Design Goals for ACL

Matt Kaufmann and J Strother Mo ore

Technical Rep ort August

Computational Logic Inc

West Sixth Street Suite

Austin Texas



EMAIL kaufmannclicom and mo oreclicom

This work was supp orted in part at Computational Logic Inc by the Defense

Advanced Research Pro jects Agency ARPA Order The views and con

clusions contained in this do cument are those of the authors and should not

b e interpreted as representing the ocial p olicies either expressed or implied

of Computational Logic Inc the Defense Advanced Research Pro jects Agency

or the US Government

Design Goals for ACL

CLI Technical Rep ort


ACL is a proving system under development at Computational Logic

Inc by the authors of the BoyerMo ore system Nqthm and its interactive en

hancement PcNqthm based on our p erceptions of some of the inadequacies of

Nqthm when used in largescale verication pro jects Foremost among those in

adequacies is the fact that Nqthms logic is an inecient

We now recognize that the eciency of the logic as a programming language is

of great imp ortance b ecause the mo dels of micropro cessors op erating systems

and languages typically constructed in verication pro jects must b e executed

to corrob orate them against the realities they mo del Simulation of such large

scale systems stresses the logic in ways not imagined when Nqthm was designed

In addition Nqthm do es not adequately supp ort certain pro of techniques nor

do es it encourage the reuse of previously develop ed libraries or the collab oration

of semiautonomous workers on dierent parts of a verication pro ject Finally

Nqthm is implemented in an informally sp ecied programming language Com

mon Lisp and hence is not sub ject to mechanical verication ACL is our

resp onse to these p erceived inadequacies While the logic of Nqthm is based

on pure Lisp the logic of ACL is based on the applicative subset of Common

Lisp By adding to the applicative subset of a singlethreaded

notion of state fast applicative arrays and prop erty lists and eciently im

plemented multiple values an ecient and practical applicative programming

language is pro duced By axiomatizing the primitives and intro ducing appro

priate rules of inference and extension principles that language can b e turned

into a logic A premise of the ACL Pro ject is that the Nqthm pro of heuristics

allow the mechanization of the discovery of pro ofs in the ACL logic with the

same degree of success that Nqthm has for its logic The ACL system may

b e viewed as an extended reimplementation of Nqthm for extended applicative

Common Lisp ACL is written using the logic it supp orts It provides all of

Nqthms pro of techniques except those for VC as well as several that Nqthm

do es not provide including forward chaining and congruencebased rewriting

An incremental data base extension facility based on hierarchically structured

b o oks and several scoping mechanisms is provided to address the problems

of reusability and collab orative pro of eorts We discuss the inadequacies of

Nqthm motivating the design of ACL we briey describ e the ACL logic the

orem prover interface implementation and some applications and we discuss

some of our concerns and misgivings ab out the current design Because ACL

is not yet ready for public distribution we make no claims as to its sup eriority

to Nqthm or other theorem proving systems


ACL is b eing develop ed by Rob ert S Boyer Matt Kaufmann and J Strother

Mo ore at Computational Logic Inc CLI It is the intention of the authors

and CLI to release ACL for public use without fee when its reliability and

do cumentation are up to our standards Those levels have not yet b een reached

To our colleagues who wish to try out ACL for themselves we ap ologize and

ask for their continued patience Visitors to CLI are welcome to use it but we

do not want preliminary versions oating around the net

If geographical exploration is taken as a metaphor for theorem proving re

search then the present pap er should b e read merely as a scouting rep ort of

where we are headed and why It should not b e taken as a recommendation

that anyone follow our trail much less as an advertisement to buy parcels of

the land we have surveyed

Because of his role in the ongoing development of ACL it would have b een

entirely appropriate for Boyer to b e a coauthor of this pap er He declined for

fear of seeming hyp o critical after his recent exhortations to the ATP community

not to publish pap ers ab out theorem proving systems unavailable for public

scrutiny We supp ort his p osition when the pap er in question claims that the

describ ed system has b een found empirically to b e sup erior to existing systems

We make no such claims ab out ACL in this pap er

Mathematical Mo deling of Digital Systems

The mathematics of computation was identied in the s by the collective

work of Church Kleene and Turing They established that recursive functions

can b e used to mo del digital computation By op erating within a logical frame

work deductions ab out computational mo dels can b e carried out formally By

mechanizing the formal logic one can assist the human user in the pro of dis

covery pro cess as well as eliminate logical errors from conjectures and pro ofs

Following the way mathematics is generally used in engineering system ver

ication pro ceeds in three steps First a formal mo del of the desired digital

system is constructed Second the mo del is corrob orated usually by execut

ing it on concrete test data to conrm that it exhibits the desired b ehavior on

some nite set of tests Often these rst two steps are iterated until the mo del is

deemed a suitably accurate sp ecication of the requirements Finally

are proved ab out the mo del to establish some of the interesting prop erties of the

mo deled system Since the state space of mo dels of digital systems is often ex

ceedingly large or even innite in the case of some higherlevel sp ecications

pro of is often the only practical means of conrming prop erties of a mo del

In our work we use a logic based on recursive functions In the rst step

ab ove we exploit the fact that recursive functions can mo del any computation

In the second we exploit the fact that recursive functions can b e executed In the

third we exploit the fact that recursive functions can b e emb edded in a logical

framework so as to provide formal and hence machinecheckable notions of

deduction and pro of

Our mo dels usually take the form of abstract machines dened as recursive

Design Goals for ACL

CLI Technical Rep ort

functions in the formal logic Generally sp eaking these functions take two in

puts a state and some signals that impinge up on the machine over time

Such an abstract machine returns the nal state of the machine after pro cessing

all of the signals It do es this by stepping through a sequence of states each

successive state b eing obtained by applying the machines step function to

the current state and the signal if any that arrives at that time

Such machines are commonly used as formalizations of programming lan

guages However they have also b een used to mo del other asp ects of the digital

systems problem including hardware description languages op erating systems

concurrent programs physical systems interacting with digital ones and re

quirements mo deling

Nqthm The Prototyp e of ACL

To dene abstract machines formally and reason ab out them one must have a

mathematical logic that provides inductively constructed ob jects such as num

b ers sequences and trees and principles of recursive denition and inductive

pro of The Nqthm system develop ed by Boyer and Mo ore provides such a

logic and a mechanized theorem prover for it Nqthm is widely used in

the formal mo deling of digital systems Nqthm is well known for its robustness

and the extensive b o dy of verication work done with it

However for the past ve years the two authors and Rob ert S Boyer have

b een developing a new logic and theorem prover called ACL ACL has

adopted and often attempted to improve almost all of the ideas b ehind Nqthm

ACL was designed to correct the aws uncovered by two decades of use of

Nqthm Those aws primarily concern the scale of the pro jects to b e undertaken

with the system

Because Nqthm is the prototyp e of ACL we b egin our discussion of ACL

by briey reviewing Nqthm and some of its applications and aws

The Nqthm System

The Nqthm logic is a rst order quantierfree logic resembling pure Lisp The

logic provides for the schematic intro duction of new inductively dened data

typ es mathematical induction on the ordinals up to the denition of total


recursive functions and the witnessed constraint of new function symb ols cou

pled with a derived rule of functional instantiation giving the logic some of the

features of a higherorder logic In addition the logic provides an axiomatiza

tion of a nonconstructive function VC which is an interpreter for the logic

and allows the intro duction of any partial recursive function See for


The mechanization of the Nqthm logic is a system of Common Lisp programs

allowing the user to dene functions in the logic execute them on concrete

data and state and prove theorems ab out such functions The user interface

to Nqthm is the Common Lisp readevalprint lo op Common Lisp forms are

typ ed to dene functions in the logic invoke the theorem prover etc A sp ecial

environment is provided in which forms in the logic may b e executed The

Nqthm theorem prover uses a variety of pro of techniques eg simplication

and induction These techniques are sensitive to rules in a data base Hundreds

of heuristics orchestrate the application these rules An interactive pro of checker

