COUNCIL AGENDA – SPECIAL MEETING Wednesday, April 16, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. By video conference


Verbal roll call by the Clerk.


THAT the Agenda and any Addendum distributed for the April 16, 2020 meeting of Council, be approved.


Members of Council are required to state any pecuniary interest in accordance with the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.


THAT the minutes of the Special Planning meeting of March 12, 2020, the regular meeting of Council of March 12, 2020 and the minutes of the Special Meeting of Council of April 1, 2020, be adopted.


5.1. Clerk/Director of Corporate Service’s Report – Community Grants – Cancelled Events

A report from the Clerk/Director of Corporate Services, dated April 16, 2020, to seek direction from Council on how they would like to handle the funding that was granted to community groups with events being cancelled due to COVID-19.

COUNCIL AGENDA – April 16, 2020 – Page 1 THAT the report of the Director of Corporate Services dated April 16, 2020, regarding the Community Grants, be received;

AND THAT the funding provided to organizations for events that were scheduled in 2020 and cancelled due to COVID-19, be returned to the County.

5.2. Acting Treasurer’s Report – Property Tax Deferral

A report from the Acting Treasurer, dated April 16, 2020, to provide information to Council surrounding property tax levy deferral as a result of the COVID 19 pandemic.

THAT the report of the Acting Treasurer, dated April 16, 2020, regarding Property Tax Deferral, be received;

AND THAT the remaining 2020 Property Tax Payments schedule be amended to coincide with the education payment dates, deferring the June and September payments by 90 days subject to the lower tier municipalities providing agreement as per Section 311 (15) of the Municipal Act;

AND THAT, the member municipalities be requested to provide a resolution of support for the change to the due dates by no later than May 31, 2020.

5.3. Acting Treasurer’s Report – COVID-19 Financial Implications

A report from the Acting Treasurer, dated April 16, 2020, to provide information to Council about current and potential financial implications during the COVID 19 pandemic.

THAT the report of the Acting Treasurer, dated April 16, 2020, regarding COVID-19 Financial Implications, be received.

5.4. Chief Administrative Officer’s Report – SWIFT Credit Facility Guarantee – Letter of Intent

A report from the Chief Administrative Officer, dated April 16, 2020, to recommend approval of a Letter of Intent (LOI) for a credit facility guarantee for the SWIFT project in Dufferin County.

COUNCIL AGENDA – April 16, 2020 – Page 2 THAT the report of the Chief Administrative Officer, dated April 16, 2020, regarding SWIFT Credit Facility Guarantee – Letter of Intent, be received;

AND THAT, the attached Letter of Intent to guarantee $1,313,000 of a $27,531,000 credit facility required by SWIFT for the Phase 3 projects be approved and submitted to SWIFT.

5.5. Administrator of Dufferin Oak’s Report – Verbal COVID-19 Update

A verbal update from the Administrator of Dufferin Oaks.


6.1. Township of Amaranth

Correspondence sent to Premier Ford by the Township of Amaranth, dated April 8, 2020, to request the Ministry revert back to a three year timeframe before the registration of a tax arrears certificate.

For consideration of Council.



Notice of motion brought forward from the March 12, 2020 Council meeting:

Moved by Councillor Creelman

WHEREAS the Municipal Act Section 238 (3)(1) allows for procedural by-laws to provide that a member of Council can participate electronically in a meeting which is open to the public to the extent and in the manner set out in the by- law provided that any such member shall not be counted in determining whether or not a quorum of members is present at any point in time;

BE IT RESOLVED THAT staff be directed to report back to Council on the possibilities and options regarding electronic participation in Council and/or Committee meetings.

COUNCIL AGENDA – April 16, 2020 – Page 3 9. BY-LAWS

2020-37 A by-law to appoint an Acting Treasurer and to repeal By-Law #2006- 51. (Aimee Raves) Authorization: Council – April 16, 2020

2020-38 A by-law to appoint an Acting Deputy Treasurer and to repeal By-Law #2004-58. (Suzanne Moore) Authorization: Council – April 16, 2020

2020-39 A by-law to ratify the actions of the Warden and Clerk for executing an agreement between the Corporation of the County of Dufferin and Upper Grand District School Board. (Lease Agreement – Mel Lloyd Centre) Authorization: Council – April 16, 2020

2020-40 A by-law to authorize the Warden and the Clerk to execute an agreement between the Corporation of the County of Dufferin and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada as represented by the Ministry of Employment and Social Development. (COVID-19 Economic Response Plan Funding Agreement) Authorization: Council – April 16, 2020

2020-41 A by-law to authorize the Warden and the Clerk to execute an agreement between the Corporation of the County of Dufferin and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of as represented by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. (Municipal Modernization Funding Transfer Payment Agreement) Authorization: Council – April 16, 2020

THAT By-law 2020-37 to By-Law 2020-41, inclusive, be read a first, second and third time and enacted.



2020-xx A by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Dufferin at its meeting held on April 16, 2020.

THAT by-law 2020-xx be read a first, second and third time and enacted.

COUNCIL AGENDA – April 16, 2020 – Page 4 12. ADJOURNMENT

THAT the meeting adjourn.

COUNCIL AGENDA – April 16, 2020 – Page 5

DUFFERIN COUNTY COUNCIL MINUTES – STATUTORY MEETING Thursday, March 12, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. Town of Orangeville Council Chambers 87 Broadway, Orangeville

Council Members Present: Warden Darren White (Melancthon) Councillor Steve Anderson (Shelburne) Councillor Sandy Brown (Orangeville) Councillor John Creelman (Mono) Councillor Bob Currie (Amaranth) Councillor Guy Gardhouse (East Garafraxa) Councillor Earl Hawkins (Mulmur) Councillor Janet Horner (Mulmur) Councillor Andy Macintosh (Orangeville) Councillor Wade Mills (Shelburne) Councillor Laura Ryan (Mono) Councillor Steve Soloman (Grand Valley) Councillor Philip Rentsch (Grand Valley)

Alternate Council Members Present: Councillor Gail Little (Amaranth)

Council Members Absent: Councillor Chris Gerrits (Amaranth)

Staff Present: Sonya Pritchard, Chief Administrative Officer Pam Hillock, Clerk/Director of Corporate Services Alan Selby, Treasurer Anna McGregor, Director of Community Services Scott Burns, Director of Public Works Brenda Wagner, Administrator of Dufferin Oaks Tom Reid, Chief, Paramedic Service Cheri French, Director of Human Resources Darrell Keenie, Director of Planning, Economic Development & Culture Michelle Dunne, Deputy Clerk

Warden White called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.


Moved by Councillor Creelman, seconded by Councillor Mills

THAT the Agenda and any Addendum distributed for the March 12, 2020 Statutory meeting of Council, be approved. -Carried-


Members of Council are required to state any pecuniary interest in accordance with the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.


A copy of the Notice of Public meeting under Section 26 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, to receive input regarding the Municipal Comprehensive Review.

Public Notice was given by the following means:  Copy made available to the local municipalities  A copy available on our website  Join In Dufferin Community Engagement platform  Ads placed in the following newspapers on the following dates:  Alliston Herald on January 13, 2020 and January 20, 2020  Creemore Echo on January 13, 2020 and January 20, 2020  Dundalk Herald on January 13, 2020 and January 20, 2020  Orangeville Banner on January 13, 2020 and January 20, 2020  Shelburne Free Press on January 13, 2020 and January 20, 2020  Wellington Advertiser on January 13, 2020 and January 20, 2020  Social media posts on:  February 27, 2020  March 5, 2020


Gregory Bender, Manager Municipal Planning, WSP, presented with respect to the Dufferin County Municipal Comprehensive Review.

Mr. Bender advised the purpose of the Statutory meeting is to fulfil the requirements of Section 26 of the Planning Act and to kick of the review of the

STATUTORY MEETING OF COUNCIL MINUTES – March 12, 2020 – Page 2 Official Plan and Municipal Comprehensive Review for the Dufferin County Official Plan.

The purpose is to discuss potential revisions that may be required in the County of Dufferin Official Plan and provide an opportunity for the public to offer comments to Council regarding any issues or matters that should be considered in the Municipal Comprehensive Review. Pursuant to Section 26(3)(b) of the Planning Act, before making revisions to the County Official Plan, the County is required to hold a Special Meeting of Council, open to the public, to discuss potential revisions to the Official Plan. This meeting is an opportunity for members of Council to provide any input that should be considered throughout the process and allow for members of the Public and Stakeholders to provide their input as well.

Dufferin County is expected to grow to approximately 85,000 people and 32,000 jobs by 2041 according to 2016 census data, which is an increase of 23,265 people and 7,646 jobs. In order to manage that, it is important to review the Official Plan through a process called a Municipal Comprehensive Review (MCR). This will allow understanding of how the County is going to grow, how it should grow and how that growth can be accommodated to ensure Provincial policy is met.

The current Dufferin County Official Plan came into effect in 2015. The Planning Act requires a consideration of an update or review every five years, which means the County is in line with the update notwithstanding all the other Provincial plans and policy statements that have changed since the Official Plan came into effect. Some examples are certain amendments to the Planning Act through various pieces of legislation and Provincial Policy statements in 2020, all of which need to be considered as part of this process. The Provincial Policy Statement will come into effect on May 1, 2020. Certain changes to the Growth Plan in 2019, the Greenbelt Plan as well as changes to various other pieces of legislation need to be considered. As well Source Protection Plans from the Conservation Authority also need to be undertaken as part of this process and any other plans and local strategies that have been prepared should be considered.

