God’s Calling for FUMC: For the Glory of God – Empowered by the Holy Spirit – we Passionately Seek God’s Truth and Boldly Share the Grace and Love of Jesus Christ

September 2021

Events at FUMC…. Message for Pastor Steve…

Front Page – The year is 1901, and the United States of America is quite a Message from Pastor Steve different place than we know today. Patriotic citizens from coast to coast proudly fly their new 45 star flags, having admitted Utah to

our union only a few years prior. It is a year of significant turmoil, Page 2 – William McKinley has just now become the third sitting President Message from Rev Lynn Benson to be assassinated in a span of only 36 years. And as much danger as there is in the presidency these days, things are certainly no Page 3 – better for the average American citizen, whose life expectancy is Local Mission only 46 years for a man, and 48 for a woman. It is a rather rough Remember Project Agape time even for children, as approximately 20% of American 10 year Back Pack Pals olds work full-time jobs in urban factories or rural mines and Charge Conference agriculture. Only 7 states have laws requiring children to attend school. Electricity is used almost exclusively for industrial purposes, and gasoline scarcely exists. For excitement, one might Page 4 seek out regional newspapers and check box scores from the Children Choir newly organized American League of Baseball Clubs, which just Chancel Choir this year adopted the title “The Major League of Baseball.” Lay Leaders Corner Basketball and football are played at a few universities, but are not yet widely popular. Page 5 FUMC Celebration In the relatively young town of Farmville, population roughly 300, a Methodist Church has been newly established on a route UMWomen previously frequented by circuit riding ministers. This church will UMMen provide spiritual community and help to meet the spiritual needs of Community Men’s Group local people for many decades and generations to come, and in Prayer Walk 1968 will eventually become known as Farmville . Inserts – September’s Calender We continue to celebrate the life and ministry of Farmville Kid’s Page United Methodist Church 120 years after its founding. Much has changed in the world, and in Farmville since first Pictures of Events became organized here, but we are so thankful that this continues

to be a place where the people of Farmville experience holy

encounters with God in worship, preaching, and holy fellowship among one another. You have seen in the past several newsletters updates and announcements, but this month our celebration is finally here! And we hope that you will be here for part of or the entire week of celebratory events. If the resurgence of Covid19 has you concerned about the indoor portions of our celebration, consider joining us for the outdoor fun, games, fellowship, and live music on Sunday afternoon. Whenever you can make it, we would sure love to see your face!

-Yours in Christ, Pastor Steve Dunn


In Faith & Friendship

Rev. Lynn Benson

When you think of the word Covenant, what comes to mind? Promise? Pledge? Covenant is a biblical concept, found throughout the Bible, as God makes and keeps promise after promise to God’s people. These covenants made a long time ago impact you and me and it is incredibly interesting and exciting to study these promises, learning how they apply to our lives as faithful Christians today.

Beginning Thursday, October 7th you will have the opportunity to join me as we explore a new Bible study entitled, Covenant. This study is divided into three 8-week lessons; you can choose to participate in one, two, or all three. This 24-week in-depth study of the whole Bible emphasizes the biblical concept of covenant as a unifying pattern through all the books of the Old and New Testaments. It underscores the unique relationship that God has with us as God’s people.

During our first eight weeks we will examine how the covenant community is created and established—highlighting several examples throughout scripture. It discusses the story of our origins in Genesis, the Exodus narrative, the teachings of Moses, the Gospels of Matthew and Mark, as well as other books from each Testament that focus on the foundation of Christian faith. In doing so, it lays out the framework for a life lived in concert with God and others. Each participant in the group needs the Participant Guides and a Bible. The CEB Study Bible is suggested.

Covenant is open to the whole congregation and while sharing participants guides is possible, I recommend each person have his/her own copy for notetaking, answering questions, etc. There is homework and reading, requiring 30-45 minutes six days a week, concluding with a weekly hour and a half group session. CCWG (Community Christian Women’s Group) is recommending this study and will pause for now.

We will offer the first 8-week study, entitled Creating the Covenant beginning Thursday, October 7th from 6-7:30, meeting in the fellowship hall. The study will not meet the Thursday of Thanksgiving and conclude on December 2nd. The second 8-week section, entitled Living the Covenant, will begin Jan 6, 2022, concluding February 24th. The third and final 8-week section, entitled Trusting the Covenant, will run March 3rd-April 21st, 2022.

The cost per section (study guide) is $12 (Amazon (current price)) or $30 for the 3-session set (Cokesbury (current price)). FUMC will cover half the cost of the materials. To sign up, please do so at the information desk outside the fellowship hall. Materials will be ordered in mid-September so that you have your study guide in time to prepare for the first class, Thursday, Oct 7th. You can choose to sign up for one, two, or all three sections of the study. Materials will be on the information desk for you to review.

