RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME LXVL, NO. 51: RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE 8,1944. SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 14 5th War Loan Drive Spectacles And Two Newark Doctors New Pastor For Boy Defies Principal, Eye Glasses Wanted Lutheran Church An appeal .1* being made to the Opens Here Monday people of the United States by the Buy Ocean Front Pl&ce Union of Russian Jew* for old eye- Rev. C. E. Ritter, Jr., Upheld By School Head glasses and spectacles. These ar- ticles may be sent directly to the To Preach Sunday Rally Monday Night *At Carlton— New York headquarters of this or- William H. Hintelmann Sells The ganization, 55 West' 42d street, Rev. Charles E. Ritter, Jr., who Heaviland Intervenes At Rooms 849 tnd 850, or to Mr». Max was ordained this week at the con- Red Bank Area Quota $2,700,000 Grand, 40 McLaren street, Red Former John L. Kemmerer Property vention of tha United Lutheran Senior Class Dance Bank. Mrs. Grand U chairlady of synod of New York at Albany, New the committee for this flection op- The Red Bank area will launch The property known u "Th^e York, will assume the pastorate of This Is the story of a high school erating in connection with the head Haven,"' owned' by the Sea Bright'the Red Bank Lutheran church this the Fifth War Loan drive with office In New York in this nation- boy who defied his principal and patriotic rally and entertainment Two Receive Van Horn Agency Corporation and situated on the! Sunday. He will preach a Chll- Wins Promotion wide appeal. dren fl got away with It, thanks to the In- Monday night at the Carlton the- East and West sides of Ocean ave- ' day sermon, "Suffer the Chll- dr tervention of the president of th« ater, according to the announce- If further information i« desired nue at Sea Bright, has been pur-1 en," at 11 a. m. board of education. The boy** vic- Scholarships Report^ Sale Of ! Mr ment made today by Palmer Arm- regarding this appeal, same can be chased by Dr. John J. Bolton and - gutter, who has occupied the tory and that of his buddies, who strong of Keyport, area chairman. had by telephoning the Union of Dr. Frank A. Rossi, both of whom! PulP!t of the Iocal ch«rch on sev- eral rallied around him, waa not The event will start at 9 o'clock Russian Jews, Lo. 5-1364, or Mrs.Jaye Residence resldo at Englewood, New Jersey, j occasions as a guest speaker, achieved, however, until police hail At Rumson High was between the first and second shows, Grand, Red Bank 1708-M. The Sea Bright Corporation la a graduated from the Lutheran been called In to take hand. and plans include, the presentation holding corporation for the real theological seminary at Gettysburg Iast Mav and haiu from Eas The revolt took place at the sen- of an outstanding program of en- Ronald Jeffery, Conover Place ! estate interests»of the late John L.! * Lnn*- ior prom held last Friday night at tertainment. The Fort Monmouth Highlands School J Kemmerer. The property has a I downe, Pennsylvania. The formal the high school. Principal Harrj band will provide part of the mus- Janet Strothman Property Sold to f rontage on the Atlantlo ocean of j Installation of Mr. Ritter as pastor C. Sieber had ruled that pupils who ical background, and additional fea- 175 feet, a similar frontage on the 'is scheduled for Sunday afternoon, Jun 2S 4 had failed to attend classes that af- tures will be announced. Are Recipients Commencement Is Mrs. Millward Dunn East and West sides of Ocean ave-1 e . «t o'clock. ternoon would not bo permitted to Mr. Armstrong announced that nue, and on the South Shrewsbury Rev. Mr. Ritter succeeds Rev attend the dance In the evening. the Junior Red Cross raemberB will For the second time since Its In-Next Wednesday The former Griesenback river- river. The sale was effected by Walter Cowen, w"ho resigned somp Was he surprised, then, upon ar- sell war stamp corsages, and the ception, the Victory Park Founda- residence on Conover lane, William H. Hintelmann of Rumson. time ago to accept a call in New riving at the dance after ths fes- Red Cross staff assistants will aid tion Memorial scholarship was Middletown township, which was racing the ocean front there is Tork state. tivities had started, to find a boy, the committee in recording bond awarded to two persons Tuesday 28 On Class Roll- owned by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jaye, a large frame residence with as- whom'he had known to be abseni orders The Red Bank area quota evening at the Rumson high school has been sold through the Ray bestos slate roof and enclosed with from school that day, to be on« of for the drive which starts Monday graduation exercises In the Jlary Rev. John M. Long VanHorn agency of Fair Haven. weather beaten shingles. This re- Highlands Church the participants In the aforemen- and continues until Thursday, July Owen Borden memorial stadium. Mr. and Mrs. Jaye, who formerly sidence contains seven master bed- tioned festivities. 8, is 12,700,000 of vt-hlch |],175,00O Bertram H, Borden, founder of Will Be Speaker lived In New York city, purchased rooms, six maids' bedrooms, six Direct action being Indicated, must be in bonds of sprles E. The the award and a member of the the property for their own occu- baths, reception hall, powder room, Mortgage Burning Principal Sieber went to th« boy quota for Monmouth county Is $8,- pancy about a year ago. The house large living room, library, sun- board of education, presented iden- At commencement exercises of and ordered him to leave Immedi- 500,000 and the state quota U $635,- was completely renovated and new- room, dinlne room, butler's pantry, tical scholarships to Janet Mar- Highlands grammar school to be ately if not sooner. The youth, evi- 000,000. Monmouth county's quota ly furnished by a New York inter- kitchen, maids' dining room and Ceremony Planned jorie .Strothman, daughter of Mr. held next Wednesday, June 14, 28 dently a pupil of the modern school In the Fourth War loan was $7,- ior decorator. laundry. It is equipped with oil and Mrs. Russell Strothrnan of students will receive their diplomas of thought, which doesn't hold to 000,000 and the final sales for the burning hot water heat. The re- Bingham avenue, Rumson, and of graduation from Bernard When the property was offered Methodists Rejoice such old-fashioned Ideas of obedi- county were recorded at over $8, sidence Is superbly furnished LT. WILLIAM EVAUS* Ronald Henry Jeffery, son of Mr. Creighton, president of the board for sale by Mr. Jaye, due to hts ence to constituted authority, re- 500,000. In the aale of E bonds In and Mrs; Henry Jeffery of Fair Ha- joining the armed forced a few throughout and all furniture and Over Liquidation Second Lt. William Evans, son fused outright. the last drive, this county was theven road, Fair Haven. The duplic- of education. weeke ago, the property because of furnishings were included in the Long, pastor of of Mr. and Mrs. David Evans of Mr. Sieber, figuring: that If th» third county from the top on the ity of awards was caused by the Rev. John M. ita unusual .attractiveness, became sale. Facing the Shrewsbury river Oakland street, has been promoted Highlands Methodist church, will Of 30-Yr. Old Debt boy wouldn't obey his principal, he- lLst of those which surpassed their closeness of their scholastic rec- the sensation of the spring real es- there is a large stable garage with to first lieutenant. Lt. Evans is a might be cowed by the presence of quotas. be the speaker, Betty Jane Mc- tate market in the Red Bank area an apartment of seven rooms and ords, added to which are the con- Sunday was a day of rejoicing bombardier on a B-26 Marauder, police, called headquarters and Connrt), second honor student, will The spacious 28-foot living room, bath tor chauffeur. There Is also George Eldredge is chairman of siderations of loyalty, school spiri among the Methodists of Highlands and has completed 26 missions. He asked that a policeman be sent to give the address of welcome. Lola painted in pastel colors, has a log- a boat house adjoining the garage. the retail merchants' committee for and high ideals In the persons elig- over the liquidation of a 30-year- has been stationed In Italy since the dance. The school head, how- Cann will give a Flag day recita- burning fireplace and mantel with Red Bank. Some of the things ible for the grant. Each award On the river front there Is a old mortgage. The official board, October, 1943, and has been In the ever, forgot that he was dealing tion. Piano solos will be played by a large plate-glass mirror Illumin- this committee will request retail carries the sum of »2,000, divided large boat basin with a depth at of which William L. Parker la pres- service since June 19, 1941. with Modern Youth, who fears LouLse Adair and Bernice Rock ated indirectly with fluorescent merchants to do in conjunction over a period of four years. low tide of 12 feet. The boat basin ident, met Monday night to ar- Lt. Evans is a graduate of the neither principals, policemen nor and there will be group singing by lighting and a metal flower-box. with the campaign Include window The class gift to the school was is protected with a steel bulkhead. range for the actual burning of. the Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, high the bogey-man. the class. Ethel Klnlan, first hon- Pull drapes extend across each end displays until July 31, spend ten a 16 mm. motion picture camera. This steel bulkhead also extends mortgage and to examine the school and attended Long Branch Principal Sieber In the meantime or student, will give the address of of the living roomf The dining- per cent Of advertising outlay for The D. A. R. gbod citizenship the entire river front and ocean church premises preparatory to junior college. Prior to entering had stopped the music and of farewell. The presentation of the room walls are white with an oc promotion of war bond sales, erect medals were presented by Mrs. frontage of the • property. making repairs and improvements. the service he was employed by tho course this caused the excitement class for the diplomas will be made casional base floral design in green tooth In prominent section of store Kenneth Diet! of Red Bank to Al- "The Haven" was acquired by Mr. Clarence Matthews was appointed Merchants Trust Co., Red Bank. to spread. The dancers, deprived by .Principal W, Bard Wright and there are two corner cupboards for .the sale of stamps and bonds, bert Drake Laehder and Marlon Kemmerer from the late Washing- chairman of the committee In of their fun, naturally wanted to The decorations will be in the with glass shelves and indirect have each store manager or own-Irene O'Connor. ton E. Connor in 1920 and has been charge of the building fund and know the reason for such a situ- class colors of green and white. lighting in the dining-room. The er take a quota of bond sale to av- This year's graduating class occupied by Mr. Kemmerer as his w,, « Fa[]rer WM named head ation, and the room was soon a- The class motto is "Be Prepared" kitchen and breakfast room ceil- Elks To Open erage $300 for each employee and numbered 45 students, 38 of whom summer home since that time. Mrs., , h bundlnK inspection commit- buzz with chatter. The appearance and the class flower is white car- ings are papered with a strawberry s arrange special displays for Flag were present to receive their di Kemmerer passed away about a' > ° " r of Constituted Authority In the per- cation. •_ pattern. Counters of the modern tee. day, June 14, Stores meeting plomas. In the armed forces are year ago and Mr. Kemmerer died Their New Home son of Sgt. Frank Reuther didn't cabinets in the kitchen are covered Chaplain Leon Martorano and quotas will be awarded banners. James Acker. Army; Charles Brls- The graduates are Ethel Klnlan, In March of this year. ease the matter one bit. with black linoleum. The four bed- his wife made a surprise visit to The Red Bank area for the Fifth ter, Army; Walter Grubb, Navy Bfetty Jane. McConnell, Louise Adair, George Andrews, Elizabeth rooms are decorated In modern Highlands during the week-end. On Flag Day It didn't take Sgt Reuther long War Loan includes the following studying at Princeton university to find out that the case wai not 1 motif with pastel paints and pap- The former pastor, now a chaplain towns and chairmen: Red Bank, Rodney Lancaster. Navy; Ne BeHavance, Bernice Rock, Joseph ers. The house has two tiled baths Reports Sale Of In the U. S Army located at Fort one for the police. Of course, he Edward H. Conway; Atlantic High- Whalen, Army Air Corps, and WaiBrown, Lola Cann, Pearl Card, Jean and lavatory, a maid's room and Leonard Wood, Missouri, preached Past Grand Exalted refused eject the. boy,, as long lands, J. B. VanMater; Keansburg, ter Scott, Army Paratroopers. Collins, Norman Davidson. Row- land Dempsey, Rosemary Des Beln, new steam-heating plant A two- at morning and evening services, as the boy was violating no known William Johnson; Keyport, Evaret Ehrick Parmly, who was In the Three Properties and was elated to nnd the mort- Ruler Joseph G. Buch statute, and was all for taking big Sllcox; Matawan, Raymond Devlin; Navy, died February 27, 1M4. Robert Ferry, Dorothy Helneck, car garage Is on the grounds, Ronald Horan, David Hulsberg, gage liquidation campaign which departure. The school head re- Middletown, H. "Lawrence Scott; Out of the class the following which are ' 100x300 feet In size, he started during his pastorate had To Preside quested htm, however, to remain Fair Haven, Frank L. Weinhelmer; Margaret Kampf, Fred Koeser, fronting on the North Shrewsbury Thompson Agency Sees have already been admitted to In- Eleanor Layton, Beatrice Lentlnl, been successfully concluded. "just In case," and thl» the police Lltti« Silver, Ross King; Shrews- stitutions of higher learning; Doris river. The property has blen pur- officer allowed he could do as > Rose Matassa, Walter Uaraon, chased by MM. Millward Dunn of Continued Activity At the evening service Clarence An event which the Red Bank bury, H. J. Brady; Rumjcm, George Allen, nursing, Monmouth Memor- Matthews, chairman of the mort- matter of duty. Janet Mayuard, Mary Patterson, Spring Lake. lodge of Elks has looked "forward W. ifcCarter, and Holmdel, Henry ial hospital; Helen Black, Kath gage fund, reported that less than to for more than three years will At this point we find a seen* of Cross. arlne Gibbs; Carol Bruce, Latin Elsie Jane Rockette, Clarence The other riverfront property The Thompson agency of 81 East Wheeler, Frank White. $200 was necessary to pay the take place Wednesday evening, utter incongruity. A school prin- Serving with Mr. Armstrong as American Institute; Barbara Car- has been purchased by ^Ir, and Front street reports continued ac- cipal seeking to Impose hit author- Mrs. Louia Burgess of New York. J4.000 mortgage in full. .An old-June 14, when the organization will chairman of the other three areas penter,' nursing, Jersey City Medi- tivity in the sale of real estate In fashioned walk-around followed ity on a rebellious pupil, modern Mr. Burgese is a Kew York patent this area, with three properties at celebrate the grand opening of its in the county are Thomas A. How- cal; Agnes Costlg-an, Monmouth and resulted in not only the rais- new club rooms at 7 Broad street. youth In evening clothes, a police ard, Asbury Park area; W. Stan- Memorial hospital; Lbis England attorney. The property is one of Red Bank and vicinity changing officer with nothing much to do and Graduation Next the few remaining desirably locat- hands in the last week. ing of .the balance needed on the Early in 1941 the lodge leased its ley Bouse, Long Branch area, and and Marylyn Jordan, Newark State mortgage payment but also close to magnificent home on Upper Broad musicians sitting around twirling Garret Denlse, Freehold area. Louis Teachers college; Dorothy Jones ed riverfront plots on the Shrews- A property located on the north their thumbs Instead of making bury and is located in Fair Haven $200 for the newly established street to the government as a USO g, A. Burfelnd of Asbury Park Is Vassar; Marion O'Connor, nursing, Thursday Evening side of Woodbine avenue, Foxwood building and repair fund. with the Jive. Truly an impasse If in the River Oaks section 'on River Park, Little Silver, has been sold club for men in the armed forces county chairman, and Mrs. Kath- Syracuse university; Theodora Tho chaplain and his wife stationed In the vicinity, and since we have ever seen one. arine Elkus White of Red Bank Rellly, Katharine Glbbs; Joan Ber road. It was owned by the Allen to Mr. and Mrs. A. Edward Grudin. At Tinton Falls Broe. The plot has a water-front- Mr. Grudin is, president of the traveled to Beach Haven Monday that time has carried on through Modern Youth, which may hav» and Mrs. George II. Bodman of nler, Elizabeth General hospital; the courtesy' of Shrewsbury post, some faults, as a lot of people be- Middletown, vice c-hairmen of the age of 77 feet and a depth of 236 Wright Stores, Inc., of Red Bank. in company of Rev. and Mrs. John Janet Strothman and Jean Moffat M. Long, pastor of the church, and American Legion, at the legion's lieve, can be' depended upon, when Monmouth county war finance com- Smith college; Ronald Jeffery, Le- feet. Features of the plot are floe The place was owned by. Donald E., . - - .,.,,, ,,- _„ ,hu, 26 Class Members to old trees, high ground and a sandy hu wlfe to attend home on Riverside avenue. . occasion demands, to rise to mittee, are serving as county vice hlgh university, School of Cheml Lawes, who built the residence and ' . ^ bi-monthly For some time, however, the Elks heights of nobility. Sacrifice and beach. The VanHorn agency re- occupied it for several years before chairmen. cal Engineering, and Albert Laelv meeting of the ministers of the of Red Bank have felt the need loyalty are two of their finest char- Receive Diplomas; ports that Mr. Burgess intends to he acquired his present home In New Brunswick and Trenton dis- J. Allen Mohn has been named der, Polytechnlcal institute of for a meeting place of their own, acteristics. The rebellious pupil, construct a year-round home dn Little Silver. trict*. They left for Boston that to serve as chairman of the Indus- . The ten boys who are Program Arranged evening after expressing their grat- and last February leased the second suddenly aware of' the fact that trial Savings Committee for the graduating will be In the service in the property when building is The dwelling, which is of mod- and third floors ot the premises at was a-wastin' and that he was de- ern English design, constota of itude to the many friends In the Red Bank area. This committee, one branch or another, within the again in order. church and town for their part In 7 Broad street known as the Fowl- priving his schoolmates of their formerly known as the payroll sav- next six or ten months. The rest Graduation exercises of Tinton eight spacious rooms and two clearing the church debt, and ex-!er Market building. Here the third evenlng'e fun, suddenly made hU ings committee, will-continue work of the girl graduates have already Falls school will be held next baths, with fireplace, hot water floor will be devoted exclusively for Sam Hoffman Buys heat and two-car attached garage. pressed their appreciation of the decision. He would leave the on a. permanent basis after the obtained positions in and about th3 Thursday, June 15, at 7:30 p. m., hospitality received while on their a large newly refurnished and re- Fifth War Loan. Assisting Mr. community" It is surrounded by a quarter-acre dance. His pleasure would be aac- in the assemly room of the school. | Rjver R_Oad Plot' week-end visit here. fitted lodge room and appropriate reflced so that the others might Mohn will be Frank Lydiard and! Diplomas will be presented to tho ! of ground, terraced to the street. ante-rooms. The second floor will Robert Eisner, Red Bank; R!' G 26 graduates by Leon Shafto, pres- The plot is nicely landscaped with There hae been a great revival be permitted to resume their fun. A quick sale of real estate In- of interest in the church and in- be used for the lodge offices and His buddies though, possessing a Richards and William H. Slavin Lieutenant In ident of the Shrewsbury township volving two owners within six shade trees and shrubs. Mr. and a recreation room with kitchen fa- Matawan; Thomas M. Anderson board of education. Mrs, Grudin plan to use the prop, crease in attendance since the new super-abundance of loyalty, would months has jast been negotiated. pastor succeeded Rev. Edward T. cilities. A feature of the second have none of this. They Insisted Keyport. and Howard Stockton, At- Engineer Corps Rev. Paul G. Joshinke will give The property hag a 100-foot front- erty for their own occupancy. . floor will be an attractive ladies' lantic Highlands. the invocation. The seventh and I The seller was represented by E Weeks, four months ago. Much that he remain, declaring that If William R. Ryan, son of Mrs. age on the south side of River credit is due the pastor in his ef- lounge. he left, they would too. Like Grant, County headquarters for the eighth grades will find appropriate Allaire Cornwell of the law firm o( Laura E. Ryan of Brooklyn, for- road, between Prospect avenue and fort on the mortgage campaign, An interesting incident in con- they were In favor of fighting It drive are at the office of the Mon- songs to the play, "Becoming An Applegate, Stevens, Foster & Reus- 1 merly of Rumson, graduated last High street, and is 150 feet deep. nection with the new club is that out on this line If lt took all sum- mouth county war finance commit- American." The play is the work sille. The law office of Florence F. week from the Engineer Officer This residence property was owned the Red Bank lodge is again housed fier. tee, 10 Broad street, Red Bank, of the eighth grade developed un- by Mrs. Gertrude Bray of East Forgoteon represented the pur. Candidate school at Fort Belvolr, In the building which originally Then somebody hit upon the Idea Mrs. John P. Higgins Is serving as der the able guidance of Mrs. Mae Front street and was sold last De- chasers. Soldier Wounded In Virginia, and has been commis- quartered the first Red Bank lodge of calling Harry Heaviland, presi- secretary to the committee for the S. Gibson. There will be a chorus cember by Miss Alice White to Other sales reported by the sioned a second lieutenant In the of Elks, which was organized more dent of the board of education. Mr. drive. Posters, window stickers, of flute players selected from Hiss James A. Dambrese, credit man- agency include a bungalow of five Africa Back in U. S. Corps of Engineers. than 50 years ago. Heaviland went to the scene and banners and other material for the Hazel Joffe's room who will render ager of the Jersey Central Power rooms and bath, with sunporcb. Staff Sgt. Raymond T. Kelly, son He was a student of mechanical Presiding over the opening and shortly after the music was struck drive are available at headquarters. a medley of songs learned as part & Light company. and garage, located at 129 Harrison of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Kelly engineering at the College of En- of their music program for the avenue, Fair Haven. The grounds dedication of the new club will be up and dancing was resumed. Th» gineering, New York university, Mr. Dambrese has just sold the of Everett, has arrived at the Pas^ t Gran„.„„„d Exalte^d Ruler Joseph boy stayed and Mr. Sieber left. year. property for cash to Samuel Hoff- consists of one-half acre of land, when he was inducted in March, The members of the graduation with shrubs, shade trees and fruit England general hospital in At- G^BjcrT'o'fvTren'to'n, "who will be Mr. Heaviland, In defending his Becomes Ensign lo YI t irt r*il«r f pntn A f rir»n whoTP ViP ...... _i *.: 1943. Prior to that he attended man, who conducts an Army and lantio City from Africa, where he assisted by officers and delegations action, said that the prom was the class are Barbara Berger, Grace Navy store on Broad stret, near trees. The property was owned by was wounded'on January 21. His In Naval Reserve Rumson high school and Staunton Bowles, Lillian Bowles, Esther the estate of Margaret Blaledell, of members from nearby lodges In students' affair and he could not military school, Staunton, Virginia. Front street, at an advance of $800 parents and his wife, Mrs. Grace the state, while a large outpouring see any other course to take. He Buss, Ann Crawford, Blanche Dun- over what he paid for it last De- and was sold to Charles H. Van-F. Kelly of Rumson, and a num- John J. McDermott, son of Mr. can, Myrtle Gaddls, Marie Hebron, Mons, who is affiliated with the of Red Bank's own members is ex- said that the boy In question had and Mrs. John A. McDermott of cember. ber of relatives, including Mr. andpected. been kept from school because of a RUMMAGE SALE Joyce Salt, Doris Reevey, Dorothy Bendix corporation of Red Bank. Mrs. Paul T. Kelly bf Shrewsbury Myrtle avenue, Belford, was among Staten Willa, Mae Savage, Rose A house consisting of seven In the near future It Is planned •old but that his parents had felt more than 1.150 midshipmen who A rummage sale will be held on and Mrs. William Kelly and her to establish a service center in the that he had recovered sufficiently Saturday of this week in a vacant Marie Buckley, Bruce Ashton, Wil- rooms and bath, located at 27 graduated last week from the U. S. USES Placed 352 son of Fair Haven visited him new quarters for men in the armed enough to attend the dance. store at 29 West Front street, be- liam Greenhow, Howard Halvorsen, Spring street, owned by the estate Sunday. Naval Reserve Midshipme/i's school William Homick, Frank Murphy, forces who are members of the or- ginning at 10 o'clock, for the bene- Persons In May of Margaret Blalsdell, has been Sgt. Kelly was In an infantry at the University of Notre Dame, Robert Roche, Richard Romard, sold to' Mrs. Margaret Byrd, who der. The facilities will, of course, South Bond, Indiana, with a com-fit of St. James court, Catholic unit In North Africa, known as Daughters of America. Mrs. Law-Larry Roth, John Venture, Robert The Red Bank office of the has occupied the premises several be operated as a private club and Opens Office In mission as ensign in tjhe U. S. Na- Wegemen, William WlngD, Andrew United States employment service Darby's Rangers and took part will be open only to members in rence Roche and Mrs. Charles ears. in the Invasions of Salerno, San i . val Reserve. Wolf and Christopher Telting. announced today that 352 persons, A flve-room modern colonial d standing Register Building Scolt are in general charge, aeslst- Pictro, Rapldo River and Cassino, ° officers of the Red Bank ed by Mrs. Charles Gulyarde, Mrs. including 134 women and 218 men, bungalow of Cape Cod design, with Pre3ent HILL SCHOOL GRADUATE. \v»re placed In employment during where he was wounded. organization are: John H. Fix, Ex- Ex-Sheriff Courtlandt White, who I Margaret Gandorf, Mrs. Charles tile baths and attached garage, lo- has been maintaining his real^es-l Hawkins, Mrs. James Rink, Mrs. Commuters' Garage May. This announcement was made cated on the north side of Colonial His brother, William Kelly, en- alted Ruler; Peter O. Wcigand, Warren Barbour, son of Mrs. tered the Navy May 20 and Is now tate and Insurance office'at hU res-l Ralph J. Kilzen, Mrs. Charles Le- by Warrin B. Clark, manager in court, Fair Haven, owned by Leading Knight; Stephen Nemeeh Carroll Barbour and the late U. S. charge of the local olllco at 157 stationed at Sampson, New York. Loyal Knight; Elwocd Turlington idence at 78 West Front street, hasl Senator W. Warren Barbour of Lo- Malstre, Mrs. Michael O'Hara, Mrs. Has New Proprietor Thompson Brothers, has been rent- Joseph Hintelmann and Miss Mary- Broad-street. During the month Lecturing Knight; Kenneth Smith, rented a portion of the suite of of-l cust, wag among the 94 boys who ed to John Anderson, a member of flees in The Register building oc-| ann Rlordan. George Lownsbery, who has been over 2,000 visits were made to the the firm of Anderson Brothers of Esquire; Edward McDonough, In- graduated from the Hill school, engaged In the automobile repair Red Bank otlico hy unemployed Bowdoin Sets Up ner Guard; John Vaccarelli, Tiler; cupled by William Weart, also Pottstown, Pennsylvania, Sunday. Red Bank. re:il estate and Insurance broker. business for 28 years, has taken workers, clnimants and employers In commenting on tho real estate Herbert E. Edwards, treasurer; A student at Hill school for tho BOY TWIN DINER over the Commuters super-service desiring some service. J. A. Scholarship John L. Montgomery, secretary; Mr. White states he makes this! last flvo years, ha was active In outlook in general, Mr. Thompson change so that his olllce will be I The Twin diner on Monmouth station on Oakland street, which | The activities of the employment said that the scarcity of properties The six Junior Achievement com- Peter J. Elchele, Harry Klatsky both tho athletic and extra-curcl- street, near West, has been pur- has been operated for a number of servica for tho month included 66 panies of Red Bank, namely, the and John P. Mulvihill, trustees. more accessible to folks patronlr-l cular life of the school, a member available for rent continues un- ing the business district of Redl chased from Thomas Stoble by twoyears by Murray and Herman Co- new applications .by >vorkers seek- bated. He said that the aales Superior Arts and Printing com- of the varsity track team, the ath- imployees, Joseph Roswell and hen. The latter is in servico. ing employment, exclusive of re- pany, the Junior Craftsmen, the CDA CABD PARTY. Bank a.nd also because hit re«l-| letic reception committee, and of field Is exceptionally active, with dence was recently sold. Valentino Pace. The new owners cent graduates from local high he greatest demand for houses in Metal and Wood Crnft company, the governing committee of the the Novelty company, tho Super A oard party will bo held next are well known throughout this NOTICE. schools. many years. Monday night at 8:30 o'clock in the Pipe club, largest extra-curricular part of tho county, Mr. Roawell To the Shareholders, Leonardo Seed cempany and tho Victory Mortgage Loan* organization of the Hill. Red Ban k Catholic high school au- from institutional or prlvsta having been connected with the Building and Loan Association Beware! Printers, have received notice that Funds are now available for a Junior Achievement scholarship dltorium by St. James court. Cath- sources. We specialize in F. H. diner, six years and Mr. Face al- or Whom it May Concern: Moths ruin clothes, stop them to-, hose desiring to purchase a homo mortgages and can also place con Recapping and Vulcanizing most as long. PleaBo take notice of the annual day, Prown's have frosh moth hags has been set up at Bowdoin college olic Daughters of America. Mrs. meeting of the shareholders of Leo- or mako repairs to their present William-Porter, Mrs. William Naui- ventlonal mortgages on selectedl 48-hour service; latest methods at 39 cents; Odora closets, $3.98; homo on a mortgage at a reduced for the education of a qualified residential and commercial proper-f and equipment.In our plant. Phil nardo Building and Loan Associa- Junior Achievement member over a ty and Mrs. Lawrence Roche are in Essential Items. tar paper, 10 cents. Telephone your ate of Interest. No premiums are ties at low rates of Interest Call] Waldman's Gulf Service. Maple tion to be held at the rooms of said order right now, Rod Bank 2G80. four-year period at tho college. general charge of arrangements. us for prompt service. Joseph G.l avenuo and West Front street, Red Preserve your property—screen Association in tho White House required. Tho mortgage can be paint, 6Q cents qt.; awning paint, National 5 & 10. Prown's.—Adver- paid on monthly installments over 0 — McCuo Agency, Rumson <«.—Ad-[ Bank, phone 1865.—Advertisement. Building, on Center Avenue in Leo- tisement. vertlsement 50 cents; roof coating, 5-gal. can, nardo, Monmouth County, New Jer- period of years to suit owner. In Ft-nmle Help Wanted. Try Westside Coffee Shop, $2.49; screen wire, moth supplies, amounts of $1,000 to $8,000. For sey, on Thuraday, June 8th, A. D., Colored preferred. Shift work, 147 West Bergen Place, for good Fuel Oil. awn chair enamel 98 cents qt.; 1914, at eight o'clock in the evening Fuel Oil property located within a ten-mile food, wholesome surroundings and from 6 a. m, to 2 p. m. or 9 a. m. Clean Window Shade*. Deliveries subject to government weed killer, $1.49 gal.; Rotenone thereof. The purpose of said meet- to suit your burner; best grades radius of Red Bank. Wrlto Mort- right prices. Spociiu Sunday din- Don't have dingy dirty shades;! regulntions. Hance & Davis, phone spray,' 35 cents. National 5 & being the election of Directors and prices. Unexcelled - service. age, box 611, Red Bank.—Adver- to 5:30 p. m. Good salary. Apply ners, $1.00. Father's day, fn'sh ni'\v Holland side-hemmed shades! E^ed Bank 103.—Advertisement. Prown's.—Advertisement. and tho transaction of such other Fred D. Wlkoff Co., Red Bank, .Isement. Rlvervlew Hospital, Red Bank, killed turkey dinner.- -Advertise-, cost very little. Bring your rollerj| business as may come before sa|d phone 552,—Advertisement. N. J.—Advertisement. ment. -- new shades put on while you wait. meeting, EaUj^UlropeiMtf ,jS,:QQ Just a Limited Quantity 59 cents for best sizes. National Beautiful and practical sugges- Wo can place any good mort- p. m. and close at 9:00p. rh. _ Your Rooms. 10. Prown's. tions. Rendezvous Gift Shop, As- gage; also buy and sell mortgages. LEONARDO BUILDING AND Typewriters, adding mnchlnca todny. Window curtains cost al- Outof sTocE Items arriving" every 'You can tfolf; rorii^TOffe^trgtesf- bury Park.—Advertisement. Interest rate as low as 4MJ$». Boyn- LOAN ASSOCIATION, sold, rented and repaired. Com- most as much as Venotlan. blinds day; conic In often, look around, —a cinch to apply. Call up right Auctioneer. ton & Boynton, 8 Drummond place, JAMES A. GRODESKA, plete lino of stationery and olllco now. Call for Information. Na- selcut your Items yourself and bring now and order yours, gal. size, B. G. Coates, licensed and bond-| Boys can make pockut money by phone Red Bank 952.—Advertise- Secretary. equipment. 105 Monmouth street, lonal 5 and 10. Prown's.—Adver- over lo wrapping counter. Nntlonal $2.98. Phone 2680. National' 5 A ed, Long Branch, phon« 353(1..- selling the Register—Advertisement ment. —Advertisement phone 485.—Advertisement. tisement. 6 4 10. Frown's.—Advertisement) 10. Prown's.—Advertisement. AdvortisemenU Two. RED BANK REGISTER. JUNE 8, 1944 Why doesn't Boh Morgan come worked as a paid or volunteer mem- Woman End, Utt, In Surf, Worry of if. Smith, you're Jots Qt fun and skating anymore? given by the chapter etatT and rep- Merrily We well miss you if you move. Home Service resentatives in specialized fields ber of a social case work agency. Miss Mary D. Sutherland, 59, of Evelyn M., why don't you cut Only 15 persons will be allowed to Lois &nd Lois, you look adorable your finger nails? Or do they come from the North Atlantio area of Ocean Grove, ended her lite by FALSE TEETH in your twin blue skating dresses. Course Announced Bed Cross. The area representa- take the course, and already ten jumping Into the surf near the Em- Roll Along in handy once in awhile? have been accepted. Anyone in- Slipping or Irritating? Speaking about skating dresses, , We would like to congratulate Mrs. Harry H. Neuberger, chair- tives will discuss veterans' claims bury avenue fishing1 pier at that By Harold Jacobsen work, history and development of terested In Joining the corps should Don't be embarrajBeil by looie fule* in the latest issue of the Skating Dot Groves. She was chosen as a man of the home service corps oi place early Monday morning. The teeth slipping, dropping or wabbl)n| "'.Wall, "D" Day ha» come and Keview there are a number of pic- the county Red Cross chapter, an- social case work and family bud- telephone the home service depart- majorette lor Red Bank high ment at Red Bank 3443. body was discovered rolling in the when you e«t. talk or laugh. Just Sprin- gone luid now ui p&rt of our coun- tures of prize winning skating school and we know »he will be a nounced today that a special home geting and counseling.^'/ kle a JittJe FASTEKTH on .your pUte» surf by a policeman. Miss Suther- Thla plo*"But powder gives & remark' • try'» History. Big battles don't dressee. Also information where good one. service training course will begin Because of the professional na- Finding help ls easy with a Reg- land had been in poor health a long able Benae of added comfort and lecurl* eeetn BO terrible when y'u read the patterns were obtained. Nuff We think Ruth Lange will make Wednesday of next week at the ture of the work "Involved, persons ister A.d.—Advertisement. tr' by holding: platei more firmly. N< them in history. It's too bad that sed. a swell substitute majorette. chapter house in Shrewsbury. It chosen to take the course must be time and had threatened to take aumroy, Rooey, pasty ta*t« or feeling some of the soldiers that laid down Bob MoCabe—Why didn't you tell will consist of 28 hours of lectures It'B alkaline (non-acid). Get FAS- Cecelia McCloud won a soda by college graduates or must have Back the Attack—Buy War Bondi! her life on several occasions. TEETH tt any drug itore. their livai in battle cuulJ not read •us how well you could sing Swoon skating with one of the tallest boys the page in history that they were you. ever to enter,the arena, (the show writing wncn they were on the Doris U., bring your soldier annn«.«, «hell», »nd bulli Nancy S. and B. J.", are you , Kenny D. and Ruth S. would Somcbo>1j- s iliir:inK «run very fast. A Retail Product Somebody's darlir.B is still nnii dead! I hope so. 49* John Casagrande, we wonder Edgar, you should listen more Ki:>8 him once f"r somebody's pake; why you arc so bashful when you carefully. A pleasantly fragrant lotion Murmur a prayer, soft ami low; skate with a certain girl, or should One bri«ht curl from the cluster take G. Stover, why do you get «o BofhFor 89 THE REXALL DRUG STORES that screens the skin against They were somebody's pride, you we have eairl girls, "wolf?" much pleasure in breaking girls the rays that burn. 4 ounces. Jcnow. Rita Kiernan, what ever gave hearts? Regular 59c Pvretest you that idea? Somebody's hand hath rested there; Ray R., Joe J., and Henry S., Mineral Oil, Pint, and Wu it a mother's soft and White T Jack Powers and Shirley Mc- good luck to you and sincerely Broad & Monmouth Sts. Red Bank And have the lips of a sister (air Queen are really doing fln«, but a hope you like the service. Regular 49c Puretest Been baptned in those waves of light? certain Miss Betty is very annoy- Arnold, are you married yet? Aspirin Tablets [100's) ing at times. God know* best. He was Somebody's love This is Junet you know. Somebody's heart, enshrined him there; Who Ls that cute "Chicken" whom Joan K., good luck to you. Somebody wafted his name above you are so Interested In, Jerry Night and morn, on the wings of Herman L., come skating some- prayer. Hayes? .Could it be Shirley Mc- time, I think you'll like it. Bewfy Bargain AllJhis Month! 3U Saving! Queen? "We wonder." Ruth B., come to the rink next Somebody wept when he marched away Jack McGan from Oceanport, we Saturday, someone wanta to see Looking so handsome, brave and grand. wonder why you have so many ad- Slops Somebody's kiss «n his forehead Iny you. htenna Somebody clung to his parti/ii? hand. mirers, is It your looks? Lillian S., you're a big tease. Relieve Underarm Perspiration Nice tan, Harold. Fishing or "Mud," come skating soon. You Somebody's watching and waiting for farming? Pain Scientifically J/atmonijecl (Zoimetici and Odor 1 fo 3 Days! him too. Joan. Yearning to hold him asaln to her Dot W., why don't you get Burt Charlie Slgler, please work «t the With heart. C, to.; come skating? You make a rink more, w»j miss you. ODORONO There he lies—with the blue eyes dim. solid' pair, REG. 55c FACE POWDER AND And smiling, child-like lips apart. . Eddie Sigler, where are you hid- ANACIN TABLETS Betty M. and Melvln M. are still ing? Come out, spring is here. 39* and 59* Tenderly bury the fair younB dead. on the outs. Hurry and make up Jack Lentz ls still AWOL. CHOICE OF REG. 55c FACE CREAM Pausing to drDU on his Kravp a tear. Betty, there's not much time left. Carve on the wooden slab above his. head. Helen Y., we're sorry to hear Quick, safe, effective. No "pnim brut>'« darling lies buried here!" (Melvin has-been ill and we hope how you felt last week. I hope all 75c Size (5O's) 59V he is O. K. now.) Finishing, Cold waiting to dry. Pat it on, Tnjiauuy, June ~y, we wiii ceie- is well now and all quarrels for- Dot Nill, why be so styi>born, you gotten. Prescribed by many physi- or Cleansing Cream wipe off, and dress. Harm- brato uur lourlh anniveiaaiy. Yes, could have gone. ! less to skin and clothing. H is fcomtUnng 10 celebrate, but Bill Kraemer, why don't you cians & dentists ft>r the Charlie Klgler, your job Is coming., come skating some night? relief of pain caused by $1.10 also something to let pass unob- between you and June B. ' | served, All. tfte male employees Philip Morris, come skating on simple headaches, simple Melvin May, who has been a that were connected with the arena Saturday nights, aomeone wants to PURCHASE skate, lioy Iri the arena -will lay neuralgia & common colds at our opening, cannot be with us; see you. ' ' '"' ' down his skate crank and join the 90 per cent of the male skaters al- Charlotte B., cut it out. Bofh For . . . merchant marine. It does not seem so have entered the service. They Edith Thome, Is It still J. L.T — possible 'that Melvin Is old enough all wish they could ba here with Emma Hahne, do you still like to enter the service, however, he u* just as we wish they were back the Navy better than the Army? is and we wish him well. home. The first two anniversary Hope you have enjoyed your parties were grand affairs, the third Norman Morgan sure has a tem- leave Charlie Bolln. Ws know Julie found too many away for a perfect per. enjoyed it. celebration, the fourth -finds ua .Ruth Scott and Kenny did the Dot Woleott, glad to see you skat- A/ with very few of the original pa- dance steps very good last Friday ing. ARRID tron* and employees. I have known night. Norman Morgan, how is Shirley? men who enjoyed celebrating some Who was that beautiful girl in Fine we hope. chosen by lovelywomen KEEPS UNDERARMS event aJone. You know the type, the yellow dress with little hats on Mrs. Jacobsen, won't you please DAINTY and DRY when the fish hawks return from it? Could it be June IS.? come over to the rink some night for two generations their visit south each year this in- Wo received a nice letter from and bring the baby? 20 SCHICK BLADES It stops perspiration end dividual heads for the nearest our former instructress, Mrs. Helen June 10th will be the. last day I Famous for nearly a quarter of a century. underarm odor 1 to 3 cfayi saloon and gets himself a quart Carney, (Pete Jbhnson.) Helen, as will receive names for work on in Schick Injector The reason is simple. and celebrates, when the quail sea- all others who have left our arena, farms. This also applies to farm- Once you use Cara Nome, you will never be son opens In Scotland it is again misses it. She would apiireclata ers who wish students help this Seated in a £Q£ satisfied with inferior toiletries, and 39* cod 59* sufficient occasion to purchase an- hearing from her friends regarding summer. As the summer vacation T other quart. But this type is sarce happenings al the rink. Her address draws near, many students neglect bofh of oil OT switching to more expensive brands only for which we are gritcful. When is 1110 Lafayette street, Cape May, to send in their names until after serves to convince you that Cara Nome •We have something to celebrate we N. J. all contacts are impossible, What Injector shoots old blade quality cannot be surpassed at any price. want the ones we, love with us in Clyde M., we hear you like Sally I have done In the past Is: Send out of razor; new one in! order to make a celebration. L. again. the Inquiry from a student direct to a farmer and tho farmers in- Last yeur in this column I sug- Believe it or not, Kenny Duncan <£rt« A/omt Gat* Atom* & versa" Amazing Record for more efficient cleansing. A pure vegetable oil soap* Jack Kay nnd One McHride and Sealed in sterile glass. DR. SCHOLl'S DR. SCHOLL'S DR. SCHOLL'S all you Ktansliur^' fellows, come Excellent for shaving too. . more oftin. FOOT POWDER ZINO CORN PADS FOOT BALM Glad to sff Kthr! (\ h;is become a regul-'ir skater. Trouble Free Miles SHOE WHITES Ruthie F, why rl-.n': yon eve: 31< * 31« 31* come skating on Pii'lnv or Satur- Factory control Ims given us an adjustment average day night?'.' Al won't p>t mad wiil I of le*» than I'}— An averago that cannot bo beaten he? , I Reg. 35c Rexall FUNGI-REX POWDER Reg. 25c Rexall In New Tires. ENERGINE Tommy F., has I^ong Branch i FOOT BALM For Athlete's Foot CORN SOLVENT taken- vnur henrt? Fu:' SVof. why nnf sen.V dnwi Pint THERMOS GRIFFINS to on,, uli-1 ft,,- " w.hl>? \\'<- girls • FACTORY TRAINED KFIRTS H 4o*29* Rexall Product 42^ W are all ciazy nhout yaii, po ynu rnn • EXCLUSIVE FIRESTONE RUBIER FORMULA have vntir f >ir,icf.• , CARBONA B. J.. Rrc you sllll homesick for ' • APFLICATION AND CURINft C0NTR0LLE9 Reg. 25c Rexall Reg. 25c Rexall 35c Size FREEZONE Bloomfii'ld'" Why? • | BY RIGID INSPECTION . Pebble finish barrel ErnifT. An y,,u ,»iil! rnrr? li FOOT POWDER FOOT BATH TABLETS For Corns SHOE MILK think she does ! If jour prewnt tirM o*n b«rr«c*pp«d, iniiat upon Spring cushioning adds to the filler's long life F'Oh f'fiii. .\<'ii h;it,t]*nii:r l>rutf- FirMton* Factory OontrolUd Serrjo*. Tbi* - give us a hteik 4 0,19V ; (3O'S)1J* 21« ELOAYS Dick C'.oke, you rr nijj'r a flvri ittptrviied MTT.O« wiurtt yon of muaatw upper,. )i\ih? at no extra, oo«t. y Ruddy f'noney rln yo'.i jeo "tenri. C . with .Joan? Squibb's Milk of Magnesia PhillipsMilkMag. :23 Doans Pills 75c 39° Pat A . vnu and Pet" "-ould mnke fnl, r •' M_rd AHrll Caroid&BiieSaitTab.iQo s69c Veracolate Tab.100 s69c Gypsy Cream 50c AV.I o'i like the l^>nnnrd'. .flteotftifleJr._>iHi f::']' f'on't voti^ They likfi you ton The Texaco Service Center Huthln Morris, you nre perfect. (: C How about "H" and "E"? Thermode*SaitTab.Ms25 Pinkham's Comp. 83° Betas «»s • 39° Peroxide PT * J5 Frfin T-,.. Whelan's lp really mak- IT MAPLE AVE. RED BANK ing lot.s or nioijey with you work ing thr-ir-. (I d^n't blame tho fel- Telephone 404 [Add 20% faferai Exciu Tax To Cotmeftci, hwttry, Luggage lovi for coming to see you.) ' RED BANK REGISTER, JUNE 8, 1944 Page Three. •//bom the boy worked aiOone time. arrttted by Patrolman John M. Youth Held On Mr. Ereslow htui reported the theft .'•Stoye on a elmil&r ':lwrgt, was Fined $25 tt week ago. The, arrest was fir.t;d l-i. by Clayton after he had run down Miss Emma Jones of Central Henry Krumelbein ot route 35 Larceny Charge several leads. Taken to police head- avenue,-who Monday night had Eatontown, was flned,J25 and costs quarters, Jones, according to police, Arthur Williams, same address, ar- last week by Recorder Andrew G. signed a confession. The other boy rested for allegedly threatening Becker of that borough on a charge Make "Your" Graduate the Happiest Admits Breaking Into testified that ho had waited out- her with a knife, changed her of needlessly shooting and killing side while Jones was in the house. story upon being arraigned before a terrier owned by George F. .. Breslow Home . O'Brien of Locust avenue, Eaton- Although charged with the theft Recorder Crowell. Tuesday morn- ing. She admitted she had been town. The complaint was made by ot $57, Jones insisted that he had Robert P. Norton of Sea Bright, in the Class with stolen 'only $27. Asked where the under the influence and said she Joseph Jones, 16, of 33 Prospect only thought he had drawn a knife vice president and special agent for avenue, was held under ball of $1,- money was, the youth replied that during an argument. The charge the SPCA. His counsel was George 000 for the action of the grand jury he had spen.t the,money at Asbury against Williams was dismissed. I. Rabin, Asbury Park attorney. Saturday fnornrng by Recorder Park in a week-end spree. Ira J. Katchen of Long Branch John V. Crowell in police court on Entrance to the Breslow home Found Dead In Home. represented Krumelbein, who testi- a charge of grand larceny. An- was gained through a window nn fied O'Brien's dog had been "annoy- the first floor, which was screened. Mrs. Alice P. Gagney of Elberon other youth, two years younger was found dead Friday night in ing" hia chickens. than Jones, whose name is being Jphn Mcndes, 53, of Cedar street, her apartment over the store owned withheld because of his age, was arrested by Sgt. Frank Reuther on by Mrs. Michael Jacobs. Mrs. Gag- held as a material witness. a drunk and disorderly charge, ney lived alone and took her meals The Red Bank Register Is sup- Jones was arrested by Lieut. was fined $10 by Recorder Crowell with the Jacobs family. She was ported bv local as well as out-of- George Clayton for the robbery of Monday morning. A jail sentence SO years old. Dr. Joseph Binder, town business men, Advertisements $57 in cash from the home of Israel of six months was suspended. city physician said death was due appearing regularly tell the (rtorv. Breslow of 105 McLaren street, for Thomas B. Roach of River Plaza, to natural causes. —Advertisement.

SLACK SUITS Give Dad his full quota of outdoor sunshine, these wartime days. Let' him take his leisure in comfort ... by wearing our free-cut, easily laundered slack suitt. Smartly tailored in tan, FROM REEDS blue and green. • . To express your admiration lor J'your" err act ucrte. what can possibly take the place oi a gilt oi hne jewelry? Nothing else will be so $4-94 enthusiastically welcomed or so deeply appra* dated. SPORT SHIRTS Dad will be pleased with our sport shirts. They will add to his comfort and ability to relax, thereby keeping him fit for his regu- lar duties. SHORT SLEEVES LONG SLEEVES $|79

SOCKS 1 Man's massive gold Initial ring. Modern! • DRESS SHI m '1450

M- I hid with a new tie. Plain, print or striped, In pas- tels or brilliant South Ameri- can colors. Dad can always use socks. Choose several pairs of good- looking socks for sport and Keep Dad well groomed, Give him one of our fine dreti business wear. All sizes and shirts. Well tailored, in fancy stripes, and whites. colors. Gold i birthstone Jj ring f for men.f Streamlined ^design. .57 AND $198 Choice of scones.' • .50

One of our line straws or light weight felts Is sure to please Dad on Father's Day. STRAWS $1.49 POLO '^KERCHIEFS Always welcomed^ *j.98 by Dad. Whitef FELTS SHIRTS with fancy hor- Your Dad can always use Jyit the thing for Dad de™ and plain extra shirts or shorts. Select these warm dayt. White, white. them from our large stock. colon and bnque •tripe 1. BOX OF 3 SHIRTS Precious-metal Service ring 79' 39= for men. Choice of insignia. ROBES SHORTS 50" Why nqt give Dad one of our To warm the heart of Daddy, all purpose robes, good one of our beautiful knit years and years of wear, PrlcM Inciud* sweaters. Coat and slip over Federal Tax styles. SWIM TRUNKS :. $1475 Dad will be pleased to re- *i4ts $ ceive a gift like this on his day; all wool, nary or .98 maroon. M>»'> BEN- RUS 17-iewel wrisl watch. BELTS SUSPENDERS Handsome! PAJAMAS Whether Dad likes them gay or quiet, shiny or dull, we have them! Buy him several pairs for lounging or slcep- | Ing. They're generously cut and beautifully tailored.

Glv» Dad one of att[^ fine We have a great collection of SLACKS leather belts. We huvc a suspenders for Dad. Fancy Dad can use them for work, large selection to choose from and pluin. They make a gift BUY A BOND FOR for sports wear and for Icl- for all occasions. Hint is sure to bo appreciated. suro wear. A variety of fab- FATHER'S DAY rics and patterns to choose from. All slzos. 60 BROAD STREET, RED BANK, N. J. AND LEATHER WALLETS from MONMOUTH COUNT1' BRANCHES: PLUS TAX Asbury Park — Long Branch — Freehold

_ 80 - 82 PHONE BROAD ^L DBANK RED BANK "Red Bank's Most Modern Thrift Pepartment Store" 99 stores Throughout New dense u Page Four. RED BANK REGISTER, .JUNE 8, 1944

said they Intend to use their sav- tion, tie directors cited the unl ry C. F. Worden, will be in cha ings for buying or building a hous Christian Science versa I determination to win the Brotherhood Meets and election of officers will taki before buying durable, goods, th peace a* ad vane; evidence of i Next Monday Night place. Rev. John A. Hayes, pastoi Town and Farm War Production Board announces. Annual Meeting world-wide realization that "righte of the church, will officiate at ln Among durable goods covered In ous victory under arms will not The. Brotherhood of the Presby- •Utllatldn ceremonies. H. Russell the surveyt washing machines are suffice to guarantee freedom to terian church will hold their final Blackman, Jr., a past president o now ip greatest demand, with elec- Paul S. Seeley of Mass- mankind." gathering of the season Monday the church group, will conduct In Wartime tric Irons and mechanical refrlger Freedom from want and fear, night at 8:15 o'clock at the home quiz period. Mr. Dorn, will serve ators iftxt In order. achusetts Presiden freedom In worship and speech, the of Daniel B. Dorn of 120 Plnckney refreshments, supervising the prep- all-ways Refunds to Income Tax Payers. 'directors stated, constitute much road. The retiring president, Har- arations at hli outdoor fireplace. . REMINDERS more than a political slogan or gov- While one million 1943 income While holding military might es- ICE CREAM MEATS, FATS—K«d stamp. sential to the victory of allied na- ernmental ideology, "for our great AS through T8, good Indefinite- tax refunds have been made by the Way-shower, Christ Jesus, pro- Treasury Department, It will be tions over the anti-Christ claims of ly. Xli, V8 olid W8 • In-conic volld claimed centuries ago that freedom several months before all Of ap- injustice and intolerance, theChrla- June t -and remain good Indef- tlan Science board of director told accords with Ood'a will and law; proximately 18 million taxpayers furthermore fie gave simple, clear inites}. will get refunds to which they are the annual meeting of the Mother Have you ever heard PROCESSED FOODS — Blue Church, the First Church of Christ, direction for the attainment of full entitled, according to the Commis- freedom for the Individual and Stomps A8 through V8, good in- sioner of Internal Revenue. Each Scientist, In Boston, Massachusetts, definitely. that freedom U essentially a spirit- through the individual for all hu- refund, however, will include In manity. through the BONES MOST PLENTIFUL FOODS— ual gift "to be realized only terrst at the rate of 6 per cent per Announcement was made by the year from March 15, th^s year, to through spiritual understanding and attainment." director* of the appointment of SUGAR—Sugar (itanip 30 and the date the refund Is scheduled raul Stark Seeley of Cambridge, First attention, was given to claims of yourhead? SI each food for flvo ponnds In- Massachusetts, as president of the deflnlfvl.v. Sucar .Stomp 32 be- of members of the armed forces Mother Church for the ensuing No action is needed on the part of conies good for flvo pounds, June year, succeeding Mrs. Daisette D. You can, you know! That's 16. Sugnr Stamp 40, Rood for five the taxpayer unless he has moved S. McKenzle, Our Chef pounds of canning sugar through from the address shown on his re- Paul Stark Seeley, associate edi- what happens when you February, nejt year. turn, in which case he should send tor of the Christian Science peri- both his old and new addresses to listen against a wall and GASOLLNE—In 17 East Coast odicals, other than The Christian the collector of internal revenue In Science Monitor, a native of Pough- States, A-10 coupon, good through the district in which the return Avas Knows His keepBie, New York, became a mem- that's what happens with August 8. In sta'es outside the filed. East Coast area, A-ll coupon, ber of The Mother Church In 1909, SONOTONE Bone Conduction! food through June 21. Christmas Mall to Men Overseas. while a student at Harvard law -Christmas mail to armed forces school. He holds the degrees of A. B. Thousand! of people who can't hear through the FUEL OLL— Periods 4 and f>' passages of the ear, bleu the day they came in Onions ooupons, good through Septem- overseas this year is expected -to from Princeton and LL. B. from Harvard. He served as committee on to the Sonotone office and tried a BONE CON- ber Sfl. >'<•«• Period 1 coupons for exceed last year's record. Plans publication for Oregon and then DUCTION SONOTONEI Now they HEAR the 1944-45 heating year may be are now being made by the Post- AGAIN 1 Hear through the BONES OF THE offlce, War and Navy Departments entered the public practice of Hav9 A free teat of used a§ noon ns they are received hristlan Science. He resigned as HEADI If your experience witi a bearing aid your hearing'— HE'S A SPECIALIST IN MANY OF YOUR to handlo this mail. From Septem- has been unsatisfactory, maybe you need BONE from local boards. First Reader of First Church of privately and with- SHOES—Airplane nt-nmp« 1 ber 15 to October 15, Christmas CONDUCTION, Twenty minute* in our office out obligation. Christ, Scientist, Portland, Oregon, Call in —writ* in FAVORITE DISHES. TRY THEM! »nd 2, yood Indefinitely, - gift packages for men overseas will may help you at it hot helped other*. A demon- be accepted for mailing if they aro to accept appointment on the board stration cotta nothing. Come In I — come in! Serving Higheit Quality Meali, Fre.h Vegetable!, Home- or lectureship of --The Mother Country Deposits I'p 137 Per Cent. no more than five pounds In weight, Church, on which board he served Mad* Pie» and Cake Demand deposits in country banks 15 Inches in length and 36 inches In until elected associate editor in of ordinary (consisting larscly length and girth combined. Only 1942. In 1919 Mr. Seeley received checking accounts increased 137 one such package will be accepted nstructlon In the normal class of SONOTONE per cent from 1940 to April, 1944, from the same person to the same the board of education of The according to the Bureau of Agri-! nddressee during any one week, the PALACE DINER PAUL S. SEELEY Mother Church, and since then has cultural Kcunumics. Such an in- j War Department announces, taught yearly a primary class In 45 MONMOUTH ST., NEXT TO BOROUGH HALL creasing body of idle funds, more Round-Up. Christian Science in Portland, Ore- SONOTONE OF ASBURY PARK, N. J. Before an audience of several than twice ,ha> of four years ago. consideration will bo giv- gon. JIMMY LAZAROS, MGB. inll:Uion:u v trouble if ' . . , ^ housand Christian Scientists essen- 550 COOKMAN AVENUE, could caus. P lr wa Formerly Head Chef with Howard Johnson Restaurant! country d o?iturs began usln" i " ><'l» >ing >- veterans who ap- ;ially local jn character due to war- „ , , , '.. ' . , .,";plv for rationed farm machinery, ime restriction- upon transporta- Back the Attack—Buy War Bonds! TELEPHONE ASBURY PARK 2402 their funds to bid a5.» each cth- W'FA nnnounceg. . , A total of 6 09g er for the purchase o land at in- | faml.(vp(1 wlloeI tractora creasing puree. the KAL advises. • ' ^ Already land values have nsen al- j „_ whlch fepregents ,ne h*ghJt P Wartime rv°raffe-an inr,^- <'->that '=ia In•"-- i Production rate yet at- flationary in many areas. Further- talned, WPB reports. , . Synthetic more, in pome of the principal vitamin C, which promotes healing farminp ar«5 thp volume of lanil of wounds, may now be made from sales in 1043 surpassed previous supar beet pulp through a new high levels leached in l'.'ll) and the shorter process worked out by the number of farms resold after only X:\tional Bureau of Standards. a short period of ownership in- The Offlre of Price Admjnistra- creased. Following the inflation lion says: New ceiling, prices will of land values during the last war, Inrrnnsp the retail cost of jumbo land prices hroke phnrply in 1920. shrinip about 7 rents n can and large shrimp ahout 1 cent a can. . . Farmers I"»e rri«onrrs of War. Thp June quota of new passenger The work done by prisoners of rnrs availahle fnr rationing Is the »nr in-the. United States either is shortest supply of automobiles in or related almost entirely to agri- sinre the beginning of the war. . . culture, forestry or food process- The new ceiling prices for a 14- ings, the Office of War Information ounre ran of codfish or haddock reports. No farmer may house flakes %v\\\ represent an Increase of prisoners, and prisoners are stint to rents to the Individual -con- --farms oniy-ivhon. tbiU' wnrk for units of 10 or mot c The War Food Administration does not generally "WE- LIKE HOT OWNERS "WEMM COLD SUPPERS advocate u.= r of prisoners of war Receives Diploma side .u'ish ivijians. Pi'i.s- oners me always g u'ilcil byy Amer- At Mercerslnirg ican soMiei p. A)i oxuiKitcls- -\7\- Malcolm 0. Sawhill, sort of Dr. ON HOT DAYS!" O uri f;nin.s in cirul Mrs, John U. .Sawhill of'Water ON HOT NIGHTS!' IS MMos l:i mostly in the Witrh club. Highlands, was award- South. h:n pcunutP, lice. ed a diploma last Thursday at the cotton and sugar eane. •list grndunljon exercises of Mer- Identify Vefrrnns Fully. ' rer^bur^ ncadrmy, To fuciUtato prompt i,j>)y ;m ;rto.n(Ki Smitlis. <»; which at least 12.0rM*» have tho i:iven raino of John, MOTH HOL£S • TFARS Civilian <;u» 43 IVr Ont of 1.141. , XW7TS& HOLES FOR INVISIBLE CPive only -1.'i prr cent as much pas- ; HAN0WEAVING- "i^-- -- . oline ;i5 they usod in 1941. the Pe- | troie\im Adniinisuaticn for War j CALL say. WiiiIn AnM'rimns have re- R.B. duced I'^ssongrr car mil on go from 2329 That's why we've so much pep in wilt "Picnic tonight!" Mom »ing« out. as the peacetime level by about fi7 per • ing weather! Good, nourishing vege- the gives each of ui a big. beautiful cent, thf I^nplifh hnvc reduced j tabjes with real garden flavor! Mom theirs by 88 per cent. • i Flagstaff Salad Plate! Sliced Red MINOR'S says only Flagstaff Sweet Corn, Red Been, Garden Green Beans and Families Want to Build Honicn. TEXTILE Beets and Green Beans have that Golden Corn-topped off with Dev- In ci K'ff-nt na' svirvry of i fresh-picked taste! She likes them, conpumrr refiuiicmi Tits. ;i Inrge I 8 M« illed Eggs and Flagstaff hjoyonnsise. mimbrr- of the'faniilif-1' interviewed too.-because they save her hours o( on a bed of crisp lettuce! Each plate's work in a hot kitchen. Stfe can whip a picture—takes only a few minutes up a delicious, well-balanced to prepare, and costs to little, Mom Flagstaff dinner in less than half-an- layi, that you'd hardly believe it! But J< hour! Then we can all sit down and what's more (tnportant still-it's, vita- 1 TcaUy enjoy it! - and we do just that min-packed, for hot weather energy!

Are You On A Financial Treadmill? KEEP THE FUG OF HEALTH ONLY YOUR FRIENDLY You noprtn't lw fur \t\\\ fiin put .VIMII- hud^i't In ^»od work- FLYING WITH FLAGSTAFF IlflPi INDEPENDENT GROCERS Ing order by urran^lnc ftn lnt^lllKfnt Snvlnpn projrram. By saving f>.v»tomntiriill,v you oan mukr jour 'postwar SELL FLAGSTAFF plans with crrhilnty . . . you 1*111 luco the future with cxinftdfnfr.

