Canadian Comments from the CMA Petition—Categorized 65 pages

Support for Informed Consent (Choice)

I am an RN and I believe in informed consent for any medication of treatment It's my body. It's my children. I have the right to refuse unnecessary medical interventions that I believe can harm myself and my children. I believe our right to choose should never be taken away. It is against my constitutional rights to impose such a law on me and my children I believe in FREEDOM! I'm signing because freedom should not be allowed to be taken away No one should ever have to give up their rights to protect there own well being and the being of their families. this is so crazy! Don't take away our rights to decide!! I want to protect MY RIGHT to choose how I raise MY child. I want the right to choose if,when and what my daughter gets I believe in the freedom of choice We all should have the right to choose. I'm signing because I think people have the right to choose if you inject your children with a foreign substance. We must maintain the right to choose if we want vaccines or not. Vaccination is a crime against humanity .Nobody should ever be vaccinated against their will or the parents will. I believe in the freedom of choice in this matter. We should always have a choice over what goes into our bodies ! Protect the sanctity of free will ! Medical care should be our own personal decision Human rights. Period. Parents should be able to raise their children the way they want to. i deserve the right to choose what happens to my child We were given rights so that we may make informed decisions that are best for our selves and families. Taking this away is NOT TOLERATED! We all need informed choice not blind mandatory compliance. It's not okay to prevent personal choice and to force someone else to go through a medical procedure they don't want. Your rights end where someone else's begin. Their body, their choice. Sign & Share Our constitution is all about freedom and we should have the freedom to choice whether we want to vaccinate or not. I'm signing because, parents deserve the option to choose. I believe I have a choice to take care of my family and my bodies in the most natural way possible. Freedom to choose is why my grandpa went to world war II. It is our Canadian Constitutional right to choice on medical/ issues. I'm signing this because we should have the choice to be vaccinated or not. Freedom of choice! Freedom of conscience and freedom of choice in medical care We, and our children, should have the freedom to make our own choices in matters of health. You cannot take away my basic freedom to make my own informed decisions about vaccinations! I can think for myself We have the right to make the educated choice and say NO! I think parents of children should have the right to choose whether or not to have their children vaccinated Everyone needs to Have a choice.

1 I have the right to say no This is just wrong. should be the land of the free ... to choose! I believe in our right of freedom of choice. I believe everyone should have a choice. In Canada, we have always had freedom to make choices. These freedoms are slowly being eroded away, this being one of them. Because I believe it is every parents right to know what or who is influenced or not influenious to or for their child. Because I believe in free choice Parents have all the information they need to make an intelligent decision on what goes into their child's body. Let them make that decision. I want the freedom to choose! Everyone should have the right and freedom to choose what does and doesn't go into their body. I believe in having the right to choose what you think is best for your family's health and wellness. And not be stripped of our freedom of choice. This is a human rights issue and I am a mother who believes in all parents having the right to decide whether or not they want a foreign vaccine/substance injected into their child. Please, for the love of humanity, stop this insanity before it is too late. I believe very strongly in choice. I was the right to choose and make and informed decision. I believe in our rights to choose what goes into our children's bodies. I don't want our human rights to be violated. I want to make the decision what goes into my child's body and what doesn't. I am her mother, so this is my right and my responsibility also. I believe in body autonomy and the right to informed consent with any medical procedure including vaccination. I'm signing because I want to make the decision of what gets injected into my body. I want freedom of choice for me and my family. I believe we should have the right to research and decide if our families should be vaccinated. Mandatory vaccinations are a violation of parental and human rights. It's just wrong on so many levels Human rights dictate bodily integrity & freedom of thought, and choices regarding health We need to make our own choices about our family health. We should have a right to choose. I believe in freedom of choice. Informed consent for all medical procedures is a fundamental principle that must not be abandoned. I believe everyone has the right to choose what goes into their child's body! I strongly believe in informed consent. We should have choice in our OWN child's health care! I am opposed to mandating vaccines... our health belongs to us.... not the government!! Protecting our rights and freedoms. It's my choice for my kids. It's my right to chose what's in the best interest of my children. My body, my choice. My kid's bodies, their choice. Our kids, our choice. Freedom of choice People have the right to choose whether they will or will not vaccinate their children. If this means the parent must homeschool the child, that is reasonable. I believe it should be a parents choice as they know their child best. I'm signing because, among other reasons, it is illegal to mandate vaccines in Canada without personal and religious exemptions due to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. I'm signing because I feel it is a violation of my responsibility as a parent to decide what is best for my 2 children. Freedom of choice is important!!!!

Because the we should never give away our right tobdecide what medical treatments we wish to recieve. Hoping that this country gets back to what it was many moons ago . F R E E To make our own choices . I don't believe in making any medical decision mandatory. My body my choice. My children's bodies my choice. I have the right to choose what goes into my body! I'm signing this because I believe in human rights and that every individual gets to decide what goes into their body. I believe everyone should have the right to decide what goes into their bodies. Especially when they are potentially harmful I believe in having a choice I strongly believe that there should be a freedom of choice with our food and our way of living - vaccinate or not, get poisoned or not etc. Our children are OUR responsibility, not the government's!!! i think this goes against human rights and freedoms Everyone deserves to make a choice about what goes into their body. Families have the right to choose what they want medically done to their children. We should have a right to choice! people should have the right to choose I believe it's a parents right to choose weather their children are vaccinated or not. im pro choice All people should have the right to determine what they allow their kids to be vaccinated against or not! im signing this because I want to keep my rights as a parent. I am signing here because I STRONGLY disagree with making vaccinations mandatory!! This is a dangerous legislation to push because it will harm people as well as take away freedom of choice as so stated in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. WRONG WRONG WRONG. DO NOT DO THIS! I am against the violation of my rights as a Canadian to security of person and all medical procedures performed should be with free and informed consent. This attempt to circumvent my rights is illegal. Freedom of choice. Agree 100% with this petition. Vaccine supporter or not, the choice over our children's health belongs in the hands of the parents. It is our right to choose. I believe in having a choice. Especially when it comes to saying what happens to our body's. I believe mandatory vaccination is a major violation of the freedom to make medical decisions for parents and children. I'm signing because I think we, as parents, should have the rights to choose what we feel is in the best interest of our children. I do not agree I have the right to make informed decisions regarding my children. I believe it's important for parents to make an educated choice for their own child and not have something so controversial be mandatory. We need to have our right to choose. This made my stomach sink. Why are people so blinded by the truth. It's right in front of them if they would just look at the evidence. This is craziness at it's finest. I believe in human rights. We have the right to choose. We should have the choice to choose what we do I believe in Canadians inherent right to be able to CHOOSE any and all medical treatments. I'm signing because it is illegal under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms to force any medical procedure onto our children without parental consent. 3 Canadians deserve to make informed decisions regarding their and their children's health. I should have the right to be the one to make the health decisions for me and my family. People have a right to choose if they want to take medication or not. I'm signing because I believe in freedom of speech and the freedom to choose your own health care. This is clearly wrong! I believe in the rights of parents to make informed decisions in regards to their childrens' health care freedom to choose what I deem right for my kids. Je signe pour que tous gardent leur droit s à l'information et leur pouvoir de décision en tant que patient partout dans monde not against vaccines, I am pro-choice.. I strongly feel it should the parents/personal right to refuse vaccines. I have the constitutional and human right to choose what I put into my body and the body of my children! It's a personal choice. It's my right what happens to my body as well as my children's. I have a right to choose to be vaccinated or not!!! Human rights baby! I feel that this is a decision that families should be able to make themselves after careful consideration and research. Because I believe in freedom to choose your own healthcare needs for you and your family members. This is the most important decision a parent can make on the health of their children. The Canadian Charter of Rights gives us the RIGHT to REFUSE any and all Medical Treatments I believe in freedom of choice. This proposal is completely unethical I believe in freedom of choice. I want freedom of choice. I want to choose what medical services or treatments I want for myself and my family. I am not pro-vax or anti-vax, just pro-choice. Health care choices belong with parents. We need to retain the right to make informed choices for ourselves and our children . Because everyone should have the right to decide what is done to their own bodies! I am signing because it is unethical and immoral to force people to forced medicated. I believe we should have the right to choose!!!! I'm signing because I'm for parental freedom. We need to have the right to chose weather or not to vaccinate or not. I am pro choice for vaccines. I believe in the freedom to choose what we put in our bodies and that of our children. I believe in bodily autonomy and parental consent. It's a parental right and a human right to have the choice We have the right to choose I believe very parent has the right to chose what medical treatments are performed our their children. I believe parents should have the right to choose. We must have a choice as to what we put into our bodies. Vaccination is injected into our bodies. Please! Don't take the right to choose away from us. I'm signing because I want our freedom to choose to continue as it should. Vaccination has to be absolutely a personal CHOICE...... and that includes parental CHOICE for children. I want the right to choose. I DO have my child's best interest in mind. I don't want my freedom of rights taken away. I want to make what I believe to be the best decisions for my children. We deserve a choice! 4 Medical interventions of any sort must always be the choice of the individual I believe in freedom of choice. This is wrong for Canadians and unconstitutional. I'm signing because I believe in Canada and our right to choose. I believe my child should have all the options available. We should have the right to chose on this I like my personal rights and freedom. I believe that the final choice regarding vaccination should fall to the individual or parents. No medical procedure would be mandatory. I believe as parents we should be able to make the decision we feel is best for our children We should have a choice on something that is considered a medical procedure. This is a PARENTS CHOICE Mandatory vaccination threatens our basic human rights because it: -Undermines the right of families to protect their children from unwanted medical interference -Invalidates the personal freedoms of conscience and religion and the legal right to security of the person guaranteed to all citizens by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms -Violates our right to know and understand what we are putting in our bodies, and to refuse unwanted medical treatments, whether 'preventive' or 'therapeutic' -Ignores the thousands of vaccine adverse events reported in Canada each year and health injuries that are occurring - the majority to young children -Exposes families to the risk of vaccine injury and death without any National vaccine injury compensation program -Changes our relationship with the medical profession, making Doctors into medical enforcers and Judges, rather than professional resources we consult with in order to make our own medical decisions. Of my rights You can not take away our Human Rights. I agree with this petition. All health card decisions should be a choice. I'm signing because we should have the right to choose. MY BODY, MY CHOICE Vaccines are pharmaceuticals, and as such, should not be mandated. As with any medical treatment, whether chemical, medicinal, or surgical, the choice must remain with the individual, or in this case, the individual's parent(s) or guardian(s.) I am signing because as a Canadian I have a freedom and a choice of what happens. Informed concent allows all individuals the right to make an informed decision about what medical practice they choose to accept. It is my right to chose whether to have my child vaccinated. I'm signing because I have the right to choose what goes into my body. It is my right to decide what goes into my body and the bodies of my children It's my choice if I want to vacinate my future kids or not. this is a human right issue, not a medical issue It's the right thing to do. I feel each person is responsible for themselves. Do the research and do what is best for yourself as an individual. Individual rights. this is very dangerous It should be a choice! I am free from government interference in mine and my children's medical choices. Your job is to balance the books, provide social assistance to the needy and defend our country if someone invades. Forced medical procedures on citizens is something out of a horror movie. Go Fuck yourselves. No way in hell I'm letting anyone inject that shit in me or my loved ones! It's our choice to decide what we put in our children!! OUR CHOICE!!!! 5 Freedom of choice I believe I should have the right to make informed decisions for my family i believe in parent autonomy to make medical decisions for their own children. Freedom of Choice! Protection of health! I believe in the right of choice. This is a free world and our decisions should be based on our own research and intake of information. I feel this is something that should be personal choice. We should have the freedom to choose on behalf of our children. medical procedures are not to be mandatory I disagree with the decision to make vaccinating mandatory. This goes against our freedom and rights as Canadian citizens. Take aluminium and other toxins out of the mixture. Provide absolute PROOF that they actually work. We do immunize our children, but that decision is OURS as parents, and that decision should remain OURS as parents. It is my right! It is not the government that is in charge of our children! Vaccines are unavoidably unsafe an if harm can come you can not mandate anything that can an does cause harm ! No mandatory medical interventions! Many ingredients in the vaccines are unsafe. Parents have religious objections. Freedoms are eroding. some vaccines are very dangerous. It should be the choice of the parents I am not an 'antivaccer', but I am in support of SAFE vaccines. Sadly they are not all they are promoted to be. The thought that there are risks involved and that is just part of the expected outcome sickens me. We are adding more and more vaccines to the recommended list which will transfer to the 'required' list without thought for the health of the children who do react negatively. Human rights? Democracy? Freedom? Canada? health and safety are important but not everyone agrees that vaccinations = health and safety Until lobbyists for pharmaceutical companies stay out of parliament vaccines are nothing but a money maker for their shareholders and not necessarily a health option We deserve the choice Canadians should have a choice to vaccinate or not. I want the choice for my family... As I am still free to decide for myself, I will continue to have my freedom of that right to decide for myself. I don't need to explain to anyone why I chose no vaccines Because we should have the choice to do what we want or don't want with our bodies. I have grandchildren who have rights and freedoms given by Canadian law! Freedom of choice is a human right Because I am against mandatory vaccination of anyone in Canada. I believe that it should be a matter of choice NOT MANDATORY I believe in choice. I DO NOT WANT MY RIGHT FOR CHOICE TAKEN AWAY! it is my constitutional right to choose how I medicate myself or my children based on religious or otherwise beliefs. I believe in the parents' right to investigate the vaccine presented and to make their own decisions. I am against forcefully vaccination in every possible way! Every parent should be able to choose to vaccinate or to NOT vaccinate. Especially due to the fact that vaccines are dangerous! Medical oath hypocrisy. Vaccines have always been unsafe. It is a constitutional right to make health decisions for my family, NOT the Government!

6 It is morally and scientifically wrong to force vaccination. Period. I will not vaccinate my children. I don't like being forced to do something that may harm or kill. I am not persuaded by the current evidence. My opinion is that vaccination should be used in more or less special circumstance and should be considered very carefully. Childhood illnesses are an integral and important part of a child's developmental process. There are studies linking vaccination to development of many adverse conditions and reduction in over all resilience etc. There are too many concerns to list. this is against the Canadian constitution of my freedom and rights freedom of choice is of paramont importance I believe it should be a choice not a forced decision. Please do not force vaccines on our children. Mandatory vaccination violates the basic human right to bodily integrity and the right to choose or refuse any medical treatment, including vaccination. Mandatory vaccination violates my rights and my children's rights. My body, my chioce People should have the right to choose. Vaccines are not without risk. I don't believe mandating is our best interest. I'm signing because it is our basic human right to decide our own health. I want to have the say of what I do to my child. I wanna have the right to make my decision on vaccinations. I have grandchildren. I believe in freedom of choice in deciding what goes in our bodies. Everyone should have the choice to decide for themselves if they want to vaccinate or not. I believe that every Canadian should have the freedom of choice and make an educated decision on their own. I believe we should all have the choice to vaccinate or not. I want the right to decide. Pro choice. I'm signing because the right to informed consent and the right to refuse are moral pillars of modern medical practice for good reason. freedom This is Canada isn't it!? We deserve to live in a society where we have the freedom to chose if and when we want to get vaccinated. My children deserve a better world. I believe everyone should have the right to refuse any medical precautions for their own children. Vaccinations should be informed consent choice not mandated ~ freedom of choice I would like for vaccination to be a choice. I am signing because I believe everyone has the right to choose the medical interventions they wish The reason I'm signing this is because we are a free country, we have the right the practice whatever beliefs we have in this country, I believe you are forgetting that. Canada is founded on freedom from persecution based on your views and beliefs, I believe that this should be included into that category. Everyone has their own rights. I'm signing this because vaccines should be freedom of choice by the parents. I dont want it to be mandatory to get vaccinated it takes away my freedom to choose parents should maintain their right to make choices for their children. Please allow freedom of choice! I'm very concerned that our right to control our own bodies is being infringed on. forcing me to vaccinate my children violates a number of international conventions and Canadian laws. I believe every parent should have the choice whether to have their child vaccinated or not. I believe every parent should have the right to refuse medical intervention based on religious or personal belief. Francine Valois

7 I have the right to choose I'm signing because we are supposed to live in a democracy. The right of parents to make medical decisions, including whether or not to vaccinate, should not be legislated away. They are taking our rights away from us. This is nothing but a big money maker for big pharma. They are poisoning us. we should have freedom of choice I believe every Canadian has the right to choose. I believe we should have freedom of rights. I believe in freedom of choice, this is Canada for goodness sakes!!! I do not agree or disagree with vaccinations. I do however, think that making them mandatory is a violation of our charter of rights and freedoms. How is informed consent up for debate? Its the gold standard in any medical profession... Regardless of opinions of pro vs anti vacc we should ALL be PRO informed consent.... otherwise that is a whole other can of very scary worms. The choice to vaccinate should remain a CHOICE to all Canadians. Health is an individuals choice and responsibility. People should have the right to decide for themselves whether they want to be vaccinated or not. We deserve the right to choose what we put in our bodies. Freedom to make my own decisions! I believe in the informed choice process. It should be free choice not mandated These violations are becoming far too common and I believe they must be stopped. It's my choice not yours. Im a teen concerned about my future My freedom of choice does not require medical nor political intervention. The reasons given in the referenced letter to the CMA are more then sufficient to explain my reasons for opposing this proposal. Where there's risk, there must be a choice I am signing because I believe in CHOICE!!!!!! My own choice for family and self...... not someone else's choices for me. This choice should NOT be taken away from parents.... the family In a "Free" country we should have a choice, especially regarding what we put in out bodies in a medical sense I think we should have a choice in what vaccines we what are kids to have. I believe that every parent and person has the right to make a medical decision that is best for their child and family. Any law that takes away any persons right to assume risk is dangerous. We have the right to choice! I do not believe in peoples basic human right to their OWN bodies being taken away. This is taking away basic human rights. Very disappointing this is even on the table. We should have the right to choose what goes in our bodies and when. I want to make all decisions regarding my children, not the government. I'm the mother no one else is if I don't want junk going in my children then let it be if someone wants to vac let them is some dose not then leave them I believe it is NOT right that they have any say it what we want to inject into our children!!! This is outrageous!! We do not vaccinate because there is too much in the medicine that shouldn't be there!! Canada is supposed to be a free country!! we all need to pray that the Lord God Almighty lead us in this decision and that we leave it all I'm His Merciful hands.. God Bless You All I'm signing because people have the right to make decisions about their own bodies. Medical choices are very personal and should not be made mandatory or compulsory. I want to keep my choices I feel strongly that our rights to make an educated health decision for our children may be removed. we dont need a US type policy, please let us remain FREE and LIV 8 This action is against the rights and freedoms of Canadians It is my right as a parent to choose appropriate care for my children. I have a right to decide and to chose what gets injected into my child! I have not been vaccinated and am still alive after having gone through all normal children illnesses like , chicken pox, mumps, whooping cough and I enjoy good health because of it. Parents need to be the once to decide for their children's health and safety! I beleive in freedom Religious reasons, and to have the right to say no to vaccination being forces apon my children. Mon corps m'appartient. Je veux garder le droit d'en faire ce que je veux. I believe people should have the freedom to make their own decisions about their health. It's a parents choice! I believe we should have a right to determine what is being injected or administrated into / onto / etc. of our bodies and our family and friends. We together with our Lord & savour Jesus Christ want to make those decisions I do not believe anyone should supercede my right as a parent to make health care choices for my child. I'm signing because I think it is important to people's health that they can choose modified vaccination options that fit their health needs. I deserve to choose... If women can choose to abort babies why can't I choose when and whether to vaccinate my child? Freedom of what to do with my own body or my children's bodies. i strongly believe in parental choise and informed consent I disagree with mandatory vaccinations and not having the freedom of choice to raise my own child. Everyone deserves the right to choose the way their health care works for themselves. No one knows a child as well as their parent, and no one should make a decision for the child other than their parent. I believe in free will I believe in freedom of choice. Human right to choose! It should be parent's right and decision. I believe as humans we should have the right to make certain choices, this is one of them! Vaccinations DO NOT need to be mandatory This is a slippery slope to losing many of our rights. No medical intervention of any kind should be mandatory. Vaccinations should be a choice, not a forced requirement!!! Taking away this choice is an erosion of democracy. Chacun devrait avoir le choix. Period! it should the parents decision I want the choice. It should be up to us I believe people should have the right to choose My body my choice The freedom to choose is paramount to a democratic free society. individual health choices are sacred and must be protected at all costs. It is people's choice if they wish to vaccinate or not and it also applies for children. Parent's to parents are to decide for their children not any other organization or governments. This should be basic rights for the residents to choose We have a right as parents and citizens of Canada to choose how we protect our children. Because it violates our Canadian Medical Law. My granddaughter had I vaccine reaction. I believe in informed medical consent. Freedom of choice!! The government should not have the power to enforce medical treatment - I can hardly believe this is even a possibility.