Currently, we are fairly early on in Phase One of the Municipal Comprehensive Review process. There was a Public Open House on March 3, 2020 to get feedback that should be reviewed as part of the Municipal Comprehensive Review. Mr. Bender noted they are currently looking for participants to sit on the Stakeholder Advisory Committee. Applications are available and the deadline to accept applications has been extended. The Stakeholder Advisory Group will

STATUTORY MEETING OF COUNCIL MINUTES – March 12, 2020 – Page 3 provide feedback and be used as a litmus test before the Public is consulted and look to engage with other Stakeholders. Once input and feedback have been received, a background report will be prepared. The background report will summarize all the different changes that have been brought out in various Provincial plans and legislation to understand how that might impact the County’s Official Plan.

As part of Phase Two, more detailed studies will be reviewed. The background report will be used to help guide the additional background work whether it’s the Natural Heritage system, an agricultural system study, as well as any other issues that come up through the process that need to be studied further. There will be another Open House as well as outreach booths to obtain feedback. Feedback is needed to ensure the document is locally focused. WSP will work with County staff to deliver information to as many people as possible.

In Phase Three, WSP will complete the Land Needs Assessment. This will review Schedule 3 of the Growth Plan to help understand how much growth will be happening within the County of Dufferin, how that will be applied to each of the local municipalities over the next term of the Official Plan.

In Phase Four, WSP will compile a discussion paper that will summarize all work to date, provide policy direction and will outline the changes in the Official Plan. Various frameworks for infrastructure will be reviewed including the road infrastructure and urban land use structure in the local municipalities. It will also review community sustainability and climate change resiliency. A Transportation Master Plan will also be completed as a side study but also as part of the Official Plan. Once all these documents are compiled, WSP will present to Council prior to writing the amendment to the Official Plan.

The Official Plan Amendment written in Phase Five will occur between 2021-2022. It will include a Statutory Open House and a Statutory Public Meeting. Following these, there will be a presentation to Council to consider adoption of the amendment before it is forwarded to the Province for consideration.

Mr. Bender noted a lot of framework policies for the Official Plan have been updated since the current Official Plan was put in place. These include the Provincial Plan Policy Statement (2020), the Growth Plan (2019), Provincial Plans and Source Protection Plans as well as land use policies.

As part of the growth projection planning, WSP must complete an updated Growth Plan population and employment forecast as well as local municipal

STATUTORY MEETING OF COUNCIL MINUTES – March 12, 2020 – Page 4 settlement area boundaries. The Growth Plan directs Dufferin County to establish the minimum percentage of all residential development occurring annually that will be within the delineated built-up area in consultation with local municipalities. Servicing constraints need to be reviewed and considered as well. Employment area density targets will also be review on a County wide basis as well as in each of the municipalities.

Since the current Official Plan came into effect, there has been two significant changes with respect to Natural Heritage System and Agricultural Systems. WSP will implement the Provincial Natural Heritage System and the Agricultural Systems mapping with refinements only permitted through the Municipal Comprehensive Review. WSP will be collaborating with the local municipalities on candidate areas for refinement for both systems.

WSP will be working with staff to plan for sufficient infrastructure capacity in strategic growth areas.

The Transportation Master Plan will meet the requirements under the Municipal Comprehensive Review under the Growth Plan 2019 as well as meet the Environmental Assessment requirements. The Transportation Master Plan will follow a separate but parallel process to the Municipal Comprehensive Review.

Public consultation will take place in many forms, including but not limited to, the Join In Dufferin social engagement platform, a Stakeholder Committee and an Open House and Visioning Workshop that took place on March 3, 2020.

WSP has completed some background review including collecting existing traffic counts as part of the Transportation Master Plan. The Natural Heritage System mapping is under review, as well they have received most local municipal servicing capacity data.

Currently, WSP is completing Phase One, completing the Policy Framework report as well as the background report. Phase Two is beginning, looking at land supply analysis, drafting a Natural Heritage Systems Strategy, holding a Stakeholder Workshop and a presentation to Council.

Mr. Bender assured Councillor Currie this is an ongoing process that will fulfill legislated requirements. Mr. Bender welcomed Councillor Currie’s feedback for consideration.

STATUTORY MEETING OF COUNCIL MINUTES – March 12, 2020 – Page 5 Councillor Brown enquired as to what is meant by employment density targets. Mr. Bender advised as part of the Provincial legislated requirements have employment density targets per municipality on an annual basis must be identified. For example, this could specify a number of people or jobs per hectare to ensure a certain density. The intent through this process is to ensure one area isn’t saturated with a particular employment use.


Dorothy Pedersen, Orangeville resident, was unable to attend.

Warden White welcomed any members of the public to step forward to present their comments.

Charles Hooker, an East Garafraxa resident, addressed Council. Mr. Hooker would like the plan to appreciate there is a difference between urban and rural living in Dufferin County. Secondly, he would not like regulations arising from the plan that affect rural residents but not urban residents. Finally, Mr. Hooker would like to assured that other organizations, such as Conservation Authorities, are only playing an advisory role and do not have ultimate power in regards to changes.

Mark Tijssen, an Amaranth Councillor and resident, would like the Official Plan to be well structured and seamless to use. Mr. Tjissen referenced other Counties in Ontario that have developed a primary plan and a secondary plan for the lower tier municipalities. He hopes we can develop a seamless document for the user, being an upper tier document with reference to a lower tier document with no redundancies.

Kat Sliwa spoke, a laywer from Dentons Law Firm and a representative for Flato Developments. Ms. Sliwa noted her client’s land use planner, Ben Abbott of Bousfields Inc., is also in attendance. She noted Flato Developments owns 38 hectares located in Shelburne that are intended for future development and are outside settlement area boundary. They are requesting the West side of the Town of Shelburne should be expanded for growth. Flato has been working with the Town of Shelburne with respect to expanding the settlement area which is within the urban boundary. Flato would like to develop a mixed use development focused on seniors housing with retail and neighborhood uses. The proposal is a mixture of low, medium and high density residential and commercial use along Main Street along with natural uses, including parks and a water management pond. Their plans are consistent with Provincial Policy Statement (2014 & 2020) and conforms with Growth Plan for the Greater , the Dufferin

STATUTORY MEETING OF COUNCIL MINUTES – March 12, 2020 – Page 6 County Official Plan and Town of Shelburne Official Plan. They believe it is a logical expansion area of the Town’s existing settlement area. Recently, the Province released a new Provincial Policy Statement that will be in force soon and the policies have been strengthened to incentivize increasing housing supply and jobs. The policies state that municipalities must plan for longer term of housing supply, being a period of up to 25 years, and allocating municipal growth for a period of up to 15 years. In their opinion, allocating growth through the Town of Shelburne’s settlement area in Shelburne West area is appropriate and consistent with Provincial Policy and supports Provincial priorities. Flat Developments would like the County of Dufferin consider the Municipal Comprehensive Review.

Cameron Sellers, a planner from Innovative Planning Solutions, attending on behalf of their client Cortel Group. The Cortel Group owns significant land south of the Grand Valley settlement area through to County Road 109. As of last week, the Cortel Group has prepared and submitted a comprehensive concept plan for the these lands, along with a request to consider expansion of Grand Valley’s settlement area through the County’s Municipal Comprehensive Review process. The expansion would include a multitude of uses including schools, parks, commercial amenities, institutional uses, low and medium density housing and a major gateway at the intersection of County Road 25 and County Road 109. The expansion would facilitate needed seniors housing as well as affordable housing while also introducing significant employment lands that have direct access to County Road 109. The expansion would be about building a thriving complete community within Grand Valley.

John Apreda, an Amaranth resident, spoke to the County’s water resources and inquired if they would be reviewed in the Official Plan. He does not believe there is a limitation to the taking of water from our County which could impact future growth. From what he has read, there is a minimum limit to what can be taken but not a maximum limit. He is hoping it is possible to address this in the Official Plan to prevent excessive water taking. Warden White noted a review of the Official Plan does take into account water resources, uses of water and what is being done with water in the municipality.

Warden White noted the following written comments provided to date have been circulated with the agenda:   Charles Hooker, East Garafraxa resident  Pat Barker

STATUTORY MEETING OF COUNCIL MINUTES – March 12, 2020 – Page 7 Additional comments that were circulated on desk were also reviewed:  Wayne Nicholson, Melancthon resident  Zelinka Priamo Ltd


Moved by Councillor Horner, seconded by Councillor Brown

THAT the meeting adjourn. -Carried- The meeting adjourned at 7:34 p.m.

Darren White, Warden Pam Hillock, Clerk


DUFFERIN COUNTY COUNCIL MINUTES Thursday, March 12, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. Town of Orangeville Council Chambers 87 Broadway, Orangeville

Council Members Present: Warden Darren White (Melancthon) Councillor Steve Anderson (Shelburne) Councillor Sandy Brown (Orangeville) Councillor John Creelman (Mono) Councillor Bob Currie (Amaranth) Councillor Guy Gardhouse (East Garafraxa) Councillor Earl Hawkins (Mulmur) Councillor Janet Horner (Mulmur) Councillor Andy Macintosh (Orangeville) Councillor Wade Mills (Shelburne) Councillor Laura Ryan (Mono) Councillor Steve Soloman (Grand Valley) Councillor Philip Rentsch (Grand Valley)

Alternate Council Members Present: Councillor Gail Little (Amaranth)

Council Members Absent: Councillor Chris Gerrits (Amaranth)

Staff Present: Sonya Pritchard, Chief Administrative Officer Pam Hillock, Clerk/Director of Corporate Services Alan Selby, Treasurer Anna McGregor, Director of Community Services Scott Burns, Director of Public Works Brenda Wagner, Administrator of Dufferin Oaks Tom Reid, Chief, Paramedic Service Cheri French, Director of Human Resources Darrell Keenie, Director of Planning, Economic Development & Culture Michelle Dunne, Deputy Clerk

Warden White called the meeting to order at 7:37 p.m.

