Language Style On Between And Protestant

Nova Sinaga, Erika Sinambela [email protected]


This research entitled “Language Style On Gospel Sermon Between Catholic And Protestant Preacher” is intended to identify types of language style and tries to find the most dominant language style usage employed on Catholic and Protestant Preacher. The writer use Krisszner and Mandell Theory (1978). There are four types of language style; they are Slang style, Colloquial style, Informal style and Formal style. The writer applies the descriptive qualitatve method to describe and analyze all the data, because the data of this research are in form of sentences. It is analyzed by Identifying, Classifying and Making conclusion the data. The writer also note the frequency of the number of the types and the most dominant type language style of Catholic and Protestant Preacher. The language style of Catholic Sunday Service: Formal: 59 (84,3%), Informal: 10 (14,3%), Slang: 1 (1,4%) and Colloquial: 0 (0%). The language style of GKPI Sunday Service: Formal: 56 (98,25%), Informal: 1 (1,75%), Slang: 0 (0%) and Colloquial: 0 (0%). Based on the percentage the dominant type of language style is formal style. Since sermon is giving information of and word of God, the preacher mostly used formal style. The writer suggest for the students of English Department who want to write journal, thesis, story, especially in daily life. It is better to use language style because by using language style people know how to communicate appropriately..

Key words :Language style, Slang Style, Colloquial Style, Informal Style, Formal style.


In general all human activities always involve language as a means to interact with each other. Someone can express ideas, thoughts, desires, and convey information through language. Language is a system of conventional spoken, manual, or written symbols by means of which human beings, as members of a social group and participants in its culture express themselves. The functions of language include communication, the expression of identity, play, imaginative expression, and emotional release, but the main function of language is to know and understand other people’s idea. Chaika (1982;1) states the language and society are so intertwined and it is impossible to understand one without another. There are two kinds of languages, spoken language and written language. Spoken language is an utterance which is formed from sound, such as conversation, speech, storytelling, discussion, radio, television broadcast, and etc. While written language is an utterance which is formed in the written form, such as novels, comics, newspaper, magazines, letters, books, journals, articles, and etc.

1 People use their style to communicate with others both spoken and written language; everyone has their own style when they make a communication to others. They use style so that others can understand what they mean, and get the point of the conversation. Language style that used by person, make person different with other and everyone has language style when communicating. Indonesia has many as well as their language. Religions that exist in Indonesia are , Christian, Catholic, Hindu, Buddha, Kong Hu Cu. is one of the Abrahamic based on life, doctrine, death, by crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension of from Nazareth to heaven, as described in the . Christians believe that Jesus is the Messiah prophesied in the . Jesus is Lord, Savior, and holds the teachings of Jesus Christ. is a concept that encompasses the beliefs and practices of numerous Christian denominations, most notably those that describe themselves as Catholic and associated with the and practices of the Catholic led by the in Rome. Sociolinguistics is the study of the relation between language and society. (Ronald Wardhaugh, 2010 :2) Sociolinguistics is concerned with investigated the relationship between language and society with the goal of a better understanding of the structure of language and of languages function in communication. Sociolinguistics deals with the existence of social factors that have a role in influencing determining the various linguistic forms used by a speaker. One of the topics discussed in sociolinguistics is language variation. Language variation is defined as differences in pronunciation, word choice, and grammar. According to Holmes (2001:138-276) says that there are two kinds of language variation, they are language variation based on user and language variation based on usage. Language variation based on user divided into three parts, they are regional variation, social variation, and social dialects. Language variation based on usage divided into three parts, they are register, context, and style. Style refers to language variation that is divided based on the criterion of formality (slang style, colloquial style, informal style, and formal style. This criterion tends to subsume subject matter, the audience of discourse, and the occasion. Style is related more with the situations than with the speakers themselves (Holmes,2001:223). When we want to talk about style, it means that we talk about the same speakers who talk in different ways on different situations and not the different speakers who talk in different ways from each other (Bell, ed. Jaworski,1997:240). Speakers will make differences style when they make a conversation with other people. It depends to the situation that they have, on with whom they speak and where they speaking too. There are many people attend Sunday Worship, people watch Sunday Worship at least once a week. They attend it because they want to know the words of God or the appearance of the preacher. Every preacher has different style to deliver the words of God. In the other side people do not know about the style that used by the preacher, and there are some different language style between Catholic and GKPI Church. From explanation above, the writer wants to explain about style that used by the preacher and to find out the similarities and differences in language style between Catholic and GKPI Church.