9 Pro-choice... duh. Mandatory vaccinations go against the charter of rightsand freedom and the CMAs own code of ethics. This is unconstitutional and a violation of personal liberties. I believe we should have choice. It's my choice and my duty to protect my children's future! taking away a human right as far as I'm concerned this is about our freedom... I want the right to choose what is put in my body I have children I don't believe vaccines should be mandatory or no one should have to declare if they are vaccinated we all have a choice on what we put into our bodies the government has no right to make anyone vaccinated. vaccines cause more harm than good I'm signing because I support the ethical code of physicians and nurses which upholds a person's right to refuse medical treatment. I believe in a parents right to chose what is best for their children. There are risks involved on both sides whether you vaccinate on not or even to opt out of certain vaccines. I believe it's the parents right and responsibility to educate themselves and follow their intuition to make the best choices for their children. Please do not take that freedom away. We have a right to know We should always have a choice on health matters. I'm signing because I believe in freedom of choice. I believe individual families should have the right to decide which vaccines, if any, are right for their children. personal choice Our bodies, our choice. I'm signing this because it is my choice. It is my right as a Canadian citizen to make the choice regarding what I put into my body. My. Choice. My body, my choice. People have freedom over their own bodies. Vaccinnations should be an option, a choice, not mandatory. I want that everyone can decide how to prevent themselves from disease! I believe Canadians should have the freedom to choose the kind of health care that is best for their families and consistent with their beliefs. I do not believe vaccines should be mandatory. Parents should be allowed to choose what they feel is best for their child! i want to raise my kids the way I want. i dont not believe in forces medical procedures of any kind We deserve the freedom of choice no matter what! Vaccinating should be a choice. We all deserve a choice! informed consent is an inviolable principle of medical treatment My body, my right to choose! You have no right to interfere in our private choices of whether or not to vaccinate our children. They do not belong to you. The Public has spoken, they do not want this, listen to us!!!!!! I believe in making an informed choice regarding vaccines. It is MY body and I WILL decide what goes into it! I have the right to choose. God created a world without vaccinations!! Nobody should be forced to be vaccinated. It should be left up to the individual to decide. I believe in freedom of choice it should always be a choice

10 I make decisions on medical treatments for my family based on being informed not on being told what do to I DO NOT IN ANY WAY AGREE WITH MY RIGHTS BEING INFRINGED UPON. I sign because rights are continually being taken away from parents and given to people that may not have the same idea of "best interest" in mind. I am the parent of my children not a doctor or the government. It should be my choice. To me, a government that would take away the rights of a parent to protect his or her child is a tyrannical government. Imagine the shoe on the other foot, and you 'deeply' believe in the benefits of vaccination, but are told that if it's found that your child has been vaccinated - say with the MMR shot - s/he can't go to school. I can't imagine 'anything' more revolt provocative than this. The 'No Vacciners' are not uneducated dolts, and occupy a much larger % of the Canadian population than you might imagine. Personal choice of all medical treatments is a fundamental right. I believe in free choice in Canada Because I do not want poison in my body Ce choix devrait toujours un rester un! Je crois au choix éclairé This is a free country! Its important! I do not believe in mandatory vaccination or any other mandatory decision concerning our health care. In Canada we are free to make our own decision and it should remain that way. I am signing this petition because I understand the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the practice of Democracy. I am signing this petition because I am solely responsible for the health and welfare of my child. I'm signing because I want FREEDOM for our family and the generations to come! Isn't CANADA the land of the FREE!!? Parents should be the ones to make health care decisions for their children and make an informed choice based on research and personal conviction. I have a right to say what goes into my children or not!!!! Every parent should have the freedom to make health decisions they feel are best for their children! I think parents should have a choice when and if. I believe it is the parents, not the governments, right to choose what drugs and medical procedure are given/used on our children. Whether you are for or against vaccines makes no difference, this is an issue of Human Rights and Freedom, not about vaccines. I believe that we should have the right to choose what goes into our bodies and by whom. I decide what goes into my body. I control my own health. what goes into our bodies and children's should be our choice, not anyone else's. This is ridiculous to take away a persons right to choose Parents have the right to make an informed choice about any and all health decisions and medical procedures for their children. We demand informed consent and choice! Preserve medical freedom in Canada! I'm signing this because as a parent I have the right to understand the risks of medical treatments for my children and make a decision to accept or refuse them. Mandatory vaccination undermines the rights of a family to protect their children from unwanted medical interference and invalidates our personal freedoms. Vaccines have been proven unsafe. Our son has been tested genetically and we can demonstrate that he would have been damaged had we vaccinated - he is genetically predisposed to autism. He has some of the tendencies but with diet and supplements we have corrected his OCD and hyper- sensitivities. Both he and our daughter are healthy, beautiful and gifted children. You have no right to assume you know what is best for them or for any other Canadian child. freedom to choose 11 I don't believe it's up to anyone else to make decisions about what is done to my body or my children's. I demand the right to govern my own medical choices Vaccinations should be a decision made by responsible parents and doctors Because what we chose to put in our bodies and our children's bodies is our choice. No one should be able to take that choice away or with hold education because of that choice. I believe in Canada and the laws that protect me as its citizen founded by our forefathers when this country was first established and separated us from other countries, especially those with communist views like these. I thought our wars, and the soldiers that died to protect our rights, should continue to be honoured. I believe in our right to choose. I'm signing because, everyone should have a right to decide what is put into their bodies. It is the basic constitutional right to choose. I am strongly opposed to mandatory vaccinations. Last time I woke up we lived in a free country. Heath care is universal regardless of lifestyle choice of its citizens. Forcing people to take vaccinations goes against those principals. I am pro medical choice! The CMA's mandatory vaccination resolution violates your own medical code of ethics, which affirms the right of the patient to make informed decisions about their medical care and to accept or reject any medical care recommended. Forced medical treatment contravenes Canadian Medical Law. Leave the right to decide to each individual and do not violate their human rights! It's wrong to take away parental rights! Our rights are slowly but surely disappearing one after the other. I believe in personal choice and people making their own informed decisions. I thought Canada was suppose to be a democratic country. Vaccinations come with a risk and it should be the parents' right to vaccinate only if they believe that the benefit outweighs the risk. It's our right to decide!!!! Who knows what else they will decide and force us to do next. Should be parents choice I believe parents should be able to make informed choices for there childrens heath , not to be forced into it. Informed consent and choice are part of a democratic society It's unconscionable to have mandated vaccines. No person or government is under rule of my body ! Parents should have a choice. I believe in a parent's right to make personal choices regarding their children. I'm pro choice not forced vaccinations It is unethical to remove the parents right to decide for their child, and to force something that could be harmful. It is illegal to mandate vaccines in Canada without personal and religious exemptions due to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Mandating vaccinations without personal and religious exemptions would breach the following laws, codes and conventions on Informed Consent which is the right to understand the risks of medical treatments and the right to choose or refuse them: - Canadian Medical Law - Provincial regulations such as Ontario’s Health Care Consent Act - The CMA’s own medical code of ethics - International Conventions to which Canada is signatory, including the Nuremberg Code, and Helsinki Accords and the UNESCO Universal Declaration of Bioethics and Human Rights As a matter of justice, a policy of mandatory vaccination which carries medical risk must be accompanied by a vaccine injury compensation program. Unlike every other Western nation except 12 Russia, Canada does not have such a national compensation program in place. It violates my rights and freedoms Free choice with me body I believe in free choice. everyone should be able to have a free choice about their health I want to be aware what may be in vaccines before I put them in my children and be able to make an informed decisions whether to vaccinate or not. It's our choice what we out into our bodies. I believe that in Canada we should have the right to make our own educated and informed choices. I'm signing because I believe everyone should have the freedom to choose what is put in to their own body or the body of their children until they are adults. Every parent deserves the rite to choose what's best for their children. It's my choice Parents deserve the right to choose. I wish to have freedom to decide whether to vaccinate my children. I believe it is a violation of our rights and freedom to force people to vaccinate their children regardless of conscientious objections or beliefs. It should not be mandatory! I believe our freedom and rights to choose our form of medicine shouldn't be taken away! We are better then this! my freedom of choice needs to be protected Every parent should have the right to choose! we deserve freedom of choice when it comes to our bodies and our children taking away informed consent and the choice of what to put into your child's body is a parents choice I believe it should be a parents full right and choice about what they will expose their child to. Taking away choice is an abuse of my human rights. Vaccine choice is a human right! Nobody has the right to force people to vacinate I'm signing because I want to have a choice!!! I want to be able to choose if I want something done to my child or myself not told what I have to do to our body's. Taking away anyone's freedom of choice, especially when it comes to medical decisions, is against our most fundamental human rights. i believe in choice Canadians should retain their ability to choose for their families People have the right to choose We must always retain the right to determine what goes into our bodies and that of our children....slippery slope indeed!! I'm signing because I believe in the freedom of choice. I believe in parental choice and personal choice for any medicine or vaccine that goes in me or my children. There are many valid reasons why a parent may choose to not vaccinate their child and this right needs to be protected under law with philosophical or religious exemptions. Don't remove those exemptions from parents! No one should be forced to undergo a medical intervention against their will. It is totally a violation of rights. I believe parents should be allowed to choose health care options for their children Whether in favour of vaccines or not - this is wrong. I have the right to decided if my kids should be vaccinated, and I chose not to. I should be allowed the freedom of choice. Amen!!! People have a right to choose

13 It should be your choice, not someone else's Every person deserves the right to choose what is put into their own body and the bodies of their children. Forced medical practices are an infringement of human rights. I'm signing this because everyone deserves a choice. The government should not be allowed to take away our basic freedoms!!! medical decisions should remain in the hands of the parents who want what is best for their children. Every person/guardian has a right to make decisions regarding the treatment of their health; this includes whether to vaccinate or not and when. Parents need to reserve the right to choose whats best for their families. This is a slippery slope. Next you'll be requiring children to take ADD medication in order to go to school. Its not far from now. Stop the medical tyranny. My daughters vaccine reaction was dismissed by medical professionals as coincidence even though it happened the same day. I dont trust the medical profession anymore. informed parental choice I want the choice of vaccinating, my children and myself,or not. Nobody is going to tell me I have to immunize my child. That's not right, were a free country. I want the right to informed decision for my family regarding all medical interventions, including vaccinations. The people deserve the choice. I want to stand up for my rights and i beleive in our Canadian constitution and our rights and freedom as parents to make informed decisions for our children. Humans have the choice to decide what goes into thier children's bodies. I want the freedom to choose I believe in choices. I have a right to choose what goes into my and my children's bodies. This is Canada, my dad fought in WW2 so we would have right to decide for ourselves. Have a choice. It is violating the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms No one should tell us what to do with our children. Everyone should be able to make up their own minds! Parents should have a choice as to when & how much vaccinations their children receive. Because we live in a free country of choice! Health choices should be informed decisions, not mandatory and imposed healthcare. I think it is up to the parents to decide and research what is best for their child. Le consentement libre et éclairé est un droit et l'une des valeurs fondamentales de la médecine. I want to keep my freedom of choice Let us choose! Don't deny our basic human rights as stated by The Charter. I have the right to choose This is a simple violation of a fundamental human right. It is unscientific, illogical and an embarrassment to our health providers. We believe it is our right what we subject our bodies to. I believe that we should be able to determine what goes into our bodies and the bodies of our children. Parents should unquestionably have the right to choose whether or not to vaccinate. The Province of Ontario is one of the 3 Provinces in Canada (i.e. Ontario/Manitoba/ & New Brunswick) that have enacted legislation to vaccinate for school entry). Health Freedom should be a fundamental right "without exception!" This is an important issue for Canadians - to continue to have the right to refuse medical treatment. This right is guaranteed in the Charter. I believe we should all have a choice in what we put in our bodies No one has the right to tell us what to put in our bodies! I believe in choosing as a conscientious objector. informed consent and a choice to decide what my child is injected with. this is Canada, for God's sake 14 I still believe that it is a fundamental right of a parent to have choice about what is injected into their children's bodies. I am signing because I should have the decision when it comes to what type of medical intervention happens to my children and myself! I don't agree with mandated vaccines This is completely unconstitutional. Freedom I believe in freedom I do not believe any government has the right to mandate what goes into my or my family's bodies. I believe in informed decision making. I'm signing because I have the freedom to choose how I care for myself and my children. That freedom is a basic human right! We should have the freedom to choose!!! I believe in freedom and the right to choose. Freedom of choice It is parents decision on what's right for each child. I'm signing because I believe we have the right to make our own choice. This is my right for my body and my children's. Plain and simple. I believe we should have choice I believe in our freedom to choose. As Canadians we should have a few basic fundamental human rights, and the right to informed consent is one of them. I believe in a parent's right to make any and all medical decisions for their children!! Everyone should have to right to choose what they feel is best for their family It’s our right to choose! This is wrong!!! I do not believe in mandatory vaccines. My body, my right. I believe I have the right to make personal health decisions for myself and family. I believe it is our right to educate ourselves and make an informed decision on what goes into not only our bodies but especially the body's of our innocent children. It is my right an no one else's. I decide what is best for my family not a stranger that claims to have "our best interest" in mind. I will never trust anyone but myself to make such an important decision. No means no it's my right! My children mean its my choice what goes in their body Parents should be able to choose the best for their children. Vaccinations being mandatory is wrong, and punishing those who choose not to vaccinate, like keeping them from school, should be illegal. it s a violation of my civil liberties and im not convinced of their argument.anytime big pharma is involved,im sceptical. I believe everyone should have a choice to vaccinate or not. we have free choice. it will not be taken away. No vaccine should be mandatory! It's a free country and everyone should have the right to choose for themselves. We have to right to dictate what goes into our own bodies. Mandatory vaccinations threatens our basic human rights! I want to protect people's right to chose what is best for them. We should have the right to choose. Canadian Medical Association Re: CMA Resolution for Mandatory Vaccination of Canadian Children I am against mandatory vaccination of children in Canada. I am opposed to the abrogation of guaranteed freedoms of conscience and religion and the legal right to security of the person under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which a mandatory would illegally evoke. 15 I hold that as a matter of justice a policy of mandatory vaccination of children which carries medical risk must be accompanied by a vaccine injury compensation program. Unlike every other Western nation except Russia, Canada does not have such a national compensation program in place.

