HS, African American History, Quarter 1
2021-2022, HS, African American History, Quarter 1 Students begin a comprehensive study of African American history from pre1619 to present day. The course complies T.C.A. § 49-6-1006 on inclusion of Black history and culture. Historical documents are embedded in the course in compliance with T.C.A. § 49-6-1011. The Beginnings of Slavery and the Slave Trade - pre-1619 State Standards Test Knowledge Suggested Learning Suggested Pacing AAH.01 Analyze the economic, The economic, political, and Analyze and discuss reasons for political, and social reasons for social reasons for colonization the focusing the slave trade on focusing the slave trade on and why the slave trade focused Africa, especially the natural Africa, including the roles of: on Africans. resources, labor shortages, and Africans, Europeans, and religion. 1 Week Introduction The role Africans, Europeans, and colonists. colonist played in the slave trade. Analyze the motivations of Africans, Europeans, and colonists to participate in slave trading. AAH.02 Analyze the role of The geography of Africa including Analyze various maps of Africa geography on the growth and the Sahara, Sahel, Ethiopian including trade routes, physical development of slavery. Highlands, the savanna (e.g., geography, major tribal location, Serengeti), rainforest, African and natural resources. Great Lakes, Atlantic Ocean, Use Exploring Africa Website to Mediterranean Sea, and Indian understand previous uses of Ocean. 1 Week slavery and compare to European Deep Dive into The impact of Africa’s geography slave trade. African Geography on the development of slavery. Compare the practice of slavery Identify the Igbo people. between the internal African slave trade, slave trade in Europe Comparisions of the Trans- during the Middle Ages, the Saharan vs Trans-Atlantic.
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