2 | P a g e Based on the research problem above, this research is intended to achieve objectives, they are : to find out the kinds of language style that used by Preacher in Catholic and GKPI Church., to find out the similarities of Catholic and GKPI Preacher in Language Style The results of this research are expected to give contribution to the theoretical and practical uses of language. Theoretically : to enrich the comprehension and understanding of sociolinguistics learning, especially about language style., to enrich sources of language style in linguistics study. Practically : for Lecturer, This research can be used as a reference in teaching activity, for Students, This research can be used as another reference for the students who want to conduct research on sociolinguistics, particularly based on language style, or Reader, This research can give more information about language style and each type especially those which are used in Catholic and GKPI Church.


Language has relationship with society. In linguistics the relationship between language and society called sociolinguistics. Sociolinguistics is the study of the connection between language and society and the way people use language in different social situations.

Trudgill (2000:123) states that sociolinguistics is a part of linguistics which is concerned with language as a social and cultural phenomenon.

Hudson (2010:10) states that sociolinguistics is the study of language in relation to society, implying that sociolinguistics is a part of language.

Holmes (2013:1) states that “Sociolinguistics study the relationship between language and society. They are interested in explaining why we speak differently in different social context, and they are concerned with identifying the social functions of language and the ways it is needed to convey social meaning”.

From all definitions above, it can be concluded that sociolinguistics is a branch of linguistics that studies about the relationship between language and social life in humans. Sociolinguistics not only deals with the kinds of language people use in daily life, but also “why” and “how” people use certain styles in communicating with others, this can be influenced by several factors such as to whom to speak, when, where, and other factors such as age, gender, and status.

Language Variation

Humans do not always speak in the same way for all events. This means that speakers have alternatives or options to speak in different ways in different situations. Language variation is kind of language that6 its use is adapted to the function and situation.

3 | P a g e Chaer (2004:62) states that varieties of language occur because there are differences in social interaction of people or group that caused the usage of language depend on the kind of differences itself. Varieties of language are the type of language caused by divergence of situation between the speaker and listeners. Language variations are forms of a language used by people of that language as there are various social interaction among region, class, ethnic, group, age, and gender. Language variations vary on some language aspects, such as pronunciation, grammar, or word choice within in language.

Language variation is divided into two types: Language variation based on user and language variation based on usage. Language variation based on user is divided into three parts: Regional Variation, Social Variation, and Social Dialect. Language variation based on usage is divided into three parts: Style, Context and Register.

The Classification of Language Variation

Sociolinguistics explains the differences about language variation classification. Holmes (1992: 138-276) says that there are two kinds of language variation, they are based on user and based on usage.

Language variation based on user:

1. Regional Variation

Regional variation is about where the language is used, related with the geographical areas. Regional differences can be found in vocabulary, pronunciation, and the combination of items as they are placed in sentences, and even language use, for example, the way British say “football” while American say “soccer”. Moreover American English and British English’s spelling are also different, for example “colour” in British way, in American way “color”.

2 Social Variation Social variation like education, exposure to urban environment, social mobility, and change in government policies may often cut cross the generally recognized stratification in terms of religion, caste, and mother tongue. The other aspects of sociolinguistics variation besides the correlation with social stratification, which is dependent on region, is the pattern of group interaction and its relation to variation rather than weaken it because the cast distinctions are maintained through linguistic differences besides other symbol.

3 Social Dialect Social dialect in language might be considered from perspective of differences between speakers in a variety of dimension, including age, social class and network, race or ethnicity, gender. The social interaction of different castes appears to strengthen variation rather than weaken it because the caste distinctions are maintained through linguistic differences besides other symbol.

4 | P a g e Language variation based on usage:

4 Style

Holmes (2001: 245-46) states that terms style as a language variation which reflects some changes in situational factors, such as address, setting, task or topic. Style is often analyzed along the scale of formality while register is associated with particular groups of people or sometimes situations of use. Style is influenced by addresses. Many factors may contribute in determining the degree of social distance or solidarity between people-age relative, sex, social roles, and whether people work together, or the part of the same family.

