Review of Fundamental Proof Methods in Computer Science: A Computer-Based Approach

Selmer Bringsjord • Naveen Sundar G. • Atriya Sen

January 17, 2020 1 Introduction

Fundamental Proof Methods in Computer Science: A Computer-Based Approach (= FPMICS) by Arkoudas and Musser (= A&M) is a positively marvelous book, one symbiotically united with the longstanding Athena environment, by our lights the best mechanical proof assistant available at this time, especially when proof pedagogy is a requirement for such an assistant.1 FPMICS is also, by any metric, lengthy: 941 pages, tip to toe. Nonetheless, in our opinion, for those determined to teach or learn how to produce substantive proofs in the 21st century and beyond, FPMICS is peerless, and gradually digesting it, with Athena at one’s side along the way, will produce in the learner a deep understanding of proof in the context of both computer science and artificial intelligence (AI). Such deep understanding is central to at least the following areas in computer science: verification, theory of computation, algorithms, programming languages; and the following in AI: automated reasoning (specifically automated deduction), and logic-based AI.2 We are of the opinion that using the FPMICS-Athena pair is also ideal for teaching and learning the art of proof in cognate fields, e.g. extensional logic (as we point out below, FPMICS provides no coverage of intensional logic, e.g. modal logic) as traditionally taught in mathematics and philosophy. It is important for potential readers of FPMICS to understand that this book arises from an affirmation of suitably high standards for what makes for a knowably valid proof. These standards are very nicely conveyed by a deceptively simple example that launches the book in earnest — an example of an informal proof that happens to be, after refinement, ultimately valid, but in its initial form is certainly not verifiably valid: no machine proof checker, nor for that matter no sufficiently careful human checker, would accept the informal proof in question. In the example, what is to be proved is the algebraic identity (let’s label it ‘τ’) (a−1)−1 = a from the set I of these three axioms:

• Right-Identity: x · I = x

• Left-Identity: I · x = x

• Right-Inverse: x · x−1 = x

The informal proof is a chaining sequence shown in Figure 1. Is this a formally valid proof? That is, is each step correct on the basis of what we are supplied as starting material? More precisely and using customary notation in formal logic, computer science, AI, and formal philosophy, is it 1Athena, and the novel formalisms that undergird it, also powers a paradigm for programming and computation, for formal-methods scientists and professional practitioners (e.g. see Arkoudas 2001). While we as a matter of fact find this paradigm attractive, it is outside the scope of the present review. We also regard it to be outside the review to defend our opinion that Athena, in no small part because of its deep linkage to natural deduction (which by definition is in accord with how humans in the business of proving things go about doing so), is the best mechanical proof assistant available to not just students, but professionals in automated reasoning. 2A presentation of logic-based AI, a form of AI for which FPMICS-Athena is a perfect match, is given e.g. in (Bringsjord 2008). In the opinion of the first author of the present review, computer science itself should be identified with abstract formal logic and automated reasoning (for a defense see (Bringsjord forthcoming)); and if this position is affirmed (even to just an appreciable degree), FPMICS-Athena might well then be the vehicles to use when introducing computer science itself to students.

1 (a−1)−1 = I · (a−1)−1 = (a · a−1) · (a−1)−1 = a · (a−1 · (a−1)−1) = a · I = a

Figure 1: Simple, Informal, Ultimately Formally @@latex:In@@valid Chaining Proof true that I ` τ? No. To many, if not most, this will seem to be perfectly valid proof, but it is not. This will be revealed by any attempt to mechanically verify the proof, for such an attempt, as A&M point out, will among other things reveal that the reasoning is enthymematic, since e.g. associativity is absent from I but very much needed for the third step in the informal proof. The complete analysis and refinement of this informal proof by A&M points succinctly forward to much of what FPMICS covers.

