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     JAMMU,TUESDAY, APRIL 21 , 2020

VOL. 36 | NO.110| REGD. NO. : JM/JK 118/15 /17 | E-mail : [email protected] |www.glimpsesoffuture.com | Price : Rs. 2.00          States can take stricter action but can't dilute Centre's lockdown guidelines: MHA

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Jawan dies due to Flight restrictions to be lifted when 18 new positive cases reported cardiac arrest at Army HC reserve COVID-19 is controlled: Govt installation in Uri bail plea of  8=?;0240B0A4BD;C>5 =380B today, 15 more patients recover  $4F4;78?A 5867C0608=BC%,  F8;;14 ,&) $ , +, (4BCA82C8>=B>=3><4BC82 ;85C43 >=24 F4 0A4 2>=5834=C Ex-FM Sons 0=38=C4A=0C8>=0;5;867CBF8;;14 C70C B?A403 >5 C74 E8ADB 70B =A ;85C43F74=C746>E4A=<4=C8B 144=2>=CA>;;430=38C?>B4B=> from COVID-19 in Kashmir 20A38020AA4BC8=B8340=A=5834=CC70CB?A403>52>A>= 30=64AC>>DA2>D=CAH0=3?4> BC0;;0C8>= 8= +A8 0A40 >5  ((/ +,&' 0E8ADB70B144=2>=CA>;;430=3 ?;474CF44C43    70E4A42>E4A430=3 70E4 >?4A0C43 1H 6>E4A=<4=C 0A05 0<B4B => 30=64A C> =380=B *74 <8=8BC4A B083B8=24 3843 #>A4>E4A  <>A4 8=>B?8C0;'D0A0=C8=4 DBC824&D=44CD?C0>5 ! !0B7<8A >558280;B B083 >= 8E8; E80C8>= #8=8BC4A B><408A;8=4B383=>C7443>DA *74 >E4A=<4=C %,  ?0C84=CB70E4A4  8=7>B?8C0;8B>;0C8>=0=3 867>DAC 0<30H05 #>=30H 8=5>A<43 C70C  #>=30H !0?8;4E>5&( 0A344? )8=67 &DA8 B083 >= 03E8B>AH0=3>?4=431>>:8=6B 2>E4A43 0=3 F4A4 38B D=34A7><4BDAE48; C4A740A8=6)A 3E)D=8;)4C780=3 =4F?>B8C8E420B4B>5=>E4; 3843 3D4 C> 20A3802 0AA4BC >= #>=30H 0<83BC A4?>ACB >5 0=3BC0AC432>;;42C8=6<>=4H 270A643 C>30H F7827 8= ;0=24 4B834B ?4A 3E &A0=0E !>7;8 5>A C74 8;0; >A>=0E8ADB %,   )D=30HC74>558280;BB083 *74H B><408A;8=4B3>8=6>?4=1>>: 5A><5;H4AB038A42C8E4F0B8B 2;D34  5A>< # B>=B70E42>=>5G8=0=24#8=8BC4A 0;;5A><!0B7<8A38E8B8>= B083 C74 34240B43 708;43 5A>< 8=6B =0B4A84B>5CF44CBC74 BD43C>C74<>= C7?A8;A4 0A0<)! #) BDAE48;;0=24?4A8>3 F7>F0B0;;4643;H8=E>;E438=  70E4 144= A4?>AC43 C>30H 0AH0=0 <8=8BC4A0;B>B083038A42C8E4 BCA08=8=6C74<5A><3>8=6B> )>DA00=3 5A><74BC *74D;;4C8=5DAC74AB083 A>A4B)20<F74A40B3E#>=8:0 C7DBC0:8=6C74C>C0;=D<14A F0B8BBD43>=)D=30HC>08A *74HF4A40;B>8=5>A<43C70C 8B40B4>B?8C0;)A8=060A C70C>DC>5 C4BCA4BD;CB !>7;85>AC74 A4B4AE43C74108; >5?>B8C8E420B4B8= 0<< C74HF8;;1468E4=BD558284=C=> DAC74A<>A4 C8;; 30C4 0E08;01;4   B0= 0=3!0B7<8AC> School Education 3>8=6>?4=1>>:8=6BB8=24C74H C824 0=3 C8<4 C> 2><<4=24  CA0E4;;4AB0=3?4AB>=B 70E4C4BC430B=460C8E4C8;; C8BF>AC7F78;4C><4=C8>= 22>A38=6 C> C74 308;H 383=>C7443C>6>E4A=<4=CB 1>>:8=6B -78;46>E4A=<4=C 8= 2>=C02C F8C7 BDB?42C43 ?A8;  Department issues C70C >DAC703A4942C43108;0? 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B083 20B470B144=A468BC4A43  30HB*4;0=60=0 30HB 20B4B8=C742>D=CAHC>  0=3 C70CF74=C74H0CC4=3C748A20;;>5 B083 "" */,.*)+ $"  =37A0&A034B7 30HB 0<;;C>B>50A ;B>  3DCHC74HB7>D;3C0:4C74A4@D8A43 "" ."*)+ $" Glimpses of Future 2 Obituary JAMMU TUesdAy April 21, 2020 10TH DAY KRIYA 10TH DAY KRIYA 10TH DAY/KRIYA/UTHALA With profound grief and sor- With profound grief and sorrow, we With profound sorrow and grief we WITH PROFOUND GRIEF AND row, we inform the sad demise regret to inform the sad demise of our inform the sad demise of our SORROW, WE INFORM THE of our beloved Dr. J.L. Lala beloved mother Karmyogini Smt. beloved Smt. Kartaro Devi W/o SAD DEMISE OF OUR Shanta Koul (Pyari/ Behenji) , W/o (Joint Director A.H. Deptt.) S/o Late Sh. Chamalo Ram R/o H.No. BELOVED SH. G.K. BALI (RETD Late Shri Sudershan Nath Koul, resi- AIO INFORMATION DEPART- Late Shree Sarwanand Lala 622, Circular Road Peer Kho, dent of GH4/ 185, Meera Apartment, MENT J&K) WHO LEFT FOR HIS original resident of Habba Paschim Vihar, New Delhi - 63 (origi- Jammu on 09-04-2020. Kriya will Dr. J.L. Lala Smt. Shanta Koul HEAVENLY ABODE ON 17-04- SH. G.K. BALI nally from Naqashpora, Sathu, be performed on 21-04-2020 at 12 Smt. Kartaro Kadal (and then Lal Nagar 2020 (FRIDAY EVENING) AF- Channapora Srinagar on 17th Srinagar) at 8:00 pm on 15th April Noon at our residence 622 New Devi ed TER PROLONGED ILLNESS. pril 2020 at 225 D/F G.T.B. 2020. TENTH DAY will be perform Circular Road Peer Kho, Jammu. A on 24th April 2020 in Delhi. TENTH DAY WILL BE HELD ON Enclave Dilshad Gardens GRIEF STRICKEN GrIEF STrICKEN 25TH OF APRIL AT H. NO. 24, Delhi 93. TENTH DAY KRIYA Sister-in-law & Brother-in-law (Daughter & Son-in-law) OPPOSITE RANBIR LIBRARY, will be performed on 26th April Smt. Dulari & Sh. Mohan Lal Koul Sakuntla Devi & Sh. Chuni Lal PARADE ROAD AT 10.00 A.M. 2020 at Delhi. Daughter-in-law & Son Grand Sons & Grand Daughters-in-law KRIYA SHALL BE PERFORMED GrIEF STrICKEN Mrs. Reeta & Mr. Ramesh Koul Rimpy & Rajeev Sangotra (Adv) ON 27TH APRIL AT 10.00 A.M. a-Wife 011-22123003 Daughter & Son-in-law Sushma & Sandeep Kumar (J&K Police) UTHALA ON 27TH APRIL AT H. Smt. Prabha Lal Sushma Koul Khare Mrs. NO. 24, OPPOSITE RANBIR LI- Santosh & T.K. Taing 6005656717 Mrs. Pushpa & Dr. Ashok Dhar Ramana & Ravi Kumar (RPF) T 4.00 Reeta & B.K. Thoshkhani 9419782159 Grand Children : Neha, Ashish, Kasturi, Shweta, Mohit, Yogesh Kumar (JMC) BRARY PRADE ROAD A Sushma & Rakesh Pandita 9910024003 Vasundra, Nidhi, Karamvir Great Grand Children: Adamy, Advika, Alya, Ashwani, P.M. Asha & Kongposh Bazaz 09811195412 Ph. No. 9818673598, 8888314810, 9899882901 Krishana Sangotra GrIEF STrICKEN Jyoti & Rajiv Pandit USA USHA BALI -WIFE SONIK BALI-SON RADHIKA BALI-DAUGHTER IN LAW 10TH DAY GRAND DAUGHTERS UTHALA KRISHIKA BALI With profound grief and sorrow, 10TH DAY With profound grief and sorrow we re- ANANDI BALI we inform the sad demise of our With profound grief and sorrow, gret to inform you the sad demise of SHAM BALI-BROTHER beloved Massi Sneh Lata D/o Lt. we regret to inform the sad de- Smt. Ratan Devi W/o Lt Sh. Beli Ram SHASHI BALI -SISTER IN LAW Sh. Ganga Ram R/o 151, Mohalla mise of Sh. Om Parkash Gupta Sharma on 09th April 2020 R/o 53 BROTHER IN LAW Old Rehari, Jammu. Tenth Day B/o Late Sh. Piara Lal Gupta S/o Waryam Niwas, Kucha Nahar Singh, B K DUTTA (EX TEACHER KVS) will be performed on 21st Day of Late Sh. Devi Ditta Mal R/o H. No. Panjtirthi. Uthala on 24-04-2020 at 3 SON IN LAW April 2020 (Tuesday) at 151, Sneh Lata 50, Link Road Jammu at present pm at our residence. Smt. Ratan Devi VED PARKASH BASOTRA Mohalla Old Rehari, Jammu. New York (USA). 10TH DAY will Sh. Om Parkash GrIEF STrICKEN: SINDHU BASOTRA-DAUGHTER GRIEF STRICKEN be performed on 21-04-2020 Gupta Smt. Sansaro Devi W/o Lt Sh. Jia Lal Raina (Devrani) Smt. Kamla Rani -Sister Tuesday at 11.00 A.M. at our resi- Smt Santosh & Sh. K.K. Sharma (Nanad-Nandoi) Smt. Bimla Rani -do- dence. Sons & Daughters-in-law Smt. Sushma Rani -do- GRIEF STRICKEN Sh C. P. Sharma & Smt Tripta Sharma 9086004840 10TH DAY KRIYA/UTHALA Rajneesh Kumar -Nephew Smt. Sudesh Gupta (USA)-Wife Sh Rajinder Raina & Smt Prem Raina (Akhnoor) Retaish Kumar -do- With profound grief and sorrow Smt. & Dr. Rajesh Gupta (USA)-Son Sh S. P. Sharma & Smt Anjana Sharma. 9419194679 Sanjeev Kumar -do- we regret to inform the sad de- Smt. & Sh. Jagdish Raj Gupta (USA)-Brother Sh K K. Sharma & Smt Anju Sharma. 9149529454 Sandeep Kumar -do- mise of our beloved Sh. Bal Smt. & Sh. Suresh Gupta-Nephew Grand Children: Sangeeta Kumari & Sh. Manoj Kumar - Krishan Magotra S/o Late Sh. Smt. Sneh Gupta-Niece-in-law Sh Rakesh Sharma & Smt Neeru Sharma Niece & Son-in-law Gobind Ram Magotra R/o 70 Smt. & Sh. Arun Gupta-Nephew Smt Renu Sharma & Sh Rama Kant Sharma Seema & Sh. Sarabjeet - Niece & Son-in-law Sector 5, Trikuta Nagar, Jammu Smt. & Prof. Kiran Gupta-Nephew Sh Amit Raina & Smt Minakshi Raina (Akhnoor) who left for his heavenly abode Sh. Bal Krishan All Relatives Near & Dears Smt Misha Sharma & Sh Ajay Sharma (Nagrota) on 13.04.2020. Tenth Day will be Magotra Ph: 9149622695 (USA) Ishita, Bharat, Shakambhari, Himani, Vaibhav performed on 21.04.2020 9419181048, 9419184584, 9419109491 Great Grand Children (Tuesday) at 11:30 a.m at our res- Inesh, Shriya, Aradhya, Shantmann, Bhuvika 10TH DAY/KRIYA idence. Kriya will be performed Sh J. D. Sharma & Prabha (Brother & Bhabhi) With profound giref & sorrow we on 22.04.2020 (Wednesday) at Sh Radhey Shyam Sharma & Karuna Sharma inform the sad demise of our our residence. Rasam CONDOLENCE (Brother & Bhabhi) beloved Capt Sh Balwan Singh Pagri/Uthala will be performed on Jammu and Kashmir Kho-Kho Smt Vidya Khajuria & Sh Prakash Khajuria S/o Late Sh Inder Singh R/o 22.04.2020 at 5.00 p.m at our res- Association condole the sad de- (Sister & Brother-in-law) Bathera (Gumpul) Jammu. Tenth idence. mise of Sh. Kasturi Lal Gupta F/o Day will be performed on 21-4- GrIEF STrICKEN Mr. Kuldeep Gupta Chief 2020 (Tuesday) at 11 AM at our Capt Sh Balwan Santosh Magotra - Wife Executive of Jammu & Kashmir residence. Kriya will be per- Singh Sons & Daughters-in-law Amateur Kabaddi Association KRIYA/UTHALA formed on 24-4-2020 at 11 AM at Sanjay Magotra & Priyanka Magotra (Australia) our residence. Rasam Pagri will gotra (Singapore) and Joint Secretary of Amateur Sh. Kasturi Lal With profound grief and sorrow, we in- Sanjeev Magotra & Hansa Ma Kabaddi Federation of , we Gupta form the sad demise of our beloved be performed on 24-4-2020 at 2 Soami Piyari W/o Lt Sh. Khem Raj Magotra - Chachi pray almighty to bestow eternal Sh. Madan Lal Gupta S/o Lt. Ram PM at our residence. Kanta Sharma W/o Lt Sh. Om Parkash Sharma - Bhabi peace to the bereaved family to Chand R/o Tulsi Vihar, Nandani, GrIEF STrICKEN Mahesh Magotra & Sushma - Brother & Bhabi bear this irreparable loss. Camp Gole Gujral, Talab Tillo, Late Prabi Devi - Wife Lalit Magotra & Richa Sharma - Brother & Bhabi From: Jammu on 10-04-2020. Son & Daughter-in-Law Santosh W/o Lt Sh. Madan Lal Khajuria - Sister B S Tirthi - Treasurer KRIYA/UTHALA will be performed on Sh. Madan Lal Late Sh Ashok Singh Bhau & Sudesh Kumari Usha & Manohar Lal Sharma-Sister & Brother-in-Law 22-04-2020 (Wednesday) at 3.00 Kho-Kho Federation of India & All Members of Gupta Grand Son & Grand Daughter-in-Law Hannah,Anya, Dhairya, Yuvana, Skyra, Shreyas, P.M. at our residence. Happy Bhau & Sapna Bhau Ubhav & Myra - Grand Children Jammu and Kashmir Kho-Kho Association rIEF STrICKEN G Sheetal Singh Bhau Contact : 9419193586, 9419143490, 9419143643, Daughters & Sons-in-law Daughter & Son-in-Law Veena Langer & S.K. Langer 9596989299 Neelam Gupta & Lt. Som Raj Gupta Kalish Kumari & Surinder Singh Manhas KRIYA Sons & Daughters-in-law Saresta Devi & Late Ragubir Singh Manhas Bhushan Gupta & Lt. Anju Gupta Chenta Devi & Joginder Singh Manhas With profound grief and sor - Kamal Gupta & Renu Gupta Neeta Devi & Surinder Singh Manhas 10TH DAY KRIYA/UTHALA row, we regret the sad de - Rajesh Gupta & Ritu Gupta Aarav Bhau, Aryan Bhau - Great Grand Son mise of our mother Dr. Vijay Mob No: 9906385104, 7051311160 With tears in eyes and gloom in e inform the sad & sudden Kumari Gupta W/o Late Dr. heart w demise of our beloved Mr. Vinay P.N. Gupta (Radiologist) R/o Parihar (Inspector J&K Police) 50/Sec.6, Trikuta Nagar, 10TH DAY/KRIYA Dr. Vijay S/o Late Sh. Bishan Lal Parihar Jammu. KIRYA will be per - With profound grief and sor- 10TH DAY/KRIYA Kumari Gupta R/o Village Bhalla (Doda). Tenth formed on 21-4-2020 row we inform the sad demise With profound grief and sorrow, Day will be performed at our resi- Mr. Vinay Parihar (Tuesday) at 12:00 Noon at of our beloved Sh. Ram Lal we regret to inform the sad de- dence H.No. 70, Lane No. 06, our residence. Sharma (Retd Naib Tehsildar) mise of our beloved Sh. Kasturi Gopinath Vihar Udhaywala Lal Gupta (Retired Lecturer) R/o GrIEF STrICKEN S/o Sh. Hari Saran R/o Jammu at 10.00 am on Tuesday 36, Lane No. 2 Parveen Colony 21st of April, 2020. Uthala shall Daughter-in-law & Son Thanda Paddar Near New Sh. Ram Lal Ext. Trikuta Nagar Jammu. 10TH be performed at 4 pm at our resi- Dr. Varsha & Dr. Vineet Mahajan Sabzi Mandi Udhampur. Tenth Sharma DAY will be performed on 21-4- Sh. Kasturi Lal Dr. Nitin Mahajan-Son dence in Udhaywala on Friday Day will be performed on 21- 2020 (Tuesday) at 11.00-12.00 Gupta pril 2020. 9796224197 24th of A 04-2020 (Tuesday) at our resi- A.M. at our residence. KRIYA will DEEply mISSED & rEmEmbErED by Master Aryan-G. Son dence. Kriya will be performed be performed on 24-4-2020 Mrs. Sangeeta Parihar- Wife Badri Mal Devi Charan on 22-04-2020 (Wednesday) (Friday) at 12.00 Noon at our resi- Miss Niharika Parihar- Daughter Amit Handloom at our residence. dence. Smt. Krishna Devi- Mother IEF STrICKEN Old Hospital Road, Jammu GrIEF STrICKEN:- Gr Smt. Sumitra Devi & Sh. Om Parkash Manhas- Mob: 94191-84456 Smt. Tripta Devi-Wife Mother & Father-in-Law Smt. Kanta Devi (Wife) Daughters-in-law & Sons Son & Daughter-in-Law Bhabies & Brothers Sunita Gupta & Kuldeep Gupta Smt. Vijaya Kumari & Sh. Vikas Parihar Sh Raj Kumar & Smt. Sunita Kumari Rohini Gupta & Pardeep Gupta Smt. Shivani & Sh. Pawan Parihar 13TH DAY KRIYA Sons-in-Law & Daughters Daughter & Son-in-law Smt. Varsha & Sh. Amresh Parihar Sh.Kuldeep Kumar & Smt. Anju Devi Poonam Gupta & Ashwani Gupta Sister & Brother-in-Law With deep sorrow we inform the Sh. Sanjeev Kumar & Smt. Neetu Sharma Grand Children: Ayushi, Amol, Riya, Kajal, Vansh, Smt. Neelam Kumari & Sh. Sahadev Singh Dalpatia sad demise of Dr. Amresh Kotwal M.No. 9419902459, 9419296245 Kanish, Keshani S/O Late Shri Mansa Ram Kotwal Contact: 9419719776, 9419141001, 9419144870 of Dandi Bhaderwah; Ex-CMO Jammu; resident of 1/240; Housing Colony Chhanni UTHALA Himmat; who left for his heavenly Dr. Amresh 10TH DAY KRIYA With profound grief and sor - abode on 11-04-2020. 13TH DAY Kotwal With profound grief & sorrow we 10TH DAY/KRIYA row, we inform the sad de - KRIYA will be performed on 22nd regret to inform the sad demise With profound grief and sorrow mise of our beloved Sh April 2020 at 12.00 Noon and of Sh Piaray Lal Tak, S/o Lt Sh we inform the sad demise of Sh Dwarka Nath Gupta S/o Late UTHALA would also be per- Nand Lal Tak Original resident of Sohan Lal Bhat S/o Late Raghu Sh Milkhi Ram Mahajan R/o ulgam Kupwara at pres- formed on the same day at 3 PM Chikral Mohalla, Habbakadal Nath of G 196/6 Nanak Nagar Jammu residence (House No. 240, Srinagar Kmr At present H No. 7, ent Block No 79 Flat No. 01 Lane at Sh Piaray Lal on 7.04.2020. Uthala will be Sh Dwarka Sector No.1, Housing Colony, Lane No. Zero, Anand Nagar, Tak No. 16 Jagti Camp, Nagrota Nath Gupta Chhanni Himmat). Jammu. Tenth Day Kriya will be Jammu who left for his heavenly Sh Sohan Lal performed on Friday, 24 April GrIEF STrICKEN: performed on Tuesday at abode on April 17,2020 The Tenth Bhat 2020 at 4 pm Rita Kotwal - Wife Akhnoor and assembled at Day Kriya will be performed at GrIEF STrICKEN Rameshwari Devi - Mother home 11.30 AM on 22nd April, TRT Nagrota on April 26, 2020 at Smt Satya Gupta- Wife Siddharth Kotwal - Son 2020. 9.00 am. Sons and Daughters-in-law Ashish Kotwal & Savit Andotra Kotwal - GRIEF STRICKEN GrIEF STrICKEN Smt Pratibha Gupta and Sh Ajay Gupta Son & Daughter-in-law Daughters & Sons-in-law Smt Rani & Bushan Lal Bhat- Bhabi & Brother Smt Parul Gupta and Sh Vikas Gupta Veena Kotwal W/o Late Shri Satish Kumar Kotwal - Smt Veena & Sh Varinder Kr Mantoo Smt Bimla Devi- Bhabi Smt Manju Virmani and Sh K R Virmani- Brother & Bhabhi Smt Monika W/o Lt Mr Surinder Mawa Daughter-in-Law & Son Daughter and Son-in-Law andita & Vijay Bhat Er Manjeet Kotwal & Anu Kotwal - Brother & Bhabhi Smt Neetu Gupta W/o Mr Yatin Gupta Ruchi P Ms Meenu Gupta- Daughter ters & Brothers-in-law : Sons & Daughters-in-law Daughters & Sons in Law Sis Brothers Prithvi Raj Rathore Sh Suraj Tak & Smt Renuka Tak Jyoti Raina & Sunil Raina HKL Kotwal Sh Raju Tak & Smt Sangeeta Tak Suneeta Thusoo & Vinod Ji Thusoo Sh Durga Dass Gupta Anita & NP Kotwal (Advocate) Sh Vickey Tak & Smt Ritu Tak Condolences are accepted on Phone Nos. Sh Bishan Dass Gupta Amita & Dinesh Kotwal 7889327436, 9086769155, 9596400049 7006368591, 8800827883 Grand Children: Aryan Gupta & Aakriti Gupta Glimpses of Future 3 LOCAL JAMMU, TUesdAy, April, 21, 2020 Govt Making Mockery Of Lockdown By More Donations Pouring In To Ordering Opening Of Govt Offices: Harsh Support Fight Against Covid-19

Jammu, 20-04-20: ing those offices which are not the functioning of only those of - which have been categorized as connected with immediate needs fices related to essential services, red zones or have reported cases expressing dismay over the of the public, said singh. “The as - Mr singh said that opening of all of viral infection”, said singh. orders of the govt to open up govt sembly of the office staff at their other private as well as govt offices expressing gratitude to the offices from today despite its an - places of work could nullify the could wait till the third of May, the doctors, nurses, paramedicos, po - nouncements of a more rigorous success achieved by the corona deadline announced by the prime lice force and those related to pro - lockdown, Mr Harsh dev singh warriors in containing the virulent Minister as well. “The people in vision of essential services, Mr chairman JKNpp and former min - disease. The offices have also not general are co-operating in the singh called for providing a life ister said that it only demonstrat - been sanitized which could jeop - lockdown even at the cost of their cover of at least one crore for such ed the confusion prevalent in the ardize the lives of not only the em - livelihood. The traders, profes - corona warriors. “remember they higher echelons of power. With ployees but their family members sionals and even others have pre - are fighting a deadly war not for the number of infected cases as well. Moreover not all govt em - ferred to keep off their business themselves but for others. And un - growing with each passing day, ployees have own vehicles and routine despite incurring mone - fortunately several of such war - the focus of the govt should have public transport is also off the tary and other losses. This needs riors have contracted the disease. been upon containment of the roads. The decision of the govt in to be respected by one and all in - Not only have their gigantic serv - pandemic through stricter en - such circumstances is therefore ill cluding the govt which should not ices to be seriously applauded but forcement of social distancing conceived, unwarranted and take hasty decisions pertaining to their morales need to be kept high. Jammu Apr 20: appeal to all the Jammuties that it is the norms, he said. prevention of speaks of lack of application of govt employees which could have This is not only the moral respon - need of the hours to step up and come to - in order to support fight against Corona community spread needed to have mind”, asserted the Npp chair - adverse fallouts. Besides the govt sibility but a sacred duty of all, the gether in the wake of this crisis to stand with Virus epidemic and to strengthen Hands of been the priority of the govt at this man. has to be extra cautious particu - people as well as the govt”, ob - the Hon’ble prime Minister who is doing all sh. Narinder Modi Hon’ble prime Minister critical juncture rather than open - Urging upon the govt to allow larly in districts, tehsils and blocks served Mr singh. the possible efforts to fight the COVid-19 of india, various Citizens of Gurah Bakshi pandemic and keeping in view the interest Nagar of Ward No: 28 dealing in of the Nation with lakhs of indian lives af - pharmaceutical Business today paid their fected due to this deadly disease, it has be - Rekha Mahajan hands over 3000 face masks to BJP contribution which includes sh. sat pal come our prime duty irrespective of our re - singh Jamwal who contributed rs. ligion, region and political parties to donate Kavinder Gupta, asked the party 21000/-, sh. Kuljeet singh Jamwal who more and more towards pM –CAres leaders to distribute all these masks contributed rs. 11000/-, sh. Ashok Kumar (prime Minister’s Citizen Assistance and in the needful areas and asked them Gupta who contributed rs. 11000/- and the relief in emergency situations) relief to inspire others to do the same. said amount in the form of cheques were Fund to combat COVid-19 besides adopt - Ashok Kaul, said that we have to handed over to sh. Chander Mohan Gupta ing proper social distancing, personal hy - promote the use of masks as mass Mayor, Jammu Municipal Corporation for giene and follow the guidelines of district campaign, promote the habit of pM-CAres (prime Minister’s Citizen Administration in letter and spirit, so that cleanliness and to spread aware - Assistance and relief in emergency the chain of COrONA VirUs can be broken ness among the people about every situations) Fund . successfully and also help to the needy and aspect of prevention from Corona To tackle the worsening COVid-19 poor persons residing in their locality by rekha Mahajan, said that it is pandemic in the Country, sh. Chander providing essential commodities i.e ration, duty of everyone of us to contribute Mohan Gupta Mayor, JMC further humbly Face Masks, soaps etc. voluntarily. in any possible way, but at the same time, she insisted that the biggest contribution will be not to venture Neena Gupta urges Channi Himmat residents to intimate her about out of our homes unnecessarily. Meanwhile, BJp Additional old age people living alone & also distributed dry ration Jammu Apr 20 president yudhvir sethi, a major chunk of population is feel - protocol secretary shailendra Vaid Jammu, Apr 20: programme & Abhiyaan ing restlessness to acquire the basic also distributed 500 face covers to tancing was properly being in their locality if any old Jammu & Kashmir, Bharatiya Corodinator Ajay pargal, Jaidev amenities of the time. Jugal the local public at main Bazar taken care of and sHO age couple are living alone Neena Gupta Janata party secretary rekha Jajwal, ishant Mahajan and other Kishore sharma, said that we all Bishnah in the presence of BJp Channi Himmat was also in their houses who are de - Corporator ward 50, Mahajan, handed over 3000 Face party leaders were also present on should help our fellow beings by dist. president sardar Harbhajan pre informed about this dis - prived of essential com - Channi Himmat distrib - Masks to the J&K BJp president the occasion. ravinder raina, ap - aiding the needy or even ensuring singh pummy, Mandal president tribution in order to take modities and medical facili - uted free ration among 100 ravinder raina in the presence of preciated the noble gesture shown of essential commodities to every - Vijey saini, VdC chairperson care of precautionary meas - ties since their children are jhuggi families