I hold that the right of voluntary consent to any medical procedure is an established ethical principle according to the following codes, laws and conventions: • CMA Code of Ethics which affirms the right of the patient to “make informed decisions about their medical care” and to “accept or reject any medical care recommended”. • Provincial regulations such as Ontario’s Health Care Consent Act 1 which stipulates “No treatment without consent” and lays out the elements of consent required for treatment: § The consent must be informed § The consent must be given voluntarily § The consent must not be obtained through misrepresentation or fraud • Canadian Medical Law which enshrines the individual’s right to voluntary, informed consent to medical risk taking as a foundational medical ethic. • International Conventions to which Canada is signatory, including 1) the Nuremberg Code and Helsinki Accords which defend the basic human right to the Informed Consent ethic, and reject the moral argument that the creation of alleged benefits for the many (“”) justifies the sacrifice of the few. 2) the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights, Article 6: Consent: “Any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention is only to be carried out with the prior, free and informed consent of the person concerned, based on adequate information. The consent should, where appropriate, be expressed and may be withdrawn by the person concerned at any time and for any reason without disadvantage or prejudice.” We have a right to choose what goes into our body and our child's body. This is against our rights and our freedom of choice. I am Canadian, I live in the land of the free, or at least I thought did. Freedom of choice mist be protected. It's my choice. Mandating vaccines is denying an individual's right to bodily autonomy and integrity. It is unconstitutional in Canada to deny someone the right to decide what forms of medical intervention they are willing to take. It is against all medical ethics to remove an individual's right to informed consent. We as parents should have a say into what is injected into the bodies of our children I should have the right to choose whether to vaccinate my children or not. I believe in freedom of choice. Where there is risk, there has to be choice. I'm signing this because I want to make choices for my family not the government mandating me. I am signing because I believe that a a person should have freedom to decide on her own with regards to health . Vaccines should never be forced. Parents have the right to choose what goes into their children's bodies. I believe every person deserves the freedom that the Constitution provides, the right to make informed consent or refusal. I want the right to choice my health care. I want people to make informed choices about their healthcare. You can never decide what goes into my children's bodies. I should have the freedom to choose I want the choice!!! It's my body, my kids' bodies, our lives, our choice. I believe that, as a free nation and free people, we should have the choice as to what we put into our bodies and the bodies of our children. My body, my kids, my choice! Mandatory vaccination threatens our basis human rights. 16 Making vaccines mandatory is illegal. They should be a choice. We should have the right to choose what to accept for healthcare options No one should be able to make choices for me. Freedom to control our own bodies and those of our children is of utmost importance to me. My life is my choice, not other! I'm signing because medical procedures can not be mandated. Everyone is entitled to choice! I think every parent should have the right to what is best for their children. I thought we had freedom of choice in Canada. We can't let this slide. Freedom of choice we should have the freedom to choose Mandatory vaccination = No informed consent It is illegal to mandate vaccines in Canada without personal and religious exemptions due to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Everybody should have a right to choose Im signing because I believe it is the parents right to choose. I am a mother who believes in the right of being able to make choices for her child. I'm signing because I believe this is slippery slope to losing bodily autonomy although I do personally vaccinate. I feel like it should be a choice Mandatory injections into a body are without question, pure insanity. Anyone suggesting such a thing should be jailed and have the key thrown away. i disagree with mandatory vaccinations I feel this is an issue that should be up to the family and the family doctor Im signing this because we have the right to choose if we want to vaccinate our children Whether you are 'pro-vaccine' or 'anti-vaccine', our basic human freedoms need to be protected. Making vaccines mandatory would be setting a dangerous precedent. I'm signing this because I believe we all have a choice weather or not we give vaccinations or not. And if someone does make the choice to vaccinate they have a right to pick which vaccines the ly want to put into their child! Parents should always have the right to make personal and informed decision in the lives of their children. We have an inalienable right to refuse medical treatments that we do not want for us or our children. We should have the option of choice I believe it's a choice,,two many things have been taken away,,like Christmas at school,or Easter cause it may offend someone,,well,,if you believe in that,then you can fully explain why kids get presents and yours don't..anyhow,,freedom of choice is important,,I may not differ my opinion on whether I do or dont. vaccine my child..but it should be up to me The Western medical model is not the only one, but the trend is to ban all other models. For parents, this is very scary, as it prevents them to care for their children as best they can. We have a right to choose for our children We have the right to choose what we want for our kids, We have the right to decide and make informed choices. Knowledge is power - opposite Ego which is fear driven I believe in the freedom of conscience, including the right to make medical decisions for my kids. I believe in the freedom of choice and will not vaccinate my own children I agree that choice should not be removed from parents and I'm thankful for the work that VCC is doing to keep people informed. Libre choix, c'est important. I believe each individual and family should be in charge of their own health care. It is our right and freedom as Canadians to choose. Vaccination is an invasive medical procedure and it is our right to have informed consent, not 17 "mandatory" vaccination. Mandatory vaccination threatens my basic human rights I do not believe that I should have no choice when it comes to putting chemicals into my body. It is also against my rights accorded by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms We should have the right to choose CMA should not be permitted to change our rights and freedoms. Vaccines should not be mandatory, violating our freedom to make educated choices based on our beliefs. Medical sovereignty over medical tryrany. for all the reasons listed in this petition Parents should maintain their rights to choose if they want to inject their children with controversial vaccines or not. I love living in Canada with freedom of choice and the freedom to choose what is the best in healthcare for myself and my family. To allow this to proceed violates my rights as a citizen and under the chartered act in Canada for freedom of choice, words and other Stop trying to take away our rights and freedoms. Where does it end? it is everyones right to choose what they want to put in their bodies. Parents have a right to choose! As citizens we have the right to make informed choiced for our own health. Medical procedures should not be mandatory. I choose what goes in my and my child's body after fully informing myself! It's my body, I decide. Everyone should be able to have a choice. I am signing this petition because it is violation of the codes and conventions of Informed Consent which is the right to understand the risks of medical treatments and the right to choose or refuse them. We have rights! And these are our children! I deserve a choice!! parents should be allowed to decide whether or not their child(ren) should be vaccinated. This is against Canadian freedom and rights of its citizens. I believe all medical desions should be private and personal!! We should have the freedom to choose. This is pathetic! What happened to freedom??? I'm signing because I wantge the choice for myself and my children. We have rights, don't take those away from us. Freedom of choice I want my freedom of informed choice! I should be allowed to make my own decisions for my body! I believe in our charter of rights and freedoms. because its the right thing to do. Choice is a basic human freedom. If that is taken then what will be next? Right to choose I believe that Informed Consent is a right that must be protected. I want to protect my rights as a parent to choose not to inject my children with vaccines I'm signing because I believe my kids my choice until they are old enough to be educated and choose for themselves. I'm signing because I want the choice to put something in my body or the body of my child. I want to have access to proper informed consent. People have a right to choose I believe parents should have the right to choose to viccinate or not basted on the information they have received Freedom of Choice as per the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, one's health is a personal decision and responsibility & choice 18 I support the right to choose what happens to my body. We should have a right to wheather or not we vaccinate our children. I support choice in health care. I feel as a parent I have the right to decide what is best for my child medically. I believe vaccination and parents have the right to decide how their children should be taken care of I want a say in my children's medical rights!! I want the ability to choose all of my children's medical treatments. We should have a choice in what vaccine we give our children. Choice ! No one should be able to tell you what you can or cannot put into your body. Regardless of what you feel about vaccinations, mandated medication is a violation of human rights and informed consent. because I agree with this position Freedom means choice. Everyone deserves a choice. basic human rights Canadfians, all Canadians need to understand fully that we have the weight of Canadian Law and the Canadian Constitution that defends our legal right to opt out of any and all programs. The Canadian Constitution is on our side.This is a CONSTITUTIONAL ISSUE period! No MANDATORY vaccines!!! It is of utmost importance that we maintain the right to choose what we put into our bodies and our children's bodies. End of story. I'm signing this because I believe in everyone's right to 'freedom of choice'. I'm appalled at even the mention of mandatory vaccination. Violates our right to know and understand what we are putting in our bodies, and to refuse unwanted medical treatments, whether ‘preventive’ or ‘therapeutic Informed Consent is non-negotiable! I believe vaccines should be a choice I believe in freedom of choice and parental rights. It's everyone's right to do what is best for their child and if they don't think it's vaccinating then we should all get a choice in the matter! I will not accept forced vaccination on my children. NO way ever

I believe in the right to be free to choose vaccination or not. It is illegal to mandate vaccines in Canada without personal and religious exemptions due to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Mandating vaccinations without personal and religious exemptions would breach the following laws, codes and conventions on Informed Consent which is the right to understand the risks of medical treatments and the right to choose or refuse them: - Canadian Medical Law - Provincial regulations such as Ontario’s Health Care Consent Act - The CMA’s own medical code of ethics - International Conventions to which Canada is signatory, including the Nuremberg Code, and Helsinki Accords and the UNESCO Universal Declaration of Bioethics and Human Rights As a matter of justice, a policy of mandatory vaccination which carries medical risk must be accompanied by a vaccine injury compensation program. Unlike every other Western nation except Russia, Canada does not have such a national compensation program in place. Mandatory vaccination threatens our basic human rights because it: Undermines the right of families to protect their children from unwanted medical interference Invalidates the personal freedoms of conscience and religion and the legal right to security of the person guaranteed to all citizens by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms 19 Violates our right to know and understand what we are putting in our bodies, and to refuse unwanted medical treatments, whether ‘preventive’ or ‘therapeutic’ Ignores the thousands of vaccine adverse events reported in Canada each year and health injuries that are occurring - the majority to young children Exposes families to the risk of vaccine injury and death without any National vaccine injury compensation program Changes our relationship with the medical profession, making Doctors into medical enforcers and Judges, rather than professional resources we consult with in order to make our own medical decisions. I'm signing because Canadians should have the right to make our own medical decisions. i have a right to freedom of medical choices We deserve to make an informed choice. Most aren't informed, and so therefore they vaccinate from a lack of knowledge. Everyone should have the right to choose, this is basic freedoms. I believe in the right to chose medical treatment for me and my children. I believe in choice freedom to make my own choice about vaccinations I value my freedom!! I believe in the freedom of choice when it comes to our and our children's health NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE WHAT DRUGS OR MEDICAL INTERVENTION WILL BE GIVEN TO MY CHILD! I have freedoms that must be protected. I care about my right to individual choice and freedom!! NO to mandatory vaccination. I believe in freedom of choice Whether or not someone chooses to vaccinate their children should be their own decision, one they educate themselves on and take responsibility for. Forcing Canadians to vaccinate their children if they want to attend school is unjust and a violation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Some parents may choose to home school, whether that is otherwise a good decision or not. But regardless, parents should have the right to choose for their children. I believe that we should have the choice of what goes into ours and our children's bodies. We have a right to decide what goes in our bodies. ...This is truly ridiculous! Parents should have right to choose! I believe it is a choice! Pro choice, the day I need to vaccinate my child or myself is the day I leave Canada!!! We should have the right to chose what is put into our bodies. All people need to have the right to choose - no matter which side of the vaccination argument they're on. i will not allow the government to dictate what I put in my or my children's body Pro Choice! vaccines should be optional It is immoral and unethical to not have a choice!! I believe ALL Canadians should have a choice on how they live and what they put into their children's bodies I believe in the right to choose! come near me or mine with a needle and expect I shall put it right in your eye!!! It should be the parent's informed decision whether or not to vaccinate their child. It is against our Canadian Comstitution to take away this choice. I want to keep our rights n freedom to choose I believe this is something we should never lose choice on, it should always be our right to decide what goes into our bodies and what doesn't. We should always have a choice and make our own decisions about what to put in our or our family's bodies!! 20 My child, my choice. Vaccination should be our decision. I want the right to decide what is best for my children I should have the right to choose if I wanna vaccinate or not. My children are my business! I think everyone should have a choice. Whether i choose yes or no to vaccines that is up to me but I want the ability to have that choice! I want choice! !!!!!!! Everyone should have a choice I don't believe anyone should be making decisions for an individual, in this case, babies and children. Parent and individual rights must be preserved. We have choice It’s my choice Having choices is a fundamental part of my rights as a Canadian. All Medical Procedures should be a choice, not Forced! I have rights to freedom of choice! Because I should have the freedom to choose Because I believe in a parents right to choose what is the appropriate medical treatment for their child. I'm signing because I believe in human rights. I believe in the right to refuse medical treatment. I believe people should have the ability to choose for themselves what we put in our children's bodies or not put in their bodies. I believe it is everyone right to choose. I believe this is a parent's right to choose some or all or none of the vaccines offered. It's about educating yourself and making an informed decision. That's what I believe is right. I think it should be a parents choice you know why! I believe , as a parent , I should have the right to choose what goes into my child's body . Whether I decide to vaccinate or not , it should be my choice . Simple as that . As a practitioner of I encourage parents to make an informed decision on whether or not to vaccinate. It is their decision and I support their freedom to choose as they see fit. Freedom This is an infringement on my rights and freedoms as a Canadian citizen! I’m signing because I feel that every parent has a right to decide what they feel is right for their child and if choosing not to vaccinate then it is the parents decision. As a parent, I deserve the right to make informed choices for my children. Our body. Our choice. People have a right to choose. I believe that all parents and all persons should have the right to decide whether they are vaccinated or not. Please stop taking our freedoms away! The concept of forced vaccinations is ridiculous! I believe that every parent should have a right to an informed decision regarding their child's health and well being. I would want the freedom to choose what i thought was best for my child. We have the right to make the best decision for ourselves on an individual basis Families should have a choice. Every parent should have the CHOICE. Informed decision no one has the right to force something potentially harmful into another I believe in this. As a parent, only The mother of my children and I should have a say in what goes into my child's body. I have done plenty of research on this topic and my mind is made up on this subject. Against Canadian Charter of Right

21 All parents should have a choice Vaccination should be a parental choice I think everyone deserves a choice when it comes to health. Nothing forced on anyone. It's your right. I believe that all Canadians have the right to choose to vaccinate or not! I