I am excited to facilitate this study and I can’t wait to dig into this material with you very soon. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to let me know. (252-813-1116 or [email protected])


Local Mission and Outreach Opportunity: 9/10/21

Matthew 25:37-40

Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ And the King will answer them, Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’

These instructions from Jesus are spoken just a couple of days before he is arrested and crucified. We might think of these final words as some of Jesus last instructions, maybe the most important things he explains to his disciples before he leaves them. If this is the case, we too should see these red-letter words as critical for our discipleship.

After a long break during COVID-19 restrictions, we are being asked to serve meals again through the Farmville Soup Kitchen Friday, September 10th from 11:00-1:00 (and every second Friday). We will be serving to-go plates; last month we assisted 17 persons with a delicious, hot meal.

Is Jesus calling you to help with this feeding ministry? Maybe you would like to contribute to some part of the meal (meat, veggies, bread, desserts, or beverages). Maybe you could help distribute meals at the Soup Kitchen? Maybe you could pray for this ministry between 11:00-1:00 every 2nd Friday of the month? If you hear Jesus final instructions as words for your discipleship, then let us know and we will find a way for you to be a part of this vital ministry to hungry persons in our community.

For more information, please contact Rev. Lynn Benson, 252-813-1116 or [email protected]


Remember Project Agape The AGAPE Board has requested that instead of shoeboxes this year that we make a financial contribution. They BACK PACK PALS FILL A have enough shoeboxes to last PEW SUNDAY – SEPT. 12 through Jan & Feb of 2021. At this time local Its real now – school is in session – thus time to churches are facing hardship which means start with our Back Pack Pals Ministry. We need contributions are down. The NC Conference will be donations of food, school supplies, and/or cash, we unable to finance this project beyond June. The will shop for you. See insert for more information. Western Conference has made it possible for the budget needs to be met for Project AGAPE. For On behalf of the children we serve, thank you in these reasons the AGAPE Board request that for the advance. year 2020 all groups who were planning to make Christmas boxes please consider supporting the NC Conference Advance Mission, Project AGAPE by financial contributions. We appreciate the efforts in the past of making the Christmas boxes. The board will re-evaluate and let us know in time what will be 2020 Charge Conference Sept. 13, done in 2021. If you would like to make a at contribution, please indicate on your check 6:30pm. Due to covid the Charge Conference will be online. or envelop “AGAPE,” drop it in the offering

plate or bring it by the church office. 3

Raise a Halleluiah!

Hello Church,

About 2 years ago this time, after an almost full spring and summer of yard maintenance, I decided to Children’s Choir embark on a landscaping project that would “flip the script” from excessive yard labor to spending more time enjoying the fruit of the labor. One area of my Wednesday, September 8. back yard that was particularly work intensive became my priority. This area, located just in front of the screened porch, required almost constant 6:30 PM in the Choir Room attention primarily the result of an extremely aggressive growing vine that provided a natural ground cover. The question became what kind of Hope to see your there! permanent ground cover could I find to replace this vine that was trying to work me in the ground? Well, there are not many things more permanent than rock or stone, so this was my solution. In 1 Peter 2:4-5, Peter compares Christians to “living stones”; however, after having 7 yards of stone delivered and dumped in my driveway, the idea of being “living stones” was not very compelling to me. I just saw a big pile of heavy rocks that would have to be moved. Nonetheless, that’s not what Peter has in mind. By calling us “living stones,” he is saying we have been selected and crafted for a purpose: to An Invitation become part of a beautiful structure in which each shaped stone is set deliberately in line with Christ, the cornerstone - and made alive by the Spirit of

to Join the Choir God. Peter reminds us that Christ, the cornerstone, I would like to invite you to sing with is chosen by God and precious, and, like Christ, we are being built up to become a community of people the FUMC Choir. We are an open serving the Lord. Stones, like the ones I described group of people who sing from the earlier, are often considered to be lifeless and dead, but in Christ, we have been through the heart and enjoy lifting our voices to imperishable, living, enduring Word of God. We are enhance and guide the worship like living stones - lasting, precious, and permanent experience. You are invited to join us because of Christ. I’m hearing the words of Pastor Steve from a recent sermon from the book of James at 7:00 pm in the Choir room on when he preached on using our speech to encourage Wednesday nights beginning one another. Yes, we find our strength in the unshakeable cornerstone of Christ, and we, as living September 8, 2021. In these stones, work together building one another up to rehearsals we will practice for our build a beautiful house for God. FUMC 120th Anniversary Service th 1 Peter 2:4-6, “As you come to him, the living Stone - (September 19 ), music for our rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious upcoming Advent and Christmas to him - you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a spiritual priesthood, season, as well as selections for offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God Sunday worship. through Jesus Christ. For in scripture it says: “See, Please don’t hesitate to call me for I lay a stone in Zion, a chosen and precious cornerstone, and the one who trusts in him will never more information: 252-230-9333; or be put to shame.”(NIV) email me at [email protected]. Peace of Christ and ROCK ON FUMC, 4 Dwayne

