relation to the vegetation and habitats removed during the proposed KNF and MKY enhancements. Larger areas would be required if habitats were in very good condition and required very little rehabilitation, or if habitats were very degraded and their potential for successful rehabilitation was lower.

Other options that TPL could consider as part of an off-set mitigation package include:

1. Revegetating the existing cleared corridor associated with the penstock above Kaniere Forks Power Station if this is decommissioned (0.343 ha); and/or 2. Negotiating a land swap with DOC, involving the parcel of land owned by TPL on the northern side of the Kaniere River at McKays Weir (0.4046 ha). This land parcel is surrounded by high value public conservation land supporting intact rimu-miro/kamahi forest. It is has been modified to some degree, but supports some secondary kahikatea forest on an alluvial landform.

97 C09080_005_Terrestrial_Ecology_Assessment_20101119.doc KANIERE FORKS AND MCKAY’S CREEK HEPS RE-CONSENTING TRUSTPOWER LIMITED

10 Conclusion

The enhanced Scheme is not anticipated to have any significant adverse effects on bird habitats or the bird communities of , or the Kaniere River.

With regard to the proposed MKY HEPS enhancement, where construction works are within the existing HEPS footprint, the effects on vegetation communities and the habitats of terrestrial birds and fauna are minor. The removal, disturbance and fragmentation of vegetation communities and faunal habitats along the proposed new section of water race will have adverse effects on terrestrial ecological values. Mitigation (including off-set mitigation) is recommended to avoid, minimise and remedy the adverse effects of the proposed MKY enhancement.

The proposed KNF HEPS enhancement will have short-term effects on terrestrial avifauna during construction as well as long-term effects relating to the loss of feeding, roosting and nesting habitat, habitat fragmentation and modification. As well as a number of potential short-term effects associated with construction works, the proposed enhancement will also result in the removal of 4.9 ha of ecologically valuable vegetation communities along the entire length of the construction envelope. This will have a number of significant adverse effects on terrestrial ecology values. A substantial mitigation package will be required to avoid, mitigate or remedy these effects. Off-set mitigation is recommended to mitigate the permanent loss of ecologically valuable vegetation communities and habitats within public conservation land.

Details of a potential ‘mitigation package’ for the proposed MKY and KNF enhancements have not been finalised. Without this detail, it is difficult to assess whether the balance of the potential effects against the proposed mitigation will result in a net positive or negative environmental outcome. If the recommended mitigation is implemented and appropriate construction and post construction management plans are developed and adhered to, it is possible that there could be an overall environmental gain, particularly if there is strong ecological input into the development of both the mitigation package and management plans.

98 C09080_005_Terrestrial_Ecology_Assessment_20101119.doc KANIERE FORKS AND MCKAY’S CREEK HEPS RE-CONSENTING TRUSTPOWER LIMITED


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102 C09080_005_Terrestrial_Ecology_Assessment_20101119.doc KANIERE FORKS AND MCKAY’S CREEK HEPS RE-CONSENTING TRUSTPOWER LIMITED

Appendix 1: Maps

103 C09080_005_Terrestrial_Ecology_Assessment_20101119.doc File Ref: C09080_eco_report_graphics.indd

Topo data sourced from LINZ topo data. Crown copyright reserved © Boffa Miskell Ltd 2008

Hokitika These plans and drawings have been produced as a result of information provided by the client and/or sourced by or provided to Boffa Miskell Limited by a third party for the purposes of providing the services. No responsibility is taken by Boffa Miskell Limited for any liability or action any arising Limited for Miskell by Boffa is taken the services. No responsibility the purposes of providing party Limited by a third for Miskell to Boffa by or provided sourced by the client and/or provided as a result of information been produced have These plans and drawings Limited 2010 Miskell for which it © Boffa is intended. for the purpose the benefit and use by the client to the client and for provided are These plans/drawings party). the client or a third Limited (whether from Miskell to Boffa provided information or inaccurate incomplete any from Legend Water races Kaniere water race McKay's water race