for Nqthm called PcNqthm has also b een develop ed

Imp ortant to Nqthms success has b een the fact that when a new user

supplied theorem is proved rules are derived from it and stored in its data

base these rules change the way the system b ehaves By stating an appro

priate collection of lemmas the user can eectively program Nqthm to prove

theorems in a given domain A well chosen sequence of lemmas can lead Nqthm

to the pro ofs of very deep theorems Target theorems can often b e changed

and reproved automatically b ecause pro of scripts tend to describ e p owerful

and generalpurp ose rules for manipulating the concepts rather than particular

pro ofs That is the user programs Nqthm to deal with the concepts and ex

p ects Nqthm to ll in the gaps b etween applicationsp ecic lemmas describing

the pro of at a high level This makes it easy to maintain an evolving sys

tem of denitions and theorems if the system was initially veried with Nqthm

That in turn has allowed Nqthm to accumulate a vast quantity of b enchmark


The latest version of Nqthm named Nqthm was released in

A companion PcNqthm was also released To obtain Nqthm con

nect to Internet site ftpclicom by anonymous ftp giving your email address

as the password get the le pubnqthmnqthmREADME and follow the

instructions therein Analogous instruction apply to PcNqthm Nqthm

is do cumented in two b o oks and PcNqthm is do cumented in

Both systems and many of their applications are briey describ ed in A de

tailed tutorial intro duction to Nqthm and PcNqthm may b e found in The

recent Nqthm release includes megabytes of up dated do cumentation

consisting of new versions of the ve most imp ortant chapters in In addi

tion the releases include more than megabytes of example input for Nqthm

and PcNqthm including most of the imp ortant b enchmarks listed b elow

Some of Nqthms Applications

Space do es not allow even a brief but exhaustive summary of theorems proved

with Nqthm we therefore only describ e a few The theorems alluded to b elow

were selected to illustrate the expressivity exibility and p ower of Nqthm to

deal with digital systems and the related mathematics Why do we dwell on

Nqthms successes when we are here interested in its aws The relative weak

ness of Nqthms quantierfree rst order logic could b e regarded as a aw to b e

corrected but we cite these examples to establish the fact that the expressivity

Design Goals for ACL

CLI Technical Rep ort

of the logic is not a serious b ottleneck

Mathematics for Computation Among the wellknown Nqthm b ench

marks are Gauss law of quadratic recipro city and Godels incom

pleteness theorem for Sho enelds rst order logic extended with Cohens

axioms for hereditarily nite set theory Z The rst illustrates

Nqthms use in deep reasoning ab out integers p erhaps the most com

monly used mathematical construct in computing The second illustrates

Nqthms use in mo deling other formal systems a capability that has often

b een exploited to use Nqthm to do pro ofs in other computational log

ics Nqthm has proved the soundness and completeness of a prop ositional

calculus decision pro cedure the Turing completeness of pure Lisp

the ChurchRosser theorem for lamb da calculus and the soundness

of the pro of rules of Misra and Chandys Unity logic

System Verication Perhaps most representative of digital systems ver

ication is the now classic example the CLI short stack which com

bines b oth hardware and verication The short stack consists of

a chain of abstract machines starting with a micropro cessor the FM

describ ed at the gatelevel and ending with an op erational semantics for

a simple highlevel programming language MicroGypsy Between each

pair of machines in this chain is an Nqthm function implementing the

higher machine on the lower one At the highest level the implementing

function is a cross as one descends the implementing func

tion is called an assembler a linker and eventually a downloader

Nqthm has done the pro ofs necessary to establish that each higherlevel

machine is correctly implemented on the next lowerlevel machine Be

cause of the constructive nature of the Nqthm logic the statement of each

such theorem involves the denition of a clo ck function which calculates

the numb er of lowlevel steps necessary to carry out a given numb er of

highlevel steps Nqthm has also done the pro ofs necessary to glue these

results together Thus assuming the soundness of the Nqthm theorem

prover and the correctness of our mo dels it is known with mathemati

cal certainty that the results of any given MicroGypsy program on any

given data can b e computed by running the micropro cessor on the result

of compiling assembling linking and downloading the initial highlevel

program and data Furthermore the clo ck functions can b e comp osed

so that it is p ossible to say how many micro cycles are necessary to do a

given highlevel computation This work consumed several man years and

is describ ed in

Hardware Verication and System Maintenance Since the publi

cation of the short stack work CLI has designed veried and fabricated

another micropro cessor called the FM This involved formaliz

ing the NDL hardware description language of LSI Logic Inc and

verifying that a certain collection of NDL hardware mo dules implemented

a formally describ ed machine language In what we regard as a signicant

demonstration of Nqthms ability to supp ort the maintenance of veried

systems the CLI short stack was p orted to the FM in less than one

manweek by retargetting the assembler and linker from the FM to

the FM and then reverifying them We say reverifying b ecause

the theorems proved had not actually b een proved b efore but were merely

analogous to those proved in the FM work This required relatively

minor mo dication of the pro of scripts develop ed for the FM and

relied up on Nqthms theorem prover to ll in the gaps

Software A substantial subset of the MC a widely used micropro

cessor built by Motorola has b een formalized within Nqthm Roughly

of the user available instructions were formalized Most of the re

maining instructions have undened eects on the machine state All

eighteen MC addressing mo des were formalized Using this formal

description of the machine it is p ossible to analyze formally the b ehavior

of given MC ob ject co de programs Consider for example the C


isqrtint i

int j

j i

while i j j

j j i j

return j

which computes the integer square ro ot of a given nonnegative integer By

compiling this program with the Gnu C compiler gcc O one may obtain

MC ob ject co de One can then state and prove the theorem that

if a suitably congured MC is executed a certain numb er of steps

starting from an invo cation of the isqrt ob ject co de on suitable input

i the result left in D is the greatest integer whose square is less than or

equal to i In addition one can prove that execution pro ceeds without

error and that the nal machine state is suitable for continued execution

eg A used by LINK is unchanged

The correctness of MC ob ject co de programs for binary search

Hoares Quick Sort and some other well known algorithms have b een

mechanically checked with Nqthm The ob ject co de for these examples

was generated using the Gnu C the Verdix Ada and the AKCL Common

Lisp Perhaps most imp ortantly of the programs in the

Berkeley Unix C string library were mechanically veried See

Design Goals for ACL

CLI Technical Rep ort

In related work by Yuan Yu at DECs Systems Research Center in Palo

Alto California Nqthm is b eing used to sp ecify part of the DEC Alpha


Fault Tolerance A mo del of asynchronous communication was develop ed

in Nqthm and used to prove the reliability of the biphase mark commu

nications proto col The mo del transduces the waveform written by

one pro cessor into that read by an indep endentlyclo cked pro cessor as a

function of the phases and rates of the two clo cks and the communications

delay The correcntess of a gatelevel design of a device implementing the

biphase mark proto col has b een proved The correctness of a gatelevel

design of a device implementing an bit parallel io Byzantine agreement

pro cessor has b een proved In addition it was proved that the algo

rithm implemented by the Byzantine agreement pro cessor correctly solves

the oral messages problem Finally the correctness of the interactive

convergence clo ck synchronization algorithm was proved

Scheduling Concurrency and Distributed Computing Nqthm has

b een used to prove that an op erating system implemented in machine co de

on a unipro cessor correctly provides multitasking and task isolation and

communication An Nqthm formalization of Misra and Chandys Unity

language is describ ed in along with the pro ofs of several Unity

programs An Nqthmchecked pro of that an earliestdeadlinerst EDF

scheduler is optimal is proved in The nal theorem is the classic

theorem ab out EDF schedulers

The Role of Executability

The executability of Nqthms logic played a signicant role in the development

and use of the computational mo dels describ ed ab ove We reconsider briey

several of the applications

The CLI Short Stack

Consider the Piton task in the CLI short stack pro ject The task was to de

sign an assemblylevel language for the FM suitable as the target language

for highlevel language compilers implement the language via an assembler and

linker and verify the correctness of the implementation mechanically A stack

based abstract machine was chosen as the mo del for the resulting language

which was named Piton The mo del was formalized in Nqthm as an inter

preter In the present context this formal mo del may b e b est thought of as a

page system of Lisp denitions

Having formalized the language semantics the Piton interpreter was used

to run several Piton programs on test data The purp ose of this exercise was

twofold By handcompiling some high level language programs and testing

them we found that some useful features had b een omitted from the original

Piton prototyp e In addition we discovered bugs in the formal mo del ie

oversights or other errors in the formal denitions that caused the mo del to

describ e a dierent language than the one intended Such testing eventually led

us to conclude that Piton was sp ecied as intended and required

The next phase was to implement Piton on FM by dening an assembler

and linker This required ab out pages of Lisp We then tested the imple

mentation by using it to run the previously generated Piton programs b oth on

the Piton mo del and the FM mo del which recall was another system of

executable Nqthm denitions In some cases we ran Piton programs for thou

sands of FM steps We found several gross bugs in the implementation this


Eventually such testing convinced us the implementation was probably

correct and we were prepared to invest the eort in proving it In fact the

implementation was not correct but the bugs were hard to nd such as errors

arising only if maliciously chosen systems of names or lab els were used For

mulating the correctness theorem required dening various mapping functions

b etween the high level Piton state and the low level FM state Again

testing was done to verify the corresp ondence claimed b etween the states Test

ing was also done to check that the statement of the main theorem held for

particular Piton programs and test data

The pro of involved breaking the implementation down into steps and dening

several machines intermediate b etween Piton and FM such as a symb olic

FM with a program space separate from its data space The design of these

machines the mapping functions b etween them and the formal statements of

the lemmas relating them were all supp orted by additional testing


The FM pro ject required the formalization of a mo del of digital circuits

The mo del is based on the NDL language of LSI Logic Inc and is essentially

a formalization of a commercial NDL simulator with which one of the FM

designers was very familiar The Nqthm mo del is a recursive function named

dualeval so named b ecause it computes either the output lines of the circuit

or the nal states of the various stateholding devices within it Dualeval takes

among its inputs a netlist an Nqthm constant describing a tree of hardware

mo dules and their interconnections via named inputoutput lines The leaf

no des of these trees are primitive logical gates

Dualeval can b e thought of as a logic simulator without however the

graphic and debugging facilities of commercial simulators It is ab out pages

of Lisp co de Running dualeval on a concrete netlist and data involves sim

ulating in the prop er sequence the inputoutput b ehavior of every logical gate

in the design and is a computationally intensive activity

The implementation of FM was a concrete netlist It was proved cor

Design Goals for ACL

CLI Technical Rep ort

rect in the sense that its dualeval semantics was shown to corresp ond ap

propriately to the formal mo del of the FM as a machine co de interpreter

Dualeval was executed on the FM netlist to help debug the netlist the

mapping functions and the statement of the correctness theorem

But extensive testing played a more imp ortant role later in the pro ject after

the FM had b een fabricated by LSI Logic Inc from the veried netlist

Up on delivery of the fabricated devices CLI tested them for conformance to the

design One reason p ostfabrication testing is imp ortant is to check the relia

bility of the unveried layout to ols involved in the lower levels of the hardware

design pro cess Another motivation of such testing is to check for pro duction

aws such as malfunctioning gates caused p erhaps by material imp erfections

The FM was tested against its dualeval mo del rather than the higher

level machine co de mo del b ecause the dualeval mo del contained output pins

designed explicitly for testing outputs that were not part of the machine co de

mo del

Note that the p ostfabrication testing of veried devices changes the role

of mo del execution Heretofore execution was merely an ecient way to avoid

premature pro of attempts An instantaneous pro of oracle would obviate the

need for the kind of mo del execution done in the Piton pro ject b ecause that kind

