All runs from today to Sept. 2 all covers both days of play, 1 p.m. American Arts and Crafts Fair, over the area, from events at Aug. 28: All American All American Park (Ruidoso the Ruidoso Downs Race Track Fashion Show and Luncheon, Downs Senior Center) $1, 9 and Casino to the Ruidoso Sierra Mall, $7 includes lunch, a.m.-7 p.m. Saturday, 9 a.m.-5 I Convention Center and Sierra noon ' p.m. Sunday, and 9 a.m.-1 p.m. t Mall in Ruidoso. Aug. 29: All American Call Monday to Post Luncheon, Ruidoso Aug. 31 and Sept. 1: All Aug. 16 and 17: All Downs Raoe Track Turf Club, American Show and Sale, American Thoroughbred Sale, $12.50 includes Turf Club Ruidoso Convention Center, $4 Ruidoso Downs Sports admissions and general park­ for adults, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Complex, 5:30 p.m. ing, 11 a.m. Sept. 1: 28th Running of the Aug.· 23: All American Aug. 30: All American All American Derby, Ruidoso Bridge Tournament, Ruidoso Senior Citizens Barbecue Pot Downs Race Track and Casino, Senior Center, $2, 1 p.m. Luck and Dance Band, Ruidoso free general admission and free Aug. 23-25: All American Senior Center/School House general parking, first race at : Antique Show and Sale, Park, free; barbecue and pot noon Ruidoso Convention Center, luck at noon, dance, 1-3 p.m. Sept. 2: 44th Running of the $3.50 per person; 5-9 p.m. All American Futurity, Friday, 1-6 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 30 and 31: All Ruidoso Downs Race track and noon-5 p.m. Sunday. American Yearling Sale, casino, free general admission Aug. 27 and 28: All Ruidoso Downs Sports and free general parking, first American Golf Tournament, Complex, 5:30 p.m. raceatnoo~

.11111111111 . . SEMI~WEEKLY IN ·THE 111111 .. . RUIDOSO NE""'S NMII345 B"V ToDD ·FuQ.UA _,. .. - . ... : ··. . -~~~ :;~:~~~,· . ·. ·•... ' . .. :&a-··~·tS '!'WJ-~,.J--1......

; ': i • i' ·.~--~/ r _,. ' '• ~~. FRIDAY, AuG. 16, 2002 LOCAL NEWS Rpnoso NEws • 'P~GE 7G .. Take a trip into.,,ncient beauty, Culture in Cancun· , . There's more b? Cancun than be&u- resort. The 198-acre park creates not ~laxation areas to,easily fill an entire very high pole, twirling around it on ·home in Alto. Their travel features tiful beaches .an9, first-cl~ss resorts, only ecological consciousness in its day. No less than 25 attractions are ropes attached to their ankles, slowly appear in a wide variety of regional. including a variety of Mayan archeo- visitors, but offers a serious environ- in<;luded in you'r entrance ticket to the unfurling outwards more and more, national •and international pub(ica- logical sites, each an · · · mental education park. . 'until reaching grouri.d level. tions. easy day trip froJU program designed When .we return ag~n, we plan to At the end of a Cancun. Visitors can specifically for the spend more than one day. For beach 'full day, as we rode enjoy intercultural schools of , the lovers, there are several fine beaches back tQ Cancun, we ~xp~riences with the region. An a~ge w,ith cozy thatched-roofed palapas to reflected on the day. md1ge;nous Mayan of 24,000 · clrlidren relax beneath. We were impressed people in their envi- is welcomed ~of ' Nearby, visitors can swim with dol- with thew~ sense ronment ~d leam of cost to, the :~jl'hrk phins in spacious areas where Xcaret of hospitality and their way of life. All every school tenn. has one ofthe most successful dolphin conviviality, the this is even, more · Either · of the reproduction and encounter programs respect for the envi- interesting :;1gainst the ( ~~ tl.-: (;, will. _j./c.. ,£ & C/1!,. park's two rhrer in the world. There are also reproduc- ronment and the setting of the ancient Bv HA,..K A No ELLEN BARoNE experiences are -a tion programs for other species in dan- · pride in the local cui- Mayan civilization. It TRAVEL WRIT.ERS AND PHOTOGRA.. HERS great way to start ger of extinction and protection pro- ture we had found at wa~ this Cancun we'd the day. Ours grams for red maca,ws, flamingoes, Xcaret, coq:1e to visit. began with a swim sea turtles, butterflies, orchids, reefs We had looked forward to visiting down the underground,d\rer. ~-, and trees. Its jaguar and puma To be c;ontinued the well-known Mayan ruins at Clear and cool, the river flows islands, monkey island, bat cave, deer next week..• Tulum and Coba, and indeed, they through caverns illuminateq by nat- cove and manatee lagoon introduce lived up to · our expectations. But, ural skylights, and, ev® at mid-morn- you to the regional mammals. , For more infor­ unexpectedly, Xcaret, (eesh-caw-ret, ing, the river provides a pleasant The spectacular night show is well mation: wwiv.gocan­ ''little inlet" in Mayan), an eco-sensi- · escape from the area's tropical heat worth staying for and is an experience cun.com,J-800- tive tourist attraction, inspired just as and humidity. for all your senses, a pageantry of GOCANCUN, much interest. The Maya River passes through sight and sound. It features a colorful www.xcaret. net. Xcaret's developers had a deep the Maya Village, an authentic repro- fair and the drama of two ballgames: American (tel. BOO· respect (or the environment and its duction of a local community. During the Pre-Hispanic Ballgame and the 433-7300) has non- ecosystems, history and culture,· and the Late Post-Classic Period (A.D. . BWI of Fire (like a field hockey game sto}) service to for the aspirations ofthe'local"commu- 1400-1517), Xcaret was called Pole, but with a ball of fire- very striking Cancun from Dallas. nity and its more than 800,000 annu- and was an important Mayan city. at night) in the impressive Tlachco The · Barones al visitors. Today, the park has 10 archaeological ball court. These games were followed (barones@intlmedia­ Xcaret, located 4 7 miles south of groupings of ruins in its almost 200 by a vibrant perfonnance of Mexico's group.com) are full­ COURTESY HANK AND EU.EN BARONE Cancun in the heart of the .Mayan acres. regional music and dance and the time travel writers . Riviera, is a mixture of nature pre- Xcaret has enough entertaining Papantla Flyers, Mayan Voladores. and photographers Cancun offers a blend of modern. resorts and ancient Mayan cul­ serve, archeological par~ and beach options, educational activities and These four flyers start at the top of a operating out oftheir ture.

DaVinci- inspired quilt on display in tovvn 3-CLICKS N monumental quilt, 'The 420 Mechem Drive, at 6:30p.m. worship service. sorted by color the 350 different Supper," modeled on Leonardo Sunday. ,The artist, Don Locke, Locke first created a comput­ fabrics used, including some of AND daVinci's famous work ''The a retired dentist from er-generated image of the origi­ his own hand-dyed fabric. Other Last Supper," will be on display Waxahachie, Texas; will give a nal, enlarged to show the pix­ hand-dyed fabrics are from Joy YOU'RE IN ... at the First Baptist Church, . presentation there after the els. 'nlen he selected, cut and Press of Godley, Texas. The pieces were arranged on YOUR a design wall and sewn togeth­ er in strips with a Singer CONVERTIBLE. Featherweight sewing machine. After about 1,200 PICIC IT. PREVIEW IT. • hours of work, the emerging PRICE IT. PURCHASE IT. design became apparent in the 15.3-foot by 5.5-foot piece. · Machine quilting was prob­ VISIT lematic because of the size of ... NEW MEXICO the work afid because the CARS ONLINE.@ COURTESY image was not apparent to any­ ..The Supper, .. a 15-by-5.5-foot quilt made by Texan Don Locke. can be seen at First Baptist Church Sunday. one working close to the. fabric.


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visitors to the Cleveland Lloyd Dinosaur looking Quarry. Changes in her personal life pushed her to: .bacK relocate. She began calling some of her favorite places to see if there were openings. RUidoso, a LINCOLN COUNTY SCRAPBOOK vacation spot, as well· as racing stop, was a nat- , ural choice. . . AuG. 17, t96Z "I had been here a lot over the years while I Gateway.Mill relocated was in sch9ol," she said. "I was i{lterested in the area and decided to make some phone cl;llls." The Waltrips, G. B. and son Allen said she and her sisters grew up Derald, have moved into new around horses, but probably spent more time headquarters with their braiding their manes and tails than riding. But Gateway Mill,· a local. planing in 1997, she linked up with a group of nine mill and woodwork cortcern. other women and bought ~ race horse in The two men secured sur­ California. ' · plus Army barracks, remodeled· Old Habits tOok second place in the All ' them and. have moved their American Futurity for two-year-old horses in plalling mill equipment on 1998 and won the All American Derby for Paradise Canyon Road, and three-year-olds in 1999. are now set up in, their new "I have two horses now that I own and race location.:·· in the intermountain area of Utah, Wyoming The W altrips are also gener­ and Idaho," Allen said. Those horses are han­ al contractors and handle con­ dled by a trainer, who makes most of the deci­ struction work ef all kinds in sions "and then sends me the bills," she joked.· addition to cabinet making and During racing season, Allen spends her time furniture repairing. off at Ruidoso Downs Race Track or riding two gelding~ she keeps on 10 acres she owns AUG. 18, 1977 around her home in the Lorna Grande area. -"I needed acreage because I knew I wanted Traffic light soon! to keep some horses and you can only find one Ruidoso may hopeftilly lose or two acres around Ruidoso," she said. its unwanted distinction of being the only city, of equal size At1en said she finds emergency medicine and vehicular traffic, in New attractive as a career for several reasons. Mexico without a traffic light.. "It's shift work ancl when you're off, you have Kenneth Towle, Hobbs, vice more free time than a family practice or inter­ chairman of the New Mexico nal medicine," Allen said. "No one is calling you State Highway Commission, in in the middle of the night, although you may a telephone conversation with have to work nights and on holidays when most .Ruidoso Village Manager other people are off." · James L. Hine, reportedly told She also enjoys the variety of situations and Hine that the state highway 011\NNE STALLINGS/STAFF conditjons, "although that can be more stress­ department would install a Emergency room director Glori Allen sometimes indulges her off-duty passion for horses with a magazine arti­ ful, because they can be more acute things," traffic control light at the inter­ cle. Race horse pictures also decorate her office at the hospital in Ruidoso. Allen said. "But it's just more interesting to section . of Sudderth and me."' Mechem drives.·· Hired in ·January, she was brought on in time to see the frequent fractures from skiing AIJG. 19,_1982 accidents, common in most ski resort areas. The Silver Un.J!:Ig· I he doctor is off duty,. so... Although this is the first time she's been in • -" charge of an emergency room full time - she----__ _ _ BY DANIEL AGNEW STORM was ~mporary director during the illness of a A while back, Paul Jones, in • BreaKing new ground at LCMC, Glori Allen, M.D., is the first woman in the hos­ colleague at another hospital - her approach is talking over the phone, said; pital's history to run the emergency room. But that's all right.: With semi-regular simple. "I mainly just want to see it. run as effi- "When you come up this way. hours, she can find time for her other great interest - the one that brought her to ciently as it can with enough staff to handle the stop by and look at my Mark Ruidoso - horses, and a chance to ride and race them. demand, so they don't bl!l"ll out and work too Storm Room." many shifts a month." The Mark Storm Room BY OWiNE S'IILUffGS Working as the only physician on staff in an turned out to be his whole large Rl'RpsD :'lEW'S 'iTAI'F V.lUTf.R speech pathology and I thought it was interest­ emergency room was new for Allen. front room, and overflowed into ing," she said. "Most ERs of any size are staffed strictly his sun-lit dining room. he hardly fits the image of someone who But a few years later while working as a with MDs," she said. "But once l worked with. All around the rooms were deals with medical emergencies on a speech therapist with a facial surgeon at a these guys, l got to see. how they managed prints of Mark's paintings... daily basis, managing a staff of physi­ r-ehabilitation center, she became intrigued things and they do a great job. Many were There is an original, small Scian's assistants, registered nurses and with medicine and deeided she needed more of medics and were on paramedic flight teams, so painting that has been on the other medical personnel. a challenge. She went back to school in 1983, they had a lot of experience, especially working wall for' 40 years or so - a But people quickly sense an iron will lies picking up the necessary science courses, with emergencies and trauma." painting of a favorite sorrel behind the blue eyes and petite build of the new attended medical school in 1985 horse of Paul's. The pride ofthe emergency room director at the Lincoln County and graduated in 1989 from household is an original by Medical Center. Texas Tech in Lubbock. Mark of Paul, at age 18 or so, Dr. Glori Allen, the first woman to run the mounted on his cow pony, lari­ emergency room for the county-owned hospital, ~ She spent her three-year at in hand. seems to be a perfect fit for Ruidoso and Lincoln residency at a Texas Tech hospi­ County. She loves to ski, she owns race horses tal in Amarillo, specializing in ~G-~0, 1,2 and she was bom in Texas. internal medicine. She's also spent a major portion of her med­ "So rm actually an internist,., i · Regents praise Miller I ical career working in small mral hospitals, she said. Jim Miller's shoulders must staffing and managing emergency rooms. She married in 1993 and then have been sore after Monday's Allen grew up in Corpus Christi, Texas, with spent 10 years in Utah, part of meeting· of the Eastern New two sisters. Her father was a school. principal the time in the emergency room Mexico University board of and her mother, an elementary level teacher. in the small town of Price. The· regents. She attended undergraduate school at town of 8,712 residents lies at The verbal pats on the back Abilene Christian University, graduating cum the convergence of U.S. 6 and were effusive about the success laud£ with a degree in speech pathology in U.S. 191, -about 68 miles south­ of the university-sponsored off­ 1978, followed by a master's degree from the east of Provo. Home of a muse­ DiANNE STALLINGS/STAFF campus instruction oonter in University ofTennessee in 1979. um of prehistoric artifacts and . Dr. Glori Allen checks out equipment in the emergency room of the Ruidoso. Miller has guided the "My best friend in college was studying fossils, it's the stop-over point for Lincoln County Medical Center. first year of the operation. Annual photo 'Scavenger Hunt' corning back to the Byway

The Hubbard Museum of the hers of Betty McCreight at the The ·Lincoln - County Glenwood. north of Silver City. that it rained. off and on all day American West is sponsoring the retirement party were her hus-· Photography Club held its during ·the motorcycle~ rally in Saturday of the,.pageant. :But-it photographic "Scavenger Hunt" band, Ray, her daughter, Patti monthly meeting at Texas -New September. Dave Travis gave a was nice durlryrthe performance. again this year. A roll bf 36 expo­ and husband, Mark and son Alex Mexico ·Power in Ruidoso last slide show on the redwoods of . ~ Saturday it was cOOl again sure 35 mm film will be furnished Webster of Columbus, Ohio. week. California. Door prizes were won butwarm~d up Sund$y. to all those who enter. The sub­ Rachel Rominger's family The club members had been . by Judith Gouch and Rosalie The three Epil:lcopal Chapels of ject is the Billy the Kid Scenic By­ were her husband, Chuck, busy judging at the . Lincoln Dunlap . . Lin,.coln Connty helped oolebrat.e Way, and ·will include the loop daughters Rene and Jon:ette, County Fair. Dave Travis, Leland And Ruidoso photograph~r ordination annive~·the Rev. created by U.S. 380 and 70, and grandson Michael, granddaugh­ de Ford, and Herb Brunell judged 'Frederic. Moras-!~ :featuredJii the· J~ D~VeY ($0 y~) 'and the SR 48 and 220 - Ruidoso, ter Jessica of Albuquerque and .·the open class and put up the dis~ September PopUlar :Photography . lt.ev•. Ann Qaddy.(1~ r,e~).. · Hondo, Lincoln, Capitan and five grandchildren of play of .the cl~b's photography.· I . magazine. , ' \ back to Ruidoso. The entry fee Albuquerque. judged the 4-H photography and 'A, memq:rihl 'ae~c:e ··:vv~.held LINCOLN will be $20. the classes were a tough job this Aleila Borwoski was awardOO for Matt Borowslti laSt week. TRAILS The dates are Aug. 24 and the Cille Dickinson and Sandy year. We really have some great the State American Legio11- · There was only sta.ndi~g~ toom RO..'Wll! DUNLAP moming of Aug. 25. Smith were hostesses to a bathe- upcoming photographers with Scholarship of $1,000. · Cong.:. outside of San' Juan )J~tiata Applications are available at cue -reCenfbr. sSndy w$ relebrat- our young people. Cong- ratulations tn this young lady. Church. Homilys were g'iv_eh by the Hubbard Museum in RuidOso ing her "first year of re~dence in ratulations. She was sponsored by ·the his brother. Michael.amt.,W/o. best Downs. Applications can .also· be Lincoln. Sh~~ will be. Building a Anne Marie Harvey was one Capitan American Legion. fri~nds,. :J..ee .. Abbott inid ~ found at the Hubbard Museum. !'ewhome~J?.intlnooJn,. Sandy excited member. She had won a YlBit;.w'S in IA;ncoln ()"Ve' 1't1le . Q()Q~r·:·:~~i/~V~-~j~Qr~~lica 1 for the photography ~test· ·fn ~ '$ prqf~onal p]1.o~pher first on her photo and the grand w~eken·~ were Mary' Ellen ";II'. · . ~![1~ 1r ··Water ()d:A;,ber. . . 0 ~:'/ • ~d®'6~ratim~r~t?\R~J;.:-"··~· ·· · ·· h · ·· -·· · 'r"!ai"'.,..*ut ana:·':;. · ··.·····-·~:...t~;.t···1 · ··:·'.'·)!·. .ct.J.. a.:.tA.:...'-- • _ _;,;.,'i.CQ;;;Jii.e''·~· '' '"::1~4fAt'.'' ~~:~·,, ~f:)fJ~-;r ··,'· A iJ.I~·.;:~ ·~·~':,,\ V .. fl!''">• ,,,,·~ '~:1 lr:.::.'...i'!h\-·~;~/ · '''<'IP.J~P"' ' ' ' :·... •. ·, .IA.Jf:J."~~'P I:UtKJ IS p~ ·~~ :£ ~t ·,· Qn,:-;ib~]pla;:Q.'(>".' ~ ~~~· \ ,, :~~.,~,,I ~- •. , . h~ k~ '\iu-.. 1 J.., ~- ~~, · / \~ · '·~1libe ,, ,\~~:~·{./:~-.\. ,~~-··,--'~.:~·,_· 1 1 !~ r.i: oc'~\ ... ftliaOO'-~";o:::,... ,.;.~: •. , !···,{;t ~ ' l,t' 'y IJ\Wl :,k··:• ' ' • '·1J~~~S,\ ..ii".l(,;;,;-*..: ..C'[ifttl.it't;'';,;:-t"'l ''" ~~ iJ!.\ .'.!..b:e; ~" ·~~.. >i.d::i" ,, l.' ; ( ·'· C\ .;;

