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Annual report on research activities 2006-2007

Lingnan University ( Kong, China)

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Report 1: Overview

 Institutional Policy on Research

Lingnan University aspires to be an internationally-recognized liberal arts university characterized by excellence in teaching, competence in research and a commitment to scholarship. Striking an appropriate balance between teaching and research is central to the University’s approach to liberal arts education. While teaching is the primary mission of the University, research is seen as a vital element of scholarly activity which supports and enriches teaching.

Lingnan is fully aware of the need to focus its research efforts on areas where it has strengths because of its small size. At Lingnan, research and teaching are seen as interactive, one enriching the other field of endeavour. The synergy between teaching and research is particularly relevant to Lingnan, as our teaching exhibits a strong empirical orientation.

The University’s research policy is designed to optimize the use of research funds through quality enhancement, focused development and collaborative endeavour. Quality enhancement is achieved through faculty appointment and continuing improvement of its existing staff profile. Focused development is achieved as a result of identification of areas of excellence and the recruitment of faculty to build up strength in these areas. Collaborative endeavour is fostered by establishing research centres that provide both research support and coordination.

 Organization of Research Funding

At Lingnan, we adopt a very careful and rigorous internal peer review process of applications for internal research grants. Each application is evaluated on the basis of its academic merit, feasibility within the indicated time frame, budgetary appropriateness, and the track record of the investigator(s). Below is a brief account of the fund allocation process:

1) The Research and Postgraduate Studies Committee (RPSC), a committee under the Senate, is responsible for the award of all of the University’s internal research grants on the basis of policy guidelines approved by the Senate. There are two types of internal provision for the support of research: (i) Direct Grant for Research, up to $120,000 and (ii) Academic Programme Research Grant, up to $30,000.

2) About 65% of the University research budget is reserved for central bidding (to support projects costing more than $30,000 and up to $120,000 each). RPSC invites applications twice a year. Research and Postgraduate Studies Panels (RPSPs) at the three Academic Programmes levels (i.e. Arts, Social Sciences and Business Studies) undertake the initial assessment of applications. The RPSPs directly convey their comments and suggestions to the PIs concerned for possible adjustment or improvement of the proposals before submission to the RPSC for final consideration. The Panels, in addition to commenting on the proposals, are also responsible for the rating of the revised proposals by classifying them into 5 categories (Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair and Poor). The RPSC makes the final decision on individual applications in light of the comments and ratings made by the RPSPs. [Note: Given



Annual Report on Research Activities 2006-2007 Report 1 – Overview ______

the keen competition, shortlisted projects were funded at minimal cost. The average award was $86,000 in the past three academic years.]

3) Each year the RPSC allocates a portion of the University research budget (normally about 35%) directly to Academic Programmes to support small projects costing up to $30,000 each. Bids are dealt with on a regular basis (three to four times a year) by the RPSP concerned. The refereeing panel in each Programme is comprised of senior academics from various departments in the Programme.

 Usage of Direct Allocation Grant

The RPSC allocated a total of HK$2.273 million to support 50 research projects by our academic staff during the 2006/07 academic year; and a further HK$1.0 million was committed to conferences and other staff-development activities. Meanwhile, our staff presented 87 academic papers at various international conferences. The titles and grants for those projects funded from the University’s Block Grant and the RGC’s Direct Allocation Grant are set out in Reports 2A and 2B respectively. Projects supported from private sources are listed in Report 2C.

The Direct Allocation (DA) is an excellent scheme for small-scale research projects and for many such projects undertaken at a humanities/social science and business university such as ours. Indeed, our institutional support for research relies heavily on RGC’s DA. We make allocations with due care. PIs have to be highly competitive to win an award. Our efficient use of the DA is clearly evident in the number of quality outputs our colleagues manage to produce. This is confirmed in the 2006 RAE results summarized in the “Research Achievements” section below.

 Collaborative Endeavour

While at present inter-institutional collaboration exists mainly at the individual level, a system has been set up by Programme-based Research Institutes/Centres to channel resources into special areas of research and to develop important links with local, regional and overseas institutions for academic exchanges, conferences and other collaborative activities. Research clusters have been set up within each Institute/Centre to encourage participation by as many faculty members as possible. The International Joint-Research Programme has been running successfully, through which distinguished scholars from outside Hong Kong are invited to team up with research fellows at various institutes/centres to work on topics of mutual interest. Subsistence allowances had been provided for these partners to make a short trip to Hong Kong to enhance collaboration.

In addition, the University has set aside some money every year to finance two-way academic-exchange activities between Lingnan and institutions of higher learning on the Mainland and in the less developed economies of Asia. In 2006-07, a total of 9 incoming and 4 outgoing visits were supported by this scheme. Visiting institutions included Peking University, Shandong University, Xiamen University, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Development Research Centre of the State Council, Shanghai Institute for International Studies, Institute of Population Research of Renmin University, Libraries at Vietnam, among others.



Annual Report on Research Activities 2006-2007 Report 1 – Overview ______

 Research Achievements

UGC’s 2006 Research Assessment Exercise Results Confirm Lingnan’s Excellence in Research

As a liberal arts university, Lingnan is fully committed to quality teaching as well as excellence in research. Where some liberal arts colleges in the US focus only on teaching, we pride ourselves as a “liberal arts-plus” university where we excel in both research and teaching. This is confirmed in the 2006 RAE results released by the UGC in March 2007. The University is very pleased to learn that its research strengths stretch across all its three academic areas, i.e. arts, social sciences and business studies.

Lingnan’s 2006 RAE results show the following achievements:

1) Its institution-wide research performance index doubled to 76.35% from 38.85% in the last RAE in 1999. Lingnan is happy to note that its overall research index of 76.35% places itself as one of the best performing UGC-funded institutions in terms of the 2006 RAE results. Indeed, Lingnan ranked fourth after the three “research intensive” universities.

2) Lingnan performed well in all the three RAE panels (namely Business Studies & Economics Panel, Social Sciences Panel and Humanities Panel) under which its thirteen academic departments are grouped. The research indexes of all its three panels surpassed the sector-wide average. In fact, its Business Studies and Economics Panel ranked second with an index of 84.14% (see Table 1).

3) In terms of the nine cost centres which Lingnan were assessed, the research indexes of seven cost centres, namely (1) Accountancy, (2) Business Studies, (3) Economics, (4) Other Social Sciences (Politics & Sociology), (5) Chinese, (6) English, and (7) Translation surpassed the sector-wide average. As shown in the attached Table 2, the research indexes of Lingnan’s cost centres compare very favourably with those of the other universities in Hong Kong. It is believed that at least one of Lingnan’s fields ranks first among the eight UGC-funded institutions.

The results of Lingnan’s 2006 RAE demonstrate the remarkable achievement of the University in this area. Even though the UGC adopted a higher threshold standard this time than in the 1999 RAE, the institution-wide RAE index of Lingnan has surged from 38.85% in 1999 to 76.35% in the 2006 exercise. In spite of this excellent performance in research, Lingnan is not complacent. The faculty members are striving for even better achievements in research and teaching in the future.

Lingnan Ranks High Internationally on the Publication of Business and Management

According to a recent review by three researchers D. QUER, E. CLAVER and L. RIENDA on the publication of business and management empirical research on China in leading international journals, Lingnan ranks high internationally. The review article, entitled “Business and Management in China: A Review of Empirical Research in Leading International Journals”, was published in the latest issue of Asia Pacific Journal of Management (2007, 24: 359-368).



Annual Report on Research Activities 2006-2007 Report 1 – Overview ______

The review identified 12 leading and high-impact international journals which included:

1) five journals dedicated to international business (IB) and management, i.e. Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS), Journal of World Business (JWB), Management International Review (MIR), International Business Review (IBR), and Journal of International Management (JIM);

2) six generic journals about business and management, i.e. Academy of Management Journal (AMJ), Administrative Science Quarterly(ASQ), Journal of Management (JM), Journal of Management Studies (JMS), Organization Science (OS), and Strategic Management Journal (SMJ); and

3) the longest history and prestigious Asia-based management journal Asian Pacific Journal of Management (APJM).

After reviewing the objectives and methodologies of 2,847 papers published in the above 12 journals between 2000 and 2005, 180 papers were found to be fulfilling the criteria established by the aforesaid three international researchers. The findings showed that researchers from Lingnan fared very well as compared to other leading universities world-wide despite its small size.

Lingnan was ranked fifth internationally with a total appearances of 13 papers (Adjusted appearances: 5.81 appearances, which take into account of joint authorships. For example, for a paper with two authors, it is calculated as ½ paper.) Three Hong Kong institutions including Lingnan emerged as the top five institutions being ranked. Only two UGC-funded institutions were ranked higher than Lingnan University in Hong Kong. If size of institutions is taken into consideration, Lingnan would have performed even better.

 Concluding Remarks

We believe that an adequately funded research base is essential to our institutional well-being, in particular our liberal arts curriculum. As external funding for “non-laboratory” research in the areas of Humanities, Social Sciences and Business (in which we are active) is extremely limited in terms of the schemes and total funds available, we need the UGC/RGC to increase research support in these areas to enable us to build up our research strength and infrastructure. In this connection, we welcome the RGC’s initiative to establish a new Sub-Panel to address the special needs of Humanities projects that require support to free up PI’s staff time. We consider that it is an important step in the right direction.



Annual Report on Research Activities 2006-2007 Report 1 – Overview ______

Table 1 Results of 2006 Research Assessment Exercise: Lingnan’s Research Index vs UGC Sector-wide Research Index (by Panels)

Panel Lingnan’s Sector-wide Lingnan’s Ranking Research Index Average among Eight Universities Business Studies & 84.14% 76.72% 2nd Economics Social Sciences 80.36% 75.16% 4th Humanities 68.37% 67.63% 5th

Table 2 Results of 2006 Research Assessment Exercise: Lingnan’s Research Index vs UGC Sector-wide Research Index (by Cost Centres)

Panel Cost Centre Lingnan’s Sector-wide Research Index Average

Business Studies Accountancy 77.86% 63.13% & Economics Business Studies1 82.86% 80.19% Economics 94.13% 80.16%

Social Sciences Other Social Sciences 80.36% 79.76% (Politics & Sociology)

Humanities Chinese 71.05% 57.46% English 75.00% 61.78% Translation 76.47% 72.35% History2 45.00% 83.33% Other 66.18% 76.47% Arts/Humanities (Cultural Studies & Philosophy)

Overall 76.35%3 76.29%

Notes: 1Four of our business departments (namely Computing & Decision Sciences, Finance & Insurance, Management, and Marketing & International Business) are grouped under “Business Studies”. 2The History Department is new with only a few staff. The University is putting greater efforts in uplifting its research profile. 3Lingnan ranked fourth after the three “research intensive” universities.



Report 2(A) – List of Projects Funded by UGC’s Block Grant

Serial Principal Net Amount of Role of No. Project Title Investigator Grant Received Institution ($) Cost Centre : 35 Department of Accountancy

1 An Exploratory Investigation of Hong Kong SIMMONS Richard S 29,220 X Tax Professionals' Ethical Judgments

2 An Investigation into the Effect of a SIMMONS Richard S 28,000 X Business Ethics Elective on the Attitudes toward Corporate Ethics and Social Responsibility of BBA Students at a Hong Kong University

1. “ * ” denotes new projects funded in 2006-2007 2. C=coordinating institution in a joint research project, P=participating institution in a joint research project and X=not applicable for non-joint research projects

6 Report 2(A) – List of Projects Funded by UGC’s Block Grant

Serial Principal Net Amount of Role of No. Project Title Investigator Grant Received Institution ($) Cost Centre : 37 Department of Computing and Decision Sciences Department of Finance and Insurance Department of Management Department of Marketing and International Business

1 * Chinese Management in Asia CHAN Tsang-sing 10,000 X

2 * Business Environment Analysis CHOW Kong-wing 10,000 X Clement

3 * Comparative Statics of Changes in Risk on HAU Tak-ming Arthur 29,500 X Kinked Payoff Functions

4 An Exploratory Study of Effect of Channel LI Ling-yee Esther 29,800 X Governance on Channel Performance: The Mediating Role of Procedural Justice, Relationship Learning, and Voluntary Cooperation

5 * An Exploratory Study of Relationship of LI Ling-yee Esther 30,000 X Individual Moral Values and Perceived Ethical Climate to Salepersons’ Job Satisfaction, Commitment and Turnover, and to Clients’ Purchase Intention and Loyalty with the Firm

6 Interactivity to Cultivate Customer LUI Hon-kwong 28,000 X Satisfaction and Loyalty: A Communication Model for Internet Banking

7 * Finance in Asia POON Pui-han Winnie 10,000 X

8 * Predicting Tourism Market Potential of POON Shing-chung 30,000 X Hong Kong by the Year 2027 Patrick

1. “ * ” denotes new projects funded in 2006-2007 2. C=coordinating institution in a joint research project, P=participating institution in a joint research project and X=not applicable for non-joint research projects

7 Report 2(A) – List of Projects Funded by UGC’s Block Grant

Serial Principal Net Amount of Role of No. Project Title Investigator Grant Received Institution ($)

9 * China Business Studies NYAW Mee-kau 10,000 X

10 * Studies on Greater Pearl River Delta NYAW Mee-kau 10,000 X

11 * Organisation Studies SNELL Robin S 10,000 X

12 * Logistics and Decision Science SUN Daning 10,000 X

1. “ * ” denotes new projects funded in 2006-2007 2. C=coordinating institution in a joint research project, P=participating institution in a joint research project and X=not applicable for non-joint research projects

8 Report 2(A) – List of Projects Funded by UGC’s Block Grant

Serial Principal Net Amount of Role of No. Project Title Investigator Grant Received Institution ($) Cost Centre : 40 Department of Economics

1 The Population Problem FAN Cheng-ze Simon 12,000 X

2 Quality, Signaling and Dumping FAN Cheng-ze Simon 27,800 X

3 Corruption and the “Strength” of the State: FAN Cheng-ze Simon 29,000 X A Cross-Country Investigation

4 Consumer Protection in Hong Kong, LIN Ping 12,000 X Mainland China, and Australia

5 Economic Analysis of Competition Policy in LIN Ping 10,675 X China

1. “ * ” denotes new projects funded in 2006-2007 2. C=coordinating institution in a joint research project, P=participating institution in a joint research project and X=not applicable for non-joint research projects

9 Report 2(A) – List of Projects Funded by UGC’s Block Grant

Serial Principal Net Amount of Role of No. Project Title Investigator Grant Received Institution ($) Cost Centres : 43 Department of Politics and Sociology

1 The New Local Governmental Administration CHAN Che-po 26,700 X of Enterprises and the Corresponding Administrative Reform: The Case of Shanghai Pudong

2 * Performance-Appraisal Beliefs of CHENG Hing-cheung 28,283 X Employees and Managers: A Comparison Kevin between China and Hong Kong

3 The Global Politics of AIDs: Human HARRIS Paul G 18,000 X Suffering, Health Policy, and International Relations

4 * To Explore the Psychological Mechanisms SIU Oi-ling 30,000 X of the Relationships among Stress, Leadership Style, Well-being and Performance in Hong Kong and Beijing

1. “ * ” denotes new projects funded in 2006-2007 2. C=coordinating institution in a joint research project, P=participating institution in a joint research project and X=not applicable for non-joint research projects

10 Report 2(A) – List of Projects Funded by UGC’s Block Grant

Serial Principal Net Amount of Role of No. Project Title Investigator Grant Received Institution ($) Cost Centre : 44 Department of Chinese

1 The Diary of the Writer-in-Residence CHAN Wai-ying 18,300 X Programme in 2005

2 * The Missing Chapters and the Issue of KWONG Yim-tze 30,000 X Forgery in Fusheng liuji Charles

3 Review Database LEUNG Ping-kwan 5,000 X

4 Hong Kong Literature Project of LEUNG Ping-kwan 6,000 X Contemporary Chinese Authors

1. “ * ” denotes new projects funded in 2006-2007 2. C=coordinating institution in a joint research project, P=participating institution in a joint research project and X=not applicable for non-joint research projects

11 Report 2(A) – List of Projects Funded by UGC’s Block Grant

Serial Principal Net Amount of Role of No. Project Title Investigator Grant Received Institution ($) Cost Centre : 45 Department of English

1 Two-Way Mirrors: Cross-Cultural Studies in EOYANG Eugene 39,000 X Glocalization Chen

2 Empirical English EOYANG Eugene 30,000 X Chen

1. “ * ” denotes new projects funded in 2006-2007 2. C=coordinating institution in a joint research project, P=participating institution in a joint research project and X=not applicable for non-joint research projects

12 Report 2(A) – List of Projects Funded by UGC’s Block Grant

Serial Principal Net Amount of Role of No. Project Title Investigator Grant Received Institution ($) Cost Centre: 50 Department of History

1 * Napoleon Bonaparte in India FICHTER James R 8,000 X

2 * Imperially Forgotten: The American FICHTER James R 27,021 X Settlement of Tristan da Cunha and the British Empire, 1810-1816

1. “ * ” denotes new projects funded in 2006-2007 2. C=coordinating institution in a joint research project, P=participating institution in a joint research project and X=not applicable for non-joint research projects

13 Report 2(A) – List of Projects Funded by UGC’s Block Grant

Serial Principal Net Amount of Role of No. Project Title Investigator Grant Received Institution ($) Cost Centre: 51 Department of Cultural Studies Department of Philosophy

1 * Negotiating Heritage and Cultural Politics in IP Iam-chong 29,922 X Postcolonial Hong Kong: The Case of Star Ferry Pier

2 * Representation of Ethnic Minorities in LEUNG Yuk-ming Lisa 30,000 X Mainstream Media

3 Topics in Philosophy of Language LIVINGSTON Paisley N 27,500 X

4 * Philosophy and Film LIVINGSTON Paisley N 13,200 X

5 * Probabilistic Modus Tollens and Intelligent SESARDIC Neven 27,000 X Design

1. “ * ” denotes new projects funded in 2006-2007 2. C=coordinating institution in a joint research project, P=participating institution in a joint research project and X=not applicable for non-joint research projects

14 Report 2(B) – List of Projects Funded by RGC’s Direct Allocation

Serial Principal Net Amount of Role of No. Project Title Investigator Grant Received Institution ($) Cost Centre : 35 Department of Accountancy

1 Disclosure of Corporate Social LEE Meina Grace 30,000 X Responsibility in PRC: Practice, Incentives and Policy

2 Current Developments on International LO Wai-yee Agnes 30,000 X Transfer Pricing in China

3 Corporate Strategy and Transfer Pricing LO Wai-yee Agnes 30,000 X Methods – Evidence from the Chinese Listed Companies

4 * Earnings Management, Corporate LO Wai-yee Agnes 101,500 X Governance and Cross Listing: An Empirical Analysis of Transfer Pricing Behavior of Chinese-listed Companies

5 An Examination of the Ethical Decision SHAFER William E 118,900 X Making Processes of Professional Auditors in the People’s Republic of China

6 * Ethical Climate and Professionalism: A Study SHAFER William E 89,400 X of Tax Professionals in the People’s Republic of China

7 * An Investigation into Citizens’ Attitudes SIMMONS Richard S 45,000 X towards the Tax System and Tax Reform in Hong Kong

1. “ * ” denotes new projects funded in 2006-2007 2. C=coordinating institution in a joint research project, P=participating institution in a joint research project and X=not applicable for non-joint research projects 15 Report 2(B) – List of Projects Funded by RGC’s Direct Allocation

Serial Principal Net Amount of Role of No. Project Title Investigator Grant Received Institution ($) Cost Centre : 37 Department of Computing and Decision Sciences Department of Finance and Insurance Department of Management Department of Marketing and International Business

1 Using Narratives to Discern Self Identity CHAN Tsang-sing 30,000 X Goals and Motivations Associated with the Use of Luxury Products

2 Consumption of the Sacred and the Profane: CHAN Tsang-sing 111,000 X The Blurring of Boundaries between Museums and High Fashion Houses

3 * Working with Korean Managers: Applying CHEN Yifeng 30,000 X the Theory of Cooperation and Competition in Sino-Korean Joint Ventures in China

4 * Measuring Technical Efficiencies of CHOW Kong-wing 30,000 X Chinese Airports using Input Distance Clement Function Approach

5 * Inward Activities and the CUI Geng 30,000 X Internationalization of Chinese Enterprises: A Resource-based View

6 * A Cost-sensitive Learning Algorithm for CUI Geng 85,000 X Machine Learning: An Application for Direct Marketing Forecasting Models

7 Insurance, Bond Covenants, and Under- and HAU Tak-ming Arthur 30,000 X Over-investment with Risky Asset Reconstitution

8 Liquidity Risk and the Pricing of Committed HAU Tak-ming Arthur 30,000 X Bank Loans

1. “ * ” denotes new projects funded in 2006-2007 2. C=coordinating institution in a joint research project, P=participating institution in a joint research project and X=not applicable for non-joint research projects 16 Report 2(B) – List of Projects Funded by RGC’s Direct Allocation

Serial Principal Net Amount of Role of No. Project Title Investigator Grant Received Institution ($)

9 Identifying the Successful Factors to KWAN LAU Siu-yung 30,000 X Develop an Adaptive E-Learning System – Irene with the Consideration of Social and Psychological Aspects

10 * From Internet Marketing to e-Customer KWAN LAU Siu-yung 30,000 X Relationship Management (e-CRM) Irene

11 Analysis of Free Shipping Decision LENG Mingming 87,625 X Problems in B2C Transactions

12 Side-Payment Contracts in Two-Person LENG Mingming 65,610 X Nonzero-Sum Games: Design and Applications

13 * Coordinating Decentralized Assembly Supply LENG Mingming 77,900 X Chains with Buy-Back and Lost Sales Cost-Sharing Contracts

14 Industrial Trade Shows: Its Performance LI Ling-yee Esther 128,080 X Measurements and Success Determinants

15 From Knowledge Management to Customer LI Ling-yee Esther 29,920 X Relationship Management (CRM): An Exploratory Study of Implementation Processes of CRM Programs and their Effect on Customer Satisfaction, Sales Growth, and Brand Loyalty

16 * The Creation of Customer Value in LI Ling-yee Esther 30,000 X International Trade Shows: A Marketing of Competences Approach

1. “ * ” denotes new projects funded in 2006-2007 2. C=coordinating institution in a joint research project, P=participating institution in a joint research project and X=not applicable for non-joint research projects 17 Report 2(B) – List of Projects Funded by RGC’s Direct Allocation

Serial Principal Net Amount of Role of No. Project Title Investigator Grant Received Institution ($)

17 * Value Innovation in Established Companies: LI Ling-yee Esther 74,000 X Its Competence-based Predictors and Value Innovation Outcomes

18 Collaboration of Mobile Devices LOO Wai-sing Alfred 28,500 X

19 Common Framework for Mobile LOO Wai-sing Alfred 30,000 X Application Development

20 Internet Surfing for Children in LOO Wai-sing Alfred 87,000 X Kindergarten

21 * Mobile Monitoring Systems LOO Wai-sing Alfred 30,000 X

22 Are Credit Ratings Relevant to Stock Returns POON Pui-han Winnie 95,820 X in China?

23 * Impact of Bond Rating Changes on Bond POON Pui-han Winnie 119,350 X Market Efficiency in the Post Regulation Fair Disclosure Period

24 The Effects of Consumer Expectations on the POON Shing-chung 120,000 X Adoption of Continuous and Discontinuous Patrick Innovations

25 Tacit Knowledge and Its Implications for POON Shing-chung 30,000 X New Product Development Patrick

26 Investment Environment of Foreign-funded NYAW Mee-kau 30,000 X Enterprises in the Chinese Mainland: A Comparative Study of Pan Bohai Bay Area, Yantze River Delta and Pearl River Delta Areas

1. “ * ” denotes new projects funded in 2006-2007 2. C=coordinating institution in a joint research project, P=participating institution in a joint research project and X=not applicable for non-joint research projects 18 Report 2(B) – List of Projects Funded by RGC’s Direct Allocation

Serial Principal Net Amount of Role of No. Project Title Investigator Grant Received Institution ($)

27 * Issues in the Development of Collective SNELL Robin S 45,400 X Learning Relationships Between a China Based Japanese-Owned Manufacturer and Its Key Local Suppliers

28 ERP Implementation Planning: A Critical SUN Daning 30,000 X Success Factors (CSFs) Approach

29 Top Management Teams in Hong Kong and TJOSVOLD Dean W 117,960 X the Chinese Mainland: Applying the Theory of Cooperation and Competition

30 The Emergence of Legal Protection for WONG Man-lai Sonia 30,000 X Investors in China

31 Effective Genetic Programming Based on WONG Man-leung 71,000 X Probabilistic Model Building and Logic Grammars

32 The Antecedents and Consequences of LMX WONG Yui-tim 105,260 X and POS for Chinese Workers Edward

33 The Influence of Transformational Leadership, WONG Yuk-lan 73,675 X Organizational Politics, and Cynicism on Winnie Perceived Organizational Citizenship Behaviour and Pseudo-citizenship Behaviour

34 Model Checking UML State Diagrams in YEUNG Wing-lok 84,090 X CSP for Critical Systems

35 Safety-First Portfolio Optimization Model: YU Zi-you 27,000 X Predicting the Asset Portfolio of Chinese Insurance Funds with Direct Investment in Stock Market

1. “ * ” denotes new projects funded in 2006-2007 2. C=coordinating institution in a joint research project, P=participating institution in a joint research project and X=not applicable for non-joint research projects 19 Report 2(B) – List of Projects Funded by RGC’s Direct Allocation

Serial Principal Net Amount of Role of No. Project Title Investigator Grant Received Institution ($)

36 Understanding Global versus Local ZHOU Lianxi 122,300 X Consumption Tendencies in Transitional Markets: An Empirical Investigation in Mainland China

37 Why Do Companies Switch Investment ZOU Hong 30,000 X Projects? An Exploratory Investigation

38 Litigation Risks, Directors’ and Officers’ ZOU Hong 30,000 X Liability and Insurance

39 Does Corporate Insurance Improve Firm ZOU Hong 30,000 X Performance?

40 New Evidence on Moral Hazard in Capital ZOU Hong 87,000 X Raising: An Examination of Post-Offering Investment Changes in China-listed Firms

41 Outside Directors and the Corporate Use of ZOU Hong 86,500 X Property Insurance in the People’s Republic of China

1. “ * ” denotes new projects funded in 2006-2007 2. C=coordinating institution in a joint research project, P=participating institution in a joint research project and X=not applicable for non-joint research projects 20 Report 2(B) – List of Projects Funded by RGC’s Direct Allocation

Serial Principal Net Amount of Role of No. Project Title Investigator Grant Received Institution ($) Cost Centre : 40 Department of Economics

1 * Ownership and Innovation: A Case Study of CHEUNG Kui-yin 29,400 X the Large and Medium-size Enterprises in China

2 The Economics of Nanny: Theory and FAN Cheng-ze Simon 107,000 X Evidence

3 A Study on the Determinants of Happiness HO Lok-sang 30,000 X and a Happiness Index for HK

4 A New Macroeconomic Policy Analytical HO Lok-sang 62,000 X Framework: An Empirical Test Using US and HK Data

5 * Annual Happiness Survey and HO Lok-sang 80,000 X Determination of Happiness in Hong Kong: Implications for Public Policy

6 * Corpoate Governance, Marketization, LIN Chen 60,000 X Corruption and Firm Efficiency: Evidence from China

7 Industry Concentration, Market Power, and LIN Ping 81,530 X Merger Control in China

8 Real and Financial Integration of Chinese MA Yue 98,000 X Regions with the Regional Blocs in the World

9 * Does Oil Shock Affect Small Open VOON Jan-piaw 23,000 X Economies? The Case of Hong Kong and Thomas Singapore

1. “ * ” denotes new projects funded in 2006-2007 2. C=coordinating institution in a joint research project, P=participating institution in a joint research project and X=not applicable for non-joint research projects 21 Report 2(B) – List of Projects Funded by RGC’s Direct Allocation

Serial Principal Net Amount of Role of No. Project Title Investigator Grant Received Institution ($)

10 Durable Goods, Household Size, and the WEI Xiangdong 113,000 X Demand for Food

11 * Comparing Hong Kong’s Financial Services WEI Xiangdong 30,000 X Export Performance with Japan, Singapore, the US, the UK: A Dynamic Shift-share Analysis

12 * Productivity Growth and Productivity ZHANG Yifan 89,320 X Convergence Across China’s Coastal and Interior Economies

1. “ * ” denotes new projects funded in 2006-2007 2. C=coordinating institution in a joint research project, P=participating institution in a joint research project and X=not applicable for non-joint research projects 22 Report 2(B) – List of Projects Funded by RGC’s Direct Allocation

Serial Principal Net Amount of Role of No. Project Title Investigator Grant Received Institution ($) Cost Centres : 43 Department of Politics and Sociology

1 Sporting Politics of Divided Countries: The BRIDGES Brian 14,820 X Korean Case

2 An Exploratory Study on Pets and Elderly CHAN Cheung-ming 90,220 X Health in Hong Kong Alfred

3 Stress Coping Style of Elderly and CHAN Cheung-ming 108,200 X University Students in Beijing Alfred

4 * A Pilot Study on the Outcome Evaluation of CHAN Cheung-ming 20,300 X Computerized Management in Residential Alfred Care Homes

5 * An Exploratory Study on the Elders’ Needs CHAN Cheung-ming 80,500 X and Attitudes towards Radio Programmes Alfred

6 Personality and Verbal Behavior: A CHENG Hing-cheung 98,200 X Psycholinguistic Exploration Kevin

7 An Analytical Framework of Separatism in CHUNG Chien-peng 52,770 X Modern China

8 Multi-Regional Cross-National Comparative HARRIS Paul G 149,896 X Analysis of Environmental Foreign Policy

9 Family Stress and Coping Strategies in KWOK Hong-kin 119,975 X Beijing Families: A Study of How Families Respond to the Impact of Social Change

