
Below are information on how to upload your video submission for the 2021 GCGPC virtual season using YouTube and Drive.

On YouTube.com, click on the camera icon on the top right corner. You will see an “Upload video” option. Click that and upload your video. Create a title including your unit’s name and classification.

Select your video file or drop in the video. While your video is uploading and you’ve filled out the information, click “Next” on the bottom right corner to proceed.

Once your video has uploaded, be sure to set the video as “Unlisted”. This will allow you to be able to create a link to share. You DO NOT want to make any of your submission videos public.

You will be able to access your video link by clicking on your video thumbnail or picture.

On Google Drive, click the + button on the top left corner of the website. A menu will open and click “File Upload”.

Go through the process of finding your video file and uploading your video. On Google Drive, you will need to allow your videos to completely upload and process. This will take a few seconds or minutes depending on your connection.

Once your video has completely uploaded and processed, you will see an icon of your video. RIGHT CLICK the file and a menu will open. Choose “Get link” and another window will open.

This step is crucial when using Google Drive. You MUST make the link viewable with anyone who has the link to the video. Change the option to “Viewer”. When that is set, you can now copy the link to your video to upload on the GCGPC website.

On the GCGPC page (www.gcgpc.org), you will see a “Video Submission” tab on the top of the page. Click on it. The video submission page can also be access through the “Forms” tab.

Fill in all the necessary information on this page. At the bottom, you will see the “Show Video URL” – paste your video link from YouTube or Google Drive here and click SUBMIT. You will know that your video was successfully submitted when a GREEN text appears on the top of the page.

ALL video submissions are due the THURSDAY before the actual show date by 11:59 PM. Any submissions after that time will not be considered for review and will be disqualified from that contest.

For any other questions, please refer to the GCGPC website or contact us at [email protected]

Thank you!