Beat: Travel Monsters Park of ( - IT)

The Sacred Wood in Bomarzo

Rome, 26.04.2018, 14:21 Time

USPA NEWS - Near Rome in and exactly in the , there is a place where magic and mystery merge, a place where you can go back to being a child for a few hours, while enjoying a wonderful day out in the open nature with your family.

This unique place is the Park of the Monsters of Bomarzo, unique attraction of its kind, designed by architect Pirro Ligorio one of the greatest architects of the second half of the Italian 1500, on commission of Prince Pier Francesco Orsini, who called the park Sacro Bosco and he dedicated it to his wife, Giulia Farnese. Also called Villa delle Meraviglie di Bomarzo is a monumental complex, a natural park adorned with numerous basalt sculptures dating back to the 16th century and depicting mythological animals, deities and monsters. In the park you can also find impossible architectures, such as the inclined house, or some enigmatic statues that perhaps represent the stages of an exploratory itinerary of the alchemical world. The Park covers an area of “‹“‹about 3 hectares, in a coniferous and deciduous forest and the original purpose for which it was built is unknown and numerous hypotheses have been formulated over time. Surely Near Orsini wanted to create an enchanted place able to amaze any visitor.

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