A Report on Reauthorization of the Tennessee Plan By Brian T. Fitzpatrick February 2008 The Federalist Society takes seriously its responsibility as a non- partisan institution engaged in fostering a serious dialogue about legal issues in the public square. We occasionally produce “white papers” on timely and contentious issues in the legal or public policy world, in an effort to widen understanding of the facts and principles involved and to continue that dialogue. Positions taken on specific issues in publications, however, are those of the author, and are not reflective of an organization stance. This paper presents a number of important issues, and is part of an ongoing conversation. We invite readers to share their responses, thoughts and criticisms by writing to us at
[email protected], and, if you wish, we will consider posting or airing those perspectives as well. 2 A Report on Reauthorization of the Tennessee Plan By Brian T. Fitzpatrick* In June of 2008, some of the operative provisions of Tennessee’s method of selecting appellate judges—called the “Tennessee Plan”—will expire unless they are reauthorized by the Tennessee Legislature. Under the Tennessee Plan, judges are initially appointed by the Governor from a list of three names selected by a nominating commission made up primarily of lawyers who belong to special lawyer’s organizations. After a period of time, these judges then have their names put on the ballot in uncontested retention referenda where voters are asked whether to keep the judges appointed by the Governor. Ever since the Tennessee Plan was enacted to replace contested elections in 1971, it has been controversial, and, for much of its history, it has been mired in litigation.