THETUFTS DAILY \Where You Read It First Tuesday, April 24,2000 Volume XL. Number 58 1

Ornidvar4 meaksA at Tufts,/ encourages active citizenship by WILL KINLAW John DiBiaggio’s Community Forum on Omidyar, who received a Daily Editorial Board Leadership for Active Citizenship. In his BS incomputersciencein1989 How does one go from Pezdispensers to address, entitled “New Information Tech- after taking a break from the cover of Forbes Magazine? Tufts alum- nologiesand Civic Engagement,”Omidyar school to work for a software nusandeBay founder PierreOmidyarspoke praised Tufts for allowing students to pur- company in , re- about his remarkable business journey to a sue their own interests, and touted the centlydonated $IOmillion to crowd of 150 students and faculty in Cabot Internet as the developing global commu- help launch Tufts’ new Col- on Friday as part of Universitv President nity and marketplace of the 2 1st century. lege of Citizenship and Pub I ic Service. The idea for an Internet auction site first came to Omidyarwhen his wife Pam,a d ispenser col lector w ith a master’s degree in molecular engineering, was trying to find a way to communicate with fellow Pez enthusiasts. The concept eventually de- veloped intoa Websitewhere Pez dispensers, among other merchandise, could be bought and sold auction- style. The company, which

opened up with six employ- Justin tiolub ees in 1993,now employswell over 1,000 people, and con- eBay founder Pierre Omidyar tinues to expand into foreign markets. ends took only a few years to grow into a “There is a thirst for person-to-person multi-billion-dollar Internet auction com- community-something we’ve losta bit in pany. He said he quit his dayjob and turned American culture. What I want to do at his attention towards building the com- Tufts is help rekindle that a bit,” said pany when herealized thatthechecksflow- Omidyar, who went on to encourage audi- ing in from his Web site were adding up to encemembers to participateactively in their morethan hissalary. Withnearly 1OmiIlion Justin Golub communities. registeredusersand4 millionauctionseach Friday’s forum on Leadership for Active Citizenship took on a casual discus- Most of his discussion focused on his day, eBay is now the largest online trading sion form, as Urban and Environmental Policy profes,sor Brian O’Connell company’s rapid expansion. What began forum in the world. Users from around the asked Pierre Omidyar a number of questions about his business and beliefs. as Omidyar’s hobby on nights and week- globe can log in and place bids on a wide ne variety of items, including cars,. stamps, dolls, and recently, a surplus submarine. Environmental activist, former aierra “What eBay has done is create an effi- cient marketplace which ordinary people club president, Weirbach speaks at Tufts have access to,” Omidyar said. He went on A to say that his eventual goal is to create a by BROOKE MENSCHEL history because they are search- shrimp, which he said have the preschoolers, the testers asked “single, global marketplace where every- Daily Editorial Board ingforenvironmental asylum.” broad support of the American a group of Cornell seniors the one can participate.” Adam Werbach, the young- Kiribas, becauseofglobal wami- people. Regulationsthat call for same three questions, to which Omidyar touched briefly on the recent est-ever president of the Sierra ing, Werbach said, has lost 30 reform in these two industries one student admitted she could volatility in the tech-heavy NASDAQcom- Club, the nation’s largest envi- percent of its land to rising sea are encountering some road- sing, and two said they could posite, and on rumors of an eBay merger ronmental lobbying organiza- levels. Though the island has blocks, after the Mexican fish- draw. The moral of the story, with Internet heavyweight Yahoo! He also tion, shared his vision for activ- been continually inhabited by ing community complained that according to Werbach, is that discarded the notion that Internet stocks ism with Tufisstudentsthispast natives for the last 2,500 year:;, the regulations are in violation “thestudents, formerly kids, had have been overvalued of late, saying that he Fridayafternoon in Barnum 008. scientists predict that it will be of international trade law. forgotten how to sing, to draw, had faith in the market to determine the real Werbach enlightened the uninhabitable within 50 years. During his speech, Werbach and to dance.” price. “If the market says you’re worth X, packed room of students with On a more humorous note, told one of his favorite stories While Werbach acknowl- you’reworth X,”hesaid.“l’mabigbeliever anecdotal tales about his envi- Werbach recalled an experience aboutaCornell University group edged that many Americans in markets, that’s the business I’m in.” ronmental background in honor a few years ago when a friend which performed asurvey, ask- accuse the younger generation Omidyar said eBay is one of the few of Earth Day, which took place invited him togosurfing. Whe? ing preschoolers three ques- of being apathetic, he said the Internet companies that has been profitable on Saturday. he arrived, Werbach said he was tions: whocouldsing,whocould real problem is that the genera- since day one, thus distinguishing it from Werbach, who was elected joined by 1,OOOorsoothersurf- draw, and who could dance. In tion isdisillusionedbythe shady the slew ofdot-coms that have gone public to head up the Sierra Club four ers who tied toilet bowls to their each case, all the children raised years ago, at the age of 23, iold surf boards to send an environ- their hands. Following- the see SIERRA, _-page 2 see eBAY, --page 2 theaudiencestoriesaboutNewt mental message. “These surf- Gingrich, surfers, preschoolers, ers were sick of getting sick,” Prof. Dennett to lead panel discussion on and penguins, keeping the at- Werbach said. “There’s some- mosphere light, but also com- thing wrong when you have to technology in Indian culture municating interesting facts. He worry about going into the wa- Tufts philosophy professor Daniel Dennett, direc- acknowledged that India has good reason to be used examples to illustrate the ter ... It was so astoundingto sei: toroftheCenterforCognitive Studies,will leadapanel somewhat suspicious of modem science since much adverse effects of global waim- all these surfers organized, be- discussion tonight addressing the clash between scientific progress on the subcontinent has flown in ing and other problems plagu- cause organizing surfers is like Hinduism and Western-style science in India. The the face of Indian culture. However, Dennett went on ing the environment. herding cats.” panel will feature author MeeraNanda, Tufts profes- to describe post-modernist and multi-culturalist crit- Werbach spoke of an island Werbach also touched upon sor Sugata Bose, and Indian journalist Rakesh ics of modern science as having cavalier attitudes called Kiribas, which he de- the regulations involving dol.. Kalshian. towards the potentially negative impacts of their scribed as ‘‘a unique nation in phin-safe tuna and turtle-safe According to Dennett, the inevitable dispersion of theories. “You can’t count on people to get ,it right,” Western science into the third world has the potential he said. “Any ideas can and probably will be miscon- I Earth Dav .2000 celebrated 1 to cause severe turmoil if social science and cultural strued to start bad epidemics.” acceptance do not accelerate at the same pace as Nanda, author of The Science Wars in India, has technology. “Designing and implementing the cul- been branded as an imperial, Western oligarch by tural inoculations necessary to fend offdisaster, while Indian fundamentalists because of her pro-technol- respecting the rights of those in need of inoculation, ogy stance and her descriptions of the negative will be an urgent task ofgreat complexity,” he said. impacts ofso-called “Hindu science.” She is currently Indian skepticism of Western scientific methods completing her fellowshipat Boston University. Bose, datesbacktothedaysofGhandi,whosaid in 1908that who directs Tufts’ Center of South Asian and Indian “India’s salvation consists in unlearning what she has Ocean Studies and teaches Indian history at the learnt during the past 50 years or so. The rail, tele- Fletcher School, will offer a historical perspective. graph, hospital, lawyers, doctors, and such like have Kalshian, aNiemanjournalism fellow at Harvard, will all to go.” Today, most Hindu “anti-scientists” sub- discuss his experiences as a journalist in New Delhi, scribeto the beliefthat Western science, likeareligion, and share his views on technology’s diffusion into is just one among a plethora of non-definitive expla- the third world. nations for the universe. The panel will begin at 7:30 p.m. tonight in Cabot of the Environmental Consciousness Outreach “The impact of science and technology is always Auditorium. I ianted a tree outside Lewis Hall on Friday in cei- I complex. It’s one of the most important problems (ebra&n of Earth Day, wlhich was Saturday. I facinrrtheworldinthe21stcentury,”Dennettsaid. He -Will Kinlaw 2 THE TUFTSDAILY April 24,2000 The Dailv Weather Forecast Today Tomorrow Wednesday

Janitors union, Clouds part. Windy. Mostly sunny. Cool sea breeze. Clouding up, Rain? High: 55 High: 50 High: 50 contractors reach Low: 38 Low: 39 Low: 42 tentative ayreementc The union representing striking janitors reached a tentative :ontract agreement Saturday night with 18 cleaning companies. The 8,500 Los Angeles Countyj&itors will continue their nearly hree-week-old walkout, however, until they vote on the proposed ieal at 1 1 a.m. Monday, union local President Mike Garcia said. Both sides agreed not to release details of the agreement before Monday, but Garciasaid the janitors “should be very happy with the erms.” The deal is subject to approval by members of the Service 3mployees International Union, AFL-CIO, which represents the itriking janitors, who earn an average of $7.20 an hour. eBAY breed.” teur at managing big companies, The outcome of the strike - which by the weekend had come continued from page 1 fown to just a five-cents-an-hour difference between janitors and In advising potential entrepre- Omidyar is no longer the CEO, but heir employers, is expected to set the tone for negotiations on over the past few years. The com- neurs, Omidyar encouraged them he still chairs the board of direc- :ontracts covering 100,000 union members this summer, including pany had its highly successful to make certain that they had a tors. The most important thing, he eachers, actors, county workers, and bus mechanics, county labor initial publicoffering in 1998,dur- sound business model, and to said, is for the founders of a com- ’ederation leaders have said. ing a time when an unstable mar- bring in the right people for the pany to be passionate about what The sticking point had been the amount of raises in the first year ket was preventing a number of right job. He attributed much of they are doing. If the proposed three-year contract forjanitors working outside the other Internet start-ups from sell- eBay’s success to the smart people “Once you’re passionate about righly unionizedcores ofdowntown Los Angeles and Century City. ing shares. “I think that spoke to he has hired, who, according to something,that usuallymeans that In Thursday, contractors agreed to offer 25-cent raises, while the the quality of the company,” he Omidyar, are smarter than the you’ll do what it takes to make it inion, which initially sought $1, insisted on 30 cents. said. “We’re really a different founder. A self-proclaimed ama- succeed,” he said. Cuban voices not Adam Werbach shares acticism experiences SIERRA need to change our values,” was trying to change our state of continued from page 1 Werbach said. “Change the way mind. Hewastryingtotelluswe’re unified over Elian politics ofthe 1990s. people look at big holes like the young and we’re capable, and no HAVANA -The Cuban community across the Straits of “The truth of the matter is, we Grand Canyon, change the way one should be able to tell us what nay havebeen in turmoil Saturdayafierthe USgovernment’sseizure care, but we’re incredibly cynical people like waiters think they can we’re not.” )f six-year-old Elian Gonzalez. But here in the Cuban capital, the about the levers of change that make changes.” Stroback added that students ionosphere was almost as if nothing had happenedjust before dawn have been offered to us,” he said. Freshman Sarah Stroback re- gained a sense of empowerment n Miami. People went about their weekend routines as television “My sense is that we’re going to marked that those in attendance from Werbach’s message. “Prob- eturned to normal programming, and government leaders told the have to bring back the students were able to relate well to Webach ably the best thing he told us was bublic to neither celebrate nor demonstrate. who have forgotten how to sing, because of his youth. “He spoke when someone asked us what we At Havana’s Jose Marti anti-imperialist open stage in front ofthe dance, and draw.” of values and changing values in can do as individuals, he said ‘just JS Interests Section -the site of massive government “free Elian” Werbach remembered a mo- order to make change in society, live simply,”’ she said. “He told lemonstrations during the past month - only five police officers ment walking along the rim ofthe and I rarely hear young people students that they’re just as ca- tood guard. Grand Canyon with President speak of values, so in that way he pable as he is to make concrete Cuban President Fidel Castro spoke ata previously scheduled Clinton and encouraging the really caught my attention,” she change, and we should not have ally in the province of Matanzas, where he thanked the American President to look over the edge said. “He discussed a lot of posi- this sense of hopelessness and ;overnmentand told more than 100,000demonstrators it was neither and marvel at the beauty. Accord- tive and negative issues. He wasn’t we should feel like we do have a I time nor an event to celebrate. ing to Werbach, the President telling us this is what we need to future and we do have a hand in it. A communique written by Castro and issued earlier in theday told looked, but he didn’t marvel. “We do in order to make change, but he He left us with a sense of hope.” he Cuban people, “The fight for Elian is not over, yet the return of he child to his father is a step toward the right thing to do.” On state television, images of Elian in the arms of an INS officer vere replayed, but no pictures appeared ofwhat had occurred inside lis great-uncle’s house in Miami’s Little Havana. Cuban viewers vere amazed to see Elian’s Floridarelatives openlycriticizing Presi- lent Clinton and Attorney General Janet Renoand calling them liars. Thousands celebrate Earth Day on mall in D.C. - Thousands of people converged Saturday ipon the muddy grass of the National Mall to celebrate the 30th lnniversaryof Earth Day in a festival that mixed passionate environ- nentalism with the mellow atmosphere of a weekend outing. Holding small tree saplings and wearing assorted environmental tickers, celebrants wandered through displays of electric cars and olar panels under leaden skies while various religious leaders iffered prayers for the Earth. Vice President AI Gore helped kick off the daylong festival of peeches and songs, calling the next ten years “the environment lecade.” “When it comes to our air, our water, and the earth itself, we all lave a responsibility to look not just to ourselves, not just to the iolitics orprofits ofthemoment, but to futuregenerations,” he said. “We have to stand against the apologists for pollution, those vho believe in the old politics of environmental irresponsibility.” Gore outlined his environmental priorities for the next decade, ncluding protecting public land, encouraging livable growth, and aking steps to reverse global warming. He also stressed the need to ut air pollution generated by power plants. LIKE THE WAY THE DAILY LCDCDKS? The Democratic candidate has been stressing his environmental redentials in his presidential bid and he encountered a warm DCDN’T? eception Saturday, as many in the audience booed the mention of Leepublican candidate George W. Bush. Compiled from the Los Angeles Times-Washington Post News Service and TMS Campus News Service PRCBDUCTICDN NEEDS Y@U! CALL ~73090. THE TUFTSDAILY April 24,2000 3