KANIERE/MCKAYS RE-CONSENTING Scheme Location Plan Map 1 0 3km Date: 10 November 2010 Plan prepared for Trustpower by Boffa Miskell Limited www.boffamiskell.co.nz 1:100,000 @ A4 Author: [email protected] | Checked: GMW ph i cs _A3.i n dd Ma p 2 t _ g ra




C09080_e c

Lake Kaniere Bay Hans Ref:File Overview MapExtent . n z | Checked: o RE-CONSENTING e ll.c am isk 2010 1 9 November Date: Hokitika ff ARAHUTIKA Limited Miskell by Boffa Trustpower

River Scheme 1 - Existing


! !

! ! 1:250,000 ! . hoo s on @ bo ! ! Kaniere Lake ott


! for Plan prepared Scale - (A3) Location Map Location ! sc Author:


! ROAD WAIANO ROAD Sheet Overview

Sunny Bight ! BIGHT SUNNY ! !

! ! !


! Kaniere River Project ! !

Kaniere Water Race








! !

See 'Project OverviewSheet 2 - Enhancement' Forks Kaniere



! !





! Butchers Creek

! 11kv Transmission Line Track Walking Kaniere Races Water !



! Legend





Blue Bottle Creek Bottle Blue

Greens Creek Greens 1:30,000 @ A3 0 McKays Creek McKays reserved. Existing Power Station


Water Race Sources: Data LINZ, from and aerial photo sourced data Topographic copyright Crown

or the

third by client taken result a arising for is a purpose provided or

the as the

party to sourced Li m ite d 2010 action

client Striplands Creek Striplands for or e ll third the and produced a and/or responsibility


Mi sk provided See 'Project OverviewSheet 3 - CreekMcKays Enhancement' by a No from liability been client client are any

the the © B o ff have Limited inaccurate for DAWSON RD services. by by (whether or the use Miskell Limited drawings intended.

Limited and


plans/drawings t is Stoney Creek Stoney and Boffa providing it incomplete to of Miskell Miskell fi bene fi These plans an

y which the Boffa

information Boffa

provided purposes by of from These to for party). for KANIERE-KOWHITIRANGI RD River Hokitika www.boffamiskell.co.nz ph i cs _A3.i n dd t _ g ra Ma p 2a p or o_re




C09080_e c MILLTOWN ROAD MILLTOWN Ref:File . n z | Checked: o RE-CONSENTING e ll.c am isk Project Overview Sheet 2010 1 9 November Date: Project Overview Sheet ff Limited Miskell by Boffa Trustpower

. hoo s on @ bo ott KANIERE/MACKAYS for Plan prepared Location Map Enhancement Forks 2 - Kaniere sc Author: (A3) Project Overview Sheet 3 1:100,000 Sheet Overview

Scale - HANS BAY ROAD ARAHUTIKA Location Map Existing Kaniere Existing Race and Water Walking Adjacent Track Proposed Buffer Storage Lake Kaniere and intake weir (The Landing) Project


! !

1100m ! !




1200m !

! 300m

! ! 200m


! 100m

000m 1300m

! 400m !



! !

Proposed Buffer Storage

700m ! 1400m ! Lake Kaniere Lake



600m !

1500m ! !



! !






! ! Upgraded Armco Culvert


! !

1900m !



! !

Kaniere River Proposed Penstock Proposed 1 Option Intake, 2100m

! !

2200m !

300m !


! ! 2600m

2400m !

Limited Consultans ! 2700m 2500m

Proposed Penstock Proposed 2 Option Intake, ! 1:10,000 @ A3 0

2800m !