COUNCIL MINUTES – March 12, 2020 – Page 1 Upcoming committee meetings will be held at 55 Zina Street, Orangeville on Thursday, March 26, 2020 at the following times: Infrastructure & Environmental Services Committee – 1:00 p.m. General Government Services Committee – 3:00 p.m. Community Services/Dufferin Oaks/Museum Committee – 6:30 p.m.


Moved by Councillor Macintosh, seconded by Councillor Creelman

THAT the Agenda and any Addendum distributed for the March 12, 2020 meeting of Council, be approved. -Carried-


Members of Council are required to state any pecuniary interest in accordance with the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.

Warden White declared a pecuniary interest in regard to Item #6.2 – Community Recommendations as he volunteers with the 1849 Lorne Scots Army Cadets.

Councillor Little also declared a pecuniary interest in regard to Item #6.2 – Community Grant Recommendations as she is an organizing member of the Dufferin County Town and Country Farm Tour.


Moved by Councillor Ryan, seconded by Councillor Horner

THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of Council of February 13, 2020 be adopted. -Carried-


4. Presentation: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Business Continuity Planning

Sonya Pritchard, Chief Administrative Officer, along with Brenda Wagner, Administrator of Dufferin Oaks and Tom Reid, Chief Paramedic, provided an update regarding planning and activities being implemented to ensure business

COUNCIL MINUTES – March 12, 2020 – Page 2 continuity and necessary internal and external communications during possible disruptions from the impact of the COVID-19 virus.


Don Kidd, an Orangeville resident, inquired if there was information sharing regarding COVID-19 from the County of Dufferin to the lower tiers to help the lower tiers protect their retirement and long term care homes. Sonya Pritchard, Chief Administrative Officer, confirmed all the lower tiers will receive the same information as the County of Dufferin does from the Ministry of health. Mr. Kidd also inquired as to why the Orangeville & District Agricultural Society did not receive a community grant recommendation amount. Shirley Boxom, Executive Director of Headwaters Communities In Action, advised the Orangeville & District Agricultural Society did not submit an application. Mr. Kidd also inquired as to what the Fiddlehead Care Farm is and why the Orangeville Baptist Church (o/a Compass Community Church) did not receive a grant. Ms. Boxom advised the Fiddlehead Care Farm is a camp for children with special needs. The Orangeville Baptist Church had applied to remove the Phragmites australis and Headwaters Communities In Action advised landscaping was not eligible for a community grant.


6. Infrastructure & Environmental Services Minutes – February 27, 2020

Moved by Councillor Gardhouse, seconded by Councillor Hawkins

THAT the minutes of the Infrastructure and Environmental Services meeting held on February 27, 2020, and the recommendations set out, be adopted. -Carried-

7. INFRASTRUCTURE & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES – February 27, 2020 – ITEM #1 County Forest Operating Plan Update 2021-2026

THAT the report, County Forest Operating Plan Update 2021-2026, from the Director of Public Works/County Engineer, dated February 27, 2020, be received.

COUNCIL MINUTES – March 12, 2020 – Page 3 8. INFRASTRUCTURE & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES – February 27, 2020 – ITEM #2 Winter Maintenance Agreements – Orangeville, Grand Valley & Grey County

THAT report, Winter Maintenance Agreements – Orangeville, Grand Valley, Grey County, from the Director of Public Works, dated February 27, 2020, be received;

AND THAT the necessary by-laws be presented to Council.

9. INFRASTRUCTURE & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES – February 27, 2020 – ITEM #3 Township of East Garafraxa

THAT the resolution from the Township of East Garafraxa, dated January 28, 2020, requesting the County of Dufferin consider higher winter maintenance standards for County roads in the Township of East Garafraxa, be received.

10. Headwaters Community in Action Report - Community Grant Recommendations

A report from Headwaters Communities In Action, dated February 2020, to recommend allocation of the Dufferin County Community Grant funds.

Moved by Councillor Horner, seconded by Councillor Ryan

THAT the following amounts, as recommended by Headwaters Communities in Action, be approved for the 2020 grant allocation:

Organization Grant Amount Bethell Hospice Foundation $2,500 Big Brothers Big Sisters of Dufferin & $5,000 District Caledon Dufferin Victim Services $4,000 Career Education Council $1,000 Celebrate Your Awesome $5,000 Dufferin County Cultural Resource Circle $1,500 Dufferin Parent Support Network $8,400 Family Transition Place $8,000 Fiddlehead Care Farm $5,000 Grand Valley Lions Club $500 Habitat for Humanity Wellington Dufferin $3,500 Headwaters Arts $2,000

COUNCIL MINUTES – March 12, 2020 – Page 4 Organization Grant Amount Highlands Youth for Christ $7,500 Orangeville Blues & Jazz Festival $3,000 Rotary Club of Orangeville - Ribfest $3,000 Rotary Club of Shelburne $2,000 Shelburne and District Horticultural Society $600 Shelburne and District Agricultural Society $1,000 Theatre Orangeville $8,500 Westminster United Church $8,500 -Carried-

Warden White and Councillor Little left the meeting at 8:20 p.m. Councillor Creelman assumed Chair of the meeting.

11. Headwaters Community in Action Report - Community Grant Recommendations

Moved by Councillor Brown, seconded by Councillor Hawkins

THAT the following amounts, as recommended by Headwaters Communities in Action, be approved for the 2020 grant allocation:

Organization Grant Amount 1849 Lorne Scots Army Cadets $3,500 Dufferin County Town & Country Farm Tour $1,000 -Carried-

Warden White and Councillor Little returned to the meeting at 8:21 p.m. Warden White continued to Chair the meeting.

12. Director of Corporate Services Report - 911 Central Emergency Reporting Bureau Contract

A report from the Clerk/Director of Corporate Services, dated March 12, 2020, to seek direction from Council regarding the provision of a Central Emergency Reporting Bureau (CERB).

Moved by Councillor Horner, seconded by Councillor Macintosh

THAT the report of the Director of Corporate Services dated March 12, 2020, regarding 911 Central Emergency Reporting Bureau Contract, be

COUNCIL MINUTES – March 12, 2020 – Page 5 received;

AND THAT the current contract with Northern911 for 911 Central Emergency Reporting Bureau be extended until July, 2021. -Carried-

13. Director of Planning, Economic Development & Culture’s Report –Business Retention & Expansion Project – Agriculture and Food

Karisa Downey, Economic Development Officer, presented the results of the Business Retention & Expansion Project – Agriculture and Food Sectors.

A report from the Director of Planning, Economic Development and Culture, dated March 12, 2020, to provide an update on the Agriculture and Food Business Retention and Expansion (BR+E) Project being undertaken by Dufferin County Economic Development (DCED) staff.

Moved by Councillor Creelman, seconded by Councillor Little

THAT the report of the Director of Planning, Economic Development and Culture, dated March 12, 2020, regarding the Business Retention and Expansion Project - Agriculture and Food, be received;

AND THAT the resulting Business Retention and Expansion Action Plan for the Agricultural and Food sector in Dufferin County be adopted. -Carried-

14. Director of Planning, Economic Development & Culture’s Report – 2019/2020 Economic Development Fund

A report deferred from the February 13, 2020 meeting of Council from the Director of Planning, Economic Development and Culture, dated February 13, 2020, to provide information on municipal applications received for the 2019/2020 Dufferin County Economic Development Fund, and a recommendation on the distribution of funds for local economic development projects.

Moved by Councillor Horner, seconded by Councillor Rentsch

THAT the report of the Director of Planning, Economic Development and Culture, dated February 13, 2020, regarding 2019/2020 Dufferin County Economic Development Fund, be received;

COUNCIL MINUTES – March 12, 2020 – Page 6

AND THAT the following amounts be disbursed from the County’s Economic Development Fund:

 $30,000 to the Town of Grand Valley for its “Life in the Valley is Grand” project  $30,000 to the Township of Mulmur for its “Cycle Trails” project  $30,000 to the Town of Orangeville for a joint Town/County tourism analysis and action plan, and  $30,000 to the Town of Shelburne for its “Trail Implementation” project. -Carried-

15. Director of Community Services Report - Ontario Works Electronic Document Management

A report from the Director of Community Services, dated March 12, 2020, to recommend to Council the implementation of the Electronic Document Management (EDM) model developed as part of the Ministry’s Social Assistance Reform mandate.

Moved by Councillor Mills, seconded by Councillor Rentsch

THAT the report of the Director, Community Services, dated March 12, 2020, titled Ontario Works Electronic Document Management be received;

AND THAT staff work with Nimble Information Strategies Inc. on a single source procurement process;

AND THAT the cost of implementing Electronic Document Management (EDM) for the Ontario Works Division be paid for with the “efficiency” funding received from the Provincial government in March 2019;

AND THAT, the ongoing cost be incorporated into the annual operating budget. -Carried-

COUNCIL MINUTES – March 12, 2020 – Page 7 16. Administrator of Dufferin Oaks Report - Long Term Care Service Accountability Amending Agreement

A report from the Administrator of Dufferin Oaks, dated March 12, 2020, to complete the required amending agreement to the Long Term Care Service Accountability Agreement (LSAA) with the Central West Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) for the period March 31, 2020 to June 30, 2020.

Moved by Councillor Ryan, seconded by Councillor Hawkins

THAT the report of the Administrator, dated March 12, 2020, regarding the Long Term Care Service Accountability Amending Agreement be received;

AND THAT the County of Dufferin signs the Long Term Care Service Accountability Amending Agreement with the Central West LHIN for the period March 31 2020 to June 30, 2020. -Carried-

17. Administrator of Dufferin Oaks Report - Multi-Sector Service Accountability Amending Agreement

A report from the Administrator of Dufferin Oaks, dated March 12, 2020, to complete the required amending agreement to the Multi-Sector Service Accountability Agreement (M-SAA) with the Central West Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) for the period March 31, 2020 to June 30, 2020.