Easter bird fior Dental school uses technology An Ud the rest of us to make visits far less painful We’re not even supposed to be writing this today. h’o, othei by NEIL TAY U)R tients and making them feel more Asyou have heard from thou- members of the Daily Staff are supposed to write it, bui: they’re Daily Editorial Board comfortable, we build trust. When sands of people throughout your offcelebrating Easter. I hope they have fun with that. Meanwhile. It is a known fact: Americans there is trust, there is less anxiety life, brushing and flossing twice a us Jews are stuck here in front ofa computer deciding what you’re fear dentists more than any other and fear.” day is essential for proper tooth going to read for the next 800 profession. Everyone remembers Although we are not children maintenance, but, unfortunately, not the excruciatingsoundofthe drill, anymore, college lifestyle makes enough students do this. After pol- that sharp metal tool that dentists us very prone to developing more ishing offthat chickenpm calzone probe your gums with, and the cavities. Between regular visits to atthree in themoming, makingthat sucking tube that always sticks to the dentist, there are a number of small trip to the bathroom before Jon Japha and your tongue whenever you try to things you can do to keep your retiring to bed can make a huge I We know this story about a talk. For these reasons, most mouth healthier. Foods with car- difference, since bacteria will be Ilene Stein but be warned, it people develop a fear of dentist bohydrates and sugars should be developing in your mouthallnight. doesn’t really go anywhere. office visits at a very young age. avoided because they produce If not for your teeth, at least do this So our Uncle Bill is walking Thanks to the experts at the lactic acid that erodes tooth forthe sake your friends, with whom - Tufts School of Dentistry, many of his dog at 6:45 in the morning, and he finds this parrot ;ying on enamel and causes decay. Try not you have to eat breakfast with the the sidewalk. But we’ll get back to the parrot in asecond, because these fearswill beallayed forchil- to leave that bag of Doritos lying next morning. .here’s a little background info you’re going to need if you want dren. New technology could actu- around your room because con- Thanks to new developments at :o understand our story about a par- ally make pediatric dentistry a pain- stant snaking means acid produc- our dental school, your next dentist .ot. less process, and possibly dispel tion all day long. appointment may not have to be as Bill has two friends in the con- our fears of the dentist early on. Tufts dentists also advise to painful or as unpleasant as it once struction business, Harvey and his “Thetools in pediatric dentistry limit food and utensil sharing, be- was. For more information on oral ;on Lonnie. Lonnie has always are improving all the time, so pro- cause tooth decay is a low-grade health, consulttheAmerican Acad- rvanted a parrot, just like any other cedures are becoming easier and infectious disease that can be emy of Pediatric Dentistry’s tid, so he went to a parrot breeder, less painful for children,” Dr. transmitted between people. ind spent lots of time, weeks really, George White, professor of pedi- :etting acquainted with a parrot. atric dentistry said in a press re- In case you didn’t know, for a lease. larrot to come home with you, you The days of the painful Said reinvents himself nust spend some quality time with it. dentist’sdrill could be numbered, by JEREMY WANG-IVERSON to work for a school teacher in Long story short, Lonnie brought as a new, painless process could Daily Editorial Board Lebanon who, incidentally,taught iome, and they’ve enjoyed a nice life togeiher since those replace it. An air abrasion tech- To fully appreciate Edward Saidduringhischildhood inCairo. ‘un-filled days at the breeder. But let’s get back to Uncle Bill. nique, which uses a steady stream Said’s lecture in Cabot last Tues- Thus, itwouldfollowthathismem- Bill has just found this parrot on the ground, and sees that ofaluminum oxide“dust” particles, day, you’d need to have some oirs would inform his perspective iomething is wrong with it, so he picks it up and brings it home. will actually brush cavities from sense about what Said did to jus- ratherthanjust write hisown tomb- iethen proceeds to put it in a shoebox and calls Harvey t seven the tooth’s surface, with no drill tifyamemoirinthefirstplace.Said, stone or have a good excuse to n the morning to tell him that he has an emergency brewing over required. Not only will this pro- 65, is aprominent literary scholar. publish his elementary school re- it his house. cess bequickerand more efficient, He’s the University Professor of port cards, which he does. The So Bill jumps in his ’84 Dodge Hatchback and drives over to but itwill alsoeliminatethespine- English and Comparative Litera- coincidence strangely bridged 4arvey and Lonnie’s house on the other side of town. Once he tingling sound of the drill as it ture at Columbia University, but Said’s seemingly separate forays ;ets to the house, they all decide that they should take the parrot grinds though your teeth. he’s undoubtedly more prominent into politics and his schooling. n the shoebox over to the breeder. Since Harvey’s car is faster, Soft tissue lasers will also re- as one of the leading spokesman “Life in those days, it was very hey all pile into his truck. place agonizingly crude instru- in this country for the Palestinian different from the world of today They bring the parrot to the breeder, who takes one look at this ments which dentists use for gum movement, whose primary agenda and far too little known,” Said ,athetic bird, and says “this parrot’s diseased. This is a diseased removal. Hard tissue lasers will is the recovery of a homeland. added, explaining one motivation ,arret." also be able to take care of smaller His sizable and varied accom- forthebook. Hecalled hisbookan The breeder wraps the parrot in yesterday’s newspa.per be- cavities, in aprocesssimilar to the plishments were indicated by the inadvertent bold undertaking as :awe he doesn’t want to come into contact with the diseased air abrasion technique. Mike fact that he was introduced three memoirs in the Arab tradition fo- ,arret and brings it over to a tree outside the office. The breeder Beaser, asophomoreexcited about times by Vice-president of Arts, cus on religious and political be- hen takes out a .357magnum and, from five feet away, opens fire these dental advancements, re- Sciences, and Technology Me1 liefs, and he discussed personal m the parrot, to the complete shock ofthe horrified Bill, Harvey, membered a numberofunpleasant Bernstein, Middle East history subjects, which were generally md Lonnie. experiences at the dentist. professor Leila Fawaz, and English considered taboo. Again he cre- Fortunately, the breeder has never had a good shot, and “I don’tthinkl waseverscared department chair Jonathan Wil- ated a split, an Arab writing an nisses the parrot, who, alarmed at being shot at, attempts to ofthe dentist, but I thought it was son. If further evidence of his di- American memoir. ‘scape.The breeder, now pissed off because he missed, empties a miserable experience,” Beaser chotomous life is necessary, Said He discussed confronting his lis pistol at the bird, and finally brings down the escaping,parrot. said. “They used those pointy just published The End of the morality, saying he would have The breeder said, “Well, that takes care of that” and walked things to scrape your teeth, and it Peace Process this month, which been surprised ifyou had told him nside. Bill, Harvey, and Lonnie stared at the dead bird for a few gavemethechills. Sometimesthey condemns the 1993 Israeli and he’d be alive to hear the thoughts ninutes in silence wondering what they could do. The bird was poked my gums, and they started Palestinian accord. of his close friends and relatives aying in hot brush, which they couldn’t touch, and none ofthem to bleed. With these lasers, I think Rather than lecture about his about his book. He first consid- vere about to go inside to have a chat with the breeder, because, people would be less scared ofthe controversial political beliefs or ered amemoir in 1989, and within vell, you’d be scared, too, so they all hopped in Harvey’s truck dentist.” what Columbiapays him to lecture years his mother died, and he was nd drove home. Using computers, dentists can about, hediscussed his 1999 book diagnosed with cancer. He re- Strange story, but it really happened. If you’re still I-eading also enhance digital radiography Outofplace: A Memoir, winnerof counted 12 weeks in 1998when he his, you may be asking why we would feel the need to tell this x-rays to diagnose or minimize the New Yorker Book Award for underwent experimentaltreatment tory in a somewhat-respected publication. First, this somewhat- problems beforethey start. Instead non-fiction. In his lecture, as in his for his disease, writing as dawn espected publication has absolutely nothing else to print be- of the standard x-ray, the digital book, he focused on the conse- broke, then spending eight hours ause most people are gone celebrating Easter (get the connec- version can be viewed on a com- quences of baring it all, from get- a day in rigorous, painful treat- ion to the opening paragraph). puterwith moreaccuracyandclar- ting diagnosed with leukemia in ment. The struggle seemed more The second and, we feel, more important reason, is that this ity, allowing the dentist to make a 1991 to his complex relationship apparent as Said battled a cold tory has a few morals. For one, Bill may be the only American more educated decision and pin- with his father. Said explained the while speaking. dho actually scoops up roadkill when he or she passes it. Don’t point potential problems before pros and cons of such a pursuit, “I discovered I was not afraid o what Bill did. While it may seem humanitarian, roadkill is they become serious. ranging from being barraged by of death,” Said said, later adding, iseased and doesn’t need you picking it up. These new advances in instru- complaintsfrom close friendsand “Sept. 1998was my weakest point. Another moral is that you should check out your parrot mentation allow thedentisttowork relatives to being reunited with I finished the last pages [of Out of .ceders before you buy aparrot there. See ifthey have a criminal more quickly, giving him or her old friends. Place] on the verge of dying.” :cord, or have spent any time in a correctional facility. more time to spend with the pa- “I’ve been reconnecting with But Said is pushing on. If two The most important moral is that, while people say that guns tient. Many children are afraid of people that have been separated books in two years isn’t indication m’t solve problems, they’re clearly wrong. Not that we’re in not only the tools that dentists by years, wars, death, and revolu- enough, he’s working on a book ivor ofthe NRA, but you have to think that the gun solved the use, but of their serious or fright- tion,” Said said. about Beethoven. He seems con- -oblem here. The diseased parrot was a problem, znd the ening personalities as well. Be- One particularly significant vinced the end is near, calling his *ceder's .357 took care ofthat problem. cause of this, dental schools are reconnection for Said was hearing successful 1998 treatment a ‘re- The least important moral is that there’s this place Parrot finally teaching their students from the widow of an old friend to mission’ and not a cure. But he ingle in Ft. Lauderdale where they have a parrot zoo. This zoo better ways to communicate with whom Saiddedicatedhis1992 book, applies his pessimism to his politi- as destroyed by Hurricane Andrew and all the parrots flew their young patients. The QuestionofPalestine.After her cal work as well, as his latest book uay and started breeding in the wild, creating this race of “Dental schools are teaching husband’s death, she disappeared questions whether the 1993 Is- seased parrots. students interpersonal relation- from Said’slife,onlytoemergewith raeli-Palestinian Peace Accord is So I guess that’s another moral. Don’t breed in the wild. ship techniques in hopes of de- the publishing of Out of Place. of any worth. Ethan Bronner drew creasing the child’s fear factor,” Days beforecomingto Boston, the parallel in last Sunday’s New In Japha and Ilene Stein, sophomores majoring in political White said in a press release. “By Said spoke to the widow and ience, love telling random stories and being Jewish. getting to know our young pa- learned that in the 1960s she went see SAID, page 17 4 THETUFTS DAILY April 24,2000


