Serving Over JP P ^ A ;# AS A A.» M iL V „r

4,000 Readers m e « M r f f f O C Of Publication ______University of Bridgeport Campus Weekly V olum e 1 5 ______Bridgeport Conn., September 18. 1958 Number 1 Rising Costs Post-Time at UB Building Fund Brings New Drive Total Tuition Hike Returning students felt the ef­ Is $600,000 fects of the high cost of living The $600,000 mark has been when they were hit by a $25 passed in the University’s camp­ increase in fees at registration. aign for the new $950,000 Science Included in the increase are Building, according to Harold C. dormitory fees for men which Main, general chairman of the jumped from $325 to $350 per committee. semester. Full time tuition fees Construction of the Science increased $25. Part time tuition Building was approved by the fees were raised from $17.50 University Board of Trustees last to $20 per semester hour. All month and campaigning to obtain other fees have remained the tne remaining one-third of the same. total cost is continuing, Mr. Main Letters were mailed out during said, with the goal expected to the summer from the office of oe leached before the completion James H. Halsey, president, of the building next fail. notifying all students of the in­ Faivf.eld Hall will be razed crease in fees. later this fall and ground break­ President Halsey brought to the ing ceremonies will be held at attention of the new students the site of the new structure at returning students, and parents, Park Place and Hazel S t at the the reasons for the increase. oeginning of this semester. He stated that rising costs of Completion of the two-story operation, provision of new facil­ laboratory and classroom building ities, need for increased faculty will make it possible for the salaries and additional income University to offer major work in for scholarship assistance have chemistry and physics for the necessitated a modest increase first time. in some University fees for the Programs in mechanical, elec­ 1958-59 academic year. trical and industrial engineering The Trustees and the adminis­ as well as biology will also be trators of the University stated strengthened, according to Uni­ that they hoped the changes versity officials. The electrical would not cause hardships on the engineering curriculm has been students. However, anyone having fully accredited and first degrees serious problems or specific ques­ in this field will be granted in tions should get in touch with 1960. the Business Office and every Campaigning for the Science effort will be made to resolve any Building has been extended to difficulties. national corporations for the first Dance to Highlight Frosh Week time during the past month, Mr. Sign lor Joum. 199 Picnics, refreshments, a jazz tion for the parents, the presi­ Freshman week activities is Vin­ Main said, and he also expects ad­ session and the selection and dent’s and vice-president’s recep­ cent Falcone. Falcone is assisted ditional support from tne area presentation of the Freshman tion and tea, a performance by by: Bernard Goldberg, and Shir­ when business conditions im­ Queen at the Freshman Bali are the Knights of Thunder and a ley Sabo, vice-chairmen; Mona prove. Scribe Work only a few of the activities high­ record hop. Faulkner, secretary; Ronald MU- Campaigning for the new struc­ lighting the traditional Freshman Yesterday there was convoca­ ier, treasurer; and Louis Levine, ture has been a major project for Week which started Tuesday tion, meeting with faculty advi­ publicity. many members of the Univer­ Earns Credit and ends Sunday. sors, freshman convocation spon­ Committee chairmen include: sity and interested citizens of the The Scribe, in cooperation with Freshmen and their parents sored by student groups, a picnic Philip Bush, beanies; Louise Bridgeport area. Students of the the Journalism Department and were welcomed to the campus at Fones Hall and a movie at Clark, Freshman Queen; Ray­ University took, part in a gigantic the University, will conduct a one and given an orientation to col­ Alumni Hall. UB Day last spring and the event semester hour of credit Journal­ lege life during the week. mond Cormier, student convoca­ raised over $30,000 for the build­ ism Workshop—Journalism 299— Fall semester classes will begin Today and tomorrow registra­ tion; Charles Dragonette, orien­ ing. during the current school year. Sent. 22 with registration schedu­ tion will take place at the Gym. tation for parents; Richard Drast, The decision to erect the new It will require a one hour class led for Sept. 18-19 at the gymn­ A concert is scheduled for this student guides; Marilyn Ehlers, building was made in the fall session weekly and assigned asium from 8:30 a m. to 4:30 p.m. evening at Alumni HalL Tomor­ and David Esktrom, Freshman of 195? and was proceeded by tasks. A Freshman Week Committee row night wall be an informal Ball; Lome Jacknis, interfaith dale night. brunch. months of deliberation, according “We hope to encourage and made up of more than 100 upper Also Donald Kaiser, University to President James H. Halsey. develop all the diversified talents classmen as well as faculty and Saturday night, dormitory visi­ convocation; Joanna Miska, The University, he said, has present in any student body,’’ staff members has been meet­ tations will be permitted during “Freshman Daze” program; John long felt the need of a broader declared Prof. Howard Boone Ja­ ing throughout the summer to the afternoon with the traditional Schuliy, beanie court; Roger Sod- science program. Now that the cobson, Scribe advisor, who will arrange the program of activities Freshman Ball to take place at erholm, welcome committee. Mrs. basic construction, which include* direct the Workshop. "The per­ for the new students. the Ritz Ballroom in the evening. Marion Hotchkiss, director of the library, gymnasium and sonnel needs of The Scribe should The Freshman Week started On Sunday an Interfaith sec's] activities and Prof. William dormitories, is well established, definitely come from many Uni­ Tuesday with the opening of brunch will be held at the din­ DeSiero are advisors to the com­ the new science-classroom build­ versity majors, particularly those dormitories, at Alumni Hall, a ing hall. mittee. Dr. Francis E. Dolan is ing represents the next logical in English, advertising, selling, tour of the campus, an orienta­ General chairmen for the step in the campus development accounting, art, design, and sec­ advisor to the freshman class. program. retarial studies, but this does not The main entrance to the build­ exclude the student whq just has ing will be