Moved by Councillor Horner, seconded by Councillor Brown

THAT the report of the Administrator, dated March 12, 2020, regarding the Multi –Sector Service Accountability Amending Agreement be received;

AND THAT the County of Dufferin signs Multi-Sector Accountability Amending Agreement with the Central West LHIN for the period March 31 2020 to June 30, 2020. -Carried-

18. Administrator of Dufferin Oaks Report - Medical Director of Dufferin Oaks

A report from the Administrator of Dufferin Oaks, dated March 12, 2020, to recommend that the County of Dufferin enter into an agreement with Dr. Gursharan Soor for the provision of Medical Director Services to Dufferin Oaks.

COUNCIL MINUTES – March 12, 2020 – Page 8

Moved by Councillor Creelman, seconded by Councillor Gardhouse

THAT, the report of the Administrator, dated March 12, 2020, regarding the Medical Director for Dufferin Oaks be received;

AND THAT, the Warden and Clerk be authorized to sign the Memorandum of Agreement – Medical Director for the term April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2023. -Carried-

19. Treasurer’s Report – 2019 Statement of Council Remuneration and Expenses Paid

A report from the Treasurer, dated March 12, 2020, to present to Council the Statement of the Treasurer of the Remuneration and Expenses paid to Members of Council, required by Section 284 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, for 2019.

Moved by Councillor Ryan, seconded by Councillor Hawkins

THAT the report from the Treasurer, 2019 Statement of Council Remuneration and Expenses Paid, dated March 12, 2020, be received. -Carried-

20. Chief Administrative Officer’s Report - Service Review Report #7 – Monthly Update

A report from the Chief Administrative Officer, dated March 12, 2020, to provide a regular update on the Service Delivery Review (SDR) Project.

Moved by Councillor Horner, seconded by Councillor Creelman

THAT the report of the Chief Administrative Officer, dated March 12, 2020, regarding Service Review Report #7, be received. -Carried-

21. Treasurer’s Report – Financial Summary

A report from the Treasurer, dated March 12, 2020, to provide Council with a financial summary for December 2019.

COUNCIL MINUTES – March 12, 2020 – Page 9 Moved by Councillor Ryan, seconded by Councillor Macintosh

THAT the report of the Treasurer, dated March 12, 2020, providing a financial summary as of December 2019, be received. -Carried- CORRESPONDENCE

22. Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act (EMCPA) 2019 Compliance Results

Correspondence from Office of the Fire Marshal and Emergency Management, dated February 15, 2020, with respect to the 2019 EMCPA Compliance Results for the County of Dufferin.

Moved by Councillor Brown, seconded by Councillor Horner

THAT the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act 2019 Compliance Results, dated February 15, 2020, regarding Conservation Authorities programs and services, be received. -Carried-

23. Proposed Long Term Care Facility

Correspondence from Sandy Brown, dated February 21, 2020, requesting a letter of support to Primacare for a proposed Long Term Care facility in Orangeville.

Moved by Warden White, seconded by Councillor Macintosh

THAT the Warden be authorized to sign a letter of support to Primacare for a proposed long term care facility in Orangeville. -Carried-



Moved by Councillor Creelman

WHEREAS the Municipal Act Section 238 (3)(1) allows for procedural by- laws to provide that a member of Council can participate electronically in a meeting which is open to the public to the extent and in the manner set out

COUNCIL MINUTES – March 12, 2020 – Page 10 in the by-law provided that any such member shall not be counted in determining whether or not a quorum of members is present at any point in time;

BE IT RESOLVED THAT staff be directed to report back to Council on the possibilities and options regarding electronic participation in Council and/or Committee meetings.


2020-25 A by-law to ratify the actions of the Warden and the Clerk for executing an agreement between the Corporation of the County of Dufferin and Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada as represented by the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. (Rural Economic Development Funding Agreement) Authorization: Council – March 12, 2020

2020-26 A by-law to authorize the Warden and Clerk to execute an agreement between the Corporation of the County of Dufferin and Central West Local Health Integration Network (LHIN). (Long Term Care Homes Service Accountability Agreement) Authorization: Council – March 12, 2020

2020-27 A by-law to authorize the Warden and Clerk to execute an agreement between the Corporation of the County of Dufferin and Central West Local Health Integration Network (LHIN). (Multi-Sector Service Accountability Agreement) Authorization: Council – March 12, 2020

2020-28 A by-law to authorize the Warden and Clerk to execute an agreement between the Corporation of the County of Dufferin and the Corporation of the Town of Orangeville. (Winter Maintenance Agreement) Authorization: Infrastructure and Environmental Services – February 27, 2020

2020-29 A by-law to authorize the Warden and Clerk to execute an agreement between the Corporation of the County of Dufferin and the Corporation of the Town of Grand Valley. (Winter Maintenance Agreement)

COUNCIL MINUTES – March 12, 2020 – Page 11 Authorization: Infrastructure and Environmental Services – February 27, 2020

2020-30 A by-law to authorize the Warden and Clerk to execute an agreement between the Corporation of the County of Dufferin and the Corporation of the County of Grey. (Winter Maintenance Agreement) Authorization: Infrastructure and Environmental Services – February 27, 2020

2020-31 A by-law to amend By-Law 2017-39, being a by-law to govern the lands known as the Dufferin County Forest. (Amend Section 7, Section 17, Section 20, Schedule A, and Schedule C) Authorization: Infrastructure and Environmental Services – January 23, 2020

2020-32 A by-law to establish property tax rates for upper-tier (county) purposes for the year 2020. Authorization: General Government Services – January 23, 2020

2020-33 A by-law to authorize the Warden and Clerk to execute an agreement between the Corporation of The County of Dufferin and Dr. Gursharan Soor. (Medical Director for Dufferin Oaks Home Long Term Care Home) Authorization: Council – March 12, 2020

Moved by Councillor Rentsch, seconded by Councillor Hawkins

THAT By-laws 2020-25 thru 2020-33, inclusive, be read a first, second and third time and enacted. -Carried-




2020-34 A by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Dufferin at its meeting held on March 12, 2020.

COUNCIL MINUTES – March 12, 2020 – Page 12

Moved by Councillor Ryan, seconded by Councillor Brown

THAT by-law 2020-34 be read a first, second and third time and enacted. -Carried- 30. ADJOURNMENT

Moved by Councillor Gardhouse, seconded by Councillor Macintosh

THAT the meeting adjourn. -Carried-

The meeting adjourned at 9:01 p.m.

Next meeting: Thursday, April 9, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. 87 Broadway, Orangeville

Darren White, Warden Pam Hillock, Clerk

COUNCIL MINUTES – March 12, 2020 – Page 13

DUFFERIN COUNTY COUNCIL MINUTES Wednesday, April 1, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. Video Conference

Council Members Present: Warden Darren White (Melancthon) Councillor Steve Anderson (Shelburne) Councillor Sandy Brown (Orangeville) Councillor John Creelman (Mono) Councillor Bob Currie (Amaranth) Councillor Guy Gardhouse (East Garafraxa) Councillor Chris Gerrits (Amaranth) Councillor Earl Hawkins (Mulmur) Councillor Janet Horner (Mulmur) Councillor Andy Macintosh (Orangeville) Councillor Wade Mills (Shelburne) Councillor Laura Ryan (Mono) Councillor Steve Soloman (Grand Valley) Councillor Philip Rentsch (Grand Valley)

Staff Present: Sonya Pritchard, Chief Administrative Officer Pam Hillock, Clerk/Director of Corporate Services Alan Selby, Treasurer Anna McGregor, Director of Community Services Scott Burns, Director of Public Works Brenda Wagner, Administrator of Dufferin Oaks Tom Reid, Chief, Paramedic Service Cheri French, Director of Human Resources Darrell Keenie, Director of Planning, Economic Development & Culture Aimee Raves, Deputy Treasurer Michelle Dunne, Deputy Clerk

Warden White called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.

The Warden announced that this meeting is being live streamed and publicly broadcast. The recording of this meeting will also be available on our website in the future.

COUNCIL MINUTES – April 1, 2020 – Page 1 The Warden read the electronic meeting protocols as outlined in the by-law: The Procedural By-law shall continue to apply to an Electronic Meeting held pursuant to this Protocol o Each Member participating in a meeting electronically shall be available at least fifteen (15) minutes before the beginning of the meeting to assist staff in confirming establishment of the electronic connection. o Each Member participating in a meeting electronically will mute their electronic device when not speaking and/or it will be muted by meeting support staff, depending on the technology used for the meeting. o The Chair will canvass Members participating electronically about their intention to speak to a matter on the floor and will notify each Member when it is their turn to speak. o Member(s) participating electronically will be deemed to have left the meeting when they are no longer electronically connected to the meeting. o In the case of a loss of connection, or any connection issue which impedes the ability of a Member(s) to participate in the meeting in real time, the meeting will continue without attempts by either staff or the Member(s) to reconnect.  For any procedural or technology matters unforeseen and not clearly identified within these rules or the Procedural By-law, the matter shall be decided by the Warden, upon advice from the Clerk or County Staff, subject to an appeal to the Council.  Members follow meeting leadership from the Warden as Chair.  At the start of the meeting, the Clerk shall conduct a roll call by voice (calling out each Member in alphabetical order. After roll call, a Member participating electronically should advise verbally that they are leaving the meeting before ending their participation.  The Chair is to announce each agenda item on the floor of the meeting and shall maintain an orderly meeting process keeping Members informed.


