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......»«***•, PIONEER NEWSPAPER OF OCEAN COUNTY. riB L lS H E D 1 8 5 0 TOMS R IV ER , N. J ., THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 2 8 , 1804 VOLUM E 5 4 -N U M B E R 17 day, and will continue to coine daily. E.EN0 WRITES Jacksonville is the arriving point in WANT HARBOR HAPPENINGS LAKEWOOD Florida, as from that place they can YACHTSMEN The Country- club entertainment ;rOM FLORIDA reach all the resorts on the east and OF REFUGE NEAR-BY US committee has tilled in the remain west coast and the inland resorts M AY COMBINE ing lecture date as follows: Even i Degrees in the Shade--Toms also Litt|e Matters ot Interest Caught Built at Little Egg Harbor Inlet ing ot January 30, song and piano River People There Many people ot moderate means ASSOCIATION OF NEW by U. S. Government on the Fly recital; afternoon of February 12, are now spending the winters in this JERSEY YACHT CLUBS Ernest Thompson Seton; evening Lahumpka, Fla., January ii — State, and they are apt to locate Barnegat had 9 deaths last vest. The Little Egg Harbor Inlet Im ol February 19, Leland T. Powers, A movement lias been started by liinv day,the first since our arrival among the pine forests and orange Point Pleasant complains of chick provement Association has been presenting "David Garrick”; evening T. J R. Brown of Toms River, L Rain is much needed through groves, where the beautiful lakes add en thieves. formed to bring about the deepening, ol March 12, Dr. Ivenaga, on Japan; Commodore of the Island Heights I region Lakes are low, ponds to the charm, and yvhere they find buoying and ¡ettying dt Little Fgg William Blackman of Tuckerton, evening ot April 2,song-, bv Gwilym I wells are dried up. Last year rest, recreation, sport, home comforts Harbor Inlet. It is claimed by its is a petit juror in the U. S. district Miles. Ls time everything was over- aud northern cooking. originators that during the past year court at Trenton Simeon Ford and family, of New ted, and all low places were At the more popular, fashionable several Government officials have Mrs. B S. Stiles, Miss Gertrude York, have been spend several day s Hdv. Tonight it cleared off' and expensive resorts, people are al looked over the Inlet and have de Schellenger and William U. Bishop at the Laurel House. bht and beautiful, and it dries so ways in a giddy whirl, stay a short cided that it is unquestionably de have gone from Tuckerton to De Many Philade phians have been lldv that one can hardly believe time at one place, and go home sirable as a harbor of refuge, on ac land, Florida here, most of them staving at the L» been raining much more tired, and with much less count of its central location, its depth Capt. Tom Mathis has collected Laurel-in-the-Pinea. Mrs A . J. Cas Law a “ fine figure of a man” to money, than when they came. of water, the excellent and commo over $200 to buy a hose cart and satt spent several days there visiting -a line looking negro, splendidly Money makes the mare go, and dious natural harbor inside, the great other apparatus for the Tuckerton her daughter, Mrs J. P. Hutchinson. Led and muscular. I asked h im money makes the fine hotels with volume of water passing through i> fire company. John W. Gates expects to visit L tall he was with his shoes off', splendor, style, music, pomp and daily, and finally the moderate cost Lakewood soon, stopping at the New | he said six feet nine inches— and show, but does it pay if one is after The Pleasant Grove (Jackson of construction and maintenance. York looked it rest and comfort, and trying to get township) M. K church is heing The Association has elected the painted and papered by fames Maul- Madame Gadski, celebtated opera Ian. 14 —Quite cool, the thermo- away from business cares? The following officers: President, O. J. den ol Lakehurst. singer, was at the Laurel house ler at 37 at daylight, and some change of climate, the rest from Delaney, Moorestown ; Vice-Presi with her young daughter, a few days It doesn't seem cold to us, There hasn’t been a wreck on work, and diversion in plenty they dent, R. B Engle, Mount Holly; last week. lit does double the natives up, as can get get in just such inland re Long Beach thus far this season, Secretary, Edward D Wadsworth, Elsie, the youngest daughter ot lr do not dress for such change sorts as Okahumpka,, which is which is rather unusual considering Philadelphia; Treasurer, Isaac A. Richard Holman died recently of I