Australian Prime Minister John Curtin with US Secretary of State Cordell Hull, Washington DC, 1944 (Elsie Curtin in background) Source: National Archives of Australia, M1218, 10 Australian Prime Minister being welcomed by New York City Council Chairman Newbold Morris at La Guardia Marine Terminal, New York, 1941, before the outbreak of the . From left: Newbold Morris, Menzies, Richard Casey, Australian Minister to the United States, and FG Shedden, Secretary of the Department of Defence and Secretary to the Source: National Archives of Australia, A5954, 1299/2 PHOTO 7423 Australian Prime Minister Edward and US President Richard Nixon, Washington DC, 30 July 1973 Source: National Archives of Australia, M151, 51

Australian Treasurer with US President John F Kennedy, 5 July 1963 Source: National Archives of Australia, M4294, 6 NJO Makin, first Australian Head of Mission in Washington with rank of Ambassador, at his desk in 1946 Source: National Archives of Australia, A1200, L6900 First ANZUS Council meeting held outside Washington, in , May 8 1962. From left: Head of Department of External Affairs Arthur Tange, Minister Sir Garfield Barwick, Chief of Air Staff Sir William Scherger, US Embassy Deputy Chief of Mission Mr William Belton, US Secretary of State Dean Rusk Source: National Archives of Australia, A1200, L41450

Australian Prime Minister (fourth from left) with US President Richard Nixon (opposite) at the White House, Washington DC, 1969 Source: National Archives of Australia, A1200, L80843 Percy Spender, Australian Minister for External Affairs, in 1949, two years before being appointed Ambassador to the United States Source: National Archives of Australia, A1200, L12797 Alan Renouf, Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs, talking with Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs Andrew Peacock in January 1976, a year before Renouf’s appointment as Ambassador to the United States Source: National Archives of Australia, A6180, 5/1/76/1 Australian Minister for External Affairs and US Secretary of State Dean Rusk break ground for the new Australian Chancery in Washington, 1967 Source: National Archives of Australia, A1200, L63186

Australian Ambassador to the United States Howard Beale signing the Antarctic Treaty, 1959 Source: National Archives of Australia, M4619, 216 US President Ronald Reagan and Australian Prime Minister at the White House, during Hawke’s visit to the USA in 1986 Source: National Archives of Australia, A8746, KN8/5/86/2 From left: US President Jimmy Carter, Australian Prime Minister and Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs Andrew Peacock (fifth from left) at the White House, 1980 Source: National Archives of Australia, A6180, 18/3/80/6

Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke speaks at a press conference in Washington DC, in 1985, watched by US Secretary of State George Shultz Source: National Archives of Australia, A8756, KN18/2/85/41 From left: Australian Ambassador to the United States, Keith Waller, US Secretary of State Dean Rusk and Australian Minister for External Affairs Paul Hasluck at the breaking of ground ceremony for the Australian Chancery in Washington, 1967 Source: National Archives of Australia, A1200, L63189

Rawdon Dalrymple, Australian Ambassador to the United States from 1985 to 1989, speaking in 1993 Source: National Archives of Australia, A6135, K8/6/93/18 Australian Prime Minister and US President Bill Clinton in 1993 Source: National Archives of Australia, A8746, KN29/9/93/173 US Secretary of State Dean Acheson signing the ANZUS Treaty in San Francisco, 1 September 1951, watched by John Foster Dulles (left), who would succeed Acheson from 1953 to 1959 Source: National Archives of Australia, A13307, 50/1

Australian Ambassador to the United States Keith Waller (left) talking with US President Lyndon B Johnson, 1965 Source: National Archives of Australia, A1200, L50722 Australian Ambassador to the United States Michael Cook in 1989 Source: National Archives of Australia, A6135, K15/3/89/3 Sir Patrick Shaw, Australian Ambassador to the United States from 1974 to 1975, pictured in 1960 Source: National Archives of Australia, A1200, L34248 Sir James Plimsoll, Australian Ambassador to the United States from 1970 to 1973, pictured in 1965 Source: National Archives of Australia, A1200, L52866 This text is taken from Australia goes to Washington: 75 years of Australian representation in the United States, edited by David Lowe, David Lee and Carl Bridge, published 2016 by ANU Press, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.