10 Economic Development and Chinese KWOK Hong-kin 30,000 X Family: Modifications in Values and Aspiration

1. “ * ” denotes new projects funded in 2006-2007 2. C=coordinating institution in a joint research project, P=participating institution in a joint research project and X=not applicable for non-joint research projects 23 Report 2(B) – List of Projects Funded by RGC’s Direct Allocation

Serial Principal Net Amount of Role of No. Project Title Investigator Grant Received Institution ($)

11 School, Family and Social Factors Affecting KWOK Hong-kin 30,000 X Student’s Motivation to Learn: An Exploratory Study in a Hong Kong Secondary School

12 To Explore the Psychological Mechanisms SIU Oi-ling 96,700 X of the Relationships among Stress, Leadership Style, Well-being and Performance in Hong Kong and Beijing

13 * An International Evaluation of Work-family SIU Oi-ling 106,000 X Balance: Validation of the Work-family Balance Measure and Theoretical Model

14 New Direction of the Political Structural WONG Yiu-chung 13,280 X Reform under Hu Jintao-Wen Jiabao Leadership: Grass-root Democracy versus Intra-party Democracy

15 * Ideology in Flux: From the “Theory of the WONG Yiu-chung 11,100 X Continued Revolution under the Dictatorship of the Proletariat” to the “Theory of Three Represents”

1. “ * ” denotes new projects funded in 2006-2007 2. C=coordinating institution in a joint research project, P=participating institution in a joint research project and X=not applicable for non-joint research projects 24 Report 2(B) – List of Projects Funded by RGC’s Direct Allocation

Serial Principal Net Amount of Role of No. Project Title Investigator Grant Received Institution ($) Cost Centre : 44 Department of Chinese

1 Domain of a Thousand KWONG Yim-tze 12,000 X Charles

2 Between Brothers KWONG Yim-tze 12,000 X Charles

3 * Į十二霞峰įTwelve Rosy Peaks KWONG Yim-tze 13,000 X Charles

4 Sacred and Profane in Human-Spirit Love LAU Yin-ping Grace 62,140 X Stories

5 Modernism in Chinese and Japanese LEUNG Ping-kwan 86,700 X Literature

6 * Adapted Identities: A Study of Hong Kong LEUNG Ping-kwan 91,000 X Literature and Film in the 1950s and 1960s

7 * 陳洪綬(Chen Hongshou)、孟稱舜(Meng SI TOU Sau-ieng 61,500 X Chengshun)、祁豸佳(Qi Zhijia)三家研 究

8 Serialized Short Stories of Newspapers and WONG Shuk-han Mary 28,600 X Hong Kong Cinema of the 1950s

9 * From Korea to Hong Kong: A Study of the WONG Shuk-han Mary 20,500 X Film Adaptation of the Story of Choon Hyang

1. “ * ” denotes new projects funded in 2006-2007 2. C=coordinating institution in a joint research project, P=participating institution in a joint research project and X=not applicable for non-joint research projects 25 Report 2(B) – List of Projects Funded by RGC’s Direct Allocation

Serial Principal Net Amount of Role of No. Project Title Investigator Grant Received Institution ($) Cost Centre : 45 Department of English

1 An English- Chinese Thesaurus of GOATLY Andrew P 104,000 X Metaphors

2 Code Choice HO Woon-yee Judy 30,000 X

3 * A Comparison of Rhetorical Pattern SHARP Alastair I 25,000 X Comprehension in Two Cultures

1. “ * ” denotes new projects funded in 2006-2007 2. C=coordinating institution in a joint research project, P=participating institution in a joint research project and X=not applicable for non-joint research projects 26 Report 2(B) – List of Projects Funded by RGC’s Direct Allocation

Serial Principal Net Amount of Role of No. Project Title Investigator Grant Received Institution ($) Cost Centre : 48 Department of Translation

1 * Translation of Ge Zhaoguang’s History of CHAN Tak-hung Leo 28,800 X Chinese Thought Vol. 1

2 * Chinese Translations of Christian Spiritual CHONG Yau-yuk 30,000 X Classics

3 History of Interpreting in China during the LUNG Wai-chu Rachel 87,470 X Tang Dynasty

1. “ * ” denotes new projects funded in 2006-2007 2. C=coordinating institution in a joint research project, P=participating institution in a joint research project and X=not applicable for non-joint research projects 27 Report 2(B) – List of Projects Funded by RGC’s Direct Allocation

Serial Principal Net Amount of Role of No. Project Title Investigator Grant Received Institution ($) Cost Centre : 50 Department of History

1 * The East Indies and the Transformation of FICHTER James R 98,390 X Anglo-American Capitalism, 1773-1815

1. “ * ” denotes new projects funded in 2006-2007 2. C=coordinating institution in a joint research project, P=participating institution in a joint research project and X=not applicable for non-joint research projects 28 Report 2(B) – List of Projects Funded by RGC’s Direct Allocation

Serial Principal Net Amount of Role of No. Project Title Investigator Grant Received Institution ($) Cost Centre : 51 Department of Cultural Studies Department of Philosophy Chinese Language Education and Assessment Centre

1 Constructing : The CHAN Shun-hing 85,325 X Case of Lei Yue Mun

2 * Race, Culture and Law: A Study of the ERNI John N 29,600 X Formation of Subjecthood among Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong

3 * Toward an Interconnected Cultural ERNI John N 104,600 X Citizenship: An Empirical Study of a Transborder Public Culture of Health in the Hong Kong-Guangdong Region

4 University Culture: Markets, Globalization HJORT Mette A 27,000 X and Norms

5 Small Nations, Film Culture, and HJORT Mette A 64,340 X Transnationalism

6 * Review on Art Therapy LAW Suk-mun Sophia 30,000 X

7 * A Preliminary Survey of the Post-heroic LAW Wing-sang 30,000 X Gangster Films in Hong Kong

8 Research into Audience’s Perception of LEUNG Yuk-ming Lisa 28,280 X Disney Media and Cultural Products

9 Media Coverage of the WTO Conference in LEUNG Yuk-ming Lisa 30,000 X Hong Kong – Lessons on Production and Reception

1. “ * ” denotes new projects funded in 2006-2007 2. C=coordinating institution in a joint research project, P=participating institution in a joint research project and X=not applicable for non-joint research projects 29 Report 2(B) – List of Projects Funded by RGC’s Direct Allocation

Serial Principal Net Amount of Role of No. Project Title Investigator Grant Received Institution ($)

10 * The Construction of the ‘Heroine’ in Korean LEUNG Yuk-ming Lisa 20,500 X TV Dramas

11 Research on the Chinese Rhetorical TIN Siu-lam 103,560 X Phenomena in Hong Kong

12 * Representation of Power Relations in Li YAU Ching 30,000 X Han-hsiang’s Films

1. “ * ” denotes new projects funded in 2006-2007 2. C=coordinating institution in a joint research project, P=participating institution in a joint research project and X=not applicable for non-joint research projects 30 Report 2(C) – List of Projects Funded by Non-UGC/RGC Sources

Serial Principal Net Amount of Funding Role of No. Project Title Investigator Grant Received Source Institution ($) Cost Centre : 37 Department of Finance and Insurance

1 Chinese Pension Investment Preference YU Zi-you 10,000 Non-HK X and Influence to Company Value Other

2 Why do Companies Switch Investment ZOU Hong 13,700 Non-HK X Projects? An Exploratory Investigation Other

1. “ * ” denotes new projects funded in 2006-2007 2. C=coordinating institution in a joint research project, P=participating institution in a joint research project and X=not applicable for non-joint research projects

31 Report 2(C) – List of Projects Funded by Non-UGC/RGC Sources

Serial Principal Net Amount of Funding Role of No. Project Title Investigator Grant Received Source Institution ($) Cost Centre : 40 Department of Economics

1 * A Study of the Talent Gap in the HO Lok-sang 350,000 HK Other X Financial Industry

2 * A Study of the Unemployment Problem HO Lok-sang 5,000 HKSAR X in Tuen Mun Gov’t

3 * Tax Reform HO Lok-sang 79,000 HK Other X

4 Institutional Readjustments in the MA Yue 480,000 Gov’t X Chinese Economy: Implications for Related Economic Stability in Hong Kong Organizations

5 China’s Macroeconomic Policy in MA Yue 18,800 Non-HK X Economic Transitions Other

6 A Comparative Study of MA Yue 21,600 Non-HK X Competitiveness and efficiency of the Other Domestic and Foreign Service Industries in China

1. “ * ” denotes new projects funded in 2006-2007 2. C=coordinating institution in a joint research project, P=participating institution in a joint research project and X=not applicable for non-joint research projects

32 Report 2(C) – List of Projects Funded by Non-UGC/RGC Sources

Serial Principal Net Amount of Funding Role of No. Project Title Investigator Grant Received Source Institution ($) Cost Centres : 43 Department of Politics and Sociology

1 The Effectiveness and Outcomes of CHAN Cheung-ming 450,000 HK X the Youth Smoking Prevention Alfred Charities/ Programmes Foundations

2 Research on Caring Estate in CHAN Cheung-ming 50,000 HK X Southern District: Development of Alfred Charities/ Caring Index Foundations

3 A Whole Person Developed CHAN Cheung-ming 593,700 HKSAR X Programme Through Liberal Art and Alfred Gov’t Moral Education

4 The Lingnan Foundation Hong Kong CHAN Cheung-ming 31,980 HK X Summer Service Programme 2006 Alfred Charities/ Foundations

5 * Evaluation Study on Housing Society CHAN Cheung-ming 240,000 Gov’t X Projects: Services Provided by Happy Alfred Related and Cheerful Courts Organizations

6 * Service Evaluation of the ELCHK’s CHOU Kee-lee 100,000 HK X Project – Life Graden Charities/ Foundations

7 A Study of Family-friendly SIU Oi-ling 475,237 HKSAR X Employment Policies and Practices in Gov’t Hong Kong for the EOC and WoC

8 * A Consultancy Study on “Stress SIU Oi-ling 488,750 HKSAR X Management in Police Work and Gov’t Healthy Lifestyle”

1. “ * ” denotes new projects funded in 2006-2007 2. C=coordinating institution in a joint research project, P=participating institution in a joint research project and X=not applicable for non-joint research projects

33 Report 2(C) – List of Projects Funded by Non-UGC/RGC Sources

Serial Principal Net Amount of Funding Role of No. Project Title Investigator Grant Received Source Institution ($)

9 * A Consultancy Study on “A SIU Oi-ling 480,000 Gov’t X Two-Day Training Programme on Related Psychological Interventions in Organizations Preventing and Managing Workplace Violence-2”

10 * A Consultancy Study on “Provision SIU Oi-ling 356,000 Gov’t X of Staff Work Stress Review Related Program” & “Provision of No Blame Organizations Culture Program”

1. “ * ” denotes new projects funded in 2006-2007 2. C=coordinating institution in a joint research project, P=participating institution in a joint research project and X=not applicable for non-joint research projects

34 Report 2(C) – List of Projects Funded by Non-UGC/RGC Sources

Serial Principal Net Amount of Funding Role of No. Project Title Investigator Grant Received Source Institution ($) Cost Centre : 44 Department of Chinese

1 A Teaching Plan on Curriculum CHAN Wai-ying 38,000 HKSAR X Development for Chinese Language Gov’t Education Section

2 Chinese Literary Thought: Terms, CAI Zong-qi 296,400 Non-HK X Concepts, and Philosophical Other Foundations

3 Cosmopolitan Public: English-Language SHEN Shuang 140,400 Non-HK X Periodicals in Semi-Colonial Shanghai Other

4 * Į中國文學思想史į(先秦兩漢) WANG 31,050 Non-HK X Chun-hong Other

1. “ * ” denotes new projects funded in 2006-2007 2. C=coordinating institution in a joint research project, P=participating institution in a joint research project and X=not applicable for non-joint research projects

35 Report 2(C) – List of Projects Funded by Non-UGC/RGC Sources

Serial Principal Net Amount of Funding Role of No. Project Title Investigator Grant Received Source Institution ($) Cost Centre : 45 Department of English

1 This Crazy Thing a Life: Australian FREADMAN 81,000 Non-HK X Jewish Richard B Other

1. “ * ” denotes new projects funded in 2006-2007 2. C=coordinating institution in a joint research project, P=participating institution in a joint research project and X=not applicable for non-joint research projects

36 Report 2(C) – List of Projects Funded by Non-UGC/RGC Sources

Serial Principal Net Amount of Funding Role of No. Project Title Investigator Grant Received Source Institution ($) Cost Centre : 50 Department of History

1 * The Limits of Objectivity: Professional HAMPTON 31,200 Non-HK X Norms and Ideals in Twentieth Century Mark A Other British Jounalism

2 Annals of Hong Kong and Macau, Qing LAU Chi-pang 335,580 Non-HK X History, The National Committee for Other the Compilation of Qing History

3 History of Ta Teh Institute LAU Chi-pang 376,050 HKSAR X Gov’t

4 * The Heritage of Tsing Shan Monastery LAU Chi-pang 150,000 HK X Charities/ Foundations

1. “ * ” denotes new projects funded in 2006-2007 2. C=coordinating institution in a joint research project, P=participating institution in a joint research project and X=not applicable for non-joint research projects

37 Report 2(C) – List of Projects Funded by Non-UGC/RGC Sources

Serial Principal Net Amount of Funding Role of No. Project Title Investigator Grant Received Source Institution ($) Cost Centre : 51 Department of Cultural Studies

1 A Pilot Project on Subject-based CHAN Ching-kiu 760,000 HKSAR X Teacher-Training for NSS Liberal Stephen Gov’t Studies Curriculum

2 * A Study of the Significance and CHAN Ching-kiu 35,000 HKSAR X Implications of the Heritage Stephen Gov’t Conservation Movement in Hong Kong

3 Globalisations: Challenge for Asian CHAN Ching-kiu 117,000 Non-HK X Cultural Studies Stephen Other

4 * Research and Development Project to HUI Po-keung 480,000 HKSAR X Develop Learning and Teaching Gov’t Resources for New Senior Secondary (NSS) Liberal Stuides

5 Changing Global Realities and the LAU Kin-chi 700,000 Non-HK X Future of Asian Peoples Other

6 * Bad Boyz Bad Grrls YAU Ching 172,260 Gov’t X Related Organizations

7 Problems of Subject Formation in Hong YAU Ching 120,750 Non-HK X Kong Queer Cinema Other

8 Sexing Shadows: Gender and Sexuality YAU Ching 39,900 Gov’t X in HK Cinema Related Organizations

1. “ * ” denotes new projects funded in 2006-2007 2. C=coordinating institution in a joint research project, P=participating institution in a joint research project and X=not applicable for non-joint research projects

38 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category Cost Centre : 35 Department of Accountancy

1 “Managerial Autonomy and Tax Compliance: An CHAN Koon-hung, LO 21 A 1 Empirical Study on International Transfer Pricing”, Wai-yee Agnes and MO Lai-lan Journal of American Taxation Association, Vol 28, Phyllis Issue 2, Winter 2006, pp 1-22

2 “The Effect of Adopting International Accounting CHAN Koon-hung, LIN 32 A 1 Standards on Tax Noncompliance”, Proceedings of the Zhen-pin Kenny and MO 42nd Annual Meeting of American Accounting Lai-lan Phyllis Association (AAA) Western Region, organized by AAA, Costa Mesa, USA, 26 – 28 Apr 2007, pp 34

3 “On a Sustainable Development Strategy for Energy HE Guanming# 32 A 1 and Oil Resources” (in Chinese), Proceedings of Resources and Environment, Deng Lan (ed) organized by Chinese Sustainable Developmental Research Association, Nov 2006, pp 1002-9

# Student 39 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 4 “On a Sustainable Development Strategy for Energy HE Guanming# 22 B 1 and Oil Resources from Global Perspectives” (in Chinese), International Petroleum Economics, Aug 2006, pp 7-11

5 “Framework on a Sustainable Development Strategy HE Guanming# 22 B 1 for Energy and Oil Resources in China” (in Chinese), Energy Technology and Management, Dec 2006, pp 6-9

6 “On the Association between Changes in Corporate LIN Zhen-pin Kenny, CHAN 21 A 0.6667 Ownership and Changes in Auditor Quality in a Koon-hung and ZHANG Fang Transitional Economy”, Journal of International Accounting Research, Vol 6, No 1, 2007, pp 19-36

7 “Earnings Management: Corporate Manipulation of LIN Zhen-pin Kenny 22 B 1 Tax Rate Changes?”, A Plus: Driving Business Success, Vol 3, Issue 3, Mar 2007, pp 60-1

# Student 40 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 8 An Empirical Analysis of Book-tax Reporting LIN Zhen-pin Kenny and 33 A 0.5 Difference and Tax Noncompliance Behavior in TANG Feng China”, presented at the International Business and Economy Conference 2006, organized by University of Hawaii, Hawaii, USA, Aug 2006

9 “The Ethical Decision Making Processes of LIU Mingzhi# 63 B 1 Professional Auditors in the People’s Republic of China”, Oct 2006

10 “Transfer Pricing Methodologies in China: Regulatory LO Wai-yee Agnes and WONG 32 A 0.5 and Practical Issues”, Proceedings of the 18th M K Raymond Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues on “Corporate Governance and Accountability”, organized by Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues, Maui, Hawaii, 15 – 18 Oct 2006, pp 75

# Student 41 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 11 “State Ownership, Audit Quality and Impairment of MO Lai-lan Phyllis, WU 32 A 0.3334 Assets – Evidence from China”, Proceedings of the Donghui and WONG Pauline 42nd Annual Meeting of American Accounting Association (AAA) Western Region, organized by AAA, Costa Mesa, USA, 26 – 28 Apr 2007, pp 36

12 “Management Ownership Structure, Audit Quality and MO Lai-lan Phyllis, WU 33 A 0.3334 Impairment of Assets-Evidence from China”, Donghui and WONG Pauline presented at 18th Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues on “Corporate Governance and Accountability”, organized by Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues, Maui, Hawaii, 15 – 18 Oct 2006 [The Vernon Zimmerman Best Paper Award]

13 “Reporting Intellectual Capital Flow in NG Wai-cheong Artie 21 A 1 Technology-based Companies: Case Studies of Canadian Wireless Technology Companies”, Journal of Intellectural Capital, Special Issue, Vol 7, Issue 4, 2006, pp 492-510

# Student 42 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 14 “Design of a Comprehensive Performance NG Wai-cheong Artie 33 B 1 Measurement System for Credit-rating Assessment of Hospitals in China: The Quest for Performance and Control”, presented at the 5th International Conference on “Performance Measurement and Management: Public and Private”, organized by Cranfield University, London, 25 – 28 Jul 2006

15 “Values and the Perceived Importance of Ethics and SHAFER William E, 21 A 0.6667 Social Responsibility: The US Versus China”, Journal FUKUKAWA Kyoko and LEE of Business Ethics, Vol 70, Issue 3, Feb 2007, pp Grace Meina 265-84

16 “Values and Attitudes Toward Social and FUKUKAWA Kyoko, SHAFER 21 A 0.6667 Environmental Accountability: A Study of MBA William E and LEE Grace Students”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol 71, Issue 4, Meina Apr 2007, pp 381-94

# Student 43 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 17 “Social Responsibility, Ethics and Tax Avoidance: A SHAFER William E and 33 A 1 Study of Hong Kong Tax Professionals”, presented at SIMMONS Richard S 2006 Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand Limited (AFAANZ) Conference, organized by AFAANZ, Wellington, New Zealand, 2 – 4 Jul 2006

18 “Social Responsibility, Machiavellianism and Tax SHAFER William E and 33 A 1 Avoidance: A Study of Hong Kong Tax Professionals”, SIMMONS Richard S presented at World Business Ethics Forum 2006 on “Does East Meet West?”, organized by The School of Business of Hong Kong Baptist University and Faculty of Business Administration of University of Macau, Hong Kong and Macau, 1 – 3 Nov 2006; and also published in Corporate Law and Accountability Research Group Working Paper Series, No 5, Department of Business Law and Taxation, , Melbourne, Australia, Nov 2006

# Student 44 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 19 “Values and the Perceived Importance of Ethics and SHAFER William E, 33 A 0.6667 Social Responsibility: The US Versus China”, FUKUKAWA Kyoko and LEE presented at World Business Ethics Forum 2006 on Grace Meina “Does East Meet West?”, organized by The School of Business of Hong Kong Baptist University and Faculty of Business Administration of University of Macau, Hong Kong and Macau, 1 – 3 Nov 2006

20 “New Economy Businesses: Tax Perspectives in the HO H K Daniel and WONG 21 A 0.5 Hong Kong Source-Based Jurisdiction”, The Company Yeuk-ha Brossa Lawyer, Vol 27, Issue 10, Oct 2006, pp 316-20

21 “E-Business in a Globalizing World: Hong Kong HO H K Daniel and WONG 32 A 0.5 Legal and Tax Perspectives”, Proceedings of the 7th Yeuk-ha Brossa Annual Conference of The International Academy of E-Business (IAEB), organized by IAEB, Vancouver, Canada, Apr 2007, pp 111-3

# Student 45 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 22 “Issues on Compliance and Ethics in Taxation: What HO H K Daniel and WONG 33 A 0.5 Do We Know?”, presented at World Business Ethics Yeuk-ha Brossa forum 2006 on “Does East Meet West?”, organized by The School of Business of Hong Kong Baptist University and Faculty of Business Administration of University of Macau, Hong Kong and Macau, 1 – 3 Nov 2006

Sub-total 16.8336

# Student 46 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category Cost Centre : 37 Department of Computing and Decision Sciences Department of Finance and Insurance Department of Management Department of Marketing and International Business

1 “Consumer’s Adoption of Technology Innovations: BAO Wenjing# 63 B 1 The Role of Coping Strategies”, Oct 2006

2 Associate Editor, Journal of Transnational CHAN Tsang-sing 61 D 1 Management Development

3 “Participative Leadership by Western Managers in CHEN Yifeng and TJOSVOLD 21 A 1 China: The Role of Relationships”, Journal of Dean W Management Studies, Vol 43, Issue 8, Dec 2006, pp 1727-52

# Student 47 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 4 “Guanxi and Leader Member Relationships Between CHEN Yifeng and TJOSVOLD 21 A 1 American Managers and Chinese Employees: Dean W Open-minded Dialogue as Mediator”, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Jun 2007, Vol 24, Issue 2, pp 171-89

5 “Foreign Managers’ Guanxi with Chinese Employees: CHEN Yifeng, TJOSVOLD 33 A 0.6667 Effects of Warm-Heartedness and Reward Distribution Dean W and WU P G on Decision-Making”, presented at 2006 Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting on “Knowledge, Action and the Public Concern”, organized by AOM, Atlanta, USA, 11 – 16 Aug 2006

6 “Similarity in Gender and Self-Esteem for Supportive CHEN Yifeng, HUANG Xu 33 A 0.6667 Peer Relationships: The Mediating Role of and TJOSVOLD Dean W Cooperative Goal”, presented at the 5th Asia Academy of Management Conference, organized by Asia Academy of Management, Tokyo, Japan, 19 – 21 Dec 2006

# Student 48 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 7 “Technical Efficiencies and Scope Economies of CHOW Kong-wing Clement 32 A 0.5 Airports in Passenger and Cargo Transport in China: A and FUNG Ka-yiu Michael Stochastic Input Distance Function Analysis”, Proceedings of the Annual World Conference of Air Transport Research Society (ATRS), organized by ATRS, Berkeley, USA, 21 – 24 Jun 2007 (CD-Rom version)

8 「中國機場客 運及貨運 的技術效率及 範圍經濟CHOW :隨 Kong-wing Clement 33 B 0.5 機投入距離函數分析」, 宣讀於由民航發展研究所和and FUNG Ka-yiu Michael 中國民航總局 主辦之「 香港中文大學 航空政策 研究 中心與民航發展研究所合辦的研究交流會」, 中國北 京,2007 年 5 月 21 日

# Student 49 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 9 “The Advertising Effectiveness of Sex Appeals in CUI Geng and WHITLA Paul 32 A 1 China”, Proceedings of 2006 Academy of International A Business (AIB) Southeast Asia Regional Conference on “Global Vision and Local Competence”, organized by Hong Kong Institute of Business Studies of Lingnan University and University, Bangkok, , 7 – 9 Dec 2006, pp 1-10 (CD-Rom version)

10 “Machine Learning for Direct Marketing Response CUI Geng and WONG 33 B 1 Models: Bayesian Networks with Evolutionary Man-leung Programming”, presented at The 2006 Journal of Marketing Science (JMS) Annual Conference, organized by JMS, Wuhan, PRC, 19 – 22 Oct 2006

# Student 50 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 11 “Insurance, Bond Covenants, and Under- Or HAU Tak-ming Arthur 21 A 1 Over-Investment with Risky Asset Reconstitution”, presented at 10th Annual Conference of Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association on “Toward a New Frontier: Globalization of Risk and Insurance Solutions”, organized by Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan, 30 Jul – 2 Aug 2006, pp 1-24; and also Journal of Risk and Insurance, Vol 74, Issue 1, Mar 2007, pp 3-22 (lead article of the issue)

12 “The Pricing of Bank Loan Commitments for HAU Tak-ming Arthur 32 A 1 Liquidity and Operational Purposes”, Proceedings of 2006 Academy of International Business (AIB) Southeast Asia Regional Conference on “Global Vision and Local Competence”, organized by Hong Kong Institute of Business Studies of Lingnan University and Bangkok University, Bangkok, Thailand, 7 – 9 Dec 2006 (CD-Rom version)

# Student 51 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 13 “Determinants of Ownership-based Entry Mode KAYNAK Erdener, 21 A 0.3334 Choice of MNE’s: Evidence from Mongolia, Lead DEMIRBAG Mehmet and Article”, Management International Review, Vol 47, TATOGLU Ekrem No 4, 2007, pp 1-26

14 “Where Does the Logistic Regression Analysis Stand KAYNAK Erdener, AKINCI 21 A 0.25 in Marketing Literature? A Comparison of the Market Serkan, ATILGAN Eda, and Positioning of Prominent Marketing Journals”, AKSOY Safak European Journal of Marketing, Vol 41, Nos 5/6, 2007, pp 537-67

15 “A Comparative Study of Foreign Direct Investment KAYNAK Erdener, YALCIN 22 B 0.3334 Activities in Georgia and Kyrgyz Republic”, Serkan and TATOGLU Ekrem Multinational Business Review, Vol 14, No 3, Mar 2007, pp 3-15

16 “Maximizing your Research/Publication Productivity KAYNAK Erdener 33 B 1 and Scholarly Impact in the Field: Suggestions for Economics and Business Administration Faculty and Graduate Students”, presented at a Seminar, organized by Hong Kong Institute of Business Studies of Lingnan University, Hong Kong, 14 Feb 2007

# Student 52 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 17 “How to Get Your Academic Works Published in KAYNAK Erdener 33 B 1 North American and European Scholarly Reviewed Business Journals”, presented at a Seminar, organized by Hong Kong Institute of Business Studies of Lingnan University, Hong Kong, 5 Mar 2007

18 “Developing Capabilities and Distinct Competencies KAYNAK Erdener 33 B 1 for Global Competitiveness in the 21st Century”, presented at a Seminar, organized by Hong Kong Institute of Business Studies of Lingnan University, Hong Kong, 25 Apr 2007

# Student 53 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 19 “Assessing Competency in Business Communication KWAN LAU Siu-yung Irene 12 A 1 Skills: An Empirical Study of Teaching and Learning and LI Ling-yee Esther in BBA Programme at Lingnan University”, Enhancing Learning through Technology, (Proceedings of the International Conference on ICT in Teaching and Learning on “Enhancing Learning through Technology”), organized by The Open and The Hong Kong Web Symposium Consortium, Hong Kong, 10 – 11 July 2006, Philip Tsang, Reggie Kwan and Robert Fox (eds), World Scientific Publishers, Dec 2006, pp 240-52 [One of the Best 20 papers in ICL2006]

20 “Business Competition and the Needs of Business KWAN LAU Siu-yung Irene 32 A 1 Intelligence”, Electronic Proceedings of 2006 Academy of International Business (AIB) Southeast Asia Regional Conference on “Global Vision and Local Competence”, organized by Hong Kong Institute of Business Studies of Lingnan University and Bangkok University, Bangkok, Thailand, 7 – 9 Dec 2006 (CD-Rom version)

# Student 54 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 21 “The Business Prospect of Tuen Mun”, presented at LAU Kwok-fai 33 B 1 the Seasonal Meeting, organized by Hong Kong Wong Tai Sin Industry and Commerce Association, Hong Kong, 10 Jul 2006

22 “Game-theoretic Analysis of an Ancient Chinese LENG Mingming 21 A 1 Horse Race Problem”, Computers & Operations Research, Vol 33, Issue 7, Jul 2006, pp 2033-55

23 “Allocation of Cost Savings in a Three-Level Supply LENG Mingming 33 B 1 Chain with Demand Information Sharing: A Co-operative Game Approach”, presented at a Seminar, organized by Hong Kong Institute of Business Studies of Lingnan University, Hong Kong, 18 Dec 2006

# Student 55 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 24 “Brand Differentiation for Services: An Integrative LEUNG Lai-cheung Leo and 32 A 0.5 Framework”, Proceedings of Australian and New BOUGOURE Ursula-Sigrid Zealand Marketing Academy Conference 2006 on “Advancing Theory, Maintaining Relevance”, organized by Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia, 4 – 6 Dec 2006 (CD-Rom version)

25 “Marketing Resources and Performance of Exhibitor LI Ling-yee Esther 21 A 1 Firms in Trade Shows: A Contingent Resource Perspective”, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol 36, Issue 3, Apr 2007, pp 360-70

26 “Influence of Commitment, Consensus, and Collective LI Ling-yee Esther 32 A 1 Inquiry on Relationship Performance: The Mediating Role of Relationship Learning”, Proceedings of 2006 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS)/Korean Academy of Marketing Science (KAMS) Cultural Perspectives in Marketing Conference on “The Dynamic Nature of Cultural Perspectives in Marketing”, organized by AMS and KAMS, Seoul, Korea, 12 – 15 Jul 2006, pp 350-70

