HIMACHAL PRADESH STATE ELECTRICITY BOARD LIMITED {A State Govt. undertaking) Registered office Vidyut Bhawan, HPSEB Lid. Shimla, 171004(H.P) Number (CIN) —.. U40109HP2009SGC031255 GST No. HPSEBL 02 AACCH4894EHZB Telephone Number 0177-2803600,2801675(0Office), 2658984 (Fax) * Website address ~~ www.hpseb.com E-mail a
[email protected] and
[email protected] *OFFICE ORDER* NO. / 3 § / HPSEBL (SECTT)/2021 Dated :- | '/- 7-J02/ The H.P. State Electricity Board Limited, on the recommendations of Class-I Departmental Promotion Committee, is pleased to promote the following Superintendents Grade-II, Section as Officers on regular basis in the Pay Band of 10900-34800+Z 5750 Grade Pay from the date of their takingover the charge as such:- Sr. No. Name of officer D.O.B. S/Sh./Smt. 1. Rameshwar Singh 19.07.1967 2. Keshava Nand 18.09.1965 3. Prem Parkash 05.01.1968 4, Hans Raj 16.11.1969 5 Manohar Lal (S/C) 06.04.1964 The of seniority above named officers in the grade of Section Officer will be fixed later-on. The officers on their promotion as Section Officer should exercise their with to date ~.options regard of increment / pay fixation under the provision of Pay Regulation- within period 11(iv) a of one month after assuming the charge of the post. Consequent upon above promotion, the and transfer posting of the Section Officers are hereby ordered as under:- Sr. Name of officers. From To No. S/Sh./Smt.) 1. Rameshwar Singh (On promotion) Board's Sectt. Shimla (Bill) ; Section ] 0/0 Board's Sectt. (Legal vice Sh.