CONTROL It's unfair to rape the human body full of toxins that aren't guaranteed to work. Taking away someone's choice IS rape, whether it's sexual or medically. In this case, its medical. I believe in informed decisions and not enforced procedures. I believe we should have the choice and control of our bodies. It is dangerous to award a single governing group the right to make decisions regarding the application of drugs and other injectables into another human being in the general population. It violates our rights and freedoms, plain and simply. I don't think that the government should be allowed to dictate what we put into our bodies or our children's bodies. I believe all Canadian citizens should have the right to choose what medical procedures they want. No force. I'm sick and tired to death of the government trying to control our every freaken move! What a sick bunch of corrupt morons you all are! Freedom No one has the right to force anything on me or anyone else. My body is my personal space and belongs to me and no one should have more control of my body than me Parents, not politicians or policy makers, are responsible for the wellbeing of their children. We make choices daily for protecting their health. Removing our right to make those choices for our children violates our rights and freedoms. Period. Forced vaccination is a violation of my body, my child's body, and is in every way unacceptable in any society. Especially one we like to think of as "civilized" This is canada . no one should be able to make that choice for me! It is completely ridiculous if Canada takes away our freedom of choice and belief regarding vaccination. Whether you believe in it or not is a personal choice. And I don't want to live in a country that doesn't respect that. This is a free country. And freedom of choice is something we stand for. If vaccines come first, what comes next? This is about choice. I believe the government does not have the right to decide choices like vaccinations. I'm proud to be Canadian and the freedoms and liberties that come with that title. Mandatory vaccinations are not in line with what Canada stands for. Not prepared to bend over and take it silently. It's a free country..isn't it?? I'm signing because the thought of someone else having more control over the state of health of my children infuriates me! It's my right to choose! This is something that should be completely up to parents to decide for their own children. No one loves a child better than his own parents, and no one else has the right to make that decision for them. I believe that to preserve the freedoms and rights of the Canadian people is of utmost importance and that by attempting to make these changes you begin to disregard what Canada is. Famously free. Compassionate. Wonderful. Let us all continue to love and protect Canada right down to the individual's right to refuse a vaccine. We should have choice as tax paying Canadians Freedoms being taken away! It's a no brainer! I want to control what goes in my body 22 I'm signing because medical decisions should be a free personal decision NOT government mandated. It is extremely important that the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms be upheld. It is the basis of a just Canadian society. The decision as to whether or not to vaccinate must lie in the hands of the parents. thank you, chahna Verney Je ne veux pas qu'on m'oblige à vaccine mes enfants ! democratic societies celebrate freedom of choice: mandatory health requirements contradict the admirable celebration of diversity to which democratic societies aspire! I don't agree in legislating away the right to choose the health care my family uses. The right to choose what medical procedures I or my children are subjected to is freedom. To take that away is tyranny and against medical ethics. Protect medical freedom of choice!!! I care about our right to choice. We are losing too any freedoms. Parents should have the final say in their children's medical treatment., not the government I do not and will not agree to have the government mandate and force something that clearly HAS to be a parents choice. We have a right to decide for ourselves, we are supposed to live in a free country. I believe in freedom I believe it is my right to choose what form of healthcare me and my family would like to receive. To remove this right and to leave it to the government to decide negates Canadians basic rights and freedoms. The mere thought of this is abhorrent. freedom of choice as to what i choose to put in my and my childrens bodies. The government should never have had the power to determine what we are and are not allowed to consume. The illusion of freedom Many of our rights are slowly but surely being taken away We need to maintain the right to have control over our own bodies...they do not belong to the government, to the medical industry or to the community. I'm signing because, all health choices should be an option. No one should be able to tell me what I can or can't do with my body. No one should be forced to I inject something into their bodies. Policies based upon force are counterproductive to serve the interest of public health No association, medical or others do not have the right to affect my life and freedom of choice. You are out of your tiny minds if you think that this is the right thing to do. GET THE FACT YOU ZOMBIE MORONS!!! VACCINES ARE NOT FOR HUMAN BEINGS! The choice to accept or decline any medical treatment is the right of the individual, or for minors, their parent or guardian. It is not the government's place to mandate any medical procedure. A silent weapon for a silent war! Vaccination is a medical procedure to which one must be allowed to give or with hold permission. Would you accept a medical procedure to which you have NOT given consent???? What gives you the right to enforce a medical treatment???? And a very loud NO! This is not a 'to vaxx or not to vaxx' issue. This is a freedom issue. We are free to choose! Since when did the Canadian government decide to take away our free will? It is my decision as to what I inject in my body or my child's body. I know my body better that any outside entity to dictate this to me. It seems that humans are always being told what to do. I can decide for myself. So please, no mandatory vacciantions. Government does not own my flesh or my offspring's. I'm signing because the federal government should never be allowed to overrule an educated and informed parent's right to refuse medical treatment, either for personal beliefs or religious views. I am vehemently opposed to mandatory vaccinations and find it abhorrent that our country would even consider this. Are you kidding me that vaccinations will be mandatory? What is this, Nazi Germany? No one should have the right to dictate medical procedures- especially when there is a risk involved. Every family has a choice to inform themselves about the risks and safety of vaccines for their own children not the state. 23 george orwell I am PRO CHOICE.. is this land of the free.. or land of the FORCED? We are a free country and should never be told how and what to do to our bodies or our children's bodies. I'm signing because every person should retain the right to decide what is and is not done to their own body. Every person should retain the right to informed consent, we employ the government, the government does not own us. whether I was pro vaccine or not I would sign this petition. because pushing a mother against her will when she has made an informed decision on her child's or own heath is barbaric. I believe this is taking our freedom away. The more that becomes mandatory, the less free our country becomes. When did doctors cease to be healers and become pharmaceutical salesmen? Shame on the CMA, Heal thyself physician. I want the right to decide what is best for MY family! I own that right! Everyone should have the freedom to do their own research and decide what is best for them and their family rather than be forced into something they are completely against. I believe all medical decisions should be my choice, not government mandate! I have the right to choose... No one else does Regardless of ones stance on vaccinations no parent should have the decision made for them by the government. Freedom of medical choice! I'm signing because the government does not always (or even usually) know what is best for all of us. People should have the right to choose for themselves and their family. This is Canada...formerly a free country! Freedom is important! It's against my rights as a Canadian citizen to mandate any medical intervention involving me or my children. I have a right to decide what medicine to take or to administer to my child. It's against any principles of democracy to mandate vaccination. Fuck the system. I will not live in an oppressive country who forces medical procedures upon it's citizens! The supreme court already ruled that our health and wellbeing is up to the individual. I live in modern day Canada, not Nazi occupied Germany! No one has the right to force you to get vaccines no one I think it should be a choice . I'd be asking the question, " why now making this mandatory, do they know something that we the people should know about "? We're supposed to live in a FREE country. The children belong to/with the parents not the government so the parents decide for their children! My body, my choice!! we are a free country! Parents should maintain the decision making about what goes into their children's bodies, not a governing body. The government should not have a say in any Canadians Health care decisions. Forced medication does not belong in Canada. Not only does this go against the Canadian constitution it also goes against the Geneva code and the Nuremberg code. This is a complete dilution of our rights and freedoms as humans. This is not the Canada (or world) I want to be apart of ( case you have forgotten about Nazi Germany). This is outragous!!! We have rights!!! Chriatians and parents no longer have the rights promised to us. If need be we will be moving somewhere where they respect how we feel. Ontario is bad enough with there high taxes, rediculas rules, discrimination to chriatians and now THIS!!! I belong and follow God and where he leads my family. Not a greedy, faulty and selfish government. injecting chemicals into a child's body should be the choice of the parents, not mandatory! Gov't controlled health is a bad idea! Because of the potential risks with every vaccine, and the loss of a God given right to choose. I know of many wealthy people who will leave this country if ever this should happen... Bubye Canada, more of Harper's tricks, no thanks 24 FREEDOM FREEDOM TO CHOSE NOT BE CONTROLLED I'm signing because Canada is not a police state (yet) and it is an individual's right to choose what is put into their body. No one should be forced to get vacinated! Its wrong!! I believe that once we start taking away choice, we are taking away the rights and reasons that Canada was built on. What comes next? This is a legal matter and in violation of natural law. The use of a medical procedure dictated by a person or group of people is unlawful. It is medical genocide. Our politicians should be ashamed of themselves. because parents have the right to say no and advocate for their children. The government does not own their children and it's time to take the power back. Freedom of choice! I do not want my god given right to make informed medical decisions for my kids to be taken away. Going down this path opens the doors for massive human rights abuses and gives the government the power to decide what we can or cannot do to our bodies. Anyone supporting mandatory vaccinations should be ashamed. This is not what Canada stands for. I'm signing because I want all people to have to ability to make the choice that is best for their kids - even if it is not in line with the establishment. As a concerned Canadian, and parent, I feel that everyone's health and freedom to choose is not to be taken lightly. Nor should the governing body have the right to choose for others with blanket mandates that don't fit every situation. Canada has always been, and should remain, a country of freedom of choice not forceful intervention. I'm signing because I appreciate being able to exercise my right to be informed and make decisions on my own. I am a responsible human being and am more than capable of being an informed parent who makes the right choices for my kids. The government did not give birth to my kids so why the heck should they have control over their "health"? Absolutely absurd. Maybe they should focus more on getting the harmful chemicals out of our homes since they're so "concerned about our health and well being"!!! No one can make this decision for us, but we ourselves! We know what's best for OUR children! If you so choose to vaccinate, that's fine & that's your decision. But NO ONE can tell me that I HAVE to! I will not allow anyone to force me to poison my son. No vaccines. This is against my human right to decide what I should do to my body. Under the Canadian rights and freedoms, this is not ethical. You are not my judge nor enforcer for my health. It's wrong and immoral, what are we Nazi germany? The next thing u know people will have there neighbors watching there every move (and reporting it) ,oh wait they do that. It's also come to the point that we can no longer say the Lords prayer in school (without some being offended) , parents no longer have the right to raise there own children without the government aka cfs stepping in , we have become a nanny country , Hitler and stalin must be smiling in there Graves because that "1000 year reich" where those who have the seat of power are not using it to better our country , the ndp and the liberal party's should be shut down immediately and permanently so that world war 2 does not happen all over again , because at the pace the Americans and Canadians are going will happen soon!!! And where will my family go to keep safe ? Canada was a safe country (safer then the US at least) but slowly our freedoms have been stripped away here as well, if Canada we're strict yet still allowed us our freedom , that would make a great country , please stop hurting our country and our children Signing because this is a huge violation of our rights, and it will cause our nation a tremendous amount of uproar as opposed to compliance. The desired results will not come about - instead it will only cause more resistance. Everyone should have choice. No terrible outbreaks are happening to justify this. It atrocious to have our government mandate what goes into our children regardless of personal stance on vaccines - removing a parents choice is dangerous and appalling. I believe in freedom of choice and this is something that is simply not up for negotiation! I will fight till 25 the death before I accept that the government knows what's healthiest for me. Its the right of freedom....who is to tell me that i have to pit that garbage in my children's body's. anti- vacations. All people have the right to educate themselves on risks and advantages of vaccines or any other medical interventions and then choose whether to participate or not. Taking this right away amounts to fascism and/or dictatorship. Our children, our choice, NOT the governments! i believe that parents have a right to have a say in their childs health and well being the government does not have the right to decide this. I believe in freedom and education, not government policy. Increased government control leads to deninished freedom in all aspects of life. Educate, but dot press parents to vaccinate I am the sole person responsible for my body. I choose what I put into my body. This is my right. Wars were fought so we could have freedom. We live in a free country not a dictatorship. I'm signing this because my kids future is at state the choice should be of their own not of a higher authority who has no care about the well being of me or my family! This violates parental rights ! Whatever my beliefs are on vaccinations, I do NOT support forcing medical treatments on people. It is a very slippery slope to mandate vaccines. What will be next ? Canada has always been a free country. Let's keep it that way ! These are my rights and everyone else's rights that are being trampled on by forced vaccinations . I will defend my rights with force if necessary , mark my words . We need everybody to get on board with this , our future is at stake . I'm signing because it should be a human right to decide what you put underneath your skin and into your body, not chosen by government!! The efficacy of vaccines is not important here. The fact that we live in a democracy is. We should have the freedom to choose to vaccinate or not. I don't want to have any medical procedures (which includes innoculations/vaccinations) against my will or imposed on my children. I do not want any form of discrimination to be legalized against me or them. Only parents should have the right to decide what, if any, medical interference their children receive. This is not for the government to decide!! Nobody have right to inject anything into child without parents approval. Especially "doctors". We are quickly losing all our freedom of choice options. We are becoming a government controlled state. It's my choice, not my governments Forcing people (children are people) to take injections is a violation of our rights & freedom as Canadians! I think if the government minded their own business they wouldn’t be minding mine.

The choice of whether to vaccinate should be an individual choice and to stay out of legislation. We don't give the government the power to choose what is right and what is wrong for us, we should be doing that research and decision making for ourselves and our children until they are an adult and can take over that decision making on their own. I believe we all should have the right to choose what's best for us and our children. I do NOT supports mandatory vaccinations and this should never be dictated by any group! I believe in freedom of choice. Plain and simple. Whether you agree with vaccines or not, you have to agree that freedom of choice is precious and needs to be protected. Otherwise we are no better than countries we try to save from dictators...passive suppression is still suppression. Sign if you value making your own choices - if you think this will be the only government mandate in the future, you are mistaken, next time it could be something you value personally. We need to stick up for each other and support each other. It's my choice what goes into my body and my children's bodies, not the government's. THe choice should be to the parents to get their child vaccinated or not. Not the government

26 It should be our right as parents to decided what goes into our children!! The fact that it could be forced makes me wonder even more the intentions. I am for a FREE Canada! I make up my own mind, no one else! And fuck you that's why! We live in a free country not a dictatorship. I am signing because who are you to tell me, or anyone, what is best for their body. freedom of choice-you can't force a substance into someone's veins! I believe in my rights as a parent to make the best decision for myself and my family, NO ONE in this world has any right to do that for me. If they get the rights to vaccinate, what's from stopping them from injecting your child with something else. A vaccine is a medical treatment and I am of the belief that NO medical treatment should ever be made mandatory. No one should be able to force something into my body. It is my body and I am responsible for it's care; therefore only I, or someone I appoint, should have the right to do anything to my body. Because this changes everything! This takes away our rights and freedoms to make the best choices for our health and our children's health and future!! This gives the government full contorl over our lives! What freedoms will they take away next? Where will the line be drawn?? We may as well be living in a communist country if this goes through. Start signing and praying that our children will have a choice in their future!!! Is this not a "democratic country of free will and speech"? Right, and my body nor my children's are the property of the government! Thank you but no thank you for your aggressive enforcement attempts. The government has No Right to tell us what we can and can't do with our families. Forced medical procedures on healthy bodies is criminal. I don't agree with vaccination but I think the PARENTS should make that choice for there child not the government! I won't live in a dictatorship country. I feel that the government does not have the right to force a medical procedure of any kind on anyone. The government should have no say on what is put into my family's bodies. I believe as a parent we should have the right to choose when, which if any vaccine my child should receive whether I base this on religious, personal, family experience or my own research and belief on which if any vaccines my children should receive. The right and freedom to choose should never be taken away! I believe vaccination decisions should be left up to the parents and their doctors, not the government. I am very concerned about government enforced medical procedures against my wishes. I believe in choice....Dictatorship is not the Canadian choice! If people cannot control what they put into their own bodies then there is NO freedom in this country. We deserve the right to make our own choices that concern our bodies and our children! What will they dictate to us next! I'm signing because I believe in a free Canada where we as Canadians can decide what's best for our children not the government Parce que la santé de MES enfants n'a rien à voir avec le gouvernement. I want the freedom to choose my health options, not be forced against my will. No one has a right to force drugs on others I believe in the right to informed choice! We live in a free country! MY CHILD, MY CHOICE. YOU DO NOT GET TO DECIDE WHAT GETS PUT INTO MY CHILDREN'S BODIES. NOT NOW, NOT EVER. I want Canada to remain a "Free" country, where I get to choose what is done to my person and that of my children. We as free autonomous people have the right to make decisions about our own bodies. Fascism is not allowed in my country. 27 I'm signing because the goverment nor anybody will ever tell me what to do medically with my children. I'm fighting for human rights and parents chioce We should have the right to make our own choices. As parents (especially mothers) our number 1 goal is to protect our children; therefore we should not have a gun to our head and go against what feel is best for them. This is our very basic right as parents. If parents especially mothers get backed into a corner, they will fight back! Mothers will fight back! This is wrong!!! Canada stands for freedom, taking away our right to choose for our family is not freedom! We always have the choice. It's the law and a human right to choose what goes into our bodies. The government cannot and will not control my or my families health. Parents need to make the medical decisions for their children. To put that decision into the hands of lawmakers is to strip parents and children of fundamental rights. This will never pass a constitutional challenge. Every medical procedure is subject to informed consent, as it must be in any free country. This is nothing short of government tyranny, and will not tolerated! Forcing injections upon anyone amounts to criminal assault. Canadians must have the right to choose what medical treatment they want. I withdraw my consent from the eugenics operation being waged against humanity! I'm for the rights our ancestors fought hard for and lost their LIVES for. no poison in my childrens body This is taking away our rights. Next time it will be something else, until we have none left! Keep the freedom In free country. The right bodily integrity, informed consent, and the option to to decline prophylactic medical treatment is essential in a just society. Individual approach is a must when it comes to medical invasive interventions. Please do not take away our freedom of choice. There are many who just follow the crowd and do whatever is the trend and then there are the rest of us who want to decide for ourselves. I am 74 years old and have never had any vaccines. I have never even had a tetanus shot. I am well and on no meds at all. I saw my Dr 2 years ago for a checkup as it had been 19 years since my last visit. I was in better shape than my Dr. This is a free country. another example of profit over health I oppose Big Pharma's mandatory vaccination money/power grab and support strong and healthy Canadian children instead. profit driven, not health driven This should be in the charter of rights not slave of big pharma If drug companies could be trusted, it might be a different story. The rich are all in bed with each other. What a species we are! its immoral , and its all about the money not about anyones health! Because this issue is too important and personal to be left in the hands of the pharmaceutical industry.., There is a profit motive at the heart of all this! There should be choice. The only profit here is for the pharmaceutical companies. Vaccines are just a business in many cases. And now, a known way to address a huge mass of people. It's just money grab and needs to be our choice. keep your vaccines ..just another nail in Canadians freedom coffins..Drs are paid off by big pharma you are all will do you no good in hell.. I should be the one to make decisions. I don't want doctors (paid and bought by the pharmaceutical industry) make decisions for me and my family. Especially since they don't want to take the responsibility if something goes wrong. It is a violation of our rights and Freedoms. Doctors should sign a paper that they guarantee vaccinations and if there is any kind of adverse effect they should be held responsible. 28 It's my kids and they are corrupted with money. It's a big scam and the media controls the minds of millions to believe what ever they want them to. My kid not yours It is my right of choice to choose what is best for my children. Untested and unproven Pharma lies need to be investigated. La vaccination est une immense fraude scientifique. Seuls les fabricants de vaccins en profitent! I'm signing because I think every person has the right to question big pharma and ask for legitimate unbiased studies. Under no circumstances should a government body tell you that you must put a foreign substance into your and your children's bodies. I believe this is a parents choice and not something to be decided by the government. I do not want to give up any more rights to my body and that of my family regarding what we can be forced to take. what can be pumped into it against our will As parents we should have freedom to choose what we feel is best for our children, and not be forced into a communistic mentality that everyone has to do what a few people have decided is best. This is wrong, where is the freedom of living in a free country? I'm simply against fascism. Citizens are free to make their own choices. Anything less is a dictatorship. Where are our freedom of rights, everything has been taken from us as humans!! what gives anyone the right to "make someone " do something they believe in is not right !? First it will be this then .. What other rights are they going to take away from us!! I'm against forced medical procedures! Every person deserves the freedom to make their own choices concerning their health. I'm signing because I disagree with taking choice away from any Canadian. We should all have the freedom and ability to make informed choices and not be forced by government. I'm signing because this violates basic human rights. Forced medical procedures? What kind of sick horror movie is this? LEAVE ME AND MY FAMILY ALONE. Parent must have both the right to choose to vaccinate AND the right to choose not vaccinate. This is CANADA! It's my kids my rights! Not theirs Govt should stay out of family affairs!! We choose what is best for your children and no one else!! It is my right to choose what goes into my body. I decide what is best for my children. Not the government. This is my right. I am not in support of the 'mandatory vaccination' resolution. I take my responsibility seriously as a parent. to make choices for my own children from my research and conscience. Please do not take the rights away that are guaranteed us under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The strength of our country lies in the individual consciousness and freedom of its people. Parents, not policy are the ones that should be making personal choices for themselves and their children. Thank you. I do not agree with forced vaccinations. NO ONE has the right to tell me what I need to be putting into my child's body! NO ONE!! Especially not the government! What's next? I'm signing this because Canadians have lost enough freedoms all in the name of what they consider "safe" from some lobby group or Association looking to line their own pockets or have control over someone. This is Canada and as part of our National anthem goes, From far and wide, O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. God keep our land glorious and free! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. The CMA should not even be considering mandating this. As my years go by, I trust the so called Medical professionals less and less. I have a right to choose the medical procedures that my child receives. If we, in fact, truly live in a democracy, than we must retain the right to choose. It is illegal to mandate vaccines in Canada without personal and religious exemptions due to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