in co-opera - former dy. CM Kavinder Gupta and by party leader. He said that every - body. He simultaneously appealed surjeet Kumar, Vice presidents ures to maintain law and or - not living with them or are tion with Trikuta nagar General secretary (Org.) Ashok one of us must do our bit in this ling to all for strictly adhering to the Mandal Ashok & surinder singh der. Neena Gupta urges outside J&K or Country so sang karyewah (rss). The Kaul at party headquarter, Trikuta battle against the corona virus. He guidelines issued by the enforce - Bittu, Mandal General secretaries people of her ward to take kindly intimate her so that ration was distributed in Nagar, Jammu. Former MlC said that the corona pandemic has ment agencies to check the spread Akash Chopra & prem sharma and all precautionary measures she can help them in getting sector 3 Channi Himmat randhawa, party Vice- crippled global resource supply and of Covid 19 (corona virus) infection. Cashier Gagan Bhatia. to combat COVid-19. she essential commodities dur - and during this social dis - also appeal them that with - ing this tough time. JMC sanitizes entire High Court Complex 'Rangla Jammu' showcased Rajesh Gupta urges LG to on the 12th Day of Natrang's declare J&K UT alcohol free & office of Advocate General and install Quarantine Theatre Festival Jammu Apr 20 four more disinfectant tunnels. National democratic party indian (Ndpi) Jammu 20-4-2020 ence into a dramatic journey of J&K UT president rajesh Gupta has urged Jammu Apr 21 rarest singing traditions, rituals lieutenant Governor GC Murmu and demand - The 12th day of Natrang’s and festivities of dogras. From ed that Jammu and Kashmir be declared a dry in its endeavour to fight against Quarantine Festival mes - birth to death, their singing state and that alcohol shops and bars be banned Covid 19 pandemic & in view of re - merised the online audiences of never stops. The folklore of nar - immediately, while referring to the growing sumption of work in High Court & Natrang with vibrant presenta - rative traditions of Jammu is menace of alcoholism, especially in Jammu, other Govt Offices, Jammu tion of ‘rangla Jammu’, a mega full of the rarest tales of brav - said a ban should be imposed immediately in Municipal Corporation on the direc - music, dance, drama extrava - ery, love and supreme sacri - J&K. Ndpi Chief said,” alcohol is an extremely tions of Ms Avny lavasa (iAs), ganza thoughtfully conceptu - fices. Few among them like bad thing and a big problem. it should be Commissioner, Jmc, has conducted alised, designed and directed by ‘Bawa Jitto’ ‘data ranpat’ and banned across the state.” He said the ban on al - a special drive for sanitization of ar - padamshree Balwant Thakur. it ‘Zorawar singh’ and love leg - cohol sales will result in fewer collisions and eas in & around Govt Offices & entire was a great occasion of cultural ends like ‘Gilmu Bhagan’ and traffic casualties. Alcohol-related crimes and High court complex including dis - showcasing of the region for the ‘Kunju Chancho’ still echoes all domestic violence will drop by 75% street trict court complex & Advocate worldwide audience and a high - over. Jammu’s pluralistic cul - poverty and vagrancy will dropped by 80%, General office complex. during day ly enriching experience for ture and its diversity present a along with decreases in alcohol-related crime long exercise fumigation /spray of them to witness the glimpses of unique confluent picture assim - and anti-social behavior. Gupta further said, sodium hypochlorite solution priceless heritage, history of ilating so many sub-cultures “That young bodybuilders who refrain from al - through mechanical pumps & boom folk Heros and composite cul - with the artistic collaboration cohol consumption experience benefits in sprayers have been done to sanitize tural ethos of Jammu. of over 100 performers, design - terms of muscle gain, hydration, recovery, me - the buildings & road leading to vari - ‘rangla Jammu’ is a unique ers and technicians, an effort ous govt offices. tabolism and mental focus”. rajesh Gupta em - (Komal enterprises) and Mr. more disinfectant tunnels as part of cultural album of the region has been made to demonstrate in order to ensure safety of gen - phasized on liquor ban and said while the peo - deepak singh, AsM of HUl have ex - exercise conducted to sanitize the showcasing the variegated vari - the artistic strengths of this re - eral public in offices where foot fall is ple in general are dismayed over the rising con - tended their helping hands to JMC public offices & vegetable markets. ety of different colors, rhythms, gion. The show culminates with high & chances of further spread of sumption of alcohol, as it is ‘causing social dis - by donating hand sanitizers and soap Commissioner, JMC also appealed costumes, designs patterns and the presentation of the unity in virus is comparatively high, JMC al - traught’, civil society members, social activists cakes to the Jammu Municipal the general public at large to avoid artistic expressions. This amaz - diversity of J&K, the harmony so installed four more disinfectant and business community has called for imme - Corporation on such crucial and major gatherings in public places ing bouquet of rarest perform - and the cultural co-existence of tunnels as part of exercise conducted diate ban on the sales of alcohol in the state like tough time for further distribution and make use of alcohol based sani - ing art traditions beautifully the people of Jammu and to sanitize the public offices & veg - Gujarat, Bihar and lakshadweep. rajesh Gupta among the frontline workers in view tizers and face masks as preventive unfolds the mesmerizing artis - Kashmir. rangla Jammu fea - etable markets. These include High said, “That the youth of the state were being of Covid-19 outbreak.in order to en - measure to do away with this menace tic traditions of this part of the tured over 100 accomplished Court Complex, Janipur, Advocate pushed towards alcoholism and drug addiction. sure safety of general public in offices and also to extend their full coopera - world. The production starts performers and was created General office & Fruit Mandi, “The government probably wants every resi - where foot fall is high & chances of tion to Jammu Municipal with the fusion of traditional with additional involvement of Narwal. Besides, Mr. sumeet Gupta, dent of Jammu to turn alcoholic and drug ad - further spread of virus is compara - Corporation to combat with Covid19 musical instruments of the re - over 70 musicians and technical distributor of Hindustan Unilever dict. After alcohol cannabis should be banned tively high, JMC also installed four outbreak. gion and transports the audi - experts. as well,” he said. Army Spreading Awareness On Fight So called Liberals' criminal Political Activism? Against Covid-19 In Sunderbani NPP Supremo calls on district to state party Jammu: 20 Apr 2020 silence on Palghar killings is indian Army has been committed to stand shocking: Raman Suri activists to interact with suffering masses firmly with nation in this challenging time of Jammu Apr 20 Hundreds of poor people after officially by a lt. to the district level that the COVid-19. As part of Corona Mukt Awaam JAMMU, April 20: Government claims to have standing outside hospitals Governor who does not en - party shall knock the doors campaign, indian Army reached out to the arrested over one hundred prof. Bhim singh, find no one to attend them joy the power that is vested of the supreme Court once Awaam through multi pronged campaign expressing his anger over people and started investiga - Chief patron of J&K in the deserted hospitals. in the Governor. it is an - he shall get an opportunity wherein information to prevent spread of the mob lynching of two tion, the same must be time National panthers party The situation in the rural other tragedy that political to reach delhi where the COVid-19 was disseminated through an aware - sadhus and their driver by a bound to nail the guilty. Not called on the leadership of areas of Jammu & Kashmir system in Jammu & supreme Court can be mo - ness drive organised at village Minka in rowdy mob in palghar area of giving any communal colour the panthers party from is much worse than in the Kashmir has been dug in bilized for Fundamental sunderbani (J&K) This initiative was well re - and police's in - to the incident, raman suri Block to the district level to rest of the country. in his the graveyard of the system rights of the citizens of the ceived and appreciated by local populace ability to save them, Bharatiya said that guilty must be interact with the suffering online contact with the suf - and the leadership of state india in Jammu & Kashmir Janata party (BJp) J&K brought to books. He said, the people particularly in the fering people particularly political parties have either as the state has been de - Indian Army Provides Assistance To executive Member raman law must take its course and rural areas of Jammu & in Karnah, Budgam, been dumped in the jails molished of entire political suri today said that this attack those found guilty should be Kashmir who have been shopian etc from Kashmir under the so called public system as the power in Stranded Labourers At Rajouri on sadhu samaj is highly given severe punishment as suffering unheard and dur - Valley, he conveyed to the safety Act or kept away delhi is determined to de - painful and condemnable. The per law of the land. He also ing the terror of Covid-19, Jammu: 20 Apr 2020 president of india in his e- from the political activism molish entire political sys - Maharashtra Government added, 'why are so called liber - the poor people particular - mail communication about with a purpose to demolish tem in Jammu & Kashmir should give an explanation on due to the ongoing lockdown, 23 casual als maintaining criminal si - ly those residing in the ru - the immediate attention of political system in Jammu forever. He appealed to the this incident of violence. labourers travelling from Kashmir valley to lence over the incident and not ral areas have no one to lis - the president of india, Mr. & Kashmir forever so that indian leadership to come raman suri said that more Thanamandi were stranded near Chor ki Gali. even condemning it'. He said ten to their problems or ramnath Kovind as he is ruthless dictatorship of bu - to the rescue of the people shocking was that cops on du - that these three persons were These daily wagers due to the shutdown ran out provide them any relief the only authority empow - reaucracy could be estab - of Jammu & Kashmir and ty, instead of saving sadhus going to attend a funeral of basic amenities. indian Army provided them whatsoever. The hospitals ered to deal with any situa - lished without any respect save political system and and their driver, chose to walk butwere stopped in palghar with basic necessities including medicines. are shut for the poor pa - tion, whatsoever, as to the Constitution and political parties from the away after handing over the district by the mob, which They were also educated on precautionary tients and only Jammu & Kashmir is un - Fundamental rights. prof. process of annihilation be - three persons to mob who dragged them out of their car measures to be followed to prevent spread of Coronavirus patients are der the president’s rule. it Bhim singh informed on - ing planned by the ruling killed them with lathis. and taking the law in their COVid-19. being welcomed to the is unfortunate that Jammu line to the panthers party National party in the coun - Condemning the incidence, hands,ultimately beatenthem newly created care centers. & Kashmir is being looked leadership from the state try. raman suri said though to death. Glimpses of Future 4 LOCAL JAMMU TUesdAy April 21 2020 COVID-19 : Advisor Bhatnagar takes stock of medical Mechanism in place for ensuring Academic supplies, other health measures in Kashmir session does not suffer: Advisor Sharma Testing capacity increased, 747 samples taken in single day: DHSK Compliments DSEJ for initiatives undertaken SRINAGAR, APRIL 20- conducting rapid tests be - JAMMU, APRIL 20:- ble network available. Text Books are be - sides 375 laboratory tech - ing distributed in 66 educational zones of Advisor to lieutenant nicians of various hospi - The Advisor to lt Governor, K.K. Jammu in summer zone. Text Books in Governor, rajeev rai tals have been trained for sharma today said that the students are winter zone have already been distributed. Bhatnagar, convened a COVid-19 testing. being provided the necessary interven - The director school education informed meeting here today to re - Advisor Bhatnagar direct - tions and mechanism is in place so that the Advisor that parents / students are be - view the overall health ed the officials that while their academic session and education does ing provided uninterrupted access to scenario of Kashmir divi - the normal patient care not suffer. The Advisor was reviewing the Home assignment window created on sion in order to contain should be pursued with all initiatives being undertaken by the dseJ official website. To supplement on - the spread of pandemic seriousness all possible directorate of school education, Jammu line classes which are not interactive, COVid-19. he meeting help should be provided to (dseJ) with regard to making available dseJ Home assignments have been start - was attended by director the patients of the pan - the academic content to the students ed which comprise Network of WhatsApp Health services Kashmir demic. The Advisor also through online, digital and other media. groups at school level and to guide and (dHsK), dr. samir available. speaking dur - increased besides the rap - eral dispensaries are func - directed the officials to en - director school education Jammu monitor them, WhatsApp groups of Jd/ Mattoo, deputy director, ing the meeting, the id testing should be held tioning smoothly on daily sure that adequate quanti - (dseJ), Anuradha Gupta and other senior CeOs/ ZeOs have been formed. Bashir Ahmad Chalkoo Advisor said that all pre - aggressively so that the basis. The meeting was al - ty of ppe kits, medical officers participated through Video con - interactive classes are being held as per and other officials of the cautions need to be fol - virus can be contained at so informed that the field supplies and other equip - ferencing. While complimenting the designated time schedule for each class department. The Advisor lowed to prevent spread of the earliest. director sampling has been in - ment should be made directorate of education for coming up to and subject, for those students who don't took a detailed review of the infection besides the Health service s informed creased in the valley and available in all the hospi - the expectations of the general public in have smart phones, teachers are calling the activities launched by frontline workers should the meeting all the on sunday around 747 tals to deal with the situa - the testing times, the Advisor said they students regularly and guiding them in the health department in be provided with ppe kits COVid-19 nominated samples was sent to differ - tion. Advisor Bhatnagar have through their initiatives provided the their studies besides giving them assign - Kashmir valley regarding as well as other equip - hospitals of Kashmir are ent laboratories for test - also appreciated the ef - much needed interventions to the stu - ments to be done by them. Besides, prevention and control of ment as they are more functioning normally be - ing. irector Health forts of health department dents so that their academic session does Weekly roaster of home assignments cov - corona virus besides tak - prone to infections. The sides the sub-district services also informed the while dealing with the not suffer. He said that the UT of Jammu ering all classes is made available on web - ing stock of all the medical Advisor also said that Hospitals, public Health meeting that additional emergency situation aris - and Kashmir has been among first in the site as well as whats app groups. Fun based supplies and equipment testing capacity should be Centers and other periph - staff has been trained for ing due to COVid-19. country to come up with the solutions in activities as assignments being given on the education sector in view of the global different subjects in four age groups; pandemic. preprimary, classes 1st to 5th, classes 6th The director school education in - to 8th and classes 9th to 12th. The focus is COVID-19 : Graduate formed the meeting that immediately af - on health, physical and mental fitness and DM Kishtwar reviews permitted ter the closure of schools due to Covid 19 basic arithmetic and language skills. Also spread, the dseJ set up online and offline encouraging children to know about local Engineering Associations platforms to cater to the specific needs of history, culture, language etc through par - activities allowed after 20th April students especially in view of the fact that ents during free time, it was given out. many students in Govt schools belong to director school education also said that donate Rs 5 lac towards KISHTWAR, APRIL 20: the most deprived sections of society. The dseJ Online series of contests are being initiatives include dseJ’s Home Classes held on above mentioned activities. For in view of revised COVID-19 mitigation efforts which started on 27th March by creating a those who don't have access to internet, guidelines on the measures window on www.schedujammu.nic.in, teachers are being asked to tell students on SRINAGAR, APRIL 20- ed the effort of the engi - to be taken for the contain - providing high quality, curriculum based phone to prepare themselves for such sim - neers in maintaining and ment of COVid-19 in the interactive e-content in all subjects, cover - ple contests which would be held after A delegation of Joint keeping essential services country, issued by Ministry ing in the first phase, the classes from 6th schools reopen. This is being done to en - Action Committee of such as Water & power of Home Affairs and to 12th as per academic calendar already gage children from all kinds of back - Graduate engineering supply, irrigation supplies Government of UT of devised by dseJ. similarly, links to all grounds and Online detailed feedback Associations (J&K Civil and road connectivity Jammu and Kashmir, Key digital resources provided by MHrd report with suggestions being collected, engineering Graduates functional during the district Magistrate are also being provided on the website for she added. it was also given out that dseJ Association & J&K tough times of COVid-19 Kishtwar rajinder singh the convenience of students: -diKsHA: is among the first directorates in the coun - Mechanical engineering besides working as Nodal Tara convened a meeting https://diksha.gov.in or https://se - try to have started providing counselling Graduates Association) to - officers in managing vari - with the executive shaqun.gov.in/shaqun, e-pATHsHAlA: to overcome anxiety, stress through al - day handed over a cheque ous Quarantine centers engineers of all http://epathshala.nic.in or ready established Counselling helpline of rs. 5.00 lacs to the across the UT. Government executing shall invariably have hand COVid-19 sOps and any http://epathshala.gov.in., National *Aao Baat karein* (6006800068) Advisor to lt. Governor, The delegation also Agencies, 118 rCC, Heads washing facilities with violation will attract the repository of Open educational Trained counsellors and clinical psy - rajeev rai Bhatnagar as a handed over a memoran - of CVpp; private establish - soap or hand wash besides cancellation of permission resources chologists are available to provide service contribution to J&K relief dum of issues to the ments; project authorities doctors should frequently besides other actions as per (NrOer):http://nroer.gov.in/welcome, to parents and students. Queries related to Fund to fight the spread of Advisor which included and contractors to review visit the work site and con - disaster Management Act, sWAyAM: www.swavam.gov.in, stress, anxiety, academics, e-resources re - the operation of selected COVid-19 in the Union regularization, issuance of duct the check up of work - 2005 shall be taken. sWAyAM prABHA: www.swavamprab - sults & various other related issues activities after 20th April Territory of Jammu & sO for already approved ers to know about their stablishments were al - ha.gov.in, Vikas pedia: emerged due to COVid-19 are also being 2020. health status. so asked to download the Kashmir. ACp (Assured Career http://vikaspedia.in/education, NCerT: handled by the experts. Continuous capac - dM briefed the partici - All the establishments Aarogya setu App by the The delegation was led progression scheme), va - http://ncert.nic.in/textbook/textbook.ht ity development of tele-counsellors from pants about various activi - were further asked to employees under their m MHrd: https://mhrd.gov.in/e-con - by Farooq Ahmed, cant posts etc. in all engi - institutes of Nation al importance like ties which are permitted as nominate work site wise control besides proper and tents president JK Civil neering departments. he NiMHANs Bangalore, Fortis Healthcare per new guidelines by nodal officer who will sub - frequent sanitization of it was also given out that circulation of is also ensured.The Advisor was also in - engineering Graduates Advisor assured them that Ministry of Home Affairs. mit the daily report about their work place shall be content on official website, Telegram formed that dseJ has come up with a Association and itincluded all these issues will be He said that industries op - the number of persons en - done, dM further stressed. channels, Whats app groups, and other novel idea of Academic Mentoring for Firdous Ahmad Bhat, looked into in due time. erating in rural areas shall gaged along with photo - dditional district social media platforms, collaboration with students who are not able to access e con - president, J&K Mechanical The delegation also as - only be permitted to oper - graphs to ascertain development radio Mirchi and Take one channel for tent or online classes or if they are able to engineering Graduates sured the Advisor of full ate with minimum staff whether COVid-19 sOps Commissioner, Mohd broadcast/ telecast of lectures on compli - do so, they have doubts regarding some Association and Ashaq support and cooperation /workers strength, main - are followed or not. Hanief Malik, Additional mentary basis is also being done. concepts. The tele-counselling Helpline Ahmad Ashaq, secretary, from engineering fraterni - taining proper social dis - dM also cautioned the deputy Commissioner strategies are being evolved in consulta - Aao Baat Karein 6006800068 will con - JK Civil engineering ty to the administration tancing and ensuring the participants that any per - pawan parihar and AlC, tion with the district administration to nect such students to subject experts who Graduates Association. during the testing times of universal usage of masks. mission given shall be sub - Anoop Kumar were also provide printed notes/handouts to the can clear their doubts and also guide The Advisor appreciat - pandemic COVid-19. All establishments ject to following all present in the meeting. students not having smart phones and ca - them further. Covid-19 : Sample Collection Centre SMC'S continual drive Restriction will continue till installed at AH Ghagwal against illegal constructions further orders: DM Ganderbal SAMBA, APRIL 20: smooth functioning of the priyanka sambyal, GANDERBAL, APRIL 20: movement of emergency vehi - collection centre. He laid Consultant eNT, 22 illegal constructions demolished during cles only, after proper verifica - in order to further boost emphasis upon all the med - emergency Hospital The district Magistrate, tion and movement passes. A the containment of COVid- ical staff stationed at the col - Vijaypur, d r. indra Kotwal, COVID-19 lockdown: Commissioner Ganderbal shafqat iqbal today complete lockdown will continue 19 efforts in the district lection centre to maintain pathologist emergency SRINAGAR, APRIL 20: encroachment wing of sMC has said that the restrictions will till 03 May throughout the dis - samba, a COVid-19 sample proper hygiene and ensure Hospital Vijaypur, Kewel demolished as many as 22 illegal continue in Ganderbal district trict and no person will be al - collection centre was today proper collection of suspect - Krishan sr. lab. Tech, srinagar Municipal structures and removed en - till May, 03. However as per the lowed without movement passes inaugurated by deputy ed covid-19 samples. He said Accidental Hospital Corporation (sMC) has demol - croachments during current guidelines by the Union Ministry except in case of any medical Commissioner samba, the medical staffs have been Ghagwal & radha Krishan, ished as many as 22 illegal con - month, till date. of Home Affairs, the relaxation emergency, he added. The dM rohit Khajuria at Accidental properly trained and under - sr. lab. Tech, Accidental structions and removed en - He added that during the cur - will be allowed only after proper appealed people to stay at home Hospital, Ghagwal. hief gone medical training ses - Hospital Ghagwal & Mohd. croachments during the country- rent month demolition drives assessment of the ground situa - to break the chain of Corona virus Medical Officer, dr. sions. He appealed to the Aslam, Jr. lab Tech, wide lockdown to ordered to curb were carried in various areas in - tion, he added. He said this while infection and ensure strict adher - rajinder samyal, deputy people of the district to stay emergency Hospital the spread of Corona virus. cluding palpora, lal Bazar, touring various areas of the ence to the order as the non-com - Chief Medical Officer, dr. indoors during the lock - Vijaypur shall collect the Commissioner sMC, Gazanfar Ali Bemina, sangam, saida pora, Ganderbal town to monitor the sanjay sharma, Block down period and extend samples of covid pliance will entail strict actions said that despite being pre-occu - Hyderpora and other places. The implementation of lockdown. he Medical Officer, dr. Anju their cooperation to the suspects/cases on daily basis under the relevant laws. He urged pied with sanitization works, in Commissioner appealed people dC was accompanied by ssp Bala besides other senior of - district Administration. which will be fur ther sent to people to apply online for e-pass - view of COVid 19 pandemic, the to abstain from illegal construc - ficers and staff members A team of doctors and Govt Medical College Jammu Ganderbal, Khalil poswal. On es by visiting the official website sMC is constantly keeping vigil tion and encroachments and were present on the occa - paramedical staff compris - for testing. Overall total 50 the occasion several vehicles https://ganderbal.nic.in, select - on the illegal constructions and warned of stern action against sion. dC assured the health ing of dr. Narinder Khuller, samples were collected today were seized for violating the ing “quick links” tab followed by encroachments carried by some department for any kind of Consultant eNT Accidental which were sent to GMC anyone found involved in such il - lockdown orders. The dM asked district Ganderbal e-pass service miscreants. He said that the anti- support needed for the Hospital Ghagwal, dr. Jammu for testing. legal activity. the police authorities to allow link. Sahu reviews de-silting, cleanliness works in irrigation canals of Jammu Stranded people at Pathankot sent to ment. sahu urged the local res - Urges people to idents to maintain cleanliness cooperate for keeping around the canals and not to their homes from Lakhanpur dump garbage along the banks canals clean of canals. On the occasion, he KATHUA, APRIL 20: directed the senior officers of As many as 1211 people, who JAMMU, APRIL 20: concerned department to take necessary steps to prevent any were stranded in pathankot dis - trict of punjab due to the imposi - Commissioner secretary, encroachment along the banks tion of lockdown, were brought pHe, irrigation & Flood of the canals. He also directed today at lakhanpur in punjab Control, Ajeet Kumar sahu to - them to gear up their men and day inspected various sections machinery for early comple - roadways buses who have com - of ranbeer, Tawi and d1 canals tion of any pending de-silting pleted 21 days of quarantine at to review the de-silting and works so that water is different quarantine centers of cleanliness works and arrange - releasedearlier, the pathankot. dC Kathua informed ments made for the release of Commissioner secretary also that the pathankot water in them. The visited the Tawi irrigation Administration handed over Commissioner secretary in - complex near Bahu fort to in - these people to Kathua district spect the present status and and they were asked to fill a self long to Kashmir while, rest of spected various spots on the Administration at lakhanpur reporting form at lakhanpur in - them belong to Jammu division. canals, where the ongoing working of lift irrigation amid proper arrangements. He pump. He advised the employ - dicating their personal informa - district wise segregation of trav - works of de-silting and cleanli - said that stranded people passed tion, travel history and whether elers was also done and different ness are in full swing. He visit - ees to follow the proper guide - through the sanitization tunnel to complete all pending works with farmers and local repre - line issued by the government they were showing any symp - buses for different districts will ed Tawi canal (Kalka colony) before the release of water in sentative and sought their and then they stood in a queue toms of COVid-19. The district be sent directly from lakhanpur, Bahu Fort, railway line to combat COVid-19. Chief maintaining social distancing. the canals so that farmers do feedback regarding the cleanli - engineer Ashok sharma; rTiC Administration has arranged a ddC said. The ddC along with Trikuta Nagar, Kunjawani, He further said that a team of not face any difficulty in irri - ness and de-silting works done se, Himant Manchanda; Xen fleet of srTC buses to send these ssp, shailendra Mishra also in - digiana, Nai Basti and Jammu doctors and paramedical staff gating their fields during the in the canals. The locals ex - sunil Koul and others con - people to their respective dis - spected other arrangements put Cantt. sahu stressed upon the upcoming crop season. during pressed their satisfaction over recorded their temperature officers and executing agencies cerned officers were also pres - tricts, dC said and added that in place at lakhanpur to restrain inspection he also interacted the work done by the depart - ent during the visit. through hand held thermometer 350 people in today`s batch be - coronavirus. Glimpses of Future 5 LOCAL JAMMU TUesdAy April 21 2020 DDMA Ang purchasing DDC inspects quarantine Doda Administration medicines, equipment, to ensure strict entry other essentials for facilities at GDC Udhampur procedures at Assar Naka UDHAMPUR, APRIL 20: general public to stay home DODA, APRIL 20: tration has also installed quarantine centres and adhere to social dis - decontamination cum san - district development tancing for preventing the Various measures have itization tunnel at Assar so ANANTNAG, APRIL 20: Commissioner, dr. piyush spread of the Noval Corona been taken by the district that every vehicle before singla today visited Virus. He said that all the Administration doda to entering the district shall district disaster Management Authority (ddMA), Government degree chains of COVid-19 posi - ensure the safety and secu - be properly sanitized. Anantnag which met here today under the chairman - College Udhampur and in - tive cases have been traced, rity of the peoples from the district administration al - ship of Bashir Ahmad dar sanctioned rs.19.65 lacs for spected the facilities being tested negative and all such menace of the so established kitchen to purchase of equipment required for established quar - provided to the people un - contacts are under admin - Coronavirus. district provide free three time hy - antine centres across the district. The committee sanc - der Administrative quar - istration quarantine. ddC Administration on the di - gienic and nutritious meal tioned the amount to purchase masks, ppe, sanitizers antine. He interacted with said that random testing of rections of ddC doda dr to the quarantine persons, and other related equipment for GMC, Anantnag, staff on duty and asked people from the red zone sagar d doifode had estab - medical staff, security per - emergency Hospital, Qazigund and 10 Municipalities CeO MC for regular fumi - will be started soon. lished round the clock sonnels, labourers etc. of the district. An amount of rs.10 lacs were released in gations of the quarantine ing the quarantine centre district. ddC appreciated Among others, Additional Check point at the main since the establishment of favour of principal, GMC Anantnag, rs.25,000 in centres and also advised established at GdC the efforts of Mechanical district development entry of the district i.e the kitchen, district ad - favour of Medical superintendent, emergency the staff to follow the sOp. Udhampur. department J&K and Commissioner, Ashok Assar to restrict/properly ministration has delivered Hospital, Qazigund for purchase of medicines, masks, during the visit, ddC inau - ddC informed that the Municipal Council Kumar, Additional deputy check every inward move - more than 15000 packs of sanitizers, ppe and allied equipment. While rs.9.40 lac gurated disinfectant tunnel disinfectant spray will be Udhampur for installation Commissioner, Nagendra ment to the district. dC meals. Various individu - were released in 10 Municipalities for purchase of sani - at the entrance of GdC showered on the visitors disinfectant tunnel. He singh Jamwal, Asp, had passed clear instruc - als, NGO's, government tization, for fumigation and allied activities being car - which was installed by automatically and will help urged the people to cooper - rajinder Katoch, dde&C, tions to the deputed staff departments have come ried out by the theses committees.. The committee also Municipal Council to reduce the chances of ate and encourage the subash dogra, Xen that no entry shall be al - forward and donated to the approved the arrangements for distribution of free ra - Udhampur with the help of spreading Coronavirus. He frontline workers of differ - Mechanical engineering, lowed to the district with - district kitchen with open tion to be made by Ad Food for migrant labourers put in Mechanical engineering said that the installation of ent departments who are CeO Municipality, santosh out proper screening, be - heart and extended their quarantine centres, free food and other essential items department J&K for the disinfectant tunnel was fighting at the forefront Kotwal, diO er sajad sides all entry and exits be cooperation with the dis - for contacts of COVid – 19 positive patients and sus - safeguard of general public need of the hour to contain against the crisis. dr. somberia accompanied the entered in the movement trict administration in its pects and the staff manning these quarantine centres, and frontline workers visit - spread of Covid-19 in the singla further appealed the ddC during his visit. register. district adminis - fight against Covid-19. installation charges and running cost of 63KVA Gen set at Trauma Centre, Bijbehara, purchase of 500 steel beds from siCOp and 160 cots from local market and Two patients discharged 630 beddings for administrative and hospital quaran - Div Com reviews Ramzaan arrangements tine centres and hospitals. The orders were also issued for purchase of reusable ppe kits and sanitizers for from DH Ganderbal after sriNAGAr, April 20: ing street lights in the city and tion to Bpl category con - do not face any inconven - other important places. sMC sumers under pradhan ience in present COVid-19 frontline and other health workers by ACr, in view of ensuing holy authorities informed that the Mantri Garib Kalyan yojna. situation. The divisional Anantnag.Among others the meeting was attended by recovering from COVID-19 month of ramzaan, the Corporation will start me - div Com directed the deputy Commissioner stressed con - AdCs Ghulam Hassan sheikh, Mr. Gulzar Ahmad Bhat, divisional Commissioner, chanical de-silting of drains Commissioners to ensure cerned departments to work ACr Anantnag, ses of r&B & pdd, Ad FCs & CApd, GANDERBAL, APRIL 20: them about the dos and Kashmir , pandurang K pole by pressing ten machines in - smooth and timely distribu - with dedication, synergy and CMO, deputy CMO, Anantnag, deputy Controller Civil don’ts and other precau - Two persons among tionary measures to be fol - today chaired a high level to service, soon. tion of essential commodities close coordination so that defence & other members of the committee. meeting to review arrange - fourteen, who were hospi - lowed during the 14-days To avoid the overloading in the valley and to monitor people do not face any incon - ments put in place by the dis - on transformers, pole direct - the distribution process by venience during the holy talized, after testing posi - home quarantine to be trict administrations across ed d Cs to frame inspection seeking details from the con - month of ramzaan. The AYUSH distributes Free tive for Corona virus, were maintained with utmost the Kashmir division. in teams in their respective dis - cerned Tehsildhars and meeting was attended by discharged from district care. Meanwhile, the dC view of current COVid-19 tricts stem the incidence of patwaris. it was decided that Md, KpdCl, Aijaz Ahmad, Hospital Ganderbal, to - Ganderbal, shafqat iqbal Immunity Boosting pandemic, threadbare dis - pilferage. pHe will ensure from the next month, the de - Chief engineers power & day, after testing negative appreciated the medial cussion was held in the meet - uninterrupted water supply partment of Food supplies pHe, Additional for the infection. Both the medicines in Kulgam staff for persistent effort in ing regarding proper sanita - during the holy month and and Consumer Affairs will Commissioner sMC, patients hailing from vil - combating the epidemic tion, fumigation, distribution will keep additional water publicize the ration distribu - directors of Urban local lage Guzhama, Ganderbal, KULGAM, APRIL 20: and hoped that all other of essential commodities, un - tankers in ready mode. dC tion schedule through media Bodies, deputy director were under thorough COVid-19 positive pa - interrupted electricity & wa - Ganderbal was asked to en - for the information of the Health, Joint director Fire & The Kulgam unit of indian system of Medicine medical observation since tients will recover soon ter and other arrangements. sure that Malshai Bagh canal consumers. The district emergency services, Officer (isM) distributed free immunity boosting AyUsH they tested positive and and will be send back to The divisional restoration work is complet - Control rooms will also ad - of the J&K Muslim Wakf medicines among the front line workers ANd employ - were discharged after their homes. He also said Commissioner asked the ed in a time bound manner. dressed grievances regarding Board besides senior officers ees at mini-secretrait, here today. The deputy clearance from doctors that health checkup of sMC and UlB authorities to The director FCs&CA in - ramzan arrangements, the of various departments while Commissioner (dC), Kulgam, showkat Aijaz Bhat, who and health authorities. both the patients will be ensure better sanitation and formed the meeting that de - meeting was informed. div all the deputy was present on the occasion said that the medicines are Before sending them done by the surveillance fumigation of all public place partment had already dis - Com also issued necessary di - Commissioners of the Valley being distributed to strengthen the immune system and back to their homes, a teams regularly during including lanes and by-lanes tributed ration and is rections to other concerned participated in the meeting directed the concerned to continue the distribution team of doctors briefed home quarantine. besides installing and repair - presently distributing free ra - departments so that people through video conferencing. process in the district. district Nodal Officer, isM in - formed that immunity boosting medicines are also be - ing distributed among the security forces and frontline health workers deputed for COVid-19 containment in All JKDEA hands over Ahead of Ramadhan, Advisor Baseer the district and process of free distributions of these medicines will be intensified, as directed by the deputy cheque to DM Ganderbal Commissioner. Khan interacts with religious leaders GANDERBAL, APRIL 20: district administration to tack - Doda Administration evacuates le COVid-19 outbreak in the SRINAGAR, APRIL 20: All J&K diploma district. The cheque was hand - three families of Gandoh from engineers Association, ed over by the president Advisor to lieutenant Governor, Mechanical Wing, Kashmir JKdeA, Mohd yaseen Bhat on Baseer Ahmad Khan today interacted landslide zone province, today handed over a behalf of the Association. On with religious leaders, imams and cheque of rs. 50,000 to the the occasion the dM appreciat - Khateebs of prominent Mosques to DODA, APRIL 20: district Magistrate, ed the efforts of JKdeA and seek their support and cooperation in fighting COVid-19 pandemic in the Ganderbal, shafqat iqbal as a outlined the collective respon - district Administration doda successfully evacuat - Valley during the holy month of contribution towards the ef - sibility of every section of socie - ed three families of Gandoh area who were reported to ramadhan which is commencing lat - forts being undertaken by the ty in combating the COVid-19. be under threat due to the continuous rainfall from last er this week. Advisor Baseer Khan two days and whose life was in danger due to the land - stressed that in the wake coronavirus slide near to their houses. On the directions of ddC Poonch Administration refutes the video outbreak, it is the responsibility of doda dr sagar d doifode, local administration of circulating on YouTube channel of "Aaj Tak Jk" every section of the society to adhere pandemic. He said that religious lead - out to the people who are in need of Gandoh under the supervision of sdM and Tehsildar to the advisory of the Health ers have a crucial role to play in order essential supplies. The Advisor as - Gandoh swings into action and successfully evacuated regarding outbreak of H1N1 and Influenza department to pray at home during to bring about a positive behavioural sured them that there will be no pow - the holy month of ramadhan. He the families and settled them into nearby houses. POONCH, APRIL 20: perpetrator of fake news un - change with regard to the significance er curtailments during sehri and asked the religious leaders to use their of maintaining social and physical iftaar hours in the holy month of der the concerned law of CrpC influence in the society and spread 100 qtl Hybred Maize, 60 qtl Red district Administration of indian penal Code and this distancing during this crisis. The reli - ramadhan and assured the partici - awareness about observing the social gious leaders assured their full sup - pants that the Government would poonch today rebutted a matter has been reported in distancing norms to prevent the Rice seeds distributed in Karnah video uploaded on a youTube the crime Branch. district port to the Administration in the ef - leave no stone unturned to reach out transmission of COVid-19. forts to combat COVid-19 and unani - to the last person, and sought public channel "Aaj Tak JK" regard - Administration further ap - KUPWARA, APRIL 20: divisional Commissioner, mously resolved not to hold social cooperation for better results in the ing influenza and H1N1 virus pealed to all the public to stay Kashmir, pandurang K pole, CeO and religious gatherings till the advi - fight against the deadly virus. He said breakout in district poonch. careful of the rumors and fake The sub divisional Magistrate (sdM), Karnah dr Wakaf Board, secretary WAKAF sories are in place. They said that reli - that he had set up helpline desk in his Terming the news item as Bilal Mohiuddin Bhat , today ordered partial resump - news that gets uploaded on Board, Joint director information gious places have been closed to avoid office to redress all issues, grievances, baseless and concocted tion of Agricultural activities in the sub division, in social media and refrain from Kashmir and various prominent reli - any mass gathering. complaints and other matters related deputy Commissioner, rahul compliance with the government order. To facilitate forwarding it. He also advised gious leaders attended the