Kicp M>ur liiiil^-it In tow liv IKVHIIIK It on n wnnlhle, Mom Flagstaff recommends 6 Flagstaff "quickies" for dinner and supper... h.tHti'llliitir S:i\iriKs prii|rr:iin. Cnnir' In <n»-Plclfl«l with Spread half ol beans and corn In casserole, sprinVIe with half of Onion ind All.piO, Flaiiiifl Swell Corn and Gre«n Beam with •alt, onion and crumbs. Repeat. Dot with butler or margarine, Morg'l own aweet-and-iour drafting, all on criip Utlucs. pour milk over all. Babe in moderate oven 30 to 35 minutes. Serves four. For Houston* Green Bean Succotash-Mix equal parts of This Tatty Scallop of leftover Chicken-Cup each of FUgitilT Qre«n B«ana ami FfaBMofT Sweet Corn, add a little Chopped Cooked Chicken and Flagstaff Sweet Corn, 2 tabte- !*Thll*M'1t«!»»»ai»r*l«l IIMd-tfltn+aWWr or-iwriaiiaaviaalt and. [SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION I p4.p,iUPSp!,jp p. Jk,_Vt.cup ol papptr to lasts and heat slowly. It's wonderful) bread crumbi, dab of butur or margarine. Bake as above. "** RED BANK 330 - 10 BROAD ST. • RED BAN Chartered 1887 BUY MORE WAR BONDS— WHAT YOU DID BEFORE RED BANK REGISTER, .JUNE 8, 1944 Page Five. DOUBLE YOUR BOND-BUYING Heavy Glass During the 5th War Loan Drive! JUNE 12th JULY 8th TUMBLERS


PINT EFFERVESCENT 35c FreezoneSL ...,19c Mineral Oil BOTTLE .. 14c SALTS HI JL FACIAL « 10c 75c PKG. Petroleum ?OTMR 8c Woodbury SOAK 2^ 15c Dora's Pills 39c n 1 • TABLETS II L REMEDIES 1 r. Saccharin« GB ioo. 9c Epsom Salt 5£.16c Humphreys »»«o.... 13c PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED D«p«nd upon our »xp«rUnc*d r«gUl«r«d pharmacists lo fill your prticrlption Absorbine Jr. BOTTLE 6i*c $1.00 Ironized llll™ 57c Cotton "STY ib.29c with fr»»h potent quality pharmoctuticoti m%ac\\y ai ordered by your doctor. | Evtry prescription h dowble-chtcktd to oiiur* accuracy. 1T*« • Tl 1 TABLETS ORAL OR Vitamin B-l um.«r. 9c Thermometer RECTAL .. 49c Carnation SS*!!...'..«,. 37c T D 1 FOR ATHLETE'S TABLETS DEODORANT •* A lO6"I«U FOOT BELIEF ... 49c SOcAnacin TIN OF 30 39c POWDER, 60c SIZE .. i)jC Broad & Wallace Sts. Gem Blades SST* 23c Unguentine SS«...... 43c $1.00 Zonite

Here's a grand buy to 12x33 in. WINDOW 4-Qt. ENAMELED supply your family with plenty of sturdy glasses SCREENS WINDSOR POT for cooling drinks. 50c HANTEK WEST POINT WALDORF j Hand Protective HAIR DRESS Bath Crystals! CREAM M.l.i r«.lluf ptrturstd •a!h. 8-ot- Bot. 49' 5 1b Bar 39' KLEER-VUE Feature! LARGER THAN DOUBLE SIZE PHOTO PRINTS Overseas Candy Letter Expertly prinlod on faiMpss paper Approved for Overseas. Mall to all V. S. Armed Force*. from any popular size nrgalivr, A box of tasty candies properly Cellophane wrapiwd gervire. K-n, ajalnst

MOTH BALLS CIGARETfE Sturdy 100-Ft. RAYON FOOT SOCKS or FLAKES PLASTIC CASE Clothes Line Blf lZ-Onnee Box win. kali: 3 25 24< .1,.., A 49' >ummertim< BATH LUXURIES You'll recognize three irnrrous DUNHILL Men's Fit-ted TALLY-HO Gift FORECASTER packages as marvelous values. Delightful summer fragrances for MONEY BELT TOURIST SET SHAVING SET BRIAR PIPE refreshing bath and cooling body Khaki fibril will* A . Well tillered cut A ,#% Whlti ipa«u« |lan ihavt tup Beautifully . grained comfort. twii-rUter imoirt- C ' fitted with mllitxry V J pipe*. Styled by «- mtnU f*r MMiy and ™ brutli, tomb, mirror * ^ with ioip, tatlw md taitum. nd Ul/ftte n«f»ii- ^S • p«rt crt(timnd JAR 2.95 REDUCE The Rectal Sorenessl COMFORTABLE Get Rflltaf New Easy Way COOL-li/l" — Sit In Comfort . Don't necleet Itchy rnw broken tpoU 1 around rectum. Pew places are so liable to J infection. A Quick dependable reliever of AYDS 1 rectal Boreness ia FroAlar-mon Rectal. Brtn£i I soothing sense of coin/on upon contact. I forma protecting film over sore area, helps SUN I destroy infections ffermj, aids Nature heal WAY 1 up raw, broken UsBues. No oil ~ no ffrestae I to stain eJothJnar. Sold on money back guar- Don't Wear yourself antee. Get this modern relief today... ask for out with tiresome POPULAR SOAPS PROLARMON RECTAL '1-Inch z 10 Yard Site exercises. Don't give Formerly go, Now ...... up all th» foods you like. In clinical tests 25c GONTI |New Cream Deodorant LISTERINE CASTILE 80AF 21" 154 Inch x 10 Yard Site PALMOLIVE under Hie direction tcl safely STOPS under-am Fennerljr 12t«lnil or COLGATE moro then 100 per- TOILET (PERSPIRATION 2-Inch x 10 Yard SUe Shaving Cream |l» Does not rot dressei sons lost an average e Com >lefeW f Formerly ISc, Now .. Quickly softens beard for rapid LIFEBUOY or men's shirts. Doei 10° of 14 to 151b j. aver- 4fpr25 I ' ' Ma$e Brush less Shave shave. Leaves face cool, refreshed. HEALTH SOAP not Irritate skin. 3-Inch x 10 Yard She Qultktr, ia>lir ihavlni. age In a few weeks |2. NowaiUngtodry— Formerly 23c, Now t... That* bl| lubn liit LUX 15' Uni, l«m tlmil with Jho AYDS Vi- can be used right tamin Candy Reduc- TOILET SOAI>. 4-Inch x W Yard Slie CIANT LARCE m l^sHfi alter shaving, ing Plan. Try It your- Formerly 29c, Now ... 4'/i ox. Tubes TUBE ^ ^^** lib Slope perspiration 20< self. 3for19c 39 29 Ssrsw.Tai.ri!* (or 1 to 3 days. Wiille, greaoeless, vanishing cream. |S> Arrid has the American Institute ot Tinnrz Laundering Approval Seal lor beingl LIQUID POLAROID harmless to fabrics, a aa*. ••>. • aa*. SHAMPOO" |3?fo Day Glasses Drop Everytfaine] llllonir addc* for rlnilm, a» 4rylni. •ddt lorclf na- fllalrnlnf, aaiy to for this f tural ippoij-Jnr manage bslr. '« Ml. SHAMPOOS color to dull , IWCLUBINH Amazing Way! mamdrry if i>> nn HiwU iluap-l 60c SIZE 30 MITTEN nil .*>•:. HtliuihC. I lie fiiniuil!! 1l»«d| .1*1. hii:s ^(jjiim,ii««iv nr fit.1 ' Tablet, imr Olmtr. Be iim:,y|.l h- r_l!ilc l*<». .UsSlt "tiKi* "re r.lK»« \S3> ml ml* Tlii!iniiiii-.t~'Mninr*g'RMinmil*_ l 'mlyvtlc' . -1,....t n.||| |""il.irli-.. if) Ih. DO*;nii:.s «i> NOrt 11\\ WILL nt ADOCO TO ITEMf BOBJECT TO rCDCRAL [X CUE 1'Jll W! HIMIVI IHI SIGHT TO LIMIT QIMNTITII1 Page Six. RED BANK REGISTER, JUNE 8, 1944

hension and great anxiety. Cheered by th temper. Put down an American RED BANK REGISTER anywhere In the world In June, an WPB Announces Bodman Speaks reports that our casualties thus far havi he will think of home1, Jong to be .".ESTABIJSHED 1878 Editorial Views been amazingly light, they will cling to the there. But this week's June moon Living By ThePriority Changes To Lions Club By John H. Cook and Henry Clay rhymes with so.methlng: other than hope that they may continue to be so. a love, song, and this year's roses War Production Board field of- of Other Papers fices can now receive applications THOMAS IRVING BROWX All Americans with the desire to back will be blood-red. ThU year's bee- Golden Rule drone is an echo from the drone In covering purchase of all typewriters Tells of Red Cross Editor and Publisher our boys on the fighting front will redoubh other skies. And something more and Applications for priorities as- (Th* opinions «ipreii«d In tb* Edi: sistance for refrigeration other Work Abroad their efforts to provide them with the iveap torial Vlewi liereunder do not neemar- than the year turns vrfth the sol J3rd Psalm. ' JAMES 3. HOGAN, Associate Editor Hy carry the endorsement of Tht Reg- stlce, this June of 19ft. than Industrial processing and air on's of war. War-workers will redouble their ister)'. "Thi Lord U my shepherd: I ihill not conditioning equipment, according George M. Bodman of Naveslnk Assistant Editors —New York Times. want. River road, who returned in Febru- THIS MIGHT OF AMERICA. 'He maketh me to H* down in green to a recent announcement by M. E. M. HAKOLD KELLY CHESTER J. BEAMAN efforts, make a greater contribution to the puturM.' h« leadetb me kMide tb Cutler, WPB district manager tor ary after spending: fifteen months war effort. With the arrival of June, the PEABL HARBOR •till wateri. Northern New Jersey. as co-director of. American Red FBEDERIC S. HAYES, Managing Editor main fighting season of the fifth "He reitorath my ioul: ha ludeth me Cross activities in the British Isles, Already the local news dispatches have The general rule of law Is that ID the pathi of righteousness for hit Second annual report of the Com- N«tiof.«l AilvrrtMng Keprcsentitivej, Barrj\'T. Mines year of the war has begun auspic- the principal is responsible for the nlnie'li like. bined Raw Materials board, for the described some of his many experi- Co., 35 E«sl :6th St., Ntw York, 123 West Madison St.. contained some bright items. The strikes iously, and tha world is waiting for acts of an agent done within the "Yes, though I walk through the v&l year ending January 26, 1944, In- ences at a dinner meeting of the Chicago, 111.: UOO Chestnut St.. Philadelphia. Pa. ley of thu shadow of death,' I will feai Red Bank Lions club Tuesday nfght that have been plaguing the nation for some the outcome which this season scope of hi« authority. General no evil; for thou art with me; they rod dicates that wealth of resources must bring. It is the season for Short and Admiral Kimmel, the and thy utaff they comfort me. available to United Nations, their at the Molly hotel. He was The Red Bnnk Kcgiiier assumes no financial. reTonsiblli time were stopped immediately, donors have which the United "Nations have commanders at Pearl Harbor on "Thou prepares^ a table before me In th control of shipping lanes, and early introduced by Dr. James G. Van- ties for typographical errors in advertisement*'but will reprint predencu of mine enemies: thou anolnt- Nostrand, chairman of the club's that part of an advertisement in which the typographical thronged to Ke'd Cross blood bank centers been praying, working and plan- December 7, 1941, were agenta. The e^t my hond with oil; my cup runneth institution of combined planning on error occurs. Arfvcriisen will please notify the mannjrement ning. In order to be prepared. It principals were the Secretary of over. an international basis have made speaker's committee. Mr. Bodman (mined i ate !v of any rrror which may occur. and bond sales have risen swiftly despite the is the season in which we may hopo War and the Secretary of the Navy "Surely goodneai and mercy shall follow possible general progress In-bring- said that the Red Cross is doing the to aoe tho beginning of the end me all the days of my life: and 1 wil' fantastic, Job of running the largest fact that, the Fiftli War Loaif drive doesn"t and the President. dwell In the house of the Lord for ing raw materials budget Into bal- MEMBER THE ASSOCIATED PRESS of thlg greatest and most costly of But all the blame for what hap- ever." ance. Some materials shortages hotel in the world; that is, enter- Th« Associated Frrjs la exclusively entitled to the uie begin until Monday. all wars. pened at Pearl Harbor has fallen however, continue to be a source of taining the millions of American for republicatioa of all news dispatches credited to It or This Is the Psalm of David, the service men quartered in Great not otherwise crecitcJ in this puper and also tb» local new* It is right and fitting that we should re- For this fighting season, which on the agents and none whatever sweet singer of Israel, perhaps th. concern, such as hides, also rubber, published '.herein In past years saw Hitler's greatest was attached to the principals. The best known passage In the Bible. sidal and manila hemp, nickel, mica, Britain, and serving 4,000,000 snacks act in this way. There were no celebrations, victories, is the nrst since the out- President and his secretaries have some grades of asbestos, anti-ma- and 1,350,000 meals each week. His In thi« Psalm David showed his duties principally were the estab- Member Audit Bureau of Circulations no empty cheers, when onr beachheads were break of the war In which Hitler not even been charged with bad confidence in the grace of God. lariala and a few other commodi- will not be able to make even an Judgment In selecting unfit com- ties ,in which shortages had de- lishment of ejubs In Scotland and Issued Weekly, entered as Second-Class Matter et the. Poat- established; on the contrary, we turned to It Is full of compasBion and com- Ireland, one of which In Glasgow office at Red Bank, N. J.. under the Act of March 3, 1879. attempt at victory by concentrating manders, if they were unfit, or with fort to those who find .themselves veloped in 1942, due either to loss on one victim alone. On the con- negligence In not establishing the of producing areas or extraordin- has 2,000 beds. He said it was a prayer and pledges of greater co-operation In sorrow and deep distress, just as great job to keep abreast of the Subscription Prices In Advance: One year, $2.50; »tx trary, he finds himself the main co-operation between the services much in this our day, as in the time ary demand. months. 51.50: three months. To cents: single copy, 5 cents. and unity. President Eoosevelt lias sound- enemy on whom the angered forces at Pearl Harbor which the Roberts The Combined Production and task of entertaining the greatly In- of David. Thousands of people who cresed number of service men ar- ed the keynote in the prayer which he wrote of humanity will concentrate for Commission report showed was never darken the doors of any Resources board will shortly send THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1944. riving in Great Britain, that the the knockout blow. The bright sun wholly lacking. In their hands was church still live by its promises to Great Britain a coal mission of and read to the American people on D Day. and early heat reported from Eur- ultimate responsibility for the na- technical and economic experts to girls who ran the clubs and hotels and nothing can shake their faith. were doing a marvelous Job, that That it may be answered is the hope of all ope can only speed developments: tional Safety, and while In their I have known many such. study and report on technical as- keeping the national Bafety was pects of both underground and strip the women volunteers were the President's Invasion Prayer for they are rapidly drying the Of course, we will not try to dis- Americans everywhere. ground for a resumption of the placed in desperate Jeopardy. mining, on measures taken by backbone of ail the clubs, and thnt pel this fHith, for without a doubt the rations served wcr«4he same as Tlii^-is-t+iMHViieion pi'iiyor ivhu>1i Pres- '—o-o-o-o-o-o Russian offensive which is to form Admiral KImmel's renewed de- British government to control dis- t does express all the fullness of tribution and use of coal and on thoBe eaten by British civilians, In- one battering ram against Hitler's mand "for an open court-martial Iff God's love and mercy towards us. ident Honsevolf wrote while Allied troops The Press, the Public and fortress from the east while the being'* resisted" by the Administra- methods used to compile coal cluding meat three times a week, Allies storm it from the south and We ceMa!nly like to think of Jesus sEatlstlffsV cheese nandwlchea.with black bread were landing m\ ilie roust of France: tion, as it has resisted every de- as our Shepherd, with the angela and very little sugar. The Fight for Our Ideals west. mand for an independent inquiry ever watchful over us, so that we War Labor Board has been re- MY follow Aiiicj'ifnns: • Into the Pearl Harbor disaster. quested by Director of Economic Mr, Bodman told of the clubmo- Have you ever handled gunpowder? This makes it pertinent to review may go to our rest at night secure Stabllzatlon, Fred M. Vlnson, to blles used by the Red Croat, which In this jioij:ii;iiit hour J iislc von to join the forces which we are able tp However disinterested and patrio- In His ever loving arms. Reader, you are doing it now as you handle tic ita motives may be, its con- give prompt attention to all wage- were 90 former London buses, and me in prayer: throw into the battle. For the It is also very comforting to be- cases In the foundry and forge In- declared that the clubs meant al- course of the war has shown, not tinued use of the security argu- Alinijrlity CiodrOur sons-, pride of our this newspaper. Not, of course, the kind ment against an investigation, even ieve that, come what may, we shall dustry where some 300 plants are most everything "to the service men only that, as in the last war, It be clothed and fed ;is our nerds re- urrently suffering from manpower as it was the only home they had! that blows buildings sky high. But. some- the might of America which though the Japs' have been pushed nation, tin's day have set upon a niiiilily en- thousands of miles from Pearl Har- quire; and that we may count on shortages, fundamentally caused by All articles in the clubmobiles, such thing even more powerful—explosives that must break the deadlock In Eur- His goodness and mercy bfing with low unskilled and semi-skilled wage as doughnuts, cigarettes, chewing deavor, a srrnfiijlo to preserve our republic, ope and clinch victory, but also bor, lends credibility to Senator can blast or dig foundations for the whole Wherry's assertion that "the Dem- us all the days of our life; nnd af- ates. A special task-committee to gum, etc.. were distributed free of our religion, and our civilization, and to set hat from now on America will er this life to dwell in heaven be established at once by WPB wll charge. The damage done In the have to bear the brunt of the fight- ocrats don't want revealed before free a sutTerini: humanity. nation. the election the things that will be :ver after.: This is about all that work locally with area task com British Iales' by the enemy, tho ing, at least In the west. Such a any reasonable person could desire: mittecs locally to Improve nrltlca speaker said, was much greater This may seem a strange way to look review, disclosing both our nearly revealed" by a real Pearl Harbar Lead them straight, and true; give investigation. but, and there is a but, in return working conditions end help supply than he had thought possible. Thus at. a newspaper, lint, it is clear that our fatal unpreparedness on the out- or all this, we have some obliga- strength to their arms, stoutness to their Newark Sunday Call. the 20,000 workers needed. far over H.OOOO.OOO units of blood break of the war and the nearly ions to fulfill. We must, first of Labor-management committees, plasma have been used nnrl over hearts, steadfastness to their faith. printed ideas are what make or break the miraculous achievements since ll, live according to the principles ON AND ON IT -GOES— ormed to improve and accelerate 7,000,000 packages had been dis- nation. The newspaper picks up the ideas then, must strengthen our confi- and precepts as laid down by our output of weapons and equlpmen tributed to the Allied prisoners of They will need Thy blessings. -Their dence in. victory, even as it pro- by which a community lives and multiplies Waller county, Texas, has a pop- ,ord and Saviour. To do this, nil needed to win the war, are now war. He feeh thai many of these road will be long, and hard. The enemy is vides an answer to those who had ulation of 9,880. Many of Its res- we have to do ifi follow the teach- stnhllshed in more than 4,500 war prisoners would have died If they strong. He may hurl hack our forces. Suc- them by the thousand or the million upon been clamoring for earlier action idents own cows, since it is In a ings othe Golden Rule. ilants tfiroughout United States. had not received these lied Cross in the past. rural region. So when the Foc4 "Do unto others as you would Ovpr-nll production schedules for packages. Economic conditions am cess may not come with rushing speed, but throbbing presses. Self-interest or sacrifice, When in September, 1939, after Distribution Administration recent- have them do unto you." 944 approximately 20 per cent very bad, the civilians living princi- the philosophy of "gimme"' or the philos- ly asked the county superintendent we shall return agiun and again; and we more than six years of open prep- 1 Shall Not Want. greater than last year and compli- pally on fish and potatoes and are ophy of "give," thus gets accepted as our arations, Hitler unleashed the of schools if she would like to bave ated by changing military require- not allowed to spend more than {1 know that l>y Thy frracc, and by the riglit- some milk for the school lunch pro- 'ear Lord. Thy mercy Thou dont dhow. mightiest fighting .machine In his- Thy goodneai falleth never; ments, require continued coopera- per meal in any of tho hotels, res- eousiiess of our cause our sons will triumph. normal way of thinking. It becomes our tory up to that time, the United gram, she rather dubiously thought E'en though we fall Ther as *i go, ive effort. taurants, and clubs. States possessed an Army of 187,- she might use some. Thou art our God forever. They will he sore .tried, by night and national philosophy of life. Chairman Donald M. Nelson Clothes are very scarce In Eng- 000 men, a Navy of 156,000 men, in- It wasn't any time before a car- Though poor In Spirit, helpleis, weaV, urged advance planning of vaca- land, Mr. Bodman related, and by day. without rest—fill the victory is won. . This .philosophy, in turn, forecasts the cluding the Marines and the Coast load of canned condensed milk ar- Our wants are all supplied: ions for industrial workers, now many persons are wearing ragged Guard, with a fleet of 1,277,000 tons, rived—43,000 pounds of it. Now We come to Thee and mercy seek, ingaged In their fourth year of In- The darkness will lie riint by noise and future. The post-war world will not be 'hou an our Friend and fiulde. clothes. All are severely rationed, and an air force of 22,000 men sup- Waller county parents are wonder- enslfled wttr production, to lestore transportation difficulties are great flame. .Men's smils will he shaken with the what we want, but what we ai'e. In the ported by a monthly production of Ing what the formula for milk JI we go through death's dark shadow, nergy and zeal needed to meet and persons aro not alluwcd to exactly 117 military aircraft. But ur fpnrn nre cait away: ...violeiiees of war. news of how people are living today our fu- baths Is, and how you get the Wo nre taken from thiH vnle of wo* uture requirements. travel at all without a Government America still felt secure behind the sweetenln' out of the darned Btuff. Thine eternal, endless day. Estimated total machine tool re- license. Regimentation i« strict, These are men lately drawn from the ture history is written. French Army and the British.Navy, —New Jersey State' Taxpayers As- luiroments for 1944, including tne too, and persona cannot change po- ,nd did not fully realize its peri! or Thou, Lord, art our Shepherd dear, ways of peace. They fight not for the just Do we see the kind of world we want sociation, in'STer-Tr pastures-we may rest;. . lacklog of unfilled orders, may sitions and the'government assigns until tl'e fall of France. It was The clouds around u* dl'npr-ear eed $600,000,000" as V feSUlt of the them to their duties. Hardly a of coiiiiui'St. They fight to end conquest. the headlines of confusion and division, said arihat time that if Hitler had And w,e through Christ art blent. eavy artillery and other new mil- family has any servants unless they been able to land two of his ar- They fight to liberate. They fight to let jus- corruption, subversion, lack of policy? Price And Rationing Thou prepnrest a table for thin day tary programs. Machine Tool In- havo four children-under ten years" mored divisions on American soil ^nd anointest us with oil. ustry Advisory committee urged If we want a different kind of world, it hy goodness and jn»rcy with us itay of age. tice arise, and tolerance ;iud good will they could have gone Joy-riding Questions & Answers \nd evil can not d*"poil. .hat all available idle machines and The speaker told of a very pleas- must he the task of every newspaper and through the country. But oneo Payne. vallahle manpower be located and among all Thy people. They yearn but for America did realize the danger, the Questions are those most fre- ant visit with others to tho King quently asked this week of the jtillzed to fill gnp between estirhat ahd"(jiieen"ahd Princesses Eliza-- the end of batlle, for their return to the every reader to fight for the right ideals. To- American production miracle began >d requirements and production to happen, and today America has Trenton District Ofllco of OPA. beth and Maigarct Rose at Buck- haven of home. gether we can re-establish as "normal think- Answers are official OPA rulings Pastor, Naturalist estimated at $485,000,000 for 1B44. ingham palnce, and he spoke in the a different tale to tell. . Stockpile nf nfw household mech- highest terms of the charm and Some will never return. Embrace these, ing" the primary virtues of pulline unitedly, aa'of June 8. Readers rnayVub- Today America has an Army of mlt questions for replies to Dis- At English Class inical refrigerators can meet only pleasing demeanor of the royal Father, and receive them, Thy heroic ser- hard work, .sound home life and faith in ',700,000 men, of whom approxi- trict Office, OPA, Trenton, N. J. igbly essential military and public family. The senior English class of Red health needs. Ire refrigerators, vants, into Thy kingdom. , God which have always been: the liev ito mately half are already overseas. Q. I have a. number of unused Bank High school, period one, Speaking on the Red Cross plans . It has a two-ocean Navy, the big- B-2 and C-2 gasoline coupons that taught by Donald S. Klopp, was programmed at 821.000 for 1944, for the Invasion on D Day, Mr. Bod- And for us at home—fathers, mothers, American greatness. gest In the world, consisting of became invalid on June 1, 1844. May available without purchase permit, man said all plans were made be- recently addressed by Rev. John A. will continue to substitute for children, wives, sisters and brothers of brave Press and public can thus enlist all who more than 2,800,000 fighting men I exchange them for valid coupons? Hayes and Orpheus (Orphic) fore he left there lost February, md moro than 14,000 ships of a A. Yes. The holder of such un- SchanZ, naturalist, mechnncial refrigerators for house- that many of the Red Cross ciub- men overseas, whose tboughts and,prayers love their country on the right side of the ombined total of 5,000,000 tons, of used coupons may bring them In Mr. Hayes spoke on the topic. hold use. mohilei would go Into France with A voluntary program to Increase are ever with them—help us. Almighty find, fundamental battle of the age—the conflict which 2,400,000 tons are combat ves- to his local war price and ration- Book Collecting as a Hobby," and some of the first detachments of sels. And this. Navy has acquired ing board for exchange. The board illustrated hig lecturo by showing wear of shoe soles through treat- soldiers. -Smaller autos will work to rededieate ourselves in renewed faith in between the evil and organized forces of a new mobility by carrying floating may either issue serially numbered Dooks and facsimile leaves taken ment with oil or other equivalent with the clubmobiles and spread Thee in this hour of great sacrifice. self-interest and the opposing Christian bases along with it, which, for one coupons equal to the amount of 'rom hla personal library. He in- materials was outlined to shoe out among the fighters, with dough- thing, permit It to dominate the Pa- gasoline still outstanding on the vited the students to visit his study, manufacturers by WPB Conserve nuts, coffee, cigarettes and chewing .Many people have urged that I call the forces which light for a morally re-armed cific. America has, above all, the old ration, or may evaluate his mil- where his hooks numbering about tlon Division. gum. For civilian purposes, exclusive nation into a single day of special prayer. world. Only thus will we achieve total vic- biggest air force In the world, con- eage needs and issue coupons suf- 5.000, are catalogued and housed. President Willis A. Clayton was sisting of more than 2,S00,OOO men ficient for tho remainder of the The speaker discussed several of of the Red Cross, In 1944, each In charge of the meeting and ho But because tln> road is long ;ind the desire tory. Only thus will we win the war, secure and 75,000 planes for the Army and remainder of the ration period, but :he rareBt books In the world, and razor blarte manufacturer Is being extended a welcome to Severn! some 30,000 planes for the Navy, not in excess of the coupons sur- lescribed such features of unique allocated under controlled materials guests, Including Dr.. Samuel W. is great, 1 ask that our people devote them- the peace and build a new world. plan enough rSatrrlal to make 73 . o-o-o-o-o-o—— which are backed by a production rendered. books as date, imprint, autograph- Hausman, J. Allen Mohn, AJbert W. selves in coin iniianee of prayer. As we rise of 100,000 plnnes a year. Nearly ing, broken type, watermarks, and por cent as many razor blades as VanNoatrand, Thumas S. Field, Sr., Q. Have there been any changes he shipped for domestic consump- to each new day, and again when each day The Unfair Federal Use half of that air force is also al- made1 in the point values on cheeses relative scarcity. Pupils showed and C. H. Davidson of Slaten ready overseas. ;reat interest in one of the earliest tion on an average yearly basis in Island. Greetings were also given ' is spent, let words of prayer he on our lips, and canned milk? 1940 .and 1941. Tax Stamps Are Ready But even that is only part of the Vj Yes. Cheeses have been re- if ..the Calvin Bibles, dated 1583, to the club's newest members, Col- invoking Thy help to our eUWts. trengthened by the printers with With more food fats coming into iin Sellart, Ira L. Crouse, and story. In order to carry the war duced to 10 points per pound and" millions of kitchens through easing Congress, again having ignored protests to the "enemy instead of waiting canned milk to Vi point per pound. nd papers taken from another James Wilde. (.live us strength, 1oo -strength in our 'ook, apparently much older. of rationing, American women PFC Eugene Magce, Jr., who has over continuance of the ?5 federal "use" tax until the enemy carried the war to Q. What iB the present point val- should be able to salvage more fats daily. tasks, to redouble the contributions Miss Margaret Rice, Latin teach- been stationed at Fort Knox, Ken- >n motor vehicles, this annual headache for America, the United States had to ue on canned orange juice and to meet continued need in war nnd establish bases throughout) the canned grapefruit juice? '.r, brought one of her classes to tucky, is home on a week's fur- wo make in tin.- physienl and material sup- lear the address, She has volun- essential civilian Industries. This lough and he was greeted on nil' the motorists of the nation has arrived world and establish communica- A. No ration points are required, year's requirements call for 230,- port of*iiur arnicd I'otvi's. tion lines 56,000 miles long. For at present, for' the purchase of leered to translate tho Latin on the sides. He will return next week to again. SI amps are now on sale at postof- end papers in an effort to deter- 000.000 pounds, as compared with Camp Chaffee, Arkansas. Ami Jit (inr hearts be stout, to wait out this purpose it first had to build a canned orange juice and canned 90,000,000 pounds salvaged in 1943. tires. bridge of ships, which is perhaps grapefruit juice. mine tha source of tbese incuna- Letters were read from 1st Lieut, the lung iriiMiil. lu bear SHITIUVK that may the greatest production' miracle of Q. Is a salesman eligible for the bula enrge Olmstead, now stationed nt The tax, as (he Keystone Automobile Mr. Schantz spoke on "Poetry in Camp Howzc, Texas, and from Jo- conic. In imp.MM niir eniirage nnlo our sons all. The ships built last year alone purchase of a new 1042 automo- Inb points out, "is the most unpopular tax totaled more than 19,000,000 tons. bile? Mature." The talk was illustrated Tells Club About seph If. Lcssifr, who is recovering wheresoever i In y may be. jy huge pen sketches and original from a severe Illness at a sister's ever imposed on motorists. Particularly is Finally, in order to help our al. A. No. Under the present regula- lies hold the enemy at bay until we joems hand-printed on cardboard, home In Riverside, California. And " l.'»rd. give iis faiih. Oive ns tions a salesman is not an eligible Flame Thrower An attendance prize presented by Hi is true in (he case of the A-rationed motor- could get ready, America shipped purchaser of a new 1942 automo- he speaker, who has set the faith in Thee ; fail h in our sons; I'aiili in each to them a total of more than $20.. poems to music, led the class in Wallace Jeffrey was awarded to ist, whose allotment of two gallons per week bile. singing these original poems, sev- Past President Lester R. Ross. other; faith in our united crusade. Let not 000,000,000 worth of lend-leasc Q. When a special shoe stamp is Government Man permits minimum use of his car. To charge goods, Including 26,000 planes and :ral of the more than five hundred Next week's awards will be fur- the keiinir" nf'our spirit ever lie dulled. issued for a certain type of shoe, le has written. Formerly head of nished by Past President Jack him !*5 for the privilege of driving some 1,- innumerable quantities of other can it be used for the purchase of Explains Operation war materials. .he Audohon Society of Illinois, of- Rohrey, Chaplain Rev. George J. Let not tlii- itnpaci< of temporary events, of 500 miles per year is unjust and inequit- another, type? Icer of the National Geographic Ammerman, John G. Rice, Frank temporal manors nf but lleciinii moment—• It is a record of which America A. No. If a dealer delivers any society and guide in the mountains Jack Douglas, a U. S. govern- P. Merritt, and £>r. F. Melvin Ed- ile." can be proud. It also is an achieve- type of shoe other than the one ment inspector connected with the wards. let not these deter us in iiiir uneoiiipicrable ment which permits our fighting of Tennessee, Mr. Schantz is at Chemical Warfare service, who Is The Register has pointed out time and specified, he is committing a viola- present head naturalist at one of Next Tuesday night the annual ' purpose. men to go into bnttle with the tion of Ration Order No. 17, and the largest summer camps In the stationed temporarily at Atlantic election of officers will take placo' again the unfairness of the law. No attempt knowledge that everything human- is subject to penalty. East. Highlands, told members of the At- and there will bo talks hy Commdr. Will, Thy I. iii! we shall prevail over ly possible has been done to help Q. Is my dealer permitted to re- lantic Highlands Uona club at the has been made by (lie government to check them on to victory. \ Two sections of tenth grade dinner meeting Monday night at Fontaine of the Navy ammunition the unlink l'lii-n. our enemy. Help us to duce the quantity of bobby pins sold English completing the semester depot at Earle and by Edward W. on who purchases a stamp and.who doesn't. —New York Times. at a customary place? the Casino hotel, Ocean boulevard, coii(|iicr iln1 iipir of greed and racial fir- with Mr. Klopp are in the study Scudder of Rumson, publisher of The fact is, the expense of making the check- A. Each'retailer must deliver now of the operation of the portable the Newark Evening News. 1 of Shakespeare's "Merchant of flame-thrower, a weapon which l'OfjillH'rs. l.i ;i. in t be having 'vice and told of Its to stop every car. The result is that many June will take care of itself.' Jt A. Broilers, fryers or roasters—38 These sections completed a unit W I ri.'- giving four presentations. .They Tho Japs used the flame-throwers ast Friday evening, tendered a sur- slumps and arc getting away with it. That fresh green pens. It will bring days Q. What price may a retailer included a reading, an anecdote, a wards of their, hum -i tail. touched with tlie cool breath of first against tho Americans, Mr. prise party to Donald S. Klopp, is why the law is unfair and should be re- place on men's straw hats? talk involving gestures, and a Douglas said, but the weapon is now Tganlst and director, at his home 1 early Muy, nights scorched with the A. The retailer of straw hats is formal argumentative brief. In the Thy v ill 11* j lulu -. A I initili t-\~ ' ind. •aled. Why Congress has ignored the pro- being used by the Allied forces in on Broad street. lire of July, and everything be- restricted to the percentage mark- argument each pupil was given a An hour of games and singing Anieti. tween. Flrenius will spark the up used In tbe summer of 1941, the South Pacific and In Europe. lesls of the public with regard tu this tax separate topic and expected to de- A resolution of sympathy was was enjoyed. Mrs. Helen Estelle, -o-o-o-o-o-o- evenings and mosquitos will attack taken on his average cost or re- fend his thesis In an open forum alto soloist, was in charge of re- is hard to .understand. by- flights and squadrons, one iplacc placement cost, whichever is lowei". which followed the speech. Differ- adopted relative to the death of D Day Brings .'rayer' And or nnother. And clover and honey- Mrs. H. E. Fowler, wife of the pub- freshments. Before tho close of o-o-o-o-o-o Q. Is there a ceiling prlco on used ent student chairmen were in lisher of the Atlantic Highlands he party, Rev. George A. Ammer- suckle will sweeten the country vacuum elenners. If sold by an ln- charge and conducted all discus- man, church pastor, gave a short Pledges of Renewed Efforts During ilie Kighteenth Century, cen- roadsides. Journal. Mr. Fowler is- a member dlvldunl? sions according to rules of parlia- of tho club. talk and presented Mr. Klopp with The Allied ill'WlMo'U of KllC.npe. ullirll n'iili/.ed govvriinii'iii administration by hur- Tho summer solstice will come, A.'Yes. It depends on the make mentary procedure. Topics ranged Members discussed plans for par- a gift from tho choir. and the sun* will begin to lean south of (hi! cleaner and Its condition. from politics to war brides. Martin Those who attended were Mrs, gol'llff Hi i^ -l|i'i-e^l'lll .Slarl Tl|ev,|;|y, W'll'l r.iiii ralic agc'iiries'"readied absurd propor- ticipation in tho Fifth War Loan % once morn, and no one can deny Nlerenhorp, with aHotal pf 17 talks, drive and for the installation ot a Harry 'Sniffcn, Mrs. George Am- tions in' Fninci- before ijt finally was over- that spring is ended. Bass will bite NEW T0S1TION led both sections in tho number or merman, Mrs. Anno Estcllc, Miss menu inniJy •'things u~> many, people. .The extra talks given. Over one hundred light In the • servicemen'!) pick-up In the lnke where you aren't fish- Mis. Margaret Okerson, former station. John M. Pillabury, the re- Ann Drcsslar, Mrs. Betty Leavy, idealist,, Ilir, man who lielieves thai we un- I lirow M. - ' ing, or in tiie lake where you would talks were given voluntarily for Miss Lillian Wcllner, Miss Pearl home management supervisor for extra credit, it was reported. tiring president, presided. engaged in a iTiisjiih- in resioi'e.di-mocraey Muring ihis war if may liavc been ncces- be fishing If there. H'iisn't-something the Farm Security Administration Ralph, Miss Joyco Estelle, Miss moro important to iho courso or Alice Kubll, Mrs. Helen Estclle, and -'racial' and religious freedom to the "s;irv In. iTiiiralizr maiiy governmental, pow- In thin county, with offices at Free- Tavern License. Refused. history to bo attended to this June. hold, has been appointed emergen- Married SO Years, Mrs. Donald S. Klopp, Albert Snif- world, will welcome tin.- news with the j1111T- ers and"Ts(ahlish numerous bureaus' (o more Cherries will ripen, and so will cy war food preservation specialist Mr. and Mrs. Howard T^uzencu of Tho Howell township committee fen, John Reed, PFC John Estes, Neptune, celebrated their BOth wed- Saturday turned down the applica- Thcpdpro Murphy, William Well- •'^!frfMiWtlTiJt!^Wfe;w<^ a<;. & 1!!'.'. '.'HI y_ exc i • u t.i • i h i'... w ar. (i (To r I. TJ i e^ a J a r I n • blueberries, niiii lheii> will be pics of the State Extension Serylce. full of boti, Wild blackberries, will Mrs. Okeraon, while still serving ding anniversary Tuesday of last tion of Oeorgo W.'Greene of South- er and Suzanno E. Klopp. toinplish jusi that. , - ing fad is' dial nnu-li of (his trend was well darken In the sun; full of Juice for Monmouth county, now works out week at their homo, Amnng Ihn 3fl(l Mi for a consumption license for Joyce Estelle, librarian of tho guestB who called 'during tho day aes' Theftitber and inother and others who IIIIIIIT way bi'fiii'e we.entered (he-war. Per- country jams and jellies. .Bees will of the extension's New Brunswick remises d bo busy In tlin clover fields, and' olllcc. Curtnilment of Federal funds was the best man of 50 years ago, oidlnancb limits tho number of li- n the choir now totals 2S. , .have love.d .ones ,,e!igiiged in I he iii-act irsi j, liips it means that we must win a second honey will nil the comb. For Juno's for FSA purposes led'to Mrs. Qkori James Strudwlck of Neptune, and censes to 19 and provides that 1 •whonovcr one Is rovoked or surren- " 40I1 p/f hi'iiijiny' these ideals lo-«- lii-iii^iiti'il' in.i tin home front after peace is de- sweetness is a tangible tiling, a son'fl release by that organization Mra. Strudwick. Mr. and Mrs, Every eight hours Army Ord- ttcnl to the lonfjtip llsojf. two weeks ago, She afartd her new Tuz.cneu have three daughters and dered tho number shall be reduced hnnce prepares nearly 2,000 tons of .. world will viuw the uewB flrilh Borne apjire.--' clared abroad. ' •< * " • ' June la summer «4Hl^ln a good duties June 1. to 16. ammunition for shipment overseas. RED BANK REGISTER, JUNE 8, 1944 Page Seven. Hopping Agency county chapter of the QCTNN «. DOBEMtS, '•> American 'Institute "if Banking. Sailor Home OOUNSELI/JEa AT LAW She la the first woman to hold the •Mhllhtli BalUlog, R.d B«nfc Reports Two Sales Here And TKere In Job. Seaman First Class George Sil- Jobr- J. Quinn Thomsj P. boremut Raymond S. Swift of Red Bank, ver, U. S. Navy, has returned to hia Vincent J. UcCua Howard M Lam who is connected -with the Bendlx To Load Tomatoes at Freehold. base after spending a four-day Wllllun U RIUMII, Jr. Ernent Futno radio corporation, has purchased The Campbell Soup company of leave with his parents, Mr. and from Francis L. Sherwood of the Montnoutht County Camden will again load tomatoes at Mrs. George Silver, Jr., of Shrews- Parsons, Labrecque A Borden, estate of Mary A. Griffen the prop- Freehold thl* season for the first bury. • Seaman Silver has recently COUNSELLORS AT LAW, erty located at 220 Spring street. time In 10 years. They have ar- I Wlllsc. Sir., Rid Bank The house consists of two living Personal Notes, Sales of Property, Building Opera- ranged with the Pennsylvania rail- Theodore D. Parsons Edmund J. Canton* rooms, dining room, four bedrooms road for the use of the siding on Theodore J. Lrfbrecqu* Baton F. Comba Thomaa J. Smith and bath. The plot la 52x276 feet tions, Lodge Doings, Births, Man age*, Deaths the Freehold-Englishtown road op- Robert B. Maida William R. Blair. Jr. deep. Mr. Swlf| i will occupy the posite Marshall's garage. John T. Lovett, III premises within the near future. and O^er Notes of 'nterest Metrofan Rogel of Shrewsbury Wins Air Medal. MOEKIS POBTNEB, Second Lt. Wilson F. Ekdahl, son Certified Public Accountant avenue has bought a two family Matawan Baker Dead. i of last week on the Oak Glen- house on the corner of Monmouih of Mrs. Gustave Ekdahl of English- AUDITS — TAX REPORTS Charles'Hey], who formerly con- Maxim road when his car over- town, hag been awarded the air IB Monmonth St, Red Bank, N. J. street and Shrewsbury avenue, ducted a bakery on Main street, I turned. Mrs. Anna Wagner of Tel. Red Bask 2621 known aa the Samuel Heller prop- medal by the .commander of the \ Matawan, under the firm name of Farmingdale, a passenger in the Allied air forces in the Southwest erty. The house consists ot six | Hcyl and Meyer, died at hl home rooms on each side, with Improve- B car, suffered body cuts and bruises Pacific for his part in operational DR. L. W. CARLBON, at that place Monday of la»t week. and was taken to Fitkin hospital. flight missions In that area. SDBGEON CHIROPODIST, ments. The plot Is 80x100 feet Mr. Heyl came to Matawan 35 deep. Mr. VanAntwerp, who was a bach- FOOT AILMENTS years ago and entered the bakery elor, had been flagman tho past 10 Death of Manuquan Man. Fttnl-Cola Compvtg, long Aland Clta. N. T. Both transactions were closed by business with Fred Meyer. The years for the Main street crossing Roger M. Magee of Manasquan Office Hoars: George S. Schanck of the W. A. Dally 9:30 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. Franchise^ Battler: Pejwl-Cola Bottling Company, Anbury Park, N. J. business was sold in 1919 and Mr. of the Central railroad at Farming- died Tuesday of last week after a Hopping agency. Heyl then opened a bakery at his dale. lengthy illness. He was a native Evenings: Tuesday and Thursday home. He is survlvedjiy a widow, of Manasquan. Until his retire- For appointment phone 2442 ., 'his second wife, and one daughter. Keyport Couple Wed. ment several years ago he was a 60 BROAD ST., RED BANK, N. i. Miss Carolyn J. Totten, daughter coal salesman. He is survived by Held for Check Frauds. of Mr. and Mrs. George C. Totten, his wife and two sons. DR. MILDRED HULSART, George Klethley, 19, of White Sr., and Arthur W. Silcox, U. 3. SPBGEON CHIROPODIST, ATTENTION! Marsh, Md., was taken Into custody navy, son of Dr. and Mrs. J. E. D. Engagement Announced. Foot Orthopedics—Electro-Therapy last Thursday at Aabury Park Silcox, both- of Keyport, were mar- MrB. Lillian Brewer of Freehold where, he allegedly disposed of ried Wednesday of last week at the has announced the engagement of Office Hours: Daily 9 a, in. to S p. m." more than $2,000 in stolen cash and, home of the bride's parents. Mrs, her daughter, Catherine M., to PFC Evenlnfs: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday checks. Asbury Park police were Silcox will remain with her parents Felix Dunham, Jr., ot Great Val- SEAMAN GEORGE SILVER (Closed Wednesday). first put on Kiethley's trail A.prll when her husband returng to active ley, N. Y. PFC Dunham l« now For appointment phone- 600 STUDENTS and TEACHERS 1S6 BROAD ST., RED BANK, N. JT. , 24 when they received a radio alarm I service. stationed at Atlanta, Ga. No date returned from four months' duty in broadcast by Maryland state police has been set for the wedding. foreign waters. He entered the Ages 16 and Older : which said the youth waj wanted To Wed IJeutenant. Na\rJKin October, 1943, received his for the theft of $1,000 in checks and Mr. and Mrs. Alvar Thedwel] of Freehold Girl to Wed. "boot" training at the Naval train- $300 in cash. Asbury Park have announced the Mr. and Mrs. William E. Harris ing station at Newport, Rhode Is- INSURANCE engagement of their daughter, of Freehold have announced the en- Male or Female Sailor and WAVE Wed. land, and attended gunnery school FOE EVERY NEED Pearl, to Lt. Ewald R. Richter, son gagement of Mrs. Harris's daugh- at Norfolk, Virginia. Miss Olive May Grant, of. East of-Mrs, Sophie Rlohter of Deal, Lt, ter, Doris M. Hellermann, to Sgt. Orange, yeoman third class, and LIFE Richter has been serving with the L Hardy "Nibietr of Fort Worth", Two New CdunclimeH. CASUALTY SUMMER JOBS AVAILABLE William H. Frantum of Philadel- infantry three and a half years. He Texas, now stationed with the sig- phia, ship's cook third class, were is now on convalescent leave and nal corps In New Guinea. Joseph R. Ely, an undertaker FIRE married Saturday afternoon in the will return shortly to Fort Lawton, and a leader in veterans' activities, AUTOMOBILE CLERKS former Monterey hotel at Asbury Wash. To Leave Freehold Paper. and T'homaa J. Smith, a lawyer and Park, which now houses the V. S. Melvin C. Krampf, who has been Democratic leader, have been COMPENSATION , FLOOR BOYS Pre-Mldshlpman's school. The Bankers Elect Woman. on the editorial staff of the Free- named to the two vacancies on the couple met at Hunter college where Mrs. Mildred L. Stauch, second hold Transcript for nearly 12 years, Asbury Park city council. This W. C. WEART FLOOR GIRLS Miss Grant was undergoing "boot" assistant treasurer of the Seacoast has resigned. He will join the staff brings the council to full strength 42 BROAD ST, training In the WAVES and Fran- Trust company of Asbury Park, of the United Press in New York since the death of Mayor Clarence Bed Bank Tel. 2240 tum was working In the galley. has been elected president of the on June 19. V. Mooney last January. OPERATORS Child Die* from Conrullsona. Patricia E-. Oxley, aged three EXAMINPRS yeara and eight months, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Barrett Oxley of Lone Branch, died of convulsions TABLE GIRLS In Monmouth Memorial hospital Wednesday of last week. The child j EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY was ill only 10 hours. She spent Memorial day on the beach with Essential Industry Manufacturing Garments for Our Armed Forces her family and was taken ill the i next morning. Besides her parents TWO Statement of Availability Required she is survived by six brothers and & Bister. NEW PHONES APPLY ! West Point Graduate*. Two shore men are among the CALL RED BANK cadets to be graduated from the West Point military academy this j month. They are Ralph C. Holl- ' stein, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Holl-j stein of Spring Lake, who will be SIGMUND EISNER CO. : commissioned In the field artillery, and Lawrence L. Clayton. Jr., son RED BANK, N. J. of Colonel and Mrs. Clayton of POTATO Deal, who will receive a commis- SPADING • Or •.. -' - ••- -- sionin th» air.force- SPRAY _ Car, Overturns, Driver Wiled. FORK Four •harp II- Inch Your Local U. S. Employment Service Tates VanAntwerp, 60, of Farm-' steel tines with pol- ingdale, was killed Monday night ished /ace. 30-Inch ash handle with D


BROOM Will htat tor yearn with prop- ALL STEEL RAKE er .. car*. Seamless, lealcproof 50 FEET HOE rubber inn«r tube, full la-incti NOTICE! inside diameter. Inner tube re- Sll-lnch blade. Will $125 inforced with layer of tightly Chapter 85 of the Laws or New Jersey of 1940, amending Chapter 115 of the Laws of lait (or many Ma- braided hose yarn. Couplings sons. 5-foot handfa. and waihen included with 25 New Jersey of 1938, provides that and 10*foot length*.

SATURDAYS ROUND POINT OUNUP of each year between June 15 and September 15, both dalea SHOVEL Beit a 11-s r ound shovel for spading included, shall be and digging pur- poses. Strong ash handle, 47 Incbet long. Blade size 9x 12 inches. WEEDING Legal All Day Bank Holidays $149 FORK For the year 1944 the banks listed below will not be open for business SPEC. on the following Saturdays: PRUNING SHEARS Unbreakable 2-inch steel blade, hard- WREN JUNE 17, 24 ened and tempered. Holds keen ed|e — ftnger guard, quick' HOUSE lOOTr Puro Pennsylvania mo- acting catch. tor oil. A full-bodied lubricant JULY 1. 8.15. 22, 29 c ' AUGUST S. 1?, 19, 26 $121 9 15 SEPTEMBER 2, 9 4 Qt., plus Fed. Tax. In your 'Cross Country BATTERIES container. AH customers are requested to anticipate their week-end banking; reauirements including Safe Deposit No..l and Trust Department Facilities J5.95 '7.15 Sean RECAP SERVICE... tyild your old tmHlrj wilft your oW baHtry PASSENGER OR SMALL TRUCK. No ra- The First National Bank of Eatontown, N. J. lion certificate needed. Passenger size, 5K /ll U W 6.00X16 . v. .;. .-. .-:.'...... " ' Long Branch Banking Co. of Loir*?* Branch, N. J. Cross-Country Cleaning Aids Touch-Up Enamel, ,6-ounce Can...-.-.:. ..-...> Long Branch Trust Co. of Long Branch. N. J. Chrome Metal Polish, % Pt. . .-.-. ...•..*.-.-.-. Quick Paste Cleaner, 14-ounce Can ,-.i...-..;. .>• •*3C New Jersey Trust Co. of Long. Branch, N. J. Finest Paste Wax,8-ounce Can .-.-.-.'.i....-.,•. *••• - ' " ' Improved for quicker pos- Heavy-duty type double Absorbo-Knit Pads; pkg. of 2 ...... itive starting power Am- insulation wood and fiber- Purchates totaling $10 or mart may The Merchants Trust Co. of Red Bank, N. J. pere output increased. 18 glass for longer serviced months guaranteed. months gua»anteed. b» mode on Seor* Easy Poymenf Won. The Second Nation*) Bank and Trust Co. OF REDP.\NK. N. J. Soars stores fiav'e posted or marked ceiling prices in compliance with G SEARS. "ROEBITCK Mil HO lalion$. MEMBERS FEDERAL DEPOSIWNSURANCE CORPORATION 27 Monmouth St. RED BANK Phon* 1122-1123 NTQRE HOrKSi-WEEKDAYk. I) A M.-3:S0 V «I. SATURDAY 9 A. Al.-P P. CD Page RED BANK {REGISTER, JUNE 8, 1944 in the district than the previous mobiles loaned by Slgmund Eisner tral Baptist church at Atlantic year. . I of Bed Bank and A, S. H. Jones Highlands by Rev. George H. Gard- Funeral Directors WHEN SPEAKING OF HEALTH ITEMS OF YESTERYEARS I of Riverside drive. ner. Mr. and Mrs. Layton took up IT 18 NOT TRUE TO SAX "WE DID EVERYTHING POSSD3LE" Twenty-Five Years Ago. Coroner Albert W. Worden, Jr., their residence in Rumson in a To Meet Wednesday UNLESS CHIBOPBAOT1C WAS INCLUDED Mrs. John1 Henry Hylln of Holm- bought the Harry B, Wetick house house which was a wedding gift FROM REGISTER FILES arid^ lot on East Front street for of the groom's parents. Mr. Lay- The Funeral Directors' associa- del and Mis^.-Matthew- Shock of tion of Monmouth and Ocean coun- Matawan were badly injured and WOO; Mr~Wofaerr-troirgtrt~th& toir^waa- associated, w.lth his father DR. WARREN FOWLER property for a home. The original In the plumbing business. ftres—will—hold a dinner-meeting S0O BROAD ST., Mr. Hylin was also hurt in an auto- Wednesday night, June 14, at 5:30 PHONB mobile accident near Holmdel, Mr. house was one of the oldest in Red Miss Agnes A. Widmer, daughter RED BANK Chiropractor Happenings of 50 and 25 Years Ago Cul'ed From Bank, having been built over 100 of William F.. Widmer of. Long o'clock in the Hotel Arnold, at sou Hylin's car, which was a Ford, was m Point Pleasant. Willis A. Woolley struck amidships by the Shock years previously. Branch, and William H. Alias, post- master at Oceanic, were married will be in charge and H. Allen Van the News and Editorial Columns for Entertain- Buick on the Keyport turnpike. Harry C. Burrowes" sold his house Hise will be the host. State Sen- MOl^EY LOANED ' The Sewing society of Little Sil- on Broad street to Fred D. Wikoff at St. James church, Long Branch,' by Rev, Morton A, Barnes. Miss ator Haydn Proctor will tell about on Jewelry, Silver, Musical Instruments, ment of Today's Readers ver w us reorganized under the for $15,000. The house had been the contemplated revision of the Camera*, Binoculars, etc name of the Llt'tIe"Sllver Sewing built about eight years prevluus by Clarissa Johnson of Red Bank was bridesmaid and Charles F. Briggs State Constitution.' Licensed and bonded by Sutl ol N. J. l-'ift.v Tours ARO. killer of Shrewsbury township and society and Reading club. It had Mr. Burrowes and was one of the WE PAY CASH FOB OLD GOLD and SILVER gave him authority to appoint as . 41 more members than when it dis- best built houses in Bed Bank. of Rumson was groomsman.. The i('ii;::.i-i fur ihu i^build The White brothers' new house A linen shower was given for Petroleum products constitute of t'uopi! a binl^c was yiven niany assistants as he thought best, i banded a year previous. half the supplies sent to the U. S. Broadway Loan Co. A dollar a head was paid for kill- i Ten pupils graduated from the on Park place and Miss Agnes Mc- Miss Helen Pickcn, a school teach- ;il a iiH'i'U i'! I hi' hoatil of lre<- Carthy's house on Oakland street er of Rumson, at the home of Miss Army abroad. 208 Broadway Long Branch inH' Highlands. ing them. I Fair Haven public school. They changed hands. The former was Florence Kettcl of Fair Haven, Miss. id i'! was tli..' Mi. and Mrs. O. E. Davis of Mon-1 were Olga Anderson, Mary Cleary, Tc.^lll. In mouth street gave a birthday party ,-ThPlmn -McCarthy, Florence Mea's- bought by William H. James of Hazel Errickson, a teacher at tha 11 ..II l' e. lompany lor New York and the latter by Mr, Oceanic high school, gave a linen Tin s:;i:<". fin- their daughter Grace. Mrs. E. ' ley. Ada Minton, Lucy Mulligan, K. Fo.wvell tendered some delight- i Agnes Pry or, Dorothy Travis, Alex- and Mrs. William Lajton of Brad- shower for Miss Marjorle Mullen, ley Beach. music teacher of the Rumsoi 1 1 ful music. Mamie Wilbur cleverly nndcr Egeland and James King, Tiic t'iii: ./! wa'.ei Unmiain pre- Eleven pupils received diplomas schools. tr.Uii ;u 'i.L- 1>wn by the What- several pieces. ', Koland Fennimore, principal of th« at the graduation exercises at ANNOUNCEMENT [I.L'VII .::<•.<< of Kind's ]l;U!^hU'i s The young people of the'Baptist i school, received a silk umbrella as Fifteen girl students of Trenton church gave a delightful entertain- I a Rift from the graduates. Miss Rumson high school. Marion Rice normal school sjient eight weeks on ..'is i:r.\ c;l> d Mi'imirial day in the \va3 salutatorian and Luella Jeffrey iirs: a iai^e i luVif of people, ment in the Baptist church build- ' Com W. Jennings received two part of Melvin A. Rice's farm-at injr on Front street. The affair was i handsome gifts from the parents of was valedictorian: Other gradu- Leonardo learning the farming Kled W. Hi master of ccir- ates, were Madeline Tyndall, Eliza- monies. T) nia'ion speech a Japanese wedding under the the children she taught. Mr. Fen- game. They also learned how to JII.v beth Hazlet, Helena Kohle'r, Helen in 1'i-liall > the \iiiiH':i was made mnnugoment of Miss Nellie Bailey, j nimoro and Miss Jennings were not cook and how to keep a house, tidy The bride and groom were Miss hi'ty \ returning In Fair Haven the follovt- Flatlcy, May Porter, Lillian Jahnes, and clean. by f\-Scr.:. HI John S. AppiefVUe. Linda Perrine, Charles Mears and McGuire s Picnic Grounds The :oiin:.i ii. nine I< cl in height, Smith and George Burd. Other ing year, having taken positions A reception was givewat Mr. and parts were taken by Misses Annu j elsewhere, Frank. Carton. Mrs. P. V. Daly's on Hudson ave- W.'iS hjiMIM al tile tool of Bluad About lS^persotis enjoyed a re- OPENING OF s! :t rould ijiieiich "Their Mis? Minnie-Thompson, daughtc.-! Folks whoattended St. John's on the properly of James Oliphant, State Highway 35, 2 miles north of Red Bank ,"" ' of'Dr. R. P. Thompson of" Red chapel at Little Stiver gave a re- Boys Icaguo of Shrewsbury. The toachor at. the Pine Brook school.'! Thi-ie were two little ha- league, which was about to be dis- ,:r. which I'.n.t.s coul. d drink, Rave a birthday 'party (o a epption at Miss Emily Hall's for Mr. Oliphant snid he thought cot- ; ; banded, was composed of parents ton could he grown profitably in •",„,'.,ij, ,[n;" wiijrh men. | number of friends. Among the Edward Rotden, a member of the of young" men who were in military WITH GREATLY ENLARGED FACILITIES FOR ;: ar.d' cliiidnn coulil secure guests were Grace Griilith. Josie. Red Bank Ambulance company.. this climatn. — i Thompson, Abbie Elliott, Eleanor Red Brink women were shown the service. Harry F. Crawford bought a j MacKcllar, May Conklin. Viola Pat-: best way to make cake icing and Trinity church of Red Bank house on Broad street, Kcyport, i l>r W. S Whit mure was elected cleared 5400 by a three-day fair. Weddings, Parties, Clambakes and Get-Together piesiucnt of tiir Shrewsbury town- terson, Julia, Alma and Olga Aul, : tilling at a demonstration in the from the Henry Cherry estate for ' Helen ' - Hanley, Laura Bussellc, j high school under the auspices of Mrs. Leon de la Reusaille was his own occtipancj'. [ ship bcai.l of health, A. V, llarri- chairman. The men's committee Outings of All Kinds ;;II:I s.rie'.ary and William Henry Louisa Applegate. ICthcl Davis, . the Woman's club. The cakes were The pupils of the Marlboro school Bertie. Payne and Grace and Ethel made, linked and eaten. was headed by George MacC Tay- Snu'M. inspector. lor. Alfred L. Stansbury and who passed examinations for high Room for 2,000 people, plenty of parking space; 16 acres of wooded The tow!;.?)::p loninuttoe appoint- Davis. John Bennett of Navesink was Charles Hall. Some hoodlums made school wi'rc Clifford Burke, Ray •' l-"i anli'in Pierce Rtry. Ri'il "Bank nthletes carried ofLi appointee! overseer of the county an attempt to steal the ice cream Collin.5, KinnifttCaiiHr-ltl, Lro Dug* i land with streams; 7 fireplaces, 2 ovens, 3 in buildings. One large re- krr or"i'.ed Bank as the nllicial diig I nearly nil the honors at the nth-: road of that districf' to succeed gan and Laura Yourisnn, li'tir carnival at Oceanic. Fully 000 Adam Llnzniayor, who had held the at the fair one night, but they were creation hall witlr fireplaces and-kitchen-whieh can be used incase of people were present. A half-mile | position several years, foiled. bicycle race was won by Ross An-, Walter D. Fields of Colt's Neck Fire of unknown origin broke Red Bank Youth At rain. One larrro cabin. Outside circle bar. Swimming and dancing. drewsi of Atlantic Highlands, Die was mourning the loss of a new hat out in W. T. McDowell's barn in lOti-.vitid dash by Oeorgo I lawkins : and a supply of groceries and meat ! Middletown township. The build- •RATES: of ited Bank, the one-third mile j which hi' had nought at Freehold j ing was completely destroyed willi Keesler Air Field handicap bicycle rare by James ! the previous week. Mr. Field paid • all its contents. r Pvt. Jiichaid Wilson Chanili'er- Chadwick of Red Bank. Gold ; Sl.> for the things, which remained; The class of 1918 of Red Bank lin, stm of Mrs. Kli/.:iholh Ch;ini- ! Up to 25 people - $10 I Jo to 50 people - $25 MINT medals were the prizes. The olli-1 in his possession only a few min- high school gave a reception in berlin of 41 Peters place, has re-1 cials of the carnival were Fred | utes. He had gone to Freehold with honor of two members of the class ported to Kessler Hold at Biloxi, ' Up to 100 people - $35 Up to 150 people - $50 Frick manager, Fred J. Smock an- Ira Rrehaney in the latter'.s auto- who fought in the war. They were Mississippi, and is now undergoing nounrir, Dr. Walter S. Whilmore - mobile, but after making his pur- Sgt. Robert Hayward and Pvl. Army processing to determine his and Mr. Irving timers anil John ! chases he deposited them in the Frank Reilly of the Red Bank Am- qualifications as a pre-nviation Up to 200 people - $75 Chadwick and Edward Longstreet I wrong car. bulance company. The committee cadet j judges. L. Kenneth Parker, a former in charge of the reception was com- While at Keesler field, a station ; Over 200 people satisfactory price can be arranged Frank Parker, son of Olivia and i Little Silver resident, won fame in posed of Miss Esther Howard, of the Army Air Forces training ! Taher Parker, died al. his home on ' the West, making a discovery of Colon Dixon and Stanley Haviland. An enlertainment of unusual command, ho will bo given train- Fireplace wood can be supplied at a normal charge nrniul .street. He was in his 27th i importance. His new method of ing, classification and medical ami j year. His death was due to nor- j irrigating was said to lie revolu- merit was given at tho Presbyter- psychological tesls. If ho success- \ Baseball Diamond WALLPAPER vous prosifttion. He was an ar-! tinnizing .farming in Washington- ian church Children's day. Soloa fully completes this phase he will] chitect connected with n New York J state. wore sunjr by Mrs. Leslie Reckless, he sent to a college or university j Plenty of room for Soft Ball, Horseshoes and Other Games llrm and at the time he was taken j Sir, and Mrs. Dicdrich Battjer of Mrs. G. Harold Ncviue and Mrs. J. tor five monlhs further study, or • These are sick was engaged on the plans of Wayside, entertained a number of Thompson Lovett. depending upon his academic hack- Telephone Red Bank 3767 MARTIN J. McGUIRE amazing one- the new Bowery Ravings bank. folks at a lunchbox sociable and About 75 persons attended a sup- ground, directly to a pro-flight cen-' coat paints that Threo new members were taken • dance for tho benefit of the-Way- per in the annex oi the New Mon-ter--fnr-.i'.adct into the Shrewsbury Presbyterian ' side school. mouth Baptist church for new thin with wa- rhiirrh. They were' Mrs. Kdmund j Rev. Lester G. Leggctt, pastor of members of the UBherg Union and ter. Give you Wilson, Dennis Valentino and Mrs. j the Red Bank Reformer church, for returned soldiers' and gailors. convenience, Bioadmeadow. : resigned to accept a call at Irv- An address was made by Dr. Wil- new beauty al Pewitt Brower of Rumson was { in^ton. liam D. Sayre of Red Bank and WHERE'S THE FIRE? lower costs. e j A sale of tents, showcases and j short talks-were given by Sey Methodist Episcopal church. juiher equipment used at the Mon- Comptoh and Joseph Jackson. B. F. King of Little Silver con-'[ mouth county- fnir brought Jow| George AV.'Smith hinded in MB structod a dam in his meadow for prices. About 20O buyers were resignations ns collector for Fair the purpose of securing water for present. Haven. his house. The water was to bo The strawberry festival for the Samuel G. Clevenger o/ Oakland 1-coat coverage forced to the house by means of a benelit of the Colt's Neck Reformed j street, a Civil war veteran and a yam. church netted $t!0, railroad man for many years, died • Easy to apply Independent council, Daughters An interesting ceremony took in his 81st year. His death was of Liberty of Sea Rright gave a so- place on the grounds of St. George'sl due ^to heart disease and general • Dries in 40 minutes cinble in Packer's h.ill. Short 'hurrh, Rumson, when a tree was debility. speeches were made by Conmiis-1 planted in memory of J4ie.ut. Sam- Newspaper men of Monmouth • No strong odor sinners Kyles. Hampton and Park-; uel Hal riott Compton. Lieut Comp- jcounty were guests of the Lonj -Use over wallpaper er, Dr. C. Reed, S. F. Klnier. Wi!- ' ton d\r.'• l tnient elected Edgar C. Cook place, at Highlands during tho. turned suddenly, throwing him in- chief. A. II. Magec Hist assistant week. One night Rev. Harry P. tn a ditch. No damage done and Harry Pnsten second assistant. Grim of the Methodist church mar- and Mr. Magre escaped uninjured Miss Christine Hook of Red Bank ried Mrs. Mabel Moore Owens and MONMOl 111 CO. DISTIUIHTOKS Township Clerk Joseph C llevrr was graduated at the head of il Orsenius Hartsgrovc and a few t»f Hoimdel so far had rrgistnteil ."W Hass of IS trained nurses at the nights later he married Miss Jea- dii::.«. City hospital, Newark* nettc Card and Harry Vance Dun- Thi^ school census In the Rpd "A group nf Monmouth county can. Aspdin Paint Co. P.ank sfhnnl district was take Roy Keoufs made a trip to the scout Miss Ella P. Havens of Atlantic 2» WHITK STKKF.T. J'llONI'J 112(1 William J. Sutlon. the district camp at Bear Mountain. New Highlands and Reginalg d Layton of th C Kl;i) HANK, N. .1. clerk. There were 81 more children | York. The trip was made in auto- Rumson were married at the Cen- I remember from school. I once had to do a composition about' the world's greatest invention being wheels. Just think of gear-wheels, water-wheels, and es- pecially all the wheels for transportation! But right now the greatest thing of all, I'd say, is to keep wheels going; keeping your car in service, for instance. There's this and that to help you. There's one motor oil and another. Now from what I know, tho explosions in any engine must produce acids, which brings up the bright idea of safely OIL-PLATING your engine's insides with Conoco N'A motor oil. You want to prevent damage from acids... internal corrosion! Some things are specially good at fighting corrosion, and OIL-PLATING comes in that class. Even chromium plating, just for com- parison, couldn't stay closer to working parts than this protective OIL-PLATING. DADDY OF ALL PIPES The world's choicest pipes It battles corrosion, so as to help you come from rare Algerian That's Why Mellow Light Ruppert Tastes So Good and French briar toots preserve your transportation as goon which have matured for as BB you switch to Conoco N"i oil. long as 200 years. It's the light beer that's S-L-O-W AGED — • There's no better way to extinguish a The choice flavor mil- J brought to a full flavor peak in the largest lions enjoy in Ruppert summer thirst than a glass or two of cool, fleer also is the result of« crystal-dear Ruppert Beer. ageing facilities in the entire Hast. slow ageing. Remember, today's Ruppert is not just You know what light beer is—now try 7%ere'sno su another light becr-it's mellow light with mellow light Ruppert. You'll enjoy ,the CONOCO JJ- MOTOR OIL something fuller, smoother and more satis- big difference s-i-o-w AGEING makes. You fying that appeals to discriminating tastes. couldn't ask for better beer at any price!

V(H Surdges Conoco Service Station Triangle Oil Company Station SHREWSBURY AVE. RED BANK 13-15 WyiTE STREET (South' of r*«wnirin Spring. Hoad) BEER & ALE # JACOB RHPPIRT, nnwarr, N. T, O.-IMI ^flP (Just on Broad St., lied Bank) Phone 3202 RED BANK REGISTER, JUNE 8, 1944 Page Nine. Uv» tiling* tliat lie ha* done on drink elnc» Ytting overseas—beer. Ibis «trtb, together with the blood- whiskey Is something that we Belf ord Soldier shed, death and suffering? Any dream of but have never seen here. Farmhand Killed business that you and I know oof This has been a, long letter, Nick, Writes About War or have been taught.. about, pro- and I have put quite a bit of en- Walking On Road ceeding on the same premises, ergy in It for the past two hours, would fail In a few weeks. But af- so now I think that I will direct ter 2,000 years of this particular that energy In the war effort and PFC Austin Johnson business there has been continu- go tbp-slde and see what la going John Hamaydi Hit ous wars, destruction of man andon over In the German's direction Tells Experience* his works, wholesale suffering, —now that there seems to be a lit- By Soldiers Car FEATURES death and bloodshed. Could any tie lull. U other business survive in this man- John Hamaydi, 43, of Freehold- The following letter vu received Good luck, health and prosperity ner? The answer you known aa to each and all of you .and to all Colt's Neck road, was killed by an YOUR WHELAN MANAGER IS A GRADUATE, MINERAL OIL (Heavy) 35c Si» Pint by Nicholas, W. Kaiser of Leo well as I. and It Is "no." our mutual friends, and I am still automobile shortly before 11 o'clock 19 nardo. a. Newark attorney, from There must be a rebirth and a hoping that 1 may be able to re- Sunday night as he walked toward LICENSED REGISTERED PHARMACIST GLYCERIN SUPPOSITORIES PFC. Austin W. Johnson ol Bel- complete change of thought, edu- turn to enjoy all of the things that his home. ford: cation and logical down-to-earth I used to with the greatest people (Adult) . . 25c Size 12 for 9c thinking, constructive planning nd in the ^ greatest country on State police of the HOwell town- Somewhere, Italy, 1 WITCH HAZEL . . 25c She Pint 17 April, 1944. and unselfish endeavors on the earth. If vou care to publish this ship station said Sgt. Raymond Al- 18c part of any and all Individuals letter In The Register or any other fred, 24, stationed at Fort Mon- Counsellor Nicholas W. Kaiser, when the post-war period arrives. paper. Nick, vou are at liberty^ to mouth, was the driver of the car ASPIRIN TABLETS 25cSiio 100 for 788 Broad Street, Newark, N. J. Right now we are and have been do so. which hit Hamaydi. Both car and 12c Dear Nick: foor quitqute some timtee engageengged In the Sincerely yours, pedestrian were proceeding In an EPSOM SALT. 2Sc'Site 5 Paundi Your lengthy and highly interest- greatest war that the world has PFC. Austin W. Johnson. easterly direction, Hamaydi died 17c Ing epistle mailed on March 24th ever known. It encompasses the ?** SUMMER SACCHARIN TABLETS from Newark, New Jersey, arrived wholhl e world—nld o one escapes' by of a fractured skull before the ar- 13c here at mv dugout deep In the reason of a geographical position. East Keasburg Man rival of the Freehold first aid V. Grain . . 23c Size 100 for tieart of Italy, last night at 1700 Man through the machine age has squad. 18e hours. Happened to be particular- brought all the world together, but Receives Promotion An investigation of Hamaydi'f CUTICURA OINTMENT . .' 25c Size ly occupied at Hie time and did not through greed, avarice and the activities during the evening, pollca FOOT COMFORT KREML( for the Hair) l.OOSize 60ZJ.' 59c ffet a chance Jfc> read 'flame until worship of sold and power he has laid, indicated he had been drink- several hour* later when darkness pointed that machine in a destruc- Promotion of Charles J. Krueger, Signal Detachment, Signal Corps ing. Dr. Harvey W. Hartman, KRANK'S BRUSHLESS SHAVE had ileeended, Settled .back In my tive rather than a constructive di- county physician, was notified and dugout (Incidentally In the Hide of rection. Man made machines but Aircraft Signal Agency, stationed CREAM . •• .-.T. 25cSize 12c a flve-foot Hie, due six feet down;. he has not grown up and advanced at Wright field, Dayton, Ohio, to ordered the body to the William Lit mv last candle which 1 had with them; they are still his mas-the rank of sergeant was announc- H. Freeman funeral borne In Free- been saving for state occasions and ter; he does not know how to con- ed last week. Sgt. Krueger Is a hold. read your Interesting letter. a rol them ss yet. Machines ad-1 meehanlo assigned to the radio Sgt. yAlfred was released In the Thjs letter brought back many vanced while man stood still and noise unit of the Aircraft radio lab- custody of his commanding officer. EVERYDAY NEEDS fond memories of days that used to stuck to his old ways, desires and oratory, a Signal Corps installation The troopers and ambulance squad be but are no more. It brought ambitions. Here's looking forward were summoned to the scene by back vivid recollections of our to the day when all of these, things which develops airborne radio KOLYNOS TOOTH PASTE . 50c Site 39c inanv long, famous and Interesting will be co-ordinated, oriented and equipment for ttyi Army Air Mrs. William McKnight, near commuting dav«" together on the put on a sound, sane, peaceful, forces. whose farm the aoident occurred. ENO FRUIT SALT ... 4 Ounces 57c Central Railroad of New Jersey, thruthful. logical and humane Sgt. Kreuger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hamaydi was a migrant farm la- and of mv manv old friends—Nick basis. Alex Kreuger of Port Monmouth borer employed at Colt's Neck. CONTI OLIVE OIL ... 3 Ounces 29c Kaieer, Lydla Post, Myrtle Golden, The level of education that I road, East Keansburg, was g\ffci- -.Dotue. 'tjharles, my brother Ward have encountered In all of the Veteran Physician Dies. ICE-MINT ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE HEMO .(Vitamin and Mineral of the Navy, and all ine rest of our uated from Middletown Township :ountrles to date ha« b«cn pathetic. high school in 1940, From that time Dr. George W. MacMlllan, a prac- C C C Fortified Drink) , , PBundJar 59c mutual friends. I could visualize Ignorance Is the watchword, cou- \ SOi.Jar. 53 «Oi.J»r. 84 In tiftir lop cam . 29° and 55 the many good times that we bad pled together with superstition and until his entrance into the Army ticing physician lor more than 40 together and want all of you to mythology, filth, dirt, disease and In November, 1942, he was doing years, died last Thursday at his So soothing Kind cooling to tired, Quick relief for lifed, burning feet. DILLARD'S ASPERGUH . 25c Site 21c know that 1 sincerely miss them, a standard of living and work that research work In plastics for the home at Lakewood. Ht made his but In the past year overseas havo a 500 to 1,000 years behind the Celanese corporation at Newark. home at Adelphia from 1891 to burning feet. Also softens and re- Just dust Allen's Foot-Ease on feet FROSTILLA ."'."•. V . 50c Size 39c had little time to think about them. /nited States. Having been through North Africa, 1901, Dr. MacMillan was a former lieves pain of stinging callouses. andTn shoes. Works like magic! GROVE'S COLD TABLETS . 35c Size 27c the invasion of Sicily, the whole The majority of them are mere Finding help la easy with a Reg- member of the Lakewood township eerfs and slaves of a. few of the ister Ad.—Advertisement committee. BUCKLEY'S CANAblOl Sicilian campaign, and the Italian minority who have exploited them campaign since last October and 43c having been In combat the majority over thousands of years. The FREEZONE 35c SIZE 19= COflGH SYRUP . . 2V* Ounce. of this tlme many_ things have countries in general that. I hava L _been In. jri normal timea, couid be JERGENS LOTION .* . . 1.00 Size 79c been knocked out of my ffiincir called BeauliruT~antl~ TJicturesque-jf-J QUINSANA 50c SIZE 47° Have reached the point where It U viewed from the eye of a tourist, damn difficult to concentrate on but from the eyes of a soldier anything and extremely difficult to wheie whole cities, towns, villages DR. SCROLL'S FOOT POWDER JSCJ1H_11I retain things in one's mind. Bomb- and countryside have been blown C DEPILATORIES^ ing and artillery shells even though all to hell and torn up and nothing; I He makes DR. SCHOLl'SZINO PADS (Deluxe) . . 35cSIZE 31 thev do not kill you sure raise hell but debris, disease, death, blood- with vour nervous system and take C IMRA ...... 4'AOi.Tube 1.00 a lot out, of vou. After a year in shed, dirt, filth, etc., confront him, ABSORBINE JR. 1.25 SIZE 73 v there remains nothing but a mere C NEET . SOcSixe 49c sleeping in dugouts, fox holes, sur- shcil of what used to be. As far lending a BLUE JAY CORN PLASTERS ..... 25c SIZE 23 I am concerned they can give j I X-BAZ1N CiantSiie 47c catching a lot of hell ZIP ...... 39c enemy, olus the h<01 which we pitch thev are not worth having. Of friendly business back at them, one net* hardened course our taking of some of these and becomes Immune to a lot of places is a mere tactical process N. R. MATTHEWS thlnrs. It Is surprising what the which eventually will lead to the human borlv can take, and under defeat of our enemy the Germans. HIS is the friendly man- both single a-d married, Have built so many homes, dug- j and everything is kept DEODORANTS normal ronditinn" in the states outs and due «o many fox holes I T ager of the local Person- thev wouiri not stand up under it, nml alit trenches In this war that al Finance Company office. strictly private. No outsid- a/i their minds and body would be I will be a construction engineer Even though lending money ers are involved. He arrang- MUM . . . . .•. 60c Site 49c on their . discomforts, but when upon mv return, Thsy are a great to folki here In Asbury es convenient monthly pay- ona's mind i« primarily on dodging ments to fit every budget i AMOLIN CREAM . . 50c Size 49c bombs and shells, he is in another relief in times of stress, or' when Park is his full-time job, he world and completely oblivious to one lies downs and attempt^ to believes that no one should and charges are made only ODO-RO-NO all physical discomforts.. rest. I have been lucky and for- borrow unnecessarily. But for the actual time the tunate so far and have nothing to WILDROOT CREAM-OIL (Instant or Regular) Of course voti might question. Is complain about in this respect. A when a loan is to a person'e money is itept. 50c Site 39c ihera not a reaction to all this? German heavy shell knocked me advantage, he provides folks If you decide that a loan la FORMULA-FOR THE HAIB And the answer is yee if there Is here with needed cash ODO.RO.NO CREAM too long an interval between the out of my blankets down In my to your advantage, be sure action. It ia when there is no ac- hole one morning, and six more promptly and privately. to come to ~ee the Manager Urgt 10 Ounct Site...... 79° DEODORANT tion or you have been sent to the sped over my head. Therefore,. 11 He gets a lot of satisfaction of the Personal Finance SHOE WHITENERS crawled back into my dugout b«d. out of his job, for the ser- Company today. If you C rear of the line" for' several days' It is a funny sensation—for quite Non-alcoholic ~ . contains Lanolin. Grooms SOoSlie .... 39 rest that you realize what a beat- few minuter you cannot ori«nt vice he renders Is a helpful phone in advance, he will the hair, relieves dryness and remove* ing vour nervous system has taken yourself, just like floating on air one. And there's no "doing- make all arrangements so Keep fresh as a daisy all CARBONA (Liquid or Cream) 25c Size 16c over a period o! months., it is not or coming out of ether—that is af- you-a-favor" attitude. that bll jou have to do la to loose dandruff, the direct hlls that get you, It is ter the first great blast when you He cuts out needless rig- sign and pick up the cash. summer with Odo-ro-no. ENERGINE (Liquid) 25c Size SOts. 19c the near misses, If the Germans think all the world has descended marole and makes borrow- Or, if that's Inconvenient, Helps stop perspiration. get a direct hit on vou or your Im- on votir ti«ad and body—then you phone or write and hell tell TROPIC WHITE. ... 25c Size 19c mediate area with a bomb or shell, ing money a simple, friend- safely, 1 to 3 dayt. Quickly you have nothing to worry about gradually come to. realize that you ly transaction. He makes you how to get your loan GRIFFIN ALKVITE except eternal rest—It it all over are not dead. And then the reac- loans to men and women entirely by mall. effective . . . smooth and then, «ven the shouting—All your tion sets In and your whole body (Liquid or Cream) . . 25c Size 19c 11 shakes and tremble*, and your delightful to use. Won't ir- trials, tribulation- , worry, hard knees knock together faster than work and suffering are finished. one can count. It Is all Involun- ritate skin or harm clothing You are at peace with the world, tary and vou have no control over and what a worid after 2,000 years same. Tiiia whole procedure may -just follow directions. of Christianity. After being through last for 10 minutes or it may last twuxmax FINANCE COMPANY LEG MAKEUP what I have and having seen what for a lone time, depending how I have wen. I have been at a loss near the shell hit or" bomb hit 601 BANGS AVE, ASBUBY PARK HINDS DURATION LEG-DO . 8 Ozs. 49c from mv first day of action to see had missed. 10th FLOOR, ELECTRIC BLDQ. how the powers-that-be correlate Hnxnial VENIDA LEG LOTION (with FREE religion and war. How do they I will be looking forward to sip- PHON*E 7895 compensate ami nrcount for the pine that wine that you speak of, Cbkrfel ar* Z'/aft monthly on balance. Lie 670 Hair-Remover Block) . ,4 Ozs. 50c wholesale dwuruction of mankind, as I am an expert at wine drinking SQUIBB ASPIRIN (5 Grain) all thn work, labor and construc- as that is all that we have had to LATEX WASHABLE MAKE-UP tOO Tablets 49° • 800 TtbieU 69C SPONGE . . . . . 25c Size 19c Pure, economical and easy to take. Di*-' solves quickly when swallowed and leaves no bitter after-taste. Promptly effective. CAKE MAKE-UP and ARRID C c POWDER FOUNDATIONS TWOSIMS 39 and59 ANOELUS CAKE MAKE-UP .... 49e For summer daintiness, this greaseiess deodorant MAX FACTOR PAN-CAKE MAKE-DP . 1.50 cream helps stop perspira- CAMPANA SOLITAIR . .... 25c 1 tion for 1 to 3 days. POND'S MAKE-UP PATS . . . . 39c COLONIAL DAMES CAMPUS MAKE-UP 1.00 BEFORE THIS WAR is over, there may be only HELENA RUBINSTEIN two kinds of people in America.. • J TOWN & COUNTRY MAKE-UP FILM 73c' 1. thai* who con iMIl gat la were In Mt«. VIMMS-VITAMINS m.bllai, , AND MINERALS 2. IhcM who «r« Hrfi f walk. j t«Tablet.. .49° 96Tablet!. .1.69 SUNBURN and SCNTAN NEEDS If you want to be in the fortunate group TINTZ who will still be riding to work in automo- 4 When you buy VIMMS, you get your vi- bile!, join Gulf't "Anti-Breakdown" Club tamins in the balanced formula doctors COLOR SHAMPOO today. How do you do it? Just come in for endorse, and Government experts recom- 6 Shade* .... 50° Gulf's Protective Maintenance Plan! I mend, Contains 6 Vitamins and 3 Minerals. Tints as it shampoos. Hair This plan wa« conceived by experts in becomes solt, lovelier. car care. Gulf developed it became ear GREASELESS maintenance is a most important civilian \ SUNTAN LOTION job. (8 out of 10 war workers use automo- j 50c Site, 4 Ounce. 47C biles to get to work.) Tan the greaseiess way ... with Gaby. No messy oils, no j alcohol, No pain, no IT'S IMPORTANT to change your on ^ ptain-andaMONEY regularly • • • and to give your car a '^ BEZON WHOLE NATURAL BACK GUARANTEE. really food motor oil like Qulfpride, i IODENT "The World's Finest Motor Oil," or VITAMIN B COMPLEX Tooth Paste or Oulflubc, an extra-quality oil that cotts C DNGUENTINE . 50c Siis Tubs 43c a few cents lex. tOTabules 1.98 ' 200 Tabulei. .4.95 Powder . .. 37 NQXZEMA . . . . 35c Size 29c Not just 5, but ALL 22 vital factors found Minty-flavored, heavy-tex- only in WhoJe Natural Vitamin'B Complex. tured tooth paste or pow- NADEMEX. . 50c Site 8 Oit. 39c j Whole natural .".'. naturally, iff good! der, created by a dentist. GULF'S Protective Maintenance Pirn Asx youn OULF DBALKR to clean your include! Gulflex Registered Lubrica- •park plugs, clean your air filter, and BERKELEY BLADES tion which rcachei up to 39 vital en- fluih out your radiitor, to help give, gine, body, and chanii points. Six you «• much as 10% more mileage per j lBDoubl«.Edg»BWd«.i 25C different Gulfiex Lubricants are gallon of gasl used to reduce wear. A splendid value in slick blades that'll give you plen- i ty of cool, smooth shaves Broad & White Streets To MBLP YOUR Gulf Dealer do • thorough Job on your car—and to save your time—make an appointment. Phone or speak to him at TAMPAX the station. Then you should encounter no delay when you get QuIfiiftottctlTe Mslntenance Plan... 19 services in all I Junior-Regular-Super . . Month's Supply 29° Fael gloriously- «afe.-duciag_Bflch prgejou* rh» attack..! of your active vacation. Worn internally . Don 'i waiM a drop/ •ibr better car ewe today j . belts, no pins, no odor, no chafing. I 4t» «**» •> MMHr.^- WUaW w. CEBTAm TOUBTBT ITtMt iUIIECt TO KPtm »ETf»LEHS EXCISE TAX