# Student 56 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 27 “Manufacturing Flexibility and Export Performance: OGUNMOKUN Gabriel O and 32 A 0.5 An Exploratory Investigation of Exporting LI Ling-yee Esther Companies”, Proceedings of Academy of World Business, Marketing and Management Development 2006 Conference, organized by Academy of World Business, Marketing and Management Development, Paris, France, 10 – 13 Jul 2006, pp 1184-91

28 “Rigidity Versus Flexibility in Product Adaptation LI Ling-yee Esther 32 A 1 Decisions”, Proceedings of 2006 Academy of International Business (AIB) Southeast Asia Regional Conference on “Global Vision and Local Competence”, organized by Hong Kong Institute of Business Studies of Lingnan University and Bangkok University, Bangkok, Thailand, 7 – 9 Dec 2006 (CD-Rom version)

29 Peer-to-peer Computing: Building Supercomputers LOO Wai-sing Alfred 11 A 1 with Web Technologies, London: Springer-Verlag, 2007, 268 pages

# Student 57 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 30 “The Returns to Language Ability in Hong Kong: LUI Hon-kwong 21 A 1 Before and After the Handover”, Applied Economics Letters, Vol 14, No 2, Feb 2007, pp 121-5

31 「東南亞華商在中國的直接投資探索」 (“FDI from NYAW Mee-kau 12 B 1 Southeast Asia Chinese Enterprises in the People’s Republic of China”),載於《中國和平發展與海外華 僑華人》,北京:國務院僑務辦公室政研司編,2006 年,頁 205-32

32 「『積極不干預主義』:一個持久被誤解的經濟哲 NYAW Mee-kau 12 B 1 學」,載於《經濟導報創刊六十周年紀念特刊 1947-2007》,香港:經濟導報社,2007 年 1 月,頁 153-5

33 “Evaluating Predictive Performance of Value-at-Risk OU Jianshe# 63 B 1 Models in Chinese Financial Markets”, Apr 2007

# Student 58 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 34 “The Effects of Credit Ratings on Stock Returns in POON Pui-han Winnie and 32 A 0.5 Emerging Markets: Recent Evidence from China”, CHAN Kam C Proceedings of The 16th International Conference of Pacific RIM Management (ACME Conference Proceedings), organized by Association for Chinese Management Educators, Honolulu, USA, 27 – 29 Jul 2006, pp 282

35 “Transferring Organizational Learning Systems to HONG F L Jacky, 21 A 0.3334 Japanese Subsidiaries in China”, Journal of EASTERBY-SMITH Mark P V Management Studies, Vol 43, No 5, Jul 2006, pp and SNELL Robin S 1027-58

36 “Resolving Ethical Conflicts at Work through SNELL Robin S, TJOSVOLD 21 A 0.6667 Cooperative Goals and Constructive Controversy in Dean W and SU Fang the People’s Republic of China”, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Vol 23, No 3, Sep 2006, pp 319-43

37 “Cross-cultural Influences on Organizational Learning HONG F L Jacky, SNELL 21 A 0.3334 in MNCS: The Case of Japanese Companies in Robin S and China”, Journal of International Management, Vol 12, EASTERBY-SMITH Mark P V Issue 4, Dec 2006, pp 408-29

# Student 59 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 38 “Ethical Issues in the Experience and Prevention of SNELL Robin S and WONG 32 A 1 Representational Predicaments at Work”, Proceedings Mei-ling May of the World Business Ethics Forum 2006 on “Does East Meet West?”, organized by The School of Business of Hong Kong Baptist University and Faculty of Business Administration of University of Macau, Hong Kong and Macau, 1 – 3 Nov 2006 (CD-Rom version)

39 “Business Ethics and the Future of Capitalism”, SNELL Robin S 33 A 1 presented at The Fourth Biennial Conference on “Government, Markets, and the Future of Capitalism”, organized by Lingnan University, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research (an affiliation of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority) and Hong Kong Economic Association, Hong Kong, 14 – 17 Dec 2006

40 Associate Editor, Qualitative Research in SNELL Robin S 61 D 1 Organizations and Management: An International Journal, Sep 2006 – present

# Student 60 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 41 “Differentiating Good Soldiers from Good Actors”, SNELL Robin S and WONG 64 B 1 presented at a Research Report Seminar on Yuk-lan Winnie “Differentiating Good Soldiers From Good Actors”, organized by Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau, Macau, Mar 2007

42 “Constructive Controversy: The Value of Intellectual JOHNSON David W, 12 A 0.3334 Opposition”, The Handbook of Conflict Resolution: JOHNSON Roger T and Theory and Practice (2nd Edition), Morton Deutsch, TJOSVOLD Dean W Peter T Coleman and Eric C Marcus (eds), San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, Sep 2006, pp 69-91

43 “Cooperative and Competitive Conflict in China”, The TJOSVOLD Dean W, LEUNG 12 A 0.3334 Handbook of Conflict Resolution: Theory and Practice Kwok and JOHNSON David W (2nd Edition), Morton Deutsch, Peter T Coleman and Eric C Marcus (eds), San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, Sep 2006, pp 671-92

44 “Effects of Power Concepts and Employee TJOSVOLD Dean W and SUN 21 A 0.5 Performance on Managers’ Empowering”, Leadership Haifa & Organization Development Journal, Vol 27, Issue 3, 2006, pp 217-34

# Student 61 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 45 “Cooperative Goals, Leader People and Productivity CHEN Guoquan, TJOSVOLD 21 A 0.3334 Values: Their Contribution to Top Management Teams Dean W and LIU Chunhong in China”, Journal of Management Studies, Vol 43, No 5, Jul 2006, pp 1177-200

46 “Effectiveness of Chinese Teams: The Role of Conflict TJOSVOLD Dean W, LAW S 21 A 0.3334 Types and Conflict Management Approaches”, Kenneth and SUN Haifa Management and Organization Review, Vol 2, Issue 2, Jul 2006, pp 231-52

47 “Managing Anger and Annoyance in Organizations in TJOSVOLD Dean W and SU 21 A 0.5 China: The Role of Constructive Controversy”, Group Fang & Organization Management, Vol 32, No 3, Jun 2007, pp 260-89

48 “Effective Individual Decision-Making in TJOSVOLD Dean W, PENG 33 B 0.75 Organizations: The Contribution of Uncertainty and Chunyan#, CHEN Yifeng and Constructive Controversy in China”, presented at the SU Fang Sixth Consortium of Studies in Management Research, organized by India Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, 21 – 23 Sep 2006

# Student 62 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 49 “Business and Government Interdependence in China: TJOSVOLD Dean W, PENG 33 B 0.75 Cooperative Goals to Develop Business and Industry”, Chunyan#, CHEN Yifeng and presented at the Fifth International Business Research SU Fang Conference, organized by , Dubai, UAE, 26 – 27 Apr 2007

50 “Collaboration between Competitive Organizations: TJOSVOLD Dean W, PENG 33 B 0.75 Applying the Theory of Cooperation and Chun-yan#, CHEN Yifeng and Competition”, presented at Social Interdependence SU Fang Theory Conference, organized by Cooperative Learning Center, University of Minnesota, Silver Wind Farm, Shakopee, MN, USA, Aug 2006

51 Asian Editor, Journal of World Business, 2004 – TJOSVOLD Dean W 61 D 1 present

52 “The Use of Global Strategies by British Construction WHITLA Paul A, WALTERS P 21 A 0.3334 Firms”, Construction Management and Economics, and DAVIES Howard Vol 24, No 9, Sep 2006, pp 945-54

# Student 63 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 53 “McWorld: Big Business and The Globalization of WHITLA Paul A 33 B 1 Culture”, presented at AIESEC Lingnan University Chapter Annual Meeting, organized by AIESEC, Hong Kong, 19 Oct 2006

54 “Managerial Autonomy and Firm Performance in CHANG C Eric and WONG 12 B 0.5 China’s Listed Firms”, China, Hong Kong and the Man-lai Sonia World Economy: A Study of Globalization, Robert Ash and Ho Lok-sang (eds), New York: Palgrave Macmillan, Aug 2006, pp 350-70

55 “Political Economy of Labor Retrenchment: Evidence HU Yifan, OPPER Sonja and 21 A 0.3334 Based on China’s State-owned Enterprises”, China WONG Man-lai Sonia Economic Review, Vol 17, Issue 3, 2006, pp 281-99

56 “China’s Stock Market: A Marriage of Capitalism and WONG Man-lai Sonia 21 A 1 Socialism”, Cato Journal, Vol 26, No 3, Fall 2006, pp 389-424 (lead paper in the issue)

# Student 64 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 57 “Developmental State and Corporate Governance in NEE Victor, OPPER Sonja and 21 A 0.3334 China”, Management and Organization Review, Vol 3, WONG Man-lai Sonia Issue 1, Mar 2007, pp 19-53

58 “Evolutionary Computing on Consumer-Level FOK Ka-ling, WONG Tien-tsin 21 A 0.3334 Graphics Hardware”, IEEE Intelligent Systems, Vol 22, and WONG Man-leung No 2, Mar/Apr 2007, pp 69-78

59 “Parallel Hybrid Genetic Algorithms on WONG Man-leung and WONG 32 A 0.5 Consumer-Level Graphics Hardware”, Proceedings of Tien-tsin the 2006 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, organized by IEEE Computer Society, Vancouver, Canada, 16 – 21 Jul 2006, Springer-Verlag, Jul 2006, pp 133-55

60 “Learning Non-Overlapping Rules with Genetic SHUM Wing-ho, LEUNG 32 A 0.3334 Programming”, Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE Kwong-sak and WONG Congress on Evolutionary Computation, organized by Man-leung IEEE Computer Society, Vancouver, Canada, 16 – 21 Jul 2006 , Springer-Verlag, Jul 2006, pp 702-9

# Student 65 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 61 “A Novel Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm for Learning GUO Yuan-yuan, WONG 32 A 0.3334 Bayesian Networks from Incomplete Data”, Man-leung and CAI Zhi-hua Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, organized by IEEE Computer Society, Vancouver, Canada, 16 – 21 Jul 2006 , Springer-Verlag, Jul 2006, pp 916-23

62 “Implementation of Parallel Genetic Algorithms on WONG Man-leung and WONG 32 A 0.5 Graphics Processing Units”, Proceedings of The 10th Tien-tsin Asia-Pacific Workshop on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems (IES2006), organized by Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, 25 – 26 Nov 2006, pp 169-80

63 “Mining Bayesian Networks from Direct Marketing WONG Man-leung 32 A 1 Database with Missing Values”, Proceedings of The 10th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems (IES2006), organized by Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, 25 – 26 Nov 2006, pp 195-206

# Student 66 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 64 “Discover Bayesian Networks from Incomplete Data WONG Man-leung and GUO 32 A 0.5 Using a Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm”, Proceedings Yuan-yuan of The 2006 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, organized by IEEE, Hong Kong, Dec 2006, pp 1146-50

65 “Collectivist Values for Learning in Organizational WONG Shiu-ho Alfred and 21 A 1 Relationships in China: The Role of Trust and Vertical TJOSVOLD Dean W Coordination”, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Vol 23, No 3, Sep 2006, pp 299-317

66 “The Relationship between Disposition, Chinese HUI Chun, WONG Shiu-ho 32 A 0.6667 Values, Organizational Context, Employee Intention Alfred and TJOSVOLD Dean and Performance in China”, Proceedings of 2006 W Academy of International Business (AIB) Southeast Asia Regional Conference on “Global Vision and Local Competence”, organized by Hong Kong Institute of Business Studies of Lingnan University and Bangkok University, Bangkok, Thailand, 7 – 9 Dec 2006 (CD-Rom version)

# Student 67 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 67 “Team Effectiveness in China: The Role of Shared WONG Shiu-ho Alfred, 33 A 0.6667 Vision and Constructive Controversy”, presented at TJOSVOLD Dean W and LIU 2006 Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Chun-hong Meeting on “Knowledge, Action and the Public Concern”, organized by AOM, Atlanta, USA, 11 – 16 Aug 2006

68 “Leadership Values for Psychological Safety and WONG Shiu-ho Alfred, 33 A 0.6667 Learning in Project Teams in China”, presented at TJOSVOLD Dean W and LU 2006 Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Jiafang Meeting on “Knowledge, Action and the Public Concern”, organized by AOM, Atlanta, USA, 11 – 16 Aug 2006

69 “Perceived Organizational Justice, Trust, and OCB: A WONG Yui-tim Edward, NGO 21 A 0.3334 Study of Chinese Workers in Joint Ventures and Hang-yue and WONG Chi-sum State-owned Enterprises”, Journal of World Business, Vol 41, Issue 4, Dec 2006, pp 344-55

# Student 68 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 70 “How to Improve Employees’ Commitment to Their WONG Yui-tim Edward and 21 A 1 Line Manager? A Practical Study in a Chinese Joint LUI Hon-kwong Venture”, Journal of General Management, Vol 32, Issue 3, Spring 2007, pp 61-77

71 “Customer Lifetime Value: An Integrated Data Mining XU Chen# 63 B 1 Approach”, Dec 2006

72 “Accessing Embedded Program in Untestable Mobile LEUNG R P H Karl, NG K Y 21 A 0.3334 Environment: Experience of a Trustworthiness Joseph and YEUNG Wing-lok Approach”, Journal of Systems and Software, Vol 79, Issue 7, Jul 2006, pp 962-8

73 “CSP-Based Verification for Web Service YEUNG Wing-lok 21 A 1 Orchestration and Choreography”, Simulation, Vol 83, No 1, Jan 2007, pp 65-74

74 “Modelling and Model Checking Suspendible YEUNG Wing-lok, LEUNG R 21 A 0.25 Business Processes via Statechart Diagrams and CSP”, P H Karl, WANG Ji and DONG Science of Computer Programming, Vol 65, Issue 1, Wei Mar 2007, pp 14-29

# Student 69 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 75 “Verifying Choreographic Descriptions of Web YEUNG Wing-lok , JI Wang 32 A 0.3334 Services Based on CSP”, Proceedings of Modeling, and WEI Dong Design and Analysis for Service Oriented Architecture Workshop (mda4soa’06), Chicago, USA, Sep 2006, pp 97-104

76 “Mapping WS-CDL and BPEL into CSP for YEUNG Wing-lok 32 A 1 Behavioural Specification and Verification of Web Services”, Proceedings of 4th IEEE European Conference on Web Services (ECOWS 2006), A Bernstein et al (eds), organized by ECOWS, Zurich, Switzerland, 4 – 6 Dec 2006, pp 297-305

77 “Safety-First Portfolio Optimization Model: YU Zi-you and XIAO Yinhua 21 A 0.5 Simulating the Asset Portfolio of Chinese Insurance Funds with Direct Investment in Stock Market”, Journal of Risk Management and Insurance, Vol 11, Mar 2007, pp 39-67

# Student 70 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 78 “The Chinese Reinsurance Market: Lack of Supply or YU Zi-you and LI Xinxia 33 A 0.5 Demand?”, presented at 10th Annual Conference of Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association on “Toward a New Frontier: Globalization of Risk and Insurance Solutions”, organized by Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan, 30 Jul – 2 Aug 2006

79 “Different Impact on the Life and Non-Life Insurance YU Zi-you and WU Jianjun 33 A 0.5 Demand Generated by Economic Growth – An Empirical Analysis of the World Insurance Markets”, presented at 10th Annual Conference of Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association on “Toward a New Frontier: Globalization of Risk and Insurance Solutions”, organized by Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan, 30 Jul – 2 Aug 2006

80 “The Insurance Market under Enterprise Risk YU Zi-you 33 B 1 Management”, presented at The First Integrated Enterprise Risk Management Forum, organized National Bureau of State-Own Enterprise, Beijing, PRC, Sep 2006

# Student 71 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 81 「品牌原產地困惑對於消費者喜愛與購買本土品牌 ZHANG Guiji, ZHOU N and 21 A 0.3334 和境外品牌的影響」,載於《財貿經濟》,2007 年第 ZHOU Lianxi 2 期,頁 98-105

82 “Service-Learning and Marketing Education”, ZHOU Lianxi, POON 32 A 1 Proceedings of 2006 Academy of Marketing Science Shing-chung Patrick and (AMS)/Korean Academy of Marketing Science CHAN Tsang-sing (KAMS) Cultural Perspectives in Marketing Conference on “The Dynamic Nature of Cultural Perspectives in Marketing”, organized by AMS and KAMS, Seoul, Korea, 12 – 15 Jul 2006, pp 101-7

83 “An Examination of Entrepreneurial Impact on Early ZHOU Lianxi and CHAN 32 A 1 Internationalization: Evidence from Emerging Tsang-sing Markets”, Proceedings of 2006 Academy of International Business (AIB) Southeast Asia Regional Conference on “Global Vision and Local Competence”, organized by Hong Kong Institute of Business Studies of Lingnan University and Bangkok University, Bangkok, Thailand, 7 – 9 Dec 2006 (CD-Rom version)

# Student 72 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 84 “The Strategic Fit of Chinese International LU Yuan, ZHOU Lianxi and 32 A 0.6667 Entrepreneurial Firms”, Proceedings of the Strategic CHAN Tsang-sing Management Society (SMS) Special Conference 2007 on “China Strategies”, organized by SMS, Shanghai, PRC, 28 – 30 May 2007 (CD-Rom version)

85 “Confidence in Brand Origin and Its Strategic ZHOU Lianxi, HUI K Michael 32 A 0.3334 Implications: Evidence from a Developing Market”, and ZHOU Nan Proceedings of Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) 2007 Annual Conference on “50 Years of Leadership in Management“, organized by ASAC, Ottawa, Canada, 2 – 5 Jun 2007 (CD-Rom version) [Honourable Mention Award for the Marketing Division of ASAC]

86 “Learning Advantages of Newness in ZHOU Lianxi, CHAN 32 A 0.6667 Internationalization: Entrepreneurial Pathways for Tsang-sing and LU Yuan Strategic Growth”, Proceedings of Academy of International Business (AIB) 2007 Annual Meeting, Oded Shenkar (ed), organized by AIB and Indiana University, Indianapolis, USA, 25 – 28 Jun 2007 (CD-Rom version)

# Student 73 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 87 “The Financing Behaviour of Listed Chinese Firms”, ZOU Hong and XIAO Zezhong 22 B 0.5 British Accounting Review, Vol 38, Issue 3, Sep 2006, Jason pp 239-58 (lead article in the issue)

Sub-total 61.9182

# Student 74 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category Cost Centre : 40 Department of Economics

1 “Hong Kong as a Source of FDI: Experience and CHEN Kwan-yiu Edward 12 A 1 Significance”, Multinationals and Economic Growth in East Asia, Shujiro Urata, Chia Siow-yue and Fukunari Kimura (eds), London: Routledge, 2006, pp 131-56

2 “The Role of Chinese Culture in the Development of CHEN Kwan-yiu Edward 33 B 1 World Economy”, presented at the 7th China Synergy Program (CSP) for Outstanding Youth, organized by an Organizing Committee of the CSP for Outstanding Youth supported by the eight local tertiary institutions in Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 4 Jul 2006

3 “Dragons & Tigers: The Development of East Asia”, CHEN Kwan-yiu Edward 33 B 1 presented at the Summer Studies Institute Program, organized by Centre of Asian Studies, the University of Hong Kong, 6 Jul 2006

# Student 75 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 4 「培養創新人才的本科生教育」,宣讀於由北京市教 CHEN Kwan-yiu Edward 33 B 1 育委員會及大學教育資助委員會舉辦之「京港兩地 大學校長論壇」,中國北京,2006 年 7 月 21 – 23 日

5 “Striving for Service Excellence the Business Model CHEN Kwan-yiu Edward 33 B 1 of Today”, presented at the American International Assurance Company (Bermuda) Limited (AIA)’s “Agency Service Excellence Seminar 2006”, Hong Kong, 11 Aug 2006

6 “Cultural, Education and Entrepreneurship”, invited as CHEN Kwan-yiu Edward 33 B 1 a Keynote Speaker at Entrepreneurship 2010 Conference, organized by the Higher Colleges of Technology, the MIT Sloan School of Management and MIT Entrepreneurship Centre, Dubai, 19 Sep 2006

7 「博雅教育在創意經濟年代的角式」,宣讀於由中華 CHEN Kwan-yiu Edward 33 B 1 人民共和國教育部舉辦的「第三屆中外大學校長論 壇」,中國上海,2006 年 7 月 12 – 18 日

# Student 76 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 8 「從比較優勢看未來香港經濟走向」,宣讀於由工商 CHEN Kwan-yiu Edward 33 B 1 管理研究社,嶺南大學香港商學研究所主辦,信報 財經月刊協辦之「2007-2012 年香港經濟展望:機 遇與挑戰」研討會,香港,2007 年 1 月 6 日

9 “Overcoming the Digital Divide: The Role of CHEN Kwan-yiu Edward 33 B 1 Education and Competition Policies”, presented at the Education Without Borders International Conference, organized by Higher Colleges of Technology, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 25 – 25 Feb 2007

10 “Economic Integration Between Hong Kong and CHEUNG Kui-yin and FAN 12 A 1 Mainland China: Did Trade Hurt Hong Kong’s Cheng-ze Simon Unkilled Workers?”, China, Hong Kong and the World Economy: A Study of Globalization, Robert Ash and Ho Lok-sang (eds), Palgrave Macmillan, Aug 2006, pp 186-99

# Student 77 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 11 “Innovation and Performance in China’s Large- and CHEUNG Kui-yin 32 A 1 Medium-size Industrial Enterprises”, Proceedings of Oxford Business & Economics Conference, organized by International Journal of Business & Economics, Oxford, UK, 24 – 26 Jun 2007 (CD-Rom version)

12 “Market Integration between Hong Kong and the FAN Cheng-ze Simon, LI Na 12 A 0.6667 Chinese Mainland”, China, Hong Kong and the World and WEI Xiangdong Economy: A Study of Globalization, Ho Lok-sang and Robert Ash (eds), Palgrave Macmillan, Aug 2006, pp 170-85

13 “Do the Rich Save More? A Revisit to the Theories of FAN Cheng-ze Simon 21 A 1 the Consumption Function”, Southern Economic Journal, Vol 73, No 2, Oct 2006, pp 362-73

14 “The Law of One Price: Evidence from the FAN Cheng-ze Simon and WEI 21 A 1 Transitional Economy of China”, Review of Xiangdong Economics and Statistics, Vol 88, No 4, Nov 2006, pp 682-97

# Student 78 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 15 “The Analytics of Seasonal Migration”, Economics STARK Oded and FAN 21 A 0.5 Letters, Vol 94, Issue 2, Feb 2007, pp 304-12 Cheng-ze Simon

16 “A Social Proximity Explanation of the Reluctance to FAN Cheng-ze Simon and 21 A 0.5 Assimilate”, Kyklos (International Review for Social STARK Oded Sciences), Vol 60, Issue 1, Feb 2007, pp 55-63

17 “Sticky Wage, Efficiency Wage, and Keynesian FAN Cheng-ze Simon 21 A 1 Unemployment”, Pacific Economic Review, Vol 12, Issue 2, May 2007, pp 213-24

18 “International Migration and ‘Educated FAN Cheng-ze Simon and 21 A 0.5 Unemployment’ ”, Journal of Development STARK Oded Economics, Vol 83, Issue 1, May 2007, pp 76-87

19 “Foreign Direct Investment and Indigenous FAN Cheng-ze Simon and HU 21 A 0.5 Technological Efforts: Evidence from China”, Yifan Economics Letters, Vol 96, Issue 2, 2007, pp 253-8

# Student 79 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 20 “Price Index Convergence in China”, presented at FAN Cheng-ze Simon and WEI 33 B 1 Asia-Pacific Economic Association (APEA) Annual Xiangdong Conference, organized by APEA, Seattle, USA, 29 – 30 Jul 2006

21 “The Brain Drain, ‘Educated Unemployment’, Human FAN Cheng-ze Simon and 33 B 0.5 Capital Formation, and Economic Betterment”, STARK Oded presented at a Seminar, organized by Department of Economics, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 19 Apr 2007

22 “A Sustainable Currency Regime for Hong Kong and HO Lok-sang 12 A 1 the Mainland”, China, Hong Kong and the World Economy: A Study of Globalization, Ho Lok-sang and Robert Ash (eds), Palgrave Macmillan, Aug 2006, pp 101-18

23 “The ‘Three Happinesses’ and Public Policy”, HO Lok-sang 12 A 1 Happiness and Public Policy: Theory, Case Studies and Implications, Ng Yew-kwang and Ho Lok-sang (eds), Palgrave Macmillan, Aug 2006, pp 47-66

# Student 80 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 24 Editor (with Introduction), China, Hong Kong and the HO Lok-sang and ASH Robert 14 A 0.5 World Economy: A Study of Globalization, Palgrave Macmillan, Aug 2006, 440 pages

25 Editor (with Introduction), Happiness and Public NG Yew-kwang and HO 14 A 0.5 Policy: Theory, Case Studies and Implications, Lok-sang Palgrave Macmillan, Aug 2006, 280 pages

26 “Constitutional Democracy, Representation, and HO Lok-sang 33 A 1 Governance”, presented at The Fourth Biennial Conference on “Government, Markets, and the Future of Capitalism”, organized by Lingnan University, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research (an affiliation of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority) and Hong Kong Economic Association, Hong Kong, 14 – 17 Dec 2006

# Student 81 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 27 “An Augmented Monetary Condition Index: HO Lok-sang 33 A 1 Preliminary Results and Implications on Global Imbalance”, presented at The Fourth Biennial Conference on “Government, Markets, and the Future of Capitalism”, organized by Lingnan University, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research (an affiliation of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority) and Hong Kong Economic Association, Hong Kong, 14 – 17 Dec 2006

28 “Healthy University Culture: What It Is, and How to HO Lok-sang 33 A 1 Nurture It”, presented at the 1st Asia-Pacific Conference on Health Universities, organized by School of Public Health of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 8 – 10 Mar 2007

29 “What Do Monetary Conditions Indices Tell Use about HO Lok-sang 33 A 1 Global Imbalances?“, presented at Western Economic Association International (WEAI) 82nd Annual Conference by WEAI, Seattle, USA, 29 Jun – 3 Jul 2007

# Student 82 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 30 “Monetary Conditions Indices: What Insight They HO Lok-sang 33 B 1 Bring to Global Imbalances”, presented at the International Conference on “Adjustment of Global Imbalance: Macroeconomic Policies and Institutional Reform”, organized by Centre for International Finance Studies at Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE) and the Journal of Financial Research of People’s Bank of China in Beijing, 26 – 27 Oct 2006

31 “The Three Happiness: Evidence from Hong Kong”, HO Lok-sang 33 B 1 presented at the International Symposium on the Well-beings of Nations 2006 in the Panel on “Varieties of Well Being across National – Cross-cultural Dialogue”, organized by Graduate Institute of Philosophy, National Central University, Taipei, Taiwan, 5 – 6 Nov 2006

32 “Introduction of 3 Proposal Retirement Schemes”, HO Lok-sang 33 B 1 presented at the Retirement Protection Policy Forum, organized by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service, Hong Kong, 2 Dec 2006

# Student 83 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 33 “Private-Public Partnership – Is It Happening?”, HO Lok-sang 33 B 1 presented at the Open Forum on “Governments, Markets and Sustainable Development”, Pre-conference of The 4th Biennial Conference of Hong Kong Economic Association, organized by Hong Kong People’s Council for Sustainable Development and Hong Kong Economic Association, Hong Kong, 14 Dec 2006

34 「生命與愛:困惑與意義」 (“Life and Love: Puzzles HO Lok-sang 33 B 1 and Meanings”)──電影:林權澤《悲歌一曲》1993, 宣讀於由嶺南大學人文及社會科學研究所主辦之 「人文及社會科學研究所跨學科講座系列 2006-2007 之韓國電影欣賞及講座系列(4)」,香港, 2007 年 1 月 29 日

35 “Collective Memory: Forms, Cost, and Benefits”, HO Lok-sang 33 B 1 presented at the International Conference on “China and Korea: A New Nexus in East Asia?”, organized by Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences of Lingnan University, Hong Kong, 30 – 31 May 2007

# Student 84 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 36 “A Comparison of Public Policy in HK Before and HO Lok-sang 33 B 1 After the Handover”, presented at an International Conference on Hong Kong: History and Society, organized by Lingnan University, Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Institute of Modern History of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and Guangdong Academy of Social Sciences, Hong Kong, 7 – 8 Jun 2007

37 “Life as a Universal Religion”, presented at Workshop HO Lok-sang 33 B 1 on “Spirituality, Happiness, and Culture”, organized by The University of Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong Institute of Education and Lingnan University, Hong Kong, 22 Jun 2007

# Student 85 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 38 “State Control, Partial Privatization and Managerial LIN Chen 33 A 1 Incentives: Evidence from China”, presented at The Fourth Biennial Conference on “Government, Markets, and the Future of Capitalism”, organized by Lingnan University, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research (an affiliation of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority) and Hong Kong Economic Association, Hong Kong, 14 – 17 Dec 2006

39 “Corruption in Bank Lending to Firms: Do BARTH James R, LIN Chen, 33 A 0.5 Competition and Information Sharing Matter?”, LIN Ping and SONG Min presented at The 2007 Summer Workshop on Frank Industrial Organization and Management Strategy by Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai, PRC, 1 – 2 Jun 2007

# Student 86 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 40 “Spillover Effects of Foreign Direct Investment and LIN Ping 12 A 1 Technology Transfer in China: Before and After its Accession to the World Trade Organization”, China, Hong Kong and the World Economy: A Study of Globalization, Robert Ash and Ho Lok-sang (eds), Palgrave Macmillan, Aug 2006, pp 239-53

41 “The Strategic Disadvantages of Collective LIN Ping 12 A 1 Bargaining: The Case of DVD Patent Disputes” (in Chinese), Industrial Organizatin and Regualtion, Yu LI (ed), Dalian: Dongbei University of Finance and Economics Press, 2006, pp 21-29

