THE GAZETTE, DECEMBER 9, 1890. 6921 after the usual medical inspection, and that no REGIMENTAL DISTRICTS. soiled linen be allowed to land unless disinfected. A. Murray, D.S.O., from Lieutenant- No. 186.—His Excellency the Governor, having Colonel, half-pay, to be Colonel to Command 'taken the opinion of the Board of Health, has the 72nd (Seaforth Highlanders, Ross-shire been pleased to direct that vessels arriving in these ' Buffs, the Duke of Albany's) and 79th (the ports from the Persian Gulf, or from ports in the Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders) Regi- Bed Sea, after twenty-one days from their depar- mental Districts, vice Lieutenant-Colonel and ture, be admitted to pratique. Vessels arriving Colonel C. M. Stockwell, C.B., whose period of within a shorter period are to complete twenty- service in that appointment is about to expire. one days of quarantine, reckoned from the date Dated 29th December, 1890. of their departure from the above-mentioned ports. No. 187.—His Excellency the Governor, having LINE BATTALIONS. taken the opinion of the Board of Health, has The Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), Second been pleased to revoke Government Notice No. 81, Lieutenant John R. Carden has been seconded of the 26th May, 1890, and to direct that the for service with the Indian Staff Corps. Dated. importation of cattle from Syria, be admitted at 25th November, 1890. the lazzaretto, and subjected to three months' The (City of London Regiment), isolation. Second Lieutenant William D. Turner has (H. 7590.) been seconded for service with the Indian . Board of Trade (Harbour Department), Staff Corps. Dated 17th September, 1890. London, December 8, 1890. THE Board of Trade have received, through The King's (Liverpool Regiment), Captain Llew- the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, a ellyn S. Mellor to be , vice T. Blake- Despatch, dated December 1, from Her Majesty's Humfrey, promoted Lieutenant - Colonel on Representative at Algiers, reporting that the half-pay. Dated 26th November, 1890. Governor-General of Algeria has, by a Decree, Lieutenant Cleveland E. Greenway to be Captain, dated November 26, modified the quarantine on vice H. Eley, retired. Dated 19th November, arrivals from Spain, as follows :— 1890. 1. Arrivals from the Atlantic ports of Spain The Prince of Wales's Own (Weft Yorkshire north of Portugal will only be subjected to a Regiment), Second Lieutenant Hugh F. B. medical visit and disinfection. Champain has been seconded for service with 2. Arrivals from other ports will still be subject the Indian Staff Corps. Dated 25th Novem- to a quarantine of observation and disinfection, ber, 1890. the former to extend to three days from the date The Bedfordshire Regiment, Second Lieutenant E. of the latter. F. Rowe to be Lieutenant, to complete estab- 3. Arrivals from the Balearic Islands to have lishment. Dated ICth December, 1890. free pratique. (H. 7597.) The Leicestershire Regiment, The promotion to Board of Trade (Harbour Department), the rank of Lieutenant of Second Lieutenant London, December 8, 1890. H. Colquhoun, dated 5th February, 1890, is THE Board of Trade have received, through cancelled, that Officer having been transferred the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, a to the Army Service Corps, with an anterior Despatch, dated December 3, from Her Majesty's date. Representative at Buda Pesth, transmitting copy The Lancashire Fusiliers, Supernumerary Captain of a Circular of the Royal Hungarian Maritime Edward Roderic Owen to be Captain, vice C. F. Government, dated November 27, whereby the Randolph, seconded. Dated 1st October, 1890. quarantine measures against arrivals from the Gulf of Alexandretta and the littoral between The Cheshire Regiment, Lieutenant Henry R. Mersina and Beyrouth are extended to the -whole Cholmondeley to be Captain, vice R. Arm- of the coast between Mersina and Selefke, includ- strong, seconded. • Dated 6th October, 1890. ing the latter place. Captain Henry R. Cholmondeley has been seconded for service on the Staff. Dated 16th October, 1890. War Office, Pall Mall, Lieutenant Arthur de C. Scott has been seconded for service with the Indian Staff Corps. Dated 9th December, 1890. 23rd September, 1890. 7th Dragoon Guards, Lieutenant R. W. Burfon- Phillipson to be Captain, in succession to The East Lancashire Regiment, Captain Edward Major U. G. C. de Burgh, Adjutant of Auxiliary H. F. Finch has been seconded for service as Forces. Dated 31st October, 1890. Adjutant of the 3rd Punjab (North Western Second Lieutenant F. G. C. Humfrey to be Lieu- Railway) Volunteer Rifle Corps. Dated 6th tenant, vice R. W. Burton-Phillipson. Dated October, 1890. 31st October, 1890. The , Captain A. B. Dun- Sth Hussars, 'Quartermaster and Honorary Cap- sterville, having completed his period of service tain James Andrew Hefferon has been placed as Adjutant, has vacated • that appointment. on retired pay. Dated 6th December, 1890. Dated 2nd December, 1890. i3th ffussars, Second Lieutenant G. D'E. H. The Border Regiment, Lieutenant Alexander H. Fullerton to be Lieutenant, to complete estab- Garden has been seconded for service with the ' lishinent. Dated 12th November, 1890. Indian Staff Corps. Dated 29th August, 1890. Supernumerary Lieutenant Lewis I. Wood, who Grenadier Guards, Major and Lieutenant-Colonel has ceased to be a Probationer for the Indian and Colonel Ralph Leeke retires on half-pay. Staff Corps, to be Lieutenant, vice A. H. Dated 10th December, 1890. Garden. Dated 20th September, 1890. Lieutenant Aubrey H. McMahon to be Adjutant, vice Lieutenant A. TV. Cotton, whose period'of The Royal Sussex Regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel service in that appointment is about to expire. and Colonel Edwin Wardroper to be placed on Dated llth December, 1890.. half-pay. Dated 14th December, 1890*