•••..••-•• • • • '. ' . .v . Page Ten. RED BANK REGISTER. JUNE 8, 1944 A TRULY "DIFFERENT" FRIED HAM WITH VEGETABLE CROQUETTES SWSEY SNOW Will Food, of course, must be well FISH DINNER TO PLEASE CREAM GRAVY ARE EXCELLENT FOR Glad to Answer Any seasoned to be worthy of AND SURPRISE THE FAMILY 1 pound ham In slices about MEATLESS MENU its piquancy W-lnch thick Questions oil Fond' Three Meals A Day Since many clever home-makers 1 tablespoon flour Since croquettes are so popular are making a practice of eervlng •Copyright B* SIDNEV SMUVV, HI36 Edited by WILMA E. DEUTE 1 cup milk with both young and old and male fish dinners several times a week. Pepper and female, vegetable croquettes it has become increasingly neces- ,. If the ham Is too Baity place it would be a perfectly grand addl- sary to increase the repertoire of itlon'to a .v«ge'tablfr dinner. - Serve flsh recipes. Now, serving a fried, in a frying pan, cover with cold water and set the pan oa the stove them withwthlck white sauc\ and boiled or baked fish goes a long it will bei,'as "tasty as a Rood old The Way To A Man's Heart way toward making pleasant meals over low flame. When tho steam Hot Off the Griddle commences to rise, pour off the wa- meat croquette. v> Here's A Refreshing Spiced Mocha but every- now and then comes the ter and add more cold water. Aa BV urge for something "just a bit dif- VEGETABLE CROQUETTES soon as this water steams, lift out 2 cups mashed, cooked vege- ferent" In the way of a fish dinner. the slices of meat and drain well Is Still Through His Stomach SUSAN SNOW Something that will surprise the tables To Serve When Late Workers Want before drying. Place the meat In a 2% cups cracker meal or bread family and gjve them keen delight. hot pan, and cook without addi- Pull cords on ceiling lien Well, look no further, for hero 'tis, tional fat, unless the ham Is ex- crumb* Fluffy Biscuits In More Ways Than One switches should be lone enough tc here 'tis. You start with a ceptionally lean; In which case a • Salt be reached easily and are mos Supper After They Come Home TOMATO RING Pepper convenient when a loop or ball tha' spoonful of drippings should be Years mav cttme and ycai's may milk all at once and stir carefully 1 can tomatoes used. When the ham is nicely Nutmeg until all flour is dampened. Then may bo eiasped is at the lower end 1 bay leaf browned, place It on a platter and Chooped parsley go but the way in a man's heart Is Ordinary piocee of string curl Up 1 egg, beaten still ih: mis:)! his stomach—that Ftir viuorously until mixture forms and wear out. It pays to use spe- Speck of mace add a cup of milk to the fat In the a soft doimh and follows spoon 1 teaspoon salt pan. When this bolls, thicken it to 2 tableepoons melted butter or much novi'i seems to chanize, cial, tightly twisted, non-curling substitute around bowl. Turn nut on floured cords, or metal bead chain. 6 peppercons a cream with one or two table- thoucii cmik;nc ftietliods do. Where board and knead 30 minutes. Roll 1 slice onion spoons of flour mixed to a smooth Mix vegetables with two cups of once n YtuiiiL: woman had to spend .'i-inc'h thick and cut with floured 2 tablespoons butter or sub- paste with a llttlo cold milk, season crumbs, season with salt, pepper, i L'ood dav preparing that tasty 2-inch biscuit cutter. Bake on un- Chops and nicks in furniture stitute with pepper, then turn the gravy nutmeg and chopped parsley. ,Add alcal. no«. with all the modern created baking sheet in hot oven should be fixed at once, and befon 4 tablespoona flour over the ham. ' egg and butter (and milk if mix- muipment :md partially prepared (450 F.) 12 to 15 minutes. Makes sliabbiness makes you want to re- 3 eggs, separated ture seems dry). Form into cone- place the piece. If a chip, splinte. foori^. it is really what one would 12 biscuits. Cook the first six ingredients 20 shaped croquettes. Roll in remain- rail a "(iiwp " And amonc the fa- or coiner is knocked off, glue firm' DELICIOUS FUDGE MADE ing crumb and fry in-hot, deep, DEVILED HAM ROLLS ly back in place. Apply ccllophan minutes. Strain and reserve one forite foods wo .till find biscuit.":— cup of the strained tomato mix- fat (375 F.) until browned. Serve liEht and .fluffy—hut now we >crve ftoll flufTv biscuit dough '.i-tncli tape iichtly. extending well beyond WITH BREAKFAST COCOA hot with thick white sauce, gar- thirk. Cut in 'J-inch squares. clued portion, to hold repaired ture. Melt butter, add flour and them in more ways than one: pour In slowly the tomatoes. When It isn't always possible these nished with chopped parsley. Spread with deviled ham. Fold in- piece until slue sets. Leave the days to find iust what you want in FI.I'FKY BISCUITS to triaricle^. pinchinc ,edges to- tapp on overnight. smooth, pour this over the 3 well- beaten egg yolks and set aside to the stores when you want itj Such Gloves that fit loosely will not 2 cup? fifird cake flour gether. Bake. Makes 30. cool. Beat the three egE whites is the case with chocolate. Occas- HONEY BISCUITS Shaky drawers should be made stain material or epllt at seam» BO 2 tca.-pnon* double-acting., baking very stiff and mix gently with to- ionally you can find a package of easily, keep hands warmer In win- powder noil flufTv biscuit dough '.ti-lnch turdv before they come apart be mato sauce, turn into a well- unsweetened chocolate, in which yond repair. Triangular wood ter, allow evaporation of perspira- '••_• teaspoon fait thick. Cut with l's-inch cutter. greased ring mold! set In a pan of case you immediately plan all sorts tion. Getting vour next gloves & Ti taWcsponna shortening . Bake; Split biscuits; spread with blocks clued and nailed into cor- boiling water. Bake in a moderate of delicious chocolate desserts. Oth- ners are a cood reinforcement; also size or half Ki£e larger than usual '••_' cup milk honey-butter made by blending two oven about -20 minutes. Remove er times you come across a lone may doukk the wear. tablespoon!? butter with >i cup of metal anele brackets. from pan carefully, center with po- can or possibly two, of breakfast Sift flour once, measure, add bak- cocoa. :nc powder nnd salt, nnd sift honey. Put halves together and tato balls and surround the ring acain. Cut in shortening. Add serye. Cruets baked before, filling are with One of these days it is more than done over the bottom of an Jnveit- possible that you will have that ied pan, or filled to \i their length HALIBUT AND SHRIMP mdden "urge" to make a batch of with dry beans or rice. When in- 1VS pounds halibut 'udge. only to find that you have verted the doueh should be pricked 2 slices onion no. chocolate on hand. But brace Scallops Make A Really to allow air bubbles to escape. 3 eggs, separated up; if you have cocoa voii can go Vi teaspoon paprika right ahead with vour fudge mak- Cut boiled potatoes into sllcea lV-j pounds shrimp ing Just like this. one-fourth of an inch, thick. Heat 2 cups white sauce COCOA FUDGE Fine, Very Satisfying Meal a very'little fat in a frying-pan and ORE AND MORE family menu planners are faced with the problem U cup sherry wine or substitute saute the slices, browning on both M of making special meals for those on late shifts. Toothsome sand- Cook fish In.salted, boiling water M cup breakfast cocoa sides. Season with salt and pepper. wiches and something hot to drink is a popular choice with the tired with onion until tender (1 teaspoon 3 cups sugar '.i teaspoon salt We' can't sav it is amazing: but Salt and. pepper worker. A cup of hot decaffeinated coffee will help him relax taut ialt to 1 quart water). Drain and fit Jeast i\ is intdestine to note If you do not use the proper ihred. To 1 cup of hot white sauce 1 cup evaporated milk how en lain• tnines HIT taken for Bread crumbs if desired nerves and prepare for a good night's sleep. Remember that, if made add the stifiiy beaten egg whites 4 tablespoons corn syrup Wash nnd dry the scallops; methods for removing a spot, you in a percolator, it needs JtVperk" farlVto 18 minutes to bring out its granted. T.-iko the scallop, for jn- | may cauce a reaction which will and then the shredded llsh. Keep 3 tablespoons butter or sub- ^rinklo them with salt and pep- rich coffee flavor. You cfiWldll whtjSnifd evaporated n\ilk and a sprinkl- hot. Take the boiled shrimp, re- stitute pcr~aTra~I:iv"1=Mitm-on-o-nne-broilcr. i permanently "set" the spot—per the ^p;i.-hi>: o h;tvc cvrr seen~fhe ]KlF~Inlbl! ing .of_spj£e.Jo_giye_it_ar7 appetizing* topping. If sandwiches are the move the shell and break in small 1 teaspoon vanilla whole biv;<]VP. ;i mi seldom stop to Brown on both eides. Serve on a mainstay of the lunch, b(£f"sure to have a\varieT>r'cn~ Tlllingsr"Sllced es;—Add-tho wino-Qr substitute Combine cocoa_, sugar and salt. hot plate with melted butter I than it is now—so that it can never ivonder HIM what a scallop is. be removed. If you are not posi- tomato, chopped hard cooked egg, jam or J^lly K£& chopped nuts or o remaining cup of white «auce Add milk" "and corn syrup; then D C HMI «W ALSO I«M DlF HMD MM! IK THE BDWAJUI rho^e who do wonder and afk are poured over them. They may be add butter, Cook over low (lame rolled in bread crumi)fi before tive of success it will be better not raisins with cottage cheese are all good. FreWr'fruit with cookies or nd pour it while hot, gradually on ••"• IDJ mum cimu mm wm omen. :juite amaz^l to lourn that the scal- to try to remove the spot yourself. cup cakes are a popular dessert choice, \j he beatfn egg volks, mixed with n until mixture boils, stirring con- lop, an wo buv it in the market, is fovoilinir if preferred. ittle cold water. Add the fihrimp. itantlv. Continue boiling, without If you make the sandwiches ahead of time, wrap them in waxed merelv the linger adductor muse If Knitted and woolen garments ombine with halibut, heat well (tirring, until a small amount of that oppn.^ nnd cln-r-'ps the shell of HONEY SPICE CAKE should bf« traced for shape before paper and then in a towel wrung out of cold water. Take them out .nd serve at once. mixture forms a very soft ball in the molliick. The rest is non-, waehine, using a large piece of half an hour before serving and let them stand at room temperature to This recipe may be cut In half cold water 1232 F.). Remove from edible, so discarded ami';, not sent REQUIRES NO SUGAR paper or muslin. When refcdy for akc off the chill. and the shrimp omitted if desired. fire. Add vanilla. Beat until mlx- to markvi. But muscle or not, drying, spread over outline, pulling [ture begins to thicken and loses its when we buv scajlops, they are Here is a cake everyone will to correct shape. Use pins If need- SPICED MOCHA FROTH CORN BREAD gloss. Turn at once Into greased tender and rcadv and willing to be want to try—as you don't even ed to hold shape while drying. Use pan. 8x4 Inches. When cold, cut In prepared and turned into a fine, open the sugar jar—it is sweetened wooden forms or wire frames for I cup evaporated milk 4 cups freshly made, hot One batter—three things, corn squares. Makes 18 pieces. verv satiefvine meal. (L*nrationed, with honev and raisins and topped drying woolen hose to correct size. Vi teaspoon vanilla decaffeinated coffee >read, corn sticks or corn griddle too). with nuts; is crand to have on Don't use hot irons^ or radiator Cinnamon akes—and all three favorites:. MACARONI IMPERIAL FRIED SCALLOrS hand and wonderful to pack into Chill evaporated milk thoroughly, Then whip rapidly until stiff. CORN BREAD that lunch box: heat on knit-wear or woolens. 1 cup uncooked macaroni, 1 pint scallops i Add vanilla. Place in serving cups, filling half full. Sprinkle with I'i cups sifted flour Salt and penner 2'.i teaspoons double-acting broken In 1-Inch pieces HONEY SPICE CAKE Hae rues straighten out better if cinnamon. Fill cups with decaffeinated coffee. Makes 8 servings. Re- '£ cup soft bread crumbs Cracker crumbs you put starch in the last rinse wa- baking powder Beaten esc 2 CUDS sifted cake flour memb r when making decaffeinated coffee in a percolator to give it a 'i cup melted butter 2 teaspoons double-acting bak- iter. Uee the starch remaining at ittle longer "perking" to bring out its full flavor. . 2 tablespoons sugar (or light 3 tablespoons red pepper, . Wash the scallops, drain them InK powder ithe end of the wash, emptying it corn syrup) finely chopped and dry thoroughly. Season fine 1,^ teaspoons allspice* into the last rinse for the rugs. 1 teaspoon salt 1^/4 teaspoons scraped onion cracker crumbs with salt and pep- ',: CUD shorteninK 1EAFOOD CANAPES PER- COCKTAIL SAUCE 1 cup corn meal l!i teaspoons salt per, dip iho set Hops in beaten e££. 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind Another good way to stop waste 2 eggs, well beaten 1 cup grated American cheese then in the crumbs nnd fry in hot •}i cup honey of odds and ends of soap is to col- FECT APPETITE TEASERS 2 tablespoons prepared horse- l!i cups milk l'A cups milk scalded oven (360 F.) for two minutes. If lect the small end pieces in a J radish 4 tablespoons melted shortening 2 ece yolks, unbeaten It isn't often that this early one l 3 egg volks. well beaten preferred thev mav be simply sea- '2 cup milk or other container. When a sup- i cup ketchup Sift flour once, measure, add bak- 3 egg whites, stiffly beaten soned and rolled in flour and then ply has been accumulated, boil up needs to have his appetite coaxed, 3 tablespoons chill sauce ing powder, sugar and ealt and sift -;t cup chopped raisins ' ut teasing it Is another tiling al- Cook macaroni In large amount fried. Seryp with tartar sauce. 1 teaspoon vanilla with a little water and let cool into 2 tablespoons lemon juice again. Add corn meal and mix of boiling, salted water, until 'ten- a soap telly that may be used for ogether, So a ssood canape is just Dash of salt well. Combine eggs;, milk and CREAMED SCALLOPS 2 ectr whites a notice of good things to come. der. Drain. Combine bread crumbs, 1 pint <=rallop« *u cup chopped walnut meats laundry, diahee and other house- Combine ingredients and blend. shortening; add to dry Ingredients, butter, red nnd green pepper, salt, 1 pint thin white .sauce Sift flour once, measure, add hold purposes. If you keep toilet SEAFOOD CANAPES' Chill thoroughly. Serve with oys- mixing well. Turn into greased !)• onion and cheeae. Add milk, Pour Wash nnd-drain the acallnpf, add bakinc powder, salt and allspice, soap ends separately, the jelly 6 portions prepared bread ter or clam cocktail, or with cooked inch layer pan or fix8x2-inch pan; over egg volka, stirring well. Add them to the «auop and cook about and sift together three times. made from them is good for sham- 6 tablespoons seafood fish. Makes 1 cup sauce. bake in a hot oven ' 425 F.) 40 min- macaroni; then fold in egg whites. poo uses. Juice of 1 lemon. utes or until done. 'If corn syrup Pour into wcll-grca-'sed cas«erolc, 1T> minutes in double hoilrr. Serve Cream shortening with lemon rind, is used instead of sugar, mix it on ton/M or in nnt'y shells, add honev cradually, beating well Salt For Individual Baked Alaskas, place In Pan of hot water and bake after each addition. And !i of flour Care of such leather articles with tho liquid). n moderate oven (35O F.) 40 to 45 BROILED SCALLOPS Worcestershire sauce cut sponge cake into thick slices and beat until smooth and well suitcases luggage, brief cases, trim Pickled beets and cut out the center of each FOR CORN STICKS minutes, or until firm. Servca 8. 30 scallop* blended. Add ecE yolks, one at a on folding bags and so on, which 6 large olives slice, leaving about half an inch on Bake In creased bread-stick or Butler time, beatlne well after each. Add dry out, crack and deteriorate over 24 thin slices lemon each of the four sides and on the corncar pans in hot oven '425 F.) remains.' flour in thirds, alternately a period of time—whether used or Remove skin and bones and flake bottom. Set these cake boxes on 20 to 25 minutes, or until done. The ETHEL MOUNT MOZAR SCHOOL of DANCING with mtlk in halvoe, beating very not—need only occasional attention. Makes 3 dozen short corn stickfi. fish with a fork. Season with a board, put slices of well-frozen 117 Prospect Avenue, Ilcd Bank Telephone Red Bank 2220 well after each addition. Add Do not use cleansing fluids of any ice cream inside, and cover with May be baked In greased muffin lemon .juice, salt and a few drops All Typei of Dancing for Chlldrtn and Adulti. Clasici now forming. rai.sin.s with last addition of flour. kind or water. A simple method is f Worcestershire sauce. Spread meringue, piling it up at the aides. pans also. Add vanilla. Beat egg whites Un- to wipe of the dust and apply a ho prepared bread with the mix- Set in a hot oven (400-40 F.) for FOR GRIDDLE CAKES Dancing of all types for children and adults. til stiff enouch to hold up in moist sultablo shoe polish or dressing. ure and decorate by placing in the a moment to brown the meringue. Increase milk to l'i cups. Bake Morning summer classes, commencing June lffth. peak?. Stir quirklv but thoroughly Saddle soap is a good conditioner, Remove to a serving dish and nil on hot ereased griddle. Serve hot Advanced and Intermediate rlnxiwn will continue. into batter.' Turn into yieaBod and there are also other products :enter of each canape a email irele of pickled beet. Cut a slice the hollows' on top with any pre- with maple flavored syrup, ilakes Private LesMHii In Ballroom Dancing by Appointment Sx8x2-incll pan find sprinkle with sold as "leather toners" which help served -fruit or nut-mixture, about 2 dozen erlddle cakes. • nut meats. Enke in moderate oven to replenish the natural oils and rom the end of a large .olive so 350 F.) 55 minutes, or until done. maintain flexibility. Though leath- hat it will stand firmly and place er goods normally last for years his in the center of the beet. A HARD SAUCE even if not cared for, giving the arrow border of minced beet may care mentioned above ei'ery six >e placed around the edge of the •i CUD butter months can make your leather :anape with good effect. Garnish 1 CUD powdered sucar goods literally last a lifetime. he plates with four thin slices of 4 tableepoons brandy emon. Cream butter and sugar until very licht. then gradually add BRAN GRIDDLE CAKES USES FOR LEFT-OVER 7 brandy, continue heating five min- YlL NEVER 'I utes. Pile lightly on a dish, MEAN A DAY CORN ON THE COB Hl/v\ TOR ANOTHER L:rate over a little nutmeg and pkice on ice to harden, or pros*; WELL STARTED Since corn on the cob will soon be WEEKENO UMLES5 the sauce Ihrounh a na.«try tube in he order of the day, everyone will HE BRINGS SOWE rose*, harden on ice and use to Since it has been proclaimed that want to know a thing or two to do DlF HAND CLEANER" garnish pudding. breakfast i.s a vital and mostneccB- with any that is left over, here are Why telephones .•^ai-y meal, it should certainly not .wo pleasing ways to use up every be overlooked by any housewife. If icrap: not before, let her now start serv- ing in nddition to fruits, such WAFFLE CORN FRITTERS hearty foods us M cup milk BRAN GRIDDLE CAKES V6 cups flour l"i lo 2 cups milk 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 cup whole bran shreda 2 eggs, beaten !'-• rups ."iftrd flour 2 cups cooked corn 3 teaspoons double-acting 1 teaspoon salt Ippliesjke bakinc powder 1 tablespoon melted fat Put the milk and corn together. are hard to get 1 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons sugar dd the flour, sifted with the bak- 1 tablespoon melted shortening ng powder and salt. Add the fat Pour milk over bran. Sift flour .nd the beaten eggs. Bake like once, measure, add baking powder, ther waffles. i^oit and sugar and sift again. Add CORN CHOWDER eggs to bran mixture. Add flour 1 slice salt pork and blend. Add shortening. Servo 2 cups corn with maple flavored syrup. Makes 1 potato, diced - dozen griddle cakes. 1 onion 1 pint water There are two reasons why we cannot We've done all we can to serve as many JUICE FROM FRUIT JAR 1 pint milk Salt fill orders for telephone service today as possible by— BECOMES DESSERT SAUCE Pepper With nothing wasted and noth- Cut the pork Into small dice and as fast as we'd like: ing discarded, we now take the ook until brown, remove from fat Reconditioning and using every facil- TU0I HAM t,t V 3. fil. Off. juice from canned fruit, combine nd cook the onion, cut in slices, it with this and have a tasty, pleas- with the corn, milk and wa- ity that will give good service. ing .snuceto serve with many a er and the diced raw potato nnd The reserve facilities which enabled desert. ook slowly until potato Is tender. Converting one-party lines to serve 1' (;tblrspoons cake fioura us to meet the service needs of. 3 liiblespoons tiugiir FRIED SPINACH BALLS two or more families. 'i tr;t^i)tjon salt Army, Navy, war industry and most ONLY 3 CUD syrup from canned fruit If you have been wondering about Operating central offices beyond and water nother good way to serve epinach, others sinc£ the start of the National wall finish Bits of left-over canned or ere It Is, fried! At the same time, their normal capacity. fro.fh fruit you have a little wee, lone scrap Defense Program in 1940 are now 1. ONtCOtTCOVmt moil mail- 4. MIXIS WITH WATU 1 I" - tablespoons lemon juice f dried-up, unhappy looking cheese ! n vour refrigerator that has been p«p«ri, polntgd walli and ftit* v teaspoon grated lemon or Taking extra-good care of equipment 5. NO "PAINTY" OKOI maimc rind legging to be used, well tako It out, exhausted, and no more equipment Ingl, wotlbooid, baiemtnt wallt. roduce vour crrater, grate it lov- that can't be replaced. 6. WA1HISIAIIU ONE GALLON DOES l>;i.-ii 'of nutmeg 2. APHID IIKE PlUCIC Mix /lour, sugar and salt togeth- ngly and enclose It with the is being built for civilian use. 3. BRIIS IN ONI HOU* 7. tOVllltil COLORS AVERAGE ROOM er in .MiiaH saucepan, Add fruit ipinach in a ball and aerve the two -viiin gradually, stirring well. Boil ogcther ns If you are waiting for a telephone, we're yen I.I v L' minutes, stirring constant- FRIED SPINACH, BALLS Kern-Tone Kern-rone TRIMS PIASTIC PATCH ly. Add fruit, lemon juice, rind 2 cups cooked spinach, chopped All telephone manufacturing facili- - sorry. The only facilities now available atirl nutmeg. Serve warm. Makes 2 tablespoons butter or sub- ROLLER-KOATER Repairs crocks almiit l>i rups. IFor a plain lemon As low as 15( o roll ; Btltuto, melted ties and manpower are devoted to are those released when service is dis- i au('f. omit fruit; increase letnon 2 eggs jiticT to 3 tablespoons). 1 cup bread crumbs making communication and other continued, and many of these are re- VARNISH for FLOORS • FURNITURE • WOODWORK 2 tablespoons grated onion SHERWIN-WILLIAMS 2 tablespoons grated cheese electrical equipment for our armed quired for war purposes. We'd like you Yn teaspoon allspice U cup water forces. Their'entire capacity is con- to know that we will take care of your MAR-NOT VARNISH Bread crumbs Combine spinach with bnllor, one vertedto war production. Bcauiifiesandprotects.Rcsists >eatcn egg, crumbs, onion, cheese needs at the earliest possible moment. chipping,scuffing and Kratch- nd allspice and mix thoroughly, jet-stnml for JO minutes; shape Ing. Will n

Slippery rugs may cause bad ac- Idonts. A non-akld underlay will top slipping, or you can brush a "i CAN'T RICE WITH A Ictlon-resisting liquid onto the MAN WHO D'OESMT U5E ottom of lhn tns. These prapiira- DlF HAMO CLEANER" ons (ire sold under auch names .a. "Hue Anli-sllp." RED BANK REGISTER, JUNE 8, 1944 Page Eleven



Open your door and your heart to them TSJ^HE^^^^^^P^--1 WTHO IS THE VICTORY VOLUNTEER? He (or she) is someone W in your locality—maybe a close neighbor or a friend—who has volunteered' to work for the 5th War Loan Drive. One of these volunteers may call at your home or place of work soon—on the most important mission of the hour! America has asked you before to do something extra to smash Hitler and Tojo. In this 5th War Loan Drive, you're asked to go all-out with every dollar you can scrape up—for war expenditures are greater now than any time since Pearl Harbor. Double your extra War Bond investments. Buy at least one extra Bond now. Invest S100, 8200, 8300, 8100-more if you can. Yes, it's that important. This war is mounting in fury every minute—as our fighting men .plunge into the biggest and bloodiest battle of history. The men who fought and bled and died for you haven't hesitated. Only by answer-' ing "yes" to the Victory Volunteer-only by investing to the limit—can you come at all close to matching their spirit. For their sake"— ^^ and for your own future—open your door and your liearl!




Thit U an official U.8. TnatUry ««i*»c*M»nient—prepared under auspicei of Treasury Department and War Advertising Council Page Twelve RED BANK REGISTER, .JUNE 8, 1944

PUBLIC NOTICE. NOTICE. NOTICE. DEPARTMENT OF STATE. NOTICE. BOROUGH OF SEA BRIGHT, N. J. Take notice that Mn. Jo«ephln« HalU Takt notice that Chrli Williams h CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. Take notice that Kentucky M*c Ir| SOLDIERS READY LONG BRANCH BEACH . NOTICE U hereby given that the Bor< day, t/a ai Meadowview Ian, inUndi tend* to apply to th» Mmyox and COUJ To *11 to whom tbert presents may come, tends to apply to Mayor and Council c; ouffh of Sea Bright has received the fol- to apply to the Township Committee o cil of the Borough -ot Red Bank for Greeting: Red Bank for a Plenary Retail DUtrlbi lowing bid for the following certificate Middletown Township for a Plenary Ri Consumption license for pr«tniie* «itui Whereas, It ftppesrs to my satisfaction, of tax eate held by it: tail CoJiBumptlon license (or premisea lo ed at 103 West Bergen clace, Red Ban! by duly authenticated record of tho pro- tiori license for prejnjsee Bltuated at N. J . Monmuuth street, Kcd Bank. Certificate Number 109, Block and Lo cated on Main street. Belford. "N. J. ceedingx tor the voluntary dissolution OiijLK.-tionK, if any, should he made Inr 17, 13(1-20, 129-21, ' Assessed to Set Objections, If any, «hou)d be made Im- Objections, if any, should be made im thereof by the unanimous coment of all mediately In writing to Amy E. Shini- Bright Building & Loan, Association mediately In wilting tu Huwaid W. Rob. mediately In writing to Amy E. Shfnn th« stockholders, deposited In my ofliCte. Amount of hid. $400; * Apuroximati crti. Clerk of the Township of Middle Clerk of the Borough of Red Bank, N. that Phllrush Realty Corporation, a cor- Clerk uf the Borough of Red Bank, N. .' Amount to Redeem. S3,470.00. town. (Sinned) poration of this State, whose principal Said bid is for the certificate of ti (Signed) . CHRIS WILLIAMS. office is situated at Tin ton Falls, In th« KENTUCKY MAC. j sale, not including any municipal Hem Borough of Eatontown, County of Mon- Officer*, Director* and Sb«rebolder«, MRS. JOSEPHINE HALUDAY, raouth. State of New Jersey (Max Phil- subsequent thereto, and shall be subjec Betford, N. J NOTICE. C. "W. (JrayLewifl, Rumson , N. J., Prea: to the right o'f redemption of the owne Take notice that Patrick J, Loftu» an< lips being tho agent therein and In charge dent and Uhector. and of any person having an interest NOTICE. John Leddy trading as Leonardo Grill, In thereof, upon whom procenn may be Evelyn (Jruy-I^ewU, Rumson, N. J., D therein and to the provision* of Cbaptei Take notice that Louis Cor]Ho Intend, tend to apply to the Township Commit served), has complied with the require- rector. 232 of the Lawa of 1941 of New Jersey to apply to Township Committee of Mid tee of Middletown township for a Plenar; ments of'Title'14, Corporation*, Oeneral, Robert N. MacGreitor, Red Bank, N. 2 The ftovernlnc body will accept or re- die town Township for s Plenary Retal Retail Consumption license for premise of Revised Statutes of New Jersey, pre- -• Secretary-Treasurer and Director, ject such bid at a regular- meeting o1 Consumption license for premises situat situated on Central and Brevent avenuei liminary to the Issuing of this Certificate the BoroUKh Council to be he'd oi ed at Highway 35, Middletown -Township Leonardo, N- J. of Dissolution. NOTICE. Thursday, June 1.1. 1944, at 8:00 P. M Objections, if any, ahould be made im. Objections, if any, should be made Im Now therefore, I, Joseph A. Brophy Take notice that Jamea A/inarel)*, «•• h\ the Borough Hall, Surf street, Se medliitely in writing to Howard W. Hob mediately In writinjr to Howard W. Rob Secretary of State of the State of New of Shore Point Din. Co., Intends to ajjpl Bright, N. J., subject to proper nctio cits, Clerk of the Township of Middle rit-.. Clerk of the Tuwnnhip of Middle Jersey, do hereby certify that the said to State CommisBionsr of Alcoholic B«* on euch other higher bids as mny b town. town. corporation did, on ihe Twenty-fifth d«y erage Control for a State Beverage Di made by any person for such certificate (Signed) (Signed) of May. 1944. file In my office a duly trihutors" license for uyernintn situated i not including subsequent municipal lienfl PATRICK J. LOFTUS, executed and attested conaent In writing corner of Eanlview avenue and Conovi of Sea Bright In the amount of 10 LOUIS CORUTO. 32 East Hlshland Avenut, to the dissolution of said corporation, ex- Place, Little Silver, N. J., and to nail cent of the bid. NOTICE. Atlantic HiRhlands, N. J. ecuted by all the stockholderi thereof, tain a warehouse at corner ot Kastvle All bid* must be accompanied by m Take notice that Peter P. Ffnsitor« in JOHN LEDDY, which said conaent and the record of the avenue and Conover place, and to mail certified check to the order of the Bor- tends to apply to the Township Commit « Lonn Street. Jersey City, N.J proceedings aforenaid are now on file in tain a salesroom at corner of Ea*trie ough of Sea Brffrtit in the amount o\ tee of Middletown Township for a Plen my said office as provided hy law. avenue and Conover place, Little -SUv« 10 Uer cent of the bid. y Retail Consumption license for prem NOTICE. In testimony vhereftf. I have hereto E. W. FARY, istfl situated at Cooper Boulevard an< Taka notice that Edward O'Flaherty In *et my hand and affixed mv official *eal, Objections. If any, ahould be made In Borough Clerk State Highway No. 35, Middletown Town tends to apply to the Township Commit at Trenton, this' twenty-firth day or May. mediately In wri'lin* to State Comml ship, N. J. tee of the Townphop of Middletown fo A. p., one thousand nine hundred and sioner of Alcoholic Be ve mite Contrt PUBLIC NOTICE. Objections, if any, should b» made im Plenary Retail Diatrihutlon license fo forty-four. 1060 Broad street, Newark, N. .J. NOTICE is hereby given that the Bor- mediately in writing to Howard W. Rob premies situated at Headden'a Corne J. A. BROPHY. (Signed) ough of Sea Bright has received the fol- erts, Clerk of the Township of Middle Middl r Secretary of State. JAM ES A NN A RRLLA. lowing bid for the following certificate town. Objection!, If any, should he made Im of tax nnic held hy It: (.Signed) mediately in writing to Howard W. Rob NOTICE. NOTICE. Certificate No. 74; Block and Lot, 9 PETER PINGITORE, *rtn. Clerk of the Township of Middle Tak. notice that P. Ballantlne & Sons Taka notice that William W. Klei; 25-D: AsAes-trd to Kate Saunders Middletown, N. J town, f\ aP'llI*tJ t0 lhe sut» CommlsBioner Hchmidt, tradin« «ii Silver Bar. intern Amount of bid, $50.00; Approximate (Signed) of Alcoholic Beverajre Control for a Lim- to apply to Mayor and Council of tli Amount to Redeem, 185.00. NOTICE. EDWARD O'FLAHERTY, ited Wholesale License for premises sit- Iluriiujtli or Itetl Hank, K. J., for a V]t\ Said bid is for the certificate of tax Take notice that H. G. Deuenrlag, Inc. Hcadden's Corner, Middletown Township uate on the North Side of Went Berfce ary Retail Con-umiilUtn lirem>e for pren! sale. Including subsequent municipal liens, has applied to the State Commissioner o Place,. W<*t of New York and Lon iweji >ituatp/i at 26 We^t Front »tre*5 toKCther~«'ith interest and costs, except Alcoholic JJeverage Control for a Stal< NOTICE. Branch Railroad Tiarks, Red Bank. Ne> Red Uni.k. N. J. j ing, however^ iind exclusive of taxes fo Beverage Distributor's license -for th Take notice that Samuel Biziaro In Jersey, and to maintain a warehouse nn< - Ohjertion^, If ntiy, should bt made In! the current, year, and shall be subjec premises oiluated at rear of 16-18 W>8 tends to apply to the Mayor and Counci saloFroom on thf aforcnnld promicm. mediately in writinir to Amy E. Shinf Foit Monmuuih soldiers clean up the sands and bathhouse at North Knd, Long Branch, site of the to the right of redemption of the ownc Front street. Red Bank, N. J., and t of the BoroUKh of Red Bank for a Plen Offirera, dliertoM and Htockholrir. Clerk of (li»- 'tJorough of n*d Bank. i or any person having an interest there maintain a warehouse at rear of 16-1 ary lEetaiJ Consumption licence for prem ! Rrmrrt.fotcc.s' special beach scheduled to open for service pien and their guests next week. Kay Gold- in and to the provisions of N. J. R. S. ine.1 stluatud ut 'J5S Bridge Avenue, Re( holding ten or more percentum of utor (Signed) 54:5-114.2 to 114.8, inclusive. West Front street. Red Bank, N. J., an WILLIAM W. KLEIN5CHMIDT.; to maintain a salesroom at rear of 16-1 Bank, N. J. Pre-., Trea». and Dir., Cnrl-W, Baden stein, Long Branch USO hostess, watches Gl'sat work directed by PPC Bon Christ (socond from left), Tho Kovernins body, will accept., or re- Wen Front.fitreet, Red ..Ban It. N. J, Objections, if any, should be made Im- NOTICE. ; ject such bid at the meeting of the Bor- ^mjen. Old Short Hill. ltd.. Short Hill Objections, if any, should be made im mediately in writing to Amy B. Shlnn, Tal<« notice that James. Lang {tmdlr ough Council to be held on Thursday Clci-k of the Borough of Red Bank. ' Vicc-Pr«B.,"' Kec'y arid Dli1., Otto A June 15th. 1944, at 8:00 P. M.. at th mediately in writing to the CommJasion (Sinned) aa Union Hotel) intent))* to apply to tl.-i TKAINING OX IJBERATOB. to serve overseas soon. Lieut. Lang Horoujrh Hall, Surf street. Sea Bright, N. er of Alcoholic Beverage Control, 106 Badenhau«en, Brooknfile, Morris County, Mayor and Counrfl of the Bnroujh i^ ' entered the service February 28 of. Broad street, Newark, N. J SAMUEL BIZKAKO. McFaddin Sworn J-, nuhject to nroper action on such Aw't Sec'y nnd A«»'t Treas., EtiKcne I Red Rank for n Consumption license fy Lieut. John W. Lang, son of Mr. last year. other higher hid a as may he made by I Signed) NOTICE. preml*e« tituated at 11 Wharf avenu anil Mrs. John t". Lang: of Shrews- any person for such certificate, includins H. C. OEdENIUNG, INC..* Jeifrey. 6Hi Hnnii St., Interlaken. N. J •»ubfieihonk«mi. N*. Y. Clerk of the Korouvn of Ited Bank. the Pueblo, Colorado, air base. He Jeter's advertising columns.—Ad- tified cherk to the order of the Boroup! Shrewsbury Avenue, Red Bank, N. J. (StanerU At Freehold is pilot of tho crew anil is expected vertlsement. of Sea Bright in the amount of I1 Ha rice J(! n the afternoon of that day at the N. J. ERNEST HOLMBS, Tren«urer. mediately In Wrltintr to the Pta!»* Cnm unU'tl at 70 Monmouih street, Ked Bin Of Freeholders — OF — Diemifies of Commuter Super Service, M7 River Street, Red Bank. N. J. 1 Mse E. Ilpgcnrlng. 63 South Street, Re miFnioner nf Airnholir Bfvorfic* Cnntio Ot.jtctloh-. it nny. ghould be made ir 101-107 Oakland street, Red Bank, Moi Bank. N. J. 1060 Broad St.. Newark '*. N. J. mouth County, New Jersey, will be «o.~ NOTICE. rnrd-ately in wriiiaj? to Amy E. Shin I>orni;in MrKaildin, former mayor - P, BAI.LANTIN'K & .'•'OS'S, Clerk of lhe Hoiou^h r»f Red Bank, N. 30 HEAD OF CATTLE & FARM MACHINERY to the highest hldder, nt public vendue, NOTICE. Take notice that Francis Murphy In. .17 Freeman St.. N'ewnrk 1. N. J of LOIIK J-irancli, who resigned from the following described Motor Vehicle t< .Take notice that the Strand Restauran tends to apply to the Mayor and Council (Sivni-fll llic board of freeholders at Free- On account of shortage of help, I am giving up farming on the wit: intenits tt> apply (o Mnyor and Council o of the Boiuuvrb of Rum*ou for 8 I'lenarj NOTICE. JOHN GUALTIERf. - hold l;i>! Fi id ay, was .sworn in as farm where I now reside on the road loading from Holmdcl to the 1 Packard Coupe, year- 1936, Serin the Uorouirli of Red Hank for a Plenar Retail Consumption licence for premise Notice ii heieby i;ivcti that the v Ketail Coiisumptimt licence for pit mine NOTICE. Mil ropiir '\ Jud^e -f. Edward State Hospital, about one mile from Holmdcl, N. J.t on 0993344. Motor xT17:»7. , iluated vet- 17 Ward Lane, Rutwtott. w'injf i* a true copy of a PJ opu^ed Or y El ZED BY the undernigned an lhe tuntcd at 0t ISrund ftiect, Red Bi Objection?, if nny. uliouM be mnde im- dinance that w intioiJuted at n meel Take notice (hat 1'int Tntl fntcnrfi Kni/>!:!. Mon/I;iy morning'. He suc- tta apply to the Mayor an-i Council nf f property of Alfred M. Mayer, 150 Ocenr N. J. mediately in wrltinjf to Alliort A. Kerr, _ of the Mnyor and Co''Hcil of ih 1 1 ceeds thu lnlc Joseph IJ. Donahay. TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1944 avenue, .Sea Bright, Monmotith County ()l»jection«, if any, should be made inv Jr.. Clerk of the Borough of Rumson. Borough of Eat on town held en 1 rida f"Mr,,'li CJL/ Li - .:*; .«iU-rr for a Limit. New Jersey, pursuant to Chapter :H2, o mediately in writing to Amy E. .Shlnn (Sinned i evening, bl*y K'th, t'Jil, ami Ml Um iU'tuil Uivtrih•iX'tuu II'1-M.P for premU The now sm-rcnate took the oath AT TWELVE-THIKTV O'CLOCK, THK FOLLOWING:' the Laws of 1915. for Unpaid (.'iirnirt Clerk of the Borowrh of Red Bank. FRANCIS MURPHY. lime paj&ed first leading acd wai la. situmM at 1'arkcr Avt-Tnie and Willc from Jml^o Knight in the presence Hills amounting to one hundred and-fifty (Finned) D;ivr, LIi:]p Sjlve;, N. J, 1 Cows: 28 cows now milking (among them are 20 Holstein and 10 ver for »econd and tinul i>a,-iiit« to a of Jud^i John (*, Giordano and a dollar* ($150.00), and to be sold for JOHN MORRIS. NOTICE. acetinK of th« Mayjr and Coui.cil tu Oti>r'ion». if nny. hhou'd \.n made Ii host of h\n many friends ns Guernseys) all cou's are T. E. tested and all are in perfect condi- cash by me. <7 South Street. lied Bank. N. J Take notice that Ottn Strohm*njter In ba held on Friday uvetjinj. lunr *jth cfiiaffly in vrr'nimr In VreA L. Are) tion and good producers. Among them are some 30 and 35 qt. ALFRED HBNNESSY, Bailiff, WIMJAM N0(;L0WS, ends to apply to the Mayor and Council Jl<4 4, at the Borough Hall at e, Clerk of The Uon.iik'h of Unl» Silver,, well as j,pruminant Republicans. In 93 Harding Itoail, lied Bank. N. J. (.-'i/ned I 1 cows. This stock must be seen to be appreciated. Buy one for Jerncv Avenue, if the Borough of Kumion for a Plenary o'clock in the everiinK. at which time al tlir l.'ittfi ^foup w;\s K. Donald Union Beach. N. J Ret nil Dintt ibution licence for preminea personn interested will he niven an J-TIED TETT. yourself or buy the lot. They will be a credit to any herd you now NOTICE. situated at 84 Lnfayette Street, Kumton .Striner, foimrr state highway oom- NOTICE. * portunity to be heard, and the ow... NOTICE. mi?si(innr. who drelined the ad in- have. Also 1 HegiSrteied Guernsey Heifer, 1 pure bred Holstein Take notice that <;iul>e Hotel Com N. J. or ownen of the land in fron*. o: which Heifer. Take notice that VUnvn Rock Zlui puny, I Dr., inlcii'la to aj>)ily to MB ObjertionM, if any, should be mailf im said tide walks bhnll be ^o ron*truc.-u>< Take ] that Walter C. P«nni« I trnm nppointmoni last week. rant intends to apply to Mayor ant nnd Council of thp Boroiigli nf Rrd Bank cdintcly in writln'x to Albeit A. Kerr, hereby «i>«ciiilly notified of the pemi ... to Mayor and OounrjJ Among the Jir.sL to congratulate Dairy Equipment: Surge S can milk cooler new, 2 Surge Units Council of the Borough of finmsori (o N. J., f'jf n riertrti-y Het«il Coiinumptif.; Jr., Clerk «f the Borough of Rumson. eiuy of the said Oiilinance and the «ai< !h^' lloioiiuh of LitU* Silver for SUtr Milking Machines with pipe and motor complete, ten milk cans, a Plenary Retail Consumption license fo license for premises situated at No. 2 (Signed! 'Ublic hearinu. riiu-'l liii'.'.tii itton lictntit for premiii the new surrogate was Victor E. premifiGR ttltunled nt cuincr of Avenue East Front utrect. Red Rnnk, N. J. attd on n(j;t'.h (tide of R'imnon ron 1 electric Surge hot water heater, electric sprayer gun,, milk Jiails, of Two Rivers nnd Ridge Road, Ilumson OTTO STROHMENCER, By order of the Mayor and Councii Grossing !'. Middle-town, who suc- >hjection^, if any, nhould be made im 84 Lafayette Street, Kumion, N. J of the Borough uf Eatuiwowa. •t of Pio^j.crt 'aver.ue. Little Silvi strainers and stools. mediately !n Writing to Amy E. Shinn, ceeded Mr. Mcf'achlin on "the board Objections, if any, ahould be made Im- Dated May 12th, J'Ji4. of freeholders last week. Mr. Me- Farm Mnrlilnery: Oliver No. 70 Tractor on ruLber with self starter Clerk ot the Borough of Red Bank. NOTICE. ANDREW G. 0ECKEB. i>wj*ctioni, if any. »houM be made Ir mediatcly in "writing to Albert A. Ken- erliawly in to Fred L. Aye) 1 "add in wrote out his • resignation, and lights (in extra good running order), 7 ft. Oliver Tractor Take notice that Charlen Woodward Jr., Clerk of Ihe Horough of Itumson. GLOBE HOTEL CO.. INC.. (trad'mit an CharJie'n Bar & Crlll) Intend AN ORDINANCE TO I'UOV^lJK FO] Clejk of the Hnmtu'h of Litlle Silver. to take effect immediately, shortly Mower, Little Genius Tractor Plow 14 inch, Tractor Cultivator, {Signed) • HERMAN RITZAU, President. to apply to the Mayor and Council o THE CONSTRUCTION OK KKCON )icf<'W The sprrial meeting" was Tractor-Disc, Lime Spreader with rubber tires new, Papec ensilage I»KTBI( CKRIUNA, 7\\UI, HITZAIJ, SerreUry, he Horoutth vf llummn tor a Plenary STKUCTION AND LA If IN <; Olt HE WALTKR C. DENNIS, Trading as Piping Rork Restaurant, KATK KIT'/.AU, Tri?M>urer. LiMJe Silver. N. i-;il'rrl tn nnlrr by Edgar O. cutter for stalks and hay with automatic molasses feeder, New Cor, Ave. of Two Rivera anil Kirig. iletail Consuiriptinti licence for iTcmine LAYIN(J OF SIDEWALKS AM Idea heavy duty hay loader, 4 bar side delivery rake, 2 Disc Grain tituaOd ut 11 West River Road, Rum CURHIM; ON MAIN STREKT OK Mui]'h\\ iiiiectrtr of the hoard. It Road, Humson, N. J NOTICE. ion. N. J. STATE HIGHWAY KOL'TK NO 4 N v. n> art-rptrd with velvet on motion Drills, feeder-Grinder nearly new, Steel T.and Roller, Wooden Drag Take notice that Max Safran intend Ohjpotions, if any, ehould b* made im IN THE iiOHOUCH OK KATONTOWN. Take notice that liiecn United 3ioi«< to apply tu Mayor anil (Joiuicil of Vh) In? ., ir-'ind'. !y apply to the Mayor • n: AV)v;,iu ('. Vuurhrcs nftor which Harrow, 2 Row Corn Planter, Grass Seeder, Hay Tedder, Electric NOTICE. ' oiiKh of !{«•[ Hank for a Plenary He mediately in vviiiin« tg Albei t A. Kerr He it uiUaincd by the Council in the Jr., Clerk nf the HurnUnh of Hum sun. JIM riuxh of KatofitnWfi: iri'.il i>f the Hot'.uKh uf K«rt Bank '. Mv. Me KrvHlin told his erstwhile Fence, Barrel of Molasses, Ran-el of fly sprn;, Wine Press, Brood- Take noticethat the Uumscm Count: tail Conn vim |lJi\teIy in writing tn Amy E. Shinn m»*»li;itfly in writing in Amy E. tfhll w!ur!i alvays ended with a smile." Objections, if niiy, should he made im Clerk of the Uormmh nf Red Ilnnk. Take notice thnt Eleanor T. Ki/inert> of Eatnntown, known M HI ond Street, 10 ply, in good running: order. mediately in writing to the State Com- ntemls to apply tn Mayor nnd Council o nho heinif Smte Highway Itouie No. 4 N Cleifc of th* Korojvh <>f Red Bank. > missioner of Alcoholic Bevernne Control .ho Boron tfh of Runxon, N. J., for i i»d also sometimes known JM KrnnMou-n Freeholder Joseph C. Invin TE-MS: CASH. £) R LAYTON MAX SAFRAN. JlKKKN I'NITEI) STORED. TNC, moved i ho appointment of Mr. 106u Broad Street, Newark N. J. *• Plenary Ketail Distribution lirenne fo iloule\\ard a» follows: On the .South nidc J. L. NAROZANICK, Auctioneer (Signed) \ NOTICE. »remi?ee fiUmted nt 4 1 West River Road, thereof from a point kr.own n* Hhite'i II. D. KITTINGER. Pr Ciro.-sin^cr to lill the vnenncy until STANLEY HUFF, Clerk, RUMSON COUNTRY CLUB, 'Take notice that 1-Y«rd J. Hohmafi in turnion, N. J. Comer Easterly to Hviiky Hronk. Officer i. Per. "t, K>44, and after the nomina- AUCTIONEER'S PHONE: ENGLISHTOWN 4361. CLEMENT L. DESPAKJ). ends to appyl to Mayor and Council o Objections, if nny. nhould he made im- , Section '1. The *ai(i niriewalki an« Jf. I>. Kin iiiwfr. yr*j Bron'iway, tion M'a s confirmed i hv new free- President he Borough of Ked IJunk for a Plenary mediately ITI wniinjf Jo Albeit A. Kerr •nrhintfn shkll be con^jrurted or reron York, New Y..;k. I'itMdenl. Altesi: — Clerk of Iht Borounh uf Uum«"i. trurted and laid or flald arrordinv tf, A. I'. Hnlremer. 9'C Broadway. N< holder \va? sworn by J. Russell tetnil CoiiHumption )ii-en>p for premise* EDWIN STEWART, Secretary. situated at '6 4 Bridge avenue. Red Bank (Signed; i Plan mnde up by the Borough EnEi- Yurk. New York. Vic* President. "WnolH'y . county clerk. The officers of this Club are: N. J. ELEANOR T. FINNERTY. icr thowlnir tho width of th«.**IU iiOa. H. (.. (Jrren. '.•'*•> Brnadway. New Yoi Thfi t hiin^rc-over necessitated a Clement L, Dcspard, President, Rumson Objections, if any, should be made Im- 33 First Street, Ktintfon. N- J valka and rurhlnt! *nd the leirfitlon and New -Ynrk. Treasurer. . j rr^hnnJinir of the hoard's director- nediatfly in writing to Amy E. Shinn he efltablinhed Krade of the iitmr naid M. Polk, 9f>2 BroHdway, New York fr Charles B. Harding, Vice President, Rum- ;ierk of the Boiounh of Red Bank. NOTICE. ilnn heinsr Rtihjrrt tn (he approval of the York, Serreta'ry". ,-i'rs ;mtl thpsr wye announced at j «on, N. J. Take notice that Frank Mellacl (trad- ;tnt» Highway Department of the Htate Dir*ttor». or.'-" by Mr, Murphy. Mr. Grossin- Charles R. Beattie, Treasurer, Rumson VllEl) J. HOHMAN, ng n* Frank's Bar) intends lo apply f New Jersey, H. L. t'.rfcn, &'>;• tirotdnar, Kew Yoi p< r u.-t* n:iMKvl ilirortm- of build- N. J. 17 Leonard Street, Red Hank, N.J he Mayor and Counri) of the Borough Serlion 3. Said Ridewatks nhall be oT New York. The names of the di recto re of this it Rumson for R Plenary Retail C. 1 ings M'i'l county .property. Mr. Voor- | onrret* and nh;0l he of tie •tandnrt! H. It. Kitting* !". 802 Bro«dw*y, N< club arc: NOTICE. iimj'lion licence for premise* sltuatPd at !>f<'ifirati(in« n< fixed by '.he State Hich- YM.-V. NVv Ynik. lircs nuivf'd up tn the position j Edwin Stewurt, Secretary, Rumaon, N. J Take notice that Laird & Company In- 2H Eu»t River Ruad, Rumson, N. J. wny Department of thr S".at» or New M. Ni'-cly. 'inaranty Truit Co., N< (Jeoi-Ke M. Hodman, lied Bank, N. J. .entl lo no ply to the State Commissioner York, New York. of I>MU:O il-.i'i'r-tor. Mr. MrFaddin's! Kdward C. Fiedler, Little Silvers, N. J. Objection", if nny, should »e mnde im- Jersey, nnd «jiid vrnrU ni)l l« dnne nfter o]t) j-j»n!: ;tt)il Mr. Irwin wns nnmod I >f Alcoholic Bevetagc Control for a Lim- mediately In writing to Albert A. Kerr he plant! for thp J. Wright Brown. Red Bank, N. J. ted Distillery license for thr premises r., Clerk of the BOIOUKII of Rumson. cen itpprovr-d by the .State H,'pfi«ny De- York, New York. di: frinr nf v.-p'fnrr in addition to) Uexter Hlajrden, Red Bank. N. J. iitiiiitcd ol Sfobeyvillc, New Jersey. . M. il'A'.rm, 70 Pine itreet. New Yo 1 (Eijencd) partment of the Stntr of New J>r-ey. li'i> ill/.' ? as di rector nf ronds. Mr. I (•eorge Owight, Rumson, N. J. Objections, if any. fihoijld be made Im- FRANK MELLACI. and permit iMuerf to Ihp fio-onRh of Eat- New York. L Amory L. Haskell, Red Rank, N. J. MiI'^rliKn c-(inti:ui''. -: on the ADon- J. Lewin Hay. Rumson, N. J. mediately, in writimf, to (he State Com- mtown poverinjr the prnpo«ed rnn«tr . <;. Ilolph. 11 Union S(juar«, N- v. rifid ••n.-jr.Uil bnatd. Those np- Stuart A. Young, Newark, N> J, missioner of Alcoholic Beverage Control NOTICE. ion and It U u^iler^tnnd that We work Yorl.-.NVu- York. 1 Newark, New Jersey. hall hf done under the cr^nTat jnct to iTaPsipn- Kdward M. Crane, Red Bank. N. J. Take notice that Vincent T. Sacco in- Samuel Rlker. Jr.. Mfddletown. N. J. (Signed) :ends to apply to Mayor and Council of •Won of the S*pt*» Hiehwny T'fi.nrtmfni New York. nui'.t nimn ii:'? ih^'iinrjro of FITP- J Carlos 1). Kelly, Rumson, N. J. LAIRD & COMPANV, he Borough of Red Bank for a Plenary t the Stflte nf Vrw Jer-cy. Stockholder!. }:n}i]-f •• Jnmf 5 P. I 'n liirs from thn I K. Ii, Branwome, Run-on, N. J. J. K. LAIRD, President letnil Consumption license for premise* Section 4. Said -idcwnlk* ahH nirl>ln? H. L. firpen Company, Inr., 901 Bros . E. Laird, Sroheyville, N. J., FreBldmt, way, New York, N.w York. IKIVV. : I**. H. Pouirla^. Rumson, N. J. dtuated at 112 Monmouth Street, Red hflll he ron*f nirteii "»• rerntintriiet Alb in C, S wen son, Locust, N. J. nirettor and Stockholder. 3ank. N. J. n:l laid or relaM nt tho rn-t and T'n^ i.r -v sun o^.-itr has 'now J. T. Laird, III, Little -Silver, N. J., Vice Objections, If any, should be made im*- ien'p of lhi« own*»r or ownern nf CHANCERY 2-11 , President, Dirrutor antl Siorkholder. led'mlely in writ in jr to Amy E. Shinn, and in front of which th* «amp «hnll SHERIFF'S SALE moved l:-.'o Jii? third vtYicc in the i NOTICE. Mabel A. Willctt, S.:obeyviile. N. J., lerk of the Borough of Red Bank. ronstt\ietpd or recon*true-ted and lniurtVi<»vi*-r- [If WHS first under- : Secretary, Director nnd Storkholder. By virtue of a writ or fl. fa. to- m» ' The Borough of Sea Bright will receive ^cied, Jjtiuetl out of the Court of Cha Mmiiff hy niipointinpnt and.left that j sealed proposal a at the regular meeting Section ^!. The nwrcr or own»r« nf tne NOTICE. •VINCENT T. SACCO. ery of the i?*.ate of New Jersey, will ioh frir the ficpholdri 'R -onMce, his of the Borough Council to be held at t)A In front of •which ihe anli] «Mr- xt)Qfi€il t« t>a)(» nl public venduc, ^ 1 the Borough Hall, Sea Bright, New Jer- Take notice thnt Sent oast Linuor Dis- NOTICE. ilk* "hall hi> nn rnn*t rnrted or reron- /I. .-: .-•*?(rid f"i rlertjon n> n rounty- •ibutorp. Inc., has applied to the State Monday, the liuh day of Junt, 11)44, \\ sey, on Thursday, June 15, 1'J44, at 8:00 Takt notice that John J. Madden in rur'e i-rnididnif'. H is appointment p. OT., or aa BOOH thereafter fl» possible* nmmifisimier of Alcoholic Be ve rase owed thirty davV tlmr ir -whlrh tn r ends to apply to the Mayor anil Council r ''clock (at - o'clock War Time) In t! :*>• :u: V'U'Me ir only for this yrnr for leasing for a term of one year be Control of the State of New Jersey f6r a if the Borough of Rumson for a Plenary orm the work rrfiutrprf hrrphv t... . ifternuon of s&M day at ths Coi[ ginning June 15, 1044. and ending Mny State Beverage Distributors' license for vritten notice of the required •work •hall nnd Iw uil! tnvo to stnnd for' the tet«il Consumption llc,en«e for premises House, in lhe Borough of Freeh o' 31, 11)45, the property owned by the •eminc^ cituatcd at 2fic Third street. i tun ted at Washington 3treet, Rum eon, >e served upon the nvrner or nvmer* nf County (if Munmouth,' New Jeney, | olliff i n X"\ rmW>i . Ho rough known as part of, or adjoining sir Uavtii. N. J., nnd to maintnin a f. J. 'aid property in the manner provided by satisfy a dec:ee of laid court amountl1 the Borough playground, for use ai a lie's room at 260 Third Btrcet, Fair Hav- aw. .o approximately $7,U'iO.0O. ! Only t'.'. o nf 1 ho clfven olective parking plot, on term3 and conditions i. N. J. Objections, if any, should be made 1m- 1 more particularly set forth in copies of lediately In writing- to Albert A. Kerr, Section *!. When to unrh owner or ]insi:;nns in lhe county will not ap* Officers of the Said Corporation Are r.. Clerk of the Borough of Rumson. wner^ of property M mpntinnpd In SPC- ALL that rertnin Jot, tract or par' p"1'!' rm \hr> bn!lM ihin yr;n\ They a lease coverinn naid property now on Michael Cnlnndrfello, 42Z Wcntwood Ave- f land and premises hereinafter pi; file with the Borough Clerk, to who (Signed! t>n X. nntire of (Im prnilrncy of thi« iculflrly iietffT\bnd, situate, Jylnp and ) an Urn *v.-f) ficrlmlilns who do not nue, I.-ontf Hnini'h. N. J., President. JOHN J. MADDEN, rdlnanrfk hn^ bppn triven nn nrnvMrcl l>y bidders are referred to obtnln said terms en n ie M, (Tallin (trie (In, *-'•! Westwood ._ n the BnrtniKh of Little Silver, AWNINGS and corfiiitions. Park Avenue, Rumson, N. J, «w. and henrinir (riven to all RU/-}I p^r- he CVmnty of Monmouth and State Avrnue. Lnnj: Branch. N. J.. Secretary. at th" time nnd plnrp «tn'ed In the A!' <•• i'.^vifi^ hrwn suorn by All Mdfl »hal! lie nealeri nn ^ntiici in;,r !'.,.>; ;i]ipIR11 fnlt to cnn« tm rt fauns, three hundred feet, more or U bidder will be retiuireil to execute the ciiiiie M. Cji,lanriiit:Iin, \ll Weatwood rpronj"trurt. \ny nr r*'ny «nirl so bright—so cheerful and gay, so cozy JffAfie in 1 hn form and under the terms .^vetuie, I,OM'K Branch, K. J. Ohjections, if any, should he made fm- o the hi«h water mark of Little S(h *\\m nnd curbliiT acmnline to the r *•- 1 nnd conditions *ct forth in ^niii en pie n .ury Cpnnvcte, S22 River Road. Fair edintrly in writing to Amy E. Shinn, reek; thence (2) westerly alonn hi n''' : punnprtfp W-fippointed now on file with the Borough Clerk nt lerk of the Borough ot Red- Bank. nr#mtnf« nf tin. DriVinanec nnd •n i'! ater mark of Little Silver Creek o Haven, N. J. Totlce, thf Council «hnll mn«p tri" wn -k I" *i.c vi-tfT;in special pi'ohnte. and comfortable. -Most always they are or nfter the meetinc at which the Hor- Directors ot Said Corporation Are: (Sijrneil) undred nnd fifty feet, more or lean, oiitfh accepts said hid. LOUIS P. PRATE, he done and n«*e°* the m*t fhffeof he norlhcfut corner of lands of now •- h" .-•'•rved undrr Mr, Donti- Jirhiit'l CjilfliuliipDo. 422 Westwood Ave- 6 West Front Street, Red Bank. if>n th? unid Inndu a" pfovidml hv Inw ormerJy Richard Borden; thence ( 1'riy d t :,r.v. too wove sworn hy The right is reserved by thr Borough nue, Lonu Branch, N. J. Section R. Thi<> onllnance ^hnlf f afc* ontherly nlonn the eanterly line of «i equipped with awnings. For awnings to reject any and all proposal* and to ennle M, CalamirieUo. 422 Westwood Is niuht. The action met NOTICE. ert when paused and approved and Jardcn landx three hundred feet, tar wnive any Informal!McA In the proposals Avenue, Lnni? Branch. N. J. ibllnhed as rpnuirrri hy Inw. r less, to the southeast corner of ar with tl " approval of the gntherinp received. iiicy d'enovcFe. *22 River Rond. Fair Take notice that Carl Bachstadt in- carry with the protection they afford, a nda lo apply to the Township Commit- t a point in the northerly line of ZJt for MV. 'bvn' wrrc piven prolonped Dated: June 6, 1944. Haven, N. J. [on mouth County Surrofntc's Office. Silver Avenue; thence (4) eanterly alo E. W. FAJIY. Objection1", if any, should bo made lm- e of the Township o! Middletown for a In the matter of the estate of Helen < T!:P Ihr^f nre Miss IJrln 'lenary Retail Consumption license for ie northerly line of Little Silver A' charm of loveliness. Borough Clerk. ledialcly in writinir to the State Com- C. Willis, Deceased. ie one hundred nnd fifty feet to 1 -'•I' kri.n, ]•': i-i-hold; Mis> Ida nisninnrr nf Alcohnlir BeveriiKe Control •emly.pB situated at northenut corner of Dtlce to Creditors to present claims NOTICE. ray and Sea Ureete avenues, East oint or place of RepinnlnK- Hi ! '• ti". -ir:d MIPS Klla Znpr, t 1060 Riimd Strert, Newark. N. J, nuninnt estate. The Borough of Sea Bright will receive caiiHburg, N. J. Pursuant to the order of Joseph L, njr and reserving therefrom 1 ••• '• '•*.. Tl cv nnd other rm- aeaied jiropufnls nt tht1 reiitiinr meeting NOTICE. Objections, if nny, should be mnde Im- lonahay, SurroRato of the County of r Good awnings are always good taste. And described lands and prcmi^en n M'p nfli'*' !"I,IIT hrrn rnr- of the Borough Council tn bi> held at the Take not ire thnt The Great Atlantic ediately in writing to Howard W. Rob- fonmouth, made on the fifteenth day wt forth in Itelesse of Part nf Mo n *},P wn}]{ pnice Mr. Pnna- Borough Hall, Sea Bright. New Jersey, :nd Pui'i/k Tea Compnny IIRR applied to Tts. clerk of the Township of Middla- t May, 194-1. on the application of Wil- tn^ed Premlfles recoTided In Rook . good awnings are the only Idnd we manu- on ThurfiUny. June lo, 1044, at 8;()U he Mayor and Council of the Boroujlh red E. Wlllffl, nriminlatrRtnr with will KC H46, for Monmouth County;— Ir'nth Miiy 2* under Miss i«. rn., or an soon thereafter as possible, if Hcfi Hnrik fora Tleriflry Retail DiJitrl- • (Signed) mnexed, of the estate of Helen C. Willie, AIJIJ thnt rertnln tract nf land • '!irr on. for lcRRinR for'a term to he-gin June Ifi, linn Liren*e for preminfn nituated at CARL BACHSTADT. leceased, notice i* hereby given to the remlsen situntp In the Hornutth of Uf facture and install. 1'JH, and U> and A mil an, UiG, with n 7 Broad 5lrce(, Red Hank, N. J. " redltors r>( aairi dereaned to exhibit to Silver In the rounty of Monmouth • further option of two ycarb, the property Officer*: NOTICE. ie Rubncrlher administrator with will nn- itatfi of Nrw Jeraey. i i owned by the Borough adjoining the "ohn A. Hartford, I'rcHident, Buena Vista Take notice that Tony Pinpltore In- •aerf, as aforeeaid, Uieir liehtn nncl de- TlERINNINfi at a point nn the nor! Finish Courses IVninauln Hotel property, formerly occu- Knime, Vnlhnllu, New York. snd» to apply to Mayor and Council of nanda nRninat the . fldtd estate, under irly Bide nf Uttlc. Silver Avenue wb! Supplies are limited this year, but we will pied by Surf Bathing Pavilion, for use an .. (I. Hntrmnn, 1st Vice President, 98 ie Borough of Red Bank for a Plenary nth, within six months from the date loint U the southwest corner of lands: a bathing .establishment, serving of re- Ridge Street, Orange, New JersBy. .ctail Distribution license for premises I the aforefinid order, or they will he rmerly Ttnthbun, now Younn, atid.bti At Blair Academy freshment*, parking nnd Incidental lines, '» II. Smith, Vice President, 383 Park ituated at 75 Lelghtoti avenue. Red orever barred Af their actions therefor e loutheAtft farner of the landi herv • do the best we can for each customer. on terms and conditions mom particu- Avenue, New York, New York. lank, N. J. • ° gainst the said nubscrlber, Willifim CriFp.-in I-ippinrutt, son larly iet forth in copies of a lease c v- Dated, Freehold', N. J., May I5th, 194*. lencribed: thonce (1) northerly nia ering nnld property now on file with the • A. Brooks, Vice President. SI 17 Objections, if any, should ba made Ira- he weflterly line of Inmls of forraei of Mr II nil MIT Willium C. Llppln- Borough Clerk, to whom hidden* (ire re- Jirownfiville Koncl. Mt. Oliver Station,' tedlttteJy in writing to Amy E. Shlnn, WILFRED F.. WILTJS. Intiibnn, now YounR, three hundred t\ '•'i:t '•! IIulili'ii'l I'.'irk. ;in\y fept tn a point: thfi '•'-. f-l !!,(:!• rcn ;ln-.V(- nf prndua- nvcnm\wni(*t} 'hy tntifipii rherks payable '. T. Bnfinwer. Vice President, 721 Car- NOTICE. 1) southerly pnrnHcl with the (1 to the Uoroii({h"of Sea nright for onr- roll plnrc. Teniu'Dk, New Jerney.- Take notice that Antonio Mazza In- NOTICE. nil!•*(», (hire hundred . feet more OP 1 ':'»:, ai ihr rommi-lirclilflll oxri- tn a point In the nnrthrrly «Ida of Ul hulf of the rent for the ent)re leim. l'. M. Bvniejt, Vit-e President, 1 Dolma nds to apply to Mayor and Council of Take notice that Sander* Cohen, trad- r '•>'- :•! Kinir nr^'lrniy, }-Jlairfitown, Cherk of the nui-res<<(iil hhliler Aliall he Road. Krnisdnlf, New York. le BoroUKh of Red Hank for a Plenary tr ns Sanders & Company, intends to Iver Avenue; tlienre <4) easterlr «' Pn''inlay. iipfl liy (he florough in pnyni«nt of the . L. Hint ford, Trenaiirer, .*) Creatmont etnil Consumption license Tor p'remlse* poly to Mayor and Council of the Bo-- thn norlhrrly oldo nf Little Silver A AWNINGS flr«t .installment of rent. The successful Ilnad. Montclnir, New .tfrsey. tutUed at 103 Herbert, street, Red Bank, Rh of Red Bank, for a Retail Plenary nup,Rpvrnty feet to the point or place I)iii!ii^ the pa M yi-;ir Ijippincott bidder will be reiiulied to cxrcule the :. W. Biirirer. Krrrelnry, H*# Ttwuit Ave- latribiition licenne fnr premise* situated heclimlnir. J u- <-;vr,i hi:-.' vainly Ic-Urr In fnot- l«use in the foim RTId under the tenil» mit,'Npw R.u-hcllr-. New York. Objections, if any. should be made im- fi7 Broad Street. Red Fjink, N. J. nnd conditions ^et forth in said copies 1 Ohjectlonfi, if nny. should be madr im- Hoincr intnnili"(l n* tho easterly *o**i ') .'.-«•.ir.minl' atvl WRR raptnin ore going constltutei thn Bonrd of icdtRtrly in writing to Amy K. Shinn, feel, from Little Silver Avrnu*» throt ; now on file with the Borough Clf.rk, nt ierk-of the Uorough of Red Dank. iediately in wrltiiiK to Amy E. Shlnn, -rl n v;ir: ity U-Unr for foot- or itfter thr nifptint,' f\t which tlic Bor- Di reel or* together with lhe following: lerk of the Doraujrh of Red Bank. In the hlKhwater murk of the Soi ough ncrei>t* f>nii) bill./ . 'tn reject any itnd all propound nnd to NOTICE. Ttnymond H. Stlllman, Hated NbyenV )jcc,'tlon*f If nny, ehouhl lie mailc* Im- CHAULKS K MOHAI,LKIt, ' for flomethlnn sticodily, you can- Ohjp^tIIIIIH, if nny, t Hnrough of Unl Bunk: ' " Shei count on The Rpcistpr want n/i erk f)f (ltr Bormiyh nf fled Bank. lerk of the Uorough of Fair Haven. )>ntH Mny j), mil, cohjrrfn* to do vour selling top you. (Slrnnl) , Buv « war Bond and Save ft life THE GREAT ATLANTIC A PACIFIC ' (Sign nil MICHAEL J, ARNONE. JR, pHrinnii, Lnbrecque St I3oiden» Sol I •—Advertisement, - TEA OOMPANYi HENRY. H, STADLBH. [S3 lines] 131 'RED BANK REGISTER. JUNE 8, 1944 Pa?e Thirteen.