J -1 j j j j j j i \


CLASSRINGS 1 responsib’e are Writers discretion. Scribe. e; b should letters All publication. NO H WASTEBASKET. THE INTO newspaper. this not addressed- Letter to Editor, | Editor, to Letter addressed- r: fo necessarily not but given, be Cor- ! publication. for readers from duced or omitted at the editor’s editor’s the at omitted or duced o ttmns f ato opinion,I or fact of statements for e nms n adess ust> m addresses and names red AO and BACON rnh Fries French evd in Served n it ordered rings may do so do may rings ordered it n have who Seniors possible. as at a date to be announced announced be to date a at students all advises Stanley George Prof. Hall. Alumni in al i te semester. the in early so an as to office Die rings to ordered come have who at Office up Activities them Student pick the may year ior class rings earlier this this earlier rings class ior The Scribe welcomes letters! letters! welcomes Scribe The NNMU LTES GO LETTERS ANONYMOUS nuy og etr my e re- be may letters long Unduly h Skillet the e poftuli Vex A or HAM tdns h odrd sen­ ordered who Students EGOS 75c isn ojrty DovRi t Fofjar y Wilson s K rkn no o te structure. the of s indow w broken ih uocpe at he i . moe svsbepuigfo h d n a s e v a e the from pouring visible is oke Sm e. tim e th t a unoccupied s a w hich w afternoon a s a b laze of "incendiary origin" broke out in the two-story dorm itory itory dorm two-story the in out broke origin" "incendiary of laze b a s a afternoon Catr a Dinner, Day ^Charter

FIREFIGHTERS PREPARE to enter the U niversity's Milford H all last Labor D ay ay D Labor last all H Milford niversity's U the enter to PREPARE FIREFIGHTERS


AIG BANK SAVINGS o. OT ad AK VNUE AVEN PARK and NORTH Cor. o. I ad TT STREET STATE and AIN M Cor. t h Uiest o Bridgeport of University the at AE THE MAKE ESNL CHECKS PERSONAL RE AKN A AL U OFFICES OUR ALL AT FARKING FREE cret iied *% year) a (current 3*4% dividend AI S ACCOUNTS GS SAVIN RVLR CHEQUES TRAVELERS PEOPLES AKN B MAIL M BY BANKING or AK hile W BANK Your w ers Ofcs o YouNearest toTwo Offices (free,.postage both ways) ol 1c u t $300)' to up 10c — (only $ cag fr $100) for charge ($1 PEOPLES

Two hundred and sixty stu- cy Hurwitz, Patrick Hyland, Ro- society Lists dents were named to the deans Ishkan, Norene Johnson, list at the University of Bridge- New Members IWew Faces Led BY Mitchell port for study completed during pu-enrin Seventeen University students The u^ veiW s official stu- second representative. J o t the 1958 spring semester, an- Harold Kent, Yynn Kerr, Brenda * * representatives, the Student O'Brien, first alternate. Mickey nounces Dr. James H. Halsey, Kershaw, Beverly Kichline, Jules nrpcirtpni 3 Kish, Richard Kleinhaus, Elaine Aristeia, the highest honor sod- Counc4 7*dy to ^ pUn Donohue; second alternate, John H Kohl, Sandi Koton, Barbara Kot- etv on the University camous ac mng fo r **» new •chowl y«*r Anglace. Students include: Peter Allard, tman, William Kovachi, Sylvia ^ n g to D r I under th* dirociion of ,hrtr new Representing the Junior dass Andrew Amuro, Slyvia Anderson, Kramer, Brenda Krandell, Char- William Anthony, Joseph Barev- {es Kurtz, Henry Kuusisto. chairman of the English depart- Pr£2i*Jent’ president. Joseph Kelly; ycius, Rocco Baldino, Joseph Bal- Also; Annette Labarre, Norman ment and sponsor of the organ­ The council itself, is almost an vice-president. Frederick Pike; ^yga> Bancroft, Judith Bar- Lake, Richard LaMarche, Marl- ization. rett, William Barstow, Arthur jyn LaPenta, Anne Larkin, Lois Inducted were: Werne- Egli. bers, which number » . have not a*urrr- William L. Koke; first Barriere. Herman Belinsky, Peter ¿avenberg, John Lesky, Uoyd senior, majoring in engineering; reviously served on the Council, representative, Charles Drag­ Benedette, Joseph Bepko, Della Le', Charles A. Levene, Don- Carol Fried berg, graduate mag- Phe new executive committee is onette; first alternate, Mike Al-

Berger, Natale Bisciglia Roberta na william Losaw, Joseph na cum laude. majored in politi­ also comprised of members with- pert; and second alternate, John -rdeg Blender, Qaine Bober, Paul Bob- Luciano. Peter Lynwader, Robert calcai sdence;science, Sallyoany Goldman,ooioman, sen- out previous Council particlpa Metcalf ior, majoring in elementary ed- «¡on ^ lMe(“ ‘ ~ ~ kowski, Daniel Boland, Carol Bo- Makar, Robert Malmgren, Patri- Qected as officers of the soph- r , n.» j *?e n™ 8' Edward Bor- cja Manco, Robert Manger, Rosa ucation; Joanne C. Nealon. gradu- gel, Madelyn Bowen, Yvette Bred- Marchette. Agnes Mason. An- ate. ma'gna cum lau e, majored *