42 “Multinational Firms, Exclusivity, and Backward LIN Ping and SAGGI Kamal 21 A 0.5 Linkages”, Journal of International Economics, Vol 71, Issue 1, Mar 2007, pp 206-20

43 “Backward Linkages of FDI in China Evidence from LIN Ping and LIU Zhuomin 33 A 0.5 the Manufacturing Industries”, presented at 2006 Beijing Summer Workshop on Industrial Organization and Management Strategy, organized by Beijing University, Beijing, PRC, 7 – 8 Jul 2006

# Student 87 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 44 “Emerging MNCs in East Asia: The Case of China”, LIN Ping 33 A 1 presented at the 31st PATAD Conference, organized by PATAD, Guadajahara, Mexico, Oct 2006

45 “Cost-reducing R&D by Multiproduct Firms”, LIN Ping 33 A 1 presented at the 2006 Far Eastern Meeting of the Econometric Society, organized by Tsinghua University, Beijing, PRC, 9 – 12 Jul 2006; and also presented at The Fourth Biennial Conference on “Government, Markets, and the Future of Capitalism”, organized by Lingnan University, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research (an affiliation of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority) and Hong Kong Economic Association, Hong Kong, 14 – 17 Dec 2006

46 “Competition Policy in Hong Kong”, presented at The LIN Ping 33 A 1 1st Summer Workshop on Asian Competition Policy, organized by School of International Business Administration, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai, PRC, 31 May 2007

# Student 88 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 47 “Entry of FDI to the Upstream and Downstream LIN Ping 33 A 1 Industries”, presented at The 2007 Summer Workshop on Industrial Organization and Management Strategy by Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai, PRC, 1 – 2 Jun 2007

48 「警惕陷入『操縱』匯率的政治陷阱」 (“The Political SUN Huayu and MA Yue 12 A 0.5 Trap of Manipulating the Renminbi Exchange Rate”),載於《轉軌中的宏觀調控》,李文浦、龔敏 〈編〉,北京:經濟科學出版社,2006 年 7 月,頁 51-75

49 “Macroeconomic Instability in Hong Kong: Internal MA Yue and NG Chi-wing 12 A 0.5 and External Factors, ”, China, Hong Kong and the Raymond World Economy: A Study of Globalization, Robert Ash and Ho Lok-sang (eds), Palgrave Macmillan, Aug 2006, pp 200-18

50 “Hot Money Inflows and Renminbi Revaluation MA Yue and SUN Huayu 21 A 0.5 Pressure”, Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, Vol 5, Issue 1, Feb 2007, pp 19-36

# Student 89 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 51 “A Comparative Study of Exchange Rate Regimes and MA Yue, KUEH Yak-yeow and 21 A 0.3334 Macro-instabilities in the Twin Economies of NG Chi-wing Raymond Singapore and Hong Kong”, Singapore Economic Review, Vol 52, Issue 1, Apr 2007, pp 93-116

52 “Trade Wars and the Slump”, European Review of FOREMAN-PECK James, 21 A 0.3334 Economic History, Vol 11, Issue 1, Apr 2007, pp HUGHES-HALLETT Andrew 73-98 and MA Yue

53 “A Comparative Study of the Competitiveness of the MA Yue 31 A 1 Domestic and Foreign-invested Service Industries in China”, Proceedings of the Inaugural All China Economics (ACE) International Conference, organized by APEC Study Center, Faculty of Business of City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 18 – 20 Dec 2006, pp 102 (Electronic Proceedings)

# Student 90 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 54 “Real and Financial Integrations among China’s Pan MA Yue 32 A 1 Pearl River Delta and ASEAN”, Proceedings of “A Tale of 2 Regions: China's Pan-PRD and ASEAN Cooperation for Mutual Benefit”, J C P Cheuk, H C Cheung and P K S Pun (eds), Hong Kong: Hong Kong Policy Research Institute, Hong Kong, Dec 2006, pp 259-80

55 “Does China Really Have Little Integration with Her MA Yue 33 A 1 Major Pacific Trading Partners? Evidence from Guangdong and Hong Kong”, presented at Asia-Pacific Economic Association (APEA) Annual Conference, organized by APEA, Seattle, USA, 29 – 30 Jul 2006

56 “Inter-regional Integration of Metropolitan Cluster MA Yue 33 A 1 among Shanghai, Taipei, Hong Kong, and Macao”, presented at the International Forum on “Economic Development and Cooperation among Cities”, organized by Shanghai Jiaotong University and Hong Kong Society of AP21, Shanghai, PRC, 23 – 26 Sep 2006

# Student 91 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 57 “Required Reserves, Central Bank Bills and MA Yue and TSANG Shu-ki 33 A 0.5 Sterilization in China”, presented at The Fourth Biennial Conference on “Government, Markets, and the Future of Capitalism”, organized by Lingnan University, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research (an affiliation of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority) and Hong Kong Economic Association, Hong Kong, 14 – 17 Dec 2006

58 “Productivity and Technical Efficiency of the MA Yue 33 A 1 Domestic and Foreign-invested Service Industries in China” (in Chinese), presented at the seminar, organized by Economics Department of Hong Kong Baptist University, 5 Dec 2006; and presented at the seminar, organized by Centre for Macroeconomic Research, Xiamen University, 27 Dec 2006; and also presented at an International Workshop on “China’s Productivity: Sustainable Growth and Total Factor Productivity”, organized by Tsinghua University, Beijing, PRC, 13 – 14 Jan 2007

# Student 92 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 59 “Incomplete Financial Market and the Sequence of MA Yue 33 B 1 International Trade Liberalization”, presented at the Conference on “International Financial Markets and the Macroeconomy”, organized by Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research (an affiliation of Hong Kong Monetary Authority), Hong Kong, 13 – 14 Jul 2006

60 “Consumption Smoothing in Mainland China and MA Yue 33 B 1 Hong Kong”, presented at the Fourth HKIMR Summer Workshop, organized by Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research (an affiliation of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority), Hong Kong, 8 Aug 2006

61 “A Comparative Study of the Domestic and MA Yue 33 B 1 Foreign-invested Service Industries in China”, presented at a Seminar, organized by the Centre for Macroeconomic Research, Xiamen University, Xiamen, PRC, 27 Dec 2006

# Student 93 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 62 “Does Foreign Currency Component in Monetary RAN Qiming Jimmy 33 A 1 Aggregates Make Any Difference to Money Neutrality? Evidence from Hong Kong”, presented at 2007 Academy of Business & Administrative Sciences (ABAS) International Conference, organized by ABAS, Troyes, France, 9 – 11 Jun 2007

63 “Competition and Market Integration: The Case of TIAN Xi# 63 B 1 China’s Auto Industry”, Jun 2007

64 “Effects of Real Exchange Rate Volatility and VOON Jan-piaw Thomas, LI 12 A 0.6667 Misalignment on Commodity Exports: The Case of Guangzhong and RAN Qiming China”, China, Hong Kong and the World Economy: A Jimmy Study of Globalization, Ho Lok-sang and Robert Ash (eds), Palgrave Macmillan, Aug 2006, pp 87-100

65 “Does China Really Lose from RMB Revaluation? VOON Jan-piaw Thomas, LI 21 A 0.6667 Evidence from Some Export Industries”, Applied Guangzhong and RAN Qiming Economics, Vol 38, No 15, Aug 2006, pp 1715-23 Jimmy

# Student 94 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 66 “Does Oil Shocks Affect a Small Economy: The Case VOON Jan-piaw Thomas and 33 B 1 of Hong Kong”, presented at Western Economic RAN Qiming Jimmy Association International (WEAI) 82nd Annual Conference, organized by WEAI, Seattle, USA, 29 Jun – 3 Jul 2007

67 “Performance-related Pay Schemes and Job HEYWOOD John S and WEI 21 A 0.5 Satisfaction”, Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol 48, Xiangdong Issue 4, Sep 2006, pp 523-39

68 “Wage Compensation for Job-Related Illness: WEI Xiangdong 21 A 1 Evidence from a Matched Employer and Employee Survey in the UK”, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, Vol 34, No 1, Feb 2007, pp 85-98

69 “The Implicit Market for Family Friendly Work HEYWOOD John S, SIEBERT 21 A 0.3334 Practices”, Oxford Economic Papers, Vol 59, No 2, Stan W and WEI Xiangdong Apr 2007, pp 275-300

# Student 95 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 70 “ ‘Soft’ Skill, ‘Hard Skills, and the Black/White Pay WEI Xiangdong, FAN 33 B 0.6667 Gaps”, presented at The Fourth Biennial Conference Cheng-ze Simon and ZHANG on “Government, Markets, and the Future of Junsen Capitalism”, organized by Hong Kong Economic Association and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 14 – 17 Dec 2006

71 “Price Convergence and Market Integration in China“, WEI Xiangdong, FAN 33 B 1 presented at The 16th National Scientific Conference, Cheng-ze Simon and MA Yue organized by Italian Association for the Study of Comparative Economic Systems, Parma, Italy, 21 – 23 Jun 2007

72 “Local Government and Private Sector Development”, ZHANG Yifan 12 B 1 The Chinese Economy After WTO Accession (The Chinese Economy Series), Bao Shuming, Lin Shuanglin and Zhao Changwen (eds), Aldershort: Ashgate Publishing Ltd, Jul 2006, pp 45-61

# Student 96 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 73 “ ‘One Country Two Systems’? Are China’s Coastal ZHANG Yifan 33 B 1 and Interior Economies Becoming More Similar or Divergent?”, presented at The Fourth Biennial Conference on “Government, Markets, and the Future of Capitalism”, organized by Lingnan University, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research (an affiliation of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority) and Hong Kong Economic Association, Hong Kong, 14 – 17 Dec 2006

74 “Exporting and Performance: Firm-level Evidence LOREN Brandt, 33 B 0.3334 from China”, presented at Workshop in March 2007 on BIESEBROECK Johannes V “Exporting and Productivity: International and ZHANG Yifan Comparison”, organized by Dr Joachim Wagner, University of Lueneburg, Nottingham, UK, 28 – 29 Mar 2007

Sub-total 62.5004

# Student 97 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category Cost Centre : 43 Department of Politics & Sociology

1 “Identifying the Unprecedented, Hannah Arendt: BAEHR Peter W 12 A 1 Critical Assessments, Vol 1, Garrath Williams (ed), London: Routledge, 2006, pp 224-64

2 “Randall Collins”, Fifty Contemporary Sociologists, BAEHR Peter W 12 B 1 John Scott (ed), London: Routledge, 2006, pp 84-90

3 “Fascism, Ethnic Cleansing, and the ‘New BAEHR Peter W 21 A 1 Militarism’: Assessing the Recent Historical Sociology of Michael Mann”, Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, Vol 10, Issue 1, Mar 2007, pp 99-113

4 “Pacifist Realism: A Critique” (in Italian), BAEHR Peter W 22 A 1 Ventunesimo Secolo, Oct 2006, pp 217-26

# Student 98 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 5 “Fun, Fervor or Fitness?: Sporting Cultures and BRIDGES Brian 12 A 1 Happiness”, Happiness and Public Policy: Theory, Case Studies and Implications, Ng Yew-kwang and Ho Lok-sang (eds), Palgrave Macmillan, Aug 2006, pp 221-34

6 “Reluctant Mediator: Hong Kong, The Two Koreas BRIDGES Brian 22 A 1 and The Tokyo Olympics”, International Journal of the History of Sport, Vol 24, No 3, Mar 2007, pp 375-91

7 “The Beijing Olympics and Hong Kong Sporting BRIDGES Brian 31 B 1 Culture”, Proceedings of Beijing Forum (2006): The Olympic Games and the Harmonious Development of Human Civilisations: Collection of Papers and Abstracts (I), Beijing: Beijing Forum, Beijing, PRC, Oct 2006, pp 129-44

8 “Diplomatic Offensive or Diplomatic Dead-end?: The BRIDGES Brian 33 B 1 Foreign Policy of Kim Jong Il”, presented at 20th IPSA World Congress, Fukuoka, Japan, 9 – 13 Jul 2006

# Student 99 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 9 “Looking North: he Politics of Division on the Korean BRIDGES Brian 33 B 1 Peninsula” – Film: Joint Security Area by Park Chan-wook 2002 (《JSA 安全地帶》朴贊郁導演), presented at Institute of Humanities & Social Sciences (IHSS) Interdisciplinary Seminar Series – Korean Film Appreciation and Lecture Series (1), organized by IHSS of Lingnan University, Hong Kong, 9 Nov 2006

10 “Japan and Korea: Reaching Reconciliation?”, BRIDGES Brian 33 B 1 presented at Second Asian Studies Association of Hong Kong Conference, organized by University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 26 – 27 Jan 2007

11 “Playing Games: Two Koreas and the Beijing BRIDGES Brian 33 B 1 Olympics”, presented at the International Conference on “China and Korea: A New Nexus in East Asia?”, organized by Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences of Lingnan University, Hong Kong, 30 – 31 May 2007

# Student 100 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 12 “Evolution of the Pudong Government: Chinese Local CHAN Che-po and POON 21 A 0.5 Administrative Reform in Adapting to an Expanding Wai-kit Market Economy”, China Information, Vol 20, No 2, Jul 2006, pp 237-74

13 “Health and Social Care Interfaces in Hong Kong”, CHAN Cheung-ming Alfred 12 B 0.5 Community-Based Intervention Model – Elderly and CHEUNG S K D Mental Health, The Neightourbourhood Advice-Advice Council and Occupational Therapy Department of Kwai Chung Hospital (ed), Hong Kong: The Neightourbourhood Advice-Advice Council and Occupational Therapy Department of Kwai Chung Hospital, Sep 2006, pp 3-7

14 “An Exploratory Study of the Effect of Mahjong on CHENG Sheung-tak, CHAN 21 A 0.3334 the Cognitive Functioning of Demented Persons”, Cheung-ming Alfred, and YU C International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, Vol 21, S Edwin Issue 7, Jul 2006, pp 611-7

# Student 101 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 15 “Social Support and Self-rated Health Revisited: Is CHENG Sheung-tak and 21 A 0.5 There a Gender Difference in Later Life?”, Social CHAN Cheung-ming Alfred Science and Medicine, Vol 63, Issue 1, Jul 2006, pp 118-22

16 “Filial Piety and Psychological Well-Being in Well CHENG Sheung-tak and 21 A 0.5 Older Chinese”, Journal of Gerontology: CHAN Cheung-ming Alfred Psychological Sciences, Vol 61B, Issue 5, Sep 2006, pp 262-9

17 “Balancing Psychometrical, Practical and Theoretical CHAN Cheung-ming Alfred 31 A 1 Applications for GDS Versions: The Development of GDS-4”, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health – Living in Harmony: Promoting Creative Synergy in a Stressful World, Kimberly Lawson (ed), Hong Kong, 10 – 14 Dec 2006, pp 288-9

# Student 102 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 18 “Ageing in Chinese Communities of the Asia Pacific”, CHAN Cheung-ming Alfred 33 A 1 presented at the Conference of 2007 World Congress on Ageing and Dementia in Chinese Communities, organized by Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association, Hong Kong, 7 – 10 Mar 2007

19 “Reinventing Retirement Asia: Enhancing the CHAN Cheung-ming Alfred 33 A 1 Opportunities of Ageing”, presented at the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) Reinventing Retirement Asia Conference, organized by AARP, Tokyo, Japan, 14 – 16 Mar 2007

20 “Engaging the Community in Preparing for Population CHAN Cheung-ming Alfred 33 A 1 Ageing: Establishing a Common Life Skill for Care Giving”, presented at the Hospital Convention 2007, organized by , Hong Kong, 8 May 2007

# Student 103 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 21 “How to Take Forward Our Vision of Ageing in Place CHAN Cheung-ming Alfred 33 B 1 to Go Beyond Mere Rhetoric or Cliche?”, presented at a Public Forum on “Long-term Care for Older People: Comparative Perspectives”, organized by Governance in Asia Research Centre of City University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Association of Gerontology, Hong Kong, 31 Jul 2006

22 “Ageing in Place: The Hong Kong Experience to CHAN Cheung-ming Alfred 33 B 1 Promote Dignity in Care”, presented at a Public Forum on “Long-term Care for the Elderly: Comparative Perspectives”, discussed topic was “Can we see any concrete plans or proposals to take forward our vision of “Ageing in Place?”, organized by Governance in Asia Research Centre, City University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Association of Gerontology, Hong Kong, 31 Jul 2006

# Student 104 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 23 「家居照顧政策的未來發展」 (“Future Development CHAN Cheung-ming Alfred 33 B 1 of Home Care Policy”),宣讀於由聖雅各福群會,香 港大學秀圃老年研究中心及香港大會主辦之「家居 及社區照顧多面體研討會」,香港,2006 年 7 月 13 日

24 “Revitalizing Caring Functions of the Family”, CHAN Cheung-ming Alfred 33 B 1 presented at the Conference on “Strengthening Hong Kong's Families - Awareness Commitment and Action”, organized by the Central Policy Unit, Women’s Commission and HKU Family Institute, Hong Kong, 5 Sep 2006

25 “Welfare & Medical Interfacing – Example of Link CHAN Cheung-ming Alfred 33 B 1 Project”, presented at the Seminar on “Community-Based Intervention Model – Elderly Mental Health”, organized by The Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council (NAAC), Kwai Chung Hospital and Hospital Authority, Hong Kong, 8 Sep 2006

# Student 105 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 26 “Ageism in Health Care and in Society – Doctor Older CHAN Cheung-ming Alfred 33 B 1 Patient Relationships”, presented at British Geriatrics Society (BGS) Autumn Meeting 2006, organized by BGS, Harrogate International Centre, Harrogate, UK, 4 – 6 Oct 2006

27 “To Explore and Share the Experience from the CHAN Cheung-ming Alfred 33 B 1 Perspective of an Adult Professional – Preparing 10 Years Ahead for Less Health Expenses: An Active Ageing Perspective”, presented at the Symposium on “How to Minimize Personal Medical Expense in the Coming 10 Years of Your Life?”, organized by Project Concern of YMCA, Hong Kong, 4 Nov 2006

28 「退休新領域:正面導向、積極適應生活」,宣讀於 CHAN Cheung-ming Alfred 33 B 1 由香港耆康老人福利會主辦之「退休新領域」研討 會,香港,2006 年 11 月 25 日

# Student 106 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 29 「如何從外國經驗推動家庭護老」,宣讀於由救世軍 CHAN Cheung-ming Alfred 33 B 1 油麻地老人社區服務中心主辦之「救世軍新書發佈 暨『家庭護老』服務未來方向研討會」,香港,2006 年 12 月 9 日

30 「香港二十一世紀福利服務機遇與挑戰:強化家庭 CHAN Cheung-ming Alfred 33 B 1 功能,編織鄰里網絡」,宣讀於由社會福利處主辦之 「東區及灣仔區福利辦事處 2007-08 年度工作計 劃:『凝聚社區力量,強化家庭功能』」,香港,2007 年 1 月 12 日

31 「孔儒家庭結構的變遷:韓片的引證」──電影: CHAN Cheung-ming Alfred 33 B 1 李廷香《愛.回家》2002,宣讀於由嶺南大學人文 及社會科學研究所主辦之「人文及社會科學研究所 跨學科講座系列 2006-2007 之韓國電影欣賞及講座 系列(4)」,香港,2007 年 2 月 5 日

# Student 107 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 32 「融合力量.以社區承托家庭」,宣讀於由社會福利 CHAN Cheung-ming Alfred 33 B 1 處主辦之「『融合力量.以社區承托家庭』2007 年 深水埗區福利規劃研討會」,香港,2007 年 2 月 10 日

33 「長幼共融的實踐」,宣讀於由香港社會服務聯會主 CHAN Cheung-ming Alfred 33 B 1 辦之「跨界共融為長幼研討會暨比賽簡介會」,香 港,2007 年 3 月 3 日

34 「人口高齡化」,宣讀於由香港青年協會主辦之「『青 CHAN Cheung-ming Alfred 33 B 1 年獻策:凝聚意念.持續發展』香港公共政策創意 獎勵計劃比賽專題研討會」,香港,2007 年 3 月 17 日

35 「香港嶺南大學的個案研究探討」,宣讀於由天主教 CHAN Cheung-ming Alfred 33 B 1 輔仁大學主辦之「第五屆『服務──學習』研討會」, 台灣,2007 年 5 月 9 日

# Student 108 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 36 “A Pilot Study on the Outcome Evaluation of CHAN Cheung-ming Alfred, 33 B 0.3334 Computerized Management in Residential Care LUNG Johnny and SUM Roy Homes”, presented at the International Conference on “China and Korea: A New Nexus in East Asia?”, organized by Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences of Lingnan University, Hong Kong, 30 – 31 May 2007

37 Evergreen Project Report (《長青傳動力活動計劃成 CHAN Cheung-ming Alfred 48 C 0.5 效評估調查》), Evergreen Project Committee and and FUNG Yuk-yin Car Asia-Pacific Institute of Ageing Studies, Lingnan University, Sep 2006, 38 pages

38 “Sex in the City: Female Bodies and Female Sexuality CHAN Hau-nung Annie 33 B 1 in Hong Kong”, presented at a Workshop on “Bodies and Urban Space”, organized by Kwan Fong Cultural Research and Development Programme of Lingnan University, Hong Kong, 10 Mar 2007

# Student 109 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 39 “The Role of Volunteering in Successful Ageing: CHAN Sin-yui# 63 B 1 Impacts on Psychological Well-being of Older Persons”, Oct 2006

40 “A Distinctive Healthy Campus”, presented at 1st CHAN Wing-fung#, CHUI 33 B 0.1667 Asia-Pacific Conference on “Healthy Universities”, Wai-sum, CHAN Fan-shui, organized by School of Public Health, The Chinese LAM Pak-wing, WONG University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 8 – 10 Mar Miu-fai and LEUNG Ho-yin 2007 [Booth Competition Outstanding Award]

41 “Cultural Differences in the Perception of CHENG Hing-cheung Kevin 33 A 0.5 Performance Appraisal: A Qualitative Study in Hong and CASCIO Wayne F Kong”, presented at 26th International Congress of Applied Psychology of the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP), organized by IAAP, Hellenic Psychological Society and the Association of Greek Psychologists, Athens, Greece, 16 – 21 Jul 2006

# Student 110 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 42 “Patterns of Residential Adjustment for Older Person: CHENG Hing-cheung Kevin, 33 A 0.75 Who will Recover and How Do They Recover?” PHILLIPS David R, SIU presented at 26th International Congress of Applied Oi-ling, and YEH G O Anthony Psychology of the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP), organized by IAAP, Hellenic Psychological Society and the Association of Greek Psychologists, Athens, Greece, 16 – 21 Jul 2006

43 “Personality Correlates of Leniency Bias in CHENG Hing-cheung Kevin 33 B 1 Performance Ratings”, presented at The 22nd Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), organized by SIOP, New York, USA, 27 – 29 Apr 2007

44 “Psychological Distress in Migrants in Australia over CHOU Kee-lee 21 A 1 50 Years Old: A Longitudinal Investigation”, Journal of Affective Disorders, Vol 98, Issues 1-2, Feb 2007, pp 99-108

# Student 111 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 45 “Temporal Relationship between Fall and Fear of CHOU Kee-lee and CHI Iris 21 A 0.5 Falling in Hong Kong Chinese Older Primary Care Patients”, Ageing & Society, Vol 27, Issue 2, Mar 2007, pp 181-93

46 “Community-Dwelling Older Adults at Risk of Abuse CHOU Kee-lee and CHI Iris 31 B 0.5 in Hong Kong”, Proceedings of the 14th Annual Congress of Gerontology, organized by Hong Kong Association of Gerontology, Hong Kong, 25 Nov 2006, pp 45

47 “Welfare Participation and Health among Chinese CHOU Kee-lee 33 B 1 Older Adults in Hong Kong”, presented at The 59th Annual Scientific Meeting on “Education and The Gerontological Imagination“, organized by The Gerontological Society of America, Dallas, TX, USA, 16 – 20 Nov 2006

# Student 112 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 48 “Does Mood State Change Risk Taking Tendency in CHOU Kee-lee, LEE M C Tatia 33 B 0.3334 Older Adults?”, poster presented at The 59th Annual and HO H Y Andy Scientific Meeting on “Education and The Gerontological Imagination“, organized by The Gerontological Society of America, Dallas, TX, USA, 16 – 20 Nov 2006

49 “China and the Institutionalization of the Shanghai CHUNG Chien-peng 21 A 1 Cooperation Organization”, Problems of Post-Communism, Vol 53, Issue 5, Oct 2006, pp 3-14

50 “Resolving China’s Island Disputes: a Two-Level CHUNG Chien-peng 21 A 1 Game Analysis”, Journal of Chinese Political Science, Vol 12, No 1, Spring 2007, pp 49-70

51 “China’s Policies toward the SCO and the ARF: CHUNG Chien-peng 31 A 1 Implications for the Asia-Pacific Region”, Proceedings of Conference on “The Rise of China: Beijing’s Strategies and Implications for the Asia-Pacific”, organized by Academia Sinica and Mainland Affairs Council, Taipei, Taiwan, 24 – 25 Aug 2006

# Student 113 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 52 “The Role of Asian-Pacific Organizations in CHUNG Chien-peng 31 A 1 Maintaining Regional Security”, Proceedings of The 2007 SAREM International Symposium on “New Dimensions of Security and International Organizations”, organized by Strategic Studies and Research Center (SAREM), Turkish General Staff, Istanbul, Turkey, 31 May – 2 Jun 2007

53 “China and the Institutionalization of Regional CHUNG Chien-peng 33 A 1 Multilateral Organizations”, presented at 2006 American Political Science Association (APSA) Annual Meeting, organized by APSA, Philadelphia, United States, 31 Aug – 3 Sep 2006

54 “An Analytical Framework of Separatism in Modern CHUNG Chien-peng 33 A 1 China”, poster presented at 2006 American Political Science Association (APSA) Annual Meeting, organized by APSA, Philadelphia, United States, 31 Aug – 3 Sep 2006

# Student 114 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 55 “China’s Divergent Roles in the Shanghai Cooperation CHUNG Chien-peng 33 A 1 Organization and ASEAN Regional Forum”, presented at 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS), organized by AAS, Boston, USA, 22 – 25 Mar 2007

56 “Europe and the Politics and Foreign Policy of Global HARRIS Paul G 12 A 1 Climate Change”, Europe and Global Climate Change: Politics, Foreign Policy and Regional Cooperation, Paul G Harris (ed), Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, Jan 2007, pp 1-37

57 “Sharing the Burdens of Global Climate Change: HARRIS Paul G 12 A 1 International Equity and Justice in European Policy”, Europe and Global Climate Change: Politics, Foreign Policy and Regional Cooperation, Paul G Harris (ed), Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, Jan 2007, pp 349-90

# Student 115 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 58 “Explaining Eruopean Responses to Global Climate HARRIS Paul G 12 A 1 Change: Power, Interests and Ideas in Domestic and International Politics”, Europe and Global Climate Change: Politics, Foreign Policy and Regional Cooperation, Paul G Harris (ed), Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, Jan 2007, pp 393-406

59 “Global Politics of HIV/AIDS: Local, National, and HARRIS Paul G 12 A 1 International Perspectives”, The Global Politics of AIDS, Paul G Harris and Patricia D Siplon (eds), Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, Jan 2007, pp 1-16

60 “International Relations and Global Ethics of HARRIS Paul G and SIPLON 12 A 0.5 HIV/AIDS”, The Global Politics of AIDS, Paul G Patricia D Harris and Patricia D Siplon (eds), Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, Jan 2007, pp 263-93

61 Editor, The Global Politics of AIDS, Boulder: Lynne HARRIS Paul G and SIPLON 14 A 0.5 Rienner Publishers, Jan 2007, 333 pages Patricia D

# Student 116 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 62 Editor, Europe and Global Climate Change: Politics, HARRIS Paul G 14 A 1 Foreign Policy and Regional Cooperation, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, Jan 2007, 432 pages

63 “Europe and Environmental Change: Sharing the HARRIS Paul G 21 A 1 Burdens of Global Warming”, Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law and Policy, Vol 17, No 2, Aug 2006, pp 309-55

64 “The River Runs Black: The Environmental Challenge HARRIS Paul G 21 A 1 to China’s Future”, Environmental Values, Vol 16, No 1, Feb 2007, pp 135-8

65 “Hong Kong and Climate Change: A Question of HARRIS Paul G 22 B 1 Justice”, Hong Kong Journal, Issue 2, Apr 2007 (on-line publication)

# Student 117 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 66 “Analyzing Harmonious Education from the Angle of KWOK Hong-kin and CHAN 12 B 0.5 Theory and Practice” (in Chinese), Theory and Sing-lai practice of Harmonious Education, Chan Sing-lai and Kwok Hong-kin (eds), Hong Kong: Hong Kong Teachers’ Association and Hong Kong Teachers’ Association Lee Heng Kwei Secondary School, 2006, pp 2-12

67 “How to Implement Harmonious Education for the KWOK Hong-kin 12 B 1 Educational Reform” (in Chinese), Theory and practice of Harmonious Education, Chan Sing-lai and Kwok Hong-kin (eds), Hong Kong: Hong Kong Teachers’ Association and Hong Kong Teachers’ Association Lee Heng Kwei Secondary School, 2006, pp 25-38

68 “The Future of Harmonious Education” (in Chinese), KWOK Hong-kin and CHAN 12 B 0.5 Theory and practice of Harmonious Education, Chan Sing-lai Sing-lai and Kwok Hong-kin (eds), Hong Kong: Hong Kong Teachers’ Association and Hong Kong Teachers’ Association Lee Heng Kwei Secondary School, 2006, pp 382-5

# Student 118 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 69 Editor, Theory and Practice of Harmonious Education KWOK Hong-kin and CHAN 14 B 0.5 (in Chinese), Hong Kong: Hong Kong Teachers’ Sing-lai Association and Hong Kong Teachers’ Association Lee Heng Kwei Secondary School, 2006, 410 pages