of execution was done merely in answer to a purely mathematical question is

this conjecture always true or equivalently do these two mathematical ex

pressions give the same answers But the p ostfabrication testing of a veried

device is not a purely mathematical question On the one hand one has a phys

ical ob ject On the other one has a mathematical expression The question is

whether the b ehavior of the ob ject is accurately predicted by the mathemat

ical expression The b ehavior of the ob ject can only b e manifested by giving

it concrete data and observing its concrete output Thus one is forced to give

concrete data to the mathematical expression and derive its concrete output

That is one must compute with the formal mo del and compare the results with

those pro duced physically Execution of the mathematical mo del is inherent

in p ostfabrication testing Often at least for devices for which verication is

needed the required computations are so large and the test cases so numerous

that we exp ect the eciency with which the mo del can b e executed b ecomes an

imp ortant issue

The MC

We conclude this discussion of executability by considering the programmer

level mo del of the Motorola MC The mo del is ab out pages of Lisp

and was written using the MC programmers manual as the primary

source While the MC can b e regarded as a formal artifact in as much as

ideally its b ehavior is exactly as sp ecied by its gatelevel design that design

was unavailable to the author of the Nqthm mo del In eect the Nqthm mo del

was reverse engineered from the artifact

It was necessary therefore to corrob orate the mo del To do so CLI tested

it against an MC chip in the form of a Sun workstation Over

test vectors were executed b oth in the Nqthm mo del of the MC and on an

actual chip Again the imp ortance of the executability of the Nqthm mo del

is obvious

This might b e considered a sorry state of aairs given the fact that the

circuit design of the MC can b e regarded as a mathematical ob ject as

FMs netlist was and its corresp ondence to the machine co de mo del is

therefore sub ject to formal pro of But this state of aairs is common and the

reasons go b eyond the mere technical Even after it b ecomes practical to verify

such large designs a variety of economic legal and other obstacles stand in the

way of the publication or distribution of the proprietary mathematical mo dels

of commercial pro ducts by their manufacturers The eventual promulgation of

formal standards eg for VHDL or Ada can mitigate this problem for some

pro ducts But after verication has b ecomes more practical and costeective

we sp eculate that there will b e commercial trade in reverse engineered for

mal mo dels and those mo dels will have b een corrob orated against the mo deled

pro ducts exactly as though those pro ducts had no other mathematical mo dels

Some of Nqthms Flaws

Despite our success with Nqthm we are aware of many shortcomings Most of

these shortcomings relate to the scale of the pro ject to b e undertaken When

Nqthm was designed primarily in the s the most impressive theorem

proved by it was the uniqueness of prime factorizations which required ab out

lines to state starting from Peanos axioms By Nqthm was b eing

used to prove theorems requiring lines to state Godels theorem and the

correctness of the FM micropro cessor By it was b eing used to

prove theorems requiring almost lines to state FM This is almost

two orders of magnitude larger than the inspirational theorems of Nqthms

design stage

Below we list those aws of Nqthm that we b elieved could and should b e


xed by a new design

Prototyping Formal Mo dels Admitting functions to the logic requires

theorem proving But users prefer to prototyp e their formal mo dels rst

testing them on concrete data until convinced that the mo del is accurate

enough to warrant the investment in pro of

Execution Sp eed Testing a formal mo del on concrete data presupp oses

the logic is executable ie that the value of a variablefree term or formula


Of course the most troubling aw of Nqthm is the weakness and slowness of its theorem

prover If the theorem prover would instantly recognize any Nqthm formula that was a theorem