benner, Carole Breen, Irwin Brou. thony Mazurkewitz, Richard Mc- in French; Lois Prentice, gradu- ^ iam T- De Slero and Prof. Steinberg; vice-president Dick SSCI '81 dy. Peter Duchetto, Margaret Farland. Mary McGrath, Everett ate magna cum laude, majored j ^ ^ riie Stanley. Wright, secretary, Phil Organ; Burbank, Walter Bun-ows, Ter- Merritt. Allan Milinowski, Ber- in sociology; Richard Shepard, Heading the slate for the sen- treasurer. Boo Euson; first repre­ ranee Callahan, Dorothy Capuro, nar(j Miller, Joanna Miska, Dallas senior, majoring in secondary ed- Mor class are: vice president, tentative. Gene Glennon; and sec- Judith Carr. Louis Caselli, Ro- Moler.n, Donald Morgan, Eugene cucation. I Shirley Sabo; secretary, Edward °nd alternate, Tom Negele. JJf1“ Caserta, Ronald Cebik* Mullen. Andrew Morgo, Joanne Also, Harry Sinclair, graduate treasurer Peter Benedetti; The holdovers from last year’s Diana Chala, Marilyn Chapman, Mealon, William Neer, Paul Nem- magna cum laude. majored in j ,lrst representative. Herb Smith; date are : Koke, Wolf and Orgiran. Manlyn Chernick, Norman Choin- ergut, Maureen Nemeth, Louise industrial engineering; Frank iere, Barbara Chuga, Joan Cheva. Nieol Alfred Ogle, PhyUls Ohan- Waters, senior, majoring in mech.) her. Michael Colandrea, Evelyn ian> Joseph Oliver, Anita Orban- anical engineering; Rodney Mc­ Cohen, Joseph Comunale, Robert Gwski. John Orzechowski, Har- Farland, senior, majoring m his- j Connor, Carol Cooperstein, Bia- 0jd packman. Alyce Payne, Flor- tory; Andrew Wargo, graduate JERRY'S APIZZA gic CoppoMla, Raymond Cor- ence Pineau, Charles Polio, Her- cum laude, maporea in mier, Alfred Covino, Lorraine bert popkin, Barbara Prawdzik ogy; Robert Manger, senior, ma­ WE SPECIALIZE IN Cretella, Carole Curry. Barbara Prawdz.k, Lois Prentice, joring in mechanical engineering. Also; Frank D’Amico, Fred- Rhoda Prescher, Edward Pritz- Also, John C. Adler, graduate! TASTY TOMATO PIES erick Dauer, Robert Daviau, Bev. ker, Joseph Proukx, Judy Rei- cum laude, majored in education; | Of ALL KINDS erly Dauber, Rita Dellaca, Edwin chel, Nancy Robel, Daniel Rub- Lillian Hyatt, senior, majoring in ' Delventhal, Bernardo DePace, ino, Carol Rubinson, Kenneth mathematics; William Losaw, | Mollietta De Pompa, Robert Dev- Rudnicki. Erleen Russell, Ray senior, majoring in mathematics; [ Call ED 5-9361 eau, Frank Di Sesa, Robert Dix, mond Ryan, Shirley Sabo, Kath Edward S. Swanson, graduate; Samuel Dodd, Vladimir Droba- leen Salvucci, Eileen Samuels, suma cum laude, majored in I 1 «9 PIQUONNOCK ST. MUOOtfOCT shovsky, William Dufford, Sari Thomas Sapitowicz, Sandra Savoy business economics; and Alberta VISIT OUS NEW DINING HAU SEATING OVER 100 PEOPLE Dulberg, Frank Dulin, Kathleen Rhoda Schaeffer. Olive Schindler, Trew, junior, majoring in psy-1 Earle, Barbara Eckhaus, Werner Elaine Schine, Eileen Schulley chology. . i Egli, Virginia Eppler, Norma Ruth Schwartz, Karen Seelgen Faas, Vincent Falcone, Hinda Fei- Michael Serino. Robert Seymour, bush, Margaret Fenick, Michael Also; Michael Sgrillo, David Fettig, Margaret Figlar, Mariam Shapiro, Richard Shepard, JoAnn Finklestein, Marilyn Fischer, Jef. Siegfried, George Siener, Joseph forest frey Fisk. Loring Fluke, Joan Skortoski. Arlene Smart, Karen invites you to our new Flynn, Wilson Fofarty, Trevor mony, Harry Sinclair, Joseph Fox, Adrienne Frank, Allan Sievers. Eugene Silver. Judy Si- Freedman, Carol Friedberf, Anne Smith. Tracy Smith, Miriam Smo- Friedman, Diana Friedman, Ferd- llor, Sandra Solomon, Muriel inand Fritzky, Arnold Frost, Stepakoff, Ronald Stewart. Phyl- Toby FHichs, Brenda Gaffney, lis Stock, Judith Stumpf, Carl college corner Garant, Alda Garafhlo, Ralph Sundberg, Charles Swain, Rose- Garofalo, Leonard Gendal, Robert mary ’fancredi. Alberta Taylor, Geoghegan, Richard Gill, David Claire Taylor. Leon Teft, Michael for natural shoulder clothing Goderre, Illene Goldberg. Sally Terezakis, Ed th Thor, Alberta Goldman, Joseph Gorgens, Tho- Trew, Joe Trinijdad. Christina mas Gorman, Robert Grant, Ulmaniec, Jan Van Hise. David for college men, alumni an d eU y o u n g Thomas Grant, Charles Greene, Van Tosh. James Vlastaris. Helen % Catherine Grenthot, Ellen Gross- Voss. Gordon Wagner, Edward man, David Haas, Kenneth Hal- Warkin. Audrey Walz, Andrew men who appreciate the importance of cott, Mary Hall, Cynthia Halsey, Wargo, Joan Wasko, Frank Wat- the new slim ivy look — at lowest pos­ George Hardiman. Lorraine Har- ers. Donald W ’ber, Stuart We>ss- ner, *Nancy Harvey, Charles man, Richard Wesche, Phyllis sible prices Heinzer, Marcia Hemley, James Whitnev. Charles Wiegand, Wil- Hogan, Kenneth Holbert, Albert liam Wilber, Ivan Zastrow, Car- Hromjak, Edith Hubelbank, Nan- ole Zauche and Rose Zito.

skills featuring exclusiva ; m THUNDERBIRD ivy styles and taperai body models, far. irosa s u its sa i aperta wear. featuring striped flan­ * 3 nels and hop tacking* in new natural cad •semi natural shoulder models sweaters $ 3 9 9 5 " $ ^ 3 3 • w o r ld at exekfng b u lk y U lta, shetlands ani 4 belar stylen. 7 .9 5 pants *3“ h *16“

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Advertised in tending Fashion Magazines ■ 1 forast’s i t + c o U c y c e v u t e * ELLIOTTS SHOE BOX 1209 main ctraot bridgaport 3, com M CANNON STRICT BRIDGEPORT, CONN. Th» Scribp — Thursday. 8m pt I t. I l A WEDNESDAY Daily Daily STARTS WARNER WARNER a h Bo Ta Sold That Book The Aa A ad ILN . . . VIOLENT and RAW O pon pon O 8-9386 CALLFO LO BACK STUDENTS! K C A B E ELCOM W NOW SHOWRNO ." . . A* A* . . ." SHOWRNO NOW WARNER rnv IME v n r . PZA RNES AD ICHES SANDW - GRINDERS - APIZZA PLEASURE, TWO GREAT SHOWS AT TWO OF BRIDGEPORT’S BRIDGEPORT’S OF TWO AT SHOWS GREAT TWO PLEASURE, rm63 P SAT.,SUNS. & HOLIDAYS M. P. FROM 2:00 M From P306 UNRL' RAIDERS" QUANTRILL'S STEVE COCHRAN in in COCHRAN STEVE 8 W W ftAtBYMAftF ftAtBYMAftF W W ieacp — Color — Cinemascope . t to . a.m --- s u ------n otnos al Fo 1 0 . . -Continuous M. P. 1 00 From Daily TMAiaa otan whatsu r hatc ts n u co t a th t n fro up t's a h w s t I YT NNI A A F O G IN N FILTER IN G E B E ERN D TH O M LY N O ITE S H I W E R U P A et 2t "AN YANKEES' "DAMN 24th Sept. D' APIZZA IDA'S 1 c i m r x i r i n a v."v v."v a n i r i x r m i c . m. a. ------n LUNCHEONETTE and E EIE 5 R OE PIES MORE DELIVERWE OR 5 .^1 - IET THEATRES!FINEST Torrid | * i t WODR O NW ORLEANS" NEW OF ONDERS 'W IB NOW SHOWING SHOWING NOW The Matchmaker MERRITT D l J M JotwHcfe».!WlJJnM* ?TT ,*■»•* T **« T gfe ”? by. “ 5 ThorntonS totter m w smm-mm MT»AI NI AND I IN U IM Tf»TA fM S H I R L E Y M « l A I N E - W J L f D R D h| ttaSeph Archony Agduevd by Don Hartrnso «r^^Commtntarvby ed*Gl JESSEL l G * d fe 5 ^ ------o. alod venue A Railroad cor. 1C D O N H U T T IM P R O D U C T IO N O f MERRITT PLUS 553 PARK AVENUE AVENUE PARK 553 F W a - r t O u r t p r e s e n t s WINSTON ------A) . . . Continuous