2 Brutal Encapsulation of FIPMICS

As to what FPMICS covers, here’s an encapsulation, inevitably rather brutal given the length of the book. As we’ve already noted, A&M immediately draw the reader in with the equality-chaining ex- ample referred to above; and with the analysis of that specimen completed and the entire road ahead inspired, then provide in Chapter 2 a self-contained, lucid introduction to Athena — one suitable not only for students, but professionals intending to explore subsequent, advanced use of this cutting-edge proof assistant. Part II of the book now commences, and consists, first, in a re- turn to equality chaining, replete with coverage of more advanced techniques, including automated conjecture testing. A&M then move within Part II to a remarkably efficient and innovative proof- oriented coverage of zero-order logic (= L0) in Chapter 4, including a hands-on summary of SAT solving (a still-vibrant area of AI and automated reasoning today), and a final section in which is given an elegant implementation of a method that takes an L0 sentence φ to a proof if φ is a , and fails otherwise. Chapter 5, an absolutely key part of the FPMICS-Athena pair, covers L1 (= first-order logic) masterfully, and its penultimate section, “Additional exercises,” ends with an exercise that, pedagogically, we find to be a perfect gauge as to whether the student of proof methods is really and truly ready to move forward from this point to more challenging material, in which robust formal proofs, and what it takes to obtain them, are obtained. This exercise (a clever one from Suppes 1951) is given at almost exactly the half-way point of the book, and consists in the challenge of proving eight about the logic of a naïve scale used to measure the relative mass of two objects x and y. Chapter 5 ends with “5.8 Chapter notes,” a rather unassuming, less- than-two-page section that we nonetheless regard to crucial to an understanding of A-M, because there the authors explicitly affirm the centrality of relatively inexpressive many-sorted L1 to their paradigm, and the basic rationale of their having explicitly and unabashedly placed this logic in this special position, to the exclusion e.g. of category theory and higher-order logic/type theory. (We return to the the issue of expressivity momentarily.) The last chapter in Part II, 6, extends and refines the chaining style of proof, which is then followed for the remainder of the volume. Part III of FPMICS, comprising Chapters 7–10, is devoted to proofs involving key discrete

2 structures, including natural numbers, integers, sets (finite only, sensibly), and maps; the latter, a standard abstract data type, will be known to some of our readers as dictionaries or associative arrays. Part IV of the book, composed of two chapters (17, in which is elegantly given a correct proof for a humble ; and 18, which revolves around While, a simplified imperative ), is devoted to representing and deductively reasoning about programming languages, and for those hoping the FPMICS-Athena combination will to provide a portal to software verification, this Part will not disappoint. FPMICS ends with two appendices, the first (A) a streamlined account of the syntax and semantics of Athena’s core constructs, and the second (B) a remarkably economical but informative presentation of logic programming and Prolog (which includes the best intuitive but accurate encapsulation of least Herbrand models we have seen). Appendix B ends with coverage of an Athena implementation of a Prolog interpreter for definite clauses.

3 Expressivity and the A-M Paradigm

Returning as promised to the question of expressivity, extensional formal logics, as is well-known, are routinely cast in a continuum, with their location in this continuum determined by how expressive they are. For instance, L0 has no trouble expressing the sentence “Six is greater than five” (e.g. G(6¯, 5)¯ , where use of the bar simply indicates that the symbol beneath it is one stipulated in the formal language to denote some entity outside this language), but cannot express this sentence: “There are at least two numbers greater than 5.” For this we need quantifiers, and they are not available in L0. They are available, however, in L1; for in this logic we can capture the English sentence in question with for instance this formula:

φ := ∃n∃m[n 6= m ∧ G(n, 5)¯ ∧ G(m, 5)]¯ , which of course makes use of L1’s existential quantifier to get the job done. As we have conveyed above, FPMICS in general, and Athena in particular, offers all that’s needed to represent and deductively reason over formulae like φ. But consider the following sentence, which even very young students can see is true (w.r.t. the natural numbers): “There are at least two numbers greater than five, and they share at least one property with the number zero.” This sentence can’t be expressed in L1; but it can be easily captured in L2, second-order logic, like this:

ψ := ∃n∃m[n 6= m ∧ G(n, 5)¯ ∧ G(m, 5)¯ ∧ ∃X(X(n) ∧ X(m) ∧ X(0))]

Unfortunately, ψ is beyond the reach of FPMICS-Athena, and we do find this objectionable. As a rather speculative guess, it may be that A&M are impressed with, and indeed driven by, Lindström’s Theorems (which famously show that L1 does have a certain “maximality,” since once beyond it cer- tain desirable-to-some meta-theorems fail, e.g. the Compactness Theorem), but there is nonetheless a deep two-part problem that we think really must be faced head on in the next edition of FPMICS: (i) FPMICS-Athena is guided by a style of proof (viz. natural deduction) that relevant humans (e.g.\ mathematicians writing their proofs informally for journals) abide by, yet (ii) we now know that mathematics itself is basically a second-order enterprise [e.g. see (Shapiro 1991, Simpson 2010) ]. When we consider specifically AI, we in fact see that some recent research, for instance the recent verification of the reasoning in G\"{o}del’s modal argument for God’s existence (Benzmüller & Paleo 2014), not only requires L3, but in fact requires intensional operators as well — and such operators are not covered in FPMICS.