and recognize no nontheorems the other aws would cause little trouble

Design Goals for ACL

CLI Technical Rep ort

can b e computed Nqthms logic is executable unless undened function

symb ols are present But Nqthms logic executes less eciently than we

would like This must b e understo o d in the context of the large mo dels and

numerous test cases discussed ab ove Perhaps the main reason Nqthms

logic executes slowly is the need for runtime typ e checking Another is

the presence of userdened shells and other abstract ob jects eg TRUE

and FALSE in the logic for which no corresp onding data typ es exist in

the underlying execution engine If some Common Lisp conses must b e

set aside for the representation of the logics shells then those conses

are not available for the representation of their natural counterparts in

the logic The result is that the implementations of all of the logics

constructors and accessors are complicated by runtime typ e checking and

the provision for various escap e mechanisms Furthermore b ecause of

these complications calls to the logics accessor functions are compiled

into pro cedure calls rather than handled more eciently inline

Useful Pro of Techniques There are many useful pro of techniques not

supp orted by Nqthm Consider for example the notion of quotient struc

ture Traditionally this notion refers to a settheoretic construction in

which a new structure is formed from the equivalence classes of an existing

structure for a particular equivalence relation A typical use of such struc

tures in our work is the partitioning of the set of states of some formalized

machine into equivalence classes by a pro jection that ignores hidden re

sources In suitable circumstances formally describ ed by a congruence

rule one can regard two nonidentical states as equivalent visavis the

b ehavior of some higher level machine The rstorder nonsettheoretic

setting of Nqthm makes this sort of construction inconvenient for us The

identity relation Nqthms EQUAL is the only equivalence relation with

which Nqthms heuristics will do replacement or substitution during sim

plication To get Nqthm to replace a term by a nonidentical but suitably

equivalent term is quite awkward requiring one to arrange for all of the

corresp onding congruence and transitivity rules to b e explicitly used by

the simplier during backchaining Other pro of techniques that Nqthm

users have from time to time requested include forward chaining the use

of alternative denitions of a concept and forcing a hyp othesis to b e

true in back chaining by assuming its truth temp orarily and bringing the

full resources of the system to b ear on it later when the pro of is otherwise


User Control of the Theorem Prover Nqthm is guided in its search

for a pro of by the enabled rules of its data base Few lo cal scoping

mechanisms are available to the Nqthm user The user must thus manip

ulate the global state of the data base in a sequential way to congure it

for each theorem This at structure pro duces complicated pro of scripts

that are highly dep endent up on an implicit notion of the current status of

all rules It also complicates the task of combining two indep endently de

velop ed pro of scripts Furthermore many heuristics are b eyond the users

control and arcane tricks are sometimes necessary to provoke the desired

b ehavior Finally the hints available to the Nqthm user for directing the

systems search explicitly are quite limited

The Command Language Nqthms command language is Common

Lisp A strength of the arrangement is that Lisp is a p owerful command

language by the suitable denition of Common Lisp macros users can tai

lor their command environments to their tastes But typical commands

consist of a mix of Common Lisp and Nqthm terms and formulas This

can b e quite confusing esp ecially when dealing with function symb ols

such as CAR and APPEND which are dened slightly dierently in the two

languages Furthermore b ecause the conguration of the host Lisp is not

part of Nqthm pro of scripts develop ed by one user are not always readable

by another

State Saving Reusability and Collab oration Nqthm allows the user

to save the data base into a le called a library le and thus start a sub

sequent session in the same state Nqthm libraries for many domains have

b een develop ed eg natural numb ers list pro cessing MC ob ject

co de programs But it is not p ossible to combine two libraries b ecause

each is a complete snapshot of the Common Lisp image Nevertheless

such combination is exactly what one would want to do if one needed a

numb er theoretic result while constructing the pro of of an MC pro

gram This makes it quite dicult to build on the work of others or ones

own past work except by having Nqthm repro cess the old script This

raises the cost of verication by encouraging the rep eated redevelopment

of foundational work and tends to linearize the development of a veri

ed system into a monolithic pro ject by a single p erson who has complete

knowledge of the state Because of the growing size of verication pro jects

we b elieve that verication systems should encourage the collab orative ef

forts of many p eople working semiautonomously on dierent parts of the


Practicing What We Preach It has always struck us as hyp o critical

that we would on the one hand advo cate the use of formally dened

programming languages and machinechecked formal pro of as a means

of assuring correctness while on the other hand programming our own

system Nqthm in an informally sp ecied language and relying entirely

on informal arguments that we had done our job correctly Would it not

b e more convincing if we programmed the system in a formal language

and could at least state its correctness Should we not aspire someday

to prove the correctness of the system and to somehow check that pro of


Design Goals for ACL

CLI Technical Rep ort


ACL is an extended reimplemented analogue of Nqthm that supp orts an ex

tension of the applicative subset of Common Lisp as its logic ACL stands

for A Computational Logic for an Applicative Core Language By core lan

guage we mean a formalism that can b e used as Nqthm was to mo del

many dierent computing systems Common Lisp is such a language By for

malizing a logic around applicative Common Lisp we can take advantage of the

exceptionally go o d optimizing compilers for Common Lisp to get in many cases

execution sp eeds comparable to C Two guiding tenets of the ACL pro ject

have b een to conform to all compliant Common Lisp implementations and to

add nothing to the logic that violates the understanding that the users input

can b e submitted directly to a Common Lisp compiler and then executed in an

environment where suitable ACLsp ecic macros and functions are dened

The denition of Common Lisp used in our work has b een We

comment on the draft prop osed ANSI standard for Common Lisp in the


Just as Nqthm is more than a verication to ol for pure Lisp in particular

it has b een used as a mo deling to ol for a wide variety of digital systems

ACL is intended to b e more than a verication to ol for Common Lisp Its

current applications range from hardware verication to mo dels of high level

programming languages such as Ada


The ACL logic is a rstorder quantierfree logic of recursive functions pro

viding mathematical induction on the ordinals up to and two extension prin


ciples one for recursive denition and one for constrained intro duction of new

function symb ols here called encapsulation

The syntax of ACL is that of Common Lisp Formally an ACL term

is either a variable symb ol a quoted constant or the application of an nary

function symb ol or lamb da expression f to n terms written f t t This

1 n

formal syntax is extended by a facility for dening constants and macros We

discuss macros later

The rules of inference are those of Nqthm namely prop ositional calculus with

equality together with instantiation and mathematical induction up to Two


extension principles recursive denition and encapsulation are also provided

The following primitive data typ es are axiomatized

ACL Numb ers The numb ers consist of the rationals and complex

numb ers with rational comp onents Examples are and c

Character Ob jects ACL supp orts Common Lisps standard charac

ters including A a and Newline as well as three of Common

Lisps nonstandard characters Page Tab and Rubout

Strings ACL supp orts strings of standard characters eg Arithmetic


Symb ols ACL supp orts Common Lisps symb ols In general symb ols

are ob jects consisting of two parts a package and a name The symb ol

EXEC in the package MC is written MCEXEC One package

is always selected as current and its name need not b e written Thus if

MC is the current package the symb ol ab ove may b e more simply

written as EXEC Packages may imp ort symb ols from other packages

although in ACL all imp ortation must b e done at the time a package is

dened If MCEXEC is imp orted into the STRINGLIB package

then STRINGLIBEXEC is in fact the same as MCEXEC

Lists ACL supp orts arbitrary ordered pairs of ACL ob jects eg X

MCX Hello

It is our intention that all of the Common Lisp functions on the ab ove data

typ es are axiomatized or dened as functions or macros in ACL By Common

Lisp functions here we mean the programs sp ecied in or that are i

applicative ii not dep endent on state implicit parameters or data typ es other

than those in ACL and iii completely sp ecied unambiguously in a host

indep endent manner Approximately such symb ols are axiomatized

Common Lisp functions are partial they are not dened for all p ossible

inputs Consider for example the primitive function car Page of says

that the argument to car must b e a cons or nil On page we learn In

places where it is stated that soandso must or must not or may not b e the

case then it is an error if the stated requirement is not met On page we

learn that it is an error means that No valid Common Lisp program should

cause this situation to o ccur but that If this situation o ccurs the eects and

results are completely undened and No Common Lisp implementation is

required to detect such an error

This raises some problems with the direct emb edding of applicative Common

Lisp into a logic The situation is far worse than merely not knowing the value

of car We do not know that the value is an ob ject in the logic car

might b e for example Worse still we do not know that car is a function

the form equal car car which is an instance of the axiom equal

x x might evaluate to nil in some Common Lisps b ecause the rst car

might return t and the second might return nil The story relating our

logic to Common Lisp is complicated and we explain it after completing the

description of the logic

In supp ort of the story we formalize in ACL the notion of guards Each

ACL function symb ol has a guard which is a term that sp ecies the domain

of the function The guard of car is or consp x equal x nil Appli

cations of a function outside its guarded domain pro duce unsp ecied results

We have identied a guard for each of the Common Lisp primitives in ACL

Design Goals for ACL

CLI Technical Rep ort

and made sure that our axioms do not constrain the primitives outside of their

guarded domains

To applicative Common Lisp we add four imp ortant new features

We add a notion of state containing among other things the le system

and inputoutput channels to les Syntactic checks in the language

insure that the state is singlethreaded thus giving rise to a welldened

notion of the current state

We add fast applicative arrays These are implemented b ehind the scenes

with Common Lisp arrays in a manner that always returns values in accor

dance with our axioms and op erates eciently provided certain program

ming disciplines are followed namely they are used in a singlethreaded

way so that only the most recently up dated version of an array is used

We add fast applicative prop erty lists in a manner similar to that for


We add new multiplyvalued function call and return primitives that are

syntactically more restrictive than those of Common Lisp requiring a

function always to return the same numb er of values and always to b e

called in the appropriate manner but which can admit a faster imple

mentation than Common Lisps

Finally ACL has two extension principles denition and encapsulation

Both preserve the consistency of the extended logic Indeed the standard mo del

of numb ers and lists can always b e extended to include the newly intro duced

function symb ols Inconsistency can thus b e caused only if the user adds a new

axiom directly rather than via an extension principle The denitional principle

insures consistency by requiring a pro of that each dened function terminates

This is done as in Nqthm by the identication of some ordinal measure of

the formals that decreases in recursion In we show for Nqthm that this

insures that one and only one settheoretic function satises the recursive de

nition and that pro of carries over to the ACL case with appropriate treatment

of the nonuniqueness of the constrained functions used in the denition The

encapsulation principle preserves consistency by requiring the exhibition of wit

ness functions that have the alleged prop erties

The form of a function denition is as in Common Lisp

defun f x x declare body

1 n

ACL extends Common Lisps declare so as to p ermit the sp ecication of a

guard expression g x x as well as to p ermit the optional sp ecication of

1 n

an ordinal measure and other hints If the required termination theorems can

b e proved


g x x f x x body

1 n 1 n

is added as a new axiom Observe that the value of the function outside of its

guarded domain is unsp ecied Logically our guards are just terms that app ear

as hyp otheses in many axioms

Encapsulation allows the intro duction of new function symb ols satisfying

arbitrary constraints provided one can exhibit denitions of those symb ols that

make those constraints theorems This allows for abstractions to b e intro duced

conservatively An encapsulation command takes the form of an arbitrary se

quence of commands eg denitions and theorems some of which are lab eled

lo cal When an encapsulation command is veried for admissibility all of

the sub commands are executed and each must b e successful But the eects of

the command are obtained by executing only the nonlo cal sub commands To

constrain a new function symb ol f of one argument so that it always returns

a rational numb er it suces to dene f x lo cally to b e say and then

to prove and exp ort the theorem rationalp f x The lo cal denition

of f is merely a witness to the consistency of the constraint Outside the

encapsulation f x is known only to b e rational

A derived rule of inference called functional instantiation gives ACL

some of the features of a higher order logic by allowing one to instantiate the

function symb ols of a previously proved theorem replacing them with other

function symb ols or lamb daexpressions provided one can prove that the re

placements satisfy the constraints on the old symb ols For example any theorem

proved ab out the rational f ab ove could later b e used to obtain the analogous

theorem ab out any rational function or expression

ACLs logic is strictly weaker than Nqthms b ecause ACLs logic do es not

contain an analogue of Nqthms nonconstructive VC The logical tendrils of

VC are p ervasive and the heuristics for dealing with it are very complicated

and hence invite implementation errors Whether it is a comment on the

utility of VC or more likely on the weakness of our heuristics for handling

it it is a fact that Nqthm users avoid VC Little substantial use of it app ears

in Nqthms b enchmarks and since the intro duction of functional instantiation

some of those uses have b een replaced by the use of constrained functions and

functional instantiation as illustrated in where the two metho ds are used

to prove the termination of Knuths generalized function In any case

we decided not to burden ACL or its users with an analogue of VC We

are optimistic that this do es not seriously lessen the applicability of ACL to

practical verication problems

Metatheoretic Considerations

Lisp and ACL exploit the fact that there is a straightforward mapping from

terms in the logic to the ob jects of the logic For example the term f t t

1 n

Design Goals for ACL

CLI Technical Rep ort

can b e identied with the list structure f t t The latter is said to b e

1 n

the quotation of the former To make this p ossible we insist that if f is a

function symb ol in the syntax then f is a symb ol ob ject The mapping is so

straightforward that one often forgets it and thinks of terms as b eing ob jects in

the logic though this is technically a categorical mistake

One way this mapping is exploited is in the macro facility Macros allow

the syntax of the logic to b e extended Macros are functions If f is a macro

and x x are arbitrary ob jects then f x x may b e used as a term

1 n 1 n

and denotes the term whose quotation is obtained by applying f to the x


For example by the appropriate macro denition of case one might arrange

for case x a b otherwise c to macro expand to if

equal x a if equal x b c Thus the syntactic denota

tion of an expression is determined by computation and the p ower of recursive

functions can b e used for b etter or worse to intro duce essentially arbitrary no

tation By intro ducing welldesigned applicationsp ecic notation one can make

sp ecications more succinct and easy to grasp

Like Nqthm the ACL theorem prover also exploits the identication of

terms and ob jects It is p ossible to dene term transforming functions which

actually op erate on the quotations of terms If one then proves that such a

transformer preserves semantic identity ie that the ob ject denoted by the

input term is the same as the ob ject denoted by the output term the trans

formation can b e incorp orated soundly into the simplication routines of the

theorem prover See

The link b etween terms and ob jects means that some system design and user

interface issues impact the choice of axioms For example execution eciency

dictates that the quotation of a function symb ol b e an ob ject in the logic that

can b e concretely and uniquely represented by that symb ol Thus while theo

retical considerations p ermit one to enco de the quotations of function symb ols

as integers eciency suggests including in the logic some suitable ob jects

Nowhere is the impact of the user interface on the choice of axioms more

apparent than in the provision of packages for symb ol ob jects Why are our

symb ol ob jects complicated by the notion of a package comp onent Nqthms

symb ols the LITATOMs were not so complicated The answer is that we care

less that the symb ol ob jects of the logic have packages than we care that their

dequotations as function symb ols have packages We want to make it easy

to combine theories develop ed by dierent users Packages allow indep endent

users to create disjoint systems of function denitions For example each of two

users Smith and Jones can dene the function step Provided the two users

work in dierently named current packages say SMITH and JONES their

two systems can b e combined without logical conict and each can continue

to reference his or her own step by that name while referencing the other

by prexing it with the appropriate package eg JONESstep But b ecause

function symb ols are identied with the symb ol ob jects JONESstep must b e

a symb ol ob ject and the axioms must make explicit the package comp onent of

a symb ol and the relationships b etween packages

Execution Eciency Guard Verication and Colors

The implicit guards of Common Lisp allow great eciency The implementation

of the function car may assume its actual is a cons or nil By a suitable

representation of data the implementation of car can simply fetch the contents

of the memory lo cation at which the actual is stored No typ e checks are

necessary Similarly append whose guard requires that the rst argument b e a

list ending in nil can recur down the cdr of that argument until it encounters

nil without typ e checking Of course if car or append is applied to the

results are unpredictable There are implementations of Common Lisp for

example Gnu Common Lisp which used to b e called Austin Kyoto Common

Lisp in which the p erformance of the compiled co de generated for arithmetic

and list pro cessing functions is comparable to handco ded C arithmetic and

p ointer manipulation Exceptional execution eciency on a wide variety of

platforms combined with clear applicative semantics when used prop erly was

one of the great attractions of basing the ACL logic on Common Lisp

Because guards are explicit in ACL two choices are p ossible when consid

ering how to evaluate a function call ACL could check at runtime that the

actuals satisfy the guard or it could glibly execute the Common Lisp function

taking a chance that anything might happ en if the guard were not actually sat

ised Because we are in a logical setting however we could arrange also for

ACL to do the latter only if it had proved from the context of the function

call that the guard must b e true For example one might show that if the

guard to a given dened function is true of the formals then every guard that

will b e encountered in the execution of the b o dy of that function will also b e

satised If one marked such functions then their safe evaluation would b e fast

check the guard up on the rst entry from an unsafe context and then execute

the b o dy with no checking and no risk If an entire system were so marked

the only runtime check would b e of the initial inputs

We co dify this marking scheme with what we call colors Colors however

are also connected to another asp ect of ACL function denition namely the

issue of prototyping and testing b efore admission to the logic

At any moment every ACL function has one of four colors The colors

and their signicance are describ ed b elow Colors are not part of the logic but

merely a feature of our implementation of it Facilities are provided for changing

the color of a function Functions of all colors can b e compiled

Red A function symb ol has the color red if the symb ol has b een dened

for computational purp oses but not admitted to the logic When such a

function is dened syntax checks are done to insure that the denition

is in the ACL language but no termination pro of is done and no axiom

is added Thus the logic remains consistent Calls of the function can

Design Goals for ACL

CLI Technical Rep ort

b e evaluated at the command level and thus tested The function can

b e freely redened b ecause no nontrivial results ab out it could have b een

proved or entered into the data base Finally the guard of a red function

is ignored at runtime so execution can cause Common Lisp errors but

optimal p erformance is obtained Red functions are useful for prototyping

a formal mo del for b oth b ehavior and p erformance b efore any pro of burden

is incurred red functions are also useful as utility functions eg for use

in macros or for data base query

Pink Pink functions are like red ones except that the guards are checked at

runtime After prototyping a system of red denitions one might convert

it to pink to conrm that on the given tests the functions are b eing

used in accordance with their guards Since pink functions can b e freely

redened along with their guards guards can b e prototyp ed without

pro of burdens

Blue A function symb ol is blue if the symb ol has b een dened for compu

tational purp oses and also admitted to the logic To make a symb ol blue

a termination pro of must b e done Theorems can b e proved ab out blue

functions Blue functions can b e executed on concrete data but guards

are checked at runtime After a function has b een prototyp ed in a hot

color red or pink its conversion to blue at the cost of termination pro ofs

adds an axiom and thus enables one to undertake pro ofs of correctness

and other prop erties

Gold A function symb ol is gold if the symb ol has b een dened computa

tionally and admitted to the logic ie was blue and in addition every

subfunction called in the b o dy is gold and theorems have b een proved es

tablishing that when the guard of the function is true the guards of every

subfunction are also true on their actuals This is called guard verica

tion When a gold function is called from outside a gold function its

guard is checked at runtime but then the b o dy is executed without any

guard checking Thus gold functions run as fast as red ones but with

no risk of runtime error except p ossibly resource exhaustion After a

blue formal mo del has b een proved correct one could undertake to make

it gold by proving all of the guard conjectures When that is done the

mo del will run eciently

Because guards are arbitrary expressions guard verication is in general

undecidable But if guards are primitive typ e expressions on the formals guard

verication is usually a trivial theorem proving problem and can b e done by

sp ecial syntactic means Some work is this direction has already b een done

Admissibility do es not require guard verication termination of the recursion

can b e proved without necessarily showing that all subfunctions are welldened

Indeed it is often necessary to admit a function to the logic in color blue prove