29 Otherwise, Canada, like the U.S. becomes nothing more than a military state. There is too much contraversy on the science of vaccines. When there is contraversy there should be choice as well. Plus the government doesn't own my body. I do and I am the only one who controls what goes into it. I believe in informed consent. It is a violation of our Constitution to remove informed consent. It is also a crime against humanity to forcibly medicate people. The government and the powerful pharmaceutical companies have no right to force medicate me or my children!!!!! Period!!!! Canadian Law states that no medical treatment can be given without the full, expressed consent of the Patient. As for a minor that belongs to the Parents. I can see it now parents targeted by teachers, Nurses, Administration all not informing the Parents that they have the right to sign a waver before school starts. and the threat of no education unless they comply to their coercion. It will be like the Inquisition of years gone by. A parent has the right and obligation to weigh all the risks no matter how large or small and make the choice for their own family. I will never let someone else make the choice for my family. I will weigh the facts in front of me and my my own choice. The doctors are OUR employees not our parents. I believe in the rights and liberties as outlined in the Constitution of Canada. The Supreme Court recognized the rights of parents to choose their own modalities for sickness and the prevention of sickness. The CMA is violating my rights enshrined in the Constitution. And they know it . . . I signed this to send a strong message, my body belongs to God and me, and NO man nor organization has any right or authority to do with it as IT pleases. My choice, my right to say NO to vaccines! I will not allow anyone to poison my body willfully, but if you try YOU are the transgressor and abuser. I'm well informed about vaccine damage as I've been aware of cma's agenda for some time. It's all about control of you and profits for the Canadian medical establishment . Parents have the right to decide if they want their children vaccinated or not, not any board or government. The medical tyranny has to end. That an association of self-proclaimed Gods is now poised to tell us what we can and cannot put into our bodies is simply a complete loss of our democracy. That this group would even think of themselves as so superior tells you everything you need to know about what is happening to Canada and our liberties. I have a new born on the way and this is ridiculous. It will get what we decide it needs not a Doctor. I think vaccines should be a parents choice and that the medical professionals should not be forcing families into going against their beliefs in injecting their children with life virus, metals and all sorts of chemicals. It is my choice of what to put in my child's body, not the Government or the CMA. I believe that parents should have the right to make an informed decision about vaccinations and not be forced into it by doctors or politicians if it is not the best thing for their family. No one should be forced to put any substance into their bodies - adults or children for any reason. it a basic yuma right to have sovereignty over your body, and parents have the right to decide what is best for their children, not organizations. The forced vaccination of anyone, especially children, is a perverse and unacceptable violation of a persons human rights. That the CMA would consider doing this shows how little they care for Canadian citizens' health. I'm signing because I have the right, as a parent, to decide what is best for my children. This is not a decision that should be in the hands of medical staff or government officials who do not have to live with the consequences (good or bad) of this huge decision. Comme toutes les associations, l'Ass. Médicale Canadienne (AMC) protège ses membres et non la population du Canada. Elle offre des avantages à ses membres et se laisse courtisée par les lobbys industrielles (voir son site web). Ce n'est pas une instance scientifique. De plus, l’intention de rendre obligatoire la vaccination viole la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés, cela pour permettre aux industries pharmaceutiques de faire plus d’argents qui en retour donnera quelques avantages à l’AMC. L’AMC veut votre bien ($) pas votre santé. Pensez vous que la vaccination sera gratuite avec des soins de santé qui coûtent de plus en plus chers à l’État ? PS. En 2013, les frais d’adhésion avaient augmentés pour compenser « la baisse continue des recettes 30 publicitaires pharmaceutiques » ! (Source : iPolitics : Docs face membership fees hike as CMA reserves shrink) I choose what is right for my child. Not the government or a group of medical doctors paid by the government. I believe parents have the right to decide what is best for THIER children , NOT the government. I'm also signing because when I had my children I didn't know I had a choice, and wish I had of. I want the freedom to choose which medical treatments myself or my family receives. What the government and doctors decide next? How many children we have, access to contraception or who receives medical care at all. I believe it is a parent's right, and ONLY a parent's right, to decide what medical procedures their child is subjected to. It is not a physician's place, nor an educational institution's, nor even a government's place to remove our rights and freedoms. This is my freedom of speech talking against the CMA trying to make vaccines mandatory. As a parent. I am the one who decides what is best for MY children! Not the CMA! I birthed my children, I decide. And ripping the rights out from under parents will cause parents to seek other living areas. Doctors: First, stop denying vaccine injuries. Second, tell your patients about the risks of each vaccine you inject. Third, really hear your patients' concerns and consider their unique circumstances and medical risks/benefits before you recommend any vaccination. Fourth, Educate yourself: read sound peer-reviewed literature on vaccine injuries (there's lots out there). Reject vaccine research that is based on unsound science like insignificant participant numbers, "control" groups who are also vaccinated or use toxic "placebos", studies that do not report ITT (intent to treat) results and so on. Fourth, train yourself to recognize and then report vaccine-related injuries. Fifth, assist your patients who are vaccine injured. Don't reject them. Sixth, then perhaps you will move a bit closer to your guiding principal of "First do no harm." No one or government is going to force any medical procedure on me. Starting to feel a little Orrwellian. No one has any right to force anyone to inject anything into their body. My body, my choice. A child is the parents responsibility until they become a legal age to represent their own views and make their own informed choices. No government or any other agency gets to trump the rights of the person. Don't fall for the fear campaign. I am my childs parent and primary caregiver. I make primary health decisions for the well being of my child because I love them, I know them and I must live with them when sick or healthy. No for profit economic humanistic goverment or pseudo expert medical asociation can care better than I for my precious child. I'm not handing my parental rights over to the CMA Parents are the only people who can understand what is best for their child and doctors should be a resource of information and choices to support parents. You have no right or authority to force vaccines. As a responsible parent and now grandparent I would like the option to decide what is best for my family. I do not want CMA mandating what is best for us. No medical procedure of any type should be "mandatory" in a free society. If a medical procedure is deemed very important, the CMA may recommend it to the populous as "highly recommended" via their primary care givers; and allow each individual to conduct their own research so that their can make an informed decision; however not at any time ever, should it be mandatory. It erodes the very base of human rights. I have been bullied by doctors to vaccinate my children. I have complained to the College of Physicians and Surgeons...their silence says it all... I believe in the freedom of choice, which is why I love my country, Canada. Mandatory vaccination goes against our Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. I want to be able to see a doctor, as a professional resource rather than medical enforcer or judge. I am not a criminal. Also, why would our good country Canada enforce mandatory vaccinations without a national compensation program in place, how ignorant and selfish is that? NO MANDATORY VACCINATIONS!! we are humans with the ability to think for ourselves, please allow us to continue to do so and freely 31 express our beliefs without being judged or punished or held and looked at as a criminal. NOT Fair at all! The attempt to disempower parents from deciding which, if any, vaccines a child would get, and when they would get them and make CMA doctors the sole arbitrators of who qualifies for exemptions is illegal, unjust and unethical. Informed consent is a natural persons right. If you want to truly fight disease, eliminate pollution and malnutrition. All disease is malnutrition not genetics/ Forcing any kind of medical treatment on anyone is reminiscent of Nazi Germany! Shame on the Canadian Medical Association for even suggesting mandatory vaccines. Our bodies and those of our children should never be subjected to abuse by government nor any other organization. Parents are the best ones to decide what is right for their children. Freedom of choice is essential in a free society. I will never be dictated to by Big Pharma which is obviously behind this entire thoroughly rotten to the core scenario. No one has the right to make medical decisions for families except the parents. CMA are bullies. It is obvious that the Big Pharma wields too much power over government to keep their profits high at the cost of too many vaccine-damaged children. Vaccines: too many, too soon! My children are much healthier since we stopped vaccinating. We do not live under a dictator! Parents have the right to choose what is right for their children. NO ONE else should make that decision. Shame on the CMA for trying to force vaccines on the citizens of Canada. Perhaps BIG PHARMA has the CMA in their pocket? NO MANDATORY VACCINATION IN CANADA!!! I believe we should have a choice. Doctors are not Gods and from many personal experiences they do make mistakes or decisions based on what will make them more money and is more convenient for them, not on the patients best interest. I prefer to build up my own immunity to viruses. I live a healthy lifestyle and stay away from bad foods . Also we Cannot inoculate for every life threatening virus. The viruses in the influenza vaccines have not been the most threatening ones and yet the health care workers that chose inoculation still worked with no masks following. Family and friends came in unwell to facilities and patients that choose not to be inoculated are also free to come and go. The bullying that went on and the unreasonable circumstances surrounding the work environment and logical reasoning were non negotiable. Plus I cannot find any research that proves we are carriers, other than the window if being a symptomatic in which this plays a roll in all viruses. More time should be spent on educating on healthy lifestyles and what increases immunity suppression. first of all What ever happened to doctor patient confidentiality? secondly don't you dare try to take away my right to choose while turning around and telling me its ok to abort my own child yet not choose what medicines I want to give them. Canada has very low vaccination rates in many categories and there are no large outbreaks or deaths to justify this invasion I feel it should be a personal choice, not mandatory. I have been vaccinated against pretty well everything in order for me to be employed but I am sick and tired of being bullied into new and old vaccines because they have lost my records. Government of Canada document:

Unlike some countries, immunization is not mandatory in Canada; it cannot be made mandatory because of the Canadian Constitution. Only three provinces have legislation or regulations under their health-protection acts to require proof of immunization for school entrance. Ontario and New Brunswick require proof for diphtheria, tetanus, polio, measles, mumps, and rubella immunization. In Manitoba, only measles vaccination is covered. It must be emphasized that, in these three provinces, exceptions are permitted for medical or religious grounds and reasons of conscience; legislation and regulations must not be interpreted to imply compulsory immunization. Requiring proof of 32 immunization for school entrance serves two main purposes. First, parents who have forgotten to have their children properly immunized will be reminded and can rectify the situation. Second, parents who do not wish to have their children immunized must actively refuse and sign documents attesting to that fact. Also, all provinces and territories have regulations that allow for the exclusion of unvaccinated children from school during outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases.

I believe that mandatory vaccines are propaganda from the pharmaceutical companies that are already benefiting too much from how sick they make people. I should have the right to choose if a vaccine is right for me and my family. No one else should be doing that for me. I believe that vaccines are a Big Parma con game. I believe that the rights of the individual to not vaccinate is fundamental and that that right cannot be abrogated by the state. It is a parents right to choose, not the state or pharmaceutical companies who profit from such a choice I'm signing because I believe there is NO situation which should EVER allow our government to take away our human and constitutional rights. This is NOT a debate about whether mandating vaccines is for the greater good. This is a question of whether or not to strip away human rights. If something like vaccine mandates is accepted our government has crossed a line that should never have been crossed and it would be a violation of Canadian Medical Law, The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and International Conventions (The Nuremberg Code and Helsinki Accords as well as UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights). It is not medically ethical that the CMA should be voting on such a matter and it is in violation of the CMA's own Code of Ethics. Nobody, regardless of their position on the topic of vaccination, should ever be willing to give up their right to informed choice. Is choice of life without pushing ppl to take advantage of Pover Pharmaceutical company. I want my individual rights respected. Mandated vaccinations shows no respect for my rights and those of my children and smacks of fascism. Too bad the CMA has been BOUGHT by the pharmaceutical companies. Corrupt drug companies and media hysteria This is all because of big pharma.. And crooks! This is parents choice, not government-especially when our health care is turning into a cash cow for pharmaceutical companies, and building unnecessary debt. Stop it! Everyone should have the choice to do as they feel what is right for them. Pro-choice applies here-Not being subject to pressure from pharmaceutical companies and ignorance. individual right to freedom of choice over a police state that hides the whole truth for monetary gain I want the choice. It's not the choice of big Pharmacy or the government. This is not about being pro or anti vaccine, it's about being able to make these choices for our families without the government getting involved. This is big business creeping into my personal life!! Go away.... Freedom to choose should not be taken from us. Catering to the greed of big industries, in this case the pharmaceutical industry, will destroy our freedom and everything that is good about our country!

33 This whole operation is dictated by pharmaceutical companies for the sake of money making not thinking one minute about the safety or reliability of the filth they are peddling to greedy medical professionals and to our governments.

It’s all a question of money and greed, not at all the safety and well being of the people.

Vaccination is not as safe a method of immunization as they want you to believe, far from it. And wether or not doctors see the dangers of vaccination is not relevant to the fact that hundreds of children experience very heavy side effects to vaccines. Some have their quality of life altered forever.

Parents should be given the possibility to make an educated choice before deciding to go ahead, or not, with vaccination. By educated choice, I mean the real facts, figures and statistics, not the opinion of a very biaised health practitionner or government.


Toute cette operation est dictée par les compagnies pharmaceutiques dans le seul but de faire des profits. Ils ne pensent pas une minute à la sécurité et à l’efficacité de la saleté qu’ils colportent aux professionnels du monde médical et à nos gouvernements.

Tout est question d’argent et d’appat du gain, en rien ils ne se soucient du bien être des gens.

La vaccination n’est pas une méthode infaillible d’immunisation malgré ce qu’ils tentent de nous faire croire, loin de là. Et, que les médecins voient les dangers de la vaccination ou non, n’est pas pertient au fait que des centaines d’enfant se retrouvent avec des effets secondaires néfastes suite à leur vaccination. Certains voient leur qualité de vie altérée à tout jamais.

Les parents devraient se voir accorder la possibilité de faire un choix éclairé avant de décider d’opter pour la vaccination ou non. Par choix éclairé, je veux dire les vrais chiffres, les vrais faits et les vraies statistiques et non simplement l’opinion biaisée d’un praticien de la santé ou encore du gouvernement.

MON CORPS – MON CHOIX !!! We have a right to choose. If we start losing one of our rights we will lose them all! As parents we know what's best for our children. Not people with hidden agendas and are money hungry to make money off of us! Our body, our choice. There is an alarming number of vaccinations, some of which I believe unnecessary. The medical field, just as any other, is in some ways influenced by exchange of money which has nothing to do with citizens best interest and all to do with profit. I should be able to decide what I do and don't need. As a Canadian I am sick and tired of our Nazi-Like government wanting to control every aspect of our lives. It's time those in government stop doing the bidding of the large corporations and listen to the people for once. We aren’t going to take it anymore... if the government cared about your health, cigarettes and liquor would be off the shelf. Public safety only matters if there is monetary gain.

I view mandatory vaccination as a gross infringement on our freedom to choose what goes into our bodies. Follow the money!!! I think this is unconstitutional in Canada, a money/powergrab of big pharma and extremely dangerous. I'm Signing because I think that parents, NOT Pharmaceutical companies should decide what gets injected into their children's bodies. It should be the persons choice if they want to be poisoned or not. It is not the choice of the people 34 who make money off of it. Mandatory vaccination has little to do with health care and more to do with the profits of pharmaceutical corporations. Mandatory medical treatments of any type are indicative of tyranny. Sponsored by the state. We must not let our parental rights slip away even further based on lies, fear and profit. I'm signing because I do not believe in any mandate that forces people to do anything. That is a communist approach and every person should be allowed to decide what is best for their children, not based on Big Pharma and their profit margin, which this is really about! Canadian citizens have the right to decide on what goes into their bodies, and their children's bodies. It is unlawful to take away that right for the sake of profit (as that is all vaccines are really about). Extermination by contamination. Corporate government thinks it can get away with this. Can it? This is a human rights issue - and an issue of freedom - and an issue of forcing pharmaceutical products on a population. People must have a choice how to care for themselves and not dictated by hysteria and propaganda fostered by Pharmaceutical companies in cahoots with ill informed government - I have no trust in the pharmaceutical industry. - I don't agree with addition of adjuvants such mercury or aluminum - vaccines receive no human trials - many side effects are more damaging than the disease in question - many vaccines such as HPV are un Our children.Our right. Our choice. I've researched vaccines for over 1100 hours; the huge decline of disease before their introduction, followed the money, read the studies, read on about the CDC whistle-blower who admitted to falsifying data detailing a link to autism in African American children. Looked into the revolving doors of the FDA, big pharma, the CDC and the government. I've looked into each vaccine ingredients and their dangerous effects. I've seen their impact, discussed them with doctors. I've read the inserts. I'm here to tell you NOT to make them mandatory. Do not give in to the fear propaganda that the states have been selling. Do not buy in to corruption, I beg of you. You wouldn't let a child drink a cocktail containing the same ingredients, if so you'd be emprisoned. Don't force the shots on our children. I believe people have a choice. I vaccinated my kids but that was my choice. It is my right to decide what is best for me & my family. The potential to be discriminated against in the future by limiting my right to schools etc goes against what the rights & freedoms of being Canadian is about. I feel that it is a parents right to protect their children. If this is passed there will be a huge increase in home schooling because people who do not vaccinate are usually very informed people and are choosing to not vaccinate because of the risks. Let put more into teaching people how to maintain a healthy immune system without pumping garbage into our bodies Although mass vaccination may make sense from a population health perspective (based on current research) it is against international law to make a health procedure mandatory, and it certainly must be illegal to tie education access to compliance with an invasive preventative medical procedure. Setting up laws in an attempt to shut down those who resist vaccination will only make things worse. There are other, more constructive ways to engage with parents who question the current vaccination schedule. It is unconscionable that the government would tell me "either you give up your right to choice regarding what health care interventions you use or you give up your right to access professional educators, regulated facilities and the social benefits of the school system". If this truly is limiting the rights of some for the benefit of all why not outlaw cigarettes, McDonalds and being sedentary? I believe in our right to choose. I don't plan to enter my children into public or private schooling. We will home school and provide an enriched life of education, experience and exposure. People have a right to make medical decisions for themselves and their children in the individual's best interest (not the herd's best interest). Children also have the right to an education and that should not be conditional on meeting specific health requirements. Privacy and autonomy are important. I don't want to live in a society where decisions are made based on the interests of the masses, nor where 35 decisions are made for the individual by the masses. Just because you or I or someone of authority thinks people should make certain medical choices for their children, it doesn't mean we can prevent those children from being educated if they don't comply. I only get to decide for my own kids -- and even by deciding to have them vaccinated, that doesn't mean there aren't any risks to them being in a public space or a school -- I can make the decision to keep them home if I'm worried about their health. I don't get to make choices about other children's health. This is unethical and leaves no room for continued research and free choice. Research is not conclusive Enough with American policy! This is Canada! This is Canada; a sovereign nation separate from the United States. We need to separate ourselves from our moronic neighbors. We are not the United States. It's an infringement of our rights as humans. Vaccines are not the answer. People here have freedom of choice! I want the freedom to choose for my health and my children's health This is why I am proud to be Canadian!! Not American- I’m signing because I care deeply about the rights and responsibilities I have as a parent. There is enough information to warrant NOT making this mandatory, and it would be a gross violation of human rights to put this into public policy. if the government cared about your health, cigarettes and liquor would be off the shelf. Public safety only matters if there is monetary gain.

SCHOOL (others coded in other catagories) It's up to parents if they get their kids vaccinated or not, and it shouldn't be legal to share that information with schools, unless parents give signed approval. My children have the right to an education and to bodily integrity in this country. I as a parent should get a choice over how to parent. Vaccines are a parenting choice. Living in Ontario I already battle this ridiculous "mandatory" vaccine schedule, having spent months and $ (I'm poverty so there was better use of funds) so my daughter can attend school without being suspended because I refused varicella vax that was now added to the list as mandatory vs optional. This policy is ignorant and dangerous.

LIABILITY & COMPENSATION (others coded in other catagories) As a parent I have the right to educate myself, read vaccine inserts and set the studies of actual vaccine effects as well as I have the right to all the information about vaccine injured children's and then decide what to put in my child's body and when because we have to live with the after effects of what happens when my children are injected with substances and we have no recourse legally to handle anything that happens to them after the fact. If this is mandated, I want the full ability to sue the vaccine makers, doctors, and government to the full extent of the law. 19 developed countries have No Fault Vaccine Damage Compensation Plans for their citizens. Canada does Not have this plan, knowing full well there will be collateral damage to infants and citizens who, prior to a particular vaccine had the "pre-existing condition" of a normal, healthy, functioning brain and body. The CMA KNOWS there is vaccine damage because they SEE IT, but refuse to acknowledge that it was the vaccine that scrambled your immune, nerve and muscular system, ending your ability to make a living! Canada needs to clean up its Vaccine act with clearly stated risks and a compensation plan, and to quit lying to Canadians about the true numbers of vaccine damage. To make vaccines mandatory is telling us to play Russian roulette with our infants, teens and elderly. When the government expects my family and me to "protect the herd", while allowing Canadians to be a testing ground for NEW vaccines, they had better provide a Vaccine Damage Compensation Plan to protect my own herd...which is MY family.


