Countries with “low incidence” of tuberculosis.

Students who have resided in any country other than those listed below in the past 5 years must check yes in section of part 2 of the Health History and Immunization Report, enter the name of the country where they resided, and complete the Tuberculosis Test (PPD) section on page 4 of the Health History and Immunization Report.

Students entering the who have only resided in the countries listed below over the past 5 years are not required to have a tuberculin skin test.

Albania Egypt and American Finland Andorra Samoa and Barbuda Germany San Marino Greece Saudi Arabia (Dutch part) Austria Hungary Slovakia Bahamas Iceland Slovenia Bahrain Ireland Spain Israel Sweden Belgium Italy Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic , Saint Eustatius and Japan The Former Yugoslav Republic British Virgin Jordan of Macedonia Lebanon Luxembourg Chile Turkey Monaco United Arab Emirates Croatia Netherlands of and Curacao United States of America US Czech Republic Norway Islands Denmark Oman West Bank and Gaza Strip

Source: World Health Organization Global Health Observatory, Tuberculosis Incidence 2014.

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March 2017