5 Context

Context is the circumstance surrounding a message. The circumstance might include the setting, the value positions of people and appropriateness of a message. Context is very important, if there are a speaker and don’t understand your audience, the message will not come across with widespread reception. If there is a recipient of a message and the recipient cannot figure out a message because your vocabulary is limited, you miss out on the entire meaning of a message.

6 Register

According to Holmes (2001: 246), some linguists use the terms register narrowly to describe the specific vocabulary associated with different occupational groups. Yule (2006, 210-211) defines register as a conventional way of using language that is appropriate in a specific context, which may be identified as situational, occupational and topical. Register is a variety of a language used for a particular purpose or in a particular social setting.

The Classification of Language Style

Kirszner and Mandell (1978:10-23) divide language style in four levels, they are:

1 Slang Style

Slang is very informal language that includes now and sometimes not polite words and meanings, and it is often used among particular groups of people and is usually not used in serious speech or writing. Slang refers to words, phrases and uses that are regarded as vey informal and often restricted to special context or peculiar to a specified profession class.


1. “You can’t get your phone to work? Just switch it off, move the battery around and turn it back on and Bob’s your uncle!

5 | P a g e Bob’s your uncle means to express when you are dealing with a problem, and it is resolved or easily sorted out.

2. My mum was really chuffed that I had the highest score in my entire college!

Really chuffed means to describe being really happy or pleased at something, particularly an achievement, or something you’re proud of.

3. I don’t want to see an action movie – they’re really not my cup of tea. Not my cup of tea means to express when something is not to your preference or liking.

2 Colloquial Style

Colloquial style is similar to slang, when used in writing it gives the impression of speech. It is not as radical as slang, and it is more relaxed and conversational than formal style.


1. I can't stand him wearing flip- flops to dinner. It's an act of impoliteness. Flip-flops mean rubber sandals used at the seaside. 2. As she waited for her in-laws' visit, she would always keep her flat shipshape. Shipshape means tidy or in good order. 3. Do not protest: you'll have to do your homework by hook or by crook . By hook or by crook means by any possible method.

3 Informal Style

Informal style is a type of language style used with more familiar people in casual conversation. In informal style, contractions are used more often, rules of negation and agreement may be altered, and slang or colloquialisms may be used. Informal style also permits certain abbreviations and deletions, but they are rule governed.


1. Deleting the “you” subject and the auxiliary often shorten questions. Instead of asking, “Are you running in the marathon,” a person might ask, “Running the marathon?” 2. Using contraction such as what’s up, what’s going on, she’s.

4 Formal Style

Formal style is used in formal setting and is one-way in nature. This use of language usually follows a commonly accepted format. It is usually impersonal and formal, and it also used in addressing audience usually that is too large or permit effective

6 | P a g e interchange between speaker and hearers. This style usually exists in , rhetorical statement, and questions, speeches, pronouncements made by judges, announcements.


1. Good morning, what I could help to you sir? 2. Could you give me your identity card sir? 3. I would like to introduce myself to you.

Sunday Worship

According to the belief and faith of Christians worship is all activities of deeds, words and thoughts devoted to the glory of the name of Christ and can cast out demons. So that understanding worship which is only a Christian activity within a church building is not the correct understanding. Activities are parts of worship that become the church's gratitude and expressed through praise and worship of God. The Christian Church believes that within every feast of God's worship is present together with His church and reign over the praise of His people. An ordinary activity is divided into two parts, namely Praise and Worship and Sermon. Praise and Worship means the church give expression of faith and gratitude to God through singing, dancing, and praying. While the Sermon has meaning that God speaks to His church through Preacher / Priest in the delivery of His word. Meaning the whole of worship in Christianity is a form of relationship between God and the Church, this relationship is two-way this worship is also a communication of God and His church. This communication provides a holy religious experience. Word religious relate to the word relegate, meaning binding, so religious means bonding. So worship is not just as a purely philosophical and intellectual experience, but also involves human feelings and actions in the bonds of the relationship with God. The worship performed by the Church exists by faith or trust in the congregation to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. This faith is the recognition of the whole church of Christ that Jesus is the way of and life and only through Jesus human beings can be saved from sin and death. "Faith is the foundation of everything we hope for and the evidence of all something we do not see "Hebrews 11: 1. From the sense of Faith like contained in the New Testament can be known that faith is the most basic thing of the Christian life. Faith in Christ is at the heart of Christianity itself.


