Excitatory Postsynaptic Potentials in Rat Neocortical Neurons in Vitro. III
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JOURNAL OF NEUROPHYSIOLOGY S ..) / ' October 1990 v Volume 64, Number 4 Gustatory Responses of Single Neurons in the Caudolateral Orbitofrontal Cortex of the Macaque Monkey E. T. Rolls, S. Yaxley, and Z. J. Sienkiewicz 1055 Modulation of Activity of Spindle Afferents Recorded in Trigeminal Mesencephalic Nucleus of Rabbit During Fictive Mastication A. Kolta, J. P. Land, and S. Rossignol 1067 Epileptiform Activity in the Hippocampus Produced by Tetraethylammonium P. A. Rutecki, F. J. Lebeda, and D. Johnston 1077 Muscarinic Depression of Synaptic Transmission at the Hippocampal Mossy Fiber Synapse S. Williams and D. Johnston 1089 Electrical Stimulation of Cervical Vagal Afferents. I. Central Relays for Modulation of Spinal Nociceptive Transmission K. Ren, A. Randich, and G. F. Gebhart 1098 Electrical Stimulation of Cervical Vagal Afferents. II. Central Relays for Behavioral Antinociception and Arterial Blood Pressure Decreases A. Randich, K. Ren, and G. F. Gebhart 1115 A Rapid Redistribution of Hydrogen Ions is Associated With Depolarization and Repolarization Subsequent to Cerebral Ischemia Reperfusion T. P. Obrenovitch, D. Scheller, T. Matsumoto, F. Tegtmeier, M. Höller, and L. Symon 1125 Cutaneous Stimulation Evokes Long-Lasting Excitation of Spinal Interneurons in the Turtle S. N. Currie and P. S. G. Stein 1134 Neural Mechanisms Generating Respiratory Pattern in Mammalian Brain Stem-Spinal Cord In Vitro. I. Spatiotemporal Patterns of Motor and Medullary Neuron Activity J. C. Smith, J. J. Greer, G. Liu, and J. L. Feldman 1149 Inhibition of Sensory Responses of Cat Inferior Olive Neurons Produced by Stimulation of Red Nucleus C. Weiss, J. C Houk, and A. R. Gibson 1170 Spatial Overlap Between Populations of Synapses Determines the Extent of Their Associative Interaction During the Induction of Long-Term Potentiation and Depression G. White, W. B. Levy, and O. Steward 1186 Electrophysiological Studies of Acetylcholine and the Role of the Basal Forebrain in the Somatosensory Cortex of the Cat. I. Cortical Neurons Excited by Glutamate N. Tremblay, R. A. Warren, and R. W. Dykes 1199 (Continued) (Contents continued) Electrophysiological Studies of Acetylcholine and the Role of the Basal Forebrain in the Somatosensory Cortex of the Cat. II. Cortical Neurons Excited by Somatic Stimuli N. Tremblay, R. A. Warren, and R. W. Dykes 1212 Basal Forebrain Projections to Somatosensory Cortex in the Cat K. E. Bars tad and M. F. Bear \22Z A Region in the Dorsolateral Striatum of the Rat Exhibiting Single-Unit Correlations With Specific Locomotor Limb Movements M. O. West, R. M. Carelli, M. Pomerantz, S. M. Cohen, J. P. Gardner, J. K. Chapin, and D. J. Woodward 1233 Auditory Cortical Neurons are Sensitive to Static and Continuously Changing Interaural Phase Cues R. A. Reale and J. F. Brugge 1247 Long-Term Persistence of Enlarged Motor Unife 0L||miait^Höoyrvated Hindlimb Muscles of Cats / ftjT**^ / A.R.LuffandK.Torkko / J? hc**>ek I 1261 Organization of Sensory Discrimination and KSSpcmse-SsIectioft in Choice and Nonchoice Conditions: A Study Using Cerebral Evoked Potentials in Normal Humans D. S. Goodin, M. J. Aminoff, and S. L. Shefrin 1270 Excitatory Postsynaptic Potentials in Rat Neocortical Neurons In Vitro III. Effects of a Quinoxalinedione