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ENMU RUIDOSO Eastern New Mexico University - Ruidoso www .ruidoso.enmu.edu

f • I

Community Education Schedule Enclosed 2002 Fall Schedule • El Semestre de Otoiio 2002 r ------.. ATTENDANCE ENROLLMENT IN MATH or ENGLISH I Table of Contents I Attendance is required at all sessions for each Degree seeking students planning to enroll in I Academic Policies ...... 2-4 I course for which the student is enrolled. When any classes for the first time, particularly the above subjects, are required to take ENMU's I Credit Classes Schedule ...... 5-11 I circumstances make attendance impossible, such absences should be reported to the instruc­ COMPASS, computer-based placement test I Televised Courses ...... 12-13 I tor. Possibilities for makeup work should be prior to registration to avoid registering for the I Community Ed Policies ...... 14 I discussed with the instructor on an individual wrong class. High School/Home School con­ 1Community Ed Classes 1 basis. No extensions of vacation periods are current enrollment students taking Math or 1 given to a student. Nonattendance of classes English must also take the COMPASS test. : ~ Career Boosters. . . . . • ...... I 5 The COMPASS can be taken at no cost each due to late registration is considered the same * Comfort Classes ...... IS : week during office hours in the Ruidoso Center 1 as ahscnces incurred after registration. * Cooking Around the World .. 16 Office, 709 Mechem Drive by calling the Office 1 1 to make testing arrangements. 1 *Creative Arts ...... o •• o •••• 16 1 CAN(~ELLED-LIMITED SIZE CLASSES The Ruidoso Center reserves the right to cancel 1 * The Art of Meditation ...... 16 1 HIGH SCHOOL OR HOME SCHOOL any classes which do not attain the minimum 1 * Dance! .. o • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 17 1 STUDENT ENROLLMENT enrollment re4uirement. The Center also re­ 1 * SO + Lifestyles ...... 17 1 State Jaw allows universities and high schools to serves the right to close enrollment in those 1 For the Health of It! ...... 18 1 operate a dual enrollment program, enabling stu­ * cla~~cs where the maximum capacity is 1 Legal Tips I $mart Money .... 18 1 dents who need to earn additional credits to * reached. attend college while also in high school or home I * The Regional Water Crisis ... 18 I ' school. The following high schools presently I * The Small Business Center ... 19 I El>lJCATI<>NAL PR<>MISS<>RY L<>ANS participate in the dual or "concurrent .. enroll­ I * Miscellaneous ...... 20-23 I Educational Promissory Loan contrc.JCts are ment program: Ruidoso, Hondo, Capitan, availahlc to students who arc taking a rnini­ ..I Fall Academic,.. Calendar ...... Back ..I Mescalero, Tularosa, Carrizozo, Corona, and ______rnurn of "'ix (6) credit hour'-1. A $10.00 contract area Home Schoolc;. For more information on fcc plu~ _,()ex-, of the total amount of tuition and this oppor1unity, please contact your high ~chool ·.v.·le ::j 'M• e lo Eastern New Mexico University's books is due at the time of registration. Stu­ counselor or principaL or call 257-2120 or toll Ru1do-.,o Instruction Center~ As your local llni~ dent-; who have a balance due on a Educa­ rree 1-800-934-3668. Vl'r··o~ty Off-Campus Center. we serve more than tional Promissory Loan Contract from pre­ 1500 credit and non-credit students through a vious seml·stcrs will be required to make STUI>ENT SERVICES AND wide vanety of acadernic prograrns. Our in­ finandal arrangementc; with ()fficc Coordi­ COUNSEI .. JN(; s! rue tor' and stafT are talented, experienced nator Pat Countc; prior to registerin2. Fail­ The Student Affairs Staff at the Ruidoso Cen­ pruiL'"Hlllals in their respective academic ure to make these arrangement'i may result tcr provides academic advising. career coun,el­ fie Ids. lr1cndl y and ready to help you. That's in voiding or your rr~istration. ing. WIA. NM Works and Adult Basic 1--:.duca­ why \.\L' have designed this schedule to make tion referral and degree planning. Stop hy and l' nroll1ng and rcgistcri ng at the Ruidoso Center FINANt]AL ASSISTAN(~E sec the friendly staff at the Student Affairs a~o, convenient as possible. Inside, you wi II find The Ruidoso Center has financial aid coun~cl­ office. 709 Mechem Drive, in Ruidoso. a 11,1 of afternoon and evening classes sched­ ing avai Ia hie on an appointment or walk-in u kd for the Fall Se~.,sion. You will also find in­ hasJs to a.,~ist you in making the correct finan­ CONSEJEROS formation on how to enroll and how to register cial decisions to support the accomplishment of La Oficina de ENMU -Ruidoso pro vee de for rlas~o,, and what student service" arc avail­ your educational and career goals. Many ascsoramientos academicos. tc guia en las pro­ ahlc. But. if you ~.,rill have queslions, call us at grants, loans and "cholarships are available fcsiones a scguir. existen consejersos para 257-2120 or 1-H00-934-3668. through the assistance of our Student Affairs ensenanza de trahajos como WIA. Tamhien. tc ()ffice. Make your appointment as soon as pos­ ayuda en Ia planeacion para graduacion y meJor !HIENVENII><>S! sihlc with either Cheri LaCountc or Sue manera de ohtencr y establecer un trabajo. Para mas informacion, pasa a platicar con Ia g:ente Bicnvenidos a Ia Universidad del Este de Kluthe~ call 257-2120 or toll free 1-800-934- Nuevo Mexiro en Ruidoso, como Universidad 3668. amistosa della oficina o llama por favor al tele­ fono 257-2120 o 1-800-934-3668. locul. servimos a mas de 1300 estudiantes acreditados y no acreditados con una extensa variedad de programas acadcmicos. Nuestros r ------., UNIVERSITY TITLE IX maestros y personal administrativo son amis- 1 GETTING YOUR GRADES I tosos y estan listos para ayudarle. Por eso es STATEMENT 1 Student grades are now available on-line 1 Eastern New Mexico University is que hernos disenado este programa, para hacer 1 and will no longer he mailed. Here's how to I an affirmative action and equal op­ el ingreso en ENMU-Ruidoso tan conveniente I access them: 1 como sea posihle. Encontraran una Jista de I. Go to www.ruidoso.enmu.edu portunity employer. ENMU does cJases por las tardes o en Ia noche. Tambien I 2. Click on "Web Registration I not discriminate on the basis of age, encontraran informacion en como ingresar y I 3. Click on "login to Secure Area" I race, color, national origin, sex or que servicios estan disponibles para los estudi­ I 4. Enter your ID number and PIN, click on I handicap in its programs, activities, antes. Si tiene alguna duda o pregunta, puede I "Login" I or employment. Persons seeking JJamar al telefono 257-2120 o 1-800-934-3668. 1 5. Re-enter your PIN, click on "Login" 1 additional information about the 1 6. Click on ''Student ServiceS and Financial 1 University's nondiscrimination pol­ ADMISSIONS Aid'' icy should contact the Student The Ruidoso Center has an "open" admissions : 7. Click on "Student Records" I Affairs Coordinator, ENMU policy which means anyone with a high school 8. Click on "Final Grades" I diploma or GED Certificate may attend. Appli­ Ruidoso, Ruidoso,New Mexico I 9. Select ''term'', click on display grades'' I 88345. cations are available at the Center office. '------· ~. WITHDRAWAL FROM COURSES AUDITS ( NON-CREDIT) H you are unable to attend a class or classes ·------·1 Fee Schedule (tuition and fees) 1 A student may choose to audit or take a class for which you have registered, you must OF­ 1fn .._Distrlct (Ruidoso/Ruidoso Downs) . I for no credit. If you are auditing a class FICIALLY withdraw from your class or I $26 per credit hour: $300 maximum I (enrolling for NO CREDIT), be sure to tell the classes .. Withdrawal forms are located at the I . tuition per semester ( 12~ 18 credit hours) I office staff and write NC in the "Credit Hour" Center Office only. Informlna: your instruc­ Out-of-District (Other New Mexico resi· column on your registration form. I dents) · I ror or withdrawals by telephone will not con­ stitute an official withdrawal. (See Fall Cal· I $30 per credit hour: $348 maximum I BOOKSTORE AND TEXTBOOKS eitdar on the back of this insert) .. I tuition per semester ( 12-18 credit hours) 1 Located at the Center Office, 709 Mechem 1Texas Residents: 1 Drive, the Ruidoso Center Bookstore sells new COURSE DROP/ADD I $30 per credit hour: $348 maximum I and used textbooks, and some class supplies, If you are unable to attend the class or class­ I tuition per semester ( 12-18 credit hours) I including a variety of apparel. The Bookstore es for which you have registered, but would Senior Citizens: $5 per credit hour on a Manager is Monica Voges, and the hours of op­ Uke to reschedule into another class at anoth­ I space available basis. This rate is applied to I eration are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 er time, please make arrangements at the Ru­ I New Mexico residents age 65 or above who I p.m. during registration. Used book buy-back idoso Center Office, 709 Mechem Drive. In­ I are enrolled for six (6) or fewer credit hours. I for Fall Session, 2002 will take place Decem­ forming your instructor on the night or day of I FEES 1 ber 11-20. The tax free window for Fall class does not constitute a class drop or add. 1Course Add/Drop Fee $ 3 1 semester (no sales tax charged to students) Is Students ore charged a $3.00 fee each time a I Dishonored Check Fee $30 I between Monday July 8 and Friday, August drop/add form is completed. (See Fall Calen­ I Late Registration Fee · $10 I 30,2002. dar on back page of this insert). Lab Fees: I I. Cemmics I $ 50 I CHILDCARE FOR THE CHILDREN RE-ENTRY PROGRAM (SINGLE I 2. Computer Lab $ 5 I OF COLLEGE STUDENTS PARENTS AND I OR DISPLACED I 3. Digital Imaging $ 5 I Students requiring childcare in order to attend HOMEMAKER) 1 4. EMS 175 $ 20 1 classes are encouraged to contact the following The Re-entry Program provides academic coun­ I 5 Science Classes $ 8 1 child care providers: Kldz World, 394 Sud· seling, support, special payment plans, housing 6 ·. Bow )'mg $ 35 derth Drive, 630 -8081, Noah's Ark Duran referral service, childcare referral services, and I 7. Skiing $ 126 I (336-8032), My Child First EarlY Childhood financial aid planning for student-; who are re­ I 8. Welding $ 25 I Center In Ruidoso Downs, 257-3157 (Se turning to school, changing careers, seeking to I 9. Painting $ 30 I Habla Espaftol) or 336-1014, and the 1st move up or who are dissatisfied with their cur­ I Promissory Loan Contract Fee $1 0 I Christian Church ChUd Development Cen­ rent situation. For more information, call Cheri 1Transcript Evaluation Fee $1 0 1 ter (258-1490). The Ruidoso Center in. no way LaCounte at 257-2120 or 1-800-934-3668. 1 (charged for degree seeking students) 1 warrants the acceptability of childcare and pro­ I If you have any questions about your residency I vides this service strictly as infonnation. I status for tuition purposes, call the Ruidoso Cen- EQUAL OPPORTUNITY STATEMENT 1 Eastern New Mexico University, including the ter Office at 257·2120 or 1-800-934-3668. RESTRICTION OF SERVICES Ruidoso Instruction Center, is an equal oppor­ ·------· If you have a delinquent account you will be tunity/affinnative action employer and fully PAYMENT POLICY denied access to Ruidoso Center services. subscribes to all state and federal regulations Iuition and fees are payable at the time of reeis­ These services include, but are not limited to: relating to nondiscrimination based upon sex, tration unless other arrangements are made at the I. Registration race, religion or disability. In situations where Ruidoso Center Office. If you do not make 2. Transcripts students detennine that a scheduled class, ac­ immediate payment or payment arrangements, 3. Official withdrawal from classes tivity or facility is not accessible to them be­ your place in class will be canceled and offered 4. Library privileges cause of a disability, they should immediately to another student. Tuition and fees are subject to 5. Use of the Center computer lab contact the Center Director and report the situ­ change without notice by the Board of Regents, ation or condition. Problems relating to im­ Eastern New Mexico University. SPACIOUS FREE PARKING paired sight, hearing or other disabling condi­ You'll have no problem finding parking for any tions in classes should also be referred to the REFUNDS of your classes at the Ruidoso Center. Spacious Center Director. The insdtutlon may retain a 5% administra­ parking is available at no cost at the Center tive fee fmm tuition charges. offices, as well as all off-site locations. Parking La Universidad del Este de Nuevo Mexico en stickers are not required. Ruidoso es un empleador de oportunidad Refunds of tuition, fees and book payments igual/Empleador de Accion Afrrmativa y com­ will be made after ~ close of late registration. TUTORS pletamente se suscribe a todas las regulaciones Full refunds of tuition and fees will be issued At the Ruidoso Center, we want students to federales relacionadas a Ia antidiscrirninacion on· cancelled classes. Refunds are detennined succeed. That's why we have FREE tutoring basada en sexo, raza, religion o disabilidad. En by when the status change occurs according to services available for Math and English stu­ situaciones donde estudiantes tletenninan que the schedule below. Tuition and fee charges for dents. Contact the Student Affairs office for a una actividad de Ia clase programada o facili­ overloads ( 19+ credit hours) will not be refund­ tutor. dad no es accesible para ellos por causa de una ~ The refund schedule is: . disabilidad, ellos deben hacer contacto con Ia Representante de Ia Universidad immediate­ 100% Through August 30, 2001 Call257-2120 OR mente y reponar Ia situacion. Problemas rela­ 75% Through September 6, 2001 1-800-934-3668 cionadas con las vista, sentido del oido, y otros 50% Through September 13, 2001 25% Through September 20, 2001 f-(it fi{llll OR Online at problemas desabilitantes en clases deben de ser www.ruidoso.enmu.edu referidos al decano de Ia Universidad. 3

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. . .• -----· -----ENMU----- Course------Web.- ·- ---- Registration--~------·...... : I . I I 1 How to Register for Fall Credit Classes on the Web I : for Continuing ENMU Students Only : 1 (Web Registration and Course Grades) 1 I I I Read these directions entirely before proceeding. I I I 1 I. Go to www.ruidoso. enmu.edu I I I I 2. Click on"Web Registration'' I I' I 3. . Login to usecure Area." The User ID is your ENMU ID number. Your PIN number is your birthdate, in the format of month, day and I I year (010581). If your birthday is January 5, 1981, your PIN number should look like 010581. Submit. · I I I 4. Reenter PIN number and Submit I I I I 5. Click on "Student Services & Financial Aid." I I I I 6. Click on "Registration.'' I I I Sefect a "Term .. and submit Term. Term should be "Fall 2002 Portales/Ruidoso/' I 7. I I s. Click on "Look up dasses to Add" (if you don't already have the CRN #). If you have the CRN #, g~ directly to Step ~· I I Remember class with Pare in Portales; classes with a U are in Ruidoso. I I I I 9. Click on "AddJDrop Clqsses" I I . I I I0. Arrow down to "Add Class" I I I 11. Enter "CRN numbers" for course(s) of your choice at Port8Jes (P code for lTV) or Ruidoso (U code). I . . I I 12. Click on ''Submit Changes'~. Then click on "Exit" in the upper right hand comer to properly exit the Registration module. I I . I I 13. Make tuition and fees payment arrangements with the front desk at the Ruidoso Center office for Ruidoso classes- For lTV classes. con­ I I tact the Accounts Receivable Office in Portales by credit card by calling 1-800-537-5376. ext. 2620 or mail in your payment to the same I 1 office. Payment must be received in Portales by 4:00PM, August 30, 2002. Prepaid payment envelopes are also available at the lTV I I office. I I 1 14. Your Grades are also now available on-line from ENMU and will no longer be mailed. Here•s how to access them: I • go to www.ruidoso.enmu.edu I I • click on "Web Registration I