weather. the severity of the weather. healthy, quiet and the second high Lee, Camden ; Chairman Executive spinal meningitis. lam getting to he quite a titled est spot in Florida Miss Josephine H. Crane of Man- Committee, Benjamin H. Crosby, A son was born recently to Mr ,onage down here—Colonel,Com nahawkin, graduates in the Febru Tuckerton Many prominent men and Mrs John Estell. lore, Major and Captain : Co! Jan. 17— A most beautiful day, ary class from the State Normal are taking an active interest in this The Girls Missionary society ot I, because I was high private in 72 degrees on the porch in the shade. School at Trenton, tomorrow night. movement, among them, Joseph the Presbyterian church will hold 119th Pennsylvania Vols N. G. ; Guests are sleepily sitting in porch Wharton, of Philadelphia : John P. Wiliam J. Husted, formerly of their annual fair at the home of Mrs. Mayor Weaver nmodore, as they have heard that chairs, and do not seem inclined to Cro/.er of Upland. Pa. ; Wni. J. West Creek, was recently installed as U. B. Leeds on Lincoln’s birthday. Is in this section four or five years move around much. (Oh, they all • Thompson of Gloucester; Lewis manager of the Harvey Cedars hotel, Lakewood had quite a hunch of all get it after a few days in this cli ^ acht Cluhgto form an association of I with a steam launch; Captain, Keuhnle and othei leading men of owing to the departure of Mr. Gil people at the auto show in New mate, ) Tlie fishing is good and get all the \ acht Clubs in New letsey* 3 telling some sea yarns of when Atlantic City Members ot the belt. York. hs an old shellbackjin the larboard ting better. Plenty of quail are or at least in South Jersey. Sofarthe Maritime Exchange in Philadelphia Lakewood's Assessor will receive The P. O S. ot /V. hold a dance ch ; Major, just on general prin- waiting to be shot, too. matter seems to meet with favor. It and other cities realize the import a salary ot $600, and the collector on F'ebruary nth. is endorsed by Mayor John Weaver Now, Mr. Fischer, if I were Tomorrow, Monday, I leave here ance ot this improvement and ate #850 this y ear. R. H Robbins is On Wednesday of last week the ol Philadelphia, Commodore of the lie, somewhat dissipated and about daylight to drive a party some deeply interested. Coasting ship assessor, and F. T. Johnson, col Great Sachems of the State visited thirty miles through the pine woods, Sea Side Park Yacht Club, and it is jd a big pile of deb's I would be ping circles have long felt the need lector Manitou tribe of Red Men. prospecting for orange groves. We understood that the meeting to form • after and carried off bv some of a centrally located harbor of refuge go through a wild country, and ex Tuckerton pays hut $135 tor its the Association will beheld in Ma>or |erican heiress— don’t you think and endorse this project heartily. SMALLEST BRIDE pect to get lost once in awhile, but hydrants. It has 15 fire plugs, six Weaver's office in Philadelphia, Why some young men with The Association has opened an won't mind that. W'e will go well ot which .ire given rent free bv the EVER IN LAKEWOOD soon after the Mayor returns from .1 eadvantages and only one title office at 29 South Third street, r ofl our rich American girls armed with Winchester rifles and water company, and the other 9 cost short recreation trip that he is now Philadelphia. The tiniest bride that ever came to contemplating. ■ esteidav a little darky brought a shot guns, revolvers and Howie S15 per year. The Chairman of the executive Lakewood on a honeymoon is Mrs. lal igstor about three feet long. knives, lots of ammunition, and not committee, in his paper, the Tuck Bert Fisher of Point P easant, was Henry \\. Redlield, Jr, of Tenaflv, Point Pleasant s New 1 the hoy had hurt him so that he all ot it dry, either. Will take along erton Beacon, advances these claims pushed through a window and cut his N J. She is barely four feet in Athletic Club House J today. We will have to hustle cold boi ed ham, boiled eggs, bread arm badly, while in a friendly tussle lor the project: Little Egg Harbor height, wears a No. 12 child’s sh o e lit lor more, for I intend to bring and butter, oranges, cake, pie, cigars, There was recently completed hv Inlet is situated about half way be with Ralph Borden He was taken and No 1 glove, and when she ap le home when we come north, Rhine wine, bottles of pure water, the Mohawk Athletic Club, at Point tween Sandy Hook and the Bela- to Long Branch hospital.