UNIROYAL MARINE EXPORTS LIMITED CPB|495(11119), Vengatam P.O, Caticut - 573 303, Kerata, lndia Tet : 0496 2633781, 2633782, Fax : +91496 2633783 E-mait :
[email protected] www. uniroyatmari ne. com C lN : Ll 51 24KL1 992PLCOO667 4 Ref: UME /BSE/26/2018 October 17,2018 Scrip Code No:526113 To The General Manager, Department of Corporate Services Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd. P J Towers,DalaL Street, Mumbai- 400 001 ub: : Annual R of.26th Annua eral Me ofU rine Ex Limited- Held on 29th Se re under Reeulation Dear Sir f Madarn, Pursuant to Regulation 34 (1) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulation 2015, attached is the Approved and Adopted Annual Report of the 26ft Annual General Meetings of the company which was duly held on Saturday, the 29ft September 2018 at 2.30 pn6r aq Registered office of the company at 17/19, Chamancheri vengalam P. o, Kozhikode Distric! Kerala 67Zgog. Further, Annual Report of the company is also available on the Company's website: wlyw. unirolz4lmarine.com You are kindly requested to take the same on record. Thanking You, Yours faithfully, arine Exports Limited ldFe Company Secretary & Compliance Officer Uniroyal Marine Exports Limited 26th Annual General Meeting 2017-18 Uniroyal Marine Exports Limited 26th ANNUAL REPORT 2017-2018 1 Uniroyal Marine Exports Limited 26th Annual General Meeting 2017-18 UNIROYAL MARINE EXPORTS LIMITED CHAIRMAN : Mr. IYPE MATHEW MANAGING DIRECTOR : Mr. ANUSH K THOMAS DIRECTORS : Mr. K.C.THOMAS Mr. V.MOHANLAL Mr. V.S.NATH RAM Ms. NITHYA ALEX CHIEF EXECUTIVE : Mr.THOMAS P KOSHY COMPANY SECRETARY : Mr.BENILAL ODATT CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER : Ms.BINDU SURESH AUDITORS : Mr.