3 4 Competitors

Competitors to FPMICS-Athena can be broadly divided into two kinds: (1) non-type-theory-based systems, such as ACL2; and (2) type-theory-based systems, such as Isabelle or Coq. We briefly give an overview of ACL2, Coq, and Isabelle; and compare these systems with FMPICS-Athena. Because of space limitations, we leave aside a number of other systems, such as PVS (Owre, Rajan, Rushby, Shankar & Srivas 1996) and Mizar (Grabowski, Kornilowicz & Naumowicz 2010); fortunately, these two systems fall within the (1)-versus-(2) classification we employ.

4.1 Non-Type-Theory-Based ACL2 Among all other competitors, ACL2 (Kaufmann & Strother Moore 1996) comes closest to Athena in its core logic. ACL2 has two components: (a) a purely language P that is a subset of ; and (b) a first-order axiomatization ΓP capturing some aspects of P. Just like Athena, ACL2 has a purely first-order system as its formal core and employs a version of Lisp for its programming language (it’s Scheme in the case of Athena). The similarity ends here, however. Users of ACL2 build models of a hardware or software system s by writing a program σs that models the system. Users then can ask ACL2’s theorem prover to prove various properties about the system s. Any program σs written in ACL2 extends the formalization to ΓP + ∆(σs), where ∆(σs) has some information about the program σs. This enables users to automatically prove some properties of s. While ACL2 is an industrial-strength theorem proving system that has been used to prove non- trivial properties about real-world computational systems (hardware and software), unlike Athena, ACL2 does not come with a formal proof system for its proof computation system. ACL2 employs a host of decision procedures that simplify and speed-up automated proof search. While the decision procedures output human-readable artifacts, the proof-search system and its outputs do not have a precise semantics, in stark contrast with Athena. The chief focus of ACL2 is proof discovery; in the case of FPMICS-Athena it’s proof presentation and checking.

4.2 Type-Theory-based Systems There are a number of systems that fall in this category. The two most widely used systems in this space are Coq and Isabelle; we briefly compare them with FPMICS. In these systems, very broadly, proof checking reduces to type checking. This reduction has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Type-theory-based systems increase expressivity, but may do so at the cost of decidability and, sometimes, proof readability.

4.2.1 Coq

Coq is a proof assistant introduced in 1989 (Coquand, Huet et al. 1989, Bertot & Castéran 2004). It has been used extensively in both computing and mathematical domains, and is based on the calculus of inductive constructions, which extends the calculus of constructions, the most expressive calculus in the λ-cube for classifying λ-calculi (Barendregt 1991). Each vertex in the λ-cube denotes whether terms and types are allowed to depend on types or terms. In the calculus of constructions, types and terms can depend on types and terms. This is a major difference from Athena’s untyped system, which may be easier to use given the current popularity of dynamically typed programming systems. Another notable difference between Coq’s logic versus that of multi-sorted L1 at the heart

4 of Athena-FPMICS is that Coq’s does not have the law of excluded middle, as Coq is based on intuitionistic logic. Coq, like ACL2, accepts only primitive-recursive functions. FPMICS-Athena lets us work with the whole gamut of Turing-computable or general recursive functions. While it is still possible to work with general recursive functions in Coq by encoding these functions down to primitive-recursive functions, this might be a cumbersome restriction for newcomers. Unlike FPMICS-Athena, Coq has two separate languages: (i) one for describing functions and structures, Gallina, and (ii) one for controlling the proof process, Ltac. Notably, from either Coq functions written in Gallina or proofs constructed in Ltac, Coq has the ability to extract programs in OCaml, Haskell, and Scheme. Coq’s separation into two languages has led to a formalization gap in Coq not present in FP- MICS. While Coq first originated two decades ago, only recently has the semantics for Ltac been formalized. There still remain major challenges and rough edges in formalizing the Ltac language (Jedynak 2013).

4.2.2 Isabelle/HOL

Isabelle is a general framework for interactive theorem proving and can be used to construct proof assistants for a variety of logics (Paulson 1988). Of the many specializations of Isabelle to various logics, the most widely used is Isabelle/HOL, a version of Isabelle specialized for higher-order logic. Isabelle’s core logic and Isabelle/HOL are closer to FPMICS than that of Coq and we suspect it will be easier for users to transition to or from Isabelle. Also, just like Coq and ACL2, Isabelle requires termination proofs for programs that are entered into the system. This becomes more difficult as the programs become increasingly complex in keeping with work with partial recursive functions (Bove, Krauss & Sozeau 2016). Similar to Coq, Isabelle has two separate languages: (i) an inner language for building programs and structures; and (ii) an outer language (Isar) for constructing proofs. This has led to a similar formalization gap.