more quiet ar.d r^vtreat attitude in James Blumetti H caa be by mixil. You should the sanctuary, mofe co-operation keep in mind that it represents a between the church school and the Christian Science Enlarges Store Annual Meeting of arjjer budget than any in the past morning worship, and more boys NOTICE five vears. In spite of this the Mis- and girls staying for the morning Reading Room Jame» Blumetti, whq bought the sionary budget -Is over-subscribed service. cigar, newapaper and, confection- by $200, and the Current Expense LET US TRAIN systematically. Church Edifice, ery business and leased the build- First Baptist Church budget will be met with no diffi- Pastor's class for church member- Closed Saturdays ing at First and Center avenue, At- culty whatsoever. ship Wednesday night Bible study, 809 Broad Street, Bed Bank I lantlo Highlands,. Ja»t September More than J700 was received In vouth programs Sunday 'evenings. T.I. Rt4 B.nk 3460-J. from William Lett, hag greatly en- the Easter offering this year. Of LET US EVANGELIZE contin- June, July and August larged and Improved the store by Pastor's Report Shows Church Affairs this amount about $100 was sent to uously. Personal witnessing, evan- OPEN DAILY adding the adjoining «hop formerly the chureh by uur soldier friends gelistic emphasis. in the service, 8 to 4 P. M. occupied by G. P. Roase, butcher. all over the world. goal of at ieaiit'lOG new members, Thi* it done for our employees in recognition Tha partition waa removed and th< In Excellent Condition—All Bills Paid You will rejoice with me when and win the boys and Kirls for Except Sunday and .you learn that our missionary giv- Christ. of their faithful services rendered last two stores made Into one. ing, including the World Emer- Holidays In the new section has been in- Rev. C, A, Thunn, pastor of the on being lust the find kind of folks LET TJS SHARE generously. that you .are. 1 challenge you tu gency Forward fund, is the great- Every member giving to the cur- Friday Evenings, 7:80 to 9:S0 winter. stalled a modern soda fountain. First Baptist church of Red Bank, fest in 25 years. Hear the last six rent fund, missions. World Emer- In a report at the annual meeting keep vour doors always open, the Vnar» of our giving: $1,301.93, The 30-foot counter haa been fin- doors of vour homes and the doors gency Forward fund. More mem- Here the Bible, tho Wurkj of ished In black and red, colors of of the congregation Wednesday Si,365.61. $1,623. $1,962.15. $2,113.44, bers practicing the loy of tithing. evening, May 31, stated that 23 new of your heart*. If you. do, the in- ;ind this p[L6t year $2,538.59. I will Mary Baker Eddy, Discoverer, and ' the local high school, which Isjirov- fluence of our church, which is al- pause a moment for applause. All of Us buy bonds and defense Founder of Christian Science, and ' Ing popular with the student* and members had been received Into the ready world-wide, Will be made all fitamo3 and support all the local all other authorized Christian Sci- fellowship ot the church during the the more strong. ^ " It was during the latter part of agencies that ma-lte our community ence Literature may be read, bor- Lawes Coal Co., Inc. other young people. Additional this church vear that plans were rowtd or purchased. year, that all bills of the church a happier place in which to live. fluorescent lighting haa been In- Our fifth University of Life was aid for tho new chancel windows The Public It Welcome ' stalled and the floor has been cov- were paid in full, five new window* not such a success as far as num- for our church auditorium. Three LET Us SERVE whole-hearted- SHREWSBURY, N. J. for the' church chancel had been ber* are concerned, but those who ly. First of all nur church by ered with new asphalt tiling. attended all the sessions were quite windows of the five will he me- friendly visitation, inviting folks to The enlargement of the store and ordered and would be placed in the morial.,. The center window will next few weeks, and that every lavish with their praise. In past be a memorial to Mrs. J*a;ic Bur- church and the church school, ami, stock was made necessary by the years we have brought In speakers u'c».-, Kiven bv her sons, The two by reaching visitors and inacti^* phenomenal growth and Increase goal Which had been Bet for the from New York and other places members. Second, our community church had been reached because end windows will be memorials to In business In which Mac Cozzetta quite a distance from Red Bank. the memory of George Norman, enterprises. Is associated with hie brother-in- of the splendid co-operation on the Some of the speakers were good Riven bv his wife, Mrs, George Nor- LET US LOOK FORWARD ex- law, Mr. Blumetti; who resides in part, of every organization of the and some were not ao good. This man, and her daughter, Mrs. Ron- pectantly. A new sense, of personal SPECIAL churoh body year our speakers came from rirjht ald I^Mullikcn, and to the mem- and .parental responsibility, a deep- the former Jansen house on Ocean wlt hl n our boulevard which he bought shortly Alfred Beck, the moderator, called l. . . church and community ory ofMrs. Ada- Stout, placed by er Christian fellowship, a full dedi- before buying the business. the meeting to order and expressed , ^dlc^on* tnt e"/^ the church. The other two win- cation to the life of the church and hU thanks for the number preaent gp| , ll-thoURht- dews will be War Service windows full dedication of our lives to one gave a endld we as a tribute to the men and wom- Jefius Christ, a larger missionary and ths interest shown. |out message. Those who spoke to en of the church in the armed ser- vision, a erowins appreciation of Three Local Youths o The reports read included that of jus and those who attended will vices, placed by the parents of the the word God. a more realistic at- church .clerk, George Chandler; have a fleecer appreciation of the service ncople. The windows will titude in winnine the lost to Christ, SOYBEANS GRADE 1 TIRES At Maxwell Field zreat problems we must face when be placer! very soon now, but will a vouth irrouo definitely following deacoru, Albert VanNostrand; trus zreat problms we must face when Hifhen yielding beta for tees, Warren Minton; board of_ fi- victory comes. not be dedicated until October as Christ, and a post-war vision of Ntwjerwy. Minim is Three youths from Red Bank It is indeed a satisfaction to be a pan of our 100th anniversary World needs. • and vicinity have reported to the nance, Everett Brower; church able to announce that whereas celebration. 120 diyi. pre-flight school at Maxwell field, treasurer, Homer Methot; mission- there "were no Sunday evening ser- This Ls a bier order. We are used Alabama, an Installation of the ary treasurer, Kenneth Brower; Spiritually and financially it has to big orders EO vice* for. many years, now the been a srood Vear and one of which Lcr'A burkfc In ivitli « bit ot B grin. 6.00-16 AAP training command, to begin church school, Joseph Harrison church la open every Sunday even- for New Jeriey. Mature! la ICO dayt ing for the sineine of hymns and we can be iustlv proud. But there Just take riff oil!- coats and tro to it; ' another phase of- their training- In and Alfred Beck; the Ladies' Aid, iamuch to do out there in the fu- Let/* start to *intr as wp tarkle the thing Se< Your Loeil Dealer NOW for toil TLl'S TAX • ' the U. S. Army Air Forces. Here Miss Mary Mount and Miss Grace ror Christian fellowship. We point ture, and to th69e tasks we press That 'cannut .1^ flojie,' and we'll doit. the aviation cadets are receiving Belth; the Women's Missionary so- with pride to our Slngspiratlon on. service each Sunday evening. For We must have objectives if-we RETCTWS TO POST nine weeks of intensive physical ciety, Mrs. Paul Revere and Mrs. ithc pajst two years many people military and academic instruction. would accomplish for God the S/Sgt. Joseph B. Sacco, son of NJ.FIELD CHOP IMPROVEMENT AS5OC. A. M. VanlMostrand; the B. W. JL, | found ereu joy and a real spiritual thin«s thnt need to he done, so * <»«».r«,o» wiik NEW JERSEY COUNCIL — Other Tires Equally Low These men are Cadets John A. Mre. Natalie Ferry and Mrs. Eliza-, lift as they have come and lifted Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sacco of Lit- LET US PRAY believingly for mJ H J. DEPT. of AGRICULTURE ; MacVeagh, 245 Maple avenue, son beth Magee; the Phllathea, Mrs. their heart*? in song. Just a few tle Silver, has returned to Kelly weeks a the men and women in the armed I of Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo T. Mac- Harry O'Brien; the Mary Mount ^° Slnesplration celebrated forces, for our church in all it« ac- field, Texas, after spending a fur- ! Veagh; Joseph P. Menzzopane, son chapter of the Women's Missionary 'jf «econtl birthday. More and tivities, for Allied victory, for the lough at home. He returned last Sold By | of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Menz- society, M* Grace Belth and Miss [ "^muTtf ^ ^inf£ '"ay salvation of the lost and for the November'from 50 months' duty in zopane of 33 John street and James Ella Davis; the Benior chapter [he church on Sunday evening, advancement of Christ's woi k Puerto Rico. On his Te^as BairJ-Davison Co., inc. J. H. MOUNT CO A. Swackhammer of Middletown. the Women's Missionary society,' There have been many special LET t;.S READ THE, BIBLE he will visit his sister and brother- FEED and FARM SUPPLIES ! Mrs. A. Newman and Mrs. William services in the church during the faithfully. Know your Bible, re- in-law, Pvt. and Mrs. John Petlllo GARDENER'S SUPPLIES Schenck; the Boy Scout£, Russell Vear. The children's carol sing, the lied the Bible message and ob- of Camp Robinson, Little Rock, McCORMICK-DEERING MACHINERY Cor. White St. & Maple Ave. Tel. Red Bank 404 The road to better and ! serve dailv Bible reading and LAWN and FIELD SEEDS business leads through The Tetley and the college counselor, 'Whit "hlte Christmas cantata, the CGood crayer. Arkansas. Pvt. Petlllo before en- FERTILIZER—LIME ter's advertising columns.—Adver Miu Dnrothir Brawn ; Friday drama and baptismal LET US WORSHIP regularly. tering the service conducted a law tUement aer- 176 West Front St. Red Bank, Iff. J. MiBB_DorothEntertalnmeny Brownt was. furnished by (dedicatiovjce and nChlldren of li. s littleday_ ' witchildrenh . More participation ln the services, practice here. Phone R. B. 1174 REV. CHARLES A. THUNN I These and many others have add- Belth, MIM Jane Thunn and Mrs.' ed to the beauty of our worship and Vincent Rideout have made church attendance a 'Pleasure and an Inspiration. I feel ^ ^hrstir!tual ut £ SS church are paid with a balance In ' high, verv high this past year." all the treasuries of more than Again our denomination sent out $4,350. The organizations have been a call for the ('World Emergency very active and have worked not'Forward fund. We learned that it SPECIALOFFER alone for the church but for all of I would be necessary for us to do the causes that make strong our th w did democracy. Missionary giving was i" « '«' the finest In 25 years. to our purses we placed our hand Drugs ~ Cosmetics — Tobaccos A report of the Finance commit- and drew forth $277.53 over la«t tee showed that the current finan- year's giving—$854.28 went In to 51 BROAD ST. Tel. R. B. 3940 RED BANK cial budget had been subscribed, our denomination as our share. and the missionary budget has Only 13 churches In the state gave more than we did, which certainly ROOFS gone over the top. ifl a errand showing. Let us pre- The meeting was adjourned to a pare ourselves even now for this period of fellowship and refresh-1 same task ln the • year that lle, orients served by the senior chapter'ahead. The reeds which were Ereat of the Women's Missionary society. I last vear are even greater now. We SCOT- $125 *5c A vote ot sincere thanka was ex-;wi11 d° our share upon this, our. tended to Mrs. George Eldredge de.n0£ 1™"°" can count, TISSUE 1 have sald over and over that ABSORBINE JR. Calamine Lotion SIDEWALLS and her organization for furnish- the one outstanding characteristic Ing the refreshments. of the First Baptist church of Red The text of the pastor's report.Bank ie the ability to stand by a c follows: thine until It is finished. Five years 3.0/19 Pastor's report at the annual,for our University of Life, two business meeting of. the First Bap- years for our Singsplratlon and nearly three years for our Chris- tist church, held May 31, 19U. tian Ministry to service men. For Aa we meet here this eveninz we ;3i months we have stood behind have already entered our sixth year jthe Saturday night open house fo:T of service together. Truly "we have service people The credit for Itits shared our mutual woes, our mu- success eoea to the members of the tual burdens born, and often for six committees. How I wish there SCHICK each other flowed the sympathizing were a few extra special nice words 25c WHITE ACE tear." Thev have been good years to tell of the splendid co-operation filled with hard work and oppor- of these men and women who have INJECTOR BLADES SHOE WHITE tunities taken hold of and seen come to the church week after through for the steady progress of week, through rain and snow, heat e the • • - and c0 d the accomplishment of ilsof Jiff!many! and cold' ', bearing their offerings of splendid things that it behooves us pie and cake and all the other good 69 14 things to eat. Hundreds upon to pause for a moment to give hundreds of voune men have been thanks to God. who pointed the our guests, and with one accord way and then eave strength for-the they have expressed their thanks tasks1 . Without Hifi help our la- for the kindness shown them. bora would have been in vain. What a wonderful thing it is to As a vear's work is completed it have so many friends scattered all 1B Interesting to zlance back to the pver the world speaking the good last report that was given. In that word for a church and a people report certain goals were set up who are concerned. PALMOLIVE EPSOM 35c for the vear, the vear that has just Another part of the Service Peo- come to a close. With total co- ple's Ministry is the church school operation we have completed every class that meets at the parsonage SOAP SALT goal that was set before us. As a each Sunday morning. There have WITCH HAZEL matter of fact, we now pride our- been serious questions discussed in e e selves In always going over the top this class, and the men and wom- in every taak set for us to do. We en have eone out better for having 3«16 have not set up e:oals and then 16 been a part of the discussion. This 19 stood aside and said. "Let John do it." We have all seen where our class shall continue to be a very best efforts could be used and we real part of our service to the men Learn how you benefit by Tilo's complete TILO T1LOCK ROOF. Weather-proof, weat- have placed them to the comple- and women in uniform. resistant, with the exclusive Tilo features that tion of the work. There has been You will be interested to learn control from factory material to finished job real sacrifice on the part of all and that the 22d issue of Pen Points is ...get the patented Tilo features plus appli- gire your home extra protection. Aak for an in- as a result we close the year know- just off the press. For 22 months •pection before aerioaa damage occur*. AUo all ing that we have done our very this little paper has followed our cation methods that none but Tilo can give best to further the Kingdom of boys and other church boys where- kindl of roofing for flat built-up are**. God upon the earth. And there ever they have gone. From India. $1.50 60c you. And with Tilo, one price covers every- have been many hours of work Italy, England, Iceland, Africa, and thing—no "extras". Special limited time given gladly to our church, for many other places, come letters HALEY S M O without work our desires and our saying. "Pen Points arrived today. KREML SHAMPOO offer gives even greater economy; send the prayers are so many words. The Sure was elad to get the little pap- work that has been done Is not the er. Keep it coming, for it Is such e coupon now. work of a few faithful souls. It a strong tie to our home church." Ls the work of all of us. We have "Pen Points is sure a great little 89 33 shared and shared alike and to- soldier, for It gets through when gether we will accept God's bless- nothing else does." It does take a ing. lot of extra time to get this paper Only TILO does all 4 out each month. Some things have For a moment or two let ua to be sacrificed In order for me to throw upon the screen the picture do it, but I feel that It ls such a 1 MANUFACTURES—HOJ its own modern of 1943-1944. We will gaze upon it vital link between the church and factory; brings you the latest improvements and then file It way saying, "We the boya that you would want me are on the way but we have not as to make the sacrifices In order to yet reached the highest peak. So keep the paper going. 35c $1.00 2 APPLIES — Only T.ilo-trained mechanics hats off to the past, coats off to the MODESS future." What we have just accom- This year has seen the establish- do Tilo |obs plished represents a good stepping ment of a new program known aa NOXZEMA Pkg. of 30 NUJOL stone toward the heights yet to be the Couple's club. Those who have 3 ARRANGES PAYMENTS — Convenient gained. attended the meetings during the e year will report with me , when I 49c budget plan During the year 23 new members TILO TILOTEX INSULATING SIDEWALLS. were added to our church fellow- say that It has been a great suc- 69 cess. There have always been ap- Cut your fuel billi. Keep home warmer in winter^ ship, eieht were received by bap- 4 GUARANTEES — Materials and workman- tism, six bv experience and nine proximately 50 in attendance and cooler in rammer. Permanent, fire-proof— surface there have been some months when ship backed by the big, financially responsible by letter. This is not such a good the attendance hns gone to 70. It •ealcd adoiiwt moiiture and dirt; NEVER NEED record and it is the hope of your Tilo Company pastor that this number may be fills n real need in tho life, of our PROTECTIVE PAINTING—pay fur themielve. church, and it Is felt that another Increased many times beforo an- year will witness many more tak- LB. AMAZING •AnotheAth r year, nnd it Is possible nlways have God's blessing upnn Omut Fla*M — rucilaln • til. for ua to report all thn 5ervlccs of It. Surely God has blessed us K«Wl.i III. c««n Cuitalnt, Dn»at«« i v through this past year. >• nanr »tft» mnttttt ' Fill out »nJ majl to the church well attended. Again it PROFESSIONAL NO OBLIGATION 1 was necessary for us to have two In a moment you will hear the TILO BRANCH NEAREST YOU Identical services on Eneter Sun- reporle of our treasurers. In them 1 GAL. Antcheck Ant day, with more people at tho ser- vou will sec the progress we hnv'o MOTHPROOFING Please explain y.our special money-saving mndo in a mntorlal way. Tho I vices than there were last year. It 1 offer oh roofs and side-walls. Is still a verv gratifying thing to church closed 1U voac with hun- 69 Traps METHOD seea so many service peoplpep e with dreds of dollars to the good. Thin TILO UB each Sunday. These men and Is no time to rest on our oat*. dhh Money will bo needed ln tho poat- now available ihurch In 'the' Heart of Red Bank." up a reserve. When It Is posfllblo for Home uie The sight of these splendid young to buv materials, much will hnvo tieoplc- elve us n sense of responsi- to be done. Let ua co on lavinu blllt.v as well as thn happy knowl- bv" as ngalnst that dny when our edge that wo are dolnc: aomethlnc rhmcli can bo made even moro 793 AMERICA'S LARGEST ROOFERS & SiDEWALL INSULATORS qullo construclitd In these trying beautiful and pffprtivr. 4 War days. I cRallenge you (o keep Tho hew financial Every Alom- I Sp«l«l« Thur.., Fri. «nd S.t.—WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO UMH QUANI1IIES, Page Fourteen. RED BANK REGISTER, JUNE 8, 1944 Belnwr Soldier Hilled In Texaa. IS EPIUPSY^INHERrfED? I JEWELRY REPAIRING Pvt. Vernon,t!. Gamboe of Bel- Opens "Invasion" War Loan Drive WHAT.'CAUSES.IT? mar was killed Saturday at Gatea- Watcbes, Clocks and Jewelry Cleaned ville, Texas when the motorcycle and Repaired at Reasonable Price! he was riding collided with a mil- All Work Guaranteed lor On« Year itary truck. His wife, Carolyn {will b^ FREE, while tfiay toil, lo any j H. ROSIN, Jeweler Lucille Gamboe, and ' children are lrtod«r writing lo the Educolionol Division, I 18 West Front St., Red Bank, N. J. living at Gatesville. SJJ Rffti Ave., New York, K.Y., Dep!.' F*-887 Tel. 7Z-M.

FATHER'S DAY - Sunday, June I8fch

Dear Old Dad "he's the fellow that's called on to foot the bills, to make repairs about the home, to settle disputes—in fact he's a handy chap to have around. . Why not show how much you appreciate him by remembering him on "his day." Give him Gifts from a store where he does his own buying. Neckwear - he'll be proud to wear - 1.00 to 3.50 Hosiery - that keep his feet comfortable Col. James B. Haskell, Fort Monmouth post commander, signs first application for war bond in the Fifth ("Invasion") War Loan 45c to 2*50 drive. Saleswoman is Pvt; Helen Katz, of Brooklyn.

Sport Shirts- for Joseph Pagano, physical education his relaxation - - Atlantic Highlands Instructor and coach, was present- \ ed to George Marchetti. Frances 1.65 to 10.00 Lybarger was the winner of the Graduates Receive American Legion medal award. One hundred point certificates jPanama Hat- for awarded to the seniors who grad- /his head comfort - Their Diplomas uate with 100 points to their credit and maintain high scholastio av- 3.95 to 5.00 High School Class erages . went to Marlon F. Groch, Barbara M. Baatner, Dorothy Kel- f SportCoat- for golf Of 42 Has Four In ler, Alma L. Llnclland and George H. Seeley. or boardwalk - - Service, More Going The class roll follows: Joseph 16.50 to 27.50 M. Azzolina, Marion E. Bailey, El- mer F. Beck, John C. Black, Marion A class of 42 was graduated from M. Boyce, Naomi E. Cann, Mar- Chip in and buy him a Atlantic Highlands high school last garet L. Caso, Frances M. Cas- Thursday night at interesting ex- sone, Robert E. Dawson, Jean T. Palm Beach or Tropical ercises held in the auditorium. Edwards, Elaine P. Ennis, Robert Suit and really dress Three of the graduates are now W. Freund, Sally Goodelle, Marion in the U. S. Navy and were unable F. Groch, Stephen J. Gross, Dom- him up to bo present. They are Edward inio T. Guzzi, Beatrice E. Hauser, 19.S0 to 37.50 E. Letts, Joseph J. Minor and Mil- Sidney Z. Heifetz, Helen M. ton B. Rossbach. Joseph M. Az- Heineck, Kathleen F. Kane, Bar- zolina of Highlands, Naval Aviation bara M. Kastner, Dorothy Keller, cadet, who is taking a .training Paul S. Klelnberger, Alfred J. course at Drew university, Madi- Koeppcl, Jr., Edward E. Letts, son, New Jersey, was granted a Alma L. Llndland, Helen A. Lynn, KRIDEL leave to receive his diploma, and Anna A. Marchetti, Betty J, Mc- Raymond J. Edwards, who took Laughlin, June F. Mount, Joseph — Red Bank — part in the North African Invasion J. Minor, Hazel M. Nystrom, Eliza- and was honorably discharged from beth L. Piacentino, Richard G. the Navy due to a recurrence of an Rast, Frederick N. Roberts, Milton injury suffered as a high school B.., Rossbach, Dorothy V. Rube, athlete,-was. also ..present. Await- Gebfge H. Seeley, Richard B. ing a call to active service are John Stockton, Betty J. Thompson and C. Black, class president, and Mil- Philip B. Woodward. ton B. Rossbaeli. A pageant will feature the eighth HA Dr. Richard C. Reager of Rut- gers university delivered the com- grade graduation exercises to be mencement address. Alma L. Lind- held tonight. The Junior prom Is land gave the salutatory and George scheduled for tomorrow and school H. Seeley, the valedictory. Se- closes June 16. lections were played by the school orchestra. Eugene C. Dawson of I the school board presented the Reverses Boro's diplomas, certificates and awards. Rev. Donald N. Correal gave the License Denial Invocation and benediction. The action of Atlantic Highlands The class valedictorian was borough council in refusing to re- awarded the board of education new a liquor license to Cosmos Radiant brilliance and perfection of prizo of $5.00 and the salutatorian Vasto at 179 First avenue, Atlantic received the faculty prize of $2.50. Highlands, on the ground the tav- cutting have made our" diamonds fa- The manual training prize of $5.00, ern was not properly conducted mous. From the largest sfone to the donated by Hopping, McHenry and for the 1942-43 fiscal year, was re- tiniest, each is a flawless thing of Frost, was divided, between Dom- versed Monday by State Beverage beauty. That is why for years people inio Guzzi and George Corrigan, Commissioner DriscoII. who did the best work in that The commissioner said the ap- of" discerning tastes have come to this course. John C. Black, class presi- pellant has held a license four store. Whether the "sky's the limit" dent, received the alumni associa- years and no charges of any kind for your purchase—or your budget de- tion award given to the senior who have been preferred against him. crees a smaller amount, the finest dia- has done the most for high school He said the licensee has been op- athletics during his career in foot- erating for a substantial period mond for your money is here. ball, basketball and baseball. The under an extension of his license award to the best athlete of the and no complaint has been made present school year, donated by to the ABC during that period.

Satisfaction two


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R o t>i st o red"', .fe weleVf'"" Anu'i'ican Com Society JOHN f. TROMMER INC., BREWERIES AT. BROOKLYN, N. Y. AND ORANGE, N. J . 3(i Broad Street Reussilles' ' Red Bank oi.iribU..d by: JOS. PINGITORE, Inc. LONG BRANCH, NEW JERSEY TELEPHONE IBS 'ASBURY PARE RED BANK REGISTER •\.

VOLUME LXVI., NO. 51. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE 8,1944. SECTION TWO—PAGES 1 TO 14 Teacher's Association. Cited For Bravery County Appropriates Leonardo Man Shrewsbury Council Wounded; Two Has Annual Meeting $50,000 For Jetties Made Prisoners Has Busy Session

Lieut. Wigdorwitz Miss Ella Healy Succeeds For Deal, Sea Girt Projects- Racing License Endorsed, Trailer Previously Reported Mrs. Manning As President Two Bridge Jobs Awarded Milting In Action Ordinance Passed—Other Business Mils Ella Healy, a teacher at The board of freeholders at Free- Pleasant Valley section wMt of A telegram from the War De- A minute of silent prayer, pro- River itreet school, was elected hold yesterday authorized the ap- Route 84, at a cost of $9,000. propriation of approximately $50,- Earle W. Hendrickson of Allen- partment stating that S/Sgt. Hor- P.BA Elects posed by Mayor Alfred N. Beadle president of the Red Bank Teach- More Than 100 ac town was appointed a member ofi « J. MacDonald had been wound- ston, for the success of tha inva- ers' association at a dinner meet- 000 to cover iU share of Jetty build- the Monmouth county library com- j *d in the Mediterranean area has sion, waa observed prior to tha Ing last night at Wlllowbrook, Fair ing programs at Deal and Sea Girt. Dahlgren Head mission to fill the unexplred term I teen received by his sinters, Miss opening of a busy session Tuesday Haven. Mrs. Howard E. Manning Get Diplomas Contracts were also awarded for the reconstruction of two bridges of the late Mrs. Addle F. Yard. j Anne MacDonald and Mrs. James night of the Shrewsbury council. of the Junior high school faculty, J and money appropriated for two The following resolution on the - Fagan, both of Leonardo. A let- Plans Made For Highlighting the meeting waa «n- is the retiring president. ter At Leonardo Others at Freehold. death of the late surrogate, Joseph j In which it was stated that Sgt. dorsement of the Issuance of a li- Others elected were Miss Louise 1 Freeholder Joseph C. Irwln ex- L. Donahay was approved: MacDonald was recoverin„g from Annual Ball cense to permit horse racing in McCue, vice president; Miss Lillian plained that these are the first to Monmouth county; passage of ah Jordan, recording secretary; Miss Class Member In "The members of the board «f I **>* wounds followed the telegram, be undertaken under the new pro- Mr Patrolman Gilbert J. Dahlgren amendment to (lie caning ordlnmnc* Margaret H. Thompson, corres- chosen freeholders . . . resolve; | s- Hortense Wigdorwitz of As. gram In which the state meets 50% bury Park last week ' received a was elected president of Local 39, prohibiting the use of trailers with- ponding secretary; George T. Lo- Service On Leave "We mourn the pausing of the of the coat, the municipality 40% telegram from the War Depart- Patrolmen's Benevolent associa- in, the borough limits as dwelling*; vett, treasurer; Reps W. Farris, Hon. Joseph Donahay, who served and the county 10%. ment stating that her husband, Lt. tion, which embraces Red Bank, denial of a request made in a peti- finance chairman; Miss Tina Can- Attends Exercises as surrogate of Monmouth county for 32 years. Theodore Wigdorwitz, will known Little Silver and Middletown town- tion from the local defense, council, nella, program chairman; Miss LT. WALTER J. HAULBOSKEY Freibott Brothers of Port Mon- signed by 44 residents, for the re- mouth and Jesse A. Howland and "We pay trTSute to his distin- Red Bank young man who had ship, at a meeting last night in the Bsrnadlne Stewart, social chair- More than 100 received diplomas scinding of the ordinance against Lieut. Walter J. Haulboskey, son Son of Sea Bright were the suc- guished record of service In the of- been reported missing in action in Red Bank borough hall. man; Mrs, Manning, Joseph A. Ver- at the commencement exercises of the discharge of firearms, and re- of Postmaster and Mrs. Benjamin cessful bidders on the two bridge fice he held so long. an air raid over Germany, had been dun« and Vincent Paladino, dele- the Middletown township high ceipt of an appeal for some action J. Haulboskey of Leonardo, Was re- jobs, the former on the Atlantic "We pay this tribute to the high taken prisoner by the Nazis. He gates at large, and Misses Dorothy school last night. Of thU number cently awarded the Air medal for TO a bombardier on a Flying Fort- to alleviate the "cat menus." Metzgar, Josephine Means, Vera township bridge, near the Colt's standard of service he required in 15 young men are now In the bravery in the South Pacific, it was ress. The news of his capture was The provisions of * the trailer Hennessy, Vera Vogel and Ruth I^eck Catholic church, for $6,460.30, the transaction of public business. armedd forcesf , one f whoh m was learned today. Lieut. Haulboskey obtained through the International amendment have already been set •Williams, school representatives. and the latter on Tinton Falls-Lin- "We pay this tribute to his de- present last night receive his is a bombardier. The medal waa Red Cross. forth in the ordinance published fci t Special guests, all first-year croft road bridge over Swimming votion to duty and his conscien- diploma. He is Vinceni t Moran, a presented by Lieut. Gen. George C; river for J9,02B. Pvt. Vincent J. T. V. Curchy, son The Register. [teachers In the local school system, member of an armed crew in a f tious service to the people of the Kenny. Appropriations aggregating (21,- county. of Mrs. Joseph Curchy of Port Mon- It was understood that th» re- [introduced were Misses Amy Navy convoy, and who' recently re- quest for rescinding of the firearm* 500 were also authorized for repairs "We pay this tribute to a loyal mouth, was listed by the War De- JShateauneuf, Rosann ^^anghan, turned from Russia. ordinance was made so that Victory on bridges In Matawan and Hoim- citizen and a genial personality, partment yesterday aa a prisoner ElBle Powers. Helen Rftce, Ruth Diplomas were presented by H. gardeners might be able to stop to del townships. Bridges MA-11, Ab- who was liked by all, and be it fur- of war In Germany. The Curchy Williams and Lester Kelly, of the LSurence Scott, president of the Red Bank Greets some degree the loss of vegetable* erdeen road, Matawan township, a ther resolved that a copy of these family have been reaidenta of Leo- senior high school; Miss Ragnhild board of education. The program by the use of a shotgun on the de- timber epan, is to be improved at resolutions be sent to Mrs. Dona- nardo for about five years. Lofstrand, Mr«. Louise W. Bell, theme was "The American Way," structive rabbits. While sympathl»- D-Day Solemnly an estimated cost of $13,500, and hay with our sympathy in ber The War Department this week Mrs. Dorothy Straub, William and student speakers were Edward ing with these residents, all of H-2, a steel epan In Holmdel's great loss." listed two Monmouth county sol- Adams and Ralph Mann of River Fink, who spoke on "America Our whom are having the same trouble, Street school; Miss Abderlene Heritage"; Carol Ralph, )'America People Gather At diers as killed in action in the Med- iterranean area, one missing in and not wishing to Impede them Benlley, Mechanlo street school, Our Home"; Nancy Nixon, "Amer- in their good work, the mayor, who Miss Laura Bohlayer, Oakland ica Our Challenge" and Bernice Churches to Pray that theater of war and one mtas- lng In the European area. . cast the deciding vote, said he felt street school; Misses Kathryn Fink- Connolly, "America Our Future." in view of the municipality being helner and Eileen Scanlon and Mrs. Big Racing Season News of those reported killed— Members of the class in the Red Bankers greeted D-Day so closely^ built up in many section! Charlotte Sims and Joseph Ver- PFC. Patsy Borelll of Red Bank armed forces, in addition to Vin- Tuesday with a prayerfor the suc- of the borough that permitting the. dunt of the Junior high school and and Pvt. lincofl^F, Kessler of East cent Moran, are Fred Elton, James cess of the Invasion and the safety use of firearms would create a haz- Miss Jans Whitlow, a new attend- Keansburg—was previously pub- Gooch, Robert Gray, Edgar Hahne, of those engaged In the attack. ard that might lead to loss of life. ance officer. On River Planned lished In The Register. Peter Hines, Jack Kaney, Raymond More than a thousand persons, It S/Sgt. Domlnlck R Lorusao of The appeal to the mayor and Tribute -was paid to Miss Lillian Kemp, William Kryncenski, Joseph Is estimated, gathered at the Pres- Belmar was listed as missing in council to do something about the Jordan for her service In the WAC; McCarthy, Martin McGuire, Calvin byterian church between 1 and 2 Europe, and T/Sgt. Arthur V. Line cat nuisance came by letter from Miss Tina Cannella for attaining Meyer, Ricljard Pomphrey, Arthur o'clock to seek Divina Guidance. Members of all creeds were sum- Monmouth Boat Club Elects 16 of Ocean Grove was reported miss- GILBERT J. DAHLCREN Edwin L. Best, who wrote that they _j master's degres this year; Miss Swenion and Robert Wilkens. were killing off the birds. The bor- Flnkbeine») for receiving an award moned to the church after a sound ing in the Medltarranean area. Other graduates were Catherine truck had toured the borough an- Patrolman J. Otto' Johnson of ough, he stated, has stringent regu- for a silver necklace of unusual de- Alsbach, Chris Anthopuloa, Lloyd New Members At Busy Session Middletown township was elected lations with regard to dog«, but sign In a New York city art exhi- nouncing the time and place of the Apel, Veronica Bachstadt, Audrey service. vice president and Patrolman Lewis nothing Is done about cats, which, bition; Miss Thompson for produc- Baden, Ann BarrlcelU, James Ben- Plans for a big sail racing sea- Eisner Workers B. Hendrlcks of Red Bank was are destroying one of the borough's ing the annual senior play; John C. nett, Mildred Bjorck, Warren Bot- Monsignor John B. McCloskey, son on the North Shrewsbury river named secretary. Patrolman Le- greatest assets. They are not only rector of St. James church, an- War Man Power were announced by Herman Wolf, Ebner for acting as chairman of tlno, Carmeia Cardner, Grace Join In Prayer ( Roy McKnlght was made treasurer. killing birds but also make the the borough recreation program; Casey, Mary Chanowich, William nounced the news to his congrega- chairman or the regatta commutes, Patrolman Dahlgren, who is the nights hideous during their matins; Chester ET Wllhelm for bringing Collinson, Norman Colson, Jane tion at an early morning mass. Commissioner To at an enthusiastic meeting of the local's legislative delegate, was al- seasons which seem to be every to Red Bank the shore conference Compton, Bernice Connolly, Alice Rabbi Arthur Hershon, Immediately Monmouth Boat club held Monday Services Held at so named delegate to the state con- month in the year. -traek team trophy; Frank Pingl- Crear, Vera-Grosbee,Gloria Crosbie, upon receiving the news in the night at which 16 new members vention to be held In September. morning, got'In touch with tt com- wer» elected.. .. The rjlerk was authorized to write tor* for producing a winning foot- Ellen Doyie, Fritzie Druien, Anna Speak Here Today Plant Yesterday Mr. Best that his idea might be a ball team; Edwin C. Gllland, sup- mittee of members of B'nal Israel Plans for the association's annual Duboy, Gloria Dawn Dykeman, The racing schedule, as well as ball, to be held September 2 at the good one, but It was ths belief of erintendent of schools; Harry C. Mary Ferrara, Edward Fink, Fred and members and . comnwJcants general club regulations, names of gathered at the synagogue. 1 Nearly 2,000 thousand worker* of Molly Pitcher hotel, were made. Po- the mayor and council that enforce- Sieber, senior high school principal Foerster, Dorothy Franklin, Mil- Will Address Red the officers of the club and ladies ment of an ordinance regulating Mayor Charles R. English called the Slgmund Eisner company, who llc« Chief Harold A. Davlson Is and Mrs. Ada A. Crandall, Junior dred Fisco, Bianca GalaJsso, auxiliary and other Information cats would be practically Impos- high ichool principal. upon stores to close between 1 and have sent not only fighting apparel honorary chairman of the commit- Dorothea Goeller, Donald Helik- Bank Rotary Club prepared by Secretary Edgar V. tee in charge. Patrolman Dahl- sible. Miss Cannella was in charge of 2 and Police Chief Harold A. David- Denise and printed on oardi dis- to the fighting fronts but also their er, Daniel Henderson, Richard sons, husbands, sweethearts and gren is active chairman and he The council passed an ordinance) the 'program. William Pazlcky, son dispatched police to all stores At Noon Day Meeting tributed at the meeting. Headrickti, Arthur Hennlngsen, relatives as well as 300 of their pointed Patrolman Hendricks as accepting the map of the new lay- who served one year as an ex to ask them to close. The response Cards containing the Herman Hetem, Dorothy Hower, racing own number, yesterday afternoon chairman of the ticket and program out of the tract owned by the Little Changs teacher In Honolulu, show was 100 per cent. Workers in war schedule, as well as genera] club Florence lull, Joseph Julian, Flor- plants ceased their Jobs momen- Dr. Charles A. Davies, area dir- halted their labors to Join In pray- committee and Patrolmen Johnson Silver Land and Improvement com- ed colored motion pictures of tha ence Klemm; Dorin Kohl, Mae Rose ector of the War Man Power com regulations, names of the officers and Hendricks on the mailing list pany with the provision that such Hawaiian Islands. Mr. Ebner sang tarily to offer up prayers and then er for the success of the invasion LaBella, Anna Mae Langt, Carl La (mission, will be the guest speaker of the club and ladles auxiliary and and the safety of our fighting men, committee. action is not to be construed as several selections accompanied by resumed their work with renewed other information prepared by Sec- tint, Raymond Malonson, Priscilla determination. at today's meeting of the Red Bank Promptly at 4:30 o'clock all ma. Members of the Middletown and obligating the borough In any way Miss Emma Lafctra, school music Martin, Katherine McCandless, Eld- Rotary club, being brought to Red retary Edgar V. Denise, were dis- to improve or maintain any of the supervisor. Present at the Presbyterian tributed at tho meeting. Mr. DenUe chines stopped. With somber faces, Little Silver police have been elig- ward McLennan, Dennis MoNicholl, church were Rev. John A. Hayes, Bank through kindness of Ro- workers turned toward the loud- ible for membership in Local 39, streets or roads in that develop- Faculty members in the service Claire Meade, Jean Merken, Shir- tarian Charles B, Gallagher. was thanked and complimented on ment. are MaJ. Cecil A. Graves, Capt Its pastor, Rev. Roger J. Squire, speakers of the public address sys- formerly confined to Red Bank ley Merker, John Miller, Gladys this job. It was announced that from June Dqnald A. Needham, Capt. Gerald pastor of the Methodist church, Last Thursday the Rotarlana tem to hear three religious leader;, members, since the first of the Mouraux, Nancy Nixon, Florence Whitney K. Munson was appoint- 1 to October 1 garbage collections B. Russell, Lleuts. Robert J. Pat- Rev. George Ammerman, pastor of were privileged to hear an Intense- representing as many faiths, de- year. Noll, Anora O'Herron, Robert Ollv ed advisor to Junior skippers by would be made Tuesdays, Thurs- rick, George W. Strauss and A, Le- the Reformed church, and Rabbi ly interesting talk by Mrs. How- liver heartfelt prayera. Many work- er, Audrie Olsen, Cathleen Peeden President Stewart Cook to succeed days and Saturdays. Garbage Is to Roy Baker; PFC Louis J. Jacoubs Hershon. Rev. J. W. Lee, pastor of ard Hymer. Mrs. Hymer discussed ers wept unashamedly as they Rudolph Quackenbush, Caro Dr. Milton Ross, who will assist be placed at the curb before 7 a. m. Miss Catherine LeMalstre is serv- Calvary Baptist church, and Rev. | the situation in Germany following thought of dear ones whose pa- St. John's Graduate Ralph, Geraldine Raymond. O. G. Goodwin, pastor of African | the last war, as an indication of the new official. triotism and devotion to duty had Applications for renewals of ing with the Intelligence depart- In his report concerning the rac- ment In Washington, D. C. Verna Raynor, Barbara Reed M. E. Zion church, unable to attend, i what may happen at the peace carried them into the fierce battle liquor licenses were received from Gertrude Roberts, Ray Rogers, sent messages. s table after this war. Aa soon as ing season Mr. Wolf emphasized on a grim mission. the proprietors of Shadowbrook Inn, Henry Schimmel, Arthur Scott, At the same hour special services the German general staff realized the fact that the club would have The plant, which a short time Brookside Inn and Log Cabin Tap Auto Driver Pays Helen Scott, Betty Sigmund, Dori were conducted at St. James they,had lost the war, preparations a skiff on the river on each racing before had been noisily bumming room and the hearings were set Smith, Marion Stavola, Patricia church. Another service was held j -were Btarted for this war. Aided day ready for any* emergency. as uniforms for the Army and for Wednesday, June 21, at 8 p. m. Fines Of $129 Stocker, Harry Taylor, Marlon Tec at this church in the evening. by dissension among the allies, An honor roll listing more thin 40 Navy were being turned out, was so A resolution of sympathy In the tor (McCulloh), Edgar Tramm separate treaties and arrangements club members now in the armed silent that the falling of a pin death of Harry G. Borden, who Arraigned last night before Act- William VanPelt, Raymond Vogel were made, all extremely ad- forces Is being prepared by Frank could have been heard. served aa one of the first coundl- ing Recorder Irving W. Teeple of Avis Walling, Selma Walters vantageous to Germany. Private Merrltt and will be placed In a con- men of the borough from 1926 to Middletown township, Charles L. Four In Family Harry S. Rowland first Intro- Gloria Werse, Rose Wilhalme, Don- investors in the United States loan- spicuous place in the clubhouse. duced Rev. Roger J. Squire, pas- 1933 and was a "good friend, help- Curley of Chapel Hill road. Middle- ald Young. ed six billion dollars for the re- The new members elected are ful advisor and worthy citizen," town township, was fined }102 for tor of the First Methodist church, Poisoned By Food habilitation of German industry, Harry Southall, Jr., Colin R. Sel- who delivered the initial prayer. was adopted. A copy will be spread leaving the scene of an accident which debt was later repudiated. lar, John Scully, H. E. Baumgardt, on the minutes and one sent to Mrs. and J27 for reckless driving after Then Rabbi Arthur Hershon of Clubwomen Hold Submarines were built in Spain, Everett Baynton, Capt. Gilbert Congregation B'Nal Israel followed. Borden. pleading guilty to both charges. Taken to Hospital and aviators trained in Russia, all Swift, Herbert S. Cox, Wellington John W. Parker, who has com- He paid both fines. The third clergyman was Rev. in violation of the Versatile treaty. Wilkins, Jr., Worth Cunningham Hugh Hasson, of St. James Roman pleted his years of service with the Curley was In collision with an- Supper Meeting After Collapsing The importance of these incidents and Harold S. DeVoe, all of Red Catholic church, who read the Shrewsbury Hose company, wai other car last Saturday night on lips in the fact that we and- our Bank. Herbert E. Gerdlng, Morgan President's prayer. It waa an im- granted an exemption certificate. Route 35, Middletown, and was ap- To Sponsor Play Four members of a family of five allies assisted and aided In the re- Rehrig and Councilman John pressive spectacle while machines A claim for $10 from Samuel prehended a short tims later by persons, victims of food poisoning, arming of Germany. If we are to Howie of Fair Haven, Riner Ham- throughout the plant were silent. Newman of Patterson avenue for State Trooper Carl Mount of the Here June 24 were treated in Riverview hospital have a real peace, we must have mer of Middletown township, and The prayers of the three clergymen the killing by dogs of five of hl» Shrewsbury barracks. Joseph Leo shortly after noon on Tuesday a strong four-power treaty, and our Kenneth E. Smith and Harold A. reverberated throughout the giant chickens was received and the bill of Newark was the driver of the They were later returned to their country must cooperate with our Duncan of Eatontown. structure. At Newark, In the plant will be paid at the close of the year. other car and charged Curley with A covered-dish supper marked home and reported this morning to allies as a militant Democracy in At a meeting of the ladies' aux- of the Slgmund Eisner company, a Bills amounting to $4,654.36 were leaving the scene after the col- the closing me%tlng of the evening havo recovered. keeping the peace. iliary held the same evening, plans similar scene was being enacted, approved for payment. lision. The reckless charge was group of the Red Bank Woman's were made for the annual party with local clergymen offering the made by Sgt. Elmer Swanson, who John B. Conover, 35, of Mon J. Allen Mohn, chairman of the Owing to the fact that July club Monday with Mrs. Burton mouth street collapsed in the street camp and hospital committee for and open house, sponsored by tho prayers. Fojirth falls on a regular meeting" •was following the Curley car down Moore as chairman. WILLIAM J. McCUE after leaving the house, evidently Monmouth county, presented Mrs. auxiliary, board of governors and The ceremonies were closed with night, the next session of the mayor the highway at the time nf the ac Mrs. H. Dalton Hall announced to obtain aid. He and his wife, Karen Burtis, who madee an ap- regatta committee, to be held Sun- the singing of "The Star Spangled The 34th annual commencement and council was set for Wednesday i cldent. Both cars were only that the club will sponsor a per- Catherine, and two children, Mary, peal to the club for assistance in day, July 2, at the clubhouse, at Banner," and echoes of the Nation- exercises of St. John's preparatory night, July 5. ' slightly damaged. formance of the play "Claudia," to 5, and John, 3, were immediately helping furnish "day rooms" in the the close of racing. More than 300 al Anthem throughout the factory school at Danvers, Massachusetts be given by a professional theater taken to the hospital where a five army camps in the county. Un- attended last year's enjoyable so- were at once a pledge and a prom- will be held Sunday afternoon. company, Saturday afternoon and stomach pump was used. The fifth fortunately, the government has cial affair and feast. Special tic- ise that the Sigmund Eisner "men Rev. Brother Benjamin, C. F. X., Evening Group evening, June 24, in the River Father Sloyan member, William, 10 months old, not yet broken enough red tape to kets for this event will be handled behind the men behind the guns" founder and first headmaster of the street school auditorium. Tickets by members of the auxiliary and Dance Saturday , was also taken to the hospital, but adequately supply these facilities, would do all in their power to school, who celebrated his golden may be secured from Mrs. Hall or he was not affected. . ind the soldiers must, rely on this will be available to club members. bring home tbelr brave fighting Says First Mass The annual summer dance of the Mrs. Robert Matthews. jubilee as an Xaverian Brother Capts. Joseph Bray and Charles organization. They need tables, The 1944 racing schedule follows: men victorious, God willing. his year, will be the guest of honor. evening group of the Red Bank Mrs. Clark E. Wallace reported Ericksfin responded to the call and chairs, davenports, desks, lamps June 17—Tune-up race, all classes As the workers filed out at the Among the graduates will be Woman's club will be held Satur- that the first Red Cross meeting Was Ordained at they summoned Dr. John B. Boyd, and any other articles of furniture ailing—2 p. m. end of the day, more than one eye William J. McCue, .son of Mr, and day night at Pleasant inn. Re- will be Monday, June 19, at the Red June 24—Tune-up race, all claases who, after working on tha family you can spare. Particularly urgent was cast at the company's servloe Mrs. Joseph McCue, Ridge road, Trenton Saturday servations should be made with Bank branch rooms when members nailinpr. 2 p. m. ordered their removal to the hos- is the need for a second-hand bar- flag which proudly carries its 300 ^unison, who has been active In Mrs. Noel Lartaud or Mrs. ROSB E. will make surgical dressings. July 1—Point race, all classes sail- pital. The Red Bank first aid squad ber chair. They also want a small fir. 2 p. Til. stars—to linger on the three gold athletics, Sigma Nu and on' the Wiley. Rev. Gerard S. Sloyan, who was was called. piano to roll around in the wards, July 4—Open race, all clajsea. Tljna to stars. fltaff ot the Concordia. Mrs. Dexter Jones is chairman, Samples of food eaten by the and any golf clubs and balls they be announced, ordained Saturday at St. Mary's assisted by Mrs. Powell Beyland, Annual Sale June July 8—Point raee. all claases sailing-, Cathedral at Trenton and who family were turned over to the can get. Musical instruments and 2 p. m. MrB. Edgar V. Denise, Mrs. Walter board of health for analysis. This comlo books are on the list. Mr. July 15—Point race, all CIMIM salllni, $5,000 Settlement Parent Fined For celebrated his first solemn high H. Dohrn, Mrs. Charles Hurd, Mrs. 23 In Shrewsbury consisted of lettuce and tomatoes, Mohn or Mrs. Burtis will arrange 2 p. m, mass Sunday at St. James church, Burton Moore, Mrs. Noel Lartaud. the only articles of food eaten by to have the motor corps pick up July 22—Point raee, all classes salllns. will be assigned to a parish with- Mrs. Lawrence Schilling, Mrs. Ross The annual summer' church sale 2 p. m. In Accident Suit Truancy Of Child in tho coming week. The church every member of the family who your contribution. . July 29—Point raee, all chutes ttll- E. Wiley and Mrs. Ella Wiltshire. n Shrewsbury will be held Friday, had been affected. Up to this morn- James J. Franklin, 43, of Eng- was filled to capacity at Father Mrs. Samuel W. Hauaman and iner, 2 p. m. Joseph Trlmbone of 119 Oakland June 23, from 2 to S p. m. on the ing the analysis had not yet been August 5—Point mce, all classes sail- llflhtown, yesterday at Freehold ac- Sloyan's mass. Rev. Robert J. Borden-Nevlua lawYi on Sycamore Mrs. Walter A. Rullman also at- ng, 2 p. m. street, charged with failing to send GRADUATION EXERCISES completed. cepted $5,000' in settlement of his his son to-school, was fined $25 by Bulman of New Monmouth mi avenue. As in former years E tended the session, and the Ro- August 12—Point race, alt classes circuit court action against the deacon, and Rev. Mr. Henry J. Tho annual graduation exercises white elephant" sale will be con tariana were pleased to welcome llllnjr, *2 p. m, Recorder. John W. Crowell In police of St. James grammar school will PRISONER Op WAR TEA. August 19—Point race, all classes Clayton L. Palmer company, Fram- court yesterday morning. A jail Burke, sub-deacon. Rev. Francis ducted by the girls of the Jolly them. litinir, 2 p. m. be held Wednesday nlgUt of next lngham, Massachusetts, for Injuries sentenco was suspended. The com- J. Dwyer was assisting priest. Workers society, of which Dorothy The home service department of August 20—Annual Willis A. Clayton suffered in a highway accident The sermon was preached by week at 8 o'clock and tho annual the Red Cross will hold an Informal rophy race. plaint was made by Miss Jane Anson, Grace Archer, Anne Binder COLLECTING CLOTHING. near Bridgcton April 23, 1943. Lieut. Walter G. Jarvis, chaplain commencement exercises of the and Janet Jones are officers. tea for tho family and friends of August 26—Point classes Whitlow, truant officer, and the ar- 2 p. m •The action waa settled in mid- of the Merchant Marine station at Red Bank Catholic high school will Serving on the various commit- prisoners of war from Monmouth Members of St. Anthony's church rest was made by Captain Joseph September 2—Point race, all classes afternoon after testimony had been New London, Connecticut. Mon- be held Sunday night of next week are conducting a campaign to col- siting, 2 p. m, Bray. Mr. Trlmbone stated that tees are the following: county'from 3 to 6 p. m. Saturday signer John B. McCloskey extend- in the school auditorium. Monsig- lect clothing for Italy. Those wish- September 4—Open mce, all classes given before Judge Robert V. Kln- his son, who was 15 years old, Food Table—Mrs. Hurry Borden, Mrs. of this week at the chapter house, ed his felicitations to the new nor John B. McCloskey will pre- Ida Berger, Mrs. Frederick Sickles, Miss Ing to give- clothing may contact ailing, time to bo announced. kead and a Jury. Tho settlement worked up until. 11 o'clock at night Broad street, Shrewsbury. Personal All races sailed under the rules of priest. •• side. Emma Uolmca, Mrs, Benjamin A. Shoe- invitations have been sent out by the church rector, Rev. Salvatore was negotiated by Theodore D. and was too tired In "ic morning maker. Mrs. Emerson Burnett. •he North American Yacht Rscing asso- Parsons of Red Bunk and Harold Others In the sanctuary were The address to the senior gradu- Apron Tables-Mrs, h'red C. England, Ira, Douglas E. Craik, county Red DiLorenzo or Anthony Sovlero. ciation. to go to school, ates will be given by Rev. John J. Mrs. Clarence Ueruer, Mrs. C. Frank prisoner of jyar representa- Clothing may be delivered to the McDermott of Freehold, represent- Rev. Kenneth Nugent, Rev. James Endeb/oek, superintendent of edu- Borden, Mrs. James P. MDrford, Mrs. ing Mr.^rVranklln, and Charles A. J. Duffy, Rev. Hugh P. Hasson, Philip Meyer, Mm. Wnjter H. Frost, tive, to the relatives') of all pris- church rectory on Bridgq avenue, Poor Dad! , RUMSON SIREN TEST cation of the Trenton diocese. oners of war listed at the chapter. or if possible a member of the He pays the bills, so—send him a Rooney of Jersey City and Charles Rev. Mr. Vincent A. Lloyd, newljr- Mrs. Richard Hummond. Frankel of Asbury Park, counsel orcinlncd sub-deacon, and Mr. John Children's Table—Mrs. David Man, A most cordial invitation Is extend- clothing committee will call and Hallmark Father's Day card June A, test of the siren on Oceanic 1 Hallmark graduation cards, gift Mrs. Irvlnjr Feist, Mrs . LOUIB Fetter, ed through this announcement to ollect tho items, 18. Also showing numerous Fath- for the Palmer company, Hook & Ladder lire, house nt Rum- C. Reiss, seminarian. Mrs. Qeorfte Flaccus, Mrs. Charles P. er's Day gifts. Fox's Gift Shop, 41 items, for him and her. Buxtori any relatives If they have not al- son will be mnde Saturday at noon. wallets, stationery, jewelry, com- Jones, Mra. Stephen Lowfv Airs. Minnie y y Monmouth street. Red Bank.—Ad- Gordon Cool Co. Alarm Clocks. pacts, etc. Fox's Gift Shop, 41 Aber. V ' ortlsement. - Refreshments—Mrs. Edward Anson, ready received a personal noto Thanks to the Firemen. Announcing the reopening of the Just received our quota of war , Monmouth street. Bed Bank.—Ad- Mrs. Forr'eat Smith, Mrs. Robert John- from Mrs. Cralk, We take this means of thanking Gordon Coal Co. Will bo able to The Red Bank Register Is sup- alarm clocks which are on sale alsV- 7itrS; take on a limited number of new ported bv local as well as out-of- 3ank store. We can also til" Campbell. Miss Mnnrnret Borden, Mrs, Red Bank Business Institute town business men. Advertisements' alarm clock* wlthli Auctioneer, Edward Conover, MISB Barbara Knnpp, t^Wift Mrs. William A. Shoemaker. * iummer school opens July 5. Reg- grocery storo from serious damage, required. Short hours, good pay. jln before coal cart be (Shipped. B, G. Coates, licensed and bond- istrations. Florence O' SJiea. Phono during thoilro on Sunday. Mount Apply Llggett's Drug Store, Broad Upper Broad street,'railroad cross- —Advertisement. on own premises. Racltl and ed, Long Branch, phono -3509.— Red Bank 683 after 2 p. m. HI & Hartmayer, 41 Broad streot, Red and 'MonmoVth street, Red Bank,— ing, Red Bank, N, J.—Advertise- 97 Monmouth street, Red Advertisement Buy » war Bond and Save ft LLfo Broad street.—Advertisement. Bank.—Advertisement .dvertisement. ment Buy » war and Save » life Advertisement. Page Two. RED BANK REGISTER, JUNE 8, 1944 followed at the bwie of. the bride's two sons, Sgt. William Sullivan Willow St. School Weddings parents. . • 6 County Girls Obituaries and James Sullivan of Brooklyn. Gardeners Howl Shirley Conover The brims wore » white Mtln QUACK ENBUSH—DBISCOIX princess style gown designed with NJC Graduates HENRY CAMPBELL MBS. ANNA I. ROMAIV. About Stray Dogs Becomes Engaged Has Graduation Announcement has been' made of a sweetheart neckline, long sleeve&t mid a euurt train. She wore £r The Register was notified by a Mrs. Anna I. Romain, wife of the marriage of Ensign Lqis Helen telegram received yesterday morn William A. Romain of Linden ave- Quackennueh, U. S. Navy Nurses fingertip length veil' attached to a 19 Receive Mar>'*tjueen of Scots cap. Closing: Exercise* lag that Henry Campbell, better nue, Highlands, died Saturday at Destroy Their Gardens, Colt's Neck Girl to Corpe, daughter of Mr. and Mis. known to his friends in this vlcln. Monmouth Memorial hospital, Emerson Quackenbueh of Little The maid of honor wore an aqua Held Yesterday Council Is Told Certificates net gown made with a fitted waist- Ity as Harry Campbell, had passed where she had been patient Wed Lieut. T. M. Duay Silver, lo Joseph Willard Driscoll, away Tuesday > at Santa Monica, week. She was the daughter of the line and bouffant aklrt and match- A petition, signed by flve reri- The graduation Jerclses of the V. S. Navy, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. ing hat. ^ Six Monmouth county girls were California, after an illneu of sev- late Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Crelgh- Mr. and Mrs. G. Rezeau Conoves Willow street school" at Fair Haven \V. Driecoll of Bixby, Oklahoma. members of the graduating class at eral weeks. ton and was a resident of High- dents of Peters place and two re- The bride was graduated from sidents of Broad street, asking th* of Locust Lawn farm, Colt's Neck, were held l««t niplil. The speaker The couple were married at St. Al- Red Bank high school and the New Jersey College for Women at Mr. Campbell, who was well past lands all her life. announce the engagement of thelf was Frank I* Wrinhelmer, princi- ba Ms, Long Ielnnd, Thursday, May New Brunswick and received their hi* 80th year, was a native of Surviving, besides her husband, council to take «tep» to round up brlde£!'uuiu \h a Long -Branch high stray dogs which they say get Into daughter, Miss Shirley Ellen Con* pal of the Rumson high school, and 11. school graduate. Both are em- degrees at the comiriencerntml ex- Shrewsbury, having been born In are two *Utem, Mrs. Margaret over, to Lieut. Theodore M. Duay, certificates were presented by Rus- ercises yesterday. They were Mias- the old Campbell homestead in that Spearing of Highlands and Mrs. their Victory gardtna «nd canoe i ployed by the Norwood Tire com- trouble, wu read at a meeting of U. S. Army, sun of Mr. and Mrs, sell H. Minton. president of the pany of Long Branch. es Mary Elizabeth Cunningham of' village located on Sycamore ave- George Smith of Staten Island. Grant J. Duay of Newark. Arthur place. Red Bank; Eleanor the borough council Monday night board of educntlnn. Class greet- The couple are on a trip to the nue. His wife is the former Miss The funeral was hlheldd TuesdaTd y Tilton of Harvard road, Fair Hav- Maud B. Stevens, daughter of the Mayor Charles R. English stated Miss Conover was graduated frong ings were piven by Jean Stadler, Pocono mountains. They will be 1 morning with a high mass of Red Bank high school and th* and the class B/sve a play "Junior's en; Arllne A, Armour, and Mary late Mr. and Mrs. William R. that the council some time ago bad at home after June 17 at 175 Wall Xenakes of Asbury Park; Irene B. requiem at the Church of Our Lady Harriette Melissa Mills School foe Journey." Stevens of Eatontown. requested, through the presB, "the street, West Long Branch. Harris, Long Branch and Margaret of Perpetual Help, with Rev. James co-operation, of the cltiieni of tbe Teachers In New York city. She The D. A. R. good citizenship Mr. Campbell was former presi- F. Murphy as celebrant. Burial un- received her bachelor of science M. Lyman of Marlboro. dent of tbe Red Bank Building & borough In restraining their dogg medals wore presented by Mr. Mln- SEIFEBT—VANGLAHN der the direction of the Martin fu- and said that if this co-operation degree in education from Adelphl ton to Amy E. Myatt and Bradford, Miss Cunningham Is the daugh- Loan association and for 4T years neral home was In Mount Olivet College at Garden City, Long Miss Madeline Selfert, daughter ter of Mr. and Mrs. Worth Cun- was a member of ite board of di- Is not forthcoming "drastto action" W. N'oyos. Kach graduate received of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Seifert of cemetery. The bearers were Wil- will have to be taken. A suggestion Island, last Wednesday. In her a bound volume of the Constitu- ningham and was graduated from rectors. He was cashier of the liam Rowland, Michael Mendes, Junior and senior year at Mills, sh« T Krueger place, East Keansburg, Red Bank high school. She major- former Broad Street National bank was made an ordinance re- tion of the l nlted States and also and .Spl. iRaymond F. VanGlahn, Thomas Gilllgan and Frank Pull quiring owners to have their dogs taught at the New York kinder- a copy of the State Constitution of ed in chemistry and received the and later was connected with the garten association school and at son of Mrs, Mary VanGlahn of Nep- degree of bachelor of science. She Merchants Trust company. Besides leashed at all times, but Council- New Jersey. tune place, also of East Keansburg, man Thomas M. Gopslll, chairman The School of Ethical Cultura. She has been a member of the Curie being active in financial affairs, Mr. will be a member cf the faculty of Graduates were Marie Theresa were married at EL double ring cere- Science club for two years, and Red Bank Woman of the police committee, termed Abblati. Richard L. Bennett, Caro- Campbell was one of the organic- the Rumson Country Day school mony Sunday afternoon In the rec- during her senior year was a mem of the Red Bank Rotary club, such a measure "unenforceable."' lyn H. Buchanan, Doris M. Cherry, tory of St. Mary'B church, New this tell. Miss Conover Is a menx ber of the Protestant Fellowship and he was made an honorary Granted Divorce Councilman Gopslll said that the ber of Shrewsbury Towne chapter) Doris J. Curtis. Joan C. Dangler, Monmouth, by Rev. Robert Bulman. and completed the war service member of that organization short- Rlna R. DeLlea. Marjorie DeMarco, borough Is having difficulty In Daughters American Revolution. The bride was attended by Flor- courses in standard first aid and ly before leaving Red Bank. keeping a dog catcher and that Lida Dunlap; Serge H. Etienne, ence Franklin as matron of honor. home nursing. Lieut Duay is a graduate ot Bar* Mary E. Hennessey. Audrey Ivong- For many years Mr. and Mrs. Another Given anyway moit of the dogs causing Cpl. VanGlahn had as his best man, the trouble are Iicemed. It was ringer high school in Newark. In streelt, Francis J. Maruka. Robert Campbell lived in Eatontown while 1034 he was chosen all state catch* Gunner's Mate Geprge Franklin, Mr. Campbell was "connected/ with An Annulment pointed out that three persons wer» M. Minton, Amy E. Myatt, Brad- U. S. Navy. reported to have been bitten by er, and was a member of the Ntrvf ford Noyes, Joanna Pocherl, Bev- the banking and building loan ac- York OlAntf in 193S and played pro- A white street length dress, white tlvleies In Red Bank. Upon re- Dorothea Marie Johnson of 335 canines during the past week. erley RosenherR and Jean E. Stad- accessories and a corsage of white fessional baseball for flve yean. ler. tiring from his professional duties Broad street, in testifying In a di- Daniel Herbert, proprietor of a Prior to his enlistment he was S> gardenias were worn, by the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell took up vorce proceeding brought, against boathouse at the foot of Maple MRS. JOSEPH W. "DRISCOLL The matron of honor wure a yellow member of the faculty of the United their residence in the Santander her husband, Franklin Poore John- avenue, appeared before the coun- Radio Television Institute at New* street length dress, yellow acces- apartments in Asbury Park. , which was heard yeotorday at cil to ask permission to erect two Morton-Dillon The bride was graduated from sories and had a corsage of whit© ark. In August, 1934, 1 testimonial Freehold by Advisory Master Alex- bathhouses on his property, one for Red Bank high school and Mon- gardenias. ander O. Trapp, stated that her men and one for women. He said Wedding Friday mouth Memorial hospital school of dinner «ra« tendered Mr. Campbell A wedding dinner, which only at Our House tavern preparatory spouse packed up and left the day that many persons visiting his Ml«s Marjorle Morton, daughter nursing. Prior to receiving her members of the family attended, place, most of them soldiers, want Methodist Church the Navy Nurses to his leaving with Mrs. Campbell after their third wedding annivers- of Mr. ana Mrs. Walter A. Morton commission in was served at the home of the ary because she had refused to in- to go swimming in the river and Corps in October, 1943, she was j for the Philippines, where they (ft Fnir Haven road. Fair Haven, groom. Were to make their home with Mr. vite her girl friend to the celebra- had no place to change their Bazaar August 3 will be married tomorrow after- night supervisor of „ obstetrics at | The bride was graduated from tion. He was said to be living in clothes. He aald he had extended Monmouth Memorial hospital She Campbell's nephew and namesake, noon to PFC. Zale Dillon, son of Middletown township high school Harry B. Campbell, who lived near New York. * the use of his boathouse to the Lt. Col. Zale Dillon and Mrs. Dil- is stationed at St. Albans. . and is eriTpToyed as secretary by Manila. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Mrs. Johnson, who was granted soldiers but that he thought two Will be Held on lon of Pinckney road. The • cere* The^bri.degroom has participated , GroBS)ngcr & Heller, Inc. Cpl. Van- left August 30. 1934, by steamship tho divorce and permitted to re- small bathhouses would be better. many will be performed at the Mor- in eight major engagements, and via tbe Panama canal and stopped Asked by the mayor if he Intended Lawn by W. S. C. S. ton home by Rev. C. C. Cole, Army sume her maiden name, Dorothea has recently returned from the awaiting overseas service, oft at points in California before Jlarle Jackson, stated that they to charge for the uie of the bath- Chaplain Corpe of Camp Wood, and South West Pacific theater of war. housei, he replied that he did not. making the Pacific trip. After were married at Elkton, Maryland', The annual bazar will be held by, will be Mowed by a reception. 'He was on the cruiser U. S. S. Salt FRANKS—ANNETT. spending several months in the He said he would also like to buy September 17, 1938* and had resided from the borough a small piece of the Woman's Society of Christian Misjs Morton will be attended by Lake City, and before his mairiage I Philippines Mr. Campbell had a at Hilton Park, Midiiletown town- Service on tbe Methodist church her twin sister, Mi«s Lee Morton. ' was a convalescent at the Naval I Miss Dorothy Almvik Franks, yearning to get back to the States, property adjoining his on the river- daughter of Mrs. Marie Franks of ship, and at Navesink. There are front. Mayor English referred the lawn August 8. Supper will bs as maid of honor. The brides- hospital at/ St. Albans. and Wey returned to Southern Cal- no children. She was represented served. Mrs. Roy Inscoe Is gtneral maids will be .Miss Lillian.Dillon of Oceanport, and Ewart Ford An- ifornia, where they had since lived. matter to the waterfront commit- nett. son of John Annett of New| by Thomas P. Doremus of the law tee, of which Councilman Gopsll) chairman and Mrs. Fred Boyd Red Bank anti. Miss Ruth Chand- HEATH—BURNETT firm of Quinn & Doremu«> and the heads the supper committee. Final ler of Maplewood. Lt. William Van- York city, were married Sunday at is chairman, and the latter said he HEATH—HENDERSON MISS ELEANOR TILTON. luit was not contested. would meet with him this week to plans for the bazar will be held at Pelt of Red Bank, who is stationed West Grove Methodist church, Nep- ARCHIBALD B. KNERINGEK the July 10 meeting. At a double wedding Saturday In tune, by the pastor, Rev. Donald Pearl Savage;- colored, of 16 Cath- discuss the matter. at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, will be Miss Tilton, who received the Archibald B. Kneringer, 59, of 8 erine street was granted an annul- best man. St. James church, Miss Catherine S. Stacey. A reception was held At a meeting Monday night In Marie Heath became the bride of degree of bachelor of science, is Second avenue. Atlantic Highlands, ment from her husband, Eugene F, Captain Robert A. Kennedy, Fellowship hall arrangements wew Miss Morton attended school In at the Rosevelt teavroom, Little the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Rich- Sgt. Daniel Joseph Burnett, U. S. Silver. died Monday night at his home. Savage of Leighton avenue. Mrs. director of relief, reported that completed for the ierving of ton South Orange and Bradford junior ard B. Tilton. She has been a Savage stated that her husband had $420.01 had been spent In May and day's luncheon of the Red Bank college in Massachusetts. Pvt. Dil- Marine Corps, and her sister, Miss He was taken ill last Thursday Miss Lillian Thomson of Chelroa- member of the Elizabeth Rodman night upon his return from the married her not knowing that the that H cases, Involving 21 persons, Woman's club in the hall. lon, who is stationed at Fort Dix, Mary Alice Heath, was married to ford, Greenwich Connecticut, was t Voorhees Chapel choir for the last Keyport office of the County Gas divorce from his first wife, Evelyn had been handled. Recorder John It was voted to give $28 towurfl was graduated from Red Bank PFC Alfred Henderson, U. S. Army. maid of honor, and John Annett, Monsignor John B. McCloskey of- two years and a member of the company, where he was employed Mayo Savage, had not been made V. Crowell reported tkat 20 persons stndlng four persons to the Pel* high rchnol Hnd attended Rutgers Jr., was his brother's test man.. Mabel Smith Douglass Music guild, were arraigned in May and that university. ficiated. A reception followed at as cashier. final. lt--was revealed that Savage nington institute summer school. the home of the brides' parents. She appeared In the student music Born in Bed Bank Mr. Kneringer had married his first wife under 5159 had been collected for the bor- Miss Flora Wlllgfes was Is recital with her professor and wai ough and |221 for th* county. The brides are the daughters of was a (on of the la to Mr. and Mrs. tbe name of Collins because he had charge of the program which fob Golden Hour & member of the Glee club In her Mr. and Mrs. William Heath of David Kneringer. He spent his been raised by relative* and did lowed the business seesioa. Mrs, Homes On Country freshman year. She completed a Riverside avenue. Sgt, Burnett is boyhood days in Ked Bank and not know hie right name until re- ABEA CHAIRMEN. William Macdonald «u In charge Holds Picnic war service course in home nurs- the son of Mrs. Molly Burnett of moved with his parents to Jersey cently. He served in the New York Four more persons have accepted of a devotional period during whtcb> Club Estates Sold ing. She- was also a member of West street, and the late Daniel Mrs. H. Park Lamborn of Rum- iity where lie attended high school. National Guard under the name of chairmanshipi of the current drive a typewritten short prayer was) the Education, club, and of her given to each member. Louis Parodi. formerly of Hack- B t, and PF-C Henderson,' par- son was hostess at the annual pic- He had mads his home in Atlantic Collins. for Monmouth Memorial, hospital. ensack and engaged In war work I .„,. .J „,. „„„ „„ ,„,.„,, £„„_ nic luncheon meeting of the Golden class hockey team. She took part Highlands since 1007 and "was em- William P. Fleckner has accepted The program centered arounA ents are Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hen- In a basketball tournament in her at the Federal Shipbuilding yards derson of Spving street. Hour circle of the Red Bank Pres- ployed for a time at the former BIRTHS AT BIVERVIEW, the chairmanship for Portaup-eck, niral life In Mexico. Poster* wer« at Kearny, has purchased for his byterian church yesterday on the freshman year and was a member Whlt'e Shoe store in Red Bank, Mrs. A. Barton. Cross, Oceariport, on display. Mls» Janttts Luclan la Mr. Heath gave his daughters in of the Etiquette club. Births reported at Riv«rvlew own occupancy the five-room house marriage. The altar was decorated lawn of the Lamborn home. now the John B. Allen Shoe com- and Charles Measure and Mrs. costume rendered three vocal num. owned by Fred J. Dietz, Jr., on Present were Mrs. Emil Bauman, Miss Tilton has taken a position pany. hospital were: bcrs. Various Mexican dishes wer» with peonies and roses. Mrs. H. To Dr. and Mrs'. Edward Mulligan Eleanor M. Palumbo Belmar. Wil«on circle. Country Club estates, Mrs. William- L. RuBsell, Sr., Mri with the Guaranty Trust company Mr. Knerlnger later took a posi- served. Raymond Philiips was organist, of Shrewsbury avenue, a daughter Middletown township. The house Sol J. Kessler, Mis. G. Stephen of New York city, and will begin tion as assistant shoe buyer with The executive board will hold an The couples were attendants for yesterday. HAS BIRTHDAY PARTY has attached garage. Mr. Parodi Young, Mrs. Henry W. Hance, Mrs. her duties July 1. Franklin Simon company and was outdoor luncheon meeting June 2S each other. To Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Savas- Diane' Getzler, daughter ot Mr. and his family will occupy it some Clifford A. Spoerl, Mrs. William H. Miss Lyman graduated with hon- associated for a time with F. Betz, at the home of Mrs. Roy Inscot at The brides wore ensembles of tano of Bridge avenue, a son, yes- and Mrs. Theodore Getzler of Mad- time this month. Wikoff, Mrs. Frank Sherwood, Mrs. ors In botany -work and was also dental supply firm. New York. He Foster place, Fair Haven, ( navy blue and had corsages of gar- terday. ison avenue, observed her seventh The W. H. Schramm six-room Jane E. Castle Mrs. William L. elected to Phi Beta Kappa. had been connected with the denias. To Mr. and Mrs. Donald Appl»- birthday Tuesday. Games 'were cottage, also situated on Wilion Forsylh, Mrs. Leon E. VanBrunt, County Gas company for the last SONS PROMOTED. The brides' mother wore an agua gate of Chestnut street, Fair Hav- played and favors given to Nancy • circle, has been sold to George De- Mrs. Paul A. Young, Mrs. Walter few years. colored frock with accessories of en, a son, Tuesday, Dahlgren, Teddy Leddy, Joyce Mrs. Mildred MacQueen of N«w» Mar for his own occupancy. The H. Frost. Mrs. Henry E. Tilton, Supper Given He was a life member of Mon- brown. Mrs. Henderson wore a red To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Warner. Stout, Miss Jean Bal and Mrs. Wil- man Springs road has received sales were reported by Rolston Mrs. A. G. Paulsen, Mrs. John A. mouth Lodge, No. 172, F. and A. M. costume with black accessories and For Graduates Jr., of Peters place, a daughter. liam Ball. word of the promotion of two ot Waterbury, Red Bank realtor. Hayes, Mrs. William S. Dean, Mrs. of Atlantio Highlands. Surviving "Property buying has reached a Mrs. Burnett, chose a green and Saturday. , her sons. PFC William MacQuesn, white print, with white accessories. Lcroy J. Bergen, Mrs. C. \. Osborn, Members of the graduating class are a daughter, Mrs. Allen Hunt- LUNCHKOV MEETING. who is in Italy with the army, baa new high for early June." Mr. Mrs. W, C. Conover, Mrs.. John J, To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dorr of All had corsages of Talisman roses. of the Willow Street' school. Fair lngton of Atlantlo Highlands; a Fair Haven auxiliary of River- been promoted to corporal. Russell Waterbury said yesterday. "Prop- Knodel. Mrs. Benjamin Crate, Mrs. Union Beach, a son, Saturdav. Both brides nre graduates of Red Haven, and their parents, were brother, Roy Kneringer, of Tea- view hospital will hold Its final MacQueen, seaman second clsss la erty turnovers are moving without Winifred S. Doollttle, Mrs. John B. guests at a buffet supper held Mon- neck, and a sister, "Mrs. Grace To Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Caftipf any slackening of Bpeed, Prospects Bank Catholic high school, nnd both of Prospect avenue, a son, Friday. meeting for the summer Monday at the navy, who Is on Atlantic dutft bridegrooms of Red Bank high VanWagenen, Mrs. G. Howard Lip- day night at the school by the Fair Thompson, who is now residing In has been promoted to a seiftnan for summer realty business In the plncott. Mrs. H. J. Wolf and Miss the Episcopal parish house. A cov- school. Haven Teacher association. • Long Branch, ered-dish luncheon will be terved at first class. Mrs. MacQueen's daugb* . northern section of the county have Ruth Paulsen. Rev. E. H. Cloud gave the invo- Masonic rites were conducted never appeared brighter, and it Is Sgt. and Mrs. Burnett left on a Church News 1 p. m. Plans will be completed for ter, MUs Shirley MacQueen, otM wedding trip to New York city, and cation. Graduates present were last night at the house by Mon- the annual lawn card party. jerved her 17th birthday Sunday. going to be busy day and niglit for Richard Bennett, Serge Etienne, mouth lodge and funeral services the agent with available properties will reside at San Diego, California. FIRST PFC and Mrs. Henderson will re- Highlands Lions Francis Maruka, Robert Minton. will be conducted this afternoon by to offer buyers, most of whom are Bradford Noyes, Marie Abbiatl, Rev. Donald K. Correal of the At- Shrewsbury coming from out of town." side In Philadelphia where PFC Henderson is a medical student at Mark Birthdays Carolyn Buchanan, Doris Cherry, lantlo Highlands Presbyterian The young people's worship ser- Temple university. Mrs. Henderson Highlands Lion club observed Doris Curtis, Beverly Rosenberg. church. Cremation will follow vice is at 10:45 a. m. A survey Is Dance Planned is a graduate of St. Francis hospi- D-Day and also celebrated the Jean Stadler, Joan Dangler, Rena Rosehill, Linden. being made of the names and con- Send Your Girl Graduate tal, School of Nursing, at Trenton. birthdays of three members at DeLisa, Marjorie DeMarco. Lida tents of the books of the New For Officers dinner meeting Tuesday evening In Dunlap, Mary Hennessey, Audrey MISS TILLEE JANE CAIXAHAN Testament. Tho junior choir will A Lovely feminine tribute of fresh flower*. They'll be doubly the "den"' on Bay avenue. Longstreei. Amy Myatt, Joanna sing. DEARBORN—WATSON Miss Tlllie Jane Callaban, 60, appreciated If they come from the Highway Gardens where The Monmouth County Officers' The three honored guests were Pochert and Helen Chandler. Rev. James Lundqulst will lead Service committee will hold the BALDWIN—DEARBORN life-long resident of Middletown Howard Johnson, Henry Fehlhaber Officers were Installed by Mrs township, died at her home in the worship at the 11 o'clock ser- every corsage and bouquet U a real work of art first.summer formal dance Wednes- At a double wedding Saturday at and Dr. Henry Ritterman. It wa« Charles Stlllwagon. Mrs. S. W vice. • Rev. Robert Johnson will day night of ne.\t week at Guido'e Chapel Hill l»te last night at 11:45 Christ Episcopal church, Ansonin, also learned that June 8 was the Burnham and Mrs. Lawrence Schil- o'clpck. She had been 111 for some preach on the topic, "Strength for Sea Bright yacht club, under the Connecticut, MiBs Henrietta Dear- birthday of four other residents of ling were supper chairman. Vistas." Miss Ella King, organist, supervision of Mrs. Monroe Eisner time and was confined to her bed HIGHWAY GARDENS born, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Highlands. They are Mrs. Ellia for the past two months. will play the prelude, "I Waited and Miss Laura Harding. The John W. Dearbcfrn of Ansonia, be- FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS beth Talmadg;e, Mrs. Mary Steel- MARRIED BY RECORDER Miss Callahan was born at Cbapel for the Lord," Mendelssohn; offer- dance is for officers of the Army, came t)ie bride of Joseph Banders' man. Miss Beatrice Walling and tory, "Air," Gounod, and "Post- TeL MSB Stats Highway S5 Bed Bank Navy and Marines stationed in this Watson, warrant officer, U. R. Mlsa Jacqueline Helnemeyer of Hill and was a daughter of the late Robert Lucas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Catherine Corcoran lude," Haydn. The senior choir locality. Merchant Marine, son of Mr. and Richard Lucas, Long Branch and Harry C. Adams, will sing "Near to the Heart of Mrs. Kobeil, Watson QI l^Ponanlo, Callahan. A brother, John H, died Jack Levin of hong Branch was Jr., of the Coast Guard, Monmouth God," C. B. McAfee, and John AT BOMBARDIER SCHOOL and Miss Elizabeth Baldwin, daugh- Beach, were married May. 21 by in November, 1938. ter of Mr, and Mrs. Irving F. Bold- the speaker and he had as his Services will be held Saturday Haigh will render the solo, "God Aviation Cadet Melvin E. Barnes guest, Ira J. Katchen, Long Branch Recorder Silas F. Cronk of Tinton Will Take Care, of You," W. S. Mar- win, also of Ansonia, was married Falls. The witnesses were Mrs. morning at nine o'clock at the Wor- has reported for duty at the Bom- to John Bartholomew Dearborn, attorney. den funeral home and at ten o'clock tin. Professional and recessional bardier school at Big Spring, Texas, Gloria Clancey and Arthur Grimeo son of Mr! and Mrs. John \V. Dear- of Long Branch. at St. James Catholic church, where hymns by the junior choir will be where he will begin his bombardier hnrn. Rev. Arnold A. FVnton and a requiem mass will be celebrated "Lead On O King Eternal," and training. He is the son of Mr. and St. James Seniors Miss Jamina Mack of Detrol "Jesus Calls Us." Rrv, James Morse of Anspnin, Con- and Stanley W. Jakuszewskl of by Monsignor John B. McCloskey. DAVIDSON BROS Mrs. Edward Ramps nf Morris ave- noclicul, performed the cereni-il. Mr. Watson 2 ecpJvrd his They were escorted through the Ocean Grove auditorium, and will training at the Merchant Marine* Flaccua of Shrewsbury Gardens. .40 DON'T DISTI'RB THE ROOTS, make her first appearance there mechanical department by Reginald MBS. HERBERT L. FOWLER. The meeting starts at 11 a. m. and Manhattan Don't dig up the roots of your academy, and is stationed at Fort B, Vun Krunt, who has been with Sunday at 7:30 ^. m. Mrs. McClin- Miles, IVlaware. box lunches are to be served. FIFTH Vegetables wiih the cii:tiv;iu>'\ .the. Register inpny years and who tock conducts the Sunday sings at Mrs. Cornelia Davis Fowler, wife A meeting of the officers and COCKTAIL 3 warns M. A. CUnk, county agri- is thoroughly qualified to explain the local USO club. of Herbert L. Fowler, editor and teachers of the Shrewsbury Vaca- GRIFFITH S—ALGOIl cultural agrcnl. Cultivating 3 to 4 tho mechtinism of tho stereotyp- publisher of the Atlantic Highlands tion church school will be held Imported Puerto Rico inches deep m;iy cut off MF per cent Ruth Cniilitbs, dnu^liter of ing, of mechanical type setting and SCRAP COLLECTION. Journal, passed away Sunday night Thursday, June 15, at 8 p. m. at the Imported HIHIJ tho opptaticm of the Kegister'a at her home on First avenue after of the feeding roMs of ihe plants. Mrs. K. fJrilliths of Mrrhnnii> .street. home of Rev, Robert Johnson. This The more inn'.s that arc rut olf ami Thnmns K. Al^'or, son nf Mr. In^'h speed, 16-page Duplex news Mrs. Margretta L, Reed, clerk of a long Illness. school will be directed by Miss Bar- CUBAN .15 1 (| pross. Shrewsbury township, announced Born in Cayuga county, near BACARDI the lower tbp yj'Jd will be Wby und Mis. M. K. AIK" ' f Neptune, bara Kna.pp under tho supervision .09 /•HI SPECIAL pay hard-earned money for fer- w fip married Monday nt HIP par-* In the group were Madeline Ab- yesterday that collections of paper Auburn, New York, Mrs. Fowler of Rev. Robert D. Smith of Christ tilizer and cut off tho roots so that smuiKe .of the Mat awn n Pioshy- b/tlemni'co, Mnry Abbatenmrco, and metal scrap will be made along resided In Coffeevllle, Kansas, for 4 church and Rev. James Lundqulst, RUM 4 UIN STILL Fifth Newman Springs road and Syca- several years before moving to At- ran '[ wet it Cu terinn church by thn pastor. Row Sisti'r Mary Agnese, Thomas Boy- student pastor of the church. plants itivfltp more av«nue and in Hance Parti lantlo Highlands with her husband Fifth How nn rl 1p;irlrrg" his or her Notices for the meeting were sent ald N. Correal, pastor of the cemetery. Little .Silver, for the run.* Hl:(li Ml. APPLE 1'c'illl from Monmouth Beach and bore Atlantio Highlands Presbyterian 4 of the Woithley and Ritteji plotn. mime H3 ft Hi)UV(-nir. RUlVl iic-i or Mr. and Wl!.- one-cent ndheslves of the recent church, and Interment under the CHUIST The of thli efctafe WHS left to Yirmr famous Americans series. supervision of A. M. Posten and 3 HAVANA SPECIAL HADASKAII MEETING. Shrewsbury. BRANDY W. Hates, .brother of the fninn-i Hf'd I'.;ir,U ICM- Sons took place in All Saints • Mine 1 he til .Mi uiplnin Culeiiniinm Zwitnian of chureh cemetery, Naveslnk. Sunday's services nre as follows: '.:il|ih DOUOTHV IIOWKIt ENGAGED. v.<. . ,.„ ,.•' M: w lit .jj "The 7:30 a. m., Hnly Communion: 10 a. • Hi- tho Chillies Howei of River Plaza an- 111., church srhool: I ( p'dock, morn- MISSION BELL M:,).,r l.'ui.- M. lla^ii: ;, ml I'... MICHAEL SULLIVAN. ing pniyer und sermon by rector, . lire (.Vvniuai'-iunei J. Kdwairl Wil- .•:.a|i!i-r oi ilailusbuh Uaughter, Miss Dorothy Howor, to •on of RumAon were speakers nt 'a: hi UU\ whoi'W'HM ^.'ivrn in ni."if- the hnijie ot Mrs. Nal Pomeranz Edward Rynkoskl, son of Mr. and summer resident of Leonardo for munioi n nt 11 a. m.m , first Sunday of s. meeting nf thr Mnnronuih County i- Ijy her fathiT, w;is attemli'il nt Littli'- Silvpr. Rxeeutlve board Mrs. Stephen Rynkonkl of River he last 20 years, died Wednesday each month. ." PORT, SHERRY, MUSCATEL Pollic Clilcfi- iii-sociutUm Turn'liiy In i . i.-t.-i. .M:-..- •Kliiri'iu-i: Ivy niccilnKs will lie held regularly In Plnzn. MIBS Hower will graduate of lost week at his Brooklyn home Got nn ice box to sell? Want to nigh', at the borough hall there. lij'l^i'.( K'ibi'1! Van.N'ote ci f older Hint the chaplei" can carry from' Middletown township high He was a° retired letter carrier. Ser- Ibuv a fur piece? You can buy and Police Chief Henry Kru»e of Hum- J)/»"nch wax brat man an'i on Rrd Cross and camp serving school this month. Mr. Ttynkoikl. vices were held Saturday at Brook- seil through The Register's want' ALL TAXES-INCLUDED ion presided. A dinner followed V. Onoilrid^n and John De- activities at Fort Monmouth and s employed at the Marlboro state lyn. 'ads. They're the most widely read "at th* Piping Rock. iuin wcie uthcie. A reception Camp Wood, hospital. ' Ho Is survived by hit wife and ]n this section.—Advertisement.