A preacher is usually a person who delivers sermons on religious topics to an assembly of people. A preacher is a teacher common in the congregation; it has an obligation to define an inner atmosphere congregation so that the congregation can more vigorously fulfill its call as a teaching and learning fellowship. According to G.D. Dahlenburg, the priest is a servant who is sent by God to serve and be responsible with what God has entrusted to bring of truth to all people. The word "" is not found in the . Alexander Strauch mentions that the word Pastor was taken from outside of Christianity to giving a name to a single shepherd or senior in power.

7 | P a g e The word priest in a large Indonesian dictionary is defined as a person clever, ascetics (in ancient stories), leaders, leaders or religious teachers. The pastor is a name for religious leaders. The pastor is called to carry out the ministry work inside church or a particular congregation. The work of the ministry, among others preaching the Word of God, serving the sacrament recognized by the church or such congregations and other pastoral or pastoral duties, other than that the pastor is also the leader in the congregation. According to Notohamidjojo the leader is an adult with the prestige of striving to achieve its organizational objectives on the basis of good cooperation under the rules set together and the reasonable wisdom to achieve aim. Dahlenburg argues that the pastor is called by the church (synod) to serve in a particular congregation as well as an overseer / episkopos.12 He also quotes Luther: "if we are Christians, then we all are a Priest ". But the priests we call to serve over our name and their position as pastor is a service only. Because not everyone is able and able to preach, teach, lead, then there must be a person entrusted and sent with prayer and laying on of hands before the Lord and his congregation who then holds the post of priest.


The believes that God is one, who is present in three persons, namely Name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Confidence is included in the Nicene and explained in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The Credo of Nicea is indeed an information center in explaining the problem of beliefs of Christian denominations. As the council activities in Jerusalem, who at that time was the Apostles around the year 50 AD in order to explain the teachings of the Church, it can be rejected measure, for the implementation of the next Church Council, organized by the people Church leadership sustainably. As recorded in the history of Christians, that the last council held by the leaders of the Church throughout history. For the first time the Council of Church was held at the Vatican in 1965. Council events as a form of church effort to unite understanding of Christians in theological issues and problems its relationship with the development of the church and its people, because so far, the church always buffeted by the internal crisis of the church itself, so sects are born within church.

The Catholic Church affirms the holiness of all human life, from within content to death naturally. The Jewish Church believes that each person created according to the "image and likeness of God" and that human life should not be measured based on other values such as economy, comfort, personal preference or social engineering. Therefore, the church opposes the activities it believes in destroying or defaming the sacred life, including euthanasia, eugenics and abortions.

GKPI (Christian Protestant Church in Indonesia)

Protestant Christianity comes from the word “protes”, which was pronounced by the prince of Germany that supports the renewal movement against the religious pope's decision, Roman Catholicism during the second session of the Imperial Council (State Council) in the city speyer (1529) for forbidding the widespread renewal of the renewal.

8 | P a g e At that time the King of Germany became a follower of the gospel and then strongly opposed to the pressure of catholic ruler of this protest was born a group calling itself as a Protestant group.

The is a religious movement of the 15th and 16th centuries that it demands on the formation of Protestant Churches throughout Europe, especially the Church of Luther and Reform / Presbyterin. The main Reformers on the continent were , and Ulrich Zwingli agreed upon the hegemony of the Al- Kitab Sabda Allah differences in the way they do.

The state of society, where there are signs of changing times, except political and social. Culture does not belong to the and the class nobility only, but has belonged to all classes and groups of society. People have found Misiu, Columbus has made the voyage all the way to America. First of all, Eastern orthodox Christians whose beliefs are similar with Catholic beliefs, The difference of his people lies in papal infallibility, The filioque and Maria clauses are contained without taints. Various Protestant denominations varied in beliefs, but in general they differed from the Catholics in the papal question. The tradition of the Church, the , saints as well as on issues related to grace, good deeds and safety. Contrary to all signs of progress, the Church has not revealed the address new life. Generally people feel uncomfortable and less satisfied, about the circumstances bad church. Here has the assumption or assumption of the Pope's temptation or against the behavior of the monks and clerics who are indecent. The medieval philosopher, Immanuel Kant 7 (1724) who was born in the East of Prussia (Konigsberg) felt that it was very important in preserving the foundation Christian belief. Kant was a Protestant, since the reformation era, the teachings Protestants are always characterized by their emphasis on Faith. The Catholic Church, on the contrary, has since early medieval faith believes more as a pillar of faith.