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THETUFTS DAILY April 24,2000 5 Arts &? Entertainment band ‘Shines’ at Karma Baseball fever Boston fans ‘Revel’ in powerful McGee performance by SAMANTHA SNlTOW acoustic to electric, catchy cho- Walsh’s solo was Williams with Rain. Cold. Rain. More cold. Jeez. Just when we were getting Senior Staff Writer ruses to glowing instrumentals. another crowd favorite, a rendi- psyched about spring training and the beginning of baseball season, Good music, dancing, and a The rich harmonies within the tion of Billy Joel’s “Piano Man”. winter hit again. The thing to do when that happens is renl a baseball packed crowd of college students sheer instrumental beauty of “1 With his playful enthusiasm and movie. There’s something warm is nothing- new at Club Karma. Know”madethecrowdmelt,while the adaDtation ofa few kev words and fuzzy about watcning a film the toe-tapping beat of “Minute” (“he kn&s it’sPatM&&hey’ve version of the great American Pat McGee 1 inspired the dancing once again. beencomingtosee.. .”), thecrowd Calling From pastime. And despite the artifici- All night, the Pat McGee Band roared. And when it seemed like ality of the sports scenes them- rocked the house, although it did the solos just couldn’t get any LEE!selves, there is something to be said for not having to sit through nine at Karma take a bit of time for the house to better, McGee came out and per- innings waiting for the dramatic parts. Even better, the film interpre- start rocking. Despite Boston’s formed a rare treat, the Allman tation of baseball transcends boundaries between the people who like reputation of being home to the Brothers’ “Midnight Rider.” The baseball and the people who don’t. Even ifyou don’t enjoy watching This past Wednesday night how- craziest shows of the band’s audience didn’t let McGee down, the game on television, you can’t possibly argue that Kevin Costner ever, theclub-goerswerejamming extensive tour list, this as at one point he stopped playing isn’t a sexy “Crash” Davis, or that Madonna doesn’t look hot in a toadifferent beat. ThePatMcGee ‘‘4 crowd was a and let the crowd take over. Band roared into town for its G$.so‘“.OO ;%E& baseball uniform. 4f)eO4?I i t t I e Following the solos, the band The definitive baseball flick is, of course, FieldofDrerrms. Kevin first of two nights at the Bos- Q,? 40 ,?“Q .o, 7 broke out into “Rebecca,” its trade- Costner is Ray Kinsella, an ex-hippie, wannabe farmer in who tonnightspot.Onthe3rdweek PQI ’f4@&.&%Q* *r mark tune, and the first song hears voices. This is the film that birthed the famous catchphrase, “If ofthe tour debuting its new- J&pls CUJ& *so McGee wrote when he was start- e :$F~~~ Q you build it, he will come.” The best part is that, when he starts talking est CD Shine, the band put p,SO ** %f) ing out at Longwood College. back to the voices, he must explain the situation to his wife. “It’s okay, out over two hours ofgreat , %%at- 74 ‘?‘*3’‘ ST Bassist John Small had a stupen- honey.1.. . I wasjusttalkingtothecornfield.”RaybuiIdsthe field,plays music, both new and old. Doo& ~4~~~~~~~~~~ dous solo which highlighted his baseball with some of the greats, finds Terrence Mann (J.D. Salinger Defined by fans as “grassroots, technical strengths. McGee an- in the book version, Shoeless Joe), plays baseball with his deceased acoustic,melodicpop rock,” influ- sweredwith someseriousjamming. father, and almost loses his farm. In the end, ofcourse, he lives happily ences from the Allman Brothers to respond. Chris Williams refused to be left ever after. When Ray and his dad have a catch, it drives even the and Crosby, Stills, and Nash are However, once out, as he started dancing back by toughest guys to tears. Baseball sentimentality doesn’t get any better. not hard to spot. “Passion” hit the floor. his drums. Some more Another nostalgic favorite is 1984’s The Natural with Robert improv appeared as if it Redford. Ifyou’ve everwondered why yourmom has such a big crush might bring it home, as on Robert Redford, this one will give you a pretty good idea. He’s one McGee stepped up to ofthe most attractive old guys in the world. Redford is Roy Hobbs, a themike to wrap up with baseball player past his prime who comes out ofnowhere to relive the the last chorus. Instead, fame that was cut short in his youth when he was shot by a mysterious the band slipped right woman in black. A bat named Wonder Boy and a final scene in which into Bob Marley’s “NO ahomerun literallybringsdownthe housetop thisoffasonecsfthegreat ‘Woman No Cry” and, baseball filmsofalltime. after a minute or two, Ifyou can’t get enough Costner, there’s a little flick abou t AAA ball swung backand finished called Bull Durham. Susan Sarandon is in true form here as a Annie Rebecca. Savoy, asemi-professional fan who follows the Durham BLIls and has One notable an affair with at least one player every season. She somehow manages difference between toplay promiscuous without seeming slutty. Costner is“Crash”Davis, Shine and the previous arough-and-tumblekindofguy, acatcherwhooncemadeittothe Show ’two studio records is the (a.k.a. “the majors”). Tim Robbins is “Nuke” LaLoosh, the star rookie , slightly new sound that pitcher who eventually does make it to the majors. Crash anclNuke butt gerquarters. But PMB is accompanies it, as well heads, Nuke and Annie get it on, and AAA ball gets a great name. One very conscious of its grassroots the fans awoke and didn’t look as McGee’s shift towards a more ofmoviedom’s greatest monologues come directly from the mouth of following, and is more occupied back. electric approach. Chardy Costner in this film. “I believe in the soul, the cock, the pussy, the small with that than trying to snag a hit A treat for the crowd was the McEwan stepped from behind his ofawoman’s back, the hanging curve ball, high fiber, good scotch, and overtheairways. Whilethe band’s introduction of saxophonist percussion set to strum a guitar that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. 1 believe there ought to be a first single “Runaway” is currently Michael Ghegan, who sat in on a beside band mates McGee and constitutional amendment outlawing Astroturf and the designated receivingrotation in various radio few songs. Ghegan, formerly a Walsh. During“Hero” and“What hitter. I believe in the sweet spot, soft-core pornography, opening your markets nationwide, its success is memberofthe skagroup Fighting Ya Got”, the new role for the per- presents Christmas morning ratherthan Christmas Eve and 1: believe in not the main concern. PMB’s Gravity, is no stranger to PMB cussionist seemed natural. He is long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days.” Mmmm. hopes for the tour have a slightly fans. Hegelswith the bandas ifhe as confident in the spotlight as he One of Bull Durham ’s best scenes occurs when the players have different focus. were a full-time member, and his is out of it. McEwan, or “Brother a meeting on the field -ever wonder what they’re saying up there on “We’re not going to stop tour- sax not only compliments the Chaos” as he is known to loyal the mound when the pitcher’s getting nervous? Bet you neverthought ing,” guitarist and lead vocalist sound, but lifts it to an even higher fans, brings more depth to the they were discussing the propriety of various wedding presents. Pat McGee said. “We want to get level. The crowd’s response was alreadyrich album. There’s even a baseball movie appropriate for a girly night. This is the new record out there as much nearly deafening. With another shift back to not to stereotype. If you’re the kind of girl who loves baseball, all the as possible, acoustic, MCGee more power to you -talk baseball to a guy and he’ll start swooning grassroots style. Ra- stepped up and illus- all over you. A League ofTheir Own,starring Geena Davis, Madonna, dio isn’t the only trated his superb lyri- Tom Hanks, David Strathairn, and Rosie O’Donnell, amon3 others, is savior. We have too cal grace. A sea of achickflickwithtestosterone. It’s 1945,themenarestillatwar,andthe many grassroots smiles lit up the club women step up to take the place ofmen’s baseball in the GBPL. This fans to be worrying with the opening isn’t softball,either. It’s hard-throwing, competitive, big-time ball, and if it’s on the radio or strands of “Haven’t thegirlsaredamngoodatwhattheydo. The best line iswhenMadonna, not. Word of mouth Seen ForAwhile”.Tra- who makes a real stretch and plays a slut, starts talking about a way to is what has worked ditionally performed increase publicity. She suggests allowing her uniform to pl3p open to for us in the past.” solo, this version was let her boobs to fly out. O’Donnell turns and deadpans, “You think As a. lyricist, accompanied by the there are men in this country who ain’t seen your bosoms?’ McGee is powerful, full band. Written Thereisn’tmuchofaconflict in thisone-themain problem isthat, eloquent, and about the struggle of when the war isover, they plan on gettingrid ofwomen’s baseball, and straight to the heart. long distance summer that doesn’t fly too well with the girls. A secondary conflict rests in the Ranging from love, “Haven’t Seen” relationship between Davis’ character and her younger sisl er, played “Shine” and the has become an an- by Lorie Petty, but that doesn’t add up to much. The really touching memory of a fallen them of sorts for many part is that all this is based on a true story, and the film pays homage friend to LLRunaway” couples in PMB’s fan to a league that was before its time. Tidbit trivia: Gam Marshall and its contagious base. produced/directed quite a few television shows, and often cast sister chorus, McGee en- Paul Gutman Although this Penny in the lead roles, such as Laverne in his successful Lmerne and [ices fans and draws Percussionist Chardy Mewan. was the band’s sev- Shirley sitcom. Now when Penny directs, as she did A League of Their them in. His talent enth performance in Own, shecasts brother Carry. Look for him as Harvey ofthe Harvey Bar for songwriting is unquestionable Otherhighlights included atrio five days, its enthusiasm and en- chocolate company, which sponsors the girls league. and emphasized by the warm har- of solo songs performed by gui- ergy neverdied. On the 18th song, That should tide you over. Let’s cross our fingers that next week monies that flow from band mem- tarist Walsh, pianist Williams, and “Pride,” the boys were still grin- doesn’t get this kind of weather. Spring Fling is almost upon us, and bers AI Walsh, Jonathan Will- McGee. Walsh, born in Boston, ning,jokingaroundwiththecrowd it’sabouttime wegot somespring fever. One lastbit ofinspii.ation,and iams, and McGee himself. played the hometown favorite and each other, and playing as if it comes from themouth ofJames Earl Jones asTerrence Mann in Field Versatility seems to be one of “Sweet Baby James”. Struck by they had just taken the stage. of Dreams: “The one constant through all the years, Ray, has been the bands finest traits, one of the his entrancing vocals, astound- McEwan was having a great time baseball. America has rolled by like an army ofsteamroller:;. It’s been factors that lures fans and keeps ingly similartoJamesTaylor’s,the in the back, using one ofthe stuffed erased like a blackboard, rebuilt, and erased again. But baseball has thtm coming back for more. crowd’s exclamation of “from monkeys that hangs from his bon- markedthetime. This field,thisgame, isapartofourpast, Ray. Itreminds Wednesday night, PMB easily Stockbridge to BOSTON!” was us of all that once was good, and that could be again.” ;witched back and forth from that much wilder. Following see MCGEE, page 15 6 THETUFTS DAILY April 24,2000 A lifetime of croodI in a matter of minutes



