
AGENDA for a meeting of the CABINET in COMMITTEE ROOM B, County Hall, Hertford on MONDAY, 14 MARCH 2016 AT 2.00PM.

MEMBERS OF THE CABINET (Executive responsibilities are as indicated). (Quorum = 3)

D A Ashley Environment, Planning & Transport T L F Douris Highways R I N Gordon Leader of the Council C M Hayward Resources & Performance T C Heritage Public Health, Localism & Libraries R M Roberts Children's Services R A C Thake Community Safety & Waste Management J D Williams Enterprise, Education & Skills C B Wyatt-Lowe Adult Care & Health


Meetings of the Cabinet are open to the public (this includes the press) and attendance is welcomed. However, there may be occasions when the public are excluded from the meeting for particular items of business. Any such items are taken at the end of the public part of the meeting and are listed under “Part II (‘closed’) agenda”.

The Committee Room is fitted with an audio system to assist those with hearing impairment. Anyone who wishes to use this should contact main (front) reception.

Members are reminded that all equalities implications and equalities impact assessments undertaken in relation to any matter on this agenda must be rigorously considered prior to any decision being reached on that matter.



To confirm the Minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 22 February 2016 (attached).


To deal with any questAgendaions directed Pack to1 ofthe 450 Leader of the Council and Executive Members. All such questions shall have been notified to the

1 Chief Legal Officer at least 5 clear days before the meeting.

Questions will be answered at the meeting in the order in which notice was received. At the end of each reply the questioner may ask one supplementary question to the person to whom the original question was put, who may reply orally or may undertake to reply in writing within 7 days.

The period allocated to questions shall not exceed 15 minutes. Any remaining after that period has elapsed shall be answered in writing within 7 days.

[No questions had been received at the time of agenda despatch.]


Any member of the public, being resident in or a registered local government elector of , may present a petition relating only to a matter on the Cabinet Agenda which has not been considered by a Cabinet Panel and which contains 100 or more signatures of residents or business ratepayers of Hertfordshire.

If you have any queries about the petitions procedure for this meeting please contact Elaine Shell, Democratic Services Manager, by telephone on (01992) 555565 or by email to [email protected].


5. THE PROPOSED CO-LOCATION OF FOUR LIBRARIES WITH RETAINED FIRE STATIONS Joint Report of the Director Health and Community Services, the Director of Resources and the Director Community Protection

Local Members: R H Beeching, R F Cheswright, M S Crawley

6. HERTFORDSHIRE EQUIPMENT SERVICE Report of the Director Health and Community Services

7. HIGHWAYS INTEGRATED WORKS PROGRAMME 2016/17 AND FORWARD WORKS PROGRAMME 2017/18 Report of the Chief Executive and Director of Environment

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8. FUTURE DIRECTION OF THE RESIDUAL WASTE TREATMENT PROGRAMME Report of the Chief Executive and Director of Environment

Local Members: T R Hutchings, A M R Searing


Part II business has been notified and the procedures set out in the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) () Regulations 2012 have been complied with. The Chairman will move:-

“That under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item/s of business on the grounds that it /they involve/s the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 3 and 5 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the said Act and the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.”

1. FUTURE DIRECTION OF THE RESIDUAL WASTE TREATMENT PROGRAMME Report of the Chief Executive and Director of Environment

Local Members: T R Hutchings, A M R Searing

If you require further information about this agenda please contact Elaine Shell, Democratic and Statutory Services on telephone no. (01992) 555565 or email [email protected]. Agenda documents are also available on the internet at


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Report of the Director of Children’s Services

Author:- Jayne Abery, Strategy and Policy Manager, Admissions & Transport (Tel: 01992 588785)

Executive Member:- David Williams, Enterprise, Education & Skills

1. Purpose of report

1.1 To enable Cabinet to consider the outcome of the public consultation on a proposal to remove passenger assistants from small vehicles transporting primary aged children to mainstream schools and to decide whether to approve that proposal.

2. Summary

2.1 This report sets out the results of the consultation on the proposed removal of passenger assistants from small vehicles transporting mainstream primary aged children and highlights the key themes raised by stakeholders.

2.2 The consultation, information on which was available on the consultation pages of Hertsdirect and through the press, ran from 2 January 2016 – 7 February 2016. Stakeholders were able to give their views either electronically or in paper format. [The consultation period was extended for a week after a technical issue with electronic responses was reported].

2.3 Views were sought directly from parents, schools, taxi contractors, district and parish councils, local authorities, County Councillors and the Hertfordshire Safeguarding Children’s Board.

2.4 A total of 125 responses were received with 12.8 % of respondents agreeing with the proposal, 81.6% of respondents disagreeing and 5.6% neither agreeing nor disagreeing. A breakdown of responses by stakeholder group can be found in Appendix 1 to the report.

Agenda Pack 4 of 450 1 3. Recommendation

3.1 The Enterprise, Education and Skills Cabinet Panel considered a report on this item of business at its meeting on 1 March 2016. The Panel agreed to recommend to Cabinet:-

“That the proposal to remove passenger assistants from small vehicles transporting mainstream primary aged children be approved, with phased implementation for infant children currently being transported as follows:

 children currently in Reception will continue with a passenger assistant until the end of the 2017/18 academic year;

 children in Year 1 will continue with a passenger assistant until the end of the 2016/17 academic year;

 children in Year 2 will continue with a passenger assistant until the end of the 2015/16 academic year; and

 new small vehicle routes established for entitled children entering an infant class (for example through the In Year application process) from the start of the 2016 summer term (18 April 2016) will not be provided with a passenger assistant.”

4 Background

4.1 The County Council’s current home-school policy, which may be viewed at:, states that passenger assistants will be provided:

 on all primary school routes organised by the County Council;

 to special schools for pupils with Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD) Schools and Schools for Physically Impaired pupils both on buses and taxis; and

 on larger vehicles travelling to special schools for pupils with Moderate Learning Difficulty (MLD) and Behaviour, Emotional and Social Difficulties (BESD).

4.2 This proposal only concerns passenger assistants on routes to mainstream primary schools. The County Council does not use passenger assistants for mainstream secondary aged children and they will be maintained for children with SEN/disability or individual needs as required. Existing contracts already require drivers to undertake the role of the passenger assistant when one is not present. In addition, the needs of a particular child in respect of transport will be considered by using the County Council’s Individual Transport Needs (ITN) form. Agenda Pack 5 of 450 2

4.3 There is no statutory requirement for passenger assistants to be provided on routes for primary aged children and many other local authorities do not, as standard, provide passenger assistants for primary children travelling in small vehicles. Members previously considered this issue at the Enterprise, Education and Skills Cabinet Panel meeting on 7 December 2015 and papers are available at id/70/ctl/ViewMeetingPublic/mid/397/Meeting/318/Committee/10/Defaul t.aspx

4.4 The broad themes raised by stakeholders in response to the consultation can be categorised as follows:

 Safeguarding concerns for pupils.  Practical implementation for schools  Assessment of individual pupils transport needs

Further details on key themes and mitigation, by stakeholder group, is available in Appendix 2 to the report.

4.5 Whilst primary passenger assistants have been provided in Hertfordshire since the early 1970’s their use has not been reviewed or consulted upon for many years. Public awareness with regard to safeguarding has significantly risen in the last 40 years and stringent statutory requirements have been introduced for all those involved in the care of children. One of the key themes from the consultation has been the County Council’s ability to analyse and mitigate any current and future safeguarding risk.

4.6 Within Hertfordshire, relatively few primary children travel alone in a taxi. At the time the initial analysis was undertaken in April 2015 there were 136 infant children (for this purpose aged 3-7) traveling in small vehicles. However of these:

• 96 travelled in a vehicle with junior aged children • 22 travelled in a vehicle with other infants • 18 children travelled in a vehicle by themselves (except for the Passenger Assistant )

4.7 As noted above secondary aged children in Hertfordshire in small vehicles travel currently without passenger assistants. There are 65 vehicles currently travelling to secondary schools in this situation. There have been 2 safeguarding investigations regarding taxi drivers – 1 was found to be unsubstantiated, the other is still ongoing.

4.8 To ensure the safeguarding of pupils travelling in the care of taxi drivers, all drivers of small vehicles contracted by the County Council

Agenda Pack 6 of 450 3 are already required to undertake an enhanced DBS check and this will continue to contribute to the safeguarding of the children travelling. In addition, all contractors are in receipt of County Council safeguarding advice. The County Council has a Code of Conduct for drivers which is currently being updated and clearly articulates expectations should a child become ill etc. Subject to Cabinet’s approval of the proposal, new contracts issued to all County Council small vehicle contractors will include training requirements for drivers including safeguarding, disability awareness, and pick up/drop off arrangements, emergency procedures and general transport provision. Drivers on routes where passenger assistants will be withdrawn will be given training as detailed above to ensure all necessary knowledge is imparted, confidence improved and parental expectations and concerns minimised.

4.9 In response to concerns about pupils falling ill whilst travelling to school, the driver’s responsibility, as set out in the Code of Conduct which forms part of the contract framework, is to report the incident to a member of staff immediately upon arrival at the school. If a child falls ill whilst travelling home, the driver must inform the parent/carer immediately upon their arrival at home. If a pupil has an accident and medical attention is needed, the taxi driver will call the emergency services/school/ parent carer. These procedures are already in place for children travelling in small vehicles to secondary schools. Drivers are also required to maintain a “daybook” while operating the contract and to use it to record details of any accidents or other incidents.

4.10 Practical arrangements for schools have been raised in relation to the safe handover of pupils between taxi driver and schools. To ensure pupils enter and exit school premises safely, it is proposed that local arrangements are made between individual schools and taxi contractors, to ensure the pupil’s safety upon leaving the vehicle. These arrangements will depend upon individual circumstances, for example parking and turning facilities at schools, whether other children are in the vehicle and, if necessary, the identification of suitable individuals to escort the pupil onto and off school premises - in most cases it will be the driver’s responsibility.

4.11 In response to points raised regarding the requirement of a passenger assistant to support the needs of individual pupils, if the specific needs of a child, because of age, or other factors, indicate that a passenger assistant may be required, then this will be taken into account in the transport assessment process.

4.12 It is further proposed that as part of the County Council’s ’ implementation plan for the removal of passenger assistants, guidance for schools, parents/carers and taxi contractors be developed together with a communication strategy to ensure that all stakeholders are aware of timescales and procedures.

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5. Financial Implications

5.1 The following financial assumptions were initially used to identify the potential cost savings:

 190 school days a year  Each taxi route requires a passenger assistant for 2 hours a day (outward and return journey) Passenger assistants paid at national minimum wage; £6.50 an hour.

5.2 As a result of the implementation of National Living Wage from April 2016 (£7.20 per hour), the cost of providing passenger assistants will increase. Estimated costs are £172,368 in 2016/17 and £295,488 in 2017/18 - an increase of 10.77%. Over time these costs will further increase with no provision in the current transport budget to meet them.

5.3 If the proposal is agreed by Cabinet, the transitional arrangements for the withdrawal of passenger assistants will take place over 3 years with estimated savings to the County Council of £155,610 in 2016/17 and £266,760 in 2017/18.

6. Equalities Implications

6.1 When considering proposals placed before Members it is important that they are fully aware of, and have themselves rigorously considered the Equality Implications of the decision that they are making.

6.2 Rigorous consideration will ensure that proper appreciation of any potential impact of that decision on the County Council’s statutory obligations under the Public Sector Equality Duty. As a minimum this requires decision makers to read and carefully consider the content of any Equalities Impact Assessment (EQiA) produced by officers.

6.3 The Equality Act 2010 requires the County Council when exercising its functions to have due regard to the need to (a) eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and other conduct prohibited under the Act; (b) advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it and (c) foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it. The protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010 are age; disability; gender reassignment; marriage and civil partnership; pregnancy and maternity; race; religion and belief, sex and sexual orientation

6.4. An Equality Impact Assessment has been carried out and is attached at Appendix 3 to the report

Agenda Pack 8 of 450 5 6.5 Officers consider that there are minimal adverse equality impacts in the removal of passenger assistants from small vehicles transporting children to primary schools. As set out in the Action Plan (section 8 of the EQiA), the removal of Passenger Assistants will be monitored and reviewed with action taken as necessary to minimise risk, and ensure safeguarding. Parents and schools where Passenger Assistants are removed will be asked for feedback. As outlined above the individual transport requirements (including the provision of a passenger assistant) of children with an enhanced level of need or vulnerability that may be related to a protected characteristic will continue be taken into account, as currently, in the assessment of transport entitlement.

Background Information

As per the hyperlinks in the report Report to the Enterprise, Education and Skills Cabinet Panel, March 2016

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Appendix 1

Response’s by Stakeholder Group

Stakeholder Group Number of % Agree % Disagree Responses

Parent 45 6.7 93.3

Hertfordshire School 52 7.7 88.5

Taxi 7 43 43 Company/Contractor

Local Council 3 33.3 66.6 Member

Local Authority 6 50 50

County Councillor 2 - -

Other (Children’s support 10 10 80 group, Herts Constabulary, Chair of Hertfordshire Safeguarding Children Board, Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council )

Total 125 12.8% 81.6%

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Appendix 2 Key Theme’s Received from Stakeholders

Parents Key Themes

45 Parents Responded with 6.7% Agreeing and 93.3% Disagreeing

Comments from Parents who agreed with the proposal

 Agree, so long as the Council take necessary steps to ensure drivers are thoroughly checked out before being used.  Parents should be used as a Passenger Assistant (PA)

Comments from Parents who disagree with the proposal

Key Themes Mitigation

Who will have responsibility for the Local arrangements will be made child to ensure they enter school between each school and the taxi premises and do not run off? contractor to ensure that the pupil is escorted onto the school premises at Will children be expected to walk into the beginning of the school day and school grounds on their own when to the vehicle at the end of the school they leave the taxi? day

How will pupils find the taxi after School assistance may be required school? for specific cases.

How will taxi drivers be checked? All drivers of small vehicles contracted by the County Council are already required to undertake an enhanced DBS check and this will continue to contribute to the safeguarding of the children travelling.

The Council should provide an ‘in The County Council ensures through house’ taxi service as taxi contracts its tendering processes that transport are too expensive. provision, such as taxis, are secured at a competitive price. Regular monitoring and market testing is carried out to ensure transport is cost effective.

What will the taxi driver do if the child If a child falls ill whilst travelling to has an accident or feels sick on the school, the driver must report this to way to/from school? a member of staff immediately upon Agenda Pack 11 of 450 1 arrival at the school. If a child falls ill whilst travelling home, the driver must inform the parent/carer immediately upon their arrival at home.

If a pupil has an accident and medical attention is need the taxi driver will call the emergency services/ school/ parent carer.

Pupils, parents, carers, schools and What happens if pupils argue in the contractors will receive a behaviour taxi? guide which should be followed. In challenging situations a risk assessment will be conducted and alternative transport provision may be arranged.

Will a pupil with a disability attending Where transport has been agreed, a a mainstream school be provided with pupil’s individual transport needs will a passenger assistant? be assessed. If there is evidence to support the pupil requiring a passenger assistant then a passenger assistant will be provided.

Reduce cost of taxi service Very small numbers of children are expenditure by making it easier for transported to school in taxis. Those everyone to join their nearest school that are live more than statutory walking distance from the nearest school with places – in some cases this is because the child lives in a rural location and lives some distance from the nearest school.

Who will sign the register for the child If a taxi is late arriving at school, the if the taxi is running late? signing of the register would form part of the local arrangements made between the school and the taxi provider.

Unacceptable to send a young female All drivers of small vehicles child in a car with a male stranger contracted by the County Council are already required to undertake an enhanced DBS check and this will continue to contribute to the safeguarding of the children travelling. Where transport has been agreed, a Agenda Pack 12 of 450 2 pupil’s individual transport needs will be assessed. If there is evidence to support the pupil requiring a gender specific taxi driver then this will be provided.

Will there ever be an occasion where No. Parents will be responsible for a child is left on alone? handing over their son/daughter to the taxi driver and the school and taxi contractor will have local arrangements in place for handing over/collecting pupils at school.

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Hertfordshire Schools Key Themes

52 Hertfordshire Schools Responded with 7.7% Agreeing and 88.5% Disagreeing

Comments from Hertfordshire Schools who agreed with the proposal

 No comments received

Comments from Hertfordshire Schools who disagree with the proposal

Comments Mitigation Provision should be made on an Where transport has been agreed, a individual basis. This would include pupil’s individual transport needs will be pupils with behavioural difficulties or assessed. If there is evidence to support where there are child protection the pupil requiring a passenger assistant concerns. then a passenger assistant will be provided.

What happens if driver is taken ill whilst The driver will call the taxi company and transporting the children? a replacement driver and taxi will be dispatched immediately. The driver will not leave the children alone.

All journeys should have an approved Risk assessments are undertaken on a and agreed risk assessment case by case basis and from September 2016 all taxi providers will be required, as part of their contract agreement, to provide risk assessments for all routes.

Who has responsibility of ensuring child Local arrangements will be made enters school when parking is a serious between each school and the taxi issue? contractor to ensure that the pupil is escorted onto the school premises at the beginning of the school day and collected from the school premises at the end of the school day. School assistance may be required for specific cases.

Children need the reassurance of a PA Drivers can be requested to attend a when they are potentially upset parting meet and greet with parent and child with parents in the morning prior to transport starting, this would ease any anxiety on the first day.

What if a child un-did their seatbelt? Information will be sent to the parent

Agenda Pack 14 of 450 4 explaining the responsibilities and the importance of children knowing the safety of seatbelts. In the event a child removed their seatbelt the driver would stop the vehicle and explain the importance of safety to the child. If the child undid the seatbelt again the driver would contact his office and ask them to inform the parent or school for advice on how to carry on with the transport.

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Taxi Company Key Themes

7 Taxi Company Responded 43.0% Agreeing with the proposal and 43.0% Disagreeing

Comments from Taxi Companies who agreed with the proposal

 No comments

Comments from Taxi Companies who disagree with the proposal

Comments Mitigation

It is essential for the safety of the Taxi drivers on Council mainstream passengers and the transporters. PA primary routes will be required to attend needed to supervise children training, arranged by the local authority, covering their role and responsibilities, safeguarding, disability awareness, pick up/drop off arrangements, emergency procedures and general transport provision.

Taxi companies have paid to have their Passenger Assistants frequently change escorts badged and will need reimbursed from company to company. DBS badges for this cost of training will still be required for SEN routes and Mainstream routes if a specific need is required.

It should depend on the severity of the Where transport has been agreed, a individual child’s needs as to whether a pupil’s individual transport needs will be passenger assistant is provided. assessed. If there is evidence to support the pupil requiring a passenger assistant then a passenger assistant will be provided.

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Local Council Member Key Themes

3 Local Council Members Responded with 33.3% Agreeing and 66.6% Disagreeing

Comments from Local Council Members who agreed with the proposal

 Would only object if the taxis themselves were being withdrawn  Suggests that taxis are fitted with CCTV (audio and visual) and a full recording of each journey saved to anHCC (Hertfordshire County Council) website for 30 days in case of incident  Appropriate checks on drivers is essential

Comments from Local Council Members who disagreed with the proposal

Comments Mitigation

Our role should be to protect those Where transport has been agreed, a most vulnerable – to expect a driver pupil’s individual transport needs will to care for children in rush hour traffic be assessed. If there is evidence to is unacceptable support the pupil requiring a passenger assistant then a passenger assistant will be provided.

Taxi drivers on Council mainstream primary routes will be required to attend training, arranged by the local authority, covering their role and responsibilities, safeguarding, disability awareness, pick up/drop off arrangements, emergency procedures and general transport provision.

How will language barriers be Where transport has been agreed, a overcome? pupil’s individual transport needs will be assessed. Transport provision will meet the needs of the individual pupils.

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Local Authority Comments

6 Local Authorities Responded with 50% Agreeing and 50% Disagreeing

Comments from Local Authorities who agreed with the proposal

• Drivers are DBS checked to an enhanced level, however there must be consistency that other local authorities are checked at the same level and are able to work with children • Parents should be responsible for taking their children to school and taxis should be used at all • Staggered by the number of children currently being transported by taxi. Public funds should not be used to fund PA’s

Comments Response/Mitigation

Travellers and Refugee Team - different Where transport has been agreed, a scenario; Taxi drivers often do not like pupil’s individual transport needs will driving onto traveller sites without be assessed. If there is evidence to another adult present. Traveller culture support the pupil requiring a gender does not think it correct for a daughter to specific taxi driver then this will be be left alone in a taxi with a stranger provided.

Risk of sexual/criminal/malicious If accusations were made against a accusations to be made towards the driver, the local authority would follow driver current protocols and implement an investigation with the contractor and school

More effort should be made to provide The County Council ensures through larger vehicles to transport more children its tendering processes that transport with a single PA provision, such as taxis, are secured at a competitive price. Regular monitoring and market testing is carried out to ensure transport is cost effective.

 La  Information has been received from 5 Lack of detail available for how the other other LA’s, none of which provide LA’s have found the change of approach. passenger assistants on primary routes, unless a pupil had an identified transport need.

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County Council Member Key Themes

2 County Council Members Responded, neither agreeing or disagreeing

Comments Response/Mitigation

How long have Passenger Assistants Passenger Assistants have been in been utilised in Taxi’s within place since at least the early 70s, so Hertfordshire? a decision made over 40+ years ago.

Please can you confirm the reasoning To protect the driver from false why the decision was first taken to accusations made by the child and to use Passenger Assistants was first contribute to child safety. taken?

Other than the financial The proposal is to remove PAs from considerations why is it is appropriate mainstream small vehicles. The to remove the Passenger Assistants? Council does not use PAs for mainstream secondary children and they will be maintained for children with SN/disability or individual needs as required. Existing contracts already require drivers to undertake the role of the PA when a PA is not present. The only differences between a PA role and a driver role are as outlined below:  Must supervise passengers to and from agreed handover points at the school Passenger Assistants are not expected to escort passengers to/from their classrooms and are not expected to collect passengers from the house: Parents/carers are expected to bring passengers to the vehicle or to the pick-up point  must maintain a “daybook” while operating the contract and use it to record details of any accidents or other incidents.  must report to a member of staff at school if passengers fall ill whilst travelling to school. If a passenger falls ill whilst Agenda Pack 19 of 450 9 travelling home, the passenger assistant must inform the parent/carer  must contact parents/carers if there is a long delay on the journey. None of these reasons/roles are so essential, arduous, individual or time- consuming that they cannot be replaced by the driver.

Has the original reason for the use of The safeguarding processes in place, Passenger Assistants now and overall awareness and diminished, been removed and if not knowledge regarding safeguarding why is it felt that their use should be are much greater today than in the ceased? early 1970s. New contracts issued to all Council small vehicle contractors will include training requirements for drivers including safeguarding. All contractors are already in receipt of the Council’s safeguarding advice. Drivers on routes where PAs are being withdrawn (30+ identified for September 2016) will be given specific training to ensure all necessary knowledge is imparted, confidence improved and parental expectations and concerns minimised.

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Other’s Comments (Children’s support group, , Independent Chair of Hertfordshire Safeguarding Children Board)

10 “Other’s” Responded with 10.0% Agreeing and 80.0% Disagreeing

Comments from “Others” who disagreed with the proposal

Comments Mitigation

While it may be appropriate for Where transport has been agreed, a some children, it is totally pupil’s individual transport needs will be inappropriate for deaf children. assessed. If there is evidence to support the pupil requiring a passenger assistant then a passenger assistant will be provided.

KS2 is a primary group for failing Pupils will be escorted to and from to attend school and feature as vehicles at the start and end of school ‘missing person’ reports day. Enhanced guidance will be frequently, when they do not want distributed to schools/ parents & to attend and run away contractors regarding roles and responsibilities and safe travel.

We will continue to assess the individual needs of children travelling and if, for whatever reason, a passenger assistant is deemed to be necessary for a child travelling to a mainstream primary school then a passenger assistant will be provided.

Without information about the There have been 2 safeguarding number of taxi drivers found to be investigations regarding taxi drivers – 1 wanting in their behaviours to was found to be unsubstantiated, the children or young people, those other is still ongoing. So currently there de-barred each year from their have been no taxis drivers used by the taxi-driving licenses because of Council disbarred because of inappropriate behaviour or inappropriate behaviour. prosecuted for offences it is not possible to understand the risk.

The lack of numbers of children Analysis of pupils travelling in May 2015 being transported at this time showed the following;

Agenda Pack 21 of 450 11 makes it impossible to estimate there were 136 infant children ( for this the probability of this going wrong. purpose aged 3-7) traveling in small vehicles. However of these:  96 travelled in a vehicle with junior aged children  of the remaining 40 o 22 travelled in a vehicle with other infants o 18 children travelled in a vehicle by themselves ( except for the PA)

Concerns raised that the proposal New contracts issued to all County does not support work undertaken Council small vehicle contractors will on Child Sexual Exploitation and include training requirements for drivers Operation Halo including safeguarding. All contractors are already in receipt of the Council’s safeguarding advice (that incorporates the Code of Conduct suggested by Halo). All drivers have enhanced DBS checks and drivers on routes where PAs are withdrawn (30+ identified for September 2016) will be given specific training to ensure all necessary knowledge is imparted, confidence improved and parental expectations and concerns minimised. The policy brings the Council in line with other local authorities and risk assessments will be in place as necessary.

Agenda Pack 22 of 450 12 Appendix 3

Equalities Impact Assessment Guidance is available on Compass. Completion of an EqIA should be proportional and relevant to the anticipated impact of the project on equalities. The form can be tailored to your project and should be completed before decisions are made. Key EqIAs should be reviewed by the Business Manager or Service Head, signed off by your department’s Equality Action Group (EAG) and sent to the Equality and Diversity team to publish on HertsDirect. For support and advice please contact [email protected].

STEP 1: Responsibility and involvement

Title of proposal/ Removal of Head of Service or Glenda Hardy project/strategy/ passenger Business Manager procurement/policy assistants from vehicles transporting children to mainstream Primary schools Names of those Jayne Abery Lead officer Jayne Abery involved in contact details: Jayne.Abery@hertf completing the EqIA: Date completed: 8 February 2016 Review date: December 2016

STEP 2: Objectives of proposal and scope of assessment – what do you want to achieve?

Proposal objectives: The County Council (HCC) is proposing to remove  what you want to achieve passenger assistants from small vehicles transporting  intended outcomes children to mainstream primary schools. purpose and need Consultation was undertaken between 1 January and 7 February 2016 and responders were asked to complete at Equality assessment from. The consultation was extended for a week when it was reported that a technical issue may have prevented some online responses . Stakeholders: Schools within Hertfordshire Who will be affected: Parents/carers the public, partners, staff, Children service users, local Member etc Taxi contractors Existing passenger assistants and vehicle drivers

STEP 3: Available data and monitoring information

Relevant equality information What the data tell us about equalities For example: Community profiles / service user demographics, data and monitoring information (local and national), similar or previous EqIAs, complaints, audits or inspections, local knowledge and consultations.

TemplateAgenda updated Pack Feb 23ruary of 2014 450 Please email completed EqIAs to [email protected] Page 1 of 7 Appendix 3

Equalities Impact Assessment Equalities data is not kept on children 125 responses were received but only 35 or families accessing taxi/small vehicle completed the equalities assessment transport to school. monitoring form Consultation was undertaken between 1 January and 7 February 2016 and responders were asked to complete at Equalities monitoring assessment form.

The proposal will directly impact upon 153 Hertfordshire families living across all 10 Hertfordshire districts with children attending hundreds of different schools

STEP 4: Impact Assessment – Service Users, communities and partners (where relevant)

Admission Arrangements Protected Potential for differential impact What reasonable mitigations characteristic (positive or negative) can you propose? Age The proposal is directly related to a Passenger Assistants are not child’s age and removing passenger provided for older children assistants that are currently travelling to secondary schools provided for primary children so the proposal will actually travelling to mainstream primary introduce age equity. schools. If the specific needs of a child, because of age of other factor, indicate that a passenger assistant may be required that it will be taken into account into the entitlement process through the Individual Transport Needs (ITN) form.

The removal of Passenger Assistant’s will be phased in allowing the youngest children currently in Reception to continue to travel with a Passenger Assistant until September 2018. Disability It is not anticipated that the The individual transport needs Including proposals will affect people (ITN) form outlining the specific Learning disproportionately because of their travelling requirements of Disability disability children will continue to be taken into account in the entitlement TemplateAgenda updated Pack Feb 24ruary of 2014 450 Please email completed EqIAs to [email protected] Page 2 of 7 Appendix 3

Equalities Impact Assessment Protected Potential for differential impact What reasonable mitigations characteristic (positive or negative) can you propose? Passenger Assistants will continue process for children travelling to to be provided for primary children mainstream primary schools. with disabilities and learning difficulties traveling to special If the ITN form and associated schools. professional advice requires the provision of a passenger For children with disabilities assistant to ensure a child with including learning difficulties disabilities can access attending mainstream primary mainstream primary education, a schools, with and without EHCPs, passenger assistant will be individual needs will continue to be provided. taken into account in entitlement decisions.

Race There is a need to ensure that that Parents are able to access guidance provided to parents on advice from the County Council small vehicle transport can be through language line . In accessed and understood by those addition a translation service is whose first language is not English. offered to parent whose first language is not English who Concerns for members of the Appeal a transport entitlement travelling community were raised in decision. response to the consultation, particularly for daughters travelling Any individual transport to school and a potential requirements or requests not detrimental impact upon school covered by the statutory attendance if not accompanied by a transport policy will continue to Passenger Assistants. be considered through the discretionary transport process and Transport Appeals.

Advice from The Traveller Team will be taken into account in the transport decision making process as necessary.

Gender It is not anticipated that the reassignment proposals will affect people Any individual transport disproportionately because of requirements or requests not gender reassignment. covered by the statutory transport policy will continue to Any individual transport be considered through the requirements or requests not discretionary transport process covered by the statutory transport and Transport Appeals. policy will continue to be considered through the discretionary transport process and Transport Appeals. TemplateAgenda updated Pack Feb 25ruary of 2014 450 Please email completed EqIAs to [email protected] Page 3 of 7 Appendix 3

Equalities Impact Assessment Protected Potential for differential impact What reasonable mitigations characteristic (positive or negative) can you propose?

Pregnancy It is not anticipated that the Any individual transport and maternity proposals will affect people requirements or requests not disproportionately because of covered by the statutory pregnancy or maternity transport policy will continue to be considered through the discretionary transport process using the Individual Transport Needs (ITN) form and Transport Appeals.

Religion or It is not anticipated at this stage that Any individual transport belief the proposals will affect people requirements or requests not disproportionately because of the covered by the statutory issue of religion or belief transport policy will continue to be considered through the discretionary transport process using the Individual Transport Needs (ITN) form and Transport Appeals.

Sex It is not anticipated at this stage that Any individual transport the proposals will affect people requirements or requests not disproportionately because of the covered by the statutory issue of their sex. transport policy will continue to be considered through the . discretionary transport process using the Individual Transport Needs (ITN) form and Transport Appeals.

Sexual orientation It is not anticipated at this stage that Any individual transport the proposals will affect people requirements or requests not disproportionately because of covered by the statutory sexual orientation. transport policy will continue to be considered through the discretionary transport process using the Individual Transport Needs (ITN) form and Transport Appeals Marriage & It is not anticipated at this stage that Any individual transport civil the proposals will affect people requirements or requests not partnership disproportionately because of the covered by the statutory marital /civil partnership status. transport policy will continue to

TemplateAgenda updated Pack Feb 26ruary of 2014 450 Please email completed EqIAs to [email protected] Page 4 of 7 Appendix 3

Equalities Impact Assessment Protected Potential for differential impact What reasonable mitigations characteristic (positive or negative) can you propose? be considered through the discretionary transport process using the Individual Transport Needs (ITN) form and Transport Appeals.

Carers (by .It is not anticipated at this stage Any individual transport association that the proposals will affect people requirements or requests not with any of disproportionately because of their covered by the statutory the above) caring responsibilities. transport policy for PAs travelling with primary looked Children looked after will often has after children will be considered specific school transport arranged, through the discretionary frequently with a passenger transport process using the assistant due to the vulnerabilities Individual Transport Needs (ITN) of the individual child. The form and Transport Appeals. Individual Transport Needs (ITN) form outlining the specific travelling Advice from the CLA team will requirements of children will be be taken into account in the used to take forward consideration transport decision making of these needs process as necessary

Opportunity to advance equality of opportunity and/or foster good relations (Please refer to the guidance for more information on the public sector duties)

STEP 5: Gaps identified

Gaps identified A 5 week public consultation (1 January – 7 February) has Do you need to collect been undertaken and responders were asked to complete an more data/information or Equalities monitoring form to assist in EQIA. carry out consultation? (A ‘How to engage’ consultation guide is on Details of the consultation were sent direct to every family Compass). How will you affected; every primary school in Hertfordshire and every taxi make sure your contractor used by HCC, In addition parish and district councils consultation is accessible and the HCC Safeguarding Board informed. to those affected?

STEP 6: Other impacts Consider if your proposal has the potential (positive and negative) to impact on areas such as health and wellbeing, crime and disorder and community relations. There is more information in the guidance.

STEP 7: Conclusion of your analysis

Select one conclusion of your analysis Give details TemplateAgenda updated Pack Feb 27ruary of 2014 450 Please email completed EqIAs to [email protected] Page 5 of 7 Appendix 3

Equalities Impact Assessment Select one conclusion of your analysis Give details No equality impacts identified .  No change required to proposal. Minimal equality impacts identified As the needs of individual pupils will X  Adverse impacts have been identified, but continue to be considered by way of the have been objectively justified (provided Individual Transport Needs (ITN) form you do not unlawfully discriminate). outlining the specific travelling  Ensure decision makers consider the cumulative effect of how a number of requirements of children and having decisions impact on equality. noted the contractual requirements imposed by the County Council it is felt that there are minimal adverse equality impacts in the removal of passenger assistants from small vehicles transporting children to primary schools Potential equality impacts identified  Take ‘mitigating action’ to remove barriers or better advance equality.  Complete the action plan in the next section. Major equality impacts identified  Stop and remove the policy  The adverse effects are not justified, cannot be mitigated or show unlawful discrimination.  Ensure decision makers understand the equality impact.

STEP 8: Action plan

Issue or opportunity identified relating to: Officer Responsible  Mitigation measures Action proposed  Further research and target  Consultation proposal date  Monitor and review Amend existing literature for The removal of Passenger Assistants End Dec parents, schools and will be monitored and reviewed with 2016. contractors to provide clarity on action taken as necessary to minimise roles and responsibilities. risk, and ensure safeguarding. This advice will be provided Parents and schools where whenever a new taxi contract Passenger Assistants are removed (without a PA) is established. will be asked for feedback

This EqIA has been reviewed and signed off by:

Head of Service or Business Manager: Glenda Hardy Date:8/2/16

TemplateAgenda updated Pack Feb 28ruary of 2014 450 Please email completed EqIAs to [email protected] Page 6 of 7 Appendix 3

Equalities Impact Assessment Equality Action Group Chair: Date:

HCC’s Diversity Board requires the Equality team to compile a central list of EqIAs so a random sample can be quality assured. Each Equality Action Group is encouraged to keep a forward plan of key service decisions that may require an EqIA, but please can you ensure the Equality team is made aware of any EqIAs completed so we can add them to our list. (email: [email protected]). Thank you.

TemplateAgenda updated Pack Feb 29ruary of 2014 450 Please email completed EqIAs to [email protected] Page 7 of 7 Agenda Item No. HERTFORDSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL



Joint report of the Director Health and Community Services, the Director Community Protection and the Director of Resources

Authors: Taryn Pearson – Assistant Director Libraries & Customer Service (Tel: 01992 556351) Chris Bigland – Assistant Chief Fire Officer Service Support (Tel: 01992 507505) Angela Bucksey – Assistant Director Property (Tel: 01992 556397)

Executive Members: Teresa Heritage - Public Health, Localism & Libraries, Richard Thake - Community Safety & Waste Management Chris Hayward - Resources & Performance Local Members Local Members: R H Beeching, R F Cheswright, M S Crawley

1. Purpose of report and Summary

1.1 To provide information to Cabinet on feasibility work completed in considering the opportunity to co-locate four libraries with retained fire stations in the County; and to enable Cabinet to determine whether to approve the proposed co-locations.

1.2 The towns/villages included in this project are Buntingford, Redbourn, Sawbridgeworth and Wheathampstead . The Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) Fire & Rescue Service Transformation Grant Funding of £700,000 was secured in October 2014 to support the project.

1.3 During the last year feasibility work has considered the viability of delivering the project’s objectives (Section 3.2) at each of the four sites. The feasibility work has shown the services’ requirements and project objectives can be met at all four sites. Cabinet is now invited to consider whether to approve the proposals to enable officers to progress the project to the next stage of delivery.

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2. Recommendation

2.1 The Community Safety and Waste Management Cabinet Panel and the Public Health, Localism and Libraries Cabinet Panel will each consider a report on this item of business at their respective meetings on 4 March and 9 March. The Panels will be invited to recommend to Cabinet:-

“That Cabinet agrees that:-

1) the project proceeds to co-locate the libraries at Redbourn, Sawbridgeworth and Wheathampstead with the relevant retained fire station; and

2) in relation to the project at Buntingford:-

(i) the Library Service be requested to consider ‘Buntingford in Transition’s’ submission to keep the library in its current site, prior to making a decision;

(ii) that Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue and the Library service share with the local Buntingford community the details of the proposal to locate the library with the retained fire station. Exhibiting the co- location proposals alongside Buntingford in Transition’s plans; and

(iii) a further report be presented to Members in the summer 2016 with the final recommendation on re-locating Buntingford Library.”

2.3 The recommendation/s of the Cabinet Panels will be reported orally to Cabinet at the meeting and circulated to Members in the Order of Business sheet.

2.4 The Resources and Performance Cabinet Panel will be invited to note Cabinet’s decision/s on this item of business at its meeting on 18 March 2016; as, subject to the decision/s of Cabinet, the Panel may be requested to consider related property disposal proposals in due course.

3. Background

3.1 In October 2014 the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) advised “in principle” agreement to Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service’s (HFRS’s) bid for Grant Funds within the Fire & Rescue Service Transformation Programme (small scale funding pool < £2m per application). Grant Funding of £700,000 was awarded towards a co-location and integration project concerning four Libraries and their local retained Fire Stations.

3.2 The core objectives of the bid were as follows:

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i. to co-locate retained fire stations with another local service to improve asset utilisation; ii. to support the Inspiring Libraries Strategy in addressing the need to relocate or re provide 11 libraries, which include three libraries in this project; iii. to innovatively redesign under-utilised space within retained fire stations and create extensions, as necessary, to deliver a multi service property asset; iv. to deliver four library buildings that are bright, attractive, welcoming, flexible, tech-enabled spaces in convenient locations; v. to support the Inspiring Libraries Strategy, HFRS and the County Council’s drive to reduce revenue costs by co-locating County Council’s properties, thereby reducing overall property running costs for the two services; and vi. to release surplus public sector assets.

3.3 The four settlements identified for the programme were as follows:

Settlement FRS Location Current Library Location 1 Buntingford Station Road 77 High Street 2 Sawbridgeworth Station Road The Forebury 3 Redbourn High Street Lamb Lane 4 Wheathampstead Marford Road Marford Road

3.4 Three of the library sites are held freehold. Outline schemes have been modelled to have assurance on the potential capital receipts. At these sites, on agreement to progress, the next step will be to submit Regulation 4 Planning Applications to the relevant District Planning Authorities for the designated disposal sites and simultaneously lodge Regulation 3 Planning Applications for alterations and extensions to create integrated fire station / libraries.

The public consultation activities and timing of submission of the planning applications will be carefully scheduled in order to provide full clarity as to Hertfordshire County Council’s intentions for library re-provision.

3.5 Wheathampstead Library is held under a lease from the local Parish Council. The original contractual lease term has already expired. The County Council can, therefore, exit the lease liability without contingent liability risk at any time upon 6 months’ prior notice. Wheathampstead Parish Council have plans to refurbish the Memorial Hall; this may have implications for the library moving forward.

4. Feasibility of the Project in meeting the Service’s Requirements

4.1 The feasibility work has concluded that the core objectives of the DCLG Fire & Rescue Service Transformation Grant Funding can be achieved at all four sites. In essence improving and sustaining county council services in four small towns/villages in the County, whilst reducing the County Council’s revenue expenditure in the long term.

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From HRFS’ perspective the Service’s asset utilisation will be greatly improved making these sites more cost effective through partnering with another service and making the site available for greater community use throughout the day and evening;sharing common areas/ facilities to avoid local duplication and realising revenue cost savings on property overheads;andcreating the opportunity to engage with library users to promote key fire safety messages and a broader understanding of the service, whilst using the draw of a visit to the fire station to broaden the libraries’ client base.

4.2 The Library Service sees the project as a major opportunity to re-provide four libraries and deliver purpose built, ground floor, developed sites that will meet the Service’s ambition of bright, attractive, welcoming, flexible, tech-enabled spaces in convenient locations, whilst reducing revenue expenditure.

Based on condition, suitability, size and location Buntingford, Redbourn and Sawbridgeworth libraries were identified within the Inspiring Libraries Strategy as high priority to relocate or re-provide by actively seeking opportunities to work with partners. These buildings, if retained, would be particularly high cost to improve and maintain to meet the ambitions of the Inspiring Libraries Strategy. Co-locating Wheathampstead Library with the retained fire station will reduce its revenue expenditure in terms of no longer paying lease costs.

The additional significant advantage of this project is the opportunity to design these libraries to deliver the Inspiring Libraries strategy. At Buntingford it would allow an increase the public accessible space and greatly improve the facilities to meet a Tier 2 library’s requirements. At Redbourn, Sawbridgeworth and Wheathampstead it would allow the libraries to be designed specifically as community libraries, run as partnerships between the Library Service and local community groups, and supervised primarily by volunteers.

Having libraries co-located with retained fire stations also presents the opportunity for both services to enhance their engagement with the community. For example, parents visiting with their children to see the Fire Station will become aware of and may utilise the library and there is the opportunity for important Fire Safety messages to be promoted to Library visitors.

4.3 Subject to Cabinet approval, the proposed library re-provision will be as follows:

Settlement Accessible Public Library Space m² Current Proposed 1 Buntingford 146* 168 2 Sawbridgeworth 105** 99 3 Redbourn 110 116 4 Wheathampstead 101 98

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*The current public area of the public library at Buntingford Library is 112m². There is also a meeting room at the rear of the Library, but this is not fully accessible as access is up a steep ramp. **Sawbridgeworth Library is currently delivered over two floors, with access to the 1st floor by a flight of stairs, which is not idea from an accessibility perspective.

4.4 Building and site floor plans for the integrated fire station / libraries will be available for Members in the Members Lounge prior to and at the Cabinet meeting.

4.5 Transport Statements are being developed for all four sites; at this stage the feasibility exercise suggests that the sites can be made safe for the dual use by HFRS and the general public. The requirements for Transport Statements are rigorous to ensure that the vehicle and pedestrian impact of the development proposal, both on the subject site and the wider locality, are fully covered. Work Summaries for the Transport Statements using Redbourn and Buntingford as examples are available.

5. Financial Implications

5.1 The consolidation from eight properties to four will yield significant revenue savings of £98,000 per annum, even after offsetting for the additional running costs at the integrated sites:

a) exiting poor condition properties in favour of new extensions built to concurrent Building Standards; b) preventing the need for major repair and ongoing costs at the current library sites; c) avoiding expenditure into buildings that are not suitable for future service provision; d) delivering energy consumption efficiencies through a reduction in the County Council’s footprint in the subject settlements; e) saves fixed property overheads (Business Rates) saved; and f) avoiding lease costs (Wheathampstead).

5.2 Hertfordshire County Council Capital Investment to provide Net Capital Funding of £186,902 will be required in order to deliver the integrated property solutions by Spring 2017. This capital expenditure has already been secured as part of the Inspiring Libraries Invest to Transform bid in 2014. This capital funding has been secured by the Library Service specifically to deliver projects that achieve revenue savings by 2017/18.

5.3 It will not be possible to complete disposals of the surplus library sites until Spring 2017. Valuation Advice forecasts capital receipts totalling £1,247,512 across three transactions.

5.4 The quantum of available S106 Funds available in these locations may increase above the current level of £128,586 and is dependent upon the pace of residential development over the next 18 months.

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5.5 The financial summary for the project is as follows: Income £ DCLG Grant 700,000 Section 106 128,586 Capital receipts 1,247,512 Total Income 2,076,098

Expenditure Project costs 2,263,000 Total Expenditure 2,263,000

Inspiring Libraries Invest to 186,902 Transform Funding *

Revenue Expenditure 98,000 Savings per annum from 2017/18 *Capital Funding secured to directly support Library Savings Targets of £2.5m by 2017/18

6. Community Engagement

6.1 To date, the details of the project’s proposals around library and fire station co-locations have not been shared with local communities in any depth; awaiting the results of whether the project is feasible in the first instance from the Services’ perspective.

6.2 The award of the DCLG grant funding and the initiation of the project’s feasibility process was documented within the Inspiring Libraries Strategy - Implementation paper that went to Customer Service, Performance and Libraries Cabinet Panel in March 2015.

This resulted in briefing a couple of groups that are directly affected by any future decisions on their local library.

6.3 The Redbourn Library Volunteers group, which have partnered with the Library Service to run Redbourn as a Community Library, are aware and positive about the proposals to move the library to the fire station.

6.4 At Wheathampstead the Parish Council has been kept informed of the proposals, as the library is currently delivered from the Parish Council’s Memorial Hall.

6.5 In November 2015, the Buntingford in Transition Group presented a petition to Public Health, Localism and Libraries Cabinet Panel objecting to the plan to move Buntingford Library to the fire station site. However, this was before the plans for the new library had been published and there was an assumption among the petitioners that the new facility would be reduced in size from the current library. The Buntingford in Transition Group have since presented the County Council with an alternative proposal for the

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redevelopment of the current library building.

6.6 Now that it is clear that the project is feasible, able to deliver the Services’ requirements and project outcomes, details of the proposals can be shared more widely with the four local communities.

The formal consultation at all four sites will be part of the planning application process and fundamental to the next steps in the project.

7. Equalities Implication

7.1 When considering proposals placed before Members it is important that they are fully aware of, and have themselves rigorously considered the equality implications of the decision that they are making.

7.2 Rigorous consideration will ensure proper appreciation of any potential impact of that decision on the County Council's statutory obligations under the Public Sector Equality Duty. As a minimum this requires decision makers to read and carefully consider the content of any Equalities Impact Assessment (EqIA) produced by officers.

7.3 The Equality Act 2010 requires the County Council, when exercising its functions, to have due regard to the need to (a) eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and other conduct prohibited under the Act; (b) advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it and (c) foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it. The protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010 are age; disability; gender reassignment; marriage and civil partnership; pregnancy and maternity; race; religion and belief; sex and sexual orientation.

7.4 Subject to Cabinet’s approval of the proposals in this report, an Equalities Impact Assessment for each site will be developed as part of the next stage of the project. This document will indicates possible areas of differential impact on groups with protected characteristics, and measures taken to mitigate this.

8. Next Steps

If Cabinet approves the proposals in this report, the next steps for the project are: i. formal consultation at Redbourn, Sawbridgeworth and Wheathampstead sites as part of the Planning Application process; ii. liaising with local partners to share the details of the schemes; iii. develop Transport Statements further for all four sites; iv. develop the internal layouts for the co-locations and particularly the library fit out (i.e. making the interior space suitable for occupation); v. consider Buntingford in Transition’s alternative plan for the redevelopment of the current library building;and

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vi. engage with the local Buntingford community to share the proposals to co-locate the Library and Fire Station.

9. Conclusions

9.1 The feasibility work has shown that the opportunity to co-locate four libraries with retained Fire Stations at Buntingford, Redbourn, Sawbridgeworth and Wheathampstead, is feasible in terms of meeting the Services’ requirements and project objectives.

9.2 To date the details of the project’s proposals around library and fire station co-locations have not been shared with local communities in any depth. Subject to Cabinet’s approval of the proposals for co-location, this is the next stage of the project.

9.3 ‘Buntingford in Transition’ have objected to the potential moving of Buntingford Library from the High Street and they have submitted their own proposal to improve the Library in its current location. The County Council needs time to consider their proposal, as well as share with the local community the details of the opportunity to enhance library facilities in Buntingford through co-locating the library with the fire station prior to a decision being reached on whether to relocate this library.

Background Information

'Inspiring Libraries' Strategy - Implementation report - Customer Service, Performance & Libraries Cabinet Panel - 20 March 2015 Report to Community Safety and Waste Management Cabinet Panel, March 2016 Report to Public Health, Localism and Libraries Cabinet Panel, March 2016 Report to Resources and Performance Cabinet Panel, March 2016

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Report of the Director, Health and Community Services

Author: David Coolbear, Senior Commissioning Manager (Tel: 01438 843872)

Executive Member: Colette Wyatt-Lowe, Adult Care and Health

1 Purpose of Report

1.1 To inform and seek Cabinet’s agreement to a proposed new delivery model for the Hertfordshire Equipment Service (HES); to improve the logistical operations of the Service to achieve ongoing savings against equipment spend and to give HES clear accountability.

2 Summary

2.1 HES provides equipment for people to maintain their independence at home. It is jointly funded between the County Council and the local Clinical Commissioning Groups.

2.2 Consultation with stakeholders indicates that HES is not currently fit for purpose. Historically, the Service has been under-funded and, in the context of rising social care need and levels of complexity, is failing to meet the expectations of commissioners. Moreover, expenditure on equipment is rising year on year and this trend will continue if controlling action is not taken, resulting in significant unbudgeted costs.

2.3 Commissioners have reviewed HES and considered approaches for improving its effectiveness within the wider social care system. Commissioners propose investment in HES to re-design its logistical operations and provide capacity to make sure that prescriptions for equipment are better regulated, bringing equipment expenditure under control and managing future costs, together with new governance arrangements, which will give HES clear accountability.

3 Recommendations

3.1 The Adult Care and Health Cabinet Panel considered a report on this item of business at its meeting on 2 March 2016. The Panel noted the proposal and agreed to recommend to Cabinet that Cabinet agrees that

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1 the Director, Health and Community Services works with the Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) to:

a) approve and implement the proposed new delivery model for HES b) request that commissioners monitor the performance of HES in delivering the revised service offer and that commissioners continue to assess and keep under review the wider market for equipment services to aid future decision making.

4 Background

4.1 HES is funded through a section 75 agreement made under the National Health Service Act 2006 between the County Council (which contributes 50%) and the three local NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs): East and North Herts CCG, Herts Valleys CCG and Cambridgeshire and Peterborough CCG.

4.2 Table 1 below demonstrates that HES has overspent year-on-year against budget over the last four years. This is due to factors including:  increasing partner expectations of service delivery,  increasingly complex service-user needs,  HES being unable to effectively regulate or control the prescription of equipment by health and social care professionals, resulting in rising levels of expenditure. Table 1 HES Budget v Actual 2012/13 to 2015/16 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/161

£’000 £’000 £’000 £’000

Service Level Agreement 2,189 2,273 2,406 2,543 (SLA)Expenditure - actual Budget 2,160 2,260 2,306 2,306 Overspend 29 13 100 237

Equipment expenditure - actual 2,948 3,431 3,443 3,695 Budget 2,118 2,518 3,472 3,472 Over / (Under)spend 830 913 (29) 223

Total Overspend 859 926 71 460

4.3 Moreover, the HES equipment budget is demand-led. Graph 1 projects the increase in equipment expenditure to 2018/19, assuming the trend of increase continues at the rate it has done since 2012/13.

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2 Graph 1: Projecting HES Equipment through to 2018/19 based on trend of actual / forecast expenditure 2012/13 to 2015/16

4.4 The graph shows expenditure on equipment in 2018/19 is projected to be £4,322k; this is an increase of £850k or 20% over the period, in comparison with the 2015/16 equipment budget position.

4.5 In terms of performance, HES is not meeting stakeholder requirements because:  its existing Service Level Agreement (SLA) prioritises equipment to facilitate hospital discharge at the expense of preventative interventions that will help people remain in the community and avoid admission to hospital;  Service user consultation indicates that customers find it difficult to reach the service and HES is viewed as unresponsive to requests;  HES management consider that there are opportunities to improve rates for collecting and re-cycling equipment no longer required.

4.6 A benchmarking exercise was conducted using data from eight Equipment Service Providers from the Midlands and . The exercise demonstrated that Hertfordshire has the lowest cost per head of population in the region whilst also providing 43% more product items in the standard catalogue than its nearest comparator. This may suggest that logistical costs are low, and that the service is under- funded; it also shows that the variety and volume of equipment prescriptions are higher, suggestive of an uncontrolled and inefficient approach to prescribing.

5 Review of HES

5.1 The review was carried out by the County Council’s Integrated Support Community Commissioning team and centered on reshaping the design of the HES Service Level Agreement. A detailed operational document resulted from this exercise. Co-production with carers and service-users was a key component to inform Commissioners of needs and expectations. Partners were fully engaged, including Hertfordshire’s Agenda Pack 40 of 450

3 Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs), Hertfordshire Community Trust (HCT), and Acute Trust staff.

5.2 Based on this, Commissioners consider that the preferred way forward is to adopt a model for HES which delivers extended service hours and some weekend working. The model also provides capacity to:  deliver a rapid response to support discharge from hospital  deliver effective interventions service aimed at preventing hospital admission and maintaining independence  challenge current disorderly prescriber behavior, thus bringing the HES equipment budget into a controlled position and, by 2017/18, offsetting the cost of additional investment.

5.3 The proposed model will introduce a satellite equipment store at Watford General Hospital for the 2016/17 period to test whether this increases the number of same day deliveries and responses to other required deliveries and enabling safe and quicker hospital discharge.

5.4 The proposed model will:  put the service on a ‘fit for purpose’ footing going forward  correct historic under-investment  deliver a roughly cost neutral position by reducing equipment service expenditure from its current levels and investing in operations;  avoid an increase in future equipment spend of a predicted £850k by 2018/19, and  save cost elsewhere within the social care system.

6 Governance

6.1 A revised governance/management structure is proposed with the following features:  the service will be accountable to a joint Performance and Practice Group on operational delivery performance issues;  the strategic development of the service and the wider market will be the remit of the HES Strategic Group  the joint Clinical Guidance Group will provide clinical support, guidance and advice.

All groups will be jointly populated with representatives of the CCGs and the County Council.

6.2 It is also proposed that the Head of HES be responsible for ensuring that there is a resilient management team in the Service, to maintain oversight and drive improvement.

7 Financial Implications

7.1 Table 2 below shows the financial impact of the proposed new approach with additional contributions required in 2016/17 to take forward the

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4 proposal; the County Council will fund its contribution from the budget allocation for demography. From 2017/18, the increased investment in logistics and staffing will be offset by a reduction in the cost of equipment.

Table 2

Additional 2017/18 2016/17 Contribution onward £’000 £’000

HCC 488.5 (11.5) CCGs 488.5 (11.5)

7.2 The proposed new operating model will manage the current uncontrolled increase in equipment costs; which is forecast to be £850k more by 2019/20 if no action is taken. Improving the responsiveness of HES will also allow a reduction in the cost to the NHS of Delayed Transfers of Care resulting from delay in provision of equipment.

8 Equalities Implications

8.1 When considering proposals placed before Members it is important that they are fully aware of, and have themselves rigorously considered the equality implications of the decision that they are making.

8.2 Rigorous consideration will ensure that proper appreciation of any potential impact of that decision on the County Council’s statutory obligations under the Public Sector Equality Duty.

8.3 As a minimum this requires decision makers to read and carefully consider the content of any Equalities Impact Assessment (EQiA) produced by officers.

8.4 The Equality Act 2010 requires the County Council when exercising its functions to have due regard to the need to (a) eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and other conduct prohibited under the Act; (b) advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it and (c) foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it. The protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010 are age; disability; gender reassignment; marriage and civil partnership; pregnancy and maternity; race; religion and belief, sex and sexual orientation.

8.5 An Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) has been undertaken and this is attached at Appendix 1 to the report.

8.6 For each service, the equalities impact of the service has been assessed, including provider feedback on the equalities impact of the

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5 current service. The assessment found that the model would not disproportionately affect specific protected groups for the following reasons:-

 By its nature, the HES affects vulnerable people, particularly older and disabled people, and therefore any changes will have more of an effect on those who have these characteristics.  The revised Service Level Agreement is designed to improve equipment provision to the most vulnerable adults and children in Hertfordshire.  Every effort has been made to include service users in the design of the proposed delivery service, and equipment will continue to be allocated on a needs assessment appropriate increases to care packages if required.

8.6 It is proposed that the position will be monitored through reviewing and updating the impact assessment on a regular basis.

8.7 An action plan to mitigate any potential impacts on those with protected characteristics is set out at section 8 of the EQiA.

Background Information

Report to the Adult Care and Health Cabinet Panel, March 2016

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6 Appendix 1

Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA)

STEP 1: Responsibility and involvement

Title of proposal/ Future of Head of Service or Sarah Evans project/strategy/ Community Business Manager procurement/policy Equipment Services

Names of those David Coolbear Lead officer David Coolbear involved in Sarah Evans contact details: completing the EqIA: Oliver Barnes Date completed: Review date: September 2016

STEP 2: Objectives of proposal and scope of assessment – what do you want to achieve?

Proposal objectives: Hertfordshire Equipment Service (HES) provides 'loan'  what you want to achieve equipment to meet the clinical and social needs of the  intended outcomes residents of Hertfordshire following assessment by a health purpose and need or social care professional. This enables people with a permanent or substantial disability/illness to remain in their own homes and communities in a way that promotes independence.

HES are responsible for purchasing, delivering, installing, collecting, decontaminating and the servicing and repairing of all standard and non-standard stock within a defined range.

The community equipment service offered in Hertfordshire needs fundamental revision if it is to meet need in the community, and to meet the needs of the rest of the health and social care system.

A review and re-design of Hertfordshire Equipment Service (HES) has been undertaken and a revised Service Level Agreement (SLA) drawn up. The revised SLA takes into account that demand for equipment is increasing in both community settings and at hospital sites and has been co- produced with all relevant partners.

Key objectives Create two separate main elements of the equipment service: – Rapid Equipment Service (prevention of admission, hospital discharge, end of life, carer breakdown) – Maintaining Independence (providing long-term personalised support) To increase the operational capacity of HES to respond to increased demand, existing (and new) satellite stores

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Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA)

should be used with increasing regularity and flexibility (to achieve this, a standard stock list for satellite stores should be implemented) to align with working practices across health and social care.

Stakeholders: Hospital patients. Who will be affected: Service Users of community Homecare the public, partners, staff, Social Care and Health Commissioners. service users, local Member etc Professionals (i.e. Occupational Health, GPs, mainstream Homecare and specialist Homecare providers) Members Staff

STEP 3: Available data and monitoring information

Relevant equality information What the data tell us about equalities For example: Community profiles / service user demographics, data and monitoring information (local and national), similar or previous EqIAs, complaints, audits or inspections, local knowledge and consultations.

Hertfordshire Joint Strategic Needs The number of people over 65 years of age Assessment Needs Summary 2014 is set to increase by 22.4% in Hertfordshire between 2011 and 2021. Currently, average life expectancy is 80 for males and 83 for females and HES data indicates the average age for intervention in terms of equipment is 84 which acknowledges the vulnerability of the clients accessing the service. It is likely that this growing demographic will cause increasing pressures on the service.

In Hertfordshire, around 47% (excluding school funds) of the local authority spend is on Adult Social Care. Around 48% of the Adult social care budget is spent on adults over 65 with the majority of this budget being spent on nursing or residential care. Around 32% of the over 65 adult services budget in Hertfordshire is spent on day and domiciliary care. The services which HES provide support Adult Social Care in allowing clients to remain independent and living in their own homes where possible, and thus looking to reduce the amounts being spent on nursing, residential and Agenda Pack 45 of 450 2

Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA)

domiciliary care.

In England, 51% of people die in hospital while 22% die at home compared to 53% and 19% in East and North Hertfordshire CCG and 51% and 18% in Herts Valleys CCG. A Study by the European Commission found that 64% of those in England would prefer to die at home and 29% of people preferred hospices or palliative care units. HES contribute to achieving the end of life wishes by the provision of hospital equipment (beds, mattresses etc.) within the home environment.

The 2011 Census shows that Hertfordshire population has become increasingly ethnically diverse: 19.2% of Hertfordshire residents identified themselves with groups other than White British/ Across all 10 districts in Hertfordshire the largest non-UK national population is Polish and from 2012- 14 the top 3 most requested languages for interpreting and translation by INTRAN were Urdu, Polish and British Sign Language. In Hertfordshire, 3% of the over 65 population identify as Asian/Asian British which is similar to England and 7% of the over 65s living in Watford identify as Asian/Asian British. Although currently ethnic minorities make a small proportion of older people, the service will need to be aware of the different needs of ethnic population and the service will need to be culturally appropriate.

In Hertfordshire, 78% of residents over 65 identify as Christian with 10% stating “no religion” and 8% not disclosing. This is a similar pattern to England. Hertfordshire has HES data a small Jewish population of around 2%, whereas for England as a whole, the next highest religion is Muslim at around 1%. As populations age, it would be expected that numbers of non-Christians in the over 65 group will rise.

HES data indicates that 8% of their work supports children under 18. Anecdotal evidence indicates that the number of Agenda Pack 46 of 450 3

Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA)

disabled children accessing the service is going to increase due to the number of children living into adulthood with conditions which would have previously been life- limiting. This has seen an increase in demand for more complex equipment for these children as well as the 5-9 age group projected to be the fastest growing segment of the under 20 population.

Service User and Carer Engagement Service Users and their carers have been consulted over the redesigned SLA requirements. The key points include:

 The service is difficult to contact in case of emergency (particularly if an item of equipment fails). Attendees agreed that when the service does respond, the experience of communicating with HES employees is extremely mixed. There is no consistency in how HES staff communicate to the public.  Information on what to expect from the service is difficult to obtain – for example HES’ information on expected delivery timescales, delivery time slots, and tasks which HES employees will/will not undertake is not widely published. This presents a particular problem to carers, because they may have to block off a whole day waiting for equipment to arrive, and when it does arrive they may be unable to install it for themselves. It was important to attendees that they felt able to take control of their experience, but they are presently unable to because the necessary information is not available.  Family carers expect that a technician should not leave until they have clearly discussed with them, and demonstrated, how to use an item of equipment properly.  Service users fed back that they sometimes feel there is not enough co-ordination between HES and

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Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA)

homecare agencies – particularly in instances where carers will not use certain types of equipment. Unpaid carers often have to fill the gap.  Service users and carers want greater on-going input into the development of the service – so their voice is heard as a matter of course, rather than as a one-off.

They were supportive of the draft SLA presented and the intended strategy of working with HES before deciding whether to go out straight to the market. There was fundamental agreement on the need to lead a culture change within HES. There was also strong agreement that they were less concerned about specific delivery timescales and more concerned about being given accurate information on what to expect from the service.

STEP 4: Impact Assessment – Service Users, communities and partners (where relevant)

Guidance on groups of service users to consider within each protected group can be found here

Protected Potential for differential What reasonable mitigations characteristic impact (positive or negative) can you propose? Age Increasing ageing population New service will allow greater which will place additional staff resources to deliver pressures on equipment essential equipment that allows services. service users to remain independent in their own home.

Increase in need for reduction New SLA allows for a rapid in Adult Care spend in relation response service to ensure to nursing, residential and same-day provision of domiciliary care costs equipment for end of life and palliative care, as well as to Greater desire for patients to prevent admission to hospitals. have end of life care at home Information provided in large print upon request.

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Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA)

Protected Potential for differential What reasonable mitigations characteristic impact (positive or negative) can you propose? Disability Increase in numbers of cases New SLA outlines requirement Including Learning requiring more complex for faster process around the Disability equipment issue of complex (special order) equipment There is a risk that some equipment that previously Equipment allocation will be people would have qualified based on needs assessment. for will no longer meet the threshold. Information provided in alternative communication methods e.g. easy-read, braille etc? Race Change in racial demography New SLA focuses on staff within County: service will be receiving equalities and diversity delivering to more vulnerable training. clients where English is not a first language. New service will offer to provide translated instructions/documents if requested. INTRAN can be used to book appointments with service users if required.

We are aware that some Staff to receive training on cultures have different equalities and diversity practices around home i.e. women not being comfortable Recruitment campaign for on own in the home with women driver and technicians. unknown males, taking shoes off when entering a home etc. Gender There is a risk that those who Staff to have equality training reassignment are undergoing gender Ask for preferred title/form of reassignment feel address. discriminated against and Continued monitoring of the worried about position. equipment/services Pregnancy and No unique impacts identified The positon will continue to be maternity for this characteristic but will monitored. be monitored. Religion or belief Hertfordshire has an Staff to receive training on increasing non-Christian equalities and diversity and to population, notably Jewish have awareness of and Muslim residents. religions/beliefs increased.

Service is to be aware of need to adjust delivery times where these may conflict with religious

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Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA)

Protected Potential for differential What reasonable mitigations characteristic impact (positive or negative) can you propose? festivals or observances e.g. Sabbath.

Service is looking to actively recruit females to assist with deliveries where religion dictates a single female should not be in the company of unrelated males. Sex Predominantly more women See carers below having caring responsibilities than men (see Carers below) Service is looking to recruit females to assist with deliveries. Women may prefer a female delivery driver Sexual orientation No unique impacts identified See marriage and civil for this characteristic partnership Marriage & civil Equipment of some items of Service will work with referrers partnership equipment such as beds may and service users to seek to be for use by single person. identify and provide suitable equipment solutions where need dictates partner should also use equipment. Carers (by Many carers will be SLA will allow larger window for association with responsible for receiving deliveries so will be better able any of the above) equipment and contacting the to accommodate requests for service about equipment deliveries later in day et. To fit repairs etc. around working carers.

Service to provide information on equipment and website etc. making it clear how to contact HES to arrange repairs and returns. Carers and From April 2015, carers will be entitled to an assessment of their CARE ACT 2014 own needs in the same way as those they care for. If the focus of your EqIA relates to care and support, consider carers’ new rights and see the Care Act pages on Compass for more guidance. Equipment needs to be HES and its stakeholders will suitable for the carer to use offer clear guidance to referrers and may need to be assessed around the issue of equipment in light of abilities of carer and the Care Act. A clear authorisation of equipment policy will be available and guidelines given as to how to apply this to carers. Opportunity to advance equality of opportunity and/or foster good relations

The review of the equipment service will ensure a system that is more equal in terms of

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Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA)

Protected Potential for differential What reasonable mitigations characteristic impact (positive or negative) can you propose? equipment provision, by reviewing the authorisation policy and ensuring a process is in place which is applied systematically across the whole County and across Health and Social care.

In providing extended opening hours, the service will look to better serve the needs of carers and service users who may work and require deliveries later in the day. Additionally, a scaled down service at weekends (which can be reviewed and upscaled if required) will allow for equipment provision for hospital discharge, end of life and prevention of hospital admission.

Impact Assessment – Staff (where relevant)

Protected Potential for differential impact What reasonable mitigation characteristic (positive or negative) can you propose? Age HES have a staff which has a All staff affected by a change in higher than average proportion for working hours and practices will HCC of individuals reaching be offered a 1:1 consultation. retirement age. In November 2015, 57.1% of staff were over 55 and Recruitment of new staff will be 13.6% under 25. This compares to required for additional posts and 26.1% of all council staff being over this needs to include succession 55 and 4.2% under 25. planning for staff approaching retirement age. The department is looking to develop the use of apprentices to encourage potential uptake by younger staff who can look to develop a career within the department and/or HCC. Disability HES 7.1% of staff who have All staff affected by a change in Including disabilities and learning disabilities working hours and practices will Learning be offered a 1:1 consultation. Disability

Race 7.1% of HES staff are from BME All staff affected by a change in communities (& 5.4% unknown), working hours and practices will compared to 11.8% staff from BME be offered a 1:1 consultation. communities across all council departments. Gender Not relevant and hard to publish All staff affected by a change in reassignment without disclosing sensitive working hours and practices will personal data be offered a 1:1 consultation.

Pregnancy Currently one member of staff is on All staff affected by a change in and maternity maternity leave working hours and practices will be offered a 1:1 consultation.

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Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA)

Protected Potential for differential impact What reasonable mitigation characteristic (positive or negative) can you propose? Religion or Not relevant and hard to publish All staff affected by a change in belief without disclosing sensitive working hours and practices will personal data. be offered a 1:1 consultation.

Sex Only 19.6% of HES staff are female, All staff affected by a change in compared to 67.2% staff across all working hours and practices will council departments. Additionally, be offered a 1:1 consultation. there are no females working as technicians, engineers or any Look to encourage females to manual roles in the department. apply for roles in engineering and other technical and manual roles. This will have potential service user benefits where some clients may have a strong preference/need for deliveries by females (see religion and belief in Section 4). Sexual Not relevant and hard to publish All staff affected by a change in orientation without disclosing sensitive working hours and practices will personal data. be offered a 1:1 consultation.

Marriage & Not relevant and hard to publish All staff affected by a change in civil without disclosing sensitive working hours and practices will partnership personal data. be offered a 1:1 consultation.

Carers (by 15% of HES staff identify All staff affected by a change in association themselves as having a caring working hours and practices will with any of responsibility and the remaining be offered a 1:1 consultation and the above) 85% staff either do not identify caring responsibilities will be themselves or are unknown. discussed at these and considered, with flexible working requests considered.

Opportunity to advance equality of opportunity and/or foster good relations

The review of the SLA will look to restructure the department and it is envisaged that there will be greater equality of opportunity for females wishing to work within the technical areas of the department.

STEP 5: Gaps identified

Gaps identified Consultation has already been conducted with Service Users Do you need to collect and Professionals. The revised Service Level Agreement has more data/information or been co-produced with Service Users and Professionals alike. carry out consultation? (A ‘How to engage’ Monitoring arrangements have been strengthened to ensure consultation guide is on the revised service meets service users and professionals Compass). How will you expectations.

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Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) make sure your Service Users will be an integral part of the Advisory Board consultation is accessible which will retain oversight of HES’ service outcomes. Service to those affected? Users will also be integral in re-designing any components of the service going forward. There are some gaps ensuring there is better monitoring of the cost of complex equipment so that focus can be made upon need and reviews made of complex equipment purchasing. This will be addressed by the employment of a Business Analyst to accrue and analyse data for the new service.

STEP 6: Other impacts

STEP 7: Conclusion of your analysis

Select one conclusion of your analysis Give details No equality impacts identified  No change required to proposal.

Minimal equality impacts identified  Adverse impacts have been identified, but have been objectively justified (provided you do not unlawfully discriminate).  Ensure decision makers consider the cumulative effect of how a number of decisions impact on equality. Potential equality impacts identified The revised Service Level Agreement is  Take ‘mitigating action’ to remove barriers designed to improve equipment provision or better advance equality. to the most vulnerable adults and children  Complete the action plan in the next in Hertfordshire. It is designed to support section. safe and effective hospital discharge; maintain independence; prevention of hospital admission. A further key element is for the equipment service to be an integral part of Hertfordshire’s Health and Social Care offer.

By its nature, the HES affects vulnerable people particularly older and disabled people and therefore any changes will have more of an effect on those who have these characteristics. However, every effort has been made to include service-users in the design of the delivery service and equipment will continue to be allocated on a needs assessment.

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Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA)

Select one conclusion of your analysis Give details Major equality impacts identified  Stop and remove the policy  The adverse effects are not justified, cannot be mitigated or show unlawful discrimination.  Ensure decision makers understand the equality impact.

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Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA)

STEP 8: Action plan

Issue or opportunity identified relating to: Officer Responsible  Mitigation measures Action proposed  Further research and target  Consultation proposal date  Monitor and review Lead in time to operationalise A 12 month period for HES to Sarah Evans the redesigned service operationalise the service offer. Sept 2016

Partnership monitoring of new 6 monthly partnership monitoring David service process (to take into account views Coolbear/Oliver of service users, carers, and Barnes professionals). 6 monthly

Service delivery against KPIs Commissioners will present a David detailed report and analysis of HES’ Coolbear/Oliver performance and value for money, Barnes along with comparator benchmarking Sept 2016 data.

Benchmarking activity Benchmark value for money against David other community equipment services Coolbear/Oliver covering similar local authority areas Barnes Sept 2016 Private market engagement Engage and analyse the private David equipment market through provider Coolbear/Oliver engagement Barnes Sept 2016

This EqIA has been reviewed and signed off by:

Head of Service or Business Manager: Sarah Evans


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CABINET MONDAY, 14 MARCH 2016 AT 2.00 P.M. 7


Report of the Chief Executive and Director of Environment

Author: Paul Butler, Team Leader, Highways Programme Management Group (Tel 01992 658319)

Executive Member: Terry Douris, Highways

1. Purpose of report

1.1 To seek Cabinet approval of the proposed Final 2016/17 Integrated Works Programme (IWP) and of the current 2017/18 Forward Works Programme (FWP) as the basis for development of the 2017/18 IWP.

2. Summary

2.1 The IWP and FWP have been developed over the course of the past year to deliver key targets for the maintenance and improvement of the highway network. They have been developed as part of the annual process and in line with the County Council’s Transport Asset Management Plan and the Local Transport Plan.

2.2 The development process has involved providing all County Councillors individual lists of the draft 2016/17 IWP for each of the seventy-seven divisions in the County. This has occurred on two occasions through the year. Draft 2 was provided in June 2015 and Draft 3 in October 2015. The whole countywide programme was also published and updated on the County Council’s website at and on a map at .

2.3 Progress reports on delivery will be submitted to Members through the usual bulletins. Substantial changes will be reported to the Executive Member for Highways.

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3. Recommendation

3.1 That Cabinet:-

(a) adopts the proposed Final Integrated Works Programme (IWP) as Hertfordshire’s highway works programme for 2016/17, as set out in Appendices A, B, C and D to the report; and

(b) adopts the 2017/18 Forward Works Programme (FWP), set out in Appendix E to the report, as the basis for development of the 2017/18 Highways Works Programme.

4. Background

4.1 The 2016/17 IWP was first approved by Cabinet in March 2015 as the 2016/17 FWP. Since then it has developed through 3 drafts to form the proposed Final 2016/17 IWP.

4.2 Draft 2 of the 2016/17 FWP was developed and provided to all seventy- seven Members in the form of an individual list specific to their division in June 2015. Following further development, Draft 3 of the 2016/17 IWP was provided in October 2015, in the same format.

4.3 The proposed Final 2016/17 IWP has been developed from Draft 3 by modifying the proposed programmes to align with the final budget level approved by County Council on 23 February 2016, as well as changes to the known condition of the highway network at the time and the expected out-turn of 2015/16 projects completing in 2016/17.

4.4 The IWP and FWP are substantial lists and a summary list of the proposed Final 2016/17 IWP is attached to this report as Appendix B. More detailed information on the IWP schemes is included in Appendix C and a summary list of the currently planned 2017/18 FWP in Appendix E. Hard copies of Appendices C and E are available to Members in the Members’ Lounge and Member Group Rooms at County Hall and can also be provided on request (see paragraph 4.8 below for details). They can also be viewed here 70/ctl/ViewMeetingPublic/mid/397/Meeting/342/Committee/8/Default.aspx

4.5 As detailed above, the developing 2016/17 IWP has been circulated to each Member twice (Drafts 2 and 3) during the past year to keep them informed of its development and to help inform their Highways Locality Budget (HLB) choices. The proposed Final 2016/17 IWP includes those HLB funded works currently chosen and identified for delivery via the IWP route to provide clarity of the total programme and for co-ordination purposes for delivery with IWP schemes in 2016/17.

4.6 The 2016/17 IWP scheme list, as presented, is a twelve month programme based on known budgets and scheme programmes for the Agenda Pack 57 of 450 2

year. Should circumstances change enabling additional schemes to be introduced there is a reserve list that is being worked on as the highest priority works ready for 2017/18 that will be considered for moving forward if planning and road space permit.

4.7 The following documents are attached:-

 Appendix A: Scheme Categories and Prioritisation summary  Appendix B: Summary listing of 2016/17 IWP schemes.

4.8 The following detailed papers are available in the Members’ Lounge and Member Group Rooms at County Hall and can also be provided on request from Leigh Cowley on telephone number 01992 658180 or by email to [email protected].

 Appendix C: Detailed listing of 2016/17 IWP schemes  Appendix D: Changes Report of 2016/17 IWP schemes  Appendix E: Summary listing of 2017/18 FWP schemes draft 1

4.9 The 2016/17 IWP listings (Appendices B and C) include all known Highway Locality Budget (HLB) funded schemes for delivery via the IWP route, as of the 19 February 2016. Others may be added to the programme once Members have completed their decisions as part of the agreed HLB decision process.

5. Financial Implications

5.1 The proposed programmes which Cabinet is requested to approve at this meeting align with the final budget level approved by County Council on 23 February 2016, as well as changes to the known condition of the highway network at the time and the expected out-turn of 2015/16 projects completing in 2016/17.

Background Information

 Transport Asset Management Plan 2008  Local Transport Plan 2011 – 2031 Both stored on:

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A1 A summary of the six main categories of work promoted each year are set out below and includes a brief background on how schemes are identified, categorised, selected and prioritised within each programme.

For full details, Members are recommended to refer to two key Environment Department documents about the core procedures and guidance used to identify, categorise, select and prioritise the IWP and FWP schemes:

 ‘Transport Asset Management Policy and Plan’ (and the various annual Asset Performance Reports);

 ‘Highways and Transport Programme Entry’ document

A2 Carriageway Refurbishment Schemes (IWP project Code ARP – A Roads or CWY for other routes)

The objective of our strategy, using an asset management approach, is to optimise the works programme to keep the average condition of the network as good as possible for a given level of investment.

Condition data is derived from the results of various surveys, but most importantly:  SCANNER (machine-based condition survey) – A, B & C Roads  CVI (Coarse Visual Inspection) – U Roads

Additional information (used where it is available) is:  Age of the carriageway  Historical work undertaken (both schemes and reactive repairs on faults)  Strength / construction of the road  Traffic counts

With this data it is possible to model the likely deterioration of each section of road and identify an optimum programme of maintenance activity that best improves the condition of the network overall with the funding available. By considering the overall condition of the carriageway construction and the rate of deterioration of road sections across the network, our maintenance strategy gives priority to sections whose residual life will be extended substantially with modest intervention.

This approach can mean that the worst looking carriageway surfaces will not always be prioritised for immediate major refurbishment, and the programmed action may involve some low cost short term patching and dressing for example. In essence, the strategy adopts the principle of “a stitch in time saves nine”. Agenda Pack 59 of 450 1


Identifying situations where earlier treatment of faults will prevent further deterioration of the asset, while returning the asset to better condition, entails developing alternative repair strategies over a longer period. This will then enable cost analysis, which will minimise the whole of life cost over the whole asset.

The early intervention strategy has two advantages:  The cost of the repairs is lower the earlier in the deterioration process they occur. Plus more assets can be repaired for the same amount of expenditure.  The overall condition of the asset is kept at a higher value.

Carriageway maintenance and refurbishment schemes are initially identified by using the deterioration modelling; the proposed scheme lists are then refined using engineering judgement of the initially identified lists.

A3 Footway and Cycleway Refurbishment Schemes (Code FWY)

Footway and cycleway refurbishment schemes have historically been identified from local engineering knowledge and then prioritised across the County by consideration of:  Hierarchy of the footway/cycleway  Condition of footway/cycleway  Proposed treatment  History of insurance claims  History of reactive work previously undertaken

Since the 2015/16 year an increasing proportion of the programme is being identified and then assessed and refined by use of more objective data gathered about future asset deterioration in a similar fashion to that used for the carriageway programmes in A2. Though the techniques used are not as well established as carriageway measurements.

A4 Drainage Schemes (Code DRN)

Drainage improvement schemes are initially identified from local engineering knowledge to tackle identified and reported drainage problems. These are then prioritised across the County by consideration of:  Severity of the problem for pedestrians  Severity of the problem for vehicles  Frequency of the problem  Repeat maintenance caused by the problem  Potential pollution caused by the problem  Accidents and/or claims linked to the problem

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A5 Integrated Transport Schemes (Code ITP)

Integrated Transport Projects (ITP) cover improvements to the network including provision for buses, cyclists, pedestrians and traffic management. This also includes the Casualty Reduction schemes (see A6 below).

ITP schemes are identified, selected and prioritised through Target Delivery Groups in line with Hertfordshire’s Local Transport Plan (LTP) goals, and challenges and/or to the Corporate Plan priorities. They are devised to deliver specific transportation targets/objectives in areas such as:

 Improve Air Quality  Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions  Reduce Congestion  Improve Speed Limit Compliance  Increase Cycling Trips  Increase Mode share of sustainable school journeys  Increase Walking Trips  Improve Passenger Transport Patronage  Improve Rights of Way  Improve User satisfaction with PT  Improve Road Safety and  ImproveInformation Bu s Punctuality Casualty Reduction  Improve Accessibility  Improve User satisfaction with local Buses  Maintain Roads and Footways  Reduce the impact of Transport Noise  Reduce Crime  Design new infrastructure and maintenance in the light of threats from changing climate

Schemes have also been included which assist in supporting economic growth. Increasing numbers of schemes are included which are fully or partly supported by the Strategic Economic Plan (SEP) Fund administered by the Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP).

A6 Casualty Reduction Schemes (Code SAR)

Casualty Reduction schemes are identified based on analysis of police collision data, and a ranking system is used to prioritise schemes and initiatives in locations where people have been killed or seriously injured (KSI). Each location is reviewed to assess if a pattern of collisions has formed that could be reasonably addressed by some form of engineered intervention. Schemes can be based around junctions, bends, routes or areas. Links are also made to the wider road safety picture by combining with enforcement or educational programmes.

A ranking list is run and analysed annually, from which schemes and initiatives are selected. As such the Casualty Reduction programme forms part of the IWP and not the FWP. Because it is necessary to use the most up-to-date accident data possible when prioritising this programme, the decisions regarding the exact schemes to be included in the IWP are normally finalised later than in most other programmes.

A7 Highway Locality Budget (HLB) (Code MEM)

Members are now responsible for directing how a proportion of highways funding is spent in their Division. The value of this funding is decided each year, at present this is £90,000 per Member per year. Agenda Pack 61 of 450 3


The HLB can support a range of works to deliver schemes that meet local needs and priorities within the division, but are not a high enough priority to feature on the various technically-led programmes mentioned above. This can include a wide range of works including road resurfacing, pavement repairs, drainage clearing and traffic calming schemes, as well as smaller projects and works such as hedge trimming, sign cleaning and white line painting.

HLB works are not formally part of the IWP or FWP, however larger HLB funded works currently chosen and identified for delivery via the IWP route do appear on IWP lists. This is to provide clarity of the total programme and for co- ordination purposes (since these are delivered by the IWP contractors alongside IWP schemes), to provide economies of scale and programming logic in design and construction.

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Programme Summary


This Appendix summarises all the projects that are in the proposed Final 2016/17 IWP planned to be implemented in the 2016/17 financial year.


1. Please note, in some cases roads can appear more than once within the same programme. This can be due to several different sections of the same road being identified for work. These road sections may be combined together for implementation as one project during the process of programming, packaging and mobilisation for delivery of the works on site.

2. Some projects may appear in more than one division, either because they include several roads or because the road spans or is immediately adjacent to more than one division. Where this is the case the project appears in all relevant divisions.

3. Some projects are still at the outline design and consultation stage. Consequently the extent of some projects and the type of works may be refined during the final design stage.

Reading the Programme Summary listing:

1. Order of listing: Projects in this listing are ordered by division; then town where the primary road section is; and then project name, which usually starts with the road name.

2. The first column gives county division information and town where the primary road section is.

3. The second column gives the project name. The project name is usually the name of the primary road affected by the works followed by the type of work (e.g. “Park Road Resurfacing”).

4. The third column is the financial year within which the project is planned to be constructed on site.

2. The fourth column is a single letter indicating the current status of the project.

5. The fifth column gives the unique IWP Number that refers to that individual project.

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INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

Broxbourne ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Cheshunt Central01 Cheshunt 2016-2017 SBeltonaCWY151387 Gardens Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SBrookfieldCWY161931 Lane Easts Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SCheshuntTIS16011 Wash/Nr Cunningham Rd S390 Signal Refurbishment 1 2016-2017 SCollegeTIS16003 Rd/Nr Manorcroft Parade S160 Signal Refurbishment 2016-2017 MCollegeMEM16317 Road Resurfacing 2016-2017 MCraigsMEM16102 walk Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 CGreatARP15247 Cambridge Road Major Patching 2016-2017 SHalfhideCWY17340 Lane Major Patching/Local Resurface 2016-2017 SHalfhideCWY17087 Lane Major Patching/Local Resurfacing 1 2016-2017 SHalfhideCWY161093 Lane Major Patching/Localised Resurfacing 2016-2017 MHillviewMEM16103 Gardens Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MMartinsMEM16106 Drive Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 CMillCWY15041 Lane Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 MRowlandsMEM16105 Close Footway Surface Treatment 2016-2017 MTurnersMEM16151 Hill Resurfacing

Flamstead End, Cheshunt 1 2016-2017 SLongfiel/Brookfield/FlamsteadCWY161522 r'bt Local Resurfacing

Turnford 2 2016-2017 WGreatARP15210 Cambridge Road Surface Dressing

Flamstead End And Turnford02 Cheshunt 2016-2017 CApplebyCWY15300 Street Surface Dressing 2016-2017 CBeaumontCWY151808 Road Surface Dressing 2016-2017 MCardinalMEM16093 Close Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MFurzerfieldMEM16089 Footway Surface Treatment 2016-2017 MFurzerfieldMEM16090 Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 SHalfhideCWY161093 Lane Major Patching/Localised Resurfacing 2016-2017 MHeadingleyMEM16095 Close Footway Surface Treatment 2016-2017 MHilltopMEM16092 Close Footway Surface Treatment 2016-2017 MRoundcroftMEM16096 Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MSpringwoodMEM16091 Thin Surfacing

Flamstead End, Cheshunt 1 2016-2017 SLongfiel/Brookfield/FlamsteadCWY161522 r'bt Local Resurfacing

Hammond Street, Cheshunt 2016-2017 MHolbeckMEM16094 Lane Footway Surface Treatment 2016-2017 MHolbeckMEM16087 Lane Resurfacing

Rosedale, Cheshunt 2016-2017 SJacksonsCWY15617 Drive Thin Surfacing

Turnford 2 2016-2017 WGreatARP15210 Cambridge Road Surface Dressing 2016-2017 MTheMEM16088 Springs Footway Surface Treatment

Wormley 1 2016-2017 SChurchBRG16008 Lane Bridge HCC No. 1445 Agenda Pack 64 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 1 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

Broxbourne ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Goffs Oak And Bury Green03 Cheshunt 1 2016-2017 CA10ARP16086 Northbound from M25 Major Patching 2016-2017 MBirchfieldMEM16097 Road Footway Reconstruction 1 2016-2017 CGreatARP15247 Cambridge Road Major Patching 2016-2017 MGrovedaleMEM16101 Close Footway Surface Treatment 2016-2017 MRiversideMEM16099 Footway Reconstruction

Churchgate, Cheshunt 2016-2017 CBuryCWY15209 Green Road Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SChurchgateITP16047 Bus Stop Upgrade 2016-2017 MStuartMEM16318 Way Footway Reconstruction

Goffs Oak, Cheshunt 2016-2017 MBeehiveMEM16100 Road Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 MRobinsonMEM16098 Avenue Footway Reconstruction

Hammond Street 2016-2017 CMarkhamCWY151519 Road Thin Surfacing

Turnford 2 2016-2017 WGreatARP15210 Cambridge Road Surface Dressing

Waltham Cross 2016-2017 CLieutenantCWY161163 Ellis Way Major Patching/Crack Sealing

Hoddesdon North04 Hoddesdon 2016-2017 MBridlewayMEM16084 South Resurfacing 2016-2017 MDymokesMEM16086 Way Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MGranvilleMEM16085 Gardens Footway Surface Treatment 2016-2017 SHaileyCWY161217 Avenue Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SMolesworth/BeyersCWY161379 Prospect Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 WSalisburyCWY14470 Rd/Bosanquet Rd/Cecil Rd Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 SStansteadCWY17526 Road Major Patching

Hoddesdon South05 Broxbourne 2016-2017 CBaasBRG15009 Lane Bridge HCC No. 1446 2016-2017 SBroxbourneBRG16015 Station Bridge HCC No. 1350 2016-2017 SBroxbourneburyBRG16010 Footbridge HCC No. 1447 2016-2017 SCozensCWY151343 Lane East Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 CHighARP15184 Road Major Patching 2016-2017 MMcKenzieMEM16077 Road Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 SNazeingBRG16006 River Bridge HCC No. 140 2016-2017 MStMichael'sMEM16079 Road Footway Surface Treatment 3 2016-2017 CWhiteCWY151755 Stubbs Lane Surface Dressing 2016-2017 WWhiteCWY081157 Stubbs Lane/Baas Hill Surface Dressing

Great Amwell 1 2016-2017 SA10ARP17183 South Bound & Northbound Interchange Reconstruction Hertford 1 2016-2017 WA10ARP15177 Northbound nr Hailey Surface Dressing

Hoddesdon 1 2016-2017 WA10ARP15232 Southbound Surface Dressing 2016-2017 SBellCWY151372 Lane Resurfacing Agenda Pack 65 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 2 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

Broxbourne ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Hoddesdon South05 Hoddesdon 2016-2017 CCharltonITP14067 Way Cycle Path 2016-2017 SCockTIS16012 Ln/Nr Park View(Sheredes Sch) S392 Signal Refurbishment 2016-2017 MFootpathMEM16078 37 Broxbourne Footway Surface Treatment 2016-2017 SHoddesdonBRG16012 Bridge HCC Nos. 1456 1457 2016-2017 SPaulsCWY151040 Lane Resurfacing 2016-2017 MRoseMEM16150 Vale Resurfacing 2016-2017 SWinterscroftCWY14229 Road Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SYewlandsCWY161040 Thin Surfacing

Wormley 1 2016-2017 SChurchBRG16008 Lane Bridge HCC No. 1445 2016-2017 MChurchMEM16081 Lane Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 MChurchMEM16076 Lane Footway Surface Treatment 2016-2017 MPembrokeMEM16080 Close Footway Surface Treatment 2016-2017 CSpringCWY151687 Walk Surface Dressing 2016-2017 SStLaurenceCWY151162 Drive Thin Surfacing

Waltham Cross06 Cheshunt 1 2016-2017 CA10ARP16086 Northbound from M25 Major Patching 1 2016-2017 SCollegeTIS16003 Rd/Nr Manorcroft Parade S160 Signal Refurbishment 2016-2017 SDysonsCWY17109 Cl/Dudley Av/Grenville Cl Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MHillsideMEM16083 Crescent Resurfacing 1 2016-2017 MRowlandsMEM16105 Close Footway Surface Treatment 2016-2017 SSpringfieldCWY161326 Road Thin Surfacing

Waltham Cross 2016-2017 CBrittaniaCWY151862 Road Ind Estate Major Patching/Crack Repair 2016-2017 WMonarchsARP14143 Way Surface Dressing

High Street, Waltham Cross 2016-2017 SHighCWY161218 Street Reconstruction/Crack Seal

BROXBOURNE (District wide)91 9 2016-2017 SBridgeBRG16016 Reactive Joint Scheme 1 9 2016-2017 SBridgeBRG16017 Reactive Joint Scheme 2 9 2016-2017 SBusITP16042 Stop Clearway Lining Programme 16/17 9 2016-2017 SBusITP16030 Stop Shelter and Clearway Programme 16/17 9 2016-2017 SBusITP16041 Stop Upgrades Programme 16/17 9 2016-2017 SITSITP16033 Strategy Works 9 2016-2017 SParapetBRG16018 Refurbishment Works 9 2016-2017 SRealITP16032 Time Passenger Information Delivery 9 2016-2017 SRealTIS16018 Time Passenger Information Delivery 16/17 9 2016-2017 SSafetySAR16013 17/18 Scheme Preperation and Early Deilvery Agenda Pack 66 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 3 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

Broxbourne ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

BROXBOURNE (District wide)91 9 2016-2017 ISchoolITP16036 Crossing Patrol Sites 16/17 9 2016-2017 SSkidSAR16014 Resistance County Wide Sites 9 2016-2017 SSRTSITP16035 Small Works pilot Delivery 16/17 2016-2017 SSRTSITP16031 Small Works Pilot Delivery 16/17 9 2016-2017 ISRTSCOM16009 Small Works Prep 16/17

Agenda Pack 67 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 4 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

Dacorum ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Berkhamsted07 Berkhamsted 2016-2017 SBilletCWY161114 Lane Resurfacing 2016-2017 WBriarCWY15249 Way Surface Dressing 2016-2017 SCastleFWY16057 Hill Avenue Footway Micro 2016-2017 SCastleFWY16001 Street Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 MCedarMEM16313 Road Resurfacing 2016-2017 SCoppinsFWY16082 Close Footway Micro 2016-2017 SDoctorsFWY16044 Commons Road Footway Micro 2016-2017 CDoctorsCWY15348 Commons Road Localised Patch and Resurfacing 2016-2017 CDoctorsDRN15009 Commons Road Drainage Works 2016-2017 SGraemesdykeFWY16035 Road Footway Micro 1 2016-2017 SGravelFWY16083 Path Footway Micro LS 1 2016-2017 CHighARP15182 Street Major Patching 2016-2017 SMeadowFWY16038 Road Footway Micro 2016-2017 SNewFWY16005 Road Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 SNorthbridgeFWY16006 Road Footway Micro 2016-2017 CQueensCWY161334 Road Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 MShootersMEM16314 Way Footway Surface Treatment 2016-2017 CShooterswayCWY16990 Surface Dressing 2016-2017 SStMargaretsFWY16013 Close Footway Micro

Hemel Hempstead 1 2016-2017 CPixCWY161300 Farm Lane Surface Dressing

Northchurch 1 2016-2017 CShooterswayCWY151685 Surface Dressing

Bridgewater08 Berkhamsted 1 2016-2017 SGravelFWY16083 Path Footway Micro LS 1 2016-2017 CHighARP15182 Street Major Patching 1 2016-2017 MShootersMEM16314 Way Footway Surface Treatment

Flamstead 1 2016-2017 MDelmerMEM16068 End Lane Surface Dressing 2016-2017 MFriendlessMEM16069 Lane Surface Dressing

Harpenden 1 2016-2017 CColesCWY151318 Lane/Kennel Lane Surface Dressing

Boxmoor, Hemel Hempstead 2 2016-2017 SM1ITP16034 A5 Link Road Traffic Study

Long Chaulden, Hemel Hempstead 1 2016-2017 SRamblingFWY16007 Way Footway Reconstruction

Water End, Hemel Hempstead 2016-2017 CNettledenCWY151823 Road Surface Dressing

Little Gaddesden 2016-2017 SBeaconDRN16002 Road Drainage Works 2016-2017 CCromerCWY13059 Close Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 CTheCWY151694 Green/Nettleden Road Surface Dressing

Caddington, Markyate 2016-2017 CMillfieldCWY151817 Lane Surface Dressing

Northchurch 2016-2017 CDarrsCWY151775 Lane Surface Dressing

Agenda Pack 68 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 5 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

Dacorum ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Bridgewater08 Northchurch 2016-2017 CMarlinCWY151813 Chapel Lane Surface Dressing 2016-2017 SParkFWY16026 Rise Footway Micro 2016-2017 SSeymourCWY14636 Road Resurfacing 1 2016-2017 CShooterswayCWY151685 Surface Dressing 1 2016-2017 CShootersway/CockCWY161151 Grove Surface Dressing

Potten End 2016-2017 SGravelITP16038 Path Safer Routes to School 2016-2017 SWaterFWY16019 End Road Footway Micro RS

Frithsden, Potten End 2016-2017 CFrithsdenCWY141120 Lane Surface Dressing

Redbourn 1 2016-2017 CGaddesdenCWY16208 Lane Surface Dressing

Hemel Hempstead East09 Hemel Hempstead 2 2016-2017 CCherryCWY151762 Tree Lane Surface Dressing 2016-2017 SLeverstockTIS16020 Green Rd (Nr Malmes Croft) S024 Signal Refurbishment Adeyfield, Hemel Hempstead 1 2016-2017 SAdeyfieldFWY16072 Road Footway Micro 2016-2017 MEllinghamMEM16375 Close Resurfacing 1 2016-2017 MEllinghamMEM16374 Road Resurfacing 2016-2017 STannsfieldFWY16051 Drive Footway Micro 2016-2017 STedderFWY16071 Road Footway Micro 2016-2017 STenzingFWY16080 Road Footway Micro 2016-2017 SUnderacresFWY16022 Close Footway Micro

Bennetts End, Hemel Hempstead 1 2016-2017 CAcornCWY15027 Road Resurfacing 2016-2017 SBelsizeCWY161920 Close Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 MStMichaelsMEM16185 Avenue Resurfacing

Highfield, Hemel Hempstead 2 2016-2017 SRedbournARP16106 Road/St Agnells Lane Roundabout Resurfacing Industrial, Hemel Hempstead 2016-2017 CBoundaryCWY17126 Way Resurfacing

Leverstock Green, Hemel 2016-2017 SLombardyCWY16089 Close Thin Surfacing Hempstead 2016-2017 SStDavidsCWY161327 Close Thin Surfacing

Hemel Hempstead North East10 Hemel Hempstead 2 2016-2017 CCherryCWY151762 Tree Lane Surface Dressing

Grovehill, Hemel Hempstead 2016-2017 MAycliffeMEM16370 Drive Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 SBasildonFWY16021 Square Footway Micro 2016-2017 SClaymoreCWY161212 Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MColineMEM16184 Way Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SDunlinCWY151422 Road Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SLomondFWY16070 Road Footway Micro 2016-2017 MMercyMEM16183 Place Thin Surfacing Agenda Pack 69 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 6 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

Dacorum ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Hemel Hempstead North East10 Grovehill, Hemel Hempstead 2016-2017 SStevenageFWY16033 Rise Footway Micro 2016-2017 MTamarMEM16176 Green Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SThamesFWY16032 Avenue Footway Micro 2016-2017 MThamesMEM16178 Avenue Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MWashingtonMEM16369 Avenue Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 SYeomansFWY16017 Ride Footway Micro

Highfield, Hemel Hempstead 2 2016-2017 SRedbournARP16106 Road/St Agnells Lane Roundabout Resurfacing Woodhall Farm, Hemel Hempstead 2016-2017 SJaneFWY16039 Close Footway Micro 2016-2017 SKeatsFWY16063 Close Footway Micro

Hemel Hempstead North West11 Gadebridge, Hemel Hempstead 2016-2017 MCloverMEM16186 Way Resurfacing 2016-2017 SFennycroftFWY16002 Road Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 MPescotMEM16371 Hill Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 MPescotMEM16395 Hill Resurfacing 2016-2017 MReynoldsMEM16177 Close Thin Surfacing

Green End, Hemel Hempstead 1 2016-2017 SGreenCWY151634 End Road Thin Surfacing

Hammerfield, Hemel Hempstead 1 2016-2017 SA4146SAR16005 Leighton Buzzard Road Rbt j/w B487 Queensway Casualty Reduction Proposals Long Chaulden, Hemel Hempstead 1 2016-2017 SRamblingFWY16007 Way Footway Reconstruction

Warners End, Hemel Hempstead 2016-2017 MJuniperMEM16180 Green Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MMyrtleMEM16182 Green Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MRoseHeathMEM16179 Lane Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MSomeriesMEM16372 Road Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 SSpringFWY16066 Lane Footway Micro 2016-2017 SSpringFWY16010 Lane Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 SVarneyFWY16052 Road Footway Micro 2016-2017 MWindingMEM16181 Shot Thin Surfacing

Hemel Hempstead St. Paul's12 Hemel Hempstead 2016-2017 MJunoMEM16189 Road Resurfacing

Adeyfield, Hemel Hempstead 1 2016-2017 SAdeyfieldFWY16072 Road Footway Micro 2016-2017 MBroadfieldMEM16188 Road Resurfacing 1 2016-2017 MEllinghamMEM16374 Road Resurfacing 2016-2017 MLittleMEM16190 Road Resurfacing 2016-2017 CSandmereCWY151177 Close Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SSawyersFWY16024 Way Footway Micro 2016-2017 STheFWY16059 Holt Footway Micro 2016-2017 SWindmillFWY16014 Road Footway Micro Agenda Pack 70 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 7 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

Dacorum ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Hemel Hempstead St. Paul's12 Highfield, Hemel Hempstead 1 2016-2017 SAllandaleCWY161408 Major Patching 2016-2017 MCattsdellMEM16194 Resurfacing 2016-2017 MPastonMEM16191 Road Resurfacing 2 2016-2017 SRedbournARP16106 Road/St Agnells Lane Roundabout Resurfacing 2016-2017 MTethysMEM16195 Resurfacing 2016-2017 MTitanMEM16192 Road Resurfacing 2016-2017 SWensleydaleFWY16043 Footway Micro 2016-2017 MWesterdaleMEM16196 Resurfacing