! ! Penstock 1 Option ! ( Sources: Data LINZ, from and aerial photo sourced data Topographic copyright Crown supplied by Riley Engineering data

or the

third by client taken result a arising for is a purpose provided or

the as the Tem pora ry and Works Laydown

party to sourced Li m ite d 2010 action client for or e ll third the and produced a and/or responsibility


Mi sk provided by a No from liability been client client are any

the the © B o ff have Limited inaccurate for services. by by (whether Penstock 2 Option

New Kaniere Power Forks Station or

Tail Race Tail the WARD RD WARD use Miskell Limited drawings intended. Limited and provided

plans/drawings t is

and Boffa providing it incomplete to of Miskell Miskell fi bene fi These plans an

y which the Boffa

information Boffa provided purposes by of from These to for party). for d Power Station Power Chainage Markers Tunnel Race with Existing Water Track Walking Adjacent Canal Proposed 1 Option Penstock 2 Option Penstock Race Tail Line Tranmission Envelope Construction www.boffamiskell.co.nz ! ( Legen !! File Ref: C09080_eco_report_graphics_A3.indd

Location Map Scale - 1:100,000 (A3) Project Overview Sheet 3 New McKays Creek Power Tail Race Station

LAKE KANIERE RD Existing Project Overview Sheet 2 McKays Creek (! Power Station New 3900m McKays Penstock 3800m Proposed Head Pond 3700m



3400m 3300m Existing Kaniere Forks 3200m 3100m 3000m 2900m Power Station 2800m 2700m Lake Kaniere Existing 2600m Road Bridge Kaniere River Tunnel (!

2500m 100m 200m 400m 000m Proposed New 2400m 500m 300m 2300m 1300m Section of 1200m 600m Water Race 1100m 700m Existing 1400m McKays Legend 2100m 2200m 1000m 800m 900m Weir 1500m (! Existing Power Station Existing Coal Creek (! Proposed Power Station Likely Fill Areas 2000m 1900m 1800m 1700m 1600m Flume Chainage Markers (Subject to Farmers Approval) Tunnel Bypass Option C Existing LAKE KANIERE RD Syphon Tunnel Bypass Option D Penstock Tail Race Existing Water Race with Adjacent Walking Track Construction Envelope Headpond Likely Fill Areas (Subject to Farmers Approval)

These plans and drawings have been produced as a result KANIERE/MACKAYS RE-CONSENTING of information provided by the client and/or sourced by or 0 300m provided to Boffa Miskell Limited by a third party for the purposes of providing the services. No responsibility is taken Project Overview Sheet 3 - McKays Creek Enhancement by Boffa Miskell Limited for any liability or action arising 1:10,000 @ A3 Map 2b fromy an incomplete or inaccurate information provided Date: 19 November 2010 to Boffa Miskell Limited (whether from the client or a third Data Sources: party). These plans/drawings are provided to the client Topographic data and aerial photo sourced from LINZ, Plan prepared for Trustpower by Boffa Miskell Limited for the benefi t and use by the client and for the purpose Crown copyright reserved. www.boffamiskell.co.nz Author: [email protected] | Checked: GMW for which it is intended. © Boffa Miskell Limited 2010 Engineering data supplied by Riley Consultans Limited Conservation Area - Kawhaka Creek Palmer Creek Gravel Reserve File Ref: C09080_eco_report_graphics.indd Brennans Creek- Keenans Creek Conservation Area Quarry Reserve Blue Spur Road Palmer Creek Lake Mudgie Conservation Area Scenic Reserve Blue Spur Range Kawhaka Creek

Conservation Area Blue Spur Range

Conservation Area Blue Spur Range McKay's Power Kaniere Forks Station Power Station " Conservation Area Kaniere Forest Kaniere Ecological Area Scenic Reserve " Kaniere Forks " Kaniere Forks Water Race McKay's McKay's Weir Kaniere River Water Race Lake Kaniere Road

Conservation Area Kaniere Farm Wards Road Power Station " Wards Road

Scenic Amenity Reserve Area Lake Milltown Kaniere Acclimatisation Reserve Lake Kaniere Kaniere Landing " intake weir

Conservation Area Back Creek Swamp Wildlife Management Reserve Hans Bay-Lake Kaniere

Legend Raft Creek Scenic Reserve - Lake Kaniere " HEPS Infrastructure Water races Roads Lake Rivers

