July 8, 2020 ​

Governor Senate Majority Leader State Capitol Building Senate Minority Leader 101 N. Carson Street, Suite 1 Speaker Carson City, 89701 Assembly Minority Leader Dr. Robin Titus 401 S. Carson Street Carson City, Nevada 89701

Dear Governor Sisolak, Leader Cannizzaro, Speaker Frierson, Leader Settelmeyer and Leader Titus:

The has convened for a Special Session and must confront complex budget challenges th no one could have anticipated. Governor Sisolak provided the “Nevada COVID-19 Fiscal Report” on July 6 ,​ ​ which includes $166 million in education cuts. The proposal protects per pupil funding and Zoom and Victory but the cuts that remain will have dire consequences for Nevada’s children. There are no easy choices. This lost funding will directly impact schools and our students. Parents, educators, and the community must speak out against any budget cuts to education.

Nevada already suffers from the largest class sizes in America and our schools cannot afford any increases in class sizes at a time when public health mandates also drastically limit capacity for the safety of our children and staff. The Governor’s proposed cuts will effectively eliminate close to 1,000 teaching positions th across the state, many focused on the most at-need students. More than 65% of Nevada’s 4 ​ graders are ​ not proficient in reading. Proposed cuts would substantially undermine supports for reading proficiency – a vital key to academic development, as well as college and career readiness.

The New Nevada Education Plan provides targeted intervention and services for the lowest-performing students in our state. These cuts would fall disproportionately on the same children for whom distance learning has been impossible and are most at need. Even with the best efforts of teachers and districts these challenges will remain this fall when online education continues to be part of the equation for students.

Additionally, as efforts are made to address entrenched inequities in our community, eliminating funding for vital programs that directly support students of color and those facing poverty undermines those goals. Leaders must recognize the interconnection of our education and justice systems. Reforms must provide remedies within both systems to address the disparities for our students of color. Every child in every ZIP code across Nevada must receive the educational resources they need to succeed in school — and in life.

This special session will come and go quickly. The chronic underfunding endured by Nevada schools will continue through yet another crisis and yet another recovery – unless you, our elected leaders address these challenges. Historic obstacles can be matched with historic vision and creativity. It's time to invest in education and create a better economy that will serve our children, our future and every Nevadan.


CCSD Parents Charter School Association of Nevada Clark County Education Association HOPE for Nevada Nevada Parent Teacher Association Nevada School Choice Coalition Power2Parent Rise Up Nevada Education

Cc: and Assembly