Old High Street, Hemel Hempstead 1 2016-2017 WHemelITP10061 Hempstead Old Town One Way System

Hemel Hempstead South East13 Apsley, Hemel Hempstead 1 2016-2017 SDurrantsITP15029 Hill Pedestrian Improvements Phase 1

Bennetts End, Hemel Hempstead 1 2016-2017 CAcornCWY15027 Road Resurfacing 2016-2017 SBunkersFWY16018 Lane Footway Micro 2016-2017 MGeorgewoodMEM16335 Road Footway Surface Treatment 2016-2017 SGreatFWY16048 Whites Road Footway Micro 2016-2017 SHobbsFWY16037 Hill Road Footway Micro 2016-2017 SReddingsFWY16049 Footway Micro 2016-2017 SRumballsFWY16009 Road Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 SSRTSITP16013 Cluster 2 Hemel Hempstead 1 2016-2017 MStMichaelsMEM16185 Avenue Resurfacing 2016-2017 SWinchdellsFWY16011 Footway Reconstruction

Boxmoor, Hemel Hempstead 2 2016-2017 SM1ITP16034 A5 Link Road Traffic Study

Hemel Hempstead Town14 Hemel Hempstead 2016-2017 SAlbionTIS16008 Hl/Wolsey Rd/Marlowes C/Pk S308 Signal Refurbishment 2016-2017 MChipperfieldMEM16396 Road Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 SGadeviewFWY16023 Road Footway Micro 2016-2017 SManorITP16012 Estate Hemel Hempstead Pedestrian improvements 2016-2017 MManorvilleMEM16398 Road Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 SMarlowes/NrTIS16009 Queensway S383 Signal Refurbishment 2016-2017 MStoreyMEM16399 Street Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 MStratfordMEM16367 Way Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 SWaterhouseCWY161122 Street Resurfacing

Adeyfield, Hemel Hempstead 2016-2017 SConcordeCWY161929 Drive/Caernarvon Close Thin Surfacing

Apsley, Hemel Hempstead 1 2016-2017 SDurrantsITP15029 Hill Pedestrian Improvements Phase 1

Boxmoor, Hemel Hempstead 2016-2017 SAlstonCWY151383 Road Thin Surfacing Agenda Pack 71 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 8 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

Dacorum ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Hemel Hempstead Town14 Boxmoor, Hemel Hempstead 2016-2017 MBeechfieldMEM16187 Road Resurfacing 2016-2017 SBulbourneCWY161290 Close Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SFisheryBRG16011 Road Bridge HCC No. 1252 2016-2017 SGlendaleFWY16061 Footway Micro 2016-2017 MHeathMEM16397 Labe Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 SLeightonARP17079 Buzzard Road Resurfacing 2 2016-2017 SM1ITP16034 A5 Link Road Traffic Study 2016-2017 MPullerMEM16366 Road Footway Reconstruction

Green End, Hemel Hempstead 1 2016-2017 SGreenCWY151634 End Road Thin Surfacing

Hammerfield, Hemel Hempstead 1 2016-2017 SA4146SAR16005 Leighton Buzzard Road Rbt j/w B487 Queensway Casualty Reduction Proposals Highfield, Hemel Hempstead 1 2016-2017 SAllandaleCWY161408 Major Patching

Old High Street, Hemel Hempstead 1 2016-2017 WHemelITP10061 Hempstead Old Town One Way System 2016-2017 SHemelITP16040 Town Hall Drainage Remedial Work

Piccotts End, Hemel Hempstead 2016-2017 CPiccottsDRN12025 End Drainage Works

Kings Langley15 Bovingdon 2016-2017 SDeanfieldFWY16054 Footway Micro 2016-2017 CPembridgeCWY151042 Close Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MPembridgeMEM16315 Estate Footway Surface Treatment

Chipperfield 2016-2017 CKingsCWY161355 Close Thin Surfacing

Hemel Hempstead 2016-2017 WA41ARP14099 Westbound Surface Dressing 1 2016-2017 CPixCWY161300 Farm Lane Surface Dressing

Kings Langley 2016-2017 SAlexandraFWY16045 Road Footway Micro 2016-2017 SHavelockCWY161941 Road Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MKingsMEM16365 Langley Footpath 009 Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 MVicarageMEM16380 Lane Resurfacing

Tring16 Long Marston 2016-2017 CAlnwickCWY151760 Drive/Potash Lane Major Patching

Northchurch 1 2016-2017 CShootersway/CockCWY161151 Grove Surface Dressing

Tring 2016-2017 WAylesburyCWY141029 Road Surface Dressing 2016-2017 CHighCWY141237 Street Carriageway Local Reconstruction 2016-2017 WHorseblockCWY151856 Lane Major Patching and Surface Dressing 2016-2017 CIcknieldDRN10020 Way Drainage Works 2016-2017 SIcknieldCWY151855 Way Major Patching 2016-2017 SIcknieldCWY161406 Way Rbts Resurfacing 2016-2017 SKingsleyCWY161362 Walk Thin Surfacing Agenda Pack 72 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 9 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

Dacorum ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Tring16 Tring 2016-2017 WStationCWY141085 Road Major Patching and Surface Dressing 2016-2017 CWesternDRN13024 Road Drainage Works

Newground, Tring 2016-2017 SBeggarsITP16011 Lane Tring cycle scheme

Wigginton, Tring 2016-2017 CFoxCWY151735 Road Surface Dressing 2016-2017 CWickCWY141213 Road Surface Dressing

Wigginton 2016-2017 CCheshamCWY161109 Road Surface Dressing 2016-2017 SOsborneFWY16055 Way Footway Micro 2016-2017 CVicarageCWY151723 Road Surface Dressing

Newground, Wigginton 2016-2017 CBottomCWY151799 House Lane Surface Dressing

DACORUM (District wide)92 9 2016-2017 SBridgeBRG16016 Reactive Joint Scheme 1 9 2016-2017 SBridgeBRG16017 Reactive Joint Scheme 2 9 2016-2017 SBusITP16042 Stop Clearway Lining Programme 16/17 9 2016-2017 SBusITP16030 Stop Shelter and Clearway Programme 16/17 9 2016-2017 SBusITP16041 Stop Upgrades Programme 16/17 9 2016-2017 SITSITP16033 Strategy Works 9 2016-2017 SParapetBRG16018 Refurbishment Works 9 2016-2017 SRealITP16032 Time Passenger Information Delivery 9 2016-2017 SRealTIS16018 Time Passenger Information Delivery 16/17 9 2016-2017 SSafetySAR16013 17/18 Scheme Preperation and Early Deilvery 9 2016-2017 ISchoolITP16036 Crossing Patrol Sites 16/17 9 2016-2017 SSkidSAR16014 Resistance County Wide Sites 9 2016-2017 SSRTSITP16035 Small Works pilot Delivery 16/17 9 2016-2017 ISRTSCOM16009 Small Works Prep 16/17

Agenda Pack 73 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 10 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

East Herts ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

All Saints17 Hertford 2016-2017 WA10ARP15223 Rush Green Northbound Onslip Surface Dressing 2016-2017 SAdmiralCWY15383 Street Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SBalfourCWY161268 Street Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 MBeechwoodMEM16312 Close Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MBydeMEM16306 Street Footway Surface Treatment 2016-2017 CChambersDRN12016 Street Drainage Works 2016-2017 MChurchMEM16309 Road Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SClydeCWY151328 Terrace Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MCockbushMEM16308 Avenue Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MCromwellMEM16305 Road Resurfacing 2016-2017 MEleanorMEM16311 Road Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MEltonMEM16310 Road Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MHarthamMEM16307 Lane Footway Surface Treatment 1 2016-2017 SNorthFWY16075 Road Footway Micro 1 2016-2017 SNorthCWY16985 Road Resurfacing 2016-2017 SPageCWY151027 Road Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MRowleysMEM16304 Road Resurfacing 3 2016-2017 WRushBRG14004 Green Interchange Joint Replacement HCC No. 1467&1468 1 2016-2017 MVicarageMEM16058 Lane Surface Dressing 1 2016-2017 SWareARP15140 Road Major Patching 1 2016-2017 SWareITP16019 Road/Bluecoats/London Road Phase 1 2016-2017 SWarrenCWY16274 Park Road Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SWatermillCWY161940 Lane Area Thin Surfacing

Ware 1 2016-2017 CA10ARP15176 Northbound from Rush Green Surface Dressing 1 2016-2017 CA10ARP15178 Northbound Offslip to A602 Surface Dressing 1 2016-2017 SKingsmeadBRG13004 Viaduct Drainage HCC No. 1469 1 2016-2017 SParkBRG16009 Road Bridge HCC No. 1470

Bishop's Stortford East18 Bishops Stortford 2016-2017 SAscotCWY151671 Close Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 MBasbowMEM16012 Lane Resurfacing 2016-2017 MCarrigansMEM16018 Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MChantryMEM16019 Close Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 CChantryCWY15201 Road Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MChurchMEM16020 Manor Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MDolphinMEM16021 Way Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 WHadhamARP14149 Road Surface Dressing Agenda Pack 74 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 11 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

East Herts ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Bishop's Stortford East18 Bishops Stortford 2016-2017 CHallingburyARP16076 Road Surface Dressing 1 2016-2017 CHazelendBRG15011 Road Bridge HCC No. 1698 2016-2017 IHeronDRN15004 Court Drainage Investigation 1 2016-2017 MKingMEM16022 Street Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 CKingITP15059 Street Traffic Management 2016-2017 SLeaCWY151537 Close/Grove Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SLindseyCWY161924 Cl Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 SLondonCWY18137 Road Resurfacing 1 2016-2017 CPotterCWY141214 Street Local Reconstruction 2016-2017 MPrestwickMEM16023 Drive Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SRochfordCWY161933 Road Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 CSouthCWY141217 Street Local Reconstruction 2 2016-2017 SSouthCWY16997 Street/Road Major Patching 2016-2017 SThornfieldCWY16719 Road Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 MWestfieldMEM16026 Road Thin Surfacing

Bishop's Stortford Rural19 Bishops Stortford 1 2016-2017 WBishopsARP14057 Park Way/St James Way Surface Dressing 2016-2017 MBroadleafMEM16037 Avenue Footway Surface Treatment 2016-2017 MDoveMEM16038 Close Footway Surface Treatment 2016-2017 MPigMEM16014 Lane Resurfacing 2016-2017 SPynchbekCWY151006 Estate Thin Surfacing 2 2016-2017 SSouthCWY16997 Street/Road Major Patching 1 2016-2017 CThorleyCWY161023 Lane West Surface Dressing 2016-2017 CThorleyCWY151433 Ln/Oxcroft/Bishops Avenue Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MThornberaMEM16040 Road Footway Surface Treatment 2016-2017 STwyfordCWY161915 Gardens Area Thin Surfacing

Thorley, Bishops Stortford 2016-2017 MMayfieldMEM16039 Park Footway Surface Treatment 2016-2017 MTheMEM16043 Paddock Footway Surface Treatment

Thorley Street, Bishops Stortford 2016-2017 CThorleyCWY151696 High Thin Surfacing

Brent Pelham 1 2016-2017 WConduitCWY141088 Lane Major Patching and Surface Dressing

Furneux Pelham 1 2016-2017 WBraughingCWY13286 Road/Patient End Surface Dressing 2016-2017 CC107CWY161045 East of Furneux Pelham Surface Dressing

High Wych, Gilston 2016-2017 CActonsCWY151379 Lane/Fryars Lane Surface Dressing

Little Hadham 2016-2017 CAlburyCWY161038 Road Surface Dressing 2016-2017 SFordDRN14001 Hill Drainage Works 2016-2017 SFordCWY15559 Hill Localised Patching 2016-2017 CTheCWY151693 Ford Surface Dressing Agenda Pack 75 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 12 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

East Herts ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Bishop's Stortford Rural19 Little Hadham 2016-2017 CU134CWY151699 at Church End Surface Dressing

Much Hadham 2016-2017 WBlackCWY141023 Bridge Lane Surface Dressing 2016-2017 MDanebridgeMEM16016 Road Resurfacing 2016-2017 CHighCWY17056 Street Resurfacing 1 2016-2017 CKettleCWY151850 Green Road Surface Dressing 2016-2017 CTowerCWY141086 Hill Resurfacing 2016-2017 CWidfordCWY16805 Road Resurfacing

Perry Green 2016-2017 CBucklersCWY151801 Hall Road Surface Dressing

Stocking Pelham 2016-2017 CGinnsCWY151736 Road/Crabbs Lane Surface Dressing

Upwick Green 2016-2017 WU152CWY13332 nr Walnuttree Green Surface Dressing

Bishop's Stortford West20 Bishops Stortford 1 2016-2017 MBasbowMEM16012 Lane Resurfacing 2016-2017 MBeechlandsMEM16017 Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 WBishopsARP14057 Park Way/St James Way Surface Dressing 1 2016-2017 CChantryCWY15201 Road Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 CGreatCWY151737 Hadham Road Major Patching/Anti Skid 2016-2017 MHadhamMEM16011 Road Resurfacing 1 2016-2017 WHadhamARP14149 Road Surface Dressing 1 2016-2017 CHazelendBRG15011 Road Bridge HCC No. 1698 1 2016-2017 MKingMEM16022 Street Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 CKingITP15059 Street Traffic Management 1 2016-2017 SLondonCWY18137 Road Resurfacing 2016-2017 MNurseryMEM16013 Road Resurfacing 1 2016-2017 CPotterCWY141214 Street Local Reconstruction 2016-2017 MQueensMEM16024 Crescent Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 CSouthCWY141217 Street Local Reconstruction 2 2016-2017 SSouthCWY16997 Street/Road Major Patching 1 2016-2017 CThorleyCWY161023 Lane West Surface Dressing 2016-2017 MWardMEM16025 Crescent Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SWaytemoreCWY161348 Road Reconstruction 1 2016-2017 MWestfieldMEM16026 Road Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MWharfMEM16015 Road Resurfacing 2016-2017 SWoodhallCWY161936 Estate Thin Surfacing

Braughing21 Anstey 2016-2017 WMillCWY141129 Lane Surface Dressing

Braughing 2016-2017 SBraughingITP16021 Traffic & Environmental Improvements 1 2016-2017 SWarrenCWY17522 Lane Localised Patching Agenda Pack 76 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 13 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

East Herts ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Braughing21 Braughing 2016-2017 SWarrenCWY17510 Lane Localised Patching

Brent Pelham 2016-2017 CC10CWY151805 South of Meesden Surface Dressing 1 2016-2017 WConduitCWY141088 Lane Major Patching and Surface Dressing

Buntingford 2016-2017 MBaldockMEM16288 Road Footway Surface Treatment 2016-2017 WErmineARP16039 Street Surface Dressing 2016-2017 MMonksMEM16287 Walk Footway Surface Treatment 2016-2017 SMonksCWY161112 Walk Thin Surfacing

Cottered 2016-2017 SBaldockSAR16009 Road Casualty Reduction Proposal 2016-2017 WBaldockARP14112 Road Major Patching and Surface Dressing 2016-2017 CBaldockARP15237 Road Surface Dressing 2016-2017 MBrookMEM16008 End Surface Dressing

Dane End 2016-2017 WC16CWY13291 Great Munden/Munden Road Surface Dressing 2016-2017 CGreenCWY17014 End Lane Surface Dressing 2016-2017 CGreenCWY151842 End Road Surface Dressing 2016-2017 MKingsfieldMEM16289 Road 2016-2017 MMundenMEM16045 Road Surface Dressing 2016-2017 CU35CWY151652 at Green End Surface Dressing

Furneux Pelham 1 2016-2017 WBraughingCWY13286 Road/Patient End Surface Dressing

Great Munden 2016-2017 CC16CWY151806 North of Nasty Surface Dressing 2016-2017 WStockallsCWY13342 Lane Surface Dressing

Haultwick 2016-2017 CGreenCWY151843 End Road Surface Dressing 2016-2017 CU31CWY151689 South of Haultwick Surface Dressing

Puckeridge 1 2016-2017 SA10SAR16008 Northbound Casualty Reduction Proposal 1 2016-2017 CA10ARP15135 Puckeridge Bypass Surface Dressing 1 2016-2017 SA10ARP16129 Puckeridge Roundabout Resurfacing 1 2016-2017 SA10ARP16128 Standon Roundabout Resurfacing 2016-2017 SHighCWY161099 Street/Buntingford Road Resurfacing

Rush Green 2016-2017 WSandersCWY141033 Green/The Street Surface Dressing

Sacombe 1 2016-2017 WSacombeCWY13370 Pound Surface Dressing

Standon 1 2016-2017 CSaffronCWY161340 Meadow Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 CStandonBRG15014 Bridge HCC No. 83

Whempstead 1 2016-2017 SWhempsteadCWY161415 Road Localised Patching

Wyddial 2016-2017 WC12CWY11821 near Cave Gate Surface Dressing

Hertford Rural22 Aston 2016-2017 CBrookfieldCWY17038 Lane/New Park Lane Surface Dressing 2016-2017 MNewMEM16286 Park Lane Thin Surfacing

Bayford 2016-2017 MVicarageMEM16285 Lane Surface Dressing Agenda Pack 77 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 14 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

East Herts ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Hertford Rural22 Benington 2016-2017 CGoodeyCWY151837 Meade Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 WHebingCWY13397 End Surface Dressing 2016-2017 COldCWY15450 School Green Surface Dressing 2016-2017 MWalkernMEM16290 Road Footway Reconstruction

Broxbourne 3 2016-2017 CWhiteCWY151755 Stubbs Lane Surface Dressing

Chapmore End 2016-2017 MChapmoreMEM16009 End Surface Dressing 2016-2017 CRickneysCWY151794 Lane Surface Dressing

Cromer 2016-2017 STheCWY17619 Heath Resurfacing

Datchworth 2016-2017 CBrookbridgeCWY151904 Lane Surface Dressing 2016-2017 SNutcroftCWY161526 Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 CWheatcotesCWY17025 Thin Surfacing

Hertford 1 2016-2017 MVicarageMEM16058 Lane Surface Dressing

Letty Green, Hertford 1 2016-2017 CLettyCWY151905 Green/Station Road Surface Dressing 2016-2017 WStationCWY141195 Road/Cole Green Surface Dressing

Letty Green 2016-2017 CU185CWY151084 at Letty Green Surface Dressing

Little Berkhamsted 2016-2017 CChurchCWY17002 Road Surface Dressing 2 2016-2017 CLowerCWY151896 Hatfield Road Surface Dressing

Luffenhall 1 2016-2017 SC14CWY161286 West of Cromer Thin Surfacing

Sacombe 1 2016-2017 WSacombeCWY13370 Pound Surface Dressing

Broadwater, Stevenage 1 2016-2017 IBragburyDRN16008 Lane Drainage Investigation

Tonwell 2016-2017 SAnchorARP15256 Lane Rbt Resurfacing

Walkern 2016-2017 WBassusCWY141026 Green Road Surface Dressing 2016-2017 CBassusCWY151791 Green Surface Dressing 2016-2017 WChurchCWY13287 End Surface Dressing

Watton At Stone 2016-2017 SSchoolCWY151173 Lane Localised Patching 2016-2017 SStationITP16020 Road & High Street Traffic Calming 2016-2017 CWatkinsCWY151659 Hall Farm Access Road Surface Dressing

Tewin, Welwyn 2 2016-2017 CHertfordCWY161157 Road/Welwyn Road Surface Dressing

Whempstead 2016-2017 CMillCWY151816 Lane Surface Dressing 1 2016-2017 SWhempsteadCWY161415 Road Localised Patching

St Andrew's23 Hertford 2016-2017 SA414SAR16015 Bluecoats Roundabout Casualty Reduction 2016-2017 WA414DRN12039 Church St Subway Drainage Investigation 1 2016-2017 MBeechwoodMEM16312 Close Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SForeCWY161523 Street Local Reconstruction/Local Resurfacing 2016-2017 MGreenMEM16292 Coates Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MGwynnsMEM16291 Walk Thin Surfacing Agenda Pack 78 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 15 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

East Herts ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

St Andrew's23 Hertford 2016-2017 CHertingfordburyCWY161220 Road Surface Dressing 2016-2017 WHornsCWY14018 Road Surface Dressing 2016-2017 SHuttonCWY15228 Close Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SLondonSAR16011 Road Road Casualty Reduction Proposal 2016-2017 SMountCWY15982 Road Area Major Patching 1 2016-2017 SNorthFWY16075 Road Footway Micro 1 2016-2017 SNorthCWY16985 Road Resurfacing 2016-2017 SPrioryCWY15988 Street Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 CQueensCWY151009 Road Resurfacing 3 2016-2017 WRushBRG14004 Green Interchange Joint Replacement HCC No. 1467&1468 2016-2017 MSeleMEM16294 Road Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MThievesMEM16293 Lane Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 CValleyCWY151054 Close Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 SWareARP15140 Road Major Patching 1 2016-2017 SWareITP16019 Road/Bluecoats/London Road Phase 1

Little Berkhamsted 2 2016-2017 CLowerCWY151896 Hatfield Road Surface Dressing

Tewin, Welwyn 2 2016-2017 CHertfordCWY161157 Road/Welwyn Road Surface Dressing

Sawbridgeworth24 Eastwick 2016-2017 SEastwickCWY161524 Hall Lane/Eastwick Road Major Patching

Hunsdon 2016-2017 CAcornCWY161190 Street Surface Dressing 2016-2017 SHollandsCWY161913 Croft Thin Surfacing

Sawbridgeworth 2016-2017 SA1184SAR16006 Bonks Hill j/w Brook Road Sawbridgeworth Casualty Reduction Proposals 2016-2017 SAthertonCWY151385 End Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MBullfieldsMEM16027 Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SCambridgeARP16079 Road Resurfacing 2016-2017 WLondonARP12095 Rd/Harlow Rd Major Patching and Surface Dressing 2016-2017 SLondonTIS16002 Rd/Nr Bell St S134 Signal Refurbishment 2016-2017 CParkwayCWY151036 Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SParsonageCWY17158 Lane Thin Surfacing

St Margarets 1 2016-2017 CStationCWY161063 Road Localised Patching

Stanstead Abbotts 2016-2017 CHighCWY141234 Street Local Reconstruction 2016-2017 SKingswoodBRG16003 Footbridge HCC No. 2097 2016-2017 CKittenCWY141126 Lane Localised Patching 2016-2017 CRoydonCWY141180 Road Resurfacing 2016-2017 MTheleMEM16041 Avenue Footway Surface Treatment 2016-2017 MTrottersMEM16044 Gap Footway Surface Treatment Agenda Pack 79 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 16 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

East Herts ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Sawbridgeworth24 Stanstead Abbotts 2016-2017 MWoodcroftMEM16042 Avenue Footway Surface Treatment

Ware 1 2016-2017 SA10/A1170ARP16132 Ware North Interchange Resurfacing

Wareside 2016-2017 CScholarsCWY151684 Hill Surface Dressing 2016-2017 CWareCWY151918 Road Surface Dressing

Widford 2016-2017 WMedcalfCWY15750 Hill Major Patching and Surface Dressing 2016-2017 CPegsCWY081297 Lane Localised Patching

Ware North25 Barwick 2016-2017 CGoreCWY17024 Lane Surface Dressing

Braughing 1 2016-2017 SWarrenCWY17522 Lane Localised Patching

Colliers End 2016-2017 WErmineCWY161165 Street Surface Dressing 2016-2017 WWadesmillARP14170 Bypass Southbound Surface Dressing

Hertford 3 2016-2017 WRushBRG14004 Green Interchange Joint Replacement HCC No. 1467&1468 High Cross 2016-2017 SHighCWY161418 Road Resurfacing

Latchford 2016-2017 CU138CWY151701 East From Barwick Lane Surface Dressing

Much Hadham 1 2016-2017 CKettleCWY151850 Green Road Surface Dressing

Puckeridge 1 2016-2017 SA10SAR16008 Northbound Casualty Reduction Proposal 1 2016-2017 CA10ARP15135 Puckeridge Bypass Surface Dressing 1 2016-2017 SA10ARP16129 Puckeridge Roundabout Resurfacing 1 2016-2017 SA10ARP16128 Standon Roundabout Resurfacing

Standon 1 2016-2017 CSaffronCWY161340 Meadow Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 CStandonBRG15014 Bridge HCC No. 83

Wadesmill 2016-2017 SMillfiedCWY161541 Thin Surfacing

Ware 1 2016-2017 CA10ARP15176 Northbound from Rush Green Surface Dressing 1 2016-2017 CA10ARP15178 Northbound Offslip to A602 Surface Dressing 1 2016-2017 SA10/A1170ARP16132 Ware North Interchange Resurfacing 2016-2017 MCheyneMEM16028 Close Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MCliftonMEM16029 Way Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MCranbrookMEM16035 Close Footway Resurfacing 1 2016-2017 SGlaxoBRG16002 Footbridge HCC No. 1959 2016-2017 SHarris'sCWY161227 Lane Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 SKingsmeadBRG13004 Viaduct Drainage HCC No. 1469 1 2016-2017 MMiltonMEM16030 Road Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 SMusleyCWY161527 Lane Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 SParkBRG16009 Road Bridge HCC No. 1470 2016-2017 MPopesMEM16031 Row Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 CQuakerCWY16286 Road Thin Surfacing Agenda Pack 80 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 17 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

East Herts ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Ware North25 Ware 2016-2017 SRichmondCWY15913 Close Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MSalmonsMEM16036 Close Footway Resurfacing 2016-2017 MTheMEM16032 Blanes Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MTheMEM16033 Green Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MVallansMEM16034 Close Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 WWadesmillARP15209 Bypass Northbound Surface Dressing 2016-2017 CWattonITP14033 Road Pedestrian Improvement 2016-2017 SWickenCWY161048 Fields Thin Surfacing

Wellpond Green 2016-2017 CU136CWY151700 at Broken Green Surface Dressing

Ware South26 Brickendon 2016-2017 CBrickendonBRG14005 Retaining Wall HCC No 1861

Broxbourne 3 2016-2017 CWhiteCWY151755 Stubbs Lane Surface Dressing

Great Amwell 1 2016-2017 SA10ARP17183 South Bound & Northbound Interchange Reconstruction 2016-2017 CAmwellARP15242 Link Road Surface Dressing 2016-2017 SCautherlyDRN13037 Lane Drainage Works 2016-2017 CCautherlyCWY151284 Lane Surface Dressing

Hertford 1 2016-2017 WA10ARP15177 Northbound nr Hailey Surface Dressing 3 2016-2017 WRushBRG14004 Green Interchange Joint Replacement HCC No. 1467&1468 Hertford Heath, Hertford 2016-2017 MBarclayMEM16300 Close Footway Surface Treatment 2016-2017 MHeathgateMEM16301 Footway Surface Treatment 2016-2017 MHeathgateMEM16295 Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MHogsdellMEM16303 Lane Footway Surface Treatment 2016-2017 MLondonMEM16302 Road Footway Surface Treatment 2016-2017 SWoodstockCWY161934 Close Thin Surfacing

Hoddesdon 1 2016-2017 WA10ARP15232 Southbound Surface Dressing 1 2016-2017 SStansteadCWY17526 Road Major Patching

Wormley, Hoddesdon 2016-2017 CWestCWY15090 End Road Surface Dressing

Rush Green 2016-2017 CRushCWY151174 Green Road/Downfield Road Surface Dressing St Margarets 1 2016-2017 CStationCWY161063 Road Localised Patching

Ware 2016-2017 SClementsCWY161211 Street Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MCobhamMEM16297 Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MGarlandsMEM16298 Road Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 SGlaxoBRG16002 Footbridge HCC No. 1959 2016-2017 CHanburyCWY151638 Close Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 CLittleDRN13003 Widbury Lane Drainage Works 2016-2017 ILondonDRN16006 Road/Hoes Lane Drainage Investigation Agenda Pack 81 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 18 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

East Herts ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Ware South26 Ware 2016-2017 SMarshCWY161410 Lane Reconstruction 1 2016-2017 MMiltonMEM16030 Road Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 SMusleyCWY161527 Lane Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MPetersMEM16296 Wood Hill Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SStarCWY151714 Street Localised Patching 2016-2017 MWintonMEM16299 Road Resurfacing

EAST HERTS (District wide)93 9 2016-2017 SBridgeBRG16016 Reactive Joint Scheme 1 9 2016-2017 SBridgeBRG16017 Reactive Joint Scheme 2 9 2016-2017 SBusITP16042 Stop Clearway Lining Programme 16/17 9 2016-2017 SBusITP16030 Stop Shelter and Clearway Programme 16/17 9 2016-2017 SBusITP16041 Stop Upgrades Programme 16/17 9 2016-2017 SITSITP16033 Strategy Works 9 2016-2017 SParapetBRG16018 Refurbishment Works 9 2016-2017 SRealITP16032 Time Passenger Information Delivery 9 2016-2017 SRealTIS16018 Time Passenger Information Delivery 16/17 9 2016-2017 SSafetySAR16013 17/18 Scheme Preperation and Early Deilvery 9 2016-2017 ISchoolITP16036 Crossing Patrol Sites 16/17 9 2016-2017 SSkidSAR16014 Resistance County Wide Sites 9 2016-2017 SSRTSITP16035 Small Works pilot Delivery 16/17 9 2016-2017 ISRTSCOM16009 Small Works Prep 16/17

Agenda Pack 82 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 19 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

Hertsmere ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Borehamwood North27 Borehamwood 2016-2017 MAlbanMEM16152 Crescent Thin Surfacing 2 2016-2017 WAllumDRN14034 Lane Drainage Works 2016-2017 MCaishoweMEM16154 Road Overlay 2016-2017 SElstreeARP16134 Way/Shenley Road r'bt Resurfacing 2016-2017 MOddeseyMEM16155 Road Overlay 1 2016-2017 SShenleyCWY16996 Road Localised Patching 1 2016-2017 STheobaldsCWY161511 Lane Resurfacing

Borehamwood South28 Borehamwood 2 2016-2017 WAllumDRN14034 Lane Drainage Works 2016-2017 MArundelMEM16156 Drive Resurfacing 2016-2017 MBalmoralMEM16157 Drive Resurfacing 2016-2017 MClydesdaleMEM16158 Close Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MEastonMEM16159 Gardens Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 SShenleyCWY16996 Road Localised Patching 2016-2017 MSuffolkMEM16160 Close Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 STheobaldsCWY161511 Lane Resurfacing 2016-2017 SYorkCWY151121 Crescent Resurfacing

Bushey North29 Bushey 2016-2017 SA41SAR16001 Tylers Way j/w Sandy Lane Watford Casualty Reduction Proposals 2016-2017 CAldenhamDRN13056 Rd/Little Bushey Ln Drainage Works 2016-2017 SAldenhamCWY17232 Road Resurfacing 1 2016-2017 SAldenhamCWY161521 Road Resurfacing 2016-2017 SBelmontCWY161248 Road Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MBournehallMEM16161 Avenue Resurfacing 2016-2017 SBusheyTIS16016 Hall Rd/Nr Greatham Rd S405 Signal Refurbishment 1 2016-2017 MColdharbourMEM16162 Lane Resurfacing 2016-2017 MGolfMEM16163 Close Footway Surface Treatment 2016-2017 SHastingsCWY161225 Wy/Napier Dr/St Leonards Cl Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SHeatherCWY161222 Rise/Duncan Way Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 SKoh-i-noorCWY151530 Avenue Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 SLittleCWY161513 Bushey Lane Resurfacing 2016-2017 SMelbourneCWY161377 Road Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 WOtterspoolARP14041 Way Surface Dressing 2016-2017 COtterspoolARP15173 Way Surface Dressing

Round Bush, Radlett 1 2016-2017 IPrimroseDRN13032 Lane Drainage Investigation

Watford 1 2016-2017 CStephensonARP14139 Way Surface Dressing Agenda Pack 83 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 20 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

Hertsmere ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Bushey North29 Watford 2016-2017 CStephensonARP15146 Way Surface Dressing

Bushey South30 Bushey 2016-2017 MBeamishMEM16167 Drive Resurfacing 2016-2017 MBrookeMEM16164 Way Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 MColdharbourMEM16162 Lane Resurfacing 2016-2017 MGarrattsMEM16168 Road Resurfacing 2016-2017 SHighTIS15002 St/Nr Melbourne Rd(Golf Cntr) S071 Signal Refurbishment 1 2016-2017 SKoh-i-noorCWY151530 Avenue Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 SLittleCWY161513 Bushey Lane Resurfacing 2016-2017 MSparrowsMEM16166 Herne Footway Surface Treatment 2016-2017 SSparrowsARP15115 Herne/High Road Resurfacing 2016-2017 STheCWY161512 Rutts Resurfacing 2016-2017 CTitianCWY14720 Avenue/Windmill Street Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MWoodpeckerMEM16165 Close Thin Surfacing

Oxhey, Watford 1 2016-2017 MElmMEM16240 Drive Resurfacing

Potters Bar East31 Barnet 2016-2017 WGreatARP14159 North Road/Barnet Road Surface Dressing

Potters Bar 2016-2017 MAstonMEM16050 Way Footway Reconstruction 1 2016-2017 SBakerITP14056 Street Speed Compliance Scheme 2016-2017 MBearwoodMEM16051 Close Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 MCherryMEM16053 Tree Lane Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 SHighTIS16013 St/Nr The Walk(Ladbrooke Sch) S393 Signal Refurbishment 2016-2017 MLadbrookeMEM16054 Drive Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 MOakroydMEM16055 Close Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 SSouthgateTIS16010 Rd/Nr High View Gardens S385 Signal Refurbishment 2016-2017 MStJohnsMEM16056 Close Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 SStraffordCWY151229 Gate Resurfacing 2016-2017 STheCWY161071 Causeway Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 STheCWY161013 Drive Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MTheMEM16052 Grove Footway Reconstruction

Potters Bar West and Shenley32 Borehamwood 2016-2017 MWoodhallMEM16006 Lane Footway Reconstruction

Colney Heath 1 2016-2017 CCoursersCWY16324 Road Surface Dressing

Potters Bar 1 2016-2017 SBakerITP14056 Street Speed Compliance Scheme 2016-2017 MCambridgeMEM16004 Drive Carriageway Resurfacing Agenda Pack 84 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 21 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

Hertsmere ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Potters Bar West and Shenley32 Potters Bar 2016-2017 CCranborneCWY151871 Industrial Estate Resurfacing 1 2016-2017 STheCWY161013 Drive Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 STrottersCWY15088 Bottom Reconstruction 2016-2017 MWellesleyMEM16005 Crescent Footway Reconstruction

South Mimms, Potters Bar 2016-2017 SBignellsCWY17274 Corner Resurfacing

Ridge 2016-2017 WPackhorseCWY081342 Lane Surface Dressing

Shenley 2016-2017 SNewcomeCWY161307 Road/Birchwood Thin Surfacing

South Mimms 2016-2017 MBlancheMEM16007 Lane / Crossoaks Lane Roundabout Resurfacing

Watling33 Borehamwood 2 2016-2017 WAllumDRN14034 Lane Drainage Works

Elstree 2016-2017 WElstreeITP12055 Crossroads Improvements 2016-2017 MKnowlMEM16170 Way Overlay 2016-2017 MLodgeMEM16171 Avenue Overlay 2016-2017 CSchubertCWY151187 Road Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 WWatlingARP14055 Street Surface Dressing

Radlett 2016-2017 MChristchurchMEM16169 Crescent Resurfacing 2016-2017 SShenleyDRN14033 Hill Drainage Works 2016-2017 MWatlingMEM16172 Knoll Thin Surfacing

Letchmore Heath, Radlett 2016-2017 CBackCWY151357 Lane/Common Lane Surface Dressing 2016-2017 MGrangeMEM16173 Lane Major Patching

Round Bush, Radlett 1 2016-2017 IPrimroseDRN13032 Lane Drainage Investigation

Garston, Watford 3 2016-2017 CA412ITP14080 Cycle Route Phase 5

HERTSMERE (District wide)94 9 2016-2017 SBridgeBRG16016 Reactive Joint Scheme 1 9 2016-2017 SBridgeBRG16017 Reactive Joint Scheme 2 9 2016-2017 SBusITP16042 Stop Clearway Lining Programme 16/17 9 2016-2017 SBusITP16030 Stop Shelter and Clearway Programme 16/17 9 2016-2017 SBusITP16041 Stop Upgrades Programme 16/17 9 2016-2017 SITSITP16033 Strategy Works 2 2016-2017 SMidSAR16012 Herts Mass Action Sites 9 2016-2017 SParapetBRG16018 Refurbishment Works 9 2016-2017 SRealITP16032 Time Passenger Information Delivery 9 2016-2017 SRealTIS16018 Time Passenger Information Delivery 16/17 9 2016-2017 SSafetySAR16013 17/18 Scheme Preperation and Early Deilvery 9 2016-2017 ISchoolITP16036 Crossing Patrol Sites 16/17 9 2016-2017 SSkidSAR16014 Resistance County Wide Sites Agenda Pack 85 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 22 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

Hertsmere ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

HERTSMERE (District wide)94 9 2016-2017 SSRTSITP16035 Small Works pilot Delivery 16/17 9 2016-2017 ISRTSCOM16009 Small Works Prep 16/17

Agenda Pack 86 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 23 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

North Herts ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Hitchin North34 Hitchin 2016-2017 SA505SAR16004 Cambridge Road j/w Stotfold Road Rbt Hitchin Casualty Reduction Proposals 2016-2017 MBeartonMEM16257 Road Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 SCambridgeARP17141 Road Resurfacing 2016-2017 SCambridgeARP16080 Road/Nightingale Road Resurfacing 2016-2017 SFlorenceCWY161240 Street Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MHeathfieldMEM16260 Road Resurfacing 2016-2017 SKingCWY151472 Georges Close Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SMountjoyCWY15984 Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 SNightingaleARP18053 Road Resurfacing 2016-2017 MStrathmoreMEM16256 Avenue Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 SWallaceCWY161001 Wy/Wilbury Wy/Hunting Gate Resurfacing

Hitchin Rural35 Bendish 1 2016-2017 CChapelCWY151294 Lane/Law Hall Lane Surface Dressing

Breachwood Green 2016-2017 CTheCWY151720 Heath/Heath Rd/Chapel Rd Surface Dressing

Great Offley 2016-2017 SLutonITP16029 Road Pedestrian Crossing 2016-2017 SSchoolBRG16013 Lane Bridge HCC No. 1237

Hexton 2016-2017 SBartonCWY161036 Road Major Patching 2016-2017 CMillCWY151754 Lane Surface Dressing

Hitchin 2016-2017 MWellingtonMEM16258 Avenue Resurfacing

Ickleford, Hitchin 2016-2017 SLaurelCWY15388 Way Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 STurnpikeCWY17069 Lane Localised Patching

Kings Walden 2016-2017 CTaylorsCWY151692 Hill Road/U35 by Frogmore Surface Dressing Lilley 2016-2017 SLilleyBRG16014 Bottom Bridge HCC No 1235

Pirton 2016-2017 SHighCWY161136 Street/Shilington Road/West Lane Resurfacing 2016-2017 CLittleCWY16487 Lane/Davis Crescent Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SRoyalCWY151679 Oak Lane/Walnut Tree Road Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 CShillingtonCWY16998 Rd/Priors Hill/Hitchin Rd Surface Dressing Preston 2016-2017 CButchersCWY151421 Lane/Chequers Lane Surface Dressing 1 2016-2017 CHitchwoodCWY151859 Cottages/Lane Surface Dressing 2016-2017 MSchoolMEM16343 Lane Footway Reconstruction

Hitchin South36 Hitchin 2016-2017 SBedfordCWY12443 Street Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SHighCWY161529 View Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SMoormeadARP16098 Hill/Upper Tilehouse Street/Offley Road Resurfacing 2016-2017 CNewlandsCWY15934 Close East/West Thin Surfacing Agenda Pack 87 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 24 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

North Herts ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Hitchin South36 Hitchin 1 2016-2017 SNightingaleARP18053 Road Resurfacing 2016-2017 SNinespringsCWY16986 Way Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SPaynesARP17088 Park / Brand Street Reconstruction 2016-2017 MPirtonMEM16259 Road Resurfacing 1 2016-2017 WStevenageITP14020 Road Pedestrian Crossing 2016-2017 MTilehoueMEM16392 Street Resurfacing 2016-2017 SWrattenCWY151118 Road West Thin Surfacing

Knebworth and Codicote37 Bendish 1 2016-2017 CChapelCWY151294 Lane/Law Hall Lane Surface Dressing

Bower Heath 1 2016-2017 WKimptonCWY141091 Bottom Surface Dressing

Codicote 2016-2017 SHighTIS16004 Street Near The Green S221 Signal Refurbishment 2016-2017 MValleyMEM16225 Road Thin Surfacing

Gosmore 2016-2017 MMillMEM16010 Lane Surface Dressing

Great Wymondley 2016-2017 CChurchCWY151264 Lane/Graveley Road Thin Surfacing

Hitchin 1 2016-2017 WStevenageITP14020 Road Pedestrian Crossing

Kimpton 2016-2017 CClaggyCWY151250 Road Surface Dressing 2016-2017 WKimptonCWY141125 Road (East) Surface Dressing 1 2016-2017 CPortersCWY151827 End Lane Surface Dressing

Knebworth 2016-2017 SC29CWY17658 South of Easthall Farm Local Resurface/Major Patch 2016-2017 MGibbonsMEM16333 Way Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MNewMEM16221 Close Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 IOrchardDRN16007 Way/Broom Grove Drainage Investigation

Langley 2016-2017 CVillageCWY10553 Street Resurfacing

Little Wymondley 2016-2017 CStevenageCWY151703 Road Surface Dressing

Redcoats Green, Little Wymondley 2016-2017 CStevenageCWY151690 Road Surface Dressing

Old Knebworth 1 2016-2017 SOldCWY161416 Knebworth Lane Localised Patching

Pottersheath 1 2016-2017 CRableyCWY151010 Heath/Pottersheath Road Surface Dressing

Preston 1 2016-2017 CHitchwoodCWY151859 Cottages/Lane Surface Dressing

Stevenage 2016-2017 SA602SAR16003 Stevenage Road Little Wymondley Casualty Reduction Proposals Welwyn 1 2016-2017 CCodicoteCWY17064 Road Surface Dressing

Woolmer Green, Welwyn 1 2016-2017 CLondonCWY151747 Road Surface Dressing 1 2016-2017 CNewCWY16267 Road Surface Dressing

Bower Heath, Wheathampstead 1 2016-2017 CPlummersCWY15076 Lane Surface Dressing

Whitwell 2016-2017 MTheMEM16236 Valley Resurfacing

Letchworth East and Baldock38 Agenda Pack 88 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 25 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

North Herts ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Letchworth East and Baldock38 Baldock 2016-2017 MChurchMEM16238 Street Resurfacing 2016-2017 CHadrianCWY151640 Way Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MJacksonMEM16239 Street Resurfacing 2016-2017 MLondonMEM16237 Road Resurfacing 2016-2017 SNightingale/MonsCWY161917 Estate Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MParkMEM16223 Close Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 SParkCWY17156 Drive Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 STemplarCWY151239 Avenue Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 CTheCWY151224 Tene Thin Surfacing

Letchworth 1 2016-2017 SBaldockARP18036 Road Resurfacing 2016-2017 SBlackhorseCWY161402 Road/Flint Road Resurfacing 1 2016-2017 CCashioCWY151280 Lane Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 CGreenBRG14001 Lanes Footbridge HCC No. 1110 2016-2017 MHawthornMEM16222 Hill Footway Reconstruction 2 2016-2017 SHitchinITP13062 Road to Grange Estate Cycle Schemes 1 2016-2017 SLetchworthCWY161403 Business Park Resurfacing Ph1 1 2016-2017 SLetchworthCWY161404 Business Park Resurfacing Ph2 2016-2017 SNortonITP16008 Way North Letchworth Speed Compliance

Weston 1 2016-2017 WChalkCWY141017 Hills/Hatch Lane Surface Dressing

Letchworth North West39 Letchworth 2016-2017 MArchersMEM16321 Way Resurfacing 1 2016-2017 CCashioCWY151280 Lane Thin Surfacing 2 2016-2017 SHitchinITP13062 Road to Grange Estate Cycle Schemes 2016-2017 CNortonCWY151742 Road Surface Dressing 2016-2017 MRomanyMEM16224 Close Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 MWesternMEM16320 Way Resurfacing

Letchworth South40 Letchworth 2016-2017 MBaldockMEM16326 Lane east end Resurfacing 1 2016-2017 SBaldockARP18036 Road Resurfacing 2016-2017 CBurnellCWY151414 Walk Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 CChilternCWY17147 View Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MFarthingsMEM16332 Drive clu de sac Resurfacing 2016-2017 MFarthingsMEM16325 Drive Resurfacing 2016-2017 SFieldCWY17116 Lane Thin Surfacing 2 2016-2017 SHitchinITP13062 Road to Grange Estate Cycle Schemes 2016-2017 MHowardsMEM16324 Wood Resurfacing 1 2016-2017 SLetchworthCWY161403 Business Park Resurfacing Ph1 Agenda Pack 89 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 26 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

North Herts ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Letchworth South40 Letchworth 1 2016-2017 SLetchworthCWY161404 Business Park Resurfacing Ph2 2016-2017 SLetchworthARP16004 Gate Resurfacing 2016-2017 SSouthCWY17174 View Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SWestburyCWY151140 Place/Springshott Thin Surfacing

Willian 2016-2017 MBaldockMEM16327 Lane / William Road Resurfacing

North Herts Rural41 Ashwell 2016-2017 SBackCWY161174 Street Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MForhamMEM16235 Close Resurfacing 2016-2017 CRollysCWY15920 Lane/Gardiners Lane Major Patching 2016-2017 MStationMEM16233 Road, Ashwell Resurfacing

Barley 2016-2017 MRoystonMEM16232 Road Resurfacing

Bygrave 2016-2017 WAshwellCWY141032 Road/Claybush Road Surface Dressing

Clothall 2016-2017 WBarleyCWY141028 Mow Lane Surface Dressing 2016-2017 CWarrenCWY151658 Lane Surface Dressing

Graveley 1 2016-2017 SB197SAR16002 High Street Graveley j/w North Road Casualty Reduction Proposals Luffenhall 1 2016-2017 SC14CWY161286 West of Cromer Thin Surfacing

Newsells 1 2016-2017 CWhiteleyCWY151663 Hill Surface Dressing

Nuthampstead 2016-2017 CBuryCWY151804 End Surface Dressing 2016-2017 WParkCWY14781 Farm Lane Surface Dressing

Radwell 2016-2017 CRadwellCWY151834 Lane Surface Dressing

Sandon 2016-2017 CFearsCWY151867 Green Surface Dressing

Wallington 2016-2017 CChurchCWY151268 Road Surface Dressing

Weston 1 2016-2017 WChalkCWY141017 Hills/Hatch Lane Surface Dressing 2016-2017 MHitchinMEM16234 Road Resurfacing 2016-2017 SMillCWY19040 Lane Thin Surfacing

Royston42 Newsells 1 2016-2017 CWhiteleyCWY151663 Hill Surface Dressing

Royston 2016-2017 MClydesdaleMEM16231 Resurfacing 2016-2017 MGardenMEM16227 Close Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 MGardenMEM16230 Close Resurfacing 2016-2017 SGardenCWY161528 Close Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SHousmanCWY161921 Av Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MHuntersMEM16226 Way Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 SKneesworthLRM04441 Street to King James Way Drainage Works 2016-2017 CMartingaleCWY151928 Road Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MParklandsMEM16228 Footway Reconstruction Agenda Pack 90 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 27 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

North Herts ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Royston42 Royston 2016-2017 SRockCWY161939 Road Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 CRoystonARP15170 Bypass Surface Dressing 2016-2017 MStudlandsMEM16229 Rise Resurfacing 2016-2017 CThackerayCWY151241 Close/Tennyson Close Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 CTheCWY151202 Green Thin Surfacing

NORTH HERTS (District wide)95 9 2016-2017 SBridgeBRG16016 Reactive Joint Scheme 1 9 2016-2017 SBridgeBRG16017 Reactive Joint Scheme 2 9 2016-2017 SBusITP16042 Stop Clearway Lining Programme 16/17 9 2016-2017 SBusITP16030 Stop Shelter and Clearway Programme 16/17 9 2016-2017 SBusITP16041 Stop Upgrades Programme 16/17 9 2016-2017 SITSITP16033 Strategy Works 2016-2017 SLetchworthITP14081 Signage Improvements 9 2016-2017 SParapetBRG16018 Refurbishment Works 9 2016-2017 SRealITP16032 Time Passenger Information Delivery 9 2016-2017 SRealTIS16018 Time Passenger Information Delivery 16/17 9 2016-2017 SSafetySAR16013 17/18 Scheme Preperation and Early Deilvery 9 2016-2017 ISchoolITP16036 Crossing Patrol Sites 16/17 9 2016-2017 SSkidSAR16014 Resistance County Wide Sites 9 2016-2017 SSRTSITP16035 Small Works pilot Delivery 16/17 9 2016-2017 ISRTSCOM16009 Small Works Prep 16/17

Agenda Pack 91 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 28 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

St Albans ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Harpenden North East43 Harpenden 1 2016-2017 WAmbroseCWY15029 Lane Local Resurfacing and Surface Dressing 2016-2017 SAshleyCWY161323 Gardens Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SBatfordFWY16029 Road Footway Micro 2016-2017 MBrackendaleMEM16362 Grove Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 MCrabtreeMEM16361 Lane Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 MHaslingdonMEM16360 Close Footway Reconstruction 1 2016-2017 CMarquisCWY151521 Lane Surface Dressing 2016-2017 SOxITP14047 Lane Bridge Pedestrian Improvements 2016-2017 SParkCWY151032 Rise Close Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MSaunceyMEM16359 Avenue Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 SSomeriesCWY161928 Road Estate Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 WStationDRN10037 Road Drainage Works 1 2016-2017 SStationFWY16084 Road Footway Reconstruction 1 2016-2017 CStationCWY151922 Road Major Patching/Anti Skid 7 2016-2017 SWatfordITP16046 to St Albans/Harpenden to Watford Bus Stop Upgrades Batford, Harpenden 2016-2017 SLowerTIS16001 Luton Rd/Nr Pickford Hill S089 Signal Refurbishment Town Centre, Harpenden 2 2016-2017 WLutonDRN06060 Road Drainage Works

Wheathampstead 1 2016-2017 CLowerCWY151750 Luton Road Surface Dressing

Harpenden South West44 Harpenden 1 2016-2017 SAldwickFWY16046 Road Footway Micro 1 2016-2017 WAmbroseCWY15029 Lane Local Resurfacing and Surface Dressing 1 2016-2017 CBeesonendDRN14024 Lane Drainage Works 2016-2017 SCrossCWY161191 Lane Localised Patching 2016-2017 WCrossCWY161205 Lane/East Common Surface Dressing 2016-2017 SEastmoorFWY16047 Park Footway Micro 2016-2017 MEastmoorMEM16275 Park Resurfacing 2016-2017 CHaddonCWY15644 Court Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MOakleyMEM16003 Road Resurfacing 1 2016-2017 CPipersCWY151003 Lane Surface Dressing 2016-2017 CShakespeareCWY151608 Road Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 WStationDRN10037 Road Drainage Works 1 2016-2017 SStationFWY16084 Road Footway Reconstruction 1 2016-2017 CStationCWY151922 Road Major Patching/Anti Skid 7 2016-2017 SWatfordITP16046 to St Albans/Harpenden to Watford Bus Stop Upgrades Town Centre, Harpenden 2 2016-2017 WLutonDRN06060 Road Drainage Works Agenda Pack 92 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 29 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

St Albans ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Harpenden South West44 Hatching Green, Redbourn 1 2016-2017 CRedbournDRN13022 Lane Drainage

St. Albans Central45 Harpenden 7 2016-2017 SWatfordITP16046 to St Albans/Harpenden to Watford Bus Stop Upgrades St Albans 2016-2017 MAvenueMEM16255 Road Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 CBeaumontCWY151365 Avenue Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SEdwardCWY151582 Close Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SHatfieldARP17178 Road Localised Patching 1 2016-2017 MLondonMEM16254 Road Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 CLowerCWY16287 Paxton Road Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MOswaldMEM16249 Road Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 CPaxtonCWY15668 Road Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 ISalisburyDRN16004 Avenue Drainage Investigation 1 2016-2017 STownsendCWY161026 Drive Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 SWatsonsCWY19539 Walk Resurfacing

St. Albans East46 St Albans 2016-2017 SAdmiralsCWY161263 Walk Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MNelsonMEM16363 Avenue Footway Reconstruction 1 2016-2017 WNorthARP15216 Orbital Road Surface Dressing 1 2016-2017 WNorthARP15205 Orbital Road Surface Dressing 2 2016-2017 WNorthARP15215 Orbital Road Surface Dressing 2 2016-2017 WNorthARP15258 Orbital Road Surface Dressing 2016-2017 SOrchardCWY161314 Close Thin Surfacing

Colney Heath, St Albans 2016-2017 CCellCWY151274 Barnes Lane Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 SFrobisherCWY161932 Road Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 CHowardCWY15703 Close Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MLindenMEM16329 Crescent Footway Reconstruction 1 2016-2017 MNightingaleMEM16379 Lane Resurfacing 1 2016-2017 MNightingaleMEM16393 Lane Resurfacing

St Stephens, St Albans 2016-2017 MNewMEM16364 House Park Footway Reconstruction

St. Albans North47 Harpenden 7 2016-2017 SWatfordITP16046 to St Albans/Harpenden to Watford Bus Stop Upgrades St Albans 1 2016-2017 CJerseyCWY16147 Lane Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 CReptonCWY15661 Green Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 MStAlbansMEM16356 Road Footway Reconstruction 1 2016-2017 STownsendCWY161026 Drive Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 WUpperDRN14030 Heath Road Drainage Works Agenda Pack 93 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 30 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

St Albans ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

St. Albans North47 Batchwood, St Albans 2016-2017 CConnaughtCWY16016 Road Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 CHeydonsCWY151481 Close Thin Surfacing

Jersey Farm, St Albans 1 2016-2017 IHarnessDRN16005 Way/Briar Road Drainage Investigation

New Greens, St Albans 2016-2017 CEverlastingCWY16113 Lane Thin Surfacing

Verulamium, St Albans 1 2016-2017 CRedbournDRN14027 Road Drainage Works

St. Albans Rural48 Gustardwood, Blackmore End 2016-2017 STheFWY16030 Broadway Footway Micro

Bower Heath 1 2016-2017 WKimptonCWY141091 Bottom Surface Dressing

Flamstead 1 2016-2017 MDelmerMEM16068 End Lane Surface Dressing

Harpenden 1 2016-2017 SAldwickFWY16046 Road Footway Micro 1 2016-2017 CBeesonendDRN14024 Lane Drainage Works 2016-2017 CBowerCWY151800 Heath Surface Dressing 1 2016-2017 CColesCWY151318 Lane/Kennel Lane Surface Dressing 2016-2017 CCommonCWY161006 Lane Surface Dressing 1 2016-2017 CMarquisCWY151521 Lane Surface Dressing 1 2016-2017 CPipersCWY151003 Lane Surface Dressing 7 2016-2017 SWatfordITP16046 to St Albans/Harpenden to Watford Bus Stop Upgrades Town Centre, Harpenden 2 2016-2017 WLutonDRN06060 Road Drainage Works

Hemel Hempstead 2 2016-2017 CCherryCWY151762 Tree Lane Surface Dressing

Kimpton 1 2016-2017 CPortersCWY151827 End Lane Surface Dressing

Kinsbourne Green 2016-2017 CAnnablesCWY13200 Lane Surface Dressing 2016-2017 CKinsbourneCWY161130 Green Lane Surface Dressing 2016-2017 WTheCWY13032 Common Surface Dressing

Redbourn 2016-2017 SDownFWY16027 Edge Footway Micro 1 2016-2017 CGaddesdenCWY16208 Lane Surface Dressing 2016-2017 CHillCWY151851 Farm Lane Surface Dressing 2016-2017 CHoggCWY15560 End Lane Surface Dressing 2016-2017 CKinsbourneCWY151911 Lane/Luton Lane Surface Dressing 2016-2017 CPunchCWY151828 Bowl Lane Surface Dressing 2016-2017 MSnatchupMEM16347 Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 STheCWY161942 Park Major Patching

Hatching Green, Redbourn 1 2016-2017 CRedbournDRN13022 Lane Drainage

Chiswell Green, St Albans 1 2016-2017 WFurzebushesCWY12245 Lane/Chiswell Green Lane Surface Dressing Wheathampstead 2016-2017 MBrocketMEM16344 View Resurfacing 2016-2017 MButterfieldMEM16339 Road Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 SCodicoteCWY161107 Road Resurfacing Agenda Pack 94 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 31 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

St Albans ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

St. Albans Rural48 Wheathampstead 2016-2017 CDykeCWY15138 Lane Surface Dressing 2016-2017 SHighCWY151482 Ash Road Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MHillMEM16340 Dyke Road Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 MHillMEM16342 Dyke Road Footway Surface Treatment 2016-2017 SHillCWY17404 Dyke Road Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MLattimoreMEM16338 Road Footway Reconstruction 1 2016-2017 CLowerCWY151750 Luton Road Surface Dressing 2016-2017 MSmallwoodMEM16277 Close Resurfacing

Ayres End, Wheathampstead 2016-2017 CAyresCWY151787 End Lane Surface Dressing

Bower Heath, Wheathampstead 1 2016-2017 CPlummersCWY15076 Lane Surface Dressing

St. Albans South49 Harpenden 7 2016-2017 SWatfordITP16046 to St Albans/Harpenden to Watford Bus Stop Upgrades St Albans 2016-2017 MAugustasMEM16245 Close Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SCottonmillCWY161538 Crescent Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 MLondonMEM16254 Road Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 SMayneCWY161411 Avenue Resurfacing 2016-2017 MMountMEM16250 Pleasant Resurfacing 2 2016-2017 WNorthARP15215 Orbital Road Surface Dressing 2016-2017 SWatfordTIS15006 Rd/Nr St Stephens Av S240 Signal Refurbishment 2016-2017 SWatlingCWY161333 View Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 SWatsonsCWY19539 Walk Resurfacing

St Stephens, St Albans 2016-2017 SApproachCWY151389 Road Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SCornwallCWY161206 Road Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SKempeCWY151465 Close Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SRamsburyCWY151012 Road Thin Surfacing

Verulamium, St Albans 2016-2017 SHemelARP16105 Hempstead Road Resurfacing 1 2016-2017 CRedbournDRN14027 Road Drainage Works

St Stephen's50 Chiswell Green 2016-2017 WNorthARP15217 Orbital Road Surface Dressing 2016-2017 STippendellBRG16005 Footbridge HCC No. 841

Harpenden 7 2016-2017 SWatfordITP16046 to St Albans/Harpenden to Watford Bus Stop Upgrades St Albans 2 2016-2017 WNorthARP15258 Orbital Road Surface Dressing

Bricket Wood, St Albans 2016-2017 SWestCWY161514 Riding/Lye Lane Resurfacing

Chiswell Green, St Albans 1 2016-2017 WFurzebushesCWY12245 Lane/Chiswell Green Lane Surface Dressing 2016-2017 CWatfordCWY161332 Road Thin Surfacing Agenda Pack 95 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 32 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

St Albans ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

St Stephen's50 Chiswell Green, St Albans 2016-2017 CWillowCWY151104 Way Thin Surfacing

Park Street, St Albans 2016-2017 SHowCWY161515 Wood/Penn Road Resurfacing

Sandridge51 Sandridge 2016-2017 MWoodcockMEM16358 Hill Footway Reconstruction

St Albans 2016-2017 MBroomleysMEM16355 Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 SHughendenFWY16067 Road Footway Micro 1 2016-2017 CJerseyCWY16147 Lane Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MRuncieMEM16357 Close Resurfacing 2016-2017 SSkysCWY161539 Wood Road Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 MStAlbansMEM16356 Road Footway Reconstruction

Jersey Farm, St Albans 1 2016-2017 IHarnessDRN16005 Way/Briar Road Drainage Investigation

The Colneys52 Colney Heath 1 2016-2017 CCoursersCWY16324 Road Surface Dressing

London Colney 2016-2017 SArmstrongCWY161916 Close Thin Surfacing

St Albans 2016-2017 SNorthARP16131 Orbital Road Reconstruction 1 2016-2017 WNorthARP15205 Orbital Road Surface Dressing 2 2016-2017 WNorthARP15258 Orbital Road Surface Dressing 2 2016-2017 WNorthARP15215 Orbital Road Surface Dressing 1 2016-2017 WNorthARP15216 Orbital Road Surface Dressing

Colney Heath, St Albans 1 2016-2017 SFrobisherCWY161932 Road Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SHighfieldCWY18037 Lane Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 MNightingaleMEM16379 Lane Resurfacing 1 2016-2017 MNightingaleMEM16393 Lane Resurfacing

ST ALBANS (District wide)96 9 2016-2017 SBridgeBRG16016 Reactive Joint Scheme 1 9 2016-2017 SBridgeBRG16017 Reactive Joint Scheme 2 9 2016-2017 SBusITP16042 Stop Clearway Lining Programme 16/17 9 2016-2017 SBusITP16030 Stop Shelter and Clearway Programme 16/17 9 2016-2017 SBusITP16041 Stop Upgrades Programme 16/17 9 2016-2017 SITSITP16033 Strategy Works 2 2016-2017 SMidSAR16012 Herts Mass Action Sites 9 2016-2017 SParapetBRG16018 Refurbishment Works 9 2016-2017 SRealITP16032 Time Passenger Information Delivery 9 2016-2017 SRealTIS16018 Time Passenger Information Delivery 16/17 9 2016-2017 SSafetySAR16013 17/18 Scheme Preperation and Early Deilvery 9 2016-2017 ISchoolITP16036 Crossing Patrol Sites 16/17 Agenda Pack 96 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 33 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

St Albans ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

ST ALBANS (District wide)96 9 2016-2017 SSkidSAR16014 Resistance County Wide Sites 9 2016-2017 SSRTSITP16035 Small Works pilot Delivery 16/17 9 2016-2017 ISRTSCOM16009 Small Works Prep 16/17

Agenda Pack 97 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 34 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

Stevenage ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Bedwell53 Stevenage 2016-2017 SA1155ARP16123 St Georges Way Roundabout Resurfacing 2016-2017 SDanestreteITP14029 Pedestrian Crossing 2016-2017 SFairlandsARP15248 Way Resurfacing 2016-2017 SGunnelsARP17175 Wood Road Resurfacing 1 2016-2017 SGunnelswood/FairlandsBRG15001 Way Bridge HCC No. 909 1 2016-2017 CSixBRG15013 Hills Railway Bridge HCC No. 733

Bedwell, Stevenage 2016-2017 SCuttysCWY161531 Lane Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SEastCWY15906 Close Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SHomesteadCWY161532 Moat Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MLinkwaysMEM16281 East Resurfacing 2016-2017 SPennCWY161306 Road/Fox Road Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MPrioryMEM16278 Dell Resurfacing 2016-2017 MRidgewayMEM16282 Resurfacing 2016-2017 SSixITP13072 Hills Way Path Widening and St Georges Way Cycling 2016-2017 MTwinwoodsMEM16279 Resurfacing 2016-2017 MVintersMEM16280 Avenue Resurfacing 2016-2017 SWhomerleyCWY161049 Road/Denton Road Thin Surfacing

Chells, Stevenage 1 2016-2017 SChellsCWY161419 Way Resurfacing Phase 1

Old Town, Stevenage 2016-2017 SBroadviewCWY151406 Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SGreenwaysCWY161231 Thin Surfacing

Pin Green, Stevenage 2016-2017 MLonsdaleMEM16323 Road 287-345 Resurfacing 2016-2017 MLonsdaleMEM16322 Road 347-409 Resurfacing 2016-2017 MLonsdaleMEM16283 Road Resurfacing 2016-2017 SLonsdaleCWY161394 Road Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SWebbCWY161115 Rise Thin Surfacing

Broadwater54 Old Knebworth 1 2016-2017 SOldCWY161416 Knebworth Lane Localised Patching

Stevenage 2016-2017 SLEPTIS16019 A1 Signal Junction Stratergy 1 2016-2017 CSixBRG15013 Hills Railway Bridge HCC No. 733

Broadwater, Stevenage 2016-2017 MAshdownMEM16147 Road Footway Reconstruction 1 2016-2017 IBragburyDRN16008 Lane Drainage Investigation 1 2016-2017 SBroadhallARP16124 Way Resurfacing 1 2016-2017 SBroadhallARP15251 Way Resurfacing 2016-2017 SBroadwaterCWY161510 Crescent Local Resurfacing 2016-2017 MBurydaleMEM16149 Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 SBurydaleCWY16318 Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SLEPMAJ17002 A602 Improvements Hertford Road Stevenage Agenda Pack 98 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 35 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

Stevenage ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Broadwater54 Broadwater, Stevenage 2016-2017 MLodgeMEM16146 Way Resurfacing 2016-2017 SLondonITP14025 Road Footway Improvements 2016-2017 SNodesCWY161318 Drive Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MParkMEM16148 View Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 STheCWY161058 Chace Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MTheMEM16144 Willows Resurfacing 2016-2017 MWillowsMEM16145 Link Resurfacing

The Poplars, Stevenage 1 2016-2017 MCartersMEM16118 Close Footway Surface Treatment 2 2016-2017 SGresleyCWY151845 Way Resurfacing

Chells55 Stevenage 2016-2017 MAustenMEM16135 Paths 5 Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 MBronteMEM16140 Paths 1 Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 SEliotCWY161086 Road/Bronte Paths Thin Surfacing

Chells, Stevenage 2016-2017 MAustenMEM16131 Paths 1 Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 MAustenMEM16132 Paths 2 Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 MAustenMEM16133 Paths 3 Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 MAustenMEM16134 Paths 4 Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 MAustenMEM16136 Paths 6 Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 MAustenMEM16137 Paths 7 Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 MAustenMEM16138 Paths 8 Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 MAustenMEM16139 Paths 9 Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 MBronteMEM16141 Paths 2 Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 MBronteMEM16142 Paths 3 Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 MBronteMEM16130 Paths Footway Reconstruction 1 2016-2017 SChellsCWY161419 Way Resurfacing Phase 1

The Poplars, Stevenage 2 2016-2017 SGresleyCWY151845 Way Resurfacing

Old Stevenage56 Stevenage 2016-2017 CGunnelsARP17071 Wood Road Surface Dressing 1 2016-2017 SGunnelswood/FairlandsBRG15001 Way Bridge HCC No. 909 2016-2017 SHitchinARP16122 Road Resurfacing 2016-2017 SLyttonARP16126 Way Resurfacing 2016-2017 SRectoryCWY17165 Lane Thin Surfacing

Industrial Area, Stevenage 2016-2017 SSixCWY11638 Hills Way Thin Surfacing

Old Town, Stevenage 2016-2017 MEastbourneMEM16128 Avenue Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 MEastbourneMEM16127 Avenue Resurfacing 2016-2017 MGroveMEM16129 Road Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 MHaycroftMEM16126 Road Footway Reconstruction Agenda Pack 99 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 36 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

Stevenage ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Old Stevenage56 Old Town, Stevenage 2016-2017 SHuntingdonCWY15630 Road Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 WMartinsARP14045 Way Surface Dressing 2016-2017 MScarboroughMEM16125 Avenue Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 SStanmoreCWY141208 Road Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MSymondsMEM16124 Green Road Footway Reconstruction

St Nicholas57 Graveley 1 2016-2017 SB197SAR16002 High Street Graveley j/w North Road Casualty Reduction Proposals Stevenage 2016-2017 SCartwrightCWY161110 Road Major Patching/Local Resurfacing and Recon 2016-2017 MOrwellMEM16378 Avenue Resurfacing

Old Town, Stevenage 2016-2017 WMartinsARP14113 Way Surface Dressing 1 2016-2017 WMartinsARP14045 Way Surface Dressing

Pin Green, Stevenage 2016-2017 MJessopMEM16377 Road No.115-169 Resurfacing 2016-2017 MJessopMEM16376 Road No.21-41 Resurfacing

Shephall58 Stevenage 2016-2017 MTheMEM16108 Hyde Footway Reconstruction

Broadwater, Stevenage 1 2016-2017 SBroadhallARP15251 Way Resurfacing 1 2016-2017 SBroadhallARP16124 Way Resurfacing

Shephall, Stevenage 2016-2017 MBaddeleyMEM16109 Close Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MBandleyMEM16115 Rise Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 MCannixMEM16112 Close Resurfacing 2016-2017 MGonvilleMEM16116 Crescent Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 MHydeMEM16110 Green South Resurfacing 2016-2017 MHydeanMEM16114 Way Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 IKymswellDRN16003 Road Drainage Investigation 2016-2017 MPaddocksMEM16117 Close Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 MPaddocksMEM16113 Close Resurfacing 2016-2017 MWestMEM16111 Reach Resurfacing

The Poplars, Stevenage 1 2016-2017 MCartersMEM16118 Close Footway Surface Treatment 2 2016-2017 SGresleyCWY151845 Way Resurfacing

STEVENAGE (District wide)97 9 2016-2017 SBridgeBRG16016 Reactive Joint Scheme 1 9 2016-2017 SBridgeBRG16017 Reactive Joint Scheme 2 9 2016-2017 SBusITP16042 Stop Clearway Lining Programme 16/17 9 2016-2017 SBusITP16030 Stop Shelter and Clearway Programme 16/17 9 2016-2017 SBusITP16041 Stop Upgrades Programme 16/17 9 2016-2017 SITSITP16033 Strategy Works Agenda Pack 100 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 37 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

Stevenage ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

STEVENAGE (District wide)97 9 2016-2017 SParapetBRG16018 Refurbishment Works 9 2016-2017 SRealITP16032 Time Passenger Information Delivery 9 2016-2017 SRealTIS16018 Time Passenger Information Delivery 16/17 9 2016-2017 SSafetySAR16013 17/18 Scheme Preperation and Early Deilvery 9 2016-2017 ISchoolITP16036 Crossing Patrol Sites 16/17 9 2016-2017 SSkidSAR16014 Resistance County Wide Sites 9 2016-2017 SSRTSITP16035 Small Works pilot Delivery 16/17 9 2016-2017 ISRTSCOM16009 Small Works Prep 16/17

Agenda Pack 101 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 38 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

Three Rivers ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Abbots Langley59 Abbots Langley 2016-2017 MAbbotsMEM16386 Lanagley Footpath 035 Footway Surface Treatment 2016-2017 SAdrianCWY161262 Road Resurfacing 1 2016-2017 MGallowsMEM16263 Hill Lane Footway Reconstruction (Phase 1 West) 1 2016-2017 MGallowsMEM16391 Hill Lane Footway Reconstruction (Phase 2 East) 1 2016-2017 SHazelburyFWY16073 Avenue Footway Micro 2016-2017 MLittleMEM16388 Graylings Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 SLittleCWY16377 Graylings Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MTheMEM16389 Graylings Footway Reconstruction

Garston 1 2016-2017 SCoatesFWY15085 Way Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 SCranefieldCWY151347 Dr/Avalon Cl/Lemonfield Dr Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SMutchettsCWY161537 Close/Chichester Way/Lemonfield Dr Thin Surfacing Kings Langley 2016-2017 SStationITP16016 Road Traffic Calming

Garston, Watford 3 2016-2017 CA412ITP14080 Cycle Route Phase 5

Chorleywood60 Abbots Langley 1 2016-2017 MGallowsMEM16263 Hill Lane Footway Reconstruction (Phase 1 West) 1 2016-2017 MGallowsMEM16391 Hill Lane Footway Reconstruction (Phase 2 East) 1 2016-2017 SHazelburyFWY16073 Avenue Footway Micro 2016-2017 SOldITP16037 Mill Road Phase 3 Pedestrian Improvements 2016-2017 STheFWY16056 Maltings Footway Micro 2016-2017 CWatfordARP15137 Road Major Patching

Langleybury, Abbots Langley 2016-2017 WOldhouseCWY13257 Lane Surface Dressing

Chandlers Cross 2016-2017 CBucksDRN15016 Hill Drainage Works

Chorleywood 2016-2017 SAmershamFWY16081 Road Footway Micro 2016-2017 SChorleywoodFWY16074 Bottom Footway Micro RS 2016-2017 SClementsCWY151782 Road Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MHillsideMEM16352 Road Resurfacing 2016-2017 SRickmansworthDRN15015 Rd/Common Rd Drainage Works 2016-2017 CRickmansworthARP15034 Road/Chenies Road Major Patching 2016-2017 WStationCWY071465 Approach/Common Gate Road Surface Dressing Loudwater, Chorleywood 2016-2017 MSolesbridgeMEM16353 Footway Reconstruction

Croxley Green 1 2016-2017 SCanterburyCWY161269 Way Thin Surfacing

Rickmansworth 2016-2017 SGreenhillsFWY16058 Close Footway Micro 1 2016-2017 STheFWY16034 Drive Footway Micro Agenda Pack 102 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 39 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

Three Rivers ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Chorleywood60 Rickmansworth 2016-2017 SValleyFWY16015 Road Footway Micro 2016-2017 CValleyFWY15059 Road Footway Works

Loudwater C/wood, Rickmansworth 2016-2017 CDogCWY15466 Kennel Lane Surface Dressing 2016-2017 SHarewoodFWY16020 Footway Micro

Sarratt, Rickmansworth 2016-2017 CDawesCWY151776 Lane Surface Dressing 2016-2017 CMoorCWY15676 Lane Surface Dressing 2016-2017 CPloughCWY16216 Lane Surface Dressing

Sarratt 2016-2017 CPenmansCWY14109 Green Surface Dressing 2016-2017 CRedCWY16431 Lion Lane Surface Dressing

Watford 2 2016-2017 CNorthARP15229 Western Avenue Surface Dressing 2 2016-2017 CNorthARP15219 Western Avenue Surface Dressing

Croxley61 Croxley Green 2016-2017 SBaldwinsTIS16014 Ln/Nr Winton Dr S403 Signal Refurbishment 1 2016-2017 SCanterburyCWY161269 Way Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SDickinsonCWY151315 Square Resurfacing 2016-2017 SDorrofieldFWY16064 Close Footway Micro 1 2016-2017 SScotsARP17095 Hill Reconstruction 2016-2017 SWhitegatesFWY16042 Close Footway Micro 2016-2017 IWintonDRN14004 Drive Drainage Investigation 2016-2017 MWintonMEM16385 Drive Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 MWintonMEM16384 Drive Resurfacing

Croxley Gren, Rickmansworth 2016-2017 SFullerFWY16078 Way Footway Micro

Loudwater C/wood, Rickmansworth 1 2016-2017 CLoudwaterCWY151811 Lane Surface Dressing

Oxhey Park62 Carpenders Park 2016-2017 MAlvaMEM16264 Way Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 MComptonMEM16266 Place Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 SFoxleysFWY16012 Footway Reconstruction

Moor Park, Northwood 2016-2017 MBathworthMEM16390 Lane Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 SBishopsCWY17134 Avenue Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SWoodhouseFWY16031 Eaves Footway Micro

Oxhey 2016-2017 MGreenMEM16265 Lane Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 SSilkCWY161301 Mill Road Localised Patching

Batchworth Heath Hll, 1 2016-2017 SLondonARP15018 Road/Batchworth Lane Resurfacing Rickmansworth Moor Park, Rickmansworth 2016-2017 COldsCWY151021 Approach Local Reconstruction

Northwood, Rickmansworth 2016-2017 SGrosvenorFWY16060 Road Footway Micro

Agenda Pack 103 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 40 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

Three Rivers ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Rickmansworth63 Croxley Green 1 2016-2017 SScotsARP17095 Hill Reconstruction

Rickmansworth 2016-2017 SBerryCWY161170 Lane Resurfacing/Patching 2016-2017 SCedarsFWY16050 Avenue Footway Micro 2016-2017 SIvinghoeCWY151459 Road Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MNightingaleMEM16382 Road Resurfacing 2016-2017 MParkMEM16261 Way Footway Surface Treatment 2016-2017 SRickmansworthBRG16004 Park HCC No.835 1 2016-2017 STheFWY16034 Drive Footway Micro 2016-2017 SUxbridgeCWY161918 Rd Service Rd Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SWestCWY15465 Way Thin Surfacing

Batchworth Heath Hll, 1 2016-2017 SLondonARP15018 Road/Batchworth Lane Resurfacing Rickmansworth Loudwater C/wood, Rickmansworth 1 2016-2017 CLoudwaterCWY151811 Lane Surface Dressing

Maple Cross, Rickmansworth 2016-2017 SBirchFWY16036 Drive Footway Micro 2016-2017 SOakhillFWY16016 Road Footway Micro

Mill End, Rickmansworth 2016-2017 SAshleysCWY16449 Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SBarnFWY16041 Lea Footway Micro 2016-2017 SBeresfordCWY151426 Road Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MChurchMEM16381 Lane Resurfacing 2016-2017 MColneMEM16262 Avenue Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 SColneCWY151333 Avenue Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SFotherleyFWY16053 Road Footway Micro 2016-2017 SHallCWY151642 Close Estate Thin Surfacing

Moor Park, Rickmansworth 2016-2017 MHarefieldMEM16383 Road Footway Reconstruction

West Hyde Maple X, Rickmansworth 2016-2017 WOldCWY14672 Uxbridge Road Surface Dressing

West Hyde 2016-2017 WDenhamARP15208 Way Local Surface Dressing

South Oxhey64 South Oxhey 2016-2017 MAshridgeMEM16351 Drive Resurfacing 2016-2017 SDoncasterCWY161100 Green Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SHarborneCWY14525 Close Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SLudlowCWY151524 Mead Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SPiltdownCWY141161 Road Thin Surfacing

THREE RIVERS (District wide)98 9 2016-2017 SBridgeBRG16016 Reactive Joint Scheme 1 9 2016-2017 SBridgeBRG16017 Reactive Joint Scheme 2 9 2016-2017 SBusITP16042 Stop Clearway Lining Programme 16/17 9 2016-2017 SBusITP16030 Stop Shelter and Clearway Programme 16/17 Agenda Pack 104 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 41 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

Three Rivers ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

THREE RIVERS (District wide)98 9 2016-2017 SBusITP16041 Stop Upgrades Programme 16/17 9 2016-2017 SITSITP16033 Strategy Works 9 2016-2017 SParapetBRG16018 Refurbishment Works 9 2016-2017 SRealITP16032 Time Passenger Information Delivery 9 2016-2017 SRealTIS16018 Time Passenger Information Delivery 16/17 9 2016-2017 SSafetySAR16013 17/18 Scheme Preperation and Early Deilvery 9 2016-2017 ISchoolITP16036 Crossing Patrol Sites 16/17 9 2016-2017 SSkidSAR16014 Resistance County Wide Sites 9 2016-2017 SSRTSITP16035 Small Works pilot Delivery 16/17 9 2016-2017 ISRTSCOM16009 Small Works Prep 16/17

Agenda Pack 105 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 42 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

Watford ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Callowland Leggatts65 Watford 1 2016-2017 CNorthARP15218 Western Avenue Surface Dressing 2 2016-2017 CNorthARP15229 Western Avenue Surface Dressing 2 2016-2017 CNorthARP15219 Western Avenue Surface Dressing

Cassiobury, Watford 2 2016-2017 CStAlbansARP15117 Road Localised Patching

Leavesden, Watford 1 2016-2017 CCourtlandsBRG15008 Drive Bridge HCC No. 1694 1 2016-2017 SCourtlands/AshfieldsCWY161519 r'bt Resurfacing

Nascot, Watford 1 2016-2017 MCourtlandsMEM16062 Drive Resurfacing

North Watford, Watford 2016-2017 MAshMEM16336 Tree Road Resurfacing 1 2016-2017 SBalmoralCWY161520 Road Local Resurfacing 2016-2017 SBrightonCWY16250 Road Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 SGammonsTIS15014 La/Nr Dell Rd S351 Signal Refurbishment 1 2016-2017 SGammonsITP16043 Lane Bus Stop Upgrade 2016-2017 SLeavesdenTIS16007 Rd/Nr Diamond Rd S293 Signal Refurbishment 2016-2017 CSandringhamCWY151180 Road Thin Surfacing

Central Oxhey66 Bushey 1 2016-2017 SAldenhamCWY161521 Road Resurfacing

Watford 1 2016-2017 CStephensonARP14139 Way Surface Dressing

Cassiobury, Watford 1 2016-2017 CRickmansworthARP15108 Road Localised Patching 2 2016-2017 CStAlbansARP15117 Road Localised Patching 2016-2017 CStAlbansARP16003 Road Localised Patching

Central, Watford 2016-2017 MHamiltonMEM16349 Street Resurfacing 2016-2017 MPrinceMEM16348 Street Resurfacing 2016-2017 MTuckerMEM16350 Street Footway Reconstruction

North Watford, Watford 2016-2017 SMonicaCWY161381 Close Thin Surfacing

Oxhey, Watford 2016-2017 SA4008SAR16016 Pinner Road Mass Action Site 1 2016-2017 MElmMEM16240 Drive Resurfacing 2016-2017 SOxheyFWY16076 Avenue Footway Micro

West Watford, Watford 1 2016-2017 SWhippendellCWY17541 Road Resurfacing

Meriden Tudor67 Bushey 1 2016-2017 WOtterspoolARP14041 Way Surface Dressing

Garston 1 2016-2017 SCoatesFWY15085 Way Footway Reconstruction

Watford 2016-2017 SNorthTIS13058 Western Avenue S583 Signal Refurbishment

Garston, Watford 3 2016-2017 CA412ITP14080 Cycle Route Phase 5 2016-2017 SAldburyFWY16069 Close Footway Micro 2016-2017 CGarstonDRN13042 Lane Drainage Works 2016-2017 SGarstonCWY16678 Park Parade Resurfacing Agenda Pack 106 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 43 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

Watford ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Meriden Tudor67 Garston, Watford 2016-2017 MSecondMEM16066 Avenue Footway Reconstruction

North Watford, Watford 1 2016-2017 SBalmoralCWY161520 Road Local Resurfacing 2016-2017 SBusheyFWY16065 Mill Crescent Footway Micro 2016-2017 MBusheyMEM16060 Mill Crescent Resurfacing 2016-2017 MBusheyMEM16061 Mill Lane Resurfacing 2016-2017 CColonialCWY17352 Way/Imperial Way Area Resurfacing 2016-2017 MNorfolkMEM16065 Avenue Footway Reconstruction

Nascot Park68 Watford 2016-2017 MFairlawnsMEM16063 Thin Surfacing 2 2016-2017 CNorthARP15229 Western Avenue Surface Dressing 2016-2017 CTheARP15145 Avenue Localised Patching

Cassiobury, Watford 2016-2017 WGroveDRN12035 Mill Lane Drainage Works 2016-2017 SLangleyCWY16685 Way Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 CRickmansworthARP15108 Road Localised Patching 2016-2017 CRickmansworthARP15109 Road Localised Patching 2 2016-2017 CStAlbansARP15117 Road Localised Patching 2016-2017 CTheARP15142 Avenue/Hyde Rd/Hempstead Rd Localised Patching Nascot, Watford 2016-2017 WBroomCWY14702 Grove Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 MCourtlandsMEM16062 Drive Resurfacing

North Watford, Watford 1 2016-2017 SGammonsTIS15014 La/Nr Dell Rd S351 Signal Refurbishment 1 2016-2017 SGammonsITP16043 Lane Bus Stop Upgrade 2016-2017 CStAlbansARP15154 Road Localised Patching

Vicarage Holywell69 West Watford, Watford 2016-2017 WAscotCWY13551 Road Surface Dressing 2016-2017 SHagdenARP17176 Lane Reconstruction 2016-2017 MHarwoodsMEM16373 Road Resurfacing 2016-2017 MStGeorgeMEM16242 Drive Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 SVicarageTIS16005 Rd/Hagden La S271 Signal Refurbishment 1 2016-2017 SWhippendellCWY17541 Road Resurfacing

Woodside Stanborough70 Harpenden 7 2016-2017 SWatfordITP16046 to St Albans/Harpenden to Watford Bus Stop Upgrades Watford 1 2016-2017 CNorthARP15218 Western Avenue Surface Dressing 2 2016-2017 CNorthARP15219 Western Avenue Surface Dressing

Garston, Watford 3 2016-2017 CA412ITP14080 Cycle Route Phase 5

Leavesden, Watford 2016-2017 MBriarMEM16064 Road Thin Surfacing Agenda Pack 107 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 44 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

Watford ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Woodside Stanborough70 Leavesden, Watford 1 2016-2017 CCourtlandsBRG15008 Drive Bridge HCC No. 1694 1 2016-2017 SCourtlands/AshfieldsCWY161519 r'bt Resurfacing 2016-2017 SHighCWY161088 Road Resurfacing 2016-2017 CPoplarsCWY15994 Close Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SRotherFWY16040 Close Footway Micro 2016-2017 SSheepcotFWY16062 Lane Footway Micro 2016-2017 STheCWY161085 Brow Localised Patching 2016-2017 MTheMEM16075 Brow Resurfacing

WATFORD (District wide)99 9 2016-2017 SBridgeBRG16016 Reactive Joint Scheme 1 9 2016-2017 SBridgeBRG16017 Reactive Joint Scheme 2 9 2016-2017 SBusITP16042 Stop Clearway Lining Programme 16/17 9 2016-2017 SBusITP16030 Stop Shelter and Clearway Programme 16/17 9 2016-2017 SBusITP16041 Stop Upgrades Programme 16/17 9 2016-2017 SITSITP16033 Strategy Works 9 2016-2017 SParapetBRG16018 Refurbishment Works 9 2016-2017 SRealITP16032 Time Passenger Information Delivery 9 2016-2017 SRealTIS16018 Time Passenger Information Delivery 16/17 9 2016-2017 SSafetySAR16013 17/18 Scheme Preperation and Early Deilvery 9 2016-2017 ISchoolITP16036 Crossing Patrol Sites 16/17 9 2016-2017 SSkidSAR16014 Resistance County Wide Sites 9 2016-2017 SSRTSITP16035 Small Works pilot Delivery 16/17 9 2016-2017 ISRTSCOM16009 Small Works Prep 16/17

Agenda Pack 108 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 45 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

Welwyn Hatfield ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Haldens71 Welwyn Garden City 2016-2017 CBakersCWY16639 Grove Estate Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SBirchallFWY16028 Wood Footway Micro 2016-2017 CByfieldCWY151337 Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 SColeCWY161106 Green Lane/Black Fan Road Resurfacing 2016-2017 CEastorCWY151580 Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MForrestersMEM16219 Drive Resurfacing 2016-2017 CHillyfieldsCWY15298 Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MKelbysMEM16215 Footway Surface Treatment 2016-2017 SLodgefieldCWY161923 Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SLordsCWY161397 Wood Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 CPostfieldCWY15997 Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MRowansMEM16220 Footway Surface Treatment 2016-2017 CStoneycroftCWY161328 Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 STheFWY16025 Paddocks Footway Micro 2016-2017 CUppershotCWY15335 Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MWaterfordMEM16218 Green Resurfacing 2016-2017 CWestlyCWY151142 Wood Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SWidford/AmwellCWY161254 Estate Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SWindhillFWY16077 Footway Micro

Tewin, Welwyn 2 2016-2017 CHertfordCWY161157 Road/Welwyn Road Surface Dressing

Handside and Peartree72 Ayot Green 1 2016-2017 MAyotMEM16203 Green Lane Resurfacing

Welwyn 1 2016-2017 WWelwynCWY161117 By Pass Road/Digswell Hill Surface Dressing Welwyn Garden City 2016-2017 MBarleycroftMEM16214 Road Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 MBassingburnMEM16206 Walk Footway Reconstruction 1 2016-2017 SBridgeCWY161166 Road Resurfacing 2016-2017 MBroadwaterMEM16213 Crescent Resurfacing 2016-2017 MByTheMEM16211 Mount Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 CColgrove/HobbsCWY17112 Way Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MEtheiredMEM16210 Close Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 MFeranleyMEM16207 Road Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 MGuessensMEM16208 Grove Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 MGuessensMEM16209 Road Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 SHighCWY16611 Oaks Road/Dognell Green Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SMannicottsCWY151518 Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 CParkwayCWY151035 Close Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SStanboroughARP16101 Road Resurfacing Agenda Pack 109 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 46 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

Welwyn Hatfield ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Handside and Peartree72 Welwyn Garden City 2016-2017 SValleyCWY17537 Road Resurfacing 2016-2017 CValleyITP15022 Road Speed Compliance 2016-2017 SWigmoresCWY151101 North Resurfacing 2016-2017 SYoungsCWY15375 Rise Thin Surfacing

Hatfield North73 Hatfield 2016-2017 MAldykesMEM16199 Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 SBishopsCWY161518 Rise Resurfacing 2016-2017 CBriarsCWY151447 Close Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SCedarCWY161937 Road Estate Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 CChurchCWY151269 Street Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 WCometARP16046 Way Major Patching and Surface Dressing 1 2016-2017 SCometARP16135 Way Resurfacing 1 2016-2017 SCometARP14100 Way Resurfacing 2016-2017 CElyCWY161195 Close Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 CFrenchCWY161096 Horn Lane Resurfacing 2016-2017 CFrenchCWY151565 Horn Lane Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SGreatCWY161233 North Road Resurfacing 2016-2017 SGreenCWY161517 Lanes/Coopers Green Lane r'bt Resurfacing/Anti-skid 2016-2017 SHatfieldITP16045 Town Centre Bus Stop Upgrades 1 2016-2017 SHoneysuckleCWY161368 Gardens/Foxglove Close Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 CMalvernCWY151515 Close Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MMapleMEM16200 Close Resurfacing 2016-2017 CParkCWY151034 View Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SSpringCWY161927 Glen Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SStAlbansDRN12022 Road East Drainage Works 2016-2017 SStAlbansCWY161084 Road East Resurfacing 2016-2017 SStockbreachCWY151085 Rd/Town Fields Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SStrockbreachCWY161910 Close Resurfacing 2016-2017 CWorcesterCWY151117 Road Thin Surfacing

Lemsford Village, Hatfield 2016-2017 WBrocketCWY17096 Road Surface Dressing 2016-2017 WBrocketCWY161072 Road Surface Dressing

South Hatfield, Hatfield 1 2016-2017 SGreatSAR16010 North Road Casualty Reduction Proposal

Street, Hatfield 2016-2017 MParkMEM16198 Meadow Footway Reconstruction

Welwyn Garden City 1 2016-2017 SHollyCWY161516 Bush Lane Resurfacing

Handside, Welwyn Garden City 2016-2017 SStanboroughCWY161060 Road Resurfacing

Hatfield Rural74 Agenda Pack 110 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 47 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

Welwyn Hatfield ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Hatfield Rural74 Brookmans Park 2016-2017 SGreatDRN14007 North Road Drainage Investigation 2016-2017 MWoodlandsMEM16049 Footway Reconstruction

Broxbourne 3 2016-2017 CWhiteCWY151755 Stubbs Lane Surface Dressing

Hatfield 1 2016-2017 SCometARP16133 Way Birchwood R'bt Resurfacing 1 2016-2017 STravellersBRG16007 Lane Bridge HCC No. 0833

Brookmans Park, Hatfield 1 2016-2017 SGrubbsCWY161159 Lane/Westfield Lane Local Resurfacing/Patch South Hatfield, Hatfield 1 2016-2017 SGreatSAR16010 North Road Casualty Reduction Proposal

Woodside, Hatfield 1 2016-2017 CWildhillCWY151667 Road/Wild Hill Surface Dressing

Letty Green, Hertford 1 2016-2017 CLettyCWY151905 Green/Station Road Surface Dressing

Little Berkhamsted 2 2016-2017 CLowerCWY151896 Hatfield Road Surface Dressing

North Mymms 1 2016-2017 SHawksheadCWY161412 Lane Resurfacing

Little Heath, North Mymms 2016-2017 MWainMEM15421 Close Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 CWainCWY15322 Close Thin Surfacing

Northaw 2016-2017 SCarboneCWY17627 Hill Local Reconstruction/Patching 2016-2017 STheCWY17545 Ridgeway Localised Patching 2016-2017 SWellCWY161180 Road Major Patching

Cuffley, Northaw 2016-2017 CHillCWY151884 Leys Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SHillCWY161533 Rise Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SHomewoodCWY161911 Avenue Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MThrushMEM16047 Lane Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 MWarwickMEM16048 AvenueFootway Reconstruction

Hatfield South75 Hatfield 1 2016-2017 SBishopsCWY161518 Rise Resurfacing 2016-2017 MBrickfieldMEM16070 Overlay 1 2016-2017 SCometARP16133 Way Birchwood R'bt Resurfacing 1 2016-2017 SCometARP14100 Way Resurfacing 1 2016-2017 SCometARP16135 Way Resurfacing 2016-2017 MFarMEM16071 End Overlay 2016-2017 SHeronCWY161912 Way Estate Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 SHoneysuckleCWY161368 Gardens/Foxglove Close Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 CMillwardsCWY15987 Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MNorthdownMEM16074 Road Carriageway Resurfacing 2016-2017 MNorthdownMEM16400 Road Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 CRoehydeARP15171 Way Resurfacing 2016-2017 MSandifieldMEM16072 Overlay

Agenda Pack 111 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 48 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

Welwyn Hatfield ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Hatfield South75 Hatfield 2016-2017 SSelwynCWY15345 Ave/Selwyn Cres/Selwyn Ave Estate Local Reconstruction/Patching 2016-2017 SSouthARP17153 Way Roundabout Resurfacing 2016-2017 SStAlbansCWY16631 Road West Serv Road Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 STravellersBRG16007 Lane Bridge HCC No. 0833

Brookmans Park, Hatfield 1 2016-2017 SGrubbsCWY161159 Lane/Westfield Lane Local Resurfacing/Patch Woodside, Hatfield 1 2016-2017 CWildhillCWY151667 Road/Wild Hill Surface Dressing

North Mymms 1 2016-2017 SHawksheadCWY161412 Lane Resurfacing 2016-2017 CTollgateCWY151697 Road/Dixons Hill Road Surface Dressing 2016-2017 CWarrengateCWY161080 Road Surface Dressing

Welham Green, North Mymms 2016-2017 SGrevilleCWY161938 Close Thin Surfacing

Welwyn76 Ayot Green 1 2016-2017 MAyotMEM16203 Green Lane Resurfacing

Pottersheath 1 2016-2017 CRableyCWY151010 Heath/Pottersheath Road Surface Dressing

Welwyn 2016-2017 WChurchCWY13294 Street/Link Road Surface Dressing 1 2016-2017 CCodicoteCWY17064 Road Surface Dressing 2016-2017 CCodicoteCWY151731 Road Surface Dressing 2016-2017 MCyclersMEM16205 Thicket Resurfacing 2016-2017 SElmoorCWY161925 Avenue Area Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 CHawbushCWY161224 Close Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MHertfordMEM16334 Road Resurfacing 2016-2017 MKindersleyMEM16204 Close Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 WWelwynCWY161117 By Pass Road/Digswell Hill Surface Dressing 2016-2017 CWelwynARP15165 By Pass Road/Hertford Road Localised Patching 2016-2017 CWelwynITP15058 Bypass Road 2016-2017 CWhitehill/HomerswoodCWY161164 Lane Surface Dressing 2016-2017 SWilgaFWY16068 Road Footway Micro RS 2016-2017 SWindsorCWY161930 Close Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SWindsorFWY16079 Road Footway Micro RS

Welwyn Garden City 1 2016-2017 SBridgeCWY161166 Road Resurfacing 2016-2017 CMonkswoodCWY151885 Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 CReddingsCWY15366 Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 CRoundwoodCWY161341 Drive / Reddings Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SSherrardsparkCWY161926 Road Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SShoplandsITP16044 Bus Stop Upgrade 2016-2017 CWaldenCWY151063 Road Thin Surfacing Agenda Pack 112 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 49 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

Welwyn Hatfield ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Welwyn76 Cylers Thicket, Welwyn 2016-2017 MDewardsMEM16202 Close Resurfacing

Digswell, Welwyn 2016-2017 SHarmerCWY17496 Green Lane Resurfacing 2016-2017 CMorningtonCWY15980 Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 CWarrenCWY151069 Way Area Thin Surfacing

Mardley Heath, Welwyn 2016-2017 IMardleyDRN13016 Avenue Drainage Investigation

Oaklands, Welwyn 2016-2017 CMardleyBRG15012 Hill Bridge HCC No. 646

Woolmer Green, Welwyn 1 2016-2017 CLondonCWY151747 Road Surface Dressing 1 2016-2017 CNewCWY16267 Road Surface Dressing

Welwyn Garden City South77 Welwyn Garden City 2016-2017 SBeehiveCWY161536 Lane Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SBoundaryCWY161534 Lane Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 SColeCWY161106 Green Lane/Black Fan Road Resurfacing 2016-2017 SHitherbaulkCWY151497 Thin Surfacing 1 2016-2017 SHollyCWY161516 Bush Lane Resurfacing 2016-2017 SHowlandsCWY17555 Resurfacing 2016-2017 SLinkfieldCWY151545 Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MLittleMEM16273 Lake Resurfacing 2016-2017 SMoorlandsCWY161535 Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 SRaymondsCWY151016 Plain Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MSheepcoteMEM16269 Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 CSouthfieldCWY16672 Area Thin Surfacing 2016-2017 MThistleMEM16267 Close Footway Reconstruction 2016-2017 SThumbswoodCWY17254 Reconstruction 2016-2017 CTwoCWY151096 Acres Thin Surfacing

WELWYN HATFIELD (District wide90 9 2016-2017 SBridgeBRG16016 Reactive Joint Scheme 1 9 2016-2017 SBridgeBRG16017 Reactive Joint Scheme 2 9 2016-2017 SBusITP16042 Stop Clearway Lining Programme 16/17 9 2016-2017 SBusITP16030 Stop Shelter and Clearway Programme 16/17 9 2016-2017 SBusITP16041 Stop Upgrades Programme 16/17 9 2016-2017 SITSITP16033 Strategy Works 2 2016-2017 SMidSAR16012 Herts Mass Action Sites 9 2016-2017 SParapetBRG16018 Refurbishment Works 9 2016-2017 SRealITP16032 Time Passenger Information Delivery 9 2016-2017 SRealTIS16018 Time Passenger Information Delivery 16/17 9 2016-2017 SSafetySAR16013 17/18 Scheme Preperation and Early Deilvery 9 2016-2017 ISchoolITP16036 Crossing Patrol Sites 16/17 Agenda Pack 113 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 50 of 51 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2016-2017 Cabinet IWP

Welwyn Hatfield ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

WELWYN HATFIELD (District wide90 9 2016-2017 SSkidSAR16014 Resistance County Wide Sites 9 2016-2017 SSRTSITP16035 Small Works pilot Delivery 16/17 9 2016-2017 ISRTSCOM16009 Small Works Prep 16/17

Agenda Pack 114 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, MFilter: Data Generated: 29 Feb 2016 Page 51 of 51 APPENDIX C


Programme Details


This Appendix is a detailed breakdown of all the projects that are in the proposed Final 2016/17 IWP planned to be implemented in the 2016/17 financial year, as summarised in Appendix B.


1. In some cases road names can appear more than once within the same programme. This can be due to several different sections of the same road being identified for work. These road sections may be combined together for implementation as one project during the process of programming, packaging and mobilisation for delivery of the works on site.

2. Some projects may appear in more than one electoral division, either because they include several roads or because the road spans or is immediately adjacent to more than one division. Where this is the case the project appears in all relevant divisions.

3. Some projects are still at the outline design and consultation stage. Consequently the extent of some projects and the type of works may be refined during the final design stage.

Reading the Programme Details listing:

1. Order of listing: Projects in this listing are grouped by the planned programme they will be delivered under. Within each programme, projects are ordered alphabetically by name.

2. The first column gives the project name and the town where the primary road section is. The project name is usually the name of the primary road affected by the works followed by the type of work (e.g. “Park Road Resurfacing”).

2. The second column gives the name of the electoral division(s) affected.

3. The third column includes two pieces of information: a. The top line(s) give all of the road names affected by the works followed by the description of the Road Section(s) as recorded in the highway gazetteer. b. The bottom line(s) give the project location (as far as this has been determined) in terms of the specific Road Section(s) numbers

Agenda Pack 115 of 450 Page 1 of 2


affected by the works. The Road Section(s) numbers are listed for Cabinet as this constitutes a key decision. c. The road names, project locations and Road Section(s) listed represent the whole length of a road/section, but the works implemented may not be carried out along the whole length and may only affect part of the road(s) named or/and part of the Road Section(s).

4. The fourth column gives the unique IWP Number that refers to that individual project.

5. The fifth column is a single letter indicating the current status of the project. Codes explained below

6. Underneath the main information on a project, there may be further supporting information such as LTP2 Indicators or further project description if this is available.

Full Description of Status Codes in the Programme Details listing:

W: Works In Progress Approved by Cabinet as part of the 2015/16 IWP and work has started on site or is expected to start during the 2015/16 financial year and will be completed in the 2016/17 financial year.

C: Committed Approved by Cabinet as part of the 2015/16 IWP and in most cases design and consultation will be completed during the 2015/16 financial year and works on site are now likely to be implemented in the 2016/17 financial year.

S: Supported New projects not previously approved by Cabinet and supported for funding during the 2016/17 financial year in line with current policies and priorities, and works on site are planned to be implemented in the 2016/17 financial year.