I • click on "login to Secure Area II I I • enter your 10 number and PIN, click on '•Login" I 1 • re-enter your PIN, click on "Login" I 11 1 • click on Student Services and Financial Aid" I I • click on "Student Records" I • click on ''Final Grades If I • Select "tenn", click on "display grades" I I I I I I If you experience difficulty with web registration, please contact I I I I the Ruidoso Center Computer Lab Technician at (S.OS) 257·2120, I I or outside of th~ Ruidoso calling area, toll free 1-800-934-3668. I I I H you don't have a computer, use the ENMU computer lab. Thanks! I . . I I I

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... - --·- --.. -~------·-·------'·---~.-._ .. _ __,__ --~---- ··. BIOL 152U/152LU - General Biology 0 Web Register for the FaD semester Four credit hours. A introduction to subcellular and .if you are a continuing student @ cellular mechanism and .organizations of biological wWw.ruidoso~enmu~edu .systems. Serves as an introductory course for stu­ dents majoring in biology. Three hours lab weekly. Corequfslte: BIOL IS2L. Lab Fee: $8 ART 165U • An History "Instructor: C. Bums CRN 12267/12268 · Three credit hours. Survey of the art o.f prehistoric; Mondays- 5:30-9:45 pm RIIS S20Z and historic people in Western and non-Western cul­ tures through the 16th century with exploration of BIOL 211U/211LU .. Human Anatomy cultural traditions in art by examining the impact of Four credit hours. A systems approach to the study social, political and economic organizations. of the human body. Corequlslte: BIOL lliLU. Instructor: S. Weir .. Ancker · CRN 12263 Lab Fee: $8 Mondays .. 9:00 ... n :30 am College Office Instructor: G. Langley 1l CRN 12289/12290 ACCOUNTING (ACCT) Tuesdays - 5:30 - 9:45 pm RHS S204 ACCT 200U ·Basic Bookkeeping and ART 221U. Beginning Painting I Accounting • Three credit hours. Introduction to painting. ·Basic Three credit hours. Composition of a baSic system skills in painting with oils, acrylics, and watercol­ f and implementation. Areas of concentration include ors. Work from life: still life, landscape, composj .. preparing a balance sheet, joumulizing and open tion, and the thematic ~oncepts. Prerequisite: entry from the source document, journalizing and ART 101U or eonsent or lnstructora Lab fee: $30 posting other daily transactions, preparing a trinl Instructor: J. Pekelsma CRN 12325 · balance on a worksheet, preparing and adjusting Thursdays - 6:00 ..., 8:30 pm Ruidoso News Omce entries, and preparing a post-closing trial balance ro complete the bookkeeping cycle. ART 231U ·Beginning Ceramics I BUSINESS EDUCATION/ Instructor: T. Anderson CRN 12266 Three credit hours~ Introducrion to basic clay, form .. ADMINISTRATION (BEAS) Mondays • 6:00 .. 8:30 pm RHSC206 ing techniques including pinch, coil slab and glaze BEAS 101U ·Introduction to applications. May be repeated fo{ credit. Prerequl· Keyboarding ACCT 201U -Introductory Accounting I site: ART 231. Lab Fee: $50.00 Three credit hours. Development of the fundamen· Four credjt hours. Fundamental accounting princi- · Instructor: S. Weir-Ancker CRN 12308 tals of touch keyboarding and introduction to com­ pies and concepts. procedures in data accumulation Wednesdays - 5:00 - 8:00 pm RHS Fine Arts puterized document fonnatting. Intended for stu­ ~ presentation, and preparation of financial reports. dents who have no prior experience in typewriting Three hours lecture and two hours laboratory week-. ART 253U • Digital Imaging or who have no/minimal knowledge of keyboarding. j Jy. . CoJiete Lab -Three credit hours. An introduction to the funda .. Instructor: N. Ludwick . eRN 12307 mental concepts and features of image·editing com· Instructor; 't Anderson 8125 to 10/17 Wednesdays .. 6:00 ..., 9:30pm RHSC206 puter software. including production of digital Tuesdays/Thursdays • 8:30 .... l I :00 am J images, use of editing and special effects tools clip CRN 12283 ART(ART) art, and scanning techniques. A working knowledge OR

ART lOlU ·Beginning Drawing I I of the Windows operating environment is recom .. ThesdaysiThursdays • 8:30 - JJ :00 am Three credit hours. An iittroduction to the basic mended. Prerequisite: ART lOIU or conSent of In· CRN 12184 10122 to 12112 principles, materials and skills of freehand drawing structor. Lab fee: $S from life. The courses synthesizes stUdies in repre­ Instructor: L. Flynn CRN 12265 BEAS 263U/263LU • sentation, proportion, perspective, vaJue. and com­ Mondays .. 6:00 "" 8:30 pm RHS Fine Arts MOUSMSWORD position. Four credit hours. Emphasis on today's most wide­ Instructor: L. Flynn CRN12288 BIOLOGY (BIOL) Jy .. used business word processing ~oftwarc, MS . Tuesdays - 6:00 - 8:30 pm RHS Fine Arts BIOL llOU • Wildlife Biology Word. Students will progress through intennediate Four credit hours. Methods and princjples of man­ to advanced levels of document creation and manip­ ART 106U • Design I aging wildlife species and conserving wildlife habi­ ulation; mail merge; graphics; and a basic introduc­ Three credit hours. A two dimensional exploration tat. Schedule field trips to local sites of interest in tion to desktop publishing. After completion of the of visual elements, principles of design and color wildlife management. Etnpbasis on field identifica .. course, interested students with a grade of C or bet­ through classroom application and experimentation. tion and record keeping. ter will be prepared to take the MOUS certification Included is an introduction to the arts. (Open to non­ Instructor: L. Cordova CRN 12350 /12351 exam for Word. Prerequisite: CIS J5l and BEAS art majors). Saturdays ... 8:30 - J2:30 pm 101 or consent of instructor. Instructor: S. Weir.. Ancker CRN 12324 Smokey Bear Hauger Station (Ruidoso). Lab Fee: $S Thursdays ... 5:00 - 8:00 pm RHS Fine Arts Instructor: R. Hemphill CRN Jll69/ln70 Mondays .,. 6:00 - 9:30 pm CoUegeLab ART 131U ·Art Appreciation Three credit hours. Introductory course exploring BEAS 284U/284LU • MOUS MS Access I tbe visual arts. This lecture course surveys the role Four credit hours. This course provide students with of arts in society. Emphasis on design principles and comprehensive know.ledge required to build, modi­ fine and applied arts. fy, interrogate and manipulate tables. StUdents wiU Instructor: J. Pekelsma CRN1228S .also learn requirements (or designing and creating Tuesdays - 9:00 - 11:30 am Colegeomee fonns and reports. After completion of this course, How to-R~: interested students with a grade of C or better wil1 In-Person: 709 Mechem, Sierra Mall be prepared to take the MOUS certification exam Phone: 257•2120 OR 1·800·934·36611 for Access. PrereQulsl~: CIS 151, BEAS 263 or Web Regis(er: www.ruidoso.enmufedu £oDSent of instructor. Corequlslte: BEAS 284LU. Lab Fee: $5 Mail: 709 Mechem, Instructor: R. Hemphill. CRN 12309/12310 Ruidoso, NM . 88345 Wednesdays .. 6:00 - 9:30 pm CoUege Lab . Fax: 257-9409

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l BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION COMPUTER SCIENCE (CS) (BUS) Web Register for the FaD sem~ster . CS 123U - Programming Fundamentals BUS lSlU- Introduction to Business · if you are a continuing.student @ · inC++ · Three credit hours. The basic nature of business in www.ruidoso.enmu.edu Three. credit hours. Concepts and programming . . an ~ssentially market-disciplined economic system; techniques fundamental to the practice and theory of the interdisciplinary nature of business and board Computer Science. 1/0, operators and expressions, administrative principles governing organized COMM 203U/203LU • Newswriting control structures, functions and arraY.S. Prerequi­ human endeavor. Integrated study in the field of , Three credit hours. Principles of news and feature sites: MATH 107 or satisfactocy ACT/SAT score. business. Discusses the whole business culture as a stories (computer assisted). Prerequisites: ENG Instructor: C. Smith · · CRN 12291 dynamic social system. Basic level to serve students 102 and basic computer skills. Corequisite: Tuesdays - 6:30 - 9:00 pm ~ollege Lab majoring in any area of the University. COMM 203LU. Instructor: N. Ludwick CRN 12271 Instructor: K. Green CRN 12328/12329 CRIMINAL JUSTICE (CJ), Mondays - 6:00 - 8:30pm RHS C203 Thursdays- 7:00 ... 9:30 pm College Lab CJ 102U/SOC 102U -Intro to Criminal Justice CHILD DEVELOPMENT (CD) COMM 202U - Dynamics of Group Three credit hours. Analysis of law and society with CD 103U -The School Age Child and Adolescent Behavior emphasis on the police, prosecution, the couns, cor- Three credit hours. Desigoed to related the princi­ Three credit hours. Principles and practices of effec: rections,,and probation and parole. ' ples of development to school-age children (6-12) tive participation in small group discussion, with Instructor: S. Martines CRN 12323 and the adolescent. Includes developmental infor­ emphasis on improvement of critical thinking, prob­ Thursdays - I :30 .... 4:00 pm College Office mation about biosocial (physical). emotional, social lem solving, organizational skills and group cooper­ and intellectual changes. Respect for individual ation. CJ 268U: Workshop: T~e People's ·growth rates within the developmental process will Instructor: F. Knight CRN 12264 Law School D be encouraged. Lecture, discussions. readings and Mondays .. l :00 - 3:30 pm College Office One credit hour. The Fifth Annual People's Law assignments will include an emphasis on enrich­ School, sponsored by the Ruidoso Center and the ment in each of these arens of development. A COMM 21SU - Newspaper Practicum Lincoln County Bar Association, features eight dif­ review of preschool development will be included. lWo credit hours. Practical experience through work ferent topics of law, delivered by a number of Lin­ Prerequisite: CD I 02 on student newspaper or yearbook as staff writers or coln County Judges and attorneys. Topics covered Instructor: M. Kashmar CRN 12272 editors under the supervision of the instructor. (May in the course include juvenile law and probation, Mondays- 5~30- 8:00pm RHSC209 be repeated for a maximum of 4 hours). Prerequl· jury service, personal injury, domestic violence, site or Corequlslte: COMM 203 or consent of In· bankruptcy, criminal law, pleadings and the NM and CHEMISTRY (CHEM) structor. federal Court systems, and others. A Law Sc:bool CHEM 121U/121LU- Survey of General Instructor: K. Green CRN 12313 Diploma is Issued at the end of tbe course lor Chemistry and Lab Weekdays - ARR The Ruidoso News partfc:lpaUon In the program. This course is avaU· Four credit hours. A one-semester course in basic able for credit if the studtnt attends aU eight ses· principles of general chemistry. and its application. COMPUTER INFORMATION sions. 8130 to 10117 CRN 12326 It is desirable that students have a basic knowledge SYSTEMS (CIS) Instructor: Lincoln County B~ Association of algebm or be concurrently enrolled in at least CIS lSlU- Basic Computer Skills Thursdays .. 6:30 - 8~30 pm RIIS C203 MATH IOIU. Corequlslte: CHEM 121LU Three credit hours. Microcomputer operations; ter· Instructor: C. Bums CRN 12311 & 12312 minology, concepts and applications to include EDUCATION FOUNDATIONS Wednesdays - 5:30 - 9:45 pm RHS S202 spreadsheets. database and word processing. (EDF) Instructor: S. Weaver EDF 222 • Structured Observations COMMUNICATIONS (COMM) Web Course (on-line) CRN 12336 of Teaching COMM lOlU ·Interpersonal OR Three credit hours. Introduction to the study and Communications Thursdays -I :00 - 3:30 pm @ CoUege Lab practice of teaching. For students interested in pur­ Three credit hours. Development of communication Instructor: C. Smith CRN 12320 suing a career in education. Includes early field ex­ skills necessary for effective interaction with per­ OR perience in precollegiate teaching. Required for sons on an interpersonal level and in small groups; Thursdays - 6:00 - 8:30 pm @ Capitan Schools advancement In Teacher Education. theoretical dimensions of interpersonal communica­ bwbudnr:R.Hemp~ CRN"12321 Instructor: M. Kashmar CRN IZ330 tion; opportunities for pmcticaJ application. Thursdays - 6:30 - 9:00 pm · RHS C206 Instructor: F. Knight CRN 12327 CIS 241 -Internet Technology Thursdays - 7:00 - 9:30 pm RHS C208 Three credit hours. Basic fundamentals of Internet EDF 268 • Workshop: Advanced K-6 related technologies and their impact. Effective de­ Reading Improvement Strategies COMM 102U • PubUc Speaking sign of World Wide Web page~ using current WWW Three credit hours. This course is primarily de­ Three credit hours. Training in the composition of publishing language. Prerequisite: CIS 185 or CIS signed for all teachers and instructional assistants in infonnative and persuasive discourse with emphasis 151. Student must have access to a computer with grades K-6 of the Ruidoso Schools, although all ed­ on the use of evidence, reasoning, delivery skills MS Word or Works, and the internet. ucators in grades K-12 will benefit from the infor­ and audience analysis. Instructor: R. Obenhaus No lab fee.· mation and reading strategies taught in this course. Instructor: H. Tackett CRN 12273 Web Course (on-line) CRN 12338 The course begins August 14/15, ending by Mondays ~ 7:00 - 9:30 pm RHS C211 December 12 Instructor: D. Flores/J. Robinson CRN 12357 ·Wednesday/Thursday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm at the Ruidoso Convention Center H.owt&R~: In-Person: 709 Mechem, Sierra Mall Phone: 257-2120 OR 1-800-934-3668 Web Register: www.ruidoso.enmu.edu Mail: 709 Mechem, Ruidoso, NM 88345 Fax: 257-9409 . 6 '. . . HEALTH ~AND PHYSICAL ·,. Web Register for the FaD semester . EDUCATION (HPE) . if you are a. continuing student @ HPE 125U .. Stretch and Tone www.ruidoso.enmu.edu One credit hour. A physical education activity class EMERGENCY MEDICAL teaching the Pilates method of physical and mental SERVICES (EMS) conditioning using a balanced combination of EMS l06U .. First Responder Refresher ENG 101U • Developmental Writing strengthening and stretching exercises. One credit hour. Reviews and 'updates the knowl­ Three credit hours. A transitional course between · Inst~J~ctor: C. Mcintosh Lab ·Fee: $79 edge base ·and skills of the currently certified First ENG 100 and ENG 102. Examines the writing Mondays and' Wednesdays • 4:00·- 5:00 pm Responder. Repeatable for credit. Prerequisite: process from simple paragraphs to the essay by ex­ Ruidoso Athletic Club CRN 12276 current First Responder card. ploring topics, creating topic sentences, organizing November 22, 23, 24 details and revising. Students will incorporate read­ HPE 259U .. Beginning Bowling NEW Instructor: C. LaCounte CRN 12381 ing skills into the writing process and will summa­ One credit hour. A fitness activity class involving Frl days • 5:00 - 9:00 pm, Sat. 9:00 am ..., 4:00 pm rize, critique and evaluate essays as a means for instruction in bowling, including fundamental tech- Sundays • 9:00 am .... 4:00 pm College Office revising their own work. Tills course does not niques and scoring. ' count towards AA degree requirements. Prereq­ Instructor: J. Kannady Lab Fee: $35 EMS 175U/17SLU/176U- uisite: ·English portion of the University Skills Wednesdays- 4:30- 6:30pm EMT- IntermediateJLab/Practicum Placement Thst. Ruidoso Bowling Center ·. CRN 12315 Eight credit hours .. Provides an introductory survey Instructor: J. Driscoll-Gillespie CRN t2294 of emergency medical~ -- services with emphasis on in- Tuesdays .. 6:00 - 8:30 pm RHSC201 HPE 293U • Topics: Introduction to termediate care, aid and transportation of the sick Skiing and injured. Local medical facilities will be used to ENG 102U - English Composition One credit hour. A fitness activity class involving an provide field and hospital EMS experience for the Three credit hours. Grammar relative to the sen· introduction to skiing, conducted by the Ski School . application of knowledge and the practice of skills tence and paragraph; literary models and writing at Ski Apache. Lab fee includes 3 days equipment, learned in EMS 111. Ride along" time is required. narrative, persuasive, and expository papers. Pre· lessons, and life tickets. Class meets at Ski Apache Partial scholarships are available for students who requisite: English portion of the University Skills Ski School Office on December 3, 4, S. later plan to work for the Lincoln County EMS sys .. Placement Test. Instructor: M. Davenport Lab Fee: $126 tem. Corequlslte: EMS llVlllL. Begins August Instructor: M. Powell CRN 12295 MTW - 8:30 am - 4:30 pm 25. CRN 12352, CRN 12353 and CRN 12354 Tuesdays • 6:30 - 9:00 pm RHSC208 Ski Apache CRN 12370 Instructor: C. LaCounte Sundays • 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm and ENG 104U • Composition and Research Mondays • 6:00 -- 10:00 pm CoUege Office Three credit hours. A continuation of ENG I02 with emphasis on the research paper. EMS 121U- EMT- B Refresher , Prerequisite: ENG 102 One credit hour. Reviews and updates the knowl­ Instructor: M. Powell CRN 12314 edge base and skills of the currently certified EMT­ Wednesdays- 6:30- 9~00 pm College Office Basic. Repeatable for credit. Prerequisite: current EMT·B license and current CPR card. ENG 201U ·'fYpes of Literature: November 22, 23, 24 the Short Story I. Instructor: C. LaCounte CRN IZ356 Three credit hours. An introduction to the literary Fridays • 5:00 - 9:00 pm, Sa 9:00 am .... 5:00 pm genre of the short story. Designed primarily for non­ Sundays • 10:00 am - 4:00 P..m CoUege Office majors. Prerequisite: Copletlon of ENG 102 HISTORY '(HIST) strongly recommended. . c IDST 101U • Suney of American EMS 18SU • EMT- I Refresher Instructor: J. Wellman 16 weeks History to 1877 One credit hour. Reviews and updates the knowl­ Web Course (on-line) CRN12340 Three credit hours. Development of American prin­ edge base and skills of the currently certified EMT­ ciples and ideals from the colonial era through the Intennediate. Repeatable for credit. Prerequisite: early national period; issues in sectional divergence, current EMT·IIitense and current CPR card. the Civil War and Reconstruction. December 6, 7, 8 Instructor: C. Orozco CRN 12306 Instructor: C. LaCounte CRN 12355 Wednesdays - 1:00 - 3:30 pm College Offtce Fridays - 5:00 - 9:00 pm, Sat. 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Sundays - 9:00 am - 4:00 pm College Office IDST 122U ·Survey of Western Civilization II .ENGLISH (ENG) Three credit hours. The Protestant Refonnation and ENG 100 .. Basic English Skills the birth of the modem world; rise of Absolutism, Three credit hours. Developmental course designed reactions to th~ rise in war and revolution; western to improve. writing skills by focus~ng on the funda­ technology, social and intellectual history; political mentals of sentence structure, correct usage, gram­ trends to the present. mar, punctuation, and paragraph construction. This Instructor: C. Orozco CRN 12296 course does not count towards AA degree re· Tuesdays - 6:30 - 9:00 pm RHSC203 quirements. Prerequisite: English portion of the University Skills Placement Test. How t&'R~er: HIST 203U • New Mexico Instructor: J. Driscoll - Gillespie CRN 12292 Walk In: 709 Mechem, Sierra Mall Three credit hours. New Mexico's Indian, Spanish, l Wednesdays .. 6:00 - 8:30 pm RHS CZOl Phone: 257-2120 OR 1-800~934-3668 Mexican and American epochs; internal develop­ OR . Mail: 709 Mechem, Ruidoso, NM ments and problems at" the state; New Mexico's Instructor: R. Robbins· CRN 12293 88345 place in the United States. Tuesdays .. 5:30- 8:00pm at Mescalero· Instructor: C. Orozco CRN 12275 .Fax: 257--9409 Mondays - 6:30 - 9:00 pm RHS C201 Web Registration: . I www. ruidoso.enmu.edu