The Clerk verbally took a roll call of the Councillors in attendance.


Moved by Councillor Brown, seconded by Councillor Gardhouse

THAT the Agenda and any Addendum distributed for the April 1, 2020 meeting of Council, be approved. -Carried-


Members of Council are required to state any pecuniary interest in accordance with the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.


4. Clerk/Director of Corporate Services Report – Procedural By-Law Amendment – Electronic Participation at Meetings

A report from the Clerk/Director of Corporate Services, dated April 1, 2020, to seek approval to amend the Procedural By-law to allow electronic participation of Council meetings during any period of a declared emergency.

Moved by Councillor Horner, seconded by Councillor Ryan

THAT the Report from the Clerk/Director of Corporate Services, dated April 1, 2020, regarding Procedural By-law Amendment – Electronic Participation, be received;

AND THAT the necessary by-law be enacted.

A recorded vote was requested on the motion and taken as follows:

Yea Nay Councillor Anderson (1) x Councillor Brown (7) x Councillor Creelman (2) x Councillor Currie (1) x Councillor Gardhouse (2) x Councillor Gerrits (1) x Councillor Hawkins (1) x Councillor Horner (1) x

COUNCIL MINUTES – April 1, 2020 – Page 3 Yea Nay Councillor Macintosh (7) x Councillor Mills (2) x Councillor Rentsch (1) x Councillor Ryan (3) x Councillor Soloman (1) x Councillor White (2) x Totals (32) 32 -MOTION CARRIED-

5. Chief Administrative Officer’s Report – Continuing Essential Services

A report from the Chief Administrative Officer, dated April 1, 2020, with respect to continuing essential services.

Moved by Councillor Mills, seconded by Councillor Brown

THAT the report of the Chief Administrative Officer, dated April 1, 2020, regarding Essential Services and Continuity of Operations, be received;

AND THAT objectives of the COVID 19 Staffing and Redeployment Strategy be approved;

AND THAT, staff be directed to proceed with the 2020 capital work plan to the extent possible;

AND THAT, Darrell Keenie be appointed as Recovery Officer to develop a plan for recovery including a proposal for a recovery fund.

A recorded vote was requested on the motion and taken as follows:

Yea Nay Councillor Anderson (1) x Councillor Brown (7) x Councillor Creelman (2) x Councillor Currie (1) x Councillor Gardhouse (2) x Councillor Gerrits (1) x Councillor Hawkins (1) x Councillor Horner (1) x Councillor Macintosh (7) x

COUNCIL MINUTES – April 1, 2020 – Page 4 Yea Nay Councillor Mills (2) x Councillor Rentsch (1) x Councillor Ryan (3) x Councillor Soloman (1) x Councillor White (2) x Totals (32) 32 -MOTION CARRIED-


Moved by Councillor Mills, seconded by Councillor Macintosh

THAT staff be directed to prepare a report including a financial impact analysis regarding the possible deferral of tax remittance due dates for Council’s consideration.

Moved by Councillor Horner, seconded by Councillor Creelman

THAT the motion be amended to include different options that may be available for tax relief.


THAT staff be directed to prepare a report outlining options and impacts regarding the possible deferral of tax remittance due dates and other methods of tax relief that may be available to ratepayers.

A recorded vote was requested on the motion and taken as follows:

Yea Nay Councillor Anderson (1) x Councillor Brown (7) x Councillor Creelman (2) x Councillor Currie (1) x Councillor Gardhouse (2) x Councillor Gerrits (1) x Councillor Hawkins (1) x Councillor Horner (1) x Councillor Macintosh (7) x Councillor Mills (2) x

COUNCIL MINUTES – April 1, 2020 – Page 5 Yea Nay Councillor Rentsch (1) x Councillor Ryan (3) x Councillor Soloman (1) x Councillor White (2) x Totals (32) 32 -MOTION CARRIED-


2020-35 A by-law to amend By-law 2015-24, a by-law to govern the proceedings of Council and its Committee. (Permit for Electronic Meetings during a Period of Emergency) Authorization: Council – April 1, 2020

Moved by Councillor Ryan, seconded by Councillor Horner

THAT By-law 2020-35 be read a first, second and third time and enacted. -Carried-


Councillor Horner and Councillor Ryan thanked the Warden and staff for the constant updates on the COVID-19 situation in Dufferin County.

Warden White echoed the previous sentiment and thanked all the Dufferin County staff for their dedication and hard work during these stressful times.


2020-36 A by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Dufferin at its meeting held on April 1, 2020.

Moved by Councillor Brown, seconded by Councillor Hawkins

THAT By-law 2020-36 be read a first, second and third time and enacted. -Carried-

COUNCIL MINUTES – April 1, 2020 – Page 6 10. ADJOURNMENT

Moved by Councillor Macintosh, seconded by Councillor Gardhouse

THAT the meeting adjourn. -Carried-

The meeting adjourned at 3:35 p.m.

Next meeting: To Be Announced

Darren White, Warden Pam Hillock, Clerk

COUNCIL MINUTES – April 1, 2020 – Page 7


To: Warden White and Members of Council

From: Pam Hillock, Clerk/Director of Corporate Services

Date: April 16, 2020

Subject: Community Grants – Cancelled Events

In Support of Strategic Plan Priorities and Objectives: Good Governance - ensure transparency, clear communication, prudent financial management Inclusive and supportive community – support efforts to address current and future needs for a livable community


The purpose of this report is to seek direction from Council on how they would like to handle the funding that was granted to community groups with events being cancelled due to COVID-19.

Background & Discussion

Through the Community Grant program, several community organizations were given funding for various events across the County. Unfortunately, many of the events have been cancelled and some of the groups have come forward to ask what they should do with the County funding.

Below is a list of funds allocated to organizations who were holding events in 2020:

Organization Amount Project/Event Update Approved 1849 Lorne Scots $3,500 Trip to Washington March Trip cancelled Army Cadets 16, 2020-March 20, 2020 Community Grants – Cancelled Events Page 2

Organization Amount Project/Event Update Approved Career Education $1,000 Career Pathways Event for Council Grade 8 students – April 28, 2020 Celebrate Your $5,000 Inclusive family friendly Cancelled for Awesome event to celebrate pride & 2020 diversity- June 27, 2020 Dufferin County $1,500 National Indigenous Cultural Resource Peoples Day Celebration – Circle June 21, 2020 Dufferin Parent $8,400 30 parenting workshops Support Network for approx. 450 parents throughout 2020 Grand Valley Lions $500 Grand Valley Duck Race – Postponed until Club May 23, 2020 the fall – date not set Headwaters Arts $2,000 Curation, presentation & promotion of Headwaters Arts Annual Art Show & Sale – September to October, 2020 Orangeville Blues & $3,000 June 6-8, 2020 Postponed – date Jazz Festival not set Rotary Club of $3,000 RibFest - July 17-19, 2020 Cancelled Orangeville - Ribfest Rotary Club of $2,000 Heritage Music Festival – Shelburne August 6-9, 2020 Shelburne and District $1,000 Education Day Agricultural Society (Wednesday before the fair)

It is staff’s recommendation that if the event is not taking place in 2020, that the funding be returned to the County. The organizations can certainly re-apply for the 2021 funding if they are holding the event next year.

Community Grants – Cancelled Events Page 3

Financial Impact

By having the organizations return the funds, the money could be held for the 2020 grant allotment; therefore creating a reduction in the funding needed for the 2021 grants.


THAT the report of the Clerk/Director of Corporate Services, dated April 16, 2020, regarding the Community Grants, be received;

AND THAT the funding provided to organizations for events that were scheduled in 2020 and cancelled due to COVID-19, be returned to the County.

Respectfully submitted:

Pam Hillock Clerk/Director of Corporate Services REPORT TO COUNCIL

To: Warden White and Members of County Council

From: Aimee Raves, Acting Treasurer

Meeting Date: April 16, 2020

Subject: Property Tax Deferral

In Support of Strategic Plan Priorities and Objectives: Good Governance – ensure transparency, clear communication, and prudent financial management


The purpose of this report is to provide information to Council surrounding property tax levy deferral as a result of the COVID 19 pandemic.

Background & Discussion

There is a high level of uncertainty surrounding the full financial impact of the COVID 19 pandemic for all Canadians. A number of Federal and Provincial financial supports have been made available relatively quickly for both individuals and businesses to assist during this difficult time including wage subsidies, increasing the Canada Child Benefit, Canada Emergency Response Benefit, doubling the Guaranteed Annual Income System payment for seniors as well as deferring WSIB premiums and increasing the Employer Health Tax exemption. Even with these supports cash flow has become a key concern for many.

Property Tax Deferral

In March the Province of Ontario announced the deferral of quarterly education property tax remittances by 90 days. The March 31 remittance has been deferred to June 30, June 30 remittance deferred to September 30 and the September 30 remittance deferred to December 30. With the December remittance still due in December. Property Tax Deferral Page 2 of 3

County tax levy is collected by the lower tier municipalities on our behalf and is remitted to the County based on the due dates outlined in By-law 2020-32: 3. THAT County Council directs that the general upper-tier tax levy, for each lower- tier municipality be paid to the Treasurer of the Corporation of the County of Dufferin in four installments, as per s. 311(13) of the Municipal Act, 2001.

The Municipal Act Section 311(13) outlines the due dates for County levy instalments: (13) In each year, a lower-tier municipality in a county shall pay amounts to the upper- tier municipality in the following instalments: 1) 25 per cent of the amount required to be raised by the lower-tier municipality for upper-tier purposes in the previous year, on or before March 31. 2) 50 per cent of the amount required to be raised by the lower-tier municipality for upper-tier purposes in the current year, less the amount of the instalment paid under paragraph 1, on or before June 30. 3) 25 per cent of such current amount, on or before September 30. 4) The balance of the entitlement for the year, on or before December 15. 2001, c. 25, s. 311 (13).