I: Under Investigation Projects currently under investigation to decide if works are required. If found to be necessary works on site may be implemented in the 2016/17 financial year or during subsequent years.

M: Member HLB Funded Highway Locality Budget funded project promoted by a County Councillor for IWP delivery and works on site are planned to be implemented in the 2016/17 financial year.

Agenda Pack 116 of 450 Page 2 of 2

Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley Broxbourne Scheme Delivery Plan 97 schemes

Commissioning Records SRTS Small Works Pilot Delivery 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide) ITP16031 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area Road Sections: BR/0 SRTS Small Works Prep 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), COM16009 Broxbourne IBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA Maintenance A Road Programme A10 Northbound nr Hailey Surface Dressing Hoddesdon South, Ware South Northbound: ARP15177 Broxbourne WA10 Boundary To North Gt Amwell Roundabout; Hertford A10 Northbound Offslip: Nb Offslip For Great Amwell Interchange; A10 Northbound: North Hoddesdon Link Rbt To East Herts Boundary; A10 Northbound: Northbound Onslip From Hoddesdon Interchange Road Sections: A10/331/334/337/340 A10 South Bound & Northbound Interchange Hoddesdon South, Ware South Northbound: ARP17183 Baas HillSA10 Bridge To North Hoddesdon Link Rbt; A10 Reconstruction Southbound: North Rush Green Rbt To North Gt Amwell Rbt; A10 Great Amwell Roundabout: Roundabout For Ware Road/great Amwell; A10 Southbound Offslip: Sb Offslip For Great Amwell Rbt Road Sections: A10/318/320/328/357 A10 Southbound Surface Dressing Hoddesdon South, Ware South Southbound: ARP15232 East Herts WA10 Boundary To North Hoddesdon Link Rbt; A10 Hoddesdon Southbound Onslip: From Great Amwell Rbt To A10 Southbound; A10 Southbound: North Gt Amwell Rbt To Broxbourne Boundary; A10 Southbound Offslip: Southbound Offslip To Hoddesdon Interchange Road Sections: A10/330/333/336/339

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 117 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 1 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley Broxbourne Scheme Delivery Plan 97 schemes Maintenance A Road Programme A10 Northbound from M25 Major Patching Goffs Oak And Bury Green, FlamsteadARP16086 End Roundabout: CA10 At Winston Churchill Way/lieutenant Ellis Cheshunt Waltham Cross Way; Great Cambridge Road: M25 Junction 25 To Winston Churchill Way Rbt; Great Cambridge Road: Winston Churchill Way Rbt South To M25 Jct 25 Road Sections: A10/388/389/390 Great Cambridge Road Major Patching Cheshunt Central, Goffs Oak CambridgeARP15247 Road: CGreat Church Lane South To College Road; Great Cheshunt And Bury Green Cambridge Road: College Road To Church Lane Project Location : Mainly Church Lane And College Road Tl Areas Road Sections: A10/377/378 Great Cambridge Road Surface Dressing Cheshunt Central, Flamstead CambridgeARP15210 Road: WGreat Brookfield Ln Footbridge To Halfhide Ln Bridge; Turnford End And Turnford, Goffs Oak Great Cambridge Road: Church Lane To Brookfield Ln Footbridge; Great And Bury Green Cambridge Road: Halfhide Ln Bridge To North Of Turnford Rbt; A10 Northbound Offslip: Northbound Offslip For Turnford Roundabout Road Sections: A10/359/369/373/374 HighRoadMajorPatching HoddesdonSouth ARP15184 CHighRoad:CozensLnRbt;HighRoad:CozensLnRbtToBellLnRbt; Broxbourne High Road: High Road / Bell Lane Junction Road Sections: A1170/55/57/60 MonarchsWaySurfaceDressing WalthamCross ARP14143 WMonarchsWay:30mphSignsToA1010HighStRbt;MonarchsWay: Waltham Cross 40mph Signs To A121 Eleanor X Rd Rbt; Monarchs Way: A1010 High St Rbt To 40mph Signs; Monarchs Way: A121 Eleanor X Rd Rbt To 30mph Signs Road Sections: A1010/110/111/120/121

Bridges & Structures Programme BaasLaneBridgeHCCNo.1446 HoddesdonSouth BRG15009 CBaasHill:40mphSpeedLimitToSpringWalk Broxbourne Road Sections: 1U328/20

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 118 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 2 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley Broxbourne Scheme Delivery Plan 97 schemes Maintenance Bridges & Structures Programme Bridge Reactive Joint Scheme 1 BROXBOURNE (District wide), BRG16016 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Bridge Reactive Joint Scheme 2 BROXBOURNE (District wide), BRG16017 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Broxbourne Station Bridge HCCNo. 1350 Hoddesdon South NewRoad: BRG16015 Station SNazeing Entrance Southeast For145m Broxbourne Road Sections: B194/20

Broxbournebury Footbridge HCC No. 1447 Hoddesdon South Northbound: BRG16010 Baas HillSA10 Bridge To North Hoddesdon Link Rbt; A10 Broxbourne Southbound: North Hoddesdon Link Rbt To Baas Hill Bridge Road Sections: A10/357/358 Church Lane Bridge HCC No. 1445 Flamstead End And Turnford, Southbound:BRG16008 Baas SA10 Hill To North Of Turnford Roundabout; A10 Wormley Hoddesdon South Northbound: North Of Turnford Roundabout To Baas Hill; Church Lane: White Stubbs Lane To A1170 High Road Road Sections: A10/350/351 C56/310

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 119 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 3 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley Broxbourne Scheme Delivery Plan 97 schemes Maintenance Bridges & Structures Programme Hoddesdon Bridge HCCNos. 1456 1457 Hoddesdon South Northbound: BRG16012 Baas HillSA10 Bridge To North Hoddesdon Link Rbt; A10 Hoddesdon Southbound: East Herts Boundary To North Hoddesdon Link Rbt; A10 Hoddesdon Roundabout: Hoddesdon Interchange Roundabout; A10 Southbound: North Hoddesdon Link Rbt To Baas Hill Bridge; A10 Northbound: North Hoddesdon Link Rbt To East Herts Boundary Road Sections: A10/339/340/341/357/358 NazeingRiverBridgeHCCNo.140 HoddesdonSouth BRG16006 SNazeingNewRoad:145mSoutheastOfStationEntranceToLeaBridge( Broxbourne Road Sections: B194/30

Parapet Refurbishment Works BROXBOURNE (District wide), BRG16018 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Local Carriageway Appleby Street Surface Dressing Flamstead End And Turnford Street: CWY15300 Holbeck CAppleby Lane To Park Lane Paradise; Appleby Street: Cheshunt Smith Lane To Holbeck Lane Road Sections: 1U9/20/30 Beaumont Road Surface Dressing Flamstead End And Turnford CWY151808 Road: Bread CBeaumont & Cheese Lane To Park Lane Paradis; Beaumont Cheshunt Road: No 4 Beaumont Villas To Bread And Cheese Lane Road Sections: 1U21/10/20 BellLaneResurfacing HoddesdonSouth CWY151372 SBellLane:BurfordStreetToEndByHaslewoodAvenue Hoddesdon Road Sections: 1U569/10

BeltonaGardensThinSurfacing CheshuntCentral CWY151387 SBeltonaGardens:WestBdryNo1AnchorClToEnd Cheshunt Road Sections: 1U688/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 120 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 4 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley Broxbourne Scheme Delivery Plan 97 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway Brittania Road Ind Estate Major Patching/Crack Repair Waltham Cross Road: CWY151862 Britannia Rd CBrook To End; New Ford Road: Brittannia Rd To Eeb Waltham Cross Gates; Britannia Road: End To Eleanor Cross Road Road Sections: 1U198/10 1U31/10 1U33/10 BrookfieldLaneEastsThinSurfacing CheshuntCentral CWY161931 SBrookfieldLaneEast:WestBdryOffNo1AnchorClToHighSt Cheshunt Road Sections: 1U567/20

Bury Green Road Thin Surfacing Goffs Oak And Bury Green CWY15209 Road: Dark Lane CBurygreen To Cromwell Avenue Churchgate, Cheshunt Road Sections: 1U38/30

CozensLaneEastThinSurfacing HoddesdonSouth CWY151343 SCozensLaneEast:HighRoadRoundToHighRoad{sthToNth} Broxbourne Road Sections: 1U71/10

Dysons Cl/Dudley Av/Grenville Cl Thin Surfacing Waltham Cross CWY17109Close: Dudley SGrenville Ave To End; Dysons Close: End To Dudley Cheshunt Avenue; Dudley Avenue: Off Theobalds La (house 52 To House 1) Road Sections: 1U120/10 1U86/10 1U87/10 HaileyAvenueThinSurfacing HoddesdonNorth CWY161217 SHaileyAvenue:Opp27-28HaileyAveToBridleWayNth;HaileyAvenue: Hoddesdon Opp Nos 9-10 To Opp No 38 Hailey Ave Road Sections: 1U407/10/20 Halfhide Lane Major Patching/Local Resurface Cheshunt Central Lane: CWY17340 Brookfield SHalfhide Lane To Mini Rbt Cheshunt Road Sections: B156/320

Halfhide Lane Major Patching/Local Resurfacing Cheshunt Central Lane: CWY17087 Mylne Close SHalfhide Roundabout To The Links Junction Cheshunt Road Sections: B156/322

Halfhide Lane Major Patching/Localised Resurfacing Cheshunt Central, Flamstead Lane:CWY161093 The Links SHalfhide Junction To A1170 Roundabout Cheshunt End And Turnford Project Location : Hfs Areas Only Road Sections: B156/330 High Street Reconstruction/Crack Seal Waltham Cross Street: CWY161218 Service Rd SHigh Fronting Nos 21-71 High St High Street, Waltham Cross Road Sections: 1U583/20

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 121 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 5 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley Broxbourne Scheme Delivery Plan 97 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway Jacksons Drive Thin Surfacing Flamstead End And Turnford CWY15617 Drive: Jacksons SJacksons Drive South To End Nr No.67; Jacksons Drive: Rosedale, Cheshunt Off Rosedale Way (north) From No 8; Jacksons Drive: Off Rosedale Way (north) Nos 81- 43; Jacksons Drive: Opposite House 11 To End By House 56; Jacksons Drive: Opposite House 15 To End By House 35; Jacksons Drive: Opposite House 71 To End By House 91; Jacksons Drive: Parking Area By House 23; Jacksons Drive: Spur For Houses 103 To 108 Road Sections: 1U729/10/100/20/40/50/60/70/90 Lieutenant Ellis Way Major Patching/Crack Sealing Goffs Oak And Bury Green CWY161163 Ellis Way: A10 CLieutenant Great Cambridge Road To Broom Hills Waltham Cross Roundabout; Lieutenant Ellis Way: Broom Hills Roundabout To A10 Great Cambridge Road; Lieutenant Ellis Way: Broom Hills Roundabout To Goffs Lane; Lieutenant Ellis Way: Goffs Lane To Broom Hills Roundabout Road Sections: B198/12/13/16/17 Longfiel/Brookfield/Flamstead r'bt Local Resurfacing Cheshunt Central, Flamstead CWY161522 End Road: Brookfield SFlamstead Lane West To Park Lane; Flamstead End Flamstead End, Cheshunt End And Turnford Road: Church Lane To Brookfield Lane; Brookfield Lane West: Flamstead End Road To Halfhide Lane Road Sections: B156/300/310 C54/5 MarkhamRoadThinSurfacing GoffsOakAndBuryGreen CWY151519 CMarkhamRoad:HammerheadForHouses16To19;MarkhamRoad: Hammond Street Hammond Street Road To Hammerhead By House 17; Wilkinson Close: Markham Avenue To End By House 6; Savill Close: Markham Road To End By House 1; Sadler Close: Markham Road To End By House 6; Burgess Close: Markham Road To End By House 8; Wilkinson Close: Spur At Side Of House 10; Burgess Close: Spur For Houses 1 And 2 Road Sections: 1U929/10/20 1U952/10/20 1U953/10 1U954/10 1U955/10/20 MillLaneThinSurfacing CheshuntCentral CWY15041 CMillLane:HighStToSchoolEntrance Cheshunt Road Sections: 1U185/10

Molesworth/Beyers Prospect Thin Surfacing Hoddesdon North CWY161379 Beyers Prosp SMolesworth: To Opp Nos 57-59 Molesworth; Beyers Hoddesdon Prospect: Dymokes Way To Bridle Way North; Molesworth: Opp No 33 To Opp Nos 49-51 Molesworth; Molesworth: S/o Nos 12-14 To Opp No 23 Molesworth Road Sections: 1U343/10 1U443/10/20/30 PaulsLaneResurfacing HoddesdonSouth CWY151040 SPaulsLane:TavernersWayToEndOutsideNo33 Hoddesdon Road Sections: 1U466/20

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 122 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 6 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley Broxbourne Scheme Delivery Plan 97 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway Salisbury Rd/Bosanquet Rd/Cecil Rd Thin Surfacing Hoddesdon North CWY14470 Road: No 1 Ne WSalisbury To Tool Factory; Bosanquet Road: Salisbury Hoddesdon Road To Rye Road; Cecil Road: Salisbury Road To Rye Road Road Sections: 1U345/10 1U367/10 1U493/10 SpringWalkSurfaceDressing HoddesdonSouth CWY151687 CSpringWalk:ChurchLaneToBaasHill Wormley Road Sections: 1U500/10

Springfield Road Thin Surfacing Waltham Cross CWY161326 Road: No 1 SpringfieldSSpringfield Rd To Bellmouth S/o 38; Springfield Cheshunt Road: Nos 19 - 21 Road Sections: 1U276/10/20 StLaurenceDriveThinSurfacing HoddesdonSouth CWY151162 SStLaurenceDrive:HighRoadToNo31;StLaurenceDrive:Nos12-8 Wormley Road Sections: 1U491/10/20

Stanstead Road Major Patching Hoddesdon North, Ware South CWY17526 Road: Duke StreetSStanstead To Broxbourne Boundary Sign Hoddesdon Road Sections: C43/20

White Stubbs Lane Surface Dressing Hatfield Rural, Hertford Rural, StubbsCWY151755 Lane: Ashendene CWhite Road U17 To Pembridge Ln C16; White Broxbourne Hoddesdon South, Ware South Stubbs Lane: Church Lane To Cock Lane; White Stubbs Lane: Devil's Lane To Pembridge Lane; White Stubbs Lane: Old Claypits Farm Track To Devil's Lane; White Stubbs Lane: Pembridge Lane C16 To U194 Bbc Bdy Road Sections: C56/220/224/226/230/300 White Stubbs Lane/Baas Hill Surface Dressing Hoddesdon South Hill: CWY081157 40mph Speed WBaas Limit To Spring Walk; White Stubbs Lane: Spring Broxbourne Walk To Church Lane Road Sections: 1U328/20 1U529/15 Winterscroft Road Thin Surfacing Hoddesdon South CWY14229 Road: Langton SWinterscroft Road (north Of A10 Bridge) To Norris Lane Hoddesdon Road Sections: 1U534/30

YewlandsThinSurfacing HoddesdonSouth CWY161040 SYewlands:TurningCircleAtEndOfRoad(clockwise) Hoddesdon Road Sections: 1U538/30

Member Highway Locality Budget Beehive Road Footway Reconstruction Goffs Oak And Bury Green Road: MEM16100 Opp 88 NewgatestreetMBeehive Rd To Opp Melvyn Cl Goffs Oak, Cheshunt Road Sections: 1U19/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 123 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 7 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley Broxbourne Scheme Delivery Plan 97 schemes Maintenance Member Highway Locality Budget Birchfield Road Footway Reconstruction Goffs Oak And Bury Green MEM16097 Road: Dewhurst MBirchfield Road To Kingsley Avenue Cheshunt Road Sections: 1U26/10

Bridleway South Resurfacing Hoddesdon North Way MEM16084 South: Opp MBridle Nos 257-159 Stanstead Rd To Jnction Bridle Way Hoddesdon Road Sections: 1U352/10

CardinalCloseThinSurfacing FlamsteadEndAndTurnford MEM16093 MCardinalClose:AdamsfieldToNo9 Cheshunt Road Sections: 1U646/10

ChurchLaneFootwayReconstruction HoddesdonSouth MEM16081 MChurchLane:WhiteStubbsLaneToA1170HighRoad Wormley Road Sections: C56/310

ChurchLaneFootwaySurfaceTreatment HoddesdonSouth MEM16076 MChurchLane:WhiteStubbsLaneToA1170HighRoad Wormley Project Location : 0 Road Sections: C56/310 CollegeRoadResurfacing CheshuntCentral MEM16317 MWintonDrive:BellmouthOppNo19ToCadmoreLa Cheshunt Road Sections: 1U315/20

CraigswalkThinSurfacing CheshuntCentral MEM16102 MCraigsWalk:EndToDavisonDr Cheshunt Road Sections: 1U65/10

DymokesWayThinSurfacing HoddesdonNorth MEM16086 MDymokesWay:BridleWaySthToOppNo58DymokesWay;Dymokes Hoddesdon Way: Hammerhd-kerb In Front Of Garage - No 45; Dymokes Way: Opp No 28 To Opp No 33 Dymokes Way; Dymokes Way: Opp No 48 To Opp No 71 Dymokes Way; Dymokes Way: Opp No 6 To S/o No 11 Dymokes Way; Dymokes Way: Opp No 67 To Opp No 81 Dymokes Way Road Sections: 1U389/10/20/30/40/50/60 Footpath 37 Broxbourne Footway Surface Treatment Hoddesdon South MEM16078 Churchfields MChurchview: To Richmond Court Hoddesdon Road Sections: 1F441/20

Furzerfield Footway Surface Treatment Flamstead End And Turnford MEM16089 End To Flamstead MFurzefield: End Road Cheshunt Road Sections: 1U107/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 124 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 8 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley Broxbourne Scheme Delivery Plan 97 schemes Maintenance Member Highway Locality Budget Furzerfield Thin Surfacing Flamstead End And Turnford MEM16090 End To Flamstead MFurzefield: End Road Cheshunt Road Sections: 1U107/10

Granville Gardens Footway Surface Treatment Hoddesdon North MEM16085Gardens: Bridle MGranville Way North To Beechfield; Granville Gardens: Hoddesdon Opp Nos 54-56 To Opp No 38 Granville Gar; Granville Gardens: Spur Opposite House 42 To End By House 18 Road Sections: 1U403/10/20/30 Grovedale Close Footway Surface Treatment Goffs Oak And Bury Green MEM16101 Close: Spur ForMGrovedale Houses 52 To 34; Grovedale Close: Spur For Cheshunt Houses 74 To 64 Road Sections: 1U755/20/40 Headingley Close Footway Surface Treatment Flamstead End And Turnford MEM16095 Close: No 14 MHeadingley To Holbeck Lane Cheshunt Road Sections: 1U134/10

HillsideCrescentResurfacing WalthamCross MEM16083 MHillsideCrescent:No136ToWesternBdyOfNo54 Cheshunt Road Sections: 1U138/10

Hilltop Close Footway Surface Treatment Flamstead End And Turnford Close: MEM16092 No 27 To MHilltop Holbeck Lane Cheshunt Road Sections: 1U139/10

HillviewGardensThinSurfacing CheshuntCentral MEM16103 MHillviewGardens:BeltonaGardensToCheshuntWash Cheshunt Road Sections: 1U140/10

Holbeck Lane Footway Surface Treatment Flamstead End And Turnford Lane: MEM16094 Appleby MHolbeck Street To Adamsfield Hammond Street, Cheshunt Road Sections: 1U142/10

HolbeckLaneResurfacing FlamsteadEndAndTurnford MEM16087 MHolbeckLane:ApplebyStreetToAdamsfield Hammond Street, Cheshunt Road Sections: 1U142/10

Martins Drive Footway Reconstruction Cheshunt Central Drive: MEM16106 Loop Of Ashdown MMartins Crescent Nos 66 To 86 Cheshunt Road Sections: 1U180/10

McKenzie Road FootwayReconstruction Hoddesdon South MEM16077 Road: Station MMckenzie Road To St Michaels Road Broxbourne Road Sections: 1U437/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 125 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 9 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley Broxbourne Scheme Delivery Plan 97 schemes Maintenance Member Highway Locality Budget Pembroke Close Footway Surface Treatment Hoddesdon South MEM16080 Close: End To MPembroke Church Lane Wormley Road Sections: 1U467/10

Riverside Footway Reconstruction Goffs Oak And Bury Green MEM16099 Path: 1 Richmond MRiverside Close To Side Of 23 Riverside Path; Riverside Cheshunt Path: Between Houses 12 And 14; Riverside Path: East Side Of House 8 To Richmond Close; Riverside Path: Rear And Side Of House 18; Riverside Path: Side Of House 23 And Rear Of 23 And 22 Road Sections: 1F93/10/20/30/40/50 Robinson Avenue Footway Reconstruction Goffs Oak And Bury Green MEM16098 Avenue: Millcrest MRobinson Road To Cuffley Hill Goffs Oak, Cheshunt Road Sections: 1U245/10

RoseValeResurfacing HoddesdonSouth MEM16150 MRoseVale:BrocketRoadToLordStreet Hoddesdon Road Sections: 1U479/10

Roundcroft Thin Surfacing Flamstead End And Turnford MEM16096 Nos 46 - 2 MRoundcroft: Cheshunt Road Sections: 1U639/10

Rowlands Close Footway Surface Treatment Cheshunt Central, Waltham MEM16105 Close: College MRowlands Rd To Rbt; Rowlands Close: Nos 4 - 16; Cheshunt Cross Rowlands Close: Nos 65 - 48; Rowlands Close: Nos 68 - 82 Road Sections: 1F454/10 1F455/10 1F456/10 1U250/10 SpringwoodThinSurfacing Flamstead End And Turnford MEM16091 MSpringwood:AdamsfieldToNo36;Springwood:Nos 14-2;Springwood: Cheshunt Nos 38 - 32; Springwood: Nos 54 - 50 Road Sections: 1U647/10/20/30/40 St Michael's Road Footway Surface Treatment Hoddesdon South Michaels MEM16079 Road: High MSt Road To Mckenzie Road; St Michaels Road: Broxbourne Mckenzie Road To Churchfields Road Sections: 1U492/10/20 Stuart Way Footway Reconstruction Goffs Oak And Bury Green Way: MEM16318 Hargreaves MStuart Avenue To Hawthorne Avenue Churchgate, Cheshunt Road Sections: 1U282/10

The Springs Footway Surface Treatment Flamstead End And Turnford Springs: MEM16088 B176 New MThe River Arms To Rowan Drive Rbt; The Springs: Nos Turnford 21 - 17; The Springs: Rowan Drive Rbt To End Road Sections: 1U294/10/20/30

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 126 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 10 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley Broxbourne Scheme Delivery Plan 97 schemes Maintenance Member Highway Locality Budget TurnersHillResurfacing CheshuntCentral MEM16151 MTurnersHill:No2TurnersHillToTheOldPondRbt Cheshunt Road Sections: B176/7 Integrated Transport Programme Integrated Transport Programme Bus Stop Clearway Lining Programme 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16042 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Bus Stop Shelter and Clearway Programme 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16030 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 127 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 11 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley Broxbourne Scheme Delivery Plan 97 schemes Integrated Transport Programme Integrated Transport Programme Bus Stop Upgrades Programme 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16041 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

CharltonWayCyclePath HoddesdonSouth ITP14067 CCharltonWay:1u324HighStreetJunctToConduitLnLongabout;High Hoddesdon Street: Cock Ln Rbt To 1u324 High Street Junct; Charlton Way: Conduit Lane North To Haslewood Rbt; Charlton Way: Haslewood Rbt South To Conduit Lane Slip; Charlton Way: Southbound Carriageway From Dinant- link Project Location : Essex Road To Cock Lane Road Sections: A1170/100/101/121/92/95 Churchgate Bus Stop Upgrade Goffs Oak And Bury Green ITP16047 Junc Cromwell SChurchgate: Avenue To B156 Goffs Lane Churchgate, Cheshunt Road Sections: C164/20

ITS Strategy Works BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16033 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 128 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 12 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley Broxbourne Scheme Delivery Plan 97 schemes Integrated Transport Programme Integrated Transport Programme Real Time Passenger Information Delivery BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16032 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

School Crossing Patrol Sites 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16036 Broxbourne IBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

SRTS Small Works pilot Delivery 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16035 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 129 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 13 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley Broxbourne Scheme Delivery Plan 97 schemes Integrated Transport Programme Traffic Contol and Information Systems Cheshunt Wash/Nr Cunningham Rd S390 Signal Cheshunt Central TIS16011 Wash: Cunningham SCheshunt Road To Rbt(b156) Halfhide La Refurbishment Road Sections: B176/40 Cheshunt

Cock Ln/Nr Park View(Sheredes Sch) S392 Signal Hoddesdon South Lane: TIS16012 High St To 40mph SCock Signs Refurbishment Road Sections: 1U194/10 Hoddesdon

College Rd/Nr Manorcroft Parade S160 Signal Cheshunt Central, Waltham Road:TIS16003 A10 Gt.cambridge SCollege Rd To Old Pond Rbt Refurbishment Cross Road Sections: B198/20 Cheshunt

Real Time Passenger Information Delivery 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), TIS16018 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 130 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 14 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley Broxbourne Scheme Delivery Plan 97 schemes Safety & Movement Casualty Reduction Safety 17/18 Scheme Preperation and Early Deilvery BROXBOURNE (District wide), SAR16013 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Skid Resistance County Wide Sites BROXBOURNE (District wide), SAR16014 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA Eastern Herts & Lea Valley East Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 255 schemes

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 131 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 15 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley East Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 255 schemes

Commissioning Records SRTS Small Works Prep 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), COM16009 Broxbourne IBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA Maintenance A Road Programme A10 Northbound from Rush Green Surface Dressing All Saints, Ware North Northbound: ARP15176 North CA10 Rush Green Rbt To North Westmill Rd Rbt Ware Road Sections: A10/276

A10 Northbound nr Hailey Surface Dressing Hoddesdon South, Ware South Northbound: ARP15177 Broxbourne WA10 Boundary To North Gt Amwell Roundabout; Hertford A10 Northbound Offslip: Nb Offslip For Great Amwell Interchange; A10 Northbound: North Hoddesdon Link Rbt To East Herts Boundary; A10 Northbound: Northbound Onslip From Hoddesdon Interchange Road Sections: A10/331/334/337/340 A10 Northbound Offslip to A602 Surface Dressing All Saints, Ware North Northbound ARP15178 Offslip: CA10 Northbound Offslip To A602 Interchange Ware Road Sections: A10/284

A10 Puckeridge Bypass Surface Dressing Braughing, Ware North Northbound: ARP15135 A120 CA10 Roundabout North To B1368 Roundabout; A10 Puckeridge Southbound: B1368 Roundabout South To A120 Roundabout Road Sections: A10/196/197 A10 Puckeridge Roundabout Resurfacing Braughing, Ware North Northbound: ARP16129 A120 SA10 Roundabout North To B1368 Roundabout; A10 Puckeridge Southbound: B1368 Roundabout South To A120 Roundabout; Ermine Street: Hamels Lane To Station Road Roundabout; A10 Northbound: Northbound From B1368 Rbt To Hemels Lane; A10 Roundabout: Roundabout For B1368 Road Sections: A10/186/187/194/196/197

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 132 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 16 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley East Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 255 schemes Maintenance A Road Programme A10 Rush Green Northbound Onslip Surface Dressing All Saints Northbound ARP15223 Onslip: WA10 Rush Green Northbound Onslip Hertford Road Sections: A10/306

A10 South Bound & Northbound Interchange Hoddesdon South, Ware South Northbound: ARP17183 Baas HillSA10 Bridge To North Hoddesdon Link Rbt; A10 Reconstruction Southbound: North Rush Green Rbt To North Gt Amwell Rbt; A10 Great Amwell Roundabout: Roundabout For Ware Road/great Amwell; A10 Southbound Offslip: Sb Offslip For Great Amwell Rbt Road Sections: A10/318/320/328/357 A10 Southbound Surface Dressing Hoddesdon South, Ware South Southbound: ARP15232 East Herts WA10 Boundary To North Hoddesdon Link Rbt; A10 Hoddesdon Southbound Onslip: From Great Amwell Rbt To A10 Southbound; A10 Southbound: North Gt Amwell Rbt To Broxbourne Boundary; A10 Southbound Offslip: Southbound Offslip To Hoddesdon Interchange Road Sections: A10/330/333/336/339 A10 Standon Roundabout Resurfacing Braughing, Ware North Roundabout: ARP16128 A120 SA10 Standon Hill Roundabout Puckeridge Road Sections: A10/205

A10/A1170 Ware North Interchange Resurfacing Sawbridgeworth, Ware North ARP16132 Bypass: A1170 SWadesmill Rbt On East Side Of A10 To Slip Roads; Ware Wadesmill Bypass: A1170 Rbt West Of A10 To Northbound Slip Roads; Cambridge Road: A1170 Roundabout To C184 Anchor Lane; Wadesmill Road: Link S-n Between A10 Slip Road Roundabouts; Wadesmill Road: Roundabout For Slip Roads On East Side Of A10; Wadesmill Road: Slip Road Roundabout On West Side Of A10 Road Sections: A10/237/265 A1170/470/480/490 C183/10 AmwellLinkRoadSurfaceDressing WareSouth ARP15242 CAmwellLinkRoad:FromGreatAmwellRbtEastToWareRoad;Amwell Great Amwell Link Road: From Ware Road Rbt East To Great Amwell Rbt Road Sections: A10/325/326 AnchorLaneRbtResurfacing HertfordRural ARP15256 SWestmillRoad:B158/anchorLaneRbt Tonwell Road Sections: A602/30

Baldock Road Major Patching and Surface Dressing Braughing Road: ARP14112 30 Mph SignWBaldock To Derest Cottered Project Location : 30 Mph Sign To Derest Road Sections: A507/50

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 133 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 17 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley East Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 255 schemes Maintenance A Road Programme BaldockRoadSurfaceDressing Braughing ARP15237 CBaldockRoad:By-passToU59;BaldockRoad:U59To30MphSign Cottered Cottered Road Sections: A507/30/40 Bishops Park Way/St James Way Surface Dressing Bishop's Stortford Rural, ParkARP14057 Way: Great WBishops Hadham Rd Rbt North To /180 Rbt; St James Bishops Stortford Bishop's Stortford West Way: Mercers Avenue Rbt To B1004 Gt Hadham Road Rbt; Bishops Park Way: Rbt /180 To Lancaster Way Roundabout; Bishops Park Way: Rbt Between /170 And /190 Road Sections: A1184/150/170/180/190 CambridgeRoadResurfacing Sawbridgeworth ARP16079 SCambridgeRoad:WestRoadTo75mNorthOfBullsHeadPub Sawbridgeworth Road Sections: A1184/40

Ermine Street Surface Dressing Braughing Street: ARP16039 Buntingford WErmine Bypass Rbt To Dual Carriageway Buntingford Road Sections: A10/182

Hadham Road Surface Dressing Bishop's Stortford East, Bishop's Road:ARP14149 30mph SignsWHadham To Nth Gate End (phone Box); Hadham Bishops Stortford Stortford West Road: Rbt A120 T0 30mph Signs Road Sections: A1250/10/20 Hallingbury Road Surface Dressing Bishop's Stortford East Road: ARP16076 B1383 To CLondon Hock'l Traffic Lights; Hallingbury Road: EssexBdy Bishops Stortford Plate To London Rd Mini Rbt Road Sections: A1060/10/20 London Rd/Harlow Rd Major Patching and Surface Sawbridgeworth Road: ARP12095 Burnside WLondon To West Road; London Road: Harlow Road To Dressing Burnside; Harlow Road: Rear Of 22 Falconers Park To London Road Sawbridgeworth Road Sections: A1184/10/20/30 Wadesmill Bypass Northbound Surface Dressing Ware North ARP15209 Bypass: A10 WWadesmill Northbound Onslip From 2 Way Section; Ware Wadesmill Bypass: A1170 Overbridge To North Drive Overbridge; Wadesmill Bypass: Dowsetts Lane Overbridge To A120 Roundabout; Wadesmill Bypass: North Drive Overbridge To Dowsetts Lane Overbridge Road Sections: A10/214/224/234/238 Wadesmill Bypass Southbound Surface Dressing Ware North ARP14170 Bypass: A120 WWadesmill Roundabout To Dowsetts Lane Overbridge; Colliers End Wadesmill Bypass: Dowsetts Lane Overbridge To North Drive Overbridge; Wadesmill Bypass: North Drive Overbridge To A1170 Overbridge Road Sections: A10/213/223/233

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 134 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 18 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley East Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 255 schemes Maintenance A Road Programme WareRoadMajorPatching AllSaints,StAndrew's ARP15140 SWareRoad:A414RbtToEndDualC/way(millRdRbt);WareRoad: Hertford B1502 Roundabout To Mill Road Roundabout; Ware Road: Mill Rd Rbt (end Dual C/way) To A414 Rbt Road Sections: A119/50/70/71

Bridges & Structures Programme BrickendonRetainingWallHCCNo1861 WareSouth BRG14005 CBrickendonLane:EdwardsGrnFarmEntToEhdcBdy Brickendon Road Sections: C16/30

Bridge Reactive Joint Scheme 1 BROXBOURNE (District wide), BRG16016 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Bridge Reactive Joint Scheme 2 BROXBOURNE (District wide), BRG16017 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Glaxo Footbridge HCC No. 1959 Ware North, Ware South Road: BRG16002 Footbridge AcrossSPark River Lea To Junc Of Park/trapst Ware Road Sections: 3F271/30

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 135 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 19 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley East Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 255 schemes Maintenance Bridges & Structures Programme Hazelend Road Bridge HCC No. 1698 Bishop's Stortford East, Bishop's StortfordBRG15011 Bypass: CBishops Oxbow Layby To Essex Bdy At B1383 Rbt Bishops Stortford Stortford West Road Sections: A120/110

Kingsmead Viaduct Drainage HCC No. 1469 All Saints, Ware North Northbound: BRG13004 North SA10 Rush Green Rbt To North Westmill Rd Rbt Ware Road Sections: A10/276

KingswoodFootbridgeHCCNo.2097 Sawbridgeworth BRG16003 SEastwickRoad:AcornStJuncToStartOfRoydonRdSlip;EastwickRoad: Stanstead Abbotts End Of Roydon Road Slip To Junc Acorn Street Road Sections: A414/835/836 Parapet Refurbishment Works BROXBOURNE (District wide), BRG16018 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Park Road Bridge HCC No. 1470 All Saints, Ware North Northbound: BRG16009 North SA10 Rush Green Rbt To North Westmill Rd Rbt; Park Ware Road: West End Bridge To Junc Trapstyle Road; A10 Southbound: Westmill Rbt North Bridge To Rush Green Rbt North Road Sections: 3U271/10 A10/275/276 Rush Green Interchange Joint Replacement HCC No. All Saints, St Andrew's, Ware Northbound:BRG14004 North WA10 Gt Amwell Rbt To North Rush Green Rbt; A10 1467&1468 North, Ware South Southbound: North Rush Green Rbt To North Gt Amwell Rbt; A10 Hertford Northbound: North Rush Green Rbt To North Westmill Rd Rbt; Rush Green Link Road: Rbt At Rush Green Interchange With A10; A10 Southbound: Westmill Rbt North Bridge To Rush Green Rbt North Road Sections: A10/275/276/320/321 A414/705 StandonBridgeHCCNo.83 Braughing,WareNorth BRG15014 CKentsLane:KentsLaneToC37HighStreet Standon Road Sections: A120/20

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 136 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 20 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley East Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 255 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway Acorn Street Surface Dressing Sawbridgeworth Street: CWY161190 30mph Signs CAcorn To High St B180; Acorn Street: U180 9 Ashes Hunsdon To 30mph Signs Hunsdon Road Sections: C15/20/30 Actons Lane/Fryars Lane Surface Dressing Bishop's Stortford Rural Lane: CWY151379 Actons Lane CFryars To 25m East Of Track By Carters Cottag; Actons High Wych, Gilston Lane: Bakers Lane To Junction By House 111; Fryars Lane: Bt Pole 147 Nr Carters Cottage To C40; Gangies Hill: Footpath 10 Opposite Gangies To C40 Beanfield Road Road Sections: 3U149/10/15/20/30 Admiral Street Thin Surfacing All Saints Street: CWY15383 Page Rd SAdmiral Rbt 5 To Head Of Cul-de-sac Hertford Road Sections: 3U457/10

Albury Road Surface Dressing Bishop's Stortford Rural Road: CWY161038 Junction A120 CAlbury To The Bourne Name Plate Little Hadham Road Sections: C15/40

AscotCloseThinSurfacing Bishop'sStortfordEast CWY151671 SAscotClose:Cul-de-sacEntOpp153ParsonageLn1-12;AscotClose:Hd Bishops Stortford Cul-de-sac /45-23/w To E Road Sections: 3U278/10/20 Atherton End Thin Surfacing Sawbridgeworth End: CWY151385 Cul-de-sac SAtherton /ent Opp 18 West Rd S To 22 Sawbridgeworth Road Sections: 3U759/10

Balfour Street Thin Surfacing All Saints Street: CWY161268 Port Vale SBalfour To Byde Street Hertford Road Sections: 3U464/10

BassusGreenRoadSurfaceDressing HertfordRural CWY141026 WBassusGreenRoad:3u4BassusGreenToTottsLane;BassusGreen: Walkern Crossroads U49 To End By Farm Road Sections: 3U4/20 3U49/15 BassusGreenSurfaceDressing HertfordRural CWY151791 CBassusGreen:ClayEndRoadTo3u4BassusGreen;BassusGreen:U50 Walkern To Crossroads U49 Road Sections: 3U4/10 3U49/10 Black Bridge Lane Surface Dressing Bishop's Stortford Rural Bridge CWY141023 Lane: Camwell WBlack Orchard Access To B1004 Widford Road Much Hadham Road Sections: 3U74/30

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 137 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 21 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley East Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 255 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway Braughing Road/Patient End Surface Dressing Bishop's Stortford Rural, Road:CWY13286 30mph Signs WPelham To Bt Pole 69 Nr Bridleway; Pelham Road: Furneux Pelham Braughing Bridleway 8 To Track East Of Hole Farm Cottages; Pelham Road: Friars Rd To 30mph Signs; Patient End: Patient End Farm To C35 Junct; Braughing Road: Track East Of Hole Farm Cottages To Patient End Road Sections: C33/25/30/40/45/50 Brookbridge Lane Surface Dressing Hertford Rural CWY151904 Lane: U64 CBrookbridge To C39 Datchworth Road Sections: 3U259/10

Brookfield Lane/New Park Lane Surface Dressing Hertford Rural CWY17038 Lane: 30mph CBrookfield Signs To Long Lane Junction; Brookfield Lane: Aston Derestrictions To 30mph Signs; New Park Lane: U860/c29 Benington Rd To Derest Road Sections: 3U268/10/20/25 Bucklers Hall Road Surface Dressing Bishop's Stortford Rural Hall:CWY151801 U41 To Farm CBucklers Perry Green Road Sections: 3U144/10

C10SouthofMeesdenSurfaceDressing Braughing CWY151805 C:30mphSignsSouthToJuncU1;Pumphill:JuncC10ToDerestriction Brent Pelham Signs; : Junc Mill Ln U25 South To 30mph Signs; C10 At Brent Pelham: U1 South To B1038 (memorial) Junct Road Sections: B1038/90 C10/610/615/620 C107 East of Furneux Pelham Surface Dressing Bishop's Stortford Rural Via CWY161045 Clay Chimneys C:C15 To C13 (bonhams) Furneux Pelham Road Sections: C107/10

C12nearCaveGateSurfaceDressing Braughing CWY11821 WWyddialRoad:BowlingGreenToBtPole7;WyddialRoad:BtPoleNo7 Wyddial To Wyddial Name Plate; : Wyddial Name Plate To B1368 Road Sections: C12/30/40/50 C14 West of Cromer Thin Surfacing Hertford Rural, North Herts Rural Nw CWY161286 From White Hill SRoad At Cromerhill Common To Ma: Junction By Luffenhall Walnut Tree Farm To B1037 White Hill Road Sections: C14/190 C16 Great Munden/Munden Road Surface Dressing Braughing Cottages: CWY13291 5u104 WEdward To C14; Munden Road: Derestriction Sign To Dane End U104 Giffords Lane Road Sections: C16/665/670

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 138 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 22 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley East Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 255 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway C16NorthofNastySurfaceDressing Braughing CWY151806 C:30mphSignsToU20AspendenRoad;:DerestrictionSignsToU12;:U12 Great Munden Hamels Lane To 30mph Signs Road Sections: C16/685/690/695 CautherlyLaneSurfaceDressing WareSouth CWY151284 CCautherlyLane:A1170PepperHillToC43LowerRd;AmwellLane: Great Amwell Derestriction Near Meridian Way To Cautherly Ln U1 Road Sections: 3U183/10 C43/140 Chantry Road Thin Surfacing Bishop's Stortford East, Bishop's Road:CWY15201 Junct Opp CChantry 11 Hadham Rd Nw To Cricketfiel Bishops Stortford Stortford West Road Sections: 3U302/10

Church End Surface Dressing Hertford Rural End: CWY13287 B1037 To Derest;WChurch Church End: Derest To End Walkern Road Sections: 3U1091/10/20

Church Road Surface Dressing Hertford Rural Road: CWY17002 18m North CChurch Of Bush Farm N Access To Footpath 12; Church Little Berkhamsted Road: Footpath 12 To Little Berkhamsted Lane; Church Road: White Stubbs Ln To 18m North Of Bush Farm North Ac Road Sections: C54/320/325/328 Clements Street Thin Surfacing Ware South CWY161211 Street: Cul-de-sac SClements Junct Star St To End Ware Road Sections: 3U655/10

ClydeTerraceThinSurfacing AllSaints CWY151328 SClydeTerrace:PageRdRbtNToHeadOfCul-de-sac Hertford Road Sections: 3U494/10

Conduit Lane Major Patching and Surface Dressing Bishop's Stortford Rural, Lane:CWY141088 30mph Sign WConduit To Junc C10; Conduit Lane: Public Bridleway Brent Pelham Braughing Sign (left Side) To 30 Sign Project Location : Sd Jt W Borley Green To Junc C10 Road Sections: B1038/75/80 Eastwick Hall Lane/Eastwick Road Major Patching Sawbridgeworth CWY161524Hall Lane: A414 SEastwick Eastwick Road To Eastwick Hall Farm; Eastwick Eastwick Road: A414 To U875 (the Lion Pub) Road Sections: 3U874/10 3U875/10 Ermine Street Surface Dressing Ware North Street: CWY161165 C39 Gore WErmine Lane To Labdens Lane; Ermine Street: Dowsetts Colliers End Lane To A120 Roundabout; Ermine Street: Labdens Lane To Dowsetts Lane Road Sections: C183/50/60/70

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 139 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 23 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley East Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 255 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway Ford Hill Localised Patching Bishop's Stortford Rural Hill: CWY15559Derestriction Signs SFord To Last Hse Nr Bridleway Sign Little Hadham Road Sections: 3U38/15

Fore Street Local Reconstruction/Local Resurfacing St Andrew's Street: CWY161523 The Wash ToSFore Market Place (east) Hertford Road Sections: 3U523/50

Ginns Road/Crabbs Lane Surface Dressing Bishop's Stortford Rural Lane: CWY151736 Ginns Road CCrabbs To 46m North Of Farm Entrance; Ginns Road: Stocking Pelham Junc C15 (cock Ph) To County Bdy (derestriction Si Road Sections: 3U1000/10 C107/20 GoodeyMeadeThinSurfacing HertfordRural CWY151837 CGoodeyMeade:C31ToEnd Benington Road Sections: 3U1028/10

GoreLaneSurfaceDressing WareNorth CWY17024 CGoreLane:JuncC36AtBarwickWestb'dToJuncA10 Barwick Road Sections: C39/230

Great Hadham Road Major Patching/Anti Skid Bishop's Stortford West Hadham CWY151737 Road: Bishops CGreat Park Way Rbt East To Next Rbt; Great Bishops Stortford Hadham Road: Oriole Way Roundabout To 30mph Signs; Great Hadham Road: Speed Limit To Villiers Sur Marne Rbt; Great Hadham Road: V-s-m Ave Rbt Ne To 50m East Of Wentworth Dr Road Sections: B1004/814/818/820/840 GreenEndLaneSurfaceDressing Braughing CWY17014 CGreenEnd:JuncByKnightCottageToJuncByTheCoachHouse;Green Dane End End Lane: Whempstead Lane To Junction By Knight Cottage Road Sections: 3U34/10/15 GreenEndRoadSurfaceDressing Braughing CWY151842 CGreenEndRoad:ChurchLaneToJuncByHotel Dane End Road Sections: 3U35/20

GreenEndRoadSurfaceDressing Braughing CWY151843 CGreenEndRoad:MundenRoadTo3u35Junction Haultwick Road Sections: 3U31/10

HanburyCloseThinSurfacing WareSouth CWY151638 CHanburyClose:Cul-de-sacOppNo59NewRdToNos1-15 Ware Road Sections: 3U691/10

Harris's Lane Thin Surfacing Ware North Lane: CWY161227 Nth From SHarris's Priory St To Park Rd Junct Ware Road Sections: 3U692/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 140 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 24 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley East Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 255 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway HebingEndSurfaceDressing HertfordRural CWY13397 WHebingEnd:C31ToEnd;HebingEnd:CulDeSacOffMainSection Benington Road Sections: 3U1088/10/20

Hertford Road/Welwyn Road Surface Dressing Haldens, Hertford Rural, St Road:CWY161157 E Junc C50 CHertford To Junc Herns Lane; Hertford Road: Ehdc Bdy Tewin, Welwyn Andrew's To E Junc C50; Welwyn Road: From Thieves Ln Rbt To Dist Bdy Road Sections: B1000/30/50/60 Hertingfordbury Road Surface Dressing St Andrew's CWY161220 Road: Old CHertingfordbury Rd From The Dell E To Junct Valeside Hertford Road Sections: 3U614/10

HighRoadResurfacing WareNorth CWY161418 SHighRoad:HazelwoodFmWorksAccessToPestHouseLane High Cross Road Sections: C183/30

High Street Local Reconstruction Sawbridgeworth Street: CWY141234 High St Plate CHigh (east Of Bridge) To C42 Cappell Ln Stanstead Abbotts Road Sections: B181/40

High Street Resurfacing Bishop's Stortford Rural Street: CWY17056 The Vineyard CHigh To Junct C15 Much Hadham Road Sections: B1004/210

High Street/Buntingford Road Resurfacing Braughing CWY161099 Road: C14 SBuntingford Mentley Ln (east) To B1368; High Street: No 46 To Puckeridge C14 Mentley Ln (east) Road Sections: C36/50/60 Hollands Croft Thin Surfacing Sawbridgeworth Croft:CWY161913 Off Widford SHollands Rd Hunsdon Road Sections: 3U175/10

HornsRoadSurfaceDressing StAndrew's CWY14018 WHornsRoad:BullocksLaneRbtNthToNo99WestSt Hertford Road Sections: 3U537/10

HuttonCloseThinSurfacing StAndrew's CWY15228 SHuttonClose:OffTudorWayToEnd Hertford Road Sections: 3U539/10

Kettle Green Road Surface Dressing Bishop's Stortford Rural, Ware GreenCWY151850 Road: West CKettle Bdy Of Kettle Green Farm To Barwick Road Much Hadham North Road Sections: C39/180

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 141 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 25 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley East Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 255 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway KittenLaneLocalisedPatching Sawbridgeworth CWY141126 CKittenLane:30mphSpeedSignNToDerestriction;KittenLane:B181To Stanstead Abbotts 30mph Speed Sign; Kitten Lane: Derestriction Sign To B180 Road Sections: 3U181/10/20/30 LeaClose/GroveThinSurfacing Bishop'sStortfordEast CWY151537 SLeaClose:Junct71HeathRowNToHdC.d.s./Nos4;LeaGrove:W Cul- Bishops Stortford de-sac /1-4/ Ent At 4 Lea Cl Road Sections: 3U1130/10 3U363/10 Letty Green/Station Road Surface Dressing Hatfield Rural, Hertford Rural Road: CWY151905 B158 Hatfield CStation Road To East Herts District Bdy; Letty Green: Letty Green, Hertford Welwyn Hatfield Boundary To Woolmers Lane Road Sections: C51/10/15 LindseyClThinSurfacing Bishop'sStortfordEast CWY161924 SLindseyClose:SCulDeSac/1-5/EntOpp33LinsayRd Bishops Stortford Road Sections: 3U367/10

LondonRoadResurfacing Bishop'sStortfordEast,Bishop's Road:CWY18137 South Rd SLondon Rbt To A1060 Bishops Stortford Stortford West Road Sections: B1383/60

Lower Hatfield Road Surface Dressing Hatfield Rural, Hertford Rural, St HatfieldCWY151896 Road: 16m CLower West Of Station Road To Robins Nest Hill; Little Berkhamsted Andrew's Lower Hatfield Road: Access To Brookside And Works To St Marys Lane; Hatfield Road: B1455 Holwell Lane To 16m Before Station Road; Hatfield Road: C52 To Ehdc Bdy At Field Hedgerow; Lower Hatfield Road: Ehdc Bdy By Field Hedgerow To 30mph Sigh; Lower Hatfield Road: Robins Nest Hill To Access To Brookside And Works Road Sections: B158/310/315/320/330/350/405 Marsh Lane Reconstruction Ware South Lane: CWY161410 Cul-de-sac SMarsh Off Viaduct Rd To Indust Est Ware Road Sections: 3U713/10

Medcalf Hill Major Patching and Surface Dressing Sawbridgeworth Hill: CWY15750 Nether Street WMedcalf To U41 Bourne Lane Widford Road Sections: B1004/150

MillLaneSurfaceDressing HertfordRural CWY151816 CMillLane:C39ToC31 Whempstead Road Sections: 3U16/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 142 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 26 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley East Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 255 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway MillLaneSurfaceDressing Braughing CWY141129 WMillLane:30mphSignsToDerestrictionSigns;MillLane:'almaCottage'To Anstey 30mph Signs; Mill Lane: C11 Junct To Derestriction Signs; Mill Lane: Derestriction Signs To 'alma Cottage'; Mill Lane: Derestriction Signs To Junct U25 Road Sections: C10/590/595/600/605/608 MillfiedThinSurfacing WareNorth CWY161541 SMillfield:TurnaboutAtEnd;Millfield:YoungsburyLnToNo3 Wadesmill Road Sections: 3U218/10/20

MonksWalkThinSurfacing Braughing CWY161112 SMonksWalk:No42ToB1038BaldockRdOppThePyghtle;MonksWalk: Buntingford Nos 243 - 253; Monks Walk: Nos 323 - 349 Road Sections: 3U850/30/40/70 MountRoadAreaMajorPatching StAndrew's CWY15982 SChelmsfordRoad:AshleyRdToJuncWithCampfieldRd;AshleyRoad: Hertford Campfield Rd Rbt To Chelmsford Rd; Mount Road: Hammerhead Section At End (hse Nos 11-1); Campfield Road: Hertingfordbury Road To End; Mount Road: Off Chelmsford Rd To Hammerhead Section; Hertingfordbury Road: Service Rd Off A414 - Hse Nos 92-102 Road Sections: 3U461/10 3U482/10 3U489/10 3U558/10/20 3U614/30 MusleyLaneThinSurfacing WareNorth,WareSouth CWY161527 SMusleyLane:JuncMusleyHillToJuncTrinityRd;MusleyLane:Junct Ware Trinity Rd E To 3 Cromwell Rd Road Sections: 3U716/10/20 NorthRoadResurfacing AllSaints,StAndrew's CWY16985 SNorthRoad:NealCourtToA119RoundaboutCrossLane Hertford Road Sections: C176/20

Nutcroft Thin Surfacing Hertford Rural Opposite CWY161526 House SNutcroft: 14 To Garage Area; Nutcroft: U64 Sth To U64 Nth Datchworth Road Sections: 3U164/10/20

OldSchoolGreenSurfaceDressing HertfordRural CWY15450 COldSchoolGreen:C31ToEnd Benington Road Sections: 3U57/10

PageRoadThinSurfacing AllSaints CWY151027 SPageRoad:JunctOpp16FoxholesAveEToRbt Hertford Road Sections: 3U569/10

Parkway Thin Surfacing Sawbridgeworth CWY151036 Cul-de-sac/41-3/ent CParkway: At 29 Parkway Sawbridgeworth Road Sections: 3U808/20

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 143 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 27 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley East Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 255 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway ParsonageLaneThinSurfacing Sawbridgeworth CWY17158 SParsonageLane:A1184CambridgeRdToAgencyBoundary(alsoParish Sawbridgeworth Road Sections: C39/10

PegsLaneLocalisedPatching Sawbridgeworth CWY081297 CPegsLane:B1004ToBridge Widford Road Sections: 3U893/10

Potter Street Local Reconstruction Bishop's Stortford East, Bishop's Street:CWY141214 The Dells CPotter To Junc Market Square Bishops Stortford Stortford West Road Sections: B1529/40

Priory Street Thin Surfacing St Andrew's Street: CWY15988 Junct At 73 SPriory Railway St Nw To Cul-de-sac Hertford Road Sections: 3U579/10

Pynchbek Estate Thin Surfacing Bishop's Stortford Rural CWY151006 Clockwise Around SPynchbek: Square At End; Pynchbek: East Spur To Nos Bishops Stortford 80-86; Pynchbek: Loop Around Square Fronting Houses 37 To 44; Pynchbek: Loop Around Square Fronting Houses 6-13; Pynchbek: Loop Around Square Fronting Nos 17-23; Pynchbek: Opp House 87 To House 24; Pynchbek: Spur Opposite House 27 To Loop By House 6; Pynchbek: Spur Opposite House 79 To Loop By House 37; Pynchbek: Whittington Way To Houses 73/74 Road Sections: 3U912/10/20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90 QuakerRoadThinSurfacing WareNorth CWY16286 CQuakerRoad:Cul-de-sacOppNo117MusleyHill Ware Road Sections: 3U727/10

QueensRoadResurfacing StAndrew's CWY151009 CQueensRoad:SpurAtSideOfNo3QueensRd;QueensRoad:Spur Hertford Opposite House 3 Towards Gascooyne Way Road Sections: 3U581/20/25 RichmondCloseThinSurfacing WareNorth CWY15913 SRichmondClose:Cul-de-sacOffWattonRdToEnd;RichmondClose: Ware Fronting Nos 17 - 29 Road Sections: 3U732/10/20 RickneysLaneSurfaceDressing HertfordRural CWY151794 CRickneysLane:B158ToEnd Chapmore End Road Sections: 3U1079/10

RochfordRoadThinSurfacing Bishop'sStortfordEast CWY161933 SRochfordRoad:LoopToJunctOpp67&15ManstonDr Bishops Stortford Road Sections: 3U418/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 144 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 28 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley East Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 255 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway RoydonRoadResurfacing Sawbridgeworth CWY141180 CRoydonRoad:C42CappellLaneToNetherfieldAccess Stanstead Abbotts Road Sections: B181/50

Rush Green Road/Downfield Road Surface Dressing Ware South CWY151174 Road: Derestrictions CDownfield Signs To B1502 Stanstead Rd; Rush Green Rush Green Road: Rush Green Farm To Downfield Road Road Sections: 3U13/25 3U885/10 Sacombe Pound Surface Dressing Braughing, Hertford Rural CWY13370 Pound: A602 WSacombe To U62; Sacombe Pound: U62 To 40mph Signs Sacombe Road Sections: C16/640/650

Saffron Meadow Thin Surfacing Braughing, Ware North Meadow: CWY161340 Hammerhead CSaffron From House Number 27 To House Number Standon 22; Saffron Meadow: Opposite House 2 To Opposite House 24; Saffron Meadow: South Road To House Number 8 Road Sections: 3U1616/10/20/30 Sanders Green/The Street Surface Dressing Braughing FrogsCWY141033 Hall Lane W:3u1087 To Rupp 54 (the Old Bourne); Mentley Lane: Rush Green Eastern Spur To C14; The Street: Giffords Lane South Spur To 3u1087 Frogs Hall Lane; U31 At Sanders Green: Rupp 54 (the Old Bourne) To C14 Road Sections: 3U31/30/40/50/60 Scholars Hill Surface Dressing Sawbridgeworth Hill:CWY151684 C41 Wareside CScholars To Derestriction Signs; Scholars Hill: Wareside Derestriction Signs To B1004 Blakes Ware Manor; : Junc U157 To B1004 Road Sections: 3U156/10/20 C41/130 SchoolLaneLocalisedPatching HertfordRural CWY151173 SSchoolLane:LoopOffHighSt-southToNorth;SchoolLane:Pavilion Watton At Stone School Lane To Back Of Ph Road Sections: 3U1090/10/30 South Street Local Reconstruction Bishop's Stortford East, Bishop's Street:CWY141217 Station Rd CSouth To The Dells Bishops Stortford Stortford West Road Sections: B1529/30

South Street/Road Major Patching Bishop's Stortford East, Bishop's Road:CWY16997 B1383 London SSouth Rd Rbt To Havers Ln; South Street: Havers Ln Bishops Stortford Stortford Rural, Bishop's Jucn To Station Rd Stortford West Road Sections: B1529/10/20

Star Street Localised Patching Ware South Street: CWY151714 Amwell End SStar To Vicarage Road Ware Road Sections: B1004/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 145 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 29 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley East Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 255 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway Station Road Localised Patching Sawbridgeworth, Ware South Road: CWY161063 30 Mph Signs CStation To High St Name Plate (east Of Bridge St Margarets Road Sections: B181/30

Station Road/Cole Green Surface Dressing Hertford Rural Green: CWY141195 C51 West OfWCole Grn; Cole Green: Cole Green Way Bridge To Letty Green, Hertford The Old Coach Road; Station Road: Woolmers Lane To Cole Green Way Bridge Road Sections: C51/25/35/40 StockallsLaneSurfaceDressing Braughing CWY13342 WStockallsLane:C16ToC95 Great Munden Road Sections: 3U51/10

The Ford Surface Dressing Bishop's Stortford Rural Ford: CWY151693 30mph Signs CThe Northwards To The Smithy; : Derestriction Signs Little Hadham To New Road; The Ford: New Road To 30mph Signs Road Sections: C15/32/33/35 The Heath Resurfacing Hertford Rural Heath CWY17619 Road: Junc SCromer B1037 North To Derestriction Signs Cromer Road Sections: C5/5

ThorleyHighThinSurfacing Bishop'sStortfordRural CWY151696 CThorleyHigh:LoopOffLondonRoadForHouses5To1 Thorley Street, Bishops Stortford Road Sections: 3U1063/10

Thorley Lane West Surface Dressing Bishop's Stortford Rural, Lane:CWY161023 Great Hadham CThorley Road Se To St James Way Rbt Bishops Stortford Bishop's Stortford West Road Sections: 3U300/04

Thorley Ln/Oxcroft/Bishops Avenue Thin Surfacing Bishop's Stortford Rural Avenue: CWY151433 Hayley CBishops Bell Gardens Ne To London Rd; Thorley Lane: Bishops Stortford House 18 To 'hither Farm House'; Oxcroft: N Spur To Junct At 4 Thorley Ln; Bishops Avenue: Whittington Way To Hayley Bell Gardens Road Sections: 3U1156/20/40 3U288/10 3U399/10 ThornfieldRoadThinSurfacing Bishop'sStortfordEast CWY16719 SThornfieldRoad:JunctAt40HadhamRdNToPostsAt27 Bishops Stortford Road Sections: 3U438/10

Tower Hill Resurfacing Bishop's Stortford Rural Hill: CWY141086 C39 Kettle Green CTower Rd To The Vineyard Much Hadham Project Location : C39 Kettle Green Rd To The Vineyard Road Sections: B1004/200

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 146 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 30 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley East Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 255 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway Twyford Gardens Area Thin Surfacing Bishop's Stortford Rural Gardens: CWY161915 Grace STwyford Gardens E To Bishops Ave; The Green: Junct Bishops Stortford Audrey Gardens E To Mary Park Gard; Mary Park Gardens: Junct Opp 29 Bishops Ave N To Twyford Gr Road Sections: 3U346/10 3U377/10 3U441/10 U134 at Church End Surface Dressing Bishop's Stortford Rural End CWY151699 Lane: Stortford CChurch Road To St Cecilia's Church Access Little Hadham Road Sections: 3U134/10

U136 at Broken Green Surface Dressing Ware North Green CWY151700 Road: U40 CBroken (nr Nags Head Ph) To A120 Wellpond Green Road Sections: 3U136/10

U138 East From Barwick Lane Surface Dressing Ware North Hall CWY151701 House Entrance C:Arch To C36 Latchford Road Sections: 3U138/20

U152 nr Walnuttree Green Surface Dressing Bishop's Stortford Rural Green CWY13332 Road: C15 WUpwick To Pole 17 (nr Footpath Sign); U152 Nr Upwick Green Walnuttree Gree: Pole 17 To Essex Bdy (past Pole 24 Aprox Road Sections: 3U152/10/20 U185 at Letty Green Surface Dressing Hertford Rural End: CWY151084 Derest To U186 CPipers Pipers End Letty Green Road Sections: 3U185/30

U31 South of Haultwick Surface Dressing Braughing Junction CWY151689 To Giffords C:3u35 Lane (south Of Island) Haultwick Road Sections: 3U31/15

U35 at Green End Surface Dressing Braughing End CWY151652 Road: Junc CGreen By Hotel To Green End Farm Dane End Road Sections: 3U35/30

ValleyCloseThinSurfacing StAndrew's CWY151054 CValleyClose:Cul-de-sacBranchToOddNos13-17;ValleyClose: Hertford Culdesac To Entr Betw Nos 11&13 Hagsdell Road Road Sections: 3U615/10/20 Ware Road Surface Dressing Sawbridgeworth Road: CWY151918 3u158 To Derestriction CWare Sign Wareside Road Sections: B1004/120

WarrenLaneLocalisedPatching Braughing CWY17510 SWarrenLane:C33FordStToUppHallEntr Braughing Road Sections: C34/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 147 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 31 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley East Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 255 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway WarrenLaneLocalisedPatching Braughing,WareNorth CWY17522 SWarrenLane:UppHallEntrToA120HorseCross Braughing Road Sections: C34/20

WarrenParkRoadThinSurfacing AllSaints CWY16274 SWarrenParkRoad:JunctOpp1BengeoStEToNewRdJunct Hertford Road Sections: 3U620/10

Watermill Lane Area Thin Surfacing All Saints Mead: CWY161940 1 Temple SBartletts Fields To Turning Hammer Head; Bartletts Mead: Hertford Hammerhead - House 12 To 24; Crouchfield: Temple Fields To End By Garages; Watermill Lane: Wadesmill Road To Temple Fields Road Sections: 3U503/10 3U612/10/20 3U623/10 Watkins Hall Farm Access Road Surface Dressing Hertford Rural To 100mCWY151659 Before Watkins C:U66 Hall Farm Watton At Stone Road Sections: 3U260/10

WaytemoreRoadReconstruction Bishop's Stortford West CWY161348 SWaytemoreRoad:JunctBenhooksAveNwToNo21 Bishops Stortford Road Sections: 3U447/10

WestEndRoadSurfaceDressing WareSouth CWY15090 CWestEndRoad:C56ToBbcBdy;WestEndRoad:Junc3u197NrThe Wormley, Hoddesdon Lodge - West To End Road Sections: 3U197/10 3U198/10 Wheatcotes Thin Surfacing Hertford Rural CWY17025 C39 To End CWheatcotes: Datchworth Road Sections: 3U1081/10

Whempstead Road Localised Patching Braughing, Hertford Rural CWY161415 Road: A602 SWhempstead To C39 Whempstead Whempstead Road Sections: C31/10

White Stubbs Lane Surface Dressing Hatfield Rural, Hertford Rural, StubbsCWY151755 Lane: Ashendene CWhite Road U17 To Pembridge Ln C16; White Broxbourne Hoddesdon South, Ware South Stubbs Lane: Church Lane To Cock Lane; White Stubbs Lane: Devil's Lane To Pembridge Lane; White Stubbs Lane: Old Claypits Farm Track To Devil's Lane; White Stubbs Lane: Pembridge Lane C16 To U194 Bbc Bdy Road Sections: C56/220/224/226/230/300 WickenFieldsThinSurfacing WareNorth CWY161048 SWickenFields:Cul-de-sacEastSideOfQuinceyRd;WickenFields:Head Ware Of Nth Cul-de-sac To Nos 13-23; Wicken Fields: Head Of Sth Cul-de-sac To Nos 28-40; Wicken Fields: Sth Cul-de-sac To Nos 12 - 26 Road Sections: 3U1037/10/20/30/40

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 148 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 32 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley East Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 255 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway Widford Road Resurfacing Bishop's Stortford Rural Road: CWY16805 30mph Signs CWidford To C39 Kettle Grn Rd Much Hadham Road Sections: B1004/170

WoodhallEstateThinSurfacing Bishop's Stortford West CWY161936 SLongMeadow:OffWoodhallGdnsHseNo1-22;BylandsClose:Opp Bishops Stortford House 2 To House 15; Long Meadow: Opp House 27 To House 10; Bylands Close: The Nobles To Houses 10/11 Road Sections: 3U1058/10/20 3U1061/10/20 WoodstockCloseThinSurfacing WareSouth CWY161934 SWoodstockClose:HogsdellLaneToHouse4 Hertford Heath, Hertford Road Sections: 3U251/10

Local Drainage A414 Church St Subway Drainage Investigation St Andrew's Street: DRN12039 Church Street WChurch To Queens Road Hertford Project Location : Between Church Street And Queen Road Road Sections: 3F238/10 Bragbury Lane Drainage Investigation Broadwater, Hertford Rural DRN16008 Lane: District IBragbury Bdy By Keepers Cottage To East Of Rail Br; Broadwater, Stevenage Bragbury Lane: Sign 16m From Bridge To Broadhall Way Road Sections: 3U64/30 7U64/10 CautherlyLaneDrainageWorks WareSouth DRN13037 SCautherlyLane:A1170PepperHillToC43LowerRd;LowerRoad:U183 Great Amwell Cautherley Ln To A1170 Road Sections: 3U183/10 C43/150 Chambers Street Drainage Works All Saints DRN12016 Street: Cowbridge CChambers To North Side Of House 31 Hertford Road Sections: 3U487/10

Ford Hill Drainage Works Bishop's Stortford Rural Hill: DRN14001C15 To Derestriction SFord Signs; Ford Hill: Derestriction Signs To Last Little Hadham Hse Nr Bridleway Sign Road Sections: 3U38/10/15 Heron Court Drainage Investigation Bishop's Stortford East Court: DRN15004 Cul-de-sac IHeron Off Kingfisher Way; Kingfisher Way: From Junct Bishops Stortford Kings Court To Junct Heron Ct; Kings Court: Junct Stanstead Rd Nw To Kingsbridge Rd; Kingfisher Way: Spur Off Main Section Project Location : Flooding O/s 2 Heron Court Road Sections: 3U1302/10 3U1425/10/20 3U360/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 149 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 33 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley East Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 255 schemes Maintenance Local Drainage LittleWidburyLaneDrainageWorks WareSouth DRN13003 CLittleWidburyLane:WintonRoadToB1004WidburyHill Ware Road Sections: 3U710/10

London Road/Hoes Lane Drainage Investigation WareSouth Lane: DRN16006 30 Mph Sign IHoe North To Junc A119 London Rd; London Road: Ware A1170 Rbt To Amwell End Road Sections: 3U270/20 A119/15

Local Footway North Road Footway Micro All Saints, St Andrew's Road: FWY16075 North Rd Rbt SNorth To Beane Rd Rbt(o/s Br Stn) Hertford Road Sections: A119/130

Member Highway Locality Budget BaldockRoadFootwaySurfaceTreatment Braughing MEM16288 MBaldockRoad:30mphSignsToHighStreet Buntingford Road Sections: B1038/5

Barclay Close Footway Surface Treatment Ware South Close: MEM16300 U887 To MBarclay End Hertford Heath, Hertford Road Sections: 3U247/10

BasbowLaneResurfacing Bishop'sStortfordEast,Bishop's Lane:MEM16012 Junct Op MBasbow 7 High St N To Hd Cul-de-sac Bishops Stortford Stortford West Road Sections: 3U283/10

BeechlandsThinSurfacing Bishop'sStortfordWest MEM16017 MBeechlands:JunctCemeteryRdEToHdCul-de-sac/1-8 Bishops Stortford Road Sections: 3U284/10

BeechwoodCloseThinSurfacing AllSaints,StAndrew's MEM16312 MBeechwoodClose:WareR0adToEndOfFootpathByHouse14 Hertford Road Sections: 3U466/10

Broadleaf Avenue Footway Surface Treatment Bishop's Stortford Rural MEM16037 Avenue: Cul-de-sac MBroadleaf West Off Friedberg Avenue; Broadleaf Bishops Stortford Avenue: Spur From 3y1283/10 To Broadleaf Avenue (house 51); Broadleaf Avenue: Spur Off Main Section; Broadleaf Avenue: Spur Off Main Section; Broadleaf Avenue: Spur Off Main Section; Broadleaf Avenue: Spur Off Section 3u1282/20; Broadleaf Avenue: Spur Off Section 3u1282/50 Road Sections: 3U1282/10/20/30/40/50/60 3Y1283/20

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 150 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 34 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley East Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 255 schemes Maintenance Member Highway Locality Budget BrookEndSurfaceDressing Braughing MEM16008 MBrookEnd:A507ToGreenGatesHouse Cottered Road Sections: 3U880/10

BullfieldsThinSurfacing Sawbridgeworth MEM16027 MBullfields:JunctStationRdNToMiniRbt Sawbridgeworth Road Sections: 3U769/10

Byde Street Footway Surface Treatment All Saints Street: MEM16306 From Old Railway MByde Embkt To Farquhar St Hertford Road Sections: 3U477/10

Carrigans Thin Surfacing Bishop's Stortford East MEM16018 Hd Cul-de-sac MCarrigans: /nos 29-21; Carrigans: Ne Cul-de-sac /1-19 /ent Bishops Stortford Opp Zichantry R Road Sections: 3U297/10/20 Chantry Close Thin Surfacing Bishop's Stortford East Chantry MEM16019 Road WestwardsMOakhall: To Opp House 10; Chantry Close: Bishops Stortford House 1c Southwards To Cricketfield Lane Road Sections: 3U301/10/20 ChapmoreEndSurfaceDressing HertfordRural MEM16009 MChapmoreEndRoad:C16ToB158 Chapmore End Road Sections: 3U160/10

CheyneCloseThinSurfacing WareNorth MEM16028 MCheyneClose:JunctCliftonWayToEnd;CheyneClose:OxbowBetween Ware Nos 20 & 38 Road Sections: 3U651/10/20 ChurchManorThinSurfacing Bishop'sStortfordEast MEM16020 MChurchManor:NwSpur/EvenNos14-6/EntOpp11;ChurchManor:S Bishops Stortford Spur /nos 25 - 37/ Ent Opp 36 Road Sections: 3U309/20/30 ChurchRoadThinSurfacing AllSaints MEM16309 MGrangeClose:CedarCloseToSurfaceChangeAtEnd Hertford Road Sections: 3U528/10

CliftonWayThinSurfacing WareNorth MEM16029 MCliftonWay:FromJunctNo62MiltonRdNToKingsway Ware Road Sections: 3U656/10

CobhamThinSurfacing WareSouth MEM16297 MCobhamRoad:JunctBargeman(ph)ToJunct90CozensRd Ware Road Sections: 3U658/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 151 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 35 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley East Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 255 schemes Maintenance Member Highway Locality Budget CockbushAvenueThinSurfacing AllSaints MEM16308 MCockbushAvenue:WareRoadToOppositeHouse22 Hertford Road Sections: 3U495/10

Cranbrook Close Footway Resurfacing Ware North MEM16035 Close: Cul-de-sac MCranbrook Junct Rockfield Ave To End Ware Road Sections: 3U663/10

CromwellRoadResurfacing AllSaints MEM16305 MDivotPlace:WCul-de-sacToLoopToEntOpp72Hamel Hertford Road Sections: 3U992/10

Danebridge Road Resurfacing Bishop's Stortford Rural MEM16016 Road: Junction MDanebridge B1004 To One-way Signs Before Ford Much Hadham Road Sections: C39/130

DolphinWayThinSurfacing Bishop'sStortfordEast MEM16021 MCherryGardens:Junct103StanstedRdW ToHdC.d.s;KingsbridgeRoad: Bishops Stortford Junct Kings Ct N To Junct Cherry Gardens; Dolphin Way: W Cul-de-sac/ 1- 6/ Ent Opp 30 Kingsbridg Road Sections: 3U305/10 3U326/10 3U361/10 Dove Close Footway Surface Treatment Bishop's Stortford Rural Close: MEM16038 Hammer Head MDove At End Of Section 3u1300/30; Dove Close: Bishops Stortford South Off Friedberg Avenue; Dove Close: South Off Main Section; Dove Close: To Dove Close; Friedberg Avenue: To Dove Close; Dove Close: West Off Main Section Road Sections: 3F148/30/50 3U1300/10/20/30/40 EleanorRoadThinSurfacing AllSaints MEM16311 MEleanorRoad:OffEltonRoadToEnd Hertford Road Sections: 3U511/10

EltonRoadThinSurfacing AllSaints MEM16310 MEltonRoad:FanshaweStreetToChurchRoad Hertford Road Sections: 3U513/10

GarlandsRoadThinSurfacing WareSouth MEM16298 MGarlandRoad:JuncNo41VicarageRdToJuncMusleyLn Ware Road Sections: 3U679/10

Green Coates Thin Surfacing St Andrew's MEM16292 Greencoates MChurchfields: West To Gulphs; Greencoates: Mangrove Road Hertford To Churchfields Road Sections: 3U493/10 3U529/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 152 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 36 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley East Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 255 schemes Maintenance Member Highway Locality Budget GwynnsWalkThinSurfacing StAndrew's MEM16291 MGwynnsWalk:OffGreencoatesForHouses1-14 Hertford Road Sections: 3U532/10

HadhamRoadResurfacing Bishop'sStortfordWest MEM16011 MHadhamRoad:A1250Roundabout Bishops Stortford Project Location : 0 Road Sections: A120/90 Hartham Lane Footway Surface Treatment All Saints Lane:MEM16307 Opposite MHartham Hall At Pipe Lane Entrance To Hartham Lan Hertford Road Sections: 3F719/10

Heathgate Footway Surface Treatment Ware South MEM16301 B1197 To O/s MHeathgate: No 14; Heathgate: O/s No 26 To End Hertford Heath, Hertford Road Sections: 3U1055/10/20

Heathgate Thin Surfacing Ware South MEM16295 O/s No 26 To MHeathgate: End Hertford Heath, Hertford Road Sections: 3U1055/20

HogsdellLaneFootwaySurfaceTreatment WareSouth MEM16303 MWoodstockClose:HogsdellLaneToHouse4;HogsdellLane:Vicarage Hertford Heath, Hertford Causeway To House 7 Road Sections: 3U251/10 3U887/10 King Street Thin Surfacing Bishop's Stortford East, Bishop's Street:MEM16022 Jct At 34 High MKing St N To Hadham Rd Jct Bishops Stortford Stortford West Road Sections: 3U359/10

KingsfieldRoad Braughing MEM16289 MKingsfieldRoad:U114ToU203 Dane End Road Sections: 3U1077/10

LondonRoadFootwaySurfaceTreatment WareSouth MEM16302 MLondonRoad:BroxbourneDistrictBdyToTowerClose;LondonRoad: Hertford Heath, Hertford Tower Close To 133m West Of Vicarage Causeway Road Sections: B1197/210/220 Mayfield Park Footway Surface Treatment Bishop's Stortford Rural Park: MEM16039 East Spur MMayfield Hse Nos 30-26 To Rbt At End; Mayfield Park: Thorley, Bishops Stortford East Spur To Hse Nos 3-7; Mayfield Park: Loop At End Of Spur Hse Nos 16-25; Mayfield Park: Off Friedberg Ave Road Sections: 3U1271/10/20/30/40 MiltonRoadThinSurfacing WareNorth,WareSouth MEM16030 MMiltonRoad:JunctToNo1TheBourneNToEnd Ware Road Sections: 3U715/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 153 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 37 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley East Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 255 schemes Maintenance Member Highway Locality Budget MonksWalkFootwaySurfaceTreatment Braughing MEM16287 MMonksWalk:No155ToEnd;MonksWalk:No51ToEnd;MonksWalk: Buntingford No 81 To End; Monks Walk: Nos 243 - 253; Monks Walk: Nos 323 - 349 Road Sections: 3U850/130/140/40/70/80 MundenRoadSurfaceDressing Braughing MEM16045 MMundenRoad:40mphSignsToC39 Dane End Road Sections: C16/655

New Park Lane Thin Surfacing Hertford Rural Park MEM16286 Lane: U860/c29 MNew Benington Rd To Derest Aston Road Sections: 3U268/10

NurseryRoadResurfacing Bishop'sStortfordWest MEM16013 MNurseryRoad:JunctOpp28JervisRdSeToSouthStJu Bishops Stortford Road Sections: 3U392/10

Peters Wood Hill Thin Surfacing Ware South Wood MEM16296 Hill: Junct MPeters Off Of Presdales Drive Ware Road Sections: 3U721/10

PigLaneResurfacing Bishop'sStortfordRural MEM16014 MPigLane:JunctLondonRdEToA1060Junction Bishops Stortford Road Sections: C38/10

PopesRowThinSurfacing WareNorth MEM16031 MPopesRow:Cul-de-sacOppNo10TheGreensNos1-19 Ware Road Sections: 3U722/10

Prestwick Drive Thin Surfacing Bishop's Stortford East MEM16023 Drive: 68 Manston MPrestwick Dr To 37 Rochford Rd Bishops Stortford Road Sections: 3U411/10

QueensCrescentThinSurfacing Bishop's Stortford West MEM16024 MQueensCrescent:JunctOpp18ElizabethRdN/loop/1-71 Bishops Stortford Road Sections: 3U414/10

RowleysRoadResurfacing AllSaints MEM16304 MRowleysRoad:A119RoundaboutToCromwellRoad Hertford Road Sections: 3U594/10

SalmonsCloseFootwayResurfacing WareNorth MEM16036 MSalmonsClose:Cul-de-sacJunctHeathDriveToEnd Ware Road Sections: 3U737/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 154 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 38 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley East Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 255 schemes Maintenance Member Highway Locality Budget Sele Road Thin Surfacing St Andrew's Road: MEM16294 Cul-de-sac (oddMSele Nos 5-31); Sele Road: Off Hertingfdbry Rd To Hertford End-rear Hospital; Sele Road: Side Of House 85 To House 81 Road Sections: 3U601/10/20/30 TheBlanesThinSurfacing WareNorth MEM16032 MTheBlanes:Cul-de-sacOffQuinceyRdToFalconCt;TheBlanes:Cul-de- Ware sac To Nos 33-38 Road Sections: 3U1040/10/20 TheGreenThinSurfacing WareNorth MEM16033 MTheGreen:Cul-de-sacOppNo30KingswayToNo12 Ware Road Sections: 3U686/10

The Paddock Footway Surface Treatment Bishop's Stortford Rural Paddock: MEM16043 ; The Paddock: MThe End To Thorley Lane; The Paddock: From Thorley, Bishops Stortford Side Of House 47 To Mayfield Park; The Paddock: Fronting Houses 12 And 11; The Paddock: Frontong Houses 9 And 10; The Paddock: Hammerhead For Houses 58 To 54; The Paddock: Off Friedberg Ave; The Paddock: Opp House 66 To End Past House 15; Mayfield Park: Path Leads To The West Between Houses 36 And 37; The Paddock: Spur To Hse Nos 9-26 Road Sections: 3F122/10/20/30/40/50/60/70 3F123/10 3U1273/10/20/30 Thele Avenue FootwaySurface Treatment Sawbridgeworth Avenue: MEM16041 House 41 MThele To House 33; Thele Avenue: Roydon Road To Stanstead Abbotts Woodcroft Ave Name Plate Road Sections: 3U101/10/20 ThievesLaneThinSurfacing StAndrew's MEM16293 MThievesLane:BentleyRdN'thToCherryTreeGreen Hertford Road Sections: 3U606/20

Thornbera Road Footway Surface Treatment Bishop's Stortford Rural MEM16040 Road: Junct MThornbera Opp 48 Thorley Hill S To End; Thornbera Road: Bishops Stortford Spur To Nos 98 - 114 Road Sections: 3U437/10/20 Trotters Gap Footway Surface Treatment Sawbridgeworth Gap: MEM16044 ; Trotters Gap:MTrotters Off Woodcroft Ave (e To W) Stanstead Abbotts Road Sections: 3F520/40 3U229/10

VallansCloseThinSurfacing WareNorth MEM16034 MVallansClose:Cul-de-sacBetweenNos8&10TheGreenNo Ware Road Sections: 3U748/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 155 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 39 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley East Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 255 schemes Maintenance Member Highway Locality Budget Vicarage Lane Surface Dressing AllSaints, HertfordRural MEM16058Lane: 30mph SignsMVicarage To Distbdy(e End Railb);Vicarage Lane: Hertford East End Of Railway Bridge To A119; Vicarage Lane: From Sacombe Rd To 30mph Signs Road Sections: 3U171/10/110/20 VicarageLaneSurfaceDressing HertfordRural MEM16285 MAshendeneRoad:WhiteStubsLnC56To30mphSigns Bayford Road Sections: 3U17/10

Walkern Road Footway Reconstruction Hertford Rural Road: MEM16290 C29 Benington MWalkern Rd To Derestrictions Benington Road Sections: C31/60

Ward Crescent Thin Surfacing Bishop's Stortford West Crescent: MEM16025 No100 MWard Scott Rd W&s To Opp No115 Scott Rd Bishops Stortford Road Sections: 3U445/10

Westfield Road Thin Surfacing Bishop's Stortford East, Bishop's MEM16026 Road: A1250 MWestfield Hadham Road To Bdry Of House No 57 And 27 Bishops Stortford Stortford West Road Sections: 3U449/10

Wharf Road Resurfacing Bishop's Stortford West Road: MEM16015 South Street MWharf To Car Park In Front Of Wharf Place Bishops Stortford Road Sections: 3U450/10

WintonRoadResurfacing WareSouth MEM16299 MWintonRoad:JunctNo33CromwellRdToEndsInCul-d Ware Road Sections: 3U756/10

Woodcroft Avenue Footway Surface Treatment Sawbridgeworth MEM16042 Avenue: No2 MWoodcroft Woodcroft Ave To No 16 Trotters Gap; Woodcroft Stanstead Abbotts Avenue: Opposite Trotters Gap To Side Of House 42 Road Sections: 3F234/10 3U228/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 156 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 40 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley East Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 255 schemes Integrated Transport Programme Integrated Transport Programme Braughing Traffic & Environmental Improvements Braughing Street: ITP16021 B1368 (memorial) SFord To The Steet; Malting Lane: B1368 To Ford; Braughing Warren Lane: C33 Ford St To Upp Hall Entr; Green Lane: C33 The Street To No 54; The Street: Ford St To Friars Rd Junct; Green End: Ford Street To Quinbury Farm Track; Malting Lane: Ford Thru River Quin Near The Street; Station Road: Gatesbury Access Track To Ford Street; Uplands: Green Lane To End By House 35; Green Lane: Loop - No 54 To No 54; Malting Lane: N Spur From Ford To The Street; Malting Lane: S Spur From Ford To Ford Street; Fleece Lane: The Square To Start Of Fway 3f1125/10 Road Sections: 3U1002/10/20 3U1035/10 3U1190/10 3U3/20/30/40/50 B1368/12/15 C33/10/20 C34/10 Bus Stop Clearway Lining Programme 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16042 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Bus Stop Shelter and Clearway Programme 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16030 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 157 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 41 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley East Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 255 schemes Integrated Transport Programme Integrated Transport Programme Bus Stop Upgrades Programme 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16041 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

ITS Strategy Works BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16033 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

King Street Traffic Management Bishop's Stortford East, Bishop's Street:ITP15059 Jct At 34 High CKing St N To Hadham Rd Jct Bishops Stortford Stortford West Road Sections: 3U359/10

Real Time Passenger Information Delivery BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16032 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 158 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 42 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley East Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 255 schemes Integrated Transport Programme Integrated Transport Programme School Crossing Patrol Sites 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16036 Broxbourne IBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

SRTS Small Works pilot Delivery 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16035 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Station Road & High Street Traffic Calming Hertford Rural Road: ITP16020 C163 High SStation St To Church Lane; High Street: Mini Rbt C163 Watton At Stone Ware Road To Derest Sign Road Sections: C163/20 C39/290 Ware Road/Bluecoats/London Road Phase 1 All Saints, St Andrew's Place: ITP16019 24 Railway SRailway Pl S To Junct 47 Ware Rd; Rowleys Road: A119 Hertford Roundabout To Cromwell Road; Ware Road: B1502 Roundabout To Mill Road Roundabout; Ware Road: B1502 Stanstead Rd/ware Rd Rbt; Rowleys Road: Bollards (start Of Cycle Path) To Tamworth Road; Ware Road: Chadwell Golf Club Access To Stanstead Road Rbt; Rowleys Road: Cromwell Road To Bollards (start Of Cycle Path); Talbot Street: Currie Street To Raynham Street; Raynham Street: Junct At 77 Ware Rd N To End At No 35; Tamworth Road: Opp 23 Raynham Rd E To Rowleys Rd; Talbot Street: Railway Place To Currie Street; Railway Street: Roundabout To Railway Place Road Sections: 3U1254/10 3U582/10 3U583/50 3U584/10 3U594/10/20 3U604/10/20 3Y594/10 A119/35/40/50

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 159 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 43 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley East Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 255 schemes Integrated Transport Programme Integrated Transport Programme Watton Road Pedestrian Improvement Ware North Road: ITP14033 Park Road CWatton Rbt To No 108 Watton Rd Ware Road Sections: B1001/15

Traffic Contol and Information Systems London Rd/Nr Bell St S134 Signal Refurbishment Sawbridgeworth Road: TIS16002 Burnside SLondon To West Road Sawbridgeworth Road Sections: A1184/30

Real Time Passenger Information Delivery 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), TIS16018 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA Safety & Movement Casualty Reduction A10 Northbound Casualty Reduction Proposal Braughing, Ware North Northbound: SAR16008 A120 SA10 Roundabout North To B1368 Roundabout Puckeridge Road Sections: A10/197

A1184 Bonks Hill j/w Brook Road Sawbridgeworth Sawbridgeworth Road: SAR16006 Rear Of 22 SHarlow Falconers Park To London Road Casualty Reduction Proposals Road Sections: A1184/10 Sawbridgeworth

A414 Bluecoats Roundabout Casualty Reduction St Andrew's Road: SAR16015 Bluecoats SLondon Rbt (a119 Junction) Hertford Road Sections: A414/660

BaldockRoadCasualtyReductionProposal Braughing SAR16009 SBaldockRoad:U59To30MphSignCottered Cottered Road Sections: A507/40

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 160 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 44 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Eastern Herts & Lea Valley East Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 255 schemes Safety & Movement Casualty Reduction London Road Road Casualty Reduction Proposal St Andrew's Road: SAR16011 Bluecoats SLondon Rbt (a119 Junction) Hertford Road Sections: A414/660

Safety 17/18 Scheme Preperation and Early Deilvery BROXBOURNE (District wide), SAR16013 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Skid Resistance County Wide Sites BROXBOURNE (District wide), SAR16014 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA Mid Herts Hertsmere Scheme Delivery Plan 89 schemes

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 161 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 45 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts Hertsmere Scheme Delivery Plan 89 schemes

Commissioning Records SRTS Small Works Prep 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), COM16009 Broxbourne IBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA Maintenance A Road Programme Elstree Way/Shenley Road r'bt Resurfacing Borehamwood North Road: ARP16134 Studio 70 SShenley Rbt Junc B5378 & Brook Road Borehamwood Road Sections: A5135/50

Great North Road/Barnet Road Surface Dressing Potters Bar East Road: ARP14159 40mph Sign WBarnet S Of Dove Ln To Junc Wagon Road; Great Barnet North Road: 90m Sw Oakgate Cottages Sw To 30m Ne Of Greenacre ; Barnet Road: Junc Mutton Ln B556 To 40mph Signs (south Of Dove ; Great North Road: Wagon Road To 90m Sw Oakgate Cottages Road Sections: A1000/280/290/295/300 Otterspool Way Surface Dressing Bushey North ARP15173 Way: A41 Southbound COtterspool Offslip To M1 Jct5 Rbt; Otterspool Way: Bushey Onslip - M1 Jct5 Rbt To A41 Southbound Road Sections: A41/244/248 Otterspool Way Surface Dressing Bushey North, Meriden Tudor Way: ARP14041 Bridge Over WColne River Colne To Woodmere Avenue; Otterspool Bushey Way: Hartspring Lane Rbt To Centre Of Berrygrove Rbt; Otterspool Way: Middle Of M1 Jct5 Rbt To Bridge Over River Colne; Otterspool Way: Northbound Onslip - M1 Jct5 Rbt To A41; Otterspool Way: Offslip From A41 Northbound To M1 Jct5 Rbt Road Sections: A41/233/236/242/246/250 SparrowsHerne/HighRoadResurfacing BusheySouth ARP15115 SSparrowsHerne:ElstreeRoadToSchoolLane;HighRoad:OneWay Bushey System Link Rd To Sparrows Herne Road Sections: A411/140/160

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 162 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 46 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts Hertsmere Scheme Delivery Plan 89 schemes Maintenance A Road Programme StephensonWaySurfaceDressing BusheyNorth ARP15146 CStephensonWay:DistrictBdy(eFaceRwayBr)ToSpeedLimitSign; Watford Stephenson Way: Rbt C177 Colonial Way To Speed Sign; Stephenson Way: Speed Sign To District Bdy (e Face Of Railway Brid; Stephenson Way: Speed Sign To Rbt C177 Colonial Way Road Sections: A4008/210/211/215/216 Watling Street Surface Dressing Watling Street: ARP14055 Butterfly WWatling Ln To Level With House 22 Elstree Road Sections: A5183/60

Bridges & Structures Programme Bridge Reactive Joint Scheme 1 BROXBOURNE (District wide), BRG16016 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Bridge Reactive Joint Scheme 2 BROXBOURNE (District wide), BRG16017 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 163 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 47 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts Hertsmere Scheme Delivery Plan 89 schemes Maintenance Bridges & Structures Programme Parapet Refurbishment Works BROXBOURNE (District wide), BRG16018 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Local Carriageway Aldenham Road Resurfacing Bushey North, Central Oxhey CWY161521 Road: Borough SAldenham Boundary To Chalk Hill; Aldenham Road: W'ford Bushey Boro Sn By Vale Rd To Bushey H.rd Road Sections: B462/210/40 AldenhamRoadResurfacing BusheyNorth CWY17232 SAldenhamRoad:TheAvenueRbtToLittleBusheyLn Bushey Road Sections: B462/60

BackLane/CommonLaneSurfaceDressing Watling CWY151357 CBackLane:FromJuncC82To'theOldRest';CommonLane:GrangeLn Letchmore Heath, Radlett To Jade House (speed Signs); Back Lane: O/s Three Horse Shoes Ph; Back Lane: 'the Old Rest' To Common Ln Road Sections: 4U25/15/20/30/40 BelmontRoadThinSurfacing BusheyNorth CWY161248 SBelmontRoad:VernonRoadToEnd(westwardsToHse2) Bushey Road Sections: 4U16/30

BignellsCornerResurfacing PottersBarWestandShenley CWY17274 SBignellsCorner:LoopFromM25/a1RbtToExitOntoRbt South Mimms, Potters Bar Road Sections: C173/10

Coursers Road Surface Dressing Potters Bar West and Shenley, CWY16324 Road: Bdy Post CCoursers Fredricks Wood To High St Rbt; Coursers Road: Colney Heath The Colneys Bell Rbt To Bdy Post Fredricks Wood Road Sections: C175/30/40

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 164 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 48 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts Hertsmere Scheme Delivery Plan 89 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway Cranborne Industrial Estate Resurfacing Potters Bar West and Shenley CWY151871 Road: Corner CCranborne At Railway To Turning Head By Civic Waste S; Potters Bar Cranborne Road: Link Between Section 20 And 10 (past Units 1-25); Cranborne Road: Mutton Lane To Corner At The Railway Project Location : Rbt By No 92 And N-wards Road Sections: 4U266/10/20/30 Hastings Wy/Napier Dr/St Leonards Cl Thin Surfacing Bushey North Leonards CWY161225 Close: At End SSt Of Napier Dr From House 15 To House 14; Bushey Napier Drive: Bushey Grove Road To St Leonards Close; Hastings Way: Napier Drive To End Road Sections: 4U655/10 4U834/10 4U91/10 HeatherRise/DuncanWayThinSurfacing BusheyNorth CWY161222 SDuncanWay:BusheyMill LaneToPark Avenue;HeatherRise:Duncan Bushey Way To End Road Sections: 4U59/10 4U95/10 Koh-i-noor Avenue Thin Surfacing Bushey North, Bushey South I Noor CWY151530 Ave: High Street SKoh To Herkomer Road Bushey Road Sections: 4U112/10

Little Bushey Lane Resurfacing Bushey North, BusheySouth Bushey CWY161513 Lane: Elstree SLittle Rd To 40mph Signs Bushey Road Sections: 4U119/10

MelbourneRoadThinSurfacing BusheyNorth CWY161377 SMelbourneRoad:PalmerAvenueToBournehallLane Bushey Road Sections: 4U132/20

Newcome Road/Birchwood Thin Surfacing Potters Bar West and Shenley CWY161307 Road: Harris SNewcome Lane To End; Birchwood: Newcome Rd To End Shenley (house 37) Road Sections: 4U185/10 4U920/10 Packhorse Lane Surface Dressing Potters Bar West and Shenley CWY081342 Lane: Junc B556 WPackhorse To Junc Mimms Lane Ridge Road Sections: 4U77/10

SchubertRoadThinSurfacing Watling CWY151187 CSchubertRoad:SullivanWayToEnd Elstree Road Sections: 4U1012/10

ShenleyRoadLocalisedPatching BorehamwoodNorth, Road:CWY16996 A5135 Rbt SShenley To Road Eldon Road Rbt; Shenley Road: Eldon Borehamwood Borehamwood South Road Rbt To A5135 Rbt Road Sections: B5378/10/11

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 165 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 49 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts Hertsmere Scheme Delivery Plan 89 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway Strafford Gate Resurfacing Potters Bar East Gate:CWY151229 Byng Drive SStrafford To The Walk Rbt Potters Bar Road Sections: 4U372/10

TheCausewayThinSurfacing PottersBarEast CWY161071 STheCauseway:ServiceRoadFromCoopersLaneToTorringtonDrive Potters Bar Road Sections: C114/20

The Drive Thin Surfacing Potters Bar East, Potters Bar Drive:CWY161013 Heather Way SThe To Mutton Lane Potters Bar West and Shenley Road Sections: 4U273/20

TheRuttsResurfacing BusheySouth CWY161512 STheRutts:HighRoadToRutherfordWay Bushey Road Sections: 4U658/10

Theobalds Lane Resurfacing Borehamwood North, CWY161511 Street: Shenley STheobald Road To 40mph Sign Borehamwood Borehamwood South Road Sections: C85/30

Titian Avenue/Windmill Street Thin Surfacing Bushey South Street:CWY14720 Windmill CWindmill Lane To Titian Ave; Titian Avenue: Windmill Bushey Street To Elstree Road Road Sections: 4U203/10 4U221/10 Trotters Bottom Reconstruction Potters Bar West and Shenley Bottom: CWY15088 St Albans STrotters Road Rbt To Galley Lane Potters Bar Road Sections: C115/20

York Crescent Resurfacing Borehamwood South Crescent: CWY151121 Rowley LaneSYork To Elstree Way Borehamwood Road Sections: 4U370/10

Local Drainage Aldenham Rd/Little Bushey Ln Drainage Works Bushey North Bushey DRN13056 Lane: 40mph CLittle Signs To Junc B462 Aldenham Road; Bushey Aldenham Road: The Avenue Rbt To Little Bushey Ln Project Location : By Bushey Mill Lane Crossroads And Leisure Centre Road Sections: 4U119/20 B462/60 Allum Lane Drainage Works Borehamwood North, DRN14034 Hill Road: Barnet WDeacons Lane To Allum Lane; Allum Lane: Deacons Hill Borehamwood Borehamwood South, Watling Rd To Theobald St; Deacons Close: Off Deacons Hill Road To End Road Sections: 4U518/10 4U519/10 B5378/4

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 166 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 50 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts Hertsmere Scheme Delivery Plan 89 schemes Maintenance Local Drainage Primrose Lane Drainage Investigation Bushey North, Watling DRN13032 Lane: Aldenham ISummerhouse Boundary To Grange Lane; Grange Lane: Round Bush, Radlett Deres By Aldenham Cott To Summerhouse Ln; Primrose Lane: Grange Ln To Signpost At Junction With Round Bush ; Primrose Lane: Guide Post By Round Bush Lane To B462 Radlett Road Road Sections: 4U196/30 C82/170/180/190 ShenleyHillDrainageWorks Watling DRN14033 SCanonsClose:LoopForHouse8To28;CanonsClose:Newberries Radlett Avenue To Loop By House 8; Newberries Avenue: Shenley Hill To Craigweil Ave; Shenley Hill: Watling Street To Williams Way Project Location : Opposite No 1 To 5 Road Sections: 4U407/10/20 4U445/10 C84/10

Member Highway Locality Budget AlbanCrescentThinSurfacing BorehamwoodNorth MEM16152 MAlbanCrescent:Opposite39CrownRdToOpposite109CrownRoad Borehamwood Project Location : 0 Road Sections: 4U469/10 Arundel Drive Resurfacing Borehamwood South Drive: MEM16156 Furzehill MArundel Road To Manor Way Borehamwood Project Location : 0 Road Sections: 4U474/10 AstonWayFootwayReconstruction PottersBarEast MEM16050 MChaceAvenue:ChaceAveToAstonWay Potters Bar Road Sections: 4F287/10

Balmoral Drive Resurfacing Borehamwood South MEM16157Drive: Ripon Way MBalmoral To Newark Green Borehamwood Project Location : 0 Road Sections: 4U482/10 BeamishDriveResurfacing BusheySouth MEM16167 MBeamishDrive:FinucaneRiseToTheComyns Bushey Project Location : 0 Road Sections: 4U12/10 BearwoodCloseFootwayReconstruction PottersBarEast MEM16051 MBearwoodClose:TheCausewayToTheSpinney Potters Bar Road Sections: 4U85/10

Blanche Lane / Crossoaks Lane Roundabout Potters Bar West and Shenley Lane: MEM16007 Crossoaks MBlanche Ln Rbt Resurfacing Road Sections: C155/25 South Mimms

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 167 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 51 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts Hertsmere Scheme Delivery Plan 89 schemes Maintenance Member Highway Locality Budget BournehallAvenueResurfacing BusheyNorth MEM16161 MBournehallAvenue:HerkomerRoadToHomefieldRoad Bushey Project Location : 0 Road Sections: 4U644/10 BrookeWayThinSurfacing BusheySouth MEM16164 MBrookeWay:RichfieldRoadToEnd(house37) Bushey Project Location : 0 Road Sections: 4U28/10 CaishoweRoadOverlay BorehamwoodNorth MEM16154 MCaishoweRoad:FromHartfordeRoadToOddeseyRoad Borehamwood Project Location : 0 Road Sections: 4U499/10 Cambridge Drive Carriageway Resurfacing Potters Bar West and Shenley MEM16004 Drive: Auckland MCambridge Road To Mimms Hall Road Potters Bar Road Sections: 4U254/10

CherryTreeLaneFootwayReconstruction PottersBarEast MEM16053 MCherryTreeLane:SunnybankRoadToA1000 Potters Bar Road Sections: 4F301/10