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HIST 293U - Topics: History of Lincoln County Web Register for the Fall semester Three credit hours. Course examines major events if you are a continuing student @ and key biographical figures in the Lincoln .County ·Www.ruidoso.enmu.edu area. Begins with indigenous people and settlements to the post-1945 period. Instructor: C. Orozco CRN 12322 MAT·H llOU - College Algebra Thursdays - 9:00 - 11 :30 am College Office Three credit hours. Equations and inequalities, func .. tions, and their graphs; exponential and logarithmic HUf~ANITIES (HUM) functions; complex numbers; roots of polynomials; HUM 221U- Introduction to Modern matrices and determinants; mathematical induction; World Humanities and the binomial theorem. Prerequisite: Math 107 Three credit hours. Classical world traditions; Afri­ or two years of High School algebra. · MARKETING (MKT) can, Asian, European, and native American, includ­ Instructor: R. Fleischmann CRN 12318 MKT 201 - Principles of Marketing ing their philosophies arts, literature, and history in Wednesdays • 7:00- 9:30 pm RHS C202 Three credit hours. Functions, organizations and selected representative works. methods involved in marketing agricultural and Instructor: C. Orozco CRN 12331 MATH 261U- Mathematical Concepts I manufactured products; marketing problems, poli­ Thursdays- 6:30 .... 9:00pm RHSC209 Three credit hours. The fundamental operations and cies and trends. 300 level credit may be earned by .passing score on MKT 301 test. ENM~·Portales an intuitive development of whole numbers, inte­ . ' MATHEMATICS (MATH) gers and rational numbers; elementary number the­ accepts this course for MKT 301. MATH lOOU ·Basic Mathematics Skills ory and an introduction to problem solving strate­ Instructor: T. Jeffers CRN 12299 Four credit hours. Developmental course designed gies. Prerequisite: MATH 107 or equivalent, and Tuesdays - 6:30 - 9:00 pm RHSC206 for students who need a comprehensive review of satisfactory score on University placement test. arithmetic, including the study of whole numbers, Instructor: R. Fleischmann CRN 12332 MUSIC (MUS) fractions, decimals, ratio Wld proportions, basic per­ Thursdays .. 7:00-9:30 pm RHS CZ02 MUS 113 - Music Appreciation cent, basic measurement, powers, signed numbers, Three credit hours. For non-musjc majors. Attempts and simple equations. Prerequisite: Matb portion MATH 124U - Calculus I to answer the questiQn: "What is Music7" by ac­ of the University SkiDs Placement Test. Course four credit hours. Limits, derivatives, application of quainting students with knowledge and appreciation does not count towards A.A. degree require· derivatives, introduction to integral calculus and of music from several cultures and times. Includes ments. Includes lab. conic sections. Prerequisites: MATH 110 and contact with music through discussion. guest artists Instructor: J. Hemphill CRN 12317 blgh school equlvaJenL and recorded music. No previous music training is Mondays - 5:00 - 8:45 pm at Mescalero Instructor: R. Fleischmann . CRN 12277 required. OR Mondays - 6:00 - 9:30 pm RHSC20Z Instructor: D. Flores CRN 12298 Instructor: D. Billingsley CRNI2316 Tuesdays - 6:30 - 9:00 pm RHSC209 Wednesdays - 6:00 ... 9:30 pm RHS C203 MEDICAL ASSISTING (MDST) MDSTIPBE 102U - MUS 126U - Ruidoso Community Choir MATH IOIU -Basic Algebra Medical Thrminology One credit hour. Sing all Broadway Show Thnes · this Fall! This is a performance class with emphasis Four credit hours. Brief review of fractions, deci­ Three credit hours. The study of the pronunciation, on music notation. breathing, and three/four part mals and percents. Operations in algeb~ first­ spelling, and definition of medical terms; building singing. The class will also include large group and degree equations and inequalities, rational expres­ medical tenns from prefixes, suffixes, word roots sectional singing. Class requirement will include a sions. exponents, polynomials, factoring. Credit and combining forms and use of appropriate abbre­ final performance 'OD November 24 at the Spencer not appUcable toward degree requirements. Pre­ viations and symbols. Theater in Alto. (May be repeated for credit). requisite: Math portion of the University Sk1lls Instructor. M. Aproda, RN 16 weeks Instructor: D. Flores CRN 12278 Placement Test. Webcourse (on-Une) CRN12341 Mondays -7:15,- 8:30pm 1st Christian Cburcb Instructor: R. Fleischmann CRN 12286 NEW Tuesdays- 12:15- 3:45pm CoUegeomce MDST 103U/103LU - Anatomy and OR MUS 134U - Ruidoso Chamber Chorale Physiology for Medical Support Pro­ One credit hour. Small group perfonnance class Instructor: J. Hemphill CRN 12287 grams Wednesdays - 6:00 - 9:00 pro RHSC209 with emphasis on knowledge and practical expefi .. Three credit hours. An introduction to the body sys­ ence in vocal production. Fundamentals of sound tems and concepts of human physiology. and expressive singing will be studied. May be MATH 107U ·Intermediate Algebra Instructor: M. Aproda l(j weeks Three credit .... repeated for credit. Various performances. Audidon hours. Linear equations, inequalities, Web Course (on-Hoe) CRN 12342 systems of equations, polynomials and factoring, required. Call 258-4349 for appointment. Limit quadratic equations, rational expressions, graphing. of 24 students. 1st Christian Church Prerequisite: One year of mgh School Algebra Instructor: D. Flores CRN 12179 Instructor: R. Fleischmann CRN 12297 Mondays .. 6:00- 7:05pm Tuesdays- 7:00- 9:30pm RHS Cl02 MUS l68U - College Bell Choir One credit hour. Small group band bell performance class providing an opportunity to utilize bell ringing skills in a group setting with a public performance flow to-'R~er: as its final goal. includes basic music reading and Walk In: 709 Mechem, Sierra Mall development of basic ringing technique, style and Phone: 257-2120 OR 1-800-934-3668 music expression. May be repeated for credit. Must Mail: 709 Mechem, Ruidoso, NM be abl~ to read music. Handbell experience pre- · 88345 ferred but not required. Audition required. Max· imDDl .of 13 students. Students must provide Fax: 257-9409 practice gloves. 1st Christian Church . Web Registration: Instructor: S. Vinsant CRN .12333 www.ruidoso.enmu.edu Thursdays - 7:00 - 9:00 pm · 8 ' ' . ·-.... - -··-·- -. ·-...... -·- -.~·-7'-·-~. --- - . .,....

'. . . i. • .. '~il- ...... , ..... ,,...,., .... ,, ...... ,... ojr •. o I. ·~·'' ...... , . PHYSICS (PHYS) UNIVERSITY STUDIES (UNIV) Web Register for the Fall semester PHYS ll~U/113L~ • Suney of Physics UNIV lOlU- Intro to Univer-Sity Studies Four credit hours. Important concepts in physics and if you are a continuing student @ Three credit hours. Aiding academic and social tran­ sition to the University, this required interdiscipli- tbeis: application to the everyday .world. A course · www.ruidoso.enmu.edu . . designed for nonscientists with an emphasis. on con­ nary course focuses on study skills, critical thinking, ceptual understanding. A. two hour laboratory Career exploration, research, and writing; social designed to give a hands-on exploration of the basic issues for new studentsi library usage, and commu­ SOC 215 - Marriage and the Family nity building. · concepts of physics introduced in the accompanying Three credi~ hours. Social aspects of family living Instructor: D. Hamilton CRN 12301 class. Co'ncurrent enroUment: PHYS 113LU. with an emphasis on .mate selection, courtship, Tuesdays- 5:00-7:30 pm College Instructor: D. Cravens CRN 12334 and 12335 engagement, marriage, and parenting in a changing OR Thursdays- 5:30-9:45 pm RHS 8202 society. Prerequisite: basic computer literacy. Ac­ Instructor: C. LaCounte · CRN 12302 cess to the Internet at home is preferred. Web Course (on .. line) 16 weeks PSYCHOLOGY (PSY) Instructor: M. Gudgel . 9 weeks Competency .. based Version PSY IOIU ·Introductory Psychology Web Course (~n-llne) CRN 12344 Three credit hours. Psychology as the science of behavior. Physiological bases of behavior, sensa- S~ANISH (SPAN) tion, perception, learning, emotion, and motivation. . SPAN 101 • Begi,nning Spanish . Instructor: M. Gudgel • CRN 12280 Four credit hours. Development of speaking, read- . Mondays- 5:30- 8:00pm RHS S201 ing, and writing skills, and introduction to linguis­ tic structures in a cultural context. CRN 12281 PSY 200U • Human Growth and Instructor: R. Rico - Fernandez College Office Development Mo~days and Wednesdays - 3:45 - 5:30 pm Three credit hours. A life-span view of the develop­ ment of the individual from conception to death. SPAN 102U • Beginning Spanish as a Prerequisite: PSY 101 Second Language Instructor: L. Winter 9 weeks Four credit hours. A continuation of SPAN 10 I. Web Course (on-line) CRN 12343 Prerequisite: SPAN 101 College Office UNIV 102U • Success Skills for Instructor: R. Rico -Fernandez CRN 12282 Health Careers PSY 201 U - Child Psychology Mondays - 6:00 - 9:30 pm RHS C208 • 1\vo credit hours. Designed to enhance health occu- Three credit hours. Psychological, physiological pations student's success in college by assisting and social development of childhood. SPAN 202U • Intermediate Spanish them in obtaining skills to reach their educational Instructor: L. Winter · CRN 12305 Three credit hours. A continuation of SPAN 20 I . objectives. Topics in the course include assuming Wednesdays- 9:00-11:30 am College Office · Prerequisite: SPAN 101 . . CRN responsibilities, career and life planning, decision Instructor: R. Rico -Fernandez 12319 RHS making, critical thinking skills, time planning, test· READING (RED) Wednesdays - 6:00 - 9:30 pm c208 · taking, communication skills, study techniques. Ji. RED 101U ·College Reading Skills NEW brary use, and personal issues that many college stu­ Three credit houJl. Presents guided practice to help SPAN 20SU • Intermediate Spanish: dents face. students identify and assess ~he different types of Instructor: D. Hamilton CRN 12303 Native Speaker reading skills required in college courses. Students Thursdays- 6:00- 7:30PM RHSC201 will learn a variety of reading/study strategies to Three credit hours. Continuation of SPAN I05, for apply to ~ollege-level tex.tbooks, increase reading spanish speakers of the southwest. Intensive work to WELDING (WELD} rate, improve comprehension skills and expand develop the skills of conversation, reading. and WELD 221U Ad ed A cJPi 1 vocabulary. Credit not applicable toward degree writing, concentrating on the relationships between • vane r pe local tlialects and World Spanish. Prerequisite: Four credit hours. Pipe welding theory. terminology, requirements. Prerequisite: Reading portion of SPAN 105 and knowledge of computer use, the ,and procedures will be studied. Students will ,weld the University Skills Placement Test. internet and email. carbon steel pipe according to API and AWS codes Instructor: J. Holleman CRN 12337 Instructor: v. Contreras weeks with certification under the AWS code. system. The Thursdays - 5:30-- 8:00pm College Office 16 Web course (on-line) CRN 12345 welding of stainless steel (food service) tubing will be emphasized. GTA/MIG and the flux core pro- SOCIOLOGY (SOC) cessl$ will also be used to weld pipe. Welding skill SOC 101 ·Introductory Sociology will be developed through the use of practice weld­ Three credit hours. General overview of the field ing along with shop projects. Lab Fee: $25 including basic concepts, perspectives and ap- Instructor: M. Gaines CRN 12304 proaches. Tuesdays - 6:00 - l 0:00 pm RHS Voc Bldg. Instructor: M. Gudgel CRN 12300 Thesdays- 5:30-8:00 pm RHS S201 Rernit~der RUIDOSO SCHOOLS TOBACCO USE POLICY It is the policy of the Ruidoso Board of Educa­ tlow t& 'R~er-: tion that there is to be no tobacco in any form Walk In: 709 Mechem, Sierra Mall used on sc~ool property, including both build­ Phone: 257-2120 011.1-800-934-3668. ings and grounds. This policy includes college Mail: 709 Mechem, Ruidoso, NM students in evening and weekend classes. 88345 Please respect this policy by not using Fax: 257-9409 tobacco products inside facilities or on school grounds. · . ~ Web Registration: www. ruidoso.enmu. edu Thank you for your cooperation! '·' 9 I.