These plans and drawings have been produced as a result of information provided by the client and/or sourced by or provided to Boffa Miskell Limited by a third party for the purposes of providing the services. No responsibility is taken by Boffa Miskell Limited for any liability or action any arising Limited for Miskell by Boffa is taken the services. No responsibility the purposes of providing party Limited by a third for Miskell to Boffa by or provided sourced by the client and/or provided as a result of information been produced have These plans and drawings Limited 2010 Miskell for which it © Boffa is intended. for the purpose the benefit and use by the client to the client and for provided are These plans/drawings party). the client or a third Limited (whether from Miskell to Boffa provided information or inaccurate incomplete any from Kaniere Conservation Estate Amenity Area Ecological Area Fixed Marginal Strip Stewardship Area Local Purpose Reserve Scenic Reserve Kokatahi - Esplanade Reserve Duck Creek - Esplanade Reserve KANIERE/MCKAYS RE-CONSENTING Kokatahi Agricultural and Pastoral ShowgroundDuck Creek 0 1.5 km Kokatahi Recreation Reserve Land Status Map 3 0 ´ 1.5kmScale - 1:50,000 (A3) Date: 10 November22 2010 September 2010 Plan prepared for Trustpower by Boffa Miskell Limited www.boffamiskell.co.nz 1:50,000 @ A4 Author: [email protected] | Checked: GMW File Ref: C09080_eco_report_graphics.indd

See Map 5a

See Map 5b

See Map 6

Legend Vegetation Types (Coprosma / twiggy tree daisy) / Phormium flaxland (Kahikatea) / Phormium flaxland Oioi reedland Carex sedgeland See Map 7 Mingimingi shrubland Coprosma / twiggy tree daisy scrub

These plans and drawings have been produced as a result of information provided by the client and/or sourced by or provided to Boffa Miskell Limited by a third party for the purposes of providing the services. No responsibility is taken by Boffa Miskell Limited for any liability or action any arising Limited for Miskell by Boffa is taken the services. No responsibility the purposes of providing party Limited by a third for Miskell to Boffa by or provided sourced by the client and/or provided as a result of information been produced have These plans and drawings Limited 2010 Miskell for which it © Boffa is intended. for the purpose the benefit and use by the client to the client and for provided are These plans/drawings party). the client or a third Limited (whether from Miskell to Boffa provided information or inaccurate incomplete any from Kahikatea forest Kutakuta reedland Square sedge reedland Open water Phormium flaxland Westland totara - mountain toatoa treeland Raupo reedland

KANIERE/MCKAYS RE-CONSENTING 0 0.5 km Lake Kaniere Riparian Wetlands: Overview Map Map 4 0 1.5km ° Date: 10 November 2010 1:50,000 Plan prepared for Trustpower by Boffa Miskell LimitedDate: 22 September 2010 www.boffamiskell.co.nz 1:50,000 @ A4 Author: [email protected] | Checked: GMW File Ref: C09080_eco_report_graphics.indd

Legend Vegetation Types (Kahikatea) / Phormium flaxland


0 15km 0 75m

1:250,000 @ A4 1:2,500 @ A4 Map 5a


3 Legend Vegetation Types Carex sedgeland Kahikatea forest Open water Phormium flaxland



0 15km 0 75m

1:250,000 @ A4 1:2,500 @ A4 Map 5b These plans and drawings have been produced as a result of information provided by the client and/or sourced by or provided to Boffa Miskell Limited by a third party for the purposes of providing the services. No responsibility is taken by Boffa Miskell Limited for any liability or action any Limited for Miskell by Boffa is taken the services. No responsibility the purposes of providing party Limited by a third for Miskell to Boffa by or provided sourced by the client and/or provided as a result of information been produced have These plans and drawings Limited 2010 Miskell for which it © Boffa is intended. for the purpose the benefit and use by the client to the client and for provided are These plans/drawings party). the client or a third Limited (whether from Miskell to Boffa provided information or inaccurate incomplete any arising from LINZ reserved. from dataset. copyright map sourced Crowm Topo Bing imagery. from Aerial photo sourced Sources: Data