36 Vaccines for everybody is not good medicine practice, it is genocide. everybody is different, we are not one size fits all It is a decision that carries risk and therefore should be left in the hands of parents who know/want what is best for their children. As with many things in children, one size does not fit all! I feel it should be an individual decision. A one size fits all is not a solution. is any medical procedure or drug one size fits all?!? Every individual is entitled to chose what is best for their body! No medication or vaccine is right for everyone. People should have a choice. This may not be right for everyone. We need the right to choose. Each child is different - some immuno suppressed will get vaccine injury - and that's all whole other health issue to deal with! I'm signing because there are no drugs that Are safe for every human! It is our right to decide what enters our bodies!!!! I am signing this because it is medically and morally unjust to make vaccines or any other medicine mandatory for a fellow human being unless they wish to intake it....The reality is that we all wish vaccines to be 100% safe and effective but they are not. There are a rare few whose loved ones have suffered severe vaccine reactions, including brain and immune system injuries, and death. Their children are the “collateral damage” of a medical system that imposes a “one size fits all” vaccine schedule and remains unconcerned about variables in genetic vulnerability in the population and fails to acknowledge that some will suffer harm from vaccines. Vaccination should be a choice, and it's not right for every family. The facts that are presented by the government are extremely slanted in one direction and the public is not always aware of the risks that can occur and the risk benefit ratio is not presented to the public from the other side. If there was no monetary gain to be had by pharmaceutical companies, I wonder if this would even be an issue. I believe all parents and patients have the right to make informed decisions. Vaccinations are not a "one size fits all" or "evidence based" intervention in all circumstances. I do believe vaccines destroy children's health. One new case is already one too many!!!!! Don't waste money - start new and better research and stop ordering people what to do with their own children. They do not belong to BIG PHARMA neither to any government official but to their parents. What the heck happened to freedom to live the life we chose?

Are you kidding me? Why not make drug injections from some junkie in a back alley mandatory? It adds up to about the same garbage ingredients that are in there and vaccines can also kill. Just because someone is wears a white coat does not make them have sense enough to dictate what is good for my family and what goes into their body. And, just because someone is not a Dr. does not mean they don't have critical thinking skills that allows them to research the ingredient's list that go into vaccines. They do harm, clear and simple. Isn't that supposed to be against any Dr.'s oath?

Parental to vaccines, child's allergies to eggs, the use of aborted fetal matter and animal genetic material in some vaccines which violates moral and Biblical standards, and vaccines have become more about greedy Big Pharma than about compassion on people. To medicate should be a choice. They are full of toxic ingredients and there is nothing that will result in 100% in prevention.

37 From what I have seen of vaccines to date they are predominantly an easy $ pickup for the pharmaceutical industry while providing nothing but a trail of death and despair in its wake. This does not mean that every inoculation causes death but far too great a number to ignore as has happened in the US. On top of this I want to have no government telling me what I can and cannot do with my body or the bodies of my children. One becomes a parent with the idea that they are the sole care and control of another individual until they reach adulthood. Now a governmental body thinks that they know how to keep better care of my self or my children without ever having any sort of direct communication with them because they are so much "smarter" or more "intelligent in raising my children" or perhaps they think that they "care more for me and my children" than I do. Any governmental body or authority that thinks any of the above should be removed from office immediately on grounds of mental instability or delusion if any of this is their actual premise in which "to save me from myself".

I have studied this area in great detail and have the kill rates for certain vaccines. If someone is a ward of the state then the state has already taken the rights of the individual child and placed itself in an authoritative position over the child's welfare. However, most children who are wards of the state are among the most drugged children on the planet. I believe the %age is 76% of all children under the care of the state are on drugs mostly psychiatric in nature and usually being prescribed for children in adult dosages where there are black box warnings to not administer them to children. I do not want this kind of care for my self or for anyone I care about. As a matter of fact I would not want this type of infringement of basic human rights pushed onto strangers or people I don't like. Only the insane would feel that they know a family better than the members of that family. Only the raving psycho would attempt to enforce this upon a family to whom he had never met because he "knows best" or a pharmaceutical company told him so or offered other "incentives".

I am signing this petition because I have being obsessively researching vaccines for over 6 years. I am now convinced that the vaccine theory fraudulent . Please check out the works of Neil Z Miller and Suzanne Humphries. This is disguisting. You will not force mandatory vaccinations on the people of Canada. If they really worked in the first place, we would choose to get them voluntarily, not to mention all the studies that suggest they are more harmful than anything. We will never allow it. I believe in science vaccination isn't 100% safe or effective Vaccines are FAR from 100% safe and effective and forcing them on children is both unethical and unscientific. Medical ethics demand that vaccination should be carried out with the participant’s full and informed consent. This necessitates an objective disclosure of the known or foreseeable vaccination benefits and risks. The way in which pediatric vaccines are often promoted by various health authorities indicates that such disclosure is rarely given from the basis of best available knowledge but rather, largely unproven and/or untenable assumptions on both, vaccine safety and effectiveness I'm signing because I am against medical tyranny, and forced medical procedures. I'm signing because vaccines are not safe nor effective, and I wish to protect the most vulnerable. I'm signing because the ingredients in a vaccine read like a witch's brew, of which I do not wish to have forced upon myself or my children. I'm singing because I wish to protect the voiceless, and the most vulnerable in our society. I think it's a terrible idea to mandate vaccination when some children will react negatively to them and it's unproven how effective and safe they really are. Moreover, no medical procedure should be mandated. It should always be a choice. vaccines are not safe. they are not effective. 38 I've looked at the science which shows that vaccines are not as effective and safe as those who want mandates declare them to be. Vaccines are a working theory and risky at best. Mandating pharmaceuticals is unethical.

Vaccines carry unpredictable risks that outweigh any potential temporary benefits. Their efficacy is not established in all age groups, their dosages are not weight or age specific, they contain toxic ingredients that create inflammation and autoimmune reactions. Their safety has not been established and cannot be guaranteed. Patients have the right to determine what medications are put in their bodies. Vaccines are a fraud based on flawed science and worth a fortune to big pharmaceutical companies and they unfortunately own the political voice on this..... Vaccines are toxins. They've been proven to be ineffective. Vaccines are money makers for the drug companies. Nothing more. I feel that we are giving way to many vaccines, that there isn't proper information or compensation for those who are vaccine injured and that vaccines don't provide the coverages that people are lead to believe they do. I believe vaccines are not effective, contain poisonous substances, are damaging children's brains and are linked to Autism. I would rather home school my precious, innocent, brilliant, beautiful grandchildren, than vaccinate them so they can attend school

I am a new Canadian, and understand that this would be illegal under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. No matter what side of the argument, who would deny that informed consent is an absolute requirement within a free society? (I believe it is an important part of the medical process). True consent can only be given after reviewing BALANCED information and statistics. We are facing an EPIDEMIC of neurological injuries that we must arrest now. True science is required to find the medical balance, not a blind refusal to look at all of the information. Please doctors, they are your kids too. There is FAR too much rising scientific research (and some of it by well-respected Canadian researchers), to suggest that both the efficacy and safety of certain vaccinations needs to be called into question, that certain populations respond differently to different immunizations, some detrimentally so, and the North American media block that seems to taint our medical information is contrary to INFORMED CONSENT ...a guaranteed right that creates a constitutional freedom. I have a right to protect my child. I don't believe vaccines are safe. I have never been offerred a list of ingredients to know exactly what is being injected into my childs body and even so, i have no definitive way of knowing how those ingredients will effect her. The medical community CANNOT guarantee me that my child will now have an adverse reaction that cannot be cured. I would rather take my chances with the laws of nature and my aility as a parent to feed her healthy foods and help her build her own immune system to fight what she needs to. If vaccines are in fact safe AND effective, then all the parents who do vaccinate their children should be safe from all the viruses etc they are meant to protect from as well as my child, who has not been vaccinated. As Canadians and parents it is our right to choose if, how and when to vaccine. Vaccinations are a dangerous assault on the child's immune and nervous system. I have seem many children and adults suffering severe, irreversible and life threatening consequences from vaccines. There are many factors involved as to how a child can or cannot eliminate the toxic materials contained in vaccinations. These toxic materials cross the blood brain barrier creating devastating damage to the brain and nervous system. The development of the immune system is a precise step by step process that takes time. It cannot be sped up or forced by vaccinating. If the CMA is to make vaccines mandatory then they and the doctors should take full responsibility for the consequences and costs involved to mitigate the damage that will be done. It is a horrific experience to see a healthy child damaged and have their whole life pulled out from under them and the parents. There is more and more evidence mounting on a daily basis to prove the damage that occurs from vaccines! This is just another means of population control, this is not about the well being of our human race! The government needs to stop violating our rights. Our kids our decision. Take liability and ownership if a vaccine causes illnesses, or put your kids first to get vaccinated. My (and my children's) immune system and health are my responsibility to take care of. I do not want them destroyed by poisons involuntarily injected into our bodies.....for financial gain, and no liability, of drug 39 companies. Freedom of choice and health. Make vaccines safer There is convincing evidence that most, if not all, vaccines contain toxic ingredients (such as mercury and formaldehyde) that can do serious harm to the body's system. Vaccines are known to cause DEATH! I'm signing because vaccines have not been tested Because mandating potentially harmful injections without a choice is not Canadian. Vaccinations are dangerous. They contain mercury and aluminum and dead tissue and many other harmful substances We are entitled to choice and these vaccines are causing cauous in our bodies!! I wholeheartedly support this petition. We have arrived at a turning point. The mounting, scientific evidence of the risks & adverse effects of vaccinations cannot & must not be ignored. Enforcing mandatory vaccinations would be a giant step backwards. Q I am signing because vaccines are more dangerous than the disease they supposedly prevent - it is the old line of... the cure is worse than the disease. There are no scientific proof that vaccinations are safe. Everyone has the right to choose! There is strong evidence that we are now employing to many vaccines and at a younger age with out long term studies We should have the right to choose and the research is not conclusive enough to dictate widespread mandatory vaccination. I'm signing because vaccinations are amongst the greatest scams in history, and have caused untold harm. I believe it is the right of all parents to decide if they feel vaccinations are what they want for their children. Many of us believe they are more dangerous then some of the illnesses themselves. Too many lives are impacted by the side effects and I do not want my loved ones to be in this awful statistics I believe the way vaccines are administered is too early and that they should be given individually to be safer. ! do not trust what is being put into vaccinations or the reason why this is such an issue! Current national understanding regarding vaccines are incorrect and the link between over vaccination and autoimmune dysfunction needs to be considered and researched more before we take away our right to decide. Too many risks. Not any compensation programs. Not to mention, I don't live in a fascist country. At least I hope not.... I cannot believe that in a free, educated country like Canada, that this is even ON THE TABLE FOR DISCUSSION. Seriously? Who do we think we are? The people in Canada deserve to have access to full, open, honest information about pros and cons of EVERY medical intervention, in order to make an informed decision. To find a medical professional who is not going to coerce parents into one side or the other is already a daunting, exhausting task. We need to take a very harsh look at what this powerful group of "professionals" is proposing. Wow. It is not up to anyone else to force what goes into mine or my child's body ESPECIALLY when it's something that could potentially cause harm. I won't stand for stripping my child of her rights! How can one mandate something that has risk and is not 100% safe?!Who's going to take responsibility when things go wrong, because they have and they will?my body, my choice, my right. I will not have my right to choose what is best for my child, taken away by the government! Regardless of whether I choose to vaccinate or not, or partially vaccinate, it cannot be because I'm being told and forced to. This is a choice for parents to make for their own child! And we need more options for vaccinations anyways..regarding preservatives, scheduling and singular versus grouping them together. regardless of whether you think vaccines are good or not (not IMO) no one should be forced to do anything (medical) against their will, this would be a violation of our Charter of Rights You are taking away our rights as parents to make medical decisions for our kids. We nourish our bodies with health, and feel that vaccinations are poisoning children's bodies. its our rights as parents to make our own informed choice to any medical interventions to our children and to our own bodies. That's a right that should NEVER be taken away. We mothers gave birth to our kids, we went through 9 months of carrying them, we are the ones raising them and making sure they have all the basics

40 and are well cared for in what we believe is the best way to do so. Mandating something, someone might not agree with is not right. If something resulted in an injury to the child because of the vaccine, who is left to foot the bill and care for the child who is damaged for life? Because I don't think it would be whoever approves this! It will be the parents who had no choice in the matter. Vaccines are poison but,,,, as I respect the right of those who believe they are safe and effective to poison themselves,,,,even though the recently vaccinted are spreading the diseases they are injected with, therefore putting everyone around them in danger,,,,,,, I refuse to submit to tyrranical behaviour by anyone,,, much less any medical association ,,,,,,forced medical procedures is nothing less than a slippery slope to the loss of freedom for ALL Canadians,,, not just the most innocent,,, babies and children,,,, shame on anyone who feels they know what is best for me,, my children, my grandchildren or those I love and care for,,,,knock yourselves out,,, inject yourselves with all the toxic substances you wish,,,, but leave me out of the madness that are vaccines

1. I personally have presented with allergies to a lot of pharmaceutical drugs and vacvaccines. 2. There is still worldwide opposing opinions amongst the medical community about vaccines. 3. The pharmaceutical companies make WAY too much money to have our best interest in mind.

Vaccines should be recommended with full disclosure of their pros, ingredients and potential side effects. Parents should have a choice about vaccinating their children and take full resposibility for their decision. If a vaccine is mandatory and it damages the child no association or government will take resposibility for it and the whole family will suffer for the rest of their lives emotionally and financially.

I feel very strongly against mandatory vaccinations. This is an evasive medical procedure and people should be given the choice as what goes into their bodies of themselves and their children. Who will be held accountable if something negative happens to the injected child or adult? The makers of the vaccines? The government? The CMA? The doctors and nurses administering the vaccines? There are so many reasons I am against mandatory vaccinations. The government continues to choose poorly about health- as a parent I have no money pushing my decision! I have facts and research. Find out the truth with CDC and the "lost" papers. I have done the research and vaccines are not safe!

I am concerned that the Canadian government is following in the steps of the US government in restricting the rights of our citizens without consideration of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. It has been with dismay that I have witnessed the eroding of personal freedoms in the US for many years, and I am saddened that this is even being considered in Canada. It is unfortunate that our conventional medical governing bodies completely ignore the risks involved in Vaccinating our children. And it is despicable that they would take away my freedom to make an informed decision to protect my children's health, while they, in ignorance, and as an economical decision, try to force me to risk the health of my family without conscience or reason. Please instead, insist that each voting member study, and research both sides of the story for there own education and leave my basic right as a Canadian alone. The science is not settled. Freedom of individual choice in health matters should be changed in this draconian way I am signing because I do not believe in the efficacy of vaccines and personally am aware of extreme reactions to current vaccines. I petition to retain my rights to my health care. Unfortunate. Until they understand the triggers behind vaccine injury then a blanket declaration of safety is absurd. Very clearly, vaccines are not as safe as declared, or as effective. Until vaccine companies are liable for injury, and vaccine studies are completed to show trigger and causation of injuries, then it is against public safety to mandate vaccination. I have the right to my own health choices. Vaccines do not prove immunity and cause more harm than good. I'm doing this yo protect my children and future children of Canada and hopefully the world. 41 No medical procedure is 100% safe or effective including vaccinations. No vaccinations, along with any other medical procedure or prescription of pharmaceuticals should ever be mandatory! We all have the right to choose and this right must never be removed!! I am signing because I believe it is every parents right to choose what they put into the body of their children. Vaccines are NOT 100% safe, or even 100% effective. They are a risk. And parents should have the ability to chose if the risk outweighs the benefits. Period. By taking away this choice, you are taking away my rights. ALL vaccines carry risk while their efficacy is questionable. Each decade we see an increasing number of autoimmune illnesses and brain damage in our children. I truly believe we have traded acute illnesses for chronic degenerative ones. Vaccines are VERY risky business and should continue to require informed consent. It is important to me that families have the freedom to choose medical procedures - especially in families where there have been previous children react negatively to vaccines. Another child should not be required by law to react before they are eligible for an exemption. Some families have had fatal or near fatal reactions.

Stop this insanity. Leave our freedom to choose alone!! Not enough truth about vaccines and the side effects from medical community The most up-to-date medical paradigm says: All "diseases" occur in two phases, a biological conflict active phase, which goes largely unnoticed and a biological resolved, or healing phase, which makes the individual feel sick. Therefore it follows, that ALL vaccinations are preventing a natural healing to take place and are contra indicated as a result. Vaccines are NOT tested for efficacy and contain deadly nerve toxins designed to harm humanity by crippling the the offspring early in life. No medical procedure should EVER be mandated, especially one based on lies! Vaccines are not proven safe and effective. We will not comply regardless. Because everyone has the right to decide what goes into thier bodies and thier children's bodies. My research has proven many vaccinations to be unnecessary and harmful. Vaccines are neither safe nor effective. With risk there must be choice. There are good reasons for families to avoid vaccinations. We should be able to choose what is best for our families. The government has no idea how this will affect people. Forcing vaccination is wrong (Besides if vaccines were proven effective and safe then noone would need to be forced into getting them they would just go and do it). Each family should do their own research and decide what is best for them! No health benefits. I don't believe in the safety or efficacy of vaccines. I believe that vaccines are making a new generation of children very sick. I am also not at all convinced that they protect children from the diseases they claim to cover. Vaccines are poison. They don't prevent anything. They CAUSE autism and lower the immune system. I'm signing this because this is Canada not a dictatorship and I as well as my children have rights. Why is the government so willing to force vaccines on little babies and children when according to the CDC only 2% of adults maintain boosters. Doesn't that mean a large majority of society is already unvaccinated because vaccines don't last forever or in my case I wasn't vaccinated as a child or adult. Vaccines ARE POISON.

I’m signing because of the constant pressure put on children and adults to become more and more controlled by health authorities. There are far more serious to deal with than this. Mandates will push parents to break away rather than conform. Vaccines have risk. Making people succumb to a medical intervention which are unavoidably unsafe is against our rights. School is for education, not medication!

Quebecs measles outbreak had 48% of those infected up-to-date with 2 shots.

Vaccines are not perfect and some have more risk and less efficacy than others. Over 150 vaccines for infectious disease are in the pipeline, soon to be added to the schedule. We will reach a tipping point where even healthy kids start to get serious AEFI.


I'm appalled this is even being considered in Canada. Heavy lobbying from Merck is likely pushing this. Vaccines are a choice. They're not without risks. They are not 100 safe or effective. Its against human rights to force something into our body without our consent.

I would like to see doctors and nurses unions step and make an example by having mandates too. Lead by example! When teachers unions strike down mandates for themselves, it's very telling!