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Fall 2002 Class Schedule ' The Ruidoso Instruction Center of ENMU Wednesday- Thursday ·Online : . CIS 15lU. (3) NEW Basic Compurer Skills · Web Course/Comp based · : S. Weaver CRN 11336 .·. · CIS 241U * (3) ~-:~·-1 lntro to Web Development Web Course 8126 • 12/12

ART 253 U * (3) Digital Imaging M 6:00 - 8:30pm L. Flynn CRN 12165 ACCT 200U (3) ART 231U 0) ART J06U (3) ENG 201U *(3) Basic Bookkeeping Begin Ceramics I Design I Lit: The Short Story M 6:00- 8:30pm ·· W 5:00 - 8:00 pm Th 5:00 - 8:00 pm Web Course 8126 • 12112 T. Anderson CRN 12266 Ka:'l'l*•IU ~·~~-fi.l S. Weir~Ancker CRN 12308 S. Weir-Ancker CRN 12324 J. Wellman CRN 12340 BIOL 152U/152LU (4) ART IOIU (3) BEAS 284U/284LU *(4) ART 221U * (3) MOST 102"' (3) Geneml Biology II Begin Drawing I MOUS MS Access Beginning Painting Medical Tenninology M 5:30 - 9:45 pm T 6:00 - 8:30 pm W6:00 - 9:30pm CRN 12309 Th 6:00 ... 8:30 pm Web Course 8126 • 12112 C. Burns CRNl22.67 L. Flynn CRN 12288 B. Hemphill & CRN 12310 J. Pekelsmo CRN 12325 M. Aprqda CRN 1%341 BEAS 263U/263LU * (4) BIOL211U/211LU (4) CHEM 121U/121LU (4) CJ 268U(I) 8/29- 10/17 MOST 103U. (3) NEW MOUS MS Word Human Anatomy Survey of Gen. Chern. Wkshp: People's Law II Anatomy/Physiology M 6:00-9:JO CRNI2269 T 5:30 -9:45pm W 5:30 .... 9:45 pm Th 6:30 ... 8:30pm Web Course 8126 ·12112 B. Hemphill and 12270 Langley CRN 12289/290 C.Bums CRN 12311 &11312 Bar AssociationCRN 12326 M. Aproda CRNI2342 BUS 151U (3) CS 123U • (3) COMM 215U * (2) COMM IOIU (3) lntro to Business Programming Fund.in C++ Newspaper Practicum Interpersonal Comm. Human M 6:00 - 8:30 pm T 6:30 - 9:00 pm ARR Th 7:00 - 9:30 pm · Growth/Development N. Ludwick CRN 12271 C. Smith CRN 12291 K. Green CRN 12313 F. Knight CRN 12327 Web Course 8126 ·10117 CD IOJU (3) ENG IOIU • (3) ENG IOOU • (3) COMM 203UI203LU • (3) L. Winrer CRN 12343 The School· Aged Child Developmental Writing Basic English SkHJs News Writing ...------. M 5:30 - 8:00pm T 6:00- 8:30pm CRN W 6:00- 8:30pm CRN Th 7:00 - 9:30pm SOC 21SU 111 (3) M. Kashmar CRN 12272 J. Driscoii~Gillespie 12294 J. Driscoll-Gillespie 12292 K.· Green CRNIZ328/12329 Marriage & the Family Web Course 8126 ·10117 COMM 102U (3) ENG 102U • (3) ENG 104U • (3) EDP 222U * (3) M. Gudgel CRN 12344 Public Speaking English Composition Composition & Research Structured Observarion M 7:00- 9:30 pm T 6:30 - 9:00pm W 6:30- 9:00pm Th 6:30- 9~ pm H. Tacketr CRN 12273 M. Powell CRN 12295 M. Powell CRN 12314 M. Kashmar CRN 12330 SPAN 205U • (3) NEW lntenned. Spanish: DS IOIU (3) HIST 122U (3) HPE 259U (I) HUM 221U (3) Narive Speakers American Sign Lang. I Survey of Western Civ. II Beginning Bowling lntro to World Humanities Web Course 8126 • 1211% M 5:30 - 8:00 pm T 6:30 - 9:00 pm W 4:30 - 6:30 pm Th 6:30 - 9:00 pm V. Contreras CRN 12345 S. Lindeman CRN 12274 C. Orozco CRN 12296 J. Kannady CRN lZJIS C. Oroz.co CRN 1233 ffiST 203U (3) MATH 107U • (3) MATH IOOU • (4) MATH 261U • (3) UNIV IOIU * (3) NEW New Mexico History Intennediate Algebra Basic Math Skills Math Concepts I lntro University Studies M 6:30- 9:00pm T 7:00- 9:30pm W 6:00- 9:30pm Th 7:00- 9:30pm Web Course 8126 ·12112 C. Orozco CRN 12275 R.Fleischmann CRN 12297 D.Billingsley CRN 12316 R.Fleischmann CRN12332 C. LaCounte CRN·1~ HPE 125U(I) MUS 113U(3) MATH IOJU•(4) MUS 168U*(l) Stretch and Tone Music Appreciation Basic Algebra College Bell Choir MW 4:00-5:00 pm 6:30-9:00 pm W 6:00-9:30 pm Th 7:00-9:00 pm C. Mcintosh CRN 12276 D. Flores CRN 12298 J. Hemphill CRN 11287 S. Vinsant CRN 12333 MATH 124U * (4) MKT 201U (3) MATH 110U * (3) PHYS l13U/113LU (4) Calculus I Principles of M111keting College Algebra Survey of Physics M 6:00 - 9:30 pm T 6:30 - 9:00 pm W 7:00 - 9:30 pm Th 5:30 - 9:30pm CRN R.Fleischmann CRN1ll77 T. Jeffers CRN 12299 R. Fleischmann CRN1Z318 D. Cravens 12334/12335 - MUS 126U (1) SOC lOlU (3) SPAN 202U • (3) RED IOIU • (3) Community Choir Intro to Sociology Intennediate Spanish ll College Reading Skills M 7:15- 8:30pm T 5:30- 8:00pm W 6:00- 8:30pm Th 5:30- 8:00 pm D. Flores CRNI2278 M. Gudgel CRN 12300 Rico -Fernandez CRN12319 J. Holleman CRN 12337 Classes MUS 134U • (1) UNIV lOIU (3) UNIVI02U (2) Start Chamber Chorale lntto University Studies * =Check ·the Success Skills- Health M 6:00- 7:10pm T 5:00- 7:30pm Prerequisite Th 6:00 -7:30pm -Monday, D. Flores CRN12279 D. Hamilton CRN 12301 D. HamiJton CRN 12303 Au~t26!! PSYIOIU (3) WELD 221U * (4) Bookstore Intro to Psychology Advanced Arc/Pipe I A Daytime O M 5:30- S:OO pm T 6:00- 10:00 pm e Classes pens M. Gudgel CRN 12280 M. Gaines CRN 11304 . August 12!

:~~i~n!~~~~~ish 1 ' Building Trades Program MW 3:45 _5:30pm lET 293U * (1) Topics: lET 293U * (3) Topics: lET 293U * (3) Topics: lET 293U * (3) Topics:. R-Femandez CRN 122111 Construction Math Framing the Srrucrure Structuml Foundations Construction Basics · · ....____ _,.. _ _,.. August 19 ~ 30 August 19 to December 20 August 19 to December 20 August 19 to December 20 SPAN 102U • (4) MTWThF 8:00 am- Noon MTWThF S:OO,am ~Noon MTWThF 8:00am .... Noon MTWThF 8:00am- Noon Beginning Spanish II J. Hemphill CRN 12346 J. Kluthe CRN 12349 J. Kluthe CRN 12348 J. Kluthe CRN 12347. M 6:00-9:30 pm R-FefR&ndez ClUN1Zl8l Building Trades Students Must Enroll for aU 4 ·courses 1~0 ,_,

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,, . the Eastern Ad-vantaae ... affordable, quality, tranferable clasSes in conveniellt locations and times, · with S13aeious parking ... To Fit YOUR lifestyle! .. •

Scholarships and Financial Aid Available!· Other Lincoln/Otero .. For more information, or County Sites to register, call (505) 257-21.20 Mondavs Tuesdavs • • OR MATH IOOU * (4) at ENG JOOU 111 (3) at Mesculero Mescalero Basic English Skills call toll free 1-800-934 -3668 Basic Math Skills T 5:30 ... R:OO pm M 6:00 - 9:30 pm R. Robbin~ CRN 12293 FAX (505) 257-.9409 J. Hc~phill CRN 12317 MondaY, to Wedne.r•day_ OR Tl1ursdaV_sa: HPE 293U (I} at Alto CIS 151U (3} at Cnpllun Topics: lntro to Skiing www.ruidoso.enmu.edu Basic Computer Skills MTuW 8:30 am .. 4:30 pm Th 6:00 - 8:30 pm 12/2.3.4 Ski Apache B. Hemphill CRN 12321 M. Davenport CRN 12370 JD1!37r:ANrC?E JLJEAJ!JNJ/lv!G Saturdavs Over 65 Upper ~ivision and (I raduate Courses. ~ Several BA and Master's Degrees Now Avnilnble BIOL 110/LU (4) ut Smokey Bcnr Ranger Station (Ruidoso) in Ruidoso by Real Time, Interactive Wildlife Biology ,. Television und the Internet! Sa H:JO :.m - 12:30 pm .. , d .. : Library and Financial Aid Services Avniluble ' . ' L. Cnrdovu CRN 12350/12351 '" "(, ; . ,. .... • f .. r. > ~,' ·"j • t,.··. "' .4 ,. · Medical Courses Why Travel?!

1 EMS 106ll :' 1 I ) EMS 121l' "' ( ll First ~Responder Refresher EMT-B l{c:frc,hcr fri 5:00 - 9:00 pm Frl 5:00 - lJ:(~) pm Sa 9:00 mn'- 4:00 prn Su 9:00 um - 5:00pm Su 9:00am - 4:00 pm Su I0:00am .. J:OO pm Educator Novt•ntbcr 15, \6, 18 October 4, 5~ 6 C. LuCountc at Sierra Ulanca C. LaCountc ut ENMU Professional· Development ' Aif'port CRN 12381 CRN 1235la Associate Degrees for Courses A() EMS 175 U/17SLU/t76~U * EMS I H5U * (I) Teacher Assistants EMS·lntcnncdiate I (6) CRN 12352 EMT-1 Refresher Now Available! Call u~, \ lntcrmed. Lab (I) CRN 12353 , Fri 5:00 - 9:00 pm 257-2120 for more · lntcrmed. Pmcticum ( I) CRN Su 9:00 am ... 5:00 pm information. ~~--~~it~,-,{ ) 12354 Su I 0:00 am - 4:00 pm Su 5:00- 9:00pm October 18 ,19, 20 EDF 268U (3} Wkshp: M 6:00 - 10:00 pm C. LaCounte at ENMU Advanced K-6 Reading Im­ Starts August 25 to December tO CRN 12355 provement Strategies 3 Staturdays 9/21t 11/2, 11/30 days Starts 8114 & 15 to 12/5 D. Flores CRN 12357 C. LaCounte at ENMU '

List Each Course Below Ruidoso Center Sample Registration

Department Course CRN Credit Times Appreviation Number Number Hours CIS 151 12658 3 T ~5:30- 8:00PM I HUM -221 12669 3 Th 6:30- 9:00PM . r .


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·------~------~----~-~------~------~------~---~~------I -~~~--~-~------~------~----M·---~------~------~.. . . I I I I I The University Cent~r ai Ruidoso Upper Division and Graduate Course Listings I I I I I ' I I I I I College of the Air * Internet Courses for Fall 2002 I I •I I I I I Continuous registration including academic advisement for lTV classes at the Ruidoso Center is available for the Fall session. If you need to discuss financial aid to I I assist you In attending classes, call1·800·367-3668 and ask for Penny Kinley In the Financial Aid office. Web Registration Is now available for continuing I I students @www.enmu.edu "Web Registration." Call (505) 257·2120 or toll free 1·800·934-3668 for more Information. I I I Coll~ge of the Air I : _c__ o_urs.._...e CAN# Sec# Days Time ~ Course Title lnstructo[ I ACCT JOOP 10933 ITU MW I 2:00- 3:15pm 3 Accounting lnfonnution Systems R. Blevins ,. : ACCT 302P 10939 ITU MWF 8:00- 8:50am 3 lntennediate Accounting II (may require Saturday meetings) D. Morris t I : ACCT 371P 10945 ITU MWF 0:50 t • I0:00 - I am 3 Income Tax Accounting; Individual (may requires Saturday classes) D. Morris I : AC'CT 551P 12006 ITU Tfh 10117/02-12112102 t 7:00 - 9:00pm 3 Managerial Accounting (may requires Saturday classes) " R. Blevins I : BLED201P I I 249 ITU T I 4:00- 6:30pm 3 lntro to Bilingual Education (Meets 3 Saturdays) J. Emslie I : BUS 315P 12011 ITU MWF 9:00- 9:5p pm 3 Business Law I (may require Saturday classes) R. Sprague I : BUS 381 P 10971 ITU Tfh I II :00 am - 12: 15 pm 3 Business Research and Analysis (may require Saturday classes) Stansel : BUS 453P 10977 ITU 1Th 4:00- 5:15pm 3 Business Strategy and Policy (may require Saturday classes) J; Hun:aphrcys : BUSSIHP 12040 I TU ITh 8n6102 ·I 0/17/02 7:00. 9:00pm 3 Manageriat Research Methods( may require Saturday classes) Staff : CDIS 400P 11924 ITU F 4:00. 6:30pm 3 Speech Science · L. Weems : CDIS 424P 11982 ITU W 4:00- 6:30pm 3 Language Assessment C. Bird : CDIS SOOP 11987 ITU F 4:00 - 6:30 pm 3 Research Methods in Comm Disorders Staff : CDIS 527P 12057 ITU M I 4:00 - 6:30 pm 3 Cranio facial Anomalies L. Weems : Cl 540P 12070 ITU Th 7:00- 9:30pm 3 Instructional Leadership J. Bverhan : ECON 322P 11024 ITU MWF I I :00 • II :50 om 3 lntennediate Microeconomic Theory (Saturday classes) Stansel : EC'ON J38P li076 ITU ITh 12:30- I :45 pm 3 Labor Problems Staff : EDAD 582P 10519 ITU Sa 8:00am-4:00pm 3 School Administration (meets 9n/02to 10/19/01) J. Holloway : EDt-: 47HP 10619 ITU W 7:00 • 9:30pm 3 Teaching Multicultural Heritage of Southwest (meets 2 Saturdays) C. Quintana : EDF 578P 10637 ITU W 7:00- 9:30pm 3 Teaching Multicultural Heritage of Southwest C. Quintana : ENG 325P 10688 ITU MWF I I :00 • I :50 pm 3 Professional and Technical Writing M. Donaghe : ENG 426P 11988 ITU T 7:00 ·9:30pm 3 Am. Authors/Genres/Themes Nat. American Authors N. Bjomsson : ENG 4JOP 11167 ITU Th 7:00 · 9: 30 pm 3 British Authors/Genresffhemes: Gothic Litetaturc A. Oldknow : ENG 502P 12125 ITU M 7:00 - 9:30 pm 3 Bibliography and Methods ' J. Spotswood : ENG 526P 12114 ITU T 7:00 ·9:30pm 3 . American Authors/Genresfl'hemes N. Bjomsson : ENG 5JOP 10728 ITU Th 7:00 ·9:30pm 3 British Authors/Fonnsffhemes A. Oldknow : FIN 311 P 12081 ITU MW I 7:00 · 8:15 pm 3 Corporation Finance B. Brunsen : HIST 321P 11913 ITU MWF 9:00 ·9:50am 3 Greece and Rome i1J the Ancient World Balch-Lindsay : HIST 372P 11944 ITU MWF I0:00 - l 0:50 am 3 The American Military Experience D. Elder : HIST 402P 11929 ITU Tfh 9:30 · I0:45 am 3 Modem Russia 181 S to Present Balch· Lindsay : HIST 405P 11899 lTU Tn1 2:00 · 3: 15 prn 3 The Middle East G. Gies : HIST 409P 10427 ITU W 7:00 ;. 9:30 pm 3 Teaching Social Studies • D.. Elder : MGT 310P 11045 ITU MW I 5:30 - 6:45 pm 3 Human Resources Management (may require Sat. classes) L. Weyant :MGT S36P 12088 ITU 1Th 5:30- 6:45pm 3 Labor- Management Relations (may require Saturday classes) L. Weyant : MKT JOIP 11070 ITU TTh 8:00 - 9: 15 am 3 Principles of Marketing Stockmyer : MKT 452P 12096 ITU 1Th 2:00 - 3: 15 pm 3 Integrated Markering Comm (may require Sat. 'classes) Stockmyer : NURS 305P 10152 lTU S 9:00 am - 4:00 pm 1 BSN Basics 9/28 only E. Bral : NURS315P 10530 ITU F 4:00 - 6:45 pm 4 Foundationsof Professional Nursing I. Goodrich : NURS 320P 10173 ITU. Th 4:00 - 6:45 pm 3 Pathophysiology in Nursing Staff : NURS 330P 12151 lTU F I 8:00 am - II :45 am 4 Professional Bases for Practice I. Goodrich : NURS 412P 12164 ITU F 12 Noon - J :45 pm 4 Professional Bases for Practice I. Goodrich : NURS 415P 10346 ITU T 4:00 - 6:45 pm 7 Community Health Nursing (Liability insurance needed) E.Bral : PHIL 312P 11996 2TU 1Th 12:00 - 1:45 pm 3 Philosophy of Religion Staff : PSY 402P 10290 2TU MW 2:00 - 3:15 pm 3 Abnormal Psychology V. Johnson : PSY 409P 10429 lTU W 7:00 - 9:30 pm 3 Teaching 'Social Studies :RED 570P 12063 ITU T D. Elder III I 7:00 - 9:30 pm 3 Emergent Literacy (meets 3 Saturdays) P. Whitney :RED 587P 11511 lTU Th 4:00- 6:30,pm 3 Classroom Techniques in Elem Reading (meets 3 Saturdays) J. Warner :SPAN 325P 11200 ITU MWF 12:00 • 12:50 pm 3 Peninsular Culture and Civilization :SPAN 326P 11210 ITU 1Th J. Contreras II :00 am - 12: 15 pm 3 Latin American Culture and Civilization M.Ayala :SPAN 331P 12133 ITU MWF · II :00 - II :50 am 3 Survey of Latin American Literature :SPED 300P 10830 lTU W M.Ayala 4:00- 6:30pm 3 Introduction to Special Education Staff : SPED 305P 10856 ITU 1Th 9:30 - I0:45 am 3 Students with Disabilities/Reg. Classroom :SPED 305P 10869 2TU Tih M. Shaughnessy I 2:00- 3:15 pm 3 Students with DisabilitiesJReg. Classroom M. Shaughnessy :SPED 305P 12003 3TU MW 1 11 :00 am • 12: 15 pm 3 Students with Disabilities/Reg. Classroom K. Good : SPED 305P 10876 4TU M 7:00- 9:30pm 3 Students with Disabilities/Reg. Classroom I Staff I I I I I I Graduate are I lTV Course Tuition: $9!.50 Undergraduate (per credit hour) • $106.50 (per credit hour) *Rates subject to change without notice. I I I If you are a continuing Upper Division or Graduate student I I " . I I Web Register for the Fall semester @ I I I I I www.enmu.edu ·------~------12 '"

