Bruce Taylor | 277 pages | 15 Aug 2015 | Pen & Sword Books Ltd | 9781848322486 | English | Barnsley, United Kingdom The HMS Hood: An Illustrated Biography, 1916-1941

Never officially assigned names, these ships were designed with German and Italian assistance. However, the additional deck armour was never fitted and the tubes less their protection were retained. The last group of torpedo bombers attacked from multiple directions and Repulse was struck by five torpedoes. This was feet However, mainstream British naval thinking between and was clearly in favour of heavily armoured , rather than the fast ships that Fisher favoured. The continuing improvement of the torpedo meant that submarines and would be able to destroy battleships; this in Fisher's view heralded the end of the battleship or at least compromised the validity of heavy armour protection. The new class was not universally welcomed in the . For most of the combatants, construction was very limited during the war. John BrownClydebank. U-Boat Attack Logs, another major reference The Battleship Cruiser HMS Hood: An Illustrated Biography 1916-1941, was published in Barry Roberts rated it it was amazing Oct 15, HMS Hood Association. The only class of these late actually built were the United States Navy's Alaska -class "large cruisers". The search team and equipment had to be organised within four months, to take advantage of a narrow window of calm conditions in the North Atlantic. The Admiralty chose the fast battleship design, and Hood was laid down again on 1 September. Furthermore, The Battleship Cruiser HMS Hood: An Illustrated Biography 1916-1941 section of the bow immediately forward of 'A' turret is missing, which has led historian and former Dartmouth lecturer Eric J. Brassey ' s Naval Annualfor instance, stated that with The Battleship Cruiser HMS Hood: An Illustrated Biography 1916-1941 as large and expensive as the Invincible s, an admiral "will be certain to put them in the line of battle where their comparatively light protection will be a disadvantage and their high speed of no value. Hood sank stern first with men aboard. The probability is that the 4-inch magazines exploded first. His enthusiasm for big, fast ships was unabated, and he set designers to producing a design for a battlecruiser with inch guns. The one stand-up fight occurred when the battleship Bismarck and the Prinz Eugen sortied into the North Atlantic to attack British shipping and were intercepted by Hood and the battleship Prince of Wales in May in the Battle of the Denmark Strait. Disaster and Recovery We know that one of my great uncles died at sea during WWII and family lore has always been that he died on board the HMS Hood so I wanted to do a bit more research about the ship and the tragedy that unfolded on the 24th of May when it sank during a battle with the German battleship Bismarck. Callen Clarke rated it it was amazing Jan 17, The Japanese started designing the B64 class, which was similar to the Alaska but with millimetre Its main conclusion is that the loss was almost certainly precipitated by the explosion of a 4-inch magazine, but that there are several ways this could have been initiated, although he rules out the boat deck fire or the detonation of her torpedoes as probable causes. The Dutch, American, and Japanese navies all planned these new classes specifically to counter the heavy cruisers, or their counterparts, being built by their naval rivals. Naval circles concurred that the armoured cruiser in its current form had come to the logical end of its development and the Invincible s were so far ahead of any enemy armoured cruiser in firepower and speed that it proved difficult to justify building more or bigger cruisers. While en route to Gibraltar for one of these cruises she collided with the battlecruiser Renown on 23 Januarybut was only lightly damaged. Thomas Schmid presents readers the opportunity to further explore and admire the Hood with his digitally created images of the exterior and interior of the ship. Ships that had been started were either broken up on the slipway or converted to aircraft carriers. The Gneisenau and the Scharnhorst were engaged during the Action off Lofoten by Renown in very bad weather and disengaged after Gneisenau was damaged. Later that The Battleship Cruiser HMS Hood: An Illustrated Biography 1916-1941, her crew participated in the Invergordon Mutiny over pay cuts for the sailors. British Battlecruisers, Prinz Eugen was probably the first ship to score when a shell hit Hood ' s boat deck, between her funnelsand started a large fire among the ready-use ammunition for the anti-aircraft guns and rockets of the UP mounts. Improvements in armor design and propulsion created the s "fast battleship" with the speed of a battlecruiser and armor of a battleship, making the battlecruiser in the traditional sense effectively an obsolete concept. The DNC and the Third Sea Lord opposed the latter, believing that there was no direct evidence that the magazines had been directly penetrated. The conflict seesawed across eastern and central Europe between the Elbe and the Volga, the Alps, and the Caucasus. The ship's original anti-aircraft armament consisted of four QF 4-inch Mk V guns on single mounts. Hood The Battleship Cruiser HMS Hood: An Illustrated Biography 1916- 1941 and after the explosion; sketch prepared by Captain JC Leach commanding Prince of Wales for the second board of enquiry inand photo from the Bundesarchiv. The Battleship Cruiser HMS Hood: An Illustrated Biography 1916-1941 battleship became the revolutionary battleship Dreadnoughtand the cruisers became the The Battleship Cruiser HMS Hood: An Illustrated Biography 1916-1941 ships of the Invincible class. Moreover, computer-generated profiles of Hood show that a shell falling at this angle could not have reached an aft magazine without first passing through some part of the belt armour. Jack rated it it was amazing Dec 31, Two years later, the "pom-pom" directors were moved to the rear corners of the bridge to get them out of the funnel gases. Views Read Edit View history. The bulge was backed by a 1. Seaforth Publishing have published three of his books, the most recent being The End of Glory, which combines a thrilling narrative and in-depth research of HMS Hood. She was attached to the Mediterranean fleet shortly afterwards and stationed at Gibraltar at the outbreak of the Second Italo-Abyssinian War in October. Life Aboard. However, for a few years after it seemed that those advantages were of little practical value.