KANIERE/MCKAYS RE-CONSENTING 0 0.025 km Lake Kaniere Riparian Wetlands: Northern Section Map 5 ° Date: 10 November 2010 1:2,500 Plan prepared for Trustpower by Boffa Miskell LimitedDate: 22 September 2010 www.boffamiskell.co.nz Author: [email protected] | Checked: GMW File Ref: C09080_eco_report_graphics.indd

6 7 8

9 10 11 12



Legend 15 Vegetation Types (Coprosma / twiggy tree daisy) / Phormium flaxland (Kahikatea) / Phormium flaxland Oioi reedland 13 Coprosma / twiggy tree daisy scrub Kahikatea forest Square sedge reedland Phormium flaxland Westland totara - Mountain toatoa treeland 17


0 15km 0 200m

1:250,000 @ A4 1:6,000 @ A4 These plans and drawings have been produced as a result of information provided by the client and/or sourced by or provided to Boffa Miskell Limited by a third party for the purposes of providing the services. No responsibility is taken by Boffa Miskell Limited for any liability or action any Limited for Miskell by Boffa is taken the services. No responsibility the purposes of providing party Limited by a third for Miskell to Boffa by or provided sourced by the client and/or provided as a result of information been produced have These plans and drawings Limited 2010 Miskell for which it © Boffa is intended. for the purpose the benefit and use by the client to the client and for provided are These plans/drawings party). the client or a third Limited (whether from Miskell to Boffa provided information or inaccurate incomplete any arising from LINZ reserved. from dataset. copyright map sourced Crowm Topo Bing imagery. from Aerial photo sourced Sources: Data

KANIERE/MCKAYS RE-CONSENTING Lake Kaniere Riparian Wetlands: Middle Section Map 6 Date: 10 November 2010 Plan prepared for Trustpower by Boffa Miskell LimitedDate: 22 September 2010 www.boffamiskell.co.nz Author: [email protected] | Checked: GMW File Ref: C09080_eco_report_graphics.indd


Legend Vegetation Types Coprosma shrubland Kahikatea forest Kutakuta reedland Phormium flaxland Raupo reedland

0 15km 0 200m

1:250,000 @ A4 1:6,000 @ A4 These plans and drawings have been produced as a result of information provided by the client and/or sourced by or provided to Boffa Miskell Limited by a third party for the purposes of providing the services. No responsibility is taken by Boffa Miskell Limited for any liability or action any Limited for Miskell by Boffa is taken the services. No responsibility the purposes of providing party Limited by a third for Miskell to Boffa by or provided sourced by the client and/or provided as a result of information been produced have These plans and drawings Limited 2010 Miskell for which it © Boffa is intended. for the purpose the benefit and use by the client to the client and for provided are These plans/drawings party). the client or a third Limited (whether from Miskell to Boffa provided information or inaccurate incomplete any arising from LINZ reserved. from dataset. copyright map sourced Crowm Topo Bing imagery. from Aerial photo sourced Sources: Data

KANIERE/MCKAYS RE-CONSENTING Lake Kaniere Riparian Wetlands: Southern Section Map 7 Date: 10 November 2010 Plan prepared for Trustpower by Boffa Miskell LimitedDate: 22 September 2010 www.boffamiskell.co.nz Author: [email protected] | Checked: GMW Topo data sourced from LINZ topo data. Crown copyright reserved © Boffa Miskell Ltd 2008

File Ref: C09080_eco_report_graphics.indd

Location Plan (nts) ââ Legend Water races

Kaniere water race ââ McKay's water race

Wards Road ââ

ââ ââ


Kaniere River


ââ Lake Kaniere Road ââ




ââ Legend

ââ Transmission line Proposed construction envelope Vegetation type Wards Road Vegetation (see Map 9) Cleared: fernland/shrubland