By-law 2020-32 also states that an interest rate of 15% per year be applied to all late payments. The first quarter levy installments were received on time from all lower-tier municipalities in Dufferin County. The Municipal Act Section 311(15) provides the ability to change these dates:

(15) Despite subsection (13), a county may, by agreement with a majority of its lower- tier municipalities representing at least two-thirds of the total weighted assessment of all its lower-tier municipalities, provide by by-law for any number of instalments and their due dates other than those provided in subsection (13) and those alternative instalments and due dates shall be applicable to all its lower-tier municipalities. 2001, c. 25, s. 311 (15).

There is no indication at this point that conditions for agreement to change the due dates have been amended due to COVID 19. As such, local municipalities will be required to approve a resolution consenting to any change in the due dates of the county tax levy.

There are a number of considerations for lower tiers in relation to what works best for their municipality and their property taxes. Some have already deferred their next installment payment from residents while still assessing future actions. Property Tax Deferral Page 3 of 3

Financial, Staffing, Legal and IT Considerations

Cash flow is the number one consideration when considering property tax payment deferrals. The County has overdraft protection on the operating bank account as well as a number of short term investments that can be drawn from if required.


THAT the report of the Acting Treasurer, dated April 16, 2020, regarding Property Tax Deferral, be received;

AND THAT the remaining 2020 Property Tax Payments schedule be amended to coincide with the education payment dates, deferring the June and September payments by 90 days subject to the lower tier municipalities providing agreement as per Section 311 (15) of the Municipal Act;

AND THAT, the Dufferin County member municipalities be requested to provide a resolution of support for the change to the due dates by no later than May 31, 2020.

Respectfully Submitted By:

Aimee Raves, CPA, CMA Acting Treasurer REPORT TO COUNCIL

To: Warden White and Members of County Council

From: Aimee Raves, Acting Treasurer

Meeting Date: April 16, 2020

Subject: COVID 19 Financial Implications

In Support of Strategic Plan Priorities and Objectives: Good Governance – ensure transparency, clear communication, and prudent financial management


The purpose of this report is to provide information to Council about current and potential financial implications during the COVID 19 pandemic.

Background & Discussion

In response to the COVID 19 pandemic, County staff shifted operations from business as usual to our new normal of working from home, skeleton staff and closed facilities. As we move forward during this pandemic it has become increasingly clear that the shift is creating a number of budget variances across multiple departments, some variances are positive, some are negative. Below is a summary of some of these that are currently being experienced or expected in the future:

Community Services • Increased cleaning costs due to additional cleaning at housing buildings and Edelbrock Centre ($20,000 for two weeks) • Potential lower tenant income levels may result in higher rent subsidies and lower rent revenue • Additional costs to support the homeless community, offset by additional funding provided through the Federal Reaching Home initiative ($213,888) and the Provincial Social Services Relief Fund ($250,600) COVID 19 Financial Implications Page 2 of 5

• Loss of parent fee revenues due to closure of Jean Hamlyn, partially offset by savings achieved during closure (cleaning, utilities, etc.) • Anticipate increase in Ontario Works programs in coming months as incomes drop and those on EI move to Ontario Works • Anticipate increase in homelessness programs as people struggle to make ends meet • Potential loss in provincial subsidies for EarlyON program which has been suspended

Corporate Services • IT equipment and software purchases to meet the needs of all County staff working at home including headsets, multi-function printers and cables ($15,000) • IT staff were able to repurpose surplus cell phones, laptops and monitors to support staff working from home • Radio advertising to increase communication with residents ($2,000) • Overtime for IT staff resulting from the switch to working remotely and continued support of Dufferin Oaks as required

Dufferin Oaks • Overtime of staff as many are working double shifts to ensure proper care is provided to residents • Backfill costs to cover staff absenteeism due to COVID 19 • New position to support screening of residents and staff, additional housekeeping shifts to maintain Ministry guidelines • iPads to allow residents to video chat with family ($5,000) • Additional funding from Ministry of Health to support fight against COVID 19 ($37,500) • Between 25% - 100% more paper products and cleaning supplies are required • Increase costs associated with personal protective equipment, currently averaging the following in each 24 hour period: o 580 gowns o 1,250 pairs of gloves o 200 surgical masks o 75 surgical masks with shields

Dufferin Community Support Services • Suspension of meal delivery programs due to cancellation of services by clients results in both lower program costs and revenues, plans are in place to ramp up this program once again over the next couple of weeks • Lower expenses and related revenues for other Community Support programs currently on hold

Human Resources, Health and Safety • Overtime of staff as they support the needs of Dufferin Oaks and the rest of the organization • Increased costs associated with cell phones for staff working from home

COVID 19 Financial Implications Page 3 of 5

Paramedics • Increased staffing of Community Paramedic Program to better support the hospital and the needs of the community • Overtime of staff • Additional supplies and personal protective equipment

Public Works • Operations – extension of winter seasonal staff by two weeks, addition of two summer seasonal staff. Currently running two separate crews to ensure physical distancing • Facilities – increased staffing costs to ensure cleanliness of buildings that remain open, additional cleaning contract to assist with keeping buildings clean, increase in cleaning supply costs, potential loss revenue due to Courtroom closure at 55 Zina Street • Waste Services – additional costs associated with additional double up days ($25,000 per month) • County Forest – loss of hunting permit and event revenues due to Forest closure, additional costs for signs and barriers

Corporate Wide • Savings will be seen across all departments as training and conferences are being cancelled, fuel prices have dropped, hydro time of use is on holiday schedule

Community Housing Funding Announcements

Federal Funding

On March 18, 2020, the Prime Minister announced that the Government of Canada will be providing Reaching Home with an additional $157.5 million to support people experiencing homelessness during the COVID-19 outbreak.

The 2020-2021 incremental funding allocation under Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan to Support People Experiencing and At Risk of Homelessness for the County of Dufferin under the Designated Communities Funding Stream is $213,888. This amount is intended to complement the current Reaching Home funding.

This funding will be administered through a statutory agreement rather than an amendment to the Reaching Home agreement. The County will be contacted shortly to confirm information required to set-up the funding agreement and process the issuance of funding. In the interim, beginning April 1, 2020, eligible activities can commence and the associated costs incurred are eligible under this funding. COVID 19 Financial Implications Page 4 of 5

Provincial Funding

On March 23, 2020, the Provincial government announced a $200-million investment in social services relief funding to help protect the health and safety of the province’s most vulnerable people in response to the outbreak of COVID-19.

Under the Social Services Relief Fund (SSRF), the County of Dufferin will be eligible to receive $250,600 in 2020-21. To ensure this investment is delivered as quickly as possible and to provide maximum flexibility for local needs, the Province will be providing funding through the Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative (CHPI).

The County will receive 50 per cent of the SSRF allocation in early April to enable immediate response to the COVID-19 crisis. An additional 25 percent is set to flow in July, with the remainder to be flowed in October or January based on a review of Service Manager’s progress towards the SSRF Funding allocation.

Financial, Staffing, Legal and IT Considerations

The full impact of COVID-19 is not known at this time. Staff are monitoring cash flow more closely in anticipation of deferred levy payments and as costs increase to help protect our staff and community. Prudent fiscal planning for capital purposes has led to strong reserve balances with over $13 million in short term investments that are easily accessible to meet our needs. Withdrawal of short term investments will lead to lower investment interest as will the current market state and lower interest rates.

There are areas where costs will continue to increase, namely cleaning and personal protective equipment (PPE) as we work to keep staff and residents safe. Staff estimate that more has been spent on PPE in the last month than normally in an entire year. The County is currently working with local organizations to ensure staff have sufficient supplies and have begun receiving donations from our generous community.

One of the largest unknowns is the staffing needs at Dufferin Oaks. It is important to be aware of not only the potential for staff overtime but also staff shortages due to absenteeism associated with COVID 19 and the costs associated with backfilling those staff. At this point it is almost impossible to estimate what these costs will be. As an example, if 10% of Dufferin Oaks staff are unable to work their regular shift over a 2 week period the added staffing costs would be between $20,000 and $30,000.

As was previously reported by the CAO, a redeployment strategy was developed. In accordance with the Council approved objectives. A number of measures have recently been implemented. Some staff from non-essential services have been redeployed to COVID 19 Financial Implications Page 5 of 5

long-term care, others have been redeployed to other essential areas, and some staff working in areas that have been closed as a result of provincial orders have received layoff notices. There will be an ongoing reassessment of staffing requirements in order to ensure the appropriate balance between fiscal restraint, current requirements, and future impacts.

Each year the County hires a number of summer students to assist throughout the organization. In the event we are still required to self isolate it is unlikely all students will be able to join the County team, resulting in potential savings.

Many non union staff have been working overtime and are banking their time so there is not a direct cost to the County initially. However, it is recognized that during this crisis it is difficult for staff to use vacation and banked time. For accounting purposes, at the end of each year the amount of outstanding time that staff have banked is expensed in the year earned creating a liability to the County. (The 2019 ending balance was nearly $330,000.) Depending on how long this crisis continues it may become difficult to reduce the 2020 liability prior to year end. Staff will be monitoring closely and examining possible solutions including payouts or reduced work weeks to minimize the liability and cost to the County.

Staff have begun tracking the amount of time spent on COVID 19 related activities versus regular activities. Most department heads and managers are spending over 70% of their time away from regular work. This has become necessary to meet the ever changing needs associated with the pandemic and will have long term consequences as regular work is not being completed.