D O O G NSTON N O T S IN W tobaccos, specially processed processed specially tobaccos, FILTER-BLEND up front...fine, flavorful flavorful front...fine, up for filter tracking filter for iso pt its puts Winston UKE A CIGARETTE SHOULD SHOULD CIGARETTE J A UKE S E T S A T WINSTOB-SALEB.B. Co WINSTOB-SALEB.B. OAC CO. TOBACCO B.J.ftCYBOLftf B.J.ftCYBOLftf Elton G. Rogers W ills SUMMER RECORD M A W % rh /> l/ir e h in C , irtr| * heacrn>es annual mamersur to 10.800 by 1972. This will bei 1855 students a* Ike data» ■ Yw w V I I w l V l l 9 1 1 1 ^ / r U n Q j vey reveals that with the iricreas- almost three times the size ofi city’s summer realized this Establishment oi The Elton the Board of Trustees took place|°f the enrollment ing an increase of more _ ? G. Rogers Fund scholarship, val- ati* a - summer____ meeting. 1 University, this year should bring The Scribe advertising man-! 22 percent over the petals— ued tot approximately $95,000, Only the income from the fund; bigger market D ., to local mer- ager added that with this increase h'gti of last year. One ID of students comes a potential week session and two five- was announced by Dr. James. H. may be used for scholarships j Kohn Bdgp0rt area week sessions, as m l as Halsey, president. under the terms of th»the willwill. nDr. r L .sla Konn- Scr5be_ Advertising enlarged market. Retail sales last! classes in the reading I The scholarship fund, was crea- Halsey said. Manager, has revealed that the year hit a record high for August atory, produced the ted through a bequest tinder The principal will be added to I haS Published its second and September. This year the| summer study record. terms of the will of Elton Rogers, the University's permanent en-' r survey for this fall. The goal is even bigger with enroll-1 retired industrial executive who dowment increasing that total to j g*VeS local and naU°" m^ tuat an all time high. died•• - December— * —26, ----- 1956. over $540,000. ‘al advertisers a more definite Kohn states the report also! ETHICAL Pharmacy, Ik . I Formal acceptance of the gift Whether scholarships will be Ij picture of the selling potential of gives a detailed account of stu­ by the executive committee of available for this fall from the a campus newspaper. dent buying habits and motiva-1 1260 MAIN ITIMI One of the few student news- opposite Straffte Id Hotel ------fund has not as yet been deter- tions as well as facts and figures | papers in the country to compile where he spends it. This market EOison 5-412$ I1 mined, r ___ .. Dr. 7 Halsey said. . , I such . . ci report,_ . the . Scribe_ is now I Expressing the gratitude and employing the practices of met- survey will not only help stu-1 Alumni Survey dents, but will aid local merchants j