These plans and drawings have been produced as a result of information provided by the client and/or sourced by or provided to Boffa Miskell Limited by a third party for the purposes of providing the services. No responsibility is taken by Boffa Miskell Limited for any liability or action any arising Limited for Miskell by Boffa is taken the services. No responsibility the purposes of providing party Limited by a third for Miskell to Boffa by or provided sourced by the client and/or provided as a result of information been produced have These plans and drawings Limited 2010 Miskell for which it © Boffa is intended. for the purpose the benefit and use by the client to the client and for provided are These plans/drawings party). the client or a third Limited (whether from Miskell to Boffa provided information or inaccurate incomplete any from Primary rimu-miro / kamahi-quintinia forest Manuka scrub Secondary rimu / mountain toatoa-quintinia-rata forest (silver pine) / manuka scrub Weeping matipo scrub N/A


1:12,500 KNF Enhancement Vegetation Communities Date: 22 SeptemberMap 8 2010 0 Projection:375m NZTM www.boffamiskell.co.nz Date: 10 November 2010 ´ Data Sources: Aerials: Bing; Construction Envelope: TrustPower Plan prepared for Trustpower by Boffa Miskell Limited www.boffamiskell.co.nz 1:12,500 @ A4 Author: [email protected] | Checked: GMW File Ref: C09080_eco_report_graphics.indd

Wards Road Legend Proposed construction envelope Vegetation types (silver pine) / manuka scrub

These plans and drawings have been produced as a result of information provided by the client and/or sourced by or provided to Boffa Miskell Limited by a third party for the purposes of providing the services. No responsibility is taken by Boffa Miskell Limited for any liability or action any arising Limited for Miskell by Boffa is taken the services. No responsibility the purposes of providing party Limited by a third for Miskell to Boffa by or provided sourced by the client and/or provided as a result of information been produced have These plans and drawings Limited 2010 Miskell for which it © Boffa is intended. for the purpose the benefit and use by the client to the client and for provided are These plans/drawings party). the client or a third Limited (whether from Miskell to Boffa provided information or inaccurate incomplete any from Carex sedgeland Mingimingi shrubland Mingimingi shrubland / Carex Manuka shrubland Silver pine forest Phormium flaxland Phormium flaxland / Sphagnum

KANIERE/MCKAYS RE-CONSENTING Vegetation Communities at Wards Road 0 0.0075 km Wards Road Wetland ° | Date: 22 September 2010Map 9 1:2,000 0@ A3 60m Date: 10 November 2010 Plan prepared for Trustpower by Boffa Miskell Limited www.boffamiskell.co.nz 1:2,000 @ A4 Author: [email protected] | Checked: GMW File Ref: C09080_eco_report_graphics.indd

!( Data Sources: !( Bats data sourced from DOC. Topo map sourced from LINZ, Crown copyright reserved.

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!( These plans and drawings have been produced as a result of information provided by the client and/or sourced by or provided to Boffa Miskell Limited by a third party for the purposes of providing the services. No responsibility is taken by Boffa Miskell Limited for any liability or action any arising Limited for Miskell by Boffa is taken the services. No responsibility the purposes of providing party Limited by a third for Miskell to Boffa by or provided sourced by the client and/or provided as a result of information been produced have These plans and drawings Limited 2010 Miskell for which it © Boffa is intended. for the purpose the benefit and use by the client to the client and for provided are These plans/drawings party). the client or a third Limited (whether from Miskell to Boffa provided information or inaccurate incomplete any from

!( Legend !(

!( Long Tailed Bat recorded !(

!( No bats recorded

KANIERE/MCKAYS RE-CONSENTING Bat Survey Locations Map 10 0 3km 1:100,000 Date: 10 November 2010 ´ Plan prepared for Trustpower by Boffa Miskell Limited www.boffamiskell.co.nz 1:100,000 @ A4 Author: [email protected] | Checked: GMW File Ref: C09080_eco_report_graphics.indd


Water race construction envelope Vegetation type These plans and drawings have been produced as a result of information provided by the client and/or sourced by or provided to Boffa Miskell Limited by a third party for the purposes of providing the services. No responsibility is taken by Boffa Miskell Limited for any liability or action any arising Limited for Miskell by Boffa is taken the services. No responsibility the purposes of providing party Limited by a third for Miskell to Boffa by or provided sourced by the client and/or provided as a result of information been produced have These plans and drawings Limited 2010 Miskell for which it © Boffa is intended. for the purpose the benefit and use by the client to the client and for provided are These plans/drawings party). the client or a third Limited (whether from Miskell to Boffa provided information or inaccurate incomplete any from Gorse scrub Primary rimu / kamahi forest Secondary kamahi / quinitina forest Soft tree fern - rough tree fern tree-fernland