70 “Aging and Elder Care in China: The Case in KWOK Hong-kin and LEE 21 A 1 Guangzhou”, Social Development Issues, Vol 28, Issue Keng-mun William 1, 2006, pp 20-34

71 “Cross-border Work and its Impact on Family: A Study KWOK Hong-kin 21 A 1 of the Transport Logistics Industry Workers working between Hong Kong and China”, The International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities, and Nations, Melbourne, Vol 5, No 5, 2006, pp 153-66

72 “The Prospect of the Political Development between KWOK Hong-kin 22 B 1 Mainland China and Taiwan after ‘The Three in One Election’ in Taiwan” (in Chinese), Asian Studies, Vol 52, 2006, pp 3-21

# Student 119 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 73 “Quality Assurance Problems among Private Schools: KWOK Hong-kin and KO 31 B 0.5 Their Experience in Hong Kong” (in Chinese), Gra-yee Proceedings of 12th Educational Conference of Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau, Taipei: Taiwan Private Education Association, 2006, pp 209-42

74 “Subjective Well-being”, Quality of Life in Macau, LAW Wing-kin Kenneth, WAN 12 A 0.25 Wong S L, Yeung Y M, Wan Po-san and Cheng C W Po-san, WONG Ka-ying (eds), Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Timothy and CHAN Asia-Pacific Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Ying-keung Kong, Mar 2007, pp 1-34

75 “Quality of Society”, Quality of Life in Macau, Wong LAW Wing-kin Kenneth, WAN 12 A 0.3334 S L, Yeung Y M, Wan Po-san and Cheng C W (eds), Po-san and WONG Ka-ying Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Timothy Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Mar 2007, pp 35-62

# Student 120 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 76 “Social Class, Social Mobility and Welfare Policy”, LAW Wing-kin Kenneth, WAN 12 A 0.3334 Quality of Life in Macau, Wong S L, Yeung Y M, Wan Po-san and WONG Ka-ying Po-san and Cheng C W (eds), Hong Kong: The Hong Timothy Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Mar 2007, pp 205-26

77 “Later Life and Retirement Planning”, Quality of Life LAW Wing-kin Kenneth, WAN 12 A 0.3334 in Macau, Wong S L, Yeung Y M, Wan Po-san and Po-san and WONG Ka-ying Cheng C W (eds), Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Timothy Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Mar 2007, pp 271-98

78 「老有所終?」,宣讀於由澳門大學主辦之「澳門生 LAW Wing-kin Kenneth, WAN 33 B 0.3334 活素質基準研究研討會」,澳門,2006 年 11 月 25 Po-san and WONG Ka-ying 日 Timothy

79 「社會階層、社會流動與福利政策」,宣讀於由澳門 WONG Ka-ying Timothy, 33 B 0.3334 大學主辦之「澳門生活素質基準研究研討會」,澳 WAN Po-san and LAW 門,2006 年 11 月 25 日 Wing-kin Kenneth

# Student 121 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 80 「澳門人的主觀福祉」,宣讀於由澳門大學主辦之 WAN Po-san, WONG Ka-ying 33 B 0.25 「澳門生活素質基準研究研討會」,澳門,2006 年 Timothy, CHAN Ying-keung 11 月 25 日 and LAW Wing-kin Kenneth

81 “Racism and Sexism: Experiences of Mainland LEE Keng-mun William and 21 A 0.5 Chinese ”, International TSOI Sunday Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations, Vol 5, Issue 3, Autumn 2006, pp 16-22

82 “The Executive”, Contemporary Hong Kong Politics: LI Pang-kwong 12 A 1 Governance in the Post-1997 Era, Lam Wai-man, Lui Luen-tim Percy, Wilson W H Wong and Ian Holliday (eds), Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2007, pp 23-37

83 「從『共識政治』到『否決政治』:香港行政立法關 LI Pang-kwong 33 B 1 係的質變」,宣讀於由嶺南大學、康樂及文化事務 署、中國社會科學院近代史研究所和廣東省社會科 學院主辦之「『香港歷史與社會』國際學術研討會」, 香港,2007 年 6 月 7 – 8 日

# Student 122 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 84 「香港的管治:系統更新與條件創造」,宣讀於由中 LI Pang-kwong 33 B 1 山大學港澳珠三角研究中心、廣東省人民政府發展 研究中心與國務院發展研究中心港澳研究所主辦之 「『香港回歸十週年的回顧與展望』學術研討會」, 香港,2007 年 6 月 17 日

85 “Psychological Approaches To The Relationship SHI Kan, WANG Xiaolu, 12 A 0.1667 Between Happiness And Public Policy in R R China”, ZHENG Rui, SHI Wi, LU Happiness and Public Policy: Theory, Case Studies Jiafang and FAN Hongxia and Implications, Ng Yew-kwang and Ho Lok-sang (eds), Palgrave Macmillan, Aug 2006, pp 169-92

86 “Leadership Values for Psychological Safety and WONG Shiu-ho Alfred, 33 A 0.3333 Learning in Project Teams in China”, presented at TJOSVOLD Dean W and LU 2006 Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Jiafang Meeting on “Knowledge, Action and the Public Concern”, organized by AOM, Atlanta, USA, 11 – 16 Aug 2006

# Student 123 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 87 “Work-family Balance of Chinese Double-career LU Jiafang and SHI Kan 33 B 0.5 Parents in China”, presented at 26th International Congress of Applied Psychology of the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP), organized by IAAP, Hellenic Psychological Society and the Association of Greek Psychologists, Athens, Greece, 16 – 21 Jul 2006

88 “The Mask of Ageing: Doing Cultural Research for a LUK Kit-ling 21 A 1 ‘Social Problem’ ”, Cultural Studies Review, Vol 12, No 2, Sep 2006

89 “The Mask of Ageing: A Case Study of Media LUK Kit-ling 33 B 1 Representations of Older Women in HK”, presented at the International Conference on “China and Korea: A New Nexus in East Asia?”, organized by Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences of Lingnan University, Hong Kong, 30 – 31 May 2007

90 “Powerless or Perilous? Ageing Women as an LUK Kit-ling 63 B 1 Emerging Social Force in Hong Kong”, Apr 2007

# Student 124 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 91 Shanghai ESCAP Regional Survey Follow-up: Report, PHILLIPS David R and CHAN 11 A 1 UNESCAP: Bangkok, Jul 2006, 38 pages Cheung-ming Alfred

92 “An Exploratory Study of Resilience among Hong SIU Oi-ling, CHOW S L, 12 A 0.5 Kong Employees: Ways to Happiness”, Happiness and PHILLIPS David R and LIN Public Policy: Theory, Case Studies and Implications, Lin Ng Yew-kwang and Ho Lok-sang (eds), Palgrave Macmillan, Aug 2006, pp 209-20

93 “Locus of Control”, Encyclopedia of Industrial and SIU Oi-ling 12 A 1 Organizational Psychology, Steven G Rogelberg (ed), Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications, Vol 1, Aug 2006, pp 461-2

94 「序」,《給你的精力裝按鈕》,駱龍衍〈著〉,北京: SIU Oi-ling 12 B 1 中國鐵路出版社,2006 年 9 月,頁 1-2

95 “A Three-Phase Study to Develop and Validate SIU Oi-ling, SPECTOR Paul E 21 A 0.3334 Chinese Coping Strategies Scales”, Personality and and COOPER Cary L Individual Differences, Vol 41, Issue 3, Aug 2006, pp 537-48

# Student 125 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 96 「程式公平對工作滿意度、組織承諾的影響:工作 XIE Yizhong, SIU Oi-ling, 21 A 0.25 不安全感的仲介作用」 (“Procedural Justice, Job REN Xiaopeng and SHI Kan satisfaction and Organizational Commitment: Mediating Role of Job Insecurity”),載於《中國臨床 心理學雜誌》,第 15 卷,第 2 期,2007 年,頁 138-41

97 “Employees’ Well-being in Greater China: The Direct SIU Oi-ling, LU Chang-qin and 21 A 0.3334 and Moderating Effects of General Self-efficacy”, SPECTOR Paul E Applied Psychology: An International Review, Vol 56, Issue 2, Apr 2007, pp 288-301

98 “Work-family Balance: Prevalence of Family-friendly SIU Oi-ling 31 B 1 Employment Policies”, Proceedings of the Conference on “Strengthening Hong Kong’s Families – Awareness, Commitment and Action”, organized by the Central Policy Unit, Women’s Commission and HKU Family Institute, Hong Kong, 5 Sep 2006, pp 74-6

# Student 126 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 99 “Cross-National Differences in Relationships of Work SPECTOR P E, ALLEN T D, 33 A 0.0455 Demands with Work-family Conflict”, presented at POELMANS S, COOPER C L, 2006 Academy of Management (AOM) Annual LAPIERRE L M, Meeting on “Knowledge, Action and the Public O’DRISCOLL M, SANCHEZ J Concern”, organized by AOM, Atlanta, USA, 11 – 16 I, ABARCA N, Aug 2006 ALEXANDROVA M, BEHAM B, BROUGH P, FRAILE G, LU C Q, LU L, MORENO-VELÁZQUEZ I, PAGON M, PITARIU H, SALAMATOV V, SHIMA S, SUAREZ SIMONI A, SIU Oi-ling and WIDERSZAL-BAZYL M

100 “The Role of Resilience in Fighting SARS or SIU Oi-ling, HUI Harry C, 33 A 0.3334 Infectious Diseases among Chinese Health Care WONG Tze-wah, PHILLIPS Employees”, presented at 26th International Congress David R, SHI Kan and LIN Lin of Applied Psychology of the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP), organized by IAAP, Hellenic Psychological Society and the Association of Greek Psychologists, Athens, Greece, 16 – 21 Jul 2006

# Student 127 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 101 “The Structure of Job Engagement and the LIN Lin, SIU Oi-ling, SHI Kan 33 A 0.25 Relationship between Job Engagement and Job and LI Zhi-hong Burnout”, presented at 26th International Congress of Applied Psychology of the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP), organized by IAAP, Hellenic Psychological Society and the Association of Greek Psychologists, Athens, Greece, 16 – 21 Jul 2006

102 「工作投入對教師工作生活質量的影響及其與工作 LIN Lin, SHI Kan, LI Zhi-hong 33 A 0.25 倦怠的關係」 (“Effects of Work Engagement on and SIU Oi-ling Teachers’ Quality of Life and Work and the Relationship between Work Engagement and Job Burnout”) ,宣讀於由上海交通大學安泰經濟與管 理學院主辦,上海交通大學安泰經濟與管理學院組 識管理系承辦,上海行為科學學會協辦之「第一屆 幸福學國際研討會」,中國上海,2007 年 6 月 16 – 17 日

# Student 128 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 103 「提升員工的積極情緒:在香港實施的兩項干預研 SIU Oi-ling 33 A 1 究」 (“Two Studies of Interventions in Enhancing Employees’ Positive Emotions in Hong Kong”),宣讀 於由上海交通大學安泰經濟與管理學院主辦,上海 交通大學安泰經濟與管理學院組識管理系承辦,上 海行為科學學會協辦之「第一屆幸福學國際研討 會」,中國上海,2007 年 6 月 16 – 17 日

104 “A Survey on Family-friendly Employment Policies SIU Oi-ling 33 A 1 and Practices (FEPPs) in Hong Kong”, presented at 7th Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conference/1st Asia Pacific Congress on Work and Organizational Psychology, organized by Australian Psychological Society, Adelaide, Australia, 28 Jun – 1 Jul 2007

105 “Toward the Rule of Law: Why China’s Path Will Be ZHANG Baohui 12 A 1 Different from the West”, Debating Political Reform in China: Rule of Law vs Democratization, Zhao Suisheng (ed), Armonk, NY: M E Sharp, Jul 2006, pp 122-37

# Student 129 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 106 “China’s New Foreign Policy: The Emergence of a ZHANG Baohui 33 B 1 Grand Strategy?”, presented at The Sixth International Comparative Interdisciplinary Studies Section (CISS) Conference, organized by International Studies Association, Hague, the Netherlands, 2 – 4 Jul 2006

107 “China’s New Foreign Policy and Its Strategic ZHANG Baohui 33 B 1 Impacts”, presented at 2007 Annual Meeting of Nordic International Studies Association (NISA) on “Power, Vision, and Order in World Politics”, organized by NISA, Odense, Denmark, 24 – 25 May 2007

108 “China’s Grand Strategy and the Coming Conflicts ZHANG Baohui 33 B 1 with the United States”, presented at Seventh International Comparative Interdisciplinary Studies Section (CISS) Millennium Conference on “Global Security and the Re Configuration of the International System: Vision and Reality”, organized by CISS, Bucaco, Portugal, 14 – 16 Jun 2007

Sub-total 84.8796

# Student 130 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category Cost Centre : 44 Department of Chinese

1 “Precise, Rather than Ambiguious: Discussions on the CHAN Tak-kam 21 A 1 Meaning of Some Vocabularies in Collocation with "Jian" in the Xiandai Hanyu Cidian” (「寧要準確,不 要含混:《現代漢語》幾個『姦』字配搭詞的釋義商 榷」), Chinese Language Review, Issue 86, May 2007, pp 44-6

2 「人文精神,寫意水墨──讀馮驥才的《心靈的水 CHAN Tak-kam 22 A 1 墨》、《水墨文字》」,載於《海南師範學學報》,總第 88 期,2007 年 3 月,頁 49-51

3 「輕觸溫暖的土地──讀胡燕青《更暖的地方》」, CHAN Tak-kam 22 B 1 載於《文學研究》,第 4 期,2006 年冬季,頁 133-6

# Student 131 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 4 「形散神不散:散文文體再思考」, 載於《文學研 CHAN Tak-kam 22 B 1 究》,第一卷第五期,2007 年春季,頁 4-20

5 「魯迅《在酒樓上》的敍事方式再探」,宣讀於由香 CHAN Tak-kam 33 B 1 港中文大學主辦之「2006 香港魯迅論壇」,香港, 2006 年 9 月 8 日

6 “Blind Fortune-tellers” (「瞽卜者」), Translated into CHAN Tak-kam 41 A 1 English by Caroline Mason, Renditions, No 66, Autumn 2006, pp 103-5

7 《盛開的桃金孃》 (Flowering Myrthle),香港:匯 CHAN Tak-kam 41 A 1 智出版社,2006 年 11 月,185 頁

8 「第一篇日記」,《香港短篇小說百年精華》(下冊), CHAN Tak-kam 41 B 1 劉以鬯〈編〉,香港:三聯書店,2006 年 9 月,頁 357-60

# Student 132 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 9 「百分之二」(小說),載於《香港文學》,第 265 CHAN Tak-kam 41 B 1 期,2007 年 1 月,頁 24

10 「香港小說中的空間」(“The Spatial Context in Hong CHAN Wai-yee# 63 B 1 Kong Fiction”), Oct 2006

11 “Tied Together by Fate” (translation from 《命定相隨 CHAN Wai-ying 12 A 1 的連繫》, by Chan Wai-ying, ), Loud Sparrows: Contemporary Chinese Short-shorts, Selected and translated by Aili Mu, Julie Chiu and Howard Goldblatt, New York: Columbia University Press, Nov 2006, pp 47-50

12 「風、流」,載於《作家月刊》,總第 56 期,2007 CHAN Wai-ying 22 B 1 年 2 月

13 「證實與印象──魯迅的面貌」,載於《魯迅論壇專 CHAN Wai-ying 21 A 1 輯》,香港:香港中國語文學會,2007 年 4 月,頁 111-20;並載於《文學論衡》, 第 9、10 期合刊, 2007 年 4 月,頁 111-20

# Student 133 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 14 「張愛玲的人間色相」,宣讀於由香港浸會大學主 CHAN Wai-ying 33 A 1 辦之「張愛玲逝世十週年紀念國際學術研討會」, 香港,2006 年 9 月

15 「魯迅的面貌——由『魯迅在中山大學所開的課程 CHAN Wai-ying 33 A 1 表』談起」,宣讀於由香港中文大學主辦之「2006 香港魯迅論壇」,香港,2006 年 9 月 8 日

16 「『禁』與『遊』——遊記書寫初探」,宣讀於由 CHAN Wai-ying 33 A 1 香港中文大學聯合書院、世界旅遊文學聯會、香港 中文大學中國語言及文學系合辦之「世界華文旅遊 文學國際學術研討會」,香港,2006 年 11 月

17 「兩種記憶:街道與弄堂」,宣讀於由香港中文大 CHAN Wai-ying 33 A 1 學中國語言及文學系主辦之「歷史與記憶:中國現 代文學國際研討會」,香港,2007 年 1 月

# Student 134 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 18 「女性情誼──論林白、鐵凝、王安憶小說」 CHEUNG Chung-yin# 63 B 1 (“Female Bonding: A Study of Lin Bai, Tie Ning, Wang Anyi’s Fiction”), Oct 2006

19 “Li Yu and Kuang Zhouyi: Two Connoirsseurs of Ci CHIU Jerome 22 B 1 Poetry During the Ming-Qing Period”, Bulletin of Ming-Qing Studies (《明清史集刊》), Vol 9, 2007

20 〈編撰〉,《紅樓夢》──圖說經典:一至六冊,曹 HOU Guixin# 14 D 1 雪芹、高鶚〈原著〉,台中:好讀出版有限公司,2007 年 7 月

21 「讀《上海博物館藏戰國楚竹書(三).仲 弓 》小識」, HSU Tzu-pin 21 A 1 載於《中國語文研究》,2006 年第 2 期,總 第 22 期, 頁 97-104

# Student 135 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 22 「魯迅《漢文學史網要‧屈原及宋玉》略論」,宣讀 HSU Tzu-pin 21 A 1 於由香港中文大學主辦之「2006 香港魯迅論壇」, 香港,2006 年 9 月 8 – 9 日;並載於《魯迅論壇專 輯》,香港:香港中國語文學會,2007 年 4 月,頁 98-104;並載於《文學論衡》,第 9 期,2007 年 4 月,頁 98-104

23 「廖平說《春秋》『築王姬之館于外』之意論」,宣 HSU Tzu-pin 33 A 1 讀於由中央研究院中國文哲研究所經學研究室主辦 之「四川地區的經學研究」第二次學術研討會,台 灣台北,2006 年 11 月 23 – 24 日

24 「《左傳》『鄭伯男也』解」,宣讀於由八大院校舉辦 HSU Tzu-pin 33 A 1 之「學藝兼修.漢學大師──饒宗頤教授九十華誕 國際學術研討會」,香港,2006 年 12 月 13 – 15 日

25 書評:《郭店楚簡文字編》(張守中,張小滄,郝建 HSU Tzu-pin 62 D 1 文撰集,北京:文物出版社,2000 年 5 月),載於 《嶺南學報》,新第三期,2006 年 9 月,頁 356-60

# Student 136 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 26 “An Artist’s Struggles in a Transitioning Korea: HSU Yuk-kwan Amanda 33 B 1 Chinese Influences and Korean Cultural Traditions” – Film: Chihwaseon directed by Im Kwon-taek 2002, presented at Institute of Humanities & Social Sciences (IHSS) Interdisciplinary Seminar Series – Korean Film Appreciation and Lecture Series (7), organized by IHSS of Lingnan University, Hong Kong, 19 Apr 2007

27 “A Comparative Study of the Chinese and English HSU Yuk-kwan Amanda 33 B 1 Subtitles of Lorean Films”, presented at the International Conference on “China and Korea: A New Nexus in East Asia?”, organized by Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences of Lingnan University, Hong Kong, 30 – 31 May 2007

28 「都市狂想曲」 (“An Alternative Perspective to HSU Yuk-kwan Amanda 33 B 1 Korea: Urban Rhapsody”)──電影:奉俊昊《綁架門 口狗》2000,宣讀於由嶺南大學人文及社會科學研 究所主辦之「人文及社會科學研究所跨學科講座系 列 2006-2007 之韓國電影欣賞及講座系列(6)」,香 港,2007 年 3 月 23 日

# Student 137 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 29 「《浮生六記》的四個世界」 (“Four Worlds in Six KWONG Yim-tze Charles 21 A 1 Records of a Floating Life”),載於《九州學林》,第 4/3 期,2006 年秋,頁 81-127

30 “Translating Classical Chinese Poetry into Rhyming KWONG Yim-tze Charles 33 A 1 English: A Linguistic – Aesthetic View”, presented at Sound Effects – The Oral/Aural Dimensions of Literatures in English, organized by The University of St Andrews, St Andrews, UK, 5 – 8 Jul 2006

31 「古代民間歌謠中的自然意識」,宣讀於由中央研究 KWONG Yim-tze Charles 33 A 1 院台灣史研究所主辦之「環境史研究第二次國際學 術研討會」,台灣台北,2006 年 11 月 8 – 10 日

32 「淺論詩詞中入聲的聲情作用」,宣讀於由中國南開 KWONG Yim-tze Charles 33 A 1 大學和美國威斯康星大學合辦之「漢語與中國文學 國際學術研討會」,中國天津,2007 年 6 月 19 – 20 日

# Student 138 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 33 《九思林》 (Grove of Nine Reflections, collection of KWONG Yim-tze Charles 41 D 1 106 classical Chinese shi and ci poems),香港:匯智 出版有限公司,2006 年 7 月,125 頁

34 《小千界》 (A Thousand Little Worlds, collection of KWONG Yim-tze Charles 41 D 1 100 classical Chinese shi and ci poems),香港:匯智 出版有限公司,2006 年 7 月,113 頁

35 《古典小說論稿──神話.心理.怪誕》 (Myth. LAU Yin-ping Grace 11 A 1 Psychoanalysis. Grotesque - Selected Essays of Classical Chinese Fiction),台北:台灣商務印書館, 2006 年 7 月,360 頁

36 「角色與行動、霸力和人神戰──論唐代華山神的 LAU Yin-ping Grace 21 A 1 四篇搶婚小說」 (“Human-Immortal Marriages of Huashan God”),載於《文學論衡》,第 8 期,2006 年 11 月,15 頁

# Student 139 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 37 「神婚中的俗慮──論《聊齋誌異》〈竹青〉和〈青 LAU Yin-ping Grace 21 A 1 蛙神〉」 (“Pragmatic Issues in the Sacred Marriages of Liaszhai Zhiyi”),載於《淡江人文社會學刊》,第 29 期,2007 年 3 月,38 頁

38 “Marital Problems in the Sacred-Profane Love Fiction LAU Yin-ping Grace 31 B 1 of ‘Frog God’ and ‘Zhuqing’ of Liaozhai Zhiyi”, Proceedings of The 5th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, organized by Hawaii International Conferences, Honolulu, USA, 12 – 15 Jan 2007, 24 pages (web-proceeding)

39 「創造.超越.美感──論想像與神話閱讀」,宣讀 LAU Yin-ping Grace 33 B 1 於由商務印書館主辦之「談賞讀神話與奇幻文學的 重要性講座」,香港,2006 年 7 月 22 日

40 「《鄭風》〈山有扶蘇〉『乃見狂且』馬訓獻疑」 (“On LEE Hung-kai 21 A 1 Ma Ruichen’s Explanation of ‘Naijian Kuangju’ of the Shijing”),載於《中國語文研究》,2006 年第 2 期, 總第 22 期,2006 年 9 月,頁 93-6

# Student 140 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 41 「關於《文心雕龍》辭典的編纂」,載於由香港中文 LEE Hung-kai 32 A 1 大學、南京大學與台灣中央大學合辦之「兩岸三地 人文社會科學學術論壇之『中國文學與文化傳統及 變革』學術研討會」論文集,中國南京,2006 年 10 月 14 – 16 日,頁 473-9

42 “An Ideal Programme of the Chinese Department” LEE Hung-kai 33 B 1 (「平衡與取捨──理想中文系課程的構想」), presented at the International Conference on Globalization and the New Direction of Chinese Studies, organized by the National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 7 – 8 Dec 2006

43 “The Teaching of Chinese in a Liberal Arts LEE Hung-kai 33 B 1 University” (「博雅大學的中文教育」), presented at the InternationalConference on Globalization and the New Direction of Chinese Studies, organized by the National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 7 – 8 Dec 2006

# Student 141 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 44 「孔子詩論『讒人之害』眾說評議」,宣讀於由香港 LEE Hung-kai 33 B 1 九大院校合辦之「學藝雙修.漢學大師──饒宗頤 教授九十大壽國際學術研討會」,香港,2006 年 12 月 13 – 16 日

45 「殖民地色彩詞語的廢存 ── 從『食皇家飯』說 LEE Hung-kai 64 B 1 起」 (“The Development of Colonial Words Used in Hong Kong”),載於《嶺南學報》,新第三期,2006 年 9 月,頁 350-3

46 「關錦鵬:在中國與香港之間」,載於《關錦鵬的光 LEUNG Ping-kwan 12 A 1 影記憶》 (In Critical Proximity: The Visual Memories of Stanley Kwan),張美君〈編〉,香港:三聯,2007 年,頁 4-19

# Student 142 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 47 「胡金銓電影︰中國文化資源與六 0 年代港台的文 LEUNG Ping-kwan 21 A 1 化場域」 (“King Hu Cinema: Chinese Cultural Resources and the Cultural Fields of Hong Kong and Taiwan in the 1960s”),載於《現代中文文學學報》 (「胡金銓專號」),第八卷第一期,2007 年 1 月, 頁 101-13

48 「從五、六 0 年代文化流動的角度看胡金銓的電影」 LEUNG Ping-kwan 32 A 1 (“Cultural Circulation in Hong Kong and Taiwan: The Case of King Hu”),宣讀於由國立清華大學台灣文學 研究所主辦之「『台灣文學與跨文化流動』第五屆東 亞學者現代中文文學國際學術研討會」,2006 年 10 月 26 – 28 日;並載於《台灣文學與跨文化流動》 (東 亞現代中文文學國際學報第三期台灣號),2007 年 4 月,313-28

49 「兩岸三地的文學史書寫」,宣讀於由台灣大學及台 LEUNG Ping-kwan 33 B 1 北文訊雜誌社〈合辦〉之「2006 青年文學會議── 台灣作家的地理書寫與文學體驗」講座,2006 年 12 月 20 日

# Student 143 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 50 「『改編』文化身份:香港一九五 0 年代電影的文學 LEUNG Ping-kwan 33 B 1 改編與文化磋商」 (“Transformative Identities: Literary Adaptation and Cultural Negotiation in Hong Kong Cinema of the 1950s”),宣讀於由嶺南大學主辦 之「嶺南大學 2006-2007 年度講座教授就職演講」, 香港,2007 年 4 月 27 日

51 「一九五 0 年代的文學及文化研究」,宣讀於由嶺南 LEUNG Ping-kwan 33 B 1 大學人文學科研究中心主辦之「梁秉鈞講座教授就 職演講圓桌研討會」,香港,2007 年 4 月 28 日

52 「改編都市文化」──電影:朴光洙《士壽與萬壽》 LEUNG Ping-kwan 33 B 1 1988,宣讀於由嶺南大學人文及社會科學研究所主 辦之「人文及社會科學研究所跨學科講座系列 2006-2007 之韓國電影欣賞及講座系列(8)」,香港, 2007 年 5 月 2 日

53 Keynote Speech on “Hong Kong Cinema”, Hong LEUNG Ping-kwan 33 B 1 Kong Film Festival, organized by Asian Institute at the University of Toronto, Canada, 4 – 8 May 2007

# Student 144 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 54 “Urban Cinema and Modernity: The Cases of Korea LEUNG Ping-kwan 33 B 1 and Hong Kong”, presented at the International Conference on “China and Korea: A New Nexus in East Asia?”, organized by Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences of Lingnan University, Hong Kong, 30 – 31 May 2007

55 De ci de là des choses (Selected poems, edited and LEUNG Ping-kwan 41 D 1 translated into French by Annie Curien), Paris: You Feng, 2006, 96 pages

56 “Die Insel und des Festland”, Orientierungen LEUNG Ping-kwan 41 D 1 Themenhoft, 2006, S. 134-115

57 “La montre de poche de Tante Li”, trans Annie Curien, LEUNG Ping-kwan 41 D 1 in L’horloge et le dragon, novelle contemporaines de Hong Kong choisies par Annie Curien et Francis Mizio, Éditions Caracteres, 2006, pp 51-68

# Student 145 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 58 Islands and Continents: Short Stories by Leung LEUNG Ping-kwan 41 D 1 Ping-kwan, John Minford (ed), translated by Brian Ho Hon and others, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2007

59 “Cong Bijiao Wenhua de Jiaodu Kan Kuaguo Xiezuo SHEN Shuang 12 B 1 yu Dangdai Yingyu Wenxue” (“Approaching Transnational Writing and World Anglophone Literature from a Comparative Cultural Perspective”), Liwa Hepan Lun Wenxue, Chen Zishan and Luo Gang (eds), Shanghai: Huadong Teachers’ College Press, Nov 2006, pp 344-53

60 “The Necessary Failure of Translation: Encounters SHEN Shuang 33 A 1 between Lu Xun and American Internationalists”, presented at the Annual Conference for the Association of American Studies, Oakland, USA, Oct 2006

# Student 146 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 61 “Melodramas and the Imagination of Hong Kong in SHEN Shuang 33 A 1 the 1950’s”, presented at 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS), organized by AAS, Boston, USA, 22 – 25 Mar 2007

62 “Translating Jin Yong: “The Context, the Translator, SHEN Shuang 45 B 1 and the Texts” Book chapter in Of Tigers and Dragons: Canons, Culture, and the Chivalric Tales of Jin Yong, edited by Ann Huss and Jianmei Liu), Youngstown, NY: Cambria Press, Jun 2007, pp 201-19

63 Translation: “Borders”, (a short story by Leung SHEN Shuang 45 D 1 Ping-kwan, Islands and Continents: Short Stories by Leung Ping-kwan, edited by John Minford, Brian Holton and Chan Hung-chong Agnes), Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, Mar 2007, pp 43-66