Christchurch Crescent Resurfacing Watling MEM16169 Crescent: MChristchurch Loom Place To Aldenham Avenue Radlett Project Location : 0 Road Sections: 4U408/10 ClydesdaleCloseThinSurfacing BorehamwoodSouth MEM16158 MClydesdaleClose:OffFarriersWayToDalesPath(byHouse45) Borehamwood Project Location : 0 Road Sections: 4U831/10 Coldharbour Lane Resurfacing Bushey North, BusheySouth MEM16162 Lane: Herkomer MColdharbour Rd To Little Bushey Lane Bushey Project Location : 0 Road Sections: 4U50/10 Easton Gardens Thin Surfacing Borehamwood South Gardens: MEM16159 End To MEaston Howard Drive; Easton Gardens: Howard Drive To Borehamwood Wansford Park Project Location : 0 Road Sections: 4U523/10/20 GarrattsRoadResurfacing BusheySouth MEM16168 MGarrattsRoad:RichfieldRoadToCoombeRoad Bushey Project Location : 0 Road Sections: 4U71/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 168 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 52 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts Hertsmere Scheme Delivery Plan 89 schemes Maintenance Member Highway Locality Budget GolfCloseFootwaySurfaceTreatment BusheyNorth MEM16163 MGolfClose:ParkAveToEnd Bushey Project Location : 0 Road Sections: 4U79/10 GrangeLaneMajorPatching Watling MEM16173 MGrangeLane:CommonLnToSpeedLimitAldenhamCott;GrangeLane: Letchmore Heath, Radlett Deres By Aldenham Cott To Summerhouse Ln Project Location : 0 Road Sections: C82/160/170 KnowlWayOverlay Watling MEM16170 MKnowlWay:AllumLaneToLodgeAve Elstree Project Location : 0 Road Sections: 4U559/10 Ladbrooke Drive Footway Reconstruction Potters Bar East MEM16054 Drive: Strafford MLadbrooke Gate To Highfield Way Rbt Potters Bar Road Sections: 4U317/10

LodgeAvenueOverlay Watling MEM16171 MLodgeAvenue:AllumLaneToEnd Elstree Project Location : 0 Road Sections: 4U568/10 Oakroyd Close FootwayReconstruction Potters BarEast Close:Oakroyd MEM16055 MOakroyd Avenue To End;Oakroyd Close:Turning Circle Potters Bar Road Sections: 4U342/10/20

Oddesey RoadOverlay BorehamwoodNorth MEM16155 MOddeseyRoad:HartfordeRoadToCrownRoad Borehamwood Project Location : 0 Road Sections: 4U589/10 Sparrows Herne Footway Surface Treatment Bushey South MEM16166 Herne: Elstree MSparrows Road To School Lane Bushey Project Location : 0 Road Sections: A411/160 StJohnsCloseFootwayReconstruction PottersBarEast MEM16056 MStJohnsClose:OffHighViewGardensToEnd Potters Bar Road Sections: 4U602/10

SuffolkCloseThinSurfacing BorehamwoodSouth MEM16160 MSuffolkClose:ClydesdaleCloseToEnd Borehamwood Project Location : 0 Road Sections: 4U242/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 169 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 53 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts Hertsmere Scheme Delivery Plan 89 schemes Maintenance Member Highway Locality Budget The Grove Footway Reconstruction Potters Bar East Grove: MEM16052 The Grove To MThe High View Gardens Potters Bar Road Sections: 4F281/10

Watling Knoll Thin Surfacing Watling Knoll: MEM16172 Off Watling MWatling Street (no 9 To No 1) Radlett Project Location : 0 Road Sections: 4U463/20 Wellesley Crescent Footway Reconstruction Potters Bar West and Shenley MEM16005 Crescent: Dugdale MWellesley Hill Lane To Santers Lane Potters Bar Road Sections: 4U390/10

Woodhall Lane Footway Reconstruction Potters Bar West and Shenley MEM16006 Lane: End Of MWoodhall Road At Woodhall Farm To Junc Green St; Borehamwood Woodhall Lane: Junc Green St To Junc London Rd Road Sections: 4U35/10 B5378/60 WoodpeckerCloseThinSurfacing BusheySouth MEM16165 MWoodpeckerClose:WrenCrescentToEnd Bushey Project Location : 0 Road Sections: 4U225/10 Integrated Transport Programme Integrated Transport Programme BakerStreetSpeedComplianceScheme PottersBarEast,PottersBar Street:ITP14056 30 Mph Sign SBaker To Junct Mutton Lane Potters Bar West and Shenley Road Sections: C116/30 Comments Project Description: Scheme to help reduce excesss speed in the 30mph section of Baker Street. As per Potters Bar UTP Bus Stop Clearway Lining Programme 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16042 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 170 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 54 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts Hertsmere Scheme Delivery Plan 89 schemes Integrated Transport Programme Integrated Transport Programme Bus Stop Shelter and Clearway Programme 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16030 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Bus Stop Upgrades Programme 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16041 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Elstree Crossroads Improvements Watling Street: ITP12055 Barnet Lane WHigh To Lamp Post No 31; Barnet Lane: Deacons Hill Elstree Rd To High St (a5183); Watford Road: High St(a5183)to Speed Rest Sign; Comments Project Description: To optimise the capacity of the existing junction High Street: Stuart Close To Barnet Lane Road Sections: A411/50/60 A5183/18/25 ITS Strategy Works BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16033 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 171 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 55 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts Hertsmere Scheme Delivery Plan 89 schemes Integrated Transport Programme Integrated Transport Programme Real Time Passenger Information Delivery BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16032 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

School Crossing Patrol Sites 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16036 Broxbourne IBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

SRTS Small Works pilot Delivery 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16035 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 172 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 56 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts Hertsmere Scheme Delivery Plan 89 schemes Integrated Transport Programme Traffic Contol and Information Systems Bushey Hall Rd/Nr Greatham Rd S405 Signal Bushey North Hall TIS16016 Road: East SBushey Side Railway Br'd To The Ave Rbt Refurbishment Road Sections: 4U308/10 Bushey

High St/Nr Melbourne Rd(Golf Cntr) S071 Signal BusheySouth Street: TIS15002 School Ln To SHigh FalconerRd Refurbishment Road Sections: A411/170 Bushey

High St/Nr The Walk(Ladbrooke Sch) S393 Signal Potters Bar East Street: TIS16013 Junc Hatfield SHigh Rd S'th To Junc Mutton Ln Refurbishment Road Sections: A1000/270 Potters Bar

Real Time Passenger Information Delivery 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), TIS16018 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Southgate Rd/Nr High View Gardens S385 Signal Potters Bar East TIS16010 Road: Junc A1000 SSouthgate To Rbt At Junc 24 At M25 Refurbishment Road Sections: A111/5 Potters Bar Safety & Movement Casualty Reduction A41 Tylers Way j/w Sandy Lane Watford Casualty Bushey North Lane: SAR16001 Little Bushey SSandy Lane To A41 Tylers Way; Elton Way: Sandy Reduction Proposals Lane To Hartspring Lane Rbt Bushey Project Location : 0 Road Sections: 4U660/10 A41/258

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 173 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 57 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts Hertsmere Scheme Delivery Plan 89 schemes Safety & Movement Casualty Reduction Mid Herts Mass Action Sites HERTSMERE (District wide), ST SAR16012 Hertsmere Area; SHertsmere: St Albans: St Albans Area; Welwyn Hatfield: ALBANS (District wide), Welwyn Hatfield Area WELWYN HATFIELD (District Road Sections: HE/0 SA/0 WH/0 wide

Safety 17/18 Scheme Preperation and Early Deilvery BROXBOURNE (District wide), SAR16013 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Skid Resistance County Wide Sites BROXBOURNE (District wide), SAR16014 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA Mid Herts St Albans Scheme Delivery Plan 135 schemes

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 174 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 58 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts St Albans Scheme Delivery Plan 135 schemes

Commissioning Records SRTS Small Works Prep 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), COM16009 Broxbourne IBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA Maintenance A Road Programme HatfieldRoadLocalisedPatching St.AlbansCentral ARP17178 SHatfieldRoad:A1081/a4147RbtToJuncClarenceRoad St Albans Road Sections: A1057/10

HemelHempsteadRoadResurfacing St.AlbansSouth ARP16105 SKingHarryLaneRoundabout:HemelHempsteadRd/kingHarryLnRbt Verulamium, St Albans Road Sections: A4147/180

North Orbital Road Reconstruction The Colneys Orbital ARP16131 Road: Colney SNorth Heath Longabout To White Horse Lane St Albans Road Sections: A414/072

North Orbital Road Surface Dressing St. Albans East, The Colneys Orbital ARP15205 Road: Highfield WNorth Lane To Colney Heath Longabout; North St Albans Orbital Road: London Colney Roundabout To Highfield Lane Road Sections: A414/047/062 North Orbital Road Surface Dressing St Stephen's Orbital ARP15217 Lane: Noke WNorth Hotel Roundabout To Tipendell Lane Rbt; North Chiswell Green Orbital Road: Tipendell Rbt To The Noke Rbt Road Sections: A405/054/055 North Orbital Road Surface Dressing St. Albans East, St. Albans OrbitalARP15215 Road: B5378 WNorth Offslip To B5378 Onlslip (eastbound); North St Albans South, The Colneys Orbital Road: Eb Onslip From B5378 To London Colney Rbt; North Orbital Road: Park Street Rbt To Start Of B5378 Eb Offslip Road Sections: A414/007/030/037

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 175 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 59 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts St Albans Scheme Delivery Plan 135 schemes Maintenance A Road Programme North Orbital Road Surface Dressing St Stephen's, St. Albans East, OrbitalARP15258 Road: London WNorth Colney Rbt To Shenley Lane Spur Opposite St Albans The Colneys Nu; North Orbital Road: Shenley Lane Spur Opp Nursery To Park Street Round Road Sections: A414/017/040 North Orbital Road Surface Dressing St. Albans East, The Colneys Orbital ARP15216 Road: Colney WNorth Heath Longabout To White Horse Lane; North St Albans Orbital Road: White Horse Lane To London Colney Rbt Road Sections: A414/052/072

Bridges & Structures Programme Bridge Reactive Joint Scheme 1 BROXBOURNE (District wide), BRG16016 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Bridge Reactive Joint Scheme 2 BROXBOURNE (District wide), BRG16017 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 176 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 60 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts St Albans Scheme Delivery Plan 135 schemes Maintenance Bridges & Structures Programme Parapet Refurbishment Works BROXBOURNE (District wide), BRG16018 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

TippendellFootbridgeHCCNo.841 StStephen's BRG16005 SNorthOrbitalLane:NokeHotelRoundaboutToTipendellLaneRbt;North Chiswell Green Orbital Road: Tipendell Rbt To The Noke Rbt Road Sections: A405/054/055

Local Carriageway AdmiralsWalkThinSurfacing St.AlbansEast CWY161263 SAdmiralsWalk:DrakesDrToStVincentsDr St Albans Road Sections: 6U12/10

Ambrose Lane Local Resurfacing and Surface Harpenden North East, CWY15029 Lane: Junc Cooters WAmbrose End Ln To Junc Hollybush Ln Dressing Harpenden South West Road Sections: 6U564/10 Harpenden

Annables Lane Surface Dressing St. Albans Rural CWY13200 Lane: J/w Watery CAnnables Ln To J/w Kinsbourne Green Ln Kinsbourne Green Road Sections: 6U58/40

ApproachRoadThinSurfacing St.AlbansSouth CWY151389 SApproachRoad:JuncRamsburyRdToLondonRdA1081 St Stephens, St Albans Road Sections: 6U35/10

ArmstrongCloseThinSurfacing TheColneys CWY161916 SArmstrongClose:WillowsideToEndOsNos11And8 London Colney Road Sections: 6U1545/10

AshleyGardensThinSurfacing HarpendenNorthEast CWY161323 SAshleyGardens:J/wYeomansAveToJ/wRoundwoodLane Harpenden Road Sections: 6U570/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 177 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 61 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts St Albans Scheme Delivery Plan 135 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway Ayres End Lane Surface Dressing St. Albans Rural End CWY151787 Lane: From Ferrers CAyres Ln To Pipers Ln Ayres End, Wheathampstead Road Sections: 6U17/20

BeaumontAvenueThinSurfacing St.AlbansCentral CWY151365 CStJohnsCourt:BeaumontAvenueToEnd(outsideHouse14);StJohns St Albans Court: Main Section To End (outside House 33); St Johns Court: No 69 To No 38 Road Sections: 6U467/10/20/30 BowerHeathSurfaceDressing St.AlbansRural CWY151800 CBowerHeath:BowerHeathLnToCommonLn Harpenden Road Sections: 6U103/10

Cell Barnes Lane Thin Surfacing St. Albans East Barnes CWY151274 Lane: Posts CCell By Community Centre To Drakes Drive Colney Heath, St Albans Road Sections: 6U207/120

Cherry Tree Lane Surface Dressing Hemel Hempstead East, Hemel TreeCWY151762 Lane: Buncefield CCherry Ln/three Cherry Tr Ln To B487 Hemel Hempstead Hempstead North East, St. Road Sections: 6U116/10 Albans Rural

CodicoteRoadResurfacing St.AlbansRural CWY161107 SCodicoteRoad:CoryWrightWayToRbtWithB651 Wheathampstead Road Sections: B653/140

Coles Lane/Kennel Lane Surface Dressing Bridgewater, St. Albans Rural Lane: CWY151318 Chad Ln To CColes Silver Birches 180m East Of M1; Coles Lane: Dist Harpenden Bdy(track On Lhs 150m Se Gibraltar Ln) To Jun; Kennel Lane: Junct Coles Ln To Junct Kinsbourne Grn Road Sections: 2U61/10 6U59/10 6U61/30 CommonLaneSurfaceDressing St.AlbansRural CWY161006 CCommonLane:6u103BowerHeathToB652KimptonBottom Harpenden Road Sections: 6U1/40

ConnaughtRoadThinSurfacing St.AlbansNorth CWY16016 CConnaughtRoad:Cul-de-sacOffBeckettsAve Batchwood, St Albans Road Sections: 6U227/10

CornwallRoadThinSurfacing St.AlbansSouth CWY161206 SCornwallRoad:JuncRiversideRdToJuncLondonRd St Stephens, St Albans Road Sections: 6U229/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 178 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 62 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts St Albans Scheme Delivery Plan 135 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway CottonmillCrescentThinSurfacing St.AlbansSouth CWY161538 SCottonmillCrescent:JuncCottonmillLaneToJuncThorpeLane St Albans Road Sections: 6U231/10

Coursers Road Surface Dressing Potters Bar West and Shenley, CWY16324 Road: Bdy Post CCoursers Fredricks Wood To High St Rbt; Coursers Road: Colney Heath The Colneys Bell Rbt To Bdy Post Fredricks Wood Road Sections: C175/30/40 CrossLaneLocalisedPatching HarpendenSouthWest CWY161191 SCrossLane:RailwayBridgeNrRr4WensleyClToWelbeckRise Harpenden Road Sections: 6U623/30

Cross Lane/East Common Surface Dressing Harpenden South West Lane: CWY161205 30 Mph Sign WCross To Railway Bridge; East Common: Cross Lane Harpenden To Limbrick Road; Cross Lane: St Albans Road To 30 Mph Sign Road Sections: 6U623/10/20 6U636/20 DykeLaneSurfaceDressing St.AlbansRural CWY15138 CDykeLane:JunctTheHillTo30mphSign;DykeLane:SpeedRestSignTo Wheathampstead Junvt Marford Rd Road Sections: 6U45/10/20 EdwardCloseThinSurfacing St.AlbansCentral CWY151582 SEdwardClose:JuncFloraGreenToEndOfCulDeSac St Albans Road Sections: 6U256/10

Everlasting Lane Thin Surfacing St. Albans North CWY16113 Lane: Waverley CEverlasting Rd To Batchwood Dr New Greens, St Albans Road Sections: 6U263/20

Frobisher Road Thin Surfacing St. Albans East, The Colneys CWY161932 Road: Cut Thru SFrobisher Hill End Lane To Drakes Dr Colney Heath, St Albans Road Sections: 6U279/10

Furzebushes Lane/Chiswell Green Lane Surface St Stephen's, St. Albans Rural CWY12245 Lane: From WFurzebushes Junct Gn La To Junct Hall; Chiswell Green Lane: Dressing Watford Rd To Furzebushes Lane Chiswell Green, St Albans Road Sections: 6U40/20 6U938/10 Gaddesden Lane Surface Dressing Bridgewater, St. Albans Rural CWY16208 Lane: 30mph CGaddesden Signs To Junc With Hemel Hemp'd Rd; Redbourn Gaddesden Lane: Junc Holtsmere Ln To 30 Mph Signs Road Sections: C66/60/70 HaddonCourtThinSurfacing HarpendenSouthWest CWY15644 CHaddonCourt:ShakespereAveToHaddonCourt Harpenden Road Sections: 6U660/20

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 179 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 63 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts St Albans Scheme Delivery Plan 135 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway HeydonsCloseThinSurfacing St.AlbansNorth CWY151481 CHeydonsClose:Cul-de-sacOffTownsendDr Batchwood, St Albans Road Sections: 6U319/10

HighAshRoadThinSurfacing St.AlbansRural CWY151482 SHighAshRoad:JuncAmwellLnToEndOfRd Wheathampstead Road Sections: 6U143/10

Highfield Lane Thin Surfacing The Colneys Lane:CWY18037 North Orbital SHighfield Road To Highfield Park Drive Colney Heath, St Albans Road Sections: C97/30

HillDykeRoadThinSurfacing St.AlbansRural CWY17404 SHillDykeRoad:SpurFromHillDykeRdToGarages Wheathampstead Road Sections: 6U1144/20

Hill Farm Lane Surface Dressing St. Albans Rural Farm CWY151851Lane: Hill Farm CHill To A5183 Redbourn Rd Redbourn Road Sections: 6U64/10

HoggEndLaneSurfaceDressing St.AlbansRural CWY15560 CHoggEndLane:CherryTreeLn/greenLnToSouthEndLn Redbourn Road Sections: 6U52/5

HowWood/PennRoadResurfacing StStephen's CWY161515 SHowWood:J/wFairwayCloseToJ/wParkStLane;PennRoad:J/w Park Street, St Albans Tippendale Ln To J/w Fairway Close Road Sections: 6U964/10 6U997/10 Howard Close Thin Surfacing St. Albans East Close: CWY15703 No Thru CHoward Rd Off Frobisher Rd Colney Heath, St Albans Road Sections: 6U331/10

JerseyLaneThinSurfacing Sandridge,St.AlbansNorth CWY16147 CJerseyLane:JuncMarshalswickLnToEndCul-de-sac St Albans Road Sections: 6U154/10

KempeCloseThinSurfacing St.AlbansSouth CWY151465 SKempeClose:Cul-de-sacOffWatlingView St Stephens, St Albans Road Sections: 6U341/10

Kimpton Bottom Surface Dressing Knebworth and Codicote, St. Bottom:CWY141091 District WKimpton Boundary (animal Welfare Ctr) To 30 Mph S; Bower Heath Albans Rural Kimpton Bottom: Plummers Ln To Dist Bdy (animal Welfare Ctr) Project Location : District Boundary (animal Welfare Ctr) To 30 Mph S Road Sections: B652/120/210

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 180 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 64 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts St Albans Scheme Delivery Plan 135 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway Kinsbourne Green Lane Surface Dressing St. Albans Rural CWY161130 Green Lane: CKinsbourne Junc Annables Ln To A1081 Luton Rd Kinsbourne Green Road Sections: C63/70

Kinsbourne Lane/Luton Lane Surface Dressing St. Albans Rural Lane: CWY151911 Junct Bypass CLuton To Bridleway Opposite Luton Road Name; Redbourn Kinsbourne Green Lane: Luton Ln To Junc Annables Ln Road Sections: C63/50/60 Lower Luton Road Surface Dressing Harpenden North East, St. LutonCWY151750 Road: Marshalls CLower Heath Ln To 30mph Signs (near Common Lan Wheathampstead Albans Rural Road Sections: B653/180

LowerPaxtonRoadThinSurfacing St.AlbansCentral CWY16287 CLowerPaxtonRoad:HammerheadAtEndOfPaxtonRd St Albans Road Sections: 6U370/10

Marquis Lane Surface Dressing Harpenden North East, St. Lane:CWY151521 Cul-de-sac CMarquis To Crabtree Lane Harpenden Albans Rural Road Sections: 6U714/10

MayneAvenueResurfacing St.AlbansSouth CWY161411 SMayneAvenue:JunctWestfieldsToJunctKingHarryLn St Albans Road Sections: 6U400/10

Orchard Close Thin Surfacing St. Albans East Close: CWY161314 Cul-de-sac SOrchard Off Collindale Ln Hammerhead St Albans Road Sections: 6U424/10

ParkRiseCloseThinSurfacing HarpendenNorthEast CWY151032 SParkRiseClose:ParkRiseToHarpendenRise Harpenden Road Sections: 6U749/10

Paxton Road Thin Surfacing St. Albans Central Road: CWY15668 Cul-de-sac CPaxton Off Waton Walk St Albans Road Sections: 6U434/10

Pipers Lane Surface Dressing Harpenden South West, St. Lane:CWY151003 Junct Cross CPipers Ln To Harpenden Rd; Pipers Lane: Slip Rd Harpenden Albans Rural Pipers Ln To Wheat Rd Road Sections: 6U46/20/30 Plummers Lane Surface Dressing Knebworth and Codicote, St. Green:CWY15076 C45 To Junc CThe With Hyde Lane; Plummers Lane: District Bdy Bower Heath, Wheathampstead Albans Rural (rupp 8/50) To B652 Kimpton Bottom; Plummers Lane: Junc Hyde Lane To District Bdy (rupp 50/8) Road Sections: 5U167/10/20 6U167/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 181 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 65 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts St Albans Scheme Delivery Plan 135 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway Porters End Lane Surface Dressing Knebworth and Codicote, St. EndCWY151827 Lane: C96 CPorters To District Boundary; Porters End Lane: District Kimpton Albans Rural Boundary To Sauncy Wood Lane Road Sections: 5U2/10 6U2/10 PunchBowlLaneSurfaceDressing St.AlbansRural CWY151828 CPunchBowlLane:JuncSouthendLnToA5183RedbournRd Redbourn Road Sections: 6U91/40

RamsburyRoadThinSurfacing St.AlbansSouth CWY151012 SRamsburyRoad:No2ToCornwallRoad St Stephens, St Albans Road Sections: 6U448/20

Repton Green Thin Surfacing St. Albans North Green: CWY15661 Therfield CRepton Road To Birchmead Close St Albans Road Sections: 6U1439/10

Shakespeare Road Thin Surfacing Harpenden South West CWY151608 Road: Milton CShakespeare Road To Cowper Road Harpenden Road Sections: 6U783/10

SkysWoodRoadThinSurfacing Sandridge CWY161539 SSkysWoodRoad:TheRidgewayToSherwoodAve St Albans Road Sections: 6U1049/10

Someries Road Estate Thin Surfacing Harpenden North East Close: CWY161928 Junct Sommerles SSaxon Road To End; Barley Rise: Northfield Road Harpenden To End; Dane Close: Someries Rd To End Cul De Sac; Turners Close: Somers Rd To End Cul-de-sac Road Sections: 6U1567/10 6U627/10 6U782/10 6U808/10 Station Road Major Patching/Anti Skid Harpenden North East, Road:CWY151922 A1081 To CStation Lower Luton Road Harpenden Harpenden South West Road Sections: B652/10

TheCommonSurfaceDressing St.AlbansRural CWY13032 WTheCommon:JuncKinsbourneGrnLnToA1081LutonRd Kinsbourne Green Road Sections: 6U58/50

TheParkMajorPatching St.AlbansRural CWY161942 SThePark:HammerheadBetweenHseNos56-60;ThePark:ParkOfCul- Redbourn de-sac B/t Nos 36-40; The Park: Part Of Cul-de-sac B/t Nos 51-55 & 61-65 Road Sections: 6U1131/40/50/90 Townsend Drive Thin Surfacing St. Albans Central, St. Albans CWY161026 Drive: Harpenden STownsend Rd Junct To Junct Waverley Dr St Albans North Road Sections: 6U507/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 182 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 66 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts St Albans Scheme Delivery Plan 135 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway WatfordRoadThinSurfacing StStephen's CWY161332 CWatfordRoad:ServiceRoadForHouses403-407 Chiswell Green, St Albans Road Sections: 6U1798/70

WatlingViewThinSurfacing St.AlbansSouth CWY161333 SWatlingView:SpurToGaragesBehindHouses65To55 St Albans Road Sections: 6U529/40

Watsons Walk Resurfacing St. Albans Central, St. Albans CWY19539 Walk: Old London SWatsons Rd To London Rd St Albans South Road Sections: C142/30

WestRiding/LyeLaneResurfacing StStephen's CWY161514 SWestRiding:J/wMountPleasantLaneToJ/wLyeLane;LyeLane:Station Bricket Wood, St Albans Rd To Junc West Riding Road Sections: 6U1020/10 C79/10 WillowWayThinSurfacing StStephen's CWY151104 CWillowWay:No2WillowWayToEndNearHseNo38 Chiswell Green, St Albans Road Sections: 6U1023/10

Local Drainage Beesonend Lane Drainage Works Harpenden South West, St. DRN14024 Lane: Speed CBeesonend Rest'n Sign To Burywick; Beesonend Lane: West Harpenden Albans Rural Bridge At Mill To Speed Rest'n Sign(back Corn Project Location : Junc Burywick Road Sections: 6U53/20/25 Harness Way/Briar Road Drainage Investigation Sandridge, St. Albans North Way: DRN16005 First Cul-de-sac IHarness On Lhs Off Section 10; Ardens Way: Junct Jersey Farm, St Albans Barnfield To Junct Briar Rd; Briar Road: Junct The Ridgeway To End Cul- de-sac; The Ridgeway: Loop Off Marshalswick Ln (house 1b To The Quadrant; Harness Way: Side Of 19 Harness Way To Rear 10 The Le Road Sections: 6F308/10 6U1030/10 6U1360/40 6U38/10 6U465/10 Luton Road Drainage Works Harpenden North East, Common:DRN06060 Junc Kinsbourne WThe Grn Ln To A1081 Luton Rd; Luton Road: Town Centre, Harpenden Harpenden South West, St. Lamp Column 405 To County Boundary Opposite Ph; Roundwood Lane: N Albans Rural Sect Triangle At Kinsbourn Grn Ln Junc; Luton Road: Opp P.hse To Derest; Luton Road: Sun Lane To Lamp Column 405 (homedell House) Project Location : Junction With Ridgewood Drive Road Sections: 6U57/10 6U58/50 A1081/270/280/290

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 183 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 67 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts St Albans Scheme Delivery Plan 135 schemes Maintenance Local Drainage Redbourn Lane Drainage Harpenden South West, St. DRN13022 Lane: A5183 CRedbourn Roundabout To Side Of House 2 Oakfield Road; Hatching Green, Redbourn Albans Rural Redbourn Lane: Side Of House 2 Oakfield Rd To A1081 Roundabout Road Sections: B487/340/350 Redbourn Road Drainage Works St. Albans North, St. Albans DRN14027 Road: Oysterfields CRedbourn To Batchwood Drive Roundabout Verulamium, St Albans South Road Sections: A5183/310

SalisburyAvenue Drainage Investigation St. Albans Central DRN16004 Eaton ISalisburyAvenue: Rd To Junct At Beaumont Ave No 2; Salisbury St Albans Avenue: No 49 To No 64 (south Tee Junct To Ne T) Road Sections: 6U478/10/20 Station Road Drainage Works Harpenden North East, Road:DRN10037 A1081 To WStation Lower Luton Road; Victoria Road: Bowers Way To Harpenden Harpenden South West Station Rd; Southdown Road: Bull Road To End (turning Circle); Arden Grove: Lower Southdown Road To T Junct; Arden Grove: Station Road To Cul-dea-sac Road Sections: 6U567/10/20 6U705/10 6U813/10 B652/10 UpperHeathRoadDrainageWorks St.AlbansNorth DRN14030 WUpperHeathRoad:BoundaryRoadNorthToNo47 St Albans Road Sections: 6U315/20

Local Footway Aldwick Road Footway Micro Harpenden South West, St. Road:FWY16046 Greenway SAldwick To Wheathampstead Road Harpenden Albans Rural Road Sections: 6U560/10

Batford Road Footway Micro Harpenden North East Road: FWY16029 Lower Luton SBatford Road To Batford Road Harpenden Road Sections: 6U579/20

DownEdgeFootwayMicro St.AlbansRural FWY16027 SDownEdge:LyburyLaneToHammerheadBuHouse68 Redbourn Road Sections: 6U1182/10

Eastmoor Park Footway Micro Harpenden South West FWY16047 Park: Cravealls SEastmoor Road To End (opp House 55); Eastmoor Park: Harpenden Spur For Houses 118 To 122 Road Sections: 6U638/10/20 HughendenRoadFootwayMicro Sandridge FWY16067 SHughendenRoad:JunctSherwoodAveToJunctTheRidgeway St Albans Road Sections: 6U335/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 184 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 68 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts St Albans Scheme Delivery Plan 135 schemes Maintenance Local Footway Station Road Footway Reconstruction Harpenden North East, Road:FWY16084 A1081 To SStation Lower Luton Road Harpenden Harpenden South West Road Sections: B652/10

TheBroadwayFootwayMicro St.AlbansRural FWY16030 STheBroadway:JuncTheSlypeTo63mEastOfBrownfieldWay Gustardwood, Blackmore End Road Sections: 6U80/10

Member Highway Locality Budget AugustasCloseThinSurfacing St.AlbansSouth MEM16245 MAugustusClose:JunctMayneAveToEndCul-de-sac;AugustusClose: St Albans Junct Section 10 To End Cul-de-sac Road Sections: 6U60/10/20 Avenue Road Footway Reconstruction St. Albans Central Road: MEM16255 Junct Stonecross MAvenue To Junct Lemsford Rd St Albans Road Sections: 6U56/10

Brackendale Grove Footway Reconstruction Harpenden North East MEM16362 Grove: Ashley MBrackendale Gardens To End (between Houses 27 And 38) Harpenden Road Sections: 6U584/10

Brocket View Resurfacing St. Albans Rural View: MEM16344 Junct Marford MBrocket Rd To End Of Rd Wheathampstead Road Sections: 6U1254/10

Broomleys Footway Reconstruction Sandridge MEM16355 Junct Barnfield MBroomleys: Rd To End Cul-de-sac St Albans Road Sections: 6U1031/10

Butterfield Road Footway Reconstruction St. Albans Rural MEM16339 Road: Spur From MButterfield Opp No 7 To End Of Rd Wheathampstead Road Sections: 6U88/20

Crabtree Lane Footway Reconstruction Harpenden North East Lane:MEM16361 Dalkeith MCrabtree Rd East To Marquis Lane Harpenden Road Sections: 6U619/30

EastmoorParkResurfacing HarpendenSouthWest MEM16275 MEastmoorPark:LimbrickRoadToOutsideNo2 Harpenden Road Sections: 6U638/50

Haslingdon Close Footway Reconstruction Harpenden North East MEM16360 Close: Ashley MHaslingdon Gardens To End (house 29); Ashley Gardens: Harpenden Ashley Gdns To Haslingdon Cl Road Sections: 6F381/10 6U663/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 185 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 69 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts St Albans Scheme Delivery Plan 135 schemes Maintenance Member Highway Locality Budget HillDykeRoadFootwayReconstruction St.AlbansRural MEM16340 MHillDykeRoad:JunctTheHillToJunctDykeLn Wheathampstead Road Sections: 6U1144/10

HillDykeRoadFootwaySurfaceTreatment St.AlbansRural MEM16342 MHillDykeRoad:JunctTheHillToJunctDykeLn Wheathampstead Road Sections: 6U1144/10

Lattimore Road Footway Reconstruction St. Albans Rural MEM16338 Road: Junc Butterfield MLattimore Rd To Junc Wick Ave Wheathampstead Road Sections: 6U158/10

Linden Crescent Footway Reconstruction St. Albans East Crescent: MEM16329 Cul-de-sac MLinden Off Crescent; Linden Crescent: West J/w Colney Heath, St Albans Oakdene Way To East J/w Oakdene Road Sections: 6U364/10/20 London Road Footway Reconstruction St. Albans Central, St. Albans Road:MEM16254 Grosvenor MLondon Rd Rbt To Alma Rd Mini Rbt St Albans South Road Sections: A1081/65

MountPleasantResurfacing St.AlbansSouth MEM16250 MMountPleasant:BranchRoadToNewEnglandStreet St Albans Road Sections: 6U399/10

NelsonAvenueFootwayReconstruction St.AlbansEast MEM16363 MNelsonAvenue:FromJunctAdmiralsWalkToCellBarnes St Albans Road Sections: 6U404/10

New House Park Footway Reconstruction St. Albans East House MEM16364 Park: From MNew Junct Mile Hse Ln To Whitecroft St Stephens, St Albans Road Sections: 6U410/10

Nightingale Lane Resurfacing St. Albans East, The Colneys MEM16379 Lane:Junc MNightingale NOrbital Rd To Junc Hill End Lane Colney Heath, St Albans Road Sections: 6U413/10

Nightingale Lane Resurfacing St. Albans East, The Colneys MEM16393 Lane:Junc MNightingale NOrbital Rd To Junc Hill End Lane Colney Heath, St Albans Road Sections: 6U413/10

OakleyRoadResurfacing HarpendenSouthWest MEM16003 MOakleyRoad:BroadstoneRoadToGroveRoad Harpenden Road Sections: 6U737/20

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 186 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 70 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts St Albans Scheme Delivery Plan 135 schemes Maintenance Member Highway Locality Budget Oswald Road Footway Reconstruction St. Albans Central Road: MEM16249 Cul-de-sac MOswald Off Alma Rd St Albans Road Sections: 6U426/10

RuncieCloseResurfacing Sandridge MEM16357 MRuncieClose:JunctSlimmonsDrToEndCul-de-sac St Albans Road Sections: 6U1188/10

Sauncey Avenue Footway Reconstruction Harpenden North East Avenue:MEM16359 Stewart MSauncey Rd To Manland Ave Harpenden Road Sections: 6U781/20

SmallwoodCloseResurfacing St.AlbansRural MEM16277 MSmallwoodClose:JunctHillDykeRdToEndOfCul-de-sac Wheathampstead Road Sections: 6U1223/10

Snatchup Footway Reconstruction St. Albans Rural MEM16347 Junct Lords Meadow MSnatchup: To Long Cutt Junct Redbourn Road Sections: 6U198/10

St Albans Road Footway Reconstruction Sandridge, St. Albans North Albans MEM16356 Road: Sandridge MSt Rd To Sandridgebury Lane St Albans Road Sections: B651/110

WoodcockHillFootwayReconstruction Sandridge MEM16358 MWoodcockHill:HouseLaneToWelwynHatfieldDistrictBoundary Sandridge Road Sections: 6U26/10 Integrated Transport Programme Integrated Transport Programme Bus Stop Clearway Lining Programme 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16042 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 187 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 71 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts St Albans Scheme Delivery Plan 135 schemes Integrated Transport Programme Integrated Transport Programme Bus Stop Shelter and Clearway Programme 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16030 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Bus Stop Upgrades Programme 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16041 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

ITS Strategy Works BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16033 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Ox Lane Bridge Pedestrian Improvements Harpenden North East Lane: ITP14047 Westfield Rd To SOx End Harpenden Road Sections: 6U742/10 Comments Project Description: Siging and lining works to raise driver and pedestrian awareness at site under bridge. As per Harpenden UTP

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 188 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 72 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts St Albans Scheme Delivery Plan 135 schemes Integrated Transport Programme Integrated Transport Programme Real Time Passenger Information Delivery BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16032 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

School Crossing Patrol Sites 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16036 Broxbourne IBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

SRTS Small Works pilot Delivery 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16035 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 189 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 73 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts St Albans Scheme Delivery Plan 135 schemes Integrated Transport Programme Integrated Transport Programme Watford to St Albans/Harpenden to Watford Bus Stop Harpenden North East, Road:ITP16046 30 Mph By SWatford Noke Hotel To Dual Carriageway; Walkers Upgrades Harpenden South West, St Road: 40 Mph Sign To Southdown Road Mini Rbt; Harpenden Road: Harpenden Stephen's, St. Albans Central, 40mph Signs To Ayres End Lane; St Peters Street: A1081/a4147 Rbt To St. Albans North, St. Albans F/path Ent Nr B651; Harpenden Road: Beech Road To 40mph Signs; Rural, St. Albans South, Southdown Road: Bull Road To Mini Rbt At Grove Road; Holywell Hill: Woodside Stanborough Central Island To Griffiths Way Rbt; Watford Road: Ctr Of Bridge To Dual C/way; Luton Road: Derest To Junc Kinsbourne Green Lane; Watford Road: End Dual Carriageway To Junct A5183; St Albans - Harpenden Cycleway: Entr Childwick Green (bridleway 2) To Entr Stud Lo; St Albans - Harpenden Cycleway: Entr Stud Lodges To End Of Slip To Beesonend Ln (c; Kingsway North Orbital Road: Garston Longabout; Holywell Hill: Griffiths Way Rbt To End Of Central Isl; St Albans - Harpenden Cycleway: Hawkswick Lodge Farm Rd To Entr Childwick Grn (to ; Luton Road: Lamp Column 405 To County Boundary Opposite Ph; Market Place: Side Of 7 Market Place To Side 13 Cheque; Walkers Road: St Albans Road Rbt To 40mph Signs; Harpenden Road: Stone Cross Island To Beech Road; Luton Road: Sun Lane To Lamp Column 405 (homedell House); Queens Road: Walkers Road To Southdown Road; St Stephens Hill: Watford Rd Mini Rbt To Griffiths Way Rbt Road Sections: 6F73/10 6U759/10 6Y1081/30/50/60 A1081/110/120/130/140/270/280/300 A405/009 A5183/240/250/251 B4630/120/20/31 C93/10/20 C94/20

Traffic Contol and Information Systems Lower Luton Rd/Nr Pickford Hill S089 Signal Harpenden North East Luton TIS16001 Road: 30mph SLower Signs (nr Common Lane) To Bower Heath Lane Refurbishment Road Sections: B653/190 Batford, Harpenden

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 190 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 74 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts St Albans Scheme Delivery Plan 135 schemes Integrated Transport Programme Traffic Contol and Information Systems Real Time Passenger Information Delivery 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), TIS16018 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Watford Rd/Nr St Stephens Av S240 Signal St. Albans South Road: TIS15006 End Dual SWatford Carriageway To Junct A5183 Refurbishment Road Sections: B4630/120 St Albans Safety & Movement Casualty Reduction Mid Herts Mass Action Sites HERTSMERE (District wide), ST SAR16012 Hertsmere Area; SHertsmere: St Albans: St Albans Area; Welwyn Hatfield: ALBANS (District wide), Welwyn Hatfield Area WELWYN HATFIELD (District Road Sections: HE/0 SA/0 WH/0 wide

Safety 17/18 Scheme Preperation and Early Deilvery BROXBOURNE (District wide), SAR16013 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 191 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 75 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts St Albans Scheme Delivery Plan 135 schemes Safety & Movement Casualty Reduction Skid Resistance County Wide Sites BROXBOURNE (District wide), SAR16014 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA Mid Herts Welwyn Hatfield Scheme Delivery Plan 159 schemes

Commissioning Records SRTS Small Works Prep 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), COM16009 Broxbourne IBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 192 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 76 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts Welwyn Hatfield Scheme Delivery Plan 159 schemes Maintenance A Road Programme Comet Way Birchwood R'bt Resurfacing Hatfield Rural, Hatfield South Way: ARP16133 Travellers Lane SSouth Rbt To End Of A1001 Hatfield Road Sections: A1001/30

Comet Way Major Patching and Surface Dressing Hatfield North Way: ARP16046 Oldings Roundabout WComet To Birchwood Roundabout Hatfield Road Sections: A1001/010

CometWayResurfacing HatfieldNorth,HatfieldSouth ARP16135 SCometWay:BirchwoodRoundaboutToGalleriaCarParkJunction;Comet Hatfield Way: Comet Roundabout To Galleria Car Park Junction; Comet Way: Galleria Car Park Junction To Birchwood Roundabout; Comet Way: Galleria Car Park Junction To Comet Roundabout Road Sections: A1001/042/043/046/047 CometWayResurfacing HatfieldNorth,HatfieldSouth ARP14100 SCometWay:BirchwoodRoundaboutToGalleriaCarParkJunction;Comet Hatfield Way: Comet Roundabout To Galleria Car Park Junction; Comet Way: Galleria Car Park Junction To Birchwood Roundabout; Comet Way: Galleria Car Park Junction To Comet Roundabout Road Sections: A1001/042/043/046/047 RoehydeWayResurfacing HatfieldSouth ARP15171 CRoehydeWay:CollegeLaneToSouthWayRoundabout Hatfield Road Sections: A1001/081

SouthWayRoundaboutResurfacing HatfieldSouth ARP17153 SRoestockRoundabout:RoestockRbt(southWay) Hatfield Road Sections: A1001/095

StanboroughRoadResurfacing HandsideandPeartree ARP16101 SStanboroughRoad:RoundaboutAtJunctionA6129/osbornWay Welwyn Garden City Road Sections: A6129/15

Welwyn By Pass Road/Hertford Road Localised Welwyn ARP15165 CHertfordRoad:A1(m)slipRdRbtWestToWel.b-pRdRbt;WelwynBypass Patching Road: Rbt Eastb'd To Rbt; Welwyn Bypass Road: Right Turn Slip Rd Off Welwyn Section 620 Road Sections: A1000/540/620/630

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 193 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 77 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts Welwyn Hatfield Scheme Delivery Plan 159 schemes Maintenance Bridges & Structures Programme Bridge Reactive Joint Scheme 1 BROXBOURNE (District wide), BRG16016 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Bridge Reactive Joint Scheme 2 BROXBOURNE (District wide), BRG16017 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

MardleyHillBridgeHCCNo.646 Welwyn BRG15012 CMardleyHill:JuncMardleyburyRdToJuncGtNorthRd Oaklands, Welwyn Road Sections: B197/420

Parapet Refurbishment Works BROXBOURNE (District wide), BRG16018 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 194 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 78 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts Welwyn Hatfield Scheme Delivery Plan 159 schemes Maintenance Bridges & Structures Programme Travellers Lane Bridge HCC No. 0833 Hatfield Rural, Hatfield South Way: BRG16007 Junc A1000 SSouth To Travellers Ln Rbt; South Way: Travellers Lane Hatfield Rbt To End Of A1001 Road Sections: A1001/30/31

Local Carriageway Bakers Grove Estate Thin Surfacing Haldens Conduit: CWY16639 Bakers Grove CGreat To End; Hocklands: Bakers Grove To End; Welwyn Garden City Hornsfield: Bakers Grove To End; Bunnsfield: Bakers Grove To Herns Lane; Bakers Grove: Hazel Grove To Hillyfields Road Sections: 0U122/10 0U295/10 0U32/10 0U365/10 0U382/10 BeehiveLaneThinSurfacing WelwynGardenCitySouth CWY161536 SBeehiveLane:HowlandsToColeGreenLane Welwyn Garden City Road Sections: 0U54/10

Bishops Rise Resurfacing Hatfield North, HatfieldSouth Rise: CWY161518 Rbt JwWoods SBishops Avenue; Bishops Rise: Woods Avenue To Hatfield Cavendish Way Road Sections: 0U64/40/50 BoundaryLaneThinSurfacing WelwynGarden CitySouth CWY161534 SBoundaryLane:OppNo592HowlandsToOppNo422Howlan Welwyn Garden City Road Sections: 0U76/10

Briars Close Thin Surfacing Hatfield North Close: CWY151447 Briars Wood CBriars To End Hatfield Road Sections: 0U97/10

Bridge Road Resurfacing Handsideand Peartree, Welwyn Road: CWY161166 Bessemer SBridge Rd Traffic Light Junction (a1000) To Ston; Bridge Welwyn Garden City Road: Stonehills Rbt To Bessemer Rd Traffic Light Juncti; Bridge Road: Stonehills Rbt To The Campus; Bridge Road: The Campus To Stonehills Rbt Road Sections: B195/100/101/130/131 Brocket Road Surface Dressing Hatfield North Road: CWY161072 From S.limit WBrocket Sign To Lemsford Village Rd Lemsford Village, Hatfield Road Sections: B653/90

BrocketRoadSurfaceDressing HatfieldNorth CWY17096 WBrocketRoad:B197RbtToSpeedDeres Lemsford Village, Hatfield Road Sections: B653/85

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 195 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 79 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts Welwyn Hatfield Scheme Delivery Plan 159 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway ByfieldThinSurfacing Haldens CWY151337CByfield:HarwoodHillToEnd Welwyn Garden City Road Sections: 0U148/10

Carbone Hill Local Reconstruction/Patching Hatfield Rural Hill:CWY17627 Derestriction SCarbone Signs To 30mph Signs Northaw Road Sections: C154/50

CedarRoadEstateThinSurfacing HatfieldNorth CWY161937 SCedarRoad:BriarsLaneToElmDrive;BirchDrive:CedarRoadToNo15; Hatfield Firs Close: Elm Drive To No 13 Road Sections: 0U154/10 0U268/10 0U58/10 Church Street Thin Surfacing Hatfield North Street: CWY151269 The Broadway CChurch To No.1 Hatfield Road Sections: 0U171/10

Church Street/Link Road Surface Dressing Welwyn Street: CWY13294 A1000 Clock WChurch Roundabout To Carleton Rise; Link Road: Welwyn Carleton Rise To Codicote Road Rbt Road Sections: B656/10/15 Codicote Road Surface Dressing Knebworth and Codicote, CWY17064 Road: 40mph CCodicote Signs To District Boundary; Codicote Road: District Welwyn Welwyn Bdy To Fulling Mill Lane (n) Road Sections: B656/130/140 CodicoteRoadSurfaceDressing Welwyn CWY151731 CCodicoteRoad:FullingMillLnRbtTo40MphSigns Welwyn Road Sections: B656/120

Cole Green Lane/Black Fan Road Resurfacing Haldens, Welwyn Garden City GreenCWY161106 Lane: 40mph SCole Signs To Black Fan Road; Black Fan Road: Cole Welwyn Garden City South Green Road To Rear Of 54 Birchall Wood; Cole Green Lane: E Side Of Blackthorn Wood To Black Fan Road Juncti Road Sections: B195/20/30 C149/50 Colgrove/Hobbs Way Thin Surfacing Handside and Peartree Way: CWY17112 Colgrove To CHobbs End; Colgrove: Stanborough Green To Turmore Welwyn Garden City Dale Road Sections: 0U186/10 0U364/10 EastorThinSurfacing Haldens CWY151580CEastor:LumbardsToEnd Welwyn Garden City Road Sections: 0U239/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 196 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 80 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts Welwyn Hatfield Scheme Delivery Plan 159 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway ElmoorAvenueAreaThinSurfacing Welwyn CWY161925 SGlebeRoad:ElmoorAvenueToRoundabout;WingateGardens:Fronting Welwyn Nos 1 & 2; Glebe Road: Roundabout; Elmoor Avenue: School Lane To Wingate Gardens Road Sections: 0U246/10 0U285/10/20 0U746/10 ElyCloseThinSurfacing HatfieldNorth CWY161195 CElyClose:WorcesterRoadToNo23 Hatfield Road Sections: 0U248/10

French Horn Lane Resurfacing Hatfield North Horn CWY161096 Lane: Great CFrench North Rd Roundabout To Queensway Hatfield Roundabout Road Sections: B197/10 French Horn Lane Thin Surfacing Hatfield North Horn CWY151565 Lane: Fronting CFrench Memorial Hall Hatfield Road Sections: 0U1512/10

Great North Road Resurfacing Hatfield North North CWY161233 Road: Railway SGreat Footbridge To Cornerfield Hatfield Road Sections: 0U1404/10

Green Lanes/Coopers Green Lane r'bt Hatfield North Lanes: CWY161517 Green Lane SGreen / Coopers Green Lane Rbt; Coopers Green Resurfacing/Anti-skid Lane: Junc Grn Lns Rbt To Junc Brocket Rd Rbt; Coopers Green Lane: Hatfield Junc Manor Rd To Green Lanes Rbt; Green Lanes: Junc Marford Rd B653 To Rbt Junc Coopers Grn Ln C1; Green Lanes: Rbt Coopers Grn Ln To Gt Braitch Ln U135 Road Sections: C143/130/140 C91/10/20/30 GrevilleCloseThinSurfacing HatfieldSouth CWY161938 SGrevilleClose:FromKnollesCrescentToNo19 Welham Green, North Mymms Road Sections: 0U309/10

Grubbs Lane/Westfield Lane Local Resurfacing/Patch Hatfield Rural, Hatfield South CWY161159 Lane: Junc Gt SWestfield Nth Rd A1000 To Junc Woodside Ln U20; Grubbs Brookmans Park, Hatfield Lane: Junc Woodside Ln U20 To Junc Kentish Ln B158 Road Sections: C56/110/120 HarmerGreenLaneResurfacing Welwyn CWY17496 SHarmerGreenLane:NewRoadTo40mphSigns Digswell, Welwyn Road Sections: C49/50

HawbushCloseThinSurfacing Welwyn CWY161224 CHawbushClose:HawbushRiseToEnd Welwyn Road Sections: 0U328/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 197 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 81 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts Welwyn Hatfield Scheme Delivery Plan 159 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway Hawkshead Lane Resurfacing Hatfield Rural, Hatfield South CWY161412 Lane: Hawkshead SHawkshead Rail Bridge To Warrengate Road; North Mymms Hawkshead Lane: Junction Bluebridge Road To Railway Br Road Sections: C59/35/50 Heron Way Estate Thin Surfacing Hatfield South Court: CWY161912 Heron Way SDove To End; Raven Court: Heron Way To Frontage Hatfield Nos 19 - 23; Swallow Gardens: Heron Way To No 10; Falcon Close: Heron Way To No 11; Thrush Avenue: Heron Way To Woods Avenue Road Sections: 0U233/10 0U255/10 0U644/10 0U688/10 0U785/10 High Oaks Road/Dognell Green Thin Surfacing Handside and Peartree Green: CWY16611 High Oaks SDognell Road To End; High Oaks Road: Valley Road To Welwyn Garden City Brockswood Lane Road Sections: 0U232/10 0U344/10 HillLeysThinSurfacing HatfieldRural CWY151884 CHillLeys:HomewoodAveToEnd Cuffley, Northaw Road Sections: 0U353/10

HillRiseThinSurfacing HatfieldRural CWY161533 SHillRise:EastRidgewayToTolmersRoad Cuffley, Northaw Road Sections: 0U354/10

HillyfieldsThinSurfacing Haldens CWY15298 CHillyfields:J/wBakersGroveToEndOfCulDeSac Welwyn Garden City Road Sections: 0U360/20

HitherbaulkThinSurfacing WelwynGardenCitySouth CWY151497 SHitherbaulk:RaymondsPlainToEnd Welwyn Garden City Road Sections: 0U361/10

Holly Bush Lane Resurfacing Hatfield North, Welwyn Garden CWY161516 Lane: Ascots SHollybush Lane To Boundary Lane Welwyn Garden City City South Road Sections: 0U369/10

HomewoodAvenueThinSurfacing HatfieldRural CWY161911 SHomewoodAvenue:Nos106-166TolmersRoad Cuffley, Northaw Road Sections: 0U378/10

Honeysuckle Gardens/Foxglove Close Thin Surfacing Hatfield North, Hatfield South CWY161368 Close: Honeysuckle SFoxglove Gardens To End; Honeysuckle Gardens: Hatfield Oxlease Drive To End Road Sections: 0U275/10 0U379/10 HowlandsResurfacing WelwynGardenCitySouth CWY17555 SHowlands:AscotsLaneToColeGreenLane Welwyn Garden City Road Sections: C149/20

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 198 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 82 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts Welwyn Hatfield Scheme Delivery Plan 159 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway LinkfieldThinSurfacing WelwynGardenCitySouth CWY151545 SLinkfield:BoundaryLaneToHowlands Welwyn Garden City Road Sections: 0U423/10

Lodgefield Thin Surfacing Haldens Field: CWY161923 Front Nos SLodge 24 To 32 Inc Of Lodgefields; Lodge Field: Fronting Welwyn Garden City Nos 59 To 67 Inclusive; Lodgefield: Knightsfield To Nursery Gardens; Lodge Field: Lodgefield Nos 51 To 25 Road Sections: 0U436/10/20/30/40 London Road Surface Dressing Knebworth and Codicote, Road:CWY151747 40mph Sign CLondon To Junc Mardleybury Rd C39 Woolmer Green, Welwyn Welwyn Road Sections: B197/410

Lords Wood Thin Surfacing Haldens Wood: CWY161397 Fronting Nos SLords 49 - 76 Inc; Lords Wood: Fronting Nos 90 - 88 Welwyn Garden City Inc; Lords Wood: Moors Walk To No 22; Lords Wood: Opp No 7 To Opp No 71 Road Sections: 0U1176/10/20/30/40 Lower Hatfield Road Surface Dressing Hatfield Rural, Hertford Rural, St HatfieldCWY151896 Road: 16m CLower West Of Station Road To Robins Nest Hill; Little Berkhamsted Andrew's Lower Hatfield Road: Access To Brookside And Works To St Marys Lane; Hatfield Road: B1455 Holwell Lane To 16m Before Station Road; Hatfield Road: C52 To Ehdc Bdy At Field Hedgerow; Lower Hatfield Road: Ehdc Bdy By Field Hedgerow To 30mph Sigh; Lower Hatfield Road: Robins Nest Hill To Access To Brookside And Works Road Sections: B158/310/315/320/330/350/405 MalvernCloseThinSurfacing HatfieldNorth CWY151515 CMalvernClose:WorcesterRoadToNo13 Hatfield Road Sections: 0U447/10

MannicottsThinSurfacing HandsideandPeartree CWY151518 SMannicotts:HighOaksRoadToEnd Welwyn Garden City Road Sections: 0U449/10

MillwardsThinSurfacing HatfieldSouth CWY15987 CMillwards:No45ToCul-de-sacEnd;Millwards:Nos110-170;Millwards: Hatfield Nos 86 - 60; Millwards: Southway Rbt To No 9 Road Sections: 0U477/10/20/30/40 MonkswoodThinSurfacing Welwyn CWY151885 CMonkswood:CrosswayToEndAtJctnSeOfNorthwoodLodge Welwyn Garden City Road Sections: 0U483/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 199 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 83 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts Welwyn Hatfield Scheme Delivery Plan 159 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway MoorlandsThinSurfacing WelwynGardenCitySouth CWY161535 SMoorlands:BeehiveLaneToHallGrove Welwyn Garden City Road Sections: 0U485/10

Mornington Thin Surfacing Welwyn CWY15980 J/w New Rd CMornington: To Cres; Mornington: Loop At End; Mornington: Digswell, Welwyn Spur For Houses 7 To 5 Road Sections: 0U173/10/20/30 New Road Surface Dressing Knebworth and Codicote, Road:CWY16267 London Road CNew To North Herts District Bdy (at Track); New Road: Woolmer Green, Welwyn Welwyn Welwyn Hatfield District Bdy To Baines Lane Road Sections: 0U188/10 5U1613/10 ParkViewThinSurfacing HatfieldNorth CWY151034 CParkView:TheRydeToNo6 Hatfield Road Sections: 0U517/10

ParkwayCloseThinSurfacing HandsideandPeartree CWY151035 CParkwayClose:ParkwayToRoundabout;ParkwayClose:TurningArea Welwyn Garden City Road Sections: 0U524/10/20

PostfieldThinSurfacing Haldens CWY15997 CPostfield:SloanswayToLumbards Welwyn Garden City Road Sections: 0U548/10

Rabley Heath/Pottersheath Road Surface Dressing Knebworth and Codicote, HeathCWY151010 Road: B656 CRabley High Street To 5u67 Slip Lane; Pottersheath Pottersheath Welwyn Road: Dist Bdy Rableyheath Fm To Jct Bury Ln By New Wood; Pottersheath Road: Spinney Lane N To District Boundary Road Sections: 0U67/40 5U67/25 5U68/10 Raymonds Plain Thin Surfacing Welwyn Garden City South CWY151016 Plain: Hitherbaulk SRaymonds To Great Ley Welwyn Garden City Road Sections: 0U557/20

ReddingsThinSurfacing Welwyn CWY15366 CReddings:RoundwoodDriveToSherrardParkRoad Welwyn Garden City Road Sections: 0U678/10

RoundwoodDrive/ReddingsThinSurfacing Welwyn CWY161341 CRoundwoodDrive:OppNo40ToOppNo54SherrardsParkRo; Welwyn Garden City Roundwood Drive: Triangle Fronting Odd Nos 19 To 25 Road Sections: 0U578/10/20

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 200 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 84 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts Welwyn Hatfield Scheme Delivery Plan 159 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway Selwyn Ave/Selwyn Cres/Selwyn Ave Estate Local Hatfield South Avenue: CWY15345 Ellenbrook SSelwyn Lane To Selwyn Drive; Selwyn Crescent: Reconstruction/Patching Selwyn Avenue To Selwyn Drive; Selwyn Drive: Selwyn Avenue To St Hatfield Albans Road West Road Sections: 0U593/10 0U594/10 0U595/10 SherrardsparkRoadThinSurfacing Welwyn CWY161926 SSherrardsparkRoad:DigswellRoadToReddings;SherrardsparkRoad: Welwyn Garden City Opposite No 12 To No 15; Sherrardspark Road: Opposite No 25 To Mandeville Rise Road Sections: 0U600/10/20/30 Southfield Area Thin Surfacing Welwyn Garden City South Burrowfield: CWY16672 Burrowfield CWest To End; Little Burrow: Burrowfields To End; Welwyn Garden City Southfield: Burrowfields To End; Burrowfield: End Of Cul-de-sac To Garage Blocks Road Sections: 0U1221/10 0U1252/10 0U1265/10 0U134/10 SpringGlenThinSurfacing HatfieldNorth CWY161927 SSpringGlen:HaseldineMeadowsToEnd Hatfield Road Sections: 0U615/10

StAlbansRoadEastResurfacing HatfieldNorth CWY161084 SStAlbansRoadEast:QueenswayRbtToGroundLaneRbt Hatfield Road Sections: B6426/90

St Albans Road West ServRoad Thin Surfacing Hatfield South Service CWY16631 Road: Fronting SA1057 Nos 329 -321 Hatfield Road Sections: 0U617/30

StanboroughRoadResurfacing HatfieldNorth CWY161060 SStanboroughRoad:BrocketRdRbtToStan'hRdRbt(undA1m; Handside, Welwyn Garden City Stanborough Road: Stan'h Rd Rbt To Brocket Rd Rbt (und A1m Road Sections: B653/70/71 Stockbreach Rd/Town Fields Thin Surfacing Hatfield North CWY151085 Road: Lemsford SStockbreach Road To Wellfield Road; Townfields: Rear Of Hatfield No 75 Stockbreach To No 1; Townfields: Stockbreach Close To No 8 Road Sections: 0U632/10 0U694/10/20 Stoneycroft Thin Surfacing Haldens CWY161328 Daniells To CStoneycroft: End Welwyn Garden City Road Sections: 0U636/10

StrockbreachCloseResurfacing HatfieldNorth CWY161910 SStockbreachClose:OppNo2ToOppNo54StockbreachRoad Hatfield Road Sections: 0U631/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 201 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 85 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts Welwyn Hatfield Scheme Delivery Plan 159 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway TheRidgewayLocalisedPatching HatfieldRural CWY17545 STheRidgeway:40mphSignsTo30MphSigns Northaw Road Sections: B157/30

ThumbswoodReconstruction WelwynGardenCitySouth CWY17254 SThumbswood:MoorlandsToBeehiveLane Welwyn Garden City Road Sections: 0U689/10

Tollgate Road/Dixons Hill Road Surface Dressing Hatfield South Road: CWY151697 Junc Dixons CTollgate Hill Rd To Bullens Grn Lane; Dixons Hill Road: North Mymms Tollgate Road To 30 Mph Sign Road Sections: C174/125 C56/10 TwoAcresThinSurfacing WelwynGardenCitySouth CWY151096 CTwoAcres:HuntersWayToEnd Welwyn Garden City Road Sections: 0U699/10

UppershotThinSurfacing Haldens CWY15335 CUppershot:DaniellsToOppositeNo8 Welwyn Garden City Road Sections: 0U701/10

ValleyRoadResurfacing HandsideandPeartree CWY17537 SValleyRoad:BridgeRoadToDerestSign Welwyn Garden City Road Sections: B195/160

WainCloseThinSurfacing HatfieldRural CWY15322 CWainClose:FromHawksheadRoadToEnd Little Heath, North Mymms Road Sections: 0U709/10

WaldenRoadThinSurfacing Welwyn CWY151063 CWaldenRoad:DigswellRoadToBlakemereRoad Welwyn Garden City Road Sections: 0U710/10

Warren Way Area Thin Surfacing Welwyn Way: CWY151069 Cres Nos CWarren 73-97 Odd; Warren Way: Cul-de-sac Nos 1-15 Digswell, Welwyn Odd; Warren Way: Junc Foxley Grove To Junc Woodside Rd; Warren Way: Junc Station Rd U11 To Junc Foxley Grove; Woodside Road: Junc Station Rd U11 To Junc Foxley Grove U131; Foxley Grove: Junc Woodside Rd To Warren Way Road Sections: 0U131/10 0U95/10 0U96/10/30/40/50 WarrengateRoadSurfaceDressing HatfieldSouth CWY161080 CWarrengateRoad:HawksheadLaneToNJuncSwanlandRoad North Mymms Road Sections: C59/60

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 202 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 86 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts Welwyn Hatfield Scheme Delivery Plan 159 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway WellRoadMajorPatching HatfieldRural CWY161180 SWellRoad:FromCoopersLaneToShepherdsWay;WellRoad:From Northaw Judges Hill To Well Road Road Sections: C57/20/30 Welwyn By Pass Road/Digswell Hill Surface Dressing Handside and Peartree, Welwyn Hill: CWY161117 Junc Ayot WDigswell Green Ln C47 To Junc London Rd U1337; Welwyn Welwyn Bypass: London Road To Maran Avenue Roundabout Road Sections: B197/75/80 WestlyWoodThinSurfacing Haldens CWY151142 CWestleyWood:No1WestleyWoodToOppNo193Daniells Welwyn Garden City Road Sections: 0U732/10

White Stubbs Lane Surface Dressing Hatfield Rural, Hertford Rural, StubbsCWY151755 Lane: Ashendene CWhite Road U17 To Pembridge Ln C16; White Broxbourne Hoddesdon South, Ware South Stubbs Lane: Church Lane To Cock Lane; White Stubbs Lane: Devil's Lane To Pembridge Lane; White Stubbs Lane: Old Claypits Farm Track To Devil's Lane; White Stubbs Lane: Pembridge Lane C16 To U194 Bbc Bdy Road Sections: C56/220/224/226/230/300 Whitehill/HomerswoodLaneSurfaceDressing Welwyn CWY161164 CHomerswoodLane:J/wAyotGrnLnToWhiteHill;WhiteHill:J/wSchool Welwyn Ln To J/w Homerswood Ln; Homerswood Lane: White Hill To End Road Sections: 0U144/10/20 0U86/10 Widford/AmwellEstateThinSurfacing Haldens CWY161254 SChiltonGreen:AmwellCommonToEnd;HighWickfield:AmwellCommon Welwyn Garden City To End; Pelham Court: Amwell Common To End; Widford Road: Waterford Green To Amwell Common; Amwell Common: Waterford Green To Widford Road; Gaddesden Grove: Widford Road To End; Widdial Green: Widford Road To End Road Sections: 0U1182/10 0U1190/10 0U1204/10 0U1214/10 0U1243/10 0U1268/10 0U1269/10 Wigmores North Resurfacing Handside and Peartree CWY151101 North: Bridge SWigmores Road Roundabout To No 41; Wigmores North: Welwyn Garden City Howardsgate To No 41; Wigmores North: No 41 To Bridge Road Roundabout Road Sections: 0U737/10/20/21 Wildhill Road/Wild Hill Surface Dressing Hatfield Rural, Hatfield South Road: CWY151667 J/w Gt.nrth CWildhill To J/w Woodside Ln; Wild Hill: Junc West End Woodside, Hatfield Ln U38 To Junc Kentish Ln B158; Wildhill Road: Junc Woodside Ln U20 To Junc West End Ln U38 Road Sections: 0U28/10 0U822/10/20

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 203 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 87 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts Welwyn Hatfield Scheme Delivery Plan 159 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway WindsorCloseThinSurfacing Welwyn CWY161930 SWindsorClose:WindsorRoadToEnd Welwyn Road Sections: 0U745/10

WorcesterRoadThinSurfacing HatfieldNorth CWY151117 CWorcesterRoad:LemsfordRoadToNo25 Hatfield Road Sections: 0U757/10

YoungsRiseThinSurfacing HandsideandPeartree CWY15375 SYoungsRise:HandsideLaneToValleyRoad Welwyn Garden City Road Sections: 0U761/10

Local Drainage Great North Road Drainage Investigation Hatfield Rural North DRN14007 Road: Kentish SGreat Lane To Swanley Bar Lane Brookmans Park Road Sections: A1000/240

MardleyAvenueDrainageInvestigation Welwyn DRN13016 IMardleyAvenue:J/wMardleyHillToJ/wHillsideWay Mardley Heath, Welwyn Road Sections: 0U72/10

StAlbansRoadEastDrainageWorks HatfieldNorth DRN12022 SStAlbansRoadEast:QueenswayRbtToGroundLaneRbt Hatfield Road Sections: B6426/90

Local Footway BirchallWoodFootwayMicro Haldens FWY16028 SBirchallWood:SylvanWayToNo20 Welwyn Garden City Road Sections: 0U1343/10

ThePaddocksFootwayMicro Haldens FWY16025 SThePaddocks:BrooksfieldToNos25To31To16 Welwyn Garden City Road Sections: 0U674/10

WilgaRoadFootwayMicroRS Welwyn FWY16068 SWilgaRoad:WilshereRoadToHawbushRise Welwyn Road Sections: 0U738/10

WindhillFootwayMicro Haldens FWY16077 SWindhill:DaniellsToHernsWay Welwyn Garden City Road Sections: 0U743/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 204 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 88 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts Welwyn Hatfield Scheme Delivery Plan 159 schemes Maintenance Local Footway WindsorRoadFootwayMicroRS Welwyn FWY16079 SWindsorRoad:TheCrescentToTudorRoad Welwyn Road Sections: 0U744/10

Member Highway Locality Budget AldykesThinSurfacing HatfieldNorth MEM16199 MAldykes:AbuttingNos21&29;Aldykes:FrontingNos102-108;Aldykes: Hatfield Fronting Nos 74 To 50; Aldykes: Fronting Nos 76 To 82; Aldykes: Fronting Nos 97 - 89; Aldykes: Maryland To Briars Wood Road Sections: 0U13/10/20/30/40/50/60 Ayot Green Lane Resurfacing Handside and Peartree, Welwyn Green MEM16203 Lane: Junc MAyot Homerswood Ln U144 To Junc B197 Gt North Rd Ayot Green Road Sections: C47/30

Barleycroft Road Footway Reconstruction Handside and Peartree MEM16214 Road: Parkway MBarleycroft To Handside Lane Welwyn Garden City Road Sections: 0U762/10

Bassingburn Walk Footway Reconstruction Handside and Peartree MEM16206 Walk: Ethelred MBassingburn Close To End By House 23 Welwyn Garden City Road Sections: 0U45/10

BrickfieldOverlay HatfieldSouth MEM16070 MBrickfield:No7ToNo41 Hatfield Road Sections: 0U102/10

Broadwater Crescent Resurfacing Handside and Peartree MEM16213 Crescent: Broadwater MBroadwater Road Rbt To Opp Moatwood Gree Welwyn Garden City Road Sections: 0U1346/10

ByTheMountThinSurfacing HandsideandPeartree MEM16211 MByTheMount:BroadwaterCrescentToEnd Welwyn Garden City Road Sections: 0U147/10

CyclersThicketResurfacing Welwyn MEM16205 MCylersThicket:CarletonRiseToEnd Welwyn Road Sections: 0U216/10

DewardsClose Resurfacing Welwyn MEM16202 MDewarsClose:CarletonRiseToEnd Cylers Thicket, Welwyn Road Sections: 0U227/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 205 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 89 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts Welwyn Hatfield Scheme Delivery Plan 159 schemes Maintenance Member Highway Locality Budget Etheired Close Footway Reconstruction Handside and Peartree Close: MEM16210 Ludwick MEthelred Way To End Welwyn Garden City Road Sections: 0U252/10

FarEndOverlay HatfieldSouth MEM16071 MFarEnd:SandifieldsToTravellersLane Hatfield Road Sections: 0U257/10

Feranley Road Footway Reconstruction Handside and Peartree Road:MEM16207 Turmore MFearnley Dale To Parkway Welwyn Garden City Road Sections: 0U261/10

Forresters Drive Resurfacing Haldens MEM16219 Drive: Sylvan MForresters Way Rbt To Sylvan Way Welwyn Garden City Road Sections: 0U1349/10

Guessens Grove Footway Reconstruction Handside and Peartree MEM16208 Grove: End To MGuessens Guessens Road Welwyn Garden City Road Sections: 0U1206/10

Guessens Road Footway Reconstruction Handside and Peartree MEM16209 Road: Russellcroft MGuessens Road To Handside Lane Welwyn Garden City Road Sections: 0U316/20

Hertford Road Resurfacing Welwyn Road: MEM16334 A1000 To MHertford Prospect Place; Hertford Road: N W Leg Of Welwyn Triangle Road Sections: 0U1338/10/30 KelbysFootwaySurfaceTreatment Haldens MEM16215 MKelbys:HillyfieldsToEnd Welwyn Garden City Road Sections: 0U394/10

KindersleyCloseThinSurfacing Welwyn MEM16204 MKindersleyClose:FrontingOddN0s1To9 Welwyn Road Sections: 0U398/10

LittleLakeResurfacing WelwynGardenCitySouth MEM16273 MLittleLake:TheCommonsToEnd Welwyn Garden City Road Sections: 0U431/10

MapleCloseResurfacing HatfieldNorth MEM16200 MMapleClose:ElmDriveToEnd Hatfield Road Sections: 0U452/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 206 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 90 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts Welwyn Hatfield Scheme Delivery Plan 159 schemes Maintenance Member Highway Locality Budget NorthdownRoadCarriagewayResurfacing HatfieldSouth MEM16074 MNorthdownRoad:Bishops RiseToTravellers Lane Hatfield Road Sections: 0U498/10

Northdown Road Footway Reconstruction Hatfield South MEM16400 Road: Bishops MNorthdown Rise To Travellers Lane Hatfield Road Sections: 0U498/10

Park Meadow Footway Reconstruction Hatfield North Meadow: MEM16198 Park Street MPark To Opp No 71 Street, Hatfield Road Sections: 0U520/10

Rowans Footway Surface Treatment Haldens LumbardsMEM16220 To Blythway MRowans: Welwyn Garden City Road Sections: 0U579/10

SandifieldOverlay HatfieldSouth MEM16072 MSandifield:BrickfieldToTravellersLane Hatfield Road Sections: 0U587/10

Sheepcote Footway Reconstruction Welwyn Garden City South MEM16269 Howlands To MSheepcote: Moorlands Welwyn Garden City Road Sections: 0U599/10

Thistle Close Footway Reconstruction Welwyn Garden City South Grove: MEM16267 Cole Green MThistle Lane Around Loop To Opp House No 10 Welwyn Garden City Road Sections: 0U685/10

Thrush Lane Footway Reconstruction Hatfield Rural Lane: MEM16047 Tolmers Road MThrush To End Cuffley, Northaw Road Sections: 0U687/10

WainCloseFootwayReconstruction HatfieldRural MEM15421 MWainClose:FromHawksheadRoadToEnd Little Heath, North Mymms Road Sections: 0U709/10

Warwick AvenueFootway Reconstruction Hatfield Rural Avenue:MEM16048 Bradgate MWarwick To Hill Rise Cuffley, Northaw Road Sections: 0U718/10

Waterford Green Resurfacing Haldens MEM16218 Green: Panshanger MWaterford Drive To Amwell Common Welwyn Garden City Road Sections: 0U1264/10

WoodlandsFootwayReconstruction HatfieldRural MEM16049 MWoodlands:FromCalderAvenueToEnd Brookmans Park Road Sections: 0U1270/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 207 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 91 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts Welwyn Hatfield Scheme Delivery Plan 159 schemes Integrated Transport Programme Integrated Transport Programme Bus Stop Clearway Lining Programme 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16042 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Bus Stop Shelter and Clearway Programme 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16030 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Bus Stop Upgrades Programme 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16041 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

HatfieldTownCentreBusStopUpgrades HatfieldNorth ITP16045 SQueensway:WoodsAvenueRbtToFrenchHornRbt Hatfield Road Sections: B6426/70

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 208 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 92 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts Welwyn Hatfield Scheme Delivery Plan 159 schemes Integrated Transport Programme Integrated Transport Programme ITS Strategy Works BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16033 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Real Time Passenger Information Delivery BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16032 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

School Crossing Patrol Sites 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16036 Broxbourne IBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

ShoplandsBusStopUpgrade Welwyn ITP16044 SKnightsfield:DigswellRoadRoundaboutToBessemerRd Welwyn Garden City Road Sections: 0U408/40

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 209 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 93 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts Welwyn Hatfield Scheme Delivery Plan 159 schemes Integrated Transport Programme Integrated Transport Programme SRTS Small Works pilot Delivery 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16035 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

ValleyRoadSpeedCompliance HandsideandPeartree ITP15022 CValleyRoad:BridgeRoadToDerestSign Welwyn Garden City Road Sections: B195/160 LTP2 Indicators Primary: Speed Limit Compliance WelwynBypassRoad Welwyn ITP15058 CWelwynBypass:LondonRoadToMaranAvenueRoundabout Welwyn Road Sections: B197/80

Traffic Contol and Information Systems Real Time Passenger Information Delivery 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), TIS16018 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 210 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 94 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Mid Herts Welwyn Hatfield Scheme Delivery Plan 159 schemes Safety & Movement Casualty Reduction Great North Road Casualty Reduction Proposal Hatfield North, Hatfield Rural North SAR16010 Road: Derest SGreat Signs To Start Of One Way Section South Hatfield, Hatfield Road Sections: A1000/180

Mid Herts Mass Action Sites HERTSMERE (District wide), ST SAR16012 Hertsmere Area; SHertsmere: St Albans: St Albans Area; Welwyn Hatfield: ALBANS (District wide), Welwyn Hatfield Area WELWYN HATFIELD (District Road Sections: HE/0 SA/0 WH/0 wide

Safety 17/18 Scheme Preperation and Early Deilvery BROXBOURNE (District wide), SAR16013 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Skid Resistance County Wide Sites BROXBOURNE (District wide), SAR16014 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA Northern Herts North Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 141 schemes

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 211 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 95 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Northern Herts North Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 141 schemes

Commissioning Records SRTS Small Works Prep 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), COM16009 Broxbourne IBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA Maintenance A Road Programme Baldock Road Resurfacing Letchworth East and Baldock, Road:ARP18036 Letchworth SBaldock Lane To Letchworth Gate Roundabout Letchworth Letchworth South Project Location : Willian Way To Letchworth Gate Rbt Road Sections: A505/245 CambridgeRoadResurfacing HitchinNorth ARP17141 SCambridgeRoad:B656ToStMichaelsRd Hitchin Road Sections: A505/180

Cambridge Road/Nightingale Road Resurfacing Hitchin North ARP16080 Road: B656 SCambridge Station Rbt; Nightingale Road: Whinbush Rbt To Hitchin B656 Rbt Road Sections: A505/160/170 Letchworth Gate Resurfacing Letchworth South ARP16004 Gate: Longabout; SLetchworth Letchworth Gate: Longabout To A1(m) Letchworth Road Sections: A505/265/275

Moormead Hill/Upper Tilehouse Street/Offley Road Hitchin South Road: ARP16098 30 Mph Signs SOffley To Mini Rbt Junc B655; Moormead Hill: Dual Resurfacing C/way To 30 Mph Signs; Upper Tilehouse Street: Mini Rbt Junc B655 To Hitchin A602 Rbt Road Sections: A505/50/60/70 NightingaleRoadResurfacing HitchinNorth,HitchinSouth ARP18053 SNightingaleRoad:BancroftRbt Hitchin Road Sections: A505/130

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 212 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 96 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Northern Herts North Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 141 schemes Maintenance A Road Programme Paynes Park / Brand Street Reconstruction Hitchin South Park: ARP17088 Brand Street SPaynes To 2-lane Section (ne Side Of Island); Brand Hitchin Street: High Street To A505; Grammar School Walk: Junct Brand St/bedford Rd To End; Paynes Park: Opposite Brand Street To Upper Tile House Rbt; Bedford Road: Single Lane Section (ne Side Of Island) To Brand S Road Sections: 5U362/10 5U404/10 A505/92/93/94 RoystonBypassSurfaceDressing Royston ARP15170 CRoystonBypass:A10RbtToA1198Rbt;RoystonBypass:A1198RbtTo Royston A10 Rbt Road Sections: A505/530/531

Bridges & Structures Programme Bridge Reactive Joint Scheme 1 BROXBOURNE (District wide), BRG16016 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Bridge Reactive Joint Scheme 2 BROXBOURNE (District wide), BRG16017 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Green Lanes Footbridge HCC No. 1110 Letchworth East and Baldock Lane: BRG14001 Works Rd CGreen To Rbt Icknield Way East Letchworth Road Sections: 5U661/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 213 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 97 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Northern Herts North Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 141 schemes Maintenance Bridges & Structures Programme LilleyBottomBridgeHCCNo1235 HitchinRural BRG16014 SOffleyByPass:C24SlipRdToSignsEndOfCrawlerLn;OffleyByPass: Lilley End Of Crawler Ln Signs To C24 Slip Rd; Lilley Bottom: Luton White Hill To 30 Mph Sign Lilley Road Sections: A505/20/21 C24/80 Parapet Refurbishment Works BROXBOURNE (District wide), BRG16018 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

SchoolLaneBridgeHCCNo.1237 HitchinRural BRG16013 SSchoolLane:JunctC134ToDerest;OffleyByPass:SgEndOfCrawlerLn Great Offley T0 Start C134 Slip; Offley By Pass: Slip C134 To End Of Crawler Ln Road Sections: 5U53/10 A505/30/31

Local Carriageway Ashwell Road/Claybush Road Surface Dressing North Herts Rural CWY141032 Road: Cat Ditch WClaybush To Start Of Conifer Plantation; Claybush Road: Bygrave Conifer Plantation To Southern Bdy Of House 14; Ashwell Road: House 1 To Bygrave Plate By Sewage Works; Ashwell Road: Sewer Farm Entrance To Cat Ditch; Claybush Road: Southern Bdy Of House 14 To Ashwell Street Road Sections: C9/120/130/135/140/150 Back Street Thin Surfacing North Herts Rural Street: CWY161174 Bear Lane SBack To One Way Sign; Back Street: One Way Sign To Ashwell C8 West End Road Sections: 5U1/20/30 Barley Mow Lane Surface Dressing North Herts Rural Mow CWY141028 Lane: Junc WBarley Ashanger Ln Past Hooksgreen Farm To Start Of Clothall Road Sections: 5U85/20

Barton Road Major Patching Hitchin Rural Road: CWY161036 40 Mph Sign SBarton To Derest; Barton Road: Derest To Beds Cc Hexton Bdy; Barton Road: Herts Cc Bdy To 40 Mph Signs Hexton Road Sections: B655/120/130/140

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 214 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 98 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Northern Herts North Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 141 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway Bedford Street Thin Surfacing Hitchin South Street: CWY12443 Gaping SBedford Lane To Oughton Head Way Hitchin Road Sections: 5U349/10

Blackhorse Road/Flint Road Resurfacing Letchworth East and Baldock Road: CWY161402 Blackhorse RoadSFlint To End; Blackhorse Road: Green Lane To Letchworth End Road Sections: 5U605/10 5U654/10 BurnellWalkThinSurfacing LetchworthSouth CWY151414 CBurnellWalk:BurnellRiseToEnd Letchworth Road Sections: 5U616/10

BuryEndSurfaceDressing NorthHertsRural CWY151804 CUpperGreen:C11500mEOfC10ToC10/c11Junc Nuthampstead Road Sections: 5U168/10

Butchers Lane/Chequers Lane Surface Dressing Hitchin Rural CWY151421Lane: C26 To CButchers Chequers Ln; Chequers Lane: C26 To U112 Junct Preston Road Sections: 5U112/10 5U51/10

C29 South of Easthall Farm Local Resurface/Major Knebworth and Codicote Houses CWY17658 Lane To S:Three Easthall Farm Patch Road Sections: C29/140 Knebworth

Cashio Lane Thin Surfacing Letchworth East and Baldock, Lane:CWY151280 Croft Lane CCashio To Norton Road Letchworth Letchworth North West Road Sections: 5U622/10

Chalk Hills/Hatch Lane Surface Dressing Letchworth East and Baldock, Lane:CWY141017 30mph Signs WHatch To Junc Fore Street C14; Chalk Hills: B197 Weston North Herts Rural London Road To Reservoir Cottage; Hatch Lane: O/s The Cottage To 30mph Signs (weston) Road Sections: C14/110/120/125 Chapel Lane/Law Hall Lane Surface Dressing Hitchin Rural, Knebworth and Hall Lane:CWY151294 C27 To C24;CLaw Law Hall Lane: C27 To U153; Chapel Lane: Bendish Codicote C27 To U159/10; Chapel Lane: U160 To End Road Sections: 5U153/10 5U159/10/20 5U160/10 Chiltern View Thin Surfacing Letchworth South View: CWY17147 Hillbrow To CChiltern End; Chiltern View: West View To Hill Brow Letchworth Road Sections: 5U627/10/20

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 215 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 99 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Northern Herts North Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 141 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway Church Lane/Graveley Road Thin Surfacing Knebworth and Codicote CWY151264Road: Arch Road CGraveley East To No 8 Graveley Road; Church Lane: Great Wymondley C10 To End Road Sections: 5U28/30 5U43/10 Church Road Surface Dressing North Herts Rural Road: CWY151268 C10 To Church CChurch Wallington Road Sections: 5U19/10

ClaggyRoadSurfaceDressing KnebworthandCodicote CWY151250 CClaggyRoad:30MphSignToB652;ClaggyRoad:C96To30MphSign Kimpton Road Sections: 5U194/10/20

Codicote Road Surface Dressing Knebworth and Codicote, CWY17064 Road: 40mph CCodicote Signs To District Boundary; Codicote Road: District Welwyn Welwyn Bdy To Fulling Mill Lane (n) Road Sections: B656/130/140 Fears Green Surface Dressing North Herts Rural Gannock CWY151867 Road C:5u250 To Eeb Pole 137/34; Fears Green: Eeb Pole Sandon No137/34 To Kelshall St (n Side Of Island Road Sections: C108/60/70 FieldLaneThinSurfacing LetchworthSouth CWY17116 SFieldLane:SollershottEastToSouberie Letchworth Road Sections: 5U652/20

Florence Street Thin Surfacing Hitchin North Street:CWY161240 Junct Nightingale SFlorence Rd To Alexandra Rd Hitchin Road Sections: 5U391/10

GardenCloseThinSurfacing Royston CWY161528 SGardenClose:OffPoplarDrive Royston Road Sections: 5U819/10

Hadrian WayThin Surfacing Letchworth Eastand Baldock Way: CWY151640 Letchworth CHadrian Road To Junction Near House 1; Hadrian Way: Baldock Near A1(m) Bridge Road Sections: 5U1423/10 5U945/10 High Street/Shilington Road/West Lane Resurfacing Hitchin Rural CWY161136 Road: High Street SShillington To Priors Hill; High Street: Spur On Rhs From Pirton High St To West Lane; High Street: Walnut Tree Road To West Lane Road Sections: 5U32/10/30 C22/60 HighViewThinSurfacing HitchinSouth CWY161529 SHighView:GreysLaneToPirtonRoad Hitchin Road Sections: 5U421/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 216 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 100 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Northern Herts North Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 141 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway Hitchwood Cottages/Lane Surface Dressing Hitchin Rural, Knebworth and CWY151859 Lane: B651 To CHitchwood 5u95 St Albans Highway; Hitchwood Cottages: Preston Codicote C28 To Fp 16 Road Sections: 5U936/10 C28/10 HousmanAvThinSurfacing Royston CWY161921 SHousmanAvenue:EndSection;HousmanAvenue:FromBurnsRoad Royston Road Sections: 5U1027/10/20

Kimpton Bottom Surface Dressing Knebworth and Codicote, St. Bottom:CWY141091 District WKimpton Boundary (animal Welfare Ctr) To 30 Mph S; Bower Heath Albans Rural Kimpton Bottom: Plummers Ln To Dist Bdy (animal Welfare Ctr) Project Location : District Boundary (animal Welfare Ctr) To 30 Mph S Road Sections: B652/120/210 Kimpton Road (East) Surface Dressing Knebworth and Codicote Road CWY141125 (east): East WKimpton Side Of House 2 To Green Lane; Kimpton Kimpton Road: Green Lane To Heath Lane Road Sections: C45/55/58 KingGeorgesCloseThinSurfacing HitchinNorth CWY151472 SKingGeorgesClose:BtwnHseNo16AndNo9ToEnd;KingGeorges Hitchin Close: End Section L To R; King Georges Close: Off Bedford Road Service Road Road Sections: 5U958/10/20/30 LaurelWayThinSurfacing HitchinRural CWY15388 SLaurelWay:JunctArleseyRdToEnd;LaurelWay:SpurToHouses20/22 Ickleford, Hitchin Road Sections: 5U578/10/20

Letchworth Business Park Resurfacing Ph1 Letchworth East and Baldock, Avenue:CWY161403 Avenue SFourth One Rb To End; Second Avenue: Avenue One To Letchworth Letchworth South Jw Third Avenue; Avenue One: Baldock Road To R/bout Jw Fourth Avenue; Avenue One: R/bout Jw Fourth Avenue; Avenue One: R/bout Jw Fourth Avenue To Works Road; Second Avenue: Roundabout At Junction Third Avenue; Third Avenue: Second Avenue To Fourth Avenue Road Sections: 5U1218/10/20/30 5U1355/10/15 5U1356/10 5U1357/10 Letchworth Business Park Resurfacing Ph2 Letchworth East and Baldock, Avenue:CWY161404 Avenue One SSixth To Dunhams Lane; Dunhams Lane: B656 Letchworth Letchworth South Baldock Road To Works Road Road Sections: 5U1358/10 5U643/10 Little Lane/Davis Crescent Thin Surfacing Hitchin Rural Crescent: CWY16487 Circular CDavis Section; Davis Crescent: Off C22 To Start Of Pirton Circular Rd; Little Lane: West Lane To Footpath By House 2 Road Sections: 5U244/10 5U245/10/20

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 217 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 101 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Northern Herts North Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 141 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway MartingaleRoadThinSurfacing Royston CWY151928 CMartingaleRoad:OffValleyRiseToEnd Royston Road Sections: 5U1093/10

Mill Lane Surface Dressing Hitchin Rural Lane: CWY151754 B655 To Derestriction CMill Signs; Mill Lane: Derestriction Signs To Hexton County Boundary Road Sections: 5U138/10/20 MillLaneThinSurfacing NorthHertsRural CWY19040 SMillLane:C14ForeStToC14MaidenSt Weston Road Sections: 5U69/10

MountjoyThinSurfacing HitchinNorth CWY15984 SMountjoy:JunctWillianRdToJunctWilshereCr Hitchin Road Sections: 5U464/10

New Road Surface Dressing Knebworth and Codicote, Road:CWY16267 London Road CNew To North Herts District Bdy (at Track); New Road: Woolmer Green, Welwyn Welwyn Welwyn Hatfield District Bdy To Baines Lane Road Sections: 0U188/10 5U1613/10 Newlands CloseEast/WestThinSurfacing HitchinSouth CWY15934 CloseEast:OffNewlands CNewlands Lane;Newlands CloseWest:Off Hitchin Newlands Lane Road Sections: 5U466/10 5U467/10 Nightingale/Mons Estate Thin Surfacing Letchworth East and Baldock Avenue: CWY161917 Clare Crescent SMons To Elmwood Avenue; Nightingale Way: Baldock Elmwood Avenue To Willian Way; Willian Way: From Weston Road To Clare Crescent; Elmwood Avenue: Mons Avenue To Nightingale Way; Clare Crescent: Willian Way To Start Of Mons Avenue Road Sections: 5U282/10 5U287/10 5U305/10 5U306/10 5U333/10 NinespringsWayThinSurfacing HitchinSouth CWY16986 SNinespringsWay:JuncOpp71JuncOpp145WymondleyRd Hitchin Road Sections: 5U470/10

Norton Road Surface Dressing Letchworth North West Road: CWY151742 Junct C112 CNorton To County Boundary Letchworth Road Sections: C89/60

Old Knebworth Lane Localised Patching Broadwater, Knebworth and KnebworthCWY161416 Lane: C29 SOld To Stevenage Bc Bdy Sign; Old Knebworth Old Knebworth Codicote Lane: Sign 16 M From Bridge To Junct B197 Road Sections: 5U253/10 7U253/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 218 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 102 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Northern Herts North Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 141 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway Park Drive Thin Surfacing Letchworth East and Baldock Drive: CWY17156 Weston Way SPark To Gate Baldock Road Sections: 5U311/10

Park Farm Lane Surface Dressing North Herts Rural Farm CWY14781 Lane: U40 To WPark Gates Just Past `tylers Nuthampstead Road Sections: 5U41/10

Plummers Lane Surface Dressing Knebworth and Codicote, St. Green:CWY15076 C45 To Junc CThe With Hyde Lane; Plummers Lane: District Bdy Bower Heath, Wheathampstead Albans Rural (rupp 8/50) To B652 Kimpton Bottom; Plummers Lane: Junc Hyde Lane To District Bdy (rupp 50/8) Road Sections: 5U167/10/20 6U167/10 Porters End Lane Surface Dressing Knebworth and Codicote, St. EndCWY151827 Lane: C96 CPorters To District Boundary; Porters End Lane: District Kimpton Albans Rural Boundary To Sauncy Wood Lane Road Sections: 5U2/10 6U2/10 Rabley Heath/Pottersheath Road Surface Dressing Knebworth and Codicote, HeathCWY151010 Road: B656 CRabley High Street To 5u67 Slip Lane; Pottersheath Pottersheath Welwyn Road: Dist Bdy Rableyheath Fm To Jct Bury Ln By New Wood; Pottersheath Road: Spinney Lane N To District Boundary Road Sections: 0U67/40 5U67/25 5U68/10 Radwell Lane Surface Dressing North Herts Rural Lane: CWY151834 A507 To CRadwell Bridge (stream) Radwell Road Sections: 5U70/10

RockRoadThinSurfacing Royston CWY161939 SRockRoad:OldNorthRoadToOrchardWay Royston Road Sections: 5U877/10

Rollys Lane/Gardiners Lane Major Patching North Herts Rural CWY15920 Lane: C8 High CGardiners St To Derestriction Signs; Rollys Lane: Gardiners Ashwell Ln To Mill St Road Sections: 5U1055/50 5U79/10 Royal Oak Lane/Walnut Tree Road Thin Surfacing Hitchin Rural Tree CWY151679 Road: C23 SWalnut Priors Road To High Street; Royal Oak Lane: High Pirton Street To West Lane Road Sections: C132/10/20 Shillington Rd/Priors Hill/Hitchin Rd Surface Dressing Hitchin Rural CWY16998 Road: C22 To CShillington Beds Cc Bdy; Priors Hill: Crab Tree Lane To Pirton Shillington Road; Shillington Road: High Street To Priors Hill; Hitchin Road: Walnut Tree Road To Crab Tree Lane Road Sections: C22/60 C23/20/25/30

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 219 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 103 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Northern Herts North Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 141 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway SouthViewThinSurfacing LetchworthSouth CWY17174 SSouthView:SollershottEastToBroadway Letchworth Road Sections: 5U757/20

Stevenage Road Surface Dressing Knebworth and Codicote CWY151690 Road: Derest CStevenage To U66; Sperberry Hill: Little Almshoe Lane To Redcoats Green, Little Wymondley Folly Lane; Stevenage Road: West Boundary Of Holly Cottage To Little Almshoe L Road Sections: C20/220/224/228 Stevenage Road Surface Dressing Knebworth and Codicote CWY151703 Road: Arch Rd CStevenage To Junction With A602 At Ashbrook Cottages Little Wymondley Road Sections: C171/30

Taylors Hill Road/U35 by Frogmore Surface Dressing Hitchin Rural 5u61 CWY151692 To White Hall C:Junc Lodge; Taylors Hill Road: U35 To U62 Kings Walden Road Sections: 5U117/10 5U35/30

Templar Avenue Thin Surfacing Letchworth East and Baldock Avenue: CWY151239 Off Mons STemplar Avenue To London Road Baldock Road Sections: 5U1049/10

Thackeray Close/Tennyson Close Thin Surfacing Royston CWY151241 Close: Cul-de-sac CThackeray Nos 8 - 14; Thackeray Close: Off Burns Road Royston To No 24; Tennyson Close: Off Thackeray Close Road Sections: 5U1138/10/20 5U1289/10 The Green Thin Surfacing Royston Green: CWY151202 Off Kneesworth CThe Street To Mill Road Royston Road Sections: 5U825/10

The Heath/Heath Rd/Chapel Rd Surface Dressing Hitchin Rural Heath: CWY151720 Darley Road CThe To Heath Road; Chapel Road: Derestriction Signs Breachwood Green To Lye Hill; Chapel Road: Heath Road To Derestriction Signs; Heath Road: The Heath To Chapel Road Road Sections: 5U144/10/20/30/35 TheTeneThinSurfacing LetchworthEastandBaldock CWY151224 CTheTene:FlatsNo37/41ToHseNo60;TheTene:HseNo13ToHseNo Baldock 35; The Tene: Hse No 43 To No 77; The Tene: Junct Off Pinnocks Lane; The Tene: Off The Orchard Road Sections: 5U327/10/20/30/40/50 TurnpikeLaneLocalisedPatching HitchinRural CWY17069 STurnpikeLane:BedfordRoadToArleseyRoadJunc Ickleford, Hitchin Road Sections: C21/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 220 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 104 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Northern Herts North Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 141 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway VillageStreetResurfacing KnebworthandCodicote CWY10553 CVillageStreet:B656ToEnd Langley Road Sections: 5U189/10

Wallace Wy/Wilbury Wy/Hunting Gate Resurfacing Hitchin North Way: CWY161001 Cadwell Lane SWallace To 90deg Bend L/h (start Of; Hunting Gate: Hitchin Off Wilbury Way; Wilbury Way: Woolgrove Road To End Road Sections: 5U426/10 5U535/10 5U554/10 WarrenLaneSurfaceDressing NorthHertsRural CWY151658 CWarrenLane:A507ClothallToEebPole67;WarrenLane:EebPole141 Clothall To A507 Baldock Road Sections: 5U84/10/20 Westbury Place/Springshott Thin Surfacing Letchworth South CWY151140 Campers Avenue SSpringshott: To Campers Road; Westbury Place: Letchworth Campers Avenue To Campers Road Road Sections: 5U760/10 5U776/10 WhiteleyHill Surface Dressing NorthHertsRural, Royston CWY151663 B1039 To CWhiteleyHill: Public B'waySign Past Newsells Farm On L Newsells Road Sections: C4/10

WrattenRoadWestThinSurfacing HitchinSouth CWY151118 SWrattenRoadWest:JuncOffleyRdToJuncParkWay Hitchin Road Sections: 5U564/10

Local Drainage Kneesworth Street to King James Way Drainage Royston King LRM04441 Street: Baldock SLower Street To Kneesworth Street; Kneesworth Works Street: Lower King Street To Melbourn Street Royston Project Location : 41 To 29 Kneesworth Street Road Sections: 5U848/10 C167/10 Orchard Way/Broom Grove Drainage Investigation Knebworth and Codicote Way: DRN16007 Opposite IOrchard House 39 To House 66; Gypsy Lane: Park Lane Knebworth To Orchard Way; Broom Grove: U1080 To End; Gibbons Way: U212 To End; Orchard Way: U75 To End Road Sections: 5U1071/10 5U1075/10 5U1080/10/20 5U75/10

Member Highway Locality Budget Archers Way Resurfacing Letchworth North West Way: MEM16321 Icknield Way MArchers To Bursland Letchworth Road Sections: 5U593/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 221 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 105 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Northern Herts North Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 141 schemes Maintenance Member Highway Locality Budget Baldock Lane / William Road Resurfacing Letchworth South Lane: MEM16327 Parish Hall MBaldock To Normans Farm; Willian Road: Wymondley Rd Willian To East Junction Of Willian Church Rd Road Sections: C19/35/40 Baldock Lane east end Resurfacing Letchworth South Lane: MEM16326 Normans MBaldock Farm To Letchworth Gate Letchworth Road Sections: C19/45

Bearton Road Footway Reconstruction Hitchin North Road: MEM16257 Ickleford MBearton Road To Bedford Road; Periwinkle Lane: Ickleford Hitchin Road To Rbt Strathmore Avenue Road Sections: 5U482/10 C133/20 Church Street Resurfacing Letchworth East and Baldock Street: MEM16238 From Icknield MChurch Way To Hitchen Street Baldock Road Sections: C144/10

ClydesdaleResurfacing Royston MEM16231 MClydesdaleRoad:OffValleyRiseToEnd Royston Road Sections: 5U806/10

Farthings Drive clu de sac Resurfacing Letchworth South Drive: MEM16332 End Of Section MFarthing 30 (house 43 To 48); Farthing Drive: Hse Letchworth No 37 To End; Farthing Drive: Hse No 52 To Opp No 44 Road Sections: 5U1116/30/40/50 Farthings Drive Resurfacing Letchworth South Drive: MEM16325 Hse No 8MFarthing To No 12; Farthing Drive: Off Penn Way Letchworth Road Sections: 5U1116/10/20

Forham Close Resurfacing North Herts Rural MEM16235Close: Mill St ToMFordham End Ashwell Road Sections: 5U1083/10

Garden Close Footway Reconstruction Royston Close: MEM16227 Off Poplar MGarden Drive Royston Road Sections: 5U819/10

GardenCloseResurfacing Royston MEM16230 MGardenClose:OffPoplarDrive Royston Road Sections: 5U819/10

GibbonsWayThinSurfacing KnebworthandCodicote MEM16333 MGibbonsWay:AccessToHouses23-39;GibbonsWay:GarageAreaEast Knebworth Of House 23; Gibbons Way: Parking Area By House 35 Road Sections: 5U1075/20/30/40

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 222 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 106 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Northern Herts North Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 141 schemes Maintenance Member Highway Locality Budget Hawthorn Hill Footway Reconstruction Letchworth East and Baldock MEM16222 Hill: Cowslip Hill MHawthorn To End Letchworth Road Sections: 5U666/10

Heathfield Road Resurfacing Hitchin North MEM16260 Road: Junct StrathmoreMHeathfield Ave To Stormont Rd Hitchin Road Sections: 5U415/10

Hitchin Road Resurfacing North Herts Rural Road: MEM16234 C18 Damask MHitchin Grn Rd To Derest Sign; Hitchin Road: Infront Weston Of P.hse Spur Road Sections: C19/110/130 HowardsWoodResurfacing LetchworthSouth MEM16324 MHowardsWood:HammerheadNo5ToNo16;HowardsWood:Off Letchworth Howards Drive Road Sections: 5U677/10/20 Hunters Way Footway Reconstruction Royston Way: MEM16226 Off Studlands MHunters Rise To End Royston Road Sections: 5U836/10

Jackson Street Resurfacing Letchworth East and Baldock Street: MEM16239 Orchard MJackson Road To Icknield Way Baldock Road Sections: 5U300/10

LondonRoadResurfacing LetchworthEastandBaldock MEM16237 MLondonRoad:30mphSignToSouthRdRbt(o/sTesco) Baldock Road Sections: B197/960

MillLaneSurfaceDressing KnebworthandCodicote MEM16010 MMillLane:C26ToB656 Gosmore Road Sections: 5U102/10

NewCloseFootwayReconstruction KnebworthandCodicote MEM16221 MNewClose:B197ToNo52 Knebworth Road Sections: 5U218/10

Park Close Footway Reconstruction Letchworth East and Baldock Close: MEM16223 Holroyd Crescent MPark To Park Drive Baldock Road Sections: 5U309/10

Parklands Footway Reconstruction Royston MEM16228 Off Hunters WayMParklands: To Parklands Royston Road Sections: 5U867/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 223 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 107 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Northern Herts North Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 141 schemes Maintenance Member Highway Locality Budget Pirton Road Resurfacing Hitchin South Road: MEM16259 From Jct A505 MPirton Offley Rd To Derest Hitchin Road Sections: B655/10

Romany Close Footway Reconstruction Letchworth North West Close: MEM16224 Main Section MRomany Nos 18 To 88; Romany Close: Wilbury Hills Letchworth Rd (53/55) To 5u736/20; Romany Close: Wilbury Hills Rd (69/71) To 5u736/20 Road Sections: 5U736/10/20/40 RoystonRoadResurfacing NorthHertsRural MEM16232 MRoystonRoad:B1368CambridgeRdToBakersLane;PicknageRoad: Barley Junc C17/b1039 Chishill Rd To Junc B1368 Cambridge Road Sections: B1039/20/30 SchoolLaneFootwayReconstruction HitchinRural MEM16343 MSchoolLane:U246CrunnellsGreenToVillageGreen Preston Road Sections: C28/20