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call the LCS office x3643 to make ail apyoiiitiiieiit or if you have any questions! THETUFTS DAILY April 24,2000 Sports 7 Tufts defea.ts Camel.s in0 rain0 by JON JAPHA and two-goal lead with just under 14 “She did areally ADAMKAMINS minutes remaining. good job of keep- Daily Editorial Board Despite the tough scoring con- ing us in the game Just because every other sport- ditions due to the weather, the with some of those ing event was rained out on Satur- Jumbos knew that atwo-goal lead saves,” Snitow day didn’t mean the women’s la- might not be enough, and they said. “She doesn’t were proved correct when Conn. play likeafieshman Women’s College started a comeback when at all.” senior tri-captain Sandra With thewin,the Lacrosse Cruzzavala scored with five min- Jumbos not only utes to play in the contest to make keep up the three- Tufts 7 it just a one goal game. game winning Conn. College 5 Tufts was determined not to streak, but may fall victim to any comebacks, have assured them- crosse team wasn’t going to take though, as sophomore Christina selves of a third or the slushy field against visiting Orfresponded to the Carnels’ goal fourth seed in the College. Neither the just ten seconds later with a tally upcoming playoffs, rain nor the Camels could slow of her own. It was all Tufts from good for home-field down the red-hot lax team, as it that point on, as the Jumbos cruised advantage. came out of the downpour with a to the finish with their two-goal Saturday’s win 7-5 victory, its fourth win in the last lead intact. waspreceded by an five attempts. This was also the “We fought hard to get that easy triumph at first time since 1995that the Jum- two-goal lead,” Snitow“Then Mount Holyoke on bos had beaten Conn. College. we just totally controlled the ball Thursday. “It was a huge win,” sopho- for the last five minutes ” That game was more Samantha Snitow said. “It Control was not an easy thing practically over be- wasagreatfeelingtoknowthat we to keep in Saturday’s contest, as fore it began, as could beat them.” therain and slippery field wreaked Tuftsjumped out to ~... - . Jacob Sirberberg Despite Tufts’ superior record, havoc for both teams. The Jumbos a 5-0 lead after Just Sophomore Liz Horowitz and the women’s lacrosse team extended their the game was tight throughout, as insist, though, that no team had an six minutes. The winning streak to three games witha 7-5 win over Conn College on Saturday. the Camels bounced back from an advantage because of the rain. Jumboswereled by early 2-0 deficit to tie the score at “They had played their last juniorJenGregorian’stwogoalsin early on and held on down the added a goal with 8.6 seconds three by the half. The second half, three games in the rain, so they the early going and never looked stretch in the second half, in an remainingtogivetheteam acom- while just as tightly contested as were used to it,” Snitow said. “But back. Mount Holyoke finally got exciting, 1 1 -1OwinatColby. manding 8-4 lead, in spite of the the first, would go in Tufts’ favor, we had a good practice in the rain on the scoreboard a few minutes Tufts took command from the loss of its leadinggoal- and point- however, as junior Katie last week, so we were also ready. later, but Tufts responded with six beginning, riding excellent ball scorer. Team members were espe- Richardson played the key role. We knew that we coulcln’t let it unanswered goals to take an 1 1- 1 control and shot selection. The cially pleased with the way that Conn. Collegestruck firstblood affect us. Some people were slip- halftime lead. youngteam looked mature beyond they kept their composure after ’ in the second half, but the Jumbos ping and losing the ball, but we With the game put away, its years inmaintainingitscoinpo- IosingGregorian. bounced back to tie it at four, be- just had to try and ignore it.” Rappoli emptied the Tufts bench. sure every time Colby scored. “We have been working a lot fore Richardson came through with Another factorthe Jurnbos had Each team scored twice in the sec- “From the beginning, we were back-to-backgoals, giving Tufts a to concentrate on was the defense, ondhalf,makingthefinalscore 13- playingsolidly,” Holtzman said. see LACROSSE, page 13 as Tufts was able to shut down 3. Even when Gregorian was thecamels’ leading scorer. Jumbo The team was led by forced to sit for much of the first Conn. College 5 coach Carol Rappoli decided to Richardson, whoscored five goals, half with a yellow card, the team Tufts 7 I use Orf to faceguarcl Conn. andGregorian, who put the ball in showed agood deal ofmaturity in Monday, April 24 College’s star, and the strategy the net fourtimes. Freshman Dana stepping up its intensity. The Softball: vs. Amherst (2), Conn. College 3 2 -- 15 worked to perfection. Chivvis, Orf, junior Jenn Greene, squad’s offense rallied and turned 3:30,p.m. Tufts 34-- 4 “Christina did a great job,” and freshman Ursula Stahl each atightgame intoonethattheJum- Tuesdav, April 25 Snitow said. “She did a great job added a goal in the romp. Junior bos had complete command of Goals: C: Laura Highmark 2, Anna Trafton, Baseball: vs. Babson, 3 p.m. Meghan Welch, Sandra Cruzzavala; T Jen of shutting her down. She took Meghan Holtzman and sophomore going into the half. Men’s Lacrosse: vs. Bentley, Gregorian 2. Katie Richardson 2, Liz her out of the game.” LizHorowitzadded threeand two Thekey playerbehind theJum- p.m. Horowitz. Maureen Mahon, Christian Od 3:30 Of course, goalkeeping was a assists, respectively. Kristan was bos’ solid first half was junior at- Softball: @ Bowdoin (2), Assists: C: Welch. big help on the defensive front, as strong in net, with seven saves. tacker Katie Richardson, who 3:30 p.m. freshman Ari Kristan continued On the previous Saturday, the scored three unanswered goals to Saves: C: Elayna Zachko 9; T An Kristan Men’s Tennis: @ Babson, 3 her solid play, making ten saves. Jumbos seized control ofthe game close out the period. Horowitz D.m. Changes in NBA need playoff payoff This was supposed to be the season of But lost in the excitement over the next offtime inonemorevalianteffortforaring. season. Unfortunately, after one weekend transition fortheNational Basketball Associa- generation oftalent isasmall group of play- And then imagine the look on Shaq’s face of basketball, things don’t look so promis- tion. SinceNovember,theNBA,NBC,andTNT ers who were the Shaqs and Iversons of the when Malone shoots him down, and the ing. Only one team, , managed to score have worked last decade. Patrick Ewing, Gary Payton, hunger the Lakers will bring to the court over 100 points, save for the run-and-gun $1 $1 tirelessly to ReggieMiller, Tim Hardaway, and,ofcourse, next season after being stopped short ofthe Lakers-Kings game, in which both teams Full court usher in a new John Stockton ;and Karl Malone are still Finals. went over the century mark. Six teams fin- era of profes- around, still searching for that ever-elusive The road to that Lakers-Jazz series ished under 90. Games were every bit as 11 Press 11 sional hoops, championship ring. The collision between should be great as well. These playoffs physical as last year, and isolation play was latching onto these two generations has created the most stand out for the quantity of competitive still the norm. young stars in an effort to increase the popu- compellingplayc ffdraw in sometime, chock- early matchups. TheTimberwolves can take The league has put itself in a position to larity of the sagging, post-Jordan league. full ofstorylines and potentially epic series. the Blazers. The Raptors will challenge the recapture the fans it has alienated with During the regular season, this strategy Yesterday, the Knicks and Raptors per- Knicks. IfGrant Hill’s ankle heals, Miami boring play, high ticket prices, and labor worked. The league got a new dominant fectly encapsu1x:ed this clash in time. The had better watch out. The 4-5 matchups are disputes. Clearly, there are a number of team, the Lakers, led by two outstaind, and young Raptors entered Madison Square Gar- dead even. Even the 1-8, Lakers-Kings se- great stories surrounding this year’s play- perhapsmore importantly, marketable,play- den intheirpurpleuniforms,armedwithCarter ries is compelling -no team better repre- offs. But no matterhowcompellingacertain ers: Shaquille O’Neal and Kobe Bryant. and his dunkin’ cousin, Tracy McGrady, for sentstheNBA’s recenteniphasis on hyping matchup may be, no one will care if the Vince Carter won the Slam Dunk Contest, the franchise’sfirstplayoffgame. There stood young talent than Sacramento, with Chris quality of basketball still stinks. No one is dropped 50 on Phoenix in his NBC debut, the Knicks, anchored by the 37-year-old Webber and Jason Williams featured in going to tune in to watch Vince Carter get and gave the fans the high-wire act they had Ewing, a team thixt has qualified forthe play- every commercial, halftime feature, and Pez bumped three times every time he cuts been craving since Michael Jordan retired. offs for 13 straight seasons, only to come up dispenser the league produces. The spunky through the lane, or Larry Johnson dribble Carter joined a group of young stars, in- short each time. As Carter struggled to over- Kings may be overmatched by the Lakers, 1 1 times before shooting fadeway jumper cluding Tim Duncan, Kevin Garnett, Grant come his jitters, missing his first 12 shots but they won’t go down without a few no- while isolated on the right block. Hill, Allen Iverson, O’Neal, and Bryant, before nailing a :flurry of baskets late in the look passes and 100-point games. The NBA has to remain focused on the among others, that will now be expected to game, Ewing stood tall, preventing a Knicks Wait a minute, 100-point games, you brave and necessary changes it instituted at carry the league for the next decade. collapse with low-post scoringreminiscent of ask? This is the NBA, no one reaches that the start of the season. The regular season But even David Stem could not have hisyoungerself.Themessagefiom Ewingto mark anymore, especially in the playoffs. is largely an extended pre-season for the expected the good fortune his league re- Carter was clear: “Not yet, young fella.” Well, before the regular season started, the league’s best teams. Forthe rules changes to ceived when nearly every young, high- Imaginewhatthestakes will bewhen the NBA attempted to address that concern by take effect and truly open up the game, they profile player made the playoffs. Media Jazz and Lakers. meet up in the Western tweaking the rules, and it worked, as scor- will have to be stressed and enforced during types love to tell us that no one is a true star Conference Finals. Envision how wonder- ing increased. But the question remains, as the playoffs. Only then will fans be able to until he shines in April or May, and now the ful the drama wi II be when Kobe and Shaq the playoffs get underway, of whether ref- enjoy a quality of play equivalent to the NBA finally has the opportunity to expose take the court, expecting to earnrhe first of erees will continue toenforce the very rules stories that accompany each game. The the world to Vinsanity, KG, and The Answer many championships, with arguably the (like cracking down on holding offthe bal I) league just has to remember which of those on basketball’s grandest stage. best duo ever standing in their way, fighting that opened up scoring during the regular two things is most important. ..., ....,...... ,. , .... , ... ~.,

8 THETUFTS DAILY *April 24,2000

Jordan 6.Brenner Editor-in-Chief A Vote for PQ~ EDITORIAL In tomorrow’s Tufts Community Union (TCU) Senate presidential election, students are faced with a Daniel Barbarisi choice between two different sets of ideas, and two disparate leadership styles. It is a battle between a Managing Editor pragmatic career senator, Moira Poe and an idealistic reformer, Senator David Moon. Each candidate has made far-reaching promisesduringthe campaign season, but aclose lookattheirplatforms, Senaterecords, Ben Oshlag and leadership approaches makes Poe the right choice. Associate Editor Poe is areliable leaderwith aproven trackrecord and a cooperative relationship withthe administration. She will focus her attention on attainable projects to improve student life, while not losing sight of larger Lauren Heist issues. Moon is farther removed from the Senate bureaucracy and espouses the refreshing philosophies .Editor Emerita ofa reformer. However, upon closerexamination, heemerges asaromantic, withneithertangible ideasnor viable methods of accomplishing his broad goals. NEWS Editors: As a three-year senator, Poe understands the inner workings of government at Tufts, and the role of Will Kmlaw, Brooke Menschel Assistant Editors:. the Senate vis-a-vis both the students and the administration. She has earned the respect ofher colleagues Andrew Freedman, Jeremy Wang-Iverson, on the Senate and has brought noticeable changes to the students, particularly in her role as the Dining Ilene Stein, Matthew Kane, Rachel Rubenson Services chair. In that capacity, Poe helped to bring an increase in the operating hours of the Hodgdon dining hall, in addition to a drastic reworking of available meal plans for next year. As a senator, Poe VIEWPOINTS Editors: accomplished small projects with a relentless, point-by-point approach that would be equally effective Dave Steinberg, Leigh Wald in attacking larger issues as president. Assistant Editor: Benjamin Gedan Poe approaches administrators with a cooperative rather than adversarial attitude. Her philosophy is clear: “You can catch more flies with honey.” As Senate president and thus the primary student representative to Ballou, she will stand firm in supporting her constituents’ best interests, while not FEATURESEditors: Kim Fox, Kelly Wisnewski, Sheryl Gordon alienatingadministrators with a combative posture. She believesthat this approach will allow hertomore Assistant Editors: effectively “raise her voice” on the most important issues. In terms of intra-Senate interactions, Poe Mary Anne Anderson, Neil Taylor promises to adopt a kinder, gentler style when dealing with her fellow senators and with the student body. Students who are dissatisfied with the centralized leadership and aggressive tone of this year’s Senate ARTS Editors: should welcome this change. Alison Damast, Rob Lott Moon, while an effective senator and committee chair, lacks the political acumen necessary to turn his Assistant Editors: vague proposals into realistic programs. Painting himself as an outsider and political reformer, he has Dara Resnik, Adam Machanic, Michael Histen, Drew Shelton spoken at length on, and correctly identified, many ofthe structural problems with this year’s Senate. He SPORTSEditors: has not, however, managed to propose realistic solutions for dealing with those internal problems or for Russell Capone, Jon Japha, Adam Kamins tackling broader issues. Assistant Editor: Take the campus housing issue as an example. Both candidates advocate the building ofanother dorm. Erin Desmarais, Neal McMahon But while Moon’s proposals stop at this large and difficult project, Poe has offered realistic, stopgap solutions, such as Spring-semester entry for some incoming freshman, or allowing more students to PRODUCTION graduate early. Neither proposal may be any more attainable than a new dorm, but both illustrate Poe’s multi-track, practical way ofattacking problems. Cindy Marks Moon is a wide-ranging thinker who successfully represented his constituents chair ofthe Culture Production Director as and Ethnicity committee. Despite these accomplishments, Moon has neitherthe leadership experience of Production Managers: Poe, nor is he afforded the same level of respect from fellow senators. Similarly, Moon took a hostile Sandra Fried, Jenny Ahn, David Attanasio approach when working with the administration on the co-ed housing proposal, where he demonstrated an inability to cooperate effectively with administrators regardless ofthe widespread student support for LAYOUT Editor: Lindsay Reder the project. Assistant Editors: Poe is by far the more viable candidate, but she should nevertheless recognize the validity of several Katie Crowley, Samantha Siegel, Michaela Vine, of Moon’s ideas and integrate them into her agenda. Particularly valuable are Moon’s proposalsto involve Sarah Vivenzio, Abby Volin students in the Senate by tabling in dining halls, and by encouraging non-senators to participate in Senate COW Editors: initiatives in the way students now join specific Leonard Carmichael Society projects. Poe, who is seen Cambra Stern, Ruthie Nussbaum, Reshma Bharne by many as a Senate insider, would be wise to adopt these proposals and extend her strong leadership Jonathan Dworkin, Phil Erner outward by effectively communicating with the student body. The two primary functions of the president are to coordinate projects within the Senate and to work PHOTOGRAPHYEditors: effectively with administrators. It is in these areas that Poe excels, and for these qualities, she is the best Daniel Rodrigues Assistant Editors: choice for Senate president. Jacob Silberberg, Eva Rebek ONLINE Editors: -:flu 1 Jeff Carlon, Sonal Mukhi Information Technology Manager: Finding love, friendship online Seth Kaufman TMS Campus News Service to complete detailed surveys about their likes and BUSINESS CHAPEL H 1LL, N .C.- M ichel le Scuba, ajunior d is1 i kes and to “Go meet somebody!” Dom inguez II business major at the University ofNevada at Las followed that commandandmether husbandofsix Stephanie Adaniel Vegas, and her boyfriend Huang, who lives out- years there. The site ensures the privacy of mem- Executive Business Director side San Francisco, have been together for almost bers by keeping them anonymous. a year. Keeping user names a secret is designed to Business Manager: David Lattanzi They live far away from each other, but talk on promote safety, which is aconcern for many using Office Manager: Eric Siwy the phone every day and meet once a month. They the Internet to find promising partners. Dominguez are planning td get married soon and talk about insists that with the additional security, Internet Advertising Managers: Grace Lee, Jeralyn Terry having kids one day. dating isn’t any more dangerous than trolling for Allofthishavingflowedfrom achancemeeting Receivables Manager: Michelle Herman Mr. or Mrs. Right in a bar. not at school, in a bar. or at a religious service - “At least with thematchmaker, you can prescreen but in a chat room. the people,” she said. EDITORIALPOLICY More 2nd more people have discovered, and Ummmm, notexactly, said Scuba, who has learned The Tufts Daily is a non-profit, independent newspaper, published now prefer, meeting new friends and significant never to let down her guard when chatting onlir,e Monday through Friday during the academic year, and distributed frec to the Tufts community. Business hours are 9 a.m. - 6 pm, Monday others without leatving the safety of their homes, with ,people she doesn’t know very ve!I. through Friday, 1 - 6 p.m. on Sunday. The Daily is printed at Charles where tney can simply lo: on to the Internet. “After talking to someone intirnatciy, you fed River Publishing, Charlestown, MA. Scubasaid she nreierred meeting people online vou know them, but you have to be csreful,” she Editorials appear on this page, unsigned. Individual editors are not iirs? because the ponl !r) chose from was mort. said. “They could be telling thetru?t! %-;hey codd necessarily responsible for, or in agreement with, the policies anJ I diverse and from a larger “r~a. editorials of ?he Tufts Daily. The content of Letters, advertisements, bc 1) ins.“ signed columns, cartoons, and graphics docs no: necessarily rellect rhc “Wher. you go ou anc; meet people. you es- Scuba said she learned that the hard b/ay when 11 opinion of Thc Tufts Daily editorial boxd. clvde because of Ioo!ci. and you could exclude thc she moved with her i’amily t3 La5 Vezsj last year. Advertising deadlines: all display ac!s arc kJbz subrnitteci to 7712 rightpmn*:,”ShP vi4 “I Iiaveinetpeopiefroin ill; She inct ainan fromthear~aonlixandinvitedhim . .. I Tu.fis Daily office by 3:00p.m. two busincss days t??foiz [it? ib Lo rtiii. o >, ‘01 id u~-li ; W. i;) 20 ou; dini1.e;-or coffee. ?her! kc xkc!et Deadlins are not ncgotiable. Late ads will run ,xIy nt !be dimcfinn ;I fi); !I of tile Advzrrising Manager and may be subjcitcd !o a lalc [ec. All Scuba alsu ip::i4iidii1> 11);li cuup1i.s I.\ IIU iil slid goals. Users can talk about i’ should be careful,” she said. “Don’t give your Tiere is a 350-word limit and Letters must be verified by the Daily.Th2 ihcir favorite pets, d scuss current global situa- name, phone number or address and never meet editors reserve the right to edit Letters for clarity, space, and length. For Lions, or meet a virtual tennis partner or soul mate. i the full policy on Letters to the Editor, contact TIie Tufts Daily. them alone.” Services suck as and That doesn’t mean the relationship can’t get k The Tufts Daily Telephone: (617) 627-3090 are becoming more popular and more personal with time. Meredith Perry, a first-year ’1, P.O. BOX53018 FAX: (617) 627-3910 more accepted among students, as well as other student at the University of at Medford MA 02153 E-mail: [email protected] teen-agers and adults. Chapel Hill, said she met one of her best friends Jodie Dominguezof Fort Lauderdale Fla., runs through an AOL newsletter designed for people FI http:lfwww.h.xAsdaily.corn the site, which encourages users _---.-----. -- with shared movie interests. THETUFTS DAILY April 24,2000 9 National/World News