Conceptual Framework

In conducting this research, theories are needed to explain some concepts applied. The explanation is considered important. The concepts which were used might be clarified in order to having the same perspective with the implementation in the field. The following is the clarification of the concepts used for feasibility of the study.

9 | P a g e 10 | P a g e Sociolinguistics

Holmes (2013:1)

Language Variation

Style Regional Social Social Context Register Mandell Variation Variation Dialect (1978:10-23)

Types of Language Style according to Krisszner and Mandell (1978:10- 23)

1.Slang Style



3.Informal Style

4.Formal Style

Sermon Language Gospel Style in Sermon Gospel

11 | P a g e 2. Research Design

Burns and Grove (2003:195) state that a research designs as “a blueprint for conducting a study with maximum control over factors that may interfere with the validity of the findings”. This research use descriptive qualitative research with data analysis approach. It means that the research only collected, classified, and analyzed the data and then drew conclusion according to the analysis without making generalization. The purpose of this research is to find out types of language style used by the preacher in Catholic and Preacher in GKPI at the church. The research will be descriptive qualitative research.

Descriptive qualitative research is method of inquiry employed in many different academic disciplines, traditionally in the social scientist, but also in market research and further context. It can be seen that the data are collected in the form of words or sentences.

The source of data is Sunday Worship in Catholic and GKPI. This data will be taken on three Sunday Worship in Catholic and GKPI as the sample, also the data are the words, phrases, and sentences that are included in Sunday Service.

In collecting data, there are some steps done as following study:

1. Recording, watching and listening Catholic and GKPI Preacher Sunday Sermon Service 2. Transcribing the Catholic and GKPI Preacher utterances. 3. Underlining language style used by Catholic and GKPI Preacher.

The procedures data are useful in analyzing the data, the writer deals the data, namely:

1. Recording the data of Catholic and GKPI Sermon. 2. Transcribing the data of Catholic and GKPI Sermon. 3. Identifying the data types of language style by Catholic and GKPI Preacher. 4. Classifying the data based on the language style by Catholic and GKPI Preacher. 5. Analyzing the sentences based on language style by Catholic and GKPI Preacher. 6. Tabulating the sentence based on language style by Catholic and GKPI Preacher. 7. Concluding the data.

12 | P a g e The Data Analysis

Table 4.2 List of Data

No Date / Time Church Theme 1 Feb 11th 2018 / Catholic I came not to call the righteous but sinners to 08.30 repentance.( Luke 5:27:32) 2 Feb 18th 2018 / Catholic Love your enemies and pray for those who 08.30 persecute you (:43-48) 3 Feb 25th 2018 / Catholic God’s kingdom is near, repent and believe in 08.30 the Bible (Psalm 91:15-16)” 4 Feb 11th 2018 / GKPI Blessed to be a blessing (Genesis 3:6-14) 10.30 5 Feb 11th 2018 / GKPI Follow Jesus sincerely (Luke 9:57-62) 10.30 6 Feb 18th 2018 / GKPI God loves all nations (Jonah 4:1-11) 11.30

The data were analyzed by using Kirszner and Mandell theory (1978), to find out the language styles as procedures of analyzing data. The writer recorded and transcribed of the videos and then the writer identified every sentence based on language style. According to Kirszner and Mandell theory there are 4 styles, they are: slang style, colloquial style, informal style, and formal style. The writer presents 5 examples of the data analysis.

3. Data Analysis 25 The first data is transcription of Harmonious Family video from Catholic preacher. The data are as follow:

1. Bapak Ibu Saudara sekalian yang saya kasihi dalam Tuhan kita Yesus Kristus.

Ladies and Gentlemen whom I love in our Lord Jesus Christ.

In this part the preacher included the sentence that usually used in formal situation. This sentence is usually said by a preacher when opening an event. This sentence is classified as formal style because it shows respect by the preacher.

2. Ada apa dengan keluarga?

What's wrong with the family?

In this part the preacher included the sentence that usually used in informal situation. This sentence is classified as informal style because the preacher used omission of grammatical elements, and the word showed that there is impression informality.