Non-NMDA Receptor Antagonist J. J. Hablitz and B. Sutor 1282 Differential Modulation of Single Voltage-Gated Calcium Channels by Cholinergic and Adrenergic Agonists in Adult Hippocampal Neurons R. Fisher and D. Johnston 1291 Neural Mechanisms Underlying the Clasp-Knife Reflex in the Cat I. Characteristics of the Reflex C. L. Clelandand W. Z Rymer 1303 Neural Mechanisms Underlying the Clasp-Knife Reflex in the Cat II. Stretch-Sensitive Muscular-Free Nerve Endings C L. Cleland, L. Hayward, and W. Z. Rymer 1319 Measurement of Contractile and Electrical Properties of Single Human Thenar Motor Units in Response to Intraneural Motor-Axon Stimulation G. Westling, R. S. Johansson, C. K. Thomas, and B. Bigland-Ritchie 1331 Twitch Properties of Human Thenar Motor Units Measured in Response to Intraneural Motor-Axon Stimulation C. K. Thomas, R. S. Johansson, G. Westling, and B. Bigland-Ritchie 1339 A Comparison of Human Thenar Motor-Unit Properties Studied by Intraneural Motor-Axon Stimulation and Spike-Triggered Averaging C. K. Thomas, B. Bigland-Ritchie, G. Westling, and R. S. Johansson 1347 Interocular Torsional Disparity and Visual Cortical Development in the Cat M. R. Isley, D. C. Rogers-Ramachandran, and P. G. Shinkman 1352 Information for Authors appears in the June and December issues. JOURNAL OF NEUROPHYSIOLOGY VOLUME 64, 1990 CHIEF EDITOR John G. Hildebrand PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE Gordon M. Shepherd Thomas M. Jessell J. S. Cook, Chair Kenneth O. Johnson M. J. Fregly ASSOCIATE EDITORS Daniel Johnston L. B. Rowell Wayne E. Crill Christof Koch J. A. Schäfer Nigel W. Daw Alan R. Light C. M. Tipton Gerald D. Fischbach Stephen G. Lisberger Allen I. Selverston Eve E. Marder Ex officio Peter L. Strick A. Robert Martin B. B. Rauner Nobuo Suga John B. Munson Publications Manager Phillip G. Nelson and Executive Editor EDITORIAL BOARD Roger A. Nicoll S. Chien, President Lindsey M. Aitkin Keir G. Pearson M. Frank, Executive Director Denis A. Baylor Donald W. Pfaff EDITORIAL STAFF John H. Byrne Rami Rahamimoff L. Chambers David P. Corey Wilfrid Rail Production Manager Sol D. Erulkar S. Murray Sherman J. Simat Eberhard E. Fetz Hiroshi Shimazu Copy Editor Charles D. Gilbert Steven A. Siegelbaum Patricia Goldman-Rakic Frank S. Werblin Ziaul Hasan Robert H. Wurtz Published monthly by THE AMERICAN PHYSIOLOGICAL SOCIETY 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20814 Contents of Volume 64 NO. 1. JULY 1990 EDITORIAL Traditions, Challenges, and Changes G. M. Shepherd Structure-Function Relationships in Rat Brain Stem Subnucleus Interpolaris VIII. Cortical Inputs M. F. Jacquin, M. R. Wiegand, and W. E. Renehan 3 Structure-Function Relationships in Rat Brain Stem Subnucleus Interpolaris IX. Inputs From Subnucleus Caudalis B. H. Halias and M. F. Jacquin 28 Inhibitory Role of Dentate Hilus Neurons in Guinea Pig Hippocampal Slice W. Müller and U. Misgeld 46 GABAA-Receptor-Activated Current in Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurons Freshly Isolated From Adult Rats G. White 57 Kinematic Analysis of the Defense Response in Crayfish T. M. Kelly and W. D. Chappie 64 Discharge Patterns of Neurons in the Pretectal Nucleus of the Optic Tract (NOT) in the Behaving Primate M. J. Mustari and A. F. Fuchs 77 Properties and Distribution of Single Voltage-Gated Calcium Channels in Adult Hippocampal Neurons R. E. Fisher, R. Gray, and