The current physical distancing requirements may lead to increased costs associated with various capital and operating projects planned for 2020. Staff are currently prioritizing projects to ensure critical projects are taking into consideration existing capacity issues.


THAT the report of the Acting Treasurer, dated April 16, 2020, regarding COVID-19 Financial Implications, be received.

Respectfully Submitted By:

Aimee Raves, CPA, CMA Acting Treasurer REPORT TO COUNCIL

To: Warden White and Members of County Council

From: Sonya Pritchard, Chief Administrative Officer

Meeting Date: April 16, 2020

Subject: SWIFT Credit Facility Guarantee – Letter of Intent

In Support of Strategic Plan Priorities and Objectives: Good Governance – ensure transparency, clear communication, and prudent financial management


The purpose of this report is to recommend approval of a Letter of Intent (LOI) for a credit facility guarantee for the SWIFT project in Dufferin County.

Background & Discussion

With the Provincial Government’s approval of the Southwestern Integrated Fibre Technology Phase 3 Project on March 5, 2020, SWIFT is now in a position to advance work on fulfilling its mandate and purpose of expediting the availability of hi-speed internet to the underserviced areas of South Western Ontario. The eleven projects that SWIFT has committed to under this approval will see $150,126,84 invested in Brant County, , Town of Caledon, Dufferin County, Elgin County, Essex County, Grey County, Huron County, Middlesex County, Niagara Region, Oxford County, Perth County, and Region of Waterloo. The investment in Dufferin County will be $7,157, 589 (significantly more than the $537,500 that the municipality will has paid SWIFT).

As part of its due diligence, preparations to ensure that these projects will be completed on time and in accordance with the SCF funding window, SWIFT identified that completion of them may require the need for short-term bridge financing in the SWIFT Credit Facility Guarantee – Letter of Intent Page 2 of 5

amount of $27.5 million dollars. This is because although the Contribution Agreement (CA) will ultimately provide SWIFT with all the funding necessary to cover the full costs of these projects, cash flow shortfalls may result from the following timing issues:

1. The Funders (the Governments of Canada and Ontario) will only accept claims for reimbursement from SWIFT once SWIFT has fully paid all invoices to the ISPs (contractors) performing the actual work. It is estimated that once a claim is submitted, it will take 16 plus weeks to receive reimbursement from the Funders.

2. The Funders have placed a requirement for a holdback on the project (amount currently being negotiated). This holdback is only reimbursable once a project has been completed meaning “acceptance paperwork” has been provided to and approved/accepted by the Funders.

Although it is unlikely that SWIFT will need to have access to short-term bridge financing before 2021-2022, SWIFT staff and its Board believe it prudent to have the necessary arrangements in place well in advance of then. This is why SWIFT is now seeking the formal agreement from the 11 that they are prepared to act as guarantors of the $27.5 million credit facility SWIFT is seeking.

SWIFT is required to secure a bridge loan for the Phase 3 projects in order to manage cash flow. As a requirement under the Ontario Construction Act, SWIFT is required to pay all ISP invoices within 28 days of receipt. However, the Contribution Agreement (CA) with the province does not include any similar requirement by the province for claims made by SWIFT. It has been the experience in thus far that claims submitted to the province could take up to 12 weeks before funds are received. In addition to this, SWIFT cannot submit a claim to the province without proof that the corresponding ISP invoice has been paid in full.

In order to secure this loan, SWIFT is also required to secure the necessary guarantees from each municipality in order to meet the bank’s (TD Bank) requirements.

SWIFT successfully completed this exercise for Phase 2 of the project and the 3 participating Phase 2 municipalities guaranteed the $6M bridge financing in the same ratio as their overall funding as compared to the total Phase 2 funding. The results of that exercise was as follows; SWIFT Credit Facility Guarantee – Letter of Intent Page 3 of 5

For the Phase 3 projects, cash flow analysis indicates that SWIFT will require financing of $27.5 million. SWIFT will be seeking guarantees totalling this amount from the participating Phase 3 SCF-eligible municipalities. The following analysis has been completed in order to distribute the guarantee burden in line with the overall funding received by each municipality.

In order for the loan application to be approved, SWIFT needs to secure guarantees for the full $27.5M. The loan application will only be approved for the amount that is guaranteed. If a single municipality is unable to provide their guarantee, the entire loan will need to be reduced by the amount of that municipality’s guarantee and other options will need to be discussed with the municipality to address the cash flow shortages that will result when executing their projects. Note that if no financing is available, SWIFT will not have the ability to execute the projects in the given municipality. SWIFT Credit Facility Guarantee – Letter of Intent Page 4 of 5

To this end, SWIFT is requesting that Dufferin County approve the attached non-binding Letter of Intent (LOI) which provides SWIFT with the municipality’s intent to guarantee the loan in the amount of $1,313,000. Once LOIs have been received from all 14 participating Phase 3 municipalities, SWIFT will initiate the process with TD Bank. In order to formalize the guarantees, TD Bank will be requesting that each municipality provide them with the following:

1. A council resolution approving the guarantee 2. A signed letter of guarantee (form to be provided by TD Bank) 3. A letter from the municipality’s legal counsel indicating that the person who has signed 1 and 2 above has the legal authority to do so.

These items will be addressed at a later date and, for the time being, SWIFT is only seeking signature on the attached LOI.

It is also important to note, per section 3 of the LOI, SWIFT is NOT seeking any additional funds from the municipality. This request is to guarantee the loan only. Given that the funding for this project is secured through the provincial and federal governments, there is little risk that SWIFT would default on the loan and that any guarantee would be called.

SWIFT requires the guarantee from the partners as it is a new corporation without any tangible capital assets (TCAs), although it does have cash on hand. Further it will not own any TCAs once the projects it is seeking to finance will have been completed. Therefore, a lender has nothing which it can take as collateral in security of the requested loan(s). This is why SWIFT is requesting that the municipalities benefiting from these projects provide guarantees to the lender which will provide this required financing. Further, as SWIFT is a creation of and owned by the Western Ontario Wardens' Caucus, of which the Dufferin County is a member, it is reasonable for SWIFT to seek this guarantee.

Financial, Staffing, Legal and IT Considerations

There is no direct financial impact at this time. When the County is required to submit the approval of the guarantee to the financial institution it will be necessary to encumber that amount. To do this it may be appropriate to put it into a reserve fund for the duration of the project. The financial risks to the municipality from providing this requested guarantee are minimal and far exceeded by the benefits that will be derived from the expansion of hi-speed internet access throughout the municipality. Successful completion of the Dufferin County SWIFT Project will result in the SWIFT Credit Facility Guarantee – Letter of Intent Page 5 of 5

municipality receiving a 13.3 times multiplier on the value of its investment into SWIFT.


THAT the report of the Chief Administrative Officer, dated April 16, 2020, regarding SWIFT Credit Facility Guarantee – Letter of Intent, be received;

AND THAT, the attached Letter of Intent to guarantee $1,313,000 of a $27,531,000 credit facility required by SWIFT for the Phase 3 projects be approved and submitted to SWIFT.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sonya Pritchard, CPA, CMA Chief Administrative Officer , 2020

Private and Confidential

Southwestern Integrated Fibre Technology Inc. 789 Broadway Street Box 3000 Wyoming, Ontario N0N 1T0

Attention: David Mayberry, Board Chair Barry Field, Chief Operating Officer

Dear Messrs. Mayberry and Field:

Re: Letter of Intent – SWIFT Credit Facility

This non-binding letter of intent (this “LOI”) sets out the basis upon which Dufferin County would be prepared to provide a guarantee in respect of a $27,531,000 revolving credit facility (the “Credit Facility”) to be secured by Southwestern Integrated Fibre Technology Inc. (“SWIFT”) in connection with its initiative to deploy funding provided by the Governments of Ontario and Canada (and administered by the Ontario Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (“OMAFRA”)) for broadband network infrastructure projects to serve underserved areas within Brant County, Bruce County, Town of Caledon, Dufferin County, Elgin County, Essex County, Grey County, Huron County, Middlesex County, Niagara Region, Oxford County, Perth County, Simcoe County and Region of Waterloo (each, a “Project” and collectively, the “Projects”).

1. The purpose of the Credit Facility is for SWIFT to have access to financing to bridge the mismatch in timing between SWIFT’s obligation to pay the internet service providers (“ISP”) who will undertake the Projects (generally within 28 days of receipt of a proper invoice, in accordance with the Construction Act (Ontario)) and the receipt of the corresponding payment from OMAFRA (expected to be approximately 12 weeks following receipt by OMAFRA of a payment claim from SWIFT). SWIFT will use the Credit Facility solely for such purpose.

2. Each of Brant County, Bruce County, Town of Caledon, Dufferin County, Elgin County, Essex County, Grey County, Huron County, Middlesex County, Niagara Region, Oxford County, Perth County, Simcoe County and Region of Waterloo will guarantee a portion of the Credit Facility, with the amount of the guarantee provided by each county being proportionate to the amount of funding from the Governments of Ontario and Canada allocated to the Project in such county, as follows:

28108836.1 - 2 -

3. SWIFT does not expect to receive any direct financial contribution from Brant County, Bruce County, Town of Caledon, Dufferin County, Elgin County, Essex County, Grey County, Huron County, Middlesex County, Niagara Region, Oxford County, Perth County, Simcoe County and Region of Waterloo for the Projects in addition to the guarantee described in paragraph 2 above.