meeting. religious leaders during the in - to Covid19 management. He asked all the farmers, in this regard 100 quintal of Hybrid Maize yadav has cleared that there the public in general and the The Advisor said that the teraction also highlighted issues de - concerned to ensure there is no public seeds were distributed among the farmers of three agri - are no such cases of the dis - group admin of the WhatsApp Government alone cannot fight the manding regular supply of electricity gathering at any religious place and cultural zones of Tangdar, Gabbra and Chamkote while eases, thus the video has been groups/Facebook emerging situation unless public co - during the holy month of ramadhan, directed taking strict action against the seeds were home delivered in red Zone area of categorized as fake news. The pages/youTube channel to operates with the Administration in home delivery of essential commodi - people who are found violating the Bagbella, buffer zones of shamspora and Budwan. dC said that strict action get the veracity of the news its efforts to prevent and contain this ties in vulnerable areas and reaching norms to prevent the transmission . would be taken against the before uploading. UNION TERRITORY OF JAMMU AND KASHMIR Divisional COVID 19 Control room set up oFFICE oF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEEr, rCC UppEr DIVISIoN, KATHUA Phone (Office) : 01922234798 Coordinating efforts to track, treat, counsel people Email: [email protected] in its fight against Coronavirus infection SHorT NoTICE INVITING TENDEr SRINAGAR, APRIL 20: the control room has been pected person who had dr Talat Jabeen Gani is e- NIT No. /01 of 2020-21 RCC UPPER/RTIC Kathua Dated: 16.04.2020 divided into a number of concealed travel history or monitoring the ongoing For and on behalf of LieutenantGovernor of Jammu & Kashmir Union Territory, Tenders are invited by the Executive Engineer RCC Upper The divisional COVid- sections which are looking had contact with a positive sampling of suspects Division Kathua,by e-Tendering mode from the reputed and experienced firms/contractors with sufficient experience for the below men - tioned work. 19 control room estab - after call centre, contact patient. throughout Kashmir divi - lished by the government tracing, coordination of deputy director Health sion. dr Talat said that the S. Name of work Bid Estimated Earnest Cost of tender Period of Class of No validity Cost Money document completion contractor to combat spread of the in - sampling, monitoring services and incharge sampling capacity of each (Rs in lacs) (in Rs) fectious disease has quarantine facilities across 24X7 call center dr district has been increased emerged as a nerve centre the division, red zone sur - Jehanzaib said that the by imparting training to 58 1. Construction of Supply Channel in 90 days 6.36 Rs.12720 /- Rs. 300/- 15 Days A,B,C&D Ravi River at Basantpur Lift Station for coordinating the efforts veillance, coordination phone numbers 0194- block level sampling teams ranging from tracking pa - with districts for essential 2457313, 0194-2452052, and the samples so collect - oTHEr rElEVENT INFormATIoNS: tients and contacts to mon - supplies, etc. The call cen - 0194-2440283, 0194- ed are transported to re - MH-2701 M&R/DESILTING itoring red zones and an - tre which also works 24X7 2457312 and a whatsapp spective labs for processing POSITION OF AA/TS: UNDER PROCESS. swering people from all has been set up with dedi - number 6006454084 are and testing. dr Owais said Important dates: over the country. i) Date of publishing from 16-04-2020 (18:50Hrs.) cated helpline numbers to manned by a team of 12 that the surveillance of red ii) Downloading from 16-04-2020 (18:50 Hrs.) Chief executive Officer ensure that people get ac - doctors and other experts zones is an important as - iii) Uploading from 17-04-2020 (10:00 Hrs.) JAKedA and Officer on curate information, sup - every day on rotation basis pect of monitoring the dis - iv) Uploading stops 23-04-2020 (16:00 Hrs.) special duty (Osd), dr port, counselling and re - on eight hour shift. The ease and timely reporting V) Tender opens on 24-04-2020 (11:00 Hrs.) Owais Ahmed, said that the sponse to health-related team for contact tracing, of any suspected case, 1. The bidding documents can be downloaded from the website http://www.jktenders.gov.infrom 16-04-2020( 06:50 PM) Onwards. Control room for COVid- queries on novel coron - which is being led by dr which may develop in - 2. The Bids shall be uploaded in electronic format on the website http://www.jktenders.gov.infrom 17-04-2020( 10:00AM) to 23-04- 19 is functioning as a nerve avirus infectious disease, rehana Kausar has been fluenza like symptoms. The 2020 (04:00 PM). centre for corona virus mit - 3. The complete bidding process will be ONLINE. added dr Owais. While ap - instrumental in tracking village level teams so 4. The tender uploaded on the website up to due date and time will be opened on 24-04-2020 (11:00AM) in the Office of the Executive igation and is working tire - preciating the locals, he high risk contacts across formed visit every house - Engineer RCC Upper Division Kathua in the presence of the bidders who wish to attend. If the office happens to be closed on the date lessly 24 x 7 with staff in - said that people have Kashmir division. The hold in the red zone not on - of opening of the bids as specified, the bids will be opened on the next working day at the same time and venue. cluding surveillance offi - played a very important team maintained that the ly looking after health of all For & on behalf of theLieutenant Governor of J& K Union Territory cers, epidemiologists, role by communicating work is critical in control - individuals but also creat - Executive Engineer, medical officers and data through these helpline ling spread of COVid-19. ing awareness about the rCC Upper Division entry operators etc. He said numbers about any sus - Another team lead by spread of the disease. DIp/J-194/20 Kathua Glimpses of Future 6 Edit/OpiniOn JAMMU TUesdAy April 21, 2020 Glimpses of Future Women the biggest losers esTABlisHed iN 1986 By : ANUPMA MEHTA pathy and care… Add that to a sick child or husband or parent and the Gender-based consequences of very uncertain nature of an epidemic, Coronavirus make it imperative for it can be hard [for the nurse] to hold Struggling for Survival both the administration and social on,” says Holroyd. networks to ensure that the pandemic The crisis is also likely to affect Covid-19 as a health crisis raises various questions not only does not negate the gains of gender women disproportionately because of related to individualised physical survival but also about the equality. even after the conclusion of the already declining female labour the first phase of the three-week na - force participation (FlFp) rate in tterns that relied on weakening of welfare state. in structural pa tionwide lockdown imposed by the india, which according to the india, 93% of the working population is in the informal sector, Government and its further extension economic survey of india of 2017-18, characterised by low wages, long working hours, no social secu- up to May 3 to curb the spread of fell from 36 per cent in 2005-06 to 24 rity protection, no emergency assistance schemes or welfare Coronavirus, signs are emerging that per cent in 2015-16. The india Human benefits. it is these workers who have borne the brunt of the the virus is not going away anytime development survey (iHds), con - soon. This is grim news for the coun - ducted in two waves in 2004-05 and lockdown the most. The economy that is driven by their contri- try from both the health and economic 2011-12, too, reported a fall in the butions has orphaned them on the highways. public institu- perspective, especially for the female FlFp from 31.12 per cent in 2005 to tions, including welfare funds, welfare boards or public health population, which is likely to suffer on 24.77 per cent in 2012. The iHds is a care schemes, haven’t provided any Covid-19 welfare plans for multiple fronts due to the spread of multi-topic survey jointly conducted migrant informal workers. However, the formal/organised the virus and the resultant need for by the National Council of Applied workers have been able to access and stock up on rations and es- the people to stay indoors. The first economic research (NCAer) and the category of affected women are University of Maryland, covering sential amenities in their homes. This reflects the crisis of healthcare staff, including nurses, 41,554 households in 1,503 villages growth-oriented capitalism that creates a wide gulf between the Accredited social Health Activists and 971 urban neighbourhoods across affluent and the poor. Migrant domestic workers are having to (AsHAs) and anganwadi workers, of Coronavirus patients and given the University of Technology, recounts india. This survey also suggests that face aggravated challenges of lockdown, apart from the deeply who have been holding the fort need for active contact tracing of posi - her interactions with student nurses the decline in FlFp could be due to the embedded existing continuum of challenges of the domestic against the disease all across the tive cases, these workers have become when she was professor of nursing at lack of demand for female labour country. A Government of india re - frontline warriors in times of crisis. the Chinese University of Hong Kong rather than that of labour supply. The of domestic workers are the principal work sector. A majority port of 2015 revealed that 88.9 per The World Health Organisation during the sArs epidemic in 2003. A paucity of demand for women work - income-earners of their families. As they stay in unauthorised cent of the support and ancillary staff (WHO) reported that globally, too, large section of these nurses experi - ers could be reinforced in the coming colonies/slums in cities, usually without any ration cards and among health workers, primarily women comprise a majority of the enced confusion, anxiety and stress months after the real impact of the identity proof, they cannot avail of institutionalised benefits nurses, midwives and AsHAs, are fe - healthcare staff, accounting for 70 per from the long days of caring for pa - Coronavirus becomes apparent in from the state. Their recourse to food is confined to free rations male. This is corroborated by earlier cent of the total in 107 countries, in - tients and seeing many of their col - various sectors of the indian econo - data from the 68th round of the cluding india. The COVid-19 out - leagues, too, contracting the disease my. Another category of women likely distributed by NGOs and philanthropists. For them, ‘social dis- National sample survey on the break is a physical and emotional in the process. “There’s the idea that if to be impacted by the pandemic are tancing’ is classist terminology as their houses are very small “employment and Unemployment nightmare for many healthcare work - there’s a gap in the health system, the salaried workers, many of whom are spaces with no ventilation and independent toilets. The Covid- situation in india” (July 2011 to June ers. eleanor Holroyd, currently nurses will fill it. Their duty is to be currently working-from-home but 19 lockdown, in its second prolonged extension, has made sur- 2012). With hospitals facing an influx professor at New Zealand’s Auckland ever-present and visible, offering em - Women are biggest on page 7 vival precarious for small workers. employers are asking them not to come to work without any assurance that they shall be paid for the days of absence resulting in loss of work and in- come. All of their experiences during lockdown indicate aggra- Choosing lives over livelihoods vated forms of injustices and disregard towards migrant do- mestic workers like her in the public realm. A systemic denial to By : GWyNNE DyER has an election coming up in six recognise domestic workers as ‘workers’ has always left them at months, and he will lose it if the On April 3 the British Health Secretary, the mercy of the employer. This institutional ignorance is also Nations that have got the infec - economy has not recovered by then. influenced by structural patterns and prejudices and have been tion rate down and have dr Anthony Fauci, the American Matt Hancock, pledged 1,00,000 Coron - discussed and debated in policy discourse. life-threatening testing/tracing teams ready can physician and immunologist who avirus tests per day by the end of the challenges that domestic workers face during this lockdown start reopening, although there will has served as the director of the be a low but steady stream of deaths. National institute of Allergy and emerge out of the multiple vulnerabilities that sustained in this month. Half the month is gone and the Wuhan, the Chinese city where it all infectious diseases, has doubtless sector so far. in order to understand the current inaction for the started, was locked down for 79 days explained that lifting the restrictions maximum number of tests carried out on a welfare of domestic workers, one needs to relook at these deep- before the restrictions on movement on movement on May 1 will cause a rooted injustices existing for decades. domestic work is posi- were finally lifted last week. A bit second wave of deaths and a second single day has been under 15,000. The US tioned at the bottom of the occupational structure with low so- overcautious perhaps but in China lockdown before November. But situation is harder to judge, since there is cial status and recognition. it has always been treated as ‘dirty the Coronavirus does really seem to Trump doesn’t retain that sort of in - be under control — not totally eradi - formation for long. His attention work’ left to be done by women from marginalised sections. cated but controllable without ex - span is not only short but selective: not a unified healthcare system but a domestic workers have suffered this subordination though the treme measures. if president He forgets unwelcome information highly fragmented “healthcare sector.” political economy has restructured the gendered division in the donald Trump “reopens” the Us at very quickly. Trump might actually labour market. it is an irony that their skill and experiences are the end of this month, then order the country to reopen on May that never closed their economies him/her can be isolated. Any coun - not economically valued or rewarded even in modern economic California and a few other states will 1, as he believes that: “When some - have been under lockdown for only down at all, because they could test, tries that have their infection rate society. As the employers have withheld work and salaries dur- body is the president of the United half that many days and some states states, the authority is total.” But identify the infected and trace their down and have their testing and ing the lockdown, stay in cities has become a survival challenge for much less time or even none. Far most states beg to differ and would - contacts fast enough to break the tracing teams ready can start re - for migrant domestic workers. lockdown has raised existential from being under control, the Covid- n’t obey his command. As New york chains of infection and keep deaths opening their economies, although questions for this ‘hand to mouth’ working population and im- 19 virus is killing a huge numbers of Governor Andrew Cuomo said: “We low: Taiwan and south Korea. All there will be a low but steady stream mediate drive was to reach to their native places. Americans, with 37,175 casualties have a Constitution … we don’t have three of these groups have one vital of deaths until a vaccine is found. on March 18 and the number is still a king … the president doesn’t have thing in common. They have the France, Canada and Australia can rising daily. These two giants define total authority.” elsewhere, some ability to “test, test, test”, as the probably do it next month. the extremes of the “lives vs liveli - countries are cautiously reopening World Health Organisation’s Countries like Turkey, russia and hoods” debate but almost every oth - their economies a bit at a time but (WHO’s) director-General, Tedros south Africa are more debatable, be - er country is having it too. they either had a very high death Ghebreyesus, put it a month ago, cause they gave the virus a head Persuation is hard everybody knows that you can’t shut rate early and have now wrestled it warning countries that they “cannot start. But their medical infrastruc - the economy down indefinitely but down again — China, italy and spain fight a fire blindfolded.” And they ture is strong enough, so they could nobody wants to risk a second wave — or responded hard and early and can follow up the tests with contact- think about letting their citizens go of infections by moving too soon. never had a high infection rate, like tracing teams and apps so that not back to work by July. However, the Well, almost nobody. The toddler- Germany, denmark, Austria, the just the individual who tested posi - Us, the UK, Brazil and india are very in-chief in the White House is frantic Czech republic and New Zealand. tive but the whole cluster of other worrisome. india is doing the right to reopen the economy because he We should also note two countries people who had contact with Choosing lives on page 7 A global war on bio threat

By : ANIRUDDHA CHAKRAvARTy previous battles whether conven - tional or otherwise (war on terror, it is perhaps the first time in price wars and so on), there have history that the entire human race, always been “sides.” in this un - without any exception, is combat - precedented situation, the entire ting a common enemy, the COVid- mankind is on one side and the 19 virus. in the prevailing period of virus is on the other. it is therefore, uncertainty, unpredictability and a true Global War On a Biological ambiguity of every aspect of hu - Threat (GWOBT). Considering man life, in fact, of life itself, is it a this to be a war, the “principles of war that we are fighting and what War” need to be applied to defeat kind of a war is this? The tradition - it. While these fundamentals have The rBi is imploring banks to start lending but recent memory is still al understanding of conflict is vio - been enunciated by different mili - hobbling bankers’ confidence. The reserve Bank of india (rBi) is doing a lent activity between two or more tary theorists from sun Tzu to lot in trying to inject some liquidity and more crucially, some confidence nations or groups over a period of Clausewitz and different countries into the indian economy, which is currently su ffering from the ill-effects time, bringing death and destruc - have adopted their own dictums of the Coronavirus-imposed nationwide lockdown. in a desperate bid to tion in its wake. The world has, based on their national and strate - stop the economy from slipping into a deep recession, for the second time however, seen other types of bat - gic requirements, it is intended to in a row, the Central bank, headed by shaktikanta das, sought to plug the tles. For instance, the war on elucidate these principles which gaps where it erred before and introduced yet another liquidity package poverty, class wars, trade wars and are generally acceptable. let’s de - to help businesses stay stable and ensure that the money reaches to those so on. so, is our ongoing fight for liberate upon them in the context most vulnerable. However, banks have been unwilling to start lending existence against COVid-19 to be of the GWOBT. selection and aggressively. Measures include rs 50,000 crore liquidity support for termed a war? The significance is maintenance of aim: This is the National Bank for Agriculture and rural development (NABArd), small possibly due to morality aspects the post-COVid world, including not merely of the word but the single-most important maxim as industries development Bank of india (sidBi) and National Housing and more importantly, the inabili - possibly the world order, would principles which should govern all actions will depend upon the persuation on page 7 ty to control the fallout of a biologi - depend on it. if this be a biological this fight. in the spectrum of con - aim selected. My experience in the cal weapon, its use on a large scale war, we need to see the scale of it. it flict, at the lower end is low-inten - siachen Glacier and other battle has been precluded, though many is perhaps the first time in history sity engagement and at the highest situations is that, it is necessary H I S T O R Y T H I S D A Y countries are reported to have had that the entire human race, with - level there is nuclear warfare. first to survive to defeat the enemy. biological weapons programmes in out any exception, is combatting a Chemical and biological warfare A dead man is good to nobody. in the past. The present crisis would common enemy, the COVid-19 1777 : New York adopts state constitution can also be grouped with nuclear the existing situation wherein no definitely fall under the category of virus. Though there have been conflict. While chemical weapons treatment is available, the aim The first New york state constitution is formally adopted by the biological warfare. The com - pandemics in the past, like the have repeatedly been used in some must remain focussed on survival. Convention of representatives of the state of New york, meeting in the up- mencement of this war could be spanish Flu in 1918 and the Asian conflicts in the 20th century, the Concentration of force: since the state town of Kingston, on April 20, 1777. The constitution began by declar- both, natural or man-made. At this Flu in 1957, a global catastrophe of use of biological weapons is rela - entire human race has one deadly ing the possibility of reconciliation between Britain and its former point of time, due to inadequate this scale is unprecedented. it is tively less and mostly unproven. enemy, all national boundaries, re - American colonies as remote and uncertain, thereby making the creation of credible information, it would be not only the sickness and death But biological weapons are the eas - ligions, beliefs, ethnicities, caste, a new New york government necessary for the preservation of internal inappropriate to pronounce a deci - which the virus-affected world suf - iest and cheapest to manufacture creed and gender are irrelevant in peace, virtue and good order. Three