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------~------~------~-----~------~----~-~------~----~------·. ' i. • . . . ·Classes Tal.lght.via the Internet Go to. http://www.enmu.edu (click on course and class information) for class inform·ation '.lnd syllabus. · BLED580P IWW CRN 11533 l ESL Methods .Staff BUS S81P .IWW CRN 10979 , Quantitative Foundations for Management W. Brunsen BUS 582P IWW CRN 10981 · Foundations of Management ,. D Davis . . ' . . BUS 583P ' tww. CRN 10984 •• Foundations for Accounting W. Brunsen BUS 584P IWW CRN 12201. I Statistical Foundations for Management W. Brunsen BUS 585P JWW .CRN 12202 Marketing Foundations for Management D. Davis BUS 586P IWW CRN 12203 Legal Foundations for Management R. Sprague BUS 587P lWW CRN 12204 Economic Foundations ·for Manage.ment W. Brunsen • BUS 588P · IWW CRN 12205 I Financial Foundations for Management W. Brunsen II CIS 251P IWW CRN 12107 3 Info Processing Concepts/Applications P. James-Maguire CIS 351P 2WW CRN 11011 I 3 Microcomputing for Business P. James-Maguire CIS 500P IWW CRN 11014 3 Computer lnfonnation Systems in Management E. Kinley. PSY IOIP 5WW CRN 12141 3 Introductory Psychology Staff REL l03P JWW CRN 10633 3 New Testament Survey . S. Rollinson SPAN20SU IWW CRN 12345 3 Intermediate Spanish for Native Speakers' II V. Contreras

I"te~t Course Tuition: Undergraduate per credit hour • $76.25 Graduate per credl~ hour • $85.00

~~ I I . Instruction begins on August 26, 2002. and ends by Friday, December 13,- 2002 I I I Registration for lTV Classes: Continuous Registration Daily from August 8 to August 30, 8:00 ·" 5:00 pm J I o I •I I ------·---·------~-----~------·---~------·------~----~------~------·

Teacher Education Programs @ ENMU Portales - Roswell - Ruidoso

Application to the ENMU Teacher Education Program

Eastern New Mexico University continues to increase the availability of education courses for prospective educators throughout southcentral New Mexico. ENMU is pleased to offer the Bachelor of E81ly Childhood Education~ the Bachelor of Occupational Education (BOE), and the ' Bachelor of ~pplied Arts and Sciences (BAAS) to the southcentral mountain region, in addition to other upper division education courses and programs. The Alternative Licensure program at the Elementary,and Secondary levels are also now available through ENMU-Ruidoso. The first two years of preparation for the traditional degree and licensure program may be taken at ENMU-Ruidoso and/or ENMU-Roswell.

The following requirements must be completed to enter the ENMU professional educatio~ program at the Junior level:

* completion of 40 credit hours of general academic background specified in the ENMU or NMSU - Alamogordo eatalog

enrollment in and successful completion of EDF 222 Structured Observations - Thursdays 6:30 - 9:00 pm at ENMU • Ruidoso (offered Fall and Spring at ENMU-Ruidoso or ENMU-Roswell) * earning a GPA of 2.8 or better * passage of the Basic Skills portion of the New Mexico Teachers Assessment (offered at Clovis or Las Cruces) (bulletins are available at the ENMU-Roswell, ENMU-Ruidoso or NMSU-Aiamogordo offices) * make application to and be accepted in the Teacher Education Program (TEP)

• • * make an appointment to visit with the Student Affairs advisors at the ENMU-Ruidoso Center; also make an appointment to meet with the College of Education advisor· as SQon as possible by calling the ENMU office in Ruidoso at (505) 257-2120 or toll free outside of the Ruidoso calling area at 1-800-934-3668 • '


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, I SIX EASY WAYS' TO ENROLL F()Ji' HOW TO FIND YOUR CLASS COMMUNITY YOUR COURSE! If your class location is not designated in· this · schedule, please call the Ruidoso Cen\er office EDUCATION BY PHONE on or before·the day clas~ is scheduled to obtain (the easiest way) the class location.· The Community Educati9n · . I PROGRAM You can enroll over the phone. Call the Rui­ program holds classes in a variety of Ruidoso doso Center otl1ce at (505) 257·2120. If you locations. The course instructor will me.et you at the class location. The Ruidoso Center Community Education live outside of the Ruidoso area, call 1-800· Program is designed for people who are not in­ 934-3668. Please have your course name, and a tcre:-,tcd in formal credit programs of study. The Credit Card number ready when you call. REFUND POLICY FO~ COMMUNITY . EDUCATION' COURSES program strives to fulfill that part of Ruidoso When registering by phone, you may use a We want you to be I00 percent satisfied with Center mission which is "to make inexpensive, Discover Card, MasterCard. VISA Card. Save your Community Education class. If for any high quality educational services available at time and travel! Prforltalre reason your class isn't exactly what you want~ convenient times for the residents of the Rui­ First ClassA and be doso School District and the surrounding area REGISTER BY MAIL ed, simply come by the office. we will Letter happy to assist you. you prefer, we will of Lincoln and northern Otero Counties." Pro­ (the postal way) If grams arc also designed to he of interest to vis­ Complete a noncredit registration form and refund your money under. the following condi-. ilOrs to the Ruidoso and Lincoln County. The mail it with a check or money order to: tions: l. program is oriented toward lifelong learning ENMU-Ruidoso, ATTN: Community Registration fees are refunded in full only and the fulfillment of the individual. Education, 709 Mechem Drive, Ruidoso, when: New Mexico 88345. Our mail is deJivered in -.-the clas·s ot workshop for which an enroll-. DON'T KEEP IT TO YOURSELF. the early afternoon. We will process your regis­ ment was submitted is already full; .OR SHARE YOUR KNOWLEDGE!! tration by 5 p.m. A receipt is available at our --the activity is cancelled; OR Our instructors are a diverse and talented group office to confirm your place in class and you --the Ruidoso Center rejects the enrollment of people, each with something very special to will need to show this receipt to the instructor application. share. If you would like to propose a da~s. at the first class meeting. 2. If after the first class meeting, you find the workshop, or tour for ENMUconsideration, just class isn't exactly what you wanted. 50% of the give us a call. Whether you would like to teach registration fee wi11 be refunded. It is your re- I in our prograrn or just recommend an adivity. REGISTRATION sponsibility to notify the Center Office prior we'd love Lo hear fro1n you! IN PERSON to the second class of your intention to with .. (the most personal way) draw if you want a refund. ((lURSE FEES Come by our office and get to ·know us! 3. There will be no refund for withdrawals The Ruidoso Cl"nter Conununity Education The Ruidoso Center Office is now located al after the second class meeting. If you haven•t program i~ a self-sustaining program with 709. Mechern Drive~· Ruidoso, New Mexico. withdrawn even though you are not attending cour'c fees covering all program-related ex­ You may register in person as follows: class, you still have a financial obligation to pcn~es. Fees are hascd on an estimated mini­ I. Regular office hours: M-F 8 -5 PM complete payment for that class. mum numher of students. Unlike l:rcdit pro­ 2. Special Registration: grams of study at the Ruidoso Center. the Com­ Saturday, Au~:ust 24, REQUESTS FOR REFUNDS munity Services Program does not depend on ; 8:30 am- 12 Noon. Requests for refunds must be received by the state and local taxes for support. Honored Center otl"ice during weekday office- hours b~· Americans (ages 62+) will pay half fees un­ REGISTER BY FAX fore the deadlines stated above. Requests may less otherwise specified. (the high tech way) be' presented in person at the Business Office or You may register by FAX 24 hours a day, may be mailed to 709 Mechem Drive, CLASS CHANGES AND 7 days a week! Fill out a Registrationform Ruidoso New Mexico 88345. Please allow 15 CANCELLATIONS and fax it day or night to (505) 257-9409. days for processing any refund. The Ruidoso Center reserl!es the right to cancel When FAXing your registration, you may any course with insufficient enrollment. Loca­ chose to use a MasterCard,Visa, or Discover WE'RE HERE TO ANSWER tions. dates and times of classes and instructors card. YOUR QUESTIONS are also subject to change. A class will be If you have a question about a class for which closed when it reaches maximum enrollment, t you've registered or need .additional informa­ so you are encouraged to register early. Classes tion, call us at 257-2120 or 1-800-934-3668, with insufficient enrollment will be cancelled, REGISTER BY Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., or and you will be notified by phone. To make PURCHASE ORDER/___;.:;....--__.., l~ave a message on our answering machine contacting you easier, please give day and (the businesslike way) · after hours. Our staff are trained to serve you, evening phone numbers with your registration. Organizations enrolling staff for training pur­ our customers, with the"best service possible'! Refunds will be automatically processed on poses will be invoiced if a purchase order num­ courses which the Ruidoso Center cancels. ber is quoted . • REGIS'fER EARLY· MOST CLASSES BEGIN AFTER September 3!!! Please e-mail, mail or fa~ new. Register as soon as possible to assure a space REGISTER On-Line course ideas to: in the class or classes y&u want. Mail-in, (tbe New Millenium Way) ENMU t walk-in or FAXED registrations will. also . be Go o www.rm·d o 8 o.e nm· u .edu , com plet e th e 709 Mechem Drive· accepted until the start of cI ass. Reg~strat1on . tr t' " d t · t th c 11 • a1 •t bl · th t t b • regts a ton 10rtn, an re urn 11 o e o ege Ruidoso, NM 88345 IS so now ava1 a e vaa e 1 n erne y vas- · office. FAX: (505) 257-9409 ltJng www.ruidoso.enmu.edu E-mail: [email protected] .


14 I ' ..

' . ,. .•. ,_,,.,. ~ ( ·-· "'"'"'h- .. Resume Writing & Job .Huntbig Week 3 ~ Wednesday, September 18 · · ·community Education Your resume is the single most Important d<>cument · . The Artist's Way . that you will ever prepare! In this sh~rt course, you ·· Instructor Juli,a Price, artist and writing teacher,. will .. ·Schedule~· . . w111 le~ .how to. prepare an ·effective resume and · explore ways to tap into your fill creativ~ potential review important job search skills. This course is through free-writing, drawing _and other lif~ enhanc­ not only for entry level individuals but also for those ing activities~ We will experience exercises and ' .experienced in the job market. This course covers as techniques specifically designed to help you access Career Boosters • ' .,J. . . I many sessions.as you need! · · your right brain and set your imagination free. Find Instructor: Jim Mille"r a place within yourself where it is possible to detach Alcohol Server Training Fee: $5 from all the distractions of daily life. This course 'became mandatory in 1993 and is re­ Time/Dates: By Appointment quired by the State of New Mexico fQr any person Location: . CoUege Offices Week 4 • Wednesday, September .25 selling andlor.serving alcohol beverages. The course Lotions, Potions and Teas will cover 'facts about alcohol, its affect on the body Instructor Rosemary Cascio, C.H., owner and direc­ and laws about responsible beverage service. Stu­ tor of the Herb Shop, will offer ways to relive stress dents must pass atest with a score of 80% or better and lead a more peaceful, balanced life using. na­ in order to receive certification, Valid state or feder­ tures' gifts. We will provide a concise and knowl- · Comfort Classes • al photo jdentjficatjon requjrea to test. Instructor edgeable of herbs, homeopathies, oils and Bach Lalene Grogg has taught for over 5 years, is a li~ .Flower Essences that can be used as tools for stress censed and bonded Alcohol Service Educator; and Creative Stress Breaks NEW! management. Many of the herbs immediately avail­ has trained over 750 students. Open your world to' the ex~iting possibilities of able from kitchen ·spices, house gardens and wild Instructor: Lalene Grogg enhanced creative abilities while you reduce stress plants in our area. Fee: $30. in your life at the same time. Learn to cope creative­ Time/Date: Friday 12 Noon-5:00pm ly with stress - and have fun!· Week 5 • Wednesday, October Z August 30, or September 27 Form Drawing: The Art ~ Instructor: Various Instructors or October 25 Fee: . $90 (all six classes) of the Moving Line Location: Ruidoso Chamber of Commerce Time/Dates: Wednesdays, 7:00-9:00 pm Instructor Lee Sturgeon - Day, counse_lor and writer, September 4 to October 9 calms, harmonizes and energizes our life forces, Front Page Design NEW!' Location: Sierra Dove Center for Healing, . connecting us inwardly and with the sunounding Learn the basics of how to design a webpage using 1729 Fort Stanton Road world. The simple act of drawing these lines is a Microsoft FrontPage! You will design a small web meditation in itself. 10 minutes daily can restore page and le8m how to publish your page to a server. Week 1 .. Wednesday, September 4 balance to the system and relieve stress. All doo­ It's easy and fun! Instructor Kim Smith is a local · Color Your World dlers are welcome to join in this relaxing and business owner with over 10 years ofexperience in Instructor Patsy Blasdell, artist. will explore the strengthening activity. computer training. energetics of color and personal design. Discuss the Instructor: Kim Smith color wheel and energy centers· of the human body Week 6 .. Wednesday, October 9 Fee: $65 while your investigate and interpret the reasons why The Sound of Touch and tbe TimeiD(\te: Monday, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm they make certain color choices. You will create per­ Touch of Sound September 16 sonal drawings, -called Mandalas, using shapes and Instructor Gerald Sinclair, Ph.D. is a counselor, flute .Location: CoUege Lab pigments for self-expression. player/maker. reflexologist and sound healer. Sound is a. wave pf vibrations felt at the cellular level. Once Week 2 - Wednesday, September 11 understood, we can create a support environment for Joumaling: Listening to Your health and yJell-being through the use of music, Inner Voice white sound, humming and instruments like the Instructor Bob Yehlmg, writer and editor, will show flute. Simple1 effective techniques. are designed to you how joumaling takes on many forms and defi­ reduce fatigue effects and encourage growth and re­ nitions. When we. use it as a way to listen to our laxation. Wear loose. clothes for this hands .. on inner selves, it becomes a great stress management classt tool. We'll open up contact with QUr physical, men­ tal. emotional, spiritual and dream selves through Introduction to Complimentary/ creative techniques s.uch as power words, clustering, Alternative Healing Practices dialoguing and storytelling. It will be revealing, in­ Have you been curious about some of the natural vigorating, healing - and lots of fun! healing practices? Have you ever wondered who soine of our practitioners are and what. they do? Grant Proposal Writing What are some of the benefits of these practices? Participants are introduced to the basic components How do you go about choosing the appropriate ' of grant writing and the granting process~ Emphasis practice and practitioner for yourself. These are just is placed on the research of potential funding· sourc­ a few of the questions that will be addressed, in this es to match agencies' programs and needs, with ref- . series of classes that .will assist you in creating and erence material available. Time is provided for re­ maintaining your health and wholeness. Topics to be. viewing tbe basic components of a proposal. A min­ taught by various· instructors include acupuncture, imum of five students required. Mr. Tacken has 16 . healing touch, herbal pharmacy, .hypnoth~rapyt to yeats experience in consulting with nonprofit orga~ How Register: naturopathy. nutrition and oriental me