4.3 Extra Cognitive Burden of Proof Assistants Type-theory-based systems suffer from a major drawback when compared with FPMICS. In order to work with proofs in a certain domain, a user has to not only grasp concepts in the domain but also has to digest a large amount of type theory and other relevant concepts that is not needed for paper-and- pencil proof. On other hand, FPMICS comes closest to mimicking cognitively such a proof, while also proving soundness and completeness guarantees with its formal semantics; such guarantees are absent in the proof direction or tactic languages implemented on top of well-understood type-theory systems.

5 Is Anything Missing?

Despite the vastness of FPMICS, it nonetheless misses some important topics; accordingly, the work in our opinion can and should be extended, in either a subsequent edition, or by sedulous, autodidactic readers who develop sufficient mastery of the present edition and Athena, and proceed from there. We briefly mention two topics that are presently absent, but should be addressed in either or both of these two ways.

5 5.1 Diagram-Infused Proofs As is well-known, Euclid famously made much use of diagrams to prove things. Since at least that time, plenty of proofs have exploited visual content, and in fact today, students of the areas that FPMICS is intended for will find it exceedingly difficult to dodge requests for proofs that employ visual information in the course of their instruction. A simple example is a standard proof of the uncountability of P(N) using naïve set theory that renders diagonalization as a visual affair, by for instance depicting an infinite array, isolating the diagonal d running from northwest to southeast in that array, and then asking the student to consider a sequence d¯ derived from the original sequence by diagonalization, so that d¯ is guaranteed to be different than every row in the array (an elegant example is found in the following book, which by the way also proves the insolubility of the halting problems diagrammatically: Boolos, Burgess & Jeffrey 2003). What is the relationship of the A-M paradigm to proof methods of today that make use of such visual content? As FPMICS makes clear, deductions, one of the two fundamental syntactic categories in Athena, are purely textual. [The second of these two categories is expressions, which represent computations (i.e.\ programs), and this category too is bereft of visual representations.] Interestingly enough, Arkoudas himself has elsewhere presented a system (Vivid) in which diagram-infused proofs can be expressed, and systematically evaluated (Arkoudas & Bringsjord 2009). We submit that given the centrality of visual/diagrammatic content in proofs, especially in proofs in the education space FPMICS is intended to address, A&M may wish in the short term to provide some additional functionality in Athena. Longer term, FPMICS itself should by our lights provide relevant coverage, in the next edition.

5.2 Graph-based Proofs We have noted that the FIPMICS-Athena pair is purely textual in nature, in that proofs contain no pictorial content. But even in the case where such content is absent from proofs, proofs themselves needn’t be textual, and indeed if one examines the notebooks of formal scientists one routinely finds use of graphical notation, with for instance informal arrows drawn from one element to another. We point out, specifically, that proofs can be viewed as graphs, not as sequences of textual strings, which is what they are in FPMICS-Athena. After all, so-called proof nets have long been featured in connection with linear logic (Girard 1987), and indeed all deductive and non-deductive reasoning has been conceived of as creation and management of hypergraphs in e.g. (Bringsjord, Govindarajulu & Taylor 2019). For concreteness, see in Figure 2 that a full formal proof of the informal proof of Figure 1, including the background axioms in question, is given in this hypergraphical natural-deduction paradigm (the bottom-most node being the theorem in question in A&M’s example).

6 Conclusion

Despite our concerns, Arkoudas and Musser have written a landmark book in the evolution of ed- ucational content and technology for advancing human understanding of the intertwined domains of formal proof and computation. Such understanding is necessary for the verification of computa- tional systems, including those of the AI variety that increasingly will have the potential to harm us,

6 Figure 2: Formally Valid Chaining Proof as HyperGraph or allow us to harm ourselves when employing them. But FPMICS and Athena, when studied, will pay dividends in many additional ways. In fact, this dyad is so good — so thorough, so extensive, and so timely — that a bold recommendation seems rational to issue, and we do so now: While all specialists in software verification certainly ought to study FPMICS-Athena, professionals who take rigorous reasoning seriously in any of the formal sciences would be well-served by obtaining FPMICS, and learning Athena, without delay.


Arkoudas, K. (2001), Certified Computation, Technical Report AIM-2001-007, MIT AI Lab, ‘AIM’ abbreviates ‘AI Memo.’.

Arkoudas, K. & Bringsjord, S. (2009), ‘Vivid: An AI Framework for Heterogeneous Problem Solv- ing’, Artificial Intelligence 173(15), 1367–1405. URL:

Barendregt, H. (1991), ‘Introduction to Generalized Type Systems’, Journal of functional program- ming 1(2), 125–154.

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