governmental branches were created by sion as to who is responsible for the fers, seemingly at an exorbitantly and can adversely affect the entire this war. All efforts of the human the new constitution: an executive branch, a judicial branch and a legislative commencement of this war. large scale, but also the economic enemy population. (A biological race must, therefore, be concen - branch. The constitution called for the election of a governor and 24 sena- However, it is of extreme impor - devastation that is likely to ensue weapon can be as simple as drop - trated on defeating the virus. tors and identified eligible voters as men who were possessed of freeholds of tance to analyse inputs when avail - in its wake in the globalised world, ping a body in the village well or a solidarity and synergy of all re - the value of one hundred pounds, over and above all debts charged thereon. able and reach a conclusion on its which makes this crisis a truly un - town’s water supply.) However, sources of the world would be nec - 1777 on page 7 genesis because, many aspects of paralleled one. Additionally, in all A global war on page 7 Printed, published and owned by Prem Nath Sharma, Printed at Glimpses of Future Press 63 Padha Street, Purani Mandi, Jammu. Chief Editor Prem Nath Sharma, Associate Editor : Rajiv Sharma, Ph. 2546079, Fax 0191-2547240, RNI NO. 43798/86, email : [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Glimpses of Future 7 natiOnal JAMMU TUesdAy April 21 , 2020 59 arrested for attacking health officials in Bengaluru PRESS TRUST Of INDIA so thrashed. According to police, one down and what is police action," he people of the minority community to Bengaluru, Apr 20 among the arrested is a woman by said. Condemning the incident, assist in identifying the COVid-19 pa - name Firoza who had allegedly insti - Health Minister B srimulu warned tients or carriers. Former chief minis - As many as 59 people were arrest - gated the mob to attack the health and those who indulged in such activities. ter H d Kumaraswamy too con - ed on Monday for attacking police and police officials. subsequently, a large "The inhuman act of attacking police demned the attack and demanded health officials at the minority domi - number of police personnel were de - and health workers in stringent action against the culprits. nated padarayanapura in the city ployed in the area to avert any unto - padarayanapura is highly deplorable. The Congress MlA from the area B Z when they went to quarantine some ward incident and to quarantine those Our government will take appropriate Zameer Ahmed Khan while condemn - people, police said. "Fifty-nine people who are suspected to be infected with step against those indulging in the at - ing the incident, sought to know why have been arrested (in COVid- 19. Blowing sirens, a strong tack on health officials and police offi - the health workers and police officials padarayanapura) and have been tak - contingent of policemen carried out a cials who had gone there to protect went to the area late in the night and en into custody. The people attacked flag march in the area. The Bengaluru them," he tweeted. BJp's firebrand not in the morning. "Why did the po - the officials who had gone to quaran - police commissioner Bhaskar rao lat - Mp shobha Karandlaje reacted lice and the health workers go in the tine some poeple who were the pri - er called on Chief Minister B s sharply. "seculars attack night when i had told the BBMp mary and secondary contacts of three yediyurappa and briefed him about CoronaWarriors when they were Commissioner that i will take them at COVid-19 patients," a police officer the situation in padayarayanapura. quarantining the secondary contacts 10 am?" Khan told reporters. said. A large number of people, mostly The violent incident drew angry reac - of #Covid19 in padarayanapura of defending those who attacked the youth from the minority community tions from various quarters. Blr. While #HealthcareHeroes are government officials, Khan said they poured on to the road on sunday and Karnataka Home Minister Basavaraj working overnight to contain were uneducated labourers who did - thrashed the health workers who had Bommai said an incident like the one erate such acts by anyone. We have ar - the incident took place. Coronapandemic, these morons are n't know what they were doing. gone to quarantine some people who at padayarayanapura will not be toler - rested 59 people. Five Firs have been "Where were you? What were you assaulting our heroes! let's not be soft padarayanapura and Bapuji Nagar were the primary and secondary con - ated. "i met Chief Minister and registered," the minister told re - doing when the incident happened?" on these anti- nationals!" Karandlaje were among the first areas to be com - tacts of the health workers. The offi - briefed him about the incident. He porters. Bommai, who visited the area he questioned a senior police officer. tweeted. Meanwhile, the minority pletely sealed as people were not abid - cials were allegedly beaten black and has told us to act strictly. i have told took the senior police officials to task "We will demonstrate to the people leaders called on Congress state presi - ing by the prohibitory orders under blue. some local residents who went the same to my officials. We won't tol - for not being present on the spot when what is containment zone, what is seal dent d K shivakumar to persuade the section 144 of the CrpC. to the rescue of these officials were al - 62-year-old dies of Bihar : 3 more test positive for Textile body develops high quality cloth to make 'N-99' masks coronavirus in PRESS TRUST Of INDIA The government has moved COVID-19, total cases reach 96 Ahmedabad, Apr 20 mountains to help us pro - PRESS TRUST Of INDIA Jhunjhunu and Jodhpur cure the raw materials and PRESS TRUST Of INDIA till now. There were 52 ac - Jaipur, Apr 20 and one each in Banswara, The Ahmedabad provided full support dur - Patna, Apr 20 tive cases in Bihar till Nagaur and Ajmer. A total Textile industrys research ing the lockdown," she said. sunday night. The total One more person died of 1,495 cases of the virus Association (ATirA) in col - palawat said it was difficult Three more persons number of samples tested of coronavirus in rajasthan have been reported in the laboration with the defence to convert the research cen - have tested positive for the in the state so far is 10,746. while 17 fresh cases were re - state so far. He said so far research and development tre into a production unit novel coronavirus in Of the total 96 COVid-19 ported on Monday, officials 302 patients have tested Organisation has produced but a 15-member ATirA Bihar, taking the number cases in Bihar, siwan dis - said. rajasthan has so far negative for the infection af - a high quality cloth to make staff, including scientific of - of COVid-19 cases in the trict reported the highest seen 24 deaths due to the ter treatment, of which 97 masks of 99 per cent filter ficers and technicians, are state to 96, an official said. number of 29 cases. it was virus, with Jaipur account - have been discharged from efficiency, the highest working round-the-clock to They came in contact with followed by 20 in Munger, ing for 13 deaths. hospitals. The total number among all kind of masks fulfil drdO's order of five COVid-19 patients, 11 in Nalanda, nine in "A 62-year-old Nagaur of COVid-19 cases in available in the country. "Ninty nine per cent filtra - per the WHO guidelines. lakh masks. "The drdO is Health department Begusarai, seven in patna, district resident died rajasthan includes two ATirA is developing the tion is the highest among all The Government of getting these masks ready principal secretary sanjay five in Gaya, four in Buxar, sunday night at sMs italian citizens and 60 peo - cloth material for prepara - types of masks available in india and the defence for health ministry officials, Kumar tweeted late on three each in Gopalganj Hospital here. He was ad - ple brought from iran to tion of five lakh 'N-99 india. There were many research and development doctors of the All india sunday night. The three and Nawada, and one each mitted on April 18 and was Army health centres in masks', which it says would challenges initially, but Organisation (drdO) have institute of Medical persons - aged 30, 36 and in lakhisarai, saran, suffering from hyperten - Jodhpur and Jaisalmer. The be better in quality than the with the untiring efforts of recognised the efficiency of sciences (AiiMs) and top 52 years hail from Bhagalpur, Vaishali and sion," Additional Chief entire state is under lock - N-95 masks that have been our highly competent sci - these masks, shah said. The defence cadre, she said. Jamapur in Munger dis - Bhojpur, a state health secretary (Health) rohit down since March 22 and a in huge demand of late in entists and research techni - high quality cloth for over "We are happy that we tricts of the state, he said. bulletin said. Of the 38 dis - Kumar singh said. singh massive survey and screen - the fight against coron - cians, we were able to suc - 3.5 lakh masks has already are able to help the indian The disease has claimed tricts in the state, 14 have said of the 17 fresh cases, ing is under way to track the avirus. While the N-95 res - cessfully develop this cloth been handed over to dr - government and people two lives in the state while so far reported COVid-19 eight were reported from people infected with the pirator is able to filter 95 and produce it on large dO, while production of during such unprecedented 42 patients have recovered cases. Jaipur; two each from Kota, virus. per cent of the very small scale, ATirA director more such material is going times. Our partnership airborne particles, the effi - pragnesh shah told pTi. on, said ATirA deputy di - with drdO has yielded ciency of the N-99 mask to The N-99 mask has five rector deepali palawat, something noteworthy for Contn. from Page 6 ...... filter such particles will be layers out of which two are who is heading the project. the country," ATirA coun - 99 per cent. of nano mesh which are in - "This project is the cil member punit lalbhai The Ahmedabad-based side and three outer layers finest example of collabora - said. ATirA is a renowned A global war ...... textile research association are of cloth, he said. tion and coordination with body set up here in 1947 by claims it is the only facility "Currently, the filter cloth is the government. it was dif - textile mills as an au - essary to defeat this enemy, which has humbled changed the way the world is looking at possible future in the country to produce manufactured at a state-of- ficult to procure raw mate - tonomous non-profit r&d mankind. Administration/sustainability: To be able to prevention. Cooperation: partnership among all, cut - filter cloth for N-99 masks. the-art facility of ATirA as rials during the lockdown. institution. fight the war successfully, the human race, especially the ting across boundaries, political ideologies and religion, economically deprived, has to be able to sustain itself will hold the key to a solution. it is also very important through the entire period that the battle is fought. The that, post-COVid financial benefits accruing to a nation Contn. from Page 6 ...... administration has to be perfected to take care of essen - or company, must not be the key criterion. A competi - tial needs, espe cially food and medical assistance. Though tion at this stage has the potential to ruin or delay suc - this is already partly visible but it has to be en sured over a long cess whereas, collaboration will speed up the process, period till it is business as usual. security: in military which in turn can benefit all nations. Morale: These are 1777 ...... terms, it means that an appropriate environment must times which most of the present generation would not be created and maintained, which will enable necessary have ever faced earlier. A positive state of mind in this The constitution also called for the election of 70 assembly - British rule. despite the New yorkers’ stalwart efforts to freedom of action to achieve objectives. in the GWOBT, situation needs to be created. A sense of well-being, men for 14 decl ared counties who were to be elected by male in - erect a new government, they were an occupied people. it would entail creating an overall international environ - group cohesion and the feeling that the nation is firmly habitant of ful l age, who shall have personally resided within The British had taken Brooklyn Heights on August 27, ment wherein those scientists, doctors and researchers, behind every individual, need to be reiterated. An in - one of the counties of this state for six months immediately 1776; lower Manhattan fell soon after and was burned on who are involved in finding a solution, feel fully energised spired leadership at the international, national, state preceding the day of election… New york also guaranteed september 21. The rest of New york City and Westchester and motivated to find a vaccine/solution/drug/protocol, and local level is the need of the hour. india has a lot to the right to trial by jury, which had been eroded under County came under British control in October of that year. to end this crisis. One of the perils identified by the UN contribute to the world in the current situation. The way secretary General on April 9 was of extremist threats, in - the second-most populous country on the planet is con - cluding bio-terrorist attacks. such dangers need to be trolling the pandemic, will definitely be watched global - Women are biggest ...... dealt with through an effective international response ly. The lockdown decision, albeit delayed, is being ap - could eventually face the prospect of lay-offs and pay cuts as cooking, cleaning, looking after children and the elderly and nipped in the bud. Otherwise these will seriously preciated by many the world over. The sense of disci - once their employers return to the normal work routine in a and fetching water and firewood, have to be performed by hamper our efforts at finding a solution. economy of ef - pline in most areas and a high state of morale, despite recessionary economy. The temporary or permanent closure women alone. data for the first wave of iHds also highlights fort: With limited resources, especially in the less devel - the extended shut down which the country can ill-afford of many businesses is likely to have a severe adverse impact the domestic drudgery for women, especially in rural areas. oped nations and the end not clearly in sight, all efforts right now due to its precarious economic situation, are on a range of professions dominated by women, such as The survey found that women in india’s villages were spend - must be economised. This would be applicable to both, examples for the world to follow. india has also set the exam - flight attendants, tour operators, sales assistants and front - ing an average of 240 minutes per week collecting firewood employment of manpower as also utilising resources, in - ple of international cooperation by releasing the line hotel staff and cleaners. Academics, who have studied and 66 minutes per day fetching water as compared to much cluding foodgrain. The inability to implement this dic - Hydroxychloroquine tablets to many nations. in the past pandemics, including ebola, Zika, sArs, swine flu and lower corresponding figures of 136 minutes per week and 29 tum will result in serious social disturbances, which will field of research and finding a vaccine/treatment as also bird flu, report their deep and persistent effects on gender minutes per day, respectively, spent by men in the house - adversely affect preventive measures to contain the finding a solution through traditional methods, india equality. According to Julia smith, a health policy researcher hold. last but not the least is the issue of domestic abuse, the virus. Offensive action: The key to military victories lies can be a world leader. despite all the challenges that the at the simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada, these incidence of which is believed to go up exponentially in any in relentless offensive action. in the current situation, nation is facing today, especially the economically de - outbreaks affected everyone’s incomes but “men’s income kind of crisis, especially the current one that mandates peo - too, bold decisions by the leadership, which are in tune prived citizens, india could be at the forefront in this returned to what they had made pre-outbreak faster than ple to practise social isolation and stay at home for sustained with the selected aims and based on available data, GWOBT and thereby be an important contributor in the women’s income.” This outcome is compounded by the al - periods. What is worse, in a lockdown situation, women in would be the drivers of victory. Complacency or delay in post-COVid world. As in war, leadership in all spheres ready-existing wage discrimination in many sectors. For ex - violent relationships are unable to seek help as the perpetra - decision-making can prove catastrophic. Flexibility: and at all levels political, judicial, executive, legislative, ample, in the healthcare sector, overall, women reportedly tors of the violence are always around, whereas those who The world is mostly groping in a relatively unknown do - military and at the national, state and local levels, will be earn 11 per cent less than their male counterparts. can help the victims are inaccessible. The Us, the UK and main. The outcome, results and impacts that emerge in judged by the manner in which they handle the crisis. Anganwadi and AsHA workers receive salaries in the range China have witnessed a significant rise in domestic violence the changing situation, must be factored in by the lead - History has also shown us that from the ashes of war, of merely rs 3,000-4,500 per month, which is even below since the advent of the Coronavirus. in india, the National ership in finding the road ahead. One example is how the great economic giants have risen. remember Germany, the minimum wage, without any additional benefits like Commission for Women (NCW) reported double the usual ubiquitous anti-malaria drug Hydroxychloroquine has Japan and more recently Vietnam? pension and maternity leave. These women may not lose number of domestic abuse cases since the imposition of the their jobs but any decline in their family incomes due to the lockdown. According to the NCW Chairperson, rekha pandemic will make them an equal part of the economic cri - sharma, a total of 257 complaints related to various offences Persuation ...... sis looming ahead. even women, who are out of the work - against women were received during the period March 24 to force and traditionally stay at home, are facing a huge chal - April 1, out of which 69 complaints were related to domestic Bank (NHB), another rs 50,000 crore for banks for things could actually get a lot worse before they get bet - lenge emanating from the lockdown with their already ex - violence. The UN secretary General Antonio Guterres has, in funding and a quarter-percentage-point cut in its reverse ter. What is needed right now is a stimulus package that tensive care-giving duties multiplying even further due to fact, urged Governments “to make the prevention and re - repo rate, which has now been lowered by 25 basis points can help the economy breathe. With the Coronavirus the reverse migration of household service providers like dress of the horrifying [domestic] violence against women a to 3.75 per cent. it is more than obvious that the Central leading to a huge gap in demand and supply, there’s a glut maids, cooks and nannies to their native villages. A 2015 sur - key part of their national response plans for COVid-19.” bank wants to fund the financial institutions so that they in the market, leading to shortage of revenues. vey by the Organisation for economic Cooperation and These gender-based consequences of Coronavirus make it can then forward it to businesses, big and small, and the This is because bankers and businessmen alike have development found that an indian woman does far more imperative for both the administration and social networks most vulnerable — all of whom have been facing the no idea of what things will be like when we tide over the “unpaid work”, almost six hours per day on an average, than to ensure that the pandemic does not negate the gains of gen - pangs of the Coronavirus in some form or the other. But present crisis. This is not just the case in india but across her peers in most other countries. The corresponding figure der equality achieved over the past few decades. diah the Central bank can just fund the Treasury. As any stu - the rest of the world. Banks are parking with rBi on a dai- for men is just 52 minutes per day. saminarsih, senior Adviser on Gender and youth to the dent of history, like the rBi Governor was, knows, histor- ly basis. so whatever money they have with them and in fact, as per an Oxfam report titled, “Mind the Gap”, re - WHO director-General, avers that tackling this issue will be ical events have a habit in determining how we act today. whatever they are getting from rBi, the banks are giving leased in March 2019, indian women do the most unpaid top priority in the WHO’s forthcoming study on the connec - indian banks, both private and public, which got their back to the central bank instead of investing or lending it. care and domestic work in any country, barring Kazakhstan, tions between gender and COVid-19. it remains to be seen hands (and the indian taxpayer) burnt with bad loans Cheaper rates may not encourage thousands of business- largely because patriarchal norms, which dictate tasks such how well women will be able to ride out the Corona storm. handed out a decade ago, have been unwilling to really es to start borrowing but it is possible that the start lending as evidenced during previous rate cuts be - Government could start doling out money to millions of Choosing lives ...... fore the lockdown began. indians. This might really get things going and people Of course, it would be unwise to predict just how will spend “free money” once this is over. Again, there is things but it started late. tracking resources in place that would make reopening the banks will behave once the COVid-19 pandemic is over no idea of the efficacy of that strategy as well. people and its medical