Divided highc court to revisit abortion legislation Los Angeles Times-Washington Post News Service lier this month, the House, preparingto take what abortion really is,” said Maurstad, used medical procedures. WASHINGTON- By the time theNe- on the administration a third time, approved now lieutenant governor. “It blurs the lines Ifthe law is revived,Nebraskaphysician braska legislaturepassed a law in June 1997 another bill targeting the procedure. between what is an appropriate medical Leroy Carhart said recently, “my patients against what it called “partial birth” abor- In the balance are a woman’s and procedure and what is murdering a child.” now and future generations of women will tion, it was evident that abortion oppo- physician’s abilitiestoopt forvariousmedi- Yet, the question forthe Supreme Court have lost the right to obtain the best medical nents across America had found a rallying cal procedures, as well as states’ power to is whether the ban covers too care available to them, for purely political point like no other. protect the unborn from what some claim much, affecting procedures in the earlier reasons.” Efforts to ban the procedure were sweep- are cruel and unnecessary methods. As weeks of.pregnancy and unconstitution- His lawyers warn of a broader strategy ing the nation’s statehouses and dominat- demonstrated by the scores of religious ally infringing on a woman’s right to abor- behind the “partial birth” fury that began in ing abortion politics on Capitol Hill. Grue- groups, women’s advocates, medical inter- tion. By its terms, theNebraskalaw prohib- 1992when the National Right to Life Com- some descriptions ofthe method and draw- ests, and elected officials who have filed its a procedure “in which the person per- mittee became awareof an Ohiophysician’s ings of aborted fetuses were circulated in “friend of the lcOurt” briefs and are split formingthe abortion partially delivers vagi- report on the procedure and immediately legislatures and mailings. “Partial birth” even among themselves, the dispute in- nally alivingunbornchildbeforekillingthe began circulating descriptions of it. Law- had become - and remains today - the vokes deeply personal values and calls into child and completing the delivery.”The law yers at the Center for Reproductive Law & most salient abortion issue since the Su- play highly public government actions. carries a prison sentence of up to 20 years. Policy say the Nebraska law “attempts to premecourtin 1992upheldawoman’sright “Itwas an ugly time,”recalledNebraska Nebraska legislatorssaid they wanted to eviscerate women’s privacy rights by mak- to end a pregnancy. Sen. Ernie Chambers, the lone dissenting ban amedical technique known as dilation ing the location ofthe fetus in the woman’s In Nebraska, only one legislator voted voice in June 1997, asserting that state andextraction,orD&X. It involvesdilating body.. . the defining criterion for women’s against the ban. Now the Nebraska law, officialswere“1:ulliedandintimidated.. . by a pregnant woman’s cervix to allow the pregnancy choices.” which is similar to laws in 30 other states, some ofthese so-called pro-life people who fetus to emerge into the vagina feet first. But Nebraska officials say the “partial presents the narrowly divided Supreme had come from Washington.” The physician then suctions out the fetal birth” procedure is markedly different from Court with its first abortion case in eight But the bill’s chief sponsor, then-Sen. brain, collapsing the skull and permitting what the Supreme Court sought to cover in years. At the same time, the dispute to be Dave Maurstad, said state lawmakers delivery of the head. But when the 8th US the right to privacy, contending it “is medi- argued Tuesday offers the nation an elec- needed no outsiders to be persuaded to Circuit Court of Appeals struck down the cally unnecessary and looks disturbingly tion-year confrontation over one of the outlaw the controversial method. “The pro- statute last year, it declared that the open- most enduring social and political contro- cedure itself demonstrates in stark terms ended law affected other, more commonly see ABORTION, page 11 versies: How much can government control * e a woman’s right to abort a pregnancy? A federal appeals court declared the Chinese workers becommg disenchanted Nebraska law unconstitutionally broad, Los Angeles Times-Washington Post News saying it places an undue burden on a Service officials’ willingness to speak about the issue mine’s bankruptcy. woman’s right to choose abortion. The court BEIJING -The number of labor disputes marked a departurefor.the Communist Party, Chinese labor conditions have been the noted that the words “partial birth” have no in China has skyrocketed - to more than which has struggled to maintain stability in subject of increased international scrutiny in fixed legal or medical significance. It said 120,000 in 1999-4s workers in unprecedented Chinesecities in thewrenchingtransformation advance of a vote in the US Congress on thatascrafied, the law couldcriminalizenot numbers get laid off, are paid late or not at all, from a planned economyto something akin to granting China permanent normal trade rela- only a comparatively rare procedure that and feel cheated by corrupt officials who sell amarket economy. tions, a major stepping stone to its accession involves deliveringpart ofthe fetus into the state property for,apittancetofriends,relatives The strains were highlighted in late Febru- to the World Trade Organization (WTO). US birth canal before collapsing its skull, but and colleagues. ary when tens ofthousandsofworkers erupted laborunions, led by the AFL-CIO,have argued also a different method commonly used in Official Labor Ministry statistics passed to in a violent protest at China’s biggest nonfer- that entry into the WTO would result in a the second trimester of pregnancy. a Western diplomat and a recent article in the rous metal mine near the Bohai Sea in the deterioration ofChina’s already-limited labor In most other challenges to state laws, journal LegalResearchshowed 14timesmore northeast. Workers there bumed cars, broke rights. Chinese law does not provide for the courts have struck down the “partial birth” labor disputes- from simple contractual dis- windows and kept police and the army at bay right to strike and bans independent unions. bans. On the federal level, President Clinton agreements to work stoppages and strikes - for several days as they protested what they Thestatisticsshowajumpfiom8,150labor has twice vetoed such legislation. But ear- last year than in 1992. The article and labor said was an unfair and compt handling ofthe disputesin 1992tomorethan 120,0O0lastyear7 answering a question posed often by China scholars: Is the urban labor situation getting Scandal-scarred arrnv busts drill serqeantc tenser, or is it simply that China’s increasing Los Angeles Times-Washington Post News Service the scandal in the past. “Don’t ever forget it happened, but get over opennessallows for more information about a ltwas body languagethattipped Maj. HermanFitzgerald tothe fact it,” said Col. Hugh Hudson, commander of the 61st Ordnance fixed number ofdisputes? that Aberdeen Proving Ground had another sex problem on its hands. Brigade, which oversees training at the base. “This is significant. It shows things are A female private had been one of the liveliest speakers at a Aberdeen, established in World War I as a weapons-testingcenter getting more difficult,” said Anita Chan, an routine gripe session for soldiers, one of a number of reforms and set on 70,000 acres along the Chesapeake Bay east of Baltimore, expert on China’s labor relations at Australian instituted afier asex scandal erupted in late 1996 at an Army training ishometothe US Army OrdnanceCenterandSchool. Each year, about National University in Canberra. school on theNorthem installation. But when Fitzgerald 7,5OOtroops, many ofthem young and fresh out ofbasictraining, come At the same time, the statistics also helped came to the critical question-whether anyone knew of improper for eight to 25 weeks of further schooling in their specialties. explain why the increased unrest has yet to behavior by drill instructors- she slumped and averted her gaze. The Army has made both large and small changes at the school. translate into a movement challenging the Fitzgerald wrapped up the session, addressing all the troops but Many addressed the lack of oversight that officials believe was at the Communist Party’s monopoly on power or looking directly at the private: “If you think there’s something ques- rootoftheproblem.“Thekeythingis leadershiphastobeoutandabout,” seekingtoestablish independent labor unions. tionable going on, I will wait around and you can talk to me off-lir e.” Hudson said. “That’s how you keep Aberdeen from happening again.” Whilecollectivelabordisputes,inwhichwork- Afterward, theblushingsoldierapproachedthemajorandthestory A second officer has been added to each training company, the ers seek to bargain in a unit, are increasing spilled out. The resulting investigation confirmed that adrill sergeant unit directly responsible for the welfare of soldiers.Chaplains have rapidly, they still make up a minority ofthe had propositioned female soldiers and on at least one occasion been assigned to each ofthe two battalions, a position that existed overall disputes- seven percent in 1998, the maneuveredtobealonewithatrainee. Ataclosed,non-judicial hearing in the past but had been cut before the scandal for budget reasons. last year available. And no evidence exists of last month, the former drill instructor was reduced in rank and fined. Drill-instructor candidates now undergo extensive background workers uniting to strike at several businesses The Army is taking steps to discharge him from the service. checks for criminal and family problems, and those sent to Aber- at the same time. “He definitely had improper relationships,” said Fitzgeraltl, a deen go through lengthy training on how to interact with soldiers. Besides unrest over wages, labor disputes battalion executive officer. “We could never prove sex. But just “Before they get any bad habits formed, the can and can’t do’s are typically involve unpaid pensions to laid-off being isolated one-on-one was enough.” emphasized,”said 1st Sgt. Michael Coolidge,aveterandrill instructor employees, poor working conditions and the The incident, which has not been previously disclosed, stunned who was at Aberdeen when the scandal unfolded. ‘‘It doesn’t leave sel I-offofstateenterprisesthat workers believe the leadership at the base, which has spent the past three years room for interpretations, like in the past. What the command has done involved fraud by management. determined to pKevent LLanotherAberdeen.” isminimizethegray areaandmaximize the blackand whitearea.” Andrew Walder, an expert on Ch inese urban “At first, the attitude was, ‘This can’t possibly happen,’ “ said Female soldiers live in the same barracks as males but on workers at Stanford University, said a key Lt. Col. Tracy Ellis,commanderofthedrillsergeant’sunit, the 16th separate floors. After the scandal, some officials pushed to build reasontheunresthasn’ttranslated intoabroader Ordnance Battalion.“It was one of disbelief. Was someone making separate barracks, but they were deemed too expensive. Now, movement is that strikes remain scattered and this up?” doors into the barracks have alarms, though windows do not. workers are unwilling or unable to unite to But officers and soldiers say Aberdeen’s handling of the inci- During the night, noncommissioned officers are posted at the pursue broader goals. dent shows that reforms are working. “We identified it very, very entriesto barracks. “Before, we had privates guarding privates,” said “There have been periodic press reports for early rather than waiting until one victim turned into multiple Coolidge.“Nowwe havedisinterestedadults.Thewi1dpartiesdon’t most of the last ten to 15 years or so that labor victims,” Ellis said. get a chance to form, the wild orgies don’t get a chance to form.” disputes are on the rise in China,” he said. “It “It was just as improper back in ’95 or ’96 as in ’99 or 2000,” he Soldiersaregivenlectureson how to behavewith theopposite sex. makes agreat deal ofsensethatthey wouldbe: added. “Back then, it may have been dealt with, but not at the same “What we brief is just plain abstinence,” Coolidge said. “You’re not Wage issues came to the forefront in the 1980s level. Maybe aletter ofreprimand,adon’t-let-it-happen-again, rather going to be here long enough for anything meaningful to develop. and increasing job insecurity and layoffs [be- than removing him as a drill sergeant and taking a stripe from hini.” Enjoy each other’s company but stay the hell away from each other.” came] a big issue in the 1990s. Should we get Backthen, investigationsrevealed thatdrill sergeants at Aberdeen, Coolidge acknowledges that such admonitions go only so far. worked up about such reports? Probably not. operatingin avacuum, hadabusedpositionsofpowertoforcesexwith “We’re not keeping them from having sexual encounters. We’re Scattered strikes are politically meaningless. If trainees. Ultimately, a dozen drill instructors were charged with sex keeping them from having unwanted sexual encounters,” he said. and when a national or regional trade union is crimes, with four going to prison and the eight others discharged or The type of gripe session which detected the drill sergeant’s organized and survives openly for a while - punished administratively. Letters of reprimand were issued to propositions isconsidered a key tool in uncovering problems. Called which is veryunlikely-weshouldthen begin Aberdeen’s commanding general and three other senior officers. mid-course sensing sessions, they are held without drill instructors to read political significance into all this.” The mushrooming scandal soon encompassed other instal la- present. Soldiersarepromised anonymity and given free rein togripe Some researchers suggested that the 1999 tions, but before it was over Aberdeen had entered the lexicon as about anything to the senior commanders running the session. figure for labor disputes, which represented a a symbol of shame for the Army. “They tell us about a lot of stuff -some of it serious, most of Despite the recent incident, commanders say Aberdeen has put it not,” Hudson said. see LABOR, page 11 . , ..

