December 7, 2020

Hello, parents and guardians of Woodland students.

It gives me great pleasure as the interim principal to write and inform you that I have sent a Sunday night communication that addresses the holiday season and our push for remote learning.

There are only 17 days remaining until the Christmas holiday and today marks our second week of remote (distance) learning. So far, so good. Teachers are raving about the engagement students have shown over the past week. Some sleepiness but all and all the participation has been good to hear. Students are reporting to school bright and early and accessing their teachers google classroom. In the event students are not punctual, Behavior Managers are contacting students/parents/families via phone, email, text and google calls.

In order to make the most of this educational experience I am asking all parents to read my recommendations below: 1. Create a private low stimuli work space in the for your child to work – No distractions 2. Write out a daily schedule for your child to please be sure your child – Routines matter 3. Be sure to allow your child to take plenty of brain back brakes throughout the day being Being on-line for five or six hours straight can’t be 4. Please stay in contact with your child’s teacher. You can contact them by phone or via email. This will make the remote learning experience better for you and your child

I hope these suggestions were helpful and we look forward to another successful week of remote learning at Woodland school. As always if you need me for anything, please call the school at 860-622-5900 as someone is in the office everyday. Thank you.


Mr. Fote, Interim Principal