resources are limited and given its popula - economy a relatively safe proposition. On April 3 the but with no clear end in sight, talk of an extended lock - companies have both incurred losses. Talks have gone tion of a whopping 1.3 billion, the sheer number of victims British Health secretary, Matt Hancock, pledged 1,00,000 down and the subsequent economic impact hanging in from losing increments to actual worry about large-scale may overwhelm the system. Brazil has the reckless Jair Coronavirus tests per day by the end of the month. Half the the air, we do not know just how banks will react. it is job losses across white collar, blue collar and informal Bolsonaro in charge, who not only wants to open up the month is gone and the maximum number of tests carried likely that their risk-averse nature will continue. What is sector jobs as well. At the end of the day, it all comes down country’s borders but also fired his Health Minister luiz out on a single day has been under 15,000. The Us situa - also sure is the fact indian entrepreneurs and industrial - to confidence. There might be no winner from this war, Mandetta for wanting to encourage social distancing for tion is harder to judge, since there is not a unified health - ists will be unwilling to really start borrowing. However, because we are not sure when the Coronavirus will finally what Bolsonaro calls a “little flu.” post Mandetta’s exit, care system but a highly fragmented “healthcare sector.” both the rBi and the Government are desperate to make be conquered. However, we have to start planning for the many people in the healthcare system may fall victim to However, nobody has spotted evidence of nationwide sure that when things do improve on the public health future from today. While the plans may not be perfect, Bolsonaro’s bullying ways. As for the Us and the UK, they preparations for extensive testing and tracking once every - front, the economy is not beyond redemption. since we do not know an end date for the start, we have to both reacted very late to the threat, which guarantees that body goes back to work, so a second wave of deaths later in Unfortunately, with the indian economy already having be prepared for it. We are already paying the price for their casualties would be considerably above the rich- the year is practically guaranteed. Finis Trump, perhaps been on the back foot even before this crisis started, having a woeful public health system. country average. Worse, they do not have the testing and but at a high price. Glimpses of Future 8 WORLD JAMMU TUesdAy April 21 2020 Trump says he's close to a deal New York, America's virus epicentre passes outbreak peak New york Apr 20: many of them ignoring so - than 18,000 people in the with Congress on virus aid cial distancing guidelines state, according to a Johns The state of New york, -- congregated at the capi - Hopkins University track - Washington, Apr 20 (AP) N.y., said he believed a bring Usd 75 billion for epicenter of America's tol to demand the gover - er. "We are past the high coronavirus infections, deal could be reached late hospitals and Usd 25 bil - nor re-open the state's point, and all indications appeared to have passed The Trump adminis - sunday or early Monday. lion for testing, according shuttered economy. at this point is that we are the peak of the outbreak tration and Congress are We still have a few more to those involved in the sunday's anti-lockdown on the descent," state gov - sunday, as president protests there and in ernor Andrew Cuomo told nearing an agreement on details to deal with, he talks On a conference call donald Trump bumped denver -- where some a press conference. an aid package of up to said. he senate is sched - sunday afternoon that in - heads with governors over demonstrators wore "Whether or not the Usd 450 billion to boost a uled for a pro forma ses - cluded Trump, Mnuchin the pace of ending lock - Trump 2020 face masks at descent continues de - small-business loan pro - sion Monday, but no vote and republican senators, downs. The United states a "reOpen Colorado" rally pends on what we do, but gram that has run out of has been set. The House senate Majority leader has so far recorded more -- highlighted the growing right now we're on the de - money and add funds for announced it could meet as Mitch McConnell, r-Ky., than 758,000 coronavirus frustration some scent," he said. New hospitals and COVid-19 soon as Wednesday for a indicated the only remain - cases and nearly 41,000 Americans have over how york's improving data testing. president donald recorded vote on the pend - ing item for discussion in - deaths, far more than any state governments are re - came as the political battle Trump said sunday, We're ing package, according to a volved the money for test - other nation.While some sponding to the crisis. between Trump and other getting close to a deal. schedule update from ing, according to a senate governors warned that the "This 'cure' is deadlier state governors dragged Along with the small busi - Majority leader steny GOp leadership aide who administration has failed than COVid!" read one on, with virus testing rates ness boost, Trump said the Hoyer, d-Md. spoke on condition of to adequately boost test - sign carried by a maskless emerging as the focus. negotiators were looking at ers reeling during a coron - get the small Business Under the emerging anonymity to discuss a pri - ing, thousands of protester in denver, refer - Trump pointed to contin - "helping our hospitals," avirus outbreak that has Administration program deal there would be Usd vate call. nder the emerg - Americans were flouting ring to policies that have ued "improvement with particularly hard-hit rural shuttered much economic back up by midweek. i 300 billion for small-busi - ing deal, the government's stay-at-home orders to shuttered the Us economy declining trajectory of health care providers. A activity, Treasury think we're very close to a ness payroll program, and paycheck protection protest their states' pro - and led to 22 million cases" in cities like deal could be announced secretary steven Mnuchin deal today. i'm hopeful Usd 50 billion would be program for small busi - longed closures. Americans losing their detroit, New Orleans and Monday, the president said said earlier sunday he was that we can get that done, available for small busi - nesses would get roughly in Washington state, jobs. New york has borne Houston as evidence that at a White House briefing. hopeful of a deal that could he said. senate Minority ness disaster fund. Usd 300 billion, according an early Us virus hotspot, the brunt of the virus, his containment strategy With small-business own - pass Congress quickly and leader Chuck schumer, d- Additionally, it would to Mnuchin. more than 2,000 people -- which has killed more was working. Oil prices collapse on storage fears, Asia equities mixed Brazilian President Bolsonaro joins Amid covid pandemic, Hong Kong, Apr 20 (AfP) Taliban kills 23 in fresh Oil prices collapsed to more than two-decade lows protests against Covid19 restrictions Monday as traders grow concerned that storage facilities violence in are reaching their limits, while equities were mixed, Sao Paulo Apr 20: with some support coming from signs that the coron - Kunduz Apr 20: avirus may have peaked in europe and the United Brazil president Jair Bolsonaro states. Us crude benchmark West Texas intermediate on sunday joined hundreds of The Taliban have killed at least 23 Afghan troops and briefly plunged almost 20 percent to below 15 -- its low - demonstrators outside army head - nine civilians, officials said Monday, as a fresh wave of est since 1999 -- as stockpiles continue to build owing to quarters in the capital Brasilia violence grips Afghanistan despite a deal with the Us a crash in demand caused by the COVid-19 pandemic. protesting stay-at-home orders is - and a worsening coronavirus crisis. Under the terms Analysts said this month's agreement between top pro - sued by state governors. The crowd of of the Us-Taliban deal, the Afghan government and ducers to slash output by 10 million barrels a day was around 600 called on the army to in - the insurgents were by now supposed to have conclud - having little impact on the oil crisis because of lock - tervene in the handling of the coron - ed a prisoner exchange and started talks aimed at downs and travel restrictions that are keeping billions of avirus pandemic and demanded the bringing about a comprehensive ceasefire. But the people at home. WTi was hit particularly hard as its closure of Congress. some held up stalled prisoner swap has been beset with problems -- main Us storage facilities in Cushing, Oklahoma, were posters declaring "Military interven - with Kabul claiming the Taliban are demanding the release of some of the group's most notorious warriors filling up. ANZ said "crude oil prices remained under tion with Bolsonaro". "i am here be - -- and peace talks seem as elusive ever amid ongoing pressure, as projections of weaker demand weigh on cause i believe in you and you are attacks. late sunday night in Takhar province in sentiment". "despite the OpeC+ alliance agreeing to an here because you believe in Brazil," northeast Afghanistan, the Taliban struck an Afghan unprecedented cut in output, the physical market is the president told the crowd from the army base, killing 16 soldiers and two policemen, awash with oil," it said, referring to the Organization of back of a pick-up truck. provincial police spokesman Khalil Asir told AFp. The the petroleum exporting Countries and non-OpeC part - Bolsonaro, a former army cap - more than 200 million, has the most necessary so that we can guarantee governor's spokesman, Mohammad Jawad Hejri, con - ners. And AxiCorp's stephen innes added: "it's a dump tain, has constantly criticized partial COVid-19 cases in latin America -- democracy and what is most dear to firmed the attack and also blamed the Taliban, putting at all cost as no one... wants delivery of oil, with Cushing quarantine measures adopted by more than 38,000 as of sunday, with us, our freedom," Bolsonaro said. The the death toll at 19. in the south, the Taliban attacked a storage facilities filling by the minute. "it hasn't taken governors, including those in charge more than 2,400 deaths. most populous states of sao paulo police checkpoint near Tarin Kot, the capital of long for the market to recognise that the OpeC+ deal of the country's most populous states, during his address, which was in - and rio de Janeiro on Friday extend - Uruzgan province. "Five Afghan policemen were will not, in its present form, be enough to balance oil sao paulo and rio de Janeiro, to halt terspersed with fits of coughing, the ed partial quarantine measures. A killed and three others were wounded," Zilgai ebadi, markets." stock traders were in slightly more buoyant the spread of the coronavirus. On president made no response to the majority of Brazilians approve the the provincial governor's spokesman, told AFp. The mood as governments start to consider how and when to Friday, he sacked his health minister, crowd's call for military intervention government's confinement regula - toll was confirmed by the head of Uruzgan provincial ease lockdowns that have crippled the global economy. who supported the restrictions that nor the demand to close Congress. tions despite its impact on the econo - council, Amir Mohammad. in the northern province italy, spain, France and Britain reported drops in daily Bolsonaro says are damaging the "you must fight for your country. my, according to a poll published of Balkh, the Taliban killed nine civilians after they re - death tolls and slowing infection rates. economy. Brazil, with a population of Count on your president to do what is saturday. sisted when insurgents tried to extort money from them, district governor sayed Arif iqbali told AFp. he Taliban did not immediately comment, but they have Positive tests at Afghan previously complained their fighters are still being tar - geted by Us and Afghan forces. The violence has most - ly been limited to rural areas and small towns. Under presidential palace the framework of the Us-Taliban deal, the insurgents have agreed not to attack cities. Kabul, Apr 20 (AP)

At least 20 employees at Afghanistan's presidential Spain reports lowest daily palace have tested positive for COVid-19, according to a senior government official who asked to remain anony - deaths in one month as mous because he was not authorized to comment on the subject. it wasn't clear whether president Ashraf Ghani had been in contact with any of the employees or whether country ramps up testing he had been tested himself. The presidential palace has re - Madrid Apr 20: fused to comment. Ghani has reportedly been self-isolat - ing, although he still meets daily with some senior officials. spain said 399 people died of COVid-19 over the At 70 and a cancer survivor, Ghani is considered in the past 24 hours in what was the lowest daily number of higher risk category. Afghanistan has reported only 993 deaths in four weeks, the government said on Monday. positive cases even as the international Office of Migration, The latest figures, which showed a slight drop from which monitors the movement of refugees, says more than sunday when 410 people died, brought further relief to 200,000 Afghans have returned from iran in the last two a country which has suffered the third-highest number months. iran is one of the hardest-hit countries in the re - of virus deaths in the world after the United states and gion with more than 82,000 confirmed cases and over italy. "Today for the first time we've fallen under 400 5,000 deaths. Many of the returning refugees scattered deaths, although it's only a little lower (than sunday), throughout Afghanistan without testing, generating wide - these figures give us hope," said Fernando simon, the spread fears of an outbreak of cases that could overwhelm health ministry's emergencies coordinator. "These are the country's war-ravaged health care facilities. The United very encouraging figures," he said.The data also Nations has called for cease fires to conflicts around the showed cases rising to 200,210 in spain, which ranks world but, still the war goes on in Afghanistan as both sides in the conflict the Taliban and the Afghan administration second in the world in terms of infections after outpac - Protesters rally at the Tennessee state capitol to speak out against the state's handling of the COvID-19 outbreak in Nashville, Tenn. Tennessee ing italy at the start of April. But it remains well short of is under a stay-at-home order due to the coronavirus outbreak except for essential workers. squabble over details in an agreement signed between the United states and the Taliban in February. the United states which has so far counted more than 750,000 cases and well over 40,000 deaths. in recent weeks, spain has ramped up its testing procedures and is now carrying out around 40,000 per day, Health New Zealand to ease lockdown restrictions as virus cases drop Minister salvador illa has said. The number of people who have recovered from the Wellington Apr 20: we have made together but i also virus has now risen to 80,587. pain's health chiefs be - feel a huge responsibility to en - lieve the epidemic peaked on April 2 when 950 people New Zealand will ease a na - sure that we do not lose any of died over 24 hours, nearly three weeks after the gov - tionwide coronavirus lockdown the gains we have made either," ernment imposed a strict lockdown, effectively confin - next week after claiming success she said. New Zealand entered a ing its close to 47 million citizens at home in a bid to in stopping "an uncontrolled ex - four-week lockdown in late slow the spread of the virus. On saturday, the govern - plosion" of the disease, prime March, which included closing ment said it would extend the lockdown by another Minister Jacinda Ardern said the island nation's borders, fortnight until May 9, although from April 27 condi - Monday. "We have done what countrywide stay-at-home or - tions would be slightly eased to allow children to spend very few countries have been ders and shuttering all non-es - some time outside. able to do," Ardern said. "We sential businesses and services. have stopped a wave of devasta - The draconian measures made Lockdown politics increasingly tion." she said New Zealand the country one of the most suc - would move its maximum level cessful in containing the virus, pit economic, health concerns Four COVid-19 alert to level with around 1,100 known cases Three from late evening on among the five-million popula - Washington, Apr 20 (AP) Monday, April 27, and remain tion, including 12 deaths and there for two weeks to assess the 974 recovered patients. it had The global health crisis is taking a nasty political situation. The announcement seven confirmed new infections turn with tensions worsening between governments means businesses deemed safe on Monday. locked down to keep the coronavirus at bay and people can reopen, along with some Ardern said easing the lock - yearning to restart stalled economies and forestall schools, while limits on local down would help the economy, fears of a depression. protesters worrying about their travel are also relaxed and gath - which has been paralysed by the livelihoods and bucking infringements on their free - erings of up to 10 people allowed virus response as companies dom have taken to the streets in some places. A few for events such as weddings or close and job losses mount, with countries are acting to ease restrictions, but most of the funerals. While restrictions will forecasts that unemployment world remains unified in insisting it's much too early to be loosened slightly, social dis - could skyrocket to almost 26 Wednesday night but Ardern not need to return to level Four tween levels, with all of the un - take more aggressive steps. in the United states, there tancing rules will remain. "i percent. The initial lockdown said it was extended slightly to again. "The worst thing we can certainty that this would bring," is clear evidence of the mounting pressure. couldn't feel prouder of the start period was due to end on help ensure New Zealand would do for our country is to yo-yo be - she said. Glimpses of Future 9 SPORTS JAMMU TUesdAy April 21 2020 ICC to consult Australian Japan virus expert 'pessimistic' Olympics can be held in 2021 Tokyo, Apr 20 (AfP) year-long delay will be cism of Japan's handling government over T20 World Cup sufficient. "Holding (the) of the coronavirus- A Japanese expert Olympics needs two con - wracked diamond Dubai Apr 20: factors required to resume edge and start to build a who has criticised the ditions, one: controlling princess cruise ship that international cricket based deep understanding of country's response to the COVid-19 in Japan and docked off the country's The international on government advice in what it will take to resume coronavirus warned (two) controlling COVid- coast. Japanese officials Cricket Council (iCC) will each territory. The CeC will international cricket," iCC Monday that he is "pes - 19 everywhere, because opted to carry out an on- consult the Australian gov - discuss the approach to Chief executive Manu simistic" that the post - you have to invite the ship quarantine, but ernment on going ahead rescheduling postponed se - sawhney said. poned Olympics can be athletes and the audience more than 700 people on with the Men's T20 World ries and the need for collec - The scale of this task held even in 2021. "To be from all over the world," board ended up contract - Cup 2020 in Australia. The tively reviewing the Future should not be underesti - honest with you i don't iwata told journalists at a ing the virus, and 13 died. limited-overs World Cup is Tours programme (FTp) mated and will encompass think the Olympics is press briefing. "Japan The decision to postpone slated to be played from through 2023 as well as the a myriad of factors until the likely to be held next might be able to control the Olympics is unprece - October 18 and November World Test Championship public health situation has year," said Kentaro this disease by next sum - dented in peacetime, and 15 at seven venues across (WTC) and Cricket World improved to a point that it is iwata, a professor of in - mer, i wish we could, but followed a wave of com - Australia. As all sporting Cup super league. They safe for our players, our em - fectious diseases at Kobe i don't think that would plaints from athletes fac - activities have been sus - will also receive an update ployees, our fans and in a University. Japan and happen everywhere on ing travel bans and lock - pended due to the coron - World Cup, we will contin - bring together the CeOs of on the continuing contin - way that will not impact the the international earth, so in this regard downs. The postpone - avirus pandemic, it is likely ue to take advice from ex - 12 full members and three gency planning for all iCC public health situation ad - Olympic Committee i'm very pessimistic ment is a huge undertak - that the event will get post - perts and authorities, in - Associate representatives, global events, including the versely," he added. (iOC) agreed last month about holding the ing, but organisers have poned. However, iCC will cluding the Australian gov - will provide an opportunity iCC Men's T20 World Cup "Countries will start to re - to delay the Tokyo 2020 Olympics Games next insisted they are working take the final decision on ernment. We will utilize all for the CeC to collectively 2020. open at different stages and Games until July 2021, summer." iwata said he towards the new opening this matter. This is one of of the data and information consider the impact of the "This meeting is the in different ways and we after pressure from ath - could only see the Games date despite ongoing un - the many issues likely to be available to us to ensure we Covid19 pandemic on the first step of a collective will need to respect that and letes and sports federa - being held next year if certainty about when the discussed at the meeting of can take responsible deci - sport, iCC said. The pur - process as we assess the im - have a holistic view of this tions. But in recent days, they were significantly pandemic will be over. Chief executives' sions around all competi - pose of the meeting is to pact of this ongoing global to enable us