10 THETUFTS DAILY April 24,2000

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?#- Court to reconsider abortion , Labor problems are increasing in China ABORTION decided. LABOR a difficult situation because acces- continued page 9 arbitration courts and in judicial from Under that 1973 decision and continued fioni page 9 sion to the WTO will do nothing to courts,atratesof3to 1,4tol,and close to infanticide.” They also the 1992 ruling, Planned Parent- 29 percent increase over 1998, was improve their livelihood, at least in even 18 to 1 in some regions. say they wanted to ban only the hood of Southeastern F’ennsylva- ’ limited by massivegovernment sub- theshort run, but failure todoso will This underscores amain strategy dilation and extraction procedure, niav. Casey, whenastatechooses sidies. Last year during the 50th an- not help either. China’sgovemmentusestodealwith which is done only late in the sec- to regulate abortion before viabil- niversaryofChina’sCommunistmo- The LegalRaeurcharticle,writ- labor unrest: giving in tornostwork- ond trimester of pregnancy at the ity -which is what is at issue in .lution, party officials were told to ten byretiredscholar ShiTanjingand ers’ demands. For instance, Labor earliest and would not affect most the “partial birth” controversy - stress stability at all costs. published inNovember, called on the Ministry officials said this pastweek women’s abortion choices. (The it must ensure that no “undue “Laborrelationsin2000 will dete- government to end its ban on strikes. that China plans to double spending overwhelming majority of abor- burden” is put on a woman seek- riorate as special subsidies fade out, Therighttostrike was removed from on worker issues such as back pay, tions are performed in the first ingan abortion. Thecourthas said the economic and labor ‘reforms’ China’sconstitution in 1982. unpaid pensions, and medical insur- trimester and by a method not at a regulation cannot place “a sub- intensifjmd more and more workers Shi said labor disputes in China ance, a Westem source said. issue here.) stantial obstacle in the path of a are laid off,” said Tak Chuen, an are increasing because “the rights of Eleven million Chinese will be Appearing in the middle of a woman” who wants to end a preg- expert on China’s labor the workers have been infringed.” unemployed by the end of this presidential campaign, the case nancy before a fetus becomes vi- Hong Kong Baptist University. But the article notes that workers year, the Labor Ministry has esti- fuels uneasiness about the Su- able. Chuen said Chinese workers face have been winning the disputes. in mated. preme Court’s precarious views In the lower-court riding now on abortion rights and what might before the justices, the 8th Circuit happen in the future with any new said the Nebraska law could justices on the bench. (Vice Presi- criminalize acommon second-tri- dent AI Gore opposes a ban on the mester abortion method known as procedure;TexasGov. George W. dilation and evacuation, or D&E, Bush favors one.) in which an arm or a leg of a live In 1992, when the justices by fetus may be pulled into the va- one vote affirmed the landmark gina. As such, the court said, the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, it was law unduly burdens a woman’s because Justices Sandra Day reproductive choice. O’Connor and Anthony M. In their appeal, Nebraska offi- Kennedy, who had earlier upheld cials say the law “is not (an openly various abortion regulations, un- worded Rorschach test. The plain expectedlyformedabloc withthen- terms of the statute regulate the new Justice David Souter. As they D&X procedure and no other.. .. joined two strong abortion rights Unlike the D&E procedure, in BIOLOGY STUDENTS!! justices, the critical threesome which theobject istodismember citedaregard for individual liberty the unborn child, the thrust of and adherence to precedent. They the D&X procedure is to kill the Will you be doing biology did, however, usher in a slightly childafter almostcomplete deliv- looser standard for states trying ery.” research this summer? to regulate abortion, which will be Carhart, the only doctor in Ne- tested in the new case, Stenberg v. braska who performs abortions Carhart. after 16 weeks, contends that the Beyond that trio, three justices method a physician ust:s should Students who will be engaged in an independent are likely to favor abortion rights be determined by the individual and three others are inclined to be woman’s situation, the age of the research project in biology (either in the field, opposed. Justice John Paul fetus and the doctor’s decision on laboratory, or clinic) need to contact Dr. Margaret Stevens has long voted to protect what is best. “The DLcX tech- a woman’s right to choose, and nique.. . has been deve:loped to Lynch, the Director of Undergraduate Research in Clinton appointees Ruth Bader reduce risks to some women,” he the Biology Department before leaving for the Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer have said. Backed by a brief from the records that suggest they would Clinton administration, his lawyers summer. Contact Dr. Margaret Lynch at support Carhart’s challenge to the have told the court that even if ml [email protected]. edu. Nebraska law. On the other side Nebraska is trying to bar1 only the are Chief Justice William D&X procedure, the law is still Rehnquist and Justices Antonin unconstitutional because it con- ScaliaandClarence Thomas, who tainsno exception for the health of believe Roe v. Wade was wrongly the woman.





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THETUFTS I4An;Y April 24,2000 13

e . f uhs defeat e 8 0 0 e @3 a e The Department ofBioloay and the e LACROSSE 8 . e continued from a, School of Nutrition Science and Policy page 7 0 c on keeping composure,” Kristan B present a university-wide talk: tr said. “That’s a really important . e e E goal for us. as a younger team.” e Theteam wasableto dojustthat 6 8 asthefirsthalfcametoaclose,and 0 6 was in control heading into the . . 8 I e second half. But the White Mules a e hung tough, chipping away at the . e Jumbos’ one-time four-goal lead 1 “Scientific and Social Enquiry . .B 1 . andmakingthescore9-8 with 17:20 $9!1 Anywhere Li into HeaItJx the case of a e a left on the clock, thanks to a goal I rational humanitarian” e from junior Angela Pappas. 16 iRirtines sewin3 127 . a . Tufts, however, responded with . . luropeiin in 27 a goalsat7:45and3:12,totakean 11- cities countries. Dr. Astier . e. 8 lead. From there, the Mules made Is that a trip or what? . . afurious charge in the last minute, . Almedorn . scoring twice, including one that . . came with one second left, but 0 I wwvwurope by air. corn I Candidate for the Henry R. Luce . 4- they came up one goal shy oftying . Professorship in Science and . the game. As a result, the Jumbos “€%flmlYAPbAUDRlQHTSCHmCllES I . . . Humanitarianism . . e. . Tuesday, April 25& . midfielder Kathy Kenney said. . 5:OOpm in BARNUM 104 . “We moved the ball up the field or call1 1.888 e38702479 . . well and had great shot selection. . . In the second half we were less - e . 0 . patient with our passes, but I . . thought our defense stepped up . . the pressure.” . e . Richardson’s hat trick led the . . team, while Holtzman and Kenney . . added a pair of goals each. . . Gregorian, horowitz, and Orfeach . Come at 4:30 for cookies and tea the . put the ball in the net as well. . in . e . Ho!tzman also had two assists. a foyer outside Barnuna 104! . In net, Kristan did not have her e ALL ARE WELCOME! . best game of the season, saving . . eight shots. But she said that the . . fact that she had an offday should . . only help her improve as the sea- . . son goes on, an encouragingpros- . . pect considering that she has en- . . joyed some phenomenal games to this point in her first season. “I did not concentrate as well in the Colby game as I have in past games,”shesaid. “However, I have learned from the mistakes I made, are phased to pwent and I know what I need to work on for the rest of the season.” Also causing some concern DY.Ne ya Zodaya after the game ended was the way the Study Art, Noscow that Colby played, which was Institute fm of downright dirty accordingto some whwiaintrodwe a ~EWSUGtithdfim Tufts players. “It was frustrating for the team‘s Student Pak becauseColby wasplayingpatho- has everything you need: logically rough,” Holtzman said. 2 small boxes (1 6“xl2”x12”) “It was the kind of dirty day that you do not expect at the collegiate 5 rriediurn boxes (18”x18”~16“) ieve. 2 large boxes (1 8”xl8”x24”) Sven so, tne team was able tc PLUS 1 10 yards of tap: nang totign and DU{~OLL a mudi- neeax victon?’in the WEsckc Reusable tape dispenser ThcJumnos nad iosttheir iasrtwc 60 feet of bubble wraip uivisi3r eaves finuinm :hen1 Big thick box mark; selw .norouzhiy ouipiaw‘J t-~ 90:’ 3nu‘il’i’l an? Wiiiiams L

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14 THETUFTS DAILY April 24,2000

Please take a break from studying and join me in the Coolidge Room, Ballou Hall on Wednesday evening, April 26,2000 from 7:00-9:OOpm for coffee and refreshments. Please come as you are I look forward to seeing you 111... --John DiBiaggio

