Safeguarding in Rotherham

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Safeguarding in Rotherham Safeguarding in Rotherham NHS Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Group Annual Report 2014/2015 CONTROL RECORD Title Safeguarding in Rotherham, NHS Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Group, Annual Report 2014/2015 Reference NHS Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Group (NHS Rotherham CCG) Purpose NHS Rotherham CCG undertake and report annually on their commissioning role with regard to the safeguarding of vulnerable clients in Rotherham. The report takes account of future national change drivers and the need locally to continually improve health services commissioned by NHS Rotherham CCG. This report includes the Annual Safeguarding Children and Adults Reports from the two major commissioned health providers in Rotherham, The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust (TRFT), and Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust (RDaSH). In addition, the expectations of Rotherham Local Safeguarding Children Board (RLSCB) and Rotherham Safeguarding Adults Board (RSAB) are incorporated into the NHS reporting and planning process. Audience All NHS Rotherham CCG staff, NHS England Yorkshire and Humber, safeguarding leads, provider and partner organisations including Rotherham Local Safeguarding Children Board (RLSCB) and Rotherham Safeguarding Adults Board (RSAB) Issue 1 Issue date September 2015 Owner NHS Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Group Author NHS Rotherham CCG Safeguarding Team Superseded Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Safeguarding Vulnerable Clients Annual Report Documents 2013/2014 (October 2014) Main Working Together (2015) and Safeguarding Children and Young People: Roles and changes Responsibilities for Health Care Staff, Royal Colleges Intercollegiate Safeguarding from Competencies (March 2014) have been published and are taken into account. previous Child Sexual Exploitation has become a national issue of significant concern (Alexis Jay versions 2014 and Louise Casey 2015) and therefore plays a fuller role in this report. Care Act 2014 has been implemented, receiving Royal assent April 2015. Groups RLSCB, RSAB. NHS Rotherham CCG Operational Risk Governance and Quality Consulted Management Group. Yorkshire and Humber NHS England Area Team. Approved Audit and Quality Assurance Committee 22.10.2015 by Rotherham Safeguarding Adults Board Rotherham Local Safeguarding Children Board Yorkshire and Humber NHS England Area Team Target All NHS Rotherham CCG staff, multi-agency safeguarding leads and staff from provider audience organisations Distribution All NHS Rotherham CCG staff, safeguarding leads and staff from provider organisations list Method Intranet Other Access Open Access CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... 1 2. NATIONAL CONTEXT AND DRIVER FOR SAFEGUARDING QUALITY .................... 1 3. LOCAL CONTEXT ........................................................................................................ 5 4. ACCOUNTABILITY AND STRUCTURE ....................................................................... 8 5. MONITORING OF COMMISSIONED SERVICES ......................................................... 10 6. SERIOUS CASE REVIEWS/DOMESTIC HOMICIDE REVIEW ..................................... 12 7. CHILD DEATH OVERVIEW PANELS (CDOP) ............................................................. 12 8. CHILD SEXUAL EXPLOITATION – A DEVELOPING ISSUE FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS ............................................ 13 9. LOOKED AFTER CHILDREN (LAC) ............................................................................ 17 10. FAMILY NURSE PARTNERSHIP (FNP) ....................................................................... 19 11. UPDATE ON STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES IDENTIFIED IN 2013/2014 ANNUAL REPORT ............................................................. 20 12. LEARNING AND CONTINUAL DEVELOPMENT OF HEALTH CARE STAFF ............. 26 13. FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION (FGM) ..................................................................... 27 14. CHILD SEXUAL EXPLOITATION ................................................................................. 28 15. INSPECTORATES ........................................................................................................ 29 16. MULTI AGENCY SAFEGUARDING HUB (MASH) ....................................................... 31 17. LOOKED AFTER CHILDREN AND CARE LEAVERS .................................................. 32 18. CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................. 35 GLOSSARY ........................................................................................................................... 