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F WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1909 manrhrBtrr Ettrning m .* ^ost Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 O ’Clock Ml*. Dorothy Dandal and Idra. The Fellowcraft degree will A Monte Carlo Nlte will be Center Congregathmal Church M m Town m ei^ VlBbeit, membera of be conferred when Priendahlp hrid Saturday at 8 p.m. at Tem­ councU wUl meet Friday at the Kanchaatar Fine Arts Aa- Lodge of Masons meets in the ple Both TefUah, 20 Bigelow St., 7 "SO p.m. in the • Federation H. Andanm o( Si aooation, recently attended an Matonlc Temple at 7:30 tomor> East Hartford. The program Room of the church. Avatnge Daily Net Preas Rm>‘ •t la kavtaif hla American Artlat-Metropoiltan roar night. Senior Warden Mar­ will include games and a Oan- u m m BWWlWT at Wmt Ravan A lt Chib luncheon In New York shall Hodge will preside. Of­ tonead auction. Refreshments The Biblo study group id Far Tte Waek BadM y m m m HBiiiltal. M an* 15, 1869 The Weather a ty . ficer dress Is tuxedo. Refresh­ will be served. The event is Center Congregational Church Partly cloudy and mild to­ ments will be served after the open to the pubHc. Those wish­ will meet tomorrow at 1:16 p.m. night, becoming breezy. Chance A Nedmaj Lan^ Office arill Cub Scout Pack 3S1 of Ver- meeting. ing more information may con­ at the church. ./ be hr4d tonMRoar at U:1S p.m . Slanrijwtpr Supnttm Hrral^ of thunderahowen late. Loareri plaack School wiU conduct a tact Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stem 15,500 40 to 46. Tomorrqjv becoming at OanoonMa laitharan caumch. paper drive Saturday. Thoae Members of Trinity Covenant of 40 OJcolt S t or Mr. and Mrs. North United Methodist Hanche»ter-~~4 City of Village Charm tunny, breezy In anemooti. wiahlrg to have papera picked Church will conduct services Sidney Ooldateln, 46 North- Church Cadre will meet tomor­ Large and small families save when they shop all departments at Pinehurat. Tfie Wome.i’a Society of Com- up may conUct Richard Brown Friday at 1 ;S0 p.m. at the field Dr., Bast Hartford. row at 6:80 p.m. at the church. Save 16c on qts. of Sealteet French Ice Cream, featured at 79c qt. Md look VOL. LXXXVni^ NO. 144 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—’TWO SECTIONS) rauatty Baptist Church will have of 165 St. John St. or Pierre Meadows Convalescent home. MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1969 (OlaMifled Advartlaing tm Page 81) PRICE TEN CBNTh Ita monthly sewinjf day (or Caron of 663 Center St. St. John’s Polish National Jehovah’s Witnesses will con- at what you save on tender skinless Calves Liver at 99c lb., 46 oz cans Camp- Maaaflald State Trainins School The Search for Spiritual Re­ Catholic National Church will duct' a theocratic ministry , bell’s Tomato Juice 88c, 8 cans $1.00 and IVi qt. bottles of Wesson Oil for 79c. tworrow from 9 a.m. to a Girl Scout Troop 643 will meet newal meeting scheduled for have a General Baster Ckmfea- school Friday At 7:80 p.m. and pjm. in SMkmrahlp Hall of the tomorrow at 8:16 p.m. at Com­ Saturday at Trinity Covenant cion Sunday at 8:80 a.m. before a service meeting at 8:36 at Mott’s 85 oz. giant jam of Apple Sauce are a block buster buy at 89c, Would Link .Nine Systems cfeurch. munity Baptist Church. Church has been canceled. Maas at the church. Kingdom Hall. Two Area Banks Hike Prime Rate HAR’TSXHID (AlP)— ’Two ICC Examiner Asks Hartford-based banks have Defense Seeretary Presses STEAK ROASt EYE ROUND raiaed^ their prime rate of In­ terest from 7 to 7% per cent Top Round Combination Steak & Roost Giant Rail Merger to match many at the na­ tion’s largest banks. A most elegant Two meals at one WASHINGTON (AP) — An Interstate Commerce ’The rate boosts, effective roast . tender low price. No waste , Lommssim hearing examiner recommended today merg­ today, were announced and tasty. Tour ' eye of the round for ing the Norfolk & Western and the C hesap^e & Ohio Wednesday by Connecticut famUy will - savor Bank and Trust Co. and Support for Modified ABM every morsel of this roasting. 4 to 6 lbs. raa systems into the world's largest privaMy owneid lb r&ilrosde ---------------------------------- ------- United Bank and ’Trust Co. USDA Choice Beef. lb However, Hartford Nation­ earUeat poaatble Ume the al Bank and ’Trust Co., the .J*** rqport. recom- commission could take final ac- state's largest bank, an­ PINEHURST ^ December. nounced it was keeping Its PINEHURST 9 OUT OF 10 prime rate at 7 per cent. ^This System Ihe prime rate Is the U.S.D.A. CHOICE U.S.D.A. CHOICE controlled by CAO, and assume peajs tell us this new meat- interest banks cluuge their W m W o r V loaf, prepared here at largest and most credit- Oorp. and the Rending dent, and Gregory 8. DeVtae, worth customers. 