I appreciation of the University’s ropoliian newspapers in attraet- •M l lerpnsesternrises or systems svstems according to i make .u the ??n.stan*,y University «trtvtag a better in-1to estimates According of to the figures National based Edu on statisttcs released by the alumni stitution of higher learning. It I cation Association, the Carnegie SANDWICHES - DRINKS office. , also will enable many students: Foundation, and Educational Re- Nearly 75 percent of the alumni to acquire a' college education ! lations Service of the General said that they were married with who might not otherwise be able! Electric Corporation, the enroll- 30 PARK PLACE MIOOIPO» more than one half reporting at|to attend college,” he said. iment of the University will climb least one child. The average num- ' '------— — ------— ——------— ber of children per married alum­ nus is 1.4. Eleven percent were reported | See the Chevy Show, Sunday night on NBC-TV and the weekly Chevy Showroom on ABC-TV. in the medical and dental fields Air conditioning—temperatures made to order. Get a demonstration. including doctors and dentists as well as nurses and dental hygien­ ists. More than 37 percent of report- j ing alumni indicated that they were in industrial or commercial activity including production, personnel, engineering and in­ dustrial fields. Twenty one per­ cent listed commercial sales! occupations. Educational, religious and social services claimed the attention of about 25 percent of the alumni. Advanced degrees have been obtained by 12 percent while 15 percent report leadership activi­ ties in communities wherein they J reside. Ten report leadership roles on state or national levels. Questionnaires were sent to approximately 5,600 alumni now on the University rolls. Eighty percent of the' alumni live in the Greater Bridgeport, Connecticut and Metropolitan New York qrea. Ninety five per­ cent live East of the Mississippi with the remaining five percent residing west of the Mississippi The Biscoyne 2-Door Sedan—nothing so new or nice near the price. or outside the continental limits of' the United States. Annual surveys of alumni ac­ You'll get the best buy on Americas best seller! tivities are planned by the alumni office according to William B. before Kennedy, director of alumhi re­ This new Chevrolet is attracting a bigger share of. America's-passenger car buyers than ever lations. . . . and for bigger-the.’i^ver reasons. It’c the-orJy bonest-to-guodness new car in its field. TieW throughout! Yet in many models it’s actually the lowest priced of the leading low-priced three.* VYYYYYYYYYYYYYY DON'T LOSE Y Y ▼ CHEVROLET IS Y THE BIGGEST YOUR CLOTHES ▼ Y f Y S E L L I N G ^ ^ more people are buying Chevrolet Y THE N 0.1 Y Y Y IS CHEVROLET With taut, fade-resist­ Qet A f B U Y IN Y CONVERTIBLES ant top up or down, Y -There’s a choice office the Impala Convert­ STATION Y Y h ig h -compression than any other kind! ible gives you gull* Personal Stampl Y C h e v y V’8’s ! wing ¿amor at its best. WACONS Y Y Y Five to choose from Y., RUBBER STAMPS —including the /CjE. ONLY CAR IN ITS FIELD Ç i lowest priced 9 -p a s­ Y; Chevy's 1 U— • 70c senger model you sells like nobody else's! Y People like the trap this Blue-Flame 6 pets the most out of a * B s a m m 3 line Add— can buy!* Y: ^ m Only $1:90 Y? gallon of gas—yet steps trith a perkiness that does them proud. y^ruA. 7Zm *- | O v PLATE GLASS ALL ARO^ . l a n d on fat prfcM. GET YOURS TODAY SCHWERDTLE MARKING DEVICES See your local authorized Chevrolet dealer for quick appraisal-prompt deliveryl £|| 166 KM ST. • Opt. - FO 6-323$ Thursday, SmpL 18. Il Bl • this year’s eleven will better last last better will eleven year’s • this Northeastern University faced. faced. University Northeastern t h ohr afak il be lead­ will team’s halfback the Dixon, other George the At that he back the best season the as topped Last picked was scoring. and in team gainer ground Captain Don Scott is big, big, (205 yard 100 east. the is the fast,(runs Scott in Don pounds), college Captain small any more, was the team's leading leading team's elusive the very was a more, is and inl0.4), haps the best pair of halfbacks of halfbacks of pair best the haps football past. the University's in the the teams of been ing has This unit. second ye unr Sot a a sopho­ a as Scott, runner. type biggest reason for the poor show, show, poor experienced the for an reason biggest of lack the be problem facing Coach Kay will will Kay Coach losses facing main brief few The problem squad. a year’s sihoo!'.; only from-last the with In history, tie. strongest a in ended games wich twice before and both both and before Nor­ of twice Cadets Knights the wich The played tie. have one and losses, year’s record of four wins, three three wins, four of record year’s Kondratovich is optimistic that that Coach optimistic and is 1952, winning since Kondratovich first their season open­ had Knights the marks Vermont. contest Northfield. This at versity ing of a nine game schedule for for schedule game nine a of ing Uni­ coming Norwich this against season Saturday their open the Knights. Last year the the year Last Knights. the will Kondratovich, (Kay) Walter owc i Vermont in Norwich Faces Eleven Veteran ght Opn t day rd atu S pen O ts h ig n K oc Knrtvc hs per­ has Kondratovich Coach This year’s team could be the the be could team year’s This The Purple Knights, coached by coached Knights, Purple The ■"VI** your "Teen-Account" "Teen-Account" your A Use your convenient convenient your Use charge purchases purchases charge handbags at Carol Carol at handbags a $1 at weekly revolving a to Now Now EN ACCOUNT fEEN ue Shepard Duke by by Carol Shoes Shoes Carol carol Open a Revolving Revolving a Open 04 I SRE, Bridgeport STREET, AIN M 1064 Andy CAROL SHOES SHOES CAROL A ONL $ A WEEK W A $1 LY N O PAY 51 OT OD Fifed enter C Fairfield ROAD, POST 1531 Morgo "Teen-Account" entitles you you entitles "Teen-Account" credit of $12, payable payable $12, of credit eek. w of shoes, hosiery and and hosiery shoes, of

odto ad hud e big a physical be great should last in and injury now condition is ankle an year, by Shepard, end. one slowed at he will year, unit men. Duane Shepard, the the Shepard, there Duane but men. unit returning, line eran fullback. at action (cam's leading pass reciever last last reciever pass second leading (cam's experienced few be will the from up Shea, Tom Saturday. lhuh aprd y lg in- leg a by hampered although ie 20pou 220 size, si a n ws eet i te nation the in seventh was and and probably will get the nod nod the get will probably and shoes George Muzea, who led the t#am t#am the led who Muzea, George ae hi his and make passer âveirage than ter kick) per at erin averaged- year last hue is a very outstanding punter punter outstanding very Dona­ a is chores. hue quarterbacking the year. this men r a b qii€ verted to the ' fullback position position fullback ' the con­ been to has year, verted last halfback onl; inji rsmn em wl as see' also will team, freshman a Wakim, Ed injury. shouider ury backing position. Richard Roth, Roth, Richard year, position. quarter- last the backing share to interceptions ready also is pass in the Shoes. Stop in for for in Stop Shoes. nvriy ae al er Kay year. all faced University ,' s the best back that Brandeis Brandeis that back best the ,' s dash in 10.1. a school record. record. school a 195 10.1. in rugged dash a is Dixon year. Dixon made the All State first first State All the made yard 100 Dixon the on runs He man squad. fastest the the is and pounds last gainer ground and scorer ing team last year and was picked picked was and year last team Book. The Purple Knights have a vet­ a have Knights Purple The 7*he J Mickey Donahue will handle handle will Donahue Mickey Te-con" to "Teen-Account" artir ta ■stioni ma y o half!back. or k ired i now is , limited nie Yu to You Invites full ai Dn Scoti Don Capi. g as lg u liba- back Trac- im Doi bei inet at signment k position ck Sih Smith Smith. v ns ad i speed his and ¡nds. bet- a also is riahue hs eatet He department. this k. because . rk ci cuse ecau b n actio e y d rea e ta 4 yards 42 than ter as yer t u b ear, y st la fae -runner. feared a to to it iove s St is o the of ‘ t r- rte a u q / s twoWill \se or heavily count If f a of l a ili into was saw | The club program chairman chairman program club on j The pool | and | ping evenings. chess play 1 Tuesday cards, dance, : pong, I I may Facili- night. ; instruction members “Y” dancing regular a i minia-1 golf, and cobKouts, iture hikes. ; p&iiies, j the next few weeks which in- in- 23, Sept. which party weeks bowling few a for : eludes next schedule the jthe announced 1 has c. o 5 j in- further meet For to Club. “Y” Coed the jour Point to down I West come 5. a to or and trip 30, 4 i or Sept. Oct. dance ;hayride square |a omto, al D 6-1181. ED call Iformation, junior, held down the tackle 'spot tackle the down held junior, win ; calí Peri \ Peri last year and with the year’s year’s a the be to with prove and should I 220'pound experience year a last Londergan, year. return-1 is Bonini Lynch. John and 21. activities schedule including beach; including schedule activities Vilo mar. f. one act;, a last year at both tackle tackle both at to. relieve on counted year is and spots, last a act;, hita Ascain s sponsor­ is Association Christian Rallo p -¿ji1 h to rn tackles. e n U front two saw the Lynch lineman. fine -• cal I best his to forward senior I pound at looking 215 year the is ini straight and third tackle the for lettermen ing returning three ie men. side men between the ages of 18 andi andi 18 of wo-1 ages and the men for between men club new a ing in the summer with an ambitious ambitious an with summer the in sophomore. a as year limited last saw action Osborne while team, Richard Bonini. Walt Londergan. Londergan. Walt Bonini. Richard rbe o fw xeine out­ experienced have few All of last problem haitback. service takle. I a as saw converted season Dowling a Kent anti Robert guaid. with mark question rsns j Presents A C M Y year. last which school the formation to T new split was the use ties are available so that elubl elubl that so available are ties Dowling lighting for the starting starting the for lighting Dowling e Sca Club Social New been moved to end to relieve the the relieve to end to converted moved been a is Lynch Gene and berth. Kent, Harold Lynch. plans. The other end is still a a still is end defensive other Kay's The Coach plans. in help ebr eea Dpst nuac Corp. Insurance Deposit Federal Member liée 948 Main Street948 61 an tet Stratford Street Main 3621 This social club started early early started club social This Men’s Young Bridgeport The' again will Kondratovich Coach The tackle position will have I have will position tackle The h YMCA ivts o to* you invites Y.M.C.A. The CITY SAVINGS BANK SAVINGS CITY t h ceni the at is'sighment. is'sighment. tblv will will tblv hr guard ther guari >f the lo e pet o action. of plentv see also nn Ledi »nani shomori- a, will man, al and Rail okn h working s p fro; up is ap K Ralph TAFR BAC . BRANCH STRATFORD Te aiy Bank" Family "The ere Dixon George | | y \ t? freshman th? m e psto, but position, ter t a returning a ?t, e Lt cl at call Lite get Palumbo Lngelo pstos while positions, 1 •h •h e te opening the get ai d for the start- the for ai d one Osborne Ronnie .’ n Calvin and r..’ avs ee Mol. Gene Bridgeport