37 APPENDIX 1 NHS ROTHERHAM CCG ‘SAFEGUARDING 2015/2016 PLAN ON A PAGE’ ....................................................................................................... 46 APPENDIX 2 ROTHERHAM SAFEGUARDING VULNERABLE CLIENTS LEADS AS AT MARCH 2015 ....................................................................................... 47 APPENDIX 3 SAFEGUARDING VULNERABLE CLIENTS STRATEGY ............................... 48 APPENDIX 4 NHS ROTHERHAM CLINICAL COMMISSIONING GROUP ............................ 49 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 This is the third annual report for Safeguarding Vulnerable Clients for NHS Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Group (NHS Rotherham CCG). This report demonstrates NHS Rotherham CCG’s continued commitment to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all residents in the Rotherham Borough who are at risk. It further provides information about how NHS Rotherham CCG carries out its statutory safeguarding roles and responsibilities. 1.2 As stated in last year’s annual report (13/14) NHS Rotherham CCG firmly believes that every person has the right to live a life free from abuse and neglect. With this in mind NHS Rotherham CCG will continue to develop their safeguarding agenda and will include safeguarding as one of four priorities in its Rotherham CCG Commissioning Plan 2015 to 2019 Your Life, Your Health. In addition to this commitment the sexual exploitation agenda will continue to evolve in light of the Alexis Jay (2014) and Louise Casey (2015) reports and the Department of Health review of forty four reports into the alleged sexual abuse committed on health premises by the late Jimmy Savile. Monitor (March 2015) has written to all NHS Foundation Trusts to assess the relevance of the recommendations to their organisation and requested a progress report from providers by 15 June 2015. 1.3 Within this report, the term vulnerable clients will be utilised to denote all children, young people or adults who are, or potentially are, vulnerable to abuse, maltreatment or neglect. This report will provide information on safeguarding for the financial year 2014 to 2015 and NHS Rotherham CCG’s vision and objectives for the period for 2015 to 2016. 1.4 This report provides assurance that health services commissioned by NHS Rotherham CCG within the Borough are working collaboratively to safeguard vulnerable clients. It demonstrates their on-going commitment of ensuring that vulnerable clients are safe and receive the highest possible standard of care. The report also includes interim information on the Care Quality Commission review of Children Looked After and Safeguarding (CLAS) in Rotherham undertaken 23 to 27 February 2015. 1.5 Whilst the responsibility for coordinating safeguarding arrangements across Rotherham lies with Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council (RMBC), effective safeguarding is based on a multi-agency approach. NHS Rotherham CCG is a willing multi-agency safeguarding partner and has robust governance arrangements in place to ensure that its own safeguarding structures and processes are effective; and that the agencies from which NHS Rotherham CCG commission services meet the required standards. This is demonstrated in adherence to Section 11 Children Act 2004 Self-Assessment Audit (April 2015). 1.6 This annual report will set out the current national and local context for safeguarding, the key achievements of 2014/15 and the challenges anticipated in 2015/2016. 2. NATIONAL CONTEXT AND DRIVER FOR SAFEGUARDING QUALITY 2.1 Nationally, the following policies and guidance have a direct impact on safeguarding vulnerable people and as such are taken into account in the delivery of NHS Rotherham CCG services and in the rationale for directing future services. Safeguarding vulnerable clients from abuse and other types of exploitation is everybody’s business and requires strong partnerships between local care and Page 1 support organisations, communities and individuals. All clients using health care services should be supported to maintain control over their lives and to make informed choices about health care treatments and arrangements even when their abilities to make decisions may be impaired: 2.1.1 Working Together to Safeguard Children (2015) 2.1.2 The Protection of Children in England: A Progress Report 2011 2.1.3 Children Act 2004 (specifically section 11 and 13) 2.1.4 National Service Framework for Children Young People and Maternity Services: 2.1.5 Care Quality Commission Essential Standards (specifically standard 5) 2.1.6 General Medical Council (2012) Safeguarding Children 2.1.7 Department of Health, No Secrets – Guidance on developing and implementing multi-agency policies and procedures to protect vulnerable adults from abuse, March 2000 2.1.8 Mental Capacity Act 2005 2.1.9 Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) 2009 2.1.10 Safeguarding Vulnerable
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