2 Pinehurst is a time-saver SW ISS j Spring Sayings Spree! CUBE -izw. - ^ CftO-BAO president, said In a The rate boosts started He Predicts . and delicious ... too. would Joint statement, ’’AUhotwh we Mmiday In New York City STEAKS STEAK M r ^ 1.600 mites farther than have not had a churnTtostudy with Morgan Guaranty Trust WASHINGTON (AP) — NEW at PINEHURST t i ^ Invtrfved in the Northern the condlUons Imposed, t h e ^ the first to move up to 7%. Secretary of Defense Mel­ Bottom Round Slicet es meiger now before the vorable recommendation by ex- vin R. Laird said today the - - amlner Boisseree is gratifying f^ e r than the recently oreat- and heartening.” - . modified "Safegruard:^van• $ i .3 8 BAKE-A-LOAF ed Pennsylvafila Central ays- . ;-S tibaDtotic missile ABM lb $ 8 . 1 9 ^^ tern’s rail lines _ **“ Interstate ;\ tem will ptrotect the United 0 f / -•i -'V w i^ Sen, Russell^ 8 It also would be the laigest in “ » States by protecting’ its PREPARED terms of assets, compared vvlth strategic deterrent. He re­ thft pMwk rwnAraaraff^ vkiiz prove tioe merger, which we ported the beat technlcai wSL ‘’*“*^* *» the Treated for v«nr dinxi Ha **m* ^ ”^ * ^ z puhHc Interest,’* they added **A evidence is that “this s ^ ' MEAT LOAF yeiar and the Northern lin es' L j ^ ALL LEAN SOLID U.S.D.A. CHOICE $2 8 bUlion nricrged NftW and CftO will Im- tem ■will work.” It mev take qualtty of rail service Lung Tumor And he said that while nudear CENTER. CUTS submarines provide sufficient ■ft ■■ (T Carefully ground U. S. Pinehurst Deluxe WASHINGTON (AP) — gen. force to inflict great damage on Choice Beef, Pork and' LEAN . ttonal defense.” Richard B. RusaeU, one of the an attacking nation through 1972 BO nO M Veal, seasoned with na­ Opponents were given 30 days . ' , ^ most powierful men in Cbitgreas, ”I would have to sertowly quea- tures Davor magic sea­ to nie obrjecUom and normally . Approval, however, was pred- announced today he will tton” whether they wW be ade­ Metal General Electric anoUier 20 days are set aside for °P«'»tlng agreements "In Review” by "Viewmaster” OF sonings . in oven pan ROUND Immediately undergo cobalt quate after that dtete . ready to bfdce . Made Peplys.-nmn oral arguments are «»«««> U"® and (reatments for a lung tumor. The aecretary pressed the presented before the full com- . Central Railroad of New Nhom admlntetraUon’s fight to Appliance Rollers by our meatmen to save mteslon. ’ Jersey, the gouthem Railway ”I think it Is fair to assume it Dimmer Switch Dwight Eisenhower Stereo Viewer ROUND is malignant, ’’the senator said win congressional and public thne fo r you . 2 Ibj STEAK An IOC spokesman esUmetes (gee Page ’Twelve) loaf ready to pop in oven in a tape rscordlng played to approvtd of the controversial GROUND newsmen by his press aide. project by warning that ”We POT ROAST and bake . • 8 1 ^ Ruearil, president pro tern of cannot stop .a massive Sqvlet at­ Save 20c a loaf at this the Senate and chairman of the Pilot Walks from East Granby Crash tack mi our dtles” but must special price. protect deterrents "to make Appropriations' Cbmmtttee, sold WINDSOR LGCKB, Conn. "ITie field reported he was ap- lb he will continue in the Senate. pital with multiple injuries In- ately available on the airport sure a nuclear attack doesn’t $ i .1 8 (AP)—A private plane crashed parently' on his final approach c l^ n g severe facial cuts. at which the plane originated. start in the first ptace.” 1.99 4.69 4.77 1.27 Try one today . keep one '"Bie doctors advised me early this morning while prepar- for a landing when radar con­ lb In your freezer for emergen­ Medieval Splendor strongly to continue my work The crash occurred near the ■ - "The way to protect our peo­ cies. 5-lb. lo ts......... lb. 95c ing to land at Bradley Inter- tact was lost, Farmington River off Spoom Stefa PoHoe said they beUeved arid to await the outcome to national Airport. The pilot was O’Leary made his way to a ple Is to proted our deterrent our rag. 2.99 our tag. 7.99 vilte Road. Police said the plane *•** originated in Clnrin- force,” Laird tokt the Senate Pub. list 7.96 our rsg. 1.59 treatment,” the veteran Geor­ hospitalized In fair oonditlon. road from the woods where was found in the woods about •mtl, Ohio, gia Democrat said. Police identified the lone oc- the plane crashed and was found Armed Services (fommittee.
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