0 0.04 km KANIERE/MCKAYS RE-CONSENTING 1:7,500 New McKays Water Race VegetationDate: 22 September 2010 Projection: NZTM www.boffamiskell.co.nz Map 11 0´ Data Sources:300m Aerials: Bing; Construction Envelope: TrustPower Date: 10 November 2010 Plan prepared for Trustpower by Boffa Miskell Limited www.boffamiskell.co.nz 1:10,000 @ A4 Author: [email protected] | Checked: GMW File Ref: C09080_eco_report_graphics.indd

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! ! ! ! !! ! These plans and drawings have been produced as a result of information provided by the client and/or sourced by or provided to Boffa Miskell Limited by a third party for the purposes of providing the services. No responsibility is taken by Boffa Miskell Limited for any liability or action any arising Limited for Miskell by Boffa is taken the services. No responsibility the purposes of providing party Limited by a third for Miskell to Boffa by or provided sourced by the client and/or provided as a result of information been produced have These plans and drawings Limited 2010 Miskell for which it © Boffa is intended. for the purpose the benefit and use by the client to the client and for provided are These plans/drawings party). the client or a third Limited (whether from Miskell to Boffa provided information or inaccurate incomplete any from

Legend ! 'Habitat trees' Proposed construction envelope

KANIERE/MCKAYS RE-CONSENTING 0 0.08 km N KNF Habitat Trees Map 12 0 ° 300m1:10,000 Date: 10 November 2010Date: 05 November 2010 Plan prepared for Trustpower by Boffa Miskell Limited www.boffamiskell.co.nz 1:10,000 @ A4 Author: [email protected] | Checked: GMW File Ref: C09080_eco_report_graphics.indd

6C 5 ! ! 6 ! 7 5C ! !

4C ! 4 !

3C 3 ! !

2 2C! !

1 1C ! ! These plans and drawings have been produced as a result of information provided by the client and/or sourced by or provided to Boffa Miskell Limited by a third party for the purposes of providing the services. No responsibility is taken by Boffa Miskell Limited for any liability or action any arising Limited for Miskell by Boffa is taken the services. No responsibility the purposes of providing party Limited by a third for Miskell to Boffa by or provided sourced by the client and/or provided as a result of information been produced have These plans and drawings Limited 2010 Miskell for which it © Boffa is intended. for the purpose the benefit and use by the client to the client and for provided are These plans/drawings party). the client or a third Limited (whether from Miskell to Boffa provided information or inaccurate incomplete any from

Legend ! Recce plot locations Proposed construction envelope

KANIERE/MCKAYS RE-CONSENTING 0 0.08 km N KNF Enhancement Recce Plot Locations Map 13 0 ° 300m1:10,000 Date: 10 November 2010Date: 22 September 2010 Plan prepared for Trustpower by Boffa Miskell Limited www.boffamiskell.co.nz 1:10,000 @ A4 Author: [email protected] | Checked: GMW KANIERE FORKS AND MCKAY’S CREEK HEPS RE-CONSENTING TRUSTPOWER LIMITED

Appendix 2: Scientific names of plant species recorded during site investigations or mentioned in the text

* Denotes an exotic species

Common name Scientific name

Acaena novae-zelandiae Red bidibid Agrostis capillaris* Browntop Agrostis stolonifera* Creeping bent Anthoxanthum odoratum Sweet vernal Apodasmia similis Jointed wire rush Aristotelia serrata Wineberry Ascarina lucida var. lucida Hutu Asplenium appendiculatum Spleenwort Asplenium bulbiferum Hen and chicken fern Asplenium flaccidum Drooping spleenwort Astelia grandis Swamp astelia Baumea tenax Blechnum discolor Crown fern Blechnum fluviatile Kiwikiwi Blechnum minus Swamp kiokio Blechnum novaezelandiae Kiokio Blechnum penna-marina Little hard fern Blechnum procerum Small kiokio Carex coriacea Cutty grass Carex maorica Carex secta Purei Carex sinclairii Carex sp. Carex virgata Swamp sedge Carmichaelia sp. Native broom Carpodetus serratus Putaputaweta Cirsium sp.* Thistle Clematis forsteri Small white clematis Clematis vitalba Old man’s beard Coprosma areolata Thin-leaved coprosma