D. Johnston 91 Stiffness Regulation by Reflex Action in the Normal Human Hand R. R. Carter, P. E. Cr ago, and M. W. Keith 105 A Reevaluation of Excitatory Amino Acid-Mediated Synaptic Transmission in Rat Dentate Gyrus J D. C Lambert and R. 5. G. Jones 119 Preparation for Movement: Neural Representations of Intended Direction in Three Motor Areas of the Monkey G. E. Alexander and M. D. Crut eher 133 Movement-Related Neuronal Activity Selectively Coding Either Direction or Muscle Pattern in Three Motor Areas of the Monkey M. D. Crutcher and G. E. Alexander 151 Neural Representations of the Target (Goal) of Visually Guided Arm Movements in Three Motor Areas of the Monkey G. E. Alexander and M D. Crutcher 164 Afferent and Association Fiber Differences in Short-Term Potentiation in Piriform (Olfactory) Cortex of the Rat M. E. Hasselmo and J. M. Bower 179 Effect of Bilateral Auditory Cortex Lesions on Absolute Thresholds in Japanese Macaques H. E. Heffner and R. S. Heffner 191 Spatial and Temporal Response Properties of Lagged and Nonlagged Cells in Cat Lateral Geniculate Nucleus A. B. Saul and A. L. Humphrey 206 Delay-Tuned Neurons in Auditory Cortex of Mustached Bat are not Suited for Processing Directional Information N. Suga, M. Kawasaki, and R. F. Burkard 225 Simulation of Motion on the Skin. IV. Responses of Pacinian Corpuscle Afferents Innervating the Primate Hand to Stripe Patterns on the OPTACON C /. Palmer and E. P. Gardner 236 Bifurcation Analysis of Nonlinear Retinal Horizontal Cell Models. II. Network Properties R. L. Winslow and S. Ma 248 Postnatal Rat Nigrostriatal Dopaminergic Neurons Exhibit Five Types of Potassium Conductances N L. Silva, C. M. Pechura, and J. L. Barker 262 Ionic Mechanism of Substance P Actions on Neurons in Trigeminal Root Ganglia /. Spigelman and E. Puil 273 Spectral Response Patterns of Auditory Cortex Neurons to Harmonic Complex Tones in Alert Monkey (Macaca mulatto) D. W. F. Schwarz and R. W. W. Tomlinson 282 Evidence for a Central Component in the Sensitization of Spinal Neurons With Joint Input During Development of Acute Arthritis in Cat's Knee V. Neugebauer and H.-G. Schaible 299 NO. 2. AUGUST 1990 Background-Induced Flicker Enhancement in Cat Retinal Horizontal Cells I. Temporal and Spectral Properties R. Pflug, R. Nelson, and P. K. Ähnelt 313 Background-Induced Flicker Enhancement in Cat Retinal Horizontal Cells II. Spatial Properties R. Nelson, R. Pflug, and S. M. Baer 326 Role of Arachidonic Acid in Depolarization-Induced Modulation of Ion Currents in Aplysia Giant Neurons R. O. Carlson and L B. Levitan 341 Temporal Encoding of Two-Dimensional Patterns by Single Units in Primate Primary Visual Cortex. I. Stimulus-Response Relations B. J. Richmond, L. M. Optican, and H. Spitzer 351 Temporal Encoding of Two-Dimensional Patterns by Single Units in Primate Primary Visual Cortex. II. Information Transmission B. J. Richmond and L. M. Optican 370 Synaptic Organization of Tectal-Facial Pathways in Cat. II. Synaptic Potentials Following Midbrain Tegmentum Stimulation P. J. May, P.-P. Vidal, and R. Baker 381 Evidence for Restricted Central Convergence of Cutaneous Afferents on an Excitatory Reflex Pathway to Medial Gastrocnemius Motoneurons L. A. LaBella and D. A. McCrea 403 Behavior of Accessory Abducens and Abducens Motoneurons During Eye Retraction and Rotation in the Alert Cat J. M. Delgado-Garcia, C Evinger, M.