. • - '•—* RED BANK REGISTER, JUNE 8, 1944

a resident of Red Bank for the family and Mrs. Evelyn Zimxnerllch Mr. and Mri. Edwin Fomat ' «4 Wedding* pa«t few years. Surviving, besld*s Trubin Store Leonardo of GlendaJe, Jying Island, visited on Oakhurit; Mr. and Mrs. John ffcfi. htr daughter, are her brother, Wil- Memorial day Mrs. Jacob Does and erson and family, Tottenville, Stsism Nursing Association JONES—LANG (Tin tUi Bint. KmiHAr cm hi liam J. Lind«r of Jersey City, a bouKht in keanirdo m Fr*d W. Meyeru family. Thursday Mrs. Does had as Island and Mr. and Mrs. EdrnmWI Th* marriage of Miss Cecile grandson, Frank/ and a great- Gutted By Fire, »nd Wledmann'ii stone). guests Mrs. Frank Coleman and Tatarke and family, Metuchm. ' ' Jones, daughter of Lieut. Col. and granddaughter. The Ramblers met Thursday at family and Miss Irene Olsen, of Commander and Mrs. Allrtf Has Annual Meeting Mrs. Herbert A. Jones of Rumson The funeral was held Tuesday Market Damaged the home of Mrs. Al Knight. At- Bayridge, Long Island. Miss Irene Metsger have returned to Norfolk, and New York city to Joseph Ed- morning at St. James -church where tending were Mrs. William Budzin- Nathan of the Bronx, N. Y., was a Virginia, after a visit with Mr. aai ward Lang:, son of Mr. and Mrs. a high mass of requiem w»«. cele- ski, Mrs. David Mair, Mrs. George week-enjlrgruest of Miss Emma Mrs. Alfred G. Metsger. Alvin A. Lang of Passaic, took brated by Rev. James Duffy. The Firemen Prevent. Black and Mra. Olaf Christy, -Two Does. Frank Lawless of Woodbrldm.., Mr». J. Sanford Shanley Elected place at Central Presbyterian bearers were George Massey, How- guests were Mrs. Richard Neu and Mrs. Ernest Reusmann of Brook- has opened his Monmouth avtnuo church, Park avenue, New York, ard Lyle, George Massey and Spread of Flames Mrs. Laura Raedig. The hostess lyn is visiting Mr. and Mrs Martin bungalow last week-end. President—Reports Fiven yesterday. The cfcremony was per- Eugene Dente. Burial, in charge this afternoon will be Mrs. George Nelson. ^ John Franken and family of formed by Rev. Gale Engel before^ ,of the John E. Day funeral home, To Other Stores Black. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ishian and Newark spent ths week-end at an altar decorated with peonies, was in Mount Olivet cemetery. The Alethela club were guests family of New York have rented their home here. The 28th annual meeting of the white stock and cinerla blossoms. A rosary service was held Mon- Fir* early Sunday night gutt«c last Wednesday evening of Mrs. the Conorwich cottage on Glenmary Lieut, and Mrs. Frederick N«u, Public Health Nursing association Rumson The bride was given In marriage day night by the St. Vincent de the interior of th» stationery stojn Ralph Johnson. Prizes were won avenue for the summer. U. S. Navy and family will ba sta- of Rumson, Sea Bright and Fair by her father, and her gown and Paul society with Rev. Hugh Has- on Broad street, opposite The Reg by Mrs. Benamin Haulboskey and Miss Jane Search returned to bus- tioned at Raleigh, South Carolina.' Haven was held last week at the formal train was Ivory satin em- son in charge. Ister building, conducted by I. Ja; Mrs. John Grorteskd, The next host- iness In Newark Monday after an They have been visiting Mr. and home of the president, Mra. J. San- Mi. Wolcott who Trubin stors were destroyed. Thi Long. squad ambulance but died enroute. to 215. Albert Patterson, Jr., returned t nue, was married Saturday morn- refrigeration machinery in the week-end guests Mr, and Mrs. A. Mrs. Lewis Milford, Newark, and is In the medical corps of the Eliorett and family of East Orange. Reinhold is survived by a brothei; Soon alter school opened all chil- Pine Camp, New York, afteV a ten ing at the parsonage of the Red United States Army; two grand- meat store was damaged but fire- Miss Eileen Murdy, Irvington.were and a sister. dren were weighed, measured, eyes day furlough with his sister. Bank Baptist church to Sgt Glenn men managed to save most of the Teddy Bryan, son of Mr. and Mrs. entertained by Mr. and Mrs. George ("end ears tested and were given a children, and a sister, Mrs. Harold Theodore Bryan, was among the Mrs. Mary Boughy of First street A. Breuer, U. S. Army, son of L. A. P. Bennett of Red Bank. meat. Eight lines of hose wen Marx last week-end. SsoneT&l examination by the school used. children who took first communion Mr. and Mrs. Charles Foster of Got an Ice box to sell? Want to physician. All physical defects Is a surgical patient at Riverview Breuer of Chicago. The ceremony The funeral was held yesterday hospital. Councilman J. Albert VanSchoIk at St. Agnes Church, Atlantic High- Brooklyn, opened their home here buy a fur piece? You can buy and were reported to the parents and was performed by Rev. Charles A. afternoon at Trinity Episcopal lands, Sunday morning, June 4th. sell through The Register's want with the assistance o! the nurses, Jack Deleler has been home on Thunn, pastor. chairman of the fire committee, al and had as their week-end guest, church with Rev. Charles P. John- After the service a family breakfast I Mrs. William Keachlin of Brook- ads. They're the most widely read corrections were made as soon as leave from the Navy. He Is a Na- The bride was given in marriage son, rector of AH Saints church at a council meeting the followinj in this section.—Advertisement, possible. night, highly praised the work o was enjoyed at the home of his lyn. val air cadtt. by her father, and chose for her Locust, officiating. Burial, In charge grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward The doctors gave 177 special ex- Frank Boyle returned Monda; costume & gabardine ensemble of the firemen, declaring that thi Mrs. Mae Marx was hostess at | aminations with parents present, of the Mount Memorial home, was citizens of Red Bank could be jus Bryan, which was attended by the pinochle party, given at the after a week-end at hf« home from green. She wore a hat of white in Greenlawn cemetery at West James Bryan. Mr. and Mrs. Edward and 500 general examinations. From the Naval Air station at Quonset starched lace and a corsage of ly proud of their flre department. Oceanview Community flre house these 450 defects were found and Long Branch. Bryan, Mrs. Edward Daum. Kath- last Thursday by th» Ladies' aux- to date 301 have been corrected. Point, Rhode Island. orchids. erlne Daum. Mrs. John Frohnhoef- John Galm has moved Into thi iliary of the flre company. Prize Five pair of glasses were obtained, Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Clayton WILLIAM R. MURPHY. er, and Misses Lois and Georglanna winners were Mrs. Louise Krantz, THE CONCERT HALL nine tonsillectomlee performed and former Cantillion house in" Old Jr., the brides brother and sister- Wills Probated Bryan. Following hreakfast Mr. 20 dental corrections made. There Farm Village. in-law, were the couples attend The funeral of William R. Mur- Mrs. Josephine Batters, Mrs. Gus- at JO:-45 "were 31 children vaccinated. Vi had phy, of Rumson, who died Tuesday Harry G. Borden of Shrewsbury and Mrs. Bryan and family visited sie Piltzecker, Mrs. Mazie Holds- Schick teats and 39 received toioid. Paper collections will be resumed ants. The matron of honor was of last week, was held Friday af- member of the board of freeholder: Mrs. Michael McCormtck of New worth, Mrs. Marx, Mrs. Nan antftf. by troop 66 Saturday. Last week- attired in a navy blue crepe dress, York city. . - -- Pickeit, Mrs. Gertrude- Rech, Mrs. The board of education of the end the troop attended the three- with matching hat and a corsage ternoon at his late home on Bing for many years and former mayoi Rum son public schools employs a ham avenus with Rev. W. Calvin of Shrewsbury, executed his wil Mrs. Edward Daum and daughter Hannah Jefferj, Mrs. Emily Lawler, full-time school nurse. MIM Cath- day Comporee at Mennen Harbor, of Talisman roses, Mrs. Mary DeLong, Mrs. Lou Fair Haven. Scouts attending wen Colby, pastor of the Rumson Pres- May 9, 1941. Mr. Borden bequeath Katherine returned to their home erine Tlerney, who looks after the p A reception for members of the byterian church, officiating. The Hoeick, Mrs. Mary MacPhle and health and welfare of the Rumson Albert McCabe, Walker White., immediate families was held at ed $400 to the Shrewsbury Presby. in Newark on Monday after a visit tttaiie urg. The ceremony was performed cut grass or corn will furnish ad- May 16, 1944; left everything to his supervision of our cars and to the school held their regular, monthly .fay 28 at Lake Charles, Louisiana, ditional carotene. Bright green wife, Edith E. Rauh, and appoint- xnanv others who have in any way meeting on Friday afternoon. >y .Rev. Father Hannon of the hay and a limited amount of quality assisted us with our work, we wish ed her executrix In a will drawn For a Present with a Future Grace Greco, president of the club, Lrmy Chaplain Corps. silage Is equally Important during February 20, 1942. to express our thanks and appre- the winter. Avoid heavy grain ciation. presided over the meetings with all Both are graduates of Middle- other officers also present. own township high school. The feeding. The transportation report was Hospital Inmate Osptured. GIVE WAR BONDS given hy Miss Porter. The total For the roll call topic, each mem- Drldc was employed In the office of mileage on the nurses' cars was ber exhibited their twig chart ho Weston electric instrument 300 GIVE BLOOD Robert Morgan, 24, who escaped 13,315 milos last year. Miss Por- which was made up last winter and iompany at Newark. from the state hospital at Marl- ter's report follows: to which they have added leaves of Lieut. O'Noill Is a bombardier In Two hundred employees of the boro Monday morning, was cap- During the year from June, 1943, the same specimens. The program ha Air Corps and expects to go Signal Corps Ground Signal agency tured a few hours later at Mata- to June 1, 1944, there has been a committee for the meeting was (verseas shortly. participated In a mass donation of wari by Police Chief Edwin C. very slleht Increase In transporta- Theresa Petruzzelli, chairman; Na- blood to the American Red Cross Sloal. Morgan tried to throttle the tion. This of course is still due talie Mucclo and Marshall Whlt- MBS. ELIZABETH DONNELLY. last week nt St. James Episcopal ofllcer and then broke away. Chief to the shortage of rubber and the fleld. hall, Long Branch, Although em- Sloat fired four shots In the air but rationing of gasoline. The nurses, Mrs. Elizabeth Donnelly, widow ployees of the various installations when the fugitive failed to halt, a however, have transported 157 pa- During their program, each mem- if Francis Donnelly, died Sunday have previously donated their blood fifth shot wounded him In the left -4leiit»~tHi**Utoi "" ~ fr pf hor to this vital cause, this Is ien submitted to cap- cases, of course, were mostly emer- they had gained from their. laughter, Mrs. ttnV'" . (Established 60 Yeart) gencies. estry work this year. This was thB In closing.wo would like to ex- 91 Maple' avenue. She was the agency have congregated In one press our thanks to those who have final meeting of the club until •ears old. place for their donations. Because BROAlTsflir ^RED nrlven their services, not only at school opens next September at Mrs. Donnelly was born in New of the success of yesterday's ses- Tha roa'd .to better and bigger tims the group will again he ' York city and had rosldcd In that business leads through The Regls- fthe present time, but also in tha slon, another meeting Is scheduled tsr.s advertising coiumns.-Adver- reorganized. - city most of her life. She had been, for the near future. Usement. , TSge Four. JRED BANK REGISTER, JUNE 8, 1944 Belford after spending javera! day* SENTENCE JtTVE 15 Buchanan ft Smock Lumber com- pany, Asbury Park, May 14, and Elizabeth Waddell with her daughter, Mri. Merle Tinton Falls Aderlan of Jersey City. William Mnore. 55. pleaded guilty $20 worth of merchandise from the Goings On At « (The Red* Bank Reffleter can be : REMOVAL SALE ; to two charge of hrcaking and en Proctor Electric company, ateo at Home For Summer Mrs. Laura Lingo hai received bought at-Tinton fall, at Scott'a gen- terlng and grand larceny when ar- Asbury Park, the same day. Judge The USO Club word her son, Cpl. Hubert C. Un< eral .tore). /> r&lgned before Judge John C. Gior- Giordano will Impose sentence June go, has left for oversea!. Mr. and Mri. William S. England Aa our farm hat been sold I offer for quick re- By RUTH S. LEWIS Mr. and Mra. John Toman, Mr. -••--" B'a>| was flxe(j at $2,000. Moore Studies With' have received word from their son, | moval fine named varieties of Irises, Hemerocal- and Mrs. Frederick Toman and Pvt. Albert England, that he has was arraigned by A&sistant PrO6e- Mrs. Alvine Schierle ot Kearny $14495 from the cutor Edward\W. Wise, Sr. Madam Homer bean a patient in a taolpltal In Per Hs, Paeonies, etc. Some tree paenonies, French Five dances feature the activltlea were recent visitors at the home sla and vu recovering. They at- for the coming week. Leading off Miss Elizabeth Ann Waddell has of Mr. and Mrs. John Renton. tended the graduation Tuesday hybrid Lilacs and other shrubs. the week's list will be a dance to- returned from Winter Park, Flor- Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bckenon ol night of their granddaughter, Lois, night with an orchestra. Tomor- ida, and will spend the summer Summit were week-end guests of daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Lester FRANCES E. CLEVELAND row niKht will see the return ot with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Leek. England of Fair Haven, at Rum- WYCKOFF ROAD, EATONTOWN, N. 1. S/Sgt. Hart Webber and his HIU L. Waddell of River road; Fair Ha- Mias Marjoria D«nnlg jpent the. ion high school, Billy bam!,.featuring the new ar! ven. She is a vocal student of week-end wih friend* at New York Mrs. Charles Bell hai returned to Telephone Eatontown 491 ist, PFC. Bob Schilling and his city. Madam Louise Homer, foririei the home of l)er parents, Mr. and mi twiniinmummimttnim mmtm titmigiaBantuBttumiHiHiimiiitiUKUJi unmnuntu ui mi mmi m mmtn ninm mi i miuHmmmii S Hawaiian guitar for square danc Metropolitan opera star.' Dennie Lingo returned to New M,r». Henry Salt, from Linden, In- ing. London, Connecticut, after enjoy- diana, where she has been with her Saturday will present a apeclel ing a, ten-day leave at his home husband who la expecting to leave dance sponsored by the Trouper- here. loon for overseas duty. She is the ettes, a group of hostesses from Mrs. Edward Barnes entertained former Mleg Emma Salt. Roscllc Park and Kearny. Artie the members of her Thimble club Routine buslnwe was transacted Dorfncr and his orchestra will be at-her homo Tuesday evening. Pres- at a meeting Tuesday night of the on hand with the music. ent were Mrs. David Schnoor, Mrs, Tinton Fails fire company. In addition, throughout the week, Stanley Cook, Mra. Melvin Leek, Mrs. Leon Dlckerson of White NOTICE! will be Monday'a dancing classes Mrs. James Hubba, Mils Mabel Plains, New York, jpent the week- and Wednesday's bridge and card Lukcr and Mra. Albert Murphy. end with her aunts, Mra. C. C games. Sunday's coffee hour will be Edward Dennla, who left for the Cooper and Mrs. J. C. Hankiiuion. sponsored by Ann Harkins' and Navy May 27, Is stationed at Camp Barbara Berger fell from her bi- Belly Macintosh, leaders of Squads Peary, Virginia. cycle a few days ago and suffered All Retail Business 41, 42, 45 and 46, and Tuesday will Mrs. Laura Lingo and Joseph a bone fracture In the wrist. msrrk the advent of talent night in Havens spent Saturday at Lava- Members of the Tinton Fall! Red the USO sponsored by the junior lette, visiting Mr. and Mr«. William OF THE Cross unit are meeting Tuesday ho.stpssefi council. All talent In Chandler. and Thursday afternoons in the songs, skits and dancee Is invited Lieut. Comdr. and Mra. A. B. to compete on the applause meter local school for work on surgical Poole and daughter Linda Ann of dressings. They are making an en- for $5 in war stamps. Master of Brooklyn upent Sunday with lh«lr BREVOORT MARKET ceremonies will be PFC. Don viable record In turning out these grandmother, Mrs. C5. A. L«e. much needed articles, Christ. Harold Meeker Is enjoying a Last Sunday durinjr the sing, week's vacation at his. home on The ladles' auxiliary of the fire 39 Broad Street, Red Bank Mrs. Therpfia . McClintock sang, "I Guerney plac*. company will hold a regular meet- Heard, a Forest Playing," and Sgt. Leroy Henry of the Bronx spent Ing Monday night in the fire house. Harold Wedoking rendered two the week-end with, Mr. and Mra. "D-D&y" exercises were held bass solos, "On the Shore" and Rufus Eastmond. I Tuesday morning by the teachers which was damaged by fire Sunday and "pupils In assembly hall at "Hone But the Lonely Heart." KLIZABETH.ANN WADDELL Mrs. Arthur Comptoii of Hoboken school. Prayers were offered, ap- During,the past week additional spent the week-end with Mr. and afternoon will be taken care of at the propriate hymns and tongs were award certificates for more than During the summer Miss Waddell Mrs. Robert Crane. two years of service at the club will study, with Elizabeth West- sung, and there wai a general dls< Mr. and Mra. Wallace Miller »nd cuision of the Invasion and Its we're made to Miss Patsy Powers moreland of Now York city. She son Bruce were recent guests of and Mrs. Robert McCoach, Mrs. A. has been appearing in recitals In meaning. The program was opened Mr. and Mrs. Lester Daley of with a flag salute. , V. Stout, 'Mrs. Cecilia Franck, Mrs. Central Florida, and during the Brooklyn. QUALITY MEAT Charles Thompson, Mrs. James past season was contralto soloist Pupils perfect In attendance at Mrs. Emma Morris Is recovering the local school during May tallow: Abramts, Mrs. Conant Speer, Mra. at All Saints Episcopal church, from her illness. Eighth Grade—Hetty Archer, Barbara Flank Curtis, Mis. Henry Mecklen, Winter Park, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. F. Wright have Berirer, Ann Crawford, Blanch* Duncan, Myrtle Gaildla, Marie Hebron, Dorl. - SHOP - Sr,, Mrs. George Voorhis, Mrs. Ed- Miss Waddell wa3 graduated from moved to Long Branch, where they Mrs. Irving Wells, Reevey. Wllla Hie Savage. Roee Marie win Braech, Rumson high school in 1941, and have purchased a home. Beckley, William Homlck. Francis Mur- Mrs.' V^lllam Gaughn and Mrs, was awarded a voice scholarship at Miss Elizabeth Koch has opened phy, Robert Roche, Richard Romard, 21 WEST FRONT ST. RED BANK Ralph Legge. the Curtis Institute of Music, Phil- her cottage for the aummer. Robert Weg-eraan. William Wlneo, Chrii- Sponsoring the coffee hour last adelphia. She is a member of the .opher Teltlnx. ') Sunday were Kathleen Thornton, Monmouth Oratorio society, and a Seventh Grade—WHHara Hancock. Robert Lerner, William Mumfoid, Peter PHONE 508 June L. Williams, Marie Pignataro, former piano student of J. Stanley Navesink Va.ilik, Arnold Pane.a. Gene Schiafone, Fay Coreale, Jean Wilby, Ida Good- Farrar of Kumson. William Scott, Roy Betelnnn, Ruby Gad- speed, Betty Carton, Elaine Guder- (The TUil Bank Rmlster can be dia, Evelyn May, Beatrice Plummcr, Ade- •ousht In Navesink • t the poatofAct). line Veranfe. THANK YOU john and Mary Lou Inglis. Sixth.—Willie Daniel.. Edward Saturday night a USO camp Belford The war bond and stamp aalea by Gaddli. Alvin Grigfii. Elbcrt Origin. show was brought to the club by the local school pupils for May Norman Halvoraen, Stanley Mayerson. ALBERT M. KOITZ, Mgr. amounted to $259.85 and the grand ftonert Oaborn. Thomas Bomerd, Floyd arrangements with Lt. R. J. Hud- (Thr Rod Bank Register can be Schiafone. Ednn Mae Bernhardt, Eva dleston, welfare officer at Earle in lielfuril from H. CIny Hair's total for the year is $6,781.40, which Bowie., Juanita. Cooke, Audrey Jur.a. Service SUtion. rcan's Waiting is a splendid record. and Leonardo nnval ammunition Service). Elisabeth Pre.ncknfT, Dorothy Stevens, depots; Emmett Spurlock, director room and Stryker's New A party will be given the schol- Nancy Tupper, Jeanette William., Betty At the Sunday morning service in Wlngo. ol extension service in the area, ars In the school next Tuesday af- Fifth Grade—Marvin Berry, Herbert and Dick Campbell, co-ordlnator of the Methodiet church, the pastor ternoon, the day before closing for Bowie., Jamri Bowie., Allen E. Craw- READE'S Negro talent for USO camp shows. and the superintendent of the jun- the summer vacation. ford. Robert Iron.. Donald Reevey. Don- ior Fellowship, presented awards ald Simmonff, lAray Wlniro, Anne Bur- Top-notch nationally known talent The perfect record of attendance -owes. Margaret Madl.on, Natalie No- presented a 11-act performance that for those who had good attendance in school for May follows: Ick, Jean O.born, Verdell Wlnio. CARLTON THEATRE pleased an audience of more than records during the past year. Aud- First grid.—Liilie Mae Atkini, Sandra Fourth and Third Grade.—Barbara Ter»on»J Dirtctlon of Wattir Rtndt will make all your summer rey Hyers received the first award iaddl.. Joan Iron., Marjorle Steven.. 500 Negro servicemen and their Mallory, Beverly VanBrunt, Robert ame. Daniel.. Henry Baker, Michaai TELEPHONE BEt) BANn 1000 guests. The second awards went to Orman Drown, Robert Gordon, Bruce PttioM. clothes look smarter and Second grade—Georg? Keyei, Ray- Brown, Henry Carney. The artists appearing were John Hyers, Eleanor Myers, Arlene Second Grad.—Edward Turner, lAtlU Smith and Barbara Smith. Third mond Kutzla, Penelope Browcr, Mary iculthorpa, Roder Wllitrerodt, John we have just the style you want! Gardner, master of ceremonies, as- Brown. Llllo Bello Piltj. Blitz, Samuel Evini, Barbara Kater, TODAY—FRIDAY and SATURDAY sisted by Geneva Tinman; Thelma award to Ronald Hyers. Awards Third crftde—Jean Johnaon, Jetie At- Come in now for best selections! were made to the superintendent, kins. William Baker, Robert Gant, Rich, [atherlne Norick. Campbell, songstress; the Four Flr«t Grade—Ann Flnlpy. Glori* Her- CHARLES K. FELOMAN prtitn Miss Roberta Fisier nnd Miss ard Frost. io; Dorothy Scott, Bernard Dupra, Colemans, featuring two tantalizing Fourth (trade -Donald MaeLaufihlin, Klchter Ironn, David McMeari, David • Story of Ih« Start Wr dancing youngsters; Janle Mick- Grace Miner. Honorable mention Wilbur Wri»ht,. Lillian Kaye». f went to August Miner and James Fifth irt*de~David Wllliami. Edward "cott. ens, soloist; Abo and Anna, dance Steward. Annexe -Brower* liarcia Gant, Klnderutrten—Patricia Covlcl. F.ilv... team; the well-known Ruby Hill In Miner. ^una. Elaine JMria, Barbara Steven., I hlcuta£e Sheet Joan Phillip*. Bennett Carlisle. John Tompkin.. songs; Bea Harris, dancer; Gerry Petty Officer Jacob Schnoor of Sixth irade—Joseph Atltni. Albert Wharton and his guitar; Albert Wlldwood, spent the week-end with Sirklpft, Ijorraine Duanee, Gloria' Buf- hla parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles faloe. ^ Hunter, internationally known fa^ Bishop Wallace J. Gardner olthe Highlands vorite; Leroy Carrlngton, king of Schnoor. Trenton Episcopal dioceee preached (The Red Bank Reglattr can be tap, and the composer-pianist, Una Mr, and Mrs. Isaac Eisman o( bought In Highland, at I. Green.pan'.. Sunday morning In All Saints Bedla'a drui .tore. Joseph Starnen'a and Mae Carlylc, knewn for "Walkln" Jersey City spent the week-end at church and confirmed the follow- Union N.wi), By the River." J'l Sec a Million there summer home on Main street ing candidates: Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd to match every pair of, shoes! People," two "Hit Parade" leaders Mr. and Mrs. William C. Bcnning Th« executive committee of the B. Thomas and daughter, Midi Parent-Teacher association will Joe Small writ; ;it the piano. of East road celebrated their 21st Valerie ThomM, Miss Elizabeth 65 BROAD STREET RED BANK wedding anniversary yesterday, meet next Tuesday afternoon In the Stanton, Mra. O. James Barron, school auditorium. with a dinner party. Attending Richard Robert Curry, Waldron P. were Mr. and Mrs. E. Anderson, Smith, Jr., John Sheldon DeVerty, Mr. and Mrs. Sievert Walstrom Mr. and Mrs. J. Heffernan, Mr. and Bruce Berckmann, Jr., Mlae Su- moved yeeterday from Fifth street Mrs. J. Keveney, Mr. and Mrs. T. zanne Talcott, Miss Joan Ferguson to Hilton Park. Fallon and family, Mr. and Mrs. and Leslie VanPelt. Bishop Gard- Chief of Police Howard Mona- Frank Gettings and family, Mrs. E. ner was the guest Saturday night han attended a meeting last Thurs- Shied and Mrs. F. Powers, all of of Rev. and Mrs. Charles P. John- day of the New Jersey State Chiefs Jersey City. son at the rectory. of Police association at Newark. BEQUEST FEATURE SATURDAY NIGHT AT II P. M. Mrs. James Hubbs spent Thurs- Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Guiney of The date for the annual fair on Bay avenue are the parents of a Rosalind Ruisell — Fred MacMurray day in. New York city. the All Saints church grounds has Miss Theresa Gook and Fred El- daughter born Sunday at Mon- been set for the afternoon arid mouth Memorial hospital. "FLIGHT FOR FREEDOM" ton spent Sunday with friends in evening of Thursday, June 22. Pennsylvania. Charles Anthony, who has com- Richard Duane Is chairman of a pleted his "boot" training in the SUNDAY — MONDAY — TUESDAY Mrs. George Heyer and Mrs. Don- large committee. Navy at Sampion, New York, has ald Purcell and children spent Sat- Prayer services for the success been spending a leave with his wife urday at Engllshtown. of the invasion were held Tuesday and two children and his mother, VT. Mrs. Florence Powers of Jersey at 9:30 a. m. and 8 p. m. Mm. Ambrose Liming of Fourth City was n weck-entT^Jjuest of Mr. Plans for a frankfurter roast at street. rid Mrs. William C. Benning. Miss Belle McKelvcy's home on Mrs. Mary A. Parker, who won Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Mayer Chapel hill Thursday evening, July first prize at the Trailers club and sons Michael, Jr., Richard and 0 were made at a meeting Thurs- card party last Thursday night, will Joseph were Sundv fiuesU of Mr. day night of the Woman's Repub- be hostess at this evening'B affair. and Mrs. Harry Lange. lican club at the home of Mra. Al- Rev. and Mrs. John M. Long and Mrs. Melvin Leek visited Mr. and' fred W. Wright. Mrs. Parker of two sons attended a family reunion Mrs. John Barrata during the past this place and Mrs. Mary Noren of at the minister's home in BrODk- week. Highland*' were welcomed as new lawn. His two brothers are enter- Miss Rosemary Salmon of Key- lember/. Ing the military service. William port, Mrs. Albert Murphy of Con- Mr. aW Mrs. Robert Hamilton of R. Long joins the Marine Corps necticut, and Mrs. David Schnoor Metuchen were week-end guests of Monday and Frederick C, a young- ,'ere guests of Mra. Stanley Cook Mrs. Hamllton'a brother and elster- er brother, has been for two years Monday afternoon. in-law, Mr. and Mra. Thomas Fowl- a member of the Army Air Corps Mr. and Mrs. John H. Wermert r. specializing In radio, pent the week-end with relatives The 38th wedding anniversary of The Methodist church held noon- it Clarksburg. Mr. and Mrs. William Schneider of hour services D day. Many people Fred Elton, fireman, first class Valley drive and the second anni- joined In prayer for the welfare of if Boston spent the week-end with versary of their son-in-law and our men In the invasion army and his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Et- daughter, Mr. and Mrs! Edward for the siicceaa of our arms in Eu- on. Kelch was celebrated Saturday rope that the cause of right might Mra. Charles Devine of Bloom- night at the Schneider home. There prevail upon earth. The sanctuary Held apent the week-end with Mr. were games, dancing and refresh- was open from early morning until and Mrs. David Schnoor. ments, Many relatives and friends evening. READE'S Mlsfees Betty Teichman and attended the double celebration. Theresa and Denny Teichman of Passaic spent three days with Mr, STRAND THEATRE and Mrs. Charles D. Brown. Pernona! Direction of Walter Rfadv Ensign John MacDermott of MARINE ALWAYS TWO tIG HITS Notre Dame returned to Virginia ATLANTIC after spending three days with hla THEATRE parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mac- , HIGHLANDS, N. J, LAST TIMES TODAY Dermott. THCR8., FBI., SAT. Sit. Mat Jean Gabin II Betty Rhodes Mrs. Craig Finpegan is aorvlng HUMPHREY BOGART FRl., SAT. Sat Hat on jury duty at Freehold, ERROL FUYNN "THE IMPOSTER" || "You Can't Ration Love" Albert Langford spent Wednes- MICHELE MORGAN day at Belmont Park. PAUL LUKAS FRIDAY and SATURDAY Cpl. Charles Tllton, whn ha» heen CLAUDE RAINS JEAN SULLIVAN n India for somi> time, Is enjoying IN IN i 30-day furlough. •"Women In Bondage" A •»««". HAYDE* ON THE HOME FRONT, TOO! Mr. nnd Mrs. Donalii MacLeod "UNCERTAIN GLORY" and children Betly Lep and Jack, "PASSAGE TO Oa« Patrick - Nancy K.l.y » «J|,e |_aSf 1^5611131." HIS IS IT! This is the hi* push buy is so much more power be- of Indianapolis, Indiana, are sprnd- SON* MON., Sun. Mat. BUI Henry - Tola Birell T you have been ^saitinK for! hind the big push...the push that ng two weeks with their mother, MARSEILLE" HUMPHREY BOGABT This is the "zero hour' ! Our light- will send Hitler and Tojo into ob- Mrs. W. R. Jeffers. MICHELE MOBOAN ing men are ready —ready to strike SUNDAY - MONDAY — TUESDAY livion. •Mrs, Ethel Rlordnn and daugh- SUN.-M0N.-TUE8. CLAUDS RAINS anywhere .. . anytime .. . anyhow :pr, Mrs. Bessie F.kshorn. have Sun. Continuous from Z p.m. IN . . . BAR NOTHING! Get behind the invasion drive! Invejt MORE lhan ever before I ' moved to Red Bank. "PASSAGE TO Mr. and Mis. John Noonan of DANNY KAYE SHE'Ll What about you? Art -\0u ready Double , . . triple . .. what youVc MARSEILLE" to match this spirii with your NVar done in any previous drive. The Rimisnn wore Sundny guests or Mr. WRAP and Mrs. John Lent/.. DINAH SHORE - Bond purchases? Every bonj \uu job is big-you've got to dig! TOES., WED. YOU UP C. W. Rnirihiii'M n! Richmond Hill, LOUR Islaml. spent Sunday DANA ANDREWS RED SKELTON IN A ANN SKELTON with Mv. am! Mrs. William Fox. LATHER Mr. nnd Mis. Robert Lnthiop cn- "UP IN ARMS" BROOKLYN" DODGERS cttnirml irlntives from Bnynnncj OF In Technicolor IN BEFORE! and Diinellen over the week-end. "Whittling in Brooklyn" * ' .Mr. nnd Mrs. Chris Grnnone are WEDNESDAY—ONE DAY - ALSO - Lnudcrdalo, Florida. "The Chinese Cat" Mr. and; Mr«, J. Elgin have JOHNNY DOWNS THUBS. One Da; moved inTvtrs. John. 0'Nell'g .bun- IN . ROSEMARY LANE LEON'S galow on Pnlmer street. "THOCADEBO" JOHNNY DOWNS • Mrs. Clara Codicil 'at Belford — ALSO — IN USA 70 • 76 White Street Red Bank LON CHANEY "TBOCADERO" UNCHESUR and Miss Mary Carroll of Atlantic — ALSO - Highlands spent Tuesdny nt Radio IN ' JEAN PARKER * Tali li «n olflcLl U. S. Trcaiury •dv«nijen.ent-p, ,, , tp eJ , ,u>"'icci o( TreiIUIy Dtpjrlft(nl Jnd Wjr xdvtrtl.|n, Council * City. , . ,t ' -I "CALLING DB. DEATH" "DETECTIVE KITTY O'DAY" Mrs. Emma Suydam returned to ••••••M RED BANK REGISTER, JUN'E 8, 1944 rage Kve. Recent Sales And Lincroft Junior College (Tne Bed B«nk BtsiiUr 111 ba Rentals Made By bought In Lfneroft from Charifti Toop), Has 7 Graduates Pupils at the Sunday-school will give their annual Children'* day Ray H. Stillman program Sunday afternoon at 3:30 Original Class o'clock at the chapel. Children par- ticipating are Being coached by Numbered 127 Properties In and Near Mra, John Maujy^p Jr., Mrs. Har- Red Bank Have old Willgcrodt and Mrs. Charles Out of a elm originally number- Conover. Mm. Julia Malley ta di-Ing 127, seven students at Mon- New Owners recting music for older children, mouth Junior college, received and Mrs. Harold Perry, the kinder- their certificate! at the tenth an- garten department. Mra. Mary nual commencement exercises Fri- The office of Ray H. Stillman at Woodward has designed scenery to Eatuntown, hai rennntly comum- day in the Long'Branch high school be used In a play to be given by auditorium. The small class, ac- mated the tale of the following the Kindergarten classes. The fol- farms and homej throughout Mon- cording to school authorities' was lowing program will be given: "A due to the fact that war has caused sioutb county: Radio Announcement," recitation Mr. and Mrs. Warren F. Llndsey a large drop In the number of grad- by Harold Weiderholt; "The Face uating students »lnce' most of the of Rockport, Indiana, have pur- Upon the Wall Speaks," recitation chased the residence of Mr. and students are In the Armed forces by Charles Conover, " Thomas and have gone into war work. Mr*. George A. Inman at 68 Mc-Breckenridge and Harold Welder- Laren street, Red Bank, Mr. Lintl- holt; "Children's Day," a aketch to Dr. G. Enrest Thomas of Had- jey, who Is a Journalist, graduated be given by Barbara Stilwell, Joan donfleld, formerly pastor of St. from Purdue and the University of Graf, Hans Bergy and Amanda Luke's Methodist church, Long Kentucky. He was owner and Smack; "Wanted, Information," a Branch, gave the address. Edgar publisher of the Rockport Journal. O. Murphy of Farmlngdale, direc- recitation by Vivienne Bergey and tor of the county board of free- Why pay 10c a Ib. more? Asco and Acme Mr. and Mrs..Martin A. Dewey of "And a Child Shall Lead Them," coffees are "tops" for flavor and value. the Bronx, have purchased from recitation by kindergarten class, holders, presented the certificates, > Mr. and Mrs. William Adam, pro- Including Gail Perry, Rose Marie A talk was given by William Guaranteed FRESH—ground to your order. prietor* of the South Jersey Sur- Braun, Evelyn Layton, Suzanne Smith, superintendent of Long: Save labels for valuable premiums. gical Supply Co., Inc. at Red Bank, and BMy Toop, Julia Portin, Da- Branch public schools and chair- their river front bungalow on Hub-vid Bergey, Joyce and George Cla- man of the junior college board. bard avenue, River Plaza, Middle- jka, Abbie Ann Willgerdot, Betll Rev. Joseph J. Connolly, of the town township. The property ha» and Katrlna Camenzink and Sarah Star of the Sea church, gave.the a frontage on the North Shrews- Steinbach. invocation and benediction. Music bury river of 80 feet and an ap- was fflrnlshed by Chester A, Ar- Participating In a play, "In This thur's orchestra. proximate depth of 225 feet. The House," will be Edward Stilwell as dwelling contains eight rooms and Philip Rogers; Lota Owens, Mrs. . Student" jpeakers were Leo bath. • Rogers; Katherlne Graf, Jean Rog- Stuhl of Freehold and Margaret Special Combination Offer! NO POINTS NEEDED FOR THESE MEATS! The 60-acre farm of Ethel and ers; Edith May Mauser, Mrs. Craw- Curran of Point Pleasant. Other Edward T. Baakett on the Free- ford; Shurlee Bergey, Ellen, a graduates were Kathryn Thomas hold highway at BcoBeyvllle, has maid; Elcla Portin, Mammy Lou; JjaUrlno. Barbara Winifred Brown, 12-OK. Both for been purchased by J. Wesley Sea- Bill Smack, Peter, the butler, and Richard Henry Phoenix, Sara Rose Sammarco and Shirley Muriel Prem Can Fresh Pork Loins «• 29c man, Civil Engineer of Long Charles Conover, Dr. Folder. The Branch. Improvements Include Program will also Include group Zagury. With Pint Jar of RIB/HALF. Leon, delicious pork loins are rich in Vitamin B. an old-fashioned Colonial farm- singing and piano and vocal solos. house of six rooms and bath, and The Ladles' Aid society met last Center Cut PORK CHOPS it>. 35c the usual farm outbuildings. Mr. Thursday at the home ot Mqj, John Riverside Heights Princess Mustard 42 and Mrs, Baskett have removed to Mauser, Jr., and made plans for a No points needed! Buy now and save! Long Branch. bazaar1 and covered dish luncheon The Middletown Village social PICNICS Fresh or Smoked <» 29c Mr. and Mrs. George T. Marshal* meeting. Mrs. George Rlchdale pre- club will hold another game social _.,». CAM FIOUK Imagine, rich-flavored tender fresh or smoked picnics at only 29c! • of Colonial Terrace, Red Bank, sided and Mrs. Harold Potter in the rooms of Middletown council, Redi-Meat 33* Presto ^ Pk,. have purchaser! MIB. Joan Brad- served as secretary and treasurer Jr.O.U.A.M., tomorrow evening in ley's two-acre farm on_. Water in the absence of Mra. Charlea E. Eflert hall, King's Highway. Prizes Lobster ; 69* street in Tinton Kails. The cottage Leonard. Members have been mak- are awarded and refreshments are COID • Ready-to-Eat Hams (Skinned) *38c has a picturesque setting on the served. 0V ing aprons and tea towels and sell- Olives MEDAL banks of a fast-running brook. ing theae articles for the society Hn. Frank Scott of Headden's Flour Smoked, skinned, ready-to-eot Hams are economical, most delicious! The attractive residence of Mrs.treasury. More items will be made Corner has received a letter from J. J. Ballin at 119 Willow street, and special sewing will be arranged her son, Walter Baker Scott, a Sliced BACON !&„ y2 ib. 19c Fair Haven, was sold to Mr. andfor the bazaar to be held late In member of the Seabees, who is a Large White "Grade A" Mra. George A. Inman of Redthe summer. Mrs. Charles Conover veteran of world war 1, served Frankfurters/ . 37c of Broad street, Shrewsbury, have luncheon meeting at her home in Bee, a publication issued by his bat- *... sold their property on Broad street igvefett Thureday, July 6. Refresh- talion, has to say about Walter: Eggs 8f 43c Assorted 9c Sausage Meat Loaves !t Ib. Dried Beef «. 21c to Mr. and Mr«. Phillip T. Smith ments were served by the hostess. "The canny, likeable Walter B. L__ Serve famous Gold Seal «gai—ideal foi aviry purpaie. of Little Silver. The home con-Others present were Mrs. Lemuel (Scottie) Scott is a friend to the 1 tain* 10 rooms and two baths. Two Soden, Mrs. Carl BerW, Mrs. Stan- entire battalion, veteran and rookie acres of land were included In this ley Stllwell, Mrs. JaW« Sickles, alike. His cheery face and irre- Silver Seal Eggs SiT..' 39c Stewing Chickens '71 •• 41c sale. Mrs. Theodore Getzler.^Mr*. Mar- pressible good humor have made Mrs. Margaretta P. W, Harrison garet Bray, Mrs. Ada F. Wbodward him the battalion's No. 1 morale RED STAMP features -Gradde "A" BEEF- of Red Bank, has sold her bunga- and Miss Helen Cochran. Diane builder-upper. In addition, his abil- low at Brtelle, to A. Monti of Getzler and Edith May Mauser ity to "grin and bear it" when the LA\\ I^Farmdale ^ Toll +% "T Bogota./ were guesU. going got tough has been a source C Chuck Roast > 27cPLATE BEEF The William Hewitt 17-acre farm of comfort and inspiration to his lYI | LIV Evaporated ij ««"• Mm # Juicy, tender Grade A. Oil/ 5 point! per Ib, A pet show was held Tuesday at shipmates. In recognition of these N» point! »t Everett, has been sold to Mrs.the gramraer school. First prize 2 Cons for 1 Point. The Finest Quality. Why Pay More? 1" Cut needed Ann Casavis of Corona, L. I. fine qualities and light-hearted ban- Ib. was given to Charles Conover for ker we say "Hats off to Scottie," 'C 8 Points Capt. Lawrence J. Glacoletto of his rabbite and second went to Bleu Cheese ,„£.51 < Muenster Cheese^Jft Rib Roast M •» 30 32< For soupi ond jtewj. Not rationed. Middletown. has purchased a four- Mrs. Edward O'Flaherty attended The treot supreme—"tops" for delicious eotlng. Doreen Woraley for her kittens. the First Communion and Com- ll room bungalow of the Monetta Mrs. W. B. Dunlop left Sunday Gorgonzola ,<£.. 50< Pimento £*.7Z*. W Ib. Building Corp* on Villa Place, munion breakfast of her nephew, FILLET OF HADDOCK 33c to spend the summer with relatives Jackie Fee, at South River recently. Eatontown. at Duluth, Minnesota. Ib. b Another bungalow of the Monetta Miss Martha Hunner of Duluth, Over the 'week-end, Mr. and Mrs. Durkee Margarine ,"".££ 22c WEAKFISH 15c STEAK COD 25e Building Corp. on Villa Place, O'Flaherty entertained another Mlnneeota, has been visiting Mm. nephew, Jack Higgins of Morgan. PORGIES WHITING "lie Eatontown, has been said to Lt. Paul Cameriilnd. ' Provolone-Type Colored Loaf Cheese ,<>V 48c lb Edward L. Bruner of Philadelphia. Miss Marlon Tector of Chapel MACKEREL Sgt. Robert Daverio. V. S. Army Hill road ha> taken a position with Fillet of Flounder 37c Donald S. Klopp, a teacher In the Air Corps, who i« stationed at !>e- the Monmouth Monument company Red Bank high school and organ- Ridder Held, Louisianna, ie home of West Long Branch, at Its branch NO POINTS NEEDED ist of the Reformed church In RedOn a 24-day furlough, visiting his place of business at Headden's Cor- Bank, has purchased the George parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dante,Da- No Points Needed! 16-01. Marshall cottage st 40 Salem Lane verio. ner. In Little Silver. Natalie Hunter, daughter of Mr. Cpl. George L. Mott, stationed at 'Standard Quality asco Jar, M -«„ Frank S. Newmann. auditor of and Mrs. John Hunter, i> recover- the Army air base at Bartow, Flor- Peanut Butter Jor 25 the Bank of Manhattan Co., 40ing from an operation. ida, is at the home of his mother, Grade A X-JC Wall street, New Tork city, has Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Layton and Mrs. Julia Mott of Fairfleld Gar- Finest No. 1 peanuts and salt blended to a perfect smooth, rich flavor! dens, enjoying a furlough until Tomatoes Quart Flu« purchased Miss Bertha Maser's cot- Evelyn Layton epent Sunday at Nabisco Graham Crackers J; 19tf Beverages Rob Roy Botil. tage oh the Colt's N'eck-Freehold Summit with Mr. and Mrs. John June 19. highway. The property comprise* Adams. Mrs. Albert E. Snyder of Conover TOMATOES Farmdok HC one acre of land. Mrs. Lewis S. Thompson, Sr, Isplace and her sister, Mrs. Anna Nabisco Shredded Wheat ,X 1H Beverages Bala Club Knoehe, of North Bergen, were PEAS Hurlock Brand HI No. 7 Me.,and Mrs. Samuel E. Heed of entertaining as her guest at Brook- Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. Baby Arrowroot Crackers j™ ,T,.15tf Grapefruit Juice OLENWOOD •Mfc Riverside Heights. Middletown, dale farm, Dr. Mariam VanWaters Snyder's brother-in-law, George A. N h»ve sold their residence on Lafay- of Framlngham, Massachusetts. pks SMITH$ l»-oi. Snyder of Locust. CORN asco ^^1CV 13c Gumpert's Dessert iUnScH 5tf Green Split Peas ette street. Long Branch, to Mr. Mixaei Mary and Ella Kelly spent In a baseball game played on the and Mrs. Charles A. Summer of last week with friends at New Fin Quart Leonardo high school diamond last Whole Kernel Corn* •*• 14c Gold Seal Noodles *" "Til v 13tf Asco Cider Vinegar Boill. West Long Branch. York city. week a team representing Fair P 9 The three-acre farm of Ray C. Mrs. James Soden is having ex- View school and one representing String Beans Farmdah Summers on the northwest corner tensive improvements made to herLeonardo played to a tie, 2-2. Woodburv Facial Soap 3 -**• Hi PreservingJars £?*£ 55< ST 65tf of ^lonmouth road and Parker home on Middletown road. The Mrs. Ada F. Woodward was a road, West Long Branch, has been work is being done by John Soden Monday visitor at New York city. pgc.r 24x33" Window Screens »* 651 Princess Wax Paper -»••• 5$ sold to Mr. and Mrs. Byron S. An-of Eeverett. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Clayton derson of Long Branch. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCarron and son were Sunday guests at the Wax Beans A one-acre farm on Nutswamp spent yesterday at Elmhurst, Long home of Mrs. Elizabeth Magee at Sup re me Enriched Bread afc-lEi 9c Island, vteltlng Mrs. Julia Stumpf. road. Middletown. has been told for Red Bank, where they went to see BEETS * Doted for freshness. Enriched with vitamin BI, B2, niacin and iron. Why pay more? George J. Ulrlchny of Irvlngton, to Leigh Cotton has returned from Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Magee. Eu- NO POINTS NEEDED! Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Neubert of New York city and wil spend the gene, son of Mrs. Elizabeth Magee, Middletown. V summer at Greentree farm. has been in the armed service of Duff's Hot Muffin Mix £5. 20c A plot of land 150 f«et square In Charles Henschel spent the week- the United States for eight months High View Park, Manasquan, has end at Hil» Top Apple farm with and is now on a seven-day furlough, been sold for Wellington Wilkins, his son, Earl Henschel. Charles is the first he has had since entering BLUE Stamp Features Sr., of Tinton Falls, to Mrs. Janle a resident of Massachusetts. the army. He is stationed at Louis- GlENWOOD Marie Morris of Manasquan. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Braun en- ville, Kentucky. Serve Acme's Finer, Fresher Produce! Apple Butter <~i°r 2^35c A six-acre farm on Wyckoff road, tertained over the week-end Mr. Mrs. William Schrumpf and hei1 COIUGE INN TOMATO l«-si. can Eatontown, has been sold to Mr.and Mre. Otto- Deck and Billy and daughter, Mrs. Tracy, and her two «,,„. ptr iPr J Ftlnh and Mrs. Harry S. Ltppincott of Rudolph Deck of Irvlngton. children, Marlaya and James Tracy, Fresh H ^N Juice Cocktail £E20< Long Branch, for Octave West- Mr. and Mr?. James Hennabane were recent visitors of relatives at ' LAKE SHORE - brook, an executive In the New.observed their wedidng annivers- Butler, Penn. Mrs. Schrumpf has York Telephone company of Brook- ary Saturday. They had as their returned home, but Mrs. Tracy, Prune Juice t7H 23tf Pork & Beans ',r;..r 9< lyn. week-end guest Mrs. Thomas Hen- whose husband is In the armed California |L I IJC DOLE Recent rentals include the Mrs.nahane of Harrison. forces' and is stationed in Penn- Mrs. Max Thurby of Brookdale N O Baked Beans ".7,1 Adam Groel estate at the junction sylvania, will stay a while longer PEAS Pineapple Gems 3 S P,!.21< ASCO "OraiJt A" of Monmouth road and Eatontown- farm has returned home from Il- with her husband. lb CQB linois, where she has been visiting You can't beat famous California peas for flavor and quality. nr Long Branch boulevard at Katon- The Community social club met Pineapple *£HXJ6tf Pork & Beans 10 pslitlt town, to Oscar A. Morgan, an exec- relatives the past two weeks. last week at the home of Mrs. Fred Misses Susan and Joan Neuberg- No. V/l Caa n *} *J _ utive with the Paramount Pictures Hurley, Little Silver. Mrs. J. Her- Eveready Fruit Cocktail 43 pointl Corp. of New York city. Mr. Mor-er and Miss Noma Bolkman will bert Schenck and Mrs. Victor Satter arrive tomorrow to spend the sum- Iceberg Lettuce ss 12c «..Gl . 3C gan's brother Is Kays Morgan, a were the prize winners. Mrs. Anna well known attorney at Asbury mer with Mre. Harry H. Neuberger Knoehe of North Bergen was a Large, fancy heads! Serve a salad with sliced tomatoes Gerber's Strained Baby Food I pi. Park. of Sunnyslde farm. The girls have guest of the club. Mrs. Emma F. HI Mrs. Clara B. Bauer has rented been attending school in New York Snyder of Conover place enter- Gerber s Chopped Jr. Food P'- for the summer her large residence city. tained yesterday afternoon. BrOCCOli Fancy California, bunch 21C Con Apple Sauce c/emtood "uM?"pf«. 14c at 160 Park avenue, Elberon, to Kenneth Wilson, U. S. Marine Walter Layton and Stanley Brow- Tender Green Broccoli Should Be on Your Menu at This Low Price! Jerome J. Greilshelmer of NewCorps, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Austin er, who were recently inducted Into York city, / Wilson, is home on furlough from the armed forces at Camp Dlx, HOUSEHOLD NEEDS Lt. and Mrs. Edmond D. Cruea Edenton, North Carolina. have been transferred to Camp Nearby No. 1 Yellow Nearby have rented the Getty cottnge on Members of the fire company now Croft, South Carolina. Famous DIF Powder Z£ 10c Little Silver Point. in the armed forces' have been Mrs. Bertha Hemlock of New Ro- One of the guest cottaffea on thegranted life memberships, full priv- chellc, New York, was a week-end ONIONS Radishes DETHOL Liquid Insecticide £3? 33c Whitney estate, Green Tree Farm, ileges ol an active member and will guest at the home of her mother, Rhubarb has been rented by Lt. and exempt from paying dues while Mrs. T. L. Johnson of the Middle- Nationally famous efficient insecticide ot a worth while soving. John L. Fearey. In the service. A home-coming fund town-Llncroft road. ' bunches | J C ib. 5 c bunch Lt. and Mr». Malcolm B. Shelton has been established. Robert Schenck, who Is stationed Sweetheart Toilet Soap 2 cakes 13c have rented the guest cottage on Tuesday the iire company erected at New York, is spending a fur- Ihe A. Sllbersteln estate on Tinton Its honor roll at the flro house, lough with his parents. Bob Is a avenue. Eatontown. bearing the names of 50 men nowgunner's mate on a convoy ship. The Keljey house on Monmouth in the armed forces. Any resident Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jackson and Kirkman" Borax Soap *: 5c road, Eatontown, has been leaned of Lincroft or Everett who has a children of New York city have ORANGES Large Florida *«•" 4 5 c member of his family In the ser- to Lt. and Mrs. Mnurlce K. Win- been spending a few days with Big juicy Floridas, full of rich juice. Buy a supply now! gate. vice and who would like that ser- friends on the Red Hill road. Sgt. and Mrs. W. R. Warrington viceman'a or woman's name on tho William Cavanaugh, John T. Kirkman Powder X 18c have rented thp Moore, bungalow honor roll should contact James Flemmlrig and Arnold Greene of on. Villa place. Eatontown. Hennahane. The firemen will con- Port Jervis, New York, were Sun- HERSHEY duct a drive for all kinds of waste day visitors of Albert Greene. can paper the second Sunday of each Miss Doris Finn Is visiting her Kirkman Cleanser Cocoa Butter CARS CRASH month. So" that collectors will not grandmother at Washington, D. C. Kirkman Flakes 'AT 23c Cam driven by Kind Noble, Jr.. have to make unnecessary stops, It was incorrectly stated In a re- of Holmdel and Sgt. D. M. Lutkoff those wishing to give to the sal- Toilet Soap of Fort Monmouth collided Friday cent Issue that Billy Hullt had 1 afternoon at the intersection, of vage drive should contact James been missing from home and had Kirkman Kirkman "TOAP "" »••- ** 23c Spring and Mechanic streets. The Hennahane' or Rod Domldion, so been found by boy scouts. The 3 Bar, 19c Noble car swerved after the. im-that collectors may call at that spe- boy was at a friend's home and his RATION CALENDAR cific House. Sunday lire company whereabouts were known by his pact and crashed Into the side of a ] car driven by James J. Hogan of members attended the memorial parents. ^j. '" Red Stamp* A> to W J u ot,,JMJd.dletown township 'K8CaTerntre-et7-"Who had stopped' 8 MrHw. and Mr».*fl&!idy" Cusumano Worth 10 Point! Eoch about 40 fee.ttl'north of tho Inter- fire department at Ito ^SnaKo t *" "st'wM«Y»j -re-himed-from a fmW-day vacation spent at Wash- 8 section. No one was Injured. Po- Baptist church. Blu» Stamps A to V lce 8gt. Frank Reuther Investigat- ington, D. C, In observance of their ed, ' The most frequent cause, of fatal fl"h wedding anniversary. Worth 10 Points Each airplane accidents in the IT. S, U pays to advertise In The Register Army Air Forces lapersonnel error. Back the Attack—Buy War Bonds! Sugar Stamps 30-31 .NOff MtBKOUm^tOmi IBS, Pace Six. BANK REGISTER, JUNE 8, 1944