15...... ,. ... .14 '· -...... , ...... -

.. An 'Introduction to· He1iling Touch Week 4 .. Muslc/Kirtan - November 13 · · 'week 1 - Monaay, October 14 · ~ • · · · · · , , .. ~ L What is Healing Touch? It is an energy -based pro­ .Instructors Bob Vehling, Gerald Stnclair, and Helen Italian Meatbqll Spup and Count(y Semolina Bread gram developed within the nursing profession in Proctor. Join us for a celebration of deeply inspira­ Instructor George Rizzo demonstrates .the prepara~ 1989, designed to clear, align and balance the hu~ tional, healing music through the practice known as .tiort of a delightful Italian meatball soup with Esca­ man energy system through touch. The body, emo~ ,.Kirtan"- devotional music. We will combine flute, role (also called ,·'The.·Wedding SoQpurand shares tion, mind and spirit are influenced through a thera .. harmonium, singing bowls and other instruments for his .favorite recipe for Country Semolina Bread. peutic process by altering the body's energy system an evening of music and storytelling from the to influence self-healing. Come and learn the basics Hindu, Native American, <:;eltic and Tibetan tradi­ Week 2 - Monday, October 21 of this modernistic program. Instructor Barbara tions. Sour Dou&h & Green Chile .. Chicken Chowder. Mader is the owner and operator of the High Mesa Instructor Elaine LaCouture shares her own recipe Healing Center. . Your Spirit • Your Life . and tips from her upcoming book on high altitude . Instructor: Barbara Mader A program by women, for women, designed to cooking. Fee: $35 (CEUs provided) enhance your life, ·· remember your spirit, and re­ Time/Dates: · Saturday, 9:00 am - I :00 pm claim your power through time~tested practices a Week 3 - Monday, October 28 September 28 and philosophies. The series will consist' of 6 week~ Foccacia with Cream Lentil Soup. Instructor Donna Location: High Mesa Healing Center ly 2 1/2 hour session led by professional women in Davis will share her recipe for Foccacia, a delicious the community with expertise in a variety of fields. Italian flat, round bread and a cream lentil soup, per­ Topics will include: meditation, yoga, nutrition, fect for the fall season. In this class, you will receive astrology, feng shui, alternative health, tai chi, and instructions in the various stages of bread balqng, as The Art of Meditation more! Each session will include lecture, discussion well as the recipes for both soup and bread. Donna and hands-on activities. You will gain practical is a highly experienced teacher of whole .. food cook .. Meditation means learning to "slow down and focus knowledge that you can apply immediately in your ery. attention on ·one thing at a time." This discipline everyday life. Please join us for al16 sessions to get allows us to use our time more wisely in all areas of the full benefit of the program. Week 4 • Monday, November 4 life. Through meditation, we become calmer, and Instructor: Various Instructors Orange Rye Bread. Instructor Julin Price, Director more centered and experience other physical bene­ Fee: $25 for the entire 6 week series of the Sierra Dove Center for Healing, will share fits, such as normalizing blood pressure~ feeling Time/Dates: Tuesdays, 6:30- 9:00pm recipes for a delicately flavored, feather light or .. rested. recovering more of our potential for love. September 19 to October 24 ange Rye Bread that is sure to become a family zest, and enthusiasm in our lives. Learn some of the Location: High Mesa Healing Center favorite, accompanying a classic apple-squash soup mosl effective methods of meditation, ranging form with ginger ~nd nutmeg . .• visualization to sound techniques and using the ··: breath. NEW! Instructor: Various Instructors Fee: $40 for all classes Creative Arts Time/Dates: 7:00- 8:30pm, Wednesdays. October 23 to November 13 Location: Sierra Dove Center for Healing, Broken Tile' Pottery Workshop 1729 Fort Stanton Road, Alto Create beautiful mosaic pottery using a simple pro~ cedure. Students, will create a unique piece of art Week 1 - Medltation!Relaxntlon, using broken tile, glass beads, shells and· other ma­ October 23 terials. A demonstration and list of supplies will be Instructor Diane Thrasher, Energy Facilitator, will given the first night of class. Instructor Carol teach you an easy way to calm your mind and relax Alvarado has been a professional artist for 32 years your body through a simple approach to meditation. Cooking Around with numerous memberships in various art organi­ The techniques that you will learn are designed to zations. release the stress of daily living. Bring a balance the World Instructor: Carol Alvarado into your life through focus and peace with these Fee: $35 + supplies simple and easy approaches to meditation. Fun, infonnal cooking classes featuring warming, Time/Dates: Mondays, 6:00 - 8:00 pm hearty fall dishes with an international flare. This September 16, 23, 30 Week 2 .. Meditation through Sound, session will focus on , our Favorite Soups and Location: College Office October 30 Breads, Join us for hands-on experience as we share Instructors Bob Vehling, Gerald Sinclair, and Helen tasty dishes, recipes and cooking tips! Maximum of Beginning Calligraphy Workshop Proctor are health professionals who have experi­ 15 students. REGISTER NOW! Enjoy learning the beautiful art of calligraphy in this mented with sound, and found that sound vibrations Instructors: Various fun workshop! Practice both upper and lower case NEW! can induce a deep state of tranquility. Vibrations can Fee: $60 letters in various alphabets and then complete a even improve the quality of a person's health! In Times/Dates: Mondays, 6:30- 800 pm poem or inspirational message for your project. this class, the instructors share the value of the voice October 14 to NoveJllber 4 Instructor: Carol Alvarado and of musical instruments such as the flute and Location: Richard and Anita Hoff Fee: $45 + supplies singing bowls, as effective entry points to medita­ Alto, call 336-1168 for directions Time/Date: Mondays, 6:00 - 8:00 pm, tion. November 4, 11, 18 Location: College Office · . "--·· ---··-·······~- Week 3 .. Meditation through Yoga and How to Register: Breath, November 6 In-Person: 709 Mechem, Sierra Mall Instructor Bob Vehling. In Hindu culture, breath is Phone: 257-2120 OR 1-800-934-3668 · considered the vehicle of our lives. Yoga is an inward and physical way in which to attune with the Mail: 709 Mechem Ruidoso,NM 88345 Divine. We bring breath and yoga together through Fax: 257-9409 gentle, invigorating postures, deep breathing exer­ Community Ed Schedule On-Line cises, and affiTOlations which attune us to both the @www.midoso.enmu.edu . wonders of our lives and bodies, and the inner won­ ders of the spirit.


I I 16 I I Continuing ~e Beading . NEW · ·This class will be a continuation of the beginning beading for beginners ~ junior· high age to senior ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiDiiiiiiiia.. niiiiiiiice;;;;!iiii;iiii ...... ;;;;;;;··~' I. . · 50+ Lifestyle$ . I citizens~ This course will use ~e large .pony bead and regular. cotton string while freehand beading as Social dance classes are fun and easy! Learn the •Senior discounts age 62+ don't apply opposed to loom beading. The focus. will be to learn basics that will give you the confidence to dance in the basic square stitch, planned patterns and designs social situations. These classes. are open to high Computers Don't Byte* I in beadwork. Instructor George 1ippin, Sr., better school students, singles and couples of all. ages.· This introductory course is designed for the user known as "01 George 1Wo Feathers" has been Easy-to-learn lessons are organized in four-week who has limited or no prior knowledge of the PC~ working in the creative arts for many years. sessions. Enroll now and learn all the steps for your Windows is the most popular and wid,ely used oper- . Instructor: George Tippin, Sr. favorite Polka, Salsa, 1\vo Step, Cumbia, Country ating system for personal computers. This easy Fee: $5 Western and Swing. Come .check it out! You'll love paced course will familiarize you with hardware, Time/Dates: Saturday, 6:00·- 8:00pm, . · it!! Instructor Andrea Reed [Fernandez} has a wide software and terminology. This course will get your September 14 and 21, variety of teaching , performins and competitive started! Class size limited to 15. REGISTER NOW! Location: College Office dance experience having performed at the. Spencer Instructor Kim Smith is a small business owner in Theater for the Performing Arts and the El Paso Ruidoso with over eight years of computer experi- Gourd Art NEW County Club as well as earning, all first places in ence. Decorate gourds: wild "buffalo" gourds, and/or pro .. am competition in Albuquerque last year. The Instructor: Kim Smith "bird house" gourds ___:. both inside and out - in a last day to register for Dance classes will be Fri· Fee: $45 muJti .. medium approach with such things as aery) .. day 5 p.m. prior to first meeting of doss. Cost: Time/Dates: Wednesday, 9:00 am - 12 Noon, ics, colored sand, glitter, bits of wood, fur and hair. $20 per persOn per class for each four week ses­ September II Instructor: George Tippin, ~r. ~· sion. Location: CoUege Computer Lab Fee: $5 +$?-supply fee paid to instructor Time/Dates: Saturdays, 10:00 - 12 Noon, Expanding· Your Computer October 19 and 26 Knowledge* ·. Location: CoUege omce Have you taken "Computers Don't Byte 11 and want to Jearn more7 This is the ciass for you! Come learn Improve Your Photographs how to do word processing using Microsoft Word, This course will cover the basics of camera opera­ do basic spreadsheets using Microsoft Excel, and tion, proper exposure, composition an~ lighting. build fun invitations, calendars and more with Landscape and portrait photography will be empha­ The Dance Gollem 1703 Sudderth Microsoft Publisher. REGISTER NOW! 'sized along with individual student projects. A 35 in Ruidoso Instructor: Kim Smith mm c~era with an adjus~ble lens is required to be Fee: $65 provided by the student. John Soden is the photog .. Dates; September 9, 16. 23, 30 Time/Dates: Monday, ~ednesday, Friday rapher for the Rural Economic Development lntro Country Western I M 6:00 .... 7.·00 pm 9~00 - 12 Noon, .Salsa M 7:00 - 8.·00 pm September 23, 25, 27 zhrough Tourism project and has over 25 years of ; photography experience. Tango M 8.·00 - 9:00pm Location: College Computer Lab Instructor: John Soden Fee: $125 +supplies Pates; October 7, 14, 21. 28 Internet Fun-damentals* Time/Date: Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 pm lntro Country Western II M 6:00 - 7.·00 pm Understand how the Internet works, connect to the

September 25 to October 23 Merengue · M 7.·00 - 8:00pm Internet and surf the World Widet Web. This class Location: College Office California Two Step/Cumbia M 8:00 - 9.·00 pm will introduce you to the basic concepts, technolo- gies and resources of the Internet.. This Is great Dates; November 4, 11, 18. 25 fun! Class size limited to 15. REGISTER NOW! Swing M 6.·00 - 7.·00 pm Instructor: Kim Smith Rumba M 7:00- 8.·00 pm Fee: $25 Polka M 8:00 - 9.·00 pm Time/Dates: Wednesday, 9:00 am - 12 noon, October 2 BRING A PARTNER /REGISTER NOW! bocation: College Computer Lab . • • Lighten Up! Free Yourself from Clutter Getting ready to retire? How much of that "stuff" that's piled on top of your countertops or· is Sewing without a Patte.rn NEW lililli~ntac:,tic FamilY crammed into drawers is really all that important? Learn to create unique garments and accessories Probably very iittle of it-but you can't bear 'to part using simpl_e measurements and sewing techriiques. · OPtions ·, with it. Come learn where the clutter comes from - Stqdents will use a variety of fabrics and basic and how to get rid of it! We'll help you figure out sewing supplies. A sewing machine is helpful but what you don't really ·need... you must brinK a not required for this course. A demonstration and piece of junk the first ni&bt of class! Bring ·a part .. supply list will be given to students the first night of ner, too! Course Fee includes textbook. Simplifying class. Instructor Carol Alvarado has been a profes­ How to Register: or DeJunking is a popular Community Education sional artist for 32 years with numerous member­ In-Person: 709 Mechem, Sierra Mall course across the country. I ships in variOus art organizations .. Phone: 257-2120 OR 1-800-934-3668 Instructor: Jim Miller Instructor: Carol Alvarado Mail: 709 Mechem Ruidoso,NM Fee: $19 (includes textbook) ·Fee: $40 Time/Date: Wednesdaytrhursday, 88345 Time/Dates: Mondays, 6:00 ~ 8:00 pm, · , 6:00 - 8:00 pm, November 6 & 7 October 7, 14, 21, 28 Fax: 257-9409 Location: College omce Location: College omce Community Ed SchedUle On-Lin~· • @www.ruidoso.enntu.edu 17 I '

... For the· Health of It . '

Jazzercise NEW! Jazzercise is the number one fatness program in the world! It involves cardiovascular training as well as muscular strength training. Our classes last about IRAs- Individual Retirement one hour. There is no need to be an expert - the Accounts class is for beginners or advanced students- chose Did you know ~at virtually every American .. young your own pace! This is pure motivation to get ener­ or old, married or single, wage earner, business gized, get fit, and just fee·l good! The instructor is owner or homemaker - is eligible to participate in available to assist with meeting your· goals of per­ some form of IRA! Recent tax law changes have sonal strength and fitness. Instructor Rebecca created additional tax-advantaged ways to encour­ Truchan is the licensed owner of Mountain High age saving and help Americans to meet critical Jauercise, and is CPR certified, financial needs. They enable you to save and invest Instructor: Rebecca Truchan for major events in your life - not only retirement, Fee: $75 but also purchase of a home, colleget and more. Time/Date: Mondays/Wednesdays, 5:30pm Learn about the different IRAs and which ones are September 4 to November 20 best for you. Discover economical retirement plans OR directed for the self-employed, rollovers, and the ~...... , Saturday/Sunday, 6:00 - 8:00 pm, eventual disbursements from your IRAs. lnstf'l(ctor September 7 to November 24 John McCullough is a Financial Advisor with Mor­ @Mountain Hlgb Jazzerclse gan Stanley Dean Winer. 1660 #2 Highway 70 Instructor: · John McCullough The Region·at , Phone: 37S.2239 Fee: $5 Time/Dates: Tuesday, 6:00 - 8:00 pm, Water Crisis September 17 Location: College OfDce Smart Women Finish Rich! The Future of You and Water: This educational seminar, based on the 'besf selling' Citizen Pln1icipation in the Notary PubUc Training book by David Bach, will provid~ you with seven New Mexico State Water Plan Did you know that notary publics in New Mexico steps to help you achieve financial security and fund This brief course infonns Ruidoso, Mescalero and have to purchase and be covered by an insurance your dreams. If you act upon these simple steps to Lincoln County residents about how to participate bond? Many notaries or people interested in becom­ improve the quality of your financial life, you will as "John Q. Public" in critical New Mexico water ing a Notary are unaware of the regulations cover­ be well on your way to a fuller, richer life! decisions. Topics to be covered include water com7

) ing this little known service. This course will cover Instructor John McCullough .is a Financial Advisor pacts (what are they?). how were they created, water \ • the pwpose of a Notary Public, obtaining a bond, with Morgan Stanley Dean Witter. marketing, and purchase of water rights. This will \ type of documents. range of services, and keeping a Instructor: John McCullough be an opportunity ·to make public comments on Notary log. Instructor Clydene Hull has been a Fee: $5 water policy to an Interstate Stream Commissioner. longtime Notary Public and is the Administrative Time/Date: Tuesday, 6:00 - 8:00 pin, This class is a must for area residents! Materials Assistant to the J2th Judicial District Judge in October l will, be provided. Instructor Stan Busterbaum is a Carrizozo. Location: CoUege Offices member of the Interstate Stream Commission and Instructor: Clydene Hull works for the County Extension Service in Lincoln Fee: $30 +Notary Log Book (optional) County. . lime/Dates: Thursday, 6:00 ~ 8:00pm, October 17 Instructor: Stan Busterbaum Location: College Office Fee: $5 Time/Dates: Tuesday, 6:30 - 8:30 pm, Sept. 17 $DiartMoney ] Location: College Offices r "If You Can't See It, You Can't Drink Bulls, Bears and the Market! NEW! It": More on Water Avallability in ... This class helps educates students about "bull" and Ruidoso/Lincoln County nbearn markets and takes into consideration the ef­ Eagle Creek has been dry now for three years. Why? fects of changing markets on a long-term invest­ The tennination of water resources across Lincoln ment plan. Included in the class are facts about past County has immediate consequences for tourism, .,bull" and "bear" markets, steps that can be taken to agriculture, homeowner wells, and property values . prepare for changing market conditions, as well as Community and regional solutions are needed. This explanations of the diffe~nces between fluctua­ class should be of interest to Lincoln County and tions, corrections, and bear markets. In a financial Tribal residents, and to seas6n.al home owners .. In­ world that appears out of control, this class will How to. Register.~ structor Bill Midkiff has a Ph.D. in Water Resourc­ explore the forces that move the market and what In-Person: 709 Mechem, Sierra Mall es Engineering and has taught at New Mexico State · you can do to protect yourself. Instructor John Phone: 257-2120 OR 1-800-934-3668 University in Las Cruces. McCullough is a Financial Advisor with Morgan Mail; 709 Mechem Ruidoso,NM 88345 Instructor: Dr. Bill Midkiff Stanley Dean Witter. Fee: $5 . Fax: 257--9409 Instructor: John McCullough Time/Dates:. 6~30 - 8:30 pm, Thursday, Sept. 10 · Fee: $5 Community Ed Schedule On-Lin~ Location: College Omces Time/Date: Tuesday, 6:00- 8:00pm . @www.ruidoso.enmu.edu ·.. September 24 Location: College Offices j' ... 11.