Please bring your Tufts I.D. THETUFTS DAILY April 24,2000 15 Dushes on surnirner Tour 1 this MCGEE cheering as PMB brought the continued from page 5 house down to close out the gos to bang away during the cho- evening. rus. From the opener to the encore, The band saved the best song the show was definitely a great for last. “Lost,” one of the new night ofmusic. Each band brought tracks off ofshine, was absolutely adifferent flair and act to the floor, incredible. Ghegan stepped back and all seemed to succeed in gar- on stage to join the sextet and nering new or rejuvenated support simply blew everyone away. Ev- for itsmusic. PMBplayedonemore ery band member rocked his solo, night at Karma, then headed off to each adding his own uniqueness anewcity, with no plansofslowing to the mix. As had been constant down in sight. “We’re going to throughout the night, Williams playtoasmanypeopleaspossible, used his drums to hold them to- in every city that we have been to gether. “Lost” also demonstrated in past,” McGee said. “And we’re the tremendous instrumental in- going to some new ones. Everyone S‘I’HEYSEDOVER EXAMS‘! terplay between musicians. who has missed us from the West \2’0HH1151) AlWlIl’ DEADLINES‘! McGee, Walsh, and Small sur- Coast and the Southwe:jt, we’re rounded Williams and were practi- hitting those this summer.” callyjamming at him. Wiiliamsre- It was three years (ago that sponded to the challenge with a McGee was quoted in ii Plan 9 solo ofhis own. Then McGee and music interview assayin,g:“...As Ghegan wentat it,tradingamazing Pat McGee of the Pat McGee solos like dueling banjos. The riffs Band, I’m going to push rnyselfas escalated into a frenzy, with hard as I can for as long as I can. McEwan going nuts on William’s I’m 24 years old. This colild all be symbols. At song’s end, Karma over by the time I’m 27, and I’d be was filled with thunderous ap- back playing acoustic gigs on the plause and cheers. comer. But I’d still be happy.” It didn’t take too much encour- Three years later, as a27-year-old, agement to get the band back on McGee and his five bandmates stage. The encore was one of the are further from that corner than most popular covers the band ever. And if this show was any does: Crosby, Stills, and Nash’s indicator, their successes should “Southern Cross”. Again, the en- make them happier than they’ve tire crowd was singing along and ever been. LCS’s C.H.1L.D. presents: YOU Do - miss wvour - --- younger siblings, or wisbvou had some? Here is your chance

Monday, April 24th

I I .Boston/Chinatown I 3luckywinners will be awarded this I Meet at the Campus Center ATMs at ’I incredible stipend. Visit thelnternship I I Area at to register. I 2 :45pm I I I Get inside tips from former interns, I I comparisons between internship I I programs at big and small companies, I I I advice on financing unpaid intern- A neighborhood after school program needs I I I ships and more. For details hit I your expertise! !! ! I now, and make I I a run for the money. I I I Questions? Contact Shalini at -7529 or Lydia at -7053 I In Honor of Disabilities Awareness Week 16 THETUFTS DAILY April 24,2000


Featuring Dr. Peter Balakian noted author of Black Dog of Fate,

Wednesday April 26,2000 7:OO P.M.

Goddard Chapel ‘ T~ftsUniversity Reception to follow

“To forget j.s to make oneself an accomplish of the executioner.” - Eli &’eke1 LET US REMEMBER , . ,, ,

THETUFTS DAILY April 24,2000 17

i Said discusses his memoir , SAID unwarranted. For his voice, as continued from page 3 heard in these essays, is deep, York Times Book Review. rich, and courageous in what is “One can only hope that in this often a scripted and dishonest prognosis [of his health], as in his international dispute,’’ Bronner political ones, his pessimism is wrote.

Residential Hall Accountability:

heroin, a, strangge, A Fine Alternative *worldfull of &fits and drunkards axad fr\liluress.fl Bring Your Ideas. We’ll Bring the Food!

+. ‘ Tuesday, April 25 at 8:30 p.m. LOSE 20 POUNDS Hotung Caf6 IN TWO WEEKS! Famoils U.S. Womens‘ Alpine Ski Team Diet I

During the non-snow off season the US Womens’ Alpine Ski Team members used the ”Ski Teim” diet to lose 20 pounds in two weeks. That’s right - 20 pounds in 14 days! The basis of the diet is chemical food action and was devised by a famous physician especially for the US Ski Team. Normal energy is maintained (very important) while reducing. You keep “full” - no starvation -because the diet is designed that way. It‘s a diet that is easy to follow whether you work, travel or stay at home. (For men too!) This is, honestly, a fantastically succesful diet. If it weren’t, the Us Womens’ Alpine Ski Team wouldn’t be permitted to use it! Right? So, gve yourself the same break the US Ski team gets. Lose weight the scientific, proven way. Even if you’ve tried all the other diets, you owe it to yourself to try the US Womens’ Alpine Ski Team Diet. That is, if you really do want to lose 20 pounds in two weeks. Order today! Tear this out as a reminder. Send only $8.95 - add . 50 cents RUSH service to: MIDWEST ASSOCIATES, 3318 S. Glenstone, Suite 308, Springfield, MO 65804. Don’t order unless you expect to lose 20 pounds in two weeks! Because that’s what the Ski Tea Diet will do. 0 1999

~-~~ - Department of Romance Languages


“From San Juan Hill to Cypress Hill: Musical exchanges between the United States and the Spanish Caribbean, 1898 to the present’’ -

bY Deborah Pacini Herniindez Visiting Scholar at Harvard University AnthropologMEthno-musicologist


Thursday, April 29 500 p.m. olin 011

Reception to follow in Laminan Lounge

Cosponsored by the Departments of Music, t History, Latin American Studies, and American Studies. 18 THETUFTS DAILY April 24,2000 -.

i Brain research study1 Car for Sale 3 Bdrm apt In 3 family house 4 and 5 bedroom apartments - RESUMES- Healthy men between the ages of 18 Mazda 323 '93 HB. automatic, new Possible four bedroom. SUnny spa- Very close to Tufts. Washer and LASER TYPESET PERSONALS $30.00 - 396-1124 and 50 needed for a one SeSSiOn tires and battery, aMm cas,excel- cious apt, hardwoodfloors. yard, me dryer. Available June 1. Call 396- study examining the effects of cocaine Freshmen, Sophomores, and lent condition, 74K, 617-625 kitchen. Raymond Ave Curtis St. 0303. Ask for Danny. Impressive Laser Typeset Resumes. $3500. off featuring computer storage for future on the brain with MRI. Study involves Junlorsl 1178 $1600/month. No FEE owner 547- updating. Your choice of typestyles. blood sampling and brain MRl's at the Join me in the Coolidge Rm on Wed, 9515. Its the last week of classes and Brain Imaging Center, McLean Hos- April 26 @ 7-9 p.m. Come as you Furnlture For Sale you still don't have housing1 including bold, italics. bullets, etc. on pital. Subjects can earn up to $200. Large desk $45 White dresser Come liewRh us! 1 room available Strathmore paper. Have your cover Leave message at 617-855-2860. are1 - 440 Large, sunny 3 bedroom apt near letters done by us to match your Re- spring '01. $45CUm~thwasher/dryer. John OiBiaggio or B/O. Call Bina at 781-39&9443. Tufts sume! Oneday service avail. 5 min on Leonard Ave. Great location, large call Katie or Sarah at 781-393-5698. Braln research study! fromTufts. (Member of PARW: Pro- Healthy women between the ages of Class d'O1, '02, '03 ktchen. $1600/monlh. Nofeeowner. fessional Assoc. of Resume Writers. 18 and 40 needed for a three session Come for Weeand refreshments on HOUSING 547-9515 Mertford 2 bedroom apt. Call for FREE "Resume/Cover Letter study examining the brain adivity with Wed, April 26 Q 7-9 p.m in the Avail 31- 8/1. Quiet street close to Lg and small apartments. Guidelines") MRI. Study involves blood sampling Coolidge Rm, Ballou Hall. Bring your Furnlshed Apartment Rental campus. 781-395-3632. End of CoC and brain MRl's at the Brain Imaging Available. Begtnhg June. All apts are lege Ave. ID! h great Witan. Wnwalking dis- one bedroonlstudii in house. Full Also. word processing or lyplng of stu- Center, McLean Hospital. Subjects Take a break from tance to mpusand T in ~avis.Can kitchen (dishwasher, microwave). dent papers, grad school applications. can eam up to 5400. Leave message studylngl anytime 617-625-7530 ask fw Camilb large backyardlpatio. Parking, dose Housing for next year personal statements, theses, multiple at 617-855-2860. Join me for coffee and refreshments ah.OficampuslivhgistheBEST!!f to public transportation. Near Wi one great bedrunn I& in 5 bedrom biters. tapes transcribed, laser print- in the Coolidge Rm, Ballou Hall on River between routes 16 and 60 right offcgmpusonChetwynd. Great ing, Fax Service. etc. JCC JACOB AND ROSE Wed. April 26 Q 7-9 p.m. STILL AVAlLABLElll across from MDC tennis, basketball apartment. only S500/month. Call CALL FRANCES at 396-1124. GROSSMAN DAY CAMP John DiBiaggio Collage Ave Apt., Lhring room, courts and playground. Available Rsch& ot 625-6648. AAA RESUME SERVICE Of the Jewish Community Centers o Greater Boston, Westwood, MA i! dining room. kitchen. lounge, immediately. Call Jennifer 761-488- looking forthe following summer washerldryer. garageldriveway, 3799. "'WORD PROCESSING AND staff LOST&FOUND Iponhes, S42Y month. Looking for SERVICES TRANSCRIPTION SERVICE" Transportation available- Great sala 1,2, or 3 people. Call Will or Grace "Female Roommate Wanted" (781) 396 1124 ries! Positions needed: Administra tieunit head, Arts and Crafls Direc Lost glasses at 6991069, Grace or Michelle at Amazing 2 story house with 1 V* Medford Bed and Breakfast Student papers, theses, grad school I Jeftmy glasseson Brown and Bm 666-5844 or Elise at 718-9254 Huge bedrooms, LRIDR. dish- Tum ofthe Centuty homes with eC applications, personal statements, tor, Special Needs Counselors, Se cancy. nior Counselors, Waterfront Staff couch m 4/19. They have dark purple washer, washerldryer-free, great b egw Wsr. and hanay -*ere. tapetran~ptii.resunles.~ metallicframes. I need them tostudy Homeless? Summer Sublet cation, 2 porches, backyard, new Quietbackstnets. Locateddodeto faculty project, multiple letters. Specialists in the following areas for fmals! If found, PLEASE call Kit available 6/1 bathroom. You must see thii hcuse! #94bus. Abwt1.25mileslromcam AMCAS forms. Though knowledge Basketball. Campaaft Drama, Fish d APA. MLA and Chi- Manuals at 781-393.4947. will pay reward. Beautiful house in residential area. Call Lisa at 617-718-9130. Live with pus. Cam 81 or Linda at (781) 396 ~eture. Please~homgrapt~y, call Stums, Si1 am of Style. All documents are Laser close to campus, gym, bus. 2 bed- 2 girls. 0983. Rates: room w/kitchen. bath, living room, 1 night- single 95. double. 110 Primed and spell checked. Reason- vermanorLeslie Zide617-244-5124 able Rates. Quick turnaround. Serv- backyard. Free parking1 Call x1787 Attention Freshmen Femalesl 2-5 nghis - single 95. double 105; ing Tufts students 8 faculty over 10 Sltter Wanted for more info. 2 girls looking to trade Lewis Weekly - shgle 575. double 625. adjacent yrs. 5 min from Tufts. CALL FRAN Responsible, caring, and fun! I! EVENTS singles for a double in any dorm. 01396-1124. (Member of NASSNa Fabulous summer sublet at 7 Trade was 6ked by housing. Call Relationship Problems? hwrs a week to a gentle/sweet 14 a tional Association of Seaetarial Ser- month old. Excellent pay. Davi: Falrmont Stl x1961 for more information Study Problems? FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE Four more people needed to fill a six vices) AAA WORD PROCESSING Square location. Call 617-77671 2! Don't just advertii here. Use the bedroom house. Right behind Wen Dep-ed? for Christina. Tufts University online community A Must see Sublet Dr. Richard A. Goodman. Survlvom of Physical andlor Hall, dose to campus. Call 781-391- 7 rooms, 4 persons, spacious, two Sexual Vlolence center. 4038 for more info. "Newsweek" quoted therapist and re- Chlldcare deserve the Best1 floors, enclosed porch. on lationship specialist has a few open- A new resource is now available ev- Care for children in their own Powderhouse, wld. new bathroom. ery Wednesday from 4:30-330 in the Q ings for students. Complete wnfden- homes. €am $9/hr. If you have at Musk Department Bmwse the area's Top Real Estate menicest place you'll see Call Jus- tili. Tlms insurance accepted. Call Women's Center where you can learn least one weekday available, 4/25 TURS Flute Ensemble and Cham listings. tin x1905 worth $5W/month. We can (617) 739-2650. more about your options and how to childcare experience and a bar Singers. Alumnae Hal, 8 p.m. Off-campus housing, close and negotiate. deal with overwhelming emotions. contagious smile, give JOY a cal. 6/27 Tufts Opera Ensemble. Alum cheap. Q 617-739KIDS. Parents in a Pinch, nae Hall, 8 p.m. Sweet summer sublet Go climbing . Inc. 4/28 Third Day Gospel Choir. Your mline community trading center. 1 single and 1 double available in Teach guitar WANTED Goddard Chapel, 8 p.m. awesome house in great location be- Leam to swing dance SCORE! Prep,Tutors a privateNeeded tutoring 4/28 Tufts Small Jazz Ensemble. College Ave. Summer Sublet Rent hind Carmichael. Good size rooms. EGG DONORS NEEDED! Find a Mor Allraces. Ages 21-30 Compensation Mayer Campus Center patio. 7 p.m. Negotiable kitchen, common room, hardwood Sell your car company. needs part-time tutors for 2 huge rooms available Junethrough floors. Cheap rent1 June-August. Call of $5,OoO. OPTIONS National FertiC ity Registry. (8W)886 9373 the SAT and high school subjects. Stressed over exams and August in Beautiful College Ave am- Chrisor Jackx7180. Fullyfumished!!! Your onlme community trading center $14-$18 per hour. Flexible hours. deadllnes? ment. Rent is negotiable. Male or Please Call!!!! Must have own car and high Treat yourself to a stress-busting female. Call Alia at 617-718-9162. GET IN GREAT SHAPE1 standarized test scores. Contact massage. TWHealth Service's nb Extra Cash and Free Food1 INCREDIBLY CHEAP SUPER Cardo Kid-Boxing has returned to Somerville Caterer neds staff for prep, [email protected] 617- tionally ceftfied massage therapist is Summer Sublet Wanted for Boston SUBLET111 Davis Square and we have the best fundions. and delivery. Especially for 923-2177. available to help you relax. focus, and Globe Interns 1 large room on upland rd. behind dass around. Special try 3 lessons April 20th and May 11. Exciting, fast- prepare for exams and deadlines. Please call Daisy Hams, Assistant to carmichael. w/d $360/monlh. Call for just $10. Class times: M- 8:30 paced work with great food1 Salary Part-Time Data Entry Position Tuesdays, mursdays. and Fridays. the Editor, 617-9293129. Meg 617-7760216 pm., W- 7:30 pm.. and Sat. 1215 '$748 and up, depending on experi- 10-20 hn/week. Available at a Dati $20per session for students, $30 per p.m. at Davis Square Martial Ads. ence. Call Michaelangelo's Catering Management and Statistical Consult session for stafland faculty. Cai1627- Free room/board In exchange for Summer Sublet at 661-FOOD (3663). Leave mes- ing Group in Medford. 408 Highland Ave. Beginncrs are Basic Computer knowledge required 3351 for your appointment now. Your child care 1 Wrm in large 5 Wrm apartment. 2 welcome! Call 591-9656 to register. sage on voice mailwithtimes to reach nind and body will thank you! 15-20 hrs per week. 15 old and 9 baths, dishwasher, washer/dryer, 2 Data Entry experience a plus. yr you. For further information please e-mail yr old in Winchester for 2000-01 min from campus. Flexible move in/ GRAD SCHOOL APPLICATIONS [email protected] VOLUNTEERS FOR KIDS school year. Move in this spring. Call wt dates. IfInteresled. call Lk at617- EXPERTLY TYPED Wlll you be on the Cape thls After school activities Monday April Karen/John. 78 1-72 1-5247. 680-7962. (Law, Medlul, Bwlness, etc.) summer? Summer Work 24th Meet at Campus Center AIMS -396-1 124- Want tome extra money? Do yw like $15 base-appt. in local firm's sale! 31 245 p.m. AAA Houslng Summer Sublet AreyourgradschoolapplicationJhigh kids? Need responsible person for and services depY. No experienu Two class of 2002 undergraduates 1 bdrm in 3 bdrm apartment. 165 on your desk? An? you wondering 15-20 hrs/week to help me with my necessary. Professional atmosphere looking for a non-smoking 3rd room College Ave. kitchen. bathroom. and how you're going to M all your info in 10 month old son. Excellent pay. Scholarships available. Condition! FOR SALE mate to fill 3 Wnn apt. for summer, living room. $370/monlh. For mon, those tiny spaces? Are you con- Must have refs. Call 617-306W11 apply. Good communications skill! school year, or both. $450 +utilities. information . contact cemed where you'll find thne to do it or 508-540-7204. a must. Apply ASAP 781-89i917i a Call Mike at 617-627-7530. [email protected] (abroad). all before the deadliis? Is your Per- Sell the books YOU dM't need sonal Statement and Resume prof- Summer Job1 Buy the books you do need. 3 Bdrm apt on Powderhouse Bhrd Looking for Houslng Next Year? sionally laser printed on high Staying on campus this summer? Leaders Needed: Summer TURS textbooks from Tufts Students Sunny and spacious, hardwood 2 bedrooms available in 5 bedm quali paper in a typ&yle that's at- Studysmart has part-time tutoring Teenage Blcycllng Trlps - positions available for MayIJune and 31 prices the Tufts Bookstore can't floors. large kitchen. $1500/month. apartment. 4 blocks behind tractive? No need to fret - CALL US, Canada, Europe. Minimum 4 for summer. Tutor middle and high louch. No fee- mer547-9515. FRAN at 396-1124. a specialist in week time commitment. Salary plu! Carmichael. $500/month +utilities. school students, make your own June I-May 31. Call Chrisx1962. making your applications. personal expenses paid. Student hostelin( The Tufts University Community statement. and resume as appealing hours, and enjoy rewarding work program. P.0 Box 419, Conway, W Trading Center. as possible. while earning Sl4-$18ihr! Car re- 01341 .(800)343-613; quired. Call 781-932-1373.

