
SCORING CRITERIA - Problem Solving and

Description: Students will demonstrate Problem Solving and Critical Thinking by applying processes to define problems, evaluating possible outcomes, and persevering in solving complex problems. Students will be able to...

Performance Indicator: Beginning Developing Proficient Expanding

1. Observe, identify Make observations Describe the problem Summarize the Evaluate the relevance and analyze a about a problem or and identify the parts of problem, identify and importance of problem. situation. the problem. variables, and analyze elements that define the how elements of the problem and limit the situation define the solutions. problem.

Performance Indicator: Beginning Developing Proficient Expanding

2. Identify, collect and Find information in List resources relevant Identify relevant Identify analyze relevant sources provided and to the plan or process information/data from information/data crucial information. describe the of approach, identify resources and analyze to the problem and information/data simple patterns and patterns and trends to identify and prioritize gathered. trends in identify relationships. patterns and trends in information/data, and information/data most determine whether relevant to the problem. information is sufficient or if more is needed.

SCORING CRITERIA - Problem Solving and Critical Thinking

Performance Indicator: Beginning Developing Proficient Expanding

3. Generate options Identify and choose a Identify opportunities Describe opportunities Analyze opportunities and provide reasoning potential plan or for new thinking or for new thinking or for new thinking or for a plan or approach process of approach creative problem- creative problem- creative problem- from a list of solving. solving using resources solving using resources to solve a problem. possibilities. and procedures. and design procedures Generate a plan or needed for collecting, process of approach. Generate a range of managing, and plans or processes of analyzing information. approach, select one and support the Generate a range of chosen plan or possible solutions that

approach with do not simply borrow

information/data. from past examples and select and justify a chosen solution using evidence from an analysis of the options.

Performance Indicator: Beginning Developing Proficient Expanding

4. Implement a plan Identify tools to solve a Identify a range of Utilize information, Demonstrate or process of problem. appropriate tools to appropriate tools, and in approach using tools help solve a problem and/or technology selection and use of and begin to implement strategically to tools and anticipate and information. a plan or process of implement a plan or and address possible approach. process of approach to implementation provide a potential challenges. solution or product.

SCORING CRITERIA - Problem Solving and Critical Thinking

Performance Indicator: Beginning Developing Proficient Expanding

5. Show flexibility and Identify a strategy that Make an attempt to Make multiple Make multiple persist through could be used to reach a viable solution attempts, persisting as attempts, if frustrations; continue overcome an obstacle by applying a strategy. needed, to reach a needed, until an in problem solving. viable solution by effective solution is to revise a plan or applying and adjusting reached by applying, process of approach varied strategies and evaluating and in order to arrive at a approaches. adjusting strategies viable solution. and approaches.

Performance Indicator: Beginning Developing Proficient Expanding

6. Evaluate, justify and Describe the Identify relationships in Analyze patterns and Justify a data collection defend the relative data/information data/information trends to identify strategy by analyzing effectiveness of the gathered from plan or gathered from plan or relationships in strengths and approach and state approach and describe data/information weaknesses and plan or process of whether the plan or whether the plan or gathered from the plan critiquing the potential approach. process of approach process of approach or approach and to effectiveness of a range was effective. was effective. evaluate the of solutions with effectiveness of the consideration of real-life plan or approach. constraints.