13 | P a g e 3. Bagaimanakah sikapmu? How is your attitude? In this part the preacher used grammatical accuracy. This sentence is classified as formal style. 4. Saudara Saudariku kalau kita mengatakan aku mau, maka sembuhlah engkau. Saat itu kita menciptakan suasana kerukunan keluarga, suasana kehidupan dalam keluarga kita, suasana kehidupan bagi orang. Ladies and Gentlemen if we say I want, and then heal you. At that time we create an atmosphere of family harmony, the atmosphere of life in our family, the atmosphere of life for people.

In this part the preacher used formal style because the preacher gave respect to his congregation by calling “Ladies and Gentlemen”



In this part the preacher used formal style because the preacher gave respect to his congregation by saying to close the sermon.

Data 2

The second data is transcription of God will control your life video. The data are as follows:

1. Bapak Ibu Saudara saudariku yang saya kasihi didalam Tuhan kita Yesus Kristus. Ladies and Gentlemen whom I love in our Lord Jesus Christ.

In this part the preacher included the sentence that usually used in formal situation. This sentence is usually said by a preacher when opening an event. This sentence is classified as formal style because it shows respect by the preacher.

2. Selamat pagi semua.

Good morning everyone.

In this part the preacher used sentence to greet congregation. People who conduct a formal event always greet the audiences. This sentence is classified as formal style.

3. Baik, saudara-saudariku kita masuk pada focus hari ini:

Well, my brothers and sisters come in to today's focus.

In this part the preacher used formal style because the preacher gave respect to his congregation by calling “Brothers and Sisters”

14 | P a g e 4. Tadi kata PSI tentang rabu abu.

The PSI said about the ashes.

This sentence is classified as informal style because the preacher said a word by saying abbreviation word. In formal situation the speaker cannot say abbreviation word, but say complete word.

5. Dalam tradisi Yahudi mengatakan demikan. Singkirkan mereka, dan ini benar, hukum Tuhan mengatakan bahwa supaya orang yang sehat tidak tertular penyakit demikian, ini dibenarkan yang adalah ketika anda melihat orang kusta, anda menutup hidung anda, anda menutup mata anda, anda menutup hati anda untuk memberikan bantuan kepada mereka , inilah sikap yang salah.

In the Jewish tradition says so, get rid of them, and this true. The law of God says that in order for a healthy person not to catch such a disease. This is justified, the wrong is when you see a leper, and you cover your nose, eyes, and heart to help them. This is the wrong attitude.

This sentence is classified as formal style because the preacher explained something so that the audiences can get that point. A speaker gave an explanation and give long sentence to the audience in formal situation.

Data 3

The third data is transcription of “God’s kingdom is near, repent and believe in the Bible” video. The data are as follows:

1. Jemaat yang dikasihi Yesus Kristus. The congregations are loved Jesus Christ.

In this part the preacher included the sentence that usually used in formal situation. This sentence is usually said by a preacher when opening an event. This sentence is classified as formal style because it shows respect by the preacher.

2. Mereka selamat dari ancaman air bah. They were safe from great deluge. In this part the preacher used grammatical accuracy. This sentence is classified as formal style. 3. Pada zaman Nuh air melambangkan pembinasaan, namun kini melambangkan pembaptisan yang menyelamatkan menusia. In the time of Noah, water symbolizes of destruction, but now symbolizes the that saved people. In this part the preacher explained something and gave the difference of that era. This sentence is classified as formal style.

15 | P a g e 4. Kita semua juga telah menerima air ini. We all have already received this water. This sentence is classified as formal style because the preacher used grammatical accuracy. 5. Kalau saya katakan apakah saudara saudari sudah percaya kepada injil, ngak perlu dijawab saya sudah tahu jawabannya.mungkin jawabannya adalah ya kami percaya, If I say, have sisters and brothers already believed in the Bible? I didn’t need the answer. I have already known your answer is yes, we are believed. This sentence is classified as informal style, because the preacher gave a question, but he did not accept the answer of the audience, and he answered the question directly. This is an impolite style, in polite style if someone gave a question the speaker must take the answer of the audiences.

Data 4

The forth data is transcription of “Blessed to be a blessing (Genesis 12:1-9)” video. The data are as follows:

1. Bapak, Ibu yang saya kasihi, firman yang ingin Tuhan sampaikan kepada kita, diminggu hari ini yang tertulis pada kej 12:1-9.

Ladies and Gentlemen the word that God wants to convey to us in this Sunday as written in Genesis 12:1-9.

