1 ENGL 501: Elizabethan Ovidianism Maggie Kilgour
[email protected] Office: Arts 312 Office hours: Monday, 1:00-3:00, & by appointment Texts: On MyCourses: T.H., The fable of Ovid treting of Narcissus Thomas Lodge, Scillaes Metamorphosis Thomas Peend, The Pleasant fable of Hermaphroditus and Salmacis Francis Beaumont, Salamacis and Hermaphroditus Petrarch, “Rime Sparse 23”; Donne, ‘Elegy 19”; selections from Wyatt, Surrey and Watson John Marston, The Metamorphosis of Pigmalion’s Image Edmund Spenser, “Muiopotmos,” Faerie Queene 3, Mutabilitie Cantos Christopher Marlowe and George Chapman, Hero and Leander Ben Jonson, Poetaster, Chloridia John Milton, A Masque (Comus) John Weaver, Faunus and Melliflora Ordered from McGill Bookstore: Shakespeare, A Midsummer’s Night Dream (Oxford) Titus Andronicus (Oxford) Complete Sonnets and Poems (Oxford) Recommended (editions of Ovid for non-Latin readers): Metamorphoses, Howard Mandelbaum, trans. The Poems of Exile, Peter Green, trans. The Erotic Poems, Peter Green, trans. Ovid’s Fasti. Roman Holidays. Betty Nagle, trans. Heroides, Harold Isbell trans. More fun on MyCourses: Thomas Edwards, Cephalus and Procris Marlowe, Amores Heather James, “Ovid and the Question of Politics in Early Modern England” On-line resources: You must consult the invaluable University of Virginia website for early editions (esp George Sandys’s 1632 translation;) and other exciting stuff: http://etext.virginia.edu/latin/ovid/index.html #Latin 2 For Arthur Golding’s translation: http://archive.org/stream/shakespearesovid00oviduoft#page/n9/mode/2up Helpful also is the on-line edition of Andreas Alciatus’s Emblemata: http://www.mun.ca/alciato/ English emblem books: http://www.libraries.psu.edu/psul/digital/emblem/books.html Requirements: 5 page research paper on an Ovidian myth (see list below), due January 30th (20%); participation (25%); final 20 page paper (55% due April 17th) As a seminar, this course depends on group participation.