to take well-in - as the coronavirus pan - altered, "such as no audi - There is "no plan B", Committee (CeC) via con - tions at an appropriate time gain a full understanding of pandemic and work togeth - formed decisions that miti - demic continues to ence, or very limited par - Tokyo 2020 spokesman ference call on April 23. in that are in the best interests member priorities during er so the sport can emerge gate the various risks as spread worldwide, there ticipation". iwata hit the Masa Takaya told re - relation to iCC events, in - of our sport," sawhney said. this time and to discuss and from it in a strong position. much as possible," have been questions headlines earlier this porters at an online brief - cluding the iCC Men's T20 The meeting, which will share the key mitigation We need to share knowl - sawhney further said. about whether even a year for his public criti - ing on last week. Mushfiqur to auction his bat to Hockey India begins online interactive 'They needed a help in COVID-19 relief efforts pandemic to realise sessions for match officials PRESS TRUST Of INDIA Dhaka, Apr 20 PRESS TRUST Of INDIA their knowledge of FiH lower-ranked New Delhi, Apr 20 rules and regulations and Bangladesh wick - players should have raise the level of officiat - et-keeper batsman Hockey india (Hi) on ing," said Mohd. Mushfiqur rahim has Monday announced the been paid better' Mushtaque Ahmad, decided to auction his launch of online interactive president Hockey india. in bat, with which he London Apr 20: sessions for its umpires the umpires groups, the of - scored a double hun - and technical officials to ficials will share their daily dred against sri lanka Australia's John Millman has ques - update them of the latest fitness activities and train - in 2013, to raise funds tioned a multi-million-dollar plan game rules and improve ing regimes. for the COVid-19 re - floated by Novak djokovic to help their fitness levels. Hockey india has also lief work in his coun - struggling tennis players during the Hockey india is carry - suggested a few training try. "i am putting up coronavirus shutdown, asking why it ing out the sessions across options and the officials the bat with which i hadn't been done before. Novak six WhatsApp groups, can find a suitable regime made a double hun - djokovic said on saturday that the three for technical officials to maintain their fitness dred for auction," 'Big Three' -- himself, roger Federer and three for umpires. over and flexibility. Mushfiqur told the and rafael Nadal -- were organising 100 registered officials are Muneer, Claudius de sales knowledge of FiH rules A total of 30 Hockey dhaka-based Bengali be spent entirely for ers to help the poor by aid for lower-ranked players who taking part in the initiative and H s sokhi. G s sangha, and regulations and will india Member Units are al - daily 'prothom Alo'. the poor people." auctioning their have no income while the sport is six days a week, Hi said in a Javed shaikh and G have the opportunity to so conducting these ses - "it will be put up on - More than 2000 have equipment and jer - suspended because of the coron - press release. Harsha Vardhan are con - clear any queries or doubts. sions across their respec - line, so let's see how tested positive for seys. england wicket- avirus pandemic. "The majority of experienced tourna - ducting the sessions for "Officials are as important tive regions. Over 1100 offi - we can go about it. i coronavirus in keeper batsman Jos the players who are ranked between ment directors and umpire umpires. as players in any sport and cials are taking part over 70 urge everyone with Bangladesh. last Buttler raised 65,000 200, 250 in the world, and the 700th managers who are con - Through the interac - we believe that during this WhatsApp groups formed the ability to push up week, star all-rounder pounds by auctioning or 1,000th do not have federation ducting the sessions in - tive sessions, the officials lockdown period, that offi - by the various Member the price of the bat shakib Al Hasan had his World Cup final support, do not have sponsors. They clude Moghul Mohammed will be improving their cials can further improve Units. since the proceeds will urged his fellow play - jersey. are completely independent and left alone," djokovic said in an instagram chat with friend and rival stan Wawrinka. "Guys who are Glenn Turner concerned about Bit surprised by CA's financial health but we will ranked between 200-250, especially to 700... are thinking of leaving ten - impact of T20 on cricket work together to overcome crisis: Hazlewood nis right now." But world number 43 PRESS TRUST Of INDIA financial crisis will hit crick - way in the last 18 months to Millman said lower-ranked players Turner said. "But the thing Melbourne, Apr 20 eters too and they are ready two years, probably," he said. should have been paid better in the that is happening, which i for a reduced salary. "We are "... so that will go a long way past. if the concern is to help players see as a mistake, is that Fast bowler Josh no different from any other towards having this episode ranked 250-700 in the world why has they are getting full 12- Hazlewood is a "bit" sur - sport. it just depends how (handled) a lot better than it taken a global pandemic to realise month retainers while be - prised that Cricket Australia long it hangs around as to last time. it's all positive from this?" he tweeted sunday. "surely ing able to sign contracts is struggling financially due how much it is going to affect our end and i think, from both over the many years of top end heavy with as many other people to the COVid-19 pandemic us, i guess. if it leads into next ends. "Hopefully it's a lot bet - prizemoney increases we maybe as they can and not making but said players will work to - summer, it will be quite seri - ter communication this time should have maybe distributed the themselves fully available gether with the governing ous," Hazlewood said. "We're and i think you will see that in spread a little more..."Brisbane- for New Zealand. "That's body to overcome the crisis. obviously partners in the the coming weeks and the based Millman, Australia's number too big a sacrifice i feel." With the coronavirus out - game and we've always said coming months. As long as three, said the "unfairness of the Kiwi defeat in World Cup break halting all cricketing that. We have ridden the they show a lot of transparen - lower tours" meant he had always unfair The 72-year-old, action, Cricket Australia (CA) highs and now its probably cy on all the numbers, all the been "uncomfortable" with the "top who scored 2991 runs in 41 has laid off 80 per cent of its time to ride the lows, a little players will be pretty happy end heavy sport". "(i've) often refer - Tests and 1598 runs in 41 staff for the rest of the finan - bit." CA and Australian with that." According to the enced the struggle...because i've Odis, was also not happy cial year which ends on June Cricketers' Association (ACA) MOU signed in 2017, CA has properly lived through the lower lev - with the outcome of last 30. reports suggest that CA had an ugly pay dispute in to provide ACA with revenue els," he tweeted. djokovic said play - year's World Cup where will run out of cash by August. 2017 but Hazlewood said re - estimates and a national con - ers, the ATp and the four Grand england were adjudged "i was a bit surprised there lations have improved since tract list for the upcoming slams "would all get together and Christchurch Apr 20: ten a new book 'Cricket's winners on the basis of but there has to be some im - and hoped this crisis will be summer by April 30 and will contribute to a player relief fund Global Warming' with not - boundary-count after reg - pact, no doubt," Hazlewood handled better this time. "i Hazlewood expects the dead - that ATp will distribute". He esti - New Zealand legend ed author lynn ulation play and subse - was quoted as saying by think the relationship is a lot line to be met so that players mated that between $3 million and Glenn Turner is concerned McConnell, said the shut - quent super Over ended in 'sydney Morning better now, between the ACA can be better prepared for the $4.5 million could be distributed about the impact of T20 down due to the Covid19 a tie in the final against Herald'.Hazlewood said the and CA. it's developed a long financial fallout. through the scheme . cricket on the "more pandemic is an opportuni - New Zealand.Turner said worthwhile forms" of the ty to reassess the future. in the last few decades game and feels that the "More and more money is players have more power coronavirus-forced break going to the top end and than the boards which is a good time to "reassess" it's a bit like society where govern them. "The power the future of the sport. The the gap between the rich has shifted almost totally European leagues ready to play behind 72-year-old Turner, who is and the poor as got to the players where also the former chairman greater. Hopefully after boards step back and let of New Zealand's selection this pandemic things are the game be run largely by panel, believes that cricket going to be reassessed," senior players. Things closed doors: UEFA president Ceferin administrators have "gone the former New Zealand have turned 180 degrees down a path of capital - captain and coach said. "i and i don't think either is Milan Apr 20: europa league matches could "be ism". "...money rules and think they should be re - ideal," Turner said. "But played in parallel" with no date lim - you've got Twenty20 dom - assessed in cricket as well the thing that is happen - UeFA president Aleksander it for the finals. The slovenian said inating to such an extent because your top players ing, which i see as a mis - Ceferin said Monday that leagues he was not in favour of the season where it is putting what i are really taking most of take, is that they are get - across europe were ready to return going into september and October consider to be more worth - the cream and even the ting full 12-month retain - to action behind closed doors in a as it "would have a heavy impact" while forms of the game next group are really ers while being able to sign bid to limit the damage caused by on the 2020-2021 campaign. "We virtually into the back - struggling," he pointed contracts with as many coronavirus. Football leagues have can finish, but we must respect the ground," Turner was quot - out. "Then, of course, they other people as they can been suspended since mid-March decisions taken by authorities," he ed as saying by (administrators) don't and not making them - due to the pandemic which has continued. "The priority is the 'stuff.co.nz'. have the sort of money i selves fully available for claimed more than 100,000 lives health of fans, players and coach - "That is only happen - believe they need to foster New Zealand. throughout the continent. But the es." As for countries who have de - ing because of the money the game further down. "i think that they gave head of european football believes cided not to finish the season, that they can get from that That's the real concern." the wrong result. But to that playing would be an important Ceferin said that UeFA "will review and of course the argu - Player power have given out the man of step towards a return to normal life the cases". ment too, is that it is get - Turner said in the last the match at the time for and avoid heavy financial losses for "such decisions were not made ting more people interest - few decades players have obstructing the field which leagues. "i believe there are options alone," he said. "Football is inter - ed in the game," he said. more power than the ought to have happened that can allow us to restart cup connected, we have seen how im - "But if you dine at a fast boards which govern would have of course championships and to complete portant it is for UeFA and leagues food takeaway, does that them. "The power has changed the result," he them," Ceferin said in an interview and leagues. Better to play behind "if safety measures are respect - to work in good cooperation. The mean that you are going to shifted almost totally to said. "Now that you are with italian daily Corriere della closed doors than not at all. "in ed and if the authorities give the executive committee will review the go on to fine dining? i the players where boards getting third umpires in - sera. "We may have to resume such hard times it would bring hap - green light, the training could re - cases." He added: "leagues are the don't think so and that step back and let the game volved and they are seeing without spectators, but the most piness to people and a certain sense sume like the rest. revenue base for clubs nationwide. doesn't appear to be hap - be run largely by senior replays of things they will important thing, i think, is playing of normality even if the games can "Further consent will be need - if completed, the financial conse - pening." players. Things have be able to make those sorts games. "it is early to say that we only be seen on TV. "All activities ed for matches." Ceferin said that if quences will be limited. "UeFA, on Time to reassess turned 180 degrees and i of decisions in the future i cannot complete the season. The are being organised to start again, leagues returned "soon enough" the other hand, will lose a lot of Turner, who has writ - don't think either is ideal," would hope," he added. impact would be terrible for clubs everyone needs to find their lives. then Champions league and money for postponing euro 2020." Glimpses of Future 10 EntErtainmEnt JAMMU TUesdAy April 21, 2020 Disha Patani feels that Coronavirus pandemic: Hrithik Roshan and Rohit Shetty Coronavirus: How to Isolate Yourself nobody can match up documentary film premieres as a boon amidst to this actor's swag lend support to paparazzi facing financial crisis lockdown; Zareen Khan says, 'The only way to fight the crisis is by staying isolated

As the war against the novel coron - avirus deepens with billions of people across the world facing a period of self-iso - lation to help contain the spread, sony BBC earth brings to india a critical docu-film ‘Coronavirus: How to isolate yourself’. presented by dr Xand Van Tulleken and psychologist Kimberley Wilson, the 1-hour feature is a one-step guide to everything one needs to know about this pandemic and is full of useful and credible tips and advice. Xand Van Tulleken is a registered doctor with the General Medical Council of in the global crisis of roshan have come out to photographers, told Mid- money directly to their ac - the UK and a renowned presenter. To com - coronavirus, we are seeing support them in tough time day, “i had paid their counts. i told him to do the prehend the situation, he visits leading ex - celebs lending as they transferred the mon - salaries for March (but was latter as my team should perts who explain why self-isolation is helping hands to each other ey in their bank accounts. unsure of the way ahead). know that the funds have most important in this fight against coron - and tackling together in popular paps, yogen shah, Then, i got calls from rohit come from him. Manav and avirus, as well as finds out about people’s these tough times. due to Viral Bhayani, Manav shetty’s production house Viral also said that they real-world challenges of self-isolating. The the lockdown, Bollywood Manglani confirmed this and Hrithik sir’s team, of - were worried about the docu-film also focusses on Kimberly who paparazzi are facing major news and said that the duo fering help. salaries of April month but offers insights into the psychological chal - financial problems as there helped and many other Hrithik sir asked now everything is sorted. lenges of self-isolating, talks about how to are no events or celeb-spot - celebs called them for the whether he should give me a Well, that noble gesture manage anxiety and provides key take - ting. director rohit shetty enquiries related to funds. lump sum to be distributed from our stars definitely aways that everyone must adapt while self- and superstar Hrithik yogen, who has a team of 10 among my boys, or send the needs to be appreciated. isolating. Lockdown diaries: Kareena Kapoor Khan gets flowers from It's expensive: The cost Saif Ali Khan while Taimur continues to paint his heart out of Deepika Padukone's red

ever since Kareena Kapoor jacket will send chills Khan made her instagram debut, the actress has been ruling the down your spine hearts with her posts. Be it about herself, her gal pals, her handsome Bollywood's gorgeous beauty disha patani, beau or her toddler son. The Angrezi who will be next seen in starrer Medium actress has been sharing radhe: your Most Wanted Bhai, is all praises her pictures and videos from her life on co-star but not the megastar. We are talking about, her instagram handle, thus giving a Jackie shroff, who is playing her elder in the film. glimpse of her life to her fans. And Talking about Jackie, the Malang actress told the latter are reciprocating the ac - Bombay Times, “His energy is unmatchable. tress and her posts with equal appre - Nobody can match up to his swag. He is humble, ciation and warmth. Just a couple of easy to work with, quick with his shots and a great hours ago, Kareena shared pictures actor. He is just so cool to hang out with. i don’t from her today's quarantine day at consider myself cool at all, but whenever i hang out home and it's a colourful picture. with him, i feel cool. it doesn’t matter if you are an Kareena Kapoor Khan shared three introvert because when you are with him, he does posts on her instagram handle, first most of the talking. Talking about her role in is when her beau, saif Ali Khan gave her flowers. But there's a catch. The radhe: your Most Wanted Bhai, disha patani ear - flowers were painted on a door in the lier told us, "it's a commercial film. it's an out-an- balcony. Kareena captioned the im - out salman Khan film. We're hoping that it turns age of saif painting the flowers on out to be very entertaining for the audience. i don't the door saying, "When saif told me know whether i can say it's a big role. he got me flowers, i had a different Honestly, it's not about how big or small the idea in mind. Next, Kareena shared role is. it's about if the role leaves an impact, if it the picture of her picasso aka means something. like my role in dhoni (The Taimur Ali Khan. she uploaded a Untold story) was quite small, but it left a major picture of Tim painting on the wall impact that's why i am where i am right now. so, i and captioned the image saying, "if guess the length is not really important for me, but there is a wall that's blocking your the part i'm playing. you'll find out more about my creativity. And lastly, she shared a part (in radhe) once you see something. i'll be able selfie with an unwanted member to speak about it more then, but i don't really and captioned it saying, "Meanwhile choose such things, i don't really see all these i just sat there staring in wonder of things. if i like a role, i do it. what was being created. Amitabh Bachchan is all praise for wife Jaya Bachchan's beauty in this throwback picture from the premiere

Of late, superstar Amitabh and a bow tied moi .. how pretty Bachchan is on a time machine. Jaya looks .. This was the 35 mm deepika padukone is easily one of the best dressed ac - Well, the actor is sharing a lot of print at the premiere .. the 70mm tresses of Bollywood. she can give any of her contemporaries throwback pictures which are stereo sound print , first time in a run for their money, thanks to her oh-so-classy wardrobe. like rare gems from the yester - india was stuck in Customs.. but looking at the kind of ensembles that deepika wears, we re - year era. Be it his old modeling after the premiere got over by ally wish to steal some of her fashion picks. Jokes apart, dp is pictures or still from the shoot midnight, we got news that the someone who loves to indulge in shopping on a frequent ba - of his films, Big B has been 70mm print was out of Customs .. sis. Before the lockdown, the padmaavat actress had im - sharing pictures and making we told ramesh ji to get it to the pressed us greatly with her an airport outing. so. let’s take everyone nostalgic. And now, Minerva .. it came .. the first in - you back to the time when deepika padukone flaunted a the superstar took to his insta - dian film on 70mm stereo .. and i classy red jacket while performing on dheeme dheeme from gram handle and shared a rare sat on the floor of the Balcony pati patni Aur Woh, with , at airport. throwback picture from the with Vinod Khanna and finished The actress had paired a simple white t-shirt and blue den - premiere of sholay. in the pic - seeing this amazing result till 3 in ims with a red padded jacket by a high-end brand called, Off- ture, we can see Jaya Bachchan, the morning ?," he reminisced the White. The jacked is best suited for winters. Talking about Amitabh Bachchan's father, premiere of the film. Talking the cost of deepika padukone's red jacket, it comes with a Harivansh rai Bachchan and about sholay, the film had slow staggering price tag of rs. 1,04,330. And we guess most peo - Teji Bachchan. start in the beginning when it was ple out there will think not once, but twice before buying this Amitabh Bachchan shared released in theatres in 1975. it, bomber jacket. Talking about deepika's in-flight airport the story behind the photo in however, went on to become a cult style, her stylist shaleena Nathani had told Mumbai Mirror the caption of his post. How - classic soon. Apart from Jaya that it has to be functional, yet make a statement. she had ever, we cannot help but focus Bachchan and Amitabh said, "Airport looks are practical with just one striking piece, on his one-sentence wherein he Bachchan, the film stars sanjeev which elevates it without any fuss. For events, we keep it as real as possible because that’s when fans get a glimpse of who is praising his wife, Jaya Kumar, Hema Malini, dharmen - she is and we don’t want to project her as a larger-than-life Bachchan. "At the premiere of dra, Amjad Khan, leela Mishra, person like the characters she plays on the screen. But when sHOlAy .. 15th August 1975, at AK Hangal, , Mac Mohan, it comes to the red carpet, we play around with colours, tex - the Minerva .. Ma, Babuji, Jaya Viju Khote to name a few. tures and even silhouettes." Glimpses of Future 11 LOCAL JAMMU TUesdAy April 21, 2020 Govt begins use of Rapid CONTD FROM PAGE 1