# Student 147 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 64 「激情造像──以『靈』、『慧』演繹杜麗娘情之至 SI TOU Sau-ieng 31 B 1 境」,載於由中華人民共和國文化部中外文化交流中 心、中國戲曲學會、中國藝術研究院戲曲研究所、 浙江省文化廳、浙江省旅遊局和遂昌縣人民政府合 辦之「2006 中國.遂昌湯顯祖文化節暨湯顯祖國際 學術研討會」論文集,中國遂昌,2006 年 9 月 22 – 25 日,頁 96-103

65 「宋代戲文《王煥》誨淫辨證」,載於由宋代文學學 SI TOU Sau-ieng 32 A 1 會,浙江大學,浙江工會大學主辦之「第四屆宋代 文學國際研討會」論文集,中國杭州,2005 年 9 月 10-15 日,杭州:浙江大學出版社,2006 年 10 月, 頁 473-85

66 「明代正德嘉靖時期『舊傳奇』『新駢綺』對崑劇之 SI TOU Sau-ieng 33 B 1 影響新論──文詞典雅、情致優美與浪漫頹唐」,宣 讀於由中國崑曲研究中心主辦之「第三屆中國崑曲 國際學術研討會」,中國蘇州,2006 年 7 月 5 – 9 日

# Student 148 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 67 「昆劇在西南地區發展芻議」,宣讀於由中國藝術研 SI TOU Sau-ieng 33 A 1 究院戲曲研究所,四川省川劇藝術研究院,四川藝 術職業學院及四川省川劇學校合辦之「川昆搶救繼 承展演暨中國地方戲與昆曲藝術論壇」,中國成都, 2007 年 5 月 25 – 26 日

68 「論杜麗娘和楊玉環之『情魂』」,宣讀於由中國古 SI TOU Sau-ieng 33 B 1 代戲曲學會與黑龍江大學文學院、黑龍江大學中國 古代戲曲與宋金文化研究中心聯合舉辦之「第六屆 中國古代戲曲年會暨國際學術研討會」,中國哈爾 濱,2006 年 12 月 24 – 27 日

69 「韋應物詩歌研究」 (“A Study of Wei Ying-wu and TSE Wai-kuen# 63 B 1 his Poems”), Oct 2006

70 〈編〉,《兩晉南北朝文學編年史》,湖南長沙:湖南 WANG Chunhong 14 A 1 人民出版社,2007 年 1 月,583 頁

# Student 149 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 71 「論永明年間王儉與蕭子良集團的對峙對齊梁文學 WANG Chunhong 21 A 1 發展之影響」,載於《文學遺產》,2006 年第 3 期, 頁 7;及載於《新華文摘》,2006 年第 18 期選摘, 頁 1;及載於復旦大學第二屆中國文論國際學術會 議論文集《追求科學與創新》,北京:中國文聯出版 社,2006 年 12 月,頁 12

72 「論謝靈運及其山水詩——兼論『莊、老告退,而 WANG Chunhong 31 A 1 山水方滋』」,載於「《文心雕龍》國際學術研討 會」論文集,日本福岡大學文心雕龍國際學術研討 編委會〈編〉,台灣:文史哲出版社,2007 年 3 月, 頁 24

73 「劉勰與劉穆之──從《異苑》兩條材料談劉勰的 WANG Chunhong 31 A 1 幾個問題」,載於由國立中山大學中國文學系主辦之 「2007《文心雕龍》國際學術研討會」論文集,台 灣高雄,2007 年 6 月 2 – 3 日,頁 479-86

# Student 150 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 74 「關於劉勰身世與學術淵源問題」,宣讀於由國立中 WANG Chunhong 33 A 1 山大學中國文學系主辦之「2007《文心雕龍》學術 研討會」,台灣高雄,2007 年 6 月 2 – 3 日

75 「道教靈寶派『投龍簡儀』之祝文對於南朝作家世 WANG Chunhong 33 A 1 界構造觀之影響」,宣讀於中國南開大學和美國威斯 康星大學合辦之「漢語與中國文學國際學術研討 會」,中國天津,2007 年 6 月 19 – 21 日

76 《中文集刊》,澳門:澳門大學出版中心,2006 年 WANG Chunhong 61 A 1 11 月,335 頁

77 “Patrick Tam e la ‘New Woman’ ” (“Patrick Tam and WONG Shuk-han Mary 12 A 1 the ‘New Woman’ ”), translated into Italian by Carla Carbonera, Patrick Tam: Dal Cuoe della New Wave (Patrick Tam: from the Heart of the New Wave), Alberto Pezzotta (ed), Udine: Udine Far East Film, 2007, pp 36-63

# Student 151 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 78 “After This Our Exile: la percezione dei sentimenti” WONG Shuk-han Mary 12 A 1 (“After This Our Exile: Perception of Feelings), translated into Italian by Carla Carbonera, Patrick Tam: Dal Cuoe della New Wave (Patrick Tam: from the Heart of the New Wave), Alberto Pezzotta (ed), Udine: Udine Far East Film, 2007, pp 409-14

79 「兩岸三地新電影的低調女性:試論關錦鵬的女性 WONG Shuk-han Mary 12 B 1 書寫」 (“Feminine Writing and the Cinema of Stanley Kwan”),載於《關錦鵬的光影記憶》 (In Critical Proximity: The Visual Memories of Stanley Kwan),張 美君〈編〉,香港:三聯,2007 年 4 月,頁 99-111

80 《坭街を行く人 II》 (Pedestrain on the Sandy Street WONG Shuk-han Mary 12 B 1 (II)), translated by Fujii Shozo, NHK Radio: Lecture on Chinese Culture, Tokyo, NHK, Jul 2006, pp 98-105

# Student 152 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 81 「胡金銓片目」 (“Filmography of King Hu”) ,載於 WONG Shuk-han Mary 21 A 1 《現代中文文學學報》 (「胡金銓專號」),第八卷 第一期,2007 年 1 月,頁 219-26 (in Chinese and English)

82 「從感覺到現實──望雲的文學和電影生涯」 WONG Shuk-han Mary 33 A 1 (“From Sensibility to Reality: A Study of Mong Wan’s Career on Film and Literature”),宣讀於由香港大學 亞洲研究中心、香港電影資料館合辦之「1950 至 1970 年代香港電影的冷戰因素學術研討會暨影人 座談會」,香港,2006 年 10 月 27 – 29 日

83 “From Korea to Hong Kong: A Study of the film WONG Shuk-han Mary 33 A 1 adaptation of the Story of Chunhyang”, presented at the International Conference on “China and Korea: A New Nexus in East Asia?”, organized by the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences of Lingnan University, Hong Kong, 30 – 31 May 2007

# Student 153 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 84 「生命的終結是不是愛情的終結?──談《八月照 LI Siu-wah and WONG 33 B 0.5 相館》」──電影:許秦豪《八月照相館》1998,宣 Shuk-han Mary 讀於由嶺南大學人文及社會科學研究所主辦之「人 文及社會科學研究所跨學科講座系列 2006-2007 之 韓國電影欣賞及講座系列(6)」,香港,2006 年 12 月 4 日

85 「想象中國的方法──以小說史研究為中心」,載 於 XU Zidong, WANG Der-wei 21 A 0.3334 《當代作家評論》,第 3 期,2007 年,頁 135-51 David and CHEN Pinyuan

86 「五四小說中的『啟蒙──愛情模式』:重讀《傷 XU Zidong 33 A 1 逝》、《春風沉醉的晚上》和《創造》」,宣讀於「中 國現代文學研究會第七屆年會」,2006 年 9 月 12 – 14 日

# Student 154 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 87 「房產符號.想像方式.意識形態空間」,宣讀於由 XU Zidong 33 B 1 中國文藝理論學會、《文學評論》編輯部、華東師範 大學中文系主辦,首都師範大學文藝學學科、福建 師範大學文學院、暨南大學中文系協辦之「『大眾傳 媒時代的文學生產』學術研討會暨中國文藝理論學 會年會」,中國上海,2006 年 12 月 15 – 17 日

Sub-total 85.8334

# Student 155 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category Cost Centre : 45 Department of English

1 “Fighting for What’s Fundamental: The Literature of ASKER Barry D 33 A 1 Fundamentalism – Salman Rushdie, V.S. Naipaul, Leo Tolstoy, Nadine Gordimer and John Updike”, presented at The International Conference on “Fundamentalism and Literature – Global/Local”, organized by The University of Münster, Münster, Germany, 19 – 22 Nov 2006

2 “Talking Terms: Raising Awareness of Terminology in BERRY Roger S 33 A 1 Language Teaching”, presented at the 8th International Conference of the Association for Language Awareness (ALA) on “Plurilingualism and Language Awareness: Discussing the Connections”, organized by ALA, Le Mans, France, 2 – 5 Jul 2006

# Student 156 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 3 “Getting Personal about Grammar”, presented at a BERRY Roger S 33 B 1 Seminar, organized by Department of English, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, Nov 2006

4 “Grammar Myths”, presented at Seminar, organized by BERRY Roger S 33 B 1 Language Centre of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, Mar 2007

5 “Love and Transgression: Arundhati Roy, Style and CHAN Wing-yi Monica# 33 B 1 Fundamental Values”, presented at the International Research Project and Conference on “Fundamentalism and Literature – Global/Local”, organized by the University of Munster, Germany, 19 – 22 Nov 2006

6 “A Stylistic Approach to The God of Small Things CHAN Wing-yi Monica# 63 B 1 written by Arundhati Roy”, Jun 2007

7 “Re-canonization of English Literature in China”, DING Ersu 12 B 1 English Studies in Asia, Masazumi Araki et al (eds), Silverfish Books, 2007, pp 85-99

# Student 157 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 8 “Quartet of the (Pre-)Modern: Tradition versus DING Ersu 12 B 1 Modernity in the Global Context”, Tradition & Modernity: Comparative Perspectives, Sun, Kang-i and Meng, Hua (eds), Beijing: Peking University Press, Jan 2007, pp 382-95

9 「譯後記」,載於《現代悲劇》(Chinese translation of DING Ersu 12 B 1 Modern Tragedy, by Raymond Williams),南京:譯林 出版社,2007 年 1 月,頁 219-21

10 「作為象徵資本的人文精神」 (“Humanistic Spirit as DING Ersu 22 B 1 Symbolic Capital”),載於《澳門人文學刊》,第 1 期 冬季號,2006 年 12 月,頁 49-52

11 《現代悲劇》(Chinese translation of Modern Tragedy, DING Ersu 45 D 1 by Raymond Williams),南京:譯林出版社,2007 年 1 月,210 頁

# Student 158 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 12 「對『他者』的挪用」 (Chinese translation of DING Ersu 45 D 1 “Appropriation of the ‘Other”),載於《中國學術》, 第 6 卷第 3 期,2007 年,頁 244-59

13 “The Discourse of Disease: The Representation of DUAN Jie# 63 B 1 SARS in the South China Morning Post and the China Daily”, May 2007

14 Two-way Mirrors: Cross-Cultural Studies on EOYANG Eugene Chen 11 A 1 Glocalization, Rowman and Littlefield: Lexington Books, Oct 2007, 212 pages

15 “Other as Self: Identification as Recognition and EOYANG Eugene Chen 21 A 1 Defamiliarization in Drama”, Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, Vol 30, Issue 3-4, 2006, pp 753-64

16 “Of ‘Invincible Spears and Impenetrable Shields’: The EOYANG Eugene Chen 21 A 1 Possibility of Impossible Translations”, Chinese Translators Journal, Vol 28, No 2, Mar 2007, pp 55-7

# Student 159 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 17 “Coat of Many Colors”, Quale America? Soglie e EOYANG Eugene Chen 21 A 1 culture di un continente, Venezia: Mazzanti Editori, Mar 2007, pp 151-63

18 “Cuentos Chinos (“Chinese Tales”): The New EOYANG Eugene Chen 21 A 1 Chinoiserie”, Chinese Cross Currents, Vol 4, No 2, Apr 2007, pp 94-113 (in English and Chinese)

19 “This Crazy Thing a Life: Australian Jewish FREADMAN Richard B 33 B 1 Autobiography”, presented at a Seminar, organized by Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Mar 2007; and also presented at a Seminar, organized by English Department of Lingnan University, Hong Kong, May 2007

20 Washing the Brain: Metaphor and Hidden Ideology, GOATLY Andrew P 11 A 1 John Benjamins Publishing, Jan 2007, 432 pages

21 “Metaphor and Ideology”, English Today, Vol 22, GOATLY Andrew P 22 A 1 Issue 3, Jul 2006, pp 25-39

# Student 160 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 22 “Functional Complementarity between Two HO Woon-yee Judy 21 A 1 Languages in ICQ”, International Journal of Bilingualism, Vol 10, No 4, Dec 2006, pp 429-51

23 “Code-mixing: Linguistic Form and Socio-Cultural HO Woon-yee Judy 21 A 1 Meaning”, International Journal of Language, Society and Culture, Jun 2007 [ cles.html]

24 Hong Kong: A Cultural and Literary History, joint INGHAM Michael A 11 A 1 publication by UK: Signal Book, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press and US: Oxford University Press, Feb 2007, 282 pages

25 “When 2+2 make 5. George Orwell’s 1984 in the INGHAM Michael A 22 B 1 hands of Tim Robbins”, Festmag – Hong Kong Arts Festival magazine (Article on Hong Kong Arts Festival theatre production), Sep 2006, pp 30-3

# Student 161 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 26 “Following the Dream; Passing the Meme – Does INGHAM Michael A 33 A 1 Meme Theory Make Sense? Case Studies from and after Shakespeare”, presented at 1st International Associação Braslleiro de Professores Universitários de Inglês (ABRAPUI) Conference, organized by ABRAPUI, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 3 – 6 Jun 2007

27 “Humanistic Approaches to Learning: Strategy Use, SHARP Alastair I 21 A 1 Personality and Second Language Learning Success”, International Journal of Learning, Vol 12, Issue 11, Nov 2006, pp 31-8

28 “Improving Reading Comprehension: Extensive SHARP Alastair I and FOO 21 A 0.5 Reading and Guided Reading in a Hong Kong Cheuk-ha School”, The Hong Kong Linguist, Vol 26, No 1-6, Dec 2006, pp 17-22

# Student 162 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 29 “The Learning Style Preferences of Chinese Students: SHARP Alastair I 33 A 1 Evidence from MBTI Studies”, presented at Chinese Learners Conference – Second International Conference on “Responding to the Needs of the Chinese Learner: Internationalising the University”, organized by University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, UK, 15 – 16 Jul 2006

30 “Personality, Intelligence and Learning Strategies”, SHARP Alastair I 33 B 1 presented at a Public Seminar, organized by Lingnan University, Hong Kong, Dec 2006

31 “Medium of Instruction Issues”, presented at a SHARP Alastair I 33 B 1 Seminar, organized by University of Namibia, Windhoek, Namibia, Mar 2007

32 Associate Editor, The International Journal of SHARP Alastair I 61 D 1 Learning

# Student 163 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 33 “A Corpus-based Synchronic Comparison and WU Shixiong# 63 B 1 Diachronic Interpretation of Lexicalized Emotion Metaphors in English and Chinese”, May 2007

34 “In Search of Commonalities: Some Linguistic and YEUNG Ngor-to Lorrita 21 A 1 Rhetorical Feature of Business Report as a Genre”, English for Specific Purposes, Vol 26, Issue 2, 2007, pp 156-79

35 “A Corpus Study of Additive Connectives: YEUNG Ngor-to Lorrita 33 A 1 ‘Moreover’, ‘In Addition’, ‘Furthermore’, and ‘Besides’ ”, presented at The 18th European Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference, organized by Centro Linguistico D’Ateneo, Gorizia, Italy, 20 – 22 July 2006

# Student 164 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 36 “The Problem of Chinese Inscrutability Revisited: A YEUNG Ngor-to Lorrita 33 A 1 Corpus Study Comparing Hong Kong Chinese Learners’ English Argumentative Writing with Those of Chinese and English Experts”, presented at 17th International Conference on Pragmatics & Language Learning, organized by University of Hawaii at Manoa, Hawaii, USA, 26 – 28 Mar 2007

Sub-total 35.5

# Student 165 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category Cost Centre : 48 Department of Translation

1 “Culture in Transmission: The Translation and CHAN Tak-hung Leo 33 B 1 Dissemination of Classical Chinese Literature”, presented at the Symposium on the “Translation of Chinese Classics”, organized by Chung Hwa Bookstore, School of Chinese, University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Translation Society, Hong Kong, 25 Nov 2006

2 “Translated Fiction as Travel Literature: The CHAN Tak-hung Leo 33 B 1 Murakami Phenomenon and the Reception of Translated Fiction”, presented at International Conference on Narrative, organized by Society for the Study of Narrative Literature, Washington, DC, USA, 15 – 18 Mar 2007

# Student 166 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 3 “Re-reading / Rewriting Translation History”, CHAN Tak-hung Leo 33 B 1 presented at the Third International Symposium on Translation, organized by Cheng-chi University, Taipei, Taiwan, 9 Jun 2007

4 Editor, Translation Quarterly, No 40, Summer 2006, CHAN Tak-hung Leo 61 D 1 116 pages

5 Editor, Translation Quarterly, No 41, Fall 2006, 114 CHAN Tak-hung Leo 61 D 1 pages

6 Editor, Translation Quarterly, No 42, Winter 2006, CHAN Tak-hung Leo 61 D 1 108 pages

7 “Of Renewed Interest: The Early History of Translated CHAN Tak-hung Leo 62 D 1 Fiction in China”, Translation Quarterly, No 42, Winter 2006, pp 99-106

# Student 167 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 8 “Censorship in Translation and Translation Studies in CHANG Nam-fung 33 B 1 Present-day China”, presented at International Conference on “Translation and Censorship – From the 18th Century to the Present Day”, organized by Portuguese Catholic University of Lisbon and Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Lisbon, Portugal, 27 – 28 Nov 2006

9 “Itamar Even-Zohar’s Culture Theory and Translation CHANG Nam-fung 33 B 1 Studies”, presented at the 1st Athens International Conference on “Translation and Interpretation: Translation: Between Art and Social Science”, organized by the Hellenic American Union, the School of Philosophy of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and the Hellenic American University, Athens, Greece, 13 – 14 Oct 2006; and also presented at the International Workshop on “Language, Culture and Translation”, organized by the Centre of Applied Linguistics and translation Studies, University of Hyderabad, India, 19 – 21 Feb 2007

# Student 168 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 10 “Introduction” (research introduction), Loud MU Aili and CHIU Chu-lee 12 A 0.5 Sparrows: Contemporary Chinese Short-shorts, New Julie York: Columbia University Press, Sep 2006

11 “On the Origin of Mahāyāna Buddhism: A Critical CHIU Chu-lee Julie 21 A 1 Review of Existing Theories”, The Buddhing Lotus, Vol 1, 2006, pp 24-31

12 “Nāgārjuna: A Mahāyānist by Rumour or by Choice?”, CHIU Chu-lee Julie 21 A 1 The Buddhing Lotus, Vol 1, 2006, pp 56-62

13 “Do Plants have Buddha Nature?”, The Buddhing CHIU Chu-lee Julie 21 A 1 Lotus, Vol 1, 2006, pp 109-14

14 “Mind Is a Reality”, The Buddhing Lotus, Vol 1, 2006, CHIU Chu-lee Julie 21 A 1 pp 152-8

15 “Flowers, Moon, Breeze and Snow: On Living in the CHIU Chu-lee Julie 21 A 1 Present Moment, Wonderful Moment”, The Buddhing Lotus, Vol 1, 2006, pp 188-95

# Student 169 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 16 Editor and Translator, Loud Sparrows: Contemporary MU Aili, CHIU Chu-lee Julie 45 D 0.3334 Chinese Short-shorts, New York: Columbia University and GOLDBLATT Howard Press, Sep 2006, 304 pages

17 “Buddhist Education under the Sponsorship of Tung CHIU Chu-lee Julie 45 D 1 Lin Kok Yuen” (Chinese original by Tsui Chung Hui), Hong Kong: Tung Lin Kok Yuen, Oct 2006 [ tml]

18 “All in a Smile” (Chinese original by Eva Tam), CHIU Chu-lee Julie 45 D 1 Woman to Love, Man to Quit (《雌雌地等,漫漫地 尋》), Hong Kong: MCCM Creations, May 2007, pp 26-31

19 Editor-in-Chief, The Buddhing Lotus, Vol 1, 2006 CHIU Chu-lee Julie 61 D 1

# Student 170 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 20 “Out of Thin Air: Blog from Tibet”, Alumni’s Blog, CHIU Chu-lee Julie 64 D 1 Hong Kong: The University of Hong Kong, Centre of Buddhist Studies Alumni Association, 2006 [ ml]

21 “The Manifold Reading of Han’s ‘Man’ ” (「二千零七 CHIU Chu-lee Julie 64 D 1 年的『男』言之隱」), Man, I Wish I Knew How to Quit You, Hong Kong: Grotto Fine Art, Nov 2006 (both in Chinese and English), pp 15-8; and also Woman to Love, Man to Quit (《雌雌地等,漫漫地尋》), Hong Kong: MCCM Creations, May 2007, pp 44-9, 50-4 (both in Chinese and English)

22 “Back to the ‘Woman’ Radical” (「回到『女』字『女』 CHIU Chu-lee Julie 64 D 1 體本身:談李惠嫻的看陶識字」), Woman to Love, Man to Quit (《雌雌地等,漫漫地尋》), Hong Kong: MCCM Creations, May 2007, pp 32-33, 34-38 (both in Chinese and English)

# Student 171 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 23 「原文垂死,翻譯催生?──目的論、食人論與電 CHONG Yau-yuk 21 A 1 影名稱的翻譯」 (“Skopos, Cannibalism and the Translation of Film Titles”),載於《當代》,第 231 期,2006 年 11 月,頁 92 -113

24 「翻出文字的性靈──論基督教靈修著作的翻譯」 CHONG Yau-yuk 21 A 1 (“Translation as Creative and Dynamic Transformation – On Translating Christian Spiritual Classics”),載於《中國神學研究院期刊》,第 42 期, 2007 年 1 月,頁 153 -178

25 「意識形態和詩學的制約與操控──盧雲作品的翻 CHONG Yau-yuk 22 B 1 譯與重寫」(“Constraints and Manipulation of Ideology and Poetics—Translation and Rewriting of the Works of Henry J. M. Nouwen”),載於《山道期刊》,卷九 第二期,總第 18 期,2006 年 12 月,頁 127-52

# Student 172 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 26 “Belief and Phenomenon -- A Critical Analysis of the CHONG Yau-yuk 33 A 1 Concept of the Original in Chinese Bible Translation” (「觀念與現象——聖經漢譯原文概念剖析」), presented at a Meeting of East-West Culture: Conference in Celebrating the 200th Anniversary of Rev Robert Morrison’s Arrival in China and The Fifth Conference on the History of Christianity in Modern China, organized by The Hong Kong Council of the Church of Christ in China, Centre for the Study of Religion and Chinese Society, Chung Chi College, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Modern History Research Centre, Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University, etc, Hong Kong, 26 – 28 Apr 2007

27 「寓言故事三則」(Chinese translation of three fables CHONG Yau-yuk 45 D 1 by James Thurber) ,載於《城巿文藝》,第一卷,第 6 期,2006 年 7 月,頁 87-8

# Student 173 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 28 「但願有人給我這樣的忠告」(Chinese translation of CHONG Yau-yuk 45 D 1 “Advice I Wish Someone Had Given Me” by Ann Darr),載於《城巿文藝》,第一卷,第 11 期,2006 年 11 月,頁 91

29 「給忠告」(Chinese translation of “Giving Advice” by CHONG Yau-yuk 45 D 1 J B Priestley),載 於《城巿文藝》,第 一 卷,第 11 期, 2006 年 11 月,頁 92

30 “Transferred or Transformed? The Translation of Gay LI Bo# 22 B 1 Literature in the Chinese Context”, Norwich Papers: Studies in Translation, Special Issue on : Identities – The Role of Translation in Global and National Contexts, Vol 14, 2006, pp 69-84

31 “Translator’s Invisibility and Presence: A Case Study LI Bo# 22 A 1 of Yan Fu’s Translation of Huxley’s Evolution and Ethics”, Translation Quarterly, Vol 42, 2006, pp 40-62

# Student 174 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 32 “English-Chinese Contrastive Linguistics from a LI Dong-hui 21 A 1 Translation Perspective” 「英漢對比研究的翻譯學視( 角」), Journal of Sichuan International Studies University, Vol 22, No 4, Jul 2006, pp 114-9

33 “Translation, Identity Politics and Diplomatic LI Dong-hui 33 A 1 Communication in the Tang China”, presented at The 5th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, organized by East West Council for Education, Asia-Pacific Research Institute of Peking University and University of Louisville-Center for Sustainable Urban Neighborhoods, Honolulu, USA, 12 – 15 Jan 2007

34 “A Study on Can Theory Help Translators? A MU Lei and LI Wenjing# 22 B 0.5 Dialogue Between Ivory Tower and Wordface”, Foreign Languages and Foreign Language Teaching, Dalian, PRC, No 3, 2007, pp 63, F0003-F0004

# Student 175 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 35 “The Oral Translator’s ‘Visibilities’: The Chinese LUNG Wai-chu Rachel 21 A 1 Translation of David Copperfield by Lin Shu and Wei Yi”, TTR: Traduction, Terminologie, Redaction, Vol 17, Issue 2, Aug 2006, pp 161-84 [Stephen C Soong Translation Studies Memorial Award – Special Mention]

36 “Psychodynamics of Orality in the Chinese LUNG Wai-chu Rachel 21 A 1 Co-translation of David Copperfield”, Norwich Papers: Studies in Translation, Vol 14, Sep 2006, pp 113-26

37 “Interpreting for Lin Shu – Why Bother?”, LUNG Wai-chu Rachel 21 A 1 International Journal of Translation, Vol 18, No 1-2, Oct 2006, pp 163-73

38 “Meanings of Yi (Interpreting or Translation) in LUNG Wai-chu Rachel 33 A 1 First-century China”, presented at Translation Studies Conference on “Translation and Translation — des faux amis: Tracing Translation(s) Across Disciplines”, organized by Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey, 5 – 8 Apr 2007

# Student 176 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 39 「互文性與翻譯」 (“Translation and Intertextuality”), LUO Xuanmin# 63 B 1 Sep 2006

40 “Mediating Cultural Tensions in Translating SUN Yi-feng 12 A 1 Otherness”, Translation, Cognition and Interdisciplinary Studies, X Luo (ed), Foreign Literature Press, Mar 2007, pp 197-217

41 “Historiography”, Encyclopedia of Globalization, SUN Yi-feng 12 B 1 Roland Robertson and Jan Aart Scholte (eds), Routledge, Oct 2006, pp 573-5

42 “Translating Foreign Otherness”, Across Languages SUN Yi-feng 21 A 1 and Cultures: A Multidisciplinary Journal for Translation and Interpreting Studies, Vol 7, Issue 1, Summer 2006, pp 23-36

43 “Translation Studies and Academic Standards” (「翻譯 SUN Yi-feng 21 A 1 研究的學術規範」), Southwest Education, Issue 4, Summer 2006, pp 1-6

# Student 177 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 44 “Translation and Cultural Fear of Foreign Otherness” SUN Yi-feng 21 A 1 ( 「翻譯與異質他者的文化焦慮」), Chinese Translators Journal, Vol 28, Issue 1, Jan 2007, pp 5-10

45 “Translation Studies and Cultural Identities” (「翻譯研 SUN Yi-feng 21 A 1 究與文化身份」), Journal of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Vol 18, Issue 2, Mar 2007, pp 22-7

46 “Cultural Diaspora and Foreignizing Translation”, SUN Yi-feng 21 A 1 Journal of Translation Studies, Vol 10, Issue 1, Jun 2007, pp 91-112

47 “A Variational Approach to Translation as a Method of SUN Yi-feng 31 A 1 English Teaching”, Proceedings of CELEA Annual Conference 2005, Du Ruiqing (ed), Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, Autumn 2006, pp 46-62

# Student 178 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 48 “Translational Attitudes and Cultural Interventions”, SUN Yi-feng 33 A 1 presented at 2nd Conference of the International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies (IATIS) on “Intervention in Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Encounters”, organized by IATIS, Cape, South Africa, 12 – 14 Jul 2006

49 “Displacement and Intervention: Re-Creating Literary SUN Yi-feng 33 B 1 Texts through Cross-Cultural Translation”,宣讀於由 中國外文局與中國翻譯協會主辦之「中譯外──中 國走向世界之路」高層論壇,中國北京,2007 年 4 月 6 – 7 日

50 “Postcards from Prague”, Islands and Continents: TONG Man Jasmine 45 D 1 Short Stories by Leung Ping-kwan, John Minford, Brian Holton and Chan Hung-chong Agnes (eds), Hong Kong University Press, May 2007, pp 39-42

51 “Problems of Translation: A Conversation”, The WONG Wai-yi Dorothy and 64 D 0.5 Island, 28 Mar 2007 (Midweek Review Section) DISSANAYAKE Wimal []

# Student 179 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 52 “In a Mood for Reflection: Hong Kong Cinema and WONG Wai-yi Dorothy and 64 D 0.5 Globalization”, iFilm Connections: Asia and Pacific (a DISSANAYAKE Wimal scholarly site under the direction of Jeannette Paulson Hereniko, founding director of the Hawaii International Film Festival and the President of Network for the Promotion of Asian Cinema), May 2007 []

53 “Metaphors and the Discourse of the Late-Vctorian YUE Man-cheung Isaac 21 A 1 Divided Self: The Cultural Implications of Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and Its Chinese Translations”, Jounral of Stevenron Studies, Vol 3, Issue 3, Dec 2006, pp 21-30

54 “The Process of Translation as a Cultural Discourse: YUE Man-cheung Isaac 33 B 1 Samuel Kidd and the Victorian (Mis-)Interpretation of China”, presented at “Home and Abroad: Transnational England, 1750-1850”, Oxford University, Oxford, UK, 28 Jul 2006