Station Road, Ashwell Resurfacing North Herts Rural Road: MEM16233 C8 Lucas MStation Lane To Derestriction Signs Ashwell Road Sections: C8/90

Strathmore Avenue Footway Reconstruction Hitchin North MEM16256 Avenue: Periwinkle MStrathmore Lane Roundabout To Old Hale W Hitchin Road Sections: 5U519/10

StudlandsRiseResurfacing Royston MEM16229 MStudlandsRise:NewmarketRoadToCampionWay Royston Road Sections: 5U886/10

TheValleyResurfacing KnebworthandCodicote MEM16236 MTheValley:B651ToEnd Whitwell Road Sections: 5U110/10

TilehoueStreetResurfacing HitchinSouth MEM16392 MTilehouseStreet:JunctBridgeStToParkWay Hitchin Road Sections: 5U1123/20

ValleyRoadThinSurfacing KnebworthandCodicote MEM16225 MValleyRoad:Nos56-74 Codicote Road Sections: 5U1059/20

WellingtonAvenueResurfacing HitchinRural MEM16258 MWellinghamAvenue:A600BedfordRdOppTaCentreToOppNo100 Hitchin Road Sections: 5U540/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 224 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 108 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Northern Herts North Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 141 schemes Maintenance Member Highway Locality Budget Western Way Resurfacing Letchworth North West Way: MEM16320 Square (rbt) MWestern To Northfields Letchworth Road Sections: 5U778/30 Integrated Transport Programme Integrated Transport Programme Bus Stop Clearway Lining Programme 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16042 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Bus Stop Shelter and Clearway Programme 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16030 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 225 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 109 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Northern Herts North Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 141 schemes Integrated Transport Programme Integrated Transport Programme Bus Stop Upgrades Programme 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16041 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Hitchin Road to Grange Estate Cycle Schemes Letchworth East and Baldock, Road:ITP13062 Briar Patch SHitchin Lane To Letchworth Lane; Bridge Road: From Letchworth Letchworth North West, Icknield Way To Junc Station Way; Broadway: From Roundabout To Start Letchworth South On Circulatory; Sollershott West: Highfield To Spring Road Roundabout; Highfield: Hitchin Road To West View; Broadway: Roundabout; Spring Road: Roundabout To Burnell Rise Road Sections: 5U670/10 5U753/10 5U759/20 A505/240 C110/40 C120/20/30 ITS Strategy Works BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16033 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Letchworth Signage Improvements NORTH HERTS (District wide) Herts: ITP14081 North Herts SNorth Area Road Sections: NH/0 Comments Project Description: Improvements to signage in Letchworth LutonRoadPedestrianCrossing HitchinRural ITP16029 SLutonRoad:HighStreetTo40mWestOfClaypitCottages Great Offley Road Sections: C134/70

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 226 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 110 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Northern Herts North Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 141 schemes Integrated Transport Programme Integrated Transport Programme Norton Way North Letchworth Speed Compliance Letchworth East and Baldock Way ITP16008 North: From SNorton Icknield Way East To Norton Road Letchworth Road Sections: C89/40

Real Time Passenger Information Delivery BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16032 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

School Crossing Patrol Sites 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16036 Broxbourne IBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

SRTS Small Works pilot Delivery 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16035 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 227 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 111 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Northern Herts North Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 141 schemes Integrated Transport Programme Integrated Transport Programme Stevenage Road Pedestrian Crossing Hitchin South, Knebworth and ITP14020 Road: Speed WStevenage Restrict Signs To B656 Rbt Hitchin Codicote Road Sections: A602/500

Traffic Contol and Information Systems High Street Near The Green S221 Signal Knebworth and Codicote Street: TIS16004 Rabley Heath SHigh Lane To C24 Codicote Road Refurbishment Road Sections: B656/220 Codicote

Real Time Passenger Information Delivery 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), TIS16018 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA Safety & Movement Casualty Reduction A505 Cambridge Road j/w Stotfold Road Rbt Hitchin Hitchin North SAR16004 Drive: Junct SQueenswood Cambridge Rd To Junct Kingswood Av; Stotfold Casualty Reduction Proposals Road: Railway Bridge To Cambridge Road; Cambridge Road: St Michaels Hitchin Rd To Stotfold Rd Rbt; Cambridge Road: Stotfold Rd Rbt; Cambridge Road: Stotfold Road Rbt To East Side Of Corners House Road Sections: 5U489/10 A505/200/210/220 C109/55 A602 Stevenage Road Little Wymondley Casualty Knebworth and Codicote SAR16003 Road: Arch Rd SStevenage To Junction With A602 At Ashbrook Cottages; Reduction Proposals Stevenage Road: End Of Dual Carriageway To 40mph Signs; Ashbrook Stevenage Lane: U66 To A602 Project Location : 0 Road Sections: 5U87/10 A602/490 C171/30

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 228 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 112 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Northern Herts North Herts Scheme Delivery Plan 141 schemes Safety & Movement Casualty Reduction B197 High Street Graveley j/w North Road Casualty North Herts Rural, St Nicholas SAR16002Road: District SGraveley Boundary By Nursery To North Road; High Street: Reduction Proposals North Road To South Boundary Of House 1; North Road: Stevenage Graveley District Boundary To Graveley Road Project Location : 0 Road Sections: B197/812/815/900 Safety 17/18 Scheme Preperation and Early Deilvery BROXBOURNE (District wide), SAR16013 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Skid Resistance County Wide Sites BROXBOURNE (District wide), SAR16014 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA Northern Herts Stevenage Scheme Delivery Plan 102 schemes

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 229 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 113 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Northern Herts Stevenage Scheme Delivery Plan 102 schemes

Commissioning Records SRTS Small Works Prep 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), COM16009 Broxbourne IBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Major Projects LEP A602 Improvements Hertford Road Stevenage Broadwater MAJ17002 Way: Dual Carriageway SBroadhall To Hertford Rd Roundabout; Broadhall Broadwater, Stevenage Way: From 7y1/10 To 7y4/20; Broadhall Way: From 7y4/10 To Aston Lane; Broadhall Way: From Bragbury Lane To Broadwater Crescent; Broadhall Way: Hertford Rd Rbt N'th To Start Dual C/way; Broadhall Way: Hertford Road Roundabout; Blenheim Way: Junct Watton Rd Junct Hertford Rd; Hertford Road: Rbt Watton Rd To Rbt Broadhall; Broadhall Way: Spur To Carriageway Outside The Coach House; Broadhall Way: Start Of D/c To End Of D/c (n/b); Broadhall Way: Start Of D/c To End Of D/c (s/b) Road Sections: 7U463/10 7Y1/10 7Y4/10/20/30 A602/150/151/155/160/170 C29/230 Maintenance A Road Programme A1155StGeorgesWayRoundaboutResurfacing Bedwell ARP16123 SFairlandsWay:StGeorgesWayRbt Stevenage Road Sections: A1155/40

BroadhallWayResurfacing Broadwater,Shephall ARP16124 SBroadhallWay:ShephallWay/OaksCrossRbt Broadwater, Stevenage Road Sections: A602/220

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 230 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 114 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Northern Herts Stevenage Scheme Delivery Plan 102 schemes Maintenance A Road Programme BroadhallWayResurfacing Broadwater,Shephall ARP15251 SBroadhallWay:BroadwaterCres/ValleyWayRbt Broadwater, Stevenage Road Sections: A602/240

FairlandsWayResurfacing Bedwell ARP15248 SFairlandsWay:EndD2lToWebbsRise Stevenage Road Sections: A1155/80

GunnelsWoodRoadResurfacing Bedwell ARP17175 SGunnelsWoodRoad:A1155ToA1070 Stevenage Road Sections: A1072/41

GunnelsWoodRoadSurfaceDressing OldStevenage ARP17071 CGunnelsWoodRoad:A602ToClovelleyWay;GunnelsWoodRoad: Stevenage Clovelley Way To A602 Road Sections: A1072/90/91 HitchinRoadResurfacing OldStevenage ARP16122 SHitchinRoad:A1072Rbt Stevenage Road Sections: A602/430

LyttonWayResurfacing OldStevenage ARP16126 SLyttonWay:TrinityRdRbt Stevenage Road Sections: A602/370

Martins Way Surface Dressing St Nicholas Way: ARP14113 A1155 Verity WMartins Wy Rbt To Canterb'y Wy Rbt; Martins Way: Old Town, Stevenage Canterb'y Wy Rbt - A1155 Verity Way Rbt Project Location : Canterb'y Wy Rbt - A1155 Verity Way Rbt Road Sections: A1072/120/121 Martins Way Surface Dressing Old Stevenage, St Nicholas Way: ARP14045 A602 To Canterbury WMartins Way; Martins Way: Canterbury Way Rbt Old Town, Stevenage Westb'd To A602 Rbt Road Sections: A1072/100/101

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 231 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 115 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Northern Herts Stevenage Scheme Delivery Plan 102 schemes Maintenance Bridges & Structures Programme Bridge Reactive Joint Scheme 1 BROXBOURNE (District wide), BRG16016 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Bridge Reactive Joint Scheme 2 BROXBOURNE (District wide), BRG16017 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Gunnelswood/Fairlands Way Bridge HCC No. 909 Bedwell, Old Stevenage Wood BRG15001 Road: A1155 SGunnels Rbt Stevenage Road Sections: A1072/50

Parapet Refurbishment Works BROXBOURNE (District wide), BRG16018 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 232 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 116 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Northern Herts Stevenage Scheme Delivery Plan 102 schemes Maintenance Bridges & Structures Programme SixHillsRailwayBridgeHCCNo.733 Bedwell,Broadwater BRG15013 CSixHillsWay:A1072ToA602;SixHillsWay:A602ToA1072 Stevenage Road Sections: A1070/10/11

Local Carriageway BroadviewThinSurfacing Bedwell CWY151406 SBroadview:SishLaneToNo37 Old Town, Stevenage Road Sections: 7U40/10

Broadwater Crescent Local Resurfacing Broadwater CWY161510 Crescent: East SBroadwater Of Junct Oaks Cross To A602; Broadwater Broadwater, Stevenage Crescent: Rbt A602 To Junct Oaks Cross Road Sections: 7U41/10/20 BurydaleThinSurfacing Broadwater CWY16318 SBurydale:CresOffTheWillows Broadwater, Stevenage Road Sections: 7U51/10

Cartwright Road Major Patching/Local Resurfacing St Nicholas CWY161110 Road: Great SCartwright Ashby Road To Cartwright Road (south Of Isla; and Recon Cartwright Road: Wedgwood Way To Great Ashby Way Stevenage Road Sections: 7U401/10/20 ChellsWayResurfacingPhase1 Bedwell,Chells CWY161419 SChellsWay:SixHillsWayToFairlandsWay Chells, Stevenage Road Sections: 7U66/10

CuttysLaneThinSurfacing Bedwell CWY161531 SCuttysLane:StGeorgesWayToBedwellCres Bedwell, Stevenage Road Sections: 7U378/10

EastCloseThinSurfacing Bedwell CWY15906 SEastClose:Cul-de-sacNos1-5 Bedwell, Stevenage Road Sections: 7U96/10

Eliot Road/Bronte Paths Thin Surfacing Chells Paths: CWY161086 Cul-de-sac SBronte Leading To Rear Of No 78; Bronte Paths: Cul-de- Stevenage sac Nos 113-137; Bronte Paths: Nos 111-91 Cul-de-sac; Bronte Paths: Nos 45-31; Eliot Road: Side Of No18 To Rear Of No 4 Eliot Road Road Sections: 7U102/30 7U42/10/20/30/40 GreenwaysThinSurfacing Bedwell CWY161231 SGreenways:PoppleWayToEnd(house10) Old Town, Stevenage Road Sections: 7U136/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 233 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 117 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Northern Herts Stevenage Scheme Delivery Plan 102 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway GresleyWayResurfacing Broadwater,Chells,Shephall CWY151845 SGresleyWay:BroadhallWayRbtToBroadwaterLaneRbt;GresleyWay: The Poplars, Stevenage Broadwater Ln Rbt To Edmonds Drive Rbt; Gresley Way: Edmunds Dr Rbt North To 6 Hills Way Rbt Road Sections: 7U479/20/40 7U53/20 HomesteadMoatThinSurfacing Bedwell CWY161532 SHomesteadMoat:6HillsWayToCuttysLn Bedwell, Stevenage Road Sections: 7U157/10

HuntingdonRoadThinSurfacing OldStevenage CWY15630 SHuntingdonRoad:BarryCourt-No29 Old Town, Stevenage Road Sections: 7U160/10

LonsdaleRoadThinSurfacing Bedwell CWY161394 SLonsdaleRoad:Nos20-4;LonsdaleRoad:Nos22-38;LonsdaleRoad:Nos Pin Green, Stevenage 58-74; Lonsdale Road: Spur For Houses 138 To 130; Lonsdale Road: Spur For Houses 140 To 158; Lonsdale Road: Spur For Houses 182 To 200 Road Sections: 7U199/30/40/50/60/70/80 Nodes Drive Thin Surfacing Broadwater Drive: CWY161318 Cres Off Broadwater SNodes Cres Broadwater, Stevenage Road Sections: 7U229/10

Old Knebworth Lane Localised Patching Broadwater, Knebworth and KnebworthCWY161416 Lane: C29 SOld To Stevenage Bc Bdy Sign; Old Knebworth Old Knebworth Codicote Lane: Sign 16 M From Bridge To Junct B197 Road Sections: 5U253/10 7U253/10 PennRoad/FoxRoadThinSurfacing Bedwell CWY161306 SPennRoad:6HillsWayToNos55-71;FoxRoad:No14PennRdToNo Bedwell, Stevenage 48 Penn Rd; Penn Road: No 83 To Cuttys Ln Road Sections: 7U120/10 7U255/10/20 RectoryLaneThinSurfacing OldStevenage CWY17165 SRectoryLane:B197NorthRoadToWestonRoad Stevenage Road Sections: C18/10

SixHillsWayThinSurfacing OldStevenage CWY11638 SSixHillsWay:FromPottersLaneToGunnelsWdRoad Industrial Area, Stevenage Road Sections: 7U393/10

StanmoreRoadThinSurfacing OldStevenage CWY141208 SStanmoreRoad:ChurchLaneToBasilsRoad Old Town, Stevenage Road Sections: 7U310/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 234 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 118 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Northern Herts Stevenage Scheme Delivery Plan 102 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway TheChaceThinSurfacing Broadwater CWY161058 STheChace:CresTurpinsRise;TheChace:SpurForHouses19To11 Broadwater, Stevenage Road Sections: 7U60/10/20

WebbRiseThinSurfacing Bedwell CWY161115 SWebbRise:Nos1-81;WebbRise:Nos225-239;WebbRise:Nos47-61; Pin Green, Stevenage Webb Rise: Spur For Houses 161 To 151; Webb Rise: Spur For Houses 219 To 207; Webb Rise: Spur For Houses 27 To 15 Road Sections: 7U340/30/40/50/70/80/90 WhomerleyRoad/DentonRoadThinSurfacing Bedwell CWY161049 SDentonRoad:DentonRoadCul-de-sacNo28To20;WhomerleyRoad: Bedwell, Stevenage Hammerhead Fronting 85 To 77; Whomerley Road: Rockingham Way To No 73; Whomerley Road: Spur For Houses 13 To Garages (hse 21); Denton Road: Whomerley Rd To Rockingham Way Road Sections: 7U347/10/20/30 7U85/10/20

Local Drainage Bragbury Lane Drainage Investigation Broadwater, Hertford Rural DRN16008 Lane: District IBragbury Bdy By Keepers Cottage To East Of Rail Br; Broadwater, Stevenage Bragbury Lane: Sign 16m From Bridge To Broadhall Way Road Sections: 3U64/30 7U64/10 KymswellRoadDrainageInvestigation Shephall DRN16003 IKymswellRoad:FeatherstonRoadToChertseyRise;HayleyCommon:N0 Shephall, Stevenage 67 To Kymswell Rd; Hayley Common: No 51 Hayley Common To Shephall Way Road Sections: 7F204/10 7U147/30 7U177/10

Member Highway Locality Budget Ashdown Road Footway Reconstruction Broadwater MEM16147 Road: Hertford MAshdown Road To Broadwater Crescent Broadwater, Stevenage Road Sections: 7U10/10

Austen Paths 1 Footway Reconstruction Chells Paths: MEM16131 No 34 To MAusten No 19 Ferrier Rd Chells, Stevenage Road Sections: 7F336/90

Austen Paths 2 Footway Reconstruction Chells Paths: MEM16132 Nos 74 To MAusten 82 Austen Paths Chells, Stevenage Road Sections: 7F336/130

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 235 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 119 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Northern Herts Stevenage Scheme Delivery Plan 102 schemes Maintenance Member Highway Locality Budget Austen Paths 3 Footway Reconstruction Chells Paths: MEM16133 Nos 58-66 MAusten Chells, Stevenage Road Sections: 7F336/120

Austen Paths 4 Footway Reconstruction Chells Paths: MEM16134 No11 Ferrier MAusten Road To No22 Siddons Road Chells, Stevenage Road Sections: 7F336/30

Austen Paths 5 Footway Reconstruction Chells Paths: MEM16135 Front Of MAusten Houses 13 To 17; Austen Paths: No11 Ferrier Road Stevenage To No22 Siddons Road; Austen Paths: Steps By Post Office To House 20 Road Sections: 7F336/200/220/30 AustenPaths6FootwayReconstruction Chells MEM16136 MSiddonsRoad:RearOfNos16-22 Chells, Stevenage Road Sections: 7F336/10

Austen Paths 7 Footway Reconstruction Chells Paths: MEM16137 No 34 To MAusten No 19 Ferrier Rd; Austen Paths: Nos 68-82 Austen Chells, Stevenage Paths; Austen Paths: Nos 69 - No 111 Road Sections: 7F336/100/150/90 Austen Paths 8 Footway Reconstruction Chells Paths: MEM16138 No11 Ferrier MAusten Road To No22 Siddons Road Chells, Stevenage Road Sections: 7F336/30

Austen Paths 9 Footway Reconstruction Chells Paths: MEM16139 No 115 Via MAusten No 57 To 102 Chells, Stevenage Road Sections: 7F336/160

BaddeleyCloseThinSurfacing Shephall MEM16109 MBaddeleyClose:BarnwellToTurningCircleAtEnd;BaddeleyClose: Shephall, Stevenage Turning Point Road Sections: 7U17/10/20 BandleyRiseFootwayReconstruction Shephall MEM16115 MBandleyRise:ShephallWayToChertseyRise Shephall, Stevenage Road Sections: 7U20/10

Bronte Paths 1 Footway Reconstruction Chells Paths: MEM16140 Front Of House MBronte 28 To Rear Of House 14; Eliot Road: Side Stevenage Of No18 To Rear Of No 4 Eliot Road Road Sections: 7F329/90 7U102/30 Bronte Paths 2 Footway Reconstruction Chells Paths: MEM16141 From No MBronte 86 Chells Way To No 74 Bronte Pa; Bronte Paths: Chells, Stevenage Nos 46-45 Road Sections: 7F329/10/20

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 236 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 120 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Northern Herts Stevenage Scheme Delivery Plan 102 schemes Maintenance Member Highway Locality Budget Bronte Paths 3 Footway Reconstruction Chells Paths: MEM16142 Nos 46-45 MBronte Chells, Stevenage Road Sections: 7F329/20

Bronte Paths Footway Reconstruction Chells Paths: MEM16130 Rear Of Nos MBronte 65-89 Chells, Stevenage Road Sections: 7F329/60

Burydale Footway Reconstruction Broadwater MEM16149 Nos 10-48 MBurydale: Broadwater, Stevenage Road Sections: 7F126/10

CannixCloseResurfacing Shephall MEM16112 MCannixClose:Cul-de-sacNos1-29 Shephall, Stevenage Road Sections: 7U56/10

Carters Close Footway Surface Treatment Broadwater, Shephall Close: MEM16118 Cul-de-sac MCarters From House 5 To House 11; Carters Close: Cul- The Poplars, Stevenage de-sac Nos 39-63; Carters Close: From Edmunds Dr; Carters Close: No 7 Carters Cl Link To Parishes Mead; Carters Close: Spur For Houses 14 To 34; Oakfields Close: West East Sect From Oakfields; Oakfields: West To East Sect Junct Oaks Cross Road Sections: 7F235/10 7U236/10 7U237/10 7U527/10/20/30/40 Eastbourne Avenue Footway Reconstruction Old Stevenage MEM16128 Avenue: House MEastbourne Nos 2 To 22; Eastbourne Avenue: Nos 38-48 Old Town, Stevenage Road Sections: 7U379/40/50

Eastbourne AvenueResurfacing OldStevenage MEM16127 MEastbourneAvenue:HouseNos2To22;EastbourneAvenue:Nos38-48; Old Town, Stevenage Eastbourne Avenue: Nos 39-57; Eastbourne Avenue: Nos 74-50; Eastbourne Avenue: Rear Of No 37 To Rear Of No 31; Eastbourne Avenue: Symonds Green Ln To Clovelly Way Road Sections: 7U379/10/20/30/40/50/60 Gonville Crescent Footway Reconstruction Shephall Crescent: MEM16116 From MGonville Nos 170-188; Gonville Crescent: Leading To No Shephall, Stevenage 182 Road Sections: 7F213/10/20 GroveRoadFootwayReconstruction OldStevenage MEM16129 MGroveRoad:ChurchLaneToEnd(house47) Old Town, Stevenage Road Sections: 7U138/10

Haycroft Road Footway Reconstruction Old Stevenage Road: MEM16126 Letchmore MHaycroft Road To End (near Grace Way) Old Town, Stevenage Road Sections: 7U146/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 237 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 121 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Northern Herts Stevenage Scheme Delivery Plan 102 schemes Maintenance Member Highway Locality Budget HydeGreenSouthResurfacing Shephall MEM16110 MHydeGreen:HydeGreen(south)Nos1-10 Shephall, Stevenage Road Sections: 7U164/10

HydeanWayFootwayReconstruction Shephall MEM16114 MHydeanWay:ValleyWayToShephallWay Shephall, Stevenage Road Sections: 7U166/10

JessopRoadNo.115-169Resurfacing StNicholas MEM16377 MJessopRoad:SpurForHouses123-141 Pin Green, Stevenage Road Sections: 7U171/200

JessopRoadNo.21-41Resurfacing StNicholas MEM16376 MJessopRoad:SpurForHouses21-41 Pin Green, Stevenage Road Sections: 7U171/220

LinkwaysEastResurfacing Bedwell MEM16281 MLinkwaysEast:ExchangeRoadToEnd(house27) Bedwell, Stevenage Road Sections: 7U189/20

LodgeWayResurfacing Broadwater MEM16146 MLodgeWay:ShephallLnToWoodlandWay Broadwater, Stevenage Road Sections: 7U194/10

LonsdaleRoad287-345Resurfacing Bedwell MEM16323 MLonsdaleRoad:SpurForHouses287To315 Pin Green, Stevenage Road Sections: 7U199/140

LonsdaleRoad347-409Resurfacing Bedwell MEM16322 MLonsdaleRoad:SpurForHouses347To379 Pin Green, Stevenage Road Sections: 7U199/150

LonsdaleRoadResurfacing Bedwell MEM16283 MLonsdaleRoad:Nos92-218 Pin Green, Stevenage Road Sections: 7U199/20

OrwellAvenueResurfacing StNicholas MEM16378 MOrwellAvenue:GreatAshbyWayToEndByAvonDrive Stevenage Road Sections: 7U788/10

PaddocksCloseFootwayReconstruction Shephall MEM16117 MPaddocksClose:Cul-de-sacNos1-20OffThePaddocks Shephall, Stevenage Road Sections: 7U247/10

PaddocksCloseResurfacing Shephall MEM16113 MPaddocksClose:Cul-de-sacNos1-20OffThePaddocks Shephall, Stevenage Road Sections: 7U247/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 238 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 122 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Northern Herts Stevenage Scheme Delivery Plan 102 schemes Maintenance Member Highway Locality Budget ParkViewFootwayReconstruction Broadwater MEM16148 MParkView:SectRunningWestToEast Broadwater, Stevenage Road Sections: 7U250/20

PrioryDellResurfacing Bedwell MEM16278 MPrioryDell:BedwellCrescentToEnd Bedwell, Stevenage Road Sections: 7U264/10

RidgewayResurfacing Bedwell MEM16282 MRidgeway:Nos1-17;Ridgeway:TurningArea Bedwell, Stevenage Road Sections: 7U270/10/20

Scarborough Avenue Footway Reconstruction Old Stevenage MEM16125 Avenue: Rear MScarborough Of Garages - Huntingdon Rd Old Town, Stevenage Road Sections: 7F782/20

Symonds Green Road Footway Reconstruction Old Stevenage MEM16124 Road: Corner MSouthsea Of Jubilee Rd - Symonds Green Rd; Southsea Old Town, Stevenage Road: Near Nos 20-21 Road Sections: 7F789/10/20 TheHydeFootwayReconstruction Shephall MEM16108 MTheHyde:HydeanWayToRandallsHill Stevenage Project Location : 0 Road Sections: 7U409/20 TheWillowsResurfacing Broadwater MEM16144 MTheWillows:CresOffBroadwaterCres Broadwater, Stevenage Road Sections: 7U351/10

TwinwoodsResurfacing Bedwell MEM16279 MTwinWoods:TheHawthornsToEnd(house13) Bedwell, Stevenage Road Sections: 7U324/10

VintersAvenueResurfacing Bedwell MEM16280 MVintersAvenue:AbbotsGroveToRamsdell Bedwell, Stevenage Road Sections: 7U333/10

WestReachResurfacing Shephall MEM16111 MWestReach:OffValleyWayToEnd Shephall, Stevenage Road Sections: 7U343/10

WillowsLinkResurfacing Broadwater MEM16145 MWillowsLink:LinkAcrossTheWillows Broadwater, Stevenage Road Sections: 7U352/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 239 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 123 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Northern Herts Stevenage Scheme Delivery Plan 102 schemes Integrated Transport Programme Integrated Transport Programme Bus Stop Clearway Lining Programme 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16042 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Bus Stop Shelter and Clearway Programme 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16030 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Bus Stop Upgrades Programme 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16041 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Danestrete Pedestrian Crossing Bedwell ITP14029 Lytton Way SDanestrete: Rbt To South Boundary Of Garage Stevenage Road Sections: 7U404/5

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 240 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 124 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Northern Herts Stevenage Scheme Delivery Plan 102 schemes Integrated Transport Programme Integrated Transport Programme ITS Strategy Works BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16033 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

LondonRoadFootwayImprovements Broadwater ITP14025 SLondonRoad:RoaringMegRbtToSixHillsWayRbt Broadwater, Stevenage Road Sections: B197/650

Real Time Passenger Information Delivery BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16032 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

School Crossing Patrol Sites 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16036 Broxbourne IBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 241 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 125 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Northern Herts Stevenage Scheme Delivery Plan 102 schemes Integrated Transport Programme Integrated Transport Programme Six Hills Way Path Widening and St Georges Way Bedwell ITP13072 SPennRoad:6HillsWayToNos55-71;SilamRoad:CuttysLnToFairlands Cycling Way; Six Hills Way: From 7y21/20 To 7y21/40; Penn Road: No 83 To Bedwell, Stevenage Cuttys Ln; Penn Road: Penns Rd Nos 121-137 To Cuttys Ln; Cuttys Lane: St Georges Way To Bedwell Cres; Penn Road: St Georges Way To Friends Meeting Hse Road Sections: 7F544/10/20 7U255/10/20 7U299/10 7U378/10 7Y21/30 SRTS Small Works pilot Delivery 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16035 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Traffic Contol and Information Systems LEPA1SignalJunctionStratergy Broadwater TIS16019 SBroadhallWay:A1(m)RbtToA1072Rbt;GunnelsWoodRoad:A1070To Stevenage A602; Gunnels Wood Road: A602 Broadhall Way Rbt To A1070 6 Hills; Gunnels Wood Road: Glaxo Gates To A602 - Slip Lane; Broadhall Way: Gunnels Wood Rd Rbt; Broadhall Way: Gunnels Wood Rd Rbt To A1(m) Rbt; Broadhall Way: Monkswood Way Rbt To A1072 Rbt; Gunnels Wood Road: Spur To Sth Off A602 Rbt (to Glaxo) Road Sections: A1072/10/11/200/201 A602/290/300/310/311

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 242 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 126 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet Northern Herts Stevenage Scheme Delivery Plan 102 schemes Integrated Transport Programme Traffic Contol and Information Systems Real Time Passenger Information Delivery 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), TIS16018 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA Safety & Movement Casualty Reduction Safety 17/18 Scheme Preperation and Early Deilvery BROXBOURNE (District wide), SAR16013 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Skid Resistance County Wide Sites BROXBOURNE (District wide), SAR16014 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 243 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 127 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet South West Herts Dacorum Scheme Delivery Plan 169 schemes

Commissioning Records SRTS Small Works Prep 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), COM16009 Broxbourne IBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA Maintenance A Road Programme A41 Westbound Surface Dressing Kings Langley Westbound: ARP14099 Chipperfield WA41 Rd Overbridge To Two Waters Underbrid; Hemel Hempstead A41: Hunton Bridge Roundabout To Chipperfield Road Over; A41 Northbound: Northbound Onslip From Two Waters Rbt; A41 Westbound: Two Waters Underbridge To A4251 London Rd Overbrid Road Sections: A41/327/331/359/377 High Street Major Patching Berkhamsted, Bridgewater Street: ARP15182 Total Garage CHigh To Swing Gate Lane; High Street: Tring Rd Berkhamsted Name Plate To Gossoms End Name Plate (bef Road Sections: A4251/65/70 Leighton Buzzard Road Resurfacing Hemel Hempstead Town BuzzardARP17079 Road: SLeighton Plough Rbt To End Of Dual C/way Sect Boxmoor, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: A4146/20

Redbourn Road/St Agnells Lane Roundabout Hemel Hempstead East, Hemel ARP16106 Road: A4147/b487 SRedbourn Rbt - St Agnells Rd/redb'n Rd Resurfacing Hempstead North East, Hemel Road Sections: A4147/60 Highfield, Hemel Hempstead Hempstead St. Paul's

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 244 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 128 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet South West Herts Dacorum Scheme Delivery Plan 169 schemes Maintenance Bridges & Structures Programme Bridge Reactive Joint Scheme 1 BROXBOURNE (District wide), BRG16016 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Bridge Reactive Joint Scheme 2 BROXBOURNE (District wide), BRG16017 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

FisheryRoadBridgeHCCNo.1252 Hemel HempsteadTown BRG16011 SFisheryRoad:StJohnsRdToLondonRdA4251 Boxmoor, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U657/20

Parapet Refurbishment Works BROXBOURNE (District wide), BRG16018 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 245 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 129 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet South West Herts Dacorum Scheme Delivery Plan 169 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway AcornRoadResurfacing HemelHempsteadEast,Hemel Meadow:CWY15027 Acorn Road CRant North To Footpath; Acorn Road: From Bennetts Bennetts End, Hemel Hempstead Hempstead South East End Rd To Rent Meadow Road Sections: 2U449/10 2U935/20 AllandaleMajorPatching HemelHempsteadSt.Paul's, CWY161408 Queensway To SAllandale: Paston Rd Highfield, Hemel Hempstead Hemel Hempstead Town Road Sections: 2U457/10

Alnwick Drive/Potash Lane Major Patching Tring Lane: CWY151760 C71 To Farm CPotash Access After Culvert; Alnwick Drive: C71 To Long Marston Field Gate At East End Of Cottage Road Sections: 2U81/10 2U90/10 AlstonRoadThinSurfacing HemelHempsteadTown CWY151383 SAlstonRoad:FromGrosvenorTerraceToGreenEndRd Boxmoor, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U459/10

AylesburyRoadSurfaceDressing Tring CWY141029 WAylesburyRoad:A41/b488NorthernRbtToSpeedRestNrDonkeyLane; Tring Aylesbury Road: Speed Sign Nr Donkey Ln To Park Rd Road Sections: B4635/10/20 BelsizeCloseThinSurfacing HemelHempsteadEast CWY161920 SBelsizeClose:BelsizeRoadToEndByHouse5 Bennetts End, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U489/10

Billet Lane Resurfacing Berkhamsted Lane: CWY161114 (part) From SBillet High St To Bridgewater Rd Berkhamsted Road Sections: 2U281/10

BottomHouseLaneSurfaceDressing Tring CWY151799 CCrawleysLane:CheshamRdToBottomHseLn;BottomHouseLane: Newground, Wigginton Crawleys Ln To Hemp Ln Road Sections: 2U55/10 C69/40 BoundaryWayResurfacing HemelHempsteadEast CWY17126 CBoundaryWay:BoundaryWayRoundaboutAtBuncefieldLane;Boundary Industrial, Hemel Hempstead Way: Three Cherry Trees Ln Southwards To Roundabout Road Sections: 2U1517/10/50 Briar Way Surface Dressing Berkhamsted Way: CWY15249 From Coram WBriar Cl To Chestnut Dr Berkhamsted Road Sections: 2U284/10

BulbourneCloseThinSurfacing Hemel HempsteadTown CWY161290 SBulbourneClose:FromGrosvenorTerraceToEnd Boxmoor, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U518/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 246 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 130 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet South West Herts Dacorum Scheme Delivery Plan 169 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway CheshamRoadSurfaceDressing Tring CWY161109 CCheshamRoad:30mphSignsToVicarageRd;CheshamRoad:40mph Wigginton Signs To 30mph Signs; Chesham Road: Cholesbury Rd To 40mph Signs Road Sections: C68/30/40/45 ClaymoreThinSurfacing HemelHempsteadNorthEast CWY161212 SClaymore:FromNo159ToNo142;Claymore:FromNo189ToNo170; Grovehill, Hemel Hempstead Claymore: From No 51 To No 65; Claymore: From No 6 To O/s No 31; Claymore: From Washington Ave To The End O/s No 10 Road Sections: 2U1454/10/20/30/40/50 Coles Lane/Kennel Lane Surface Dressing Bridgewater, St. Albans Rural Lane: CWY151318 Chad Ln To CColes Silver Birches 180m East Of M1; Coles Lane: Dist Harpenden Bdy(track On Lhs 150m Se Gibraltar Ln) To Jun; Kennel Lane: Junct Coles Ln To Junct Kinsbourne Grn Road Sections: 2U61/10 6U59/10 6U61/30 Concorde Drive/Caernarvon Close Thin Surfacing Hemel Hempstead Town CWY161929 Close: From SCaernarvon Mayflower Ave; Concorde Drive: From Mayflower Adeyfield, Hemel Hempstead Ave Road Sections: 2U528/10 2U576/10 CromerCloseThinSurfacing Bridgewater CWY13059 CCromerClose:C67NettledenRoadToEnd(house22);CromerClose: Little Gaddesden Turning Head To (pillar Box) Road Sections: 2U113/10/20 DarrsLaneSurfaceDressing Bridgewater CWY151775 CDarrsLane:NorthBdyOfHouse14ToA4251HighSt;DarrsLane: Northchurch Shootersway To Speed Rest By Skerriers; Darrs Lane: Speed Rest To Nth Bdy Of No 14 Road Sections: 2U57/110/120/130 Doctors Commons Road Localised Patch and Berkhamsted Commons CWY15348 Road: CDoctors Millcrest To Charles St Resurfacing Road Sections: 2U316/10 Berkhamsted

DunlinRoadThinSurfacing Hemel HempsteadNorthEast CWY151422 SDunlinRoad:FromNo20ToTheEnd;DunlinRoad:FromNo73ToThe Grovehill, Hemel Hempstead End; Dunlin Road: From No 85 To The End; Dunlin Road: From Washington Ave To The End; Dunlin Road: Spur At Side Of House 8 To End By House 12 Road Sections: 2U1446/10/20/30/40/50 Fox Road Surface Dressing Tring Road: CWY151735 Derestriction CFox Signs To A41 Roundabout; Fox Road: Highfield Rd Wigginton, Tring To Derestriction Signs Road Sections: C138/20/30

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 247 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 131 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet South West Herts Dacorum Scheme Delivery Plan 169 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway Frithsden Lane Surface Dressing Bridgewater CWY141120 Lane: Ashridge CFrithsden Ln To Nettleden Rd Frithsden, Potten End Road Sections: 2U62/10

Green End Road Thin Surfacing Hemel Hempstead North West, EndCWY151634 Road: Northridge SGreen Way To Gravel Lane Green End, Hemel Hempstead Hemel Hempstead Town Road Sections: 2U705/20

HavelockRoadThinSurfacing KingsLangley CWY161941 SHavelockRoad:FromWhitlarsDrToEnd Kings Langley Road Sections: 2U431/10

High Street Carriageway Local Reconstruction Tring Street: CWY141237 Christchurch CHigh Road Roundabout To Frogmore Street; High Tring Street: Frogmore St To Brook St Rbt Road Sections: B4635/38/40 Horseblock Lane Major Patching and Surface Tring CWY151856 WHorseblock:DistBdyAtHillsideFmEToCheshamRd;HorseblockLane: Dressing Dist Bdy At Hillside Fm S To County Bdy Tring Road Sections: 2U171/10/110 IcknieldWayMajorPatching Tring CWY151855 SIcknieldWay:AylesburyRoadRoundaboutToMiswellLane Tring Road Sections: B488/5

Icknield Way Rbts Resurfacing Tring Way: CWY161406 A41 Upper SIcknield Icknield Way From Sthrn And Nrthrn Rbt; A41 Tring Upper Icknield Way Intrchn: A41 Upper Icknield Way Interchange Northern Rbt; A41 Upper Icknield Way Intchng: A41 Upper Icknield Way Interchange Southern Rbt Road Sections: B4635/3/6/9 KingsCloseThinSurfacing KingsLangley CWY161355 CKingsClose:JunctKingsLnToEndOfRd Chipperfield Road Sections: 2U136/10

KingsleyWalkThinSurfacing Tring CWY161362 SKingsleyWalk:FromAdjNos116-132;KingsleyWalk:FromAdjNos87- Tring 77; Kingsley Walk: From Bettys Ln To No 38; Kingsley Walk: From No 106- 98; Kingsley Walk: From Nos 123-113; Kingsley Walk: From Nos 80-66; Kingsley Walk: From Nos 8-13; Kingsley Walk: Fron Nos 42-152 Road Sections: 2U227/10/20/30/40/50/60/70/80 LombardyCloseThinSurfacing Hemel HempsteadEast CWY16089 SLombardyClose:Nos19-11;LombardyClose:PancakeLnToEnd(no43) Leverstock Green, Hemel Road Sections: 2U799/10/20 Hempstead

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 248 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 132 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet South West Herts Dacorum Scheme Delivery Plan 169 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway MarlinChapelLaneSurfaceDressing Bridgewater CWY151813 CMarlinChapelLane:HogLaneToEnd Northchurch Road Sections: 2U139/10

Millfield Lane Surface Dressing Bridgewater Lane: CWY151817 Pipers Lane CMillfield Westwards To County Boundary Caddington, Markyate Road Sections: 2U56/20

NettledenRoadSurfaceDressing Bridgewater CWY151823 CNettledenRoad:A4146ToNettledenRoad;NettledenRoad:DeresTo Water End, Hemel Hempstead Guide Post At U170 Nettleden Rd Road Sections: C67/10/15 PembridgeCloseThinSurfacing KingsLangley CWY151042 CPembridgeClose:JunctPembridgeRdToEndOfRd;PembridgeClose: Bovingdon Spur Off Pembridge Cl Road Sections: 2U1338/10/20 Pix Farm Lane Surface Dressing Berkhamsted, Kings Langley Farm CWY161300Lane: Little Heath CPix Ln To Dist Bdy (sharpes Ln); Pix Farm Lane: Hemel Hempstead Winkwell To Dist Bdy (sharpes Lane) Road Sections: 2U1447/10 2U150/10 QueensRoadThinSurfacing Berkhamsted CWY161334 CQueensRoad:A4251HighStreetToWestStreet;QueensRoad: Berkhamsted Shrublands Rd To West Street Road Sections: 2U381/10/20 Sandmere Close Thin Surfacing Hemel Hempstead St. Paul's CWY151177 Close: Nos 1-9; CSandmere Sandmere Close: Side Of No 297 St Albans Rd Adeyfield, Hemel Hempstead To End Road Sections: 2U986/10/20 SeymourRoadResurfacing Bridgewater CWY14636 SSeymourRoad:DarrsLaneToEnd Northchurch Road Sections: 2U389/10

Shootersway Surface Dressing Berkhamsted, Bridgewater CWY151685 Durrants LnCShootersway: To Junc U1674 Shootersway Nr Bridge Ov; Northchurch Shootersway: Speed Rest By Coppins Cl To Durrants Ln Road Sections: C139/110/120 Shootersway Surface Dressing Berkhamsted CWY16990 30mph Signs CShootersway: Eastwards To Tower Cl; Shootersway: Tower Berkhamsted Cl To Junc A416 Road Sections: C139/10/20 Shootersway/Cock Grove Surface Dressing Bridgewater, Tring Grove: CWY161151 Fuzzen Field CCock (c69) To Shootersway (c139); Shootersway: Northchurch Junc U1674 Shootersway To Cock Grove Via Bridge Ov Road Sections: 2U152/10 C139/130

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 249 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 133 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet South West Herts Dacorum Scheme Delivery Plan 169 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway StDavidsCloseThinSurfacing HemelHempsteadEast CWY161327 SStDavidsClose:LeverstockGreenRdToEnd Leverstock Green, Hemel Road Sections: 2U974/10 Hempstead

Station Road Major Patching and Surface Dressing Tring Road: CWY141085 London Rd WStation To Boro Bdy O/s Ent Pendley Manor (east Tring Project Location : B4635 London Road To Beggars Lane Road Sections: C70/10 TheGreen/NettledenRoadSurfaceDressing Bridgewater CWY151694 CNettledenRoad:ChurchRdToGiveWay120YdSignByDeerLeap(sw; Little Gaddesden Nettleden Road: Dr To Tanglewood To Hudnall Ln; The Green: Hudnall Lane To Church Road; Nettleden Road: Junction 2u170 To Drive For Tanglewood House; Nettleden Road North: Robin Hood House Access To Hudnall Lane Road Sections: C67/20/30/35/40/50 VicarageRoadSurfaceDressing Tring CWY151723 CVicarageRoad:CheshamRdToHighfieldRd Wigginton Road Sections: C138/10

Waterhouse Street Resurfacing Hemel Hempstead Town CWY161122 Street: Moor SWaterhouse End Rd To Bridge Street Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U1078/10

WickRoadSurfaceDressing Tring CWY141213 CWickRoad:CheshamRdToSpeedRestSignByElecSu Wigginton, Tring Road Sections: 2U111/10

Local Drainage BeaconRoadDrainageWorks Bridgewater DRN16002 SBeaconRoad:B4506ToBoundaryPost Little Gaddesden Road Sections: C67/60

Doctors Commons Road Drainage Works Berkhamsted Commons DRN15009 Road: CDoctors Millcrest To Charles St Berkhamsted Project Location : O/s House 'claremont' Road Sections: 2U316/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 250 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 134 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet South West Herts Dacorum Scheme Delivery Plan 169 schemes Maintenance Local Drainage IcknieldWayDrainageWorks Tring DRN10020 CWoodlandClose:FrontingNos46-41;IcknieldWay:MiswellLaneToLittle Tring Tring Road; Western Road: Park Rd To Christchurch Road Roundabout; Woodland Close: Park Rd To End; Aylesbury Road: Speed Sign Nr Donkey Ln To Park Rd; Park Road: Western Rd To Akeman St Project Location : From Miswell La To Little Tring Rd Road Sections: 2U1308/10 2U250/10 2U271/10 B4635/20/30 B488/10 PiccottsEndDrainageWorks HemelHempsteadTown DRN12025 CPiccottsEnd:DoddsLaneToA4147Roundabout Piccotts End, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U912/30

Western Road Drainage Works Tring Road: DRN13024 Christchurch CWestern Road Roundabout; Western Road: Park Rd Tring To Christchurch Road Roundabout; Aylesbury Road: Speed Sign Nr Donkey Ln To Park Rd; Park Road: Western Rd To Akeman St Road Sections: 2U250/10 B4635/20/30/36

Local Footway Adeyfield Road Footway Micro Hemel Hempstead East, Hemel FWY16072 Road: Midland SAdeyfield Road To High St Green Adeyfield, Hemel Hempstead Hempstead St. Paul's Road Sections: C129/40

Alexandra Road Footway Micro Kings Langley FWY16045 Road: From Church SAlexandra Lane To End Kings Langley Road Sections: 2U417/10

Basildon Square Footway Micro Hemel Hempstead North East Square:FWY16021 Loop ClockwiseSBasildon From Junction By House 1 Grovehill, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U483/20

Bunkers Lane Footway Micro Hemel Hempstead South East Lane: FWY16018 Belswains SBunkers Ln To Derestriction Signs Bennetts End, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U424/10

Castle Hill Avenue Footway Micro Berkhamsted Hill FWY16057 Avenue: From SCastle No 8 Bridgewater Rd To No 32 Bridge Berkhamsted Road Sections: 2U290/10

Castle Street Footway Reconstruction Berkhamsted Street: FWY16001 From Station SCastle Rd To High St Berkhamsted Project Location : Outside Collegiate School Road Sections: 2U292/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 251 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 135 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet South West Herts Dacorum Scheme Delivery Plan 169 schemes Maintenance Local Footway CoppinsCloseFootwayMicro Berkhamsted FWY16082 SCoppinsClose:ShooterswayToEnd Berkhamsted Road Sections: 2U1480/10

DeanfieldFootwayMicro KingsLangley FWY16054 SDeanField:JunctOldDeanToEndOfRd Bovingdon Road Sections: 2U122/10

Doctors Commons Road Footway Micro Berkhamsted Commons FWY16044 Road: SDoctors Millcrest To Charles St Berkhamsted Road Sections: 2U316/10

Fennycroft Road Footway Reconstruction Hemel Hempstead North West FWY16002 Road: From SFennycroft Galley Hill To Halsey Drive Gadebridge, Hemel Hempstead Project Location : From galley hill to halsey drive Road Sections: 2U648/10 GadeviewRoadFootwayMicro HemelHempsteadTown FWY16023 SGadeviewRoad:ChipperfieldRdToWestValleyRd Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U675/20

GlendaleFootwayMicro HemelHempsteadTown FWY16061 SGlendale:FromGlenviewGardensToEnd Boxmoor, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U1238/10

Graemesdyke Road Footway Micro Berkhamsted FWY16035 Road: Cross SGraemesdyke Oak Road To Hill Crest Berkhamsted Road Sections: 2U333/10

Gravel Path Footway Micro LS Berkhamsted, Bridgewater Path: FWY16083 From Chapel SGravel St To 100m Nr Latimer House Berkhamsted Road Sections: C64/20

Great Whites Road Footway Micro Hemel Hempstead South East Whites FWY16048 Road: From SGreat Lime Walk To Long John Bennetts End, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U701/10

Hobbs Hill Road FootwayMicro Hemel Hempstead South East Hill FWY16037 Road: From OliverSHobbs Road To Stonelea Rd Bennetts End, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U748/10

JaneCloseFootwayMicro HemelHempsteadNorthEast FWY16039 SJaneClose:FromParkCresToTheEnd Woodhall Farm, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U1248/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 252 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 136 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet South West Herts Dacorum Scheme Delivery Plan 169 schemes Maintenance Local Footway Keats Close Footway Micro Hemel Hempstead North East Close: FWY16063 From Bronte SKeats Cres To The End Woodhall Farm, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U1249/10

LomondRoadFootwayMicro Hemel HempsteadNorthEast FWY16070 SLomondRoad:FromWashingtonAveToLaidonSquare Grovehill, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U1345/10

MeadowRoadFootwayMicro Berkhamsted FWY16038 SMeadowRoad:FromDelanayRiseToDellfieldAve Berkhamsted Road Sections: 2U356/10

New Road Footway Reconstruction Berkhamsted Road: FWY16005 (part) From SNew Station Rd To Brownlow Rd Berkhamsted Project Location : Part) from station rd to brownlow rd Road Sections: 2U364/10 Northbridge Road Footway Micro Berkhamsted FWY16006 Road: Billet SNorthbridge Lane To West Bdy Of Peregrine House Berkhamsted Project Location : Billet lane to west bdy of peregrine house Road Sections: 2U1489/10 Osborne Way Footway Micro Tring Way:FWY16055 Wick Rd SOsborne To End Wigginton Road Sections: 2U249/10

Park Rise Footway Micro Bridgewater Rise: FWY16026 Covert Rd To SPark Northchurch High St Northchurch Road Sections: 2U371/10

Rambling Way Footway Reconstruction Bridgewater, Hemel Hempstead Close:FWY16007 F/way Link SThistle Thistle Cl To Coltsfoot; Rambling Way: Turning Long Chaulden, Hemel Hempstead North West Circle Nos 20-29 Project Location : Water end ln to turning circle by no20 Road Sections: 2F151/10 2U151/20 ReddingsFootwayMicro HemelHempsteadSouthEast FWY16049 SReddings:FromLongJohnToBennettsEndRd Bennetts End, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U938/10

Rumballs Road Footway Reconstruction Hemel Hempstead South East FWY16009 Road: Barnacres SRumballs To Peascroft Rd Bennetts End, Hemel Hempstead Project Location : Barnacres to peascroft rd Road Sections: 2U967/10 SawyersWayFootwayMicro HemelHempsteadSt.Paul's FWY16024 SSawyersWay:NewfieldLnToLonglands Adeyfield, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U991/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 253 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 137 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet South West Herts Dacorum Scheme Delivery Plan 169 schemes Maintenance Local Footway Spring Lane Footway Micro Hemel Hempstead North West Lane: FWY16066 From Galley SSpring Hill To Warners End Rd Warners End, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U1016/10

Spring Lane Footway Reconstruction Hemel Hempstead North West Lane: FWY16010 From Galley SSpring Hill To Warners End Rd Warners End, Hemel Hempstead Project Location : From galley hill to warners end rd Road Sections: 2U1016/10 St Margarets Close Footway Micro Berkhamsted Margarets FWY16013 Close: Swing SSt Gate Ln To The End Berkhamsted Project Location : 0 Road Sections: 2U387/10 Stevenage Rise FootwayMicro Hemel Hempstead North East FWY16033 Rise:From Washington SStevenage Ave To The End Grovehill, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U1019/10

TannsfieldDriveFootwayMicro HemelHempsteadEast FWY16051 STannsfieldDrive:BerrymeadToTannsmoreCl Adeyfield, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U1033/10

TedderRoadFootwayMicro HemelHempsteadEast FWY16071 STedderRoad:EverestWayToJuncMontgomeryAvenue Adeyfield, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U1036/10

TenzingRoadFootwayMicro HemelHempsteadEast FWY16080 STenzingRoad:MontgomeryAveToLeverstockGreenRd Adeyfield, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U1039/10

Thames Avenue FootwayMicro Hemel Hempstead North East Avenue: FWY16032 St Agnells SThames Ln To End (junc Tamar Gn) Grovehill, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U1042/10

The Holt Footway Micro Hemel Hempstead St. Paul's Holt: FWY16059 From Turners SThe Hill Adeyfield, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U751/10

Underacres Close Footway Micro Hemel Hempstead East FWY16022 Close: Briery SUnderacres Way To Briery Way Anticlockwise Adeyfield, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U1062/10

VarneyRoadFootwayMicro HemelHempsteadNorthWest FWY16052 SVarneyRoad:FromNo354ToNo1LongChalden Warners End, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U1069/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 254 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 138 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet South West Herts Dacorum Scheme Delivery Plan 169 schemes Maintenance Local Footway WaterEndRoadFootwayMicroRS Bridgewater FWY16019 SWaterEndRoad:ChurchRdToSpeedRest Potten End Road Sections: C64/140

WensleydaleFootwayMicro HemelHempsteadSt.Paul's FWY16043 SWensleydale:CambrianWayToWharfdale Highfield, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U1087/10

Winchdells Footway Reconstruction Hemel Hempstead South East FWY16011 From Peascroft SWinchdells: Rd To Rumballs Bennetts End, Hemel Hempstead Project Location : From peascroft rd to rumballs Road Sections: 2U1105/10 WindmillRoadFootwayMicro Hemel HempsteadSt.Paul's FWY16014 SWindmillRoad:BroadfieldRdToLonglands Adeyfield, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U1108/10

YeomansRideFootwayMicro Hemel HempsteadNorthEast FWY16017 SYeomansRide:FromCupidGreenLnToTheEnd Grovehill, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U1127/10

Member Highway Locality Budget Aycliffe Drive Footway Reconstruction Hemel Hempstead North East Drive: MEM16370 Washington MAycliffe Ave To East West Link Rd Grovehill, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U474/10

BeechfieldRoadResurfacing HemelHempsteadTown MEM16187 MBeechfieldRoad:CrouchfieldToStJohnsRd Boxmoor, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U486/10

Broadfield Road Resurfacing Hemel Hempstead St.Paul's MEM16188 Road:Adeyfield MBroadfield Road To Longlands Adeyfield, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U515/10

CattsdellResurfacing HemelHempsteadSt.Paul's MEM16194 MCattsdell:QueenswayToFletcherWay Highfield, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U539/10

CedarRoadResurfacing Berkhamsted MEM16313 MCedarRoad:A4251ToUpperHallRd Berkhamsted Project Location : 0 Road Sections: 2U293/10 Chipperfield Road Footway Reconstruction Hemel Hempstead Town MEM16396 Road: King MChipperfield Edward St To End Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U561/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 255 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 139 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet South West Herts Dacorum Scheme Delivery Plan 169 schemes Maintenance Member Highway Locality Budget CloverWayResurfacing HemelHempsteadNorthWest MEM16186 MCloverWay:GadebridgeRdToEnd Gadebridge, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U569/10

ColineWayThinSurfacing HemelHempsteadNorthEast MEM16184 MColneWay:FromMedwayToTheEnd Grovehill, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U573/10

Delmer End Lane Surface Dressing Bridgewater, St. Albans Rural End MEM16068 Lane: Tracks MDelmer With Steel Gate To Singlets Lane Flamstead Road Sections: 2U16/50

EllinghamCloseResurfacing HemelHempsteadEast MEM16375 MEllinghamClose:FromEllinghamRd Adeyfield, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U635/10

EllinghamRoadResurfacing HemelHempsteadEast,Hemel MEM16374 Road: Great RdMEllingham To High St Green Adeyfield, Hemel Hempstead Hempstead St. Paul's Road Sections: 2U636/10

Friendless Lane Surface Dressing Bridgewater MEM16069 Lane: Valley MFriendless Ln To Pickford Road Flamstead Road Sections: 2U17/20

Georgewood Road Footway Surface Treatment Hemel Hempstead South East MEM16335 Road: From MGeorgewood Barnacres Rd To Chambersbury Ln Bennetts End, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U681/10

Heath Labe FootwayReconstruction Hemel Hempstead Town Lane: MEM16397 Cotterells Hill MHeath To St Johns Rd Boxmoor, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U727/10

JuniperGreenThinSurfacing Hemel HempsteadNorthWest MEM16180 MJuniperGreen:FromRoseheathToEnd Warners End, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U768/10

JunoRoadResurfacing HemelHempsteadSt.Paul's MEM16189 MJunoRoad:OffSaturnWay Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U1673/10

Kings Langley Footpath 009 Footway Reconstruction Kings Langley Close: MEM16365 High Street MArcher To House 13 (past Scout Hut) Kings Langley Road Sections: 2F886/10

LittleRoadResurfacing HemelHempsteadSt.Paul's MEM16190 MLittleRoad:GreatRoadToHouse10 Adeyfield, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U796/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 256 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 140 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet South West Herts Dacorum Scheme Delivery Plan 169 schemes Maintenance Member Highway Locality Budget Manorville Road Footway Reconstruction Hemel Hempstead Town MEM16398 Road: King Edwards MManorville St Sth West To End Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U819/10

MercyPlaceThinSurfacing HemelHempsteadNorthEast MEM16183 MMerseyPlace:FromColneWayToTheEnd Grovehill, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U848/10

Myrtle Green Thin Surfacing Hemel Hempstead North West Green: MEM16182 From Newlands MMyrtle Rd To End Warners End, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U863/10

PastonRoadResurfacing HemelHempsteadSt.Paul's MEM16191 MPastonRoad:FletcherWayToCattsdell Highfield, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U900/10

Pembridge Estate Footway Surface Treatment Kings Langley Footpath: MEM16315 J/w Pembridge MEastnor Rd (nr17)to Nr No1 Hyde Ln; Hyde Lane Bovingdon Footpath: J/w Pembridge Rd To Eastnor; Dinmore: Junc Pembridge Rd To End Opp Nos 47/49; Dinmore: Junc U1340/10 Dinmore To End Near No9; Dinmore: Junc U1340/10 Dinmore To End Opp No32; Pembridge Road: Junct Hyde Ln To Junct Farnham Cl; Arden Close: Junct Pembridge Rd To End Of Cul-de-sac; Ashridge Close: Junct Pembridge Rd To End Of Rd; Eastnor: Junct Pembridge Rd To End Of Rd; Farnham Close: Junct Pembridge Rd To End Of Rd; Pembridge Close: Junct Pembridge Rd To End Of Rd; Pembridge Road Footpath: Outside No 39 To No 53; Dinmore: Side Of No15 To Front Of No32; Pembridge Close: Spur Off Pembridge Cl Road Sections: 2F1340/10 2F1418/10 2F1519/10 2F41/30 2U1338/10/20 2U1339/10 2U1340/10/20/30 2U1341/10 2U1343/10 2U1418/10 2U1519/10 Pescot Hill Footway Reconstruction Hemel Hempstead North West Hill: MEM16371 Long Arrotts MPescot To Wood View Gadebridge, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U908/10

PescotHillResurfacing HemelHempsteadNorthWest MEM16395 MPescotHill:LongArrottsToWoodView Gadebridge, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U908/10

Puller Road Footway Reconstruction Hemel Hempstead Town Road: MEM16366 St Johns Rd MPuller To Grosvenor Terrace Boxmoor, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U924/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 257 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 141 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet South West Herts Dacorum Scheme Delivery Plan 169 schemes Maintenance Member Highway Locality Budget Reynolds Close Thin Surfacing Hemel Hempstead North West MEM16177 Close: Gadebridge MReynolds Ln To End Gadebridge, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U943/10

Riverside Footway Reconstruction Goffs Oak And Bury Green MEM16099 Path: 1 Richmond MRiverside Close To Side Of 23 Riverside Path; Riverside Cheshunt Path: Between Houses 12 And 14; Riverside Path: East Side Of House 8 To Richmond Close; Riverside Path: Rear And Side Of House 18; Riverside Path: Side Of House 23 And Rear Of 23 And 22 Road Sections: 1F93/10/20/30/40/50 RoseHeath Lane Thin Surfacing Hemel Hempstead North West MEM16179 From Hollybush MRoseheath: Ln To Long Chaulden Warners End, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U961/10

Shooters Way Footway Surface Treatment Berkhamsted, Bridgewater MEM16314 30mph Signs MShootersway: Eastwards To Tower Cl; Shootersway: Speed Berkhamsted Rest By Coppins Cl To Durrants Ln Road Sections: C139/10/110 Someries Road Footway Reconstruction Hemel Hempstead North West MEM16372 Road: From Boxted MSomeries Rd To Lyne Way Warners End, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U1011/10

StMichaelsAvenueResurfacing HemelHempsteadEast,Hemel MichaelsMEM16185 Avenue: From MSt Crofts Path To Peascroft Rd; St Michaels Bennetts End, Hemel Hempstead Hempstead South East Avenue: From Tile Kiln Ln To Croft Path Road Sections: 2U979/10/20 Storey Street Footway Reconstruction Hemel Hempstead Town Street: MEM16399 Winifred RdMStorey To A4251 Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U1022/10

Stratford Way Footway Reconstruction Hemel Hempstead Town Way:MEM16367 A4251 London MStratford Road To End (house 48) Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U1023/10

TamarGreenThinSurfacing HemelHempsteadNorthEast MEM16176 MTamarGreen:FromThamesAveToTheEnd Grovehill, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U1030/10

TethysResurfacing HemelHempsteadSt.Paul's MEM16195 MTethysRoad:SaturnWayToPhoebeRd Highfield, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U1040/10

Thames Avenue Thin Surfacing Hemel Hempstead North East Avenue: MEM16178 St Agnells MThames Ln To End (junc Tamar Gn) Grovehill, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U1042/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 258 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 142 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet South West Herts Dacorum Scheme Delivery Plan 169 schemes Maintenance Member Highway Locality Budget TitanRoadResurfacing HemelHempsteadSt.Paul's MEM16192 MTitanRoad:SaturnWayToPhoebeRd Highfield, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U1053/10

VicarageLaneResurfacing KingsLangley MEM16380 MVicarageLane:JuncLangleyHillToA4251 Kings Langley Road Sections: C74/610

Washington Avenue Footway Reconstruction Hemel Hempstead North East MEM16369 Avenue: St MWashington Agnells Ln To End Grovehill, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U1077/10

WesterdaleResurfacing HemelHempsteadSt.Paul's MEM16196 MWesterdale:CambrianWayToWharfedale;CambrianWay:FletcherWay Highfield, Hemel Hempstead To Link Rd Road Sections: 2U1091/10 2U530/10 WindingShotThinSurfacing Hemel HempsteadNorthWest MEM16181 MWindingShot:FromSpringLaneToEnd Warners End, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U1107/10 Integrated Transport Programme Integrated Transport Programme BeggarsLaneTringcyclescheme Tring ITP16011 SBeggarsLane:NewgroundRdToStationRoad Newground, Tring Road Sections: C69/50

Bus Stop Clearway Lining Programme 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16042 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 259 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 143 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet South West Herts Dacorum Scheme Delivery Plan 169 schemes Integrated Transport Programme Integrated Transport Programme Bus Stop Shelter and Clearway Programme 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16030 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Bus Stop Upgrades Programme 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16041 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Durrants Hill Pedestrian Improvements Phase 1 Hemel Hempstead South East, ITP15029 Road: Durrants SFrogmore Hill Road To End; Durrants Hill Road: London Rd Apsley, Hemel Hempstead Hemel Hempstead Town To Junc Lawn Lane; Two Waters Road: Two Waters Way To Plough Rbt LTP2 Indicators Primary: Accessibility (difficult to travel to a local hospital) Road Sections: 2U666/10 A414/29 C127/10 Gravel Path Safer Routes to School Bridgewater Common: ITP16038 Gravel Path SThe To Speed Rest By Water Tower; Berkhamsted Potten End Common: New Rd To Gravel Path C64; Gravel Path: Speed Rest By Briars Chase To Berkhamsted Common Road Sections: C146/120 C64/110/120 Hemel Hempstead Old Town One WaySystem Hemel Hempstead St. Paul's, ITP10061 Broadway WQueensway: (marlowes To High Street); Piccotts End: Fletcher Old High Street, Hemel Hempstead Hemel Hempstead Town Way To A4147 Roundabout; Cherry Bounce: From High St; Fletcher Way: Comments Project Description: Implementation of a one way system for the Old High St To Solway (e End Rct Bridge); Gadebridge Lane: Piccotts End Rd Town High Street To Leighton Buzzard Rd; High Street: Queensway To Fletcher Way LTP2 Indicators Primary: Congestion Road Sections: 2U556/10 2U660/10 2U672/110 2U740/10 2U912/10 B487/20

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 260 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 144 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet South West Herts Dacorum Scheme Delivery Plan 169 schemes Integrated Transport Programme Integrated Transport Programme Hemel Town Hall Drainage Remedial Work Hemel Hempstead Town Street: ITP16040 Queensway SHigh To Fletcher Way Old High Street, Hemel Hempstead Project Location : Outside Town Hall. Road Sections: 2U740/10 ITS Strategy Works BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16033 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

M1 A5 Link Road Traffic Study Bridgewater, Hemel Hempstead Road:ITP16034 Bradden SDagnall Ln To Hudnall Ln; Station Road: Junc A4251 To Boxmoor, Hemel Hempstead South East, Hemel Hempstead Start Of Dual C/way Sect Town Road Sections: A4146/110/5

Manor Estate Hemel Hempstead Pedestrian Hemel Hempstead Town Avenue: ITP16012 Weymouth SKents St To A4251; Kents Avenue: Weymouth Street improvements To King Edward Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2F250/10 2U1250/10 Real Time Passenger Information Delivery BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16032 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 261 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 145 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet South West Herts Dacorum Scheme Delivery Plan 169 schemes Integrated Transport Programme Integrated Transport Programme School Crossing Patrol Sites 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16036 Broxbourne IBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

SRTS Cluster 2 Hemel Hempstead Hemel Hempstead South East Albans ITP16013 Hill: Lawn Ln SSt To Bennetts End Road Bennetts End, Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: C127/20

SRTS Small Works pilot Delivery 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16035 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Traffic Contol and Information Systems Albion Hl/Wolsey Rd/Marlowes C/Pk S308 Signal Hemel Hempstead Town Road: TIS16008 Selden Hill SWolsey To King Harry Street; Albion Hill: Wolsey Road Refurbishment To Maynard Road Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U1111/10 2U454/10 Leverstock Green Rd (Nr Malmes Croft) S024 Signal Hemel Hempstead East Croft: TIS16020 From Leverstock SMalmes Green Way To Grassmere; Leverstock Refurbishment Green Road: Leverstock Green Way To Pancake Lane Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: 2U814/10 A4147/122 Marlowes/Nr Queensway S383 Signal Refurbishment Hemel Hempstead Town TIS16009 From Queensway SMarlowes: To Dacorum Way Hemel Hempstead Road Sections: C129/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 262 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 146 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet South West Herts Dacorum Scheme Delivery Plan 169 schemes Integrated Transport Programme Traffic Contol and Information Systems Real Time Passenger Information Delivery 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), TIS16018 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA Safety & Movement Casualty Reduction A4146 Leighton Buzzard Road Rbt j/w B487 Hemel Hempstead North West, BuzzardSAR16005 Road: SLeighton Combe St Rbt To B487 Rbt; Warners End Road: Queensway Casualty Reduction Proposals Hemel Hempstead Town From A4146 Rbt To Junc Boxted Rd; Queensway: Leighton Buzzard Rd Hammerfield, Hemel Hempstead Rbt To Junc Marlowes; Leighton Buzzard Road: Rbt With B487; Leighton Buzzard Road: Rbt With B487 To Rbt With A4147 Project Location : 0 Road Sections: 2U1076/10 A4146/37/40/50 B487/10 Safety 17/18 Scheme Preperation and Early Deilvery BROXBOURNE (District wide), SAR16013 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 263 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 147 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet South West Herts Dacorum Scheme Delivery Plan 169 schemes Safety & Movement Casualty Reduction Skid Resistance County Wide Sites BROXBOURNE (District wide), SAR16014 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA South West Herts Three Rivers Scheme Delivery Plan 98 schemes

Commissioning Records SRTS Small Works Prep 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), COM16009 Broxbourne IBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 264 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 148 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet South West Herts Three Rivers Scheme Delivery Plan 98 schemes Maintenance A Road Programme DenhamWayLocalSurfaceDressing Rickmansworth ARP15208 WDenhamWay:ChalfontLaneRbt;DenhamWay:ChalfontLnRbtTo West Hyde Speed Rest Sign; Denham Way: Maple Lodge Cl To Rbt M25 Long Ln Link R; Denham Way: Speed Rest Sign To Junc Maple Lodge Cl Road Sections: A412/30/40/50/60 London Road/Batchworth Lane Resurfacing Oxhey Park, Rickmansworth ARP15018 Lane: A404 SBatchworth To Batchworth Lane (around Island); London Road: Batchworth Heath Hll, City Boundary Post To London Road Name Plate; London Road: London Rickmansworth Road Nameplate To North Junction Home Farm Road Sections: 8U63/40 A404/10/5 Rickmansworth Road/Chenies Road Major Patching Chorleywood ARP15034 Road: 40mph CRickmansworth Signs To Junc Common Road; Chenies Chorleywood Road: Common Rd To North Hill; Rickmansworth Road: End Of Dual To 40mph Signs; Chenies Road: North Hill To De-restriction Signs Road Sections: A404/105/110/120/130 Scots Hill Reconstruction Croxley, Rickmansworth Hill: ARP17095 Nth Bound C/way SScots Croxley Green Road Sections: A412/170

WatfordRoadMajorPatching Chorleywood ARP15137 CWatfordRoad:BridgeRoadSouthToEndOfDual;HempsteadRoad: Abbots Langley Hunton Bridge Rbt North To Old Mill Lane; Watford Road: Langlebury Lane To M25 Jct 20 Rbt; Watford Road: M25 Jct20 South To Bridge Road; Watford Road: Old Mill Lane North To Start Of Dual; Hempstead Road: Old Mill Lane South To Hunton Bridge Rbt; Watford Road: Start Of Dual North To Langlebury Lane Road Sections: A41/186/187/189/190/192/193/194

Bridges & Structures Programme Bridge Reactive Joint Scheme 1 BROXBOURNE (District wide), BRG16016 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 265 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 149 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet South West Herts Three Rivers Scheme Delivery Plan 98 schemes Maintenance Bridges & Structures Programme Bridge Reactive Joint Scheme 2 BROXBOURNE (District wide), BRG16017 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Parapet Refurbishment Works BROXBOURNE (District wide), BRG16018 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

RickmansworthParkHCCNo.835 Rickmansworth BRG16004 SParkRoad:A404RbtToJunctionWithHighSt Rickmansworth Road Sections: A412/150

Local Carriageway AdrianRoadResurfacing AbbotsLangley CWY161262 SAdrianRoad:BreakspearRoadToHighStreet Abbots Langley Road Sections: 8U2/10

AshleysThinSurfacing Rickmansworth CWY16449 SAshleys:OffChilternDrive Mill End, Rickmansworth Road Sections: 8U17/10

Beresford Road Thin Surfacing Rickmansworth CWY151426 Road: Fotherley SBeresford Road To Penn Road Mill End, Rickmansworth Road Sections: 8U38/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 266 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 150 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet South West Herts Three Rivers Scheme Delivery Plan 98 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway Berry Lane Resurfacing/Patching Rickmansworth Lane: CWY161170 Field Way To SBerry Derestrictions Rickmansworth Road Sections: 8U41/10

BishopsAvenueThinSurfacing OxheyPark CWY17134 SBishopsAvenue:CroftersRoadToWestburyRoad Moor Park, Northwood Road Sections: 8U47/10

Canterbury Way Thin Surfacing Chorleywood, Croxley CWY161269 Way: Dover SCanterbury Way By No 30 To Little Green Lane Croxley Green Road Sections: 8U89/10

ClementsRoadThinSurfacing Chorleywood CWY151782 SClementsRoad:FrontingNos6To16 Chorleywood Road Sections: 8U113/10

ColneAvenueThinSurfacing Rickmansworth CWY151333 SColneAvenue:Crescent;ColneAvenue:UxbridgeRoadToStartOf Mill End, Rickmansworth Crescent Road Sections: 8U120/10/20 Cranefield Dr/Avalon Cl/Lemonfield Dr Thin Surfacing Abbots Langley CWY151347 Drive: Chichester SLemonfield Way To Bucknalls Lane; Avalon Close: Garston Lemon Field Drive To End; Cranefield Drive: Off Lemonfield Drive By No 55 Road Sections: 8U131/10 8U308/20 8U742/10 DawesLaneSurfaceDressing Chorleywood CWY151776 CDawesLane:SarrattbottomToSpeedLimitSign;DawesLane:SpeedLimit Sarratt, Rickmansworth Sign To Green Serv Rd Road Sections: 8U79/10/20 DickinsonSquareResurfacing Croxley CWY151315 SDickinsonSquare:O/sNo39ToO/sNo49;DickinsonSquare:O/sNo49 Croxley Green To Junctn A412 Road Sections: 8U148/10/30 DogKennelLaneSurfaceDressing Chorleywood CWY15466 CDogKennelLane:BerryLaneToA404 Loudwater C/wood, Rickmansworth Road Sections: 8U80/10

Doncaster Green Thin Surfacing South Oxhey CWY161100 Green: Off Barnhurst SDoncaster Path South Oxhey Road Sections: 8U153/10

HallCloseEstateThinSurfacing Rickmansworth CWY151642 SCurtisClose:FearneyMeadToEnd;FearneyMead:HallCloseToEnd; Mill End, Rickmansworth Hall Close: Off Hall Close 8u237/10; Hall Close: Off Springwell Ave Road Sections: 8U138/10 8U188/10 8U237/10/20

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 267 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 151 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet South West Herts Three Rivers Scheme Delivery Plan 98 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway HarborneCloseThinSurfacing SouthOxhey CWY14525 SHarborneClose:OffAngleseyRd South Oxhey Road Sections: 8U242/10

IvinghoeRoadThinSurfacing Rickmansworth CWY151459 SIvinghoeRoad:OakfieldToEdinburghAve Rickmansworth Road Sections: 8U286/10

LittleGraylingsThinSurfacing AbbotsLangley CWY16377 SLittleGraylings:OffTheGraylingsOppNo10ToEnd Abbots Langley Road Sections: 8U317/10

Loudwater Lane Surface Dressing Croxley, Rickmansworth CWY151811 Lane: Junc Sarratt CLoudwater Lane To The Green Croxley Loudwater C/wood, Rickmansworth Road Sections: 8U328/20

LudlowMeadThinSurfacing SouthOxhey CWY151524 SLudlowMead:HaylingRoadToEndByHouses26/28 South Oxhey Road Sections: 8U326/10

MoorLaneSurfaceDressing Chorleywood CWY15676 CMoorLane:DawesLaneToBendByFootpath37;MoorLane:Sarratt Sarratt, Rickmansworth Bottom To C74(sarratt Green Road Road Sections: 8U356/10 8U531/10 Mutchetts Close/Chichester Way/Lemonfield Dr Thin Abbots Langley CWY161537 Close: Lemonfield SMutchetts Drive To End (house 94); Lemonfield Drive: Surfacing Mutchetts Cl Opp No 28 To Chichester Way; Chichester Way: Opp 46 Garston Mutchett Close To Outside No 101 Lemon Fiel; Chichester Way: Spur For Houses 29 To 38 Road Sections: 8U106/10/20 8U308/10 8U370/10 OldUxbridgeRoadSurfaceDressing Rickmansworth CWY14672 WTilehouseLane:A412ToOldUxbridgeRdJunctn;OldUxbridgeRoad: West Hyde Maple X, Rickmansworth Junction With Service To Tilehouse Lane; Old Uxbridge Road: Junctn Tilehouse Lane To A412 Opp 128; Old Uxbridge Road: Junctn With A412 To Jnt With Denham Way Near Kenne; Old Uxbridge Road: Posts In C/way To A412 Road Sections: 8U396/20/30/40/45 8U474/20 OldhouseLaneSurfaceDressing Chorleywood CWY13257 WOldhouseLane:BucksHillToLangleburyLn Langleybury, Abbots Langley Road Sections: 8U56/10

OldsApproachLocalReconstruction OxheyPark CWY151021 COldsApproach:MoorLaneCrossingToStudsAcrossCwByLp14 Moor Park, Rickmansworth Road Sections: 8U583/20

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 268 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 152 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet South West Herts Three Rivers Scheme Delivery Plan 98 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway PenmansGreenSurfaceDressing Chorleywood CWY14109 CPenmansGreen:QuickmoorLaneToEndMetalledSurface Sarratt Road Sections: 8U530/10

PiltdownRoadThinSurfacing SouthOxhey CWY141161 SPiltdownRoad:HouseNo08ToPrestwickRoad South Oxhey Road Sections: 8U414/20

PloughLaneSurfaceDressing Chorleywood CWY16216 CPloughLane:RedLionLaneToDunnyLane Sarratt, Rickmansworth Road Sections: 8U54/10

RedLionLaneSurfaceDressing Chorleywood CWY16431 CRedLionLane:SpeedLimitSignToBottomLane;RedLionLane:The Sarratt Green To Speed Limit Sign Road Sections: 8U223/10/20 SilkMillRoadLocalisedPatching OxheyPark CWY161301 SSilkMillRoad:ChangeInRdSufNrNo97ToNo43;SilkMillRoad:Cul- Oxhey de-sac O/s No 78 To 60 Road Sections: 8U448/10/20 Station Approach/Common Gate Road Surface Chorleywood CWY071465 Road: Berry WCommongate Lane To Chorleywood Bottom; Station Dressing Approach: Derestriction Sign To Bridge; Chorleywood Bottom: N.s.l. Sign Chorleywood By Ellwood Terr To Bridge Road Sections: 8U109/10 8U123/10 8U463/20 Uxbridge Rd Service Rd Thin Surfacing Rickmansworth CWY161918Road Service SUxbridge Road: Front Nos 248-258 (east-west); Uxbridge Rickmansworth Road Service Road: Service Road Fronting 260a To 260f Uxbridge Road Road Sections: 8U773/10 8U980/10 WestWayThinSurfacing Rickmansworth CWY15465 SWestWay:FieldWayToShepherdsWay Rickmansworth Road Sections: 8U495/10

Local Drainage BucksHillDrainageWorks Chorleywood DRN15016 CBucksHill:30mphSignsTo40mphSigns;BucksHill:40mphSignsToFp3 Chandlers Cross (boundary Of Chipperfield) Project Location : Outside Callipers Lodge Road Sections: C75/190/200

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 269 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 153 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet South West Herts Three Rivers Scheme Delivery Plan 98 schemes Maintenance Local Drainage Rickmansworth Rd/Common Rd Drainage Works Chorleywood DRN15015 Road: 40mph SRickmansworth Signs To Junc Common Road; Chenies Chorleywood Road: Common Rd To North Hill; Rickmansworth Road: End Of Dual To 40mph Signs Road Sections: A404/105/110/120 Winton Drive Drainage Investigation Croxley Drive: DRN14004 A412 To BaldwinsIWinton Lane Croxley Green Road Sections: 8U504/10

Local Footway Amersham Road Footway Micro Chorleywood FWY16081 Road: Derest SAmersham Signs To Green St (county Bdry) Chorleywood Road Sections: A404/140

BarnLeaFootwayMicro Rickmansworth FWY16041 SBarnLea:HallCloseToEnd Mill End, Rickmansworth Road Sections: 8U24/10

Birch Drive Footway Micro Rickmansworth Drive: FWY16036 Off The Hawthorns SBirch Maple Cross, Rickmansworth Road Sections: 8U43/10

Cedars Avenue Footway Micro Rickmansworth Avenue: FWY16050 Uxbridge SCedars Road To "franklins Spring" Rickmansworth Road Sections: 8U99/20

Chorleywood Bottom Footway Micro RS Chorleywood FWY16074 Bottom: Junctn SChorleywood Lower Rd To Deristrn Sign By Ellw Chorleywood Road Sections: 8U109/20

Coates Way Footway Reconstruction Abbots Langley, Meriden Tudor Way: FWY15085 A412 To Boro SCoates Bdy (between Nos 99 & 101); Coates Way: Garston Coates Way (side Of Hse 100) To End; Coates Way: No 101 To A405; Coates Way: Spur Road Opp No 151 Coates Way Project Location : Additional Slabs-bitmac O/s 67-73 Road Sections: 8U149/10/20/30 9U149/10 Dorrofield Close Footway Micro Croxley FWY16064 Close: End To SDorrofield A412 By No 241 Croxley Green Road Sections: 8U152/10

Fotherley Road Footway Micro Rickmansworth FWY16053 Road: Springwell SFotherley Ave To Beresford Rd Mill End, Rickmansworth Road Sections: 8U197/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 270 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 154 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet South West Herts Three Rivers Scheme Delivery Plan 98 schemes Maintenance Local Footway Foxleys Footway Reconstruction Oxhey Park Leigh FWY16012 Rodd To SFoxleys: Opp No 88 The Mead Carpenders Park Road Sections: 8U199/20

Fuller Way Footway Micro Croxley Way: FWY16078 Dulwich Way SFuller To Barton Way Croxley Gren, Rickmansworth Road Sections: 8U205/10

GreenhillsCloseFootwayMicro Chorleywood FWY16058 SGreenhillsClose:ValleyRoadToEnd(house8) Rickmansworth Road Sections: 8U226/10

GrosvenorRoadFootwayMicro OxheyPark FWY16060 SGrosvenorRoad:DavenhamAveToParksideRoad Northwood, Rickmansworth Road Sections: 8U231/20

Harewood Footway Micro Chorleywood FWY16020 From A404 To SHarewood: Circular Section At End Loudwater C/wood, Rickmansworth Road Sections: 8U565/10

Hazelbury Avenue Footway Micro Abbots Langley, Chorleywood FWY16073 Avenue: Off Gallows SHazelbury Hill By No 22 To Gallows Hil Abbots Langley Road Sections: 8U252/10

OakhillRoadFootwayMicro Rickmansworth FWY16016 SOakhillRoad:ChalfontRoadToEnd(oppositeNo20) Maple Cross, Rickmansworth Road Sections: 8U389/10

TheDriveFootwayMicro Chorleywood,Rickmansworth FWY16034 STheDrive:NightingaleToTheClump Rickmansworth Road Sections: 8U159/10

TheMaltingsFootwayMicro Chorleywood FWY16056 STheMaltings:OffOldMillRoadToHammermead Abbots Langley Road Sections: 8U336/10

ValleyRoadFootwayMicro Chorleywood FWY16015 SValleyRoad:BerryLaneToTheDrive Rickmansworth Road Sections: 8U487/10

ValleyRoadFootwayWorks Chorleywood FWY15059 CValleyRoad:BerryLaneToTheDrive Rickmansworth Project Location : Whole Length Road Sections: 8U487/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 271 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 155 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet South West Herts Three Rivers Scheme Delivery Plan 98 schemes Maintenance Local Footway Whitegates Close Footway Micro Croxley FWY16042 Close: The SWhitegates Green To House 14 Croxley Green Road Sections: 8U497/10

WoodhouseEavesFootwayMicro OxheyPark FWY16031 SWoodhouseEaves:OffEastburyAvenue Moor Park, Northwood Road Sections: 8U714/10

Member Highway Locality Budget Abbots Lanagley Footpath 035 Footway Surface Abbots Langley Rise: MEM16386 Trowley Rise MTrowley To Rear Of No 11 Cherry Hollow Treatment Road Sections: 8F73/10 Abbots Langley

Alva Way Footway Reconstruction Oxhey Park Way: MEM16264 From Delta Gain MAlva To The Hoe Carpenders Park Road Sections: 8U6/10

Ashridge Drive Resurfacing South Oxhey MEM16351Drive: Off Prestwick MAshridge Rd (w To E) South Oxhey Road Sections: 8U18/10

Bathworth Lane Footway Reconstruction Oxhey Park MEM16390 Lane: W Side MBatchworth Sandy Ldge Wy To 200m W Of A4125 Moor Park, Northwood Road Sections: 8U63/20

ChurchLaneResurfacing Rickmansworth MEM16381 MChurchLane:UxbridgeRdToShepherdsLane Mill End, Rickmansworth Road Sections: 8U424/10

ColneAvenueFootwayReconstruction Rickmansworth MEM16262 MColneAvenue:UxbridgeRoadToStartOfCrescent Mill End, Rickmansworth Road Sections: 8U120/10

ComptonPlaceFootwayReconstruction OxheyPark MEM16266 MComptonPlace:OppNo74StGeorgesDrTo0/sNo115 Carpenders Park Road Sections: 8U125/10

Gallows Hill Lane Footway Reconstruction (Phase 1 Abbots Langley, Chorleywood Hill MEM16263 Lane: Gallows MGallows Hill By No 44 To Manor Lodge West) Road Sections: C159/10 Abbots Langley

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 272 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 156 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet South West Herts Three Rivers Scheme Delivery Plan 98 schemes Maintenance Member Highway Locality Budget Gallows Hill Lane Footway Reconstruction (Phase 2 Abbots Langley, Chorleywood Hill MEM16391 Lane: Gallows MGallows Hill By No 44 To Manor Lodge; High Street: East) Manor Lodge To Tibbs Hill Road Abbots Langley Road Sections: C159/10/20 Green Lane Footway Reconstruction Oxhey Park Lane: MEM16265 Prestwick RdMGreen To 25 Green Ln - W2atford Bdry Oxhey Road Sections: 8U228/10

Harefield Road Footway Reconstruction Rickmansworth MEM16383Road: 30mph MHarefield Signs By Cemetry Gate To A404 London Road Moor Park, Rickmansworth Road Sections: C101/30

HillsideRoadResurfacing Chorleywood MEM16352 MHillsideRoad:JunctnQuickleyLnToJunctnShireLane Chorleywood Road Sections: 8U271/10

LittleGraylingsFootwayReconstruction AbbotsLangley MEM16388 MLittleGraylings:OffTheGraylingsOppNo10ToEnd Abbots Langley Road Sections: 8U317/10

NightingaleRoadResurfacing Rickmansworth MEM16382 MNightingaleRoad:TheDriveToA404;NightingaleRoad:UxbridgeRdTo Rickmansworth The Drive Road Sections: 8U378/10/20 Park Way Footway Surface Treatment Rickmansworth Way: MEM16261 Off A412 Uxbridge MPark Rd Rickmansworth Road Sections: 8U251/10

SolesbridgeFootwayReconstruction Chorleywood MEM16353 MSolesbridgeLane:OffA404ToSpeedLimitSign Loudwater, Chorleywood Road Sections: C103/10

The Graylings Footway Reconstruction Abbots Langley Graylings: MEM16389 Southway MThe To The Fairway Abbots Langley Road Sections: 8U222/10

Winton Drive Footway Reconstruction Croxley Drive: MEM16385 A412 To BaldwinsMWinton Lane Croxley Green Road Sections: 8U504/10

WintonDriveResurfacing Croxley MEM16384 MWintonDrive:A412ToBaldwinsLane Croxley Green Road Sections: 8U504/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 273 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 157 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet South West Herts Three Rivers Scheme Delivery Plan 98 schemes Integrated Transport Programme Integrated Transport Programme Bus Stop Clearway Lining Programme 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16042 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Bus Stop Shelter and Clearway Programme 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16030 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Bus Stop Upgrades Programme 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16041 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 274 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 158 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet South West Herts Three Rivers Scheme Delivery Plan 98 schemes Integrated Transport Programme Integrated Transport Programme ITS Strategy Works BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16033 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

OldMill RoadPhase3PedestrianImprovements Chorleywood Road:SpeedLimitSignToBridgeRoad ITP16037 SOldMill Abbots Langley Road Sections: C76/20

Real Time Passenger Information Delivery BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16032 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

School Crossing Patrol Sites 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16036 Broxbourne IBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 275 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 159 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet South West Herts Three Rivers Scheme Delivery Plan 98 schemes Integrated Transport Programme Integrated Transport Programme SRTS Small Works pilot Delivery 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16035 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Station Road Traffic Calming Abbots Langley Road: ITP16016 C/l Of Railway SStation Bridge To Water Lane Kings Langley Road Sections: C76/50

Traffic Contol and Information Systems Baldwins Ln/Nr Winton Dr S403 Signal Refurbishment Croxley TIS16014Lane: Junc A412 SBaldwins Rbt East To Junc The Green Croxley Green Road Sections: C74/110

Real Time Passenger Information Delivery 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), TIS16018 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 276 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 160 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet South West Herts Three Rivers Scheme Delivery Plan 98 schemes Safety & Movement Casualty Reduction Safety 17/18 Scheme Preperation and Early Deilvery BROXBOURNE (District wide), SAR16013 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Skid Resistance County Wide Sites BROXBOURNE (District wide), SAR16014 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA South West Herts Watford Scheme Delivery Plan 74 schemes

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 277 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 161 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet South West Herts Watford Scheme Delivery Plan 74 schemes

Commissioning Records SRTS Small Works Prep 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), COM16009 Broxbourne IBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA Maintenance A Road Programme HagdenLaneReconstruction VicarageHolywell ARP17176 SHagdenLane:TolpitsLaneToVicarageRoad West Watford, Watford Road Sections: A4145/120

North Western Avenue Surface Dressing Callowland Leggatts, WesternARP15229 Avenue: CNorth Centre Of Leavesden Green Rbt West To A405 Watford Chorleywood, Nascot Park Onslip; North Western Avenue: From A41 Exit For A405 West To Centre Of Underpass; North Western Avenue: Start Of Dual To Offslip For A405 Rbt; North Western Avenue: Westbound Onslip To Hunton Bridge Roundabout Road Sections: A41/205/211/213/217 North Western Avenue Surface Dressing Callowland Leggatts, Woodside WesternARP15218 Avenue: CNorth Eastbound Offslip To A405 Rbt; North Western Watford Stanborough Avenue: Eastbound Onslip From A405 Rbt; North Western Avenue: Eastbound Onslip From A405 Roundabout; North Western Avenue: Offslip From A41 Westbound To A405 Rbt Road Sections: A41/207/208/214/215 North Western Avenue Surface Dressing Callowland Leggatts, WesternARP15219 Avenue: CNorth A405 Offslip To Centre Of Leavesden Green Rbt; Watford Chorleywood, Woodside North Western Avenue: Centre Of Leavesden Green Rbt To A405 Onslip; Stanborough North Western Avenue: Hunton Bridge Rbt East To Offslip For A405; North Western Avenue: Onslip From A405 Rbt To End Of Dual Road Sections: A41/206/210/212/218

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 278 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 162 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet South West Herts Watford Scheme Delivery Plan 74 schemes Maintenance A Road Programme Otterspool Way Surface Dressing Bushey North, Meriden Tudor Way: ARP14041 Bridge Over WColne River Colne To Woodmere Avenue; Otterspool Bushey Way: Hartspring Lane Rbt To Centre Of Berrygrove Rbt; Otterspool Way: Middle Of M1 Jct5 Rbt To Bridge Over River Colne; Otterspool Way: Northbound Onslip - M1 Jct5 Rbt To A41; Otterspool Way: Offslip From A41 Northbound To M1 Jct5 Rbt Road Sections: A41/233/236/242/246/250 RickmansworthRoadLocalisedPatching NascotPark ARP15109 CRickmansworthRoad:CassioburyParkAvenueToOppCassioRoa; Cassiobury, Watford Rickmansworth Road: Opp Cassio Rd To Start Of Slip Rd O/s To; St Albans Road: Srt N'th Bd Offslip Under Rbt-end Onslip Road Sections: A412/350/360/390 Rickmansworth Road Localised Patching Central Oxhey, Nascot Park ARP15108 Road: Cassio CRickmansworth Rd To Cassio Park Avenue; Rickmansworth Cassiobury, Watford Road: End Of Slip Road To Cassio Road; St Albans Road: Srt S'bd Offslip Under Rbt-end S'bd Onsl Road Sections: A412/351/361/391 StAlbansRoadLocalisedPatching NascotPark ARP15154 CStAlbansRoad:NorthBdOnslipFromTownHallRbt North Watford, Watford Road Sections: A412/400

StAlbansRoadLocalisedPatching CallowlandLeggatts,Central AlbansARP15117 Road: End North CSt Bd Onslip To Leavesden Rd; St Albans Road: Cassiobury, Watford Oxhey, Nascot Park Northbound Off Slip To Town Hall Rbt; St Albans Road: Southbound Offslip To Town Hall Rbt Road Sections: A412/370/420/430 StAlbansRoadLocalisedPatching CentralOxhey ARP16003 CStAlbansRoad:SouthboundOnSlipFromTownHallRbt Cassiobury, Watford Road Sections: A412/380

Stephenson Way Surface Dressing Bushey North, Central Oxhey ARP14139 Way: A411 CStephenson Rbt To District Bdy (e Face Railway Bridge); Watford Stephenson Way: District Bdy (e Face Railway Bridge) To A411 Rbt; Stephenson Way: Link From A4008/206 To A411/338 (east Side Of A411 Road Sections: A4008/205/206 A411/346 TheAvenueLocalisedPatching NascotPark ARP15145 CTheAvenue:SpurToHempsteadRoadByCarParkEntrance Watford Road Sections: A411/465

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 279 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 163 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet South West Herts Watford Scheme Delivery Plan 74 schemes Maintenance A Road Programme The Avenue/Hyde Rd/Hempstead Rd Localised Nascot Park Road: ARP15142 East Of Island CHyde From Hempstead Road; Hyde Road: Patching Hempstead Road To The Avenue; The Avenue: Hyde Road To The Town Cassiobury, Watford Hall Roundabout; Hempstead Road: Town Hall Roundabout To Hyde Road Road Sections: A411/440/450/455/460

Bridges & Structures Programme Bridge Reactive Joint Scheme 1 BROXBOURNE (District wide), BRG16016 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Bridge Reactive Joint Scheme 2 BROXBOURNE (District wide), BRG16017 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Courtlands Drive Bridge HCC No. 1694 Callowland Leggatts, Woodside BRG15008 Courtlands Close CAshfields: Rbt To C77 Leavesden Spine Road J Leavesden, Watford Stanborough Road Sections: 9U16/20

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 280 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 164 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet South West Herts Watford Scheme Delivery Plan 74 schemes Maintenance Bridges & Structures Programme Parapet Refurbishment Works BROXBOURNE (District wide), BRG16018 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Local Carriageway Aldenham Road Resurfacing Bushey North, Central Oxhey CWY161521 Road: Borough SAldenham Boundary To Chalk Hill; Aldenham Road: W'ford Bushey Boro Sn By Vale Rd To Bushey H.rd Road Sections: B462/210/40 AscotRoadSurfaceDressing VicarageHolywell CWY13551 WAscotRoad:AscotRdRbt(jcnWithOldAscotRd);AscotRoad:AscotRd West Watford, Watford Rbt (jcn With Old Ascot Rd) To Whippendel; Ascot Road: Ascot Rd Rbt To Hatters Ln Rbt; Ascot Road: Hatters Lane / Blackmoor Lane Roundabout; Ascot Road: Hatters Ln Rbt To Ascot Rd Rbt; Ascot Road: Whippendell Rd Rbt To Ascot Rd Rbt (jcn With Old A Road Sections: 9U630/10/11/20/30/31/5 Balmoral Road Local Resurfacing Callowland Leggatts, Meriden CWY161520 Road: Radlett SBalmoral Road To A412 North Watford, Watford Tudor Road Sections: 9U20/10

BrightonRoadThinSurfacing CallowlandLeggatts CWY16250 SBrightonRoad:SussexRoadToLeavesdenRoad North Watford, Watford Road Sections: 9U50/10

BroomGroveThinSurfacing NascotPark CWY14702 WBroomGrove:BayTreeWalkToEnd;JuniperGrove:BayTreeWalkTo Nascot, Watford End; Baytree Walk: Nascot Wood Road To No 26; Baytree Walk: No 21 To No 29; Baytree Walk: Side Of No 19 Road Sections: 9U22/10/20/30 9U245/10 9U54/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 281 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 165 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet South West Herts Watford Scheme Delivery Plan 74 schemes Maintenance Local Carriageway Colonial Way/Imperial Way Area Resurfacing Meriden Tudor Way: CWY17352 Balmoral CImperial Road To Colonial Way; Clive Way: Colonial Way North Watford, Watford To End; Rhodes Way: Colonial Way To End; Colonial Way: Radlett Road To Imperial Way Road Sections: 9U105/10 9U380/10 9U520/10 9U98/10 Courtlands/Ashfields r'bt Resurfacing Callowland Leggatts, Woodside CWY161519 Courtlands Close SAshfields: Rbt To C77 Leavesden Spine Road J; Leavesden, Watford Stanborough Ashfields: Courtlands Close Roundabout Road Sections: 9U16/10/20 Garston Park Parade Resurfacing Meriden Tudor Park CWY16678 Parade: Garston SGarston Lane To A412 St Albans Road Garston, Watford Road Sections: 9U185/10

HighRoadResurfacing WoodsideStanborough CWY161088 SHighRoad:LeveretCloseToHillFarmAvenue Leavesden, Watford Road Sections: 9U661/20

LangleyWayThinSurfacing NascotPark CWY16685 SLangleyWay:ParksideDriveToCassioburyDriveRbt Cassiobury, Watford Road Sections: 9U267/10

MonicaCloseThinSurfacing CentralOxhey CWY161381 SMonicaClose:RaphaelDriveToEnd North Watford, Watford Road Sections: 9U567/10

PoplarsCloseThinSurfacing WoodsideStanborough CWY15994 CPoplarsClose:LouvainWayToEnd Leavesden, Watford Road Sections: 9U366/10

SandringhamRoadThinSurfacing Callowland Leggatts CWY151180 CSandringhamRoad:BalmoralRoadToWindsorRoad North Watford, Watford Road Sections: 9U406/10

TheBrowLocalisedPatching WoodsideStanborough CWY161085 STheBrow:GandersAshToNewhouseCrescent Leavesden, Watford Road Sections: 9U55/10

Whippendell Road Resurfacing Central Oxhey, Vicarage Holywell CWY17541 Road: Cassio SWhippendell Road To Queens Avenue West Watford, Watford Road Sections: C74/20

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 282 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 166 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet South West Herts Watford Scheme Delivery Plan 74 schemes Maintenance Local Drainage GarstonLaneDrainageWorks MeridenTudor DRN13042 CGarstonLane:RailwayBridgeToA412StAlbansRoad Garston, Watford Road Sections: 9U184/10

GroveMillLaneDrainageWorks NascotPark DRN12035 WGroveMillLane:A411ToDistBdyAtRiverGade;HempsteadRoad:No Cassiobury, Watford 177 To Grove Mill Lane Road Sections: A411/520 C75/10

Local Footway AldburyCloseFootwayMicro MeridenTudor FWY16069 SAldburyClose:ThePelhamsToEnd Garston, Watford Road Sections: 9U8/10

BusheyMillCrescentFootwayMicro MeridenTudor FWY16065 SBusheyMillCrescent:No19BusheyMillLaneToNo39BusheyMillLane North Watford, Watford Road Sections: 9U62/10

Coates Way Footway Reconstruction Abbots Langley, Meriden Tudor Way: FWY15085 A412 To Boro SCoates Bdy (between Nos 99 & 101); Coates Way: Garston Coates Way (side Of Hse 100) To End; Coates Way: No 101 To A405; Coates Way: Spur Road Opp No 151 Coates Way Project Location : Additional Slabs-bitmac O/s 67-73 Road Sections: 8U149/10/20/30 9U149/10 OxheyAvenueFootwayMicro CentralOxhey FWY16076 SOxheyAvenue:OxheyRoadToPinnerRoad Oxhey, Watford Road Sections: 9U349/10

RotherCloseFootwayMicro WoodsideStanborough FWY16040 SRotherClose:SevernWayToEnd Leavesden, Watford Road Sections: 9U393/10

SheepcotLaneFootwayMicro WoodsideStanborough FWY16062 SSheepcotLane:A405KingswayToHighRoad Leavesden, Watford Road Sections: 9U413/110

Member Highway Locality Budget AshTreeRoadResurfacing CallowlandLeggatts MEM16336 MAshTreeRoad:LeggattsWoodAvenueToBerryAvenue North Watford, Watford Road Sections: 9U14/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 283 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 167 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet South West Herts Watford Scheme Delivery Plan 74 schemes Maintenance Member Highway Locality Budget BriarRoadThinSurfacing WoodsideStanborough MEM16064 MHillingdonRoad:BriarRoadToGreenwoodDrive;MeadowRoad:Briar Leavesden, Watford Road To Greenwood Drive; Briar Road: North Approach To Greenwood Drive Road Sections: 9U233/10 9U303/10 9U48/10 BusheyMillCrescentResurfacing MeridenTudor MEM16060 MBusheyMillCrescent:No19BusheyMillLaneToNo39BusheyMillLane North Watford, Watford Road Sections: 9U62/10

BusheyMillLaneResurfacing MeridenTudor MEM16061 MWoodmereAvenue:BusheyMillLaneToA41;BusheyMillLane:Radlett North Watford, Watford Road To Tudor Avenue Road Sections: 9U495/10 C104/30 Courtlands Drive Resurfacing Callowland Leggatts, Nascot MEM16062 Drive: A411 MCourtlands Hempstead Road To Courtlands Close Roundabout Nascot, Watford Park Road Sections: 9U543/10

Elm Drive Resurfacing Bushey South, Central Oxhey Avenue: MEM16240 Sherwood MElm Road To End Oxhey, Watford Road Sections: 9U146/10

FairlawnsThinSurfacing NascotPark MEM16063 MFairlawns:LangleyRdToEnd Watford Road Sections: 9U548/10

Hamilton Street Resurfacing Central Oxhey MEM16349Street: Cannon MHamilton Road To York Road Central, Watford Road Sections: 9U210/10

HarwoodsRoadResurfacing VicarageHolywell MEM16373 MHarwoodsRoad:A4145VicarageRdToC74WhippendellRd West Watford, Watford Road Sections: 9U217/10

Norfolk Avenue Footway Reconstruction Meriden Tudor Avenue: MEM16065 Balmoral MNorfolk Road To Westfield Avenue North Watford, Watford Road Sections: 9U333/10

Prince Street Resurfacing Central Oxhey Street: MEM16348 Queens Road MPrince To Sutton Road Central, Watford Road Sections: 9U369/10

SecondAvenueFootwayReconstruction MeridenTudor MEM16066 MSecondAvenue:FirstAvenueToThirdAvenue Garston, Watford Road Sections: 9U407/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 284 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 168 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet South West Herts Watford Scheme Delivery Plan 74 schemes Maintenance Member Highway Locality Budget St George Drive FootwayReconstruction Vicarage Holywell Georges MEM16242 Avenue: Whippendell MKing Rd To Whippendell Rd W To E West Watford, Watford Road Sections: 9U256/10

TheBrowResurfacing WoodsideStanborough MEM16075 MTheBrow:GandersAshToNewhouseCrescent Leavesden, Watford Road Sections: 9U55/10

Tucker Street Footway Reconstruction Central Oxhey Street: MEM16350 Neal Street MTucker To Watford Field Road Central, Watford Road Sections: 9U457/10 Integrated Transport Programme Integrated Transport Programme A412CycleRoutePhase5 AbbotsLangley,MeridenTudor, OrbitalITP14080 Road: A412 CNorth St Albans Road Junction To Coates Way; Garston, Watford Watling, Woodside Stanborough Kingsway North Orbital Road: A412 St Albans Road Junction To Garston Comments Project Description: Final phase along A412 corridor between Dome Longabout; First Avenue: A412 St Albans Road To Fourth Avenue; Coates roundabout and A405 Way: A412 To Boro Bdy (between Nos 99 & 101); The Gossamers: LTP2 Indicators Primary: Cycling Trips Bowmans Green To Railway Bridge; North Orbital Road: Coates Way To A412 St Albans Road Junction; North Orbital Road: District Boundary Other: Accessibility (difficult to travel to a local hospital) South To Coates Way; St Albans Road: Dome Roundabout To No 807; Kingsway North Orbital Road: Garston Longabout To A412 St Albans Road Junction; St Albans Road: Lavinia Avenue To Junc N.o.r. A405; St Albans Road: No 807 To Lavinia Avenue; Garston Lane: Railway Bridge To A412 St Albans Road; Fourth Avenue: School To Garston Lane; Horseshoe Lane: Service Road To A405; Sheepcot Lane: St Albans Road To North Approach; North Orbital Road: Subway Under North Orbital Road By Horseshoe Lane; Falcon Way: The Gossamers To End (footpath Nr M1 Bridge) Road Sections: 9F311/10 9U149/10 9U154/10 9U162/10 9U165/10 9U184/10 9U194/30 9U413/10 9Y45/60 A405/014/015/018/019 A412/480/490/500 C88/130

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 285 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 169 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet South West Herts Watford Scheme Delivery Plan 74 schemes Integrated Transport Programme Integrated Transport Programme Bus Stop Clearway Lining Programme 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16042 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Bus Stop Shelter and Clearway Programme 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16030 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Bus Stop Upgrades Programme 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16041 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

GammonsLaneBusStopUpgrade CallowlandLeggatts,Nascot ITP16043 Lane: Leavesden SGammons Road To Courtlands Drive North Watford, Watford Park Road Sections: 9U176/10

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 286 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 170 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet South West Herts Watford Scheme Delivery Plan 74 schemes Integrated Transport Programme Integrated Transport Programme ITS Strategy Works BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16033 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Real Time Passenger Information Delivery BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16032 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

School Crossing Patrol Sites 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16036 Broxbourne IBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 287 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 171 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet South West Herts Watford Scheme Delivery Plan 74 schemes Integrated Transport Programme Integrated Transport Programme SRTS Small Works pilot Delivery 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), ITP16035 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Watford to St Albans/Harpenden to Watford Bus Stop Harpenden North East, Road:ITP16046 30 Mph By SWatford Noke Hotel To Dual Carriageway; Walkers Upgrades Harpenden South West, St Road: 40 Mph Sign To Southdown Road Mini Rbt; Harpenden Road: Harpenden Stephen's, St. Albans Central, 40mph Signs To Ayres End Lane; St Peters Street: A1081/a4147 Rbt To St. Albans North, St. Albans F/path Ent Nr B651; Harpenden Road: Beech Road To 40mph Signs; Rural, St. Albans South, Southdown Road: Bull Road To Mini Rbt At Grove Road; Holywell Hill: Woodside Stanborough Central Island To Griffiths Way Rbt; Watford Road: Ctr Of Bridge To Dual C/way; Luton Road: Derest To Junc Kinsbourne Green Lane; Watford Road: End Dual Carriageway To Junct A5183; St Albans - Harpenden Cycleway: Entr Childwick Green (bridleway 2) To Entr Stud Lo; St Albans - Harpenden Cycleway: Entr Stud Lodges To End Of Slip To Beesonend Ln (c; Kingsway North Orbital Road: Garston Longabout; Holywell Hill: Griffiths Way Rbt To End Of Central Isl; St Albans - Harpenden Cycleway: Hawkswick Lodge Farm Rd To Entr Childwick Grn (to ; Luton Road: Lamp Column 405 To County Boundary Opposite Ph; Market Place: Side Of 7 Market Place To Side 13 Cheque; Walkers Road: St Albans Road Rbt To 40mph Signs; Harpenden Road: Stone Cross Island To Beech Road; Luton Road: Sun Lane To Lamp Column 405 (homedell House); Queens Road: Walkers Road To Southdown Road; St Stephens Hill: Watford Rd Mini Rbt To Griffiths Way Rbt Road Sections: 6F73/10 6U759/10 6Y1081/30/50/60 A1081/110/120/130/140/270/280/300 A405/009 A5183/240/250/251 B4630/120/20/31 C93/10/20 C94/20

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 288 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 172 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet South West Herts Watford Scheme Delivery Plan 74 schemes Integrated Transport Programme Traffic Contol and Information Systems Gammons La/Nr Dell Rd S351 Signal Refurbishment Callowland Leggatts, Nascot TIS15014 Lane: Leavesden SGammons Road To Courtlands Drive North Watford, Watford Park Road Sections: 9U176/10

Leavesden Rd/Nr Diamond Rd S293 Signal Callowland Leggatts TIS16007 Road: A412 SLeavesden To Gammons Lane Refurbishment Road Sections: 9U542/10 North Watford, Watford

North Western Avenue S583 Signal Refurbishment Meriden Tudor Western TIS13058 Avenue: SNorth Start Of Dual Westwards To The Dome Rbt Watford Road Sections: A41/228

Real Time Passenger Information Delivery 16/17 BROXBOURNE (District wide), TIS16018 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Vicarage Rd/Hagden La S271 Signal Refurbishment Vicarage Holywell TIS16005Road: End Of SVicarage Dual Sect To Hagden Lane; Vicarage Road: West Watford, Watford Hagden Lane To Farraline Road; Hagden Lane: Tolpits Lane To Vicarage Road; Willow Lane: Vicarage Road To East Side Of House 44 Road Sections: 9U468/40 9U488/10 A4145/120/130 Safety & Movement Casualty Reduction A4008PinnerRoadMassActionSite CentralOxhey SAR16016 SPinnerRoad:BoundaryAtLcNo161ToAldenhamRoad Oxhey, Watford Road Sections: A4008/110

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 289 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 173 of 175 Integrated Works Programme 2016-2017 Cabinet South West Herts Watford Scheme Delivery Plan 74 schemes Safety & Movement Casualty Reduction Safety 17/18 Scheme Preperation and Early Deilvery BROXBOURNE (District wide), SAR16013 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Skid Resistance County Wide Sites BROXBOURNE (District wide), SAR16014 Broxbourne SBroxbourne: Area; Dacorum: Dacorum Area; East Herts: East DACORUM (District wide), Herts Area; Hertsmere: Hertsmere Area; North Herts: North Herts Area; St EAST HERTS (District wide), Albans: St Albans Area; Stevenage: Stevenage Area; Three Rivers: Three HERTSMERE (District wide), Rivers Area; Watford: Watford Area; Welwyn Hatfield: Welwyn Hatfield NORTH HERTS (District wide), Area ST ALBANS (District wide), Road Sections: BR/0 DA/0 EH/0 HE/0 NH/0 SA/0 ST/0 TR/0 WA/0 STEVENAGE (District wide), WH/0 THREE RIVERS (District wide), WATFORD (District wide), WELWYN HA

Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 290 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 174 of 175 Report Criteria: Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M Agenda Pack 291 of 450 Data Generated: 3 March 2016 Page 175 of 175 APPENDIX D


Changes Report


This Appendix lists all the projects that have changed, been added or been removed during the development of the 2016/17 IWP between June 2015 and February 2016.