The United Methodist Farmville United Methodist Church will be Men’s meeting is Monday, September 13 at celebrating its 120th Anniversary on September 7pm. All men of the church are Methodist Men. 19, 2021. Methodism for the Farmville area Join us for good food and great fellowship. dates back to the late eighteenth century when Circuit Riders rode through and established preaching places. "The prophet of the long road", Bishop , also passed this way. It was not, however, until 1901 that a Methodist Church was first organized in Farmville. Please pray for our church as we Please make the time to honor the past and look to the future in faith. come and bring a friend and your Bible Tuesday night at 7 at the The anniversary will consist of worship at Farmville United Methodist Church, in the 10:00 followed by a catered meal, games for the Church Parlor. whole family and music by 2Digh4. Events will be held during the week prior to the celebration. For more information please call the Church office at 753-4803. If you have not filled out an information card, and plan to attend, please fill out one of the cards on the information desk and drop it in the basket by September 10th.

We hope everyone has had a fun, relaxing summer. Seems like just yesterday we were dismissing for summer break!! But it's time now to start thinking about fall. Our regular monthly meetings will resume on Monday Sept 20th and will be on the third Monday of every month after, unless otherwise noted.

Thank you to all the women of our church who continue to be a part of FUMW. And to those interested in what we do and who we are, we would love for you to join us. Our primary goals are to serve God, our church, and God's people, and spread His love wherever we go.

We look forward to seeing all the women of our church on Mon Sept 20th, 7 PM in the fellowship hall. Please be in prayer about what God would have us do for His people here on earth!

In His Love, FUMW 5

Please pray for….

Rufus Cochran (health) Tracey Smith (health) Wayne Copeland (healing) Andrew Parks (healing) Charles Walston (health) Laura Whitehurst (healing) Asher Eastwood (healing) Sept. 7 – Trey Fields, Marion Stowe Jean Padgett, (healing) Sept. 9 – Jimmy Evans Wendy Little (healing) Sept. 10 – Chuck Johnson Eric Thomas (recovery) Kristin Sanford (health) Sept. 12 – Gene Corbett Logan Barnes (healing) Sept. 13 – Brandon Clontz David Gay (healing) Sept. 14 – Addison Kingrey Jim Duyck (healing) Sept. 15 – Amy Pollard Nancy Webb (healing) Sept. 16 – Matthew Parent Sally Davis (healing) Sept. 24 – Camille Edwards Lula Bush (healing) Sept. 26 – Janet Hall Iris Wilde (healing) Sept. 27 – Sandy Tugwell Melissa Smith (healing) Sept. 29 – Pat Johnston Peggy Brown (health) Cindy Honeycutt (healing) Joyce Vick (healing) Carolyn Hawk (healing) Joyce Sledge (healing) Ruby Jean Wiese (healing) Evelyn Stevens (heling) Family of Leedom Smith (grief) Wesley Memorial UMC Tim Johnston (healing Landon Digh (healing) Cindy Price (healing) Family of Bob Paul (grief) Jo An Benfield Mackenzie Ripper 6

------Farmville United Methodist Church Return Service Requested 4588 W. Church St. ~ P. O. Box 153 Farmville, NC 27828-0153 E-Mail – [email protected] - Webpage: Phone 252-753-4803

Pastor: Rev. Stephen Dunn – [email protected] Admin. Assist.: Nan Walston – [email protected] Organist/Music Director: Drucilla Lamm – [email protected] Praise Team Leader: Aubrey Digh – [email protected]

Serving Breakfast at Refuge

Serving Supper for the Kids at the Refuge

Clean Up Day at FUMC

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4

7pm Sober Life 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 7pm Community 9am Sunday School Office Men’s Group 6:30pm Children’s Choir 7pm 10am Closed 7pm Al Anon 7pm Administrative Council Sober Life Worship 7pm Chancel Choir 6pm Youth

12 13 14 15 16 17 18

9am Sunday School 12pm Brief Worship Chapel 7pm Community 6pm Fellowship Dinner 7pm 10am Worship Men’s Group 6:30pm Children’s Choir Sober Life 1pm UMYF Kickoff 6:30pm Charge Conference 7pm Al Anon 7pm Administrative Council leave for Baseball 7pm Chancel Choir game 7pm UMMen

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 9am Sunday School 6:30pm Children’s Choir 10am Worship 7pm UMWomen 7pm Community 7pm Administrative Council 7pm 12pm Catered Men’s Group 7pm Chancel Choir Sober Life Luncheon 7pm Al Anon Games & music to follow

26 27 28 29 30 9am Sunday School 7pm Community 6:30pm Children’s Choir 10am Worship 7pm Administrative Council Men’s Group 7pm Administrative Council 7pm 6pm Youth 7pm Al Anon 7pm Chancel Choir Sober Life