In this part the preacher included the sentence that usually used in formal situation. This sentence is usually said by a preacher when opening an event. This sentence is classified as formal style because it shows respect by the preacher.

2. Marilah kita dengarkan.

Let us listen

This sentence is classified as formal style because the preacher used grammatical accuracy. 3. Nama minggu kita hari ini adalah estomihi yang berarti jadilah bagiku gunung batu tempat perlindungan.

The name of our week today is estomihi which means Be a rock of refuge to me.

This sentence is classified as formal style, because the preacher gave a term and gave the explanation about the term briefly, so the audiences can get the point easily.

4. Berganti nama dari Abram menjadi Abraham, setelah Tuhan berjanji kepada Abraham untuk menjadikannya sebuah bangsa yang besar beserta keturunannya.

16 | P a g e Renamed to Abraham, after God promised to make Abraham be a great nation and his descendants.

This sentence is classified as formal style because the preacher used chronological event. The preacher explained why Jesus change Abram name.

5. Mengapa dia berkata demikian?

Why did he say that?

This sentence is classified as formal style because the preacher used grammatical accuracy.

The Data Findings

After analyzing the data, the writer found the data of language style based on Catholic and GKPI Preacher videos. Here is the number and the percentage of each type of language style. They are:

Table 4.1

Total Data of The Analysis Based on Language Style.

“Catholic Video 1-3”

No Language Style Slang Colloquial Informal Formal Total Data 1 Catholic Video 1 - - 3 14 2 Catholic Video 2 1 - 5 23 3 Catholic Video 3 - - 2 22 70 Total Catholic Video 1-3 1 - 10 59 % 1,4 % - 14,3% 84,3%

Table 4.3.2

Total Data of The Analysis Data Based on Language Style.

“GKPI Video 1-3”

No Language Style Slang Colloquial Informal Formal Total Data 1 GKPI Video 1 - - - 20 2 GKPI Video 2 - - - 19 3 GKPI Video 3 - - 1 17 57 Total GKPI Video 1-3 - - 1 56

17 | P a g e % - - 1,75% 98,25%

After analyzing the data, the writer gets some findings.

There are 3 styles from the 4 language styles in Catholic preacher and there are 2 styles from the 4 language styles in GKPI preacher. They are: Slang style is 1,4%, Informal Style is 14,3%, and Formal style is 84,3% by using Catholic preacher, and Informal is 1,75%, Formal style is 98,25% by using GKPI preacher.

From the recapitulation Catholic and GKPI have some similarities based on language style, they are dominantly use formal style and informal style. They have difference based on language style such as Catholic uses slang style even though just 1,4%.

The most dominant is Formal style. Formal style can be classified as the dominant style because Sermon Gospel has the standard rules and each rule must be obey by the attendees or people who come, the preacher should use formal style in formal event. Table 1

List of Language Style Found in I came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance (Luke 5:27-32) No Sentence 1 2 3 4 Date/Time 1 Bapak Ibu Saudara sekalian yang saya kasihi  Feb 11th dalam Tuhan kita Yesus Kristus. 2018/ Ladies and Gentlemen whom I love in our Lord 09.00 Jesus Christ. 2 Keluarga rukun dengan berbagai macam usaha,  pekerjaan, peristiwa yang sudah kita mulai dari Januari sampai saat ini Februari. Keuskupan menjelaskan proses bagaimana mewujudkan keluarga rukun. Families get along well with all kinds of businesses, jobs, events we've started from January to this February. The bishopric explains the process of how to create a harmonious family. 3 Ada apa dengan keluarga?  What's wrong with the family? 4 Ada apa dengan kita sekalian Bapak/Ibu?  What's wrong with all of us ladies and gentlemen? 5 Maka coba kita masing-masing sebagai Bapak  ataupun sebagai Ibu, lihatlah tanggung jawabmu yang diserahkan kepadamu.

18 | P a g e Then try each of us as a father or as a mother, look at your responsibilities that given to you. 6 Bagaimanakah pendapatmu?  How do you think? 7 Bagaimanakah sikapmu?  How is your attitude? 8 Bagaimana komitmenmu terhadap panggilan  itu? How is your commitment to that call? 9 Menjadi seorang Bapak, Ibu, dan anak dalam  keluarga. Apakah sudah menunjukkan bahwa diri saya sudah memberikan yang terbaik kepada keluargaku? Become a father, mother, and child in the family has it shown that I have given my best to my family? 10 Secara terang-terangan menjelaskan bahwa  orang yang sakit kusta ini harus disingkirkan, berpakaian compang camping, rambutnya harus terurai dan dia harus jauh. Openly explaining that this leper must be removed, dressed in rags, he must be far away.