theorems ab out its value and then convert it to gold

The Story Relating the Logic to Common Lisp

We make the following claim ab out ACL Supp ose f is a function symb ol

of one argument dened in some certied b o ok as describ ed b elow that the

guard of f is t that f is gold and that equal f x t is a theorem of ACL

proved in that b o ok Consider any Common Lisp compliant to into which

the ACL kernel has b een loaded Load the b o ok into that Lisp Let x b e a

Common Lisp ob ject that is also an ACL ob ject ie an ACL numb er ACL

character ob ject an ACL string a symb ol in some ACL package or the cons

of two ACL ob jects Then the application in that Lisp of f to x returns t or

else causes a resource error eg stack overow or memory exhaustion

Given the lack of details of the logic in this pap er it is imp ossible to argue

the truth of this claim here Nor have we written down a rigorous argument

elsewhere at this p oint though we can explain the idea here as follows f x

must evaluate to t b ecause of the soundness of the logic and the computation

will at no step exercise a function symb ol outside of its guarded domain b ecause

f is gold where the logic and Common Lisp agree

This claim can b e generalized considerably The most useful generalization

intro duces the notion of a gold formula which is roughly put a formula in

which the guards of all function symb ols are true in the context in which they

o ccur and claims roughly that any ACL instance of a gold theorem evaluates

to nonnil in any compliant Common Lisp

Theorem Prover

The ACL theorem prover is a reimplementation of the Nqthm theorem prover

for the ACL logic Most of the pro of techniques of Nqthm have b een imple

mented in ACL Many have b een extended signicantly

One of the driving forces b ehind our design of ACL is that its architec

ture should b e op en so users can congure it in dierent ways ACLs pro of

techniques are sensitive to a hierarchically structured data base of rules derived

initially from previously certied b o oks Furthermore an evolving theory

which is computationally determined by the user as a function of the current

data base and goal sp ecies views of the data base Bo oks and theories are

discussed later

Pro of Techniques

Most of the pro of techniques are allowed to force hyp otheses by assuming

them true The theorem prover is organized so that if the main goal is proved

but hyp otheses are forced the forced hyp otheses are addressed in appropriate

contexts in a later round of pro of Typically guards are forced when they are

not obviously true since otherwise we cannot use the functionss denitions

This means that it is p ossible to submit simple but false conjectures ab out

Design Goals for ACL

CLI Technical Rep ort

ACL functions to the system and b e informed explicitly by the system that

the conjecture holds provided some previously unrelieved guard or typ e

checking can b e done

While guards are forced by default the user may actually sp ecify which

hyp otheses are to b e forced By delaying the consideration of forced hyp otheses

ACL can combine them to reduce the total pro of eort For example while a

particular function call might b e op ened many times in dierent contexts the

validity of its guard might b e addressed just once in a suitably general context

Here now is a description of the ACL theorem prover Readers familiar

with Nqthm will recognize that systems structure and techniques

The users conjecture is translated via macro expansion into a formal term

and converted to a set of clauses each of which must b e proved The clauses are

added to a p o ol of goals and extracted one at a time for further consideration

by a succession of pro of techniques If an extracted goal is proved the size of

the p o ol shrinks by one When the p o ol is empty the users conjecture has b een

proved If a pro of technique reduces the given goal to several subgoals it puts

the subgoals into the p o ol Otherwise the pro of technique passes the extracted

goal to the next pro of technique

The pro of techniques in order of application are

prepro cessing This pro cess expands some prop ositional functions and

uses IFnormalization tautology checking recognition of common cases

and equivalence closure An ordered binary decision diagram OBDD

algorithm has b een co ded for ACL and we hop e to integrate it into

the prepro cessor

simplication By far the most complicated pro of technique simpli

cation combines primitive typ e checking forward chaining backward

chaining forcing congruence based rewriting under arbitrary equivalence

relations and their renements generalized alternative recursive deni

tions veried conditional metatheoretic simpliers tautology checking

congruence closure and generalized linear arithmetic

Because of its imp ortance we illustrate briey the role of equivalence re

lations here The rewriter has a goal equivalence relation which sp eci

es the required relation b etween its input term and its output For ex

ample at the toplevel the rewriter maintains prop ositional equivalence

ie the rewritten term must b e prop ositionally equivalent to the input

term As the rewriter descends through the structure of the term b eing

rewritten it changes the goal equivalence relation according to congruence

rules previously proved Supp ose for example that a member expression

is b eing rewritten and that the data base contains the rule establish

ing that prop ositionally equivalent member expressions are pro duced when

setequal lists are substituted into the second argument of member Then

when rewriting the second argument of the target member expression the

system will allow itself to maintain setequal This means that a rule

such as setequal append a b append b a can b e used as a re

placement rule to commute the arguments of append even though append

is not in general commutative The user can prove new relations to b e

equivalence relations and prove appropriate congruence rules Thus even

when nonunique concrete representations are used for abstract entities

the user can enjoy the simplicity of substitution of equals for equals

at the exp ense of setting up the appropriate equivalence and congruence


destructor elimination This pro cess trades bad terms for go o d

ones by a change of variables technique driven from the data base For

example under suitable conditions i j might b e reduced to k by

replacing i everywhere by k j

crossfertilization Equivalence hyp otheses are used and p ossibly dis

carded Such hyp otheses are used by replacing certain o ccurrences de

p ending on available congruence rules of one side of the equivalence by

the other

generalization This pro cess selects certain o ccurrences of terms involved

on b oth sides of equivalence relations or in the hyp othesis and conclusion

of the goal and then replaces them with new variable symb ols Restrictive

hyp otheses ab out the new variables may b e added

elimination of irrelevance Irrelevant hyp otheses are thrown out based

on variable isolation and deduced typ e information

mathematical induction This pro cess attempts to nd an induction

scheme appropriate for the conjecture based on the terms in the conjec

ture The analysis involves the arbitrary wellfounded relations used to

justify recursive functions user supplied rules linking function symb ols to

additional schemes various techniques for merging and otherwise combin

ing schemes and selection heuristics

The Data Base Bo oks Rules and Theories

A book is a le of denitions and theorems and references to other b o oks whose

contents are recursively included ACLs data base may b e extended rep eatedly

by the inclusion of b o oks Views of the data base are sp ecied by theories

as describ ed b elow

The b o ok mechanism is related to the encapsulation mechanism a b o ok can

hide the details of its pro ofs lo cally while exp orting p owerful collections of

rules That is the contents of a b o ok app ears dierent to its author than to

its readers All events are visible to the author or more precisely to the agent

certifying the b o ok as discussed b elow But to the reader only nonlo cal

Design Goals for ACL

CLI Technical Rep ort

events are visible Thus the author might include in a b o ok many intermedi

ate theorems whose only purp ose is to lead ACL to the pro ofs of the main

theorems in the b o ok By marking the intermediate theorems as lo cal the

author can hide them from readers Hiding is imp ortant in collab orative work

since the tactical choices made by one user are often counterpro ductive in the

context of the tactical choices of another

Bo oks can also dene packages and declare a given package current for

the purp oses of the b o ok thus providing the namespace protection of packages

Bo oks can also dene theories and theory manipulation functions as discussed

b elow When two b o oks are loaded together syntactic checks are done to insure

their logical compatibility

Bo oks can b e certied which involves pro cessing them and their subb o oks

so as to determine that every denition and encapsulation is admissible and

every alleged theorem is provable Certication lo oks at every event in a b o ok

b oth the lo cal and the nonlo cal ones Certicates containing details of the

certication including the checksums of the relevant b o oks are generated by

the certication pro cess When a b o ok is later included in a session only its

nonlo cal events are seen and their pro ofs are not reconstructed but just as

sumed provided the certication data is consistent Inconsistent certicates

cause informative warnings to the user Attention to directory structures allows

b o oks to b e moved b etween directories on the host system without requiring

recertication The checksum computation is insensitive to comments in the

le so that certied b o oks can b e do cumented or reformatted without requiring

recertication The certication pro cess provides a means of version control

that is integrated into the pro of system This is particularly imp ortant if multi

ple users are developing a system Strictly sp eaking logical soundness requires

that only one ACL pro cess have write p ermission for the duration of a pro of

on all of the b o oks involved and that certication of all b o oks b e p erformed by

that pro cess at the b eginning of the pro of Given the fundamental insecurity

of most host le systems it was thought that checksums provide an acceptable

level of assurance to detect accidental corruption by co op erative colleagues Fi

nal formal assurance is obtained by a ro otandbranch standalone certication

at the end of the pro ject

As with Nqthm proved theorems generate rules that are added to the data

base Unlike Nqthm ACL do es not require the syntactic form of a theorem

to sp ecify how it will b e used as a rule Instead every rule generated from a

theorem is derived from a corollary formula optionally sp ecied by the user

and defaulting to the theorem itself which is implied by the theorem and

whose syntax describ es the rule

Including a b o ok into an ACL session adds all the rules derived from the

nonlo cal events in the b o ok Each rule in ACL has a unique name A rule can

b e used only if it is enabled Whenever ACL go es to the data base to obtain

information an appropriate rule name is found checked for b eing enabled and

tracked in a tag tree a structure that follows the evolving pro of construction

and records relevant information Pervasive tracking and use of enabled rule

names provides the ACL user with much ner grained control of ACL as well

as more information if desired ab out the evolving pro of

To b e enabled a name must b e in the current theory where a theory is a

list of rule names A theory thus gives a view of the data base in the sense that

a rule is seen only if its name is in the current theory

Theories are just ob jects in the logic namely lists Since a theory is just a

list of ACL ob jects theories can b e computed and manipulated by ACL func

tions Utility functions for manipulating theories include functions for unioning

together theories enabling all the rules in each taking the set dierence of two

theories disabling all the rules in the latter theory and computing the current

theory as of some previous pro of The user may dene theory manipulation

functions Daemons can b e installed on names to insure that incompatible rules

do not co exist within a derived theory Bo oks may provide alternative sets of

rules and make them conveniently available via theories and theory functions

provided in the b o oks The authors advice ab out how rules are used in concert

may b e co died into daemons

Pro of Trees and Commentary

The ACL theorem prover prints a running commentary on its evolving pro of

attempt explaining each transformation the derivation of forced hyp otheses

the use of hints etc In addition if Emacs is available ACL sketches the

evolving pro of tree as it go es pruning branches that are proved The pro of tree