All Tufts students musl submit classif s in penon,prepaid with cash or check. All classifieds mud be submitted by 3 pm. mC dry before publication. ClassifKds may also be bought at the Information Booth at the Camp ster. All classithis submitted by mail must be acmoanied bv a ckck. Classifi, I may not be submitted over the phone. Notices and Lost & Founds are free and run on Tuesdays and Thursdays only. Ndca BR limited to two per week per organidon and &I space permitting. Notices must be Written XI Daily forms'and subnhd in person. Nc XI cannot be used to sell merchandise or advatise major events. The Tufts Daily isnot liable for any damages due to typographicalmors or misprintings except the cost of the insertion, which isfully refundable. We reserve he right to refuse to print any classificds iich contain obscenity, are of an overtly sexual nature, or OIT used expressly to denigrstc a person or group.

~ Every 3.6 seconds, someone dies of hunger. 3/4 of the deaths are children under age five.


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You know us - great mem- becship program, great website - Student OXFAM CAFE: Advantage is completely focused on college stu- dents. We're ready to put (located behind Miller Hall) your energy and your desire to be in the spot- light to work! You'll pro- mote what we have to offer on campus. It doesn't get much better than this: great job right on campus, Eco-Mugs now available! good pay, bonuses, oppor- tunities to build skills (e- commerceharketing), flex- Discount on coffee with purchase. ibility to work your own hours', and did we men- tion bee stuff? Apply online at www. student advantage. com/ Interested in volunteering?Contact Francie x71438 or Lou ~77219. 'For the first few weeks of the semesterlquaaec you'// * Phone: x3215 * Email: [email protected] * Website: work 25 hW. After that, onfy 10 hW.

, , -. ..( I_, .*', .*r I , *. .I.. .LA THETUFTS DAILY April 24,2000 19

ACROSS 1 Churchrecess 5 Misbehave 10 Padlock holder 14 Cash for security 15 Male honeybee 16 Pot starter 17 “ right with the world 18 “Two Women” Oscar winner 19 Wedding vows 20 Parks oneself 22 Misprint 23 Nice summer? 24 Howdydos 25 Wyman movie 27 Reason 29 Center of Minoan culture 31 Littledevil 34 The-the Netherlands 36 Refuge 38 Japanese soup 41 New Yorkaty 43 Comply 44 Practical trainee 46 Tracey and Andrew 5 Dwight’s Solutions 48 Old salt opponent 49 Portents 6Typeofsaw 51 Okays 7 Ripped 55 Up to now 8 Constrained state 57 “- Loves You” 9 Sodium -(truth 59 Light brown serum) 60 Comic sketch 10 Half of Hispaniola 62 Sixly 1 1 Brother of the 65 Drunkard Bee Gees 66 Singer Baker 12 Subway station 67 ‘I- Karenina” 13 Mexican money 68 A Baldwin 21 Mets‘ stadium 69 One cubic 26 Actress Arthur deameter 28 Wing-tip or oxford 70 Lookfor 30 Period in power 71 -barrel 32 Leader of the legislation Three Stooges 72 Oodles 33 Snoop 73 Byrnes and Hall 35 Dark grays 37 Pinkish wine 47 Recolors 56 Stored supply DOWN 38 Sch. near 50 01 a common 58 Gets informed 1 Lessens Harvard cultural heritage 60 Exchange 2 Sense of taste 39 Balin or Claire 52 Pelted with rodts 61 Metric weight, 3 Smooth and 40 Colander 53 Merited briefly lustrous 42 Pampered 54 Gym shoes, 63 Comic Rudner 4 Otherwise 45 Actor Scheider briefly 64 Example

Aries- Tcday is a 7- Yourwork dogn’tseem to increase, but your income you :an afford?That’swherethepartnercom~in.Be~iithetwoofyou,it’llbeeasier *might If you ask for a raise, pintouthowpr@c$you’veelayedbythelvles and to figureoutwhattogetnow andwhattowait on. howmuchexperience you’ve accumulated. Thosewill be gdsellingpoinb. Scorpio-Today is a6-You want to be in control of the situation,but today Taurus-Today is a7 -Wi couldbe agddayfor you to travel.Aprivate you may bethestudent Ifyou’regettingo*redaround,don’targue.Takenob mp convelsation with an old friendcouldbe productive. You may have todeal with inshad.Youcan figureoutwhat’susefulandwhat’snot later. a few problem soon, but they’re not here yet, so relax. Sagittarius-today is a7-youcouldmake yourselfa lotofnioney. If you

Gemini-Tcday is a6-you may be worried about money that you oweor hustle, andmaybeevenwolkovettime,you could anim quite a fortune Put your Ukhr @money you’rehyingtoborn Ifyou’retrying topayofadebt, talk to an expert expe-ienceto use and kick yourself into warpspeed. lf you don’t,theopportunity could Youmay bedoingthisthe hardway. Makeiteasyonyoumlf. pass (ou by. 1 RlPPE I

Cancer-Today is a 5 -You may have aconflictwith your partneror mate. Capricorn-today is ag-Youshouldbein amarvelousniood.Putyour @ ffyoucan’tundelstandeachother,bringin atranslatorAmutualfriend,orm Cchoresasidethismiingandrelax. Ifyoucansunouiidyoulselfwithfamilyand a group of friends, can help you settle thissillysquabblesoyou can get on to more friends, so much the better.You don’t have towork all the time. Tonight, themore, the interestingthings. mercer. Leo -Today is a 6-You’redoingthework, but you’re not making much anls-Today is a 5-You might need tohsonlething. If you’nxotsure .. 1 %money. If you’ve noticed that, don’tdespair. There’s way too mucheffort in- dBWhow to ‘make the change, do more march. Fidanodier bookto reador another ~1~butjustthinkofitaspayingdues.You’llgetyourrewardlater. expert on that topic. It’s kindof fun to have a new topic tostudy after you get into it ENFRYZ Virgo-Tcdayisa9-You’relucky tday.You gettheprize.Youshould Pi~r-Todap an8-Get togetherwithfriends today andby something new. You kin afabulousmoodall day. Set up an inteMewwi4 aperson you want to 1 mayfmdyou haveatalentthatyoudidn’tknowexisied.Youhaveatendencyto lKlI1 sell and/or adate with the person of yourdreams. Try something bold. Yourchancg Fittinginwill ’be shy around people,sometimei.Putthat aside for now. beeasier Anrmhm: amgd than you expected _.- Libra- Today is a6-You’d like alotof things, but you have to choosewhat -TMS Campus News Service IbJ

ECO- Environmental Consciousness present a university-wide talk Five more days u. TODAY Outreach “Scientific and Social Enquiry into Health: ..,-.,.,..*,....-- the case ofa rational huminitarian.“ WCCKly lVltXlIIlg of classesooo International Center Bamum 104, 4:30 p.m Practical Trainine Workshoo Oxfam Cafe, 9:30 p.m. I 3rd Floor Ballou, 2 p.m. Hang in there! Reservations Required TTLGBC Trans Issue, Also, final eletions for next WEDNESDAY LCS CHILD year‘s leadership positions. Armenian Genocide Commemoration Volunteer East Hall Lounge, 9: 15 p.m Service The Dad’s with you BostodChinatown, 2:45 p.m Featuring noted author, Peter Balakian LCS Goddard Chapel, 7 p.m. Blood Drive Reception to follow. until the end. -LCS - - CHI1.I)-... __ Boston Chinatown Neighborhood After Hodgdon Lounge, school program Meet at Campus Center ATM‘s, 2.45-6 pm. TOMORROW /,- LCS Programs Abroad Blood Drive Eva (on the new negative scanner): “It’s very... ” General Information Mtg Carmichael Lounge, 1-6 p.m. Eaton 201, I1:30 p.m. Jacob: “Seductive?” Alcohol and Health Ed. Eva: “Exactly.’, Orthodox Christiao Fellowship Dealing with other people’s substance GeneraI Meeting abuse Later, Justin added, V agree. ” 204,8:00 p.m. Eaton Campus Center. #218, 7:30-8:30 p.m. L 20 THETUFTS DAILY April 24,2000