States people are also advised to refrain from spreading ru - Antibody Tests in Coronavirus mours and pay no heed to them at the same time. an official from the National disaster Management Authority (NdMA), she said. HC Hotspots across J&K The MHA's effort is to ensure that all available expert - ise, as far as possible, should be shared with the states in The remaining loan amount was granted by the Board the interest of the people. despite the fact that the repayments of the first loan taken Test will help detect community spread, take fast These teams will assess the hotspot areas, health and was not complete. Hilal rather, who also owns simula medical infrastructure management, issues related to dis - Group of Companies, was being questioned for the last aster management and will "cooperate" with the states. few months by the Bureau in connection with the siphon - track remedial measures They will give a report on the lockdown rules and sup - ing off crores of rupees from the loan amount sanctioned ply of essential goods, social distancing norms, health by the New University Campus Branch of J&K Bank for services and security of health workers and also check the JAMMU, APRIL 20: vised antibody tests in COVid-19 in the GeneXpert platform. We have the construction of Flats under the name of paradise status of relief camps being run for poor and labourers in hotspots which will ensure faster de - received customized cartridge for Avenue. He has been evading details of property raised & these states. To check community spread of tection of cases and clusters and rapid COVid-19 test in the others transaction related to siphoning of funds meant for "The purpose of the inter-ministerial teams is to pro - COVid-19 and take remedial meas - guide the authorities to further focus GeneXpert platform and have per - construction. it has also been revealed that the funds di - vide support and assistance to the states in their endeav - ures on fast track basis in the identi - the hotspots to contain community formed 95 tests already and benefit - verted have been used to purchase huge properties in our to combat COVid-19," she said. fied red zones across Jammu and spread. Only the persons testing igM ted many surgeons already,” she said abroad, holidaying abroad with family and friends and al - "The teams have been very carefully constituted so Kashmir, the government would use antibody positive (indicating fresh adding that the test result is available so for other entertainment activities. All the loan amounts that support can be provided from health, administrative rapid Antibody Tests, kits received infection) in rapid test, the pCr test almost in an hour. availed by Hilal Ahmed rather to tune of rs.177 crore and disaster management aspects and i am sure states from indian Council of Medical has to be done to confirm the result. she said that this will prove to be have become NpA. will benefit from it," she added. research (iCMr). While antibody test is based on blood of great help in emergeny cases and in the charge-sheet submitted by the CBi that fur - We hope that with these steps, we will be successful in professor and Head, department samples, the pCr test is based on policies would be institutionalized to ther investigation on certain vital points including end the mission against coronavirus, the officer said. of Microbiology at Government Oro/Naso-pharyngeal swabs. clear the apprehensions of the doc - use of funds, diversion of funds, role of officers of CHQ, Medical College Jammu, dr. shashi, dr shashi said they had good ex - tors on this account. GeneXpert, a Board of directors and partners of the firm with regard to informed this here today while elabo - perience in Molecular doorway to wider testing capacity was all 4 term loans is still continue to establish the role of oth - rating on measures being implement - epidemiological tracking by real widely developed to rapidly detect Flight er public servants and private persons/partner and em - ed by GMC to contain the spread of Time pCr which is the gold standard Tuberculosis. ployees of the firms et in the instant matter and also to col - this pandemic. worldover and is optimistic towards she said that the aim of introduc - advisory, private carriers ignored it and continued lect more evidence against Hilal Ahmed rather, iqbal “This rapid antibody based blood containing this deadly infection. ing newer technologies is to test more taking bookings for travel after May 3, prompting the avi - singh and Arun Kapur. After completion of investigation test will conduct community and in order to increase the testing ca - people and to decrease the Turn ation regulator dGCA to issue a circular on sunday. result of the same will be submitted before the court in the cluster screening to detect possible pacity, Cartridge Based Nucleic Acid around Time(TAT) in order to fast "All airlines are hereby directed to refrain from book - shape of supplementary charge-sheet. JNF carriers of Novel Corona virus be - Amplification Test (CB-NAAT) has identify the COVid positive patients ing tickets... Further, the airlines may note that they shall sides helping to know the impact of been started at the intermediate and isolate them at the earliest. be given sufficient notice and time for restarting opera - COVID-19 Virus in the identified red zones”, she reference lab. at the Chest diseases “We have started aggressive test - tions," the circular said. further added. Hospital,Jammu which gives faster ing at our diagnostic lab. and current - All domestic and international commercial passenger she further informed that this results and also helps the clinicians of ly we have 200 tests per day and real flights have been suspended for the lockdown period. (70), Gujarat (63), delhi (45) and Telengana (18). The test does not prove whether a person all specialities in assessing the status Time polymerase Chain reaction However, cargo flights and special flights, permitted by death toll reached 17 in Uttar pradesh while punjab and is positive or negative for COVid-19 of the suspects before surgeries and (rTpCr) technology is being used for the dGCA, can fly during the duration of the lockdown. Karnataka reported 16 deaths each. Tamil Nadu and at a given point of time but will only procedures. diagnosis as a front line test,” she Meanwhile, several passengers have posted their Andhra pradesh have reported 15 deaths each.rajasthan detect presence or absence of anti- dr shashi said that the depart - said. complaints on social media against indian airlines for not has registered 14 fatalities. bodies against COVid-19 in a person ment had limited resources in the ini - she added that central reference refunding booking amounts for flights cancelled due to The disease has claimed five lives in Jammu and to tell that the person has been ex - tial stage but with complete support agencies are issuing guidelines from the coronavirus lockdown, and instead issuing credit Kashmir, while Kerala and Haryana have recorded three posed already to the Virus and assess and guidance from the Union govern - time to time in order to improve vouchers for future travel. COVid-19 deaths each. the seroprevalence . “The aim of the ment we have been able to enhance things and we are trying our level best On April 16, the aviation ministry said that passengers Jharkhand and Bihar have reported two deaths each, rapid test is not diagnosis but with the overall capacity both in terms of to implement those guidelines with can ask airlines for full refunds if the bookings were done while Meghalaya, Himachal pradesh, Odisha and Assam these tests we will come to know infrastructure and human resource utmost care. during the first phase of lockdown for travel up to May 3. have reported one fatality each, according to the min - whether the Corona Virus has got es - and without the administrative sup - she said that all the departments However, the government has not taken any decision istry's data. tablished in a community in the iden - port this would not have been possi - are working in a coordinated manner so far on whether full refunds should be issued to passen - However, a pTi tally of the figures reported by various tified red zones,” she said. ble. in the battle against the Novel agent. gers who booked their tickets before the lockdown began states as on sunday showed 565 COVid-19 deaths in the in this regard, the necessary “We have expanded our diagnos - she said that we have extended the for travel during the March 25-May 3 period. country. training for health professionals will tic services and are receiving well re - diagnostic services at iiiM Csir The first phase of the lockdown was from March 25 to According to the ministry's data, updated in the morn - start tomorrow. searched guidelines from the iCMr Jammu and have received lot of sup - April 14, and was later extended by 19 days till May 3. ing, the highest number of confirmed cases in the country pertinently, the iCMr has ad - for conducting rapid COVid-19 test port from them. is from Maharashtra at 4,203 cases, followed by delhi with 2,003, Gujarat with 1,743, rajasthan with 1,478, Tamil Nadu with 1,477 and Madhya pradesh 1,407. 18 New The number of COVid-19 cases has gone up to 1,084 Policemen save life of pregnant Ensure proper functioning positive cases wherein 74 are Active positive, 16 recov - in Uttar pradesh, 844 in Telengana, 646 in Andhra ered and 01has died, srinagar 79 positive cases with 54 pradesh and 402 in Kerala. woman in Southeast Delhi of non-Covid health Active positive, 24 recovered and 01 died, Baramulla 44 in Karnataka, cases has risen to 390, in Jammu and positive cases with 41 Active positive, 01 recovered, and Kashmir to 350, in West Bengal to 339, in Haryana to 233 New Delhi, Apr 20 Fatima, where she had visited institutions immediately: 02 died; Kupwara has 33 positive cases with 27 Active and in punjab to 219. two years ago for pregnancy- positive and 06 recovered; shopian has 22 positive cases Bihar has reported 93 coronavirus cases, while Odisha A pregnant woman, related treatment and told Div Com to DCs with 20 Active positive, 02 recovered; Ganderbal has 14 has 68 such cases. whose baby died inside the her husband to take her there, positive cases and all are Active positive, Budgam 13 posi - Forty-four people have been infected with the virus in womb, was saved by police said r p Meena, deputy tive cases of which 05 are Active positive with 08 recov - Uttarakhand, while Jharkhand has 42 cases and who rushed her to a clinic in Commissioner of police Coordinate NGOs for their ered cases; Kulgam has 06 cases and all are Active Himachal pradesh has 39 cases.Chhattisgarh has 36 cases southeast delhi's Zakir Nagar (southeast). she along with positive; pulwama 03 positive cases with 02 Active so far. area, officials said on her husband reached Zakir hassle free distribution of positive, 01 recovered; Anantnag district has 08 positive Assam has registered 35 cases, Chandigarh has 26, Monday. Nirmala was seven Nagar area on sunday to see case and all are Active positive. ladakh 18, while 16 cases have been reported from the months pregnant and was the doctor. Nirmala fell un - essentials similarly, Jammu has 26 positive cases of whom 22 Andaman and Nicobar islands. SRINAGAR, APRIL 20: having extreme pain since conscious when she reached are Active positive and 04 have recovered, Udhampur 20 Meghalaya has reported 11 cases, while Goa and past few days. Three days ago, Gali No 13 in the area, he said. positive cases of which 14 are Active positive, 05 recov - puducherry have seven COVid-19 patients each. in view of current COVid-19 pandemic situa - she got an ultrasound done at some policemen noticed ered and 01 died, while as samba district has 04 positive Manipur and Tripura have two cases each, while Badarpur, following which a them and learnt about her tion, the divisional Commissioner Kashmir, cases and all are Active positive; rajouri has 04 positive Mizoram and Arunachal pradesh have reported a case doctor informed them that critical condition, following pandurang K pole today directed all deputy cases, 01 active positive and 03 cases have recovered. each. the baby has died inside the which the staff of the Jamia Commissioners (dCs) through video conferncing Meanwhile, Kishtwar has only 01 positive case who has "Our figures are being reconciled with the iCMr," the womb and advised them to Nagar police station contact - to ensure proper functioning of all non-Covid recovered. ministry said on its website. get her operated soon, they ed the doctor, who agreed to health institutions immediately. The divisional The Bulletin said that the breakup represents districts said. When they were unable open her clinic. she was Commissioner directed all deputy Commissioners from which the patients have been traced or are ordinarily Court able to find a clinic for her op - rushed to the clinic by police residing. (dCs) to ensure that all non-Covid health institu - eration, she remembered in their private vehicle, the Meanwhile, according to the advisory issued in the about a doctor named Nahida dCp added. tions start their activities in every district immedi - media bulletin, COVid-19 is a highly contagious disease demonstrating not only his complicity in stripping of ately. He directed then to ensure normal function - which can affect anyone and best way to prevent illness is the symbolic value of indian National Flag but also his ing non-Covid hospitals, health centers, private to avoid being exposed to this virus. brazen disregard for potential consequences that can rea - 53 mediapersons test coronavirus hospitals, dental and other private health institu - The advisory said that for protection against this dis - sonably ensue once the circulation of the post is viewed by tions at an earliest so that non-Covid patients do ease, people are requested to stay indoors and strictly im - onlookers/ audience on his Facebook, a social medium positive in Mumbai not face any difficulty. dCs were asked to rope in plement social distancing measures. open for viewership by public at large. imagine the scale Mumbai, Apr 20 doctors Association for talk shows on district cable people are advised to take basic precautions for per - of disturbance if this post is taken as incitement by public channels regarding mental stress, diabetes, fa - sonal hygiene; frequent handwashing with soap and wa - at large and anger is stirred up. petitioner does not seem At least 53 mediapersons from Mumbai have tested positive tigue, immunity boosting through home remedies ter; observing coughing and sneezing etiquettes and to be naive enough to be oblivious of these potential con - for coronavirus, a city civic official said on Monday. during a wearing mask or face cover while moving out of their especially during the month of ramzaan and other sequences linked to his act as aforementioned. Modus special camp organised at the Azad Maidan here on April 16 and homes. operandi employed by petitioner therefore ex-facie gives health related issues for the general public. 17 for COVid-19 testing of scribes, the Brihanmumbai As a precautionary measure, the advisory said, no a whiff of his intention to perpetuate offences alleged. pole also directed dCs to coordinate with Municipal Corporation (BMC) collected swab samples of 171 movement of any kind is permitted in and out of red prima facie therefore, prosecution has made out a case of mediapersons, including electronic and print media journal - NGOs in their respective districts and facilitate Zones designated by the administration. involvement of petitioner in the offences for which peti - ists, photographers and cameramen. "Out of the 171 mediaper - them for hassle free distribution of essential it appealed people not to move out even in areas other tioner stands booked. Be it noted that quantum of punish - sons, 53 tested positive for coronavirus," BMC spokesperson among the needy. The dC’s were further directed than red zones, unless absolutely necessary to do so. “if at ment that an offence is punishable with, is only one of the Vijay Khabale said, adding that most of those who tested posi - to depute nodal officer with them, who will inven - all you have to go out of home, ensure that you wear a circumstances and not the sole circumstance to be consid - tive are asymptomatic at present. All the mediapersons found torise their distribution activities. They were also mask or face cover. Wearing of face covers/ masks is ered while deciding a bail application as also noted here - infected with coronavirus will be kept in isolation and a process to publicize NGO activity in all formats of media. mandatory in all public and workplaces,” the advisory inabove. The offences involved in the case manifestly have was underway to find out suitable places to the purpose. added. a far reaching bearing on the public at large. With these The advisory informed that all gatherings- religious, observations Court rejected bail application. JNF social and others continue to be prohibited. While as no Make optimum use of IT tools to overcome impediments inter-district or inter-division movement is permitted. in case there is a medical or other extreme emergency Rate in work: Chief Justice Gita Mittal to judicial fraternity please apply to the concerned deputy Commissioner/ divisional Commissioner for permission, the advisory she also said that the government has hiked MNre - JAMMU, APRIL 20: rona-virus pandemic. other judicial officers to them and all steps are tak - said. Basic, essential activities are permitted, except in GA wages in the wake of the pandemic and the the aver - Judicial officers were formulate an action plan en at earliest to ensure that red Zones, but all precautions including sanitisation, so - age increase is rs 20. The Chief Justice of advised to use various for expeditious disposal of the stranded migrant la - cial distancing, and use of masks is essential. people, the High Court of Jammu and information technology old cases. Officers were di - borers remain in constant advisory said, must avoid close contact with anyone that Two Kashmir, Justice Gita tools like speech to text rected to devote their time touch with their family has fever and cough and in case anyone develops fever, Mittal today held interac - software in dictating or - in identifying priority cas - members. cough and difficulty in breathing, seek medical advice workers of Jaish during vehicle checking at Wachi in tion through Video ders, reading of online es, discussing the ways and While interacting with promptly.people should call on Covid-19 helpline num - shopian, a police official said. The arrested duo have been Conference with principal journals, hearing of cases means to reduce pendency the personal staff, Chief bers so that they can be provided correct medical advice identified as Zahoor Ahmad Koka and Uzair Ahmad dar, district and sessions of emergent nature of cases and disposal of Justice emphasized the and directed to the right health facility, if needed. both residents of Zainpora area in the district. One pistol, Judges of all the districts through video conferenc - cases pertaining to weaker fact as to how the use of in case of any emergency people can avail free ambu - and two hand grenades were recovered from the posses - of UTs of Jammu and ing facility etc. to overcome sections of the society as technology in the present lance services 24x7 at their doorsteps by calling on toll- sion of the two OGWs, the official said He said a case un - Kashmir & ladakh. later, the impediments in the well as of under trail pris - crises can help judiciary in free number 108 while as pregnant women and sick in - der unlawful activities prevention act has been registered a separate interaction was way of expeditious dispos - oners. dispensation of Justice. fants can avail free ambulance services by dialling toll- against them. held with personal staff of al of cases caused due to Chief Justice also im - The staff was advised to free number 102. Judges of both the wings of spread of Corona virus pressed upon principal embrace the technology people can also call on toll-free national helpline the High Court of J&K pandemic. Officers were district & sessions Judges and to further hone their number 1075; J&K COVid-19 Helpline Numbers 0191- through Video Conference. advised to remain updated to coordinate with district technical skills so as to ef - 2549676 (UT level Cell), 0191-2520982, 0191-2674444, School While interacting with on legal issues by visiting legal services Authority as fectively assist the Judges 0191-2674115 (For Jammu division), 0194-2440283 & principal district & online law journals and to well as district administra - in hearing of cases of emer - 0194-2430581(For Kashmir division) for support, guid - posts are filled up on regular basis whichever is earli - sessions Judges, Chief devote their time in study - tion in locating stranded gent nature through use of ance, and response to health related queries on Novel er. “The officers in their placement as i/C ZeOs & equiva - Justice enquired about ing laws, statutes and lat - migrant laborers and other Video Conferencing. Chief Coronavirus disease (COVid-19). lent shall be entitled to charge allowances as admissible their well-being and at the est judgments of superior poor persons who are in Justice issued on spot di - public is advised to strictly follow the advisories is - under rules,” the order reads. “The above placement, same time advised them to courts. immediate need of food, rections to registrar iT to sued by the government from time to time and are urged however is purely stop-gap arrangement and shall not follow all the necessary di - Chief Justice exhorted shelter and medical aid impart online training to to rely only on the information released by the govern - confer any superior claim or right upon them at the time rections, instructions and upon principal district and to ensure that neces - personal staff of the Judges ment through the daily media bulletin to print and elec - of confirmation/regularization through dpC”, the order precautions relating to co - Judges to coordinate with sary aid is provided to in handling VC equipment. tronic media. reads.         ##+*+).&( "  

 Kashmir photojournalist booked for anti-national' social media post

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