4. SWIFT will procure the Credit Facility and negotiate the terms and conditions of the definitive agreements to be entered into by SWIFT and the guarantee agreement to be entered into by each of Brant County, Bruce County, Town of Caledon, Dufferin County, Elgin County, Essex County, Grey County, Huron County, Middlesex County, Niagara Region, Oxford County, Perth County, Simcoe County and Region of Waterloo in connection with the Credit Facility, all at SWIFT’s sole cost and expense. SWIFT will keep a representative (or representatives) designated by Dufferin County informed of discussions and negotiations with the financial institution selected by SWIFT to provide the Credit Facility and, if requested by Dufferin County, will allow such representatives to participate in such discussions and negotiations.

5. The final terms and conditions of the Credit Facility (including the guarantee agreement to be entered into by Dufferin County) will be subject to approval by Dufferin County.

This LOI is a non-binding indication of interest and, accordingly, Dufferin County does not intend this LOI to create legally enforceable obligations, which would arise only upon the execution of definitive legal documentation to give effect to the arrangements described in this LOI. The entering into this LOI does not constitute an obligation or commitment of Dufferin County to enter into such definitive legal documents.

Sincerely yours,


By: Name: Title:

Accepted by:


By: Name: Title:

28108836.1 374028 6TH LINE . AMARANTH ON . L9W OM6

April 8, 2020

Honourable Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario Premier's Office, Room 281 Legislative Building, Queen's Park , Ontario M7A 1A1

Honourable Premier Ford,

Re: Registration of tax arrears certificate

The Council of the Township of Amaranth at their regular meeting held on April 2, 2020 discussed the timelin e in The Municipal Acf, specifically concerning :

Registration of tax arrears certificate

373 (1) Where any part of tax arrears is owing with respect to land in a municipality on January 1 in the second year following that in which the real property taxes become owing, the treasurer of the municipality, unless othenruise directed by the municipality, may prepare and register a tax arrears certificate against the title to that land. 2001, c. 25, s. 373 (1); 2017 , c. 10, Sched. 1 , s. 55 (1).

Council would like to express their concerns with the shortened timeframe and requests that the Ministry revert back to a three year timeframe before the registration of a tax arrears certificate.

Respe ly subm

Nicole Martin Deputy-Clerk

Sylvia Jones Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) Rural Ontario Municipal Association (ROMA) Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario (AMCTO) Ontario Mu nicipalities CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF DUFFERIN

BY-LAW 2020-37


WHEREAS Section 286 of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, C. 25, as amended, states that a municipality shall appoint a Treasurer who is responsible for handling all of the financial affairs of the municipality on behalf of and in the manner directed by the Council of the municipality;

AND WHEREAS Council deems it necessary and expedient to appoint a Treasurer;


1. That Aimee Raves is hereby appointed Acting Treasurer for the Corporation of the County of Dufferin.

2. The said Acting Treasurer shall perform the duties in accordance with provincial legislation and regulations and the approved policies of the County of Dufferin.

3. That this by-law shall come into force and take effect immediately and shall be in effect until a successor has been appointed.

4. By-Law 2006-51 is hereby repealed.

READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this 16th day of April, 2020.

______Darren White, Warden Pam Hillock, Clerk CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF DUFFERIN

BY-LAW 2020-38


WHEREAS Section 286(2) of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, C. 25, as amended, provides that a municipality may appoint a Deputy Treasurer, who shall have all the powers and duties of the Treasurer under any Act;

AND WHEREAS Council deems it necessary and expedient to appoint a Deputy Treasurer;


1. That Suzanne Moore is hereby appointed Acting Deputy Treasurer for the Corporation of the County of Dufferin.

2. The said Acting Deputy Treasurer shall perform the duties in accordance with provincial legislation and regulations and the approved policies of the County of Dufferin.

3. That this by-law shall come into force and take effect immediately and shall be in effect until a successor has been appointed.

4. By-Law 2004-58 is hereby repealed.

READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this 16th day of April, 2020.

______Darren White, Warden Pam Hillock, Clerk CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF DUFFERIN




1. That the agreement between the County of Dufferin and Services and Upper Grand District Board, in a form substantially the same as attached hereto as Schedule “A” be approved.

2. That the staff of the County of Dufferin is hereby authorized to take such actions as are appropriate, and the Warden and Clerk are herby authorized to execute such documents as are appropriate to implement the agreement referred to herein.

READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this 16th day of April, 2020.

Darren White, Warden Pam Hillock, Clerk Full Agreement available for review in the Clerk's Department

THIS LEASE made the�ay of February, 2020 BETWEEN:


(the "Landlord") AND


(the "Tenant") AND


1.1 Basic Terms ( a) Landlord: The Corporation of the County of Dufferin

Address: 55 Zina Street, Orangeville, ON, L9W IE5

( b) Tenant: Upper Grand District School Board

Address: 500 Victoria Road North Guelph, Ontario NIE 6K2

( c) Building: Mel Lloyd Centre, 167 Centre Street, Shelburne, ON

( d) Premises: Located near DufferinEmployment Resource Centre as described in Section 1.2(1)

( e) Rentable Area of I04 square feet, subject to Section 2.2 Premises:

( f) Term: I year lease subject to Section 2.3

Commencement February I, 2020, subject to Section 2.4 Date: End of Term: March 3 I, 202 I, subject to Sections 2.3 and 2.4





1. That the Agreement between the County of Dufferin and Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada as represented by the Ministry of Employment and Social Development, in a form substantially the same as attached hereto as Schedule “A” be approved.

2. That the staff of the County of Dufferin is hereby authorized to take such actions as are appropriate, and the Warden and Clerk are herby authorized to execute such documents as are appropriate to implement the agreement referred to herein.

READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this 16th day of April, 2020.

Darren White, Warden Pam Hillock, Clerk Project #: COVID – CCD - 01

Project #: COVID – Full Agreement available for CCD - 01 review in the Clerk's Department

Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan

Support for People Experiencing and At Risk of Homelessness


Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada

(hereinafter referred to as "Canada"), as

represented by the Minister of Employment

and Social Development Canada AND

The Corporation of the County of


(hereinafter referred to as “the

Recipient”) Hereinafter collectively

referred to as “the Parties”

Page 1 of 8 Project #: COVID – CCD - 01

Articles of Agreement

Whereas Canada has established Reaching Home: Canada’s Homelessness Strategy to support projects aimed at reducing homelessness and includes projects aimed at preventing individuals and families at imminent risk from becoming homeless;

Whereas Canada has taken strong and quick action to protect its economy, the health, safety, and jobs of all Canadian during the global COVID-19 outbreak;

Whereas Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan provides targeted support for vulnerable groups;

Whereas people experiencing homelessness are particularly vulnerable to during the COVID-19 outbreak;

Whereas Canada has determined that the Recipient is eligible to receive funding under Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan to Support People Experiencing and At Risk of Homelessness; and

Whereas Canada has agreed to provide funding to the Recipient towards the costs of the Project;

Now, therefore, Canada and the Recipient agree as follows:

1.0 INTERPRETATION 1.1 Unless the context requires otherwise, the expression listed below have the following meaning for the purposes of this Agreement:

“Eligible Expenditures” means expenditures:

(a) that are directly related to the carrying out of the Project under this Agreement; (b) that ensure value for money because the costs they relate to have been negotiated by the Recipient to ensure best value, prudence and probity; and (c) that are incurred during the Project Period.

“Fiscal Year” means the period commencing on April 1 in one calendar year and ending on March 31 in the next calendar year;

“Project” means all activities carried out under this Agreement consistent with its purpose, as described in section 3.0.

“Project Period” means the period beginning on April 1, 2020, regardless of the date of its signature, and expires on March 31st, 2021;

"Sub-Agreement" means that the Recipient further distributes funds received by the Recipient under this Agreement and delegates all or part of its responsibilities relating to the delivery of eligible activities under this Agreement to an organization other than the Recipient.

"Sub-Agreement Holder" means an organization other than the Recipient, to whom funding provided to the Recipient under this Page 2 of 8 CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF DUFFERIN




1. That the Agreement between the County of Dufferin and Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Ontario as represented by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, in a form substantially the same as attached hereto as Schedule “A” be approved.

2. That the staff of the County of Dufferin is hereby authorized to take such actions as are appropriate, and the Warden and Clerk are herby authorized to execute such documents as are appropriate to implement the agreement referred to herein.

READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this 16th day of April, 2020.

Darren White, Warden Pam Hillock, Clerk Full Agreement available for review in the Clerk's Department ONTARIO TRANSFER PAYMENT AGREEMENT

The Agreement is effective as of the ___ day of ______, 20___

B E T W E E N Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario as represented by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing

(the "Province")

- and -

The Corporation of the County of Dufferin

(the "Recipient")


In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained in this Agreement and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are expressly acknowledged, the Province and the Recipient agree as follows:


1.1 The agreement, together with:

Schedule "A" - General Terms and Conditions Schedule "B" - Project Specific Information and Additional Provisions Schedule "C" - Project Summary Schedule "D" - Budget Schedule "E" - Payment Plan Schedule "F" - Reports any amending agreement entered into as provided for in section 4.1

constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the subject matter contained in the Agreement and supersedes all prior oral or written representations and agreements.




WHEREAS Section 5 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, provides that the powers of a municipality shall be exercised by its Council;

AND WHEREAS Section 5 (3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, provides that municipal powers shall be exercised by by-law;


1. All actions of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Dufferin at its meetings held on April 16, 2020 in respect to every report, motion, by-law, or other action passed and taken by the Council, including the exercise of natural person powers, are hereby adopted, ratified and confirmed as if each report, motion, resolution or other action was adopted, ratified and confirmed by its separate by- law.

2. The Warden of the Council and the proper officers of the Corporation of the County of Dufferin are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the said action, to obtain approvals where required and except where otherwise provided, to execute all documents necessary in that behalf.

READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this 16th day of April, 2020.

______Darren White, Warden Pam Hillock, Clerk