1. In some cases road names can appear more than once within the same programme. This can be due to several different sections of the same road being identified for work. These road sections may be combined together for implementation as one project during the process of programming, packaging and mobilisation for delivery of the works on site.

2. Some projects may appear in more than one electoral division, either because they include several roads or because the road spans or is immediately adjacent to more than one division. Where this is the case the project appears in all relevant divisions.

3. Some projects are still at the outline design and consultation stage. Consequently the extent of some projects and the type of works may be refined during the final design stage.

Reading the Changes Report listing:

1. Order of listing: Projects in this report are grouped by district. Within each district they are ordered alphabetically by electoral division; then town where the primary road section is; and then project name.

2. The first column gives electoral division and town.

3. The second column gives the project name. The project name is usually the name of the primary road affected by the works followed by the type of work (e.g. “Park Road Resurfacing”).

4. The third column gives the unique IWP Number that refers to that individual project.

5. The fourth column is a single letter code indicating any status changes of the project at the various programme drafts have been issued across the year, and the current status. Codes explained below.

6. The fifth column ‘Reason for change’ explains the latest reason why a project has changed. Agenda Pack 292 of 450 Page 1 of 2


Full Description of Status Codes in the Changes report:

W: Work In Progress Approved by Cabinet as part of the 2015/16 IWP and work has started on site or is likely to start during the 2015/16 financial year and will be completed in the 2016/17 financial year.

C: Committed Approved by Cabinet as part of the 2015/16 IWP and in most cases design and consultation will be completed during the 2015/16 financial year and works on site are now likely to be implemented in the 2016/17 financial year.

S: Supported New projects not previously approved by Cabinet and supported for funding during the 2016/17 financial year in line with current policies and priorities and works on site are planned to be implemented in the 2016/17 financial year.

I: Under Investigation Projects currently under investigation to decide if works are required. If found to be necessary works on site may be implemented in the 2016/17 financial year or during subsequent years.

M: Member HLB Funded Highway Locality Budget funded project promoted by a County Councillor for IWP delivery and works on site are planned to be implemented in the 2016/17 financial year.

P: Preparation Projects that have been withdrawn from the 2016/17 IWP and deferred into the 2017/18 FWP or beyond for future consideration because either:  the development, design, consultation, contractual or mobilisation work has been delayed; or  to avoid a clash with other nearby works; or  work is not necessary yet; or  if priorities have changed; or  if funding has changed or been withdrawn.

X: Excluded Projects that have been withdrawn from the 2016/17 IWP and the FWP and removed because either:  the work was found to be no longer necessary or problem was found to have already been resolved; or  the work was found to have been a duplication or overlap with another project and it was found that the work had already been done; or  it was decided it would be better to combine the work into another project; or  the work was found to not be feasible; or  priorities have changed; or  funding has changed or been withdrawn. Agenda Pack 293 of 450 Page 2 of 2

Changes Report - lists projects whose statuses have changed during the entire process

Broxbourne ┌ count of other Divisions for project 2016-2017 County Council Division Drafts / Sub Area / Town Project Name IWP Number 2 3 Current Reason for change 01 Cheshunt Central College Road ResurfacingCheshunt MEM16082 M X1 Removed from 16/17 due to change in Member HLB priorities College Road Resurfacing MEM16317 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Craigs walk Thin SurfacingCheshunt MEM16102 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Hillview Gardens Thin SurfacingCheshunt CWY161525 S X X Removed from 16/17 due to change in priorities Hillview Gardens Thin Surfacing MEM16103 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Martins Drive Footway ReconstructionCheshunt MEM16106 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Rowlands Close Footway Surface TreatmentCheshunt MEM16105 M M1 Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Turners Hill ResurfacingCheshunt MEM16151 M M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding New River Path StudyHoddesdon ITP16022 S P (17/18)4 Deferred from 16/17 to 17/18 due to third party issues

02 Flamstead End And Turnford Cardinal Close Thin SurfacingCheshunt MEM16093 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Furzerfield Footway Surface TreatmentCheshunt MEM16089 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Furzerfield Thin SurfacingCheshunt MEM16090 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Cheshunt Headingley Close Footway Surface MEM16095 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Treatment Hilltop Close Footway Surface TreatmentCheshunt MEM16092 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Roundcroft Thin SurfacingCheshunt MEM16096 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Springwood Thin SurfacingCheshunt MEM16091 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Holbeck Lane Footway Surface TreatmentHammond Street,MEM16094 Cheshunt M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding o b c a e R s r a i gamn Street, Cheshunt Holbeck Lane ResurfacingHammond MEM16087 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Holbeck Lane Resurfacing MEM16316 M X Removed from 16/17 due to duplicate of other works: MEM16087 New River Path StudyHoddesdon ITP16022 S P (17/18)4 Deferred from 16/17 to 17/18 due to third party issues The Springs Footway Surface TreatmentTurnford MEM16088 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Church Lane Bridge HCC No. 1445WormleyAgendaBRG16008 Pack 294 of 450 S1 Added to 16/17 due to selection from ranking list

Data Generated: 3 March 2016 11:15 (Sort order is as for Index Report) Page 1 of 37 Changes Report - lists projects whose statuses have changed during the entire process

Broxbourne ┌ count of other Divisions for project 2016-2017 County Council Division Drafts / Sub Area / Town Project Name IWP Number 2 3 Current Reason for change 03 Goffs Oak And Bury Green Birchfield Road Footway ReconstructionCheshunt MEM16097 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Cheshunt Grovedale Close Footway Surface MEM16101 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Treatment Riverside Footway ReconstructionCheshunt MEM16099 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding h r h a e B s So p r d Cucgt,Cheshunt Churchgate Bus Stop UpgradeChurchgate, ITP16047 S Added to Passenger Transport/Bus Infrastructure Programme Stuart Way Footway ReconstructionChurchgate, CheshuntMEM16318 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Beehive Road Footway ReconstructionGoffs Oak, CheshuntMEM16100 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Robinson Avenue Footway ReconstructionGoffs Oak, CheshuntMEM16098 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding New River Path StudyHoddesdon ITP16022 S P (17/18)4 Deferred from 16/17 to 17/18 due to third party issues

04 Hoddesdon North Bridleway South ResurfacingHoddesdon MEM16084 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Dymokes Way Thin SurfacingHoddesdon MEM16086 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Essex Road Bridge HCC No. 662Hoddesdon BRG15002 S X X1 Removed from 16/17 due to slower deterioration than expected Hoddesdon Granville Gardens Footway Surface MEM16085 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Treatment New River Path StudyHoddesdon ITP16022 S P (17/18)4 Deferred from 16/17 to 17/18 due to third party issues Hoddesdon Salisbury Rd/Bosanquet Rd/Cecil Rd Thin CWY14470 W W Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to programme Surfacing review

05 Hoddesdon South A10 Embankment Failure ReconstructionBroxbourne ARP13144 S X (17/18) Removed to combine with other works: ARP17183 Broxbourne Station Bridge HCC No. 1350Broxbourne BRG16015 S Added to 16/17 due to selection from ranking list Broxbournebury Footbridge HCC No. 1447Broxbourne BRG16010 S Added to 16/17 due to selection from ranking list McKenzie Road Footway ReconstructionBroxbourne MEM16077 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Broxbourne St Michael's Road Footway Surface MEM16079 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Treatment Agenda Pack 295 of 450

Data Generated: 3 March 2016 11:15 (Sort order is as for Index Report) Page 2 of 37 Changes Report - lists projects whose statuses have changed during the entire process

Broxbourne ┌ count of other Divisions for project 2016-2017 County Council Division Drafts / Sub Area / Town Project Name IWP Number 2 3 Current Reason for change 05 Hoddesdon South Station Road Bridge HCC No. 663Broxbourne BRG14002 S X X Removed from 16/17 due to slower deterioration than expected Essex Road Bridge HCC No. 662Hoddesdon BRG15002 S X X1 Removed from 16/17 due to slower deterioration than expected Hoddesdon Footpath 37 Broxbourne Footway Surface MEM16078 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Treatment Hoddesdon Bridge HCC Nos. 1456 1457Hoddesdon BRG16012 S Added to 16/17 due to selection from ranking list Lord St/Walnut Tree Cl Thin SurfacingHoddesdon CWY151508 C S (15/16) Brought forward from 16/17 to 15/16 due to change in priorities New River Path StudyHoddesdon ITP16022 S P (17/18)4 Deferred from 16/17 to 17/18 due to third party issues Rose Vale ResurfacingHoddesdon MEM16150 M M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Church Lane Bridge HCC No. 1445Wormley BRG16008 S1 Added to 16/17 due to selection from ranking list Church Lane Footway ReconstructionWormley MEM16081 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Church Lane Footway Surface TreatmentWormley MEM16076 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Pembroke Close Footway Surface TreatmentWormley MEM16080 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding St Laurence Drive Thin SurfacingWormley CWY151162 S Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to programme review

06 Waltham Cross College Road ResurfacingCheshunt MEM16082 M X1 Removed from 16/17 due to change in Member HLB priorities Hillside Crescent ResurfacingCheshunt MEM16083 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Rowlands Close Footway Surface TreatmentCheshunt MEM16105 M M1 Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding m l e r d e HC N. 5WlhmCross Small Lea Bridge HCC No. 52Waltham BRG11006 S X X Removed from 16/17 due to slower deterioration than expected << End of list for Broxbourne >>

Agenda Pack 296 of 450

Data Generated: 3 March 2016 11:15 (Sort order is as for Index Report) Page 3 of 37 Changes Report - lists projects whose statuses have changed during the entire process

Dacorum ┌ count of other Divisions for project 2016-2017 County Council Division Drafts / Sub Area / Town Project Name IWP Number 2 3 Current Reason for change 07 Berkhamsted Briar Way Surface DressingBerkhamsted CWY15249 W W Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to work in progress Cedar Road ResurfacingBerkhamsted MEM16313 M M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Greene Walk ResurfacingBerkhamsted MEM16319 M M (15/16) Brought forward from 16/17 to 15/16 due to change in Member HLB priorities Shooters Way Footway Surface TreatmentBerkhamsted MEM16314 M M1 Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding

08 Bridgewater Shooters Way Footway Surface TreatmentBerkhamsted MEM16314 M M1 Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Delmer End Lane Surface DressingFlamstead MEM16068 M M1 Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Friendless Lane Surface DressingFlamstead MEM16069 M M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding 1 A i k R a r fi t d Bxor Hemel Hempstead M1 A5 Link Road Traffic StudyBoxmoor, ITP16034 S S2 Added to 16/17 due to local transport plan e c n Ra r ia e W r siteGaddesden Beacon Road Drainage WorksLittle DRN16002 S S Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to third party issues Gravel Path Safer Routes to SchoolPotten End ITP16038 S Added to Safer Routes to School programme

09 Hemel Hempstead East Hemel Hempstead Leverstock Green Rd (Nr Malmes Croft) TIS16020 S S Added to 16/17 due to selection from ranking list S024 Signal Refurbishment l ig a l s e u fc n Aefed Hemel Hempstead Ellingham Close ResurfacingAdeyfield, MEM16375 M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding l ig a o d R s r a i gdyil,Hemel Hempstead Ellingham Road ResurfacingAdeyfield, MEM16374 M1 Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding c r o d Rs r a i gentsEnd, Hemel Acorn Road ResurfacingBennetts CWY15027 C C1 Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to programme Hempstead review Acorn Road Resurfacing CWY15027 C C1 Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to programme review y u n C oe T i u fc n Bnet End, Hemel Hyburn Close Thin SurfacingBennetts CWY161935 S S X (15/16) Brought forward from 16/17 to 15/16 to combine Hempstead with other works: CWY16061 St Michaels Avenue ResurfacingBennetts End, HemelMEM16185 X M1 Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Hempstead Maxted Close Footway ReconstructionIndustrial, HemelFWY16004 Hempstead S P (18/19) Deferred from 16/17 to 17/18 due to third party Agenda Pack 297 of 450 issues

Data Generated: 3 March 2016 11:15 (Sort order is as for Index Report) Page 4 of 37 Changes Report - lists projects whose statuses have changed during the entire process

Dacorum ┌ count of other Divisions for project 2016-2017 County Council Division Drafts / Sub Area / Town Project Name IWP Number 2 3 Current Reason for change 10 Hemel Hempstead North East Aycliffe Drive Footway ReconstructionGrovehill, HemelMEM16370 Hempstead M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding l y o e T i u fc n Goeil Hemel Hempstead Claymore Thin SurfacingGrovehill, CWY151325 S S X Removed from 16/17 to combine with other works: CWY161212 o ie W y T i u fc n Goeil Hemel Hempstead Coline Way Thin SurfacingGrovehill, MEM16184 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Marlborough Rise Footway ReconstructionGrovehill, HemelFWY16003 Hempstead S X X Removed from 16/17 due to work completed outside of IWP e c l c h n Sr a igrvhl,Hemel Hempstead Mercy Place Thin SurfacingGrovehill, MEM16183 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding a a r e h n Sr a igrvhl,Hemel Hempstead Tamar Green Thin SurfacingGrovehill, MEM16176 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding h m s Ae u h n Sr a igrvhl,Hemel Hempstead Thames Avenue Thin SurfacingGrovehill, MEM16178 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Washington Avenue Footway ReconstructionGrovehill, HemelMEM16369 Hempstead M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding

11 Hemel Hempstead North West Chaulden Lane Surface DressingChaulden, HemelMEM16175 Hempstead M X1 Removed from 16/17 due to change in Member HLB priorities l v r W y R s r a i gaerde Hemel Hempstead Clover Way ResurfacingGadebridge, MEM16186 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Pescot Hill Footway ReconstructionGadebridge, HemelMEM16371 Hempstead M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding e c t Hl e u f c n Gdbig,Hemel Hempstead Pescot Hill ResurfacingGadebridge, MEM16395 M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding e n ls C oe T i u fc n Gdbig,Hemel Hempstead Reynolds Close Thin SurfacingGadebridge, MEM16177 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Rossgate Footway ReconstructionGadebridge, HemelFWY16008 Hempstead S X X Removed from 16/17 due to slower deterioration than expected Piccotts Mill Bridge HCC No. 1249Piccotts End, HemelBRG09007 S X X1 Removed from 16/17 due to slower deterioration Hempstead than expected u i e r e h n Sr a iganr End, Hemel Juniper Green Thin SurfacingWarners MEM16180 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Hempstead y t e G e n Ti u fc nWresEnd, Hemel Myrtle Green Thin SurfacingWarners MEM16182 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Hempstead o e e t a e T i u fc n WresEnd, Hemel RoseHeath Lane Thin SurfacingWarners MEM16179 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Hempstead Someries Road Footway ReconstructionWarners End, HemelMEM16372 M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Hempstead Agenda Pack 298 of 450

Data Generated: 3 March 2016 11:15 (Sort order is as for Index Report) Page 5 of 37 Changes Report - lists projects whose statuses have changed during the entire process

Dacorum ┌ count of other Divisions for project 2016-2017 County Council Division Drafts / Sub Area / Town Project Name IWP Number 2 3 Current Reason for change 11 Hemel Hempstead North West i d n h t Ti u fc n WresEnd, Hemel Winding Shot Thin SurfacingWarners MEM16181 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Hempstead

12 Hemel Hempstead St. Paul's u o Ra e u fc n HmlHempstead Juno Road ResurfacingHemel MEM16189 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding r a f e d Ra e u fc n Aefed Hemel Hempstead Broadfield Road ResurfacingAdeyfield, MEM16188 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding l ig a o d R s r a i gdyil,Hemel Hempstead Ellingham Road ResurfacingAdeyfield, MEM16374 M1 Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding it e Ra e u fc n Aefed Hemel Hempstead Little Road ResurfacingAdeyfield, MEM16190 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding i d i l Ra e u f c n Aefed Hemel Hempstead Windmill Road ResurfacingAdeyfield, MEM16193 M X Removed from 16/17 due to change in Member HLB priorities a t d l e u fc n Hgfed Hemel Hempstead Cattsdell ResurfacingHighfield, MEM16194 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding a t n R a e u fc n Hgfed Hemel Hempstead Paston Road ResurfacingHighfield, MEM16191 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding e h s Rs r a i gihil,Hemel Hempstead Tethys ResurfacingHighfield, MEM16195 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding ia o d Rs ra i gihil,Hemel Hempstead Titan Road ResurfacingHighfield, MEM16192 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding e t r a e R s r a igihil,Hemel Hempstead Westerdale ResurfacingHighfield, MEM16196 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Old High Street, Hemel Hemel Hempstead Old Town One Way ITP10061 W1 Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to work in Hempstead System progress

13 Hemel Hempstead South East c r o d Rs r a i gentsEnd, Hemel Acorn Road ResurfacingBennetts CWY15027 C C1 Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to programme Hempstead review Acorn Road Resurfacing CWY15027 C C1 Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to programme review Bennetts End, Hemel Bennets End Area Road Joint Sealing/Local CWY141240 C S D (14/15) Brought forward from 16/17 to 14/15 as work Hempstead Resurface already completed Bennets End Area Road Joint Sealing/Local CWY141240 C S D (14/15) Brought forward from 16/17 to 14/15 as work Resurface already completed Bennetts End, Hemel Georgewood Road Footway Surface MEM16335 M M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Hempstead Treatment St Michaels Avenue ResurfacingBennetts End, HemelMEM16185 X M1 Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Hempstead Agenda Pack 299 of 450

Data Generated: 3 March 2016 11:15 (Sort order is as for Index Report) Page 6 of 37 Changes Report - lists projects whose statuses have changed during the entire process

Dacorum ┌ count of other Divisions for project 2016-2017 County Council Division Drafts / Sub Area / Town Project Name IWP Number 2 3 Current Reason for change 13 Hemel Hempstead South East 1 A i k R a r fi t d Bxor Hemel Hempstead M1 A5 Link Road Traffic StudyBoxmoor, ITP16034 S S2 Added to 16/17 due to local transport plan

14 Hemel Hempstead Town Chipperfield Road Footway ReconstructionHemel HempsteadMEM16396 M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Featherbed Lane Rail Bridge HCC No. 1284Hemel HempsteadBRG11008 S X X Removed from 16/17 due to slower deterioration than expected Manorville Road Footway ReconstructionHemel HempsteadMEM16398 M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Marlowes Footway ReconstructionHemel HempsteadFWY15038 S D (15/16) Brought forward from 16/17 to 15/16 due to work completed outside of IWP Storey Street Footway ReconstructionHemel HempsteadMEM16399 M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Stratford Way Footway ReconstructionHemel HempsteadMEM16367 M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding e c fe d R a e u fc nBxor Hemel Hempstead Beechfield Road ResurfacingBoxmoor, MEM16187 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Fishery Road Bridge HCC No. 1252Boxmoor, HemelBRG16011 Hempstead S Added to 16/17 due to selection from ranking list Heath Labe Footway ReconstructionBoxmoor, HemelMEM16397 Hempstead M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding 1 A i k R a r fi t d Bxor Hemel Hempstead M1 A5 Link Road Traffic StudyBoxmoor, ITP16034 S S2 Added to 16/17 due to local transport plan Puller Road Footway ReconstructionBoxmoor, HemelMEM16366 Hempstead M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Chaulden Lane Surface DressingChaulden, HemelMEM16175 Hempstead M X1 Removed from 16/17 due to change in Member HLB priorities Old High Street, Hemel Hemel Hempstead Old Town One Way ITP10061 W1 Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to work in Hempstead System progress Hemel Town Hall Drainage Remedial High WorkOld Street,ITP16040 Hemel S Added to Integrated Transport Programme due to Hempstead drainage problems Piccotts Mill Bridge HCC No. 1249Piccotts End, HemelBRG09007 S X X1 Removed from 16/17 due to slower deterioration Hempstead than expected

15 Kings Langley Bovingdon Pembridge Estate Footway Surface MEM16315 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Treatment i a m Ln r i a eee Hempstead Pix Farm Lane DrainageHemel DRN14031 C P (17/18) Deferred from 16/17 to 17/18 due to change in priorities Agenda Pack 300 of 450

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Dacorum ┌ count of other Divisions for project 2016-2017 County Council Division Drafts / Sub Area / Town Project Name IWP Number 2 3 Current Reason for change 15 Kings Langley Kings Langley Kings Langley Footpath 009 Footway MEM16365 M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Reconstruction i a a e Ln e u fc nKnsLangley Vicarage Lane ResurfacingKings MEM16380 M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding

16 Tring Tring High Street Carriageway Local CWY141237 C Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to financial issues Reconstruction Kingsley Walk Thin SurfacingTring CWY151488 C C X Removed from 16/17 to combine with other works: CWY161362 << End of list for Dacorum >>

Agenda Pack 301 of 450

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East Herts ┌ count of other Divisions for project 2016-2017 County Council Division Drafts / Sub Area / Town Project Name IWP Number 2 3 Current Reason for change 17 All Saints Beechwood Close Thin SurfacingHertford MEM16312 M M1 Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Byde Street Footway Surface TreatmentHertford MEM16306 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Church Road Thin SurfacingHertford MEM16309 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Cockbush Avenue Thin SurfacingHertford MEM16308 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Cromwell Road ResurfacingHertford MEM16305 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Eleanor Road Thin SurfacingHertford MEM16311 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Elton Road Thin SurfacingHertford MEM16310 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Hartham Lane Footway Surface TreatmentHertford MEM16307 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding LEP Mead Lane Cycle and Pedestrian LinksHertford ITP13049 S P (17/18)1 Deferred from 16/17 to 17/18 due to design issue North Road Drainage WorksHertford DRN09031 S W W (17/18)1 Deferred from 16/17 to 17/18 due to financial issues North Road Drainage Works DRN09031 S W W (17/18)1 Deferred from 16/17 to 17/18 due to financial issues Rowleys Road ResurfacingHertford MEM16304 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Hertford Rush Green Interchange Joint Replacement BRG14004 W3 Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to work in HCC No. 1467&1468 progress Vicarage Lane Surface DressingHertford MEM16058 M M1 Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Ware Road Major PatchingHertford ARP15140 S S1 Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to network management issues Kingsmead Viaduct Drainage HCC No. 1469Ware BRG13004 S1 Brought forward from 17/18 to 16/17 due to programme review Park Road Bridge HCC No. 1470Ware BRG16009 S1 Added to 16/17 due to selection from ranking list

18 Bishop's Stortford East a b w Ln e u f c n BsosStortford Basbow Lane ResurfacingBishops MEM16012 M M1 Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding a r g n h n S r ai gihp Stortford Carrigans Thin SurfacingBishops MEM16018 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding h n r l s h n Sr a igihp Stortford Chantry Close Thin SurfacingBishops MEM16019 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding h r h M n r Ti u f c nBsosStortford Church Manor Thin SurfacingBishops MEM16020 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding o p i a h n S r ai gihp Stortford Dolphin Way Thin SurfacingBishops MEM16021 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Hadham Road Surface DressingBishops StortfordARP14149 W W1 Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to road space Agenda Pack 302 of 450 issues

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East Herts ┌ count of other Divisions for project 2016-2017 County Council Division Drafts / Sub Area / Town Project Name IWP Number 2 3 Current Reason for change 18 Bishop's Stortford East Heron Court Drainage InvestigationBishops StortfordDRN15004 S I Brought forward from 17/18 to 16/17 due to change in priorities i g Sre h n Sr a igihp Stortford King Street Thin SurfacingBishops MEM16022 M M1 Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding i g Sre r f i a a e e tihp Stortford King Street Traffic ManagementBishops ITP15059 C1 Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to Traffic Regulation Orders delayed r s w c r v h n Sr a igihp Stortford Prestwick Drive Thin SurfacingBishops MEM16023 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Station Road Bridge Widening StudyBishops StortfordITP13060 S P (17/18)1 Deferred from 16/17 to 17/18 due to design issue Station Road, Bishop Stortford ResurfacingBishops StortfordMEM16284 M X1 Removed from 16/17 due to change in Member HLB priorities e t il o d Ti u f c n BsosStortford Westfield Road Thin SurfacingBishops MEM16026 M M1 Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding

19 Bishop's Stortford Rural Bishops Stortford Bishops Park Way/St James Way Surface ARP14057 W W1 Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to road space Dressing issues Bishops Stortford Broadleaf Avenue Footway Surface MEM16037 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Treatment Dove Close Footway Surface TreatmentBishops StortfordMEM16038 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding i a e Rs ra i gihp Stortford Pig Lane ResurfacingBishops MEM16014 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Thornbera Road Footway Surface TreatmentBishops StortfordMEM16040 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Mayfield Park Footway Surface TreatmentThorley, BishopsMEM16039 Stortford M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding The Paddock Footway Surface TreatmentThorley, BishopsMEM16043 Stortford M M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding o d Hl r ia e W r siteHadham Ford Hill Drainage WorksLittle DRN14001 S S Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to programme review a e r de R a e u fc nMc Hadham Danebridge Road ResurfacingMuch MEM16016 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding

20 Bishop's Stortford West a b w Ln e u f c n BsosStortford Basbow Lane ResurfacingBishops MEM16012 M M1 Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding e c ln s Ti u fc n BsosStortford Beechlands Thin SurfacingBishops MEM16017 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Bishops Stortford Bishops Park Way/St James Way Surface ARP14057 W W1 Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to road space Dressing issues Agenda Pack 303 of 450 a h m R a e u fc nBsosStortford Hadham Road ResurfacingBishops MEM16011 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding

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East Herts ┌ count of other Divisions for project 2016-2017 County Council Division Drafts / Sub Area / Town Project Name IWP Number 2 3 Current Reason for change 20 Bishop's Stortford West

Hadham Road Surface DressingBishops StortfordARP14149 W W1 Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to road space issues i g Sre h n Sr a igihp Stortford King Street Thin SurfacingBishops MEM16022 M M1 Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding i g Sre r f i a a e e tihp Stortford King Street Traffic ManagementBishops ITP15059 C1 Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to Traffic Regulation Orders delayed u s r o d R s r a i gihp Stortford Nursery Road ResurfacingBishops MEM16013 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Queens Crescent Thin SurfacingBishops StortfordMEM16024 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Station Road Bridge Widening StudyBishops StortfordITP13060 S P (17/18)1 Deferred from 16/17 to 17/18 due to design issue Station Road, Bishop Stortford ResurfacingBishops StortfordMEM16284 M X1 Removed from 16/17 due to change in Member HLB priorities a d Ce c n h n S r a igihp Stortford Ward Crescent Thin SurfacingBishops MEM16025 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding e t il o d Ti u f c n BsosStortford Westfield Road Thin SurfacingBishops MEM16026 M M1 Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding h r o d Rs r ai gihp Stortford Wharf Road ResurfacingBishops MEM16015 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding

21 Braughing Baldock Road Footway Surface TreatmentBuntingford MEM16288 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Monks Walk Footway Surface TreatmentBuntingford MEM16287 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Baldock Road Casualty Reduction ProposalCottered SAR16009 S S Added to 16/17 due to selection from ranking list Brook End Surface DressingCottered MEM16008 M M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding i g f ed Ra Dn End Kingsfield RoadDane MEM16289 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding u d n R a u f c r s i gaeEnd Munden Road Surface DressingDane MEM16045 M M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Hare Street Road Localised PatchingHare Street CWY17495 S S X Removed from 16/17 due to work not needed Puckeridge A10 Northbound Casualty Reduction SAR16008 S S1 Added to 16/17 due to selection from ranking list Proposal

22 Hertford Rural New Park Lane Thin SurfacingAston MEM16286 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Vicarage Lane Surface DressingBayford MEM16285 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Walkern Road Footway ReconstructionBeningtonAgendaMEM16290 Pack 304 of 450 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding

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East Herts ┌ count of other Divisions for project 2016-2017 County Council Division Drafts / Sub Area / Town Project Name IWP Number 2 3 Current Reason for change 22 Hertford Rural Chapmore End Surface DressingChapmore EndMEM16009 M M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Vicarage Lane Surface DressingHertford MEM16058 M M1 Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Sacombe Church Road Surface DressingSacombe CWY141067 W X X Removed from 16/17 due to not suitable for treatment Anchor Lane Rbt ResurfacingTonwell ARP15256 S S Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to slower deterioration than expected Birchall Lane Localised PatchingWelwyn GardenCWY161033 City S S X1 Removed from 16/17 due to work not needed

23 St Andrew's Hertford A414 Bluecoats Roundabout Casualty SAR16015 S Added to Casualty Reduction Programme Reduction Hertford A414 Church St Subway Drainage DRN12039 W Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to work in Investigation progress Beechwood Close Thin SurfacingHertford MEM16312 M M1 Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Green Coates Thin SurfacingHertford MEM16292 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Gwynns Walk Thin SurfacingHertford MEM16291 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding LEP Mead Lane Cycle and Pedestrian LinksHertford ITP13049 S P (17/18)1 Deferred from 16/17 to 17/18 due to design issue Hertford London Road Road Casualty Reduction SAR16011 S S Added to 16/17 due to selection from ranking list Proposal North Road Drainage WorksHertford DRN09031 S W W (17/18)1 Deferred from 16/17 to 17/18 due to financial issues North Road Drainage Works DRN09031 S W W (17/18)1 Deferred from 16/17 to 17/18 due to financial issues Priory Street Thin SurfacingHertford CWY15988 S Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to programme review Hertford Rush Green Interchange Joint Replacement BRG14004 W3 Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to work in HCC No. 1467&1468 progress Sele Road Thin SurfacingHertford MEM16294 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Thieves Lane Thin SurfacingHertford MEM16293 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Ware Road Major PatchingHertford ARP15140 S S1 Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to network management issues Agenda Pack 305 of 450

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East Herts ┌ count of other Divisions for project 2016-2017 County Council Division Drafts / Sub Area / Town Project Name IWP Number 2 3 Current Reason for change 24 Sawbridgeworth Bullfields Thin SurfacingSawbridgeworth MEM16027 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Sawbridgeworth London Rd/Harlow Rd Major Patching and ARP12095 W W Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to road space Surface Dressing issues i tn Ln o a ie a c i gtnta Abbotts Kitten Lane Localised PatchingStanstead CWY141126 C Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to treatment change Thele Avenue Footway Surface TreatmentStanstead AbbottsMEM16041 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Trotters Gap Footway Surface TreatmentStanstead AbbottsMEM16044 M M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Stanstead Abbotts Woodcroft Avenue Footway Surface MEM16042 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Treatment Widford Medcalf Hill Major Patching and Surface CWY15750 W W Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to work in Dressing progress

25 Ware North Hertford Rush Green Interchange Joint Replacement BRG14004 W3 Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to work in HCC No. 1467&1468 progress Puckeridge A10 Northbound Casualty Reduction SAR16008 S S1 Added to 16/17 due to selection from ranking list Proposal Millfied Thin SurfacingWadesmill CWY161541 S Added to 16/17 due to split of another scheme: CWY151818 Youngsbury Lane Thin SurfacingWadesmill CWY151818 C S (15/16) Brought forward from 16/17 to 15/16 due to programme review Cheyne Close Thin SurfacingWare MEM16028 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Clifton Way Thin SurfacingWare MEM16029 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Cranbrook Close Footway ResurfacingWare MEM16035 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Kingsmead Viaduct Drainage HCC No. 1469Ware BRG13004 S1 Brought forward from 17/18 to 16/17 due to programme review Milton Road Thin SurfacingWare MEM16030 M M1 Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Park Road Bridge HCC No. 1470Ware BRG16009 S1 Added to 16/17 due to selection from ranking list Popes Row Thin SurfacingWare MEM16031 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Salmons Close Footway ResurfacingWare MEM16036 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding The Blanes Thin SurfacingWare AgendaMEM16032 Pack 306 of 450 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding

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East Herts ┌ count of other Divisions for project 2016-2017 County Council Division Drafts / Sub Area / Town Project Name IWP Number 2 3 Current Reason for change 25 Ware North The Green Thin SurfacingWare MEM16033 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Vallans Close Thin SurfacingWare MEM16034 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding

26 Ware South Great Amwell A10 South Bound & Northbound ARP17183 S S1 Scope increased to combine with other works: Interchange Reconstruction ARP13144 a t e l a e Da n g o k GetAmwell Cautherly Lane Drainage WorksGreat DRN13037 S S Brought forward from 17/18 to 16/17 due to change in priorities Hertford Rush Green Interchange Joint Replacement BRG14004 W3 Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to work in HCC No. 1467&1468 progress Barclay Close Footway Surface TreatmentHertford Heath,MEM16300 Hertford M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Heathgate Footway Surface TreatmentHertford Heath,MEM16301 Hertford M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding e t g t h n Sr a i getodHeath, Hertford Heathgate Thin SurfacingHertford MEM16295 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Hogsdell Lane Footway Surface TreatmentHertford Heath,MEM16303 Hertford M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding London Road Footway Surface TreatmentHertford Heath,MEM16302 Hertford M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Cobham Thin SurfacingWare MEM16297 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Garlands Road Thin SurfacingWare MEM16298 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Ware London Road/Hoes Lane Drainage DRN16006 S I Added to 16/17 due to property flooding Investigation Milton Road Thin SurfacingWare MEM16030 M M1 Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Peters Wood Hill Thin SurfacingWare MEM16296 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Winton Road ResurfacingWare MEM16299 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding << End of list for East Herts >>

Agenda Pack 307 of 450

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Hertsmere ┌ count of other Divisions for project 2016-2017 County Council Division Drafts / Sub Area / Town Project Name IWP Number 2 3 Current Reason for change 27 Borehamwood North Alban Crescent Thin SurfacingBorehamwood MEM16152 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Allum Lane Drainage WorksBorehamwood DRN14034 W2 Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to work in progress Brodewater Road Thin SurfacingBorehamwood MEM16153 M M (17/18) Deferred from 16/17 to 17/18 due to change in Member HLB priorities Caishowe Road OverlayBorehamwood MEM16154 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Oddesey Road OverlayBorehamwood MEM16155 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Shenley Road Localised PatchingBorehamwood CWY17304 S S X1 Removed from 16/17 due to work not needed Shenley Road Speed ComplianceBorehamwood ITP15021 S P (18/19)1 Deferred from 16/17 to 18/19 pending further investigation

28 Borehamwood South Allum Lane Drainage WorksBorehamwood DRN14034 W2 Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to work in progress Arundel Drive ResurfacingBorehamwood MEM16156 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Balmoral Drive ResurfacingBorehamwood MEM16157 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Clydesdale Close Thin SurfacingBorehamwood MEM16158 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Easton Gardens Thin SurfacingBorehamwood MEM16159 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Shenley Road Localised PatchingBorehamwood CWY17304 S S X1 Removed from 16/17 due to work not needed Suffolk Close Thin SurfacingBorehamwood MEM16160 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding

29 Bushey North Bushey Berrygrove Gyratory (M1 Junc 5) S578 TIS16017 S S X1 Removed from 16/17 to co-ordinate with other Signal Refurbishment works planned to be completed by third party Bournehall Avenue ResurfacingBushey MEM16161 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Coldharbour Lane ResurfacingBushey MEM16162 M M1 Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Golf Close Footway Surface TreatmentBushey MEM16163 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Primrose Lane Drainage InvestigationRound Bush, RadlettDRN13032 S I1 Brought forward from 17/18 to 16/17 due to programme review Agenda Pack 308 of 450

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Hertsmere ┌ count of other Divisions for project 2016-2017 County Council Division Drafts / Sub Area / Town Project Name IWP Number 2 3 Current Reason for change 30 Bushey South Beamish Drive ResurfacingBushey MEM16167 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Brooke Way Thin SurfacingBushey MEM16164 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Coldharbour Lane ResurfacingBushey MEM16162 M M1 Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Garratts Road ResurfacingBushey MEM16168 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Bushey High St/Nr Melbourne Rd(Golf Cntr) S071 TIS15002 S Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to financial issues Signal Refurbishment Sparrows Herne Footway Surface TreatmentBushey MEM16166 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Titian Avenue/Windmill Street Thin SurfacingBushey CWY14720 W C Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to programme review Woodpecker Close Thin SurfacingBushey MEM16165 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding

31 Potters Bar East Aston Way Footway ReconstructionPotters Bar MEM16050 M M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Bearwood Close Footway ReconstructionPotters Bar MEM16051 M M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Cherry Tree Lane Footway ReconstructionPotters Bar MEM16053 M M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding a f ed Ra r ia e W r sotr Bar Hatfield Road Drainage WorksPotters DRN15003 C X Removed from 16/17 due to investigation completed and no further work needed Ladbrooke Drive Footway ReconstructionPotters Bar MEM16054 M M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Oakroyd Close Footway ReconstructionPotters Bar MEM16055 M M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Potters Bar Southgate Road/Mutton Lane Junction ITP14055 S I (18/19) Deferred from 16/17 to 18/19 pending further Improvements Study investigation St Johns Close Footway ReconstructionPotters Bar MEM16056 M M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding The Causeway Pedestrian CrossingPotters Bar ITP14061 S S P (18/19) Deferred from 16/17 to 18/19 due to financial issues The Grove Footway ReconstructionPotters Bar MEM16052 M M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding

32 Potters Bar West and Shenley Shenley Road Speed ComplianceBorehamwood ITP15021 S P (18/19)1 Deferred from 16/17 to 18/19 pending further investigation Woodhall Lane Footway ReconstructionBorehamwood MEM16006 M M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Agenda Pack 309 of 450 e l Ln r i a e W r sodnColney Bell Lane Drainage WorksLondon DRN12041 S S C (17/18) Deferred from 16/17 to 17/18 due to financial issues

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Hertsmere ┌ count of other Divisions for project 2016-2017 County Council Division Drafts / Sub Area / Town Project Name IWP Number 2 3 Current Reason for change 32 Potters Bar West and Shenley Cambridge Drive Carriageway ResurfacingPotters Bar MEM16004 M M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Wellesley Crescent Footway ReconstructionPotters Bar MEM16005 M M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding London Road ResurfacingShenley CWY17629 S S X Removed from 16/17 due to work not needed South Mimms Blanche Lane / Crossoaks Lane MEM16007 M M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Roundabout Resurfacing

33 Watling Allum Lane Drainage WorksBorehamwood DRN14034 W2 Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to work in progress Bushey Berrygrove Gyratory (M1 Junc 5) S578 TIS16017 S S X1 Removed from 16/17 to co-ordinate with other Signal Refurbishment works planned to be completed by third party Barnet Lane Drainage WorksElstree DRN12049 C C (17/18) Deferred from 16/17 to 17/18 due to financial issues Elstree Crossroads ImprovementsElstree ITP12055 W Deferred from 14/15 to 16/17 due to work in progress Knowl Way OverlayElstree MEM16170 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Lodge Avenue OverlayElstree MEM16171 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Christchurch Crescent ResurfacingRadlett MEM16169 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Shenley Hill Drainage WorksRadlett DRN14033 S S Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to programme review Watling Knoll Thin SurfacingRadlett MEM16172 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding r n e L n a o a c i gecmr Heath, Radlett Grange Lane Major PatchingLetchmore MEM16173 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Primrose Lane Drainage InvestigationRound Bush, RadlettDRN13032 S I1 Brought forward from 17/18 to 16/17 due to programme review << End of list for Hertsmere >>

Agenda Pack 310 of 450

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North Herts ┌ count of other Divisions for project 2016-2017 County Council Division Drafts / Sub Area / Town Project Name IWP Number 2 3 Current Reason for change 34 Hitchin North Bearton Road Footway ReconstructionHitchin MEM16257 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Heathfield Road ResurfacingHitchin MEM16260 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding LEP Hitchin Cycle Route 8Hitchin ITP15032 S P (17/18)1 Deferred from 16/17 to 17/18 due to third party issues Strathmore Avenue Footway ReconstructionHitchin MEM16256 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding

35 Hitchin Rural Brand Street Local ReconstructionBreachwood GreenCWY161417 S S X Removed from 16/17 due to work already planned as part of other IWP works Luton Road Pedestrian CrossingGreat Offley ITP16029 S S Added to 16/17 due to urban transport plan School Lane Bridge HCC No. 1237Great Offley BRG16013 S Added to 16/17 due to selection from ranking list Wellington Avenue ResurfacingHitchin MEM16258 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Lilley Bottom Bridge HCC No 1235Lilley BRG16014 S Added to 16/17 due to selection from ranking list School Lane Footway ReconstructionPreston MEM16343 M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding

36 Hitchin South LEP Hitchin Cycle Route 8Hitchin ITP15032 S P (17/18)1 Deferred from 16/17 to 17/18 due to third party issues Paynes Park ReconstructionHitchin ARP17089 S X X Removed from 16/17 to combine with other works: ARP17088 Pirton Road ResurfacingHitchin MEM16259 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Stevenage Road Pedestrian CrossingHitchin ITP14020 W1 Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to work in progress Tilehoue Street ResurfacingHitchin MEM16392 M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding

37 Knebworth and Codicote Valley Road Thin SurfacingCodicote MEM16225 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Mill Lane Surface DressingGosmore MEM16010 M M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Stevenage Road Pedestrian CrossingHitchin ITP14020 W1 Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to work in progress Agenda Pack 311 of 450 Gibbons Way Thin SurfacingKnebworth MEM16333 M M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding

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North Herts ┌ count of other Divisions for project 2016-2017 County Council Division Drafts / Sub Area / Town Project Name IWP Number 2 3 Current Reason for change 37 Knebworth and Codicote New Close Footway ReconstructionKnebworth MEM16221 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Knebworth Orchard Way/Broom Grove Drainage DRN16007 S I Added to 16/17 due to property flooding Investigation Lower Titmore Green Surface DressingTodds Green CWY17195 W C (18/19) Deferred from 16/17 to 17/18 due to not suitable for treatment The Valley ResurfacingWhitwell MEM16236 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding

38 Letchworth East and Baldock Church Street ResurfacingBaldock MEM16238 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Jackson Street ResurfacingBaldock MEM16239 M M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding London Road ResurfacingBaldock MEM16237 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Park Close Footway ReconstructionBaldock MEM16223 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Templar Avenue Thin SurfacingBaldock CWY151239 S S Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to programme review Hawthorn Hill Footway ReconstructionLetchworth MEM16222 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Letchworth Hitchin Road to Grange Estate Cycle ITP13062 S S2 Brought forward from 17/18 to 16/17 due to change Schemes in priorities Letchworth Cycle Scheme NM2Letchworth ITP16007 S P (17/18)1 Deferred from 16/17 to 17/18 due to design issue Letchworth Norton Way North Letchworth Speed ITP16008 S S Brought forward from 17/18 to 16/17 due to Compliance programme review

39 Letchworth North West Archers Way ResurfacingLetchworth MEM16321 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Letchworth Hitchin Road to Grange Estate Cycle ITP13062 S S2 Brought forward from 17/18 to 16/17 due to change Schemes in priorities Romany Close Footway ReconstructionLetchworth MEM16224 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Western Way ResurfacingLetchworth MEM16320 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding

40 Letchworth South Baldock Lane east end ResurfacingLetchworth MEM16326 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Agenda Pack 312 of 450 Farthings Drive clu de sac ResurfacingLetchworth MEM16332 M M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding

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North Herts ┌ count of other Divisions for project 2016-2017 County Council Division Drafts / Sub Area / Town Project Name IWP Number 2 3 Current Reason for change 40 Letchworth South Farthings Drive ResurfacingLetchworth MEM16325 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Letchworth Hitchin Road to Grange Estate Cycle ITP13062 S S2 Brought forward from 17/18 to 16/17 due to change Schemes in priorities Howards Wood ResurfacingLetchworth MEM16324 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Letchworth Cycle Scheme NM2Letchworth ITP16007 S P (17/18)1 Deferred from 16/17 to 17/18 due to design issue Baldock Lane / William Road ResurfacingWillian MEM16327 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding

41 North Herts Rural Forham Close ResurfacingAshwell MEM16235 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Rollys Lane/Gardiners Lane Major PatchingAshwell CWY15920 C C Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to work in progress Station Road, Ashwell ResurfacingAshwell MEM16233 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Royston Road ResurfacingBarley MEM16232 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Park Farm Lane Surface DressingNuthampstead CWY14781 W W Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to road space issues Hitchin Road ResurfacingWeston MEM16234 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding

42 Royston Clydesdale ResurfacingRoyston MEM16231 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Garden Close Footway ReconstructionRoyston MEM16227 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Garden Close ResurfacingRoyston MEM16230 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Hunters Way Footway ReconstructionRoyston MEM16226 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Parklands Footway ReconstructionRoyston MEM16228 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Studlands Rise ResurfacingRoyston MEM16229 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding << End of list for North Herts >>

Agenda Pack 313 of 450

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St Albans ┌ count of other Divisions for project 2016-2017 County Council Division Drafts / Sub Area / Town Project Name IWP Number 2 3 Current Reason for change 43 Harpenden North East Brackendale Grove Footway ReconstructionHarpenden MEM16362 M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Crabtree Lane Footway ReconstructionHarpenden MEM16361 M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Haslingdon Close Footway ReconstructionHarpenden MEM16360 M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Sauncey Avenue Footway ReconstructionHarpenden MEM16359 M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Station Road Drainage WorksHarpenden DRN10037 C W W1 Committed from 15/16 to 16/17 due to programme review Station Road Footway ReconstructionHarpenden FWY16084 S1 Added to Maintenance Programme as continuation of other works: FWY15039 Harpenden Watford to St Albans/Harpenden to Watford ITP16046 S7 Added to Passenger Transport/Bus Infrastructure Bus Stop Upgrades Programme u o o d D a ng o k Tw Centre, Harpenden Luton Road Drainage WorksTown DRN06060 C C W2 Committed from 15/16 to 16/17 due to programme review

44 Harpenden South West Eastmoor Park and Little Lane ResurfacingHarpenden MEM16276 M X Removed from 16/17 due to change in Member HLB priorities Eastmoor Park ResurfacingHarpenden MEM16275 M M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Oakley Road ResurfacingHarpenden MEM16003 X M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Orchard Avenue Thin SurfacingHarpenden CWY14611 W W (15/16)1 Brought forward from 16/17 to 15/16 due to work already completed Parva Close Footway ReconstructionHarpenden MEM16057 M X Removed from 16/17 due to work already completed Station Road Drainage WorksHarpenden DRN10037 C W W1 Committed from 15/16 to 16/17 due to programme review Station Road Footway ReconstructionHarpenden FWY16084 S1 Added to Maintenance Programme as continuation of other works: FWY15039 Harpenden Watford to St Albans/Harpenden to Watford ITP16046 S7 Added to Passenger Transport/Bus Infrastructure Bus Stop Upgrades Programme St Albans Road Pedestrian CrossingHatching Green,ITP14048 Harpenden S P (18/19) Deferred from 16/17 to 18/19 due to financial issues u o o d D a ng o k Tw Centre, Harpenden Luton Road Drainage WorksTown DRN06060 C C W2 Committed from 15/16 to 16/17 due to programme review e b u n Ln r i a eacigGreen, Redbourn Redbourn Lane DrainageHatching AgendaDRN13022 Pack 314 of 450C C1 Brought forward from 17/18 to 16/17 due to ongoing flooding

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St Albans ┌ count of other Divisions for project 2016-2017 County Council Division Drafts / Sub Area / Town Project Name IWP Number 2 3 Current Reason for change 44 Harpenden South West

45 St. Albans Central Harpenden Watford to St Albans/Harpenden to Watford ITP16046 S7 Added to Passenger Transport/Bus Infrastructure Bus Stop Upgrades Programme Althorp Road Footway ReconstructionSt Albans MEM16247 M X Removed from 16/17 due to change in Member HLB priorities Althorp Road Footway Reconstruction MEM16328 M X Removed from 16/17 due to change in Member HLB priorities Avenue Road Footway ReconstructionSt Albans MEM16255 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding St Albans London Road Cycleway and Bus Stop ITP15024 S S (17/18)2 Deferred from 16/17 to 17/18 due to design issue Upgrade London Road Footway ReconstructionSt Albans MEM16254 M M1 Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Lower Paxton Road Thin SurfacingSt Albans CWY16287 C Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to third party issues Oswald Road Footway ReconstructionSt Albans MEM16249 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding a t n Ra h n S r a igtAlbans Paxton Road Thin SurfacingSt CWY15668 C Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to third party issues Salisbury Avenue Drainage InvestigationSt Albans DRN16004 S I Added to 16/17 due to property flooding St Albans Woodstock Road Footway North MEM16243 M X Removed from 16/17 due to change in Member Reconstruction HLB priorities St Albans Woodstock Road South Footway MEM16330 M X Removed from 16/17 due to change in Member Reconstruction HLB priorities

46 St. Albans East Shenley Lane Speed ComplianceLondon ColneyITP16018 S S P (17/18)1 Deferred from 16/17 to 17/18 to co-ordinate with resurfacing works St Albans London Road Cycleway and Bus Stop ITP15024 S S (17/18)2 Deferred from 16/17 to 17/18 due to design issue Upgrade Nelson Avenue Footway ReconstructionSt Albans MEM16363 M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding o a d Co e Ti u fc nCle Heath, St Albans Howard Close Thin SurfacingColney CWY15703 C C Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to programme review Linden Crescent Footway ReconstructionColneyAgenda Heath, StMEM16329 AlbansPack 315 of 450 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding

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St Albans ┌ count of other Divisions for project 2016-2017 County Council Division Drafts / Sub Area / Town Project Name IWP Number 2 3 Current Reason for change 46 St. Albans East i h ig l a e R s r a i gonyHeath, St Albans Nightingale Lane ResurfacingColney MEM16379 M1 Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Nightingale Lane Resurfacing MEM16393 M1 Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding i h n r Co e Rs r ai gtStephens, St Albans Kichener Close ResurfacingSt MEM16253 M X Removed from 16/17 due to change in Member HLB priorities New House Park Footway ReconstructionSt Stephens, StMEM16364 Albans M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding

47 St. Albans North Harpenden Watford to St Albans/Harpenden to Watford ITP16046 S7 Added to Passenger Transport/Bus Infrastructure Bus Stop Upgrades Programme St Albans Road Footway ReconstructionSt Albans MEM16356 M1 Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Upper Heath Road Drainage WorksSt Albans DRN14030 W W Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to work in progress Jersey Farm, St Albans Harness Way/Briar Road Drainage DRN16005 S I1 Added to 16/17 due to property flooding Investigation

48 St. Albans Rural Orchard Avenue Thin SurfacingHarpenden CWY14611 W W (15/16)1 Brought forward from 16/17 to 15/16 due to work already completed Harpenden Watford to St Albans/Harpenden to Watford ITP16046 S7 Added to Passenger Transport/Bus Infrastructure Bus Stop Upgrades Programme u o o d D a ng o k Tw Centre, Harpenden Luton Road Drainage WorksTown DRN06060 C C W2 Committed from 15/16 to 16/17 due to programme review Rickyard Meadow Thin SurfacingRedbourn MEM16002 M X Removed from 16/17 due to change in Member HLB priorities Snatchup Footway ReconstructionRedbourn MEM16347 M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding The Park Major PatchingRedbourn CWY161942 S S Added to 16/17 due to split of another scheme: CWY151213 The Park Thin SurfacingRedbourn CWY151213 C C (15/16) Brought forward from 16/17 to 15/16 due to treatment change e b u n Ln r i a eacigGreen, Redbourn Redbourn Lane DrainageHatching DRN13022 C C1 Brought forward from 17/18 to 16/17 due to ongoing flooding Brocket View ResurfacingWheathampstead AgendaMEM16001 Pack 316 of 450 M X Removed from 16/17 due to change in Member HLB priorities

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St Albans ┌ count of other Divisions for project 2016-2017 County Council Division Drafts / Sub Area / Town Project Name IWP Number 2 3 Current Reason for change 48 St. Albans Rural Brocket View ResurfacingWheathampstead MEM16344 M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Butterfield Road Footway ReconstructionWheathampsteadMEM16339 M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Codicote Road Pedestrian CrossingWheathampsteadITP14052 S I (18/19) Deferred from 16/17 to 18/19 pending further investigation Hill Dyke Road Footway ReconstructionWheathampsteadMEM16340 M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Hill Dyke Road Footway Surface TreatmentWheathampsteadMEM16342 M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Lattimore Road Footway ReconstructionWheathampsteadMEM16338 M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Smallwood Close ResurfacingWheathampstead MEM16277 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding

49 St. Albans South Harpenden Watford to St Albans/Harpenden to Watford ITP16046 S7 Added to Passenger Transport/Bus Infrastructure Bus Stop Upgrades Programme u u ts C oe T i u fc n S Albans Augustas Close Thin SurfacingSt MEM16245 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding St Albans London Road Cycleway and Bus Stop ITP15024 S S (17/18)2 Deferred from 16/17 to 17/18 due to design issue Upgrade London Road Footway ReconstructionSt Albans MEM16254 M M1 Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding o n l a a t R s r a igtAlbans Mount Pleasant ResurfacingSt MEM16250 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding St Albans Watford Rd/Nr St Stephens Av S240 Signal TIS15006 S Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to financial issues Refurbishment a fr o d Rs r a i ghselGreen, St Albans Watford Road ResurfacingChiswell CWY17325 S S X Removed from 16/17 due to work not needed St Stephens, St Albans Holywell Hl/Prospect Rd S404 Signal TIS16015 S X X Removed from 16/17 due to work completed Refurbishment outside of IWP

50 St Stephen's Harpenden Watford to St Albans/Harpenden to Watford ITP16046 S7 Added to Passenger Transport/Bus Infrastructure Bus Stop Upgrades Programme

51 Sandridge High Street Sandridge Pedestrian CrossingSandridge ITP14051 S I (18/19) Deferred from 16/17 to 18/19 due to design delays Woodcock Hill Footway ReconstructionSandridge MEM16358 M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Agenda Pack 317 of 450 Broomleys Footway ReconstructionSt Albans MEM16355 M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding

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St Albans ┌ count of other Divisions for project 2016-2017 County Council Division Drafts / Sub Area / Town Project Name IWP Number 2 3 Current Reason for change 51 Sandridge u c e C oe R s r a igtAlbans Runcie Close ResurfacingSt MEM16122 M X Removed from 16/17 due to duplicate of other works: MEM16357 Runcie Close Resurfacing MEM16357 M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding St Albans Road Footway ReconstructionSt Albans MEM16356 M1 Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Jersey Farm, St Albans Harness Way/Briar Road Drainage DRN16005 S I1 Added to 16/17 due to property flooding Investigation

52 The Colneys Collyer Road Footway Surface TreatmentLondon ColneyMEM16251 M X Removed from 16/17 due to change in Member HLB priorities High Street Resurfacing/Anti SkidLondon ColneyCWY151915 C C X Removed from 16/17 due to work not needed Shenley Lane Speed ComplianceLondon ColneyITP16018 S S P (17/18)1 Deferred from 16/17 to 17/18 to co-ordinate with resurfacing works Highfield Park Drive ResurfacingSt Albans MEM16252 M X Removed from 16/17 due to change in Member HLB priorities i h ig l a e R s r a i gonyHeath, St Albans Nightingale Lane ResurfacingColney MEM16379 M1 Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Nightingale Lane Resurfacing MEM16393 M1 Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding << End of list for St Albans >>

Agenda Pack 318 of 450

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Stevenage ┌ count of other Divisions for project 2016-2017 County Council Division Drafts / Sub Area / Town Project Name IWP Number 2 3 Current Reason for change 53 Bedwell Danestrete Pedestrian CrossingStevenage ITP14029 S S Brought forward from 17/18 to 16/17 due to change in priorities ik a s Es e u fc nBdel Stevenage Linkways East ResurfacingBedwell, MEM16281 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding r oy Dl e u fc nBdel Stevenage Priory Dell ResurfacingBedwell, MEM16278 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding i g w y Rs r a i gewl,Stevenage Ridgeway ResurfacingBedwell, MEM16282 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Bedwell, Stevenage Six Hills Way Path Widening and St ITP13072 S S Brought forward from 17/18 to 16/17 due to change Georges Way Cycling in priorities w n o d e u fc nBdel Stevenage Twinwoods ResurfacingBedwell, MEM16279 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding i tr v n e Rs r ai gewl,Stevenage Vinters Avenue ResurfacingBedwell, MEM16280 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Lonsdale Road 287-345 ResurfacingPin Green, StevenageMEM16323 M M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Lonsdale Road 347-409 ResurfacingPin Green, StevenageMEM16322 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding o s a e R a e u fc n PnGreen, Stevenage Lonsdale Road ResurfacingPin MEM16283 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding

54 Broadwater Stevenage Monkswood/Broadhall Way Subway HCC BRG12009 S X X1 Removed from 16/17 due to slower deterioration No. 904 than expected Ashdown Road Footway ReconstructionBroadwater, StevenageMEM16147 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Bragbury Lane Drainage InvestigationBroadwater, StevenageDRN16008 S I1 Added to 16/17 due to property flooding Burydale Footway ReconstructionBroadwater, StevenageMEM16149 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Broadwater, Stevenage LEP A602 Improvements Hertford Road MAJ17002 S Brought forward from 17/18 to 16/17 due to Stevenage programme review o g a e u f c n Bodae,Stevenage Lodge Way ResurfacingBroadwater, MEM16146 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding London Road Footway ImprovementsBroadwater, StevenageITP14025 S S Brought forward from 17/18 to 16/17 due to change in priorities Park View Footway ReconstructionBroadwater, StevenageMEM16148 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding h i lw e u fc nBodae,Stevenage The Willows ResurfacingBroadwater, MEM16144 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding i lw ik R s r a igrawtr Stevenage Willows Link ResurfacingBroadwater, MEM16145 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Carters Close Footway Surface TreatmentThe Poplars, StevenageMEM16118 M M1 Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Agenda Pack 319 of 450

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Stevenage ┌ count of other Divisions for project 2016-2017 County Council Division Drafts / Sub Area / Town Project Name IWP Number 2 3 Current Reason for change 55 Chells Bronte Paths 1 Footway ReconstructionStevenage MEM16140 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Austen Paths 1 Footway ReconstructionChells, StevenageMEM16131 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Austen Paths 2 Footway ReconstructionChells, StevenageMEM16132 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Austen Paths 3 Footway ReconstructionChells, StevenageMEM16133 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Austen Paths 4 Footway ReconstructionChells, StevenageMEM16134 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Austen Paths 6 Footway ReconstructionChells, StevenageMEM16136 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Austen Paths 7 Footway ReconstructionChells, StevenageMEM16137 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Austen Paths 8 Footway ReconstructionChells, StevenageMEM16138 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Austen Paths 9 Footway ReconstructionChells, StevenageMEM16139 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Bronte Paths 2 Footway ReconstructionChells, StevenageMEM16141 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Bronte Paths 3 Footway ReconstructionChells, StevenageMEM16142 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Bronte Paths Footway ReconstructionChells, StevenageMEM16130 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding e fr v n e Rs r ai ghls Stevenage Telford Avenue ResurfacingChells, MEM16143 M X Removed from 16/17 due to duplicate of other works: MEM15447

56 Old Stevenage t v n g l o n G r tr OdStevenage, Stevenage Stevenage Old Town GyratoryOld ITP16010 S P (17/18) Deferred from 16/17 to 17/18 due to design issue Eastbourne Avenue Footway ReconstructionOld Town, StevenageMEM16128 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Eastbourne Avenue ResurfacingOld Town, StevenageMEM16127 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Grove Road Footway ReconstructionOld Town, StevenageMEM16129 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Haycroft Road Footway ReconstructionOld Town, StevenageMEM16126 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Old Town, Stevenage Scarborough Avenue Footway MEM16125 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Reconstruction Old Town, Stevenage Symonds Green Road Footway MEM16124 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Reconstruction

57 St Nicholas Orwell Avenue ResurfacingStevenage MEM16378 M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Jessop Road No.115-169 ResurfacingPin Green,Agenda StevenageMEM16377 Pack 320 of 450 M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding

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Stevenage ┌ count of other Divisions for project 2016-2017 County Council Division Drafts / Sub Area / Town Project Name IWP Number 2 3 Current Reason for change 57 St Nicholas Jessop Road No.21-41 ResurfacingPin Green, StevenageMEM16376 M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding

58 Shephall Stevenage Monkswood/Broadhall Way Subway HCC BRG12009 S X X1 Removed from 16/17 due to slower deterioration No. 904 than expected The Hyde Footway ReconstructionStevenage MEM16108 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding a d ly C oe T i u fc n Sehl,Stevenage Baddeley Close Thin SurfacingShephall, MEM16109 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Bandley Rise Footway ReconstructionShephall, StevenageMEM16115 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding a n x Co e R s r a ighpal Stevenage Cannix Close ResurfacingShephall, MEM16112 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Gonville Crescent Footway ReconstructionShephall, StevenageMEM16116 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding y e G e n Su h R s r a ighpal Stevenage Hyde Green South ResurfacingShephall, MEM16110 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Hydean Way Footway ReconstructionShephall, StevenageMEM16114 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Kymswell Road Drainage InvestigationShephall, StevenageDRN16003 S I Added to 16/17 due to property flooding Paddocks Close Footway ReconstructionShephall, StevenageMEM16117 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding a d c s Co e Rs r ai ghpal Stevenage Paddocks Close ResurfacingShephall, MEM16113 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding e t R a h R s r a ighpal Stevenage West Reach ResurfacingShephall, MEM16111 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Carters Close Footway Surface TreatmentThe Poplars, StevenageMEM16118 M M1 Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding << End of list for Stevenage >>

Agenda Pack 321 of 450

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Three Rivers ┌ count of other Divisions for project 2016-2017 County Council Division Drafts / Sub Area / Town Project Name IWP Number 2 3 Current Reason for change 59 Abbots Langley Abbots Langley Abbots Lanagley Footpath 035 Footway MEM16386 M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Surface Treatment Abbots Langley Gallows Hill Lane Footway Reconstruction MEM16263 M M1 Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding (Phase 1 West) Abbots Langley Gallows Hill Lane Footway Reconstruction MEM16391 M1 Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding (Phase 2 East) Little Graylings Footway ReconstructionAbbots LangleyMEM16388 M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding The Graylings Footway ReconstructionAbbots LangleyMEM16389 M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding

60 Chorleywood Abbots Langley Gallows Hill Lane Footway Reconstruction MEM16263 M M1 Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding (Phase 1 West) Abbots Langley Gallows Hill Lane Footway Reconstruction MEM16391 M1 Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding (Phase 2 East) Abbots Langley Old Mill Road Phase 3 Pedestrian ITP16037 S Added to Integrated Transport Programme as Improvements continuation of other works: ITP13097 a fr o d Mj r Pt h n Abt Langley Watford Road Major PatchingAbbots ARP15137 C C Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to further investigation required Bullsland Gardens Thin SurfacingChorleywood MEM16241 M X Removed from 16/17 due to work already completed by other works: CWY161288 Hillside Road ResurfacingChorleywood MEM16352 M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Chorleywood Rickmansworth Rd/Common Rd Drainage DRN15015 S S Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to third party Works issues Solesbridge Footway ReconstructionLoudwater, ChorleywoodMEM16353 M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Valley Road Footway WorksRickmansworth FWY15059 C Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to financial issues

61 Croxley Winton Drive Drainage InvestigationCroxley Green DRN14004 S I Brought forward from 17/18 to 16/17 due to change in priorities Winton Drive Footway ReconstructionCroxley Green MEM16385 M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding i t n D ie Rs r a i grxe Green Winton Drive ResurfacingCroxley MEM16384 M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Agenda Pack 322 of 450

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Three Rivers ┌ count of other Divisions for project 2016-2017 County Council Division Drafts / Sub Area / Town Project Name IWP Number 2 3 Current Reason for change 62 Oxhey Park Alva Way Footway ReconstructionCarpenders ParkMEM16264 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Compton Place Footway ReconstructionCarpenders ParkMEM16266 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Bathworth Lane Footway ReconstructionMoor Park, NorthwoodMEM16390 M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Green Lane Footway ReconstructionOxhey MEM16265 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding London Road/Batchworth Lane ResurfacingBatchworth HeathARP15018 Hll, S S1 Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to further Rickmansworth investigation required

63 Rickmansworth Nightingale Road ResurfacingRickmansworth MEM16382 M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Park Way Footway Surface TreatmentRickmansworthMEM16261 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding London Road/Batchworth Lane ResurfacingBatchworth HeathARP15018 Hll, S S1 Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to further Rickmansworth investigation required h r h Ln e u fc n Ml End, Rickmansworth Church Lane ResurfacingMill MEM16381 M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Colne Avenue Footway ReconstructionMill End, RickmansworthMEM16262 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Harefield Road Footway ReconstructionMoor Park, RickmansworthMEM16383 M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Old Uxbridge Road Surface DressingWest Hyde MapleCWY14672 X, W W Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to third party Rickmansworth issues

64 South Oxhey s r d e Die R s r a igot Oxhey Ashridge Drive ResurfacingSouth MEM16351 M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding o n r G n h n Sr a igot Oxhey Bognor Gdns Thin SurfacingSouth CWY161914 S S X Removed from 16/17 due to work already completed by other works: CWY14760 << End of list for Three Rivers >>

Agenda Pack 323 of 450

Data Generated: 3 March 2016 11:15 (Sort order is as for Index Report) Page 30 of 37 Changes Report - lists projects whose statuses have changed during the entire process

Watford ┌ count of other Divisions for project 2016-2017 County Council Division Drafts / Sub Area / Town Project Name IWP Number 2 3 Current Reason for change 65 Callowland Leggatts Courtlands Drive Bridge HCC No. 1694Leavesden, WatfordBRG15008 C1 Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to resources issues o r ln s Die R s r a igact Watford Courtlands Drive ResurfacingNascot, MEM16062 M M1 Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding s r e Ra e u fc n NrhWatford, Watford Ash Tree Road ResurfacingNorth MEM16336 M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding North Watford, Watford Gammons La/Nr Dell Rd S351 Signal TIS15014 S1 Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to financial issues Refurbishment Gammons Lane Bus Stop UpgradeNorth Watford,ITP16043 Watford S1 Added to Passenger Transport/Bus Infrastructure Programme

66 Central Oxhey St Albans Road Localised PatchingCassiobury, WatfordARP16003 C Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to programme review a i tn Sre e u fc nCnrl Watford Hamilton Street ResurfacingCentral, MEM16349 M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Central, Watford LEP Clarendon Road Pedestrian ITP13036 S P (17/18) Deferred from 16/17 to 17/18 due to financial issues Improvements Ph3 r ne S re e u fc n Cnrl Watford Prince Street ResurfacingCentral, MEM16348 M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Tucker Street Footway ReconstructionCentral, WatfordMEM16350 M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Wiggenhall Bridge HCC No. 620Central, WatfordBRG12021 S X X1 Removed from 16/17 due to slower deterioration than expected Central, Watford Wiggenhall Rd/Nr Colne Bridge S283 Signal TIS16006 S X X1 Removed from 16/17 due to work planned to be Refurbishment completed outside of IWP A4008 Pinner Road Mass Action SiteOxhey, WatfordSAR16016 S Added to Casualty Reduction Programme l r v e u fc n Ohy Watford Elm Drive ResurfacingOxhey, MEM16240 M M1 Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding

67 Meriden Tudor Watford North Western Avenue S583 Signal TIS13058 S Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to financial issues Refurbishment 4 2 C c e R u e Pa e 5aso,Watford A412 Cycle Route Phase 5Garston, ITP14080 C C3 Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to design issues Second Avenue Footway ReconstructionGarston, WatfordMEM16066 M M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Third Avenue Footway ReconstructionGarston, WatfordMEM16067 M L (15/16) Brought forward from 16/17 to 15/16 due to change Agenda Pack 324 of 450 in delivery route

Data Generated: 3 March 2016 11:15 (Sort order is as for Index Report) Page 31 of 37 Changes Report - lists projects whose statuses have changed during the entire process

Watford ┌ count of other Divisions for project 2016-2017 County Council Division Drafts / Sub Area / Town Project Name IWP Number 2 3 Current Reason for change 67 Meriden Tudor Bushey Mill Crescent ResurfacingNorth Watford,MEM16060 Watford M M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding u h y M l a e Rs r a i got Watford, Watford Bushey Mill Lane ResurfacingNorth MEM16061 M M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Norfolk Avenue Footway ReconstructionNorth Watford,MEM16065 Watford M M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding

68 Nascot Park Fairlawns Thin SurfacingWatford MEM16063 M M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding The Avenue Localised PatchingWatford ARP15145 C Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to financial issues r o r v h n Sr a igact Watford Broom Grove Thin SurfacingNascot, CWY14702 W Deferred from 14/15 to 16/17 due to work in progress o r ln s Die R s r a igact Watford Courtlands Drive ResurfacingNascot, MEM16062 M M1 Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding North Watford, Watford Gammons La/Nr Dell Rd S351 Signal TIS15014 S1 Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to financial issues Refurbishment Gammons Lane Bus Stop UpgradeNorth Watford,ITP16043 Watford S1 Added to Passenger Transport/Bus Infrastructure Programme St Albans Road Localised PatchingNorth Watford,ARP15154 Watford C Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to financial issues

69 Vicarage Holywell Wiggenhall Bridge HCC No. 620Central, WatfordBRG12021 S X X1 Removed from 16/17 due to slower deterioration than expected Central, Watford Wiggenhall Rd/Nr Colne Bridge S283 Signal TIS16006 S X X1 Removed from 16/17 due to work planned to be Refurbishment completed outside of IWP a s or d e Sa in Ln s P Ws Watford, Watford Cassiobridge Station Links Ph 2West ITP14082 C C (17/18) Deferred from 16/17 to 17/18 due to third party issues a w o s Ra e u fc n Ws Watford, Watford Harwoods Road ResurfacingWest MEM16373 M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding St George Drive Footway ReconstructionWest Watford, WatfordMEM16242 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding West Watford, Watford Vicarage Rd/Hagden La S271 Signal TIS16005 S Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to financial issues Refurbishment Watford Vicarage Road Station LinksWest Watford, WatfordITP14063 C C C (17/18) Deferred from 16/17 to 17/18 due to third party issues

70 Woodside Stanborough Agenda Pack 325 of 450 4 2 C c e R u e Pa e 5aso,Watford A412 Cycle Route Phase 5Garston, ITP14080 C C3 Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to design issues

Data Generated: 3 March 2016 11:15 (Sort order is as for Index Report) Page 32 of 37 Changes Report - lists projects whose statuses have changed during the entire process

Watford ┌ count of other Divisions for project 2016-2017 County Council Division Drafts / Sub Area / Town Project Name IWP Number 2 3 Current Reason for change 70 Woodside Stanborough

r a o d Ti u fc n Laedn Watford Briar Road Thin SurfacingLeavesden, MEM16064 M M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Courtlands Drive Bridge HCC No. 1694Leavesden, WatfordBRG15008 C1 Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to resources issues h r w R s r a igevse,Watford The Brow ResurfacingLeavesden, MEM16075 M M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding << End of list for Watford >>

Agenda Pack 326 of 450

Data Generated: 3 March 2016 11:15 (Sort order is as for Index Report) Page 33 of 37 Changes Report - lists projects whose statuses have changed during the entire process

Welwyn Hatfield ┌ count of other Divisions for project 2016-2017 County Council Division Drafts / Sub Area / Town Project Name IWP Number 2 3 Current Reason for change 71 Haldens Oaklands to Welwyn North Cycle RouteWelwyn ITP16027 S P (17/18)2 Deferred from 16/17 to 17/18 due to design issue Cole Green Lane Localised PatchingWelwyn GardenCWY151769 City S S X1 Removed from 16/17 due to work not needed o r s e s D ie Rs r a i gewnGarden City Forresters Drive ResurfacingWelwyn MEM16219 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Kelbys Footway Surface TreatmentWelwyn GardenMEM16215 City M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Rosedale Footway Surface TreatmentWelwyn GardenMEM16216 City M X Removed from 16/17 due to change in Member HLB priorities Rowans Footway Surface TreatmentWelwyn GardenMEM16220 City M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding a e fr r e e u f c n Wly Garden City Waterford Green ResurfacingWelwyn MEM16218 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Wellington Drive Footway Surface TreatmentPanshanger, WelwynMEM16217 Garden M X Removed from 16/17 due to change in Member City HLB priorities

72 Handside and Peartree y t Ge n Ln e u f c n Ao Green Ayot Green Lane ResurfacingAyot MEM16203 M M1 Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding t io e R a e u fc nWly Garden City Attimore Road ResurfacingWelwyn CWY151351 C C X Removed from 16/17 due to work not needed Barleycroft Road Footway ReconstructionWelwyn GardenMEM16214 City M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Bassingburn Walk Footway ReconstructionWelwyn GardenMEM16206 City M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Broadwater Crescent ResurfacingWelwyn GardenMEM16213 City M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Broadwater Crescent Thin SurfacingWelwyn GardenMEM16212 City M X Removed from 16/17 due to change in Member HLB priorities y Te M u t Ti u fc nWly Garden City By The Mount Thin SurfacingWelwyn MEM16211 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Etheired Close Footway ReconstructionWelwyn GardenMEM16210 City M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Feranley Road Footway ReconstructionWelwyn GardenMEM16207 City M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Guessens Grove Footway ReconstructionWelwyn GardenMEM16208 City M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Guessens Road Footway ReconstructionWelwyn GardenMEM16209 City M M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding e s o d Ln r fi t d Wly Garden City Lemsford Lane Traffic StudyWelwyn ITP16024 S S X (17/18) Removed due to study completed and improvements not needed a ly R a p e o p in eewnGarden City Valley Road Speed ComplianceWelwyn ITP15022 C C Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to financial issues e w n Bs S ainewnGarden City Welwyn Bus StationWelwyn ITP16002 S S S (17/18) Deferred from 16/17 to 17/18 pending further Agenda Pack 327 of 450 investigation

Data Generated: 3 March 2016 11:15 (Sort order is as for Index Report) Page 34 of 37 Changes Report - lists projects whose statuses have changed during the entire process

Welwyn Hatfield ┌ count of other Divisions for project 2016-2017 County Council Division Drafts / Sub Area / Town Project Name IWP Number 2 3 Current Reason for change 73 Hatfield North Dellfield Footway Surface TreatmentHatfield MEM16197 M X Removed from 16/17 due to change in Member HLB priorities Aldykes Thin SurfacingHatfield MEM16199 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Bishops Rise / Woods Avenue Traffic StudyHatfield ITP16025 S P (17/18)1 Deferred from 16/17 to 17/18 due to design issue Comet Way ResurfacingHatfield ARP14100 S1 Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to treatment change Coopers Green Lane Footway WorksHatfield ITP16028 S S I (17/18)1 Deferred from 16/17 to 17/18 pending further investigation Grove Mead Thin SurfacingHatfield MEM16201 M X Removed from 16/17 due to change in Member HLB priorities Hatfield Town Centre Bus Stop UpgradesHatfield ITP16045 S Added to Passenger Transport/Bus Infrastructure Programme Maple Close ResurfacingHatfield MEM16200 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Stockbreach Rd/Town Fields Thin SurfacingHatfield CWY151085 C S Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to programme review South Hatfield, Hatfield Great North Road Casualty Reduction SAR16010 S S1 Added to 16/17 due to selection from ranking list Proposal Park Meadow Footway ReconstructionStreet, Hatfield MEM16198 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Oaklands to Welwyn North Cycle RouteWelwyn ITP16027 S P (17/18)2 Deferred from 16/17 to 17/18 due to design issue

74 Hatfield Rural Great North Road Drainage InvestigationBrookmans ParkDRN14007 S S Brought forward from 17/18 to 16/17 due to change in priorities Woodlands Footway ReconstructionBrookmans ParkMEM16049 M M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Travellers Lane Bridge HCC No. 0833Hatfield BRG16007 S1 Added to 16/17 due to selection from ranking list South Hatfield, Hatfield Great North Road Casualty Reduction SAR16010 S S1 Added to 16/17 due to selection from ranking list Proposal Hawkshead Lane Drainage WorksNorth Mymms DRN15007 S P (17/18) Deferred from 16/17 to 17/18 due to change in priorities Wain Close Footway ReconstructionLittle Heath, NorthMEM15421 Mymms M M Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to change in Member HLB priorities Agenda Pack 328 of 450 Coopers Lane Major PatchingNorthaw CWY17485 S S X1 Removed from 16/17 due to work not needed

Data Generated: 3 March 2016 11:15 (Sort order is as for Index Report) Page 35 of 37 Changes Report - lists projects whose statuses have changed during the entire process

Welwyn Hatfield ┌ count of other Divisions for project 2016-2017 County Council Division Drafts / Sub Area / Town Project Name IWP Number 2 3 Current Reason for change 74 Hatfield Rural Thrush Lane Footway ReconstructionCuffley, NorthawMEM16047 M M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Warwick AvenueFootway ReconstructionCuffley, NorthawMEM16048 M M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding

75 Hatfield South Bishops Rise / Woods Avenue Traffic StudyHatfield ITP16025 S P (17/18)1 Deferred from 16/17 to 17/18 due to design issue Brickfield OverlayHatfield MEM16070 M M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Comet Way ResurfacingHatfield ARP14100 S1 Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to treatment change Far End OverlayHatfield MEM16071 M M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Heron Way Estate Thin SurfacingHatfield CWY141233 C S (15/16) Brought forward from 16/17 to 15/16 due to programme review Heron Way Estate Thin Surfacing CWY161912 S S Added to 16/17 due to programme review High View OverlayHatfield MEM16073 M X Removed from 16/17 due to change in Member HLB priorities Northdown Road Carriageway ResurfacingHatfield MEM16074 M M Treatment changed from Surface Overlay to Surface Inlay Northdown Road Footway ReconstructionHatfield MEM16400 M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Sandifield OverlayHatfield MEM16072 M M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Travellers Lane Bridge HCC No. 0833Hatfield BRG16007 S1 Added to 16/17 due to selection from ranking list

76 Welwyn y t Ge n Ln e u f c n Ao Green Ayot Green Lane ResurfacingAyot MEM16203 M M1 Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding i lF r a e D a ng o k Ao St Lawrence Hill Farm Lane Drainage WorksAyot DRN12046 W W (17/18) Deferred from 16/17 to 17/18 due to change in priorities Cyclers Thicket ResurfacingWelwyn MEM16205 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Hertford Road ResurfacingWelwyn MEM16334 M M Added to 16/17 due to Member HLB funding Kindersley Close Thin SurfacingWelwyn MEM16204 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Oaklands to Welwyn North Cycle RouteWelwyn ITP16027 S P (17/18)2 Deferred from 16/17 to 17/18 due to design issue Singlers Bridge HCC No. 469Welwyn BRG12007 S X X Removed from 16/17 due to slower deterioration Agenda Pack 329 of 450 than expected

Data Generated: 3 March 2016 11:15 (Sort order is as for Index Report) Page 36 of 37 Changes Report - lists projects whose statuses have changed during the entire process

Welwyn Hatfield ┌ count of other Divisions for project 2016-2017 County Council Division Drafts / Sub Area / Town Project Name IWP Number 2 3 Current Reason for change 76 Welwyn Tudor Road Thin SurfacingWelwyn CWY161079 C S (15/16) Brought forward from 16/17 to 15/16 due to change in priorities Welwyn Welwyn By Pass Road/Hertford Road ARP15165 C Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to financial issues Localised Patching Welwyn Bypass RoadWelwyn ITP15058 C C Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to design issues Welwyn Bypass Road ImprovementsWelwyn ITP16026 S X X Removed from 16/17 due to duplicate of other works: ITP15058 h p ad u t p Ug a eewnGarden City Shoplands Bus Stop UpgradeWelwyn ITP16044 S Added to Passenger Transport/Bus Infrastructure Programme e a d l s e u f c n Clr Thicket, Welwyn Dewards Close ResurfacingCylers MEM16202 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Mardley Avenue Drainage InvestigationMardley Heath,DRN13016 Welwyn S I Brought forward from 17/18 to 16/17 due to change in priorities

77 Welwyn Garden City South a o f ed Ti u fc nWly Garden City Caponfield Thin SurfacingWelwyn MEM16268 M X Removed from 16/17 due to change in Member HLB priorities Cole Green Lane Localised PatchingWelwyn GardenCWY151769 City S S X1 Removed from 16/17 due to work not needed a m a h n S r ai gewnGarden City Daymead Thin SurfacingWelwyn MEM16271 M X Removed from 16/17 due to change in Member HLB priorities a t Ma h n S r ai gewnGarden City East Mead Thin SurfacingWelwyn MEM16270 M X Removed from 16/17 due to change in Member HLB priorities it e Lk e u fc nWly Garden City Little Lake ResurfacingWelwyn MEM16273 M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Sheepcote Footway ReconstructionWelwyn GardenMEM16269 City M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding o t f e d Ae h n Sr a igewnGarden City Southfield Area Thin SurfacingWelwyn CWY16672 C C Deferred from 15/16 to 16/17 due to change in priorities Thistle Close Footway ReconstructionWelwyn GardenMEM16267 City M M Added to 16/17 Due to Member HLB funding Twelve Acres Footway Surface TreatmentWelwyn GardenMEM16274 City M X Removed from 16/17 due to change in Member priorities e t M a h n Sr a i gewnGarden City West Mead Thin SurfacingWelwyn MEM16272 M X Removed from 16/17 due to change in Member HLB priorities

<< EndAgenda of list for Pack Welwyn 330 Hatfield of 450 >>

Data Generated: 3 March 2016 11:15 (Sort order is as for Index Report) Page 37 of 37 APPENDIX E


Programme Summary


This Appendix summarises all the projects that are currently in the 2017/18 FWP which will be used as the basis for development of the next highways works programme to be implemented in the 2017/18 financial year.


1. In some cases road names can appear more than once within the same programme. This can be due to several different sections of the same road being identified for work. These road sections may be combined together for implementation as one project during the process of programming, packaging and mobilisation for delivery of the works on site.

2. Some projects may appear in more than one electoral division, either because they include several roads or because the road spans or is immediately adjacent to more than one division. Where this is the case the project appears in all relevant divisions.

Reading the Programme Summary listing:

1. Order of listing: Projects in this listing are ordered by electoral division; town where the primary road section is; then project name, which usually starts with the road name and planned treatment.

2. The first column gives electoral division information and town where the primary road section is.

3. The second column gives the project name. The project name is usually the name of the primary road affected by the works followed by the type of work (e.g. “Park Road Resurfacing”).