•· '·'' The ENM:U Small Business Training Center If you ,are considering moving. a business to Ruidoso, Ruidoso Downs or Lincoln County and need help .in tdeptifying I training a workforce, or if your existing business .has continuing employee training ne~ds, call Ms. Kim Smith, Contract Training Coordinator at the ENMU office (257·2120 or outside of the' Ruidoso/Capitan area, toll free, 1-800-934-3668), and she contact you about designing affordable, high quality training for your employees! MiCrosoft Business Seminar Series This series is a practical and efficient approach to working· with each component in the Microsoft Office Suite. Whether you've taken a class before or are just learning the programs, these classes are for you! Th~ classes have been redesigned with new .. material and are packed with all(tinds of information. Take just one class or all four! Seniors welcomed! Basic computer skills are a must to sign up. ' Microsoft Access 2000 Certificate Class This class teaches basic database design and management. You will learn how to design a database from scratch by using the table, form~ query and report functions of the program. A database can be a very helpful tool, so don't miss this! Instructor Kim Smith is a local business owner; is very experienced in small business computerized, and is rhe coordinator of ENMU Customized Training. Instructor: Kim Smith * Fee: $65 * Time/Dates: Friday, November 15, 9.:00 am - 4:00 pm * College Computer Lab Microsoft Excel 2000 Certificate Class Whether you've been using this program for a long time or just starting, there are things to learn from this spreadsheet program. You'll pick up many, many tips and techniques that will help you take·advantage of the many features Excel has to offer. You'll learn the secrets to creating flawless spreadsheets, financial reports, and presentation-ready graphs. REGISTER TODAY! Instructor Kim Smith is a ·local business owner, is very experienced in small business computerization, and is the coordinator.of ENMU Customized Training: ' Instructor: Kim Smith • Fee: $65 * Time/Dates: Friday, October 25, 9:00 am ~ 4:00 pm * College Computer Lab 'Microsoft Powerpoint 2000 Certificate Class Learn how to captivate any audience with just the right mix of multimedia magic! Using Powerpoint, you will learn the perfect combination of text, graphics and multimedia to dazzle your audience. Lots of tips and tricks to learn in this class; it's fun and easy l REGISTER TODAY/Instructor Kim Smith is a local business owner, is very experienced in small business computerization, and is the coordinator ofENMU Customized Training. Instructor:. Kim Smith * Fee: $6S * Time/Dates: Friday, November 8, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm * College Computer ~ab Microsoft Word 2000 Certificate Class Come and learn the magic and w.onder of Microsoft Word! It's more than just a word processing program. Create technical docu­ ments using tables, graphics and even drawings. Save time using macros and the mail merge function. Don't miss this class; it's very informative! REGISTER NOW! Instructor Kim Smith is a local business owner, is very experienced in small business com­ puterization, and is the coordinator of ENMU Customized Training. Instructor: Kim Smith * Fee: $65 * Time/Dates: Friday, October 18, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm * College Computer Lab Quickbooks Pro 2000 Certificate Course Depending on the type of business you own or manage, Quickbooks Pro is a tool you can use to automate the task you're already performing. In this class, you will learn to perform all the elements of this powerful program. You will create forms lists and reg­ isters manage inventory process payments, track and pay taxes, enter and pay bills, invoice, create and reconcile bank accounts, and create and process a payroll This class is PACKED with information. Instructor Kim Smith is a local business owner and is very experienced in small business computerized accounting. Instructor: Kim Smith * . Fees: $80 plus $33 book * Time/Date: Wednesday, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm, October 9 and Friday, 9:00 am - 4:0Q pm, October 11. * Location: College Computer Lab

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ENMU- Ruidoso supports the use of Retired and Senior Volun­ Adult Students teers in our university and communities. The retired and Senior Volunteer Program, is part of the Natjonal Senior Service Corps. As another step in locally offering high quality, marketable occupation­ ENMU has served as an RSVP site and encourages others to do al~technical training, ENMU-Ruidoso and the Lincoln County Home the same. Call257-4565 or 257-9756 to learn of volunteer oppor­ Builders Association are offering a yearlong occupational - technical tunities in our communities. RSVP - The Experience of a Life­ training experience for up to ten ( 10) students interested in a career in residential or commercial construction. Learn building trade skills to time. earn money for a lifeti~e while earning college credit! Four hour classes meet five mornings each week for 18 weeks in the fall I and 18 weeks. in the spring. Classes are designed to teach students the work habits and skills necessary to build a house from start to finish. Cost of the program is the cost of21 hours tuition· plus a $45 lab fee per semester to cover the cost of student liability insurance. ENMU pro- · ' vides an experienced, licensed contractor as the course instructor, hand and power tools, a construction site and the administrative support nec­ essary to underwrite and supply a complete residential construction project. The finished house is sold on the residential market in order to support the following year's building trades program . .. New Degrees and Professional Who is Eligible to Enroll in these Courses? High School Juniors and Seniors; out-of-school youth, and interested adults are eligible. You License Programs through must have a reasonable degree of physical fitness, the funds necessary . to cover the costs of the course(s) and the time to regularly attend each ENMU! day, Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 12 Noon for 36 weeks. Fall Term Courses Eastern New Mexico University now offers a field-based licen­ lET 001 - Construction Math sure program in Education Administration for educators who are Learn the mathematical concepts used in the construction industry to interested in career advancement in the K-12 principalship or measure lengths, area and volume. central office administration. The program will be delivered via instructional television, on-line or on-site courses delivered in lET 002 - Basics and Background ·Roswell. For further information, contact the program advisor, Learn the safe use of hand and power tools and how to read and under- Dr. Kathy Peca, ENMU Station 25 Portales, New Mexico 88130 stand blueprints. · or at (505) 562 - 2782 or [email protected]. You may also · contact Dr. Alan Garrett, ENMU, Station 25 Portales, New lET 003 • Structural Foundations Mexico 88130, (505) 562-2890 or at [email protected]. See demonstrations of building techniques and take field trips to hous- · es already under construction. Construction will start on a residential Eastern New Mexico University has also begun offering the building site. Pour ·structural footings and build a block stem wall. Bachelor of Occupational Education degree (BOE), designed for those with associate's degrees in vocational or technical subjects · lET 004 - Framing the Structure who wish to obtain a license to teacher vocational education Build and install the floor, wall framing and roof trusses. courses at the K-12 or two year college level. A similar degree, · the Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences (BAAS), is available Spriae Term Coones for those also having earned an associate's degree in a vocational lET - 001 The 'Dry·iD' Process Complete the roof arid exterior sheathing. Wmdows and exterior doors. or technical field, and wishing to work at higher levels of ,. responsibility in business and industry. For more information on the BOE or BAAS degrees, contact the Ruidoso Center office at lET - 002 Begin to Finish trim .. (505) 257-2120 or toll free outside the Ruidoso calling area, Install and paint exterior siding and Install, float and texture sheetrock. Install interior window trim, baseboard and interior doors. 1-800-934-3668. lET - 003 Finish the House

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. Other ENMU Services Adult Literacy 'futor _Training

SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER The New Mexico Small Business Development Centers are committed to - For as little as two hours each week, you can help someone b~:~i1d a better meeting the educational and business development needs of New 'Mexicans future and have fun doing it! Become a· Volunteer Tutor of Reading or and are available in Lincol~ County to entrepreneurs and would-be entreprb­ English as a Second Language! A tutor training workshop will be held in neurs at no charge. Professtonal consultants are available in Ruidoso at the Ruidoso on the following two Saturdays:. bank of your choice or through the Ruidoso Center to share numerous 2 resources ava~lable to help the prospective or current business owner succeed. October 26 and November Services available include: one -on-one business counseling *Busine~s Plan Development *Access to nationwide data bases *How to become a govern­ Call Mary Allen, Literacy Council Coordinator, at 630-8181 or 1 • 800 934 • ment supplier *Marketing assistance *Business classes* Business Survival 3668, to register for the training sessions. Sponsored by the Lincoln Co~nty Guide. Call257-2120 in Ruidoso, toll free 1-800-934-3668, or 624-7133 for Literacy Council. All training and materials are free. . assistance. The ~NMU .. R SBDC is a leading member of the New Mexico SBDC network. · · It's Something Wonderful to Do .•• !

TESTING CENTER SERVICES The Ruidoso C~nter of ENMU serves as the official testing center for many occupations and professions, including the OED examination, college corre­ spondence ce,mrses; ·the National Dental Assisting Board, the New Mexico Con~ struction Industries Division, the Microsoft User series and other tests or agen­ cies. Tests are primarily administered on Fridays. The GED Exam is offered on the third Friday of each month. Correspndence course and distance learning ~xaminations may be administered through arrangements made at the office front desk. Call.-257-2120 for additional information.

LffiRARY/MEDIA SERVICES Th.e Ruidoso Center Library, located at 709 Mechem Drive, is open. datly Monday through Saturday. Please check for posted hours. The Li~ 'brary is staffed by a professional Jibrarian, Jim Pawlak and library as­ sistant, Barbara Edwards. Available resources include: a growing refer­ ence collection; automated access to the book and periodical collections of the Golden Library (Portales); and over sixty (60) electronic data bases indexing nearly 35,000 popular and scholarly journals. The use of Adult Basic Education (GEDIESL) the Internet gives students access to information worldwide!

ENMU library services through the Ruidoso Center are also available GED OR ESL classes are cpnducted throughout Ruidoso and Lincoln via the Internet at the following regional libraries: Corona Schools; County at the following locations: Carrizozo Schools; Hondo Schools; Capitan Public Library; Cloudcroft *Hondo Schools (evenings) .Schools; and, the -Mescalero Community Library. Drop in for a visit or *Ruidoso (am, pm, and evenings) at the Sierra Mall call (50S) 257 ·2158. Let us show you what we ~an do for you! *Ruidoso Presbyterian Church (Adult Literacy/ESL) Classes are FREE and adults age 16 and above can start on any day. N~arly 40% of the adult population of Lincoln County hasn't finished PARKING AND SECURITY Htgh School. Come to a GED class and bring someone with you. OR, ESCORT SERVICES refer an adult who needs to complete their High School ~iploma to the .The Ruidoso Center provides security escort services at Ruidoso High School program today. Classes are free and lead to taking the GED Examina­ for evening students. Students are encouraged to park on the side and behind tion at the Sierra Mall generally on the third Friday of each month. . RuidosQ High School in lighted areas for their classes. The fire lane adjacent Free, two year college scholarships are available here in Ruidoso for to the Fine Arts building is not for parking and should be left open for individuals who complete their GED classes and pass the GED 2002 police and fire vehicles. Security escort services are available from the ENMU examination. Call (505) 630-8181 for more information. Take the Custodian/Security Escort each evening from the central point. at the cafeteria first step today. for students wishing to be accompanied- to their car. It's SomeThing Wonderful to Do ••• !

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Eastern New Mexico Uniyersity ~.Ruidoso·~enter Community Education Registratjon (505) 257-2120 * 709 Mechem Drive Ruidoso, NM 88345 *FAX (505) 257N9409 ' Visit our Community Ed class schedule onNli!Je at www.ruidoso.enmu.edu

Name Work ( ) ___ _ Address ______Home ( ) ____ Town Mailing Zip Code Phone. Registmtion 0 emai I address ------Senior discount (Age 62+) D I st Class ------Datesffime ___.....;...,._ __~, Cost: ____ 2nd Class Datesffime Cost: ___ Payment Method: Cash __ Check#___ P. 0.# ___Credit Card# ______Debit Card _VISA__ _j_ Discover Master Card.. _ Exp. Date I hereby acknowledge my financial responsibility for this registration: For Office Use Only .. Signature:------Date: Thank you! Semester --- Amount Paid __ Ruidoso Community Education ... using your Reed. By _____.. ideas for fun, new skills and new friends! Data Input ___ RU# ____

•I I I I I 1 I I I L----~----•-•••-•~•••••--•~---~----·-••••••••••••-•••••••••••••~•--•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••~··•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••~

Eastern New Mexico University - Ruidoso Center • Community Education Registration (505) 257-2120 * 709 Mechem Driv,e Ruidoso, NM 88345 *FAX (505) 257-9409 Visit our Community Ed class schedule on-line at www.ruidoso.enmu.edu

Name Work ( ) ____ Address ______Home ( ) ___ _ Mailing Town Zip Code Phone Registration email address .o ------~-- Senior discount (Age 62+) [J 1st ·class Datesfl'ime ------Cost: ____ 2nd Class Datestrime ------Cost: ____ Payment Method: Cash Check# P. 0.# ___Credit Card# ______~-- ___ Debit Card _ Discover _VISA Master Card _ Exp. Date _j_

1 I hereby acknowledge my Dnancial respo~ibllity for this registration: For omce Use Only Signature:------Date: Thank you! Semester ____ • Amount Paid -- Ruidoso Community Education . .. using your Re£d. By· ___ ideas for fun, new skills and new friends! D~ta Input~-- RU # ______

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Eastern.~ MeUm Uaivetsb ... Ruidoso C.mter . . . ~ REGIST'It.A.TION FORM ,, ,,'I ,, 0 . .,,, lA~~~ lRmu ~untt· Nn-n~r.orN..om It Pletit M mitlul ,,•• . ) • • I I lj check if I ' De'\T 'I Sl,~,an ~''".1~ :It '1~m . !F•cr ;ruruffillcuJ :punpc~ cmt~\ 1. T'lw.t ~ !Srn'ih ,,It infonnalion ,, (lKd_,· ... ~: 'I s~ II fH}~ ••,, To,\n .. Stt:.ue .. Zllr I ~:monic.m If 0 !I,, I.~!(\.~: I ,, Pht_,ne emallil ~tmH~ If ) 'I .. It . H t¢h ~1h4"l4"l1 .ol I IJ•• IJ Streef or P.O &, 0 !H)~ IS.dh~.. )J te Current 'I ' ('<4"1TT(UJM":ml 't ltlailing Ten\ n. Su1e. Zilr ,, f:.TJ1'4.._nmortt II.. Address ,, Phone 'I 1 .um ~\."l'it$ JJ 'I . • 0 ~croc- .ro thtt- .. 1 ~ Place :trmt' 'I of Comp.m~ ~Am~ ,I A.tt,cm&,d • ' ~ Employment . 1 \\'ott Ptk~ • 0 Jm(ll~ ~ ., ...... n~.. Mn'"" , ' I ht!-.'1 reb;Jt:r11... · II -~~ ' . Student m #f s AJ>J ~rt lbtt tH~"~ Note: If )'OU wish to audil a t'Lu1... ~ ···'f · ~ ih.t .:rrJciftl ih1tm .otibntm. t ' I Ust Science lab dassn s~punul' /n?.fllll 'Slw'#l.l:t /J.t~ liJ.aJ..'I. I I Department c~.~ Crtdit :l ~'i-. I . fOR tlFFlCE: llSE (lNL\~ I • • Abbre\iation Sttmber Rc.tl~ I ~ ' • ' • 21691 SOC ~SA:\{ 101 3 I : Ht-•lltlt 0 ~~ P~ B:llJ1~ 0 F"ht"mt R{"'~l~bl:k"m •L£ ' ~ 1 I m~bcw:- f!.UT~ 'he-~~"''" I : . • I ' • I

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Fall Registration Begins (all types) July 8 I Instruction Begins August 26 I Labor Day Holiday .. University Closed September 2 Late Registration Begins August26"' • I Last Day for Drop/Add or Late Registration(l00%refund) August 30 - 5:00 pm 75 '?o Thition Refund through Friday, September 6, S p.m, Last Day to apply for Spring Graduation/Commencement September 13

50% Thition Refund through Friday, September 13, SJ;J.m. l I Midterm Exam Week October 14-19 I •I t through Friday, September 20,5 p.m. I 25 «lo Tuition Refund I I I Last Day to Withdraw from a Class or the University November 1, 5 p.m. I I I Thanksgiving Recess (no classes after 5 p.m, Wednesday) November 27 t I I Center Closed November 28 • December 1 I .. I Instruction Resumes December 2 I •I' Spring Session Registration Begins (all types) December 2 •I ' I 'I ,) ' Final Exam Week December 7 • 13 I .. . I

1; ' Last day of the Semester December 13 I 'I ~ Fall Commencement (in Roswell) December 12 'I \ ' Fall Commencement (in Portales) December 14 I' • I 'I Book Buyback (8:00 am - 5:00 pm) December 13 • 20 I I tl., I Spring Session Instruction Begins January 13 'I • • I ...... ------...... -- ... ------·--· ...... ------...... ,...... -eflt-rnis-Ottf------· ~

• 1 I Web Registration for Returning ENMU Students!, Easy Registration! · Quick,. Convenient, Anytime, from the Call (505) 257-2120 .. comfort of your ·home or office. Regis­ 0 R Call toll free ter for class at www.ruidoso.enmu.edu. 1-800-934-3668 ,.. "Web ReKistration"

• ENMU • Ruidoso 709. Mechem Drive • Sierra MaiJ .. Ruidoso, New Mexico 88345 . I ENMU - Ruidoso • • • Classes You Want. Convenience You Need.

• l ' Dated Material - Process Immediately I'

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