11 Baiklah saudara sekalian banyak keluarga  katolik yang saat ini menderita penyakit kusta. All right, brothers and sisters of many Catholic families who are currently suffering from leprosy. 12 Perjanjian lama memiliki aturan yang keras  dan mengatakan orang sakit harus dibuang. Old Testament has tough rules and says sick people should be thrown away.

13 Pernyataan ini masih praduga kareana orang  kusta itu tau bahwa Yesus adalah keturunan orang Yahudi. Mungkin Dia juga memiliki tanggapan yang sama bahwa orang sakit itu harus disingkirkan, oleh karena itu dia mengatakan kalau Engkau mau , This statement is still a presumption because the leprosy person knows that Jesus is a descendant of the Jews. Perhaps He also has the same response that the sick person must be

19 | P a g e removed, therefore he says that if you will. 14 Yang dibuat oleh Yesus adalah Dia tidak  memakai pikiranNya, tapi Dia tanggapi situasi ini dengan hatiNya, dan Dia mengatakan Aku mau engkau menjadi sembuh. What Jesus makes is that He does not use His mind, but He responds to this situation with His heart, and he says I want you to be healed. 15 Saudara Saudariku kalau kita mengatakan aku  mau, maka sembuhlah engkau. Saat itu kita menciptakan suasana kerukunan keluarga, suasana kehidupan dalam keluarga kita, suasana kehidupan bagi orang. Ladies and Gentlemen if we say I want, and then heal you. At that time we create an atmosphere of family harmony, the atmosphere of life in our family, the atmosphere of life for people. 16 Setiap anggota keluarga berusaha untuk  menciptakan suasana hidup yang rukun. Every family member strives to create a harmonious atmosphere. 17 AMIN  AMEN


1. In this part the preacher included the sentence that usually used in formal situation. This sentence usually says a preacher when opening an event. This sentence is classified as formal style because it shows respect by the preacher. 2. This sentence is classified as informal style because there is contraction in the sentence. 3. This sentence is classified as informal style because there is contraction in the sentence. 4. This sentence is classified as informal style because there is contraction in the sentence. 5. This sentence is classified as formal style because the preacher used grammatical accuracy. 6. This sentence is classified as formal style because the preacher used grammatical accuracy. 7. This sentence is classified as formal style because the preacher used grammatical accuracy.

20 | P a g e 8. This sentence is classified as formal style because the preacher used grammatical accuracy. 9. This sentence is classified as formal style because the preacher gave question by using grammatical accuracy. 10. This sentence is classified as formal style because the preacher gave a statement that describes the situation. 11. This sentence is classified as formal style because the preacher respect his congregation by calling “Brothers and Sister”. 12. This sentence is classified as formal style because the preacher used grammatical accuracy and gave description about the situation. 13. This sentence is classified as formal style because the preacher gave a statement and reason why someone did that action. 14. This sentence is classified as formal style because the preacher described the God’s action. 15. This sentence is classified as formal style because the preacher respect his congregation by calling “Ladies and Gentlemen” 16. This sentence is classified as formal style because the preacher used grammatical accuracy. 17. This sentence is classified as formal style because the preacher used a greeting to close his speech.


Through considering the analysis and determining types of language style in “Catholic and GKPI preacher in Sunday Service, the conclusions are presented as follows: 1. Language style is defined as the choice of words used by a specific group of people when they speak. Speakers will make differences style when they make a conversation with other people. It depends to the situation that they have, on with whom they speak and where they speaking too. 2. There are 3 language style found in six videos of Sunday Service from Catholic and GKPI preacher, they are formal, informal, and slang style. 3. The most dominant language style of Catholic and GKPI preacher in Sunday Service is Formal Style because Sunday Service is classified as a formal event. 4. The language style of Catholic Sunday Service: Formal: 59 (84,3%), Informal: 10 (14,3%), Slang: 1 (1,4%), Colloquial: 0 (0%). 5. The language style of Catholic63 Sunday Service: Formal: 56 (98,25%), Informal: 1 (1,75%), Slang: 0 (0%), Colloquial: 0 (0%).

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