Fed up with Medical Establishment telling me what to put into my body based on useless science that proves nothing. There is no such thing as Safe and Effective, it is all a scam. Cela devrait être le choix du parent et non pas le gouvernement! Surtout que les vaccins ne sont pas ce qu'ils étaient: beaucoup plus dangeureux de nos jours! Ils disent que nous devons se faire vacciner pour des rappels étant adultes, la plupart ne le font pas et nous sommes correct! En plus, beaucoup de gens ne se font pas vacciner et ne souffre PAS de toutes ces maladie entraîner par les trucs toxiques des vaccins aujourd'hui!! Faites des vaccins SÉCURITAIRE et peut-être nous le ferons!! Ive done my homework and until there is real studies on the actual benefits it will just be pharmaceutical companies making more money on mandatory government bullshit. I see more risk than reward woth any of it. Fear will always be the tactic. Its so sad. My right to choose is protected by the constitution of Canada. This is a blatant breach of personal freedom. There is more than enough evidence to raise some serious questions around the efficacy and the safety of the vaccinations and the schedule that they are recommended. I believe as parents we are not only responsible for our choices, but should be honoured by our government to have the right to make informed decisions for our own children especially considering the potential life altering side effects of vaccinations. Significant evidence indicates injection of a toxic slurry of genetic material and poisonous stabilizers is not only inconclusive in it's proposed benefits, but extremely risky for the injected individual. As a trained scientist myself I believe immunity can not be enhanced with this technique. There is no study not funded by vaccine manufacturers which proves that they are safe or even effective. My body, my choice. If vaccines are required to attend public school I will home school and send the government the bill.

It is totally unethical to force vaccinations, and the "science" behind vaccinations has not at all been proven.

It is shocking that in a world that recognises the wonders of science, we allow Big Pharma to dismiss good science, to blackmail and manipulate public policy to their benefit. Their funding of politicians, education, faculties, media, etc. ensure biased and unscientific support for vaccines and drugs that harm. The only studies backing them are their own for the most part, and when their researchers encounter proof of harm, they are told to bury it as some have told me themselves.

As it turns out, most outbreaks are caused by vaccinated children, and vaccine injuries are on the rise, with devastating and expensive consequences.

While we acknowledge the dangers of BPA, pthalates, preservatives, mercury, lead, MSG, etc., why do we ignore them when it comes to vaccines? Profit and blackmail.

Thousands of court-released pages prove the fraudulent methods and studies by Big Pharma to influence the push for dangerous vaccines and deadly drugs, yet advertising dollars prevent the media from reporting it.

Enough is enough! This is not Nazi Germany. We need to stop caving to organisations with conflicts of interest, and seek the actual facts, as other countries are finally doing.

Or kids should not be pawns for profit. Especially when there are far safer and effective ways of dealing with prevention.

43 "First, do no harm" - Hippocratic oath. Adjuvants are not as safe as claimed, the theory of herd immunity via vaccination has never been proven, injecting toxoids into the extracellular space does not reflect how the immune system actually responds to pathogens, The science in this, contrary to what mainstream media presents is not all in favour if vaccination. There lies of safety concerns and there is no way I am vaccinating my kids. I feed them well and keep there immune system strong and they ride out all childhood infections. This us a human rights issue to me.

Parents should be able to decide what is best for their child. Not all vaccines are safe and/or necessary. It is just plain wrong to force ANYONE to be vaccinated. If there is only one child ever to get vaccine injuries it should just be NO! And those manufacturing and administering must be held accountable. Why not if it's that safe

Having downloaded a document on the ingredients from the CDC website I feel the they are poisons.

France will have not of this.

As Canadians we must follow the American's in their fear and paranoia.

Mandatory vaccinations would mean that the doctors would be contravening their Hippocratic oath. Shame on them.

Let us not ensure that Big Pharma continues to make enormous profit at our expense.

Stop this nonsense. I am signing because the safety of vaccines has never been studied. Children are being seriously affected and the vaccine industry does not seem to care We all have the right to make our own choices. What drug companies are putting into vaccines should be illegal, not to mention the billions of dollars that they profit from these vaccines. Taking advantage of people's nievity, it's disgusting. I do not believe vaccines should be mandatory. There is a risk to getting vaccines and some of these risks are proven. We need to mandate a healthier lifestyle and diet and this will keep people healthier. Focus on creating that and not lining the pockets of drug companies. Vaccines need to be a choice , never mandatory. In short, we as Canadian citizens should have the choice about what we put into our bodies and the bodies of our children. Why not push for healthy living (I.e. keeping active and eating healthy) so that our immune systems are strong and healthy to be able to protect us against viruses. Instead, you want to push for something (most likely to fill your pockets with money) that many times makes people sick on its own, and hasn't been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potentials. Where is the logic in that? Let's keep our children healthy and happy people! I believe everyone should have a choice. This goes against our human rights. Currently ingredient lists of each vaccine have to be available. What happens if we are forced to make our children have all vaccines? Then governing bodies will not necessarily be held accountable for what goes into vaccines?or what if a child has a bad reaction to what is injected into them? Is it documented too and made public knowledge or hidden like so many things. The choice of the individual helps with transparency of authority and governing bodies. Please don't take away choice. Vaccines are no longer safe they used to be. To many combined in one shot and they have unnecessary aluminium in most of them.

I believe as a parent I should have the right to decide which vaccines my child should have. As a child I had a violent reaction to the chicken pox vaccine that I ended u in the hospital for over a week.

I believe Canadians are educated enough to make an informed choice about vaccination. I believe that vaccines require more stringent testing protocols and proof of effectiveness before being releases to the public. The amount of money spent propagating vaccine efficacy is staggering 44

Mandatory vaccines impede on my constitutional rights as a Canadian, forced vaccinations are unacceptable and fail to take into account those prone to vaccine injuries or personal/religious beliefs. Je crois à la liberté de choisir ce qui est mieux pour notre enfant, je crois que les vaccins sont potentiellement dangeureux et je crois à l'intelligence des parents qui s'informent et font des choix éclairés! Ne nous enlevez pas cette liberté si chère à nous les canadiens. I want to have the freedom of choice for everything that concerns my children especially not being forced to inject dangerous chemicals into my chilfren! Those who are in charge of the medical system do not realize as yet how many people are being negatively affected, for life, by the use of vaccines. We need to take a stand for our health now before it is too late. I believe that most doctors who support these vaccines are not entirely aware of the damages they cause. If they were, I am sure they would not advise people to take them. Everyone should have a right to choose. Just because the general consensus is that it's safe doesn't make it true Parents should not be forced to submit their children to a treatment that is being proved almost daily, causes severe health issues!ie, autism... I reserve to right to choose for myself to vaccinate or not especially in light of the recent findings that vaccines cause injury in many cases. Vaccines are not 100% safe. They do more harm than good. Vaccines contain mercury, in what health program is this substance healthy? Vaccine injury is real and I believe they do more harm than good. I would never put my children at risk. I should not be forced into something that has a possible side effect of death. Where there is risk, there has to be a choice. I am signing because I believe freedom of choice. Vaccines are not 100% safe and nothing that comes with associated risks should be madated on any human being. There are too many shot-term and long term side-effects with vaccines. It goes against Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Where there is risk, there needs to remain choice!! Informed consent for any and all medical procedure(s). When there is any risk, even the slightest, everyone should have the choice. I believe it is every humans right to decide what they choose to put into their body and I believe that vaccines represent a potentially dangerous health hazard for many kids with already compromised immunity. I'm signing because I believe any procedure that bears any sort of risk, must come with a choice. I am think mandatory vaccination is a violation of human rights with many serious health consequences as well. I think there should be choice...and safer vaccines. I do feel this is a personal choice for a family- either way, I can see how some would be for and how if a family itself has had someone with vaccine injury why they wouldn't trust them. And the part that baffles me is fighting over vaccines or not but yet in Canads babies are aborted every day up until the 9th month of pregnancy and that's ok?!? And they have the right to "choose" so why should our rights to vaccinate or not be taken away? Basic Human rights should not be taken away. Canada is a free country and it should prove that by giving people the rights as to what they want to be exposed to, especially when it comes to things that will either kill or damage your life. Je crois que toute intervention médicale doit être présentée selon ces avantages et dangers/effets secondaires. De ce fait, il en va de la liberté de la personne d'accepter ou de refuser cette intervention. Je suis pour un choix éclairé! I believe in personal freedom and superior medical standards. Do the research children die each and every day from vaccinating them. They are full of poison !! The government won't admit these aren't needed Andis all about population control Parents have the right to decide what happens to their children as far as medical decisions are concerned. Mandatory vaccination is a illegal and goes against the Neurenburg code which was brought about to ensure 45 that nobody had to submit to unproven medical experiments of any kind. Vaccines have never been proven to be safe! Basic human rights should always cover what is put into your body. Mass medicating without consent from the person medicated is a no brainer.. Not to mention, from over decade of studying - they are not worth the risks! Any medical procedure that involves potentially life altering/damaging risks, even if slim, should be a choice. It's about weighing risks, and people need to have the rights to assess the information and decide for themselves. I believe parents have the RIGHT to choose what's best for their own children when it comes to medical procedures that clearly have risks. We have had problems with immunizations in the past.... It can cause more harm than good. Je trouve cela ridicule d 'implanter une loi pour faire vacciner tous les enfants D'âge scolaire ou autre..Cela devrait être la décision des parents et personne d' suis peinée d'entendre ceci .Ayez au moins le courage de dire tous les effets secondaires de ces fameux vaccins.On est d'un pays libre.Laissez les parents prendre leurs propres décisions.Ce sont leurs enfants et pas les vôtres. Just read Andrew Moulden's work I feel that some vaccines are unsafe and until the government mandates safe vaccines, we should have the choice whether to risk vaccine injury or not. where is the real science about vaccines.look at the cdc in america.they falsified the reports by their top CEO!s and Ive yet too hear about a safe level of mercury and why they put it into vaccines Vaccines are not completely safe, and as such, they should not be mandatory! This should be a parents informed decision, not something that is mandatory when risks are involved. Vaccines have no scientific basis and have not been proven; the opposite - there is overwhelming evidence to support that they are harmful. Medical procedures regarding one's children are a strictly personal matter. It has been proven that factors such as vitamin D and multiple strains of probiotics are truly effective at raising immunity. Since vaccinations contain dangerous adjuvants such as aluminum, they are not safe. Renal specialists take all measures to remove aluminum from the Dialysis procedure, while other physicians willingly pump it into innocent children through vaccination. Very young kidneys and brains are just as vulnerable as dialysis patients. Unless you can find a way to remove dangerous components such as aluminum from vaccines, this is an appalling and frightening development, posing unacceptable risks to the population.

freedom for choice

Over my dead body will be the only way anyone will force that shit in my kids bodies. I have healthy kids with no allergies, no autoimmune conditions, no behaviour or mental disorders and have great immune systems. Coincidentally or not, they are far healthier than most of their classmates because I DONT do the pharmaceutical train. Why would I ever want to fix what is not broken? The only thing entering their bodies is clean nutrient dense food and clean water...end of story! I want to have my right to choose how I protect myself from illness. I am a firm believer that vaccines weaken the body's immune system and disrupt normal immune function. They also come with a wide variety of side effects - some of which do not manifest until much later in life. Not choosing to vaccinate is not just a choice - its a right. I now have grandkids and I DON'T want their lives threatened. Vaccines can and do cause illness in perfectly healthy children. It needs to remain a parents choice. Mandating vaccines violates basic human rights for Canadians. Far too many risks, and opportunities for fringe medical science. I'm signing because I believe it is a parent's God given right to care for the well being of their child in a way that is right for them. I'm signing because, thanks to modern day sharing of information, I can know exactly where I stand on this issue and why. I'm signing because the information I've garnered on the lack of safety of vaccines is too much for me as a parent to ignore.

46 I believe any mandatory medical intervention is against human rights. I also believe that not all vaccines are proven safe. Vaccines long-term effects have not been studied. Vaccines are made for adult males and yet are administered to children. Parents should have a choice in administering poisonous vaccines to their children. I believe it is our right to choose to be vaccinated. There have been a lot of valid points made in regards to serious medical side effects resulting from certain vaccinations. Why worry about the side effects of contracting a rare disease to end up living with the side effects of a vaccine injury.

What goes in ones body is their choice. The end. No government or other persons has a right or should have a right to force others to put unwanted things in the own person individual body. Their is more than ample evidence to suggest vaccines are not 100% safe for everyone but even if they were, it's an individual's choice what to put in there body. If that wasn't the case, and the governing bodies truly cared about health then the government should stop selling cigarettes. That is a far worse epidemic that 30 measle cases. If you want health, the answer isn't in forced vaccinations, the answer is in stop selling fast high processed foods, stop selling cigarettes, stop looking for quick temporary manufacturer money making options and go for the healthy solutions, stop selling GMO foods and put money into organic farmers and sustainable living. If you want to actually have healthy Canadians and you want to force them to do something force them to eat healthier! But you can't, because forcing anyone to do anything is not very Canadian and a violation of human rights. So you definitely can not force mindful healthy Canadians to inject something into there body because others choose to eat at McDonalds, smoke and go out drinking.

What we choose to put in our bodies should be our decision. Vaccines carry risks and EVERYONE has the right to make an informed decisions as to what risks they are willing to take.

It is important to me that families have the freedom to choose medical procedures - especially in families where there have been previous children react negatively to vaccines. Another child should not be required by law to react before they are eligible for an exemption. Some families have had fatal or near fatal reactions. Stop this insanity. Leave our freedom to choose alone!! Vaccines cause irreparable damage and are not proven safe for my child!

Vaccination should be a personal choice and I believe they are to cause for a lot of disorders, diseases and illnesses.

Many reasons .... some of which are the ingredients, people seem to get sicker not better from getting them, FREEDOM of CHOICE etc etc vaccines can be dangerous for certain individuals. Forced medication is against the Canadian Charter I believe that we should have a right to choose what we put into our bodies and there are many who do not do well with so many toxins in our body. I believe for some/many vaccines are detrimental and unsafe. Forcing mandatory vaccinations is against the law and there is a history of vaccine injury that demonstrates not every child should be vaccinated. I have learned that kids should not be vaccinated. I don't believe that vaccines are good for you. It's all toxins that people make to prevent diseases that's could happen anyways. People can die or get sick off vaccines. Vaccines aren't safe for everyone, so they certainly shouldn't be forced upon everyone. I'm signing because anything medical that can cause life changing side effects or death should NEVER be mandated! Not ever! If you ever inject that crap in my body it will already be cold!And fortunately the rest of my family feel the same. I am 100% opposed to mandatory vaccines. I am against poising my healthy children with a toxic blend. I'm signing because through all my research and speaking with various medical personnel I don't believe vaccines are safe at all. There is way too much risk associated with them and never will children be vaccinated. Any kind of medical procedure should always be a choice. I am a health care professional and in

47 my profession our clients have a right to an informed decision about their healthcare/treatment. This should always be the case. If you want to vaccinate your children fine. If you don't, that should be fine too. I want to save my right of choice and save my babies health! when there is a risk involved, there should be a choice. There are too many risks associated with ALL vaccines and I don't want Pharma to determine how I live! I am signing because it is unethical to force Canadian parents to inject foreign, unscientific and dangerous objects into the arms of babes. It is unconscionable to mandate any medical procedure, let alone one that is proven to cause severe injury and death. Children today have severely diminished health, due in large part to the attack on the gut microbiome which is the result of toxic chemicals, be they in our modern food-like products (glyphosate), or in so-called safe vaccines (aluminum, thimerosal, and more). DO NO HARM, DOCTORS. Significant research has been done that points towards health risks through vaccines. The risk factor is there and parents must be allowed the choice I believe we should have a right to choose but not only the if s vaccine was to be administered to my child who is allergic to egg especially he would die. vaccination is poison and we should have the freedom to choose if yes or no! I have seen so many kids damaged by vaccination. It's a travesty. Vaccine is hurting our kids. Also, we have a right to choose what we want for our kids. I do not believe in vaccines - at least at the rate they are being given and I am convinced that there are severe side effects. I whole-heartedly and fully disagree with vaccines. They disrupt the natural plan and perpetuate DNA problems, cause a breakdown in the natural immune system, introduce toxic heavy metals into a body, have now been discovered to introduce nagalase into the body, which shuts down the body's ability to fight off disease. They cause autism. It's a highly controversial subject and it should remain a choice. Those who choose to vaccinate need not worry about anyone not vaccinated affecting them. Extensive research shows that the additives in vaccines are extremely harmful. As well as the number of vaccines administered altogether and the frequency, is a huge overload to young children's health, especially brain function. Vaccines have injured and killed too many innocent children and even older adults. Until they are safe and some of the toxic materials removed from the vaccines I am not in favor of mandatory vaccinations. I am aware of the grave dangers of vaccinations and want to protect all children from procedures that often cripple or degenerate life quality. Time for people to wake up to the Genocide being perpertrated against all people and our beautiful little children ! Toxic Metals destroy our Immune system ! Any questions ? I believe parents should have the choice to decide what is right for their children, not the government. We have rights under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms that should be protected. Mandatory vaccines are unjust and unethical, especially since there are many legal and scientific issues surrounding mandatory vaccines. I HAVE READ THE SECONDARY EFFECTS OF VACCINES AND THEY ARE MORE DANGEROUS THAT THE DISEASES, if PARENTS WANTS TO VACCINES THEY KIDS IS OUR RIGHT TO DO IT OR NOT. SOME VACCINES ARE STILL EXPERIMENTAL AND SOME OF THEM USE MERCURY AND ALUMINIUM TO PRESERVE THEM THIS IS REALLY DANGEROUS FOR THE BRAIN SPECIALLY FOR KIDS AND SENIORS. I'm signing for many reasons not the least of which is that the vaccine schedule is so ramped up it is overwhelming that we would give 20 some odd vaccines in the first year of life. This has gotten way out of hand. We have a basic human right to decide what goes into our bodies. Some people have had horrendous side effects from vaccines. Everyone has the right to decide what medical risks to take, be it chemotherapy, surgery, what medications to take or vaccines to take, to name a few. ALL VACCINES ARE LOADED WITH CHEMICALS AND OTHER POISON!! Vaccines are over used and dangerous because of it. I refuse to poison my kids with that much toxic metal and poison. I'm signing because of ingredients in vaccines like mercury.

48 Parents have the right to make an informed choice when it comes to vaccines for their children. There are simply too many, too soon, and increase the toxic load on tiny developing bodies that poses significant health risks greater than the benefit of immunizations. Forcing vaccines with unknown adjuvants into human beings is wrong...period! Vaccines are dangerous and I refuse to take a risk with my child life! Vaccines are harmful and should be the publics choice on whether or not to vaccinate. It is our own personal choice to inject a needle with harmful toxin into our babies. As it is written in the Charter of Rights. I BELIEVE MANDATORY VACCINATIONS ARE A VIOLATION OF OUR CANADIAN RIGHTS & FREEDOMS AND IS NOT SUITABLE FOR VARIOUS HEALTH REASON FOR ALL CHILDREN. Vaccines are poison.