day-school worship service will be school board of education will meet charge' of the deacoa*< This meet- METHODIST held. The theme will be "Being »t the parsonage at S p. m. Ing- convenes on Wednesday at 8 Belford ITEMS PERTAININQ TO My Brother's Keeper." Thursday at 8 p. m. the Wom- p. m. At the morning worship at 10:48 en's Society of Christian Service The annual Children's Day exer- Notices for Sunday, Children's Deaths In Red Bark the senior choir will sing special meets at the home of Mrs. Bertha. cises will be held at the Sunday day. 10 a. m.. Sunday-school; 10:30 anthems of praise. The eermon Grifflln of Rumson. Troop 62, Boy evening' service at 8 o'clock. The a.m., Children's day program pre- OUR IJOCAL CHURCHES topic will be "A Younger Gener- Scouts, meets Thursday evening various classes of the church school sented by the children of the Sun- and Vicinity ation Looks Out On Ufe." with Cecil Layton, Scoutmaster. will participate, with «. brief word day-school, and baptismal service; Monday evening the Women's The usual Youth Fellowship meet- by the auperlntendent and pastor. 2:30 p, m,, junior choir rehearsal; BAPTIST. the Lesson-Sermon subject for Sun- Missionary society will meet in the Ing in the afternoon will be omitted The committee in charge includes 6:46 p. m., youth fellowship service; day, June 11. Golden Text; "I am fellowship room at 8 o'clock. to give place to the graduation ex- Mrs. George Conover, Mrs. W. 7:30 p. m., song service and sermon, FREDERICK O. BTEOELMAN. tore DiLorenzo, celebrated a sol- This Sunday morning at 10:30 with thee, saith the Lord, to save Tu&sday evening the Youth Fel- ercises of the public school at 2:80 Harry Posten, Miss Edith Lufbur- "How Is the Lad to be Trained?" emn high mass of requiem. Rev, o'clock, the Children's day service Frederick O. Rlegelman of Rum- thee.' (Jer. 30:11.) Sermon. Pas- lowship will meet at 7:30 o'clock. p. m. row and Mrs. George Nelson. The WSCS will meet Wednesday son died Sunday night at his home, Neil Enrlght, chaplain at Forl will be held in tho church auditor- sages from the King James version At the last meeting nine young afternoon at 1 o'clock1 at the par- Monmouth and Camp Wood, wa« ium. A program of songs, recita- Sunday, June 18, Rev. A. C. Ward avenue and Shrewsbury of the Bible include: people were Chosen to attend the Brady,- district superintendent, will FIRST PRESBYTERIAN sonage tor a covered-digh luncheon. drive. He rd;'you nifaf* ua to con- The following new officers and Alone Judges;" postlude, "March at Asbury Park. ter, Mrs. Asbury Campbell, and s, duct tb« lait a*rvicM tar your committee chairmen of the senior children's choir will sing under the TINTON FALLS METHODIST son, Martin Hoffman, both of Key- rom 'Tannhauser'", Wagner will direction of Mrs. Robert Weiss. lovtd ocfta. Christian Endeavor society were comprise the program. Tonight the service begins at FIRST METHODIST . port; three brothers, Patrick Me- installed recently at a special wor- At the evening service, the chil- 8 p. m. Rev. Paul Jockinke will Atlantic Highlands Cue, Rumson; Martin McCue and Intermediate Youth Fellowship dren of the Sunday-school will be preach on the subject, "Perfect John McCue, Long Branch, and ship service; Miss Barbara Bergen, meeting will be held at 6:45 p. m. "What Shall We Pray For"?" will president,' Thomas Morrison, Jr., n charge, under the direction of Christ—Imperfect Man." Miss three sisters, Mrs. Thomas Dugan, In the chapel Sunday, with Char- Thelma Hurley, Eleanor Hurley, be the subject of the eermon to be JOHN E. DAY vice president and chairman of Wllma Crawford will be at the or- delivered at the 11 o'clock worship Torat River; Mrs. Patrick Collins, otte Smith leading. The subject Joyce VanBrackle and Betty Berry. gan. Freehold, and Mrs. William H. program committee; Miss Virginia ivlll be- "When We Work for the service Sunday by the pastor, Rev. Those taking part in the program Children's Day will be observed Freeman. Freehold. . FUNERAL HOME Doolittle, escretary; Mias Carol ame Goals." Roy E. Williams, Jr. Special music Mathiasen, treasurer; Miss Bar- are Joe Lomax, Marisha Bluth, by the church school at 2:30 p. m., Mr. Squire will attend a meeting Johnny Malar, Judy Howell, Geor- will be rendered by the choir under 85 Riverside Ave., Phone 332 Red Bank bara Doremu?, social chairman; when a special program will be pre- direction oi the organist, Roy Jeff- ALICE LAWLESS BABKALOW. of the Institute faculty at Ocean gene Byrnes, Johnny Chandler, sented under the direction of Miss 391 Maple Place Phone 1351 Keyport Morgan Rehiig, membership chair- rey. Mrs. Alice Lawless Barkalow, man. The pa-Mor addressed the of-* City Monday and Tuesday of next Judy McLean, Shirley Poole, Emma Crawford. A girls' choir will sing week, hut will return for' the Poole, Janet Fleckner, Garry Even- Church school meets at 10 a. m. wife of George Barkalow of Free- fleers and members and conducted a medley of sacred hymns and an and Youth Fellowship at 7 p. m. scheduled meeting; of the evening. son, Leigh Malar, Audrey Patter- anthem. Those who will partici- hold and a former resident of Red an impressive act of installation, Children's day service will be at Bank, died Saturday, May 27. The using the symbolism of lighted The ollicial board will meet in the son, Nicky Willens, Dorothea pate are Vivian Wright, Ruth Hal- Viter d Quarter Century, of Dependa!)!e,Economica! Service 5ti>r's study Tuesday at 8 o'clock. Chandler, Peter Riddle, Marilyn 7:30 p. m. Recitations and songs by funeral was held Memorial day at candles. vorsen, Ann Crawford, Joan Craw- the children and a short object les- Fleckner, Patty Willens, Betty ford, Barbara Bcrger and Ellen her home with Rev. Bruce C. The mid-work worship services, son talk by the pastor will feature BAHA'I GROUP. Ryan, Merle Riddle, Lorraine Sil- Jane Scott. Duvall, pastor of the Freehold held every Wednesday night with vers, Genevieve- Hummel, Jerry the program sponsored by the Sun- Methodist church, officiating, and Mr. Hayes In rhnrRe, have been dis- The Red Bank Baha'i group .will day-school. burial was in Maplewooa cemetery Vaughan, Sue Atkinson and Carol CENTRAL BAPTIST continued until September. hold another public meeting this VftnBrackle. The trustees will meet Tuesday in that borough. A Memory The Golden Hour Circle held Sunday evening in the Woman's Atlan™ Highlands. at 7:30 p. m. at the home of_ J. L. Mrs. Lawless was born at Red their final meetinjtxif the sea-sen Rt :luh on Broad, street at 8 p. m. The Monday the ladies will quilt at At the Sunday morning worship Sculthorp. The finance committee Bank and was the daughter of the of Unmarred the home of Mis. R. P. La.mborn. ;UCJM speaker will be Miea Helen the church beginning at 10:30 a. service at 11 o'clock Rev. R. Eugene will meet later at the church. late Richard and Maria Lawless. Rumnon, yesw ulay afternoon. Campbell. .New York city, on the m. The clubroom will be open for Shearer will speak on "Security." The Fellowship group will meet Surviving, besides her husband, games Tuesday and Wednesday Beauty... The Woman'...- Missionary society >pk-: "The Function of Prayer in There will be a moment of silent Wednesday evening at 8:15 o'clock are a daughter, Mrs. Horace Con- Daily Living." Miss Campbell evenings. Tho Red Cross group prayer for the service man of the for.worship and fellowship. over, and four sisters, Mrs. Frank will bold a five;ed dish luncheon will work Wednesday afternoon The memory of a funeral ser- nest Werin'"-l;tv aftei noon, June he assistant principal of on,c of week, Donald Irwin." The official board will hold a ses- Aumack and Mrs. John M. Mlntnn lie Flushing grammar schools, from 1 to 4, Thursday from 1 to Church school, with W. Harry sion next Wednesday evening at of Fair Haven, and Misses Anna vice it apt to be an imperishable 14, at 1 ier 10. Tlu C'hildrcn'.s day wonship sor- m. and at 11:30 a. m. tho Sacra- 1 f 60 Letters ••\r.\i- ; ! from the fol viie will be held Sunday evening ment of Baptism will be adminis- Monument Manufacturing EAST FRONT STREET lowing '.wo rr.< ••>•• :? nt tho clus-' beginning at 7:30 o'olock. Th tered to Infants and children. and Retailing Company Our exclusive designs are RED BANK nn-.i- M-lving it ')- nrmwl forces, teaching staff and Sunday-schoo Cub Pack 62 meets Tuesday at available for your Inspection. ' PFC Samuel T. ll.-irvey. .Jr., Camp members have prepared a aervic the church nt 7:30 p. m. Wednes- in Monmouth County McCain Mi.«:--sippi" . :• n-1 Prc ,7nrk of drama and song. All the echoo day evenings the ollicial board will We have V e most modern ion-.; ;,•• t:;/ T'niver.s- dejiaiimentH will participate. P Rain,-. M:,•;,. meet at the parsonage. The follow- facilities,for the development itv of f'hif'Ur'n .M, YV'im! an Sunday morning at 9:30 the Sun- ing Wednesday evening tho church th'.A v.a. hi." fina! of any monument which you meeting wit 'he duss as 'e was Your Expression of might choose. Expert de- to H'1,01! K"!! ] >:x TIIMIIIV n wet 1; I-'i!!owirr^ a M,oit stn True Remembrance signers and draftsmen, with I h' j f W- w,:; i or,rut 'o Kf'f'.-ler tjf-1 No other act of a normal years of experience are avail-' To; trainii v as j, r -,.r • adef* Th Announcement... man's lift gives him more able for your convenience. For yourf n.-'"' .-• • n''.-ir,fe 11 .Jo ;,• 1 r. f complete soul satisfaction • fivl'C •.'.'.! ; ,..-r 'hf totli! li.^mhri- tban*tho building of a Me- any informa''on or advice of tl.e rl:, -> in s<-rv|i-r- to TO Pvt ' tStcauit tkt MUclion of furniiliinfS oftkii nafart orlal to his loved ones who John E. K!'..-'i r. of Watei !oo. Iowa. concerning your Memorial 1 have gone on. A telephone call to our office st-iMfni'"; a' l-o!t M u ^ will bring a salesman who problems feel free to call on h oflen unplanned w adviti cartful contldtration int 1 oflin 1 d .- n L- i'- -• Our select Barre Memorials The Breese Funeral Home will, without any obligation, us without obligation. Advinr-r r,.,!;.'i Rose K.rk.M will bear the Guild "mark of ap- show you latest designs. Qtta ltisuri"n Selection. speak to thi younu men n'xt Sun- proval—your guarantes of s day ni'irnini' on tin- sirijcet "Jere. 68 South Street, Eatontown, finer Memorial at no extra Only Monument Dealers In inilill." cost. Visit our showroom . "" Bed Bank and see our display of these r Ji, Monmouth 1'IRST ciicncii OF CHRIST, p PL.,— SCIENTIST win be I'onUnutd undiT Ihn imuuigi'iiwnt of Blchard » T- —•ft-{eunl 11lemwiat^Jdo (Opp. Boroufh Hill) . Moriument^o. me Services in Klr'st Church of ChrlBt Van Smit. Phone Churle. Hree»e, Katontown 92. If no Scientist; at f'1'1 Broad .street, Red JOHN VAN KIRK RED BANK, N. J. STATE H'WAY 35 Zrreatria —A. -Jidami, iflgr, Ntxt to Mt. Ollvit Ctm.ttrr !Ianrk arc held Hundays at 11 a. m., nniiiviT mil Fri'diold UI3-W. . Telephone R. B. 24 HEADDON'S CORNER Sunday-school at 11 a, m.,- and Phone Red Bank 319 Nlflil., Sunday, and Holiday! 135 W. 3tpnl St. ReJ Eanl, ZJJepLn* 226 Wedneidav evening-st 6:15 o'clock. CALL R. B. 14I1O H. M. BARBOUR, Mgr. God the Preserver of Mas," fe R.F.D. Bos 108 Red Bank RED BANK REGISTER. JUNE 8,. 1944 fage Seven. from tfa« Charles Llppln- Avery Is a student at Howard of their daug-bUr, Mlas Susan Mat- B. SpoBord attended » ohild guid- ity football letter aod waa on ,tb* Personals Little Silver Middletown Village cott estate. univenlty In Washington, D. C. thews from Hannah More tveadamy ance foru m at Essex house, New- junior vanity. (iMketball tttA • James Avery, Jr., son of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marklle in Maryland, Tuesday. ark, Tuesday. Mlsa Marion Tector, Middletown John H. Burn* of the Frank Van. A daughter wts M>rn yesterday (The Bad But Kafiatar «an b, township high school graduate, ha* bonibt In MiddJetovrn Village at t*e Mrs. Jamel Avery, graduated Tues- Schad of New York city are house William Matthews, a student at Ira Crouee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Syckle company of West Front morning in Monmouth Memorial •tor* of 1. C. Knight). day from Lincoln university in guests of Mr. and Mrs. Garret Con- New York university is spending Ira L. Crouse, and George W. accepted a position with the Mon- street has been elected a member hospital to Mr. and lln. Row King Mr. and lira. Walter Orubb of Pennsylvania. His parents and over. , a weak'* vacation here. Smith, Jr., have completed the mouth Monument Co. at Headden's of the Red Bank Community Cham- of Fox Hill. Fair Havtn nave moved Into their •later, Mis* Muriel Avery, attended Mr. and Mrs. W. Irving Matthaw* Mr*. E. W. Swackhamer, Mra schoolyear at Blair academy, Dur- Corner as secretary to Henry II. ber of Commerce. A meeting; of tilt Woman's So- new horn* her* which they pur- the commencement •xcrcises. Mlsa attended the graduation exercises Charles Cooper and Mrs. William ing the year Smith received a vars- Barbour, manager of this firm. PFC. William A. Doremus o' ciety of Christian Service was h»14 Branch avenue reported recently yesterday at the home of Un. Ed- to Fort Knox, Kentucky, where he ward Elbert of Fox Hill. U now attending armored achool. The program as outlined in latt Daniel Fullerton, who llvei on week's issue waa carried out at th» the houseboat Bonus £t the foot of graduation onrdoea last night In Wharf avenue, adjacent to the Wil- the auditorium of the school befor* liam H. n. White Marine Park, I* large audience of relatives and in the United State* Veterans hoi- friends of the graduate*. pltal, Kings Bridge road, Bronx, Mitt Dorothy 8. Dlsbrow of New York. According to late In- Flemlngton ha* resigned as sevtnth formation he IJB getting along; very grade teacher is the local school, nicely. and Mrs. Dorothy W. Pool* of Lit- Mr. and Un. B, Thomaj of tle Silver, who lias been, teaching in Branch, avenue have received word the Shrewsbury school, has bean that their son, John Peter Thomaa, appointed to succeed her. has been promoted to corporal. The Wlnona Missionary society Corp. Thomaa, who has been in will hold its monthly seaslon to- service a year, Is attached to thu morrow night at the horn* of Mr. EVERY ITEM LISTED IN THIS ADVERTISEMENT IS POINT FREE! antf-alrcraft artillery jomewhere and Mrs. Edmund T. Ayres of West in England. He was graduated Long Branch. William H. Car- X Burdg«. George Carter. Plnekney road, has been placed on Intermediate Group—Nancy Danah. Crisco '^ IT24c the honor roll of the Washington Dorothy Kl«nl, Barbara McClellan, Blchr Fresh Sea Bass "21- Fresh Haddock «M. «. 17. Grapefruit Juice«—29« School for Secretaries at Newark, ard Buck. Irwin Campbell. Guv Haynee, Bruc« Johanneinann, Barry Kaplan, where she la a student. She haf at- Marahall Miller. Teddy Paraou, Harrsl Orange Juice IB..«"19O tained this place for having a typ- ReddM, Donald Moor*. Bruce Bull. Fresh Rounders '14« Fresh Butterfish "25= ing speed of 95 word* a minute. Senior and Junior Groupt-^-Kav Grig' Shaker tM ory, Betty Moor*. Jean Smid, Kathryn Orange PFC Franklin M. Marcus, son of Smith. Sutanna Stecheni. Marilyn StUl- M HH Mr. and Mrs, Aaron I. Marcus of wagon, Bfalrley Townatnd. Arthur Apr, Salad Oil * Jamat Bruno, Tonlo Dionial, Jam*! Har- Harding road, who. Is Btatloned at vey, David Jaiuky, Joeeph SairuUa. Camp Davis, North Carolina, has JfujiM Taylor, Edward Wetiobelmer, Cbrie SWEET CORN been home, on a ten-day furlough. Bavndal, Billy Kramer, Frank Johanna- fash Garden Treats Jlri. Samuel Coggins, Mrs. mann. Group 1—Marilyn Shampanora, Myrna BtWmsrWMti Charles Grover, Mrs. Daniel Wood, Stalbtrz, Ed«ard"Ellb«rt, John Mario, YUKON CLUB You'D find abundant telectioiu of delidout fresK Mra. Ernest Hall and Mrs. Louise Richard Foole, Allan Wright. Quliti 2r23< Cree are attending the state con- Group 2—Jama* Alberta, Boy Darrab, William Hardwick. Pirk.r McClellan. fruits and vegetables every day of the week at vention of the Ladles' auxiliaries of Buck Morarj, Donald ftobinaon, Harold BEVERAGES the Sons of Union Votcram at the Ruddy, Howard Sh«rman. Robert KLelley, Hotel Sheraton, Newark. The con- David Kennedy. Jane Alberta. Patricia | Chf*r Alt, Club Soda, Froit FlaTora your A&P Super Market. Prices as usual are Bennett, _Audrey Gray, Anne Mcrtau (plu. d* Apple Juice *»* vention opened yesterday and will Jamky, Patricia Klhloek. Barbara UP' iib close tonight. Clinton Elliott and plntott, Doril Shampanore, Gwtn Btal- invitingly low! 23« ;" Edward W. Wise, Sr., attended the beri. Caroline Woleott. Plum Jam ***"" • Group I—Adelaide Hoyt. Joan Kap- iiW convention banquet last night. lan, Barbara L»wea. Buth Ludviz. Vlr Kara Syrup •*• «« ^I 5e Mrs. Frederick G. Fisher of Hive- rinii Poole. Marian Wallace. Allyu Pretzels ? EN ET road Is confined to her home with Wright, Eveljn Kramer. Cheater Apy. »«d Bruno. KJrhard Lowiy. Billy Park- California Junket« " Powder p^8e Illness. er, Phil Smith, Robert Wallace. Presto Cake Flour X25e lbs. Mr, and Uti. Worth B. Cunning- Group <—Helen Lauber, William At- t NNrF|ELai k Tenter-Hew Crop 7 k ham of 32 Arthur place attended kina, Koger Briliawn, Anthony Brlno, Cake Flour * «*» '20t Cheerioats . «" « 11« Robert Kerguaoa. David Jerolamon, GREEN PEAS the graduation of their daughter, John Walter. Miss Mary Elizabeth Cunningham, FlakornAMix 13c Wheaties w •«-pk.10« at exercises held yesterday mariK California' 4 ing at the New Jersey College for Hazlet Baking Powder 14» bchs. Puffed Rice »'««»* Pri1« Women, New Brunswick. MHa New Crop. Cunningham, who received a~ bach- (The Bed Bank Regiiter can be bought in Hailtt from Mra. Edna X, Baking Powder FRESH CARROTS Puffed Wheat«»«'« X 9« elor of science degree in chemis- W. Peieiu and Frank Hertle'a itore). try, has accepted a position with Invitations have been luued for NEW—California Corn Flakes """"^"^B" the Standard Oil Development com- the jnarrlage of MIBB Dorig Eva Extracts pany >at Bayway. Worth B. Cun- Suizjnann. daughter ot Mrs. Eva RlceKrlsples«uH«« XU* ningham, Jr., a brother of the grad- Sulzmann of Keyport. to John White Vinegar rZ 12c 0. S. No. 1 Grade uate, and Mlas Florence Brand of Beers Ackerson, oan of Mr. and POTATOES KABUCO Shredded Wheat P^]]t River Plaza also attended the com- Mrs. William M. Ackersoa of Has- Gulden's Mustard 12c ICEBERG mencement ceremonies. let, at Calvary Methodist church, Ann Page Mustard Mrs. Catherine Burdge of Chest- Keyport, on Saturday. Tomatoes *».< 15^ Lettuce Holm Grown 2^15. White Rice "W IK18* nut street returned Sunday from Cloverleaf Troop 25, Hazlet Girl Salad Dressliig a three-weeks' vacation at Milwau- ScouU and Brownie Troop 18 with i«r f ge Educator Crax p = 19« kee, Wisconsin, n-ith Mr. and Mrs. their leaders, Mn. George Emmoni Fresh Broccoli 19 Oranges ™L 12 43= R. C. Gallagher. Mr. and Mrs. Gal- and Mra. Charles I* Johnaon, par- Wheat Germ ™" Peanut Butter ^^i lagher are former Red Bank res- ticipated In th* Memorial day par- Yellow Onions *& Lemons 6 'or 14c idents. ade held at Keyport Tuesday ot ^Molasses p Mr. and Mr«. Frank Smith and last week. fc and family will move tomorrow Cloverleaf Troop 26, and Brownie Clapp's 2 «pk» 27. from River Plaza to Bumson whero Troop 18, with their leaders, will Citrus Marmalade , 23« they have purchased a new home. b attend the District 4, rally Satur- Pablum Premlmn Crackers«op 'k'g 19e Mrs. Godfrey M. Olsen of Brook- day at the Keyport high school at&- lyn, a former resident of Bergen letlo field. place, visited friends here last Mn. George EmmoDI, Mrs. Jos- week, eph R. Peseux, Mra. Charlei L. Miss Kay Doremuj, daughter of Johnson and Mr*. Ernest E. Feseux Sunnyfieia Cereals Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Doremus attended the monthly meet- of Vista place, has returned from ing of the Girl Scout association of Smith college for her summer va- District 4. at Keyport Thursday JSF& Enjoy coffee "at iU best"! Owotte A&P Coffee ... the cation. evening. coffee that's sold in the flavor-sealed bean... and custom Joseph Danzis is enjoying a Mrs. Andrew PescitelU of Boston, week's vacation from his duties as Massachusetts, Is visiting- Mr. and ground to your order! It's America's Best Liktd Coffee pharmacist at the SUn Ray drup Mrs. AJfonzo Iaderosa of Beers store on Broad street. street. ... because you get finer, fresher flavor in every cup and Mrs. Hattle Munyon. of West The closing exerclsea of the there's a blend to suit your taste. Front street will leave Monday for Holmdel township schools were Los Angeles where she will visit held thlg week. Centervllle school her son, Lawrence Munyon. yesterday at 2 o'clock, Crawford's Sgt. and Mrs. Daniel Burnett of Corner at 10 a. m. today and Holm, West street left yesterday for San del school today at 2 o'clock. There Diego. Sgt. Burnett Is stationed at are no graduates at Hlllcrest school Camp Pendleton with the Marine this year. A picnic will be held corps. for the children next Tuesday, clos- Miss Oraco Malchow1 of Wcat ing day. Front street attended tho tenth The Crescent club of St. John's radio anniversary pnrty given for M. E. church was entertained Mary Margaret McBrlde last week Thursday evening at the home of at Madison Square Garden, New Mrs. Theodore G. Bailey. Follow- York. Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt ing the business session, refresh- was one of tho speakers. ments were served ny the hostess. Mrs. William Tonsudeu of Bloom- Plans were made for a strawberry field Is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Lydla festival and cafeteria to be held »t Malchow of West Front street. the church next Tuesday. Mrs. Frank McCleaater will entertain the club Jure 15. Those attending OPA To Issue were Mrs. Elmer A. Bahrenburg, Redi-Meat 20-33c FloorWax 33c b: 55= Ivory Soap •••««»• *« 2 <*- 9« Mrs. William Larnbertson, Mrs. k New Ration Book Walter Smale, Mrs. James Neld- CAMAY SOAP Spam *N«-m*i.i «.,«n33e Lava Soap . < 3 « « 17* SPRY inger, Mrs. James H. Ward, Mrs. shoe White T"" The Office of Price Administra- Joseph R. Peseux, Mrs. Cyrus Ross, Armour's Treet ««.m33e Woodbury Soap 3 • - 23c i ib. tion of Little Sliver will shortly Is- Mrs. Theodore G. Bailey, Mrs. Wil. Polish sue a ration book to Evelyn E.King Ham Urstadt. Mrs. Mary Hopla, 3 «i Party Loaf »"EY Super Suds . . »«^23c jar 24« —seven pound, nine ounce girl, who Mrs. Maltland Walling. Mrs. John Barkee's Famous Dressing 17 27c made her first request for same at H. Bahrenburg, Jr., Mrs.( Mildred 13c White Sail Cleanser -3c the Monmouth Memorial hoslptal Paltimbo, Mrs. Leonaret Lufburrow, Vienna Sausage Knox Gelatine -P018c at Long Branch at 9:10 a. m. yes- Mrs, Roland Emmoni, Mrs. Frank Deviled Ham 18C t« Pk9 Old Dutch Cleanser 2 p =• 15c PALHOLIVE SOAP terday morning. SfcCleoster, Mrs. Frank Fos», Mrs. OXYDOL IN pja|n Gelatin I Mlse Evalyn's mother, MrB. Rogs George Emmons, Mri. E. I. Mon- Reg. Siza Balh Size E. :Klng of 330 Prospect avenue, ahan, Miss Marie Bailey, Mrs. Wil- Sardines " Bab-0 .. - . 2 P9' 21c Little Silver, was with her at the liam Barnes, Miss Stella Bailey, 3 1 Mayfair Tea time, as well as, Dr. Robert A. Mac- Miss Vera TemDleson and Mrs. Is* Pkg. Armour's Liver Spread ^ 1[Oc b Laundry Bleach WHITE SAIL CU*.9e Kenzic, who commented approving- Hoellf H. LeRoy. 5 Ib. 00. Our Own Tea X 17c ly nfoout tho vigor of the demand, Daily Dog Food Robutt and Thrifty Dif Cleanser . 'o^.p^iOc This new ration book applicant —JilisfletLP. day, by .24 houre but both Passes Pharmacy Test. Fir Delicious, Refreihlig Iced TM! Dif Hand Cleaner -16' "Mr. ahcTMN. King Ka%~Tl»lHFESr Sunbrite Cleanser definitely under the "d'a" since she ITreehold was among the 16 phar- OCTAGON will qualify as an additional "de- macists, who recently completed-the KtRKWAIfS- duction" on their iolnt Income tax requirements for registration set Liquid Blue WHITE SAIL 1201.boi.5c Orange P«koB''/Jb.< Q •> A returns from now on, as well aa a by the state board of pharmacy. c Kirkman's CLEANSER CLEANSER ind Pekoe PkB. l^ "delight" to|hcr slater Rosalyn, 7, Klrkman'i Soap Potfder and brother Evan, SVi, Back the Attack—Buy War Bowtll Strong Ammonia ",5a ^ 10c Page Eight. RED BA2\TK REGISTER, .JUNE 8, 1944 "Your Flying Orders, Sir!'' Coach Pingitore Peddie Track Man Phone Workers Surf, Field Open Loait Drive Heads Shore Group And Stream Rallies Today Timely Notes AtAIIenhurtt Milton Nicholas, Rumson, Is On the Great Outdoors B. STIJW VAN VLIET The fifth War Loan drive among employee! of the New Jersey Bell Vice President Of Conference Telephone company got under way Salt water, anglers who were for- through, the long winter months thl» week with mass meetings In Frank J. Fingitore, r-o-ordinator tunate enough to try their luck Th« writer arrived bacK home in some departments and personal of health and at aboard party boats Saturday, ex- the "Garden State" yesterday after solicitation of the 15,000 member* Red Bank Hinh school, had anoth- i Caseys Lose To perienced almost perfect fishing an absence of two we*ekg which of the atatewlde telephone organi- er honor heajied upon his heavily II I conditions. The weather was line took me through 13 states. Of zation. —not too hot or too chilly, the sea laden ehotildcrs Monday evening \ L>£lKeWOOU course I took my fishing rod along, Ralliea of telephone plant work- when (he popular Buccaneer men-; was fairly smooth, and, most im- Just in case,' but did not find an era In the Monmouth county dis- tor was unanimously elected preei- i portant of all, good-sized mackerel Opportunity to use it. trict will be held today at the Jer- ilent of the Shore Conference at ! Four Defeats In were abundant. After seeing the pitiful fishing •ey Central Power A Light com- the dinner meeting hfeld at the Old i Fort the first time this season, conditions in many of the states I pany auditorium, Allenhurat, and Onhaid Counliy clubA As Many- Capt. George Chapman waa at the visited with their muddy sluggish tomorrow morning at the Long Although Red Bank,tNK>1 1has only helm of. the Chappie II out ofstream* and rivers. In which no Branch and Lakewood central of- been in the conference one year, St. James Catholic high school Brielle. There was a fair-sized self respecting fish would live. I am fices, and tomorrow afternoon at Pinjitore last year served as vice lost their fourth straight game in crowd aboard and everybody caught thoroughly convinced that the Long Branch. president and headed the dinner foirt days by dropping a 7-2 decision RICHARD M. FORD fish. Chapman's other boat, the sportsmen of New Jersey have Repreieentatlves of the Em- committee. His teams were cD- to the Lakewood high school nine Chappie, Was piloted by Capt. Har- much to be thankful for. ployees association, Commercial champion.s in football and they last Thursday. It waj the Casey3' Richard M. Ford, son of Mr. and ry Fairbanks. department, directing the solicita- Three of the Paramount fleet, the went on also to win the Conference last game. Mrs. C. J. Ford of 632 River road, Of course I hit for the surf with- tion Include Marlon Reed, Asbury Paramount HI, with Capt. John 11 at k championship under Coaches For the second straight day, Fair Haven, who was a member of in an hour after my arrivel home. Park, and yVilliam Jordan, Long Bogan piloting, the Columbia and Wilhelm and Paladino. Fleming and Bonforte went to thethis year's Peddie track team. It didn't matter so much whether Branch. Representatives and aids 1 he Dixie, were about four and The-if .*! of the officers selected mound„ fo—r th—e Green,, and althougo.h. Ford entered Peddie school at I connected with a striper or not, designated by the Trafflo Tele- half miles offshore, anchored not urif Milton Nichols. Rumson, vice they held the D'Azio team to six! Hightstown, in September, 1943, the main object was to, once again, phone Workers federation, with far from Chapman's boats. Patrons pi cmdpnt;- Joseph Clayton. Points hits, their teammates made only; having formerly attended Rumson feel the whip of my rod as the their locations In this district, in- aboard all three of Bogan's boats Pleasant, treasurer, and Bradley j three. Added to this was the fact high school. His extra-curricular squid went sailing out into the clude M. C. Rogers, E. J. Ryan and found the fishing to their liking,, aa B. A. Burlelgh, Asbury Park; A. VanBnint, Atlantic Highlands, sec- jthat Dowling whiffed 12 men inactivities included varsity football "white water.'' retary. ! achieving the 13th'win of the sea- did customers of Copt. Harry Hill- VonD. Cook, Eatontown; M. B. and basketball. At the annual I ran into a few of the old son for the visitors against four de- prize day exercises he was award- man aboard the Dolphin and Alba- Alexander and fi. K.' Oakes, Free- timers and a. number of strangera hold; M. D. Pavlak, Keansburg' V feats. " ' ed the prize, for the most improve- tross, out of Brielle. Bogan's boats sail daily at 8 a. and a lot of youngsters. From the B. Gage and E. A. Wallace, Key- - Bonforte and Fleming, who ' menl (hat any boy has shown on number of boys squldding the port; E. B. Constantinou and A. M worked in three games in four days ' the track team. This award Is a ., as do flic Dolphin and-Alba- ross, and at least one of Chap- beach, it is safe to say thai "the Newman, Lakewood;. H., P. AlUn had only two strike-outs. Their very difficult one to obtain. Ford y lan's boats; Capt. George Chap- lure of surf fishing will never die and G. E. Tlndall, Long Branch- team made three errors to add to has also been elected the captain as future generations arrive. B. R. Drahelm. Point Pleasant: A. the downfall. nan will pilot the Chappie II on A prttty WAC corporal terring with the Army Air Poreai h*nd> an of next year's track team. veek-ends for the present. I saw several fish and "heard"* Army pilot "tho paperi." There are' thousands of jobs waiting for women S. Doughty and M. T. Metzger, Red Lakewood two runs in the about a number of others. It seems Bank; C. D. Giunco. Rumion; B. second, but the Cflseys tied it up Anglers who used red and white to fill in the Army Air Forces, Ground Forces, and Service Forces. R. Schmleder and C. A. langley. SUMMER MIXED LEAGUE. poons caught most of the mack- that stripers hit fairly well for the on walks to Dillon and Welsh, plus first few days of the season. Off Enlist now at the WAC Recruiting Office in the Rel Bank or Spring Lake; O. S. Johnson, Sea- an error by Abramowitz and a field- re!, although a number used sand side Park, and M. C. Lee, Toms iel squids with good effect. At the the Belmar Fishing Club's pier Asbury Park Post Office Buildings. er's choice. D. Johnson US 161 153 there was as many as 15 caught River. .lansky 1 IS 1SI 11. r, change of tide small pieces of bun- St. James has won only one in- during a day. Shark River inlet terscholaatic contest this season, Chamberlain 1(7 178 and clam were used on hooks ha.i transformed ILi principal city, Hamrnoml ... ITtl produced some fair catches. A num- but has played many exciting and 170 s bait. Know The Americas Mciida, from a small, backward The Red Bank 'Register Is sup- The Doris, Capt. Stanley Dom- ber of fish were taken at Monmouth close contests against larger Beach and a few at Sea Bright. Of i town into a modern metropolismetropolis,, u j ported bv local as well as out-of- schools. Their victory over Leon- X'OI.ONEI.S 111 irowski at the holm, went out By The Pan-American Union, has brought progress and prosper-,Iown b"»ine«s men. Advertisements Wise . 1J9 I.IS or tile first time this Reason early course Sandy Hook is tops. I just 1PW lCl1 ardo was outstanding. In Fina If, 2 ity to ,,\rovlne-e that was o'nee j ??S"fSS ^ ^^ T. Blincore l "u this minute called up Julian's Washington they showed one of the best scho- Dummy IIS culled the poorest .state in the rr Tackle Shop, Highlands. Ralph Henequen-Growing Yucatan lastic players of the season. l'cle Mnffci IT!) 1st; us I In- the week from Belmar Ma- public of Mexico. The >;reen spear- j rine Basin. The Doris May istold mo that a sergeant from the BIDS WANTED. I.AKF.WOOII till Thrusting its nose out into the,blad«» of henequen, Bo»rii of Education, Borough of Shrews- owned by Harry Pflug, who oper- Hook was in his shop thnt morn- warm waters* of the Gulf of Mex- AB R H E GENERALS III ng with a string of 16 nice fish. pictured in Mexican landscapes, bury, N. J. 1 II P. MriflFci l:l."> 144 ates the 16th avenue fishing pier ico, the peninsula of Yucatan—and guard the future and progress of S*«I«<1 propoi.l. will be received br Kurinsky, 3b 1 0 a o ('. lnilia Ill 101 at Belmar. In the river at Highlands bridge particularly the etate of the same the Dmlrlct Clerk »t the Schoolhciim* on Majcr, s« ! 2 n o M. Francis K'1 excellent catches are being made- the Yucatan peninsula. Wyndiy. Jun« l'£. 19*4, at H:00 o'clock. Jl. Abramiiwiti, rf 5 1 l I Pier fishing Saturday produced name—is known the world over as B. Johnson 180 daily. Julian and his son Jerry V. m. IK. W. T), «t which lime lh« Wnt halite ( 0 kinj?flsh and a few fluke. The Bel- a producer of henequen. The prQx- !iror>o.«li will be I'Ublltly opened «nd Block. 11] 2 1 517 mar Fishing Club's pier had Itsaccounted for ten in two days fish- lmity of Yucatan to the United lead for 'urniihifir- nn ton* (mar* or Dclamore, lb „. 2 1 COMMANDERS 12) quota of fishing members in action. ng. Row boats are the problem States—the world's largest con- Belford PTA Gives !«««> of Buckwheat Coll. »aual to -ikt FRANK PINGITORE R. Christopher, cf S 1} P. Sthurker Kill 113 down there but if you inquire a*. following Miecinrallonp : Khroln, Ub 1 II W. Ili-ndahnn 153 1 (!) burner of binder twine extracted What looks like a new woman's Julian's or Bahr's Landing I be- Volatile ; S.nn Pingitore is1 a former president Hunt. I'll 2 I) H. Eli li:l 20(1 from henequen—aa well aj the fact fixed rarbon «]..',« Kurkjian. If : 1 n 111 world record for SRilfish on six- W. Rurnctt l'i'.l ieve you will be able to secure one. that this hardy plant brunled with Party To Pupils A'h 11.50 uf the Monmouth Counly Physical S. Christopher. If ! 1 thread line was established a fewSand worms or blood worms rigged Education Teachers' association, a Dowlinp, p ; it o weeks ago by Mrs. Eugenie M. Mar- spear-like fiber-producing leaves, LIEUTENANTS I-'I with a spinner is the proper tackle. grows on the peninsula as nowhere Additional coal n»ede*l during the pr«e- member of, the executive board of 18!) K,8 ron of Passaic, who took an 84- Talks Given by Zerr The fish are nice size weighing up else, is roost probably the reason ent irhnol re*r, after ihe firtl delivery, North Jersey Baseball officials, vice RF.H BANK CATHOLIC Desmond I .".II 111" pounrt fish at Anapulcn, Mexico. o six and eight pounds. In that to he f'jrnithed tt the lame hid prir*. _... II] Ili "2 why the world center of production president, Trenton district football " " AH R Browi. ... Her husband, T/iuis E. Marron, got fast water they will furnish you Guadalcanal Vets rropnr«l« may n« mailed to tht I>i«. ofliciale, and a member of the State Dillon. 3b ^ 1 Patterson 12!) 181 an 81'r-pounder on three-thread is placed in that region. It has liirt (,'l.rk. with all the excitement you crave, - The rtoarit reaervea the rlrht to association nominating committee. K.-iaVrty If 4 0 line. That seems to be a record been said that henequen means to Welsh, :b 3 1 S91 662 658 "ood catches are being made at the The annual party for the Belford any or all Mda, and to waive lmmataterliTi X Other, elections placed Anthony CAPTAINS 111 Yucatan as much as sugar docs to Fina. I.J „ < 0 too. Sea Bright bridge. I was Informed grammar school graduates was held Nucci of JIatawan and Ben Dillen- Maloney, cf „ 9 II lr.ti Cuba and coffee to Brazil, W. C. r.UPTIU D. C. Carhnne. cf 2 (1 1 12 of an 18-pounder which was caught Monday night by the Belford Par- back of -Neptune -on the- executive 137 14'.I Surprisingly enough, henequen TrUllrUir r. .:- r-.;..-. .:.-.•• 8- iVuolJei: Down In Ocean county, the party last week. North of the bridge on ent-Teacher association in the NOTICE. 107 thrives on the etony soil of Yu- board along with Joseph^ Clayton, Hirminnham, c .... 1 Grimes .. Tioatmen have organized In a pro- the Sea Bright side. That about school. The association held its TaW notlre that Christian L,. Berg* Dr. Wylie Pate and Harold Det- Wall, rf catan which Insures perfect drain- Intend* to apply to' Mayor ami Council test against the 125-gallon gasoline sums up the striped hass situation business session, in conjunction willer. llnml. II,. • age. In some region* the ground of the Borouah of R«>i Bank, N. J.. for r lemtnp. n ADMIRALS (1) allotment Riven them for a three- with the party. a Plenary Retail Diitrikution lir.n.e for Dr. rate suggested that two $100 M. Klenk .- u;r. 121 Is so rocky that holes have to be month period. Thpy state this al- to date. By the way it has gotten Two Marines, PvL J. Adams and lir«mi»e» aimatei] at 31 Honmouth Street, 51. Runrur 1-1" blasted out to permit the planting. Ite'l Rank. h\ I. \v;ir bonds be puichased trom the lotment will permit them to make off to a start it looks like we are Pvt. Samuel King, told of their ex- "Viiin?uifv'f^uipiu.«. of M5Q- for the Because henequen does so well on Objection*, if any. fehould be made im- SuBimirvV if hit -HI. * I i only three to five trips for th» n for a good striper season. periences in the Guadalcanal in- mediately In writirm to Amy K Shinn. veil. The motinn was parsed. By How 12. hy Fieri whole; season when normally thpy Fluke are in the Inlets. I,afayette« tho poor of Yucatan, it wsus t>rk of the Bomufh of Bed Bank. r,ri2 5 10 63S vasion. Talks to the graduates Tlir nf;Xt meeting, the football 1. by Bnnlort* 1. e« on ballv- would fish SO out of 90 days from have arrived in thp North Shrews- ! pre.-umed that the crop planted in wore given by Hov. Robert -Bul- I Signed I Howling r,. off FJrn MA..1ORS 121 CHRISTIAN L. BERfiB. - iiii'C'.in^. will be held September 25 iup 2. ' : June through September. 1. Umpires--I'arharl and W rklan.l, ("nrhnrt ... hury river at the Rumson bridge. | better condi'ions would prove to nian, Rev. Paul J. Meyers and the ;i' Nppninp hj£h school. Arnie Ai-errn 12 fi l to The Firrhmer run of wpaks are ex-I be even more of a succcse. It was school^ principal, John Mulliner. NOTICE. | l;.iul«haw 1-6 it n A ni ** rA t r\ a\ it ft* ^I^>«Bf«% <1-««IBA ti.J^U '. m jm t^ , -,!__• ^. « a*is^ V* A f Tt ue.x, retiring president, thanked p richer l'JO 14 It was tough to have missed the pected to hit In down there within that on a Nine PTA members signed up Take notice thnt Pain Pizicky fnUndi the gioup for their support in Con- Klink weeds to ai'lily lo Mayor anil Council of th* Bass Season opening of the striped bass season a week or two. Some stripers have soil the great number of for th» Rnd Cross first aid corps. hurough of Kiinuion for s Plenary Retail ference activities. 673 G66 60; after having looked forward to It been taken. that sprung up would eventually The association gave an American ronturnption license for premise! aituat- Following the business meeting, Opens Next Week be harmful to the plant while on fd at !» Writ River Roarl. Ftumion. .V. J. flag to the Belford Y.MCA. It was . Objections, If any, should he made im- short talks were given by the hon- the rocky soil of the peninsula voted to buy two more <100 war oi ed sliest*. Marius Russo, Sgt. Bass fishermen in NeNeww Jersey Shrewsbury mediately in writinif to Albert A. Kerr, are looki forwdrd t0 June 15 hardly anything but the sturdy bonds. Jr., CUrk of Ihe Boroutrh of Rumion. Noimrhr-rk and SKt. feYe j r* ' Boy Scouts Hold Auxiliary Earns opcninB of the r henequen would grow. Although Committee, chairmen named were Dilci of Camp Wood.. Rui*)' relit-~\ . ™"!* . ^ (The lied Bsink Rot'ister enn be s n a3 henequen differs slightly from sisal, Mrs. (Irace Hyors, ways and means; PAUL PA7.ICKY, ed some humorous baseball exper- ° - rod-letter holiday when UKK M jn shiewfibijr.v at Hardlil K. Mc-3-Dap Camporee $250 for Riverview sbui y Miuket and at both aie generally commercially Mrs. Ruth Harnott. goals; Mrs. 23 Lafayette Street. Rumion, N. J. iences in his service with the New they will travel to the open Iake3 t:oi-niii-k'« Hhie ml strcam of th sLat Cireenwood's fit rc). Almoet 200 Boy Scouts participat- Red Bank auxiliary of Riverview designated under the name of sisal Ann Tarnow, menlbci ship; Mre. NOTICE, York Yank*w. Noimcheck spoke of '\ « * * to catch 1 Col. and Mrs. David P. Wood and ed in the camporee from Friday to hospital cleared $250 from sale of and both belong to the so-called Helen Otton. publicity; Mrs. Evelyn Takt notice thsit Valentine Ciambrone, his mootinc Hitler while with the'!* * samieat of,all flsh that swims tickets on a rubber tirej lawnmow- "century-plant" or agave family. traduiK an New Central Hotel, intends to in the fresh waters of New Jersey. daughters, Misses Elinor and Mar- Sunday at the Mennen Harbor at Cook and Miss Juanita Sickles, hos- apply to Mayor and Council of the Bor- Olympic forcer team in Berlin in Troop 61 wonthe er u-hich they offered as a special* an Aztec pitality: Mrs. Charlotte Myers, sun- 193(5. while Diler. spoke of the value Fish and game laws require that guerite Wood, attended the gradua- Fair Haven. The word hencquen is nush ot Ilumson for » Plenary Retail black, Oswego or large mouth bass tion of Cadet David P. Wood, Jr., Theodore D. Parsons plaque for prize. Announcement of this was name and sisal is so called after a j-'hinr; Mrs. Goida Miller, historian; Coniumpti'in licence for premise* »ltuat- of".sports and physical education in made at a meeting Friday at the Mrs. Klizahrth Hubbs. historian, j ed at 111. Kait itive.- road, Kurrmon. N. J. must he at least nine inches lohg at West Point military academy Scout craft and general behavior in small town on the northwest eo.itt Objections, if any, should be made im- tho i ehabi'.itation program of the camp 6et-up,. with troop 49 second, Red Bank Woman's club. of Yucatan. and Mrs. Betty Jnegger, parent medi««!r In Aimy and in tho world of tomor- to be retained. The minimum le- Tuesday. Capt. and Mrs. Omar 1.. tinjr to Albert A. Kerr, Ral size of calico bass and crappie Patterson, who also witnessed the 23 third and 48 fourth. The plaque Mrs. Thomas P. Doremus pre- Before 1897 the fiber used in education. - Jr., Cl»rk of th Borouifh of Rumson. row. will be presented at the next court sided. Mrs.. Henry L. Tllton was making binder twine for harvest- (Sicnedl is six inches. Daily catches per- exej-ciyes, are visiting Mrs. Patter- VALENTINE CIAMBRONE. Rod Rani; was represented by son's parents, Col. and Mrs, Wood. of honor, Andrew Grimes is Scout- named chairmen of the nominat- ing our great American crop had Piinripal Harry Sieber, Thomas mitted are ten in all of large or small mouth bass; twenty rock Mrs. Janice McCosker of East master of troop 67. ing committee, assisted by Mrsbee. n Manila hemp. One of the first Shower Tendered NOTICE. Phippj. Stanley Carhart and Wil- Orange is visiting her mother,- Mrs. Campflre stories were told by George T. Linton and Mrs. Joseph results of the Spanish-American Takr notice that Anna Malyskl and liam J'azir-ky. Rumjon high school's bass; twenty In all of calico bass John Malyski. trailing a* Maryanna'a and crappie. Alfred Lippman, ut- Sycamore ave- "Pop" Barker, Scout commissioner, E. Carroll. This was the anal war was the cessation of ship- Bride-To-Be drlo^aiinn ivaF headed by Dr. ments of Manila fiber to the United Inn. Intend to apply, to the Township The public waters of New Jer-nue. and skits and eongs were given by meeting until September. Committee of the. Township ot AUantle CharlK- A. Wnlbath. Millon States. Immediately began the Miss Lucy Sag^eae gave a bridal sey for years have been restocked Mrs. Helen Bry and son Nell troops 50 and 49. Among the of- for a Tlenary rtetftil Consumption II- Xichnl-, James [Cohen and Hail'fj' search for a satisfactory substitute shower Friday at her Bridge ave- cen«e for premises situated on the Free- with young bass raised at the have returned to their home on ficials attending were Scout Exe- BEAD THE SIGNS. to be used in binder twine. The nue homo /or her flistor. Miss Julia hold road at Scobeyville, N. J. Hacketntown Fish Hatchery, one of Corn lane from a stay at Lake cutive John Northup and Assistant Plants cannot talk, but they ,. ... Objections, if any, should be made Im- Scout Executive Morgan Knapp. Agave of Yucatan, growing almost .SafTfrese, who will be married July | edial»ly in writing to Harry Crine, the finest institutions of its kind in Placid, New York. make signs when they are hungry next door, less than 100 miles south m Mrs. George Bowles of San Fran- Harry Feldt and William Firth, 2 at St. Anthony'y s churcch to Frank i clerk of the Township of Atlantic. Sailors Defeat the world. Thousands upon thous- or when the soil in which they are of New Orleans* was cheap; Its pro- t Siirner] i ands nf ndult hass and pickerel cisco, California, is visiting her son Scout commissioners of District 2, growing is too wet or acid. Thus, Zc*:cola of Bronx, New York. ANNA MALYSKI, have aiso been nrttcd from closed and daughter-in-law, Capt. ana were in charge of arrangements. duction could be stepped up, and Decorations were In pink an'd JOHN MALYSKI, Clam Diggers a purplish color of a tomato plant kill- reservoirs and #ate-holes and liber- Mrs. Henry Bowles. it had no natural enemies, no while. Guests were Mrs. Ann P. O. Freehold. N. J.. R. F. P. I. Tliu CU1111 iJij^rr.^ curirnt lead- will indicate a lack of pjiosphorin the ated in the lakes and streams for Seaman Second Class Trudy Van- acid. Puckered tomato or potato inj; frosts or blighta. Mtcr Donato, Mra. Beatrice LucUano, • • 1 ,s ui the H^ndix Softball league, Vliet, who is (stationed at Atlantic mnny years in order to provide a Yeoman Wilhelm leaves that curl under at the edges war, when Manila hemp again ap- Mrs. Mary Rtlsso, Mrs. Anna vvvvv vvvvv ':iuj-]it-d a <-lo.-e one to the culuied City, anil her roommate, Seaman peared on the American market, it fine open season for bass fishermen. show a lack of potash. Cracked Mazza, Mrs. Frank Saggese, Mrs. ': ,s f I o 111 * "amp hnile l;tst woL'k. Second Class Agnes Conroy of Becomes Engaged did not replace sisal. By the sim- The New Jersey Fish and Game stems of celery are a sure sign of Marie Russo, Mrs. Joseph Triglll, Tho s mp and tuck all the Pittsburgh, spent the week-end ple expedient of always keeping its 1 Commission encourages licensed Mr. and Mre. Rudolph L. Wil- uoron deficiency. Alternating- green Jr., Mra. Mao Barone and Misses : BRADLEYS < May u.'ii Inn Ii Irani.- coming fiom with Miss VanVliet's parents, Mr. price just below that of the Manila Margaret Tucci, Louise Bianco, ( fishermen to take an active part helm of Keansburg have and white stripes on corn leaves l' ii. and Mrs. Stewart VunVliet. r.'i '.n ui• it up and then g'> in the new bpss season, which nounced the engagement of their show a need for magnesium. Slow product the Yuca'tan planter eas- Jennie Gambacorta, Frances Boc- ;• )•.!••?Hi A tliii' o-run sixth inning for The school graduation exercises daughter, Yeoman Third Class ily held tlie market. Today, during ccllotti, Sylvia Garruto, Clem closes on November 30. in order to will take place next Wednesday growth and yellowish leaves indi- > Radio Service < !-:e:nl;\ ti •am was quickly for- increase the state's food supply and Doris V. Wilhelm, U. S. Naval Re- cate a lack of nitrogen. It pay/! this second World war, when prox- Crimi, Mary Triifoln, Marion Crimf, ;.'''" night in the auditorium. The pro- ' n := ' .')'•navy c.inic back with because of the recreational advan- serve (Women's Reserve), to Cplt.o take time off and learn to read imity from the center cf produc- Voliindu Zcccola, Minnie ZeccoU, U> ,- ''.^ Mill.- in the seventh. gram is given in full elsewhuie in John Giles, U. S. Army, son of Mr. tion is even more vital, and fibers Mary Ruonana, Maria D'Aloia and tages of angling on the lakes of this issue. these signs. A supplemental light 4 Tr lo c::,:,, 1 i,peers ;u (. liiokinp for the state and alon^ the streams, j and Mrs. James Giles of Kean6- application of a nitrogen fertilizer are among the critical materials Rosa Russo. > ALL MAKES 11.iM.1 ^ '' M.i - Ana n^otiiorits can hv Garbage collections are now be-burs. Leoman Wilhelm and Cpla.t intervals during the growing affected by the war, henequen or Opening of the hass Reason will j ing made every Tuesday, Thursday mine 11. JlalhK.-in a' complete all open seasons on the Giles are. graduates of Middletown season may make n difference in sisal hemp is more than ever one AT TAMP WOLTEES. * REPAIRED ! ']•'"•• ''•'•!• and Saluiday in the boruugh. In township hiRh school. Yeoman Wil- of Mexico's most important export sportsmen's calendar in New Jer- the character of growth of the Ralph G. Barto. son of Mr. and N.W Y an item printed last week only two helm Is stationed at Arlington, Vir- plants. crops. Through the ports of Pro- soy for 1944. days weic given, Thursday being Mrs, Gaylord Barto of Cooper road, All I! II The commission again called at- Rinia, and CplGile. s at Gulfport, grcso and Campeche, Yucatan Is 4 '• ..••• .. 1 1 1 inadvertently omitted. Garbago i sending out to the western world Middlotown, anil Walter W. Rose!'! Newman Springs Road :. i l tention to the law which prohibits to be placed at the curb before -7 Mississippi. Back tho Attack—Buy War Bonds! son of Mr. anil Mrs. Charles E, < . 1 r of the total production of this :•. ! o taking more than 2, i in the aggre- and Shrewsbury Ave., M-i. a. in. indispensable material which will Rose of Belford, have arrived at 1 i, r gate In one day of fresh wnter tho Infantry Replacement Center, < Capt. Omar L. Patterson, husband eventually find Its way to the Bed Bank, N. J. M 1.11 i j j ganio and food fish. Licensed flsh- at Camp Wolters, Texas, to begin 1 j, farms of the wheat belt, where it < , !•_••: prmen should also enter their larg- of Mrs. H. S. Patterson of Sycamore basic training as infantrymen Mi.. • 1 1 ! used in tying the cereal into est enlches during the bass season avenue, has successfully completed They have been assigned to a bat- Telephone R. B. 1154 :i 1 l) a special course of instruction at AMERICAN HEROES shocks,. < 1.., . • 4 ] II in tho Fourth Annual dovernor'^ talion stressing rifle training. the Southern Signal Corps school BY LEFF Aa a plant, henequen needs lit- Fishing Tournament, the commis- tle cultivation; It yields two crops VVVVV VVVVV sion said. at Camp Murphy, Florida. He was 11 •iM I>II;I,I:KS selected for this specialized train- of leaves annually and has only to All It !i be replanted every 15 or 20 years.! |.. •\ 1, 1 ing on tlie bnsis of his aptitude as Club To Open measured hy a written examina- When tho plant is six or seven i :l 1 1 years old It reaches its maturity YOU HEAR TALK ABOUT MARVELS tion. He giaduates from the school ' f ' . :: i ] Its Full 18 Hole* well-fitted for more Important ser- and the lowest tiers of leaves drop. I'.r.iri •f. . 1. •t •-. loaves are ted Into a machine that Holds Supper they play their round. mei, Alliin' .hine^, Kniili,' Sniilh. separates the liber from the waste, SiTiinil fi'i-Hilc—Chni-tcx Alrhrr, k'vu- only'about i';'o of the weight of the The fir.M rnri'linj: for the .m>y, Julianne Talbot. hours were spent cutting rags for WE TELEGRAPH FLOWERS FOR GIRLS audience of relatives arid friends of Mrs. George Porter, Mrs. Wln- Firot grade.—Tarol Ann Krpger. Jean- 67 pillows and crocheting afghan the 20 graduates. nette Krittian« IN OUR NEW CATALOG (The Bed Bank Register can be insurance company, Carlton Cox, afternoon in the fire house. No mer at the home of Mr. and Mrs boupht' in SeaBright at Morris Weis- A. J. Cave here. Their week-end president of the state association; meetings will be held during July mnn'f* and CanneTa st'Ofe). ( ' Yes, Sear, is your one-stop shop- guests were Mr. and Mrs. William Haskell Llnnell, Prudential Insur- and August. Announcement will be The school graduation exercises ance company; Lloyd D. Harrison, made when the meetings will be E. Weier of East Orange. ping center for anything you need are being held this afternoon In Nelson H. Bergey who has been hoenix Mutual life Insurance com- resumed. After toe business meet- the Methodist church and are be- ...for yourself, your family, home or ng an informal surprise party was manager of Elm tree farm here the pany; Frank A. Williams, New Eng- ing carried out according to the past eight years, has accepted a land Mutual life Insurance corn- held in honor of Mrs. Frank Engle- program outlined In last week's car. Shopping is easy, at your near- man, who has returned to the aux- gositlon with an agricultural sta- iany, and Barry Greene, Connectl- issue. tion in Pennsylvania. The Bergey ut general life Insurance company. by Sears Catalog Sales Department. iary after the birth of a daughter. Jack White, who has been a pa- Members presented Mrs. Engleman family will move to their new home tient in Monmouth Memorial hos- July 1. Thousands of additional items are with a gift and refreshments were pital, arrived home this week. When YOU want to realize cash served. Sketching classes were conducted 'or something speedily, you can on the counters of our retail stores, Sunday, June 18, will be observed at a meeting of the senior group :ount on The Register want ad Mr. and Mrs. William Hagel of as Parents' day in tho Methodist of the Middletown Township Junior columns to do vour selling for you. tool Every item backed by Sears Nevada avenue entertained at a church. The fourth quarterly con- Audubon society Monday at Hill- —Advertisement. dinner at their home Sunday after- famous guarantee. ference will also take place. Rev. flcldi.rfarm under tho direction of ONE DAY noon in honor of their grandson, A. C. Brady of Red Bank, district Mrs. John Olscn. New senior group Pvt. William James Martin, who superintendent,, will preach at 7:30 members introduced were Gertrude was home from-Fort Dlx. Pvt. Mar- Rilail or Catalog Purchasot lotal- p. m., and will preside at the con- Wagner, Ranny Ueland and Michael ALL NATIONS WILL BE tin was inducted into' the U. S. ference to follow. Laws. The senior group will meet Use Army two weeks ago. He is the ing $10 or more' can be mad* Rev. and Mrs. Walter B. Wil- again Monday, June 19. son of Mr. and Mrs/'Albert Weiss liams attended the meeting Mon- on Sean Easy Payment Plan of this place but has made his home day of the ministers and wives at SECOND NATIONAL * FREE * with his grandparents. Those pres- Beach Haven. The minister Union Beach ent were Mr. and Mrs. William Ha- preached last Sunday morning at gel, Jr., and family, Mrs. Amelia Neptune. The American Women's Hospital BANK Leonard, MLss Grace Leonard, Mrs. A program arranged by Lillian The victories won under our flat; and those of the other Ecscrve corps reports that an un- Muriel Behr, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Layton and Joan Lindsay will be 'Meade, all of Elizabeth; Mr. and usually busy day was experienced United Nations spoil a fighting message of hope to oc- given at the Children's day service at the canteen on Memorial day, MONEY ORDERS Mrs. David Katz of Union Beach, Sunday night In the Methodist , cupled countries. Because when final Victory comes, the and as a. result of the need of Albert Anderson of Highlands, church. The service will bo in John Maloney of Brooklyn, Mr. and workers no members participated day will be lit hand when all peoples will be free. When charge of the Sunday-school, of in the parade in Keyport that day. POSITIVE PROOF OF Mrs. Weiss and Mr. and Mrs. Wil- which Mrs. Eleanrfr Lindeay is su- their flags will be a symbol of their communion with . . . iam Hagel, Sr. . . , The unit is disposing of a War perintendent. bond on the co-operative plan. not their exclusion from ... all other nations. Mrs. Charles Mayer entertained The last meeting until, fall of the PAYMENT 1 Carl Richard Bruder, 18, of the at the home of Mrs. Irene Cruse Sunday-achool board will be held U. S. Marino corps, son of Mrs. Sunday afternoon in honor of the next Wednesday evening In the Jessie Bruder of Center street, has They cost Ies« birthdays of her daughters, Mary Methodist parsonage. completed the course of training You get a receipt ON 9 on May 29 and Lillian 10 Sun- The Woman's Society of Cliris- in the aviation machinists' mate nine on May 29 and Lillian 10 Sun- tinn Service will meet next school, at the Naval Air Technical day, June 4. Decorations were in Thursday at 8 o'clock at the home Training center at Memphis, Ten- You do not need a. bank ac- FLAG DAY pink and blue. Refreshments were of Mrs. Bertha Griffin of Rumson. nessee. Brudcr, who was born in count to pay your bills hr erved and games were played. A birthday party will bo held Keai-ny, Is a member of this year's Those present were Betty Ann Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. by the Cub graduating CUIBS of the Keyport mall JUNE 14th Mayer, Erneat Mayer, Teresa Cruso, Pack, to which paionta of the Cubs High school, -where he took part in James Cruae.i-Audrey Comar, Fred- are Invited. Tho Cubs will nttenrt football, basketball and track. He die Veth, Patsy Kellogg, Freddie In their uniforms. Games will bo enlisfed in the Srfarlno Corps in Kellogg, John Kellogg, Gloria Rhu- played and refreshment* served. New York, Auguat-,5, 1043, and re- man, Diana Rhuman and William S. Sgt. Harry C. Betz of New ceivnd bnsio training- at Parrls Hansen, Jr., Mrs. Marion Cruse, street has won the light to wear Island, South Carolina. 'he Second National The Merchants Trust Co. Mrs. Kay Veth, Mrs. Margaret Wings and Boots of tho U. S. Army 27-2? Monmouth St Paratr6ops. He has completed four JBank & Jru$t Co. Mrs. May Mayer, weelis 6f Jump"IfaTnlhg'at-thuPaf- -Telephone R. Patrick. Brady of. Sycamore ave- achute school, Fort Bcnnlng, Geor- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Demchenko of Red Bank. N J. RED BANK nue ls remodeling his house. gia, during which • he mado five of Freehold havo announced the Ssvri itont tav» pftltj or. matitd cei'ing prim In coffipJi Members of Federal Reserve System J . Mrs. Winifred Bosch and Mrs. Jumps from a piano In flight, tha engagement of their daughter, Member Federal Deposit In- d/i Gorsrnmini rigv/vlioni. Hilda Phillips, both of Jersey City, last a tactlcul jump at night in- •Rutli, to Francis A. Cunningham, surance Corporation Members of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation visited their mother, Mrs, Susan B, volving a pombat problem on'land- also of Freehold. No date has been |7«J1 of Port Monmouth road; Sun- ing. set for the wedding. .',. Page (Ten. RED BANK REGISTER, JUNE 8, 1944