a Education. Physi­ of cal Division College Arnold Connecticut, and matriculated at at matriculated and Thompson. at Connecticut, Prep MaiTanapòIis University's the in education cal iprt gautd rm Woon­ from graduated DiSpirito baseball varsity the led School. Saccone High Catholic Dame Notré s59 tall. 5’9” is Rams the for guard played Spirito n hscl dcto i 1953. in education physical in he where School High socket grid frosh the well. as finished who well team, as year and is a rugged 195 pounds He He pounds 195 rugged a is and All-Amer­ Little the to named was the University of Rhode Island Island Rhode of University attended the basket­ He of baseball. years and ball three played last record 10-6 fine a to team varsity the accepted has who cn em i sno ya. Di­ year. senior his and team year, ican senior and junior his coach. Little former DiSpirito. G. ert island, captained .the grid team team Rhode grid at .the captained baseball island, and football All-American football player at at player football All-American where he received a B.S. degree degree B.S. a received he where at position coaching football AKTAL MEETING BASKETBALL ball coach and varsity baseball baseball varsity foot­ and freshman coach named ball been has Rob. that announced Athletics, of Is Named Is the University of Rhode Island, Island, Rhode of University the omr ite All-American Little Former yjo contact Dr. Herbert Glines Glines Herbert Dr. contact yjo ntv o Wosce R.I., Woonsocket of native A physi­ teach also will DiSpirito DiSpirito played four years of of years four played DiSpirito i ocig xeine a in- has experience coaching His DiSpirito replaces Lou Saccone, Saccone, Lou replaces DiSpirito so requested to attend this this attend to al­ meeting. pos­ requested are as soon so players as Veteran Gym sible. the at ketball teams are requested requested are teams ketball freshman and varsity bas- bas- varsity and freshman Dr. Herbert E. Glines, director director Glines, E. Herbert Dr. All candidates for the the for candidates All served. Y.M.C.A., corner andY.M.C.A., of ParkState AVe promptlybeSt. will You HOW TO APPLY APPLY TO HOW ewe 1 a m - p m tdy r rn ti a t the to ad this bring or today m. p. 3 - m. a. 11 between BARMIM TRAVEL BUREAU MARCUS UIRSCU TRAVEL BUREAU TRAVEL UIRSCU MARCUS BUREAU TRAVEL BARMIM NOR TRACK INDOOR POOL SWIMMING BODY BUILDING BUILDING BODY BASKETBALL . CA. UL RVLGE PRIVILEG FULL . .C.A Y.M L SRE 17* MDL STREET MIDDLE * 7 1 STREET ELM 3 4 ebrhp- 00 .0 2 1 $ - Membership FO 7-5381 FO FO 7-5381 FO e SD ON n Campus on KOHN SID See O CLEE E ! ! ! ! MEN COLLEGE FOR LS TA RGLR FEE) REGULAR THAN (LESS Se h "" representative Hall Alumni at "Y" the See — New New el e Week Celle fe ä 4 u n t h e ß ae I9$9 CaMet ln Carhj Plan igpr, Conn. ridgeport, B epresenting R esd Park. Seaside Frosh Coach Frosh away from home with a game game a with home from away will be with Dean -Jr. College at at College that -Jr. Dean and with home be at will game one only He served as line coach the first first the coach Academy. line as Cheshire served at He years two gis te osr Foh Oct. Frosh Hofstra the against year and head coach the second second the coach head season. and year U.S., Army the of Reg’t 272 the 10 while stationed at Fort Dix and and Dix Fort at for stationed coach while head as service duded The freshmen open their season season their open freshmen The . The Purple Cubs will play play will Cubs Purple The . OD LB Se Text) (See CLUB COED DANCES COMMUNITY PADDLEBALL HANDBALL