facility is linked to the evolving commentary so that the commentary asso ciated

with any p oint in the tree can b e conveniently obtained This allows the user to

ignore ACLs scrolling commentary indeed many users simply do not display

that buer and simply jump directly to the trouble sp ots the checkp oints

of and of the to ol describ ed in

Do cumentation

ACL is do cumented via an online do cumentation facility that is part of ACL

The ACL do cumentation is maintained in a hyp ertextlike structure which

may b e browsed via ACL do cumentation commands In addition it may b e

browsed via Emacs Info mo de and via Mosaic Roughly megabytes of on

line do cumentation is available ab out ACL including tutorials Instructional

materials are b eing prepared as part of this do cumentation

The ACL user may wish to do cument his or her formal mo dels and browse

that do cumentation with the facilities provided ACL supp orts this use of

its do cumentation facilities In particular Common Lisp allows do cumentation

strings to b e included in the denitions of constants macros and functions and

ACL extends that to the commands that intro duce other names such as theo

rems and theories ACL recognizes do cumentation strings that are formatted

Design Goals for ACL

CLI Technical Rep ort

in a certain way and links them into its browser Facilities are provided to con

vert ACLs graph into les suitable for browsing with Info mo de and Mosaic

Thus when a b o ok is included in a session p ossibly intro ducing many new

function symb ols and rules the authors do cumentation of those new names

also b ecomes available

The User Interface

ACL presents itself to the user as a readevalprint lo op in which ACL forms

are read and evaluated Up on reection this is a dizzying statement b ecause it

implies that the command to dene a function for example is an ACL form

We discuss this in the next section

We here fo cus on three interesting asp ects of this interface First as with

traditional Common Lisp interfaces the user may freely mix the denition of

functions with their evaluation typing only Common Lisp Indeed the only

language one must know to use ACL is ACL applicative Common Lisp We

nd this unity pleasing Indeed the asp ects of ACL relating to logic and pro of

are transparent as long as one is merely prototyping and testing a red system

A window based interface could b e engineered from this base with ab out the

same diculty as one could b e engineered for a traditional Common Lisp

Second b ecause the command language is ACL the user can dene macros

to tailor the command environment Here are three illustrative commandlevel


A macro form might automatically disable all the rules generated by a

theorem emb edded in the form

A macro form might generate schematically a collection of theorems from

some data structure provided in the form Such a macro might implement

some sp ecialized metho dology for proving certain kinds of prop erties ab out

the ob ject mo del

A macro form might submit a given theorem for pro of and compute au

tomatically a certain style hint known by the user to b e necessary when

theorems of the given kind are proved

In Nqthm such macros were dened in Common Lisp But pro of scripts

using those macros were unreadable by unmo died Nqthm images In ACL

such macros may b e included in the pro of scripts in which they are used p erhaps

by the recursive inclusion of a customization b o ok Checks made when b o oks

are loaded insure that the macros used by a collection of b o oks are compatible

It is our intention that the provision of macros at the command level will give

ACL an advantage over Nqthm when using the system as a shell in which to

construct verication environments for sp ecialized domains precisely b ecause it

allows one to co dify formally the metho dology required

Third ACL can b e used to query the data base Sophisticated users of

Nqthm frequently use this asp ect of Nqthm as to collect all the names dened

since a given name was intro duced etc But in Nqthm the use of Common Lisp

can p otentially render the system unsound as would happ en if the user redened

the Common Lisp function prove or destructively mo died the prop erty lists

while insp ecting them But in ACL such utility functions can b e dened

without having to program in a new language and without risking damage to

the system b ecause of ACLs applicative nature and the checks made by its

denitional principle Indeed users can dene useful utilities and exchange

them via b o oks without rendering the system unsound

Practicing What We Preach

ACL is coded in ACL That is the ACL system is a collection of b o oks

containing denitions of ACL functions The typ e mechanism the rewriter

the linear arithmetic pro cedure the induction heuristic the error checkers the

error handlers the mechanism for reading and pro cessing b o oks the toplevel

readevalprint lo op all are ACL functions To b o ot the system the compiled

co de is loaded into any Common Lisp and then the system reads and pro cesses

its own source les rst in the color red and then gold At the moment only

part of the system ab out a tenth of it has b een pro cessed in gold Among

our goals is to pro cess the entire system in gold The system currently stands

at megabytes or ab out lines of co de making it one of the largest

applicative programs in the world

The discipline of using ACL as its own implementation language has had a

remarkable impact on the language the theorem prover and the system supp ort

to ols Simply expressing ACL in itself stretched the applicative language from

the rather conning natural subset of Common Lisp to a practical applicative

programming language Our concern for the eciency of our software drove

us to make ACL ecient Array access and change are essentially constant

time op erations that op erate at ab out half the sp eed of the array access and

change in C Appropriately declared simple arithmetic expressions execute at

C sp eeds However unlike other practical applicative languages ACL includes

an axiomatization and a mechanical theorem proving environment

The discipline of pro cessing our source co de with the denitional princi

ple has yielded imp ortant improvements to the heuristics originally taken from

Nqthm For example one line denition in our source co de expanded un

der Nqthms denition normalization routines to megabytes of formal co de

ACL do es not normalize denitions which on the one hand forces its theorem

prover to do so but on the other allows contextsensitive normalization to re

duce the numb er of cases Whether ACL can manage to prove things ab out

denitions of practical size eg its own source co de remains to b e seen but

the exp eriment has at least established that the heuristics of Nqthm could not

By practicing what we preach we have b een forced to confront in ACL

Design Goals for ACL

CLI Technical Rep ort

the same problems of scale eg eciency problem size do cumentation ver

sion control distributed development etc that Nqthm users were b eginning to

confront Furthermore solving these problems has b een on our critical path

Some of the other sideeects of our choice of ACL as implementation lan

guage are noted briey b elow

Because it is written in that subset of applicative Common Lisp that

is hostindep endent ACL is p ortable to any compliant Common Lisp


The ACL state and in particular the data base is an ACL ob ject that

may b e insp ected by ACL functions and the user It is p ossible to save

versions of the data base for later retrieval and otherwise take advantage of

the rst class nature of the data base Theory manipulation functions

get the data base as an argument Metafunctions could in principle b e

sensitive to the data base

Metafunctions can b e co ded more eciently

It is p ossible for ACL to reason ab out its own b ehavior since its source

co de is among the axioms So far only trivial use of this has b een made

namely to verify the guards of hundreds of ACL system functions It

should b e noted that until ACL constructs indep endently checked formal

pro of ob jects the direction in which our tag tree mechanism is headed

a pro of by ACL ab out its own source co de has to b e regarded with

the same skepticism one is inclined toward when someone says I would

never lie to you

It is p ossible to state in ACL that the system is sound

It is in principle p ossible to prove that ACL is sound This is among our

longterm goals

The Asso ciativity of App end

In this section we exhibit a Common Lisp denition of list concatenation and

prove that it is asso ciative We avoid using the builtin function append b ecause

it is dened as a macro that takes two or more arguments

The function app b elow concatenates two lists However the rst argument

must b e a truelistp which is to say it must end in nil Note the declared

guard b elow This allows the denition of app to terminate with a null check

which is more ecient than the typ e check atom

defun app x y

declare xargs guard truelistp x

cond null x y

t cons car x app cdr x y

This function is asso ciative provided its guard is satised Here is a state

ment of the theorem

implies and truelistp a

truelistp b

equal app app a b c app a app b c

The pro of of this theorem constructed by the current version of ACL Ver

sion is shown b elow The Common Lisp reader generally converts lower

case input to upp er case except in strings and in certain delimited symb ols

and thus the formulas printed b elow are in upp er case

Of sp ecial interest is the forcing round The main pro of pro ceeds by

an induction on A The term APP APP A B C in the induction conclu

sion expands using the denition of APP on the innermost APP term to APP

CONS CAR A APP CDR A B C This expansion is p ermitted b ecause

the guard for that term TRUELISTP A is known to b e true by hyp othesis

But to expand the outermost APP in APP CONS CAR A APP CDR A B

C we must know that its rst argument is a TRUELISTP and this is problem

atic b ecause it involves an inductive argument ab out the innermost APP But

the pro of pro ceeds by forcing this guard in Subgoal b elow At the

successful conclusion of the main pro of ACL undertakes a Forcing Round

to show by induction that under the given hyp otheses the innermost APP term

returns a TRUELISTP

Name the formula above

Perhaps we can prove by induction Five induction schemes are suggested

by this conjecture Subsumption reduces that number to four These

merge into two derived induction schemes However one of these is

flawed and so we are left with one viable candidate

We will induct according to a scheme suggested by APP A B If we

let P A B C denote above then the induction scheme well use










This induction is justified by the same argument used to admit APP

namely the measure ACLCOUNT A is decreasing according to the relation

EORD which is known to be wellfounded on the domain recognized

by EORDINALP When applied to the goal at hand the above induction

scheme produces the following three nontautological subgoals

Design Goals for ACL

CLI Technical Rep ort









By the simple definition of NULL we reduce the conjecture to









But forced simplification reduces this to T using primitive type reasoning

the rewrite rules CDRCONS and CARCONS and the definitions of TRUE

LISTP and APP forced








But we reduce the conjecture to T by primitive type reasoning







By the simple definition of NULL we reduce the conjecture to







But simplification reduces this to T using primitive type reasoning

the definition of APP and the executablecounterpart s of TRUELISTP


That completes the proof of

qed given one forced hypothesis

Modulo the following forced goal that completes the proof of the input

Goal See DOC forcinground

Goal below will focus on


which was forced in

Subgoal above

by applying DEFINITION APP to


We now undertake Forcing Round






The destructor terms CAR A and CDR A can be eliminated by using

CARCDRELIM to replace A by CONS A A generalizing CAR A to

A and CDR A to A This produces the following goal






This simplifies using primitive type reasoning to




Name the formula above

Perhaps we can prove by induction Three induction schemes are

suggested by this conjecture These merge into two derived induction

schemes However one of these is flawed and so we are left with one

viable candidate

We will induct according to a scheme suggested by APP A B If we

let P A B denote above then the induction scheme well use









Design Goals for ACL

CLI Technical Rep ort


This induction is justified by the same argument used to admit APP

namely the measure ACLCOUNT A is decreasing according to the

relation EORD which is known to be wellfounded on the domain

recognized by EORDINALP When applied to the goal at hand the above

induction scheme produces the following three nontautological subgoals







By the simple definition of NULL we reduce the conjecture to







But simplification reduces this to T using the definitions of TRUE

LISTP and APP and primitive type reasoning







But we reduce the conjecture to T by primitive type reasoning






By the simple definition of NULL we reduce the conjecture to






But simplification reduces this to T using the definition of APP

and the executablecounterparts of TRUELISTP NOT and EQUAL

That completes the proof of QED


Form THM













Warnings None

Time seconds prove print proof tree other

Applications of ACL

We list briey some of the ongoing applications of ACL Most of these pro jects

are still in the formalization stage and have not yet gotten to the most signicant