4. The third column is the financial year within which the project is planned to be constructed on site.

2. The fourth column is a single letter indicating the current status of the project.

5. The fifth column gives the unique IWP Number that refers to that individual project.

Agenda Pack 331 of 450 Page 1 of 1

INDEX: Programme Summary: 2017-2018 FWP

Broxbourne ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Cheshunt Central01 Cheshunt 1 2017-2018 PCollegeCWY18066 Road Resurfacing 2017-2018 PEndeavourCWY17766 Road Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PGreatARP17047 Cambridge Road Resurfacing 2017-2018 PTurnersCWY17536 Hill Resurfacing 2017-2018 PTurnersCWY18227 Hill Resurfacing

Hoddesdon 4 2017-2018 PNewITP16022 River Path Study

Turnford 1 2017-2018 PBenedictineCWY17823 Gate Thin Surfacing

Flamstead End And Turnford02 Cheshunt 2017-2018 CAdamsfieldCWY161264 Resurfacing 2017-2018 PBreadCWY14221 And Cheese Lane Surface Dressing 1 2017-2018 PChurchgateTIS17012 Rd/Nr Church La S196 Signal Refurbishment 2017-2018 PLongfieldTIS17026 La/Nr Stockwell La S411 Signal Refurbishment 2017-2018 POaklandsCWY161316 Road/Southview Close Thin Surfacing

Flamstead End, Cheshunt 2017-2018 PFlamsteadTIS17025 End Rd/Nr Brookfield La S410 Signal Refurbishment Rosedale, Cheshunt 2017-2018 PWheatcroftCWY161053 Thin Surfacing

Hoddesdon 4 2017-2018 PNewITP16022 River Path Study

Turnford 1 2017-2018 PBenedictineCWY17823 Gate Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PTurnfordARP16121 Link/Gt Cambridge Rd Roundabout Resurfacing

Goffs Oak And Bury Green03 Cheshunt 2017-2018 PBeverleyCWY151783 Gardens/Barrow Lane Surface Dressing 1 2017-2018 PChurchgateTIS17012 Rd/Nr Church La S196 Signal Refurbishment Goffs Oak, Cheshunt 2017-2018 PCuffleyCWY17338 Hill Thin Surfacing

Rosedale, Cheshunt 2017-2018 PRosedaleCWY16993 Way Surface Dressing

Hoddesdon 4 2017-2018 PNewITP16022 River Path Study

Hoddesdon North04 Hoddesdon 2017-2018 PBridleway/WareARP16119 Road Roundabout Resurfacing 2017-2018 PCastleDRN17004 Road Drainage Investigation 2017-2018 PCecilCWY17832 Road Thin Surfacing 1 2017-2018 PHertfordBRG17018 Road Bridge HCC No. 1459 1 2017-2018 PHertfordARP16120 Road/Amwell Street Roundabout Resurfacing 2017-2018 PMiddlefieldCWY17857 Avenue Thin Surfacing 4 2017-2018 PNewITP16022 River Path Study 2017-2018 PPlumptonCWY161299 Road Resurfacing 2017-2018 PSalisburyCWY17708 Road Thin Surfacing Agenda Pack 332 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M, PFilter: Data Generated: 3 Mar 2016 Page 1 of 33 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2017-2018 FWP

Broxbourne ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Hoddesdon North04 Hoddesdon 2017-2018 PWareARP16095 Road Resurfacing

Hoddesdon South05 Broxbourne 2017-2018 PBassingbourneCWY17815 Close Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PCaldecotCWY17836 Way Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PGrosvenorCWY17792 Road Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PHighARP17166 Road Resurfacing 2017-2018 PHighTIS17011 Road/Bell Lane S187 Signal Refurbishment 2017-2018 PMandevilleCWY17862 Close Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PSalweyCWY17711 Crescent Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PStationTIS17024 Rd/Nr Churchfields S409 Signal Refurbishment Hertford 1 2017-2018 PA10SAR17001 Advanced Direction Signs

Hoddesdon 2017-2018 PAmwellARP16081 Street Resurfacing 2017-2018 PAmwellCWY17820 Street Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PCedarCWY17825 Green Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PCharltonARP17138 Way Resurfacing 2017-2018 PCharltonARP17054 Way Resurfacing 1 2017-2018 PHertfordBRG17018 Road Bridge HCC No. 1459 1 2017-2018 PHertfordARP16120 Road/Amwell Street Roundabout Resurfacing 4 2017-2018 PNewITP16022 River Path Study

Waltham Cross06 Cheshunt 1 2017-2018 PCollegeCWY18066 Road Resurfacing

Waltham Cross 2017-2018 PEleanorARP17136 Cross Road Resurfacing 2017-2018 PHighARP17154 Street Resurfacing 2017-2018 PMonarchsARP17098 Way Surface Dressing 2017-2018 PMonarchsARP17077 Way Surface Dressing 2017-2018 PStationARP17123 Road Resurfacing 2017-2018 PWestfieldCWY17743 Close Thin Surfacing

BROXBOURNE (District wide)91 9 2017-2018 PBusITP17022 Stop Clearway Lining Programme 17/18 9 2017-2018 PBusITP17021 Stop Upgrades Programme 17/18 9 2017-2018 ISRTSITP17016 Cluster 1 9 2017-2018 ISRTSITP17017 Cluster 2

Agenda Pack 333 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M, PFilter: Data Generated: 3 Mar 2016 Page 2 of 33 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2017-2018 FWP

Dacorum ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Berkhamsted07 Berkhamsted 2017-2018 SBankCWY16385 Mill Lane Resurfacing 2017-2018 PBilletCWY17810 Lane Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PClarenceCWY17826 Road Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PCoramFWY17065 Close Footway Micro 2017-2018 PCowperCWY17779 Road Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PCrossFWY17048 Oak Road Footway Micro 2017-2018 PFalconCWY17765 Ridge Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PGossomsARP17048 End Resurfacing 1 2017-2018 PGravelFWY17072 Path Footway Micro RS 2017-2018 PHighARP17158 Street Resurfacing 2017-2018 PHuntersCWY161370 Park Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PKingsARP17107 Road Resurfacing 2017-2018 PKingsITP17004 Road Shootersway Pedestrian Improvements 2017-2018 PKitsburyCWY17886 Road Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PLittleFWY17064 Bridge Road Footway Micro 2017-2018 PMillfieldFWY17082 Footway Reconstruction 2017-2018 PShrublandsFWY17097 Avenue Footway Reconstruction 2017-2018 PUpperCWY151051 Ashlyns Road Localised Patching 2017-2018 PVerneyCWY17693 Close Thin Surfacing

Bourne End, Hemel Hempstead 1 2017-2018 PBourneBRG17021 End Lane Bridge HCC No. 2261

Northchurch 1 2017-2018 SBellCWY151795 Lane Localised Patching

Bridgewater08 Berkhamsted 1 2017-2018 PGravelFWY17072 Path Footway Micro RS

Flamstead 2017-2018 PPrioryCWY17709 Orchard Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PRiverCWY161344 Hill Localised Patching

Piccotts End, Hemel Hempstead 2017-2018 PTrackCWY17688 Off Dodds Lane Thin Surfacing

Markyate 2017-2018 PChurchCWY151765 End Resurfacing 2017-2018 PLondonCWY17020 Road Resurfacing 2017-2018 PParkfield,FWY17041 Markayte Footway Micro

Cheverells Green, Markyate 2017-2018 PPickfordCWY161140 Rd/Markyate St La/Cheverells Grn Surface Dressing Northchurch 1 2017-2018 SBellCWY151795 Lane Localised Patching 2017-2018 PBellCWY17813 Lane Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PTheCWY151206 Meads Thin Surfacing

Pepperstock 2017-2018 PHalfCWY17790 Moon Lane Thin Surfacing

Potten End 2017-2018 PHempsteadFWY17038 Lane Footway Micro 2017-2018 POliversCWY17883 Close Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PWaterFWY17058 End Road Footway Micro LS Agenda Pack 334 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M, PFilter: Data Generated: 3 Mar 2016 Page 3 of 33 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2017-2018 FWP

Dacorum ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number


Hemel Hempstead East09 Hemel Hempstead 2017-2018 PHighfieldFWY17043 Lane Footway Micro

Adeyfield, Hemel Hempstead 2017-2018 PLeverstockCWY17878 Green Road Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PTedderCWY17694 Road Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PWidmoreCWY17745 Drive Thin Surfacing

Bennetts End, Hemel Hempstead 2017-2018 PKendaleCWY17870 Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PMarstonCWY17861 Close Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PSandayCWY151175 Close Thin Surfacing

Maylands, Hemel Hempstead 2017-2018 PMarkCWY17581 Road Resurfacing

Hemel Hempstead North East10 Hemel Hempstead 2017-2018 PHuntersFWY17042 Oak Footway Micro

Grovehill, Hemel Hempstead 2017-2018 PBracknellCWY17807 Place Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PCraigavonCWY151344 Road Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PIsenburgFWY17077 Way Footway Micro 2017-2018 PNinianFWY17047 Road Footway Micro 2017-2018 PSarumFWY17075 Place Footway Micro 2017-2018 PWaveneyFWY17106 Footway Reconstruction

Industrial, Hemel Hempstead 2017-2018 PValleyCWY151055 Green Thin Surfacing

Woodhall Farm, Hemel Hempstead 2017-2018 PArkleyCWY151393 Rd/Datchet Cl/Chenies Ct Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PCodicoteFWY17059 Row Footway Micro 2017-2018 PKimptonFWY17060 Close Footway Micro 2017-2018 PKiplingFWY17039 Grove Footway Micro 2017-2018 PNearFWY17036 Argyll Close Footway Micro 2017-2018 PSarrattCWY151181 Avenue/Denham Close Thin Surfacing

Hemel Hempstead North West11 Hemel Hempstead 1 2017-2018 PLockersCWY151548 Park Lane Thin Surfacing

Chaulden, Hemel Hempstead 2017-2018 PHoneycrossFWY17071 Road Footway Micro 2017-2018 PLongFWY17062 Chaulden Footway Micro 1 2017-2018 PNorthridgeFWY17033 Way Footway Micro

Gadebridge, Hemel Hempstead 2017-2018 PGadebridgeCWY17799 Lane Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PWillowCWY17747 Way Thin Surfacing

Warners End, Hemel Hempstead 2017-2018 PBerkhamstedCWY11449 Road Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PElmCWY17768 Green Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PHollybushFWY17090 Lane Footway Reconstruction RS 2017-2018 PJuniperCWY17869 Green Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PLyneFWY17053 Way Footway Micro

Agenda Pack 335 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M, PFilter: Data Generated: 3 Mar 2016 Page 4 of 33 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2017-2018 FWP

Dacorum ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Hemel Hempstead North West11 Warners End, Hemel Hempstead 2017-2018 PPulleysFWY17046 Close Footway Micro 2017-2018 PPulleysCWY17703 Lane Thin Surfacing

Hemel Hempstead St. Paul's12 Hemel Hempstead 1 2017-2018 PLowerCWY161399 Adeyfield Road Thin Surfacing

Adeyfield, Hemel Hempstead 2017-2018 PNewfieldFWY17037 Lane Footway Micro

Highfield, Hemel Hempstead 2017-2018 PHyperionCWY17576 Court Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PQuantocksDRN12031 Drainage Works

Hemel Hempstead South East13 Apsley, Hemel Hempstead 1 2017-2018 PDurrantsBRG17015 Hill Canal (HCC No. 615)

Bennets End, Hemel Hempstead 2017-2018 PBelswainsCWY17519 Lane Resurfacing

Bennetts End, Hemel Hempstead 2017-2018 PLongFWY17040 John Footway Micro 2017-2018 POliverFWY17049 Road Footway Micro 2017-2018 PPinecroftCWY151046 Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PStAlbansFWY17070 Hill Footway Micro

Boxmoor, Hemel Hempstead 1 2017-2018 PStationARP15148 Road Resurfacing

Cornerhall, Hemel Hempstead 2017-2018 PLamseyCWY161352 Road/Simmonds Rise Thin Surfacing

Paradise, Hemel Hempstead 2017-2018 PStAlbansTIS17007 Rd/Nr Roundabout S111 Signal Refurbishment 2017-2018 PStAlbansCWY15119 Road Thin Surfacing

Two Waters, Hemel Hempstead 1 2017-2018 SDurrantsITP17019 Hill Towpath Links

Hemel Hempstead Town14 Hemel Hempstead 2017-2018 PBridgeCWY151437 Street Resurfacing 2017-2018 PFernvilleCWY17791 Lane Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PFisheryCWY17772 Road Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PKingCWY151501 Harry Street Resurfacing 2017-2018 PLockersCWY15020 Park Lane Thin Surfacing 1 2017-2018 PLockersCWY151548 Park Lane Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PLondonTIS17008 Rd/Weymouth St S118 Signal Refurbishment 1 2017-2018 PLowerCWY161399 Adeyfield Road Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PParkCWY15132 Lane Resurfacing 2017-2018 PQueenswayCWY17535 Resurfacing 2017-2018 PRoughdownCWY16022 Road Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PSeldenCWY151193 Hill Resurfacing 2017-2018 PWestCWY17643 Valley Road Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PWinifredCWY16408 Road Thin Surfacing

Adeyfield, Hemel Hempstead 2017-2018 PHillfieldCWY151496 Road Resurfacing

Agenda Pack 336 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M, PFilter: Data Generated: 3 Mar 2016 Page 5 of 33 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2017-2018 FWP

Dacorum ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Hemel Hempstead Town14 Apsley, Hemel Hempstead 1 2017-2018 PDurrantsBRG17015 Hill Canal (HCC No. 615) 2017-2018 PEbbernsCWY151581 Road Thin Surfacing

Boxmoor, Hemel Hempstead 2017-2018 PFisheryCWY161098 Road Resurfacing 2017-2018 SGlenviewDRN14011 Road & Glendale Drainage Works 2017-2018 PStationARP17122 Road Resurfacing 1 2017-2018 PStationARP15148 Road Resurfacing 2017-2018 PVicarageCWY151060 Close Thin Surfacing

Chaulden, Hemel Hempstead 1 2017-2018 PNorthridgeFWY17033 Way Footway Micro

Hammerfield, Hemel Hempstead 2017-2018 PLeightonTIS17006 Buzzard Rd/Coombe St S110 Signal Refurbishment Town Centre, Hemel Hempstead 2017-2018 PCotterellsCWY17103 Hill Thin Surfacing

Two Waters, Hemel Hempstead 1 2017-2018 SDurrantsITP17019 Hill Towpath Links

Warners End, Hemel Hempstead 2017-2018 PGullbrookCWY17802 Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PLovelCWY17864 Close Thin Surfacing

Kings Langley15 Bovingdon 2017-2018 PBoxCWY17741 Lane Surface Dressing 2017-2018 PChipperfieldCWY17480 Road Surface Dressing 2017-2018 PEastnorCWY17771 Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PHydeFWY17078 Lane Footpath Footway Micro 2017-2018 POrchardCWY17885 Way Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PRyderCWY17695 Close Thin Surfacing

Chipperfield 2 2017-2018 PWatfordITP17015 20mph Zone Streets North of Langley Road Felden 2017-2018 PFlaundenCWY17476 Lane Resurfacing

Hemel Hempstead 2017-2018 PPixDRN14031 Farm Lane Drainage 2017-2018 CSharpesCWY151624 Lane Major Patching 2017-2018 PTheCWY17680 Hawthorns Thin Surfacing

Bourne End, Hemel Hempstead 1 2017-2018 PBourneBRG17021 End Lane Bridge HCC No. 2261

Kings Langley 2017-2018 PAlexandraCWY151381 Road Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PHighTIS17018 St/Nr Vicarage La S332 Signal Refurbishment 2017-2018 PHomeparkCWY17783 Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PRucklersCWY17472 Lane Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PRucklersCWY17719 Lane Thin Surfacing

Latimer 2017-2018 PFlaundenCWY17012 Bottom Surface Dressing

Tring16 Aldbury 2017-2018 PStoneycroft/BerryfieldsCWY151227 Thin Surfacing

Heath End, Berkhamsted 2017-2018 PHeathCWY151847 End Lane Resurfacing Long Marston PChapelDRN17003 Lane Drainage Investigation Agenda Pack 337 of 450 2017-2018 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M, PFilter: Data Generated: 3 Mar 2016 Page 6 of 33 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2017-2018 FWP

Dacorum ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Tring16 Long Marston 2017-2018 PChapelCWY17831 Lane Thin Surfacing

Tring 2017-2018 PBeaconsfieldCWY151349 Road Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PBrookfieldCWY13407 Close Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PElizabethCWY161197 Drive Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PGroveFWY17074 Road Footway Micro 2017-2018 PLittleCWY161147 Tring Road Surface Dressing 2017-2018 POkefordCWY17882 Drive Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PStPetersCWY17714 Hill Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PSuttonCWY17716 Close Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PTringBRG17020 Roundabout Bridge HCC No. 1527 2017-2018 PWesternCWY17540 Road Resurfacing

Wigginton, Tring 2017-2018 PWickFWY17076 Road Footway Micro

Wigginton 2017-2018 SWiggintonCWY151665 Bottom Resurfacing

DACORUM (District wide)92 9 2017-2018 PBusITP17022 Stop Clearway Lining Programme 17/18 9 2017-2018 PBusITP17021 Stop Upgrades Programme 17/18 9 2017-2018 ISRTSITP17016 Cluster 1 9 2017-2018 ISRTSITP17017 Cluster 2

Agenda Pack 338 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M, PFilter: Data Generated: 3 Mar 2016 Page 7 of 33 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2017-2018 FWP

East Herts ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

All Saints17 Hertford 2017-2018 PCowbridgeBRG17005 Bridge HCC No. 7 2017-2018 PEleanorCWY17769 Road Thin Surfacing 1 2017-2018 PHertingfordburyARP15187 Road/Gascoyne Way Major Patching 1 2017-2018 PLEPITP13049 Mead Lane Cycle and Pedestrian Links 1 2017-2018 WNorthDRN09031 Road Drainage Works 2017-2018 PPortITP17011 Hill Parking Study 2017-2018 PPortBRG17023 Hill Retaining Wall HCC No. 2426 2017-2018 PRowleysCWY17707 Road Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PStAndrewCWY17065 Street Resurfacing 2017-2018 PTheCWY17684 Orchard Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PWareCWY17702 Park Road Thin Surfacing 1 2017-2018 PWareITP17010 Road/Bluecoats/London Road Phase 2

Tonwell 2 2017-2018 PLEPMAJ17004 A602 Improvements Tonwell to/from Ware

Bishop's Stortford East18 Bishops Stortford 2017-2018 PAvenueCWY17818 Road Thin Surfacing 1 2017-2018 PBasbowCWY17816 Lane Thin Surfacing 1 2017-2018 PBishopsARP15241 Stortford Bypass Surface Dressing 1 2017-2018 IBishopsITP17009 Stortford Town Centre Accessibility Improvements 2017-2018 PCannonsCWY17824 Mill Lane Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PDunmowCWY17762 Road Thin Surfacing 1 2017-2018 PElmCWY17608 Road Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PFultonCWY17800 Crescent Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PGatwickCWY151573 Close Thin Surfacing 1 2017-2018 PKingCWY17871 Street Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PLondonTIS17009 Rd/Nr Warwick Av S158 Signal Refurbishment 2017-2018 PNewburyCWY17849 Close Thin Surfacing 1 2017-2018 PNorthCWY17075 Street Resurfacing 2017-2018 PNortholtCWY15928 Avenue Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PStanstedCWY161061 Road Resurfacing 1 2017-2018 PStationITP13060 Road Bridge Widening Study 1 2017-2018 PWestfieldCWY17744 Road Thin Surfacing

Bishop's Stortford Rural19 Clapgate, Albury 2017-2018 SMillCWY071217 Lane Localised Patching

Bishops Stortford 1 2017-2018 PTwyfordCWY17698 Road Thin Surfacing

Furneux Pelham 2017-2018 PTheCWY18238 Causeway Surface Dressing

Little Hadham 2017-2018 PC15CWY18064 by Much Hadham Surface Dressing Agenda Pack 339 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M, PFilter: Data Generated: 3 Mar 2016 Page 8 of 33 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2017-2018 FWP

East Herts ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Bishop's Stortford Rural19 Little Hadham 2017-2018 PHadhamBRG17006 Ford Bridge HCC No. 756 1 2017-2018 PLEPMAJ17001 A120 Bypass and Flood Alleviation Scheme 2017-2018 PStortfordARP17199 Road Surface Dressing

Much Hadham 2017-2018 PDanebridgeCWY17630 Road Local Resurfacing & Surface Dressing 2017-2018 PMaltingCWY17563 Lane Resurfacing

Standon 1 2017-2018 PBromleyCWY17599 Lane Thin Surfacing

Bishop's Stortford West20 Bishops Stortford 1 2017-2018 PBasbowCWY17816 Lane Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PBishopsARP17133 Stortford Bypass Surface Dressing 1 2017-2018 PBishopsARP15241 Stortford Bypass Surface Dressing 1 2017-2018 IBishopsITP17009 Stortford Town Centre Accessibility Improvements 2017-2018 PDaneCWY17776 Ocoys Road Thin Surfacing 1 2017-2018 PElmCWY17608 Road Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PJervisCWY17868 Road Thin Surfacing 1 2017-2018 PKingCWY17871 Street Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PNorfolkCWY17848 Way Thin Surfacing 1 2017-2018 PNorthCWY17075 Street Resurfacing 2017-2018 PSalisburyCWY17699 Close Thin Surfacing 1 2017-2018 PStationITP13060 Road Bridge Widening Study 1 2017-2018 PTwyfordCWY17698 Road Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PWardCWY17687 Crescent Thin Surfacing 1 2017-2018 PWestfieldCWY17744 Road Thin Surfacing

New Town, Bishops Stortford 2017-2018 PTheCWY17812 Lindens Thin Surfacing

Little Hadham 1 2017-2018 PLEPMAJ17001 A120 Bypass and Flood Alleviation Scheme

Braughing21 Braughing 2017-2018 PGravellyCWY16210 Lane Surface Dressing 2017-2018 PSouthfieldCWY17712 Thin Surfacing

Brent Pelham 2017-2018 PBlackBRG17012 Horse Culvert HCC No. 404

Buntingford 2017-2018 PHareCWY18090 Street Road Resurfacing 2017-2018 PHighCWY17382 Street Resurfacing 2017-2018 POwlesBRG17010 Culvert HCC No. 305 2017-2018 PUnadoptedCWY17691 Road East From The Causeway To Layston Cottage Thin Surfacing Cottered 2017-2018 PB1037CWY17515 Hare Street to Cottered Resurfacing 2017-2018 PBullCWY17841 Lane Thin Surfacing

Dane End 1 2017-2018 PWhempsteadCWY17499 Lane Surface Dressing Agenda Pack 340 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M, PFilter: Data Generated: 3 Mar 2016 Page 9 of 33 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2017-2018 FWP

East Herts ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Braughing21 Dane End 1 2017-2018 PWhitehillCWY17542 Surafce Dressing

Levens Green, Old Hall Green 2017-2018 PC95CWY161082 West of Levens Green Surface Dressing

Watton At Stone 1 2017-2018 PLEPMAJ17003 A602 Improvements Watton at Stone to/from Tonwell

Hertford Rural22 Aston 1 2017-2018 PAstonCWY17514 Lane Surface Dressing

Aston End 2017-2018 PHoldersCWY17785 Lane Thin Surfacing

Benington 2017-2018 PBurnsCWY17840 Green Thin Surfacing

Brickendon 2 2017-2018 PClaypitsBRG17011 Culvert HCC No. 323

Dane End 1 2017-2018 PWhempsteadCWY17499 Lane Surface Dressing

Staines Green, Hertford 1 2017-2018 PMimramBRG17008 River Bridge HCC No. 1409

Broadwater, Stevenage 1 2017-2018 PBragburyCWY17806 Lane Thin Surfacing

Tewin 2017-2018 PHertfordCWY161089 Road Surface Dressing

Tonwell 2 2017-2018 PLEPMAJ17004 A602 Improvements Tonwell to/from Ware

Watton At Stone 1 2017-2018 PLEPMAJ17003 A602 Improvements Watton at Stone to/from Tonwell

St Andrew's23 Hertford 2017-2018 PBullCWY18182 Plain Resurfacing 2017-2018 PCardeCWY17844 Close Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PCardeCWY17834 Close Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PDaviesCWY17774 Street Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PEdmundsCWY17781 Road Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PForeTIS17022 St/South St S379 Signal Refurbishment 2017-2018 PGascoyneARP15204 Way Resurfacing 2017-2018 PGascoyneARP17061 Way Resurfacing 1 2017-2018 PHertingfordburyARP15187 Road/Gascoyne Way Major Patching 1 2017-2018 PLEPITP13049 Mead Lane Cycle and Pedestrian Links 1 2017-2018 WNorthDRN09031 Road Drainage Works 2017-2018 PRaynhamCWY161309 Street Thin Surfacing 1 2017-2018 PWareITP17010 Road/Bluecoats/London Road Phase 2

Staines Green, Hertford 1 2017-2018 PMimramBRG17008 River Bridge HCC No. 1409

Sawbridgeworth24 Hunsdon 2017-2018 PWidfordCWY17543 Road Resurfacing

Sawbridgeworth 2017-2018 PDaleCWY17777 Court Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PElmwoodCWY17767 Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 POakCWY17859 Drive Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PStationCWY17529 Road Resurfacing Agenda Pack 341 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M, PFilter: Data Generated: 3 Mar 2016 Page 10 of 33 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2017-2018 FWP

East Herts ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Sawbridgeworth24 Sawbridgeworth 2017-2018 PUnadoptedCWY17681 Road West From Elmwood By 32 House To Garages Rear Of Houses Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PWheatleyCWY161043 Close/Rowney Wood Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PWychfordFWY17025 Dr/Durham Cl/Farnham Cl Footway Works Stanstead Abbotts 2017-2018 PAbbottsCWY17822 Rise Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PKittenCWY17876 Lane Thin Surfacing

Wareside 2017-2018 PUnclassifiedCWY17692 Road U151 North From Ware Road Pst Morley Hall To C41 Thin Surfacing Widford 2017-2018 PWareCWY17752 Road Thin Surfacing

Ware North25 Dane End 1 2017-2018 PWhitehillCWY17542 Surafce Dressing

High Cross 2017-2018 PStandonCWY17598 Green End Surface Dressing

Standon 1 2017-2018 PBromleyCWY17599 Lane Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PHighCWY17549 Street Resurfacing 2017-2018 PPaperCWY151809 Mill Lane Surface Dressing

Thundridge 2017-2018 PCambridgeCWY17509 Road Surface Dressing 2017-2018 SCowardsCWY151773 Lane Localised Patching 2017-2018 PErmineDRN15006 Street Drainage Investigation 2017-2018 PPolesBRG17022 Lane Bridge HCC No. 1473

Tonwell 2 2017-2018 PLEPMAJ17004 A602 Improvements Tonwell to/from Ware

Ware 2017-2018 PA10ARP16090 Northbound from A602 Surface Dressing 2017-2018 PFanshaweITP17012 Crescent Traffic Study 2017-2018 PGoldstoneCWY17796 Close Thin Surfacing 1 2017-2018 PMusleyCWY17460 Hill Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PPolesCWY17875 Lane Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PTheCWY17682 Blanes Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PTheCWY17738 Blanes Thin Surfacing

Ware South26 Brickendon 2 2017-2018 PClaypitsBRG17011 Culvert HCC No. 323

Hertford 1 2017-2018 PA10SAR17001 Advanced Direction Signs

Hertford Heath, Hertford 2017-2018 PCollegeCWY17804 Road Thin Surfacing

Ware 2017-2018 PBaldockARP17198 Street Surface Dressing 2017-2018 PChadwellCWY151289 Rise Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PGrangeCWY17795 Gardens Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PHillsideCWY16349 Thin Surfacing 1 2017-2018 PMusleyCWY17460 Hill Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PUplandsCWY151050 Thin Surfacing Agenda Pack 342 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M, PFilter: Data Generated: 3 Mar 2016 Page 11 of 33 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2017-2018 FWP

East Herts ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Ware South26 Ware 2017-2018 CViaductARP15103 Road Reconstruction 2017-2018 PWaltonCWY16988 Road Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PWareBRG17001 Bridge HCC No. 160

EAST HERTS (District wide)93 9 2017-2018 PBusITP17022 Stop Clearway Lining Programme 17/18 9 2017-2018 PBusITP17021 Stop Upgrades Programme 17/18 9 2017-2018 ISRTSITP17016 Cluster 1 9 2017-2018 ISRTSITP17017 Cluster 2

Agenda Pack 343 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M, PFilter: Data Generated: 3 Mar 2016 Page 12 of 33 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2017-2018 FWP

Hertsmere ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Borehamwood North27 Borehamwood 2017-2018 PAnthonyCWY151388 Road Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 MBrodewaterMEM16153 Road Thin Surfacing

Borehamwood South28 Borehamwood 2017-2018 PKenilworthCWY151466 Drive Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PManorTIS17027 Way/Nr Arundel Drive S413 Signal Refurbishment 2017-2018 PRowleyCWY17558 Lane Surface Dressing

Bushey North29 Bushey 2017-2018 PBusheyITP17008 Grove Rd Greatham Rd Bushey Hall Rd Speed Compliance 2017-2018 PAldenhamTIS17003 Rd/Nr Vale Rd S086 Signal Refurbishment 2017-2018 PBarleyCWY17817 Close Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PBusheyFWY17061 Grove Road Footway Micro 2017-2018 POtterspoolCWY161312 Lane Thin Surfacing

Patchetts Green, Radlett 1 2017-2018 PPegmireCWY17854 Lane Thin Surfacing

Watford 2017-2018 PStephensonARP16103 Way Surface Dressing

Bushey South30 Bushey 2017-2018 PGreenacres/HiveCWY161232 Road Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PHighlandCWY17184 Drive Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PHiveCWY17406 Close Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PMerryDRN11023 Hill Road Drainage Works 2017-2018 PPentlandDRN12040 Road Drainage Works 2017-2018 PRutherfordCWY17641 Way Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PTheCWY151245 Comyns/The Lake/Coles Green/Rose Lawn Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PTrundlersCWY16115 Way Thin Surfacing

Bushey Heath, Bushey 2017-2018 PHeathbourneARP17207 Road Surface Dressing

Elstree 2017-2018 PElstreeBRG17024 Road Culvert HCC No. 2144

Potters Bar East31 Potters Bar 2017-2018 PBroadwaterCWY17843 Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PCliveCWY17617 Close Resurfacing 2017-2018 PGreenCWY17794 Meadow Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PHunterCWY161369 Close/Hyde Avenue Thin Surfacing 1 2017-2018 PMuttonTIS17002 La/Nr Laurel Av S048 Signal Refurbishment

Potters Bar West and Shenley32 London Colney 2017-2018 CBellDRN12041 Lane Drainage Works

Potters Bar 1 2017-2018 PMuttonTIS17002 La/Nr Laurel Av S048 Signal Refurbishment Agenda Pack 344 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M, PFilter: Data Generated: 3 Mar 2016 Page 13 of 33 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2017-2018 FWP

Hertsmere ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Potters Bar West and Shenley32 Potters Bar 2017-2018 POrchardCWY18015 Parade Resurfacing 2017-2018 SWashCWY151049 Lane Resurfacing

Shenley 2017-2018 PCageCWY17837 Pond Road Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PPoundCWY16982 La/Rectory La/Harris La Thin Surfacing 1 2017-2018 PRadlettCWY151819 Lane Localised Patching/Ironworks 2017-2018 PTraffordCWY17689 Close Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PTrentCWY17690 Close Thin Surfacing

Watling33 Woodcock Hill, Borehamwood 2017-2018 PBarnetARP17201 Lane Surface Dressing

Elstree 2017-2018 PAllumCWY17513 Lane Localised Patching 2017-2018 CBarnetDRN12049 Lane Drainage Works 2017-2018 PClareCWY17828 Close Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PClareCWY17827 Close Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PEdgwareburyCWY17390 Lane Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PSummerCWY16540 Grove Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PWentworthCWY151123 Avenue Thin Surfacing

Radlett 2017-2018 PCanonsCWY151277 Close Resurfacing

Patchetts Green, Radlett 1 2017-2018 PPegmireCWY17854 Lane Thin Surfacing

Shenley 1 2017-2018 PRadlettCWY151819 Lane Localised Patching/Ironworks

HERTSMERE (District wide)94 9 2017-2018 PBusITP17022 Stop Clearway Lining Programme 17/18 9 2017-2018 PBusITP17021 Stop Upgrades Programme 17/18 9 2017-2018 ISRTSITP17016 Cluster 1 9 2017-2018 ISRTSITP17017 Cluster 2

Agenda Pack 345 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M, PFilter: Data Generated: 3 Mar 2016 Page 14 of 33 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2017-2018 FWP

North Herts ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Hitchin North34 Hitchin 2017-2018 PBeartonCWY17516 Road Resurfacing 2017-2018 PCambridgeARP17139 Road Resurfacing 1 2017-2018 PFishpondsARP16070 Road Resurfacing 1 2017-2018 PLEPITP15032 Hitchin Cycle Route 8 1 2017-2018 PLEPCOM14007 Hitchin Town Centre Bus Boarding Points 2017-2018 PMillCWY17845 Close Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PWaterCWY151086 Lane Thin Surfacing

Hitchin Rural35 Breachwood Green 2017-2018 PLowerCWY18089 Road Carriageway Major Patching & Surface Dressing 2017-2018 PWindmillCWY17748 Road Thin Surfacing

Hitchin 1 2017-2018 PHitchinITP16006 Cycle Route CM12

Ickleford, Hitchin 2017-2018 PArleseyCWY17093 Road Surface Dressing

Holwell 2017-2018 PHolwellCWY151865 Road Thin Surfacing/Major Patching

Tea Green 2017-2018 SRoadCWY151678 Off Lower Road Localised Patching

Hitchin South36 Hitchin 2017-2018 PAlpineCWY17821 Close Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PBenslowCWY17811 Lane Thin Surfacing 1 2017-2018 PFishpondsARP16070 Road Resurfacing 1 2017-2018 PHitchinITP16006 Cycle Route CM12 1 2017-2018 PLEPITP15032 Hitchin Cycle Route 8 1 2017-2018 PLEPCOM14007 Hitchin Town Centre Bus Boarding Points 2017-2018 PNunsCWY16526 Close Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PPaynesTIS17010 Pk/Nr Nuns Cl (Woolworths) S174 Signal Refurbishment 2017-2018 PPortmillCWY15996 Lane Resurfacing 1 2017-2018 PStevenageBRG17009 Road Retaining Wall HCC No. 1948 2017-2018 PVictoriaCWY151724 Road Thin Surfacing

Gosmore, Hitchin 2017-2018 PGosmoreCWY17492 Road Surface Dressing

Knebworth and Codicote37 Codicote 2017-2018 PHighCWY17551 Street Resurfacing 1 2017-2018 PStAlbansCWY18215 Road Surface Dressing

Gosmore 2017-2018 PMillCWY17855 Lane Thin Surfacing

Hitchin 1 2017-2018 PStevenageBRG17009 Road Retaining Wall HCC No. 1948

Ippollitts 2017-2018 PSperberryCWY151686 Hill Surface Dressing

Knebworth 2017-2018 PLondonCWY17561 Road Surface Dressing 2017-2018 PParkCWY17336 Lane Resurfacing 2017-2018 PParkCWY17363 Lane Resurfacing Agenda Pack 346 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M, PFilter: Data Generated: 3 Mar 2016 Page 15 of 33 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2017-2018 FWP

North Herts ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Knebworth and Codicote37 Little Wymondley 2017-2018 PStevenageCWY17500 Road Localised Patching

St Ippolyts 2017-2018 PStevenageCWY17647 Road Local Resurfacing & Surface Dressing St Pauls Walden 2017-2018 PBullocksCWY17218 Hill Surface Dressing

Old Town, Stevenage 1 2017-2018 PFishersCWY16716 Green Road Surface Dressing

Ayot St Peter, Welwyn 1 2017-2018 SLincesCWY151852 Farm Access Road Localised Patching

Whitwell 2017-2018 PC29CWY17659 North of Easthall Farm Surface Dressing 2017-2018 PTheCWY151695 Valley Thin Surfacing

Letchworth East and Baldock38 Baldock 2017-2018 PHighCWY17548 Street Resurfacing

Letchworth 2017-2018 PBroughtonCWY17142 Hill Thin Surfacing 1 2017-2018 PHitchinARP18041 Road/Baldock Road Resurfacing 1 2017-2018 PLetchworthITP16007 Cycle Scheme NM2

Letchworth North West39 Letchworth 2017-2018 PArleseyCWY18087 New Road Surface Dressing 2017-2018 PStotfoldCWY17502 Road Surface Dressing 2017-2018 PWesternCWY17742 Close Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PWilburyCWY17544 Hills Road Major Patching/Surface Dressing

Letchworth South40 Letchworth 2017-2018 PBrandlesCWY161283 Road Thin Surfacing 1 2017-2018 PHitchinARP18041 Road/Baldock Road Resurfacing 1 2017-2018 PLetchworthITP16007 Cycle Scheme NM2 2017-2018 PStaneCWY17715 Field Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PStationCWY161062 Place Resurfacing

North Herts Rural41 Ashwell 2017-2018 PAshwellCWY18054 Road Surface Dressing 2017-2018 PChurchCWY151266 Lane Resurfacing 2017-2018 PStationCWY17292 Road Surface Dressing 2017-2018 PStationCWY18240 Road Surface Dressing

Graveley 2017-2018 PAshwellCWY161255 Close/Common Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PPondsideCWY17847 Thin Surfacing

Chesfield, Graveley 2017-2018 SChesfieldCWY151675 Manor Road Localised Patching

Reed 2017-2018 PLondonARP17063 Road Surface Dressing

Royston 1 2017-2018 PTanneryITP17013 Drift Pedestrian Crossing

Therfield 2017-2018 PHaywoodCWY17497 Lane Resurfacing 2017-2018 PKelshallBRG17013 Lane HCC No. 1741 2017-2018 PPedlarsDRN14016 Lane Drainage Investigation Agenda Pack 347 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M, PFilter: Data Generated: 3 Mar 2016 Page 16 of 33 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2017-2018 FWP

North Herts ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

North Herts Rural41 Weston 2017-2018 SChurchCWY151711 Lane Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PRowanCWY15393 Close Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PSchoolCWY161414 Lane Thin Surfacing

Royston42 Royston 2017-2018 PBaldockTIS17014 St/Melbourne St S249 Signal Refurbishment 2017-2018 PClydesdaleCWY17835 Road Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PDaysCWY151306 Close/Coronation Avenue Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PFishCWY17610 Hill Resurfacing 2017-2018 SGrangeDRN12032 Bottom Drainage Investigation 2017-2018 PHawthornCWY17788 Close Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PHeathCWY151626 Avenue Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PLondonARP18024 Road Resurfacing 2017-2018 PMarketARP15124 Hill/Priory La/Barkway St Resurfacing 2017-2018 PMiddleCWY17858 Drift Thin Surfacing 1 2017-2018 PTanneryITP17013 Drift Pedestrian Crossing 2017-2018 PTheCWY161075 Warren/Upper Warren Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PWoodlandsCWY151113 Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PYorkITP17014 Road Pedestrian Crossing

NORTH HERTS (District wide)95 9 2017-2018 PBusITP17022 Stop Clearway Lining Programme 17/18 9 2017-2018 PBusITP17021 Stop Upgrades Programme 17/18 2 2017-2018 PLEPITP15050 A1 Transport Plan Phase 2 9 2017-2018 ISRTSITP17016 Cluster 1 9 2017-2018 ISRTSITP17017 Cluster 2

Agenda Pack 348 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M, PFilter: Data Generated: 3 Mar 2016 Page 17 of 33 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2017-2018 FWP

St Albans ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Harpenden North East43 Bower Heath 1 2017-2018 PBowerCWY17623 Heath Lane Surface Dressing

Harpenden 2017-2018 PAltwoodCWY17673 Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 SAshwellCWY17676 Park Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 SBramptonCWY17677 Close Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 SChesteronCWY17679 Avenue Thin Surfacing 1 2017-2018 PDerwentCWY151311 Road/Tintern Close Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PKinsbourneCWY151528 Close Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PLyndhurstFWY17035 Drive Footway Micro 2017-2018 PWaldegraveCWY17674 Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 SWendoverCWY17675 Close Thin Surfacing

Batford, Harpenden 2017-2018 PLowerTIS17023 Luton Rd/Nr Batford Rd S407 Signal Refurbishment Marshalls Heath, Wheathampstead 1 2017-2018 SMackeryeCWY16259 End Lane Localised Patching

Harpenden South West44 Harpenden 2017-2018 PBarnfieldCWY161250 Road Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 SEastCWY151778 Common Localised Patching 2017-2018 PFairmeadFWY17050 Avenue Footway Micro 2017-2018 PFovantCWY19624 Close Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PKirkwickCWY17874 Avenue Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PLinwoodCWY17881 Road Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PMoretonCWY17865 Avenue Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PTarrantCWY17717 Drive Thin Surfacing

Beesonend, Harpenden 2017-2018 PBarlingsCWY161251 Road Thin Surfacing

Town Centre, Harpenden 2017-2018 PHighARP17171 Street Resurfacing

Hatching Green, Redbourn 1 2017-2018 PRedbournCWY161176 Lane Surface Dressing

St. Albans Central45 St Albans 2017-2018 PArthurCWY17819 Road Thin Surfacing 1 2017-2018 IBoundaryCWY14050 Rd/Heath Rd/Upper Heath Rd Resurfacing 2017-2018 PChurchillCWY16700 Road Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PClarenceITP17007 Park Pedestrian Crossing Facilities 2017-2018 PGainsboroughCWY17798 Avenue Thin Surfacing 2 2017-2018 SLondonITP15024 Road Cycleway and Bus Stop Upgrade 2017-2018 PLondonARP17105 Road Resurfacing 1 2017-2018 PLondonARP17101 Road Resurfacing 2017-2018 PMarlboroughCWY161375 Gate Thin Surfacing 1 2017-2018 PNewCWY14056 England Street Thin Surfacing 1 2017-2018 PPortlandCWY13429 Street Thin Surfacing Agenda Pack 349 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M, PFilter: Data Generated: 3 Mar 2016 Page 18 of 33 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2017-2018 FWP

St Albans ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

St. Albans Central45 St Albans 2017-2018 CRussellCWY15656 Avenue Resurfacing 2017-2018 IVernonCWY141221 Close Resurfacing 2017-2018 PYorkCWY16011 Road Thin Surfacing

St. Albans East46 London Colney 1 2017-2018 PShenleyCWY18312 Lane Resurfacing 1 2017-2018 PShenleyITP16018 Lane Speed Compliance

St Albans 2 2017-2018 SLondonITP15024 Road Cycleway and Bus Stop Upgrade 2017-2018 PLondonARP17104 Road Resurfacing

St Stephens, St Albans 2017-2018 PDellfieldCWY17773 Thin Surfacing

St. Albans North47 St Albans 1 2017-2018 IBoundaryCWY14050 Rd/Heath Rd/Upper Heath Rd Resurfacing

St. Albans Rural48 Bower Heath 1 2017-2018 PBowerCWY17623 Heath Lane Surface Dressing

Harpenden 2017-2018 CChildwickCWY151256 Green Localised Patching 1 2017-2018 PDerwentCWY151311 Road/Tintern Close Thin Surfacing

Bower Heath, Harpenden 2017-2018 SLittleCWY151821 Cutts Road Localised Patching

Redbourn 2017-2018 SLutonCWY141128 Lane Localised Patching 2017-2018 PLyburyDRN17002 Lane Drainage Investigation 2017-2018 PPondsmeadeCWY17739 Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PStMarysCWY17713 Close Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PTassellCWY17710 Hall Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PTassellCWY17718 Hall Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PTheCWY17685 Square Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PVerCWY17248 Road Thin Surfacing

Hatching Green, Redbourn 1 2017-2018 PRedbournCWY161176 Lane Surface Dressing

Appspond, St Albans 1 2017-2018 PA4147ITP17002 St Albans to Hemel Cycle Track

Childwickbury Green, St Albans 2017-2018 CChildwickCWY151764 Green Localised Patching

Wheathampstead 2017-2018 PHillFWY17054 Dyke Road Footway Micro 2017-2018 PNectonCWY161143 Road Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 SSaunceyCWY151683 Wood Lane Localised Patching

Marshalls Heath, Wheathampstead 1 2017-2018 SMackeryeCWY16259 End Lane Localised Patching

St. Albans South49 St Albans 2017-2018 PAbbeyCWY151375 Mill Lane Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PCardinalCWY161295 Grove Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PCoriniumCWY16004 Gate Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PGlevumCWY17615 Close Thin Surfacing Agenda Pack 350 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M, PFilter: Data Generated: 3 Mar 2016 Page 19 of 33 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2017-2018 FWP

St Albans ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

St. Albans South49 St Albans 2017-2018 PKingsCWY17872 Road Thin Surfacing 2 2017-2018 SLondonITP15024 Road Cycleway and Bus Stop Upgrade 1 2017-2018 PLondonARP17101 Road Resurfacing 2017-2018 PMountCWY17851 Pleasant Thin Surfacing 1 2017-2018 PNewCWY14056 England Street Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 POrchardCWY17884 Street Thin Surfacing 1 2017-2018 PPortlandCWY13429 Street Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 ITemperanceCWY15695 Street Thin Surfacing

Appspond, St Albans 1 2017-2018 PA4147ITP17002 St Albans to Hemel Cycle Track

Chiswell Green, St Albans 1 2017-2018 PWatfordTIS17029 Rd/Nr Hammers Gate S417 Signal Refurbishment St Stephens, St Albans 2017-2018 PFalstaffCWY16117 Gardens Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PHolywellARP17086 Hill Resurfacing 2017-2018 PHolywellARP15127 Hill Resurfacing 2017-2018 PKingITP16017 Harry Junction Capacity Study 2017-2018 PRamsburyCWY17704 Road Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PTitheCWY151081 Barn Close Thin Surfacing

St Stephen's50 London Colney 2017-2018 PBurydellCWY17839 Lane Thin Surfacing

Bricket Wood, St Albans 2017-2018 PLyeCWY17668 Lane Surface Dressing

Chiswell Green, St Albans 2017-2018 PChiswellCWY17355 Green Lane Surface Dressing 2017-2018 PManorCWY17467 Drive Thin Surfacing 1 2017-2018 PWatfordTIS17029 Rd/Nr Hammers Gate S417 Signal Refurbishment Park Street, St Albans 2017-2018 PBranchCWY151443 Road Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PHydeCWY151150 Lane Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PWatlingCWY17276 Street Service Road Thin Surfacing

Sandridge51 Hatfield 1 2017-2018 ICoopersITP16028 Green Lane Footway Works

Sandridge 2017-2018 PHopkinsCWY17770 Crescent Thin Surfacing

St Albans 2017-2018 PChanceryCWY151290 Close/Holborn Close Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PChandlersCWY17470 Road Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PLanghamCWY16023 Close/Cromwell Close Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PLincolnsCWY151541 Close Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PWindmillCWY151107 Avenue Thin Surfacing

Jersey Farm, St Albans 2017-2018 PHarleyCWY15481 Court Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PHarnessCWY151604 Way Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PStantonCWY16517 Close Thin Surfacing Agenda Pack 351 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M, PFilter: Data Generated: 3 Mar 2016 Page 20 of 33 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2017-2018 FWP

St Albans ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

The Colneys52 London Colney 2017-2018 PJubileeCWY151464 Avenue Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PMeadowCWY17465 Close Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 SSeatonDRN15013 Road Drainage 2017-2018 PShenleyCWY18155 Lane Localised Resurfacing 1 2017-2018 PShenleyCWY18312 Lane Resurfacing 1 2017-2018 PShenleyITP16018 Lane Speed Compliance 2017-2018 PShenleyCWY17726 Lane Surface Dressing

St Albans 1 2017-2018 PNorthARP17085 Orbital Road Resurfacing

Colney Heath, St Albans 2017-2018 PFellowesCWY17764 Lane Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PLyonCWY17863 Way Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PMeadway/BennettsCWY161378 Close Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PSmallfordCWY16999 Lane/Station Road Surface Dressing 2017-2018 PWilkinsCWY18060 Green Lane/Springfield Road Thin Surfacing

ST ALBANS (District wide)96 9 2017-2018 PBusITP17022 Stop Clearway Lining Programme 17/18 9 2017-2018 PBusITP17021 Stop Upgrades Programme 17/18 9 2017-2018 ISRTSITP17016 Cluster 1 9 2017-2018 ISRTSITP17017 Cluster 2

Agenda Pack 352 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M, PFilter: Data Generated: 3 Mar 2016 Page 21 of 33 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2017-2018 FWP

Stevenage ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Bedwell53 Stevenage 1 2017-2018 PFairlandsBRG17019 Way Bridge HCC No. 1006 2017-2018 PFairlandsARP18034 Way Surface Dressing 2017-2018 PSixARP17189 Hills Way Surface Dressing

Bedwell, Stevenage 2017-2018 PAbbotsCWY151376 Grove Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PBowcockCWY17808 Walk Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PBuckthornCWY17842 Avenue Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PCleviscroftCWY17801 Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PGardenCWY17797 Walk Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PLindensCWY17880 Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PPoppyCWY17700 Mead Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PSilamCWY151616 Road Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PWaldenCWY17697 End Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PWildwoodCWY17746 Lane Thin Surfacing

Bedwell Crescent, Stevenage 2017-2018 PBedwellCWY17803 Crescent Thin Surfacing

Industrial Area, Stevenage 2017-2018 PArgyleITP14026 Way Zebra Crossing

Pin Green, Stevenage 2017-2018 PLonsdaleCWY17846 Road Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PLonsdaleCWY17853 Road Thin Surfacing

Broadwater54 Aston 1 2017-2018 PAstonCWY17514 Lane Surface Dressing

Stevenage 2017-2018 PGunnelsARP17170 Wood Road Localised Patching 2017-2018 PGunnelsARP17043 Wood Road Surface Dressing 2017-2018 PMonkswoodARP16112 Way Resurfacing 2017-2018 PSixARP17072 Hills Way Resurfacing

Broadwater, Stevenage 1 2017-2018 PBragburyCWY17806 Lane Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PBroadCWY151404 Oak Way Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PBroadCWY17833 Oak Way Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PBroadhallCWY17814 Way Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PBroadwaterFWY17089 Crescent Footway Reconstruction 2017-2018 PFellowesCWY17763 Way Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PForestCWY161239 Row Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PHertfordSAR14003 Road Speed Compliance 2017-2018 PMarymeadCWY17860 Court Thin Surfacing

Industrial Area, Stevenage 2017-2018 PLeydenCWY17879 Road Thin Surfacing

Chells55 Stevenage 2017-2018 PChellsCWY17830 Way Thin Surfacing

Chells, Stevenage 2017-2018 PEliotCWY141121 Road Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PNashCWY17850 Close Thin Surfacing Agenda Pack 353 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M, PFilter: Data Generated: 3 Mar 2016 Page 22 of 33 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2017-2018 FWP

Stevenage ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Chells55 Chells, Stevenage 2017-2018 PTelfordCWY15587 Avenue Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PWrenCWY17749 Close Thin Surfacing

Old Stevenage56 Stevenage 1 2017-2018 PFairlandsBRG17019 Way Bridge HCC No. 1006 2017-2018 PHitchinARP17015 Road Resurfacing

Old Stevenage, Stevenage 2017-2018 PStevenageITP16010 Old Town Gyratory

Old Town, Stevenage 2017-2018 PAlmondsCWY161259 Lane Thin Surfacing 1 2017-2018 PFishersCWY16716 Green Road Surface Dressing 2017-2018 PFishersCWY18147 Green Road Surface Dressing 2017-2018 PFishersCWY17346 Green Surface Dressing 2017-2018 PGreenCWY17782 Street Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PWhitneyCWY161050 Drive Thin Surfacing

St Nicholas57 Stevenage 2017-2018 PWedgwoodCWY161056 Court/Boulton Road Major Patching

Great Ashby, Stevenage 2017-2018 PGreatITP14027 Ashby Way Pedestrian Crossing

Old Town, Stevenage 2017-2018 PWestonCWY17321 Road Surface Dressing

St.nicholas, Stevenage 2017-2018 PYorkCWY17761 Road Thin Surfacing

Shephall58 The Poplars, Stevenage 2017-2018 POspreyCWY151023 Gardens Thin Surfacing

STEVENAGE (District wide)97 9 2017-2018 PBusITP17022 Stop Clearway Lining Programme 17/18 9 2017-2018 PBusITP17021 Stop Upgrades Programme 17/18 2 2017-2018 PLEPITP15050 A1 Transport Plan Phase 2 9 2017-2018 ISRTSITP17016 Cluster 1 9 2017-2018 ISRTSITP17017 Cluster 2 2017-2018 PStevenageITP16009 Cycle Network Improvements

Agenda Pack 354 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M, PFilter: Data Generated: 3 Mar 2016 Page 23 of 33 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2017-2018 FWP

Three Rivers ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Abbots Langley59 Abbots Langley 2017-2018 PEastCWY161199 Lane Surface Dressing 2017-2018 SEastCWY151779 Lane Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PHighCWY17547 Street Resurfacing 2017-2018 PJackettsCWY161372 Field Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PTheCWY16351 Crescent Thin Surfacing

Garston 2017-2018 PStAlbansARP17188 Road Surface Dressing

Rickmansworth 1 2017-2018 PHighFWY17026 Street Footway Micro

Leavesden, Watford 1 2017-2018 POldCWY15952 Forge Close Thin Surfacing

Chorleywood60 Chandlers Cross 2017-2018 PBucksCWY18259 Hill Surface Dressing 2017-2018 PBucksCWY18260 Hill Surface Dressing

Chorleywood 2017-2018 PBerksCWY161247 Hill Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PBurtonsCWY161287 Lane Surface Dressing 2017-2018 PCheniesFWY17066 Road Footway Micro 2017-2018 PChorleywoodFWY17029 Bottom Footway Micro LS 2017-2018 PChorleywoodCWY17603 Bottom Resurfacing 2017-2018 PGreenFWY17073 Street Footway Micro 1 2017-2018 PLongCWY161405 Lane Surface Dressing 2017-2018 PParkfield,FWY17055 Chorleywood Footway Micro

Croxley Green 1 2017-2018 PLittleCWY17314 Green Lane Thin Surfacing

Rickmansworth 2 2017-2018 PRousebarnCWY17471 Lane Resurfacing

Sarratt, Rickmansworth 2017-2018 PSarrattCWY14476 Bottom Localised Patching

Croxley61 Croxley Green 2017-2018 PBaldwinsCWY161270 Lane Thin Surfacing 1 2017-2018 PLittleCWY17314 Green Lane Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 POwensCWY17590 Way Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PScotsCWY161335 Hill Close Thin Surfacing 1 2017-2018 PScotsARP17156 Hill Resurfacing 2017-2018 PScotsARP17062 Hill Resurfacing 2017-2018 PWatfordARP17041 Road/Baldwins Lane Roundabout Resurfacing Rickmansworth 2 2017-2018 PRousebarnCWY17471 Lane Resurfacing

Oxhey Park62 Carpenders Park 1 2017-2018 PLittleCWY17559 Oxhey Lane Resurfacing

Eastbury, Northwood 2017-2018 PRossCWY151047 Way Thin Surfacing

Oxhey 2017-2018 PTheCWY17534 Woods Resurfacing

Oxhey, Watford 1 2017-2018 PRiversideDRN10023 Road Drainage Investigation Agenda Pack 355 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M, PFilter: Data Generated: 3 Mar 2016 Page 24 of 33 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2017-2018 FWP

Three Rivers ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Rickmansworth63 Chorleywood 1 2017-2018 PLongCWY161405 Lane Surface Dressing 2017-2018 PLongCWY17636 Lane Surface Dressing

Croxley Green 1 2017-2018 PScotsARP17156 Hill Resurfacing

Maple Cross 2017-2018 POakhillCWY15636 Close Thin Surfacing

Rickmansworth 2017-2018 PEburyARP16066 Road/Uxbridge Road Roundabout Resurfacing 1 2017-2018 PHighFWY17026 Street Footway Micro 2017-2018 PLondonARP17146 Road Surface Dressing 2017-2018 PNightingaleCWY161319 Road Resurfacing 2017-2018 PParkCWY14487 Way/Mount View/The Close Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PRickmansworthITP17006 Town Centre Cycling Improvements 2017-2018 PShepherdsFWY17044 Lane Footway Micro 2017-2018 PSwallowCWY14751 Close Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PTalbotCWY17645 Road Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PTownfieldCWY16548 Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PUpperCWY15674 Hill Rise Thin Surfacing

Batchworth, Rickmansworth 2017-2018 PBatchworthARP17059 Roundabout Resurfacing

Batchworth Hill, Rickmansworth 2017-2018 PLondonARP17103 Road Resurfacing 2017-2018 PLondonARP16114 Road Resurfacing

Maple Cross, Rickmansworth 2017-2018 PAshFWY17028 Vale Footway Micro 2017-2018 PDenhamFWY17105 Way Footway Reconstruction 2017-2018 PTheFWY17027 Hawthorns Footway Micro

Mill End, Rickmansworth 2017-2018 PChurchCWY19328 Lane Resurfacing 2017-2018 PSpringwellCWY161188 Lane Resurfacing 2017-2018 PTudorFWY17034 Way Footway Micro

Moor Park, Rickmansworth 2017-2018 PWoodcockCWY18244 Hill Thin Surfacing

South Oxhey64 Carpenders Park 1 2017-2018 PLittleCWY17559 Oxhey Lane Resurfacing

South Oxhey 2017-2018 PAshridgeCWY19587 Drive Resurfacing 2017-2018 PBlairheadCWY17136 Drive Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PChilwellFWY17069 Gardens Footway Micro 2017-2018 PCulverdenCWY17778 Road Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PFerryhillsCWY17793 Close Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PHaylingCWY17339 Road Surface Dressing 2017-2018 PLittleCWY17560 Oxhey Lane Resurfacing 2017-2018 PMuirfieldCWY15986 Green Resurfacing 2017-2018 POakdaleFWY17052 Road Footway Micro 2017-2018 PSidmouthCWY15657 Close Resurfacing Agenda Pack 356 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M, PFilter: Data Generated: 3 Mar 2016 Page 25 of 33 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2017-2018 FWP

Three Rivers ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

South Oxhey64

THREE RIVERS (District wide)98 9 2017-2018 PBusITP17022 Stop Clearway Lining Programme 17/18 9 2017-2018 PBusITP17021 Stop Upgrades Programme 17/18 9 2017-2018 ISRTSITP17016 Cluster 1 9 2017-2018 ISRTSITP17017 Cluster 2

Agenda Pack 357 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M, PFilter: Data Generated: 3 Mar 2016 Page 26 of 33 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2017-2018 FWP

Watford ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Callowland Leggatts65 Chipperfield 2 2017-2018 PWatfordITP17015 20mph Zone Streets North of Langley Road Watford 1 2017-2018 PA41ITP17005 North Western Ave nr West Drive Pedestrian Crossing 1 2017-2018 PNorthARP17075 Western Avenue Resurfacing

North Watford, Watford 2017-2018 PBuckinghamFWY17045 Road Footway Micro 2017-2018 PBuckinghamFWY17088 Road Footway Reconstruction 2017-2018 PDiamondFWY17109 Road Footway Reconstruction 2017-2018 PGammonsDRN13036 Lane Drainage Investigation 1 2017-2018 PLeavesdenTIS17016 Rd/Gammons La S272 Signal Refurbishment 2017-2018 PThrumsCWY151078 Thin Surfacing

Central Oxhey66 Watford 2017-2018 PBeechenARP14155 Grove Resurfacing 2017-2018 PLowerARP17192 High Street Surface Dressing 2017-2018 PWaterfieldsARP15139 Way Major Patching

Central, Watford 2017-2018 PGeorgeCWY14351 Street Resurfacing 2017-2018 PLEPITP13036 Clarendon Road Pedestrian Improvements Ph3 2017-2018 PLowerARP17191 High Street Surface Dressing 1 2017-2018 PWiggenhallARP17186 Road Surface Dressing

Central Watford, Watford 2017-2018 PBeechenTIS17021 Grove/Water Lane S378 Signal Refurbishment Oxhey, Watford 2017-2018 PPinnerFWY17067 Road Footway Micro 1 2017-2018 PRiversideDRN10023 Road Drainage Investigation 2017-2018 PThorpeFWY17084 Crescent Footway Reconstruction 2017-2018 PWatfordCWY17539 Heath Resurfacing

West Watford, Watford 1 2017-2018 CTheARP14058 Hornets/Wiggenhall Rd/Merton Rd Major Patching

Meriden Tudor67 Watford 2017-2018 PColneBRG17002 Way (Railway) Bridge HCC No. 171 2017-2018 PNorthFWY17063 Western Avenue Footway Micro 2017-2018 PNorthARP17108 Western Avenue Resurfacing 2017-2018 PNorthARP17093 Western Avenue Surface Dressing 2017-2018 PNorthARP17190 Western Avenue Surface Dressing

Garston, Watford 2017-2018 PStAlbansARP17184 Road Surface Dressing

Leavesden, Watford 1 2017-2018 PGarstonFWY17108 Drive Footway Reconstruction

North Watford, Watford 2017-2018 PBusheyFWY17057 Mill Lane Footway Micro 2017-2018 PDouglasFWY17081 Avenue Footway Reconstruction 2017-2018 PTavistockFWY17083 Road Footway Reconstruction Agenda Pack 358 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M, PFilter: Data Generated: 3 Mar 2016 Page 27 of 33 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2017-2018 FWP

Watford ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Nascot Park68 Chipperfield 2 2017-2018 PWatfordITP17015 20mph Zone Streets North of Langley Road Rickmansworth 2 2017-2018 PRousebarnCWY17471 Lane Resurfacing

Cassiobury, Watford 2017-2018 PCassioburyCWY19137 Drive Resurfacing 2017-2018 PDevereuxFWY17079 Drive Footway Reconstruction 2017-2018 SHempsteadDRN15002 Road Drainage 2017-2018 PHempsteadARP17210 Road Surface Dressing 2017-2018 PHempsteadARP17208 Road Surface Dressing 2017-2018 PHempsteadARP17200 Road Surface Dressing 2017-2018 PLangleyFWY17102 Way Footway Reconstruction 2017-2018 PParksideFWY17096 Drive Footway Reconstruction 2017-2018 PStratfordFWY17103 Way Footway Reconstruction 2017-2018 PTempleFWY17085 Close Footway Reconstruction

Central, Watford 1 2017-2018 PCassioBRG17007 Road Underpass HCC No. 1037

North Watford, Watford 1 2017-2018 PLeavesdenTIS17016 Rd/Gammons La S272 Signal Refurbishment

Vicarage Holywell69 Central, Watford 1 2017-2018 PCassioBRG17007 Road Underpass HCC No. 1037 1 2017-2018 PWiggenhallARP17186 Road Surface Dressing

West Watford, Watford 2017-2018 PAscotCWY161257 Road Resurfacing 2017-2018 CCassiobridgeITP14082 Station Links Ph 2 1 2017-2018 CTheARP14058 Hornets/Wiggenhall Rd/Merton Rd Major Patching 2017-2018 CWatfordITP14063 Vicarage Road Station Links

Woodside Stanborough70 Watford 1 2017-2018 PA41ITP17005 North Western Ave nr West Drive Pedestrian Crossing 1 2017-2018 PNorthARP17075 Western Avenue Resurfacing

Leavesden, Watford 1 2017-2018 PGarstonFWY17108 Drive Footway Reconstruction 2017-2018 PHighTIS17017 Rd/Nr Haines Way S286 Signal Refurbishment 2017-2018 PNewhouseCWY16981 Crescent Resurfacing 1 2017-2018 POldCWY15952 Forge Close Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PSpringfieldFWY17032 Road Footway Micro 2017-2018 PStudCWY161330 Green Thin Surfacing

WATFORD (District wide)99 9 2017-2018 PBusITP17022 Stop Clearway Lining Programme 17/18 9 2017-2018 PBusITP17021 Stop Upgrades Programme 17/18 2017-2018 PCroxleyITP15028 Rail Link Signage Strategy 9 2017-2018 ISRTSITP17016 Cluster 1 Agenda Pack 359 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M, PFilter: Data Generated: 3 Mar 2016 Page 28 of 33 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2017-2018 FWP

Watford ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

WATFORD (District wide)99 9 2017-2018 ISRTSITP17017 Cluster 2 2017-2018 PWatfordITP15026 Town Centre Multimodal Study

Agenda Pack 360 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M, PFilter: Data Generated: 3 Mar 2016 Page 29 of 33 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2017-2018 FWP

Welwyn Hatfield ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Haldens71 Welwyn 2 2017-2018 POaklandsITP16027 to Welwyn North Cycle Route

Welwyn Garden City 2017-2018 PDaniellsCWY17775 Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PRosedaleCWY17705 Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PRosedaleCWY17706 Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PTheCWY17683 Moors Thin Surfacing

Handside and Peartree72 Ayot Green 1 2017-2018 PAyotCWY17621 Green Lane Surface Dressing

Welwyn Garden City 1 2017-2018 P20thBRG17004 Mile Footbridge HCC No. 763 2 2017-2018 PBessemerTIS17020 Rd/Bridge Rd S377 Signal Refurbishment 2017-2018 PBessemerARP15166 Road Resurfacing 1 2017-2018 PBroadwaterTIS17004 Rd O/S Roche S091 Signal Refurbishment 1 2017-2018 PBroadwaterARP17142 Road Resurfacing 1 2017-2018 PBroadwaterARP17143 Road Resurfacing 1 2017-2018 PGreatCWY17493 North Road Resurfacing 2017-2018 PHandsideCWY17789 Green Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PHowardsgateITP14092 Traffic Circulation Study 1 2017-2018 PHuntersBRG17016 Bridge HCC No. 736 2017-2018 PParkwayDRN13020 Drainage Investigation 2017-2018 PPeartreeCWY17856 Lane Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PSalisburyCWY16995 Gardens Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PStAudreysCWY17073 Green Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PStanboroughARP17126 Road Resurfacing 1 2017-2018 PStanboroughARP17127 Road Resurfacing 2017-2018 PVerulamCWY151072 Close Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 SWelwynITP16002 Bus Station 1 2017-2018 PWoodhallCWY17661 Court Thin Surfacing

Hatfield North73 Hatfield 2017-2018 PA414/CometARP16082 Way Roundabout Resurfacing 1 2017-2018 PBishopsITP16025 Rise / Woods Avenue Traffic Study 2017-2018 PBrainCWY17805 Close Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PBranchCWY151442 Close Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PBushCWY17838 Hall Lane Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PChequersARP17209 Surface Dressing 2017-2018 PChurchCWY17829 Lane Thin Surfacing 1 2017-2018 ICoopersITP16028 Green Lane Footway Works 2017-2018 PCorncroftCWY17780 Thin Surfacing Agenda Pack 361 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M, PFilter: Data Generated: 3 Mar 2016 Page 30 of 33 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2017-2018 FWP

Welwyn Hatfield ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Hatfield North73 Hatfield 2017-2018 PGreenCWY19639 Croft Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PGroveCWY151639 Mead Thin Surfacing 1 2017-2018 PHillCWY151494 Ley Resurfacing 2017-2018 PJacobsCWY17867 Ladder Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PPondCWY15990 Croft Thin Surfacing

Welwyn 2 2017-2018 POaklandsITP16027 to Welwyn North Cycle Route

Welwyn Garden City 2017-2018 PAscotsCWY18086 Lane Surface Dressing 1 2017-2018 PGreatCWY17493 North Road Resurfacing 1 2017-2018 PStanboroughARP17127 Road Resurfacing

Hatfield Rural74 Brickendon 2 2017-2018 PClaypitsBRG17011 Culvert HCC No. 323

Brookmans Park 1 2017-2018 PStationCWY17527 Road Resurfacing

Brookmans Park, Hatfield 2017-2018 PGrubbsCWY17758 Lane Surface Dressing

North Mymms 1 2017-2018 PBrookmansBRG17003 Park Footbridge HCC No. 755 2017-2018 PHawksheadDRN15007 Lane Drainage Works

Little Heath, North Mymms 2017-2018 PSwanleyCWY151223 Crescent Thin Surfacing

Cuffley, Northaw 2017-2018 PKingswellCWY17873 Ride Thin Surfacing

Cufley, Northaw 2017-2018 PEastCWY17361 Ridgeway Resurfacing

Hatfield South75 Brookmans Park 1 2017-2018 PStationCWY17527 Road Resurfacing

Hatfield 2017-2018 PBadgerCWY15536 Way Thin Surfacing 1 2017-2018 PBishopsITP16025 Rise / Woods Avenue Traffic Study 2017-2018 PBishopsTIS17028 Rise/Nr Hazel Grove S415 Signal Refurbishment 2017-2018 PCometARP17206 Way Surface Dressing 2017-2018 PFiveoaksBRG17017 Footbridge HCC No. 1989 1 2017-2018 PHillCWY151494 Ley Resurfacing 2017-2018 PLaneCWY17866 End Thin Surfacing

North Mymms 1 2017-2018 PBrookmansBRG17003 Park Footbridge HCC No. 755

Welham Green, North Mymms 2017-2018 PDixonsCWY17757 Hill Road Surface Dressing 2017-2018 PStationCWY17486 Road Surface Dressing

St Albans 1 2017-2018 PNorthARP17085 Orbital Road Resurfacing

Welwyn76 Ayot Green 1 2017-2018 PAyotCWY17621 Green Lane Surface Dressing

Ayot St Lawrence 2017-2018 WHillDRN12046 Farm Lane Drainage Works

Codicote 1 2017-2018 PStAlbansCWY18215 Road Surface Dressing

Welwyn 2017-2018 PBroomfieldFWY17056 Road Footway Micro Agenda Pack 362 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M, PFilter: Data Generated: 3 Mar 2016 Page 31 of 33 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2017-2018 FWP

Welwyn Hatfield ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

Welwyn76 Welwyn 2017-2018 PHawbushFWY17068 Rise Footway Micro 2 2017-2018 POaklandsITP16027 to Welwyn North Cycle Route 2017-2018 PWhiteDRN09013 Hill Drainage Works 2017-2018 PWilgaFWY17030 Road Footway Micro LS 2017-2018 PWindsorFWY17051 Road Footway Micro LS

Welwyn Garden City 2 2017-2018 PBessemerTIS17020 Rd/Bridge Rd S377 Signal Refurbishment 2017-2018 PHawthornsCWY17787 Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PHitherwayCWY19668 Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PHollyCWY17784 Walk Thin Surfacing 1 2017-2018 PHuntersBRG17016 Bridge HCC No. 736 2017-2018 PInglesCWY17877 Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PPentleyCWY151044 Close Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PPentleyCWY17592 Park Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PPickettsCWY161303 Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PSummerCWY151232 Dale Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PTilecroftCWY17686 Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PVineCWY17696 Close Thin Surfacing

Ayot St Peter, Welwyn 1 2017-2018 SLincesCWY151852 Farm Access Road Localised Patching

Welwyn Garden City South77 Welwyn Garden City 1 2017-2018 P20thBRG17004 Mile Footbridge HCC No. 763 2 2017-2018 PBessemerTIS17020 Rd/Bridge Rd S377 Signal Refurbishment 1 2017-2018 PBroadwaterTIS17004 Rd O/S Roche S091 Signal Refurbishment 1 2017-2018 PBroadwaterARP17142 Road Resurfacing 1 2017-2018 PBroadwaterARP17143 Road Resurfacing 2017-2018 PGreatCWY18041 Ley Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PHaynesCWY17786 Close Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PHomesteadCWY161367 Lane Localised Patching 2017-2018 PMiddlefield/DrycroftCWY15966 Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PMossCWY17852 Green Thin Surfacing 2017-2018 PWhitethornCWY151146 Thin Surfacing 1 2017-2018 PWoodhallCWY17661 Court Thin Surfacing

WELWYN HATFIELD (District wide90 9 2017-2018 PBusITP17022 Stop Clearway Lining Programme 17/18 9 2017-2018 PBusITP17021 Stop Upgrades Programme 17/18 2017-2018 PHatfieldITP16023 Bus Priority 2 2017-2018 PLEPITP15050 A1 Transport Plan Phase 2 Agenda Pack 363 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M, PFilter: Data Generated: 3 Mar 2016 Page 32 of 33 INDEX: Programme Summary: 2017-2018 FWP

Welwyn Hatfield ┌ count of other Divisions for project

CC Division / /Sub Area, Town Project Name Start Year Status IWP Number

WELWYN HATFIELD (District wide90 9 2017-2018 ISRTSITP17016 Cluster 1 9 2017-2018 ISRTSITP17017 Cluster 2

Agenda Pack 364 of 450 Includes District Wide, Statuses = W, C, S, I, M, PFilter: Data Generated: 3 Mar 2016 Page 33 of 33



FUTURE DIRECTION OF THE RESIDUAL WASTE TREATMENT PROGRAMME Report of the Chief Executive & Director of Environment

Authors: Simon Aries, Assistant Director – Transport, Waste & Environmental Management (Tel: 01992 555255) Matt King, Head of Waste Management (Tel: 01992 556207) Jo Hawes, Senior Waste Management Project Officer (Tel: 01992 555326)

Executive Member: Richard Thake – Community Safety & Waste Management

Local Members: T R Hutchings (Hoddesdon North) A M R Searing (Hoddesdon South)

1. Purpose of the report

1.1 To provide Cabinet with information concerning the Revised Project Plan (“RPP”) submitted by Veolia ES Hertfordshire Limited (“VES”) in accordance with the Residual Waste Treatment Contract (“the Contract”) entered into between VES and Hertfordshire County Council (“the Council”) on 27 July 2011 for the long term treatment of Hertfordshire’s residual Local Authority Collected Waste (“LACW”)

1.2 To explain the RPP, the contractual context, its suitability to meet the Council’s needs, its acceptability in commercial, affordability and deliverability terms and to provide a comparative assessment between the RPP and credible alternative options available to the Council for the treatment of residual LACW in Hertfordshire.

1.3 To enable Cabinet to consider whether to approve the acceptance in principle of the Revised Project Plan (RPP) submitted by Veolia ES (VES) Hertfordshire Limited.

2. Summary

2.1 Following a procurement process using the competitive dialogue procedure pursuant to the Public Contracts Regulations 2006 (as amended), the Council awarded the Contract to VES in July 2011 on the basis that VES had submitted the most economically advantageous tender. The Contract required VES to obtain planning permission for a proposed energy from waste facility (“EfW”) at south Hatfield. The Contract also provides that if a “satisfactory” planning permission was not obtained by the agreed Planning Permission Longstop Date

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then the Council was entitled to either terminate the Contract or invite VES to propose a RPP. The RPP mechanism in the Contract allows VES to propose an alternative site and/or design and other consequential changes to the Contract. Following the failure of the New Barnfield proposal to obtain planning permission, in January 2015 the Council invited VES to submit a RPP and in July 2015 a RPP was submitted by VES in accordance with the Contract. The Council may now either accept the RPP or reject it.

2.2 If the Council accepts the RPP it will need to bring the RPP into effect by varying the Contract. If the Council rejects the RPP it will need to terminate the Contract and pay compensation to VES.

2.3 The RPP submitted by VES details their proposal to develop a high efficiency energy recovery facility (“the Facility”), based on modern incineration technology, and designed to meet R1 "recovery" status1 under the Waste Framework Directive. The Facility would be Combined Heat & Power (“CHP”) “ready” and with recovery/reprocessing of Incinerator Bottom Ash (“IBA”) derived from the processing of residual waste streams. 2.4 The location of the proposed Facility is at Fieldes Lock, Rye House, Hoddesdon (“the Site”). The land is owned by Tarmac Aggregates Limited (“Tarmac”) and discussions have been completed by VES to secure the site, that is, an Option for Lease has been signed (and is pending exchange on Council RPP acceptance) between Tarmac and VES. This element of the RPP has taken considerable time to secure and is the principal reason for the delay in publicly announcing elements of the draft RPP earlier in the process. 2.5 The proposed Facility would have a nominal capacity and the ability to accept 320k tonnes per annum of waste (based on normal calorific values and plant availability) and is expected to generate 33.5 Megawatt electric (MWe) gross of power (30.2MWe nett). This can be considered as the equivalent electricity input into the National Grid for 69,0002 typical households. VES will remain obliged to accept the same level of waste (should it arise) prescribed by the Contract, 352k tonnes per annum, so the RPP maintains the current flexibility and resilience to manage residual waste growth. 2.6 As a result of physical constraints at the Site, the Facility will not include a front end materials recycling and recovering facility as was proposed as part of VES’ New Barnfield solution. 2.7 The Contract Guaranteed Minimum Tonnage (“GMT”) input commitment from the Council has been reduced from 180k to 135k tonnes per annum with payment banding structured into three bands, (i) 0 to 180k tonnes, (ii) 180,001 to the Council’s revised waste flow projections submitted as part of the RPP process and (iii) up to the Contract maximum tonnage of 352k for the Facility to cater for waste growth above projected levels.

1 A performance indicator for the level of energy recovered from waste. Those that achieve R1 status can be classified as ‘recovery’ facilities rather than disposal facilities. 2 According to OFGEM (2015) typical domestic electrical consumption is 3.5 MWh/home/year was, Rye House should generate 241,600 MWh per year= 69,000 households

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2.8 Should the Council decide to accept and effect the RPP through a Deed of Variation to the Contract and a planning permission is obtained in line with VES’s expectations, the Planned Services Commencement Date for the Facility is estimated to be the 31 December 2020.

2.9 The proposed operational period of the Contract is 30 years (“Contract Period”) following planning and construction for the Facility. The Contract would expire in 2050 (“Expiry Date”).

2.10 Given the Site is owned by Tarmac and would be secured by VES on a long lease (“the Headlease”), on the Expiry Date of the Contract the Site and Facility would not be in the Council’s control. At the end of the Contract Period, VES retain the Facility and would be able to continue to operate it for the final ten years of its planned life (40 year total) based on 100% non-contract waste. This allows a longer depreciation period for the Facility which is reflected in a lower unitary charge for the Council (the calculated gate fee per tonne in accordance with the payment mechanism in the Contract). This also means at the end of the Headlease term that VES rather than the Council is responsible for decommissioning the Facility and returning the Site to Tarmac as a “flat site”.

2.11 To retain flexibility in relation to the Facility, an “option” has been negotiated to allow the Council to make a one-off capital investment 2 years prior to the end of the Contract Period to purchase the remaining term of the Headlease from VES. The Council would then be Tarmac’s tenant rather than VES and could use the Facility for the remainder of the Headlease term of the Facility. The Council has no obligation to exercise this option.

2.12 Alongside consideration of the RPP, the Council has also considered other options available and has conducted a market consultation exercise to understand how the RPP compares to other potential alternatives. Further detail is contained in section 16 of the report below.

3. Recommendations

3.1 The Community Safety and Waste Management Panel will consider a report on this item of business at its meeting on 4 March 2016. The Panel will be invited to recommend:-

“That Cabinet:

1. (a) approves the acceptance in principle of the Revised Project Plan (RPP) submitted by Veolia ES (VES) Hertfordshire Limited subject to the satisfactory conclusion of the legal drafting required to vary the Residual Waste Treatment Contract (the Contract) and subject to satisfactory conclusion of the legal drafting of all associated ancillary documents required to give effect to the RPP; and .

(b) authorises the Assistant Director – Transport, Waste & Environmental Management to conclude the detailed discussions on the RPP with VES and discussion and drafting of the Contract variation and all

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associated ancillary documents in consultation with the Chief Legal Officer and the Chief Finance Officer (Section 151 Officer).

2. Subject to 1 above, authorises:

(a) the Chief Executive and Director of Environment, in consultation with the Executive Member for Community and Waste Management, to accept the RPP; and

(b) the Council to enter into the relevant Contract variation agreement and to enter into any necessary documentation required to give effect to the RPP and to take all other steps and actions to protect the Council’s interests.

(c) authorises the Assistant Director – Transport, Waste & Environmental Management in consultation with the Chief Legal Officer and the Chief Finance Officer (Section 151 Officer) to enter into a further deed of variation to the Contract to extend the deadline for acceptance of the RPP from 31 March 2016 to 30 June 2016 if this is considered necessary to enable the Contract variation agreement and other necessary documentation referred to in 1 (b) above to be concluded to the Council’s satisfaction and/or to enable all other steps and actions to be taken to protect the Council’s interests. (d) agrees that the Chief Legal Officer (and in her absence either the Assistant Chief Legal Officer Environment, Property and Dispute Resolution or the Head of Commercial Law) be authorised to execute the Contract variation agreement and other necessary documentation referred to in 1 (b) above as are required to give effect to the above decisions, so far as such power is not already delegated by the County Council’s Constitution.”

3.2 The Cabinet Panel’s recommendation/s to Cabinet will be reported orally at the meeting and circulated to Members in the Order of Business 4. Background 4.1 The Hertfordshire Waste Procurement Programme (now the RWTP) was initiated to assist the Council to undertake its statutory duties as the Waste Disposal Authority, to provide disposal facilities for all of the residual LACW in Hertfordshire, as collected by the county, district and borough councils. The RWTP has its roots in the Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy 2007, as agreed by the Hertfordshire Waste Partnership (HWP), to seek a long term solution to meet residual LACW treatment and disposal needs.

4.2 A Contract Notice was placed in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) by the Council on 9 April 2009. Thirteen (13) pre-qualification questionnaires were received with the six (6) top scoring companies and consortia invited to participate in the competitive dialogue process. Following the receipt and evaluation of the Outline Solutions, four (4) bidders were invited to submit Detailed Solutions.

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4.3 Final tenders from the two (2) top scoring bidders (E.On Energy from Waste AG and Veolia ES Aurora Limited) were received in January 2011. Following the evaluation of the final tenders, a recommendation to name VES as preferred bidder was made by the Waste Management Cabinet Panel on 28 April 2011. The recommendation was approved by Cabinet on the same day.

4.4 On 27 July 2011 the Council and VES, a special purpose project company established by Veolia ES Aurora Limited for the RWTP entered into the Contract for the provision, by VES to the Council, of residual waste treatment services including the design, construction, financing and operation of a Recycling & Energy Recovery Facility (“RERF”) at New Barnfield, Hatfield.

4.5 On 8 July 2014 the Secretary of State for the Department of Communities and Local Government (“SoS”) refused to grant planning permission for the RERF at New Barnfield. VES successfully challenged this refusal in the High Court. The SoS re-determined the planning application and on 16 July 2015 issued a notice refusing the application.

4.6 The Contract with VES contains provisions allowing the Council, on planning failure, the option to request a RPP from VES to provide an alternative solution for Hertfordshire’s residual LACW.

4.7 Following a recommendation from the Highways and Waste Management Cabinet Panel, and a decision by Cabinet in November 2014 in accordance with the mechanisms in the Contract, a Deed of Variation to the Contract was completed and a RPP was requested from VES on 7 January 2015, giving VES up to six months to present a draft proposal for evaluation. During this period VES explored a number of options for the disposal of Hertfordshire’s residual LACW and met regularly with officers to discuss progress and proposals.

4.8 A draft RPP was submitted by VES on 7 July 2015 and discussions over the content were held with the Council for a period of six months that led to the submission of a final draft RPP in late December 2015. In addition to consideration of the RPP from a deliverability and affordability perspective and discussion with VES over its commercial terms, the Council has also undertaken an evaluation of the RPP to assess how it compares to the New Barnfield solution and other solutions that were proposed in the original RWTP procurement. This work and analysis is now complete and is the subject of this report.

4.9 A detailed history of the programme can be found in the Highways and Waste Management Cabinet Panel report dated 4 November 2014 and the Community Safety and Waste Management Panel report dated 21 October 2015.

5. RPP Site

5.1 The RPP Site secured by VES is located off Ratty’s Lane in Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire. The full address is: 2 Ratty's Lane, Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire, EN11 0RF. A plan showing the location of the Site is shown in Figure 1.

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5.2 The Site is owned by Tarmac (previously Lafarge Aggregates Ltd) and is an existing industrial site with planning permission to operate an asphalt coating plant, an aggregates railhead and a ready-mixed concrete plant. 5.3 The floor space for the proposed facility would be approximately 7,950 square metres with a maximum height of 48 metres and with twin slimline emissions stacks not likely to exceed 100m in height.

5.4 The Site is not located in the Green Belt but it is not an allocated site for waste management within the adopted Hertfordshire Waste Local Plan and is safeguarded as a Rail Aggregate depot within the Hertfordshire Minerals Plan. Although the site is not an allocated site for waste management, policy within the Council’s Waste Local Plan allows for sites that are not allocated to be developed for waste purposes providing that proposals can demonstrate that such a development is in compliance with the relevant policy requirements. Figure 1: Location and boundary of the proposed EfW facility

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5.5 The proposed Facility would also provide a waste education centre for use by the Council and its partners (e.g. school and community group visits). VES’s outline RPP design is shown in Figures 2 and 3 below.

5.6 Deliverability of the Facility in relation to the Site has been discussed at length during evaluation of the RPP. This report recognises that, should the Council wish to accept the RPP proposals and complete a further Deed of Variation to the Contract (in accordance with the mechanisms in the Contract), VES would be required to obtain a Satisfactory Planning Permission (“SPP”) and other necessary consents for the RPP and this will be determined by the Council’s Development Control Committee in response to a planning application from VES

Figure 2: Artists impression of the facility from the rail sidings

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Figure 3: Artists impression from the tow path

5.7 The Contract as amended by the RPP Deed of Variation will require VES to use “all reasonable endeavours” to obtain a SPP for the proposed RPP Facility by the agreed Planning Permission Longstop Date (“PLSD”) as detailed in the accompanying Part II report. If, by the PLSD, VES have not obtained a SPP the Council will be entitled to terminate the Contract as varied for planning failure. On termination for planning failure the Council will have to pay VES compensation on termination at the capped sums described in Table 6.2 in Appendix 6 of this report.

5.8 The Contract as amended by the RPP Deed of Variation will also provide that if the waste planning authority refuses to grant a SPP or if any SPP is called-in neither party is obliged to incur expenditure on proceedings (unless the parties otherwise agree) and the Council would be entitled to terminate the Contract for planning failure (as in 5.7 above).

5.9 Whilst it is not necessarily appropriate for this report to conclude on planning deliverability matters, it is important that Members are aware of the key planning matters associated with delivering the Facility such as the local traffic impact. These matters are explored in greater detail as Appendix 1 to this report. 6. RPP technology

6.1 Like the New Barnfield solution, the RPP solution proposes the use of a two-line EfW Facility albeit with a significantly reduced overall nominal capacity than the New Barnfield solution (which was sized in total at 380k tonnes per annum with a 352k tonne per annum EfW solution post a mechanical pre-treatment process (“MPT”) at the ‘front-end’).

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6.2 The RPP proposed annual capacity of 320k tonnes per annum would generate 30.2 MWe (net, with no heat export). This is the equivalent of providing a comparable quantity of electricity into the National Grid as used by 69,000 households.

6.3 The RPP provides evidence of VES’ and the proposed construction sub- contractor’s good track record of providing this type of solution specifically, moving grate EfW technology would provide a robust and well proven solution for Hertfordshire.

6.4 The technology choice would achieve almost complete landfill diversion (c. 97% of all residual waste LACW received). The exception is the Flue Gas Treatment (“FGT”) residues which are proposed to be sent to the Minosus underground storage facility (within a rock salt mine in Cheshire) for disposal. This operation attracts Landfill Tax and thus, in the officer’s view, should not be considered as diversion.

6.5 Incinerator Bottom Ash (“IBA”) would be removed from the Site by rail and processed off-site to provide useable aggregate substitute material. The planned removal of IBA (c. 20% of the nominal capacity or 67k tonnes in 2021/22) by rail from the Site prior to being processed into useable products is seen as advantageous in mitigating potential impacts on the surrounding highways network. The rail sidings may further be utilised during the construction period and potentially for third party waste inputs to the Facility.

6.6 The proposed RPP Facility comprises a storage capacity in the waste bunker that satisfies the Council’s requirements for projected delivery volumes and the flexibility of a two-line facility provides comfort as to the availability of the Facility to receive and process Hertfordshire’s Contract waste.

6.7 A comprehensive contingency plan is outlined in the RPP allowing access to VES’s other UK EfW facilities during planned maintenance periods (without any additional cost to the Council) thereby maintaining high landfill diversion rates for the Council.

6.8 The RPP solution would meet existing legislation with respect to air emission levels and allowances in the design have been made for implementing a system to meet more stringent emission limits should they be introduced at a future date.

6.9 Due to the size of the Site, VES’s approach to the recovery of recyclables at the Facility does not include pre-treatment through MPT as was the case with the New Barnfield solution. Instead, an overband magnet would provide ferrous metal recovery from the IBA stream. This is common practice for similar facilities and has been taken into account in the financial assessment of the RPP.

6.10 The proposed Facility’s power export is considered favourably by the Council’s technical advisors, Ramboll. The lack of MPT has reduced the parasitic load (the amount of power the plant itself needs to operate) and the Facility would generate increased power output from a reduced tonnage in comparison to the New Barnfield solution.

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6.11 Overall the proposal does not include heat recovery, apart from a very small amount that may be utilised for heating the visitor centre. The proposal includes steam extraction to enable heat utilisation at a future date as is common place with recently constructed facilities of this nature in the UK. VES would undertake a process of discussion with proximate third parties that could potentially require heat input from the Facility prior to any planning application. If secured this would also be dealt with by a “gain share” approach (see section 9.9).

6.12 The RPP proposes a change in the technology and construction sub-contractor to a joint venture between B&W Volund and the Lagan Construction Group. Ramboll consider that there is a strong track record of the individual contracting parties and sub-suppliers working together on comparable schemes and this adds assurance and confidence to the RPP.

6.13 When developing a solution for residual LACW treatment, one of the fundamental technical decisions is the selection of the most suitable technology. There are a range of technologies to consider and, more specifically in relation to thermal treatment options, there appears to be a choice between well proven advanced moving grate systems and the less proven alternative technologies. To determine if the Contractor’s technology choice is suitable for the Council, it is important to look at a range of key criteria as the facility will be operated for many years, needing to provide a reliable and robust service. This is outlined further in Appendix 2 which also includes references in relation to emissions and public health issues.

6.14 In summary, the technology proposed for the Facility is a proven, reliable and flexible waste combustion recovery process and the RPP proposals have been designed to be compliant with the relevant legislative requirements by applying appropriate environmental controls, clean-up systems, monitoring and operating procedures to minimise emissions. Air emissions controls are set out in the RPP submission alongside the Contractor’s monitoring systems so that the impact of emissions (air, soil, surface/ground water) to the environment and human health will be minimised. An environmental permit application would be submitted by VES to the Environment Agency for approval during the planning process addressing all relevant parts of the applicable legislative requirements.

7 Policy and legislation 7.1 The RPP is designed to meet the requirements of the Contract (which is to manage all residual waste remaining following recycling, composting and other waste minimisation initiatives of the HWP). The proposals have been tested against the aims and objectives of the Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy 2007 (JMWMS) for Hertfordshire and can be summarised as set out below:- 7.1.1 The JMWMS seeks to promote the waste hierarchy through waste prevention and minimisation, reuse, increased recycling, composting and recovery of the remaining residual waste;

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7.1.2 Continued reliance on landfill is not sustainable due to its contribution to global warming, scarce local availability and severe financial penalties (this latter link to the Waste Emissions & Trading Act 2003 has since been repealed but key environmental and commercial drivers remain); 7.1.3 The strategy was developed following consultation with local stakeholders; 7.1.4 Locally generated waste needs to be handled locally; and 7.1.5 The Facility is part of a wider solution and does not prohibit future plans for waste reduction initiatives or increases in the levels of re-use, recycling and composting. 7.2 Whilst not part of the Waste Local Development Framework, the Council’s Waste Spatial Strategy (revised July 2009) was prepared on behalf of Hertfordshire County Council as Waste Disposal Authority. This document sets out the long term requirements of the Waste Disposal Authority as an input to the Minerals & Waste Development Framework process. 7.3 The Waste Spatial Strategy (WSS) identifies the location of some existing waste management facilities used by the Waste Disposal Authority and illustrates specific drive time isochrones to identify areas of search for potential new household waste recycling sites, waste transfer stations, in-vessel composting sites, waste bulking/depot facilities and residual waste treatment facilities. 7.4 To facilitate the more sustainable disposal of LACW in the County to 2031 and negate the need for continued waste export, the WSS considers that the following new and improved waste management facilities are likely to be required and, specifically in relation to the RPP proposals, this included “A new major waste treatment facility, two new waste transfer stations and retention of 70,000 tonnes per annum of landfill capacity for untreatable Municipal Solid Waste at 2031/32, rising to 75,000 tonnes per annum at 2039/40.” 7.5 Should the RPP proposals proceed, this would remove the need for the Council to provide an Eastern Waste Transfer Station with local district and borough council’s providing direct delivery to the Facility. It would also remove the assumed retention of some landfill capacity for “untreatable waste” as the Facility would manage and process all Contract waste for Hertfordshire.

7.6 The RPP proposals have been considered alongside current and potential future legislation pertaining to the waste management industry, such as the new circular economy package that was adopted by the European Commission on the 2 December 2015 as outlined in further detail in Appendix 3. 7.7 The RPP proposal will fulfil the requirement for a major waste treatment facility identified by the strategy and facilitate more sustainable management of waste in the county. It will also do this without undermining the prospects for increased recycling and composting due to its flexible yet robust technology that can adapt to changing waste composition and calorific values. This will enable it to maintain operational capacity through acceptance of “top-up” compatible Commercial Waste and Industrial Waste (but being less reliant on these ‘other’ inputs than the

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New Barnfield proposals) whilst also achieving wider landfill diversion benefits for those waste streams.

8 RPP environmental assessment

8.1 Information provided in the RPP submission demonstrates that it is a good environmental choice as it will virtually end reliance on environmentally damaging landfill and substantially reduce CO2 equivalent emissions.

8.2 As is the case when considering the environmental impact of major infrastructure such as that proposed, the RPP provides a performance comparator using the Waste and Resources Assessment Tool for the Environment (“WRATE”) which is a Government tool for assessing climate change impact. VES have provided a comparative effect of delivery of the Facility against both a baseline of landfill disposal and the Council’s existing interim contract arrangements (a mixture of EfW and landfill).

8.3 WRATE analysis carried out by VES shows a reduction of 116 million kg CO2 equivalent per annum when compared to landfill and a reduction of 80 million kg CO2 equivalent per annum when compared to existing arrangements. To provide some context, 80 million kg CO2 is broadly the equivalent of all the emissions generated by the Council’s street lighting3 over a 5 year period.

8.4 Combined Heat and Power delivery would further improve the environmental performance of the Facility by making more efficient use of the heat created during the process. The RPP Facility is designed as heat ‘enabled’.

8.5 DEFRA published their “Energy from Waste – A Guide to the Debate” in early 2013 to provide what is described as a ‘starting point for discussions about the role energy from waste may have in managing waste’. As such the DEFRA guide does not seek to provide an authoritative set of answers, rather it highlights the issues for discussion, the options available and the process for decision making.

8.6 The key messages of the DEFRA guide are that ‘residual’ waste is mixed waste that cannot be usefully reused or recycled. Whilst some recyclable materials may remain in the waste, they are too contaminated for recycling to be economically or practically feasible. DEFRA also identifies an alternative way of describing residual waste as being ‘mixed waste which at that point in time would otherwise go to landfill’.

8.7 DEFRA acknowledges that increased prevention, reuse and recycling will have a downwards effect on the amount of residual waste requiring treatment in the future, however energy from waste will remain important. In this regard, the guide states that the historical image of energy from waste is now outdated and a new generation of energy from waste plants are helping to continue the drive towards

3 The highways electricity figure is sourced from the Council’s energy management team and includes street lighting, signs, signals, subway pumps and electric charging points and is recorded as 15,837,000 kg CO2 equivalent in 2014.

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better, higher-efficiency energy from waste solutions. Under the Waste Framework Directive facilities are assessed on the level of energy produced from waste they achieve. High efficiency facilities achieve R1 status allowing them to be classed as recovery facilities rather than disposal facilities. The Contractors RPP proposals will achieve R1 status and will therefore be considered as a recovery process under the Waste Framework Directive, therefore, it can be considered reflective of this recognised trend.

8.8 The conclusion drawn by the DEFRA guide is that energy from waste has less adverse carbon impact than landfill.

8.9 With regard to emissions, the DEFRA guide states that as a result of the clean-up measures in modern energy recovery facilities “all the waste gases emitted from the plant meet the very tight limits placed on them by EU legislation. As a result, Energy from Waste Plants contribute only a small fraction of both local and national particulate and other emissions”.

8.10 With regard to health, DEFRA recognises that the potential health implications of emissions are often a focus of concern, hence the need for tight regulation. However the Health Protection Agency (HPA - now Public Health England) also reviewed the wide ranging research undertaken, in order to examine the links suggested by some, between emissions from EfW facilities and the effects on health. The guide identified that the conclusions of the HPA are that, well managed facilities make only a small contribution to local concentrations of pollutants (and whilst not discounting the possibility of such small additions having an impact upon health, if they exist, they “are likely to be very small and not detectable”). This conclusion has been further confirmed by the first data released from the findings of a more recent study commissioned by the HPA successor body - "Public Health England".

8.11 Initial informal consultation with Hertfordshire’s Director of Public Health indicates his preliminary conclusion is that health risks are minimal. However, he has indicated that he will need to consider the matter further and will also seek a formal view and advice from Public Health England. He has undertaken to provide more considered feedback (informed by advice from Public Health England) which will be published in due course.

8.13 In summary, the RPP proposals are a key part of a solution for Hertfordshire’s LACW which remains after continued and improved efforts on waste prevention and diversion through re-use, recycling and/or composting are made. The continued use of landfill, scarcity of local disposal options, and therefore ever increasing distances to access final disposal points, leads to a reasonable conclusion that the proposed Facility represents the right environmental solution for treating Hertfordshire’s residual LACW closer to where it is produced.

9 RPP financial proposals

9.1 The savings position of the New Barnfield solution was £667m and this was reduced by in the order of £217m due to the loss of PFI credits. It should be

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noted that this initial assessment was a comparison against the 2010 set of interim disposal contracts which included a significant use of landfill as a means of disposal.

9.2 The current set of interim disposal contracts (2014) were procured at a time when new EfW facilities in the surrounding area (i.e. Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire) were nearing completion and there was competition for residual LACW in order to assist in the EfW commissioning process. The disposal rates are considered favorable in the context of the current market and savings in the waste management disposal budget of £1.5m have been delivered.

9.3 It is considered unlikely that further savings could be achieved with a future extension of these short term contracts and an increase in contract rates per tonne in the region of 10% is in-line with average market gate fees. This pressure has been identified through the Council’s Integrated Plan process and was confirmed in discussions with existing interim service providers.

9.4 The Council holds the risk under the Contract for movement in the foreign exchange rate. Since financial close in 2011, when the EUR:GBP position was 1.1946, movement in the foreign exchange rate has generally been in the council’s favour. As was the case for New Barnfield, the RPP proposal has a significant proportion of its capital expenditure priced in Euros and so the risk profile remains the same. A stronger pound against the Euro will make the final facility price cheaper and vice versa.

9.5 The RPP figures are calculated using a baseline of 1.35 EUR:GBP (a baseline of 1.35€ was used following analysis of 2015 rates up to the time of submission).

9.6 Given the Site is owned by Tarmac and would be secured by VES on a long lease (“the Headlease”), on the Expiry Date of the Contract the Site and Facility would not be in the Council’s control. At the end of the Contract Period, VES retain the Facility and would be able to continue to operate it for the final ten years of its planned life (40 year total) based on 100% non-contract waste. This allows a longer depreciation period for the Facility which is reflected in a lower unitary charge for the Council (the calculated gate fee per tonne in accordance with the payment mechanism in the Contract). This also means at the end of the Headlease term that VES rather than the Council is responsible for decommissioning the Facility and returning the Site to Tarmac as a “flat site”.

9.7 To retain flexibility in relation to the Facility, an “option” has been negotiated to make a one-off capital investment 2 years prior to the end of the Contract Period to purchase the remaining term of the Headlease from VES. The Council would then be Tarmac’s tenant rather than VES and could use the Facility for the remainder of the Headlease term of the Facility. The Council has no obligation to exercise this option and the projected payment for the option is set out in the Part II report.

9.8 In order to test the outputs from the affordability modelling a number of sensitivities were run to ascertain the economic impact different factors would have on the overall affordability. The sensitivities modelled covered a range of

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areas; differences in indexation, differences in the proportion of waste that could be treated at an EfW facility and, where a range of information was provided in response to the market consultation exercise, differences in haulage and gate fees.

9.9 In carrying out such sensitivities it should be noted that the RPP is effectively being considered on a ‘worst case’ scenario, the financial position reflects only the guarantees within the RPP financial model and contract payment mechanism and is not a position based on projections of any of the ‘gain-share’ opportunities within the Contract. ‘Gain share’ opportunities in the Contract exist where any income above the guaranteed threshold in the Contract payment mechanism is shared between VES and the Council. In contrast, the credible alternatives have been considered in a more optimistic manner in order to robustly challenge the base case for the RPP.

9.10 Further detail of the assumptions and modelling are detailed in Appendix 5 and the outputs are summarised in Figure 4. In all scenarios tested, the RPP is projected as the most financially efficient for the Council.

9.11 The RPP was also tested against the original 2011 Contract final tender prices and, due to indexation, whilst the cost to the Council of the RPP is higher than the original New Barnfield proposal as tendered, the cost of the RPP is better value for money than if the New Barnfield proposal had been delivered post approval following the call-in and public inquiry (using the delay indexation provisions in the Contract).

9.12 The financial benefit of having an MPT was considered as part of the Council’s review of the RPP. A review of the MPT within the New Barnfield plan showed that the additional costs associated with running the MPT marginally outweighed the financial benefits such as increased recycling revenue and increased third party waste capacity. The reduction in market rates for recyclates as compared to 2011 means that an MPT in the RPP would be unlikely to make a financial contribution to the project and would most likely increase the Council’s forecast costs. That said it is site limitations and not financial considerations that meant an MPT could not even be considered.

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Figure 4: Cost of Residual Waste Disposal over 30 year

period (£,000) 1,800,000

1,600,000 1,400,000 1,200,000 1,000,000






5 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 6 6



Key to modelled Credible Alternative Scenarios 1. EfW solution with multiple suppliers 2. EfW solution with a single supplier 3. RDF solution with multiple suppliers 4. EfW/RDF combination 5. Solution using the WRAP EfW median gate fees 6. Solution using the WRAP MBT/MHT median gate fees RPP RPP and foreign exchange rate sensitivities (RPPa to RPPc)

9.13 The cheapest credible alternative modelled was Scenario 2, an EfW solution with a single supplier. As can be seen in Table 1, even when using the most optimistic assumptions for the scenario, the RPP is better value. The RPP financial assessment indicates that it is forecast to be £72m better over 30 years compared to the best case for Scenario 2. Compared to the average and worst case of Scenario 2 the RPP is £210m and £395m better respectively.

9.14 It is now the case that the first ‘band’ of 180k tonnes of waste delivered per annum into the Facility would be unindexed, i.e. at a fixed cost for the 30 year operational period and at a price that compares well with the current market and prices from the market engagement exercise. This provides the Council with an incentive to continue to build on the good work to date to prevent and divert residual LACW by supporting recycling and composting as part of a linked solution. It also does so within a reasonable timeframe towards the proposed national target years.


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Table 1: Cost of residual waste disposal of the RPP against the cheapest credible alternative

Seven Years Fifteen Years Thirty Years

Residual Cost Residual Cost Residual Cost Scenario (£1000s) Waste advantage of Waste advantage of Waste advantage of Disposal costs RPP (bid) Disposal costs RPP (bid) Disposal costs RPP (bid) (NPV4) (NPV) (NPV) Single EfW - 225,000 -15,000 549,000 -82,000 1,492,000 -395,000 Highest cost Single EfW - 222,000 -13,000 518,000 -51,000 1,308,000 -210,000 Average (median) Single EfW - 219,000 -9,000 485,000 -18,000 1,170,000 -72,000 Lowest cost RPP @ 1.25 211,000 479,000 1,128,000 RPP @ 1.30 210,000 473,000 1,112,000 RPP @ 1.35 210,000 467,000 1,098,000 (RPP bid price) RPP @ 1.40 209,000 462,000 1,084,000

9.15 The comparative value for money of the RPP versus other options is due to a combination of factors.

9.15.1 A local solution reducing haulage costs 9.15.2 Commitment by the Council to a long term contract for the majority of the capacity (and a GMT) 9.15.3 VES’s return requirement reflects the fact that a Council led project presents less risk than a merchant project 9.15.4 Partial indexation of the Council’s unitary charge 9.15.5 Technology solution is efficient meaning electricity generation is high 9.15.6 The Council is sharing the planning risk (if planning permission is not granted the capped termination cost applies) 9.16 In addition to the value for money reasons in 9.15 above, the revenue sharing clauses on third party waste and electricity (over guaranteed Council income levels) have the potential to provide additional beneficial financial opportunities for the Council. 9.17 The credible alternatives are market price solutions (even for medium terms) where the provider takes most of the risks. In the RPP, shared risks are significant contributors to a more bankable solution and better value for money for the Council. 9.18 In conclusion, a comparison of the RPP with the market engagement responses has been limited to deliverable and realistic returns from industry participants which are capable of providing a solution for Hertfordshire’s residual waste from

4 Net Present Value (NPV) is the present value of future costs.

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2018 and/or 2021 (the end of extended current arrangements). It shows that, although credible alternative options are available, the application of full or partial indexation within those arrangements and the increased haulage costs to access the alternate facilities confirms that the most financially beneficial approach is to proceed with the RPP.

10 Defra statistics and capacity gap 10.1 Statistics from the national waste management reporting system (WasteDataFlow) for 2014/15 have recently been released by Defra. They show that, provision of EfW facilities varies by region. As summarised in Figure 5, the Eastern region retains a comparatively high use of landfill in comparison to regions in the North or Midland areas of England. 10.2 There are a number of industry bodies predicting that the UK will fail to provide the infrastructure that it requires in order to meet the national targets for diversion of waste from landfill. However, Defra’s preferred assessment of the national capacity gap relies on the established industry consultancy firm, Eunomia who suggest there will be an excess of capacity in the UK. 10.3 Eunomia produce a report every 6 months to assess if the UK is still on course to exceed the waste infrastructure it will need to meet future national targets. The latest update to the “Eunomia Residual Waste Infrastructure Review” was issued on 27 December 2015 and maintains that, “The UK is on course to hit its targets. This is especially true if it is to achieve the higher levels of recycling envisaged in the European Commission’s Circular Economy Package, but remains true at lower recycling rates”.

Figure 5: Regional Percentage of Local Authority Collected Waste Sent to Landfill 2014/2015

England South West Eastern North West Yorkshire and the Humber East Midlands London South East West Midlands North East

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Percentage of LACW sent to Landfill

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10.4 The Eunomia report states that “capacity of facilities either currently operational, being built or having reached financial close and expected to be operational by 2020/21, combined with anticipated waste exports, will total 23.1 million tonnes per annum of demand. Fully utilised, this will exceed the 22.7 million tonnes of residual waste expected to be produced in the same year”. 10.5 It is interesting to note that, in contrast to some of their previous publications, the Eunomia report applies assumptions for an increase in household waste growth (a 0.5% year on year increase) and commercial waste (a 0.5% year on year increase). It assumes industrial waste will reduce (a 1% year on year reduction). 10.6 In summary, it may or may not prove to be the case that the UK meets its targets but the Eastern region retains a comparatively high level of landfill and the Council faces competition to access to a limited number of regional facilities. The recently released Defra statistics suggest that, nationally and in overall terms, waste growth is occurring, analysis of the Defra statistics for the Eastern region demonstrates similar levels of overall waste growth. Table 2 shows the level of growth in England and the Eastern region.

Table 2: Waste growth Percentage Percentage England (,000's) 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 change change Total LACW 24,955 25,518 2.25% 25,737 0.86% LACW residual 14,379 14,587 1.45% 14,670 0.57% Total household waste 22,580 22,967 1.71% 23,169 0.88% Household residual waste 12,821 12,987 1.30% 13,052 0.50% Percentage Percentage Eastern Region (,000's) 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 change change Total LACW 2,794 2,877 2.94% 2,904 0.95% LACW residual 1,465 1,482 1.19% 1,498 1.04% Total household waste 2,616 2,685 2.64% 2,706 0.76% Household residual waste 1,347 1,363 1.16% 1,372 0.66%

11 Hertfordshire’s residual LACW

11.1 In 2014/15 Hertfordshire County Council disposed of c. 534,000 tonnes of LACW, c. 266,000 tonnes of which was residual LACW requiring disposal. Figure 6 shows the quantity of LACW in each year since 2001/02.

11.2 It should be noted that since 2001/02 significant improvements have occurred in the quantity of material separated for recycling and/or composting due to implementation of new services in kerbside collection and at household waste recycling centres. This is particularly pleasing considering the increasing population in the County over the period shown.

11.3 Despite improvements in recycling there remains a significant quantity of material that must be disposed and/or treated and it is becoming increasingly more challenging to deliver further improvements in these times of fiscal austerity,

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future population pressure and when the majority of the ‘easy wins’ have already been delivered. The County’s recycling rate has remained relatively static since 2011/12 at or just under 50% of household LACW.

11.4 As acknowledged by Eunomia in their December 2015 report, predictions in future waste volumes cannot be an exact science and there are many factors to take into account such as further gains (or losses) that might be possible in recycling and waste minimisation, the state of the economy, services, future targets and population pressure.

Figure 6: Historic Patterns in Hertfordshire's LACW 700,000 1,200,000

600,000 1,000,000 500,000 800,000 400,000 600,000

Tonnes 300,000 400,000 Population 200,000

100,000 200,000

- 0

Total Municipal Residual Total Municipal Recycled and Reused Total Municipal Composted Total Municipal Recovered Hertfordshire Population

11.5 To inform the RPP and market consultation exercise, officers have produced an updated waste flow model that takes into account recent and known changes in kerbside collections in Hertfordshire and improvements in separation for re-use, recycling and composting. Planned alternate methods of treatment for suitable parts of the residual waste stream e.g. street sweeping diversion have also been modelled. Extracts from the new wasteflow is set out in Table 3 below and shows a reduction from the levels previously estimated when producing an outline business case for PFI credits that fed into the procurement for the Contract.

Table 3: Waste flow Contract Year Residual Contract Waste projection (tonnes per annum) 2015/16 258,000 2020/21 266,000 2030/31 291,000 2050/51 340,000

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11.6 In modelling future waste growth, officers have assumed that Hertfordshire will continue to invest and work on waste minimisation initiatives and that this will successfully mitigate increases in waste associated with economic growth. The projections are therefore limited to future housing growth using the adopted and/or latest projections of the district and borough local plan commitments for housing numbers.

11.7 Discussions with VES in relation to the RPP concerned a Facility that is sized for the Council’s needs and less reliant on third party waste input. This concluded with VES’ proposal of a Facility sized at 320k tonnes per annum but with an obligation to dispose of volumes up to the current Contract requirements relating to New Barnfield of 352k tonnes per annum should waste volumes prove higher in the long term at no extra cost. The reduced GMT (Guaranteed Minimum Tonnage) level of 135k tonnes per annum was also settled as a further significant improvement for the Council during RPP discussions.