Bonnell, Joseph R. _ 2217 hold towMbip 183i, Jan. 1 eighth grade promotion certificates Card of Thanks J. Lewis Hay Borden, Ann 2309, 2354 Bowne, Edward and Elizabeth Drama To Feature to the members of the graduating Non-Suit Taken By this method we publicly ex- Borden, Caroline ;~~. 2289 Parker, both of Shrewsbury class. Rev. Robert Johnson of the press our deepest gratitude to the' Borden, Hannah 2308, 2354 township . 183*, Jan. 17 Shrewsbury Presbyterian church officers and members of the Red Heads Drive For Genealogy Borden, John ..'. .. - 2206 Wallen, John and Ann Stoney, Shrewsbury Public will give the invocation and Rev-In Seddig Trial Bank fire department for their _' 2247 prompt and efficient service ren- Borden, Joseph . ^. both of Mlddletown township Robert D. Smith, rector of Christ dered at the lire which threatened Borden, Mary . 2273 -.-.., - 1833, Dec. J Episcopal church, Shrewsbury, will to completely destroy our building Special Gifts 2315 School Exercises Voluntary Action Mr». William R. Conover, editor, Borden, Thomas J. Mathews, Hubbard of Howell twp., pronounc*. the benediction. at 37, 39 and 41 Broad street early i 2329 chairman of the Genealogical com- Borden, William and Lydia MorrU of Middletown By Attorney Sunday evening. We are also mittee of Monmouth County His- Borden, William P. ,. 2338 twp — 1834, Jan. 30 Commencement Will grateful to the Red Bank police de- Chairmen Named For Boucle, Elizabeth ___ 2270 Has 83d Birthday partment for their co-operating and torical association,. Freehold, N. J White, Joseph and Mary Ann timely assistance. Boud, Mary Ann -^ '_ 2363 Matthew*, both of Howell Take Place On Next Herman Seddlg's $50,000 action M. M. Hospital allfooal Index (Fart 8) Boude, Nancy 2335 1834, Feb. 4 against the. (County Gas company, CHARLES FISHER, 224S Atlantio Highlands, ended abrupt- DELFORD M. FISHER. $92,500 Campaign Marriage Records Bound, Eliza ..... Conrow, Charles and Marian Sut- Wednesday Evening —Advertisement. ilarch i, 1943, to Feb. 3,1944 Bower (Bowne) Cornelia Ann 2243 Phln, both of Howell twp. ly at Freehold Monday when Theo- ,=, 2260 dore J. Labrecque, Red Bank, coun- —2441— iowirian, Samuel ...... 1834, Feb..22 A chorlo drama entitled "Our IN MEMORIAM. J. Lewis Hay of Little Silver was .. 2301 iowr.e, Caroline 224: By Thomas G. Stewart sel for the plaintiff, took a volun- re-named chairman of the special Beedle, Thomas . Heritage" will be presented by tary non-suit. The trial had been In lovlni memory of our fatlur, Uolln .. 2222 Bowne, Hannah ....;... 2264 Layton, Andrew of Dover twp, t i w gifts committee for the 1944 MouBedmon- , Benjamon members of the graduation class, in progress since May IS. 1937 ° """ ' 'y on J»n« 1, Beekman, Henry : .. 2349 Bowne, Jacob 2289 and Mary Ann Southard of Bur- mouth Memorial hospital campaign 2322 assisted by pupils of other clauses, Mr. . Labrecque indicated later He had a kindly smile tor ,11, hit h»«rt Beldole, Julia - 2343 Bowne, Lydia lington Co. 1834, Mar. 15 at the commencement exercises of WEI true and tendci. at a dinner meeting last week at . 2334 Bowne, Thomaa ... ._ 2264 By U G. Chapman, Justice tho case will be retried. He tolled-to hard for thoa« he 1ov«d.»nd Rumson Countrj club. The quota Bell, Nathan * Shrewsbury publio school to be Benjamen, John .. 2309 Bowns, Robert 2331 (85)' Hurley, Henry and Eliza Ann Early last week the case reached l«It us to remember. for ipecial gifts In the drive has 2226 held next Wednesday, June 14, at In ttar« we saw you linking and watched Bennet, Benjamin W. _.__-.- 2304 Bowker, Hannah •— Allgor i 1833, Nov. 23 8 p. m. In the auditorium. a point where Circuit Court Judge you fade away, been set at $65,000. The drive quota 2337 Bennet, Cornelius .. 2359 Bowker, Joseph Williams, Smith and Rebecca Run- The theme of this stirring drama Robert V. Klnkead had decided the God know, how much we mill you u in $82,500. 2305 Bennet, Joseph —.; . 2243 Bowyer, Margaret aids 1934, Jan. 21is that America's Bill of Rights is issue turned upon an extremely ac- at dawn seven years today. 2305 Bennet, Mary 2299 2352 Bowyer, Sarah White, Peter and Jane Shafto not "just words," but a vital force curate measurement of the gas ser- SONS AND DAUGHTERS. 2365 vice pipe from the defendant's Bennet, Nancy 2343 Boyd, James W. , , 1834, Jan. 25 safeguarding our liberties from 2315 main along Foster street, River Bennet, Phebe . 2243 Bralnd, Joseph Trauadale, John and Emallne Hase such encroachments as have In WANT ADVERTISEMENTS Bennet, Rachel 2222 Brand, Abigail 2319 1834, Jan. 28 Plaza, to a stop-cock in the cellar. totalitarian countries snuffed out The defense had contended that Bennet, Sarah 2260 2301 Brand, Elizabeth ...• 2293 Newman, Washington and Sarah freedom of speech, ot religion, of . 2326 Brand. Jeremiah -. 2326 Taylor : -... 1834, Feb. 8 there was an excess of one and Too Late for Clarification Bennett, Amy one's person and property. one-eighth inch of pipe between the Bennett, Ann 2237 Brand, Lettee .., 2330 Newman, Bloomfleld and Mary "Our Heritage" drives home its WANTED, giTFoui~oi~achoQl Ut do lixhi main and cock to compensate for housework for the summer. No Sun- Bennett, Britton 2317 Brand, Malen 2334 Woolley 1834, Feb. 19story by j means of lines of impas- 232J Brand, Samuel 2334 Woolley, Alexander and Lucy Ann contraction ot the pipe during cold day work. . Apply after 7 p. m. or writ* Bennett, Cathern sioned truth spoken by two nar- weather and "bowing" under the 61 East River ltd-,' Humiion, N. J.* 2354 2285 Taylor 1384, Mar. B Bennett, David Brand. Samuel,. Jr. rators and a speech-choir to the pressure of the soil. WANTED at "once, lyilc wriier to writ* Bennett, Deborah 2243 Brand, White - 2217 Scholthorpe, James and Mary accompaniment of tableaux, pan- words for catchy vrur song. Write 2341 Brannin, Catherine ••— 2331 Brewer 1834, Sept. 7 your name, addtebt. and telephone to Bennett, Edward tomime and appropriate muiie. A witness for the plaintiff had Lyric, box 51), licd_BHTtk. Bennett. Elizabeth ; 2267, 2276, Brannin, Lydia 2295 Haverus, John and Polly Pearce testified earlier that three-quarters Jean Tapper and Thomas Unter- Miss Hannah Jackson, who makes YOUNG WHlTlTgirl or woman to help 2329 .2347 Branscn. Thos 2301 1833, Oct. 7berg of the graduating class will be of an inch would be sufficient to with cleaning and wait on' tablti. Bennett, Elletta 2354 Brant, Thoma3 2264 By Joseph Brlnley, Justice her home with her niece, Mre. compensate for both contingencies. Phone Bed Bank_9!13. he chief narrators. Marilyn Berg- Philip Lemig of 55 Oakland street, Bennet, Holmes 2338 Bray, John -. 2247 White, John S. and Sarah Warnor, er, Pauline Morgan, Nancy Goslau, The over-all length of the service WHITE COOK and lUlH boy-two rk«r 2343 both of Mon. Co. celebrated her 83rd birthday Mon- wanted; other Jielp km>t. itceu in or Bennett, James —2442— John O'Reilly, Jacqueline Isgate pipe became Important in view of out. Hiiih wnKtii. On bus line, near .2354 . 1834, Feb. day. She received many presents, the plaintiff's contention that the Bennett, John .:._,—,...••.— Book C. Monmouth Count; Mar- and Margery Strausa, also grad. church and muvien. Pleasant aurround- Bennett, Joseph 2309 By John Saplin Newman, Elder, and there were many callers, inside cock had been set too close i Phone lied Bank 953. riage Records, Court House, uatesi- are solo-speakers. among them her cousin, Emma. El- Bennett. Lydia , 2341 Methodist Church to the foundation wall topormlt LUST, small brown fox terrier, male, Freehold, N. J.. Members of the Speech-choir are liott, also of Red Bank, who cele- Bennett, Mahala 2222 Chambcrlln, William and Abigail expansion and contraction. welched' apprbxIJnaleJjr 11) pound** Betsy Anson, Diana Fetter, Mary brated her 80th birthday last March Reward. .Phone Red Bank_ 15H2-W, Bennett, Marthy 2256 Handford, William H. and Eliza- Homer, both of Mon. Co. Since Judge Klnkead adjourned Ann Smith, fourth grade; Mary an who, like Miss Jackson, is in 2354 beth W. Borden, both of Shrews- 1834, Feb. 5 last week' Mr. Labrecque had an Bennett, Mary 2217, Unterberg, Evelyn Lewis, Nancy the best of health. Miss Jackson EXPERIENCED WAITRESS wtiilid. . 2217 bury 1834, Feb. 3 By John Branson, Justice engineer measure the pipe for the Bennett, Moses Meyer, Suzanne Gllman, Joan Still- is pictured above with her nephew, Family of 1 adulta In Runuon, . 2352 By James W. Woodward, Minister rover, John of Middlesex Co. 1 plaintiff's case. The measurements, Bennett, Phebe man, Howard Strauss, Geoffrey Philip Lemig. near bus line. Reference* requited. . 2256 Rimson, Samuel and Lucretia Mil- and Eliza Perrlne of Mon. Co. Kalmus, fifth grade; Joan Cowen, taken to offset testimony given on Bennett, Sarah Miss Jackson was born at LJv» in. Phone Itumiou 626 between Bennett, William J. . 2354 ler 1834, Feb. 3 1833, Nov. 3Shirley LeRoy, Thomas Osborn, the same point by experts for the THEODORE D. MOORE, Shrewsbury in 1861 and is the B and 7 p, jfe er • *nd * ** o*> . 2226 By Amos Bennet, Esq. By John WvDavison, Justice Morgan Knapp, Charles LeVaUey, County gas company last week Bennit, Charity - daughter of the late William and Chairman, Red Bank District Bennit, George W. . 2343 (93) Brown, Mark of Dover anil (96) Giberaon, William and Ellen sixth grade; Margaret Merriam, were, however, taken with a rod 2256 Emeline Rogers of Howeli Estell, both of Howell Dorothy Anson, Ruta Manel, David Ann Dangler Jackson. She was Ingraduated in tenths whereas the Bennit, John the employ of the attorney, Charles STOVE SPECIAL—Maeie Cb»fs, one- Acting as vice chairman on spe- Benson, Perry . 2315 1833, Aug. 2ft 1833 Archer, Charles Newman, Robert defense had used hundredths, Urtte 39-imh and two apartment »U* cial .gifts will be Henry Hel'rman of 2281 Morton, Joseph and Hannah Wainright, John Neetley and Jane Scott, seventh grade, and Edmund Hendrickson, for 20 y«ars. She hasHenry Sorenson, Newark, defense rvnjre*. tirntui ntw. So mor» when Bergen, Reuben . been a resident of Red Bank for the«e ftra «on«. Hork'a Stove Exchange. Deal and committee members are 2301 Longetreet, both of Howell Heidmore, both of Howell Scharff and James Powers, eighth counsel, objected to this testimony 295 Bay avenue, Hlghlandc, Phone High- Beers, Ann ...... the past 50 years. Mrs. J. Prentice Kellogg, Charles Beers, Joseph ^——. 2243 1833, Aug. 29 1833 grade. Mrs. Dorothy W. Poole, as not the best evidence and when lands lOHu. R. Beattie, Manton B. Metcalf, Jr., Beers. Mary .iv.---. 2299 Allen, Richard L. and Charlotte Gant, Ezieck and Deborah Ann ilxth and seventh grade teacher, Judge Kinkead "excluded It Mr. FOMHNf; baby carriage tn vary sood and Bertram H. Borden of Kum- . 2299 condition for aale; babjr't tcreen crib. Berry, Lawrence Shearman, both of Howell Clayton, both of Dover 1833 will direct the speech-choir. Labrecque asked for the non-suit. Qall Red Hank 3376. son; Mr. and Mrs. George H. Bod- . 2346 1833, Oct. 10 Betts, Samuel R Gant, Zachariah and Marq Era- Tableaux and pantomlne under Rev. M. A. Crine Court and jury had listened to BObY AND fender man wanted; alio man. Mrs. Amory L. Haskell. Mrs. Bevis, Samuel ..... 2243 By Samuel F. Allen, Justice ,,morLS both of Dover 1834 direction of Misses Marie M. Hamm testimony for 13 days. auto mechanic and man to wash and Andrew V. Stout and David A. 2343 liddle, Garrlt Bowers, John and Elizabeth Jeff- Estell, David Lewis and Prehe and Helen C. Lang will be portray- Gets Pastorate Mrs. Anna J. Seddig, about 65, F.[monfce cars. . Hxctllent opportunity. Schulte, Middletown township; Mrs. 2315 Under new roanaKoment. Commute! a Bllyew, Elen :.- rey, both of Mon. Co. Hankins, both of Howell d by Elizabeth Hymer and Wil- was home alone at 55- Foster street Super Service, (icorgt I^wnibery, prop.. Harry H. Neuberger and Mrs. . 2293 1 1834, Jan. 6 .:. 1834, Mar. 15 iam Burdge, first grade; Jean Rev. M. Augustine Crine, son of River Plaia. March 29, 1943 when 101 Oakland street. Phone ftrd Bank Lewis S. Thompson, Li ncroft; Louis Bilyew, Elizabeth 2270 Bills, Abraham By Henry Bochm, Minister By Aaron Remson, Justice , Kelly and Nancy Collins, second Michael Crine of Vanderburg, and a series of three explosions follow- 19^3 B. Timm, Ixing Branch; Edward . 2363 r Bills, Joseph Methodist Church Cook, Joseph and Susanna Ann grade; Mary Virginia Mason, the late Mrs. Annie Crine, has ed by fire razed the two-story frame ', iTactical nu "C for two wtck> Bry, Elberon; Sidney Erlanger, 2302 Reeves, Thomas of Upper Freehold been appointed pastor of St. Mat- .re for new hat.y ; rnliry. %Zh p«r tills, William ._ Price, both of Long Branch eanne Walker, Edwin Cowen, dwelling and inflicted on her burns wfck. Phone Bui Hunk VlSi-3. Oakhuret; lire. Alvin E. Coleman 2252 and Ann Steward, Burlington thew's church at National Park, lillsboth, Hannah „ 1834, Apr. 21 Anna Floretti, Donald Edwin, Mar- and wounds which caused her HOUSE FOll SATJ-:. Highlands intinit wtnt- Blrdsall, John .._.-. 1 Upper Freehold .... 1834, Mar. 13 D. A. R., and published through ntlne and Paul Buckalew, fourth Farm Hand KJUed by Auto. Cfl: tjj'frrt wnrkmnnnbiji, 2.1 ytmrt ex- duct the campaign throughout . 2326 By Cornelius Vanderbeck, Justice grade; Leah Wolcott, Rose Trifari Niagara Falls, Father Crine haa BirdsalI7 Samuel ...... 2301 the Monmouth Historical associa- perience. Kred Helmbera, P. O. Box 663, Monmouth coilnty will be given a Stoney, George and Nancy Cot- and John Merriam, fiftV grade; been assistant pastor at Holy John Hamaydl, 43, a migrant lit-1 dinner Wednesday, June 21, at the Birns, Joseph 2299 tion, Freehold, N. J., and released Bishop, Joseph rell, both of Mon. Co. Morgan Knapp, Jr., and Janet Name church, Camdeh: St. Law-farm laborer, was struck and killed COtKKR SPANIEL for. .»le, fem.). Garfleld-Grant hotel, Long Branch, . 2240 by (Mrs. William R.) Laura V. pu[M>y, black with whlu marking!-/' Blackstock, William _...... 1834, Mar. 17 of Genealoclal ones, sixth grade, and Robert rence's, Laurel Springs; St. Augus- by an automobile while walking when tho opening guns in the drive . 2343 Conover, chairman tine's, Ocean City, and St. Mary's along the FreehoId-Colt'B Neck Abu Seattle l'Ul'[>y, female. Don Craw- Blain, John Poland, Richard and Leah Lam- Morgan and David Archer, seventh ford, 60 Oakland itrcet. Red Bank. will be fired. The fund to be col- . 2273 Committee. cathedral, Trenton. road Sunday night. The man suf- Blake, Ann -.- berson -;.. 1834, Mar. 17 grade. '_ Hunk I7t«-M. • lected (his year will be used for . 2289 fered a fractured skull. The carrUTPIES WANTBnTiniaH breeds. Phont Blatnerj Randolph „__...... 2365 (94)-Hart,-Samuel-of Shrewsbury Mis' Florence Hackett will play continued aid to the worthy poor township and Mary Conrow of The Red Bank Rejrtstef Is sup- was driven by Sgt. Raymond Al- Red B.nk ITf'.M. and for a general reserve, Blower, George .2270 he piano accompaniment for ihe Some stiitea of th» union levied Howell _ 1834, Mar. 27 ported by local as well as out-of- tariffs against one another before fred, stationed at CafjijTWooiJ. Po- WOMAN WA.VJXD. ..over. _J5, *hit« »r Chairmen have accepted in all "logen, George ... 2331 own business men. Advertisements intire drama. colored, for wfr.eral hoime work. No Lonpstreet, James M. and talza- Ice said the dead man had been communities except in Atlantic Boice, Alice . 2354 appearing reimlarly tell the story. • Lester C. Scott, president of the the adoption of the Constitution in laundry. Sl«f[r Jn._ Cull Hed Bant Hi. beth Huff, both of Howell town- drinking earlier in the evening. Highlands, Eatontown, Fair Haven, Boiqe,. Ira C : 2322 —Advertisement. • loard of education, will award 1789. ' " ' BRK;«:S 4 STRArrbN tnjlna for aala. ship 1834, Jan, 8 1 h. i). Inquire 172 Hudson avrnue, • Hclmdel township, Little Silver, Boice, Maria . 2349 Rf.l lUr.k • Manasquan.^latawan, part ot Mid- Bollicn, Francis _....._._...... 2330 Lane. Isaiah S. of Shrewsbury township and Mary Ann Lans FOR SALE, two lartre hutrhei, one br«d tflctowii township, Ocean Grove, Boker, Lydia . ~ . 2352 doe, one. buck. ChmchUla. . F*«d.. al- Oceanporl, Portaupeck, Raritan Bond. John .. 2352 of Freehold township 1834, Jan 11 lfrt. HeatonaMe. Phone Red Bank township, Rumson and Spring Bonnell, Jamea .. 2308 Pettit, William ol New York city s*';* Bonnell, John, Jr. and Hannah Strickland of Free- LN RED BANK If* Span Craft Studloi Lake, for picture framing! oil pain tin zt, etrh- District chairmen who have ac- Iffi and enffravinjt ret to red; full «!•« cepted include: frame.en mantel mlrron, window v»l*. ances. lawn •igm, framed m'rrort. S7 Asbury Park, AUenhurst, Inter- -FATHER'S DAY IS SUN., JUNE 18- Emt Front atreet. two rfoora from laken and Wanamassa, Mrs. Hazel KdlrY phone Red Flank. 8995- E. Kinnty; Atlantic township, Mrs. Allison Stern and V. A. Johnston; ROCK WOOL .mutation; eonblBa- Bradley Beach, Mrs, Rose Meisner tion ttorm iavu and acreem i roof* and Mrs. Lester Rogers; Deal, El- lne, ildinir. Impectioni made and beron and West End, Edwin Bry; •ctimaEei given without obUettion. Farmingdale and Howell township, Olson Company, Inc., 810 Pint ave- Edgar O. Murphy; Highlands, Mrs. nue, Aibury Park, K. J., phone 701. Samuel C. Corse; Lincroft and Everett, J. Daniel Tuller; Marlboro SAIL BOAT, paitly completed. 18 feet by township, Robert Dobbins; Mon- 7-foot, 6-Inch beam. Can be Men at JC9 Fint ttrect. Keyvorl. f:ei Frlek, moiflh Beach, Mrs. H. B. Boland; Be §ute to chooie Red Bank, Theodore D. Moo_re; Sea 67 Wallace itreet. Hed Bank. a gift that will do IN^ULATK immediately, Hake flnt Bright, Mrs. Eugene Gardella; payment Novemticr lit; three year* Avon, Sirs. Roland R. Wildrick; juttice to the big to pay. Summer and winter comfort Belmar, Mrs. Eleanor M. Palumbo; occasion, Father's pid for out ot winter fuel iarinr>. Johns-Manville insulation pneumatically Freehold, Arthur Ellor; Keyport, Day. In our com- Installed by manufacturer. Phon« Iocs] Edward Farry, Jr.; Long Branch, representative, Adam J. Llnzmayer, At- Frederick E. Neaves; Middletown plete selection of lantic Hijthlandi 71»-M, or write Box 7, township, Mrs. J. Marshal Booker, men's clothing Naveiink. N. J. Estimatei n"iven without obllK«tion. Mm. Amuiy L. Haskell, Miss Louise you're bound to Han.'hu: np, and Mr^. Samuel Rik- find the ideal gift NOTICE. ei, Jr.; Sea Gut, Malcolm Sever- Take notice that Robert W. Brower in- ance, and WPH l^ong Branch, Ed- for Dad. tend* to a.iply to the Mayor and Coun- cil of the Borough of K*d Bank for a gar Ostrander and Mrs. Otis R. Plenary Ketail Comumption licence for Seaman. Entire Stock premise* -iluated at 5 and 7 Wharf Ave- nue, Red Bnnk. Wilson Bros. Objection;", if any, should ba made Im- mediateJy in wrltinjr to Amy E, Shi/in, WCTtf Adjourns For and Cttrk of the BirQiiifh Pf Ked Bank. (Sitrned) Summer Months Van Heusen KOBKRT W. BROWER. 101 McLaren atreet, Red Bank. The final met'tin^ of the season NOTICE. of the Red Bank Women's Chris- POLO SHIRTS Take notice that Charlei Do err, t/a a* tian Temperance union was held .Tot'it Hay view inn, intends to up ply to Township Committee of Middletown Tuesday afirrnoon at the home of. townnhlp for n Plenary Retail Consump- Mrs. AH»'it W. Woidcn of 66 East tion llrenjiff for premise* located at 50- From s::ioi. A covered dish lunch- 32 Brny nventic, East Kenn*Munr, N. J. Ohjer(inn«, if iny, (ttinuM h* im- eon preredrj the session. MEN'S ALL WOOL LONG SLEEVE medifltely in wrltinjr. tn Hnward W. Roh. Mis. IS. I\ *Ji.*it'ton conducted a erti«, Clerk of the TowneMp of Middle- bncf worship period with Mrs. SPORT COATS town. SPORT SHIRTS (SiRned) Anna Bray at the piano. Mrs. An- CHARLES DOERR. nie C. Worden read a poem during 95 00 95 50 GROCERIES NOTICE. the. session. Mis. Minretta DeMptt *2 to *8 *15- to»25- Take notice thtit Ervel Powen. trad. was in r hiir^e of the business meet- In a1 «i Club Ervei, intend* to apply to Ing durinp Ihp aflernoon. 'The hos- Men's 100 % Ail Wool Mayor nml Cmim-il of the Borough of tess, Mrs. Worcjpn, a delegate to Short Sleeves $1.95 up Eatontown for a PIcnnry Retail Con- sumption Licenne for premised situated the recent Spring Institute of the LEISURE JACKETS AT on Route H.T, Entontown, N". J. W. C. T. U. at Ocean Grove, pre- SLEEVELESS SWEATERS Objectlonfl, if any, ahoulil he made im- sented a report concerning the ac- Two-Tone and ag ag mediately in writing with Andrew G. tivities and ri\)Finet discussed. Becker, Clerk of the Borough of Eaton- 5 Plain Colors UP All Wool *2°° UP town. Mrs. Maltha " Lloyd of Ashury (Sinned) Park. Mpnni'iuili cuunty president ERVEL POWERS, With Sleeves $4.95 Eatontown, N. J, of the IV. (.'. T. V, Kii\p n brief $ 95 taik, ennni atu'..-«1111E HIP I'.cd Ranlt SLACKS 3 NOTICE. up Take notlre that Davidson Brother! Kroup I"! thru ciii.sLicn! inus work Large Selection to PAJAMAS ^itpnrl to apply to Mnynr and Council during the pap' vrai'. Mr.« HeMoH of the Borough of Rod Bank for a He- appointed n .n' "nmmittee Choose From Fancy and .75 tnil I)[B(ribuliu!i lirctiRe for premlsei Mount & Hartmayer's nituated nt H5 BrOnd street, Red Bank, I'lHln Colon conMMin'K' or .^1Vs. Hairv Osborn, N. J. chairninn, Sir.-. Han y Hayes ancl Objection". If nny, ahould be made Im- Mil, Alhcrt W. Wordr-n. The re- MEN'S SOCKS mediately In writing to Amy E. Bhinn, SUPERBA NECKWEAR Clerk of the Roro'ugh of Red Bank. port of the committee will be pre- 41 BROAD STREET RED BANK •'(Sluncd) sented at the September patherinp, EZRA DAVIDSON, to be held at the home of Mrs. An- (1 Plrrkrpy Road. Red Bank, N. J, na Errirkson of 2.r» Kim plnre, Tues- 55c «o AnRAHAM H. DAVIDSON^ S2« Wnyno St., HlRhlntici Park, N. J, day. September 5. MCGREGOR IIYMAK DAVIDSOK, Those pre.vnt were Mr.«, Martha TERRY CLOTH «0 Brighton Ave., Perth Amlioy, N. J. Uoyfl, Mrs. Minrjtta Di'Mott. Mrs. NOTICE. Anna Krrlckson, Mrs. Ijowis Er- SWIM TRUNKS ROBES Will Be Held This Week-end Take notice that Lotf Cabin Tap House litkfnn. Mrs. Worthv Owens. Mrs. Intends to npjily to Mnyor and Council $ 95 $ 50 of Shrewnbury Borouprh for n. plenary Anna P.tay. Mis. DcWitt CS F. Ran r»t«il consumption Ilecnno Tor premiss* 'lolfih li+. ami Mrs. H. C. ni.ilrson 3 to 8 located at. Biond street..Shrewsbury.-N. J* Mi!> UilliMi; \«on. Mr'. Hannah Ohjrrtfont, If nny, flnoulrl bp mnde Jm- mediatrly in wrltlnjc to Orirmlc C. V«n- Hrnd Mrf Hannah Cook. M VHet. clcik of Bnrouch of Shrewsbury. Sninu'l Ho'.vin'l. Mrs. Harry Os- VAN HEUSEN DRESS SHIRTS '2.25 (Sinned) hrnn. Mi.1*. ,^ohn Chamberlain. Mrs up BUY AND SAVE LOCI PAWN TAP HOUSE. Harry Patterson. Mrs. H. Yorker ARTHUR" D. HANSSOM, n TIENRY W. SANPBR3, Mis. Jinny Hayes:' Mrs. Horace MEN'S ALL WOOL ALICE B. IIASCALL. Vine, MIK Albert M.. Van Xosfrand. _MrB. U >M. Ttnrirk. Mrs Kntc Mer- GABARDINE NO POINTS REQUIRED Tho Dato on the address on vour paper show* Henrv Rupp. .Mrn. Annli" C. Worden when vour subscription ^xpirea. Thl paper, like most self-respect- nrni Mr.«. Albert. W. Worden. ca£h-in-advance basis. It vour final The i.jiid to better snd biE£er date ]a drawtne near, send in vour hu-iiipFf lcuil« throuRh The Reeis- check for renewal today BO* that Corner Brofld and Mechanic Streets, Red Bank you will not miss anv Issue of vour Irr'f ndvoitislujf eolumnB,—Adver- favorite home newspaper,—Adver- tisement, . , tisement. EED BANK REGISTER. JUNE 8. 1944 Page Eleven

The 5th War Loan starts next week! THEREVER your invasion forces are fight- self, have banded together as war bond Volunteer ing—at sea, in the air, on the ground— Workers, giving their time to taking your sub-, W HERE'S WHAT, UNCLE they're working together for victory. They know scriptions for bonds. Support them. Give them that they must depend on each other, for only the kind of teamwork our boys are giving to SAM OFFERS JOU IN by coordinated teamwork will they win through each other on the fighting fronts! THE FIFTH WAR LOAN to final victory in the earliest When your Volunteer Work- The "basket* of securities to be sold possible time. . er calls, double your war bond under the direction of the State War The "Fifth War Loan starts subscription. It's their job to Finance Committees during the Fifth War Loan consist* of eight individual next week. ItVgbing to'take help raise $16 billions of money issues. for victory during this Fifth teamwork—a lot of it—to put These istuei are designed to fit the this drive over the top. For drive, $6 billions from individ- investment needs of every person with we've got a job to do. As the uals like yourself. money to Invest. tempo of invasion rises every I A JIM «Make up your mind to wel- one of us must mobilize for come your Victory Volunteer THE OFFERING INCLUDES! support of our fighting men. with a friendly smile and an open * Series E, F and G Savings Bonds • Strits C Savings Notts checkbook—remembering that In every city, town and ham- • 2W7o Bonds of 1965-70 let men and women, like your- \ •* it's teamwork that does it! • 2% Bonds of 1952-54 * I Wfo Notes; S«rUs B - 1947 MORE THAN BEFORE! * 7/«% Ctrllflcatos of lnd«bt*dn«ss r*\ This Page Is Sponsored by the Following Red Bank Merchants In the Interest of a Speedy Victory llRSCHBAUM'S SILK SHOP NATIONAL Sc, 10c & $1.00 STORE THE STERLING FURNITURE SHOP GOOD HOUSEKEEPING, INC. J. YANKO uUSSILLES' J. H. KELLY CO. ALLEN ELECTRIC SHOP SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. ' ALBERT M. KUITZ, WHOLESALER RYDER'S HENDRICKSON ^PPLEGATE - NAT'S JEWELERS MINER SUPPLY COMPANY QUALITY MEATS -BERT S. MILLER SHOE CO. WILBUR'S REEDS JEWELERS PARKE DRUGS H. G. DEGENRING, INC. IE MERCHANTS TRUST CO. TETLEY'S, INC. J. J. NEWBERRY CO. FACTORY STORES MILES SHOE STORE BANK BUILDING AND LOAN CLAYTON & MAGEE MAINSTAY-FRIENDS CAVING & LOAN JEAN FROCKS, INC. MONMOUTH MEN'S SHOP ASSOCIATION , VOGEL'S ASSOCIATION * S. HOJ^FMAN'S ARMY & NAVY STORE CHECKER STORES )HN B. ALLEN SHOE CO. STRAUS COMPANY GOLDIN'S MEN'S SHOP BORO BUSES FRED D. WIKOFF CO. IKRIDEL MOKLER'S BAKERY SCHULTE UNITED DEPT. STORE THE SURPRISE STORE STRAND RESTAURANT -ALLAIRE & S0N-A6ENCY; INGr— ••*• -L-EON'S—-•—• »••-'• •--^~.., .~ ^ ^ SECOND ^UTlQNALJS^ANX.&_IRUSXm WIDSONBROS. SIMON'S "NICE THINGS" ROBERT HANCE & SONS, INC. SERPICO'S OFFICE EQUIPMENT THE ACME FURNITURE CO. THIS IS AN OFFICIAL U. S. TREASURY ADVERTISEMENT-PREPARED UNDER AUSPICES OF TREASURY DEPARTMENT AND WAR ADVERTISING -COUNCIL Page Twelve. RED BANK REGISTER, -JUNE.8, 1944