CLASSIFIED ADS Dieter to Lead Soccer Club In line with its policy to The University’s soccer team he a great help to the team. I offer more aad better ser- Everything to Liven-up Your Room faces its touehest i- — -----* »itu ivier* lucuva uuvuxn ms«») oui i^oacn John McKeon ritt, both juniors, who played the campus pap;r, the Scribe STUFFED ANIMALS UB PENNANTS is optimistic, having 11 of his the forward line last year, are announce« that It will feature 12 lettermen back from last year also expected to improve over a weekly classified ad sec­ UB DESK BLOTTERS UB STATIONERY and 12 prospects from an un­ last year’s play. tion, starting with the Sept. defeated freshman squad. John Coogan and Hans Zucker 23 issue. UB DECALS NOVELTY ITEMS Prominent returnees includ? are sophomores up from the un­ According ti Sid Koha, seniors «Frank Wlassak and defeated freshman team and are Advertising Manager, rates GREETING CARDS SUNDRIES George Dieter, the co-captains fighting for a starting position. will be very reasonable. Wlassak made All-State last year The team has only been practic­ Anyone wishing to place a at center half and rates one of ing for a few days and Coach classified ad should either UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE the school’s all time greats. McKeon is still pretty much in come to the Scribe office at Dieter, ranked as New-England’s the dark concerning the new I Marina Hall or call EDI son PARK PLACE — ON CAMPUS second best goalie as a sopho­ m?n. 3-2522. more. didn’t play last year be­ Richari Hungerford has been! cause of a dislocated shoulder, appointed assistant coach and but is expected to make a strong will also serve as freshman coach. comeback this term. Hungerf rd was an All Ameri-j Retum'ng lettermen also in­ can center forward at Spring- clude Gordon Douglas, a half­ field College for the past two We Ask A Personal Question back, who played for the first years. He will work for his time last year and with *ithe masters d gree in administration- year’s experience is expected to education. Do YOU have a growing Savings Account ONE here at this Mutual Savings Bank? DAY You should have! Every one that earns CLEANING money should save SOMETHING every pay day. OUR M OTTO FAST SERVICE You can start an account here with as little as one dollar. ON ALL TYPES CLEANING & LAUNDRY CURRENT DIVIDEND ON SAVINGS 3'/4% WASHERS and DRYERS on PREMISES OPEN MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9 to 3 FRIDAY 9 to 5 :30 8 WICK echanics ft ¿farm ers CLEANERS - LAUNDERERS "We Own and Operate Our Own Plant" 5 6 3 PARK AVENUE 3 4 6 STATE STREET L am Am u rn smm ED 4-5 0 8 3 ED 3-7871 ITS CCIftlMHO ÌH Do You Think for Yourself ? (vffssssss%*)

Do you believe you could fool a lie- Do your emotions ever lead you to do detector machine if you put something that seems unreasonable, your mind to it? even to yourself?

Do you believe society should adopt Do you try to plan ahead rather than new ideas at the expense of make snap judgment decisions? old traditions?

Are you completely at ease when If your roommate suddenly inherited a people watch you at work? million dollars, are you sure your relationship would remain the same?

Du you judge your-yafeiha as Can you honestly say you pay more you do other people? attention to political iames thin to the personalities of the candidates?

The M an W ho Thinks fo r H im self ONLY VICEROY HAS A / f K n o w s . THINKING MAN’S FILTER... I j w f - A SMOKING MAN’S TASTE I / One more question: Do you think about the filter / ■38 cigarette you choose or just smoke any brand? I . If you’re the kind of person who ttu fa for himself / lJL — ” ... you use judgment in your choice of I cigarettes, as in everything rise. / V Men and women who think for themselves usually / smoke VICEROY. Their reasons? Beat ip the world. I **<4 ^ They know the difference between last and fancy. I v, They know that only VICEROT k m * ^ ■ i l H thinking s u n ’« fitter and a smoking sum’s taste.

• ip y o u h a v e a n s w e r e d y e s t o s o r t h e s e ' QUESTIONS, YOU ARE A PERSON WHO THINKS FOR HiMSELPI Dr. Chandler Awarded Yale Fellowship 'Scribe Editors A post-doctoral fellowship at V.A. hospital. tilcng Park Place t o c o Yale. University has been award- i cu tu x^i. Mvciuieiii a . c-nandief, sity, where he received his AJ3., ey Cecil Byron weeks bicycle trip through the The editorial staff for the ac- former associate professor and Welcome freshmen, study hard, Alps this summer . . -Former I ademic year 1958 59 has been chairman of the department of M.A. and Ph.D. degrees. Dr. attend all classes and don’t cheat APP ed.tor doing well, consider­ I announced by the Scribe Editorial psychology. Chandler has been a member of Not many of last year’s freshmen ing. Board. Dr. Chandler joins the staff the faculty here since 1954. returned • reasons: marriage, Joanne AlechnoWicz modeling Jack Mischou will continue as department of psychiatry and psy­ Dr. Chandler served as instruc­ enlistments, or flunked. . .De­ forWamer’s . . Joe Communale editor-in-chief. Other students chology at Yale. He will special­ tor of bashf and advanced courses crease in juniors too • this is looking for a berth on the Olym­ elected to fill positions on the ize in cl meal psychology with in the Arts and' Science curri­ where the men are separated pic team . . . Its fall when the staff are as follows: Ed Clark and assignment at the West Haven culum. from the boys. . .Many smiors girls bring out the sweaters and Norman Stem, photographers; noticed this year . as long as the sweaters bring out the girls. Andy Morgo, sports editor; Mer­ you're in this deep its tough to One fraternity and sorority rep­ ced« Palladino, rewrite editor; get out resented UB in the Baraum Fes­ Laura Rossi and Ginny Merly, Is it true that Dr. Roueek was tival parade . . . UB Sports Car assistant rewrite editors; Art ■topped by customs trying to Club winding up their little cars Altman, business manager; Sid SHOP HERE AND SAVE! smuggle the recipe for Lowen- for a newer and bigger season. Kohn, advertising manager; (I ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ 1 | brmugh out of Deu U hlan d? . . Football team impressing the features; Campus Clock, Bobbie firsts and sororities looking over new freshmen Co-eds . . -Buglight Troubh; Ten Years Ago at UB, the crop for pledges . . .Some of brawl brings withdraw 1 . . .Many Abigail Krebs; Along Pryrk Place,1 For Dorm Snacks the crop not interested in second­ seniors finished up this summer Ron Miller. ary groups. its not that they are terrifically And Weekend Parties | Why weren’t we told last sem­ smart; they’ve been taking cour­ The new 1958 yearbooks ester of the PLANNED increase ses for the last three summers. Will be given out next Tues- in tuition? . . .Many things in­ Freshman conch left college and i day and Wednesday in the crease with the high cost of went back to high school . -. . Student Activities Office on living; GI bill remains the same. Prof. Chandler now a Yaiee . . . the second floor of Alumni Crown Budget Market APP would like to know the Mr. DeSeiro now Prof. DeSeiro. HalL 375 Park Avenue Bridgeport, Conn. latest campus romances, pin­ Who was the student who tried ning*. enea»»rent3. wcuuuigs 10 get his camp fire uaugc by (shotgun or otherwise) . . .Jean- setting fire to Milford Hall? . . . netti acquired a female room­ Only 30 students went out for Also Available at mate this summer (a wife.) football this year: riot mariy ■ A Á Students requesting a lab per­ bench warmers this year. . .Hon- JOHN IRVING SHOES iod for Soc. 204 (Marriage and eybuckets now defunct, reason1 the Family) . . .Poll Set and marriage, families, work, night Sac. students requested to classes, and old age . . .The coffee wenr shirts and ties - good grief! at Alumni is beginning to taste W Prof. Fenner took another six like coffee . . . S H O E S V Nurses Given Grants The U.S. National Institute of has received professional train­ has the Health has awarded a 59,217 ing at the Massachusetts General grant to the College of Nursing Hospital. to develop and expand mental Coordinator of clinical ex­ health teaching at the University. perience for College of Nursing In July, the College of Nursing students for the past two years, received a $2.500 grant from she was a member of the Wayne the New Haven Foundation to University faculty prior to *another Mary Jane EXCLUSIVE! expand the University’s public criming to Bridgeport. health nursing program. She is a member of the Nation­ Miss Libby Zagorln. assistant al League for Nursing committee professor of nursing will direct planning regional conferences and and NOBOD Y but Mary Jane has it! mental health teaching under the participated in a New England grant. Prof. Martha P. Jayne, conference of the League earlier ALSO AT JOHN IRVING SHOES dean of the College of Nursing, this year. Courtesy of Mary Jane announces. Special educational opportuni­ FEATURING: ties for graduates of the Yale Engineers Will Graduate School of Nursing have been provided. A member of Yale Meet Sept. 24 who has received a mental health career teaching grant will study The Engineering Society will at UB to obtain field experience. hold its initial meeting of the Miss Zagorln received her B.S. year Sept. 24 in the Tech Build­ and M.A. degrees from Teachers ing, Robert Moran, president, an­ nounced last week. College Columbia University, Moran requests all interested where sh® majored in psychiatric students of engineering to attend nursing. She also has a certifi­ the meeting which will consist cate from Simmons College and of a general briefing on the aims of the organization. Moran stated that the Society which numbers 60, was originated in 1947. It works in conjunction PAULA’S CORNER with the engineering department 340 MAIN STREET in many of its activities and also works with the University Place­ ment Bureau in helping to place the Society's graduating mem­ bers. Officers of the organization for the new school year besides Mor­ an, include Tim McCoy, vice- Specializing in president; Dan Rubino, secretary; HOME COOKING Frederick Dauer, treasurer; and Chris Bisciglia, public relations Grinders — Sodas officer. Prof. Raymond W. Petrie is advisor to the group.