Sub-total 51.3334

# Student 180 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category Cost Centre : 50 Department of History

1 “An Artist’s Struggles in a Transitioning Korea: CHOU Ai-ling Grace 33 B 1 Chinese Influences and Korean Cultural Traditions” – Film: Chihwaseon by Im Kwon-taek 2002 (《醉畫仙》 林灌澤導演), presented at Institute of Humanities & Social Sciences (IHSS) Interdisciplinary Seminar Series – Korean Film Appreciation and Lecture Series (1), organized by IHSS of Lingnan University, Hong Kong, 9 Nov 2006

2 “Exiled in Hong Kong: Promoting Chinese Culture on CHOU Ai-ling Grace 33 B 1 China’s Edge”, presented at 121st Annual Meeting on “Unstable Subjects: Practicing History in Unsettled Times”, organized by American Historical Association, Atlanta, USA, 4 – 7 Jan 2007

# Student 181 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 3 “Cultural Education as Containment: The Ambivalent CHOU Ai-ling Grace 33 B 1 Position of American NGOs in 1950’s Hong Kong”, presented at an International Conference on Hong Kong: History and Society, organized by Lingnan University, Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Institute of Modern History of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and Guangdong Academy of Social Sciences, Hong Kong, 7 – 8 Jun 2007

4 “The First Generation of American Millionaires: Being FICHTER James R 33 A 1 Rich in the Early Republic, 1793-1815”, presented at Society for Historians of the Early American Republic, organized by Society for Historians of the Early American Republic, Montreal, Canada, Jul 2006

5 “Napoleon Bonaparte and the Mythical Invasion of FICHTER James R 33 A 1 India, 1798-1799”, presented at 34th Annual Meeting of Western Society for French History, organized by California State University, Long Beach, CA, USA, 19 – 21 Oct 2006

# Student 182 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 6 “Cape Town, Mauritius, and Batavia in the FICHTER James R 33 A 1 Indo-Pacific World, 1793-1815: An International History”, presented at International Conference on Indian and Pacific Crossings: Perspectives on Globalization and History, organized by , Fremantle, Australia, 12 – 15 Dec 2006

7 “Bonaparte’s Mythical Invasion of India and the FICHTER James R 33 D 1 British Empire it Built, 1798-1799”, presented at Department of History Research Seminar, organized by Hong Kong University, Hong Kong, Mar 2007

8 “Creating Millionaires: Identity and Image in FICHTER James R 33 A 1 American Merchant Society, 1793-1815”, presented at Early American History in Global Perspective, organized by Fulbright Foundation, US State Department, and Nankai University, Tianjin, PRC, May 2007

9 “Tales Form the Vault”, Common-place, Vol 7, No 1, FICHTER James R 62 B 1 Oct 2006 []

# Student 183 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 10 Book Review of The Economy of Early America: FICHTER James R 62 D 1 Historical Perspectives & New Directions (edited by Cathy Matson, US: Penn State University Press, 2006), Common-place, Vol 7, No 1, Oct 2006

11 “Representing the Public Sphere: The New Journalism HAMPTON Mark A 33 A 1 and its Scholars”, presented at a Conference on “Transatlantic Print Culture, 1880-1940: Emerging Media, Emerging Modernisms”, organized by University of Delaware, USA, 27 – 28 Apr 2007

12 《屯門歷史與文化》,香港:屯門區議會,2007 年 3 LAU Chi-pang 11 B 1 月,143 頁

# Student 184 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 13 「從青山寺『香海名山』牌坊看英國殖民地下的華 LAU Chi-pang 33 B 1 人縉紳」 (“The ‘Xiang Hai Ming Shan’ Arch and the Chinese Gentry of Hong Kong”),載於由山東省威海 市檔案館、香港歷史博物館及山東大學威海分校合 辦之「晚清時期英國在華租借地歷史文化國際學術 研討會論文集」,中國威海,2006 年 10 月 20 – 22 日,頁 214-7

14 “The Location of Tuen Mun in Ancient China”, LAU Chi-pang 33 B 1 presented at an International Conference on “Commemoration of the Centennial Birthday of the Late Professor Lo Hsiang-lin”, organized by School of Chinese and Centre of Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Arts of Sun Yat-sen University, Hong Kong Museum of History and others, Hong Kong, 4 – 5 Nov 2006

# Student 185 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 15 「《新安縣志》中的香港史料」, presented at an LAU Chi-pang 33 B 1 International Conference on Hong Kong: History and Society, organized by Lingnan University, Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Institute of Modern History of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and Guangdong Academy of Social Sciences, Hong Kong, 7 – 8 Jun 2007

16 “Ping Shan Airport Incident 1945–1946”, presented at SHAM Wai-chi# 33 B 1 The Eleventh Asian Studies Conference Japan, organized by The Asian Studies Conference Japan, Tokyo, Japan, 23 – 24 Jun 2007

Sub-total 16

# Student 186 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category Cost Centre : 51 Department of Cultural Studies Department of Philosophy Chinese Language Education and Assessment Centre English Language Education and Assessment Centre

1 “Cultural Studies through Education”, presented at CHAN Ching-kiu Stephen and 33 A 1 2006 Association for Cultural Studies (ACS) HUI Po-keung Crossroads Conference, organized by ACS, Istanbul, Turkey, 20 – 23 Jul 2006

2 “Strategies in Cultural Planning, Imagination for an CHAN Ching-kiu Stephen 33 A 1 Alternative Urban Future: Post-Colonial Culture as Resource and Technology of Citizenship in Hong Kong”, presented at 2007 Inter-Asia Cultural Studies (IACS) Society Shanghai Conference on “Conditions of Knowledge and Cultural Production”, organized by Center for Contemporary Culture Studies, Shanghai University and IACS Society, Shanghai, PRC, 15 – 17 Jun 2007

# Student 187 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 3 “For the Critical Uses of Cultural Research: CHAN Ching-kiu Stephen and 33 A 1 Educational Reform as Cultural Process in the HUI Po-keung Integrated Humanities Curricular Implementation”, presented at 2007 Inter-Asia Cultural Studies (IACS) Society Shanghai Conference on “Conditions of Knowledge and Cultural Production”, organized by Center for Contemporary Culture Studies, Shanghai University and IACS Society, Shanghai, PRC, 15 – 17 Jun 2007

4 “Three Modes of Subjectivity from Literary to CHAN Ching-kiu Stephen 33 B 1 Cultural Studies: Critique, Institution, and Pedagogy” (in Chinese), presented at Chinese Cultural Studies Summer Institute 2007, organized by Center for Contemporary Chinese Culture Studies, Shanghai University, Shanghai, PRC, 19 – 23 Jun 2007

# Student 188 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 5 “The ‘Cinematicity’ of Shui-xiu: Pre-modernity, CHAN Kim-mui Elaine 33 B 1 Modernity and Postmodernity”, presented at Conference on “Cinematicity” 1895: Before and After, organized by British Comparative Literature Association and Centre for Film Studies, University of Essex, Colchester, UK, 24 – 25 Mar 2007

6 《旅遊文化、經濟與社區政治:鯉魚門個案研究》 (A CHAN Shun-hing, LEUNG 11 B 1 Study on Toursim Culture, Economics and Community Yuk-ming Lisa and IP Politics: The Case of Lei Yue Mun),香港 : 嶺南大學 Iam-chong 文化研究系,2006 年 8 月,62 頁

7 《中國當代文學的敘事與性別》(增訂版)(Narrative CHAN Shun-hing 11 B 1 and Gender in Contemporary Chinese Literature (revised edition),北京:北京大學出版社,2007 年 5 月,227 頁

8 〈編〉,《多彩的和平──108 名婦女的故事》 CHAN Shun-hing, LAU 14 B 0.5 (Colours of Peace),北京:中央編譯出版社,2007 Kin-chi, DAI Jinhua and 年 5 月,1093 頁 CHUNG Hsiu-mei

# Student 189 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 9 “Negotiating Culture, Economics, and Community CHAN Shun-hing, IP 21 A 1 Politics: The Practice of Lei Yue Mun Tourism in Iam-chong and LEUNG Postcolonial Hong Kong”, Cultural Studies Review, Yuk-ming Lisa Vol 12, Issue 2, Sep 2006, pp 107-28

10 “Women, Peace, and Feminism”, Women In Action, CHAN Shun-hing 22 B 1 Issue 2, 2006, pp 61-5

11 “Peace and Gender Politics Across Borders – CHAN Shun-hing and LAU 33 B 1 Implications of the 1000 Peace Women Project”, Kin-chi presented at The 39th Social Policy Association (SPA) Conference on “The State of Welfare: Past, Present and Future – An International Social Conference”, organized by SPA, Birmingham, UK, 18 – 20 Jul 2006

12 “Situating Peace in ‘Women’ and ‘the Everyday’: CHAN Shun-hing 33 B 1 Theories and Practices”, presented at a Workshop on “Peace, Women, and the Everyday: Across Borders, Beyond War, and for Change”, organized by Kwan Fong Cultural Research and Development Programme and Department of Cultural Studies of Lingnan University, Hong Kong, 26 – 27 May 2007

# Student 190 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 13 “Fantasizing Rape: Sexual Violence or Entertainment? CHAN Shun-hing 33 B 1 A Critical Review on an Encounter between Feminists and ”, presented at 2007 Inter-Asia Cultural Studies (IACS) Society Shanghai Conference on “Conditions of Knowledge and Cultural Production”, organized by Center for Contemporary Culture Studies, Shanghai University and IACS Society, Shanghai, PRC, 15 – 17 Jun 2007

14 《嗅覺記憶──我的七十年代》,香港:進一步多媒 CHAN Shun-hing 41 D 1 體,2007 年 6 月,92 頁

15 “Lost in Lingnan: In Search of Hong Kong History CHAN Wai-yin# 33 B 1 and Identity”, presented at the Pre-Conference for the 2007 Inter-Asia Cultural Studies (IACS) Society Shanghai Conference, organized by Center for Contemporary Culture Studies, Shanghai University and IACS Society, Shanghai, PRC, 15 Jun 2007

16 「我係他者」 (“JE est un autre”),載於《字花》 CHENG Wai-pang# 22 B 1 (Fleurs des Lettres),第二期,2006 年,頁 120-1

# Student 191 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 17 「在回歸十周年前夕細讀一則十年前的政治寓言」 CHENG Wai-pang# 22 B 1 (“In 2007, Reading a Political Fable Written in 1997”),載 於《今天》,第 77 期,2007 年夏,頁 172-7

18 “The Masculine Mystique: the Discourses of CHENG Wai-pang# 33 B 1 Masculinity in the Feminist Journal Nuliu”, presented at 2007 Inter-Asia Cultural Studies (IACS) Society Shanghai Conference on “Conditions of Knowledge and Cultural Production”, organized by Center for Contemporary Culture Studies, Shanghai University and IACS Society, Shanghai, PRC, 15 – 17 Jun 2007

中國當代婦女研究對女性主義 CHENG Wai-pang# 63 B 1׃性別話語的協商」 19 話語的接受與建構(1980-2000) 」 (“Cultural Negotiation of Gender Discourse: the Reception and Construction of Feminist Discourse in Contemporary Women’s Studies in Mainland China (1980-2000)”), Jun 2007

# Student 192 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 20 “Flaunting Identity: Spatial Figurations and the ERNI John N 12 A 1 Display of Sexuality”, Rhetorics of Display, Lawrence J Prelli (ed), University of South Carolina Press, Jul 2006, pp 311-26

21 “SARS, Avian Flu, and the Urban Double-take”, ERNI John N 12 A 1 SARS, Reception and Interpretation in Three Chinese Cities, Deborah Davis and Helen Siu (eds), New York: Routledge, Jan 2007, pp 45-73

22 “Epidemic Imaginary: Performing Global Figurations ERNI John N 21 A 1 of ‘Third World AIDS’ ”, Space and Culture: International Journal of Social Spaces, Vol 9, Issue 4, Nov 2006, pp 429-52

23 “War, ‘Incendiary Media’, and International Law”, ERNI John N 21 A 1 FLOW: An Online Journal of Television and Media Studies, 2006 []

# Student 193 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 24 “Gender and Everyday Evasions: Moving with ERNI John N 21 A 1 ”, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, Vol 8, Issue 1, Mar 2007, pp 86-105

25 “Harry Potter and ‘Magical Capitalism’ in Urban ERNI John N 32 A 1 China”, Proceedings of the Cultural Space and Public Sphere in Asia: An International Conference, Seoul, S. Korea: Asia’s Future Foundation, 2006, pp 2-12

26 “Between Production and Consumption: The Tourism ERNI John N 32 A 1 Service Class as ‘Cultural Intermediaries’ ”, Proceedings of the First Conference of International Colloquium on Tourism and Leisure (ICTL), Chiang Mai, Thailand: ICTL, 7 – 10 May 2007, pp 1-26 (CD-Rom version)

27 “What Identity?: Homospectating on South Beach”, ERNI John N 33 A 1 presented at a Conference on Queer Space, University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, Australia, 20 – 21 Feb 2007

# Student 194 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 28 “Cultural Studies, Human Rights, and Power”, ERNI John N 33 A 1 presented at 5th Annual Meeting of the Cultural Studies Association (CSA), organized by CSA (U.S.), Portland, USA, 19 – 21 Apr 2007

29 “Clintonism: A (Small) Archaeology of Knowledge”, ERNI John N 33 A 1 presented at the International Roundtable on Discourse Analysis, organized by City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 10 – 12 May 2007

30 “How to Have a Queer Day in Asia”, presented at ERNI John N 33 A 1 2007 Inter-Asia Cultural Studies (IACS) Society Shanghai Conference on “Conditions of Knowledge and Cultural Production”, organized by Center for Contemporary Culture Studies, Shanghai University and IACS Society, Shanghai, PRC, 15 – 17 Jun 2007

# Student 195 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 31 “Is There a Global Heterosexualism?”, presented at ERNI John N 33 A 1 2007 Inter-Asia Cultural Studies (IACS) Society Shanghai Conference on “Conditions of Knowledge and Cultural Production”, organized by Center for Contemporary Culture Studies, Shanghai University and IACS Society, Shanghai, PRC, 15 – 17 Jun 2007

32 “Digital Literacies in Mobile Text-messaging among LIN Angel and ERNI John N 33 A 0.5 Hong Kong Youth”, presented at 2007 Inter-Asia Cultural Studies (IACS) Society Shanghai Conference on “Conditions of Knowledge and Cultural Production”, organized by Center for Contemporary Culture Studies, Shanghai University and IACS Society, Shanghai, PRC, 15 – 17 Jun 2007

33 “Putting Human Rights Practices into Cultural ERNI John N 33 B 1 Studies”, presented at a Symposium on “Rights: Circulation, Appropriation, and Hegemony in Inter-Asia”, organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 8 – 9 Dec 2006

# Student 196 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 34 “Youth and the Political Future of Politics”, presented ERNI John N 33 B 1 at the International Conference on “Inter-Asian Culture, Communication, Conflict, and Peace”, organized by City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 4 – 5 May 2007

35 “The New Danish Model for Filmmaking: A Cultural HJORT Mette A 33 B 1 Resource for Small Nations”, Keynote Speaker (as a Distinguished Visiting Professor), presented at a conference, organized by Department of Scandinavian Studies, University College London, London, UK, 17 Jan 2007

36 《資本主義不是甚麽》 (What Capitalism is Not), 上 HUI Po-keung 11 A 1 海人民出版社,2007 年 3 月,349 頁 (This is an updated and expanded version of 《資本主義不是甚 麽》 (What Capitalism is Not), published by Hong Kong Oxford University Press in 2002. Two new chapters and a new introduction were added.)

# Student 197 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 37 “Contextual Utility and Practicality: Cultural Research HUI Po-keung and CHAN 21 A 1 for the School Community in Hong Kong”, Cultural Ching-kiu Stephen Studies Review, Vol 12, No 2, Sep 2006, pp 165-82

38 「自由競爭的真義」,載於《讀書》,第 4 期,2007 HUI Po-keung 22 B 1 年 4 月,頁 3-11

39 「香港的反智傾向──近十年香港的知識生產與大 HUI Po-keung 22 B 1 學教育檢討」,載於《新周刋》,第 253 期,2007 年 6 月,頁 60-1

40 「民粹的邏輯、犬儒的後果」,載於《誠品好讀》, HUI Po-keung 22 B 1 第 77 期,2007 年 6 月,頁 38

41 「從政治經濟學到文化經濟學」,宣讀於由上海華東 HUI Po-keung 33 B 1 師範大學主辦之「上海華東師範大學思與文講座」, 中國上海,2007 年 5 月 17 日

# Student 198 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 42 “Dancing with the Party-state: Recontextualize IP Iam-chong 33 B 1 ‘Culture’ in Contemporary China” (「與黨國共舞:當 代中國『文化』的新語境脈絡」), presented at a Departmental Seminar, organized by Kwan Fong Cultural Studies Programme of Lingnan University, Hong Kong, 16 Oct 2006

43 「擺脫束縛的都市經驗與文化:珠江三角洲農民工 IP Iam-chong 33 B 1 家庭研究」,宣讀於由台大城鄉所、文化研究學會主 辦之「城流鄉動:2007 年文化研究學會年會」,台 北,2007 年 1 月 6 – 7 日

44 “Beyond Civil Society: A Case Study of Media IP Iam-chong 33 B 1 Activism and Historical Preservation Movement in Hong Kong”, presented at OurMedia - NUESTROSMedios 6th International Conference on “Sustainable Futures: Roles & Challenges for Community, Alternative and Citizens’ Media in the 21st Century”, organized by University of Western Sydney and University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, Australia, 9 – 13 Apr 2007

# Student 199 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 45 “What Sort of Globalization – A Round-table LAU Kin-chi 12 B 1 Discussion” (in Chinese), The Site of Dushu, Beijing: Joint Publishers, May 2007, pp 158-70

46 “Fear, Violence, Fatherland, and Women” (in LAU Kin-chi 12 B 1 Chinese), The Site of Dushu, Beijing: Joint Publishers, May 2007, pp 255-64

47 “The Clay Pot and The Iron Pot” (in Chinese), Intense LAU Kin-chi 12 B 1 Gaze, Beijing: Joint Publishers, May 2007, pp 220-30

48 “The Question of Honour and Humiliation” (in LAU Kin-chi 12 B 1 Chinese), Intense Gaze, Beijing: Joint Publishers, May 2007, pp 30-9

49 “Hope for Peace Glimmering in the Ordinary” (in LAU Kin-chi 12 B 1 Chinese), Colours of Peace (《多彩的和平──108 名 婦女的故事》), Chan Shun-hing, Lau Kin-chi, Dai Jinhua and Chung Hsiu-mei (eds), Beijing: CCTP, May 2007, pp 1024-9

# Student 200 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 50 “The Soil of Hope” (in Chinese), Colours of Peace LAU Kin-chi 12 B 1 (《多彩的和平──108 名婦女的故事》), Chan Shun-hing, Lau Kin-chi, Dai Jinhua and Chung Hsiu-mei (eds), Beijing: CCTP, May 2007, pp 1038-45

51 “Forging Peaceful Development from Below” (in LAU Kin-chi 12 B 1 Chinese), Colours of Peace (《多彩的和平──108 名 婦女的故事》), Chan Shun-hing, Lau Kin-chi, Dai Jinhua and Chung Hsiu-mei (eds), Beijing: CCTP, May 2007, pp 1067-71

52 “Untimely Reflections on Modernization in China” (in LAU Kin-chi 21 A 1 German), Peripherie, Vol 103, Issue 26, Sep 2006, pp 255-90

53 “Conditions of Critical Intellectuals in China” (in LAU Kin-chi 21 A 1 French), Alternatives Sud: Le Miracle Chinois vu de l’intérieur, Vol 12, No 4, Dec 2006, pp 7-16

# Student 201 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 54 “Representation of Rural China in the Discourse of LAU Kin-chi 21 A 1 Modernization” (in French), Alternatives Sud: Le Miracle Chinois vu de l’intérieur, Vol 12, No 4, Dec 2006, pp 17-30

55 “Hope for Peace Embedded in the Ordinary – LAU Kin-chi 22 B 1 Peacewomen’s Teaching Without Teaching”, Women in Action, Vol 2, 2006, pp 43-9

56 “Touching the Zapatistas: To Be Visible” (in German), LAU Kin-chi 22 B 1 Ila 298, Sep 2006, pp 26-8

57 “Peace Women and Local Governance in China”, LAU Kin-chi 33 B 1 presented at Women and Local Governance Workshop, organized by Suncheon City Council & ARENA, Suncheon, South Korea, 15 – 16 Nov 2006

58 “Women’s Endeavours for Justice”, presented at a LAU Kin-chi 33 B 1 Symposium on Gender and Peace, World Social Forum, organized by PeaceWomen Across the Globe, Nairobi, Kenya, 21 Jan 2007

# Student 202 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 59 “Actions from the Margin”, presented at a Workshop LAU Kin-chi 33 B 1 on “Peace, Women, and the Everyday: Across Borders, Beyond War, and for Change”, organized by Kwan Fong Cultural Research and Development Programme and Department of Cultural Studies of Lingnan University, Hong Kong, 26 May 2007

60 《不可能之可能:和平、婦女、諾貝爾獎》(紀錄片) LAU Kin-chi and CHAN 43 D 1 (A Documentary on Making Possible the Impossible – Shun-hing Peace, Women, Nobel Prize),嶺南大學群芳文化研究 及發展部性別及日常生活研究計劃,陳順馨、劉健 芝〈監製〉,製作:二像創作,2007 年 5 月 (DVD)

61 《讓世界看見》(紀錄片) (A Documentary on Let the LAU Kin-chi, DAI Jinhua and 43 D 0.6667 World See),嶺南大學群芳文化研究及發展部性別及 CHAN Shun-hing 日常生活研究計劃 (Gender and Everyday Life Research Cluster, Kwan Fong Cultural Research and Development Programme),劉健芝、戴錦華、陳順 馨〈監製〉,製作:北京手牽手文化交流中心,2007 年 5 月 (DVD)

# Student 203 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 62 “Dialogue of Modernity between Chinese and Western LAW Suk-mun Sophia 22 A 1 Painting”, Yishu Xue, Vol 3, Issue 3, May 2007, pp 90-8

63 “The Art of Lin Fengmain (1900-1991) – Fusing East LAW Suk-mun Sophia 33 A 1 and West”, presented at The 2006 Southeastern College Art Conference (SECAC) and Mid-America College Art Association (MACAA) Annual Conference, organized by SECAC and MACAA, Nashville, USA, 25 – 28 Oct 2006 (The abstract was posted on the SECAC website)

64 “From Open Society to the Global Crisis of LAW Wing-sang 12 A 1 Capitalism” (in Chinese), Reconstructing Our Imaginary of the World. Dushu Reader (1996-2005), Dushu Journal (ed), Beijing: Joint Publishing Company, May 2007, pp 152-61

65 “The Violence of Time and Memory Undercover: LAW Wing-sang 21 A 1 Hong Kong’s Infernal Affairs”, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, Vol 7, Issue 3, Sep 2006, pp 383-402

# Student 204 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 66 “The Impacts of Cultural Cold War and the LAW Wing-sang 32 A 1 Vicissitudes of Chinese Cultural Nationalism in Hong Kong”, Proceedings of “Dynamics of Cold War Culture in East Asia: Cultural Changes in the Region during the Cold War in 1960-70s and Cultural Politics of the Nation State”, Seoul, Korea: Institute for East Asian Studies, Apr 2007, pp 160-71

67 “Politics of Collective Memory in Post-Colonial Hong LAW Wing-sang 33 A 1 Kong: Depoliticization and the Cultural Cold War” (「後殖民香港的集體回憶:去政治化與文化冷戰」), presented at 2007 Inter-Asia Cultural Studies (IACS) Society Shanghai Conference on “Conditions of Knowledge and Cultural Production”, organized by Center for Contemporary Culture Studies, Shanghai University and IACS Society, Shanghai, PRC, 15 – 17 Jun 2007

# Student 205 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 68 “Belated Modernity and Local Autonomous LAW Wing-sang 33 B 1 Subjecthood”, presented at Culture, Politics and Our Futures Symposium, organized by Master of Cultural Studies Programme, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, 10 Dec 2006

69 “Colonial Studies and Hong Kong Studies”, presented LAW Wing-sang 33 B 1 at Cultural Studies in the Chinese Language Sphere Workshop, organized by Department of Cultural Studies, Shanghai University, Shanghai, PRC, 19 – 23 Jun 2007

70 “Cultural Studies, Schooling and Transformation: LAW Yuen-fun Muriel# 33 A 1 Educational Experience in Contemporary Hong Kong”, presented at 2007 Inter-Asia Cultural Studies (IACS) Society Shanghai Conference on “Conditions of Knowledge and Cultural Production”, organized by Center for Contemporary Culture Studies, Shanghai University and IACS Society, Shanghai, PRC, 15 – 17 Jun 2007

# Student 206 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 71 “Cultivating Identities and Differences: A Case Study LAW Yuen-fun Muriel# 63 B 1 of the Hong Kong Junior Secondary Economic and Public Affairs Curriculum”, Oct 2006

72 〈編〉,《大事件:記香港 WTO 採訪》,香港:正委 LEUNG Yuk-ming Lisa 14 B 1 會及獨立媒體(香港),2006 年 12 月,124 頁

73 「偷拍風潮下的媒體與私隱」,載於《思》,第 102 LEUNG Yuk-ming Lisa 22 B 1 期,2006 年 11 月,頁 9-12

74 「《中大學生報》所引發的審查問題」,載於《傳媒 LEUNG Yuk-ming Lisa 22 B 1 透視》,2007 年 6 月號,頁 3-5

75 “Circulating ‘Modernity’, (de)facing Nationalisms: LEUNG Yuk-ming Lisa 33 A 1 Nip & Tuck, Young Chinese Women and Korean Wave”, presented at 2006 Association for Cultural Studies Crossroads Conference, organized by The Association for Cultural Studies, Istanbul, Turkey, 20 – 23 Jul 2006

# Student 207 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 76 “Performing the Youthful Body: Discussing Korean LEUNG Yuk-ming Lisa 33 A 1 TV dramas On-line”, presented at a Conference on “Youth, Media and Culture in the Asia Pacific Region”, organized by Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, 30 Nov – 1 Dec 2006

77 「談韓國電視劇中的女性形象:以《大長今》及《我 LEUNG Yuk-ming Lisa 33 B 1 係金三珣》為例」,宣讀於由嶺南大學人文及社會科 學研究所主辦之「人文及社會科學研究所跨學科講 座系列 2006-2007 之韓國電影欣賞及講座系列 (2)」,香港,2006 年 11 月 23 日

78 “Reading (Fat) Heroines in Korean and Hong Kong LEUNG Yuk-ming Lisa 33 B 1 TV Dramas among Hong Kong Audience”, presented at the International Conference on “China and Korea: A New Nexus in East Asia?”, organized by Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences of Lingnan University, Hong Kong, 30 – 31 May 2007

# Student 208 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 79 “Compending & Social Economic Reality in Asia”, LEUNG Yuk-ming Lisa 33 B 1 Keynote Speech presented at Asian Bishops Conference, organized by Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences, Thailand, 12 – 15 Jun 2007

80 “Ambiguously Lesbian, Explicitly Cross-Dressing: LI Siu-leung 33 A 1 The Self-Fashioning of a Beijing Opera Idol and the Articulation of Female Masculinity”, presented at 2007 Inter-Asia Cultural Studies (IACS) Society Shanghai Conference on “Conditions of Knowledge and Cultural Production”, organized by Center for Contemporary Culture Studies, Shanghai University and IACS Society, Shanghai, PRC, 15 – 17 Jun 2007

81 “Ambiguously Gay as Identity: Denise Ho’s Musical, LI Siu-leung 33 B 1 Music Video and Cantopop”, presented at a Workshop on “Bodies and Urban Space”, organized b Kwan Fong Cultural Research and Development Programme of Lingnan University, Hong Kong, 10 Mar 2007

# Student 209 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 82 “Fe/male Impersonation in Beijing Opera: The LI Siu-leung 33 B 1 In-Between, the Marginal, and the New Generation”, presented at The Chinese Oral and Performing Literature (CHINOPERL) 2007 Annual Conference, organized by CHINOPERL, Boston, USA, 22 Mar 2007

83 “The ‘Myth’ of the Non-official Internet Film Forums LIANG Xiaodao# 32 A 1 in Mainland China: The Online Construction of the Identity of Young Film Fans”, Proceedings of 2006 Asia Youth Culture Camp on “Doing Culture Space in Asia”, organized by the Asia Culture Forum, South Korea, 26 – 29 Oct 2006, Kim Shin-dong, Shin Hyun-joon, Yoon Tae-jin, Kim Ye-ran and Hong Jung-eun (eds), Oct 2006, pp 171-8

84 “Skepticism, Realism, Fallibilism: On Lem’s LIVINGSTON Paisley N 12 A 1 Epistemological Themes”, The Art and Science of Stanislaw Lem, Peter Swirski (ed), McGill-Queen’s University Press, Nov 2006, pp 117-29

# Student 210 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 85 “Utile Et Dulce: A Response to Noël Carroll”, The LIVINGSTON Paisley N 21 A 1 British Journal of Aesthetics, Vol 46, Issue 3, Jul 2006, pp 274-81

86 “Elusive Narrativity”, presented at Biannual Meeting LIVINGSTON Paisley N 33 B 1 of the IGEL, organized by International Association for the Empirical Study of Literature, Germany, 12 Aug 2006

87 “Response to Commentaries by 5 Philosophers on Art LIVINGSTON Paisley N 33 B 1 and Intention”, presented at Annual Meeting of the American Society for Aesthetics, American Society for Aesthetics, Milwaukee, USA, 22 Oct 2006

88 “Response to Commentaries by three Philosophers on LIVINGSTON Paisley N 33 B 1 Art and Intention”, presented at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Division of the American Philosophical Association, organized by American Philosophical Association, Washington DC, USA, 29 Dec 2006