YANKEE TIUUIiK will b'jy your ctoio : china, v&ze*. bisque figures, trinket* :l and pay you the highest pricea in lowfi Just phone Red (!a,nk 2247. 23 W. Frost, Know street. Red Bank. ' O. P. A. COMMUNITY CEILING PRICES EREE, SAANEN buck goat lo buyer o WANT ADS 1 Nubian u'oe, registered, tin. Airwa vacuum cleaner, hardly usad; contol' Your For th» •»**• CWWMM of MMJmx. Monwertfc, mi Warr- and ol of Sonwrft Spartan radio. Phone Eatontown'27 4-K bafora 8 a. m:; between 8 and 7 p. n •tc»pi Hm •orawflfc of Nortfc Hahrfteld, New Jttfy t FlUOIDAIRE, 6 cu. ft., porcelain inald LOST AND FOUNp and outside. Very clean. SOS Bridr Government avenue. Red Bank, N. J." for ma mt sou mt eawuH «iana HCB tma nut Am wan n\a COMOOC CHUM* mct> SHALL KOWBOAT found adrift near 19313 PUNTIAC coach, « cylinder.; i fo» n*cnour m.enmMOO nwi AHKnuwBroim c*» uaiAATism. tr YOU *«I IM oour loto i May, 1944 River atrect: owner may hmva- aitme just overhauled, excellent tires. Ci Atour mt HOMI cairn* Wc» o* AMV KOO HIM NOT OH THIS UST CONSULT THE WICI I>ANB. ot roui by proving ownership at hoiueboat, foot Red Bank MS-W.* HoJd Out Your Basket. Croup 1 and 2 stores only. UKALVAIMK* 4M» UTtONItW lOAHD. . by 0w -i. of River atreet.* UHHM) SritM of AmwiM THREE MILK1NU goats, cheap. Nowttl To eat Af not to cat off the Fed- SILVER LINK Air Corpt bracelet lo.t". Seeley Lane, Belford, N. J. .' Offie* ^t. Glssa .1] Bc*cul ...., _ lib. Ba| „ , IPintGUu .36 J« JS •Del Monte ..., No.2KCan J9 Mazola ..„ IQwiCtui long lost between Shrewsbury and Federal school lunch program. The Cltpp.'s Strained Soups.. .4*{)sK. daas .09 Boscul llb.GUaa J8 •Fame .....No. 2*5 Can .39 •Cousfe Town, cm gr^n.No. 2 Can .19 .07 .67 TWO METAL beds, tricycle, hug. h.av •Cojete To»ra. vh. gr.. No. 2 Can •MazoU 1 Pint Tin .34 J4 Middletown on highway. Finder please canvas auto cover, 20 ytrda of ha House voted down a proposed 50- Clapp's Strained Fruits ' • *| Chase ud Sanbora... lib. Bat .33 Filigree No.2HCan J9 .23 rat •College Town. Julienne. No. 2 Can •MaioU IQutrtTio .65 .05 return to Harvey C. TiHon, 2 Pr ">'rii. two ConifOleum rug«. Sxll million-dollar appropriation for and Vegetables 4fi or 5 ot. Class .10 .10 Coflejelown ,. ...lib. Bar ..29 fFlagslaff ...-. No.2XCan .37 .11 place, Rumion, N. J. Reward. fCUpp'i Junior Com- Del Monte „...... lib. Class .37 Premier 16ol.Can ..23 Diamond, cut green -No. 2 Can 2\ •MaaoU .IGtl.Glisa 2 112.11 jnetal dralnl.oard. cheat of drawers, circk ^cliool lunches. The Senate restored btnatioa Diines..7J4 or 1H at. ClaM AS .12 Diamond ...llb-Baf J3 Premier No.2MCaa .40 Damond, Mt wax No. 2 Can .18 Worn Oil : IPintGlta. Jl Jl REWARD for return of gold name plate top table, raetal curtain rodl, etc., all I •Ehler', "Grade A"..;!...llb.Ba( .34 •Fame, cut green No. 2 Can .18 A5 bracelet. Woven aide bands.. Name lyu b rb :tie item and the bill went to con- CUpp'l Junior Fruit], TH or ' oi.iGUii. .13 tRoyil Scarlet No.2S4Can .41 fweaaon Oil IQiurtClui "Bea" top, date, Oct. 15, '43, underside. Ehltt'a "Gradii A" -lib. Glass J7 Uco No.2XCan J8 •Fame, cut wax Ko.2Can .18 f£Z?$£" ^ ference. The House then struck- Flagstaf, cut wax. .'No. 2 Can .16 Loat Fort Mojimoutb. Phone Spring Ehler'»."Grade A" Red FlOBt MUCH Lake 1U1-J.- out a similar grant contained in • READ Bajr 26 PEACHES "•— ~ , [FlafaUtT, eat gna....No.2<5n .18 price .lib. Bat •College Town No.2MCan JO .JC .14 the Agriculture Appropriation bill. Filigree, Ban .lib. Bar .31 Green Circle, cut wax...No.2Ctn fnoShem f .32 RATION, BOOKS No. I loat. Jacob Urn- MODERN refrigerator, excellent cond WHIT* •Fame No.2MCan .32 .31TGreen Cirde, cut green. No. 2 Ctn SwMdowB «4o.. J2 The Senate put the grant back., in niiiree Ground . 1 Ib. Bat • Jl FUvi. '.No.2KCaa 29 .28 burg, 79 First avenue, Atlantic High tion; also two cabinet oil heater Bond. FiKhcr'fc TijjtM. • 18 oi. „ .lib. Bar .21 tHub City, cut green No. 2 Can !l6 .LS R»kon>, MufBn ll«of. .17 lands. N. J. Phone Keansburg 626-J after 7-30 p '.he bill. This game of table tennis Freibo( tGr«n Circle 1.. No. 2H Can 2* 3> Fr- «yle No.2Ca» .19 Aunt Jemima Buckwheat..20 o«. 20 GOLD BRACELET, blue stonei. Lett In I .40 Royal Scarlet, itioed No. 2% Can .33 vicinity ReussiUe'a or Loft'a Candy 1315 fiscal year halted in transit. Krasdalc ...'.'.'.'. ...lib. Bat .30 •Reed Moonon,, cutt green...No.2Cagreen...No.2Can .16 B!«P«t~ Xn. 20 •Ruby No.2^Cio.^ann .2. 8 . .28RRoyal l SclScarlett , cutt wax..N No .2 2 C Can Mo store. Reward. Phone Atlantic High- tfgells, Bag ...... llb.Baj .29 y , cut wax.. .19 •" Meanwhile, two more, big-appro- •UTTiR •Signet ..No.2J4GUsi .38 .3 l Sl B L «- .32 lands 336. • Aartinson s ...... '..lib. Be* .46 Royal Scarlet, cut B. L. |l g, <4o». Drcuinir c.rt. Vanke. Trader 2 3 V,, priation lunch bills have popped Maxwell Houie . ...lib. Ba( J5 PEARS green No. 2 Can i 20 JO Presto Ctkt_ 20,,. .17 RATION BOOKS Nos. I, 8. 4. In brown Fro»t utreet, R«d Hsnk ir"cr" " «i ;3, SCORE -. leather folder . In Red Sank: book* up. the Kusscll bill with a table Maxwell House . ...Ilk Glass .38 'Fame .NoKn J8 tRoya] Scarlet, cut < . 1 J^nGtke Mo;. j2 Pjrchmc'nt Wrap J4 Ib. Prints .13 .13 'rcmier ...... llb.Bai .33 Flagstaff, Banletl .No. 2J$Can .38 stringlcss .No.2Can .19 >uffs Gingerbread Hot 25 Issued in Indianapolis, Finder please re- McCORMICK-DEERINt; reaper and bln"c i check calling for $100,000,000 and .51 .50 1 Pirchmcnt Wrap 1 lh. Sank* ...lib. GUu .41 'Green Circle .... N2«a .34 Uco, cut green.... No.2 Can .20 >"«'Wan1e |4«. turn to M. Privetl, 29 Neptune Highway, ' P "B'STI' "" """"«'"•. ««b |6 .16 White Rose ...lib. Baf 33 'Royal Scarlet No. 2'/, Can green * g >"r P«nakt M... pass A and C, gasoline coupons, business iiita. New Z.allnd Vhlf,sl1»ndUCh'r'' .".•. % Ib. Printt .IJ .1.1 u .13 nlong comes another school lunch Pirchmrat Wrap . 'Signet .. No. 2J4 Glass ^43 White Rose, cut refugee.No. 2 Can .18 Pillsbury Buclcwneat 2Oot rardj, social security and sum ot money. chIII. rabbi!,, breeder.. Call or .top i ] Parchment Wrap . ...lib. .50 .50 •Silverware |7 17 Please notify or phone University 4-6R43. -Mil with .an SO-million-dollar grant ...lib. Prints COCOA No. 2K Can .41 White Rose, cut wax No. 2Xan .18 d 7 Sun 1: .Canont '. .51 .50 While Rote, Bartlett. No. 2JS Can .41 William H. White, S3 C«dar avenue. Fair lCl^Asbui av"'"' *" * ^ ^ fathered by Senator Wagner, au- Cartons :5ilb Frinti .51 Jl Baker's White Rose, Fr. style... No. 2 Can DEHYDRATED SOUPS thor of the plan, to put all the v PINEAPPLE 'White Rose, ctjt wax... No. 2 Can Haven, N. J.. or 20 Hornlngalde ave- go SCOl»...f-?"-' Baker's .lib. .21 Aunt PoDy. ., .10 ,10 nue, New York city.' MANLEV^auto wreckint cran. in t people of the land into free hospital tHershey's .. .8 oi. .12 Del Monte, sliced.... CORN ' ~ \ '.13 .10 .10 Parchment Wiap'V.Y.vr.54 ft. Priolj 13 Hershey's ,.. .lib. 71 Del Monte, crushed... 1 feet condition. $7G-.00. Call lloln beds. At the moment there seems 50 .50 'Dole, Sliced •B k M, cream style."".Na2Cm' .16 .1 Lipton ! .10 .10 6M1 .Sunday, 11:30 to 8 p. m • Parchment Wr»p 11b. Ncstie's .23 . N'o. 2y, Ctn •finute Man In be a traffic snarl in the school Tjrtons .llb.PrinU 51 .50 Dole, eliced . No. 2 Can Gojiege Town, gow, cr. it. No. 2 Can .15 .10 .10 FOR SALE JCB BOX, .11 metal. »hF-7one «.r , Van Houtrn . .68 Collcgetown, vc, k. told.. No. 2 Can .17 Mrs. Gran' Cartons 'A Ib. Print. 51 .50 Van Iloulen . .19 3olc, crushed •. . N'o. 2 Can .10 .10 »lr,.liij. l'hone Kntontown 6<7.J lunch pr'oRiam. College Town, w.k. vacP.12oi.Can .16 While Rose FRIDAY. JUNE 16th, furniture for alx- Van Houten . .4 oi. .21 -iligrcc, crushed .... .No. 2 Can ...ivs«,ncf. .09 m DIAMOND CLUSTER scarf pin. contai. i This form of government subsidy •Flaestaff, Sliced ... .No.2y.Can tDel Monte, w. k. V. Pak. 12 oz. Can .16 Betty Crocker room house on sale at?Anderson Broth- CANNED MILK Wilbur's . 1 Ib. . .20 'Del Monte, cream slyle. No, 2 Can ',16 • • -2H M. Pka;. .11 .11 in* «even .mall stone*, about 4 to ' was first launched to use up sur- Wlbur/s .... .12 Flagstaff, sliced .No. 2 Can em, r, I Mechanic street. Red Bank. 'Del Ma«e, cream No. 2 Can '.I* .. Leaving for Miami, Kla., selling out. at a point, '"eh value ITS, »-,|l || ,j plus foucl commodities. Food sur- EVAPORATBD Flagstaff, crushed . No. 2_. Ca.n PROCESSED FISH u for TEA Green Circle, Sliced.... No. 2'/, Can Diamond, g. b No. 2 Csn 1.15' .15 sacrifice price. Your opportunity to Addie.. M.II.B.. LOT Ml. Bed Bank • pluses no longer exist but there Armour, Carnation. E« Diamond, w. k. No. 2 Can '.17 .17 CODFISH profit../ No dealers. ,05 .05 oyal Scarlet, sliced ... .No. 2^ Can Diamond, w. k. Vac Pak. 12 oi. Can POWER LAWN MOWER. CoTd^ellTl^ .-till is a surplus of money in the Ijay, Lion, Pet, ScaL Enters "Grade A" 4ozr .26 .26 :6 .15 leardsley. Shredded ...... 4ot. .17 .17 ELECTRIC DISH wanher, General Elec- ou .11 .11 Ehlcr's "Grade A" Fame, whole grain N'o.2Can .17 Beach 232 0.* hands of the people. "Federa! sub- Silver Cow, While! l4>4ot.C_an TOMATO JUICE '.18 iorton's Shredded 5o«. tric, three years old; cost 1425 new. Tea Bap 16s .16 Fame, cream style No, 2 Can '.16 .16 2\ .21 CAM :E M ABVTN~aiIfeTeitT••fiigir-~»T. 1 Rose, or Uco *ftt-~- • •*- ' •Flagstaff, sweet golden. No. 2 Can .16 .15 Gorton's Ready to Fry.... lOoz.Can Phone Keypnit a.'.?. sidy 'hills like the school lunch CONDENSED^ ,,,, Lipton's Yellow Label... 4 oz. .30 Campbell's , .18oi. 2i .23 t Lipton's Yellow Label... IHoi. .11 FlagstaJ, cr. style No.2Can .16 .15 •SALMON PAIR OF brown alligator kid pumi>«. heavy duly 3.cylinder water-pump. : . measures will undoubtedly cut Eifle Brand "••. 15 oi. Can Umpbell's „ .47oi. site 5'^ R width; almost new. 202 Limon's Tea Bags 16's .20 •FUgstaff, golden or -,. • 16oz.Can .50 .50 In. intake. 1',-in. discharge; K"oil pun- ..., Garae ( frimiliop today arc so poor that they Cream of Wheat Hen. .15 Tender Leal Tea Bags. .I6's .20 leins .!...... , ..46 pi. TUNA. Harding estate, between Kuena Vista Hitrh So. Mlifdfetown. N. J.« .26 Premier, cream golden.. No. 2 Can .18 .1 need Federal money to pay for Cream of Wheat 28 o.. Tetlcy's Tea Bags .16's 17 'remier 46 oi. :hlcken of Sea, Red Label. and Bellvlew avenue, Ruimon. .1.1 .13 Tetley's Tea Bags...;. . 8s .08 Premier, white crushed. No. 2 Can .16 7o«. .39 .J9 SIN(; LIKE A IIIRD; new cereal comh f Force " <"• •oyal Scarlet ..24 ox. .16 .15 Sicken ol Sea, While DINING ROOM suite, til pieces, medium nation-g |,|, tlake« f h. ,':l their childrens' lunches? Are these .11 Tctley's O.P. . lj4-dollar questions. A, .14 .14 'Royal Scarlet, cr. myle .1° .18 'rcmier. White Meal ., WINDOW SCREENS; a Kood «tock of rhnirB. ra*h reKister, Dhow casea. .16o*. While Rose Tea B«gs.. :•#"• .09 ..No. 2 . tll.-O. Oals .11 Tuna No. i/S Can sisea on hand—some screen wire; poul- Alli H schoolboy could anewer them. Hecliers Farina .I4oz. ,H .14 ..16 ot. Glas. .14 golden ...' '?!*'' * JidJ .24 .23 Welch's Royal Scarlet, cr. ityle No.2Can', '.18 .17 try wire in a!nt, 10 Heckers F«rin» .?8O2. CHEESE Welch's .. 32 or. Glass .25 S;.NI;E1I «e«ini.- machine^ in >err gor Congressman Frank B. Keefe, of .18 cenU, garden trowels, BwnlnK paint; . 801. .11 .11 ITu'te Roae .... ,.46oi. 2* white No, 2 Can GELATIN AND PUDDINS MIXES ondltlon; al*o a beautiful poreel. Wisconsin, queried the school au- Kellogs's Pep •. • •' .13 .16 awning cloth, padded lawn chair hatkt. Kellogg's All Bran BORDEN'S ITiiteRose .. No. 2 .11 Uco, cretin style No. 2 Can box, rork iri.ul.teii. Call Holmd " thorities of his district on the .21 .21 American 8oz. .23 '.23 Uco. whole kernel No. 2 Can .18 'Jell-Well .' .06 .06 National 5 & 10, Prown'a. 1'hone 26s)),• tJ_Sun.lav,_U-.:iO to ' p. m.* - I,. KelloEK's All Bran ell-O Pudding or Gilatin..' school lunch program. He received 6 or. .06 .06 Chateau ...801. .24 .24 Wiite Rose, white. b..,. No. 2 Can .16 U8 .08 TRAXIDOS photographic tnl>r«tt; SlnK- Kellogg's Corn Flakes CANNED SRAPEFRUIT JUICES .16 unkrt Rennet Powdet... SIXTY A'CRES .tandfne har In Shrew . many. replies opposing the plan. Keliogff's Corn Flakes lloi. .10 .10 Pimento. Lunburcer, Swiss.8or. .22 21 Wiite Rose, gotdenf.... No. 2 Can .11 .11 er sewing machine, bassinette. 112.&'i; .•« .13 Whi« Rose, wh. kernel. No. 2 Can .17 unket Danish Detaen. •. - .10 .09 reed baby caniane. »»..',»; Victorian love Kclloggs Rice Krispic!....5Moc. BULK iamond : No. 2 .16 .16 C Gelatine One school head replied with the Cheddar (Store, Amcr,).,. t Ib. IUX uciatinc , %.. 22 21 seat, 7-plece small walnut dining room Kix 7oi. .13 .37 J7 iamond ..'...... ~ 46 02. .38 ' .38 PEAS following gem; remeemel . I .05 .05 net, mahogany tea •SHOD, »t»ndini! ror. NTS ARE PUSTS. net rid of thei '• NBC Bran 8oi. .10 KRAFT \ ilijree No. 2 .16 f College Town, ungraded [y-T-Fmc .06 M ner whatnot, r-nd talilw, mahogany «ec. .New ant lra|.>, I n cents: a new po- NBC Bran 16or. .20 .20 4oz. .11 .ll : f-T-FiM '. "As far as the need of Govern- American ...... iligree ', ..46or. .37 sweet "• No. 2 Can .18 .1) ioyal r , .OS .08 relary, musical inurnment*. fl»ninit er a', y, rents. Save jour planU 1! NBC Sartddcd Whoat.... .13 .13 American . 8oz. .23 .23 lyal Pudding or Gelatin. V_ elllni; Kabtiit rhaperonf, M) c#nt« ai ment aid goes for our city, we could Flagsutl—Unsweetened ..No. 2 .16 College Town, melting.. No. 2 Can n. .18 tackle, golf clubi. tennis rackets. S3 W. Pent Bran Flake*. . 8oi. .11 .11 Philadelphia Cream ..*.'.. 3 02. .13 .13 1 »in. liu Sk.,ot keep, doir. an get along just as well without it. lagsuff No.2 .16 >el Monte, midget sugar. No. 2 Can .19 .19 Front street. Red Bank. Phone 2247. • Poet Bon Flakes. .15 .15 Philadelphia Oeam .*..... 8oz. 11 XI FlagsUtT— Sweetened ,..,4601. .17 M Monte, early garden. No. 2 Caa .18 .17 SODA AND WUHAU CRACKERS om ehruJibery. phone 2680. Nation Poat Toaatsa ... . 6oz. .06 .06 Pimento, Swiss, Velveeta, GUERNSEY BULL. Edward F. Rowe, 4 1". PrownV , *' We realize that other cities have Flagstaff—Unsweetened ,, 46 02. .36 diamond, sweet '. No. 2 Caa '..»• .17 eebkr'a SaWael ..... Pott Toejties ... .11 oz. .10 .10 Limburg< .4ci. .15 "emier—Unsweetened ....No.2 .11 .11 T phone ned Bntik 7D8-R-1. (heir Basnets-out to catch what- .17 Fame No. ZCan .19 .19 eebler's Saliiies ..I60 .19 .19 HFJN'V! ean b« .ten i IQuaWr or Mother'! 20 at:— 14 .14 Pimento, i. 'co ..-. No.2" .16 FlagstatT, tiny June.,.. :No.2Cari- -.21-.20 ern furniture, all mnt«-ned. Will not J. Mr. Amr-rirlt,' ' basket-is out. too. ' Quaker Puffed Wheat.... 4or. .11 .11 eeWer'l 5odas ,..,,. ,,IO I* .14 SUGAR !co 46 01. .37 Ireen Giant No. 2 Can .19 .18 rispr ..I6 .19 separater"O rlealrrff Writ* FurmLurc,. Basket parties welcome on this Quaker Puffed Rice ... .13 .13 Retail Price ^'bile Roje—Unsweetened No, 2 .16 .16 .15 .19 bos nil. R«d Bank. Dit WOHK IIUfi.SK-'i'fiiriclcvili' 24 23 recn Circle No. 2 Can rispy Sodas .. 7 ioz. .11 ; .11 Ralslon 24o,i. •Type Group White Rose—Sneetened.. No. 2 .16 "Green Circle .; -.•;-. No^ 2 Can .16 .15 1937 CHEVROLET p«uan, rsdio, heater. iirti., ^tnte Highway 3J, K government picnic grounds—isn't Shredded Ralston 12 or. 13 .13 ausIscc oG Grahah m „.,.. .11 ' .11 J.. l.o^ r,1 ; i.fior.e Keyport ^ Brand Size Com t\'hite Rose—L"n)weetencd46or. .37 tllub Gly, jumbo sweet. No. 2 Cao .16 .15 'abisco Gnhaa phona Re* Hank 2'j6»-H. ihst the nub, the core and the Shreddies 1-or. .14 .14 iVhite Roie—S»«tened..46O2. J8 .19 .18 .i0 .'JO I'ltE-WAlt CltlK. J*.-,. Calf Rir Libby's, nrden sweet... .No.2Can labisco Grahaxa -...... 32 o |J6 HAY^LOADER, New Idea, Oijihtly uied. crux of all these 'bleeding-heart WVsHeni _ 11 oz. 15 .15 Granulatett ...... 51b. Bag '• J6 J4 Lyndale No.2Can .IJ .13 .36 -L'JA-L Wheatena „'. ».. 22 or. .36 .26 Irown, Powdered Premium Sodas .*.... '..'7« II f.ll Mapl« Cre«t Ytrm. rull'i Neck, N. J. Federal subsidy schemes covering DRY BEANS Middale, sweet.. .No.2 Can .14 ,14 Prexnium Sodas ..16 0 .RANli' PIANO In Koo'fTondTTSl Wneatiea .'. •. 8 .13 .13 or XXXX ...... 1 Ib, Carton .OT .19 .19 .19 THIRTY-FOOT e*tr« hesvy Clinker built r-lur.-ition^l control, road aid, free ^Premier, run of garden. No. 2Can Premium Soda. ...;.'. B J6 ;J6 *:!.',. Ann.belle Vr,nn.,.el, orner Granulated ...... 21b. Carton .15 'Bunker Hill, Pea 21b. 74 2\ Premier, Ige. swl. nrnk...Ho.2 Can .21 20 Sea Hrfirnt-iU!". Duiia-ennine. l'hone Vyrkof? M,«d nnd 'Irani avenue, i hnsviiia'. beds, and school lunches? Granulated ..51b. Carton J7 jugar Honey r,nsham-....l6 .in Long lli-lnrli 1~.".O. " to )'l'. n^ PEANUT BUTTER *ed Bow, Pe 12o.. .12 .12tRoyal Scarlet, medium 'needa Biscuit 1 3; .06 :'an' aver, ,e. S-j.nh Ealonto*. n. N. J.' The principle of Federal erie'roach- «ed Bow, Marrow 12oz. .14 .14 sweet No.2 Ctn 2f)*2» FLAT.BOTTOMED boat. Cull 1710 LonK 1WI> l-HK'KEN HOUSF.S for .ale."i:. Glass J6 .36 Gold Label 16of.Glass 26 'Red Bow, Great NoTlhemlZor. .13 .13While Rose, tender bif... No. 2 Can .18 .17 II white., iia •College To»-n .. 9ot,Glass .20 .20Brer Rabbit Mplaiscs, .-. 3over Maid ..31b. GUu ti'nniiim n-it»Me uhi'e. '-.'I TWO FBMAI.K Btlvian hares, one ye I,pen consistently oppose*! by tile 'lied Bow. Calif. Small • . TOMATOES W-iirMe'l "Inn* Ahite*' "College Town .. 12 oz. Glass ^5.25 Green Label ...16oi.Glase 21 2\ Whiles •; -. 12oi .15 .15 ...HDGtau 'J:,I : MI • <, ,; •. vui'ir nne>. four mont.: New Jersey Taxpayers Association. •College ttm .. I6M.GU» Jl Jl K»ro, Blue Label...... 24o«.GU« .18 .18 olden BtoiiOfn ...I601 Glais While i M/ttaw an. N. J Red Bow, Green Split « t Brownie No. 2'/, Can .19 .18 Golden Blosaom Open every -SCan .19 .18 ..Soz.Glass in'a lew hiiih <|untit>- S3 piece dinii "-| •Fifipit 16oz.Gbs9 .30 .30 •Karo Red Label..., ... 51b.Glass .50 .50 Flagstaff Nq.2Can .16 .16 Hoffmaa'* Bee Hive.. ...lib. Glass EOTENONE: keep the b panding Federal program of sub- ...... 16 62. Glass J6 J6 Log Cabin Vhite Rose, Pea 1 *>. 14 .14 , Jl !>.'.*:., l,ui they are worth roo; •Flavu ..„ ...16c.r.G)aw.26 2b Vhile Row, Baby Lima... lib. .16 .16Green Circle .. No.2}4Can .19 .18 1.16 01. Glasl plant". We have Rotenone in ll'iuid Pyrex icift ie'.5, .hrjwpr curtain seia ; cu idi •FlagsuS 8^oz.Glass .18 ..18'Premier Pancake .. ... Soi.GlaM .13 .13 Lake Shore , ..MbGlau, ' form; Vigoro, Jim*, garden rakes; new .. -_~r „ ^ While Rose, Lima lib. .!» .18 Green Circle .. : No.2Can .14 .14 'Victory . n 'Io.2Cm ' .11 .12 OLEOMARCAKINE KITCJfKN I'ABINET. almost n»w. pc LADY'S 11ICYCLE, nenl'. bicycle, chilil'i cl Thirty million taxpayers can't be Heinr ...... 9J4«.Glass 2* 2A Uoz.Can .14 .14 •Phillips /. No.2^Caa r\l? .17 tricycle, metal flower stand', lot tech- cclniri i,i[p. M I'eNormandle aveni , B 8r M Fnir Hai-eri. N. J. l'hone Red 1 wi'.m^. With this acknowledgment Hein« ...lrb. Glass JT .37 PACKAGED DRIED FRUITS .11 .11 Premier . y,... _.No.2Can *.16 .15Ul Sweet , ..lib. 2s2i nical booke, metal folding !>7or. Glass .16 .16 lagnoHa .... 2.1 \2J verte, fir.. Oxner, 2H) Ocean aveni •Uco 16 M. GUss uroa ..lib. 21 .26 HOUSE?, yminit team of Belgian*. Mar- Sea Brivht, N. J. /onn. The KM3 inx form threat- Sun Maid, seedless raisins.'. 15ot. •Premietj'Wsalisliid , MACARONI AND NOODLES .'.lib.- tin Jan.^ii, Majlt.rjro. Vanderberg •UOT ">ni Glass White Rose, seedless... till. k>y....T 27 3b ened to make simpletons out of ail Beans 17ot-Gbss .16 .16 rond; photieHolmdel j;i3i."'_ DOUI1I.E HRAINBOARD kitchen sir j White Rose .J... llb.Glass .31 J3•While Rose, seeded.., .. Ill' 'Premier, Porkand"" • MACARONI or SPAGHETTI of u$. HYDRO«ENATED SHOttlHW* AEiTLiAN CABINET. Phileo radio, with chrome fn iret- and trap. Atlan PRUNES ".' I *' Beans ,.-. 23orQn .15 .15 LaRosa lib. .13 .13 #hort wave. In excfllcn condition. Hi-jhlanil. ;:.s.\v.* Sim Sweet, larjre .39 fVan Camp's :..17ol.GUss .16 -.16 .11 .11 It serins that tin- rush-forehead LAID ; .. 2lh- Mueller's 9oi. jiaco >....lib Glau ,26 2b 87S ra-h. <«ll Hed »»nk 41 IK NA'rroNAI, CKOiiRAPHIC, 193S Sun Sweet, large .. lib. ' .21 2\ Van Camp's _ ,.I7OI.OH .16 .16 HI!: «t Hnok-Hou.e Booki. • b'.'vs at Washington who have blSfe- .37 .371 Van Camps 22oi.Can Crisco 31h.GUst .75 I.75 TKV-P1ECE diniriK room set. itm. Ar- ..-. Hb. Sun Sweet, medium... .. 2 lbs. „ . j NOODLES thur Chit^ey. Wat-.on pluc^ Efttj>jitn^v new; day lied. 2 bnnWen.e., • ehlffoni. j pnntrd "in tnxi's ami our national .19 .19 White Rose, targe lib. .21 .21 r 'White Rose; Pork and . Spry ....; ..ilhCUss J5*.26 lib. .10 .10| Mueller's ' ..tot. Vy*. .• 3 1b.C,U,s ..75 .75 LARIJE rolled" top d««k. nalnut secretary china rl(i).et. Phnne rJitontriwn I9S.* .S'^rrclin^r RI-O hpginninf: to give \f .11 •While Rose, large '. . 3 »b«. .1? ..181 Bcins llb.Can. 7 Lanrel lib. lop. 1 s Ilectoi^ I'lnrt EHTII r~rTf;rK~«omf^iiiTi^r^iinins roi ^•loiind, !o tptiro. to prepared po- GAS AND OIL rwtw, hot plales, I • uit, KIJIHI coiKlition. *Jip rover., tal rtions. Tinin was nut so many TO THI MALE*-TMtt U Tt* OfUCIM. lltt O» CtlUHO KICO WHICH. IT OM OUCI. YOU ift BtoUIMO TO K»T M a COM-' pad, complete, •.),-,.• Call l.clween 6 a tncuouj ruct « YOU* nou WHKI n wiu it nAimt vmiu TO *HO tiAOuu IT TOU« tfusiouias. wHtn ANT CHAN« boje.. children'" vehicle", furniture. yrars :>i;u when an appropriation wMimH>.ntie»i»uuxtiwr.*.Mm*HT.THI DIAUI MAT UM OOI THIIWCMOHTHIS *osn» to O«AW me custouev HJ. ih-. (hoi saw. -aa^MM'w bed» and aliout 300 other useful article (if a billion dollars or so for the cheap. We buy, sell and repair «ll MEN"S ;>u«nir#?. and «I>ort clothe*. I makes of electric refrigeratora: open only ."<0; business and dre.i shirt,, 17 id pal lift', us it should be lived in from 6:30 to 9 p. m.. daily. M' lop co.t.. ox-ercoRtf, 7*,. C, Aninru-ii rit unvcrnmriit expense, barter. nth and exchange. 15 Bridge evening, 7 to «. Mr'i. J. H. Klnc, was put through on'Rreased rollers. Red B.nk. , Cornwall lit eet, Ifiirhland* BII.LIAIU~fAlTi.E7~iro^d as new. ua Tnchy it is triiiRhcr going for the ;ics since Senator Trurpan beck- plump, juicy, cherry pie to the din- on top of other graves about 20 WASHING MACHINE, good working Old Cemeteries feet atvay. In another place, at the condition: »!»o dachshund sunpleii. by private family. Trlee. »125. B: "'• iln-tnodr-rs. Thai lonR-slccplnK ncd them with his committee sub- ner table some snowy night next Call between 6 and 7. J. Warneker. Red Griffith, 94 RronH »Ireet, Eatontown.* i other side of the rear of the church, mant i he American taxpayiriK ocnaa. winter? You can do it, if you can Bank r,31-M-2. I Of Middletown ashes and refuse have been piled WHfrB T^BLE TOP saaoline ranij piih'jr—has awakened. His voice And right here in New Jersey a few quarts of pie cherries this NEW FULL-SI'/.E bed spring. 2 ti beds $'J0 : boy", bicycle, hi^h prea.ure ni if on top of graves. Tree*, tall gras£ is )<< ginning in shako the moun- urinfr the short span of font' month. Six quarts of fresh cherries One In Deplorable Condition ith spring* and mattre^^es: baby tires, iir,; rhild'* maple crib, t5. Go ^ will fill four or five quart jars. and vines from two to four feet crib, console table, rorkcr' and Hat-top lt-r. Onkdnle and Mountain,Ide aveni ']l months, Governor Edge has accom- By Hat-old V. B. Voorhis ik. Call Red n«nk Ills. next to Stone church, Atlantic Hlg'i| "We," you say, "I'm working In high and bushes much higher, com- i'hi n the past three or four lishcd the fastest-cllcUinK economy "ALMOST NEW." looking lor bnv-land*.* :i" (Tho views expressed in this ar- pletely cover the ground of the American taxpayers have -irograni in the history of the stale- a war industry all day and I sim- gaina? Dremen. coal", h»l«, »hoe>. SAILBOAT, H\± foot, in water re. ' T FROM GARDEN TO SHELP ticle arc those of the writer, who whole cemetery beyond the church. Evcninj?, dinner or purty sown*. All '"-^ ;;.M m £o pi.-ires nnd to bowl luce major departmental reorgan- ply haven't time to take the pits to KG- Phone Atlantic Highlan v is solely responsible, for them). Without axes and other cutting sizes, colors. Some dies*e» lit ll.r.0. r "vir ifiiain pruplr. Manifestations izations of state government, a wise OUT Ol' THE BERRY l'ATCH out of six quarts of cherries." Pair men's ahoe*. 10'- ('. Dean's, 5'i O.1-J. Call after- - i p. m. implements many of the stones SADDI-E HOK.SE; bay mare, 15!i h»ni "T tV laxjuiyeiK' latent power and nd piOKCSSive draft of a State Then can them with the pits in! For the last several years I have North Shrewsbury avrnue.* And off the cherry tree we should cannot be reached to even read aged, hut with year* of riding .till ' infliirn. ,. have I'ripjiril up on many Constitution for the 1944 election Perhaps by the time you want to been visiting nearby cemeteries for TWO BOX sprinio, pinctically new, forher. Sound. Handle, in a snaffle h add to the title because wo want them—and there are a hundred or .-:d<*. .Their exemplar nnd battling ballot, a single state budget and a open the jars for pic or cobbler you the purpose of taking photographs n beds;' made by Bnirlnnder, co«t Price * 1110. E. Enuel, Tinton aveni 1 to talk about berries and cherries, two of them. 140 each, «ell both for »60. Call at 23 Box 20, Entonlown, N. J. Phone El knigi. . li:is been S?enntor Harry F. single fiscal year for all atatc d«- will hQve more time to do that job of certain stonea'sand the checking now thnt the June crop is nearly Mndl.ion avenuue.Red Bank^ ontown M>6-J.* . f Virj-inin. who has led hislartments, and ii final settlement of removing the pits. Beside they of genealogical records. In a few This is a pitiful example of the ready for use. First, just a word will come out much easier after MEAT SLICER, uneil; oil Imrner for fur-YACHT tender, custom made, perfl^, fanx-d invfstig.-ulng committee in- if the 24-year-old issue of a bank- instances a complete survey has way the members of a Christian nace, pot oil burner water heater, condition. Phone Eatontnvrn 294.*:. about strawberries, because they're the cherries have been canned. * taverns of the entrenched rupt police and fire pension system been made because no records ot church have failed to care for the automatic. Phone Red Bank 1387. Ram- McCOHMICK-DEERlNr, tractor, moi , scarce, and unless you have a patch il Swartz, 14 W. Front street. Red nders and turned on the—these are some of the outstanding For winter-time desserts, when burial exist. (The Friends' Burial depository of the remains of their ln-20, excellent condition. Pho>J of your own you won't have many Bank," . ^ achievements of Mr. Edge .'In be- appetites arc craving something Ground in Shrewsbury, the survey former adherents. As I see the Efltnntfiwn 2!M. ^^^_ more than enough for a,few delic- SIMMONS BEAUTY REST mattre"»es. half of the tnxpnyers. All of these sweet and sour together, a dish of of which was published in The situation, there are three failures Slmmonrt coil springH, Simmon, folil- SEVEltAL used cook stoves, gas stol > liilli'in ilollats in savings ious shortcakes. But If you do comtiinntion coal and gas range.: h :r/e :i!i c.'iiiy lesiilted from the betterments have long been advo- bright-red sweet cherries or lus- Register some months back, is an which combine to make it: (1) nir beds with Simmons InnerspilnB mat- Rood condition. Snmuel Swartz, have several extra quarts, try turn- tre^ses, Simmon* metal Ired*, al*.a metnl I'.Vlr! OininiittiT jnoblnRs imd rcc- cious ox-hearts will be more than instance). Lack of respect by the descendants West Front street, phone Red Ba ntr-d by the New Jersey Taxpay- ing them into a wartime jam. A i:pholstered foldinir ch«ir«, metnl enrd # Welcome. When you make out your of those interred in the plots. (2) I7. .t September, four de- Handle the berries carefully. If TIOBINS AND Meyers motor.' 220-volt, red winter wheat at Philadelphia, for next Sunday's dinner." ilarly engaged in aome checking little excuse when a public ceme- 60-cycIe, A. C. motor: lilso trBnfiform- er beef co««, calves- and plga j you have a spray attachment for piirtirir'ntn of Rovcrninent— War, according to H. Earl Propsl, nd- Next Week—Canned Greens vs. north of Red Bank—in Middletown tery becomes forgotten by the de-er. J20 for the two. Phone Red Bnnk this market and get hlchut prlcerj the kitchen faucet use it to wash .N'avy. War .Shipping Ronrd and mlnislrativp ofllcer of the New Jer- Fresh. village, to be exact. There are scendants of those buried )n it, but 1497. rlirht here. Inspection of these good them.. Don't, let berries soak in M;i:;ti!ne Cummipsirin - had unr-x- cy AAA Committee. This is seven four cemeteries right In the village when a church cemetery is com-W/HK FENCINli, barbed, cattle, hog. dairy cow. Invltril at any tlme.|j water. Much of the juice is wast- chicken No. 9-anii linle wire In Mock: pcr.'lf-'l balance.- of 1Rfi billion dol- cents higher than last year. POEM —two on each side of King's High- pletely Ignored—actually In the Jnrnb Zlotkln £ Son, phone Kree-|j ed if you do, nnd the fruit is apt alao steel po«t«, trRles, ii'taple", electric lar.'- Tlie word is "P.illirjn." not Propst said that loans will lie way. One on each side is either face of the Lord—It Is deplorable. 'ontrollera anil nccessorlen. Conover hold 016. to be crushed. Nr-w. i>viM-y morniiik' at five to seven, n.i.i.m, Sinro thi-n (In-- Army has made on it nolr and chattel mort- \\'i- henr new* from Ri-rn.n the nra. private or semi-private, and the The residents of a community Bros., Wlckntunk, N. J.. phone Hnlmdel 6121. " "l'.;i-ki-i| back" :S3 billion as not gage basis for wheat stored nit Remove the caps or stems and Tlirti we Inrrw thnt we live in Henven, other (wo are in church yards. would be well wkhln their rights MAfHCIANS—perform breakfast ma"j rif c\< ri I'.ut vii.^1 billinns of appro- can the berries according to direc- AH ive h.tin lo WAI1C. to interest themselves in such a WATER" PUMPS, Fairhnnks-Moi-se and 'arms and a note and loan ngrer- Three o-f them are in satisfactory Myers, hand or electric, deep or »hal. . rith new ccreiil combination—V pi iai icms • Mil.' remain unexpended ment for wheat stored In approved tions in, the .bulletin available free New. romincntnter. Ker|i u. posted well. condition but one of the church situation. low well in stock: also pipe nttlnen, n»l.«in llrnn. (Jolden wheat and bij How inn- hoy. are. livinK In Hitler's fl»kcn_pluM ,ooil|p.a. i-nUin.. U'. ^<>r •••;,!• purpopr-s. Byrd wants warehouses. .Seve.n ernls per bushel nr rhnrgc at your county home cemeteries is a disgrace to any cylinder**, valve., tank", etc, Gono hrll. It it not my purpose to direct Bro... Wickstunk, N. J., phone Holm- TWO MEN'S SUITS, very good COL. IIII-'I funds nsi-il up for budgeted storage alluwnnce will be advanced Economics Extension Service office. community. This cemetery must Inn, Rcnxmnble. Phone Red BfJ f Amcrinin 1ml. with ')<>rvss nf steel my remark* to the pastor of this el 6121. nrnl>- m; lurjicd back into the at the time nf trie lonn on all fnrm- Remember it lakes lese sugar to Rcflily in rtn.h ihjil Gei-mnn hoel. not be confused with the Episcopal church or to the members, aa In- NEW FARM MACHINERY In stock, ra- vi r-;t: Ay u-!;ei7' R dollar- vacuum fltnred wheat. can rnspb'crrics than it lakes for church burying ground on the i;ET , 9x12 Sloanl lint, it'* iliinin loiiKh s°inK till we reach dividuals. I do not know who the tion free. Spi-inK- and peg-tooth har- Armstfonir ex;stu ;.nd will exist for .many a 'jam. rows, plant setters, roller-packer, ham- K., some at $4,08; inll I-jOans on hoth farm-stored and v south aide of King's Highway, pastor is, nor any of the membera. rftlolcum. Sln ilci-ifli. In cnilc. ' Ynu are lucky and ivise If you Kid inns in lio.xen nml U e In a hole, mer mllla, Bcven-font Mflnsey-HarrlH rftolcum. sr|. . yd.; throw ruga, V warehouse-stored wheat will mi. which la in fine condition. From But whoever they are they are. not SeS c ttheh m today ttn quantitietiti s are1 1Q AnMhi-r batilinu knight for the have facilities for quick-frcozing Dii: mil- WAY in imil pruy wr'll get oui. Challenger mounted mower, dump rftkes:, ure on demand, but not later than t>iu* lidtllcn nee tfiln lint, our my description It will be perfectly doing their Christian duty. oil and electric brooder., two-row marker ited, Linoleum cement, 49 cents qu •' '.wpwywwi has-betn Sftlvator Hai some (if the season's berries. Be Binding and waxes:. National E 4 •April 30, 1MB.—Any-loan .niay—ho. Ilcnit. nre Htotlt. ' ^ clear that this cannot bo tho one and 'Plnnet, 3r'., walklnR cuitiyntori; olno Prown'g. Telephone "680.* S'. Trutnan of Missouri, whose com- sure they—Ttrtr-fiTm—n*d evenly: If this article serves in any combine, and two-horna mower, for iquidated bji the payment of the •pwiTrt •throw r__m the Bonie one or rou •iiillce 'investiKiitlnK tlie. national ripened Arid keep thorn cold jejisu.re_to_get ^ P horae or tractor, oncertldcate. ConAvcr PIN'I'O SADDLE HORSE for aatle, vl full amount plus 3 per cent Interest ;'lfrS*n lucky omen, you will, too. highway. " " """'" •"=""•'••"' ircntle. 21R Lewi, .tree defense program has bared waste throughout the preparation. Al. You'll live to come hDtnn anil nee the tioo c\ein^p yr rum the date of (he. note. "With the excepllon of a couple ol 6121. N. J.-TrJffffe-llenl iitul ext i jivriJ.* RED BANK REGISTER, JUNE 1944 Page Thirteen. FOR SALE FOR SALE AUTOMOBUJ3 WANTED HELP WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED" RIAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATf FOR SALE l'4Zt J.'ASH ; rj/j, but cwi« l'/mi re- t££H JERSKtf-CUERHSEY COW fa VfKHTEU TO OMIT OH UiAJiE o, tcblti uad let l/tirt, 176 tt>*i it lib Syrian airi&L. i'1-Ai.TJiK. must ba In rood BL'TCHEA waited. , N. J., ho'ii* with TOK SALE, itnjr-TQ&m bungaJow at B*l >«!•; alao roung plfi, a sreelts o» git Mr Phonei_IUd Bsi.k_I<.Z0-M. y b^ors July 1. Ji*v.u« l« fc f ill W> price (oi one Uiat Uon.a«t«aU 4 MMarket,•'£. ~M r j'/zni ind* b»'.h, | ] ,t00; cu; tt •lord, H. J., near bus line; 10 lots'En- All food itock. Cbarle, Mich.lo.wikl. tha Me'rbacfa, 11 Ote«.Dvitw a.veau«. 13U CHEVROLET foutcr Mdan, priced Call Bank VJ6-M-1. RtLtl K»«ansburj; phone family of 2 adjlU is.6 1 bc/i, ivgei King* HJarbtrijr, Middl.toira, V. 1. to b h ajid 17. Mutt be in KOO4 condition aji Four-fan, fly«at faou*€, H cfud*d. Inquiry Mu r.ib'* 3a.k«rr, 4* for quick action. $250. Euex sedan, 290. ttrms. J. L. Sc'jithorp, 12J First Av* Monmouth street. Red Hint: phont 2'J&1 mptr i, «xcaptionai tlrei, 186. Car radio PIANOS—Will bur or rent {or summer location, witiln Ivw njl«a oi Red Ban SWEET POTATO plants and tomato GIRLS, bttween 18 and «S, wanted I Financially and otherwiit. re»pon«Lbl( cue, Atlantic Highlands, N. J, phone 177 ONE COMPLETE- llectric eho. rebuilt by Bradley. $20, Service station grand*, splneta, and 72>not« imall up< WILL SELL my aeveiai houees et tbi plant*. T. P. GUI. £. D. 1, R«d at U-S.O. club, Red Bank/ rights. Phone Kexl Bank it. Tuning fountain work; no experinece neces have always been resident! ot Red Ban HOUSE, two-car garage, not air hea ing" aquiptntnt Very ruiontbl- t Phonm MJddlttown 564. sary. Full or part time. Apply Ha Higheat ref*r*nc.M. Address P. O. Bo most reasonaile terms to suit your o*i ulck sale. Phone FORD DB LUXE elation wagon, 1940, Piano Compmny,' gas and electricity, lot 4Sxl25, locatec pooketbook. They are all modern ana lick sale. Phone MaU-oan totZ-W. ager, Tonpkfna, Broad and Moamoui 750. Red Bank. N. J.' at 10 Walling avenut. Belford, prici ?an be Mm any day. HAP US badioom and living: room t*U; very clean condition, $1,150.00, Rum- RADIOS— Will bur ttbll aeU, phono. atreeU, Bed Bank. wonderfully located In Atlantic High* V viUf mapU dlnln« t«il« and duira.ctll son 1J80.' ' EIGHT-ROOM house, with all mode.) $3,250. Gus Oxandorp, 35 Shrew.bur; PIGS. 8 sows with piii, one rldlno cul- grapS cDmhlnatlons, record players, GIRL OS WOMAN to do general house- avenue, Rtd Bank. laJids. Phon* owner, Harry Hauser, At* Uvator, 110; laddie. Eldf. Farm, at 2 SO B«]ifaaw a vtaue, Mtrtd Vail ARE YOU selling your ear 7 See meany tree. Pbona Tuitlng Piano Com- improvements and ID good oonditio lantlc Highland* Ml. Horoea, affr 6 p. m. work Is MTUail fatallr; Jive la or out. with grounds sutia.ble for day nurser, Phalanx Road, Colfa Neck. N. J. Whit- first. Howard R. Gaffey, 29 Center panr, Red Bank 89. Own room, excellent aalary, good houn located In or near Red Bsnk. Lease fa' 15 ACRES of ground on the north tldi SMALL FOUR-ROOM bungalow located ney WhIUon, .uperlnt.ndent. Phone YOUR old (uroltur* mada bettir than avenue. Atlantic Higrhlande. Phone At- Phone Bed Bank 8704 I to a p. n one year on reuoneble rental basis of Main road at Uncroft; also a lot In Port Monmoath. 1100 down par* Holmdel «298 TyPEWIUTERS. adding machine* and new; iprafed or riibbtd flDiabei; &1J lantic Hijrhlanda 269-J. office equipment wanted. Serplco'e, write Housemaid, box (11.* Write box 57, Hlddletown. N. J. 60x17 S on tha north side of Eighth ave- ment and $15 per month will purchase PIGS for aale. A. 1. Reese, Box"J«7 branchca in cabinet makloii tttimatM Office Enultinient Co.. 105 llonmouth nue at Ken tune. Price of lot S500 c'a*h. this proper t*. Phone owner, Harry CHAUFFEUR and handy man; no nltl DO YOU want ~ to seil your house? Jennie C. 'Layton, Llncroft, N. J. Laurel avenue, Karoort, West Kean, sad p.annlnflr chearfullj don«. CaJI OM. BUSINESS NOTICES atreet, phone 485. or Sunday work. Apply 60 Chun have' ready cash huyert for all typ«; HauMr, Atlantic Highlands 961. burg. Rad Bmk 26E.7. Aik for Mr. WUmi. • trett. Sea Bright, N. J.. between 8 a, i FARM, 45 acres of good «oil; central, OUTBOARD MOTOR, \y, to h. p of properties for aale or rent. Rolitai located; two dwellings, with barns an. ALL-YEAR country home, of I rooms SEA8KIJT. It fnt, Windshield type, TABLE MODEL radio, 116; Philco 16- Call JJamem s A, CashierChi , SSouth Orange and 5 p. ro.* Water-bury, Realtor, If W. front streai and batb. All modem improvements, •tillable for eommtrr\ l or pleasur THE DR. H. W. YOUKG aparUnent phone- ....3&fl.0.* liable*. Alfred Heonesiy, Uceiued Bro t ttib«, 6 binds, long and abort wtv«. building at Broad street and Linden •V04h3.- Revn-te charge: TWO PAINTERS wanted, iteady worl ker, Jersey avenue. Union B#ach, N, J. Z-cat sarage on tht R«d Bank bua line; rlnhlnsr. APPlr Mr. Matthew., care o high fidality cabinet radio, lika ntw, t85; good wage*. Apotr Arthur E. Boycf neir school and railroad station. 1 & Thoma> and Matthew,. 22 Wharf ave place le being reduce rated by Vsrnoo GRAND or spinet piano wanted, snnn Ztnith cabimt radio, $Z0. Calt Red Bank H, Parker, River Plaia. For any paint- possible; private party. Writ* Painting Contractor. Phona Runuo lots, landacaped, shade and fruit trees, nue, Bad Bank. 21Th. 1 j RJ5A1- ESTATE and laaurance. Paul Price rsMon*hl«, V Waias, 2084 Grand , ing and decorating job call at 572 West Piano, boi 111, Ked Bank. APARTMENTS UVINU.ROOM SUITE (cane), mihog- Front street, No job* too •mall. FAMILY1 MAN or couple. American clt R. Stryker, spectaUlng tn faims, avenue, New York city fi3. THfc FURNITURE CENTER sella rlng, tusbov- condition. Reasonable. Phone Keans- FARM, exceptional good farm with snail any arm chairs, mahogany rocker, ma- to take charge of farm near Red Ban two-, also /our-room apartmenti with Highway No. Si, Holmdel, phona mentl. Opstn until 8 p. m. averr evening. hogany carved table, lounge, fine qoiJity; SMITH BROS., tree uperte, tree hurt 881-J, BeHord. JN. J.' V New Jersey. Specialising In turkeys an bath, in Highlands, convenient to buses, brook, 27 arres, more or fees; apple 2» Bait Front «tr»et, Red Bank. Phon reed diy bed. Principals only. ISO Park planting, spraying, pruning, cav- WOULD LIKE to buy three-piece cush- guineas; cows, chlckem, vegetable* an railroad etations> school*, churches a-nd Holmdel 6601. < orchard, eight-room house, hot water Red. Bank mi. • heat, fireplace; outbuildings and barns. avenue, EJberon." ity treatment, etc.,1 reliable and ion wicker set or tapestry. Good con- fruits Incidental. Six-room cottage, fur bearhea. Low rental. 328 Bay avenu 1 BICYCLE TIRES, no jriorlty needed dition, reasonable. Write Wicker Set, nlthed if desired, phone, light, heat pro Highlands 1822. • Located on itate highway. Haa to b« only balloon tlrai and tniee; also llfh NAVY LIZAED high-heeled pumps, 7£ reasonable, Phon* evenings be- 6 EIGHT-ROOM house and bath, hot wa iieen to ba appreciated, Alfred He noes- boxM). Bed Bank. N. J.' vlded. State monthly pay. desired am ter beat, coal burning furnace: Joi weight tlrea and tubaa. Mahns Bro«. AA. Worn once. Selling for shoe tween 6 and ft, Bed Bank 3809-J. full references. If children, state agei FURNISHED apartment, 2 ^ooro* am ay, Licensed Broker, Jersey avenue. Un- Rout* 88, Eatoiftown. coupon and at reduction to coat. Writ* CAJJOE (or two people. Write Leon bath. Well furnished. Beautiful oceai 50x220x210. 126 Branch avenue. Red ion Beach. N. J. Wife to help IQ maJn house on owner* Bank. Phona Eatontown 104. at tiO Throckmorton avtnue, XUd ,Bank, be- JMance»ic. R. D. 3, Freehold, N. J.* occasional occupancy. Addreaa J. M. E, view. Immaculately clean. Cliff Lodar< FRESH tilt, the doaea; alio brollera fora Saturday. HAVE THAT fur coat remodeled now Scenic drive, Atlantic Highlands. Phon Joseph Hcrry. SACRIFICE—One and a quartar a«r«, and routing chickens, chicken manure. SMALL CHILD'S tricycle; rouet be and be ready for winter. Price" rea- in fairlr good condition. Call 2243-M box .511, Red Bank. Atlantic Highlands 937. FARMS and bungalows for sale. If two-family house, all improvements, J.mas John. 41 Marlon itre«t. Rad Bank BBOWN MOHAIR davanport, excellent sonable, all work guaranteed. Alio COOK aUo chambermaid waitress, whi- Gas station, luncheonette, fruit stand, condition, recently rtweb-btd, $25. May Red Bsnl^ THJUSE-ROOM apartment with bath f« haven't what you want I'll try and gel fa rase* Inquire Shell Gas Station, RouU PIANOS—A.- B. Dlrhan, piano maker, dressmaking. fconsuH Amy C. Owen, private home in Runaffn: near ocear rent in Rumjon; furnished or unfur- it for you. Alfred Henneuy. Licensed be seen after 6 p. m, IB Hubbard Park Union avenue. Beiford, IV. J. ORXpBINO BOAT wmted; row boaVwlth Highway 36, Union Bench. N. J. dealer, tunlnj, reptlrtnr renovttlna;. or phone Rtd Bank 4<8. /Wells in for crabbing. Call Red Bank bus line and Catholic church. Good sal nhbed, includinsr utilities. Fine location Broker, Jersey avenue, Union Beach, N. J arles. ' Generoui time off. Reference H) minutes' walk from beach. Addresi Shop and .showroom Vrvmmoni plate, DUE TO A CHANGE of residence sell- FLOOR BANDING and finishing. Pbonc 1865.' RUMSON—Modern contain SIX ROOMS and hath, pineleis heat, lo- Rad Bank 888. R«d Bank G03. . quired; phone Rumaon 1294. P. O. box 180. Red Bank.* cated in- River Plata section. Corner ins; cont*oti of my home; all furniture TENT and army cot wanted. Telephone LAUNDRESS wanted at my home; phon fiye bedrooms, bath, living room, din plot 64x125. Three-car garaee. S5.000. ANTIQUES. ro*a. furniture, silverware, of excellent quality and ID fine condition. CARPENTER and builder: remodeling all Red Bank 2081-M.' THREE-ROOM furnished apartment ins room, and kitchen, Equipped No dealtra. Can be teen atty day after kinds of buildingt; cabinet work. .Red Bank 8756 or 292 River Road Adult4 only. 19 Rector place. Re* oil burning hot water heat. Twu-c* Thpmpjon Agency, hi East Front itreet, Jewelry, ca'h registers, eawlng ma- POWER LAWN mower. In good condi- Red Bank.* Phone Red Bank 700.* c.lnes, atom, gum. book*, plcturea, 2 o'clock. Phone 20S7-J. 2 Viita place.* Field; call E* ton town 1386. tion. Phone Red Bank 8706/ . Bank, N. J. Phone Red Bank 1892. garage. Large well l.yidshaped ground colnt, carriage! and llnene, eUJ»p«. lu»- with fine shade tiee* and ornamentr SIX ROOMS and bath; Holland type HOT WATER STOVE; coil pot itov. CARPENTER and cabinet work wanted. Dle&fant home wanted for hound THREE-ROOM beautiful furnished apart lace. dteka bought and aold. Town with circulating coll, capacity 320 sal*. SALESLADIES wanted, women's ' ment, with every modern improve -thrubs. Priced for quick t*)e at J7,00u heat, rotary Timfcen oil burner, T>e*p Furniture Exchange, J» Honmootb Roofing, tabeatos aiding, general re- dog. For further Information call Immediate occupancy. Furniture may b par hour; adequate for large house or pairing. Writ. Michael FangeMa, Box wearing apparel; good salary, ment. Located in the .heart of Atlanti plat; one-car garage, central location. atreeu Red Bank, phone 628. - Mrs. L. N'iman, Box 22, Nut»wamp road, Highlands; convenient to everything purchased if desired. (Joed neigh bo ^ S6.S00. Thompson Agency, 81 E*Jt brand , never used. Phone 4 39., R. P. D. 1. Eatontown. N. J. after 6:3'".* steady work, rapid advancement. hood. William H. Hintelmann, ReaiU DISCONTINUED Imperial wubabla wall TU4 Bank IS.* Apply Simon's Nice Things, IS Telephone owner, Harry Hauier, AUan Rumo Phono Rumnon 600. Front street, phone 700.*' _____^ PAINTER, paper hanger, carpenter job- WANTED tn buy tome standing wheat. Highlands 961. & papar for .wary roorq In- your home "BKHROOH SUITE, box wring and mat bing, repairs. L. M. Howrll, R. F. D.. Broad street, Rad Bank, N. J.* LITTLE SILVER, Dutch Colonial reai- No plots le»s'than nve acres. 1/ in- RUMSON, modern bungalow on plot £0': valuta to $10, on lale for 81.98 per tresa, excellent condition. Also cock Keyport, N. J.( Bor 217-A. tereated fall K«'l Bank 3845-J before dencc; t rooms, bath, fireplace; ateasi room lot/ Quintltlaa and pattern! are tail table with enclosed bar, 1'hone Rtd R a. m. and afttr < p. m. 16H'. Coal burning vapor h«at. Two heat, coal; one-car garage; jrood resi- limited. Klarln'a Paint Store, 2< Mon E«)CK BUILDING, repairing, pile HOUSEKEEPER wanted, a«e4 man, MISCELLANEOUS mr KBrage. Priced nt $6.r,fl(i. WIDli dential section. $*,*araily of. S adults in Ruooson, PLAY 18-hole pcolf courge, now ready RIVER-FRONT ESTATE, English true accrediled herd. R«tf*onabl«. Mrs. Cog- p. m.j Saturdays. J:30 a. m. to 5:00 p. ra. A. Moynahan ; uhone R*d Bank 3524-M. Red Bank Country Club, ]i mile wesi oil burner pompMp with electric stov 1 Galleries, 15-27 Eaet Front ilreet. near bus line. References required. I'J.OOO. 20^ down und«r F. H. A. dwelling , eight rooms, two baths, lav- Red Bank HSU. oran, 3rd house weet Hamilton Arehouse of airport. Green feee, S 1.00. - atory. Maids' quarters and bath; hot Rout* 3».' ARTHUR E. BOYCE, painting contrac- SINGLE ROOM. 19. East Front atreet. Uve in. Phont Rumeon 536 between Monthly payment $56.44 including taxei tor; practical painters, Paper hangers Red Bank; phone Red Bank 1520-J.* A RED-HAIRED CAT said on the atat7< and insurance. Pione Matairan 11 foi water heat, fireplace, terrace, conserva- MAN'S BROWN SUIT, siit 4\ ; biand 5 and 7 p. m. or S and 9 a. m. tp the cat audience, "We muni get tory. Caretakers' cottage of six rootfti WE PAY hlgbeet prlcee for Tour poul- and decorators. No job too luce or too TWO NICE rooma, all conveniences; appointment. try. Wrtta or phon* Long Branch new. never worn. 218 Broad etreet «maJ). For Mtlnaatei call Ramson 6i«. week-dayi. of Socialism. Communism, Atheism.' and hath. Six box stalls, thre«-car' ga- Red Bank/ double bed*. E. /. Mor^n, 61 Me- DoperT Black cat In back ,#«£.,ho NEW bungalow. L»rp« living room. Fire rage. Kennels, boat hou»e, dock. Four 1100. at North Broadway, Long Branch. CEUS.SIM.IOLS cleaned and dug. drains IT.. hanic utrt-et. Red Bank.* place. Tiled kitchen and brealcfasl Zwlekl's Uve Poultry Market. CHICKENS, nix weeki old, Z'i cent/ each lered out, "You might »* well throw li acrea landacaped grounds. Fine section. stalled, wood sawing, estimates given; FURNISHED ROOM, facirnr river, pri- WOODWORKERS, carpenters, helper Rheum ati>m, Rom*yi. S. Metigcr. 401 Sunset avenu Red Bank 283.' lln*? of partu—upper end lower how]*, vlee. 826 Bay avenue. Highland!. New FURNISHETJ ROOM on bus line to Fort Bed Bank. •_ a49R2 TOO.* »8.0" each. Phone Re-i Bank 2m. Jemey. Phone Highland* 1322. Monmouth ; hu^ineas peo-ple preferred. IMMEDIATE po«i»silnn. Substantial B clothe, etc. National t and 10. Prov' ' room house with tiled baih and ho'ENl.USH STYLE bungalow, charminf UVINd ROOK SUITE for sal.; u»ed flv* Telephone gat. Located on Grange avenu( architectural design. Spacious land- months. Phone Red Bank 1822.* METAL TOP drov leaf kitchen tsblt, beds. tprinEi. tnattreioes, etodion, box REAL ESTATE FOR KENT near Red Bank, $7,500. Ray V«nHoi scaped grounds. Fine section. Five •Drinzp, and piiiowe. Alao remade, re- MARRIED or tingle man wanted fo LATE MODEL gasoline stftve for kale. lift: half round oak china closet, lit; DOUBLE ROOMS, couple* preferred : Aarency,' Fair Haven, phone Red Ban!rooma* and bath, fireplace, hot water Puritan J-bumer ell cook stove with covered and iteriliied equal to new. bu» line in front of house. Call Red lummer. Good wagei. See 0. Good- IF YOU are looking for bargain*, eee P heat. Double trarage. $10,500. Thomp- v*rf reasonable. Fhonei Red Bank John URV1«I SZ«» Bay avenue. Hlghlandi | all, superinUndtnt, Samuel Biker estate, T< Kerfnedjr, list your houses for i ' H2R* high shelf and portable oren, S2S; Hoo- Bank 609-W. Near navy project.* son Agency, 81 East Front street, phone iler kitchen rsblntt, I SO; metronomt New J*r.ey. Phone HighlinrU 1X22. drive. __^___^_ or rent. I have many pronpecti. P FAIR HAVEN. Two modem 5-roo 00." OIL STOVE, electric Ice box. >• li with bell. |S; all metal fruit press, IS: Kennedy. 21 Peten piac*. Bed Bank 454 t hunialow5. Doubla garage. Shop. PAINTING byy dadayy OT eontra«t;; papapp r CAPE COD BUNUALOW, five rooroi, tile bade, epringa, mattresees and dreiierf. t Venetian preu board blinds, 12; floor hi:f eitfmatct riveni . HHerman SITUATIONS WANTED AUTOMOBILE MBGHAHICS, help- SUMMER home for rent, fully furnlahe<_ Buildings in excellent condition, Rented 1 Phone Rumnon 894.• amp. kerotene lamp,, , and other uieful for *7o,0f. monthly. Total price $«.500 bath, ft replace, «team heat. Plot )>0x ( R. F. D. boi 42, AUanU era, lubrication man, washer and Jun« to Labor Day. Five roomi, ho 100. . One-car attached garage. $8,000. ONE-OAR ookleta. PMt«ri. PAlN'TIS't;. decoratfnK and paper hang- 1 1 Maple avenue. Red Bank. N. J. Monmouth atreet, Bxd Bank. r Hendrickson avenue. Cost J900. Will BICYCLE. boy'». fefondltlnned r full site. Iflg dorie•- hy dity or contract; esti- tiock. Large treec. 113,000. Ray Van- LSr.HORM PULLETS. ««oV strain. V.ry prosranti, annoanecments or any- SODA CLEKK, «pei"l«nce unnecesi SEVERAL Broad Street 'tore location' Horn AKenej, Fflfr Haven, phone Red take beat offer; muat. sell. Call owner, is-inrh halloon tire*. Phone Red Bank mates cheerfully (riven. Louis Canaan R*d Bank 2I75.V . - M7-B. eaionabl* price; overcrowded. Phone thing In the Una ot printing try The Port Monrnouth, N. J., phone Keaneburg good hours, good pay. Carlton Sweei available shortly. Ready to be leased Bank Z8l* • " Red Bank 1807.- Rerfiter. Work of tha better kind 503-R. Shop, n«xt to Car (ton theater. Phon. now, Joseph P. Schwartz Agency, i I DOUBLE HOUSE for 'sale, tituated in TWO BEDS, •fringe and mattremei. Red Bank 2808. MODERN Colonial. 8 rooms. I b*thi eheft of drawer*, other. household SAVE YOUR CLOTHES; don't take done when promUed and at rea**c- LAUNDRY WORK to do it home. Phone Monmouth street. Red Bank. good neighborhood. (irons return, •hntire*. Ret a good Odor* closet, some WOMAN, one dayL week. Cleaning. Lavatory. Electric kitehen. Oil /uroiee, 16^6 a year. Net income after taxes Itame toa ntimtrgu* to mention. Mr*. able price*. Red Bank 432-J.* ON THE SHREWSBURY at Nortii Lon. Screened porches. Lily pond. Fencing. LV A. McCrodden. Loeqtt, N'. J. t3.9*. 14.98 and 16.96:.hold 12 gar- White preferred. Phone Red Bank Branch, ten-room furnished hoott insurance and repairs are paid, $450. ments. Moth bags. SB etnU, £9 rents COLLEGE senior seeks intereatlng mm- 2«62-J.# Beautiful trees. Asking price f 16.050, Price, $6,500; no aeents, Write tnvest- STOVES—Juit arrived, eomfclnetlon coal mer job. Write College Senior, bo: •even bedrooms, three bathrooms, luni Ray VanHorn Agency. Fair Haven, phone and 79 cent*. Tat paper, in cents; ball* AUDREY ESTELLB—Interior decorator menu box 511. Red Bank.* and gai ranges, gas e'.oves, cook ami Jiakei and Hoifct hangers- National 511. Red Bank. YOUNG GIRL or woman wanted for gen- tner or all year; hot air heat. Jon Reri Bank 283.* •tovea anj acre". JO la West Pront etrret, phone 18S7 Red icheroee lor your anticipated redecorat- like position caring for baby or young feet river frontage. Spacious 7-rooi 80x160 plot. 41 Broad street, Eaton- Bank * YAKKEE.TRArER iiells today, ten-pleee fore % or after 6 p. m. .__ town, N. J,' ralnut dininj room set. 14": three- ing job. 2 2 Mount street. Red Bank child, steady or purl time. For inter- DOCTOR'S OFFICE, three rooms, com modern home. 2 tiled batbi. Lavatory, FOUNTAIN I>en< repaired. Don't throw plere urhnlitered living room *et, S40;phone 692. view call Red Bank 723-J.' pletely furnished; immediate posses* Hot water heat, Garage. S 2 3,000. Ra LUNC-UNNCH ROOM/i" busineai established, that old pen away. We will put It in large rerd settee with cu'h.onn, J15; GIRL wants position in local office, per- SALESGIRL, pleasant, capable girl eion. Inquire (2 Maple avenue, R< VanHorn Agency, Fair Haven, phon full:y equipped, including soda foun- •hape as sood HI new for small charge foHing chain. 11.2 5; rirrh chairs, and HOOVER eJeaner* rapaired. bnubee re manent or summer only, knowledge of to work in military shop. Good Bank. Rrd Hank 283.* tain. Price reasonable. Can b« seen at SpeaJlty Printing Co., 107 Vonmontn bri.tled. AJltn BlecUle Shop. 18 rockers: three-plere dinette vet, til; typing, stenoRmphy and bookke.ang, two salary. Apply Military Outfitters, WELL-FURNISHED all year around cot- EIGHT-ROOM old-fa«hloned house, any time; for further detaili phone Sea street, Ked Rnnk. phone SPX4. china clo*et. I" I bfi*. spring". mattrcHf- White «treel, phone €12, Red Baflk. years rxperlence. Write G. W.. box 611. Bright 2^^ ' 5 Monmouth street (next to Ug- Uge, one acre landscape-d ground Newly decorated throughout. Hot ail WALLPAPER, already na«t*,500. Ray VanHorn Agency, Fair Ha front porchfts, steam heat, including; th» s,Ter«ee room, lovely (election of trcet. Red Bank. Phone Hi'. We har* •tr*?nn!» Mc.Vliba!, Hoiford road, Leo- tailed. Phona any tlm« day or ajjht, RELIABLE young lady would ilk* poel convalescent woman. No htavy houe heat. Large porch. Garaffe. $8,000. Kay cils, seal presses; all types of msrk- N RED BANK, three rooms and bath, BUNGALOW at Little Silver, near nardo, N. J. . t Rumson 7 iO-J. Har-ey C, Til ton, 2 tlon doing eener&l office work, part or work. Good wagei. Phone, Red Bank second floor; attic, cellar, with private VanHorn Agency, Fair Haven, phon Ing devices; prompt service. Specialty CLEAN WINDOW SHADES QuaJity Bruce place, Rums on. full time. For interview phone Red Bank 365-R. Red Bank 283.* •ehool, Ave room*, hot water heat, one- Printing Company 107 Monmouth street, entrance and front porch. Shade trees, car garage, one-half acre plot with two window shkdea; w« have'on band nd 72 3-J.* HOUSEWORKER, experienced, for Mon shrubbery. Suitable for one person FAIR HAVEN. Good house of 6 room phone Red Bank 8931. -an make any kind of a shade: bring ESTELLiS—Interior decorating, waJl lar«fi trees. Price $5,000. W. A. Hopping hanginga, paper hinging, plain and COLORED man wants cleaning job* by days and Thursdays. Phone Eaton for couple. No children. Write Box and garage, hot water heat. Beaut 1, Agency, phone Red Batik 3'•>".* HORSES und harnemt for «n)e. Conover in your rollers; we do reversing of day, Monday to Saturday, {5 per day, town 390. _• 212. Middletown. N. J. ful location near bus line. Will be va Broi.. Wlckatunk. phona Holmdel »121. •hade*. No ne«d to be without elean decorative painting; eatabllihed 1920. lunch and bun fare. Outside work. $6 hone Red Bank 692. 20 Mount etreet. HIGH SCHOOL graduate wanted, who 1 cant July 1. Price 7,005. Const an c MIDDLETOWN Colonial home, two large window «had«*. National 5 k 10. per day. (Jood references. Phone Red FURNISHED river front home; summer Smith, 14 Maple avrnue. Fair Haven. living roams, fireplace, four bedrooms WE BUY used furr.tture and par Prown'e. Telephone 2 SB ft.* Bark 2193-R-' interested in learning real estate and season, * 1,2DO, Eight room*, tiro tiied phone Red Bank 2S08. UADELON PROAL, antique* bought insurance business, for filing; bookkeep iths, lavatory, fireplace; beautifully and bath, iteam heat, stoker fired, two blgbest prices. The Furniture ^OOKfN^VfoV"ba"rBainr?~ FulTiUe Inner- and aold. 10Z Writ Front itreet. Red COLORED man wants porter or janitor A1TRA0TIVE house near scenic drive, acres with many large nhadp trees, low Bank. ing and general office work. Apply, glv decorated and charmingly furni-hed. Center. II Ei«t Front street. Red work hj the week. Wage* $30 pering full particular* as to qualifications Double garage. Ray Van Horn Agency Atlantic Highlands, se^en rooms; tw taxes. Price $8,oOO. W. A. HoppiOB Bank, phone 1647. ; 19.50 ; hird ca«e und stand, S1 -SO ; eek. r.ood references. Phone Red reference?; rellsion, etc, Addrese X. Y> Z. Fair Haven, phone Red Bank 283." a tha, lavatory, finished attic, atei ncy- Phone Red Bank .'107. ^ tudin courh with uprlnj:*,-129,50; ceilirjR Bank 2193-R." box 511, Red Bank. W. J.» heated (coal), fireplace, targe open porch, porch "Winsr. 15; library table, $4.50; CALL ua flret We bur anything FOXWOOD Park. Dutch colonial, fire- aad pay hifhwt prlcee. The plot ftOxluO, moderately priced. 18 Sixth place, living room. dining room. ALMOST NEW dreilee. coatj, all eiiei. 3-r.iirner tra* stnvt. 19.S^:! roffe* EXPERIENCED SALESLADIES waited nue, Atlantic Highlands, telephon List your clothing with me U sell. table, $4.9 A: tool cheat, IS.50, Received Fumitara CenUr. 29 Eaat Front for ladles' ready-to-wear. Apply REAL ESTATE FOR SALE kitchen, three tjedroomi. steam heat, HELP WANTED garage. Price $f,000. W. A. Hop-pin* Also dressmaking and alterations. Open ecentijr, contents of lunch room such a a • treat, phone Red Bank Il«7. J, Yanko, Broad street. Red Bank. . 1:30 to 9 p. m. Phone Red Bank lf!*.l. t*am tsMe, rrill. dUhes, etc, tn be dis- BUY, sell or rent ail types of real ewUte ON' THE suction block. Fine country Agency, phone Red Bank 397." Orace Dean, 5 5 Shrewsbury avenue. Red LABORERS, truck drivers and crane op- YOUNG MAN wanted to help In itov, through Constance Smith Agency. 14 osed of Immediately at T«ry reasonable erator wanted for bridge construction. and furniture store. Samuel Swartt, house in Rum ion. Immediate posies Bank. rices, Come in and look around nna LAWN MOWERS sharpened and re- Maple avenue, Fait Haven, phone Red el on. 5 family bedrnonu, 3 baths, oil A- P. Thomji*oi., R7 Maple avenue. Red 14 W.- Front street, Ked Bnnk. Bank 2308. NOTICE. SOLVED—your dry cleaning problem. ee for yourself. Rusctl'a Auction C,a\- paired. Scissors, knlvea and garden Bank. Phone 1211. heat. Lovely grounds, summer house, •JM 2B-27 E. Front itreet, phone Bed tools sharpened. We repair lock* and fit barn, all in splendid condition. Absent Take notice that Ernest Mayer and Ranuxlt (French dry cleaner), 65 cente EXPERT permanent waver and bftir RED BANK, Bergen place, just east o gal.: 2-gal. can 81.09. Call up and place nk'l«83. keys for trunks and valise*. Oroet' IRLS WANTED; highest wasre scale in Broad, seven rooms, bath, and txtr owner. Inspect «nd males a hid. Jo#*»ph Mrs. Albina Mayer intend to apply to your order. Telephone) 26B0. Make up Locksmith Shop, 255 Shrtwebury avenue, the county. Star Laundry. Myrtle ave- styllit, either experienced at hair Hed lavatory; reception hall, den. laun- McCue agency. Phone Rumaon 444, the Mayor and Council of the Borough Red Bank. nue, Long Branch. Red Bank 2041. of Kunuon ior a I') en my Retail Con- a lltt of your wants and we will take AUTOMOBILES cutting or willing to learn. Excel- ry: hardwood floors; coal; two-car ce- umption Liquor license for riremisen slt- tare of same for you. National 5 eV 10. lent opportunity and permanent po- ie-nt block garage, overhead do on P>* FOR INSURANCE ot all kinds eea K. V. rater, electricity. Lot &0x200. Write RUMSON. Amidst acr* of ahadu latetl «t Avenue of Two Rivers, Rum- H. H. Stout, Lewi* building, 77-79 WANTED, good reliable chauffeur, white, sition for one able to hold clientele grounds. Larne living room, fireplace eon, N J. MAURICE SCHWAKTZ, Chryaler, Ply- Boi 212, Mlddletown. N. J. WATER PUMPS, new and rebuilt, for Broad street (over Newberry etorc). willing to help around place when not already established. Immediate or dining room, pantry, kitchen, maid*' nn< Objections, if Any, should be mxde im- aale. Pump repairs of all kinds: mouth and InternalionaJ tmrk sales MODERN Cape Cou home of seven v GENKHAL CONTRACTOR and cesspools driving; single, young or middle sged bath, 4-family bedrooms, S baths. Ho mediately in writinK to Albert A. Kerr, plumbing and heatlne. F. r,. Hurst. ind icrvict hearauarteri. Phone Bed July 1st. Call MIBB Sally, Red Bank rooms; 2 baths; itcsm heat with oi water h*>at by oil. H-car gara«f, $15,000, L'ITW of the Rorongh of RumBon. Sank 7S7. cleaned; carting and grading, top good place for right party. References 1 Mlddletown, phone Mlddletcmn 86. soli, manure, fill dirt, cinders, gravel aod 2iU. turner; nreplace. About 2'. acres land Jeph (I, McCue saency,' phone Rumsnli (Signed, BABY CHICKS. New Hflmpahlre R«da USED CABS bought, sold and ex- aand. Estimates given. PhoDe Red Bank required. Call all week at 65 Washing ted in Middletown village, $11,0 00 411. Tir-d Bunk 21)41. MRS. ALRINA MAYER. , from blood teatcd stock. Willgerod change. Pontlac iale» and nervice; 1464. Oscar Becker. 47 Second street. ton street, Kunuon, or phone Rumson lee Roiiton Water bury, Realtor, 16 W KKNEST MAYER. Bros., Nevrmnn Sprinir*! road, Llncro/t terma. C. M. A. C Itassas Brothera Fair Haven. N. J. 7*1. NEAT HIGH SCHOOL girl, colored, a« Vont street, phone 3500.* BANG-UP modern house. OutakirU R- AvenviB of Two HiveM, Rum?on, N. J. 19-21 Mechanic street, phone 3065. msid for beauty «ho,i, hours S to 5. Bank, 4 corner bedrooms, tile bath Phone Red Hunk 3574-M. • Call in rierion, Miss Sally'*, 105 Mon X)LpNIAL 8-room houae with all im- Fireplace, tile kitchen. Oil heat, Insul. THi; BEST prices paid for rags, iron, JARDENER'S helper, white. Apply T. provements. Chicken house; brooder NOTICE. MAYTAG PARTS and service; only au- IP YOU wish to sell jour autnmobllo metal and paper. Gettla, junk dealer, mouth sti-eet. between 4 and 6." ____ tion, GaraRc attached, Immaruljtc con th'orized Maytasr rfealer Jn vicJnJty bring It to us. ca*h for ser- J.-Gillinan, North Ward avenue., Rum- ouses. Garage. Hitch, .elevation. About Take notice that Molly Pitcher Oper- 21G Shrewsbury avenue. Red Bank, phone on, Phone Rumson 719. LAUNDRESS WANTED day, dya and dition, $12,000. Joneph O. McCue mrency Wr Inner nvrrhauHng «nJ rebuilt] ing viceable tarn: 1935 U> 1042 model l.f,9S-W. Will call. acra land, price )S,O00. See JtoJ phone Rumson 444, Red Bank 2041. Atinr Co.. Inc.'. trading aa Molly ritcher Tugtlnfir'n, phone Red Bank SO. MAN to work in wash room. half. E-Z washer. Phone Ruinson ton. Waterbury, Realtor, 16 W. Front (Irille has applied to Mnyo.- ami Council Mouitt-KiKrlliih Co., R*d Bank. Essential 117H. N RUMSON A bnrEain. Shrubbed plot HARDY chrysanthemum!, plant now for RUMSON STUDIOS—Painting and pa- Ijosltion. good pay. Star Laundry. trcet, phone 3500.* nf the Horoiiffh ot H-il Hank for » Retail l>er banging- ali interior decorations. Myrtle avenue. Long Branch, PIANIST, part time. Familiarity with "rixir.O. 4 bedrooms, bath on second C'Dii^umi*'inn licence for pvcmi-'eji situated laU summer bloom inR, 2 cents each, TOP PRICB3 paid for all makei of IVER-FRONT home, 7 rooms; all im- floor, l? room.i on third flour, Niep pnrch choice stock. Rue,' Hance avenue, Red Phone Rurmon 76&-W. accompanying more essential than ad provements ; oil burner; playroom In it N4->S Riverside ftvt'nije, Ked Bank, good used can. McKlrn-Larton HOUSEKEEPER, workinn mother, two vanced ability. Mornings and tome earh ExcfllK-nt repnir. Oil heat, garage. Taxes **ew Jersey. Bank, rear Red Bnnk Airport. SEPTIC TAKES and cesspools cleaned! school age children. Week-endn o(T. evenings. Phone Red Bunk 2220.* basement. Garage. Shade trees. Dm-i !0y. PoouM be made Im- lantic Pafnt Co., 119 We-t Front utreet. Low mlleaue, Muat see to Appreciate. ERAL contractoro ; top toll, /III dirt. and Bersen Dlace, Red Bank. Fred D. WILL PAY cash for hou*e of 6 or 7 HIS BUNGALOW is priced to see. • pchnol nrul railrnnd o tut lon. Can .Red Bank, phone 2r!5t-"W. Act quick for' thl« barsain, William J. cinders, gravelg, , manure. Lionel SiSi- WikolT Company. rooms, garage. Red Bank or vicinity; rooms; hot water heat with oil bur- con l.y nppnintment. Phone Keani- fdtately In wriiinr :» \mv K- Shinn, tJSKD furniture for eale, Anderson Lavlne. 876 Broadway, Long Brahch. mon, 11 Center etreet. RRamion, oh one not. over $7,00fl. Occupancy September r. A-l condition. 1 -car para jr. e, L< j "lerk of the Hormi -h nf ]W,\ Hank. 670, or Red Bank 86. IAPABLE man paat draft age or other-i 3x129. Near bud line and school. Rol- Bros.. Inc.. ?ftfl Monmouth ttrte*. H*A PONTIAC 194~Q. two-door. wlth~-Vcyi wise not eligible for military duty, for or October. Write, Cash, box fill, Red •'AIR HAVKN Finer rr.n.1 corner hn- MOLLY P1TCHEK < H'KKA 11 Nd Bank. der economy motor; tireB newly Bank.. in Waterbury, Rwltor, 16 W. Front 60x110, Eicht rooms. <;araco in m ihecking nnd receiving merchnndii«e and eet. phone, 8500." CO.. ISO, LlNOLBUMS—Fclt-bate niw. Inlaid "Un- capped; car taken care of like one of WANTED icrnl stockroom work. Idenl workiiid LET US assist In the sale of your prop- omlltlon. Convenient lorntion. Bui, stortn Tra'dlnir n- Molly Pilrher i.rille. oleum and Cons-oleum. Lowest prices. the family. Exterior complexion npnrkl- ondltions; permanent with opportunity erty. Quiet efficient service to seller ;OUNTHY farm estate with 22 acrw ind ^ohnnl. l-"or quick en porch. Fireplnce. Hot-nlr tient Take nctirt! th;.t llairp ftnveiin. pro- war: almost new. Telephone after OFFICE ASS/KTANT; youn« man who Ith motor ntofcer. Situated on hlffh eie- Knriij:r. Hrnuiiful ynrd nnd adjoinlntr .ict(K- nf lhf I.itir^ift Inn. hiifrulfl to 7:8f) p. m,. or any time Saturday or car will speak for Itielf, or phone S. SMALL USED CAR. State condition ent resident!. Addrest R. C, Box fill. >t. Krtlire plot I CO* .'•!'•. Pri.-e S'.a Btirk, Red Bank 161fl and I'll he glad tan drive » nir nnd wlin ,will make ation overlooking surrounding country. pply tu thp Tiiwn-b:!' Cunnnitlpe itf the Sunday, JSatontown 1^44. j, niul juice. V. It. MallcaiirKfro, R, p. J). Imaclf RcneriiTIy linpfal Jn n renl estnto ] Bk" 'onstnnco Sniilh 11 MHPIC tiVfiiUf, Kslr Tuwn.-liip nf Miilil!rt of Hed FARMS wanted. ' W~have bu"y7rs~*f Smith, ti Mnplc llh;*,rfinns If nnv. th,"ilil iip mmlr im.' Motorola radio, heater, }ln» hjtd ex- liedid tinuktI'f 1*6J tor I'nfcirniationi . Dean's, Bfltik an rarftftker ,* modern tc fiilaiy, ex- ill kinds of fnrmf, aim itioimcr UTHBNTIC Colonial, home: in roumi, vriiiir. Fiiir Hiivrn, phnip Rr?d Raul; fillvrly in .Mill.,,.- •.,,) W.'Hnh- TROPICAL FISH, BoM~flsh. nauarlum cellent care and should he seen nnd 1 hsths; (rue?t rottatre. Beautiful plant* and suppllm. Open dally and I! North Shrewsbury avenue.* cellent llvlni; 'luiiiieis.'evciy convenience, homes with acreage. Sead description, 0 •1. Clerk of 'ho '!..wriThtc of Middle- driven to bf uppreclBlfd. Price, ti2B. fine (rnrden: ju--t 1 ho ppifoi-t home for re- wn with flAh pond. Massive etuulo Sundays. 10 n m. to ftp. m. Cloned Phnne Red Hank r»O0-J. LATK MOi)EL car. (jood cofldltlon pri- price, teini* and how retched by auto sc«. Dutch oven in kltrhen. Pesiced 'AJK HAVKN. Maple «r*'iiur. sii raw, Wednesday*. Helen Miller. Hitrhway SK, vate uwner only. Alio 1935 or/l636 flneri small family. Not necc^tiry to to Done it an & Donegan, 665 Newark li accept for t«'n to three months. State ien ben in i itt dinjinc rooin, IInt>wnter iinrfiic- No Improvpnipnis. r, 0 \ 1 T> 0. near KeanAhnrir r.nteway, Phone Mld- 193H PACKARD SUPER-8 serlnn, In xood Chevrolet, Plymouth or Dodge two-door enuc, Jersey City. at with oil burner. *Hltth elevation. i.*c J-'.TOrt. Now vm-fliit. Cimttance HANTK ll.WKRIO, dletown 2Rfl.J, _ _ condition. No dealers. Mrs. J. H. roach or coupe. 07 Monmouth street, OK«s of members of fnmlly nml any ad- Unrrnft. N. J. .Ing. 4 5 Cornwall street. Highlands, dition til information. Write to Small M'llL BUY small builna-M with or with- Inny other nttractlve features, l'i acres litli, 1 1 . Mnpli' Hv.nue, l-'ajr Haven, BEAOH 1JMRRF.LT.AS." We" h'aVe .few Red Bnnk. Cull before 7 p. m. Phone 1. Ses RoUton Watei'bury, 16 W. iinn Red Hunk 2;iOH. • J.«» Red_Bjink_ 7} 6, Fnmlly hnx 511. Red flunk. out property. Outdoors preferred, but '• NOTICE. nf ihcm wt fnlr pHc***: hf-nch hnr\. rould con«Ider others. Pay each. Muet Vonl slreet. nbonn 8500.• WKST RB1> 1MSK. Two dwclliDK* and re*!); »l)lnJ hninp. J2.fl!> snrl J3.9R • dog ,5 BBUICGK coupeupe,, good running condi- YO U U • ROOM, unfurnlihtd apartmt nF. itand InvcHtlgatlon. Box- 222, Sen Tuke nolice'that Peter Arwlros intentis tion. NCLISH TYPE 'cottage, five rooms; rasi?. Orif> has six roonin. ntl tm_ hnrnpHh nml lend?: pnfdcn bn*r, fin ft,, Call Atlantic Highland!* 1B-T. ^ Pcrmnnently here. Phone Red Bank COLLECTOR—Men! job for a school Bright, N. J. • ' tile bath, steam heat with oil burner; 'men(s. Other i*our roomn, all im- tipply tfi the Township Committee of i.flS;, nnrrhnnrh pnlnfpoint,. fif)Rf centas itjt. TTPIP- O Town.hip ot Mlddletown for a Hen- n WANTED, «mn)l uaed ear. Stp,t» eondl- K man dbrlng nummer vncatlon; FOR QUICK action tn the sa]« or rental ••place; 1-car Ravage, open porch. •ments. Tn a Rood locntion. Large -—flfcnnn. 2f^ 'for your ,wnntn' . NationaNatton l R tlon and price. ' V. K. Dallemndro, L •y Ketiill.foMumrtlon llcnse tor nrem* ik Tft.' Prown'F.#: ' —->—•"--• REFRIGERATOR, ntw or allshtly used automobile In furnlahod by \m. Ap- of your house, butigralow or fann. .800. Roliton Waterbury, Realtor, 13 A Rnod buy for fS.OOO, Constance es sltiiattd at Route No. U. Middle. phone or. wrlta-thl* nfl)c« today. Ray . Front street, phono 8!S0f>.* irnith, 14 Mapl* avenue, Fair Haven, Red Iliink, N. J. ,wn, N. J. TIABBTTS, Amerh:an Bluea, Flemish 01- 1987 TORfT four-door icdnn, henter; StWWfcnr^tflWr-^IIIuhwuy, ; Eatanicmrtc. ntio Ufd .Bank 23O«> Objections. If »ny. shonlil he. made Im- nntu nnd nthr«-«, Bnrnien frnm 7KP up, staerlnR IK edn repni , mot or naods WOULD like a.nice hr>tne for a pure tivcintc, Ut> Phontfn: Satontown 7 and 8. | modernlteil furm haunt. Stud serylcp. Open ri n 11 y and Sundays, uns up, ran- m*Tr)rVr*Tl>tt>*1*hWH) l for. rlmnle»1ly whltr> male don 0 monfha old/not to IK'YOU have a homr, apartment or hun-I'lltinn. rj'acie*. Beautiful vl nn buy my peVfrCt newly (lecorBt'd I.. Clerk of the Township of Middle- m. tf> 9 p. m. Clo«rd Wednnsdayi. I Inclined who enjoys working on mr*. $90. he «hRlned up. Haaa liselicense. . J.RJ.-R.. RimRim- CAPABLE WOMAN FOP geneial house galnw for rehtr"furnl«hed" -or unfur- jM-'ruh tree. JSO taxes. *I I.-IOti, Ray two-family • ||.year-round hou»«' at your HA.en Miller'. Hlsrbway -TS, near Keam- Rut. Msrlnelto. Salontown 1060, Ehten* uuell , PProspfvt l .. Littl Sil enue, Little Silver; phon» •t>rk. 110 lfj nvenue, Red n I shed, phont Long Branch '699. B. G, Van Horn Ag*nry, Fair Haven, phont prirr nnrl termi. Mm'aluso.' If4* Am- « hurlt Gateway. Phone Mtddletown 2P6-J. slon 1695. ' Red Bank 024, Bnnk, N. J,' Contes Ag«ncy. . Red .JUnk ?83.* sterdam avenue', New York ill, N. Y, PETER AKDBOS. Pace Fourteen. RED BANK REGISTER, JUNE 8, 1944 Graduation At Port Monmouth Officer to Take Brldo. Peddie Graduates Announcement has been made of (Th> Bod Bank Rtgtsttr can In the engagement of MLas Jane Moen Do You Want a Homesite Keyport Tonight bought in Fort Monmouth at Boyd's of Brooklyn to Lt Edward C. HARTFORD ON THE General Store). , Stokes, U. S. N. R., son of Mrs. Hartford Fire loiurance Company Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Beam motor- Howard Kembla Stokes of Allen- SHREWSBURY RIVER? High School Class ed to Kingston^ New York to at- hurst. Lt. Stokes is the nephew of Numbers 68 tend the funeral of Mrs. Beam's former Governor, Edward C. Building and Loan Association now brother, Edward Banks, Friday. Stokes. Heia a graduate of Prince- INSURANCE James Atkins, Jr., celebrated his ton university and was studying Commencement exercises of the fourth birthday Tuesday. , law when he enlisted. LIQUIDATING Improved Lots Keyport high school graduating Several children from here will ------i AIL THIS COUPON class will be held tonight at the M high school auditorium. The follow- take part In a Children's day pro- Matawan Property Sold. REX BUILDING 4 LOAN ASSOCIATION, gram at the Belford Methodist JOHN TLAWLEY 11 COMMERCE ST.. NEWARK 2, N. J. ing program will be presented: The business property on Main Uible reading, Maralyn Brewer church Sunday at 10 a. m. street, Matawan, near Little Btreet S«nd mi your illustrated circular with complete information about the beauti- Lord's Prefer ' ' Mrs. Edward Beam received - AGENT - ful Summer and ye.r-round .it,., only 45 rSinute. from Newark with 26 traina J-lasr Salute known as the Gehlhaus block, has daily on the beautiful Shrewsbury River, with improvements already paid lor: Star Spangled Banner word that her eon, Robert, la at been sold to Savas Lonkedis of Pat- Riverside Drive and State <;irJrwiilk» electric Kraded street, city water, etc. Private Bathinsr Beach. Hoa,t- Anzio Beach In Italy- frlJ:"F".h;»,. Cribb"; CUmmin,. WEST PRICES EASIEST TERMS and "Our Democratic Creed" erson and Costas Vasslllades of how I may >ee thtm. This is only an inquiry'and does not obligate me in Narrator, Jack A. Jpandorn Waiter Dill of tho U. S. Navy Matawan. Hwy 35 Keynote Address, Beatrice James visited his family on his five-day "America" n furlough. R. B. R. The Meaning or Freedom, Keynote Ad- Tel. Red Bank 410 NAME dress Barbara Levy William Miller of the U. S. Navy visited his parents for five day* ADDRESS "America the Beautiful" last week. The Future we face. Keynote address Geraldina Spray The meeting of the L&dles' "God of Our Fathers" auxiliary of the fire company will Presentation of class gift be held at the fire house Wednes- Gloria Pasino day evening, June 14, at 8 o'clock. Acceptance of Gift Herbert C, Bur- This will he the-last meeting until For Good Beer, Good Cheer rowes for the Board of Education N. ROBERT HAMMER JOHN B. HOSTETTER Renssolaer Prize Presentation September. Presentation of Diplomas S, Frank N. Robert Hammer, son of Mr. extra-curricular activities Included J. Huyier, a former resident, Good Eats Mason, president board of education the Press club, Peddie News, man- visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Llndabury Acceptance J. Frank Weigand, Jr. and Mrs. Einar Hammer of Kath- over the week-end. Class Song Written by Maralyn erine avenue, Riverside Heights, ager of tbe wrestling team, hall MEN'S SPORT Brown, Jane Carberry, Barbara Levy monitor and member of the smok- Miss Ruth Miller spent the week- — Visit — Tribute to boys in service and John B. Hostetter, son of Mr. end at Spring Valley, New York. and Mre. Jay B*. Hostetter of Mat- ing lounge committee. Robert MeCIeaater Hcwtetter entered Peddle In Sep- Mr. and Mrs. J. Gallagher of Thb 68 graduates are: awan, were among" those who were tember, 1943, having formerly at- Keansburg and Mr. and Mrs. Leonardo Field Club John Malcolm Bahrenburg, Dolly graduated Monday - at Peddle tended Matawan high school. His Newell Campbell of Red Bank were COATS 14* Bayne, 'Marilyn EdJth Browner, school's 79th commencement exer- entertained Sunday by Mr. and extra-curricular activities Included A Vargo Selection to Chooae From Ridgewood and Monmouth Avenues •Phylllg Jeanne Brown, "Carl Bru- cises in the Baptist church, Hlghta- the Camera club, junior varsity Mrs. Prank Levering. der, Jane Holly Carberry, ••Wil- town. football and cume laude, national Mrs. James Clarke and son Hugh liam J. Carter, Joseph Anthony Hammer entered Peddle In Sep- secondary school scholastic honor of Jersey City visited Mr. and Mrs. Leonardo, N, J. - Cerlione," Penelope Ann Creamer, Wfcer, 1942, having formerly _at, ociety; Hostetter graduated with Herbert Vivian last Friday to at- DRESS Elaine Conover Cherry, Reginald tended Leonardo high school. His honors. — - ' tend the class day exercises in • Winthrop Creed, John Francis church. Joan Vivian, a graduate, SHIRTS Cummfngs, Margaret Gloria Del- took part MTSTC EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT BY gert, "George Alex Durka, Gene- Keansburg Com«rford, Prank Johmon, £ugin« S«v- Mrs. Frank Levering, war ser- White* and Fancy vleve Beatrice Edmonds, Sara Elis- Grft'dei On* and Two—Billy Kirk. vice director, and Mrs. Frances Mebus, hospitality chalrlady of the .T.E.DDY MAINE'S ORCHESTRA abeth Ellison, "Ralph A. Ferrara, (Tht Red Bank Resrlitsr can be Frank McNamara. Alan Johnson, Perry Rudolph Ferrara,' "John Monroe >ought In Keansburg at the stores of WaJdman, Herbert Powell, Robert FUK- V. F. W. visited Fort Hancock lajt tiil, Richard Wetmore. week and distributed afghans, lap- BOTANY Floyd, "Frank Paul Fragasso, Jr., E. L. Miller, N. Santa Lucia, Philiji Kel- Second Grade—Hubert Fleming, Er- Gloria E. Fox, Mary Madeline ler, Charles Vogcl, L. Zuckermati and nest Mergner, Robert, Merirner, Robert robes, puzzles, etc., to the boys. Grasso, Marie Eleanor Gray, Betty Seorsre Swiss). Miiier, Peter Parker, Victor Powell, Don- The next meeting and luncheon TIES Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Brown ald Spratford. Barbara Allan, Joan Oke- of the Ladles' Aid of the Port Mon- May Greely, William B.( Greenburg, lew. , i, Daniel Infantl, George Webster of 16 Wilson avenue have purchas- Third Grade—Richard Best, Henry mouth Community church will be SPECIAL Jacobs, Stanley J*ArTe, Bernloe ed a new home on Ravine drive, Broeder, Ronald ChriBtman, George held in the church*~parlors June Clara James, *Jack Arthur Jean- Matawan. Johnson, William Oertel. Thomas Snyd- 20. Mrs. B. LaBarr has charge of MEN'S ALL WOOL CWCJITCDO $195 er, Charles Jones, Louis Collichio, Joan the tickets. Luncheon will be at dron, Harry Charles Johnson, Irene The Townsend club held its an-Becker, Alberta Boyd, Joan McDonald, SLEEVELESS OYYcATcRS Sophia Kazmark, Charles Herman nual outing and dinner at Asbury Rita McNamara. 1 o'clock. BRAKES RELINED Lesbirel, John Llnde, "Barbara Park Tuesday afternoon. The next i-'ourth Grade—Raymond Bime, Jack Brakefield, Harry Carmen, Donald Minette Levy, 'Dorothy Claire Lin- regular business meeting will be Compton, Wiixht Church.n, James Thon, Atlantic Township with the demann, Shirley Jane Lyons, Ina held Tuesday afternoon, Juno 13. Frankly n Jackson, Robert Gehlhaus, Maclnnes, Robert Frank McClcas- at 2 o'clock at the homo of the Dolores Cordta, Geraldine Harris, Betty Last week Rev. Peter M. Boel- MEN'S Kirk, Roberta RobinBon, Edith Sullivan, houwer was able to deliver /our ter, Mildred Newman, Gloria Cath- president, Mrs. E. Hodgklnson of Joan Collins, Gail Holland. erine Paaino, Ivan Pcdersen, Rich- 5 Fox averftffi. A BOcial hour will Fifth Grade—Marilyn Borfjuist, Shir- radios to the chaplain at Earle. ard Britton Poling, Marilyn Jean follow the regular business session. ley Okelcw, Elizabeth Gallagher, Alice They express their appreciation to Tracy, Friti Greisinger, Walter Hamil- Preston, 'Katherine Allen Pruden, The graduation exercises of the those who donated them. Any ?trt$tont Charles LeRoy Purdy, James A. ton. kind of sports equipment and fish- Keansburg publio school will be Sixth Grade—MurUl Ackerman, Mary Lou Grlefllnger, Catherine Miller, Dune ing tackle are also greatly needed. SLACKS Rapolla, "Norman Rathbone, Jr., held in the auditorium Mondav Ready-Built and Trued Exchange Shoes Margaret Edna Reamer, Robert Owen, Nancy Stryker, Audrey Werner, The ushers of the Colt's Neck evening, June 12, at 8:15 p. ra.Ad -George Androi, Vincent FuccL Hoed Reut, Emily Elizabeth Schultz, mission to the exercises will be byGardner, Robert Lovett. Walter Werti- Reformed church lor June are AC FORD James Slano, Gladys Jean Silcox, ticket. The graduates will be is-ner. Joe Severaife, Charles Haines, John Walter Mitchell and Richard Flock. $R. .95 Kathleen Claire Smith, Mary Ger- Werner. The consistory met at the home '*•* CHEVROLET sued a number of tickets for their . Seventh Grade—Jamei Bell, John aldina Spray, Anna Marie Sturm, parents and other relatives. Adult Carmello. Jerome Dean. Fred Kleln- of Elder Fields Monday evening. PLYMOUTH Helen Mary Sturm, Thelrna Grace friends and others may obtain ichmidt, Richard Schmidt, Ellen Giger, The Helping circle met at the home Keep cool In • pair oi war Vanderpool, Corlnne Dorothy Wall- Joan Sw«nson, Alice Vreelnnd. of Mrs. Sid Beers Tuesday after- tickets from the principal or any Eighth Grade—Betty Carmen. Dolorei line tailored slacks. See them PONTIAC ing, Edward Joseph Walling, Julia member of the board of education. Connolly, Marie Robinson, Joan Sulli- noon. "OLDSMOBILE Mae •WnlllntNvNola Marie Water- The next meeting of the Star of van, Joan Unrig, William Kenskl, Jo- The Fellowship met at tMMbome today. man, John TTrank Welgand, Jr., Bayslde council, Daughters of Am- fleph Fox, Lurry "K&v'ilnR, Frank Mac of Mnbel Mitchell TubsdayWven- "Harry Poet Woolley, Jr., George Donald, Richard Meialohti, Roy Merit- ing. Everyone is asked to save BUICK (Mod. 40 & 60) erica, will be held tomorrow even- ner,. Edward O'Brien, Joseph Romero, Germain Yates, Julie Irene Zah- inj?. There will be a short' busi- Frank Janusewaky. your old newspapers and magazines OTHER CARS EQUALLY LOW rlskl, Robert Louis Zampello, Helen ness meeting which will be follow- and ask the young people to call MEN'S SPORT Louisa Zurich. ed by the presentation of tho mem- for them. Choir' rehearsal was New Monmouth conducted Wednesday evening. 95 ••In the service of his country. bership by Pride of Monmouth Work Done While You Wait Council of Union Beach to Star of Next Sunday the Children's day • Honor students. The May crowning of the Blessed service will begin at 10:30 a. m. SHIRTS 'I .? The Baccalaureate service was Bayslde council. It.will be an open meeting. Refreshments will be Virgin Mary took place Sunday The program is built upon the Short or Long Sleeves Latest Equipment—Experienced Brake Men - held Sunday afternoon at the high evening at St. Mary's church. M»a theme "Jesus and His Friends." school auditorium. Rev. Charles R- served and there will be music for dancing. Alice Dubroaki was the crowner The Boy Scouts of troop. 60 at- Smyth, pastor of Calvary M. E. and her flower girls were Beverly tended a Court of Honor at Lake church, delivered the sermon. In- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Daley of VanBrunt and Jacqueline Hesse. Topanemus, Freehold, recently. PLAIN FANCY MEN'S FANCY OR PLAIN J. H. MOUNT CO. vocation was by Rev. Francis Mc- 97 Ramsey avenue, are the parents John Johnson carried the crown. The following awards were pre- HANDKERCHIEFS PAJAMAS Gulnness, St. Joseph's church, Key- of a daughter born last Sunday 'Train bearers were Bunny Benson sented for advancement: Peter Cor. White Street & Maple Ave., Red Bank 404 port, and prayers by Rabbi Sam- in Monmouth Memorial hospital. and Henry Keller. Miss Anna Pas- Moreau, star, rank; WilliamThom]^ 25c $2 50 uel P. Cohen of the United Hebrew The Study club of Court St. Ann, tellie was maid of honor and herson, star rank and merit badges congregation. Gatholio Daughters , of America, flower girls were Joan Ockalew and in scholarship, farm mechanics, held a surprise birthday party for The senior class banquet was held Loretta Golden. Miss Hermona La- farm records and bookkeeping, flre- Mrs. Gertrude Ahern Sunday even- brecque carried the Sodality ban- manship and animal industry; Wil- Thursday night of last week In theing at the home of Mrs. Agnes Rainbow room of the Hotel Albun, ner of the Blessed Virgin and herliam Riordan, star rank, farm CONTINUING OUR SALE Thorne of West Keansburf. attendants were Irene Kelly and mechanics and flrfimanshlp merit Asbury Park. At that time Ger- Mrs. Carrie Vacarella is at Pine aldina Spray presented the class Joan Zenich. Tho following young badges; Albert Nclhaus, first class RIGHT GOODS Camp, New York, where she Is ladies spoke during the evening: rank, merit badges in first aid and OF MEN'S SUITS poem, Dorothy Li^demann the visiting her husband who is sta- class . prophecy, Margaret Reamer Misses Rose Mary Morvan, John firemanship; Dick Moreau, first tioned there. Trayers, Bernice MaeDermott and class rank, beef production and the class will and Jean Carberry. Lillian Broander celebrated her RIGHT PRICES Barbara Levy, Maralyn Brower and Jane Bohne. The following were farm layout and building arrange- birthday Tuesdav. received into the Sodality: Misses ment merit badges, and Ted Llpert, Robert McCleaster the class me- Mrs. Stanley Graser, the former mentoes. RDSB and Gloria Burman, Margaret second class rank. The Scouts have Gladys Vorhies of this borough, re- Beacons and Dolores Switzer, Rev. begun to work at their camp In cently visited her parents, Mr. and FACTORY STORES RIGHT SERVICE J. J. Murphy of St. Agnes church Jake's Hollow. They have report- Mrs. Leroy Vorhies. Mrs. Grascr, of Atlantic Highlands gave the ser- ed that some person insists upon ALL BUSES STOP % BLOCK A. ROM ODB STORE Atlantic Highlands whose husband is, in the Navy, is mon. Mrs. Harold Jones sang "Ave stealing scout equipment from the living with her parents-in-law In Maria," assisted at the organ by grounds. The State Police are co- 42 WEST STREET, RED BANK (The Red Bank Rezlster can be Florida, bought In Atlantic Highland! from J. Miss Helen Kelly. Kev. Robert operating in the apprehension of THE WRIGHT STORES Romeo's Filling Station, Caruso's store, Seaman Second Class Doris Lucy Bullman celebrated benediction. this scoundrel. Scouts are urged J. Lemburit. A. Kati and Blumettl's). Murray, United States Naval Re- to bring In new members for the serve (Women's Reserve), daugh- D. C. Oakea has taken over the troop. # salvage chairmanship, succeeding ter of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Mur- College Student Dica. Mrs. Louis Plotkln returned home • Canning Kettles '4" Mrs. Elizabeth Neil, resigned. More ray of Third street, has completed Miss Jean S. Anderson, 24, a Monday afternoon after under- than four tons of newspapers were her baslo training at the Naval senior in Wheaton college, Wheat- going- a major operation at Mon- 20-qt. size, complete with rack for 7 jars and cover recently removed from the First Training school in the Bronx. She on, 111., died Sunday at the home mouth Memorial hospital. Rela- avenue depot near the police eta- has received orders to report for of her father, William Anderson tives visiting Mrs. Plotkin Monday tlon. further instruction at the Inter- of Ocean Grove. Besides her fath- evening were Mrs. Jacob Stern and Sverre Sorensorio his completed national Business Machines school er she is survived by two brothers daughter Pearl, of Hilmdel, Mr. • Beach Umbrellas '4" his basic Naval training at Samp- in New York city. and two sisters. and Mrs. Herman Shtier of Smith- son, New York, and arrived home Former Mayor Thomas J. Gil- burg and Mrs. Freda Stern of As- 6 foot, gay, sunfast colon today to spend a few days before mour has offered to donate a new Back the Attack—Buy War Bonds! bury Park. starting officers' training. map of the borough of Kcansburg Mr. and Mrs. John Sweeney of to replace the' one now on display Jersey Cily, who spent the winter on the grounds at municipal hall • Lattice Fencing 98c in Florida, have opened their bung- on Church street. nlow on Bay avenue for the sea- Sgt. William O'Brien,'Jr., son of ' 3-foot picket, sections, ready for painting son. Mr. and Mrs. William O'Brien of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip F. Wentz Wood street, recently visited his $ 98 have moved from Mount avenue to parents before leaving for service East Washington avenue. overseas. • 6ft Wood Fence Sections 3 Lt. Fred W. Joy returned Friday The following were neither ab- 30 in, high, unpainted, for quick enclosures to Marianna, Florida, after spend- sent nor tardy during May at the ing a live-day leave at hie home on Francis place publio school: Valley drlve/vfollowlng his gradua- Pint Grade—Barbara Bohn. Michael ZS tion as a pilot. New Jersey strawberries, BO tempting • Bamboo Rakes *1 Lt. Frederick Morgan of Dela- j If It Snims— We Have It this time of year, also make a delicious ware has leased Bobby Barry's Just the right thing for light garden work house on Valley drive. winter-time treat as strawberry preserves. Dr. Donald McLaughlln, who re- This is the time to put them up, and here conlly leased tlie Brasille bungalow on Grnnd nnd East Highland ave- Hennessey is a recipe your family •will rave about. • Onion Sets »> 40c nues, iia.s been ordered to overseas duty. His wife and two children STRAWBERRY PRESERVES Fine quality, small round, hard to get quality will remain here for the season. Mrs. Dorothy Crlswell of East 4 cups sugar 1n ., . i_ ' « .95 Washington avenue has 'leased her 20 1 cup water )Bo11 to*ether * minutes cottage for the summer. Both her Monmouth £ * 48" Wire Fencing '8 eons nre in the service. 2 qunrts strawberries 165-foot rolls, graduated mesh I.t. ntul Mrs. H. C. Miller has All our Sea Food Fresh. Wash and cap berries. Drain thoroughly., rented (hi> Monmouth avenue resl- No Cold Storage. tlrnce of Mrs. M. V. Bowtell. Place syrup in wide bottom shallow pan and Frank Crawford, who recently re- Phone 1377 We Deliver color slightly with red vegetable coloring. • Mole Traps - - T' turned from Ohio, is now stationed at Fort Monmouth. Add berries and simmer 5 minutes. (To Spear type for the pesky pests Timothy Miixfion Is enjoying a Week-End Specials keep berries whole do not crowd in pan.) week's vacation from his duties in Allow to stand overnight. Shake pan occa- the locnl bank. SMALL WEAKCTSH 25c lb. Charles nnd Burke Ray, sons of sionally until berries are cold. The shaking Small Sen Has* - • Weed Killer «> 50cDr, and Mrs. K. L. Ray of Upper causes the berries to absorb the syrup and Kills the weeds and poison ivy Highland .avenue, students- at Blair Boston Mackerel.. academy, nre home for the sum- Bonlta* _ stay whole and plump. Put berries into jars, mer vacation. LAKGK SKA BASS QJV to within one inch of top and partially seal Olllccrs .nominated last week by tho Lion*'dub are" Joseph J." Mc- CODFISH STEAKS V"lb That's why he wants yourphotograph taken Ihe or completely seal according to type of lid • Nu Enamel '/2 Pt 95c 1 Vey president, Eiigpno J. O'Rourke BIG SEA TROUT 40c lb. famous Jean Sardou way—the qualify way—for used. Process 10 minutes in hot water bath. Finest enamels made- „ first vice president. Wccbcr W. NATIVE EELS ..... 4fio U, Brook second vice president, An- Father's Doy/Junei8lh! Have fMaken EARLY, Remove and completely seal if only par- thony Cardner treasurer, Samuel STRIPED BASS ftOo lb. tially sealed in the beginning. Gool and WAR STAMPS- MAINE LOBSTERS 65c lb, JWJOUML SlSf _jLaslstnnt treasurer, Adam 4 REALLY FINE PHOTOGRAPHS *6i95 store in a cool, dark place. FOR SALE HERE EVERY DAY nzmaycr seSrbttl'ryV Raymond -8offr"©h»m»- sfc pt; 6Oo qU Tnylor assistant secretary, Joseph Hard Clams ..._. 50c dor. Koeppd J'Jon tnmnr, Herbert Pos- ^*^(f3> ' '" ** B*nwln«. Uathir from* ten tall twister, The election will, iSt-enmcr Clam* 75o hundred THE WRIGHT STORES tiilic place next week and Installa- BLL;K FISH — SALMON , tion early In July, JERSEY CENTRAL POWER & LIGHT MONMOUTH STREET Tsltphona CUAB MEAT STEINBACH COMPANY <- Rfd Bank 2222 : COMPANY Boys can make pocket money bv 'LOBSTER MEAT ASBURY PARK selling the Register—Advertisement