pro ofs However this collection of ACL pro jects already includes over

theorems proved not counting those pro ofs p erformed during the admission of

the blue and gold denitions in the systems describ ed b elow

The ACL system is b eing built in ACL The construction involves

termination pro ofs and guard verication of ACL functions The source

co de now stands at megabytes of ACL

The Nqthm package is b eing develop ed Roughly sp eaking this is a b o ok

that emb eds the Nqthm logic into the ACL logic and causes ACLs

theorem prover to emulate Nqthms With the exception of Nqthms

VC and its sup eriors all primitive Nqthm functions are now dened

within the NQTHM package and the relevant Nqthm axioms ab out them

have b een proved as ACL theorems by ACL For example after ap

propriately dening such symb ols as NQTHMCAR the formula IMPLIES

NOT LISTP X EQUAL CAR X is an ACL theorem provided

it is read while in the current package NQTHM This is one of the ax

ioms of Nqthm The Nqthm denitional principle and shell principle

have b een implemented A b o ok of rules causing the ACL theorem

prover to emulate the Nqthm theorem prover is b eing develop ed It is

hop ed that with this b o ok most of the megabytes of Nqthm b ench

marks will replay automatically in ACL This pro ject is still under

way but results so far are promising We have pro cessed roughly of

the le nqthmexamplesbasicproveallevents which includes

Design Goals for ACL

CLI Technical Rep ort

such theorems as the correctness of a simple optimizing expression com

piler Euclids theorem and the soundness of a tautology checker We

exp ect the Acl emulation of Nqthm to result in an overall degradation

of p erformance compared to b oth Nqthms pro of engine and its execu

tion environment However the Nqthm package will provide a migration

pathway for Nqthm users to ACL Furthermore the Nqthm package will

provide an imp ortant collection of b enchmark theorems on which we can

tune Acl p erformance

Many lowlevel b o oks are b eing develop ed with the exp ectation that they

will nd widespread use Among them are b o oks for natural integer

mo dulo rational and complex arithmetic groups hardware sp ecications

and metatheoretic reasoning

The Nqthm work related to the Motorola MC is b eing recast into

ACL In particular an ACL denition of the ob ject co de interpreter

is b eing develop ed from the Nqthm mo del and the Nqthm library used

in the program correctness pro ofs will b e develop ed as an ACL b o ok

Initially our aim is to repro duce the Nqthm pro ofs with Acl a goal

that could p erhaps b e achieved more easily via the Nqthm package But

ultimately we hop e to tune to ACL mo del so that the simulation of ob ject

co de programs is faster than via the Nqthm mo del or its emulation in the

Nqthm package

The semantics of a subset of Ada is b eing co ded in ACL in the form of

an Ada interpreter Some simple Ada programs have b een veried with

resp ect to this semantics A b o ok of useful Ada rules is b eing develop ed

The intent of these and other highlevel b o oks ab out a given sub ject

formalism in this case Ada is to congure ACL so that the pro ofs ab out

ob jects in the sub ject formalism here Ada programs are straightforward

when certain paradigms are followed

A toplevel sp ecication of a proprietary Motorola digital signal pro cessing

DSP micropro cessor is b eing develop ed When complete the sp ecica

tion will b e used to prove the correctness of some DSP algorithms and to

develop a highlevel b o ok ab out the pro cessor This work is analogous to

the Nqthm work on the MC and the C string library

The semantics of VHDL is b eing co ded in ACL in the form of a VHDL

interpreter or simulator When completed it will b e in principle p ossible

to prove theorems ab out the b ehavior of VHDL systems Because of the

size and complexity of VHDL such pro ofs will b e an interesting challenge

to ACL and its users

Conclusions and Criticisms

The ACL pro ject is now ve years old The system has not b een released

b ecause we are still nding bugs in it and we are not happy yet with its do c

umentation Within CLI ACL is used more than Nqthm although this is

probably more due to so cial reasons than technical ones one hears more talk

ab out ACL than Nqthm around the coee p ot ACL now has ab out a dozen

users all of whom have exp erience with Nqthm

We have many concerns ab out ACLs viability


Perhaps the most p ervasive concern is the feeling that guards are not yet ad

equately handled Guard checking is slow b ecause so many common cases are

handled by fullblown theorem proving rather than fast syntactic checkers More

problematic is that guards complicate the statement of theorems Nqthms logic

gets incredible mileage out of the notion that functions esp ecially arithmetic

functions default unexp ected input to reasonable values so that many the

orems are stated without hyp otheses In ACL one must b e careful to restrict

every variable appropriately so that the guards of all functions are satised

Macros can b e written to supply restrictive hyp otheses based on variable names

so the syntactic burden is not the issue For example Common Lisp makes no

guarantee that i j is j i unless b oth i and j are numb ers This means

not only that theorems are more cumb ersome to state but rules esp ecially

rewrite rules and denitions are more restrictive cause more backchaining

and fail to apply more often A consideration is that sometimes rules fail to

apply even though the hyp otheses are true b ecause the system is to o weak to

establish their truth without additional help

In the original version of ACL we made no sp ecial provisions for guards

and found that many rules esp ecially denitions could not b e applied under

Nqthms heuristics b ecause hyp otheses namely guards could not b e relieved

at the time they were needed This is illustrated by the pro of ab ove of the

asso ciativity of APP the hyp othesis required induction to prove

Our rst attempt to handle guards sp ecially was suggested by Nqthms han

dling of guardlike hyp otheses in its linear arithmetic decision pro cedure where

a new case split is intro duced whenever the pro cedures needs a hyp othesis it

cannot establish With ACL this generated pro ofs that were hard to follow b e

cause of the numerous and apparently sp ontaneous case splits While this may

seem like mere carping the eect was quite deleterious on the users ability to

debug a pro of attempt and guide the system to successful pro ofs

In addition it is imp ortant to realize that most pro of attempts fail b ecause

the goal conjecture is not a theorem This happ ens in Nqthm in ACL and

we susp ect in most mechanized theorem proving systems used for similar tasks

b ecause the user is still grappling with the mo deling and formalization problems

Design Goals for ACL

CLI Technical Rep ort

The guardgenerated case splits even those eventually dispatched successfully

merely delayed the users discovery of the real reason the pro of attempt failed

The intro duction of forcing rounds was our second attempt to try to mit

igate the problem of guards Unlike the approach in our rst attempt forcing

rounds delay the consideration of the typ elike guard conjectures until after

the gist of the pro of has b een successfully done Forcing rounds were regarded

by the users as an improvement over the earlier scheme But users still remem

b er fondly the Nqthm days when such details simply did not arise Of course

guards allow execution eciency Therefore the tradeo is whether the added

complexity in pro ofs is worth the sp eedup in the simulation sp eeds of large for

mal mo dels The results are not yet in b ecause we have not completed suitably

large scale exp eriments yet

When we are discouraged ab out the ability of the system to handle guards

we are sometimes tempted to change slightly the story relating ACL to Com

mon Lisp Rather than maintain that ACL functions are undened outside

their guarded domains we could dene them explicitly as is done in Nqthms

logic The result would b e a particular implementation of a Common Lisp which

we sometimes refer to as completed Common Lisp In completed Common

Lisp functions would co erce unexp ected arguments to natural values Thus for

example arithmetic functions would co erce nonnumeric arguments to This

would simplify many axioms and theorems Denitions could b e used uncondi

tionally Some unusual theorems would hold eg equal car nil that

would surprise some Common Lisp programmers But the story relating the

completed Common Lisp logic to Common Lisp would b e the same as it is now

gold theorems are true in all compliant Common Lisps We are reluctant to go

this route just now cho osing instead to pro ceed rst by evaluating ACL on

big examples

Perhaps a natural question at this p oint is Why dont the Acl imple

mentors do away with this notion of guards and instead take a more standard

approach to the same issue ie using some kind of decidable typ e checking

Our most imp ortant reason we have already decided to stay compliant with the

Common Lisp language and we are not aware of any simple way of inventing

a decidable typ e system that lets us do this in a reasonable fashion Also we

are encouraged by the progress we have made in the handling of guards sp ecif

ically in the success of the forcing round technique and users have b egun

considering their use in sp ecications If guards are found to b e useful this way