11.8 Projections on Hertfordshire’s residual waste growth must be considered in context with the major service changes at the kerbside in recent years. This is detailed further in Appendix 4 and summarised in table 4 below.

Table 4: Residual waste growth by Hertfordshire’s WCAs 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 to to to 2015/16 2013/14 2014/15 (Qtrs 1 to 3) All WCA’s (including service -0.93% -0.67% -0.01% changes) WCA’s (excluding service changes) +1.81% +0.98% +1.72%

11.9 The volumes of residual waste that have been used in the RPP are now based on a more comprehensive set of services at the kerbside across Hertfordshire and have been tested against a range of sensitivities to challenge the suitability of the proposed Facility to meet Hertfordshire’s needs. The detail of these sensitivities is also detailed in Appendix 4. This shows that, of the scenarios tested, there is no scenario where the anticipated level of residual waste fails to meet the GMT presented by VES in the RPP.

11.10 Whilst these projections suggest that the GMT set in the RPP proposals is set at a level that represents a very low risk of breach, and is not at a level that inhibits the desire to improve the proportion of material that is prevented, separated for re-use or diverted for recycling or composting, it cannot be absolutely guaranteed that the Council will provide the GMT throughout the Contract period. At the same time, the GMT is commonly linked to the unitary charge payments in contractual financial models and lower GMTs are typically reflected in higher prices paid as it is seen as a risk transfer for the contractor to source higher volumes of third party waste to meet the optimum performance level of a facility.

11.11 Should the Council fall short of the GMT the Contract contains mechanisms that, in the first instance, require VES to source waste from its own or third party

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sources (“Substitute Waste”) in accordance with an annual plan, thereafter, the Council may source waste itself to fulfil any shortfall. With consideration of VES’ local and national commercial operations, the RPP provides substantial further assurance that VES have more than sufficient commercial waste under their control to meet any shortfall that may arise, however unlikely this is currently believed to be.

11.12 Analysis summarised in Table 5 below shows the recycling rate that would need to be achieved if 135k tonnes per annum (reduced GMT agreed for the RPP) of residual waste was generated by the Council according to the revised Wasteflow projections.

Table 5: Recycling rate if the GMT was met but not exceeded 2015/16 2020/21 2030/31 2050/51

Recycling Rate should 135,000 tonnes per annum of 74.79% 75.97% 78.02% 81.21% residual waste be produced

11.13 In summary, whilst improvements in the reduction of residual LACW have been made, there is currently underlying residual waste growth in Hertfordshire most probably linked to an improving economy and increased provision of housing. As recent waste compositional analysis shows, further improvement can still be made although this requires investment and efforts from partner authorities and residents to be delivered and the GMT is set at a level that would enable all Hertfordshire authorities to deliver significant further increases in the proportion of LACW that is prevented, re-used or diverted for recycling/composting.

12 Commercial implications

12.1 The RPP solution will be delivered through the current Contract with VES but to give effect to the RPP certain changes are proposed to the Contract. Key contractual changes are described in Appendix 6 to this report. 12.2 The RPP maintains the Contract services requirements and Contract targets with a number of improvements to the commercial terms for the Council. The proposed solution also offers flexibility in relation to the Facility at the end of the Contract Period. 12.3 As the Contract was a PFI contract and the Council was to be in receipt of a Waste Infrastructure Grant from Defra, the Contract continues to be on terms consistent with the Defra model contract for waste infrastructure projects (WIDP contract) and is consistent with HM Treasury’s guidance on PFI contracts that was in place when the Contract was entered in 2011 (guidance now withdrawn). The risk allocation in the Contract was described in the report to Members at the time of the procurement in April 2011. 12.4 The risk allocation assumed in the Contract is not impacted by the RPP proposal. The changes proposed to be made to the Contract to bring the RPP into effect are consequential on the RPP. There are some changes that represent an improved commercial position for the Council but overall the changes are

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considered to be either of no commercial significance or their overall impact on the Council is neutral. The changes proposed to the Contract are not substantial. 13 Financial Implications 13.1 The financial implications for the Council associated with the RPP are described in section 9 above. 13.2 There are no changes to those outlined in the Council’s integrated plan for the short term pressures due to increased landfill tax, gate fees post natural expiry of the existing interim contracts and the cessation of the long term Edmonton EfW arrangements. The planned savings for reduced use of advisors in the RWTP budget would be delivered should the Council decide to accept or reject the RPP. 13.3 If the RPP is rejected and the Contract terminated the Council will have to pay VES contract termination costs in the order of £1.2 million. As part of the risk management process for the RWTP a special contingency was created to deal with contract risks. In the event of termination following rejection of the RPP, this reserve could be used to meet termination costs. These costs are not payable if the Council accepts the RPP unless VES fail to obtain planning permission for the RPP solution at which time the Contract would be terminated. 13.4 The provision of infrastructure such as waste transfer stations requires capital investment. A high level estimate of cost for constructing an eastern transfer station has been identified (in the region of £6 million) and this funding is already built in to the Council’s capital programme. Capital investment of a similar scale would be required for the development of a northern transfer station which would need to be included within the Integrated Plan Process. Should the RPP proceed and achieve planning permission, part of the identified £6 million for the eastern transfer station could be released and a new bid placed to fund a transfer station in the north of the County. 14 Legal Implications 14.1 In accordance with the Contract, the Council may now either accept the RPP or reject it. If the Council accepts the RPP it will need to bring the RPP into effect by varying the Contract and entering into other associated ancillary documents. 14.2 If the Council accepts the RPP the Council and VES will enter in to Deed of Variation to the Contract (the RPP Deed of Variation). The RPP Deed of Variation will recite key contextual matters including that:

14.2.1 The RPP Deed of Variation is entered pursuant to the RPP mechanism included in the Contract;

14.2.2 VES’ parent company guarantor consents to the variation and simultaneously enters a new parent company guarantee on substantially the same terms as the “agreed form” in the Contract

14.2.3 A restated Contract is attached updating the Project Agreement and relevant Schedules to be varied by the RPP.

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14.3 In addition to the RPP Deed of Variation, VES and the Council will also enter into a number of ancillary documents to give effect to the RPP. The key documents are:

14.3.1 VES will enter into a new construction sub-contract with its selected construction sub-contractor for the RPP. The construction sub-contract is in substantially the same form as the sub-contract entered with the 2011 Contract;

14.3.2 The Council will enter into a collateral warranty with the construction sub- contractor to give the Council direct rights against the construction sub- contractor in certain scenarios. The collateral warranty is in substantially the same form as the warranty entered with the 2011 Contract;

14.3.3 VES’ parent company will provide a parent company guarantee in support of the RPP and VES to which the Council is also a party. The guarantee is in substantially the same form as the guarantee entered with the 2011 Contract;

14.3.4 VES and the Council will enter into various property agreements between themselves and with Tarmac to give effect to the property arrangements.

14.3.5 VES and the Council will enter into a deed of appointment for an independent certifier who will be engaged to sign off various construction and commissioning tests for the Facility. The deed of appointment is in substantially the same form as the deed envisaged for the 2011 Contract.

14.4 In considering the variations to the Contract proposed by the RPP the Council needs to consider the provisions of the Public Contract Regulations 2015 and in particular regulation 72 which deals with modification of contracts during their term. Regulation 72 permits contracting authorities to modify (vary) a contract without a new procurement where the modification (irrespective of its value) is not substantial within the meaning of regulation 72(8) of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. The proposed changes to the Contract to bring the RPP into effect are not substantial within the meaning of regulation 72(8) of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 so that the Council is entitled to accept the RPP and enter into the RPP Deed of Variation without re-procuring the Contract. 14.5 If the Council rejects the RPP it will need to terminate the Contract and pay compensation on termination to VES. The compensation payable on termination is detailed in section 13 of this report (Financial implications). 14.6 Further detail on the legal implications associated with the RPP is included in the Part II report.

15 Equalities Implications 15.1 When considering proposals placed before Members it is important that they are fully aware of, and have themselves rigorously considered the equality implications of the decision that they are making.

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15.2 Rigorous consideration will ensure the proper appreciation of any potential impact of that decision on the Council’s statutory obligations under the Public Sector Equality Duty. As a minimum this requires decision makers to read and carefully consider the content of any Equalities Impact Assessment (EqIA) produced by officers. 15.3 The Equality Act 2010 requires the Council when exercising its functions to have due regard to the need to (a) eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and other conduct prohibited under the Act; (b) advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it and (c) foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it. The protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010 are age; disability; gender reassignment; marriage and civil partnership; pregnancy and maternity; race; religion and belief, sex and sexual orientation. 15.4 An Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) has been undertaken in the case of rejection or acceptance of the RPP and is detailed at Appendix 7. 16 The assessment of alternative options available to the Council

16.1 In order to inform the discussion and evaluation of the RPP, officers have held informal discussions with representatives from a number of existing and potential service providers to understand the alternative options available and a formal market engagement exercise was carried out.

16.2 A Prior Information Notice (“PIN”) was placed in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) on the 19 September 2015 which invited suitably experienced and interested suppliers to complete a questionnaire. The purpose was to more formally collect information on industry ideas of how to deal with Hertfordshire’s residual LACW, an indication of prices, available capacity and their view on preferred technology and contract length to provide the Council with best value and performance.

16.3 To assist respondents in submitting their proposals, the Council’s updated waste arisings and recent compositional analysis accompanied the PIN.

16.4 The responses from this exercise were returned on 23 October 2015 and further clarification was obtained to assist in the Council’s affordability analysis and to inform the Member decision making process.

16.5 Responses were received from 10 companies with a combination of 14 solutions presented in total. In summary:-

16.5.1 All of the responses proposed direct thermal treatment or pre- treatment followed by thermal treatment.

16.5.2 9 of the 14 solutions indicated that they could accommodate the whole of the County’s projected waste volumes.

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16.5.3 A clear indication was given that longer term contracts would offer the Council the best value for money with 5 of the 10 companies offering services over any contract length ( 7 years - short, 15 years - medium or 30 years - long)

16.5.4 Those responses which involved pre-treatment and export to mainland Europe indicated a preference for short or medium length arrangements.

16.5.5 Of the 14 solutions presented, 4 were for pre-treatment of residual waste into a Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) prior to thermal treatment, 4 were for Design Build Finance and Operate arrangements and 6 were for service contracts for thermal treatment or a combination of thermal treatment and landfill provision.

16.5.6 All responses indicated that road transfer was the most likely mode of access albeit one did have rail access (if an available option) and those indicating export to mainland Europe required waste shipping arrangements to access final disposal facilities.

16.7 The Council does not currently have access to move residual LACW by rail. The uncertainty over delivery and accurately forecasting the level of funding that may be required for development of rail access restricted the assessment of credible alternatives to accessing facilities by road (as is currently the case) and the assumption that a network of supporting infrastructure in the North and East of the County could provide such transfer arrangements or be configured to develop a processing facility to produce Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) for export.

16.8 Recently, regional capacity in the existing interim disposal arrangements has been reduced since the time of market consultation. Specifically, the Ardley EfW facility in Oxfordshire ( secures-two-residual-waste-deals/) has signed two new long term contracts for 130k tonnes per annum to add to a previous commercial arrangement with a service provider for 50k tonnes per annum. This increases the risk that, without a local solution, part or all of Hertfordshire’s residual waste will need to be transported increasing distances to access suitable disposal facilities. Extensions to the existing interim disposal contracts are at the sole discretion of the Council but the future use of the facility for the medium or long term is less than certain.

16.9 In considering whether to model a new Design, Build, Finance and Operate (DBFO) option as a comparator to the RPP officers carried out an assessment of the key value drivers to determine whether a clear case can be made that a new DBFO project could improve upon the RPP offer provided by VES. Based on the considerations in Appendix 5, officers are of the view that a new DBFO procurement would not offer a sufficient expectation of comparable or better value than the RPP as to merit detailed modelling.

16.10 The prices presented by suppliers in the market engagement exercise were used to develop a number of potential, credible alternatives to feed into the affordability modelling to establish the long term costs of disposal and how these costs and

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alternative arrangements compare to the RPP presented by VES. The feedback from the market was grouped into the following credible alternative scenarios:

Scenario 1 EfW solution with multiple suppliers Scenario 2 EfW solution with a single supplier Scenario 3 RDF solution with multiple suppliers Scenario 4 EfW/RDF combination Scenario 5 Solution using the WRAP EfW median gate fees5 Scenario 6 Solution using the WRAP MBT/MHT median gate fees

16.11 It is important to note that the market consultation exercise is not a formal procurement exercise and as such the information supplied is not binding and was supplied in good faith at the time of the exercise being carried out. Further detail of the exercise is contained within the Part II Annex to this report.

17 Development of Supporting Infrastructure

17.1 The Council owns a waste transfer station, Waterdale, in Garston, north Watford that currently bulks and transfers the residual LACW from seven of the ten district and borough councils. Further transfer stations are being considered, one in the north of the county and one in the east of the county. These are intended to supplement any final residual waste disposal services by transferring the waste collected by the district and borough councils that are an unreasonable travel time and/or distance from the final disposal point.

17.2 Currently c. 60,000 tonnes of residual LACW are directly delivered to a number of disposal points by the district and borough councils e.g. the Westmill landfill in Ware and Edmonton EfW in North London. The development of waste transfer stations is planned such that they coincide with expiry of the current contracts to ensure continuity in disposal service provision should the Council decide to reject the RPP.

17.3 Land in the County Council’s ownership, behind the Ware Household Waste Recycling Centre, has been identified as a potential location for the development of an ‘Eastern’ transfer station and ground investigation works to establish suitability for development has been completed.

17.4 The next phase of this work is the detailed design stage prior to any application for planning permission. The project is identified in the Council’s capital programme and could provide transfer facilities for East Herts District Council, Broxbourne Borough Council and potentially Welwyn Hatfield District Council. A newly developed site would also provide a more modern, fit for purpose and better equipped Household Waste Recycling Centre to serve residents of Ware, Hertford and the surrounding areas.

5 WRAP (2014) Gate Fees report 2013/2014 – Comparing the Costs of Alternative Waste Treatment Options EfW post–2000 facilities: Median gate fee £94 MBT/MHT: Median gate fee £84

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17.5 A site search has been carried out in the north of the county and has identified a range of potential sites. Although deliverability and the timing of any potential planning application are some way off and would need to be mindful of the North Herts District Council local plan process. There is currently no approved business case or capital allocation for such a development.

17.6 Continuity of service provision for North Herts District Council is provided by the existing Burymead Road transfer facility in Hitchin but the medium to long term suitability of this location is not considered sustainable to meet future demand by either the District or County Council.

17.7 It should be noted that, whilst the outcome of the New Barnfield proposals do reinforce the need for a transfer facility in the north of the county, should Members approve the RPP this would remove the requirement for an Eastern Transfer Station should the Facility be delivered. This has been factored into the affordability modelling as local district and borough councils can be directed to deliver their collected residual waste to the Facility rather than have the Council incur the cost of waste transfer although, due to the length of time and lack of certainty in the planning application process, the Eastern Transfer Station is being progressed for the purpose of business continuity.

18 Overview and next steps 18.1 In overall terms, the RPP can be considered to present the Council with:- 18.1.1 A site that, with suitable mitigation, is deliverable and is locally situated to improve the existing position on waste transfer. 18.1.2 A technology that is robust, proven and, as part of a total solution, would divert waste from landfill whilst not preventing planned and future improvements in accordance with the waste hierarchy. 18.1.3 A solution that complies and is in accordance with applicable legislative requirements. 18.1.4 A solution that represents an improved environmental impact assessment than existing arrangements. 18.1.5 A proposal that represents the best value for money solution from those presented as credible alternatives by the market and provides long term surety of budgeted costs for residual LACW treatment. 18.1.6 A solution that meets the long term needs of the Council in regard of future pressures in population. 18.1.7 A solution that is deliverable within the terms of the existing Contract with VES. 18.2 With consideration of the existing interim contracts that allow for disposal options up until March 2021, the Council is in a position to seek the delivery of the RPP to provide best value, local delivery and long term surety in residual LACW treatment and, should the Facility not be delivered, the Council would have

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sufficient time to procure arrangements through an alternative procurement strategy informed by the recent market engagement exercise. 18.3 Although the commercial deal to reflect the RPP is now settled with VES on a subject to contract basis, the following areas are outstanding at the time of writing this report: 18.3.1 Conclusion of formal legal drafting of the RPP and associated Deed of Variation and ancillary documents that will be required to give effect to the RPP; and

18.3.2 Conclusion of formal legal documentation between VES and Tarmac in relation to the Site and lease structure described in section 14 of this report.

18.4 Subject to the satisfactory conclusion of the above, it is the intention that the RPP process will be concluded by 31 March 2016. If, however, the relevant documents to give effect to the RPP have not been settled by that date it will be necessary that a further short deed of Variation is agreed and entered into with VES to enable a further, short period for the documents to be settled prior to RPP acceptance. It is proposed that in these circumstances the date for acceptance of the RPP be extended to 30 June 2016.

19 Background papers

Waste Management Cabinet Panel: Date Waste Procurement Project 11/01/2008 Waste Procurement Programme Feasibility Study November 2007- 04/03/2008 February 2008 Waste Procurement Project 29/04/2008 Waste Procurement Project – Progress Report 09/07/2008 Options for Future Waste Management: Outline Business Case 07/10/2008 Hertfordshire Waste Procurement Programme – Progress Report 06/01/2009 Hertfordshire Waste Procurement Programme – Progress Report 14/04/2009 Hertfordshire Waste Procurement Programme – Progress Report 09/09/2009 Hertfordshire Waste Procurement Programme – Progress Report 18/11/2009 Hertfordshire Waste Procurement Programme 09/07/2010 Hertfordshire Waste Procurement Programme 28/04/2011 Residual Waste Treatment Programme – Recycling and Energy 07/03/2013 Recovery Facility Timetable

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Highways and Waste Management Cabinet Panel Residual Waste Treatment Programme – Options Available to the 04/11/2014 County Council Following the Secretary Of State’s Decision to Refuse Planning Permission for a Recycling and Energy Recovery Facility at New Barnfield, Hatfield Community Safety and Waste Management Cabinet Panel Residual Waste Treatment Programme Update 21/10/2015

Cabinet: Options for Future Waste Management: Outline Business Case 20/10/2008 Options for Future Waste Management: Outline Business Case – 19/01/2009 Responding to Defra’s Clarifications Hertfordshire Waste Procurement Programme 16/06/2009 Hertfordshire Waste Procurement Programme 19/07/2010 Hertfordshire Waste Procurement Programme 28/04/2011 Residual Waste Treatment Programme – Options Available to the 10/11/2014 County Council Following the Secretary Of State’s Decision to Refuse Planning Permission for a Recycling and Energy Recovery Facility at New Barnfield, Hatfield Residual Waste Treatment Programme – Variation of the RWTP 14/12/2015 Contract

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Appendices Appendix 1 – Key Planning considerations

The Site

The Site covers an area of around 5.6 hectares, is currently owned by Tarmac (previously Lafarge Aggregates Ltd) and is an existing industrial site with planning permission to operate an asphalt coating plant, an aggregates railhead and a ready- mixed concrete plant. Aggregates are primarily brought into the Site via the rail siding which forms part of the Site. Road access to the Site is via Ratty’s Lane. Ratty’s Lane leads to the A10 Dinant Link Road via Essex Road.

The Site is bordered to the south by Rye House Power Station. The River Lee borders the site to the east and north. A railway line (which serves the rail siding within the site) borders the western site boundary and runs north east to south west.

The Site is situated in the eastern part of a heavily industrialised area to the east of the town of Hoddesdon. There is parkland to the east of the Site, with agricultural land beyond this. Parkland and some light industrial premises are located to the north of the Site beyond the River Lee, with light industry to the west and residential properties beyond this. Parkland, light industry, the River Lee and residential properties are situated to the south of the Site. Approximately 100m to the north of the boundary of the Site, beyond the railway line and across the River Lee, is Rye House Kart Club track. Rye House Speedway Stadium lies further to the north, approximately 300m from the boundary of the Site.

Approximately 350m to the north-east of the Site lies the Rye Meads Sewage Treatment Works owned by Thames Water Utilities Ltd.

The site is located in the ward of Rye Park, within the local authority area of Broxbourne Borough Council. The town of Hoddesdon is located approximately 500m to the west of the site, with the closest residential properties 400m to the north, and further residential properties 700m to the south east and 700m to the south. The nearest residential property to the Site is Lock Keepers Cottage, which lies approximately 20m from the eastern boundary of the Site, on the opposite bank of the River Lee.

There is a Local Wildlife Site immediately to the south of the site boundary within the Rye House Power Station. Rye Meads Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), a Special Protection Area (SPA) and a Ramsar site (wetlands of international importance), all of which are designated for birds and a variety of wetland mammals and

Agenda Pack 395 of 450 Page 1 of 56 comprise a range of marshes and lagoons, lie approximately 230 m to the north of the site.

Immediately to the south east of the Site lies further waste management premises currently under construction and comprising an Anaerobic Digestion (AD) facility and an Advanced Thermal Treatment (ATT) facility. Both are designed for the receipt of wastes arising from the Commercial and Industrial sector.

The Site lies adjacent to a large gas fired combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) power station that provides standby capacity and is operated by Scottish Power.

The railway area stretches along the western boundary of the site, adjacent to the existing CCGT power station site. The length of the sidings is around 300m off the main connecting railway line and is included within the lease area available to the Contractor.

The majority of the residual waste and process materials utilised by the Facility will however be delivered to the Site via Ratty's Lane. The Site will include vehicular access and internal circulation for HGVs.

The majority of the buildings are proposed to be located in the central, western and southern parts of the site to avoid the high voltage power cables that cross the eastern boundary of the site. Within this area, there will be no buildings, only, the incoming and outgoing weighbridges, ramped access/egress to an elevated tipping hall, a storm attenuation pond and car parking and internal access/circulation links to the exit/entrance point onto Ratty's Lane.

Suitability and Deliverability

The Site is not identified for waste use in the adopted Hertfordshire Waste Sites Allocation Local Plan (WSALP), nor does it lie within one of the specific areas of search identified within the Waste Core Strategy. However, the Waste Core Strategy (Policy 7) makes provision for non-allocated sites to be advanced where they satisfy various objectives and criteria. The Contractor has appraised the site against this policy framework and in the light of other permissions granted (including the adjacent Trent Development site) has concluded that the site can be considered to be in conformity with the plan's provisions. In particular, whilst outside of the principle areas of search it remains well placed to serve the areas of waste arising, in addition, it offers an opportunity for the Council to avoid the need for an eastern waste transfer station, it is brownfield land allocated for employment uses in the Borough Plan, it has existing permissions for road and rail haulage of aggregates, it lies outside of the Green Belt and also offers co-location synergies with other adjacent waste and energy uses.

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The site is safeguarded within the adopted Minerals Local Plan for rail aggregate depot use (under Policy 10 - Railheads and Wharves). The Contractor’s RPP suggests that demand for such facilities in Hertfordshire has significantly reduced in recent years and the use of the site for such purposes is now largely redundant with other safeguarded sites offering better long term prospects.

The RPP proposals will nevertheless retain the rail sidings and will offer an opportunity for the export by rail of IBA arising from the facility process (and potentially from the adjacent 3rd party ATT facility) thus maintaining the strategic benefit of the rail link and its mineral related use. The long term but ultimately temporary nature of the ERF planning proposals also serves to mitigate against any future prejudicial impact on rail depot requirements/opportunities.

The adopted Minerals Plan makes provisions for exemptions to its safeguarding policy and this is considered relevant both in relation to its Employment use status in the Broxbourne Local Plan and in the criteria based policy provisions.

The Minerals Plan is currently under review and the Contractor has made representations with regard to the safeguarding objectives set out in the Initial Issues Consultation Paper. These seek to ensure that the adopted policy framework remains unchanged.

Site Attributes

● The Site is well located in terms of proximity to the sources of Waste arisings (although lying in the eastern part of the county, close to the A10, A1(M) and interchanges with the M25 and M11). It is also well located to benefit from rail transport where practical and affordable; ● The Site’s overall size (5.6 ha, including rail sidings area) offers sufficient space for the proposed Facility and associated landscape enhancement (although with no space to accommodate a front-end MPT facility); ● The clustering of major employment uses around the Site presents combined heat and power (CHP) opportunities; ● The construction and continuing maintenance of the Facility will bring socio- economic benefits to the local community in terms of direct and indirect employment.  An in-county solution would retain business rates within Hertfordshire with 40% of the rates going to Broxbourne Borough Council and 60% to the Council (consultation on the government’s new business rates retention scheme is

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expected to begin in the spring). It is estimated that business rates for the Facility would be in the order of £1.5m per annum. Traffic and Highways

The Site is proximate to the major highway network, in particular its close proximity to the A10 affording connections to the rest of Hertfordshire and to the M25. Whilst local road constraints exist in relation to the Essex Road New River Bridge crossing and the need for lorry routing provisions, traffic generation and highway capacity assessments conducted by the Contractor indicate that the local network has adequate capacity to meet the needs of the development and it is considered that the use of Ratty's Lane together with other existing and future users is acceptable in principle and will be addressed further in the context of a detailed Traffic Assessment undertaken to support any future planning application.

From a wider logistics and sustainability perspective, the Site is well located in the County relative to the existing Waterdale Waste transfer station, the prospective locations for a northern Waste Transfer Station and other sources of Waste arisings. It also offers the benefit that the Council's current proposals for an eastern Waste Transfer Station would prove unnecessary if planning permission is obtained, as waste can be delivered direct to the Rye House site.

The capacity of the Site to accommodate the RPP has been evidenced by previous work undertaken by the Contractor in connection with its former Development Consent Order (DCO) application (2010/11) which was withdrawn at Examination stage following VES’ withdrawal from the North London Waste (Fuel Use Contract) procurement process.

The design of the Facility represents what the Contractor considers to be the best alternative proposal to New Barnfield pending further detailed environmental assessment works, formal planning application preparation and pre-application consultation.

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Appendix 2 – Technology Overview

This Appendix seeks to provide Members with a brief explanation of those alternatives available and to confirm that the selected RPP technology is a technology that will meet Hertfordshire’s residual LACW disposal needs.

Residual waste disposal techniques can be split into two categories; Techniques for waste that can be treated directly and techniques for waste that requires pre-treatment or pre-processing.

Direct Treatment with no pre-treatment

Landfill  The disposal of waste into or onto land.  Strict construction and operational restraints are applied to sites to mitigate the environmental impact.  On receipt the waste is weighed and checked to ensure compliance before being tipped and compacted to prevent odour, litter and pest infestations. Decomposition by microbes then occurs which, when combined with rainwater, creates a leachate. Gases are also released during the decomposition process.  Landfill tax is a tax on all waste sent to landfill and is aimed at reducing the volume of waste sent for disposal at landfill. The current standard rate of landfill tax is £82.60 per tonne.

Incineration  Incineration technologies involve direct combustion in the presence of oxygen to produce energy.  Temperatures in excess of 850ºC are used to convert the waste into hot gases. The hot gases are then used to heat water in a boiler to produce steam. Turbines are driven to generate electricity and/or to provide heat (known as combined heat and power (CHP)).  Any non-combustible materials remain as solids and are disposed of via the Incinerator Bottom Ash (IBA).  Most incinerators include extraction equipment to remove metals from the IBA.  Energy from Waste (EfW) facilities can vary in size. The size of the facility is dependent on a number of factors including the cost of the facility, the catchment area, the distance from waste resources and site constraints.

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 A number of techniques typically require the residual waste to be pre-processed prior to treatment.  Without pre-treatment the varying size and composition of unprocessed municipal solid waste is not suitable for most thermal treatments.  The purpose of pre-processing is to produce a material with consistent physical properties and compliant chemical properties.  Pre-processing includes manual and mechanical separation or sorting, shredding, grinding, blending with other materials, drying and pelletisation.

Advanced Thermal Treatment (ATT)  Advanced Thermal Treatments tend to use either gasification and/or pyrolysis and typically require pre-processing.

Pyrolysis  Typically the waste is heated to between 300ºC and 850ºC in the absence of Oxygen. The breakdown of waste produces a gas which may be condensed to form a syngas, char and fuel oil.  Char can be used as a Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) and the syngas in power generation.  The cleaning of the syngas required increased technical experience.  Pyrolysis is sometimes used as part of the pre-treatment process and fuel preparation for gasification.

Gasification  Gasification occurs in the presence of limited Oxygen and at temperatures of greater than 650ºC.  The process is largely exothermic but some heat may be required to initialise and sustain the process.  Gasification produces a syngas which can be used in a boiler to generate steam which can be used for power generation, or a fuel in a dedicated gas engine.  ATT facilities currently tend to be smaller (30-60,000 tonnes per annum) than incinerators.

Plasma Arc Gasification  Heating method that can be used in gasification and pyrolysis, very high temperatures (3,800ºC) are used to break up the molecular structure.  A large amount of electricity is required for the operation.  Residual waste must be pre-processed before treatment.

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Autoclaving  Also referred to as Mechanical Heat Treatment (MHT).  Residual waste is subjected to high temperatures under high pressure steam to kill bacteria and pathogens that might be present.  RDF produced can also be used in energy generation.  A degree of pre-treatment is required.  Significant amounts of energy are required to supply the steam required for autoclaving

Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT)  Generic term for the integration of several processes including materials recovery, composting and anaerobic digestion.  The mechanical element of the process can involve the sorting of waste, the shredding and homogenising of waste into smaller particle sizes suitable for separation processed.  The biological element of MBT can involve aerobic bio-drying, partial composting, aerobic in vessel composting or anaerobic digestion.  The outputs from the process are recyclables, RDF and a low quality, stabilised ‘compost-like’ output.

RDF  Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) is a material that is produced from waste that has undergone some sort of treatment process, and is intended for use as a fuel.

SRF  Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF) is a fuel produced from non-hazardous waste in compliance with the European standard EN 15359. EN 15359 requires that a producer specifies and classifies its SRF by detailing its net calorific value, and chlorine and mercury content of the fuel. Specification includes several other properties, such as the content of all heavy metals mentioned in the Industrial Emissions Directive. Even though this standard means that there is an agreed upon definition of SRF, it is important to note that EN15359 and its underlying standards do not require any specific quality level. The required quality of SRF is therefore defined in each case meaning that SRF quality can vary.

RDF Export  The market for the export of waste to Europe has developed and grown in the last five years. Data from the Environment Agency in 2014 shows that in June 2010 no RDF was exported. However, up to 2.37 million tonnes of RDF was exported to the continent for incineration from England and Wales in 2014.

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 The waste is exported to facilities including those situated in Scandinavia, Germany and Netherlands. The gate fees in such facilities can be offered at a competitive rate however caution must be taken as there are a number of associated costs to be taken into consideration.  Costs associated with the export of waste include the production of the RDF (preparing, baling and wrapping), transport in the UK to the port, administration and port costs (including the costs of obtaining the relevant licences), sea transport, European land transport and the gate fee at the facility.  There are European and UK rules governing the export of waste out of the country, regulations apply from the point of loading waste until it has been fully recovered or disposed of at the destination facility.  Successful export of RDF relies on there being an end market for the produced RDF, failure to secure a market to accept the RDF result is a risk of relying on export. A 2015 report by the Environment Agency highlights that there is uncertainty when projecting the future of the RDF export market. The EU is looking at the better utilisation of existing EfW capacity. If export of waste is encouraged from Eastern Europe to Western European EfW facilities this will impact on the UK’s ability to export RDF for disposal. Table 2.1 below shows a number of factors that could impact the availability of the export market.

Table 2.1 - Factors that could impact RDF exports to Europe Source: Environment Agency (2015) trends Area of Change Examples Demand - Level of residual waste generation in England. - Level of residual waste generation in key RDF export markets. - Level of residual waste generation in countries that also export RDF to the same markets. Supply - New EfW facilities being built in England. - English landfill sites closing. - New EfW facilities being built and old ones being closed in key RDF export markets. - New EfW facilities being built and old ones being closed in countries that export RDF to the same markets as England. Regulatory and political - Changes to the landfill tax. landscape - Changes to recycling targets in England and abroad. - Expectations that recycling targets will become more stringent and landfill tax will rise. - Changes in the definition of RDF. - New EU directives on resource efficiency - Changes to support mechanisms for renewable heat and power either in the UK or abroad.

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Wider social and - Increased recycling and resource efficient behaviour economic changes in England and abroad. - Changes in recyclate prices. - Changes in input costs such as freight haulage and fuel rates.

ArrowBio  A patented separation system which reduces the amount of waste that needs to be sent to landfill. Waste which is largely unsorted is fed into the process, recyclables are extracted and organic waste is broken down by the Anaerobic Digestion process resulting in the production of biogas and electricity.  The only plant currently operational is a 70,000 tonnes per annum plant in Tel Aviv which has been operational since 2003.  The technology is undergoing a major upgrade and is unproven at a larger scale. In order to deal with all of Hertfordshire’s waste four or five facilities would be needed, or if the facility was to be scaled up, a site approximately four times the proposal of Rye House would be required.

Ramboll (Council’s Technical Advisor’s) EfW Comparison


To make the right technology choice it is important to look at the key criteria as the facility will be operated for many years, needing to provide a reliable and robust service.

In the current climate a number of other criteria must be addressed. These include:  Energy efficiency and recovery;  Environment – emissions, health and safety;  Flexibility to handle variations in waste composition;  Fit within the local infrastructure and plans for the future; and  Ability to operate on a large commercial scale.

Technical Options

The technical options that are considered include:  Advanced moving grate technology (the RPP);  Pyrolysis;  Gasification; and  Two stage combustion.

Advanced moving grate technology has evolved over many years. Research and even further development of this technology continues today. Its performance has made

Agenda Pack 403 of 450 Page 9 of 56 significant steps over the last 10 years to achieve very high levels of reliability and high efficiency, especially when combined with a district heating scheme. The technology can meet and exceed strict regulatory limits on emissions and yet it offers the flexibility to accept waste of varying composition and calorific value. Examples of this technology can be found across the globe and many new advanced moving grate plants are under construction and at the design stage today. Technology suppliers continue to expend a considerable research and development (R & D) budget to keep this technology at the cutting edge of efficiency, performance and reliability.

The gasification and pyrolysis technologies are commonly referred to as ‘advanced’ thermal treatment technologies. The reason being that thermal gasification processes produce syngas, which can potentially be used to produce electricity with higher efficiency or for producing liquid fuels or chemicals. Syngas has about half the energy density of natural gas. Syngas is used in a boiler or other device for power production. Therefore, the main question is whether the additional technical complexity and increased energy consumption of the gasification processes can be justified by the potential increase in efficiency and/or attractiveness of the by-products when compared to conventional combustion.

Thermal gasification of municipal solid waste (MSW) has experienced around 25 years of often challenging development. These alternative technologies generally require MSW to undergo extensive pre-processing. In addition, operational experience is sparse, availability has been shown to be significantly lower than that of modern advanced moving grate plants, and operational costs are higher.

Furthermore, the operational data from reference facilities shows that the overall energy efficiency of thermal gasification processes are less efficient than direct combustion plants.

Two stage combustion technologies have a number of reference plants. Some facilities have been in operation for circa 10 years. Most of the facilities are designed with relatively low steam parameters, thus achieving lower energy efficiency. Furthermore, pre-treatment of waste is required and plants may experience lower availability when compared to modern advanced moving grate fired plants.

Whilst a number of alternative technologies are actively promoted by development companies, there is little evidence to suggest they have achieved sufficient track records and performance levels required to meet the aims of HCC for (i) safe and secure residual waste treatment (ii) combined with ability to deliver high service availability and (iii) high levels of consistent energy production into a local energy network.

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The commercial and stakeholder relationship consequences of service failure or short comings at a municipal scale are significant for any waste management authority. On this basis, Ramboll recommends the use of well proven advanced moving grate combustion.

Table 2.2 provides a general comparison of the different thermal treatment technologies.

Table 2.2 – Comparison of technologies

Adavanced Moving Thermal Gasification / Parameter Grate Two Stage Combustion Pyrolysis

Waste requirements  Pre sorting Not required Removal of metals Removal of metals  Size reduction Only items > 1000 mm Shredding required Shredding required

Energy*  Gross electricty 25 – 33% Limited data Limited data *  Net electricity 22 - 30% 0 – 10% Limited data **  CHP mode Up to 100% Up to 100% Up to 97% * of lower calorific *in theory close to value avanced grate technology , if material and design are adjusted/changed to handle higher steam parameters. ** loss of additional 2-3% points compared to advanced moving grate due to pretreatment.

Environment  Bottom ash ≈ 16-20% by weight ≈ 16-20%* by weight ≈ 16-20% by weight (depends on ash in waste)

 Health and Minimal contact with Contact with waste during Contact with waste during safety waste cleaning of pre-treatment cleaning of pre-treatment plant plant

Compliance with EU Yes Yes Yes regulation * Pyrolysis results in the production of a char. A Defra report classifies municipal solid waste pyrolysis char as “Hazardous waste, but could be used as coal

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Adavanced Moving Thermal Gasification / Parameter Grate Two Stage Combustion Pyrolysis

replacement in certain combustion applications or as a gasifier feedstock.” Operation experience Information level Well documented Limited data available Limited data available

Handling changes in waste composition Higher flexibility Lower flexibility Medium flexibility

Annual availability ≥8,000 hrs <5,500 hrs <7,000 hrs

Net electricity production at 10 0.6 - 0.65 MWh/t 0 – 0.25 MWh/t 0.4 - 0.45 MWh/t MJ/kg

Technical risks

Overall Low High Medium assessment Well proven Well proven in Japan. Further demonstration of Proven treating (with very limited net track record still required MSW or MSW electricity production) from independently derived waste owned plants.

>1,500 Unclear, around 50 to 80 Less than 10 facilities Number of plants facilities (with lower steam parameters and mainly ’heat only’ plants.)

Advantages - Well proven - Facilities could apply - Facilities could apply - High availability for renewables for renewables - High efficiency benefits (previously benefits (previously double ROCs) double ROCs - Better public - Potentially better perception in the UK public perception in the UK

Disadvantages - Limited access to - Low net efficiency No reference plants renewables benefits - Availability uncertain achieve steam from government - Unproven parameters or/and - Less positive public technology to availability similar to perception in the UK produce syngas for facilities based on use in gas turbine or advanced moving grate upgrade to fuel technology.

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Adavanced Moving Thermal Gasification / Parameter Grate Two Stage Combustion Pyrolysis

Number of 2 lines of 20 t/h Circa 40+ modules of 1 Circa 8 lines of 5 t/h modules for a t/h, could base design on large scale around 8 to 10 larger thermal waste capacity units. treatment facility e.g. 320,000 tpa

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Appendix 3 – Adherence to Local and National Policy and legislation

Policy and legislation relating to waste management is diverse ranging from EU directives, which require transposition into national legislation, to national plans, strategies and laws that consider specific areas such as waste prevention.

The general thrust of law and strategy in this area is one which aims to create a society that concentrates on prevention, reuse, recycling and energy recovery based on the notion that waste is a resource especially under the context of the circular economy.

The following summary is an overview of the main legislative context under which waste management services have been / are provided. The appendix is not intended to be exhaustive but rather concentrates on areas that have strategic relevance to the RPP proposals.

The (revised) Waste Framework Directive (WFD)

A guiding principle of both European and national waste management is the concept of the waste hierarchy. In general terms the hierarchy identifies that the best way to manage waste is not to generate it in the first place (prevention), followed by reusing and then recycling / composting and recovering energy where practicable. Generally the disposal of waste to landfill is considered to be the least preferable option.

The revised WFD amended the waste hierarchy as shown below :-

The revised hierarchy draws a distinction between the reuse of materials which do not require preparation and those which do. It also confirms that waste to energy processes

Agenda Pack 408 of 450 Page 14 of 56 are preferential to landfill especially when considered under the context of carbon reduction requirements.

The WFD originally provided guidance on the effective management of wastes throughout the EU. It was and remains one of the main European legislative drivers requiring the production of national strategies to encourage waste prevention and reuse along with appropriate recovery and disposal technologies supported by regulatory frameworks that protect the environment and public health.

The EU adopted a revised WFD on the 12th December 2008 which was subsequently transposed into UK law. Significant updates in the revised WFD include targets as noted below:

 recycling 50% of household waste by 2020.  recycling and / or reusing 70% of non-hazardous construction and demolition waste by 2020.  separate collections for paper, metal, plastic and glass by January 2015  Implementation of waste prevention programmes by December 2013.

(revised) Waste Framework Directive - targets

The revised Waste Framework Directive (rWFD) sets a household recycling target for member states of 50% by 2020. This is reflected in a similar national target versus the HWP Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy that set a 50% target by March 2013.

Whilst the Hertfordshire Waste Partnership (HWP) achieved 50% recycling by March 2012 subsequent issues with non-compostables in the organic waste stream saw recycling drop to 45.5% in 2012/13 before climbing to 49.3% in 2013/14 and 49.4% in 2014/15.

It should be remembered that EU targets are national level targets with Member states free to decide how such targets are translated into national law. The response in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales has been to set statutory targets for local authorities designed to exceed the 50% target by 2020. However, considering that over 80% of the tonnage relevant to the UK target arises in England, based on current trajectories, the UK as a whole is required to significantly improve from its current ‘flat- lining’ position to achieve 50% by 2020.

The situation is compounded by the fact that English local authorities have not had statutory targets since 2007/08. This was highlighted by a House of Commons

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Environment, Food & Rural Affairs Committee report into the state of waste management in England. In assessing barriers to achieving 50% recycling by 2020 the report raises the prospect of reintroducing statutory targets for local authorities and noted that fiscal pressures on local authorities could lead to changes such as charged green garden waste services which could negatively affect the rates achieved.

An additional and important aspect of the Directive is the distinction adopted between low efficiency and high efficiency incineration technology leading to the former being categorised as Disposal (in Waste hierarchy terms) and the latter as recovery. The criteria set out in the Directive apply an R1 calculation threshold of 0.65 efficiency for achievement of recovery status (R1).

The RPP Facility would be operated in accordance with regulatory requirements relating to protection of human health and the environment and the proposals have been designed to exceed the R1 threshold and be configured to meet recovery status under this definition.

The National Waste Strategy 2007 / The Defra Waste Review 2011

The national waste strategy was last properly revised in 2007 with new national recycling targets set at 40% by 2010 and 50% by 2020 in line with the European 50% recycling target also to be achieved by 2020.

However, since then despite the Government undertaking a waste policy review in 2011, other than the removal of statutory targets for English local authorities as well as the impact of on-going austerity measures, no fundamental changes have been made to national policy that significantly impact local waste management services.

EU Circular Economy Strategy

A circular economy is an alternative to a traditional ‘linear’ economy (i.e. make, use, dispose) in which we keep resources in use for as long as possible, extract the maximum value from them whilst in use, then recover and regenerate products and materials at the end of each service life.

Published on 2nd December 2015, the Strategy aims to transform Europe into a more competitive resource-efficient economy, addressing a range of economic sectors, including waste.

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The new strategy set out in its EU Action Plan for the Circular Economy and accompanying Annex, includes a proposal to impose legally binding targets on most member states to recycle 65% of all municipal waste by 2030 (the previous target for 2020 as above was 50%). Currently the UK has a recycling rate of around 44% and is already struggling to meet the current target. The Government are concerned that this will impose significant burdens on the UK and are also concerned that some poor performing Member States will be exempt from the targets whilst the UK and others will face heavy fines for failure to achieve the targets. The UK Government have also pushed for clarity over the inclusion of IBA reprocessing as a contributor to recycling rates.

The key provisions of the Strategy are as follows;

● A common EU target for recycling 65% of municipal waste by 2030; ● A common EU target for recycling 75% of packaging waste by 2030; ● A binding landfill target to reduce landfill to maximum of 10% of all waste by 2030; ● A ban on landfilling of separately collected waste; ● Promotion of economic instruments to discourage landfilling; ● Simplified and improved definitions and harmonised calculation methods for recycling rates throughout the EU; ● Concrete measures to promote re-use and stimulate industrial symbiosis - turning one industry's by-product into another industry's raw material; ● Economic incentives for producers to put greener products on the market and support recovery and recycling schemes (e.g. for packaging, batteries, electric and electronic equipment, vehicles).

In order to achieve a 65% recycling target, Hertfordshire authorities, through the Hertfordshire Waste Partnership (HWP), would need to ‘capture’ significant amounts of material currently within the residual waste stream. The size of the challenge would require the following list of issues to be considered:

 Weekly recycling – perhaps one of the last significant operational changes still available across the UK is to increase kerbside recycling to a weekly service to prioritise efforts to divert waste from landfill.  Reductions in residual waste capacity – working in concert with weekly recycling waste collection authorities could consider further reductions in residual waste capacity either through reducing bin sizes in line with the approaches in North Herts and Three Rivers or through further frequency reductions as implemented elsewhere in the UK.

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 Weekly food waste collections – recent waste compositional analysis indicates that food waste continues to make up approximately 30% of the residual waste bin. If this fraction could be effectively captured it could make one of the biggest contributions to closing the gap between current performance and 65% recycling by 2030.  Trade Waste Recycling – the separate collection requirements introduced by the revised Waste Framework Directive, which applied from January 2015 onwards, are equally applicable for the collection of trade waste. The clear intention is that all trade waste service providers should now be providing recycling services. That said the overall level of trade waste handled by Hertfordshire authorities is minimal and therefore any recycling extracted from this waste stream is unlikely to make a significant contribution to meeting future targets.  Legislative tools – to support such efforts waste authorities will need to consider whether the current suite of legislative tools available are sufficient or whether additional powers such as being able to ban food waste from residual waste bins is needed.  WasteAware – an important part of any future service in Hertfordshire will be the continued and enhanced promotion of services that support efforts to prevent, reduce and recycle on the part of residents and local businesses.

The Landfill Directive

The overall aim of the Directive is to prevent or reduce as far as possible negative effects on the environment, in particular the pollution of surface water, groundwater, soil and air. Globally this includes addressing the greenhouse effect, as well as any resulting risk to human health, from the landfilling of waste during the whole life-cycle of the landfill.

The Directive defines the different categories of waste (municipal waste, hazardous waste, non-hazardous waste and inert waste) which applies to all landfills defined as waste disposal sites for the deposit of waste onto or into land.

More fundamentally the Directive sets targets for the reduction of biodegradable municipal wastes (BMW) sent to landfill. Transposition of the Directive into UK law took advantage of a 4 year derogation available to a number of member states with historic reliance on landfill. The relevant targets for the UK were / are to have reduced the amount of BMW going to landfill by :-

 75% of that produced in 1995 by 2010  50% of that produced in 1995 by 2013  35% of that produced in 1995 by 2020

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The Waste Emissions & Trading Act 2003 / Landfill Allowance Trading Scheme

In order to give practical expression to the requirements of the Landfill Directive in 2003 the Government instituted the Waste Emissions Trading Act. This introduced a system of tradable allowances linked to the tonnage of residual waste landfilled by local authorities.

The Act required progressive reductions in the amount of BMW sent to landfill. In doing so it made a strong link between the role that waste management has to play in contributing to the wider climate change agenda with reductions in BMW analogous with reductions in CO2 emissions.

The level of annual allowances were reduced each year to ensure compliance in targets years. The original intention was that those authorities with excess allowances, i.e. as a result of intensive reduction, recycling and energy recovery strategies, would be able to sell excess allowances to those authorities that either had not been able or had chosen not to achieve the required landfill diversion. The idea was tradable allowances would allow the UK to achieve compliance with Directive targets at minimum cost. This became known as the Landfill Allowance Trading Scheme (LATS).

In practice the ‘futures market’ envisaged by LATS never materialised as by definition it made the false assumption that a number of authorities would base their strategy on purchasing additional allowances from those that had excess to sell. The key driver became the increases in landfill tax which soon overtook LATS as the principle force behind landfill diversion.

Landfill tax has the added advantage of applying equally to commercial wastes for which there never was a LATS equivalent. In addition potential penalties of £150 per tonne for non-compliance not only undermined the tradable intention behind LATS but also motivated most waste disposal authorities and unitaries to pursue landfill reduction in line with the Landfill Directive and wider rWFD thereby undermining future demand for excess allowances.

Waste (England and Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2012

The regulations require that separate collections must be deemed to be practical in each of the assessment areas, i.e. technically, environmentally and economically. If separate collections fail in any one of these areas then they are not required.

Based on the TEEP tests conducted across the country so far it would appear that whilst technical practicality does not present any issues the majority of the time

Agenda Pack 413 of 450 Page 19 of 56 economically practicality cannot be established when aspects such as vehicle costs are taken into account, i.e. greater income through keeping materials separate does not usually compensate for higher collection costs. A situation exacerbated by recent significant falls in prices for a number of recyclates.

In addition it should be considered that fully commingled collections also tend to outperform kerbside sort in terms of tonnage capture reflecting their ease for residents. Therefore even taking into account higher contamination levels, it is increasingly being argued that separate collections also fail the environmental practicability test as a result of diverting less material from landfill whilst using additional vehicle resources.

The Packaging Directive / The Producer Responsibility (Packaging Waste) Regulations 2007

The Packaging Directive and associated regulations established statutory recycling / recovery targets for organisations involved in the packaging supply chain. The legislation is an example of the ‘producer responsibility principle’ and is aimed at ensuring that businesses take responsibility for the products they have placed on the market once those products have reached the end of their life.

In the UK companies or groups of companies who have a turnover exceeding £2 million and who handle more than 50 tonnes of packaging are required to comply. They must recycle or reuse a calculated percentage of their packaging. Such activity is evidenced through the Packaging Waste Recovery Note (PRN) system and its export equivalent the Packaging Export Recovery Note or PERN. These are bought from reprocessors with the money intended for re-investment in the ‘recycling process’.

The regulations also require that producers of packaging adhere to ‘essential requirements’ guidance, by for example not over-packaging products beyond the needs of product transportation, protection, and health and safety.

Whilst there are no direct implications for local authorities it had originally been envisaged that the PRN system would result in higher prices which would ‘pull’ material through the municipal waste stream and up the hierarchy.

However, in practice the degree of transparency intended has not been reflected in prices paid to local authorities. In addition recent changes to a number of material specific targets have resulted in a sharp decline in the value of the associated PRN resulting in downward pressure on prices.

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The WEEE Directive

The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive became law in the UK in January 2007 and established national recycling targets for waste electrical and electronic equipment initially set at 4kg per household. By 2011 the target was comfortably being achieved by the UK with 34% of the tonnage placed into the market recycled.

As a further example of producer responsibility legislation the WEEE Directive and its transposition into UK law places no additional burden on local authorities. However, mindful of the fundamental role local government has in the management of household waste, local authorities have been encouraged to register Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs) as Designated Collection Facilities, to allow for the receipt of waste electrical equipment. The collection network is supported by the Distributor Take-back Scheme (DTS).

The funding of separate collection activity at HWRCs is from the DTS and the costs of transporting, recycling and recovering WEEE is borne by the producers of the equipment. This has saved Hertfordshire’s tax payers significant amounts since the legislation was implemented.

The WEEE Directive was recast in 2012, with new targets coming into force in February 2014. This includes a target of recycling 45% of every 100 tonnes of equipment placed on the market by 2016 rising to 65% in 2019.

The recast also sees retailers of electrical items whose shop space covers at least 400m2 required to provide facilities for customers to return small WEEE free of charge. There will also be tougher restrictions on the export of WEEE, to prevent waste electricals from being processed in countries where conditions are hazardous to workers and the environment. The measures see exporters made responsible for proving that goods are being shipped abroad for repair or reuse.

Waste Minimisation Act 1998

The Waste Minimisation Act 1998 enables local authorities to take steps to minimise the generation of household, commercial or industrial waste. The Act gives recognition to the fact that local authorities also have responsibilities to promote and encourage waste minimisation through a range of direct and indirect measures.

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In essence the Act provides a general power to local authorities to do anything which in their reasonable opinion is necessary or expedient for the purpose of minimising the quantities of controlled waste generated in its area.

However, at the same time the Act does not place any automatic duty to undertake or facilitate such activity, nor does it allow local authorities to impose any requirements on businesses or householders in the area.

Sector commentary since the Act was introduced suggests that ‘well-being powers’ also provide appropriate authorisation for waste minimisation activity.

Clean Neighbourhoods & Environment Act 2005

The Clean Neighbourhoods & Environment Act became law in April 2005 and contains a range of measures to improve the quality of the local environment by giving local authorities and the Environment Agency (EA) additional powers to fine those responsible for fly tipping and litter.

Other measures in the legislation give the EA powers to issue fixed penalty notices to businesses that fail to produce waste transfer notes; waste carriers that fail to produce registration details or evidence of exemptions. It also revamps procedures for the search and seizure of vehicles suspected in the pursuit of illegal waste activities through making it easier for courts to require forfeiture of such vehicles.

Climate Change Act 2008

The Climate Change Act received Royal Assent in November 2008. At the time the primary matter of significance was the power created by the Act for the introduction of pilot waste incentive schemes whereby selected local authorities would have been allowed to trial various measures to motivate greater participation in recycling services including charging for residual waste. The legislation also gave the government powers to force retailers to charge for using single use carrier bags.

However, no local authority ever implemented a charging scheme for residual waste with the former coalition government subsequently removing the power to do so.

With respect to the wider environmental agenda the Climate Change Act legally commits the UK to meeting its 80% carbon reduction target by 2050. This was supported by the 2008 Energy Bill, which was also passed into law at the same time, resulting in ‘feed in tariffs’ for small-scale renewable energy projects.

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Longer term carbon reduction commitments will keep under review how changes in UK waste management practice can contribute. This in turn could result in future legislation that looks to prioritise the management of certain waste streams to support various technologies e.g. separate food waste collections to support the development of anaerobic digestion as part of the renewable energy strategy.

Industrial Emissions Directive (IED)

This Directive (which is designed to offer a high level of protection for the environment and human health while simplifying the existing legislation and cutting unnecessary administrative costs), brings together Directive 2008/1/EC (the ‘IPPC Directive’) and six other directives into a single directive on industrial emissions. The IED supersedes the Waste Incineration Directive (WID) (2000/76/EC) but adopts similar requirements.

It covers industrial activities with a major pollution potential, defined in Annex I to the Directive (energy industries, production and processing of metals, mineral industry, chemical industry, waste management, rearing of animals, etc.).

It also contains special provisions for the following installations:

● combustion plants (≥ 50 MW); ● waste incineration or co-incineration plants; ● certain installations and activities using organic solvents; ● installations producing titanium dioxide.

It requires that any industrial installation which carries out the activities listed in Annex I to the Directive must meet certain basic obligations to ensure that:

● preventive measures are taken against pollution; ● the best available techniques (BAT) are applied; ● no significant pollution is caused; ● waste is reduced, recycled or disposed of in the manner which creates least pollution; ● energy efficiency is maximised; ● accidents are prevented and their impact limited; ● sites are remediated when the activities come to an end.

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Thematic Strategy on Waste Prevention and Recycling

In 2005, the European Commission proposed a new strategy on the prevention and recycling of Waste. This strategy is one of the seven thematic strategies programmed by the 6th Environmental Action Plan.

This long-term strategy aims to help Europe become a ‘recycling society’ that seeks to avoid Waste and uses Waste as a resource. It will draw on the knowledge that the thematic strategy on resources will generate.

The main actions of the thematic strategy are:

● a renewed emphasis on full implementation of existing Legislation; ● simplification and modernisation of existing Legislation (e.g. firstly an amendment of the Waste Framework Directive merging it with the Hazardous Waste Directives and introducing life cycle thinking, which has now been successfully carried out);  introduction of life-cycle thinking into Waste policy;  promotion of more ambitious Waste prevention policies by clarifying Member States’ obligations to develop publicly available waste prevention programmes;  better knowledge and information which will underpin the continued development of Waste prevention policy; and  development of common reference standards for recycling.

EU Directive on Environmental Impact Assessment

On 12 March 2014, the European Parliament voted to adopt substantive amendments to the Environmental Impact Assessment (“EIA”) Directive 2011/92/EU. These amendments made by EIA Directive 2014/52/EU will not be transposed into UK legislation until 2017. It is anticipated that the UK Government will issue amended EIA Regulations in the next 12 -18 months to allow sufficient consultation prior to the 2017 deadline. The Revisions seek to address the following:

● considering how climate change, human health and resource efficiency can be assessed more effectively within EIA; ● enhancing the approach taken by developers to pre-assess proposals to enable a screening decision to be made; ● improving, potentially, the quality of the writing and review of environmental statements, by ensuring those who undertake the work have competent expertise to do so;

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● considering how efficient and effective monitoring strategies can be created to track the delivery and success of design elements and mitigation that aims to avoid, prevent or reduce significant adverse effects on the environment; and ● introducing penalties for infringements.

Given the programmed planning determination date for the facility in the event of RPP acceptance and planning approval, it is not expected that the provisions of the Directive will have been fully transposed into UK legislation. Nevertheless, in preparing the EIA to accompany the planning application, the Contractor will have to give regard to the provisions of the Directive in order that the potential risk of legal challenge might be minimised.

National Planning and Permitting Regulations

The key regulations in England and Wales that are applicable to the Facility comprise:

● Environmental Permitting (EP) Amendment Regulations 2015; ● Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations 2011; ● Waste Incineration (England and Wales) Regulations 2002; ● Waste and Emissions Trading Act 2003 (amendments etc) 2013 and the Landfill Allowance Trading Scheme (LATS); ● Water Resources Act 1991 (as amended 2009); ● Various Habitats and Species Conservation Regulations/Acts; ● Air Quality Standards Regulations 2010; and ● Environmental Protection Act (EPA) 1990.

The Contractor will need to appropriately address these matters during any planning application.

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Appendix 4 – Assessment on Need and proposed Facility capacity

Existing arrangements

In 2009, the Council sought tenders for the provision of interim waste treatment and associated final disposal facilities for residual LACW arising in Hertfordshire. This was in order to ensure that arrangements were in place that could lead to a transition into the planned delivery of the New Barnfield facility.

The contracts were set for a period of c. 4 years from either January or March 2010 with a natural expiry date for all arrangements on 31 March 2014 but with the possibility of three, one year, extension periods at the sole discretion of the Council.

Officer’s considered the relative merits of extending the 2010 Interim contract arrangements, and decided that, albeit there were some advantages in extending the existing contracts, e.g. surety of disposal arrangements and a higher level of certainty on the budgetary requirements, there was planned and ongoing development of facilities in the region and surrounding counties that warranted a fresh approach to the market. A new second ‘suite’ of interim contracts for the period 2014 to 2018, with extension periods of up to three years was sought.

It was also agreed that the 1997 contract with LondonWaste Ltd for disposal of 60k tonnes p.a at the Edmonton EcoPark, due to expire 31st December 2017, would be continued for the remaining period. The 2010 contract with LondonWaste for disposal of 5k tonnes p.a. would be extended beyond the 31st March 2014 natural expiry date for up to the maximum permitted three year extension period.

The remaining tonnage of residual LACW was the subject of an OJEU notice published on the 12 August 2013, leading to contract commencement on the 1 April 2014. These 2014 interim contracts have a natural expiry of March 2018 with the potential to extend the contracts up to March 2021.

The estimated future projected use of these interim disposal contracts for disposal of residual LACW (in tonnes) is set out below through to natural expiry (in broad terms and without growth assumptions) to the end of the 2017/18 financial year.

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Table 4.1 – Projected use of 2014 Interim disposal contracts

Facility Contracted operator 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18

Edmonton EfW (1997 contract) LondonWaste Ltd 60,000 60,000 45,000

Edmonton EfW (2010 contract) LondonWaste Ltd 5,000 5,000 0

Bletchley Landfill / Greatmoor FCC 60,000 78,000 93,000 EfW (Buckinghamshire)

Ardley EfW (Oxfordshire) Viridor 90,000 75,000 75,000

Westmill Landfill (Hertfordshire) Biffa 40,000 40,000 45,000

Milton Landfill (Cambridgshire) FCC 3,000 0 0

Residual Waste Total 258,000 258,000 258,000

Financial pressure

As can be seen, the continued export of residual waste out of county and associated haulage costs create additional pressure on the Council’s budget. This, and the expiry of the most cost effective services at Edmonton are reflected as additional pressures in the Council’s Integrated Plan as follows:-

Table 4.2 – Budget pressures (£1,000’s) 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Landfill tax (inflation) 156 319 497 685 Recycling Credits payments 129 261 399 542 Edmonton cessation 0 648 2,527 2,527 Interim waste contracts 0 408 2,311 2,703 Materials reduction (quantity) 50 50 50 50 TOTAL 335 1,686 5,784 6,507

It is advantageous to provide certainty and value for money for the future and the continued reliance on transporting waste increasing distances is unsustainable and uncertain.

Further detail on sensitive financial information is detailed in the Part II annex to this report.

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The last remaining significant disposal point in Hertfordshire (the Westmill landfill site near Ware) is currently the subject of an application to extend the time for quarrying extraction activity with an associated landfill and restoration delay. At the time of writing, the worst case scenario is that an extension to time is not permitted meaning the Westmill landfill site will be unavailable from December 2017, the best case from the WDAs perspective is that the time extension is granted giving local delivery points for eastern areas of the county to circa 2025.

As at section 11.8 of the report, it is stated that projections on waste growth must be considered in respect of service changes at the kerbside or at the network of household waste recycling centres.

It was the case that, despite 7 of the 10 WCAs making significant changes during 2013/14 (the removal of cardboard from the organic waste stream into the dry recycling service) and changes to the receptacle size of the residual waste container in North Herts, the level of residual waste growth reduced only slightly (from 2012/13) by -0.93%.

If the major residual service changes at North Herts (reduced receptacle size -16.07% reduction) and Watford (private trade service arrangements -6.06% reduction) are discounted, the remaining 8 of the 10 districts show residual LACW growth of +1.81%.

Likewise, analysis of the residual LACW growth between 2013/14 and 2014/15 is, without consideration of service changes, a -0.67% reduction. However, taking into consideration the changes for separate food waste services in Dacorum and Three Rivers part way through the year and the full year effect of the previous year’s changes in North Herts and Watford, the remaining 6 WCAs demonstrated waste growth of +0.98%.

Changes at the kerbside continued into 2014/15 with further changes in 2015/16 (which have been taken into account in the waste flow projections). Analysis of the kerbside collections of residual waste for the first 3 quarters of 2015/16 in comparison to the same period in 2014/15 is shown below in Figure 4.3

This shows that, in the main, where changes have been made (such as the third quarter in Broxbourne or the whole period in Dacorum), significant improvements in reducing the volume of residual waste have been made, such that, the total collection authority residual waste remains at similar levels to the same period the previous year.

Whilst it is not surprising that improvements have been made given the nature of the service changes, it should be noted that, as was the case between 2013/14 and 2014/15, where service changes have not been implemented in the period, the remaining volumes show an increase in residual LACW growth of 1.72%.

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Figure 4.3: Changes in Waste Collection Authority residual LACW (quarters 1 to 3) 2014/15 to 2015/16 Quarters 1 to 3 Quarters 1 to 3 Percentage Difference 2014/15 2015/16 change Tonnage Tonnage Tonnage Tonnage

Broxbourne 19,076.11 18,856.58 -219.53 -1.15%

Dacorum 24,461.78 22,339.02 -2,122.76 -8.68%

East Herts 21,728.74 22,649.50 920.76 4.24%

Hertsmere 18,119.90 18,472.20 352.30 1.94%

North Herts 17,035.43 17,675.70 640.27 3.76%

St Albans 19,018.02 19,119.97 101.95 0.54%

Stevenage 15,991.76 15,756.74 -235.02 -1.47%

Three Rivers 10,914.75 11,272.26 357.51 3.28%

Watford 14,086.90 14,390.30 303.40 2.15%

Welwyn 17,891.71 17,770.09 -121.62 -0.68%

Total 178,325.10 178,302.36 -22.74 -0.01%

Other Authorities

To provide some context for residual LACW solutions elsewhere in the UK, table 4.4 shows the residual waste disposal options for Hertfordshire County Council’s nearest statistical neighbours, these authorities have the most similar statistical characteristics in terms of social and economic features. (Source: Cipfa (Charted Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy) set=england )

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Table 4.4: Residual LACW disposal in other authorities (source Defra statistics 2014/15)

Authority Residual disposal solution 2014/15 2014/15 residual % LACW LACW recycled/ (tonnes) composted/ re-used Buckinghamshire In county Energy from Waste County Council (EfW) facility constructed at 123,413 53.1 Greatmoor entered commissioning late 2015, anticipated to be fully operational from spring 2016. Cambridgeshire Waste sent to their Mechanical County Council Biological Treatment (MBT) 135,226 58.5 facility with residual remaining after treatment sent to landfill. Essex County Processed at MBT facility in Council Basildon, then the resulting ‘fuel’ 372,576 48.1 is sent for export to European EfW facilities. Gloucestershire In county Javelin Park EfW, County Council planning application approved by 158,868 46.7 Secretary of State in January 2015. Hampshire County Waste is sent to one of three Council EfWs within Hampshire with less 392,116 40.6 than 10% of waste sent to landfill. Kent County In county EfW facility at Allington Council Quarry. 372,065 47.7

Lancashire County Waste treated at two MBT Council facilities, waste remaining after 345,087 43.0 treatment goes to landfill. Northamptonshire The county is divided into three County Council areas and waste from each area 183,861 48.5 sent to a number of facilities. Technologies include mechanical treatment, anaerobic digestion, gasification, production of waste derived fuel and MBT. Nottinghamshire Following unsuccessful planning County Council application for an EfW, an RPP 224,193 43.9 was accepted, waste now sent to a combination of existing EfWs including facilities out of county.

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Oxfordshire County Waste is sent to their in county Council EfW facility at Ardley. 128,841 58.6

Suffolk County In county EfW facility is Council operational at Great Blakenham 186,169 51.7

Surrey County Following a refusal of planning Council permission for EfWs at a number 262,187 54.2 of in county sites interim contracts were signed in 2009 to take waste out of the county. Warwickshire Within county landfill and EfW at County Council Four Ashes (in partnership with 122,669 55.0 Staffordshire County Council). West Sussex Waste is to be treated at their County Council MBT facility (currently completing 250,572 43.7 the commissioning phase) and waste derived fuel to be produced. Worcestershire In partnership with Herefordshire County Council entered a contract in 1998, 163,628 43.3 following failed planning application on the original site, the in county site at Hartlebury was granted planning permission by the Secretary of State in 2012. EfW facility is under construction and will start commissioning in spring 2017.

Hertfordshire (for comparative purposes) 274,727 48.7

Map 1 highlights the existing and emerging facilities surrounding Hertfordshire.

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GMT Sensitivity testing

In order to test that the RPP presented by VES meets the needs of the Council a number of assumptions have been tested to ensure that, with changes in the waste generated over the life of the Contract such as improvements in recycling, the prospect of a GMT breach is significantly low.

The contractual maximum tonnage is 352,000 tonnes per annum. Should the volume of Contract Waste produced be above this level then VES have the option to accept this additional waste with the cost passing back through to the Council or the Council has the option to make alternative arrangements for this additional waste.

The contractual minimum tonnage (known as the Guaranteed Minimum Tonnage or GMT) has been negotiated and agreed for the RPP to be 135,000 tonnes per annum. The contractual minimum tonnage for New Barnfield was 180,000 tonnes per annum. If the Council fails to provide this volume of waste and send it to the facility under the Contract they would still have to pay up to this GMT tonnage subject to VES providing “substitute waste” or the Council providing “top up” waste as detailed in the main body of the report.

Base Position

A base position has been established and used by the Council for the assessment of the RPP and for establishing the affordability of alternative disposal arrangements. This base position takes into consideration known changes in residual waste in the next three years (for example the introduction of the mechanical street sweepings contract) and projects only growth in the number of household’s not economic or other waste growth.

Household growth has been projected forward using adopted and/or projections of the district and borough local plan commitments for housing numbers. The anticipated increase in future dwellings up to 2031 is expected to be in the region of c.87,000.

Table 4.5 2015/2016 2021/2022 2030/2031 2050/2051 Projected annual tonnage of 258,361.58 268,571.05 290,836.66 340,315.77 contract waste GMT Balance 123,361.58 133,571.05 155,836.66 205,315.77

With the projected volumes of residual waste over the life of the Contract the residual waste does not fall below the Guaranteed Minimum Tonnage (GMT) level set in the Contract.

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Figure 4.6 Base Position Projected residual waste 400,000




0 Tonnage perannum Tonnage 2015/2016 2021/2022 2030/2031 2050/2051 VES Contract Waste GMT

Assessment of the GMT can also be provided by comparative published positions. As is shown in table 4.7 below, with the exception of Oxfordshire who have negotiated a GMT of zero, the RPP proposes a balanced position between a low GMT (the level having an impact on risk and therefore cost) and being less reliant on third party waste.

It is also interesting to note that the market consultation responses indicate that a significantly higher proportion of the nominal capacity would be required as a GMT which is perhaps a reflection of the existing market in terms of risk transfer or funding as opposed to a few years ago when the comparative facilities would have reached financial close.

Table 4.7: Assessment of GMT against capacity LACW Reliance on GMT as a % of residual Source Capacity GMT third party facility size (Defra waste (%) 14/15) 1 Market consultation 500,000 400,000 80.00% - - 2 Market consultation 400,000 330,000 82.50% - - 3 Market consultation 300,000 260,000 86.67% - - 4 Market consultation 250,000 200,000 80.00% - - 5 Market consultation 500,000 400,000 80.00% - - 6 Buckinghamshire CC 300,000 100,000 33.33% 123,413 58.86% 7 Oxfordshire CC 300,000 - 0.00% 128,841 57.05% 8 Suffolk CC 270,000 170,000 62.96% 186,169 31.05% 9 Norfolk CC (as 275,000 170,000 61.82% 229,608 16.51% proposed) 10 RPP 320,000 135,000 42.19% 274,727 14.15%

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Waste Composition Analysis

A waste composition study was commissioned by the Council and carried out over a six week period between March and May 2015 looking at the composition of the kerbside waste of nine of the ten district and borough councils and seven of the seventeen household waste recycling centres in the County.

East Herts district council did not participate in the waste composition analysis but have since carried out their own waste composition study which revealed similar patterns experienced by the other district and borough councils.

The results from the waste composition analysis study have helped inform the testing of the RPP to ensure that it meets the Council’s future need and highlighted extracts are as follows:-

Residual Waste  Households were setting out an average of 6.10kg per household per week.  32.8% of the total residual waste was food waste – 43.9% of this was disposed in its packaging.  10% of the residual waste was paper items – 63.2% of this was recyclable at the kerbside.  2.9% of the residual waste was metallic – 47.6% of this was recyclable at the kerbside.  3% of the residual waste was glass – 89.7% of this was due to glass bottles and jars which can be recycled at the kerbside.  Overall 15.4% of collected residual waste could have been placed into the mixed dry recycling containers.  Overall 35.8% of collected residual waste could have been placed into the organic recycling containers.  In total 51.2% of residual waste collected could have been recycled at the kerbside.

Kerbside Mixed Recycling  78% of households presented dry recycling containers out for collection.  Kerbside properties diverted around 25% of their total waste through mixed recycling collections.

Organic Recycling  52% of households presented organic recycling containers for collection.  Kerbside properties diverted around 21.8% of their total waste through organic recycling collections.

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Scenario testing To account for potential future changes in residual LACW a number of different sensitivities have been run. The results are shown in table 4.8.

Scenario 1 This scenario assumes that Hertfordshire County Council could achieve the same recycling rate as Oxfordshire County Council. Oxfordshire County Council have the highest household recycling and composting rate of any waste disposal authority at 60.5%, which equates to a municipal recycling rate of 58.62%. This recycling rate has been applied to Hertfordshire’s waste flow.

Scenario 2 This scenario is modelled on all food waste being diverted from the residual waste stream. No other changes have been modelled to the base case. As per the waste composition analysis 3.53% of the residual waste received at the HWRC was food waste and 32.81% of the WCA residual kerbside waste was food.

Scenario 3 The scenario modelled here assumes that the 65% recycling rate target is achieved (EU Circular Economy package agreed by the European Commission in December 2015 set a target for recycling municipal waste of 65% by 2030). Although this target is agreed by the European Commission please note that it is still to be agreed by the EU Parliament and Council Ministers.

Scenario 4 Based on a rate of 0.5% in household growth, as referenced in the Eunomia report (Residual Waste Infrastructure Review Issue 9, December 2015), the Hertfordshire projected household growth rate has been removed from the base case and a rate of 0.5% has been applied.

Scenario 5 Scenario 5 has been modelled on the basis that all WCAs can achieve the same reduction in residual waste as the best performer. In this case:-

(i) Three Rivers District Council have the highest recycling rate in Hertfordshire and are considered as the best performing WCA. This scenario has been modelled assuming all WCA’s can achieve the same volume of residual waste per household as Three Rivers District Council. This would be a residual bin size of 140l and a separate food waste collection.

(ii) Of the HWRCs that were studied as part of the 2015 Waste Composition Analysis, Rickmansworth HWRC had the lowest percentage of recyclables in

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the residual waste. This scenario has been modelled on the assumption that all HWRCs can achieve the same level of recycling as Rickmansworth.

2015/2016 2021/2022 2030/2031 2050/2051 GMT 135,000.00 135,000.00 135,000.00 135,000.00 Maximum tonnage 352,000.00 352,000.00 352,000.00 352,000.00 HCC Base Position VES Contract Waste 258,361.58 268,571.05 290,836.66 340,315.77 GMT Balance 123,361.58 133,571.05 155,836.66 205,315.77

Scenario 1 VES Contract Waste 219,421.76 233,209.81 252,543.83 295,508.31 GMT Balance 84,421.76 98,209.81 117,543.83 160,508.31

Scenario 2 VES Contract Waste 179,918.76 187,500.81 203,044.67 237,578.23 GMT Balance 44,918.76 52,500.81 68,044.67 102,578.23

Scenario 3 VES Contract Waste 185,588.45 197,250.49 213,603.33 249,942.99 GMT Balance 50,588.45 62,250.49 78,603.33 114,942.99

Scenario 4 VES Contract Waste 257,096.84 255,771.87 256,925.15 259,506.64 GMT Balance 122,096.84 120,771.87 121,925.15 124,506.64

Scenario 5 VES Contract Waste 197,579.29 205,463.37 222,487.42 260,201.94 GMT Balance 62,579.29 70,463.37 87,487.42 125,201.94

Of the scenarios tested there is not one scenario where the anticipated level of residual waste fails to meet the GMT presented by VES in the RPP.

Table 4.9 shows the recycling rate that would be achieved if 135,000 tonnes per annum (GMT set out in the Contract) of residual waste was generated demonstrating that even with improved recycling rates it is unlikely that the minimum level of residual waste stated in the Contract would be breached.

Table 4.9: Recycling rate if the GMT was met but not exceeded 2015/16 2020/21 2030/31 2050/51

Recycling Rate should 135,000 tonnes per annum of 74.79% 75.97% 78.02% 81.21% residual waste be produced

As can be demonstrated by the information contained in the main body of the report and above, there is much that can still be done to improve performance in Hertfordshire and the Council continues to add to the good work already achieved by committing to a level of non-statutory funding for partner authorities through the alternative financial model and contributions to the HWP.

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Appendix 5 - Financial Modelling Assumptions

The financial modelling used to assess the suitability of the RPP is considerate of existing arrangements and was informed by the market engagement exercise. The final RPP financial model was received by the Council on Friday 4 December 2015. An initial quality assurance review was conducted and limited clarifications and/or challenges were raised.

The affordability modelling work carried out considers not only the cost of disposal at facility(ies) but also the transfer of waste and the management of infrastructure such as waste transfer stations. The model also contains all wider system Waste Disposal Authority costs such as organic waste arrangements and the payment of recycling credits.

Extensive work has been carried out with the Authority’s financial advisors PwC to develop and establish a robust affordability model that can be used to evaluate the costs of the RPP as well as the alternative disposal options available.

The figures produced by the waste flow modelling were provided to VES to be used for the development of the RPP proposal and have been used in the affordability modelling to evaluate the anticipated costs of disposal using a range of alternative options.

Following the receipt of the market consultation exercise, responses were collated and analysed in order to feed into the affordability modelling. The responses fell into three categories, Design Build Finance Operate (DBFO), RDF and UK EfW, Figure 5.1 reflects the range of gate fees presented by the market for these three categories.

Based on the information and level of detail provided in response to the market consultation exercise, the results were analysed and developed into six credible alternative scenarios which in turn fed into the affordability modelling.

Credible Alternative Scenario 1 EfW solution with multiple suppliers Credible Alternative Scenario 2 EfW solution with a single supplier Credible Alternative Scenario 3 RDF solution with multiple suppliers Credible Alternative Scenario 4 EfW/RDF combination Credible Alternative Scenario 5 Solution using the WRAP EfW median gate fees1 Credible Alternative Scenario 6 Solution using the WRAP MBT/MHT median gate fees

1 WRAP (2014) Gate Fees report 2013/2014 – Comparing the Costs of Alternative Waste Treatment Options EfW post–2000 facilities: Median gate fee £94 MBT/MHT: Median gate fee £84

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Figure 5.1: Range of gate fees provided in response to the market consultation exercise, grouped by solution presented. £120.00




Priceper tonne £40.00



In considering whether to model a new Design, Build Finance and Operate (DBFO) option as a comparator to the RPP officers carried out an assessment of the key value drivers to determine whether a clear case can be made that a new DBFO project could improve upon the RPP offer provided by VES. The assessment conclusions were as follows:

 It was considered that in the event a DBFO would represent greater value it would need to improve on the RPP by sufficient distance to cover the RPP termination costs and the expected additional procurement costs even without taking any account of the delay in operations a new procurement would cause.

 Construction costs and operating expenses are key drivers to any DBFO project and, in consultation with the Council’s financial advisors PwC, it was believed that a new DBFO would not have a material advantage over the RPP in terms of capital or operational spend. The RPP value is driven in part by the third party revenue assumptions, and whilst some assumptions have altered from those achieved during the 2011 RWTP Contract tender process, they are a reasonable reflection of the market movement in this time and likely to be reflected by alternative bidders.

 Where DBFO responses to the market engagement exercise referenced access to renewables subsidies such as the Contract For Difference (CfDs) or Renewable Obligation Certificates (ROCs), these were seen as sufficiently

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uncertain as to be unlikely to present a competitive advantage for any alternative market solution.

 The other key value driver is the financing costs of the project, an alternative funding solution may be able to generate value against the Internal Rate of Return offered by the RPP structure, but VES's blended IRR is not abnormal in the market and any bank-funded solution an alternative bidder may offer may achieve lower terms, but would come with reduced funding certainty and additional funding market risk factors which, it was suggested by PwC, would outweigh the possibility of realising a saving compared to the VES funding solution.

 Whilst the competitive tension a fresh open-market procurement would bring for a DBFO solution is helpful, the procurement regulations the RPP is working under, allied with the reasonable expectation by VES that the Council could exercise its termination rights, do not suggest that this would offer material value to the Council.

Based on these considerations officers are of the view that a new DBFO procurement would not offer a sufficient expectation of comparable or better value than the RPP as to merit detailed modelling.

The credible alternative scenarios were modelled from the 1st April 2018 to coincide with the natural residual waste disposal interim contract expiry date. The assumption used in the modelling of the alternative options is that post expiry of the current residual waste disposal contracts the credible alternatives will begin to come into effect.

Dependent on the end disposal destination, haulage is a high component of the overall modelled cost of disposal. To establish an estimate on the cost of haulage to the destinations put forward in the market consultation exercise a bespoke methodology to calculate the haulage costs was developed. The model takes into consideration factors such as the travelling time, average cost of vehicle, fuel and driver, driver time and how many trips one driver can make to a disposal point in one day.

The outputs from this model were then reviewed, and the assumptions finalised, in discussions with our financial advisors PWC, and using their understanding of the haulage market.

In relation to supporting infrastructure the assumption is that an Eastern Transfer Station (ETS) is constructed and operational from February 2019 and that a new Northern Transfer station is operational from July 2020.

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The Council holds the risk under the Contract for movement in the foreign exchange rate and the exchange rate conversion factor for the Contract is fixed from shortly after the point in time that the challenge period for a planning permission has expired. The affordability analysis included a range of sensitivities to provide an indication of the effect of movement that the foreign exchange rate in the RPP model could have on the blended unitary charge and how this compares to the credible alternatives modelled.

More detailed commercially sensitive information is set out in the Part II annex to this report.

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Appendix 6 - Commercial implications and risk allocation

As is explored in the main body of the report at section 12, the risk allocation assumed in the Contract is not impacted by the RPP proposal. The changes proposed to be made to the Contract to bring the RPP into effect are consequential on the RPP. There are some changes that represent an improved commercial position for the Council but overall the changes are either of no commercial significance or their overall impact on the Council is neutral. The changes proposed to the Contract are not substantial.

The changes to the Contract are described in section 14 of Part 1 of the main body of the report. Other key changes consequential on the RPP are set out for Members in Table 6.1 and Table 6.2 below.

Table 6.1: Changes to the Contract required for RPP

Key contractual feature in 2011 RWTP Impact of RPP Contract

1. Contract form and risk transfer to Veolia Contract form remains substantially and retained by the Council: In order to the same save for consequential secure revenue grant support, Private changes to give effect to RPP. Finance Initiative (“PFI”) contracts must No overall change to balance of risk comply with standard principles and drafting assumed in 2011 Contract. in HM Treasury’s guidance known as the “Standardisation of PFI Contracts” Version 4 (“SoPC4”). Further, such contracts must also comply with guidance set out by the relevant sponsoring department. In the case of waste PFI, the sponsoring department is Defra which has published its own model contact complying with HM Treasury guidance and containing approved derogations specific to the waste sector. The principal changes were to render the Contract specific to the proposed site, technical and funding solution. Improved commercial positions have also been secured for the Council during the competitive dialogue process 2. Contracting party: SoPC4 assumes that the No change to contracting counter successful bidder will establish a special party. Contract will remain with Veolia purpose vehicle (“SPV”) to deliver the project. ES Hertfordshire Ltd The SPV for the Contract is Veolia ES Hertfordshire Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Veolia ES Aurora Limited which is turn is owned by a French corporation.

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3. Contractual overview: In summary, the No change save for treatment of Contract assumes that VES must design, Facility on an expiry and early build, finance and operate the facility and termination. accept the vast majority of the risks associated with these obligations. If the facility is not constructed by a longstop date or if, having been constructed, does not perform to accept waste or to divert sufficient waste from landfill the Council may terminate the Contract. If the Contract is terminated, the facility will become the Council’s property.

Risk transfer and risks retained by the Council - The risk transfer to the private sector is never absolute and it is important to recognise that some risks remain for the Council. The principal risks associated with the Contract (as proposed to be varied by the RPP) are set out in Table 6.2.

Table 6.2: Risk comparison

Risk Treatment in 2011 Contract Impact of RPP

Planning risk VES must use reasonable VES remain responsible for obtaining endeavours to secure a planning planning permission for RPP permission. If despite this it has not proposal and to bear all costs done so by a longstop date, and the associated with planning application. project cannot be rescued by the If planning permission for the RPP agreement of a revised project development at Rye House is plan, the Council may terminate the refused or called in the Council may Contract but in those circumstances terminate the Contract and pay the Council must pay a breakage compensation at the capped sums sum to VES. Veolia have agreed to included in the Contract (note that no cap their costs and they are far changes are proposed to the capped lower than caps agreed on other sums included in the Contract by the Waste PPP/PFI projects. However, RPP so the Council would remain they remain a significant potential liable to pay compensation up to the liability for the Council in the event same capped sums included in the of planning failure. 2011 Contract terms). These are:  VES’ sub-contractor costs Compensation is payable up to the capped at £336,017 (indexed) following caps:  VES’ own development costs  Veolia’s sub-contractor’s capped at £650,000 (indexed costs (Construction from the RPP variation date). Contractor’s Development Costs) capped at £366,017 The RPP will also provide a (indexed); and mechanism to allow either party to  Veolia’s own development appeal or fund the cost of

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Table 6.2: Risk comparison

Risk Treatment in 2011 Contract Impact of RPP

costs (Contractor’s participating in any planning inquiry Development Costs) rather than terminate the Contract capped at £650,000. but this is an option only for the Council to afford flexibility in the If planning permission is obtained Contract and the Council is not by the longstop date but there is a obliged to pay any additional costs to delay to the planned service pursue proceedings. commencement date, the Unitary Charge may increase to reflect inflation in the construction costs and to reflect that the operational period will be shorter than the assumed 25 years. Permit risk Generally the risk associated with No change. obtaining an environmental permit is treated the same as planning risk but Veolia has agreed to accept a greater amount of risk in relation to obtaining the environmental permit than is assumed in Defra’s model contract. The Contractor must use reasonable endeavours to secure an environmental permit for the facility. If despite this it has not done so by a longstop date, the Council may terminate the contract. Veolia has not sought any form of compensation for delay or on termination for failure to obtain an environmental permit. Site delivery As the proposed site is in Council VES is responsible for site delivery and granting ownership, the Council must grant and for complying with the terms of of lease / a lease of the site for the full the Headlease with Tarmac so the restrictive contract period. The lease is to be Council risks associated with New covenant granted at the start of the proposed Barnfield are removed from the construction period to allow Veolia Contract. access to start the works. The title to the site has a restrictive covenant preventing the intended use. To overreach the restrictive covenant the Council must appropriate the site for planning purposes. This remains a Council responsibility so that any delay or

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Table 6.2: Risk comparison

Risk Treatment in 2011 Contract Impact of RPP

failure to overreach the restrictive covenant will be a Council risk. Third Party These risks rest with VES in the The RPP requires VES to obtain a rights and Contract and any failure to obtain number of consents from third consents in such consents would be treated as parties to secure necessary access relation to a Contractor Default to the extent and rights over land in and adjacent the Site and the failure impacted on the to the Site. The Contract as varied off site works performance of the Services. will require VES to obtain any necessary consents from third parties to deliver the RPP at VES’ cost and risk.

Land and As above, the Council must lease As above, VES is responsible for site construction the site to VES. The Contractor delivery and so the Council risks may seek compensation if the associated with New Barnfield are Council does not give access to the removed from the Contract. site. Unless the Council exercises its option to take an assignment of the Headlease at the end of the Contract Period (see below), under the RPP VES is liable for decommissioning and site clearance at the end of the useful life of the Facility. Treatment of Facility to be constructed on Facility to be constructed on site asset on Council freehold site at New owned by Tarmac. Headlease early Barnfield. Site and facility granted by Tarmac to VES will be for termination constructed on it revert to Council a term of 50 years but with an option and expiry of on expiry or early termination of the for VES to terminate the Headlease the Contract Contract. on the termination of the Contract. The Council is liable for Simultaneously with the Headlease, decommissioning and site VES will grant an underlease to the clearance at the end of the useful Council for a term of 30 years to life of the facility. reflect the terms of the Contract. The Council bears obsolescence The Council will grant a risk in relation to the facility (i.e. the subunderlease to VES to mirror the risk that the facility is still useful in Contract term. During any period the future and the risk that the when the subunderlease is in place, facility can be filled is borne by the a Supplemental Agreement will Council). “suspend” all of the Council’s obligations as tenant under the underlease.

The Contract and the leasing structure will assume that on expiry of the Contract the Headlease and

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Table 6.2: Risk comparison

Risk Treatment in 2011 Contract Impact of RPP

Facility remains with VES for the remainder of the term of the Headlease. However the RPP includes an option for the Council to acquire the ERF facility for the remainder of its operational life by permitting an assignment of the Headlease to the Council on payment by the Council of a one off payment.

This structure means that (unless the Council exercises the option to take an assignment of the Headlease):  VES is liable for decommissioning and site clearance at the end of the useful life of the facility.

 VES bears obsolescence risk in relation to the facility (i.e. the risk that the facility is still useful in the future and the risk that the facility can be filled is borne by VES).

On early termination for Contractor Default the Council will have the option to take an assignment of the Headlease and retender the Contract but in other termination scenarios the Headlease will remain with VES and the Council will have no rights to the Facility after termination of the Contract.

The compensation on termination provisions in the Contract are amended in the RPP proposals so they reflect the nature of the RPP asset and this lease structure and so the Council does not overcompensate VES on termination and the risk in the asset remains with VES after termination.

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Table 6.2: Risk comparison

Risk Treatment in 2011 Contract Impact of RPP

Minimum The Council must deliver or else Commercial position remains the Tonnage pay for at least 180,000 tonnes of same under the RPP save that VES waste a year. However VES must have agreed to reduce the Minimum also use reasonable endeavours to Tonnage from 180,000 to 135,000 secure alternative waste if there is tonnes of waste a year which is an a shortfall (Substitute Waste improved position for the Council. mechanism – clause 25). This reduction is subject to an agreement by the Council that it will not send waste to other fuel production processes (or third party EfW facilities) prior to sending to VES but does not restrict retention of material for re-use, recycling and/or composting. Exclusivity The Council must deliver to VES all No changes proposed by RPP save residual municipal waste arising in that (i) the carve out for Edmonton Hertfordshire up to the agreed Waste up to 2018 is no longer Maximum Tonnage (345,000 applicable due to revised Planned tonnes per annum). This does not Services Commencement Date of include waste retained for recycling December 2020; and (ii) the carve or composting. To allow the Council out of 20,000 tonnes per annum will further flexibility, Veolia have also only be in place until 31 March 2025 agreed that the Council may given the reduction in GMT from withhold the waste that it currently 180,000 to 135,000 tonnes per sends to Edmonton until January annum. 2018 and further in any contract year up to 20,000 tonnes per annum. Payment It is normal in PFI that the No change Mechanism deductions available under the as sole payment mechanism for remedy performance, non-acceptance and failure to divert are the Council’s sole remedy for the performance of the services (apart from claims under the indemnity for breach and/or termination). Failure to The Contractor takes landfill risk if it No change (albeit the LATS risk is no divert from landfills more than the guaranteed longer relevant due to change in law landfill / amount. Waste landfilled in excess since 2011) Landfill of the guaranteed amount will result Allowance in a diversion deduction whether or Trading not LATS is actually incurred. Scheme However liability for failure to divert (LATS) risk from landfill is capped at levels

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Table 6.2: Risk comparison

Risk Treatment in 2011 Contract Impact of RPP

which are normal and on market. It is unlikely that the Council would incur greater liability than the cap unless it was already in a situation where the contract could be terminated. VES have also agreed to take full landfill tax risk for the life of the contract. Failure to VES have agreed to a further No change to Payment Mechanism achieve deduction under the Payment remedy proposed by RPP. VES recycling Mechanism that allows the Council remain liable for failure to recycle targets to make deductions if VES fails to albeit the target now relates to achieve its recycling targets metals rather than the recyclate associated with the MPT Non Non-acceptance of waste results in No change to Payment Mechanism Acceptance the Council being able to deduct its remedy proposed by RPP. VES Deduction actual mitigated costs of alternative remain liable for non-acceptance of disposal (but of course this is waste always subject to VES (an SPV and without assets beyond the project, see contracting with an SPV below)) Performance The Council may make No change to risk allocation Deduction performance deductions if key proposed by RPP. VES retain performance indicators are not performance risk achieved. However, as is normal, these are capped at a proportion of the unitary charge. Composition This risk is generally shared No change to risk allocation risk between the public and private proposed by RPP. VES retain sector but VES have agreed to composition risk accept full composition risk provided the Council complies with its obligation to deliver waste up to the Maximum Tonnage (see Exclusivity above) Liability Indemnities are capped but the cap No change to liability caps proposed Caps is on-market. by RPP

Contracting As with all PFI, the Contract is No change proposed by RPP. VES with a entered into with a special purpose will refresh the PCG on the same Special company established for the terms so that the Council continues Purpose purpose of delivering the project. to have parent company guarantee Vehicle This means that, in reality, the support in the event of performance

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Table 6.2: Risk comparison

Risk Treatment in 2011 Contract Impact of RPP

(SPV) ability of the Council to sue is failure by VES limited because the SPV only has the project as its single asset. VES has agreed to give the Council a parent company guarantee. Although this is capped on termination for Contractor Default, no parent company guarantee at all would be given for the SPV obligations in a project finance deal and in any event it would be subordinate to the banks. Accordingly, this is a good position for the Council in comparison to other waste PPP/PFI deals. Change in In brief summary, this is a Council No change to this risk allocation Law risk, if it is a general change of law proposed by the RPP although the which involves capital expenditure Change in Law “no better no worse” or if it is a specific or discriminatory provisions have been amended to change in law (i.e. one which ensure VES are not relates to waste management, overcompensated where the Facility emissions, similar facilities or PFI). is not transferred to the Council on A change in law requires the expiry of the Contract Council to return VES to a no- better-no-worse position. This is an absolutely standard PFI position. VES have agreed an improved position however in that the Council is able to “claw back” from Veolia’s third party income any Council contribution to changes in law relating to capacity in the facility that is used by third party users (i.e. over time, the Council will only contribute on a pro rata basis equivalent to its usage of the facility) “Compensati Breaches of the Council’s express RPP proposal removes Council’s on Events” obligations in the contract may lead risks associated with site delivery and breach to claims by VES for compensation and obligations to comply with the by the (including compensation for lost lease (risk transferred to VES). Council third party income) or termination of Accordingly, under RPP Council’s the Contract for “Authority Default”. obligations are limited to “non- During construction, the Council’s hindrance” and requirement to obligations are limited to its deliver waste during the operational

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Table 6.2: Risk comparison

Risk Treatment in 2011 Contract Impact of RPP

obligations in relation to the site period (see Exclusivity above) and the lease (see above) and to non-hindrance. During the operational period, the Council’s obligations are limited to delivering waste in relation to its exclusivity obligation (see above) and to complying with its obligations in relation to the lease of the site (see above) “Relief There are certain events defined in No change Events” the Contract that may prevent the Contractor from performing its obligations. While VES takes the risk for these events in terms of performance and cost, the Council is not entitled to terminate the contract if failure to perform arises directly as a result of a Relief Event. Relief Events include fire, flood and strikes.

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Appendix 7 – Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA)

Guidance is available on Compass. Completion of an EqIA should be proportional and relevant to the anticipated impact of the project on equalities. The form can be tailored to your project and should be completed before decisions are made. Key EqIAs should be reviewed by the Business Manager or Service Head, signed off by your department’s Equality Action Group (EAG) and sent to the Equality and Diversity team to publish on HertsDirect. For support and advice please contact [email protected].

STEP 1: Responsibility and involvement

Title of proposal/ Residual Waste Head of Service or Matthew King project/strategy/ Treatment Business Manager procurement/policy Programme – Revised Project Plan Names of those Jo Hawes Lead officer 01992 556207 involved in contact details: completing the EqIA: Date completed: 08/02/16 Review date: TBC

STEP 2: Objectives of proposal and scope of assessment – what do you want to achieve?

Proposal objectives: The Council entered into contract with Veolia  what you want to achieve Environmental Services Ltd (VES) for residual waste  intended outcomes treatment services including the design, construction, purpose and need financing and operation of a Recycling and Energy Recovery Facility (RERF) at New Barnfield, Hatfield. Following the decision by the Secretary of State to reject planning permission for the RERF at New Barnfield, the Council has requested a Revised Project Plan (RPP) from VES.

The RPP presented by VES is for an energy recovery facility at Rye House, Hoddesdon, acceptance of the RPP is one option that will be presented to Members of the Community Safety and Waste Management Panel before a recommendation is made to Cabinet.

The existing disposal arrangements are in place until 2018, should the RPP not be accepted an EqIA would need to be drawn up once a decision has been made on what future approach is to be taken.

The outcome of this EqIA is to identify and assess the impact that this decision will have on Hertfordshire

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This contract deals with HCC’s statutory duty to dispose of the county’s waste, and is not a service that interacts directly with the public.

Stakeholders: Internal Who will be affected: Existing Staff the public, partners, staff, County Councillors service users, local Member etc External Hertfordshire residents District and Borough Council members Town and Parish Councils

STEP 3: Available data and monitoring information

Relevant equality information What the data tell us about equalities For example: Community profiles / service user demographics, data and monitoring information (local and national), similar or previous EqIAs, complaints, audits or inspections, local knowledge and consultations. Equality Impact Assessment originally The main impact identified was in relation to completed as part of the Residual Southfield School, which was adjacent to Waste Procurement Project prior to the New Barnfield site. The RPP is in a appointing a preferred bidder. different location, this impact is not relevant to the RPP proposal.

A differential impact was identified as the project was devised to reduce the reliance of the whole county on landfill, and to reduce the impacts of haulage on the wider population. Equality Impact Assessments from EqIAs have been gathered from Local Local Authorities which have looked at Authorities which have made changes to changes to their waste disposal large scale waste disposal contracts. activities. EqIAs undertaken by the following Local Authorities have been reviewed and have informed this EqIA:

 Cornwall Council  Surrey County Council

STEP 4: Impact Assessment – Service Users, communities and partners (where relevant)

Guidance on groups of service users to consider within each protected group can be found here

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Potential for differential Protected What reasonable mitigations impact (positive or characteristic can you propose? negative) Age No negative impacts Review and monitor. currently identified. Disability No negative impacts Review and monitor. Including currently identified. Learning Disability Race No negative impacts Review and monitor. currently identified. Gender No negative impacts Review and monitor. reassignment currently identified. Pregnancy and No negative impacts Review and monitor. maternity currently identified. Religion or belief No negative impacts Review and monitor. currently identified. Sex No negative impacts Review and monitor. currently identified. Sexual orientation No negative impacts Review and monitor. currently identified. Marriage & civil No negative impacts Review and monitor. partnership currently identified. Carers (by No negative impacts Review and monitor. association with currently identified. any of the above) Carers and From April 2015, carers will be entitled to an assessment of CARE ACT 2014 their own needs in the same way as those they care for. If the focus of your EqIA relates to care and support, consider carers’ new rights and see the Care Act pages on Compass for more guidance No negative impacts Review and monitor. currently identified. Opportunity to advance equality of opportunity and/or foster good relations (Please refer to the guidance for more information on the public sector duties)

Impact Assessment – Staff (where relevant)

Protected Potential for differential impact What reasonable mitigation characteristic (positive or negative) can you propose? Age No negative impacts currently Review and monitor. identified. Disability No negative impacts currently Review and monitor. Including identified. Learning

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Protected Potential for differential impact What reasonable mitigation characteristic (positive or negative) can you propose? Disability

Race No negative impacts currently Review and monitor. identified. Gender No negative impacts currently Review and monitor. reassignment identified. Pregnancy No negative impacts currently Review and monitor. and maternity identified. Religion or No negative impacts currently Review and monitor. belief identified. Sex No negative impacts currently Review and monitor. identified. Sexual No negative impacts currently Review and monitor. orientation identified. Marriage & No negative impacts currently Review and monitor. civil identified. partnership Carers (by No negative impacts currently Review and monitor. association identified. with any of the above) Opportunity to advance equality of opportunity and/or foster good relations (Please refer to the guidance for more information on the public sector duties)

STEP 5: Gaps identified

Gaps identified None identified. Do you need to collect more data/information or carry out consultation? (A ‘How to engage’ consultation guide is on Compass). How will you make sure your consultation is accessible to those affected?

STEP 6: Other impacts

Consider if your proposal has the potential (positive and negative) to impact on areas such as health and wellbeing, crime and disorder and community relations. There is more information in the guidance.

STEP 7: Conclusion of your analysis

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Select one conclusion of your analysis Give details No equality impacts identified This contract deals with HCC’s statutory  No change required to proposal. duty to dispose of the county’s waste, and is not a service that interacts directly with the public. No adverse impacts have been identified.

There may be opposition to the proposal however at this stage there is nothing to suggest that a particular group of the community will be impacted or will be opposing the RPP. Minimal equality impacts identified  Adverse impacts have been identified, but have been objectively justified (provided you do not unlawfully discriminate).  Ensure decision makers consider the cumulative effect of how a number of decisions impact on equality. Potential equality impacts identified  Take ‘mitigating action’ to remove barriers or better advance equality.  Complete the action plan in the next section. Major equality impacts identified  Stop and remove the policy  The adverse effects are not justified, cannot be mitigated or show unlawful discrimination.  Ensure decision makers understand the equality impact.

STEP 8: Action plan

Issue or opportunity identified relating to: Officer Responsible  Mitigation measures Action proposed  Further research and target  Consultation proposal date  Monitor and review Monitor and review Monitor and review, should the RPP TBC is accepted continue to monitor the EqIA to ensure it is still relevant.

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Issue or opportunity identified relating to: Officer Responsible  Mitigation measures Action proposed  Further research and target  Consultation proposal date  Monitor and review

This EqIA has been reviewed and signed off by:

Head of Service or Business Manager: Date:

Equality Action Group Chair: Date:

HCC’s Diversity Board requires the Equality team to compile a central list of EqIAs so a random sample can be quality assured. Each Equality Action Group is encouraged to keep a forward plan of key service decisions that may require an EqIA, but please can you ensure the Equality team is made aware of any EqIAs completed so we can add them to our list. (email: [email protected]). Thank you.

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