# Student 211 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 89 “On Joint Authorship and Multimedia”, presented at LIVINGSTON Paisley N 33 B 1 the Departmental Colloquium, organized by Department of Music, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 8 Feb 2007

90 “Hot and Cold Irrationality in the Films of Ingmar LIVINGSTON Paisley N 33 B 1 Bergman”, presented at Conference on “Rationality in Drama and Fiction, organized by Department of Economics/ELSE, University College, London, UK, 5 May 2007

91 「孟子道德思想的哲學重構」(“A Philosophical LO Chun-cheong Albertini# 63 B 1 Reconstruction of Mencius’s Ethical Thought”), Sep 2006

92 “A Philosophical Reconstruction of Qian Mu’s Ethical LO Kit-hung 21 A 1 View” 「從圓滿主義重構錢穆的儒家倫理觀」( ), New Asia Academic Bulletin, Issue 19, Oct 2006, pp 173-87

# Student 212 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 93 《陜西關中東府五縣市方言志》 (Dialectal MA Maopeng, LIU Jing, 11 A 0.1667 Chronicles of Five Cities of Shaanxi Province),西 YANG Yinmei, LI Hong, LI Fei 安:陜西師範大學出版社,2006 年 12 月,頁 494 and ZHENG Hong

94 「上古漢語前置音的語音性質」 (“The Phonetic MA Maopeng 33 A 1 Nature of the Prefix of Old Chinese”),宣讀於由南京 大學主辦之「漢語音韻學第九屆國際學術研討會」, 中國南京,2006 年 8 月 23 – 25 日

95 “Cultural Studies, Critical Theory and the Question of MORRIS Meaghan E 12 B 1 Genre: History in Action Adventure”, Visual Culture and Critical Theory (《文化的視覺系統 II:日常生活 與大眾文化》), Joyce C H Liu (ed), Taiwan: Rye Field Publishing Company, Sep 2006, pp 125-49

# Student 213 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 96 “Transnational Imagination in Action Cinema: Hong MORRIS Meaghan E 12 B 1 Kong and the Making of a Global Popular Culture”, Visual Culture and Critical Theory 《文化的視覺系統( II:日常生活與大眾文化》), Joyce C H Liu (ed), Taiwan: Rye Field Publishing Company, Sep 2006, pp 151-92

97 “From Criticism to Research: The ‘Textual’ in the MORRIS Meaghan E 21 A 1 Academy”, Cultural Studies Review, Vol 12, Issue 2, Sep 2006, pp 17-32

98 “Introduction to ‘Cultural Research’ ”, Cultural MORRIS Meaghan E 21 A 1 Studies Review, Vol 12, Issue 2, Sep 2006

99 “The Company of Strangers: Notes on the ‘China MORRIS Meaghan E 33 A 1 Boom’ in Australia”, presented at 2007 Inter-Asia Cultural Studies (IACS) Society Shanghai Conference on “Conditions of Knowledge and Cultural Production”, organized by Center for Contemporary Culture Studies, Shanghai University and IACS Society, Shanghai, PRC, 15 – 17 Jun 2007

# Student 214 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 100 “What Makes an Association International?”, gave the MORRIS Meaghan E 33 B 1 Chair’s Opening Address at 2006 Association for Cultural Studies (ACS) Crossroads Conference, organized by ACS, Istanbul, Turkey, 20 – 23 Jul 2006

101 “Implenenting Globalzation”, presented at The MORRIS Meaghan E 33 B 1 University in Translation: A Symposium on Globalization and the University – Celebrating the Society for the Humanities’ 40th Anniversary, organized by Society for the Humanities of Cornell University, USA, 15 – 16 Sep 2006

102 “Engaging with Asia”, presented at Cultural Studies in MORRIS Meaghan E 33 B 1 Asia Symposium, organized Australian Research Council Cultural Research Network, Brisbane, Australia, Nov 2006

103 “Memory and the Moving Image: Popular Modernism MORRIS Meaghan E 33 B 1 after the Pacific War”, presented at a Workshop on “Transnationalism, Globalization and North Asian Cinema”, organized by Universite de Montreal, Canada, 4 – 6 May 2007

# Student 215 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 104 Book Review of Culture on Tour: Ethnographies of MORRIS Meaghan E 62 D 1 Travel (by Edward M Bruner, Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 2005), in Journal of Anthropological Research, Vol 63, No 1, Spring 2007, 3 pages

105 “Politics is Plural” (a response to Hester Eisenstein – MORRIS Meaghan E 64 D 1 Note in scholarly debate), Women’s Studies Quarterly, Vol 34, No 1-2, Autumn 2006, pp 82-6

106 “Literacy, Professionalization, and the Social Utility of OLSEN Stein H 33 B 1 Criticism”, presented at a Conference on “Why Literary Studies? Raisons D’être of a Discipline”, Uppsala, Sweden, 28 – 29 Sep 2006

107 “Using Videoconferencing Technology for Enhancing PANG Lai-king Rebecca 32 A 1 Students’ Job Interview Techniques”, Proceedings of The 5th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, organized by Hawaii International Conference, Hawaii, USA, 12 – 15 Jan 2007, pp 54

# Student 216 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 108 “An Interview Series of TEAS Winners – Ms Rebecca PANG Lai-king Rebecca 64 D 1 Pang”, Learning Matters at Lingnan University, Teaching & Learning Centre, 26 Feb 2007

109 Take Your Rights Seriously – On Educating Yourself RICE James A 11 A 1 as to Your Legal Rights (A Manual on the Legal Rights of Migrant Workers in Hong Kong and the Politics Involved), Hong Kong: Corporate Communications Ltd, Aug 2006, 132 pages

110 “Adapting Teaching to the Local Environment ROSKAMS Timothy J 33 B 1 Through Action Research”, presented at Language Institute (CULI)’s 2006 International Conference on “Facing EFL Challenges”, organized by CULI, Bangkok, Thailand, 27 – 29 Nov 2006

111 “Homosexual Marriage: The Victory of Political SESARDIC Neven 21 A 1 Correctness and Bad Arguments” (in Croatian), Prolegomena, Vol 6, Spring 2007, pp 5-28

# Student 217 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 112 “Sudden Infant Death or Murder? A Royal Confusion SESARDIC Neven 21 A 1 about Probabilities”, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Vol 58, No 2, Jun 2007, pp 299-329

113 “Intelligent Design and the Argument from SESARDIC Neven 33 A 1 Improbability”, presented at Conference on “Truth and Normativity”, organized by University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia, 14 – 15 Jun 2007

114 「序」,載於《普通話水平測試應試手冊》,全玉莉、 TIN Siu-lam 12 B 1 王仙瀛〈著〉,香港:香港城市大學出版社,2006 年 8 月,頁 4-5

115 「序」,載於《廣州話對譯普通話口語典》,曾子凡、 TIN Siu-lam 12 B 1 溫素華〈編著〉,香港:三聯書店,2007 年 4 月, 頁 4-6

# Student 218 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 116 「香港中文修辭與飲食文化」 (“Hong Kong Chinese TIN Siu-lam 21 A 1 Rhetoric and Its Food Culture”),載於《浙江樹人大 學校刊》,第 6 卷第 4 期,2006 年 7 月,頁 77-83

117 「香港的中文教育政策」 (“Policy on Chinese TIN Siu-lam 21 A 1 ”),載於《北京觀察》雜誌, 2006 年 8 月,頁 56-8

118 「規範詞語、社區詞語、方言詞語」,宣讀於「第二 TIN Siu-lam 21 A 1 屆海峽兩岸現代漢語學術研討會」,澳門,2006 年 11 月;並載於《修辭學習》雜誌,總 139 期,2007 年第一期,2007 年 1 月,頁 1-4

119 「香港廣告語修辭研究」,載於由上海外國語大學中 TIN Siu-lam 32 A 1 國修辭學會主辦之「中國修辭學會成立 25 周年紀念 會暨 2005 年國際學術研討會」論文集:《修辭學文 集》(第十集),中國上海,2005 年 11 月 25 – 28 日, 王德春、李月松〈編〉,上海:上海外語教育出版社, 2006 年 11 月,頁 111-28

# Student 219 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 120 「教育教材語言的規範化問題」,宣讀於由國家語言 TIN Siu-lam 33 A 1 資源監測與研究中心、教育部人民教育出版社之「首 屆全國教育教材語言專題學術研討會」,中國廈門, 2006 年 11 月 24 – 26 日

121 「國家普通話水平測試香港十年」,宣讀於由國家語 TIN Siu-lam 33 A 1 言文字工作委員會普通話培訓測試中心主辦之「第 三屆全國普通話水平測試學術研討會」,中國福州, 2007 年 5 月 23 – 24 日

122 「港式中文泛論」,宣讀於由中語言學會主辦之「中 TIN Siu-lam 33 B 1 國語言學會第 13 屆學術年會」,中國秦皇島,2006 年 8 月 14 – 18 日

123 「中學普通話傳意教學」,宣讀於由教育統籌局課程 TIN Siu-lam 33 B 1 發展處中國語文教育組主辦之「中學普通話傳意教 學研討會」,香港,2006 年 11 月 4 日

# Student 220 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 124 「嶺南大學中國語文教學與測試中心國家普通話水 TIN Siu-lam 33 B 1 平測試工作論壇報告」,宣讀於「國家普通話水平測 試工作論壇」,香港,2006 年 12 月

125 《當代漢語的社會語學觀照》,天津:南開大學出版 WAN Hong 11 B 1 社,2007 年 4 月

126 「漢語的名物化結構」,載於《漢語學習》,2007 年 WANG Lingling and HE 21 A 0.5 第 1 期,頁 11-22 Yuanjian

127 “Aristotle and Gadamer on Mimesis and Tragedy”, WONG Kwok-kui 21 A 1 Philosophical Inquiry: International Quarterly (Thessaloniki: Aristotelian Universty of Thessaloniki), Vol 28, Summer 2006, pp 21-34

128 「康德第一批判中的時間觀能否回答奧古斯丁的疑 WONG Kwok-kui 21 A 1 問」,載 於《國立政治大學哲學學報》,第 16 期,2006 年 7 月,頁 1-30

# Student 221 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 129 “What Can Chinese Culture Mean for the West? – The WONG Kwok-kui 21 A 1 Example of Hegel’s Criticism of Laozi”, The Philosophy of Culture, Vol 1, 2006, pp 235-40

130 “Pathos and Philosophy: Aristotle and Gadamer on WONG Kwok-kui 33 B 1 Mimesis and Tragedy”, presented at 17th International Symposium of the Olympic Center for Philosophy and Culture on the “Arts and Sciences in the Greek Philosophical Tradition”, organized by Olympic Center for Philosophy and Culture, Pyrgos and Ancient Olympia, Greece, 30 Jul – 4 Aug 2006

131 「死刑前夜──波理斯‧阿耶夫之謎」(90 分鐘), WONG Kwok-kui 41 D 1 由劇場組合、香港藝術中心,PIP 快樂共和、新域 劇團聯合策劃之「劇場裡的臥虎與藏龍──一齊出 手劇本創作計劃」展演,2006 年 7 月 26 日

132 《訪問死亡:大學生的生死筆記》(Interviewing WONG Wai-ying 11 B 1 Death: The Life and Death Notes of University’s Students), 香港:進一步多媒體有限公司,2006 年 秋,128 頁

# Student 222 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 133 “Virtues in Aristotelian and Confucian Ethics”, The WONG Wai-ying 21 A 1 International Journal For Field-Being, Vol 3, Issue 1, Jul 2006, pp 50-60

134 “Can The Two-Level Moral Thinking Reconcile the WONG Wai-ying 21 A 1 Rivalry of Contextualism and Principled Ethics? – A Conversation between Winkler and Hare”, Journal of Humanities Ease/West, Vol 30, Dec 2006, pp 477-508

135 「儒家倫理中之道德德性與非道德德性」,載 於《人 WONG Wai-ying 21 A 1 文論叢》,2007 年 6 月,頁 749-57

136 “The Concept of Quan in Chun Qiu Gongyang Zhuan” WONG Wai-ying 32 A 1 (in Chinese), Confucianism, Culture and Religion (Proceedings of the Conference on “Confucianism, Religion, Culture and Comparative Philosophy), Lee M F, Yip H Y and Cheng C Y (eds), Taipei: Student Books Co, Sep 2006, pp 171-88

# Student 223 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 137 “The Model of Metaphysics of Confucianism, WONG Wai-ying 32 A 1 Revisited” (in Chinese), Proceedings of Contemporary Confucians of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Cheng C Y (ed), Hong Kong: New Asia College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Oct 2006, pp 393-417

138 “Spiritual Development in University Education”, WONG Wai-ying 33 B 1 presented at Workshop on “Spirituality, Happiness, and Culture”, organized by The University of Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong Institute of Education and Lingnan University, Hong Kong, 22 Jun 2007

139 「只好如此──創作的堅持,流徙的欲望,『你』與 YAU Ching 12 A 1 『我』的辯證」,載 於《 女 性。影 像。書 》 (The Women’s Image Book),陳儒修、游惠貞、吳凡〈編〉,台北: 書林出版有限公司,2006 年 11 月,頁 63-8

# Student 224 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 140 “Jury Commentary III/2006 WMW Domestic YAU Ching 12 B 1 Selections”, Taiwan Women Make Waves Film Festival Catalogue 2006: Women and the Arts, Taiwan Women Film Association Committee (ed), Taipei: Taiwan Women Film Association, Oct 2006, pp 191-2

141 「一場緊暖香淺的誤會──李翰祥風月片對『女』 YAU Ching 12 B 1 與『色』的禮讚」,載於《風花雪月李翰祥》 (LI Han-hsiang: Storyteller),黃愛玲〈編〉,香港:香港 電影資料館,2007 年,頁 86-96

142 “A Sensuous Misunderstanding: Women and YAU Ching 12 B 1 Sexualities in Li Han-hsiang’s Fengyue Films”, Li Han-hsiang: Storyteller, Wong Ain-ling (ed), Hong Kong: Hong Kong Film Archive, 2007, pp 100-12

143 “Bridges and Battles”, GLQ, Vol 12, Issue 4, Autumn YAU Ching 21 A 1 2006, pp 605-7

# Student 225 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 144 「一回頭已是百年身:久違了,唐書璇!」,載 於《電 YAU Ching 22 B 1 影藝術》,第 309 期,2006 年秋,頁 24-9

145 “The (Half) Invisible Man”, Today, No 77, Jun 2007, YAU Ching 22 B 1 pp 134-9

146 “Performing Contradictions, Performing Badgirlness YAU Ching 32 A 1 in Japan”, Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Arts Forum International Symposium, organized by Taipei National University of the Arts, Taipei, Taiwan, Oct 2005; Taipei: Taipei National University of the Arts, Feb 2007, pp 291-349

# Student 226 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 147 “How to (Watch Myself) be Seduced: Sexual Politics YAU Ching 33 A 1 in Li Han-hsiang’s Fengyue Films”, presented at a Workshop on “Bodies and Urban Space”, organized by Kwan Fong Cultural Research and Development Programme of Lingnan University, Hong Kong, 10 Mar 2007; and also presented at 2007 Inter-Asia Cultural Studies (IACS) Society Shanghai Conference on “Conditions of Knowledge and Cultural Production”, organized by Center for Contemporary Culture Studies, Shanghai University and IACS Society, Shanghai, PRC, 15 – 17 Jun 2007

148 “Morphing the Colonial: Flexible Strategies of the YAU Ching 33 A 1 Sixty Dollar Man NOT in Outerspace”, presented at 2007 Inter-Asia Cultural Studies (IACS) Society Shanghai Conference on “Conditions of Knowledge and Cultural Production”, organized by Center for Contemporary Culture Studies, Shanghai University and IACS Society, Shanghai, PRC, 15 – 17 Jun 2007

# Student 227 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 149 “Is there ‘Women’s Film’ in Asia Today?”, Invited as YAU Ching 33 B 1 Keynote Speaker at “Women’s Cinema Today”, organized by Department of Film Studies, Chung-ang University, Seoul, Korea, 11 – 16 Oct 2006

150 “Becoming A Person – Self-Writing as a Tactic for YAU Ching 33 B 1 Cultural Intervention” 「成為一個人──書寫自我作( 為文化介入的攻略」), presented at a Departmental Seminar, organized by Kwan Fong Cultural Studies Programme of Lingnan University, Hong Kong, 27 Nov 2006

151 “Gender x Sexuality x Creativity”, presented at YAU Ching 33 B 1 Creative Workshop Seminar, organized by HK Cultural Centre and Nutong Xueshe, Hong Kong, 28 Jan 2007

152 “Erotics/Pornography and Cultural Politics”, presented YAU Ching 33 B 1 at “Our Future” Seminar Series, organized by Kwan Fong Cultural Studies Programme of Lingnan University, Hong Kong, 1 Apr 2007

# Student 228 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 153 「性小眾的文化與政治」,宣讀於由香港基督徒學會 YAU Ching 33 B 1 主辦之「回歸十年研討系列:抗衡與轉化」講座, 香港,2007 年 5 月 20 日

154 Ho Yuk: Let’s Love Hong Kong, Paris: BQHL Editions, YAU Ching 43 D 1 Oct 2006, (DVD with French subtitles and production documentary commercially released in France and Belgium); and also Tokyo: Lala Cultures, Nov 2006 (DVD with Japanese subtitles commercially released in Japan)

155 Shortcuts to Classical Music (DVD, 60 min), YAU Ching 43 D 1 Commissioned by Hong Kong Sinfonietta, Dec 2006, (Released in DVD in Hong Kong)

156 Ho Yuk: Let’s Love Hong Kong, Flow, Suet-sin’s YAU Ching 44 D 1 Sisters, Department of Film Studies, Chung-ang University, Seoul, Korea, Oct 2006 (2-day focus including film screenings and panel discussions on Yau Ching’s film works)

# Student 229 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 157 Diasporama: Dead Air, Hong Kong: Hong Kong Film YAU Ching 44 D 1 Archive, Jun 2007 (Released in 1995. Film Screenings as part of a series on Hong Kong Handover)

158 Book Review on Angelwings: Contemporary Queer YAU Ching 62 D 1 Fiction from Taiwan (by Fran Martin, University of Hawaii Press, 2003, 247 pages), Journal of Oriental Studies, Issue 41, 2006, pp 5-7

159 「意向性、規範性與社會科學」(“Intentionality, ZHENG Yu-jian 12 A 1 Normativity, & Social Sciences”),載於《社會科學研 究:方法評論》(第一輯),雷少波〈編〉,重慶: 重慶大學出版社,2006 年 9 月,頁 1-13

160 “Contextuality and Non-substantialist Stance in ZHENG Yu-jian 21 A 1 Dynamic Choice: Reflection on a Case Study in Analytical Philosophy”, The International Journal for Field-Being, Vol 3, No 1, Jul 2006, pp 88-95

# Student 230 Report 3(A) – Main Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 161 “Normative Connection and Re-enchantment of ZHENG Yu-jian 21 A 1 Nature”, International Journal of the Humanities, Vol 4, Issue 1, Winter 2006, pp 3-23

162 “The Connection Principle and Re-enchantment of ZHENG Yu-jian 33 A 1 Nature”, presented at The Fourth International Conference on “New Directions in the Humanities”, organized by University of Carthage, Tunis, Tunisia, 3 – 6 Jul 2006

163 “Memes, Mind, and Normativity”, presented at ZHENG Yu-jian 33 B 1 International Conference on “Cognition and the Study of Culture”, organized by The “Language and Cognition” Research Centre of Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, PRC, 29 – 31 May 2007

Sub-total 160.3334

Total 575.132

# Student 231 Report 3(B) – Supplementary Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category Cost Centre : 37 Department of Computing & Decision Sciences Department of Management Department of Marketing & IB

1 “Working with Foreign Managers: Conflict CHEN Yifeng, TJOSVOLD 21 A 0.6667 Management for Effective Leader Relationships in Dean W and SU Fang China”, International Journal of Conflict Management, Vol 16, No 3, 2005, pp 265-86

2 “The Business Prospect of Tuen Mun”, presented at LAU Kwok-fai 33 B 1 the Annual Meeting of Hong Kong Kowloon City Industry and Commerce Association Limited, Hong Kong, 4 May 2006

3 “A Conceptual Model of IT Training For Better LEUNG Cheong-kei Albert 21 A 1 Training Outcomes”, International Journal of Business and Information, Vol 1, Issue 1, Jun 2006, pp 74-95

232 Report 3(B) – Supplementary Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 4 “Defining Conflict and Making Choices about Its TJOSVOLD Dean W 21 A 1 Management: Lighting the Dark Side of Organizational Life”, International Journal of Conflict Management, Vol 17, Issue 2, Jun 2006, pp 87-95

Sub-total 3.6667

233 Report 3(B) – Supplementary Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category Cost Centre: 40 Department of Economics

1 “Strategic Spin-offs of Input Divisions”, European LIN Ping 21 A 1 Economic Review, Vol 50, Issue 4, May 2006, pp 977-93

2 “Western Effects of Eastern Inpusts: Reconsiderations RAN Qiming Jimmy 12 A 1 of the Western Development in China”, CEPA, The Pearl River and Yangtze River Triangle Delta Areas, and Regional Economic Cooperation, Nyaw Mee-kau, Shi Yue-qun and Li Si-ming (eds), Hong Kong: The Commercial Press Ltd, Jun 2006, pp 184-93

3 “Risk, Uncertainty and China’s Exports”, Australian LI Guangzhong, VOON 21 A 0.6667 Economic Papers, Vol 45, Issue 2, Jun 2006, pp Jan-piaw Thomas and RAN 158-68 Qiming Jimmy

Sub-total 2.6667

234 Report 3(B) – Supplementary Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category Cost Centres : 43 Department of Politics & Sociology

1 「預防虐老策略的反思及前瞻」, 宣讀於由社會福利CHAN Cheung-ming Alfred 33 B 1 處主辦之「世 界關注長 者被虐日」研 討會,香 港, 2006 年 6 月 14 日

Sub-total 1

235 Report 3(B) – Supplementary Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category Cost Centre: 44 Department of Chinese

1 「織女塑像的三種形態──論《董永》、《郭翰》和 LAU Yin-ping Grace 21 A 1 《唐文》」 (“Three Different Types of Images of Zhi-nu in ‘Dong-yong’, ‘Guo-han’ and ‘Tang-wen’ ”),載於《中文學刊》,第 4 期,2005 年 12 月,頁 23

2 《坭街を行く人 I》 (Pedestrain on the Sandy Street WONG Shuk-han Mary 12 B 1 (I)), translated by Fujii Shozo, NHK Radio: Lecture on Chinese Culture, Tokyo, NHK, Jun 2006, pp 108-115

Sub-total 2

236 Report 3(B) – Supplementary Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category Cost Centre: 48 Department of Translation

1 「北靜王如是說:《紅樓夢》莊重語調的翻譯」 WONG Kwok-pun Laurence 21 A 1 (“Also Sprach the Prince of Beijing: Translating the Formal Style in the Hong lou meng”),載於《南大語 言文化學報》,第六卷第二期,2006 年上半年,頁 1-18

Sub-total 1

237 Report 3(B) – Supplementary Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category Cost Centre : 51 Department of Culture Studies Department of Philosophy Chinese Language Education and Assessment Centre

1 “Perspectives of Culture and Cultural Politics: CHAN Ching-kiu Stephen 33 B 1 Positions of Identity and Difference”, gave a Keynote Speech at the International Symposium on “Is there a Chinese-style Politics of Recognition? Comparing Minority Politics in different Chinese Societies”, organized by the Department of Sociology of Shue Yan College, the Department of Sociology at North Park University, and the Department of History at Pace University, 30 Jun 2006

2 “Affinitive and Experimental Transnationalism”, HJORT Mette A 33 B 1 presented at a Conference on “Cinema at the Periphery”, organized by St Andrews University, St Andrews, Scotland, Jun 2006

238 Report 3(B) – Supplementary Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 3 「從香港中學課程改革反思大學的文化研究教學」 HUI Po-keung 22 B 1 (“Rethinking Cultural Studies Teaching through the Lens of Secondary School Curriculum Reform in Hong Kong”),載 於《台灣社會研究》,第 62 期,2006 年 6 月,頁 197-207

4 “Women in Silence in the National History” (in LAU Kin-chi 12 B 1 Chinese), Life in Disappearance, Kunming: Yunnan Renmin Press, Jan 2006, pp 179-86

5 “Can ‘Asia’ Be Useful?” (in Japanese), Quadrante: LAU Kin-chi 21 A 1 Areas, Cultures and Positions, Vol 8, Mar 2006, pp 117-53

6 「時間的暴力.記憶的政治──電影《無間道》系 LAW Wing-sang 22 B 1 列的寓言解讀」 (“Violence of Time. Politics of Memory: An Allegorical Reading of the ‘Infernal Affairs’ Series”),載於《字花》 (Fleurs des Lettres), 第二期,2006 年 6-7 月,頁 106-14

239 Report 3(B) – Supplementary Report on Research Outputs

Serial Title / Brief Description Author Research Type of Weighting No Output Output Category 7 “Political Domination and the Rule of Law in Hong RICE James A 21 A 1 Kong”, UCLA Pacific Basin Law Journal, Vol 23, No 1, Fall 2005, pp 51-77

8 「普通話水平測試在香港嶺南大學」,載於《華 文世 TIN Siu-lam 21 A 1 界》,總 97 期,2006 年 5 月

9 “Moral Luck and Normativity”, International Journal ZHENG Yu-jian 21 A 1 of the Humanities, Vol 2, Issue 2, Oct 2005, pp 1-16

10 “Ex Ante vs Ex Post Rationalization of Action”, ZHENG Yu-jian 32 A 1 Proceedings of The Twenty-first World Istanbul World Congress of Philosophy, Stephen Voss (ed), organized by Philosophical Anthropology, Philosophical Society of Turkey, June 2006, pp 137-42

Sub-total 10

Total 20.3334

240 Expanatory Notes for Report 3 Type of Output: „ A Academic research: refereed „ B Academic research: not refereed „ C Contract research „ D Other outputs

Research Output Category:

1 Scholarly books, monographs and chapters 11 Research book or monograph (author) − Authored work generally arising from academic research project(s) although contract research can produce such results if findings are in the public domain 12 Chapter in an edited book (author) − A paper, essay, or other material authored specifically for inclusion in an edited book; does not include an opening or summary chapter prepared by an editor for inclusion in a work counted in (14) 13 Textbook (author) − A full-length authored work used for instructional purposes; include revisions if they involve "substantial" (say 20%) new material 14 Edited book (editor) − an edited book of essays, research papers or the equivalent

2 Journal publications 21 Publication in refereed journal − A paper in a refereed journal devoted to reporting the results of basic or applied research 22 Publication in policy or professional journal − A paper in a refereed or unrefereed journal publishing policy or educational material for a professional audience

3 Conference papers 31 Invited conference paper − A paper invited for presentation at an academic or professional meeting and published (in full or in part) in conference proceedings 32 Refereed conference paper − A paper accepted for presentation at an academic or professional meeting on the basis of a formal peer review process external to the institution and published (in full or in part) in conference proceedings 33 Other conference paper − Any other paper presented at an academic or professional conference

4 Creative and literary works, consulting reports and case studies 41 Authored play, poem, novel, story − Fictional or similar works, published in a form appropriate to the type of work 42 Painting, sculpture, drawing, photograph − Creation of artefacts capable of being reviewed for merit, generally but not exclusively of an artistic nature [exclude those covered in (44) below] 43 Film, video − Creation of films, videos, multimedia, and similar productions for research, educational, cultural or entertainment purposes [exclude those covered in (44) below] 44 Performance and participation in exhibits − Drama, musical and similar performances; participation as an exhibitor of paintings, sculptures or other artefacts: the exhibit may be sponsored by the institution or externally; it should attract significant public or professional attention 45 Translation of other's work − Translation of an item of type (11) through (22) and (41) above, written by others: translation of one's own work is considered part of the authoring process and should not be included


46 Engineering, architectural, graphic designs − An engineering, architectural, graphic, landscape, or interior design (or the equivalent), whether prepared for a client or in the public domain 47 Computer software or system − Development of a shareable computer software program, computer language, expert system, computer-aided instruction package or the equivalent 48 Consulting or contract research report − Report on work performed under an institutional consulting or research contract: reports counted here generally will be prepared for the client, and they may be proprietary if institutional rules permit 49 Written teaching case study or extensive note − Material prepared for teaching purposes with applicability beyond one's own course needs; short notes and descriptions prepared for immediate class use should not be included

5 Patents, agreements, assignments and companies 51 Patents granted – patents (on work done at the reporting institution) granted by patent office(s) to the reporting institution within the specified reporting period; not patents filed, not patents held in previous years, and not patents obtained/held on work done elsewhere 52 Licensing agreements – the licensing of technology/invention from the reporting institution within the specified reporting period 53 Assignments of intellectual property rights – the assignment based on technology/invention from the reporting institution within the specified reporting period 54 Companies – registered companies in which the institution holds an equity by virtue of technology transfer, where the acquisition of such equity (including any increase in equity) by technology transfer occurred during the specified reporting period

6 All other outputs 61 Journal editor − Editor, associate editor, or the equivalent of a journal or similar on- going publication venture (‘editorial membership’ should be excluded) 62 Review of books or of software − Published or widely-disseminated reviews of books, other publications, software or similar items: dissemination must extend beyond the institution and its research sponsors [reviews for institutional clients should be counted under (49)] 63 Postgraduate research theses – MPhil or PhD theses of research students who defended successfully within the specified reporting period 64 Other outputs − Any substantive output of original research not listed above


1. Publications are listed by cost centres. For each publication, the name(s) of the author(s) belonging to the corresponding cost centre (during the reporting period) is/are underlined. In the case of students, a "#" is placed against their names.

2. The fraction appearing in the "Weighting" column of those co-authored items denotes the weighting of the authors concerned, calculated on a pro-rata basis. For example, a paper with four authors will count as 0.25 for each author, and if three of the four authors are staff members in the same cost centre, the paper will count as 3x0.25=0.75 in the cost-centre total.