they will enjoy a decided advantage over decidable typ e systems that we have

seen b ecause they are as expressive as the Common Lisp language itself any

predicate may b e used as a guard Most decidable typ e systems do not even

allow typ es other than conjunctions of calls of unary predicates At any rate

even if we ultimately feel that we must give up the present notion of guards

the completed Common Lisp idea discussed ab ove provides a route for elim

inating much of the pro of burden intro duced by guards without eliminating

the connection to Common Lisp or the ability to use guards as a sp ecication


Draft Prop osed ANSI Standard

We are aware of one area in which ACL is at o dds with the draft prop osed

ANSI standard for Common Lisp and that is in connection with the gen

eralized Bo olean functions of the prop osed standard In ACL equal for

example is a Bo olean valued function meaning that it returns either nil or

t But in equal is a generalized Bo olean valued function meaning that

it may return any nonnil value to indicate truth Many functions that re

turn Bo oleans in traditional Lisp implementations return generalized Bo oleans

in including equal symbolp and subsetp Apparently programs are

not to use such functions in contexts other than those in which their values are

tested as prop ositions

As ACL now stands there are gold theorems that are not true of the lan

guage describ ed in One example is equal equal nil nil equal nil

nil In ACL b oth of the interior equal terms return t and so the theorem

follows from the axiom equal x x But in the rst equal nil nil

might return t and the second might return and the two are not equal This

formula violates the spirit of generalized Bo oleans are to b e used only in

prop ositional tests To conform to we might intro duce a new attribute of

function symb ols namely whether they have generalized Bo olean values and

narrow the class of gold formulas to exclude those where generalized Bo oleans

are misused

The Complexity of ACL

The proliferation of ACL rule classes may b e a mistake For example the cur

rent ACL supp orts rewrite rules linear rules linear alias rules wellfounded

relation rules builtin clause rules comp ound recognizer rules destructor elimi

nation rules generalization rules meta rules forward chaining rules equivalence

rules renement rules congruence rules typ eprescription rules alternative def

inition rules induction rules and typ eset inverter rules This is an asp ect of

ACLs op en architecture it is easy to program ACLs theorem prover But

it is easy to program it very ineciently Moreover the plethora of rule classes

can b e intimidating to new users though we exp ect that improved layered

do cumentation may help in this regard

Programming disciplines p erhaps augmented by some additional heuristics

need to b e develop ed so that users can create rule sets that are eective and

ecient We may nd the plethora of rule classes simply to o complicated for the

development of adequate disciplines and b e forced to abandon some of these

More likely we may develop disciplines that essentially recommend that only

exp erts employ all but the few wellundersto o d rule classes

Design Goals for ACL

CLI Technical Rep ort

More generally we are concerned ab out the intellectual complexity of the

ACL pro of engine and environment We nd its applicative denition wonder

fully clear but megabytes of source co de even very clear source co de is

dicult to keep in mind An ACL image is ab out megabytes We estimate

that ab out of that is devoted to the initial prop erty list world which contains

the results of pro cessing the megabytes of ACL source co de For example

one of the denitional axioms of ACL is the formula that equates prove term

pspv hints wrld ctx state to its b o dy ie the initial axioms include the

denition of our heuristic theorem prover Along these same lines it is p ossible

to insp ect the initial data base and see the denition of the rewriter with its

formal parameters and its mutually recursive entries There is a lot of

complexity here

While soundness is of course an issue it is not the main obstacle Ulti

mately soundness could b e b e insured we hop e by having the system generate

pro of ob jects which are checked Our concern is that if the system is to o com

plex it will b e imp ossible for us to co ordinate its various parts so that they

op erate harmoniously ie so that it discovers any pro ofs at all It would b e

very reassuring to us to see ACL repro duce the pro ofs in Nqthms b enchmark

les simply as evidence that ACLs abundance of pro of techniques interop erate

harmoniously enough


Finally ACL feels sluggish One must of course ask Compared to what

Since all of its users are former Nqthm users the answer is that ACL feels

sluggish compared to Nqthm

One p ossible explanation is that ACLs p erformance is degraded by its ap

plicative implementation We b elieve this conjecture is false Exp eriments with

isolated co de fragments indicate that the applicative expression of Nqthms al

gorithms generally execute as fast or faster than their Nqthm implementation

This is not surprising Nqthms co ding style is heavily inuenced by its pre

vious expression in Interlisp where the p erformance tradeos b etween global

variables sp ecial variables and lo cal variables were dierent than in Common

Lisp We exp ect that if we were to reco de Nqthm applicatively it would sp eed

up by p erhaps as much as

But ACL is not such a reco ding of Nqthm its logic is much more com

plicated and its heuristics are sometimes dierent The dierences in the logic

make it dicult even to present the two systems with the same problem To

do so one must emb ed the relevant fragment of one logic in the other and prove

the rules necessary to cause one system to emulate the other But even when

that is done the pro ofs generated for identical problems sometimes diverge

b ecause of the heuristic dierences in the two systems

These considerations make it very dicult to pro duce a meaningful quanti

tative comparison of the two systems Rather than pursue comparisons then it

is our intention to try to sp eed up ACL We know that its applicative printing

functions are quite slow compared to the Common Lisp primitives sp eeding

up these functions would make ACL feel faster But the p erformance of the

theorem prover can also b e improved b oth by reconsidering some heuristics and

by reco ding some p o or implementations of individual functions This kind of

tuning of which Nqthm has had a great deal comes only after a very large col

lection of b enchmark theorems is available for test purp oses Therefore we are

inclined at this stage simply to use ACL and to ignore for the time b eing our

qualms ab out its p erformance The Nqthm package which will make Nqthms

b enchmark les available to ACL is esp ecially imp ortant for p erformance tun

ing as it will allow us to compare various tunings of ACL on thousands of



R L Akers Strong Static Typ e Checking for Functional Common Lisp

PhD Thesis University of Texas at Austin Also available through

Computational Logic Inc Suite West Sixth Street Austin


K Albin Mo del Validation Testing CLI Note August

W R Bevier A Veried Op erating System Kernel PhD Thesis Uni

versity of Texas at Austin Also available through Computational

Logic Inc Suite West Sixth Street Austin TX

W R Bevier W A Hunt J S Mo ore and WD Young Sp ecial Issue

on System Verication Journal of Automated Reasoning

W R Bevier and W D Young Machine Checked Pro ofs of the Design of

a FaultTolerant Circuit Formal Aspects of Computing Vol pp

Also available as Technical Rep ort Computational Logic

Inc Suite West Sixth Street Austin TX August

and as NASA CR Novemb er

R S Boyer D Goldschlag M Kaufmann and J S Mo ore Functional

Instantiation in First Order Logic In Articial Intel ligence and Math

ematical Theory of Computation Papers in Honor of John McCarthy

Academic Press pp

Rob ert S Boyer Matt Kaufmann and J Strother Mo ore The Boyer

Mo ore Theorem Prover and Its Interactive Enhancement Submitted

R S Boyer and J S Mo ore A Computational Logic Academic Press

New York

Design Goals for ACL

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R S Boyer and J S Mo ore Metafunctions Proving Them Correct

and Using Them Eciently as New Pro of Pro cedures In R S Boyer

and J S Mo ore editors The Correctness Problem in Computer Science

Academic Press

R S Boyer and J S Mo ore A Mechanical Pro of of the Turing Com

pleteness of Pure Lisp In W W Bledso e and D W Loveland editors

Automated Theorem Proving After Years American Mathematical

So ciety Providence RI pp

R S Boyer and J S Mo ore A Computational Logic Handbook Academic

Press New York

R S Boyer and Y Yu Automated Correctness Pro ofs of Machine Co de

Programs for a Commercial Micropro cessor In D Kapur editor Auto

mated Deduction CADE Lecture Notes in Computer Science


B C Bro ck W A Hunt Jr and W D Young Intro duction to a For

mally Dened Hardware Description Language In Theorem Provers in

Circuit Designs Numb er A in IFIP Transactions North Holland

K M Chandy and J Misra Paral lel Program Design A Foundation

AddisonWesley Massachusetts

J Cowles Meeting a Challenge of Knuth Internal Note Computa

tional Logic Inc Austin Texas Septemb er

D M Goldschlag Mechanizing Unity In M Broy and C B Jones edi

tors Programming Concepts and Methods North Holland Amsterdam

D M Goldschlag Mechanically Verifying Concurrent Programs with

the BoyerMo ore Prover IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering

Septemb er

W A Hunt Jr FM A Veried Micropro cessor PhD Thesis The

University of Texas at Austin Decemb er Also available through

Computational Logic Inc as Technical Rep ort ICSCACMP Insti

tute for Computing Science and Computer Applications University of

Texas at Austin Decemb er

W A Hunt Jr and B Bro ck A Formal HDL and its use in the FM

Verication Proceedings of the Royal Society

M Kaufmann A Users Manual for an Interactive Enhancement to

the BoyerMo ore Theorem Prover Technical rep ort Computational

Logic Inc May

M Kaufmann Addition of Free Variables to an Interactive Enchance

ment of the BoyerMo ore Theorem Prover Technical Rep ort Com

putational Logic Inc

M Kaufmann An extension of the BoyerMo ore theorem prover to

supp ort rstorder quantication Journal of Automated Reasoning

Decemb er

M Kaufmann An Assistant for Reading Nqthm Pro of Output Technical

Rep ort Computational Logic Inc Novemb er

M Kaufmann and P Pecchiari Interaction with the BoyerMo ore The

orem Prover A Tutorial Study Using the ArithmeticGeometric Mean

Theorem Technical Rep ort Computational Logic Inc

D E Knuth Textb o ok examples of recursion In V Lifschitz editor

Articial Intel ligence and Mathematical Theory of Computation Papers

in Honor of John McCarthy Academic Press San Diego CA

J S Mo ore Veried Hardware Implementing an Bit Parallel InO

Byzantine Agreement Pro cessor Technical Rep ort Computational

Logic Inc Austin Texas August

J S Mo ore A Formal Mo del of Asynchronous Communication and Its

Use in Mechanically Verifying a Biphase Mark Proto col Formal Aspects

of Computing

J S Mo ore Intro duction to the OBDD Algorithm for the ATP Commu

nity Journal of Automated Reasoning

Motorola Inc MC bit Microprocessor Users Manual Prentice

Hall New Jersey

K M Pitman et al draft proposed American National Standard for Infor

mation Systems Programming Language Common Lisp XJ

Global Engineering Do cuments Inc

D M Russino A Mechanical Pro of of Quadratic Recipro city Journal

of Automated Reasoning

D M Russino Sp ecication and Verication of GateLevel VHDL

Mo dels of Synchronous and Asynchronous Circuits Technical Rep ort

Computational Logic Inc Austin Texas May

N Shankar A Mechanical Pro of of the ChurchRosser Theorem JACM

Design Goals for ACL

CLI Technical Rep ort

N Shankar Metamathematics Machines and Godels Proof Cambridge

University press

G L Steele Jr Common LISP The Language Digital Press Bedford


G L Steele Jr Second Edition Digital

Press North Avenue Burlington MA

M Wilding An optimal realtime scheduler based on a simple mo del of

computation Internal Note Computational Logic Inc July

WD Young Verifying the Interactive Convergence Clo ck Synchroniza

tion Algorithm using the BoyerMo ore Theorem Prover Contractor Re

p ort NASA April

Y Yu Automated Pro ofs of Ob ject Co de for a Widely Used Micro

pro cessor PhD Thesis The University of Texas at Austin Also

available through Systems Research Center Digital Equipment Corp o

ration Lytton Avenue Palo Alto California