
Economics : , general

Eckstein, Zvi (Ed.) Aspects of Central Bank Policy Making

This volume is a collection of papers which were presented and discussed at a conference on "Aspects of Central Bank Policy Making" which took place in January 1990 at the and . The conference marked the tenth anniversary of the passing of David Horowitz who was the first governor of the Bank of Israel. The conference was sponsored by the Bank of Israel and the David Horowitz Institute for the Research of Developing Countries at Tel Aviv University. Eitan Berglas, Zvi Eckstein and Mordechai Fraenkel served as organizing committee. The volume has three parts. The first part deals with the rules and the constraints that are fundamental for central bank policy making. It starts with a critical review of 75 years of of the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank, followed by several Springer studies directed at the issues concerning the establishment of a European central bank. The second part deals with the insurance, and safety of commercial banks. The last part Softcover reprint of the 1st contains analysis of monetary policies in Germany and Israel. Part of the research included in original 1st ed. 1991, XVI, edition this volume is the result of a two years research project on "Central Bank Policies, 412 p. and the Macroeconomy" conducted at the David Horowitz Institute. The contributors to this project were: the Bundesbank, the Bank of England, the Bank of Italy, the Bank of Israel, the Printed book Bank for International Settlements and the Bank of the Netherlands. Softcover Order online at springer.com/booksellers Printed book Springer Nature Customer Service Center GmbH Softcover Customer Service ISBN 978-3-642-76776-0 Tiergartenstrasse 15-17 £ 96,50 | CHF 130,00 | 109,99 € | 69121 Heidelberg 120,99 € (A) | 117,69 € (D) Germany Available T: +49 (0)6221 345-4301 [email protected] Discount group Science (SC) Product category Proceedings Other renditions Softcover ISBN 978-3-642-76775-3

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