Wildcats Weekend DESTINATION: MENDOCINO CO. dominate entertainment Lodging group gets to work .............Page 7 ..............Page 3 .....................................Page 1 INSIDE Mendocino County’s World briefly The Ukiah local newspaper ..........Page 2 Tomorrow: Plenty of sunshine 7 58551 69301 0 THURSDAY Sept. 21, 2006 50 cents tax included DAILY JOURNAL ukiahdailyjournal.com 16 pages, Volume 148 Number 165 email:
[email protected] 22-yr-old UKIAH CITY COUNCIL accused of attack Flag decision delayed By KATIE MINTZ with car The Daily Journal ‘I don’t want to come back Whether or not the Ukiah here if I don’t have to. I don’t Allegedly struck City Council will ever come to an agreement on Dave think Ric does either. I don’t woman and then Hull and Ric Piffero’s west- ern hills flagpole is uncer- think anyone does. I wish rammed her car tain, however, councilmem- bers did unanimously agree they would have voted with baby inside Wednesday night to again on it tonight.’ The Daily Journal continue discussion on the Louis Sanchez, 22, of Ukiah, matter. was arrested Monday evening on Hull and Piffero, who own DAVE HULL, on the City Council’s suspicion of multiple felony the 45-foot-tall flagpole at decision to delay a decision on the charges after he allegedly 335 Janix Drive, said a Los attacked a 22-year-old woman Angeles law firm contacted use permit for the 45-foot-tall and struck the car she and a child them Tuesday night and sug- flagpole he and Ric Piffero own were sitting in with his car.