Head straight for Read's Casual Shop for coeds and career girls, to get the complete rundown on college clothes and coordinates. Don’t Log! BE FIRST in your crowd with the And don't miss the stunning co­ ... N ew est, dreamiest exclusive Varsity Drag! ordinates in junior Sportswear center, third flow. JOHN IRVING SHOES, Iti» Main St., Bridgeport In fact don't miss anything at Bead's! MARY JANE STORE, 841 Chapel St., New Haven lu AA^NY JANE STORE,.5 South Main St., Watorbury SH ES MARY JANE STORE, 166 Main St., Hartford Come in Today, or mail your order to one of above stores

ALL MAIL ORDERS MUST BE PREPAID .... CHECK ______OR MONEY_ ORDER ONLY, DO NOT SEND CASH. Remit $5.25 to cover cost of shoes, handling and shipping j 800 New StiulAn#* y More than 800 new students countries as well as most of the are expected to enroll at the states in the north east and many Un.verslty for the fall term an- other sections of the country will nounced Dr. Donald W. Kern, be included in the student body, WELCOME director of Admissions. Applications from students out- Applications for fall enrollment side o( the New England area reached the highest point in the have been the heaviest in the University's history, Dr. Kent University’s history, Dr. Kern It» Sept Thursday» reported, with more than 2400 obseCved. I students applying for admission. representing a 30 percent in­ FRATERNITY t SORORITY crease over last fall. Approxi­ EMBLEMS NOW IN STOCK mately 1600 new students applied for admission last September with ADO - TE - POC - SIX - TS 1700 registering as students. AGP - KBR - BG • SPA Total enrollment in combined

DEB - SOS - PDR 1958 WE'RE AT THE SAME OLD STAND j day and evening divisions last [ fall surpassed the 4,00 mark with CZR • CSD WITH NEWLY ADDED SERVICES TO | approximately 1800 students en-j rolled on a full-time basis and! 2.200 registered in evening class- VISCONTI MEET YOUR NEEDS AND BUDGET 4 S 3 JO HN STREET es. Bridgeport, Conn. Students from several foreign


YOU DIRTY THEM • WE CLEAN THEM LARRY and JACK'S PARKING LOT — SPECIAL RATES TO UB STUDENTS ---- Congress St. — Between Main 4 Housatonic A vet — Bridgeport



PUFF BY PUFF TODAYS L*M GIVES YOU- tars ore taste PONT SETTLE FOR ONE WITHOUT THE OTHER. CHANGE TO LaM AND GET 'EM BOTH. Such an improved filter and more taste I Yes, today’s DM combines these two “Couldn’t be done." That’s what they essentials of modem smoking enjoyment — less tars and more taste in one great told Mr. Bell back in 1876. But where cigarette. DM’s patented filtering process enables today’s DM to give you, puff by would three million college students puff, less tars in the smoke than ever before. And DM gives you more be without the telephone... especially than any other cigarette. on a Saturday night? Today you can make a date, or talk to your folks, from oractlcallv anywhere... even nortryout Ihm Scrlb» — Thursday. Swpt 1R. 1858 |Q 2 PR AE BRIDGEPORT AVE. PARK 424 fKcu'e u c K f e b a r r A ry, ol browns. coal greys, wes . sye in new styled . the . . tweeds f htad ad Irish and Shetlands of hudr . Olives, . . . shoulder rn nw collection new brand AK PHARMACY PARK WELCOME FRESHMEN itn . Brauner H. Milton itk t' 'intake A 95 ad 45.00 and 39.50 PS OFIE ARCADE FFICE O POST 7 rp - e. Pharm. Reg. - Prop. 39 t 20.00 to 13.90 AKT SPECIALIST JACKET igp t Conn. rt, ridgape I Dsn 3-8091 EDison Tailored by a a by Tailored et i a g rin featu SLACKS • ' natural

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