119 C09080_005_Terrestrial_Ecology_Assessment_20101119.doc KANIERE FORKS AND MCKAY’S CREEK HEPS RE-CONSENTING TRUSTPOWER LIMITED

Common name Scientific name

Coprosma foetidissima Stinkwood Coprosma grandifolia Large-leaved coprosma/Kanono Coprosma lucida Karamu Coprosma propinqua Mingimingi Coprosma sp. Coprosma tayloriae Coprosma tenuicaulis Swamp coprosma Cordyline australis Cabbage tree Coriaria arborea Tutu Cortaderia richardii Toetoe Cotoneaster sp* Cotoneaster Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora* Montbretia Ctenopteris heterophylla Comb fern Cyathea smithii Soft tree fern/ponga Dacrycarpus dacrydioides Kahikatea Dacrydium cupressinum Rimu Dawsonia superba Giant moss Dianella nigra Ink berry/Turutu Dicksonia squarrosa Rough tree fern/Wheki Digitalis purpurea* Foxglove Dracophyllum longifolium Inanga Earina aestivalis Bamboo orchid Earina autumnalis Easter orchid Elaeocarpus dentatus Hinau Elaeocarpus hookerianus Pokaka Eleocharis acuta Sharp spike sedge Eleocharis sphacelata Tall spike sedge/Kutakuta Epilobium pallidiflorum Tarawera Freycinetia banksii Kiekie Fuchsia excorticata Kotukutuku Gahnia rigida Galium trilobum Native bedstraw Gaultheria antipoda Bush snowberry Gaultheria rupestris Gleichenia dicarpa Tangle fern Grammitis billardierei Common strap fern Griselinia littoralis Broadleaf Gunnera monoica

120 C09080_005_Terrestrial_Ecology_Assessment_20101119.doc KANIERE FORKS AND MCKAY’S CREEK HEPS RE-CONSENTING TRUSTPOWER LIMITED

Common name Scientific name

Gunnera prorepens Hebe salicifolia Koromiko Hedycarya arborea Porokaiwhiri Helichrysum filicaule Creeping or slender everlasting daisy Hoheria glabrata Mountain lacebark Holcus lanatus* Yorkshire fog Huperzia varia Hydrocotyle heteromeria Waxweed Hydrocotyle novae-zeelandiae Hymenophyllum bivalve Filmy fern Hymenophyllum demissum Drooping filmy fern Hypolepis ambigua Hypolepis millefolium Thousand leaved fern Ileostylus micranthus Green mistletoe Juncus acuminatus* Sharp-fruited rush Juncus bulbosus* Bulbous rush Juncus edgariae Wiwi Juncus effusus* Leafless rush Lepidosperma australe Square sedge Leptecophylla juniperina Prickly mingimingi Leptinella sp. Leptopteris superba Prince of Wales feathers Leptospermum scoparium Manuka Leycesteria formosa* Himalayan honeysuckle Libertia pulcella Libocedrus bidwillii Kaikawaka Lolium perenne* Perennial rye grass Lotus pedunculatus* Lotus Lycopodium fastigiatum Alpine clubmoss Lycopodium scariosum Creeping clubmoss Manoao colensoi Silver pine Melicope simplex Poataniwha Melicytus ramiflorus Mahoe Metrosideros diffusa White rata Metrosideros fulgens Rata Metrosideros perforata White rata Metrosideros umbellata Southern rata Microlaena avenacea Bush rice grass

121 C09080_005_Terrestrial_Ecology_Assessment_20101119.doc