I'm signing because I don't believe in putting known toxins in our bodies just to see how we react to them. Right to choose is important. I would reconsider if I knew what exactly is in the vaccines. Parents should have the right to vaccinate or not because of the ingredients in the vaccines Avec toutes mes recherches sur le sujet, je considère qu'il est plus risqué de vacciner que de ne pas le faire. I believe everyone Should have the right to choose what goes into their bodies and their children's. Something with such high risks should not be mandatory. When there is a risk of harm there must be a choice! Our bodies belong to us and we decide! Stop poisoning people ! Criminal activity if you ask me !!! vaccines are not proven safe . ample evidence of that . The overwhelming evidence of vaccinations causing Autism! I'm aware of the damage caused by unwarranted and unchecked vaccinations! Keep that crap away from me... It is my right to decide what is best for my child. There is risk so there has to be choice. There is inherent risks to vaccines. If there are risks it is a person/parents right to assess these risks and make an educated decision as to whether to vaccinate their child or not. I no longer trust that our corrupt government is interested in our best health and safety. I am not anti vaccination but I believe in freedom of choice. vaccines pose risks to health and where there are risks, we must be allowed choice. Vaccine injury is real and if vaccines are mandated we will see more unexplained deaths chronic disease than ever before. Vaccines have been unquestionably proven to be dangerous Vaccines are unavoidably unsafe, and we have a right to decide what we put into our bodies. My kids are not an experiment nor a commodity. When entire medical texts need to be written about adverse reactions to adjuvants in our vaccines... and it's ok to put cheep, toxic stabilizers and fillers to maximize shelf life and profit... and it's ok to use brutally outdated strains (because no one would notice, right?)... and shed viruses after vaccination to other kids... and "recommend" shots for things that have absolutely no heath benefit over non-vaccination. No. Sorry. Do your homework mamas--because it's not getting done for us. #sevengenerations #justbecauseitsnormaldoesntmeanitsright Free choice to decide weather we want chemicals in our bodies and our children's bodies . Vaccines are a medical procedure that come with a risk. It violates human rights to mandate that a family/child should have to take this risk. I'm signing because where there's risk, there must be choice. I'm signing because kids are actually suffering out there with autism because of the unknown chemicals that are added to these vaccines. DO your research. Where there is a risk, there must always be a choice. If there is a risk there must be a choice. All medical decisions need to be left up to the individual. every parent knows what is right for their child. Until they can stop putting harmful and unethical ingredients in vaccines, they should never be forced upon anyone. It is essential to protect our right to choose what health care we receive for ourselves an our families with 49 informed consent about potential risks vs. benefits. It makes no sense to remove our parental rights or to mandate something that is not without risk. I am signing this because vaccines are making populations sicker and sicker. Non vaccinated humans have stronger, healthier immune systems. Exposing yourself to vaccines is a huge mistake!!! Protecting my son from all the unknown chemicals that are in vaccines I'm signing because I think the risks outweigh the benefits . I also believe a parent should have the right to make medical decisions for their child. I'm worried about my Grand Daughter and autism Government has no safety standards for food or water so it would be highly likely this applies to vaccines also. Vaccines are dangerous and should be voluntary, not mandatory. Because of the side effects Vaccination does more harm than good in general. I did not base my opinion on internet info... But from personal experience... I am dead set against this!! This would be a breach of human rights. You cannot remove people's choice as to what goes into their bodies. There is no significant studies proving vaccines are safe long term. Because I know that vaccines linger for a lifetime I believe vaccines are very toxic, and cause a lot of side effects, and to be forced to take it, is a crime against humanity, and is unconstitutional. There is risk in taking a vaccination therefore there needs to be choice in whether we are willing to take that risk. I am signing to safeguard democracy in Canada and to save children from the poison in the vaccines and subsequent harm from the vaccines. Parents have a right to chose. My daughter was born with and the doctor in 1970 decided it unsafe to vaccinate her. This needs to be C H O I C E. I'm signing because everyone has the right to educate themselves & explore which portions work for their family & their own health. We have the right, & ought to have the right, to take into account our own family & any individual in the family's own medical history & overall health to choose whether or not to accept any given medical procedure. Vaccination is a personal choice. There is no one size fits all solution. When one takes into account the various vaccine adjuvants (and their effects), family history or even unknown genetic predispositions to vaccine reactions, it is very clear canadian families must continue to have a say in their health. i believe everyone has the right to standing up for their well-being, the right to freedom. Vaccinations are not a one-size-fits-all, people need to educate themselves before injecting cocktails of many unknown carcinogens and outcomes. I believe our choice is our right. There are side effects to every kind of drug you choose to use. All people should have the right to choose. It is not "one size fits all". Each situation is different. Manditory vaccination is wrong on so many levels. There is no one size fits all to any drug including vaccinations. The science is not settled and children are being harmed. Parents have the right to be their child's first advocate.

I am signing because Mandatory vaccination violates basic human/family rights and because we are not made equal genetically and epigenetically. Some individuals get adverse life devilitating reactions form vaccines including autism, life threatening allergies, Guillain barre syndrome, sterility, paralysis, SIDS. All those are listed as side effects of vaccines. This goes against the charter of rights and freedoms. This leaves no avenue for parents (especially poor parents) whose children CANNOT take the vaccines due to PROVEN family genetics. This leaves no room for religious freedom (vaccines are not against my religion). I am not anti-vaccine. I am anti one-size-fits-all vaccination schedule. I do believe in informed decisions and that means having a discussion on the pros and cons of any medical intervention. I am 100% pro-individual rights and freedom to choose what is best for yourself and your family. This mandate is 1 step toward infringing upon the individual rights and freedoms of all Canadians. It is not only illegal and unethical, it is also immoral. The use of force or intimidation against another person to coerce them to act in a way that goes against their own values and personal choice is called TYRANNY. And it has no place in Canada. 50 I believe we all deserve to have a choice in this matter. You cannot give every single human being the exact same vaccine, with the same ingredients in each, and expect it to have the same effect on everyone. Some people/ children will react differently, sometimes, unfortunately it can be a deadly reaction. I'm signing because I believe parents are the ultimate decision makers when it comes to medical intervention for our children. And I also believe that the current vaccination schedule is not safe for all children and could potentially be dangerous and life-threatening for some. A one-size fits all model is NOT appropriate when it comes to any kind of medical intervention

We live in a world where more and more people have severe allergies which could put them into anaphylactic shock. Testing for these allergies aren't considered to be accurate until age 2 when children can have an “IGG test” (tests for autoimmune responses). As a parent how can I chance injecting my child with something that “could” put them into shock? I think vaccines have a place in this world... mostly in healthy adults who are preventing sickness in the workplace or before travelling abroad. But how many shots does a child get under the age of 2 that they actually have a chance to catch? Really think about it.

Our 23 month old daughter hasn’t been vaccinated. To date she’s had roseola (no vaccine available) and had a runny nose from daycare. That runny nose turned in to hospitalizing sickness’ in others from daycare which turned into lung infections and pneumonia. Being health preventative means the things that go into your body… with proper nutrition and sleep our daughter has been healthier than any other child we’ve been around in her 23 months on this earth.

My wife and I carry an epipen everywhere our family goes because our daughter “could” go into anaphylactic shock from peanuts or eggs... thankfully I've never had to use it. Luckily I haven't given her any vaccines either. Most if not all vaccines have eggs in the “ingredient” list. As a parent I cannot risk that the first time I use the epipen is because I just vaccinated her.

Simply put, I’m not vaccinating until I can eliminate all risk of causing more issues than I’m preventing. There is a lot of scientific evidence that vaccines are very harmful to certain people, one size fits all does not work in medicine. Canada has no compensation program. i believe i health freedom and dont want to be forced to inject chemicals in my body that we know cause damage. this is pure facism Human rights and religious freedom are fundamental to Canadian life and to a free and democratic society. Freedom of choice is a key part of this. There is no safe vaccine or drug and people must make their own person choice about their health and well being. Mandated medical proceedures is against all human rights. I believe vaccination should be the parents choice. My son has a condition where his body cant rid itself of medals and toxins. The medical professionals have been wrong before about the safety of pharmacuticals. I dont think the government should have the right to take away our right to free choice.

Injection of any material into the human body is an invasive and assaultive procedure and is against the "do no harm" doctrine that medical professionals should abide by. There is no proof that vaccines do not contain harmful substances such as mercury and aluminum or any other such thing. It seems that vaccinated people can spread the disease to those whose immune systems have been compromised. Let people make up their own minds responsibly! I do not agree with forced regulation when parents should be free to make any decision that ultimately effects their whole family. I think a survey should be taken to see how many children that are vaccinated see a Dr. for other than a vaccine or checkup...and how many unvaccinated children need to see a doctor for anything! I refuse to be forced into poisoning my child! Mandatory vaccination policies are of grave concern to me as a parent and as a Canadian. Besides the very serious documented health risks vaccines pose, especially to an infant's still developing nervous system, mandatory vaccination policies constitute a blatant infringement on our rights to bodily integrity and security of the person. Mandatory vaccination has no place in a free and democratic society. I am absolutely against the forced pathologizing and medication of our citizens. 51 My choice, my children's choice, not the government's choice to poison us. Vaccines should be a choice not forced onto people. I do not want to be further poisoned. Forced vaccines must be stopped. How can any government force a drug that causes mild to severe injuries including death. The climb of autoimmune diseases are on the rise right along side the increase of vaccines. We are trading normal childhood treatable acute diseases for a life time of chronic autoimmune diseases. This is Canada, every Canadian must have the right to choose what goes into their body. The Canadian Charter of Rights was put in place for a reason and for the sake of pharmaceutical profit our lives and choices are now being challenged. there is no way I am ok with this. I want the choice and due to research I have done I do not want my children having ANY further vaccinations. This is taking away any ounce of freedom and choice we have as parents. If I was forced to do this, I would pray protection over my kids health as its a recipe for disaster with what's in these things and what it does to people. Lord please help us all!

Like any medical procedure I think a parent should have the right to choose. There are risks to vaccinating (as there are to not vaccinating) and I think it is and should be the responsibility of each parent to do their research and to decide which decision is right for their family. Take this human and chartered right away and it is a slippery slope to what rights we have. Because this should not be a dictatorship and I choose NOT to vaccinate. I've read and studied (in seminars) on vaccinations and know that they are more harmful to my body than good. 1) After much study I have reluctantly come to the conclusion that vaccines cause more harm than good. 2). It is not the place of the government to force medical procedures on Canadian citizens Everyone has the right to choose what to put into their body. All medical intervention comes with risk. It is unethical to force me to receive treatment/medical procedure that comes with risk. Every human has the right to choose what goes in their bodies and how to prevent their own illness. Furthermore, many CURRENT vaccines contain metals and preservatives that, if administered according to canadian guidelines exceed known tolerances ie poisoning the bodies of our young.

As adults these children can choose as they will, it's wrong to force chemicals on children Canada is no place to allow medical dictators to flourish ... CMA is not God and does not have a right to tell me what to put into my body. The CMA is showing us all that the #1 Killer and Disabler of North Americans intends to start killing and disabling people from birth. This madness must stop if we are to stay free. I am standing up for HUMAN RIGHTS & hoping to help prevent vaccine damaged children & vaccine related illnesses. The CMA needs to be educated on what vaccines do! They are SOOO BLIND! .. I guess its the dollar figure they see, they don't care about the life they are injecting it into! SO SAD:( Nobody should have the right to mandate what i put in my childrens' bodies, least of a medical association influenced by pharmaceutical interests. Not enough research has been done by INDEPENDENT bodies to confirm there is no long term risk from having so many vaccines with their added ingredients. The concept works but not the preservatives and adjuvants. I cherish my right to decide my own health care and the health care of my children. Our children are already heavily chemically intoxicated, and neurological disorders and cancers are skyrocketing as the vaccine protocol increases and flu vaccines have been added-- pediatricians intimidating young mothers to be injected with flu vaccines containing high mercury levels, etc. with bogus claims that it will strengthen the child's immune system - no evidence of that, no trials, no science to back that up. This is about inducing sickness, not boosting immune systems. This is high-ranking corruption and control. The CMA CANNOT do this as it is against our CONSTITUTION!!! THIS IS A TRAVESTY that the CMA can actually think of taking away our Constitutional Rights. We are not living in Communist Country where government can take away our freedoms and FORCE US TO GET VACCINATED, OR OUR CHILDREN. I KNOW OF TOO MANY PERSONAL STORIES OF VACCINE DAMAGED CHILDREN AND I WOULD NEVER ALLOW ANYONE TO INJECT ANYTHING INTO ME OR MY CHILDREN. HOW SAD IS IT THAT THE CMA FEELS THEY HAVE ANY RIGHT, WHATSOEVER, TO DICTATE WHAT GOES INTO MY BODY. IT IS SHAMEFUL BEYOND BELIEF!!!!

It against my freedom period. I don't need the government to mandate a medical procedure. If Drs and the government take responsibility for adverse reaction then move forward not other way around. 52 Where there is risk, there has to be choice. GOOD SCIENCE has proven many risks, which is published and very available today. To mandate risky vaccines in spite of this available information is IRRESPONSIBLE and will make the CMA LIABLE with proof beyond doubt. Physician code of ethics requires informed consent without cohersion. If you mandate this, further trust will be lost in the medical system. Our bodies are ours,not the state's, and we have the absolute right to decide what goes into them, including our children's. We live in Canada, not Nazi Germany!

I do not think a democratic society, with human rights and freedom, should have a government impose what types of foods, medications, liquids we are to put into our bodies. This affects many aspects of our society, be it drinking water, chemicals, foods, herbs, supplements, vaccinations, medicines, etc. It is up to the individual to make informed choices, and up to parents to take full responsibility for their children. The research we do, or choose others to do for us does not automatically imply we are giving consent to breathe, ingest, or have anything injected into us. When there are legitimate concerns over dangerous side effects, and these are swept under the rug without being made public, and information is not properly discussed or shared with taxpayers, our rights as citizens have been violated. If there are damaging effects from anything and these are not addressed by those in power who have mandated us and our children to take such things, then our rights as citizens have been violated. Laws should not involve forcing citizens to put anything into their organisms which may potentially cause harm, and least of all deprive parents the right to make such choices for their children. I believe as a parent we need a choice. Why should we poison our children? Because of the fraudulent studies? False herd immunity? Vaccines caus more harm than good. USA and Canada are the only ones stupid enough to make something like this mandatory. What country are we living in again please remind me. I thought our country was built on our freedoms? As a parent I have the right to decide what is injected or ingested into my children's bodies. I am the one that has to live with lasting adverse effects of toxins not doctors. Doctors take an oath to do no harm, so how can they justify injecting neurotoxins, preservatives, animal and human dna into infants and small children? Parents have to have the right to choose. Not only is this against the rights of Canadians, it is playing Russian Roulette with our children's health. A group of 80,000 in a vested interest aligned profession to the profit motivated private pharmacos, vote to force vaccination upon Canada: they vote for a procedure that their industry profits from? So what? Politicians, do not sell out Canada! Whatever your religion (or absence thereof), your soul will be lost if you contribute to this scourge upon the children! Do not buy pharma smoke and mirrors with their corrupted studies. For example look at how the US CDC upper level researcher Thompson has stated that a culture of corruption and scientific falsification exists in the CDC (and of course also does in the profit centres of vaccines) and that research is not to be trusted as it obscures all of the side effects and vaccine weaknesses. Any mandatory law passed would be a disgraceful thing for Canadians to undergo, and generally a dark day for humanity. c'est important d'être informée, de savoir exactement ce qui est dans chaque vaccin, de connaître les risques et d'avoir le choix. I don't believe Canadians are educated enough about the drawbacks of vaccines. You can't only promote one side .. that's a dictatorship. Ingredients in Vaccine should be investigated first by the government and a study between the health of vaccinated vs unvaccinated children should be done. If you want vaccination to be mandatory you should make sure Vaccines is 100% safe and effective with no side effects and if a child is injured by vaccine, pharmaceutical companies should be held responsible and accountable-and the government too. It is our right to choose if we want to be injected with poisons that may not may not protect us. The contents of those vaccines and their supposed purpose is highly questionable. I don't agree with the theory of vaccinating; I believe natural immunity from having the disease is safer and results in less serious ramifications or death. Quarantines, so sick children have to stay home, work but we must have a plan to compensate the loss of work of the care-giver parent. Because I strongly believe that we have the right to make our own decisions about our health. Because I 53 strongly believe that letting the children get the petty child diseases like measles, chickpox, mumps are much better for their own health than repeated, ineffective vaccines. There is no evidence to prove the synergistic effect the vaccinations. The long term effects such as cancer are concerning. The body's immune system should have a chance to work in its own to fight off disease. The medical system is approximately seventeen years behind the science. Parents do their research, the CMA should as well.

Because I'm informed! This is my right as a parent to choose whatever I consider right for my child based on evidence-based research I do myself. My husband and I have researched and read countless articles on the cover ups and side effects from vaccines! Thimerosal!! We believe in eating healthy and natural supplements! We live a healthy lifestyle! As a parent of four, healthy children, ages 24, 23, 17 & 16, I did a vast amount of research on the subject of vaccines and made the informed decision not to inject anything foreign into my children's bodies. I myself was not vaccinated, and have been healthy and energetic my whole life (I'm almost 50). Vaccination is not to be confused with immunization. Myself and my children have strong immune system's that have not been unduly forced to deal with viral or bacterial infections, except when we've been exposed to such infections through typical means (air/water/contact). In those rare instances, our immune systems we're called into action and worked to destroy the invaders! Our family believes in the right to choose healthy food and health building nutritional supplements to support our well-being. If vaccines worked, then everybody should feel protected, and those of us who rely on our bodies own defence system should pose no threat! I am a health care provider and understand the efficacy of living a healthy life, preventive medicine using nutrition, consultations with Natueopathic Doctors and MDs who work with a person to prevent disease. A barrage of injections of poisonous disease causing substances, even if they are in small amounts, cause the immune system to overload. The rising incidents of cancer and autoimmune diseases may be partially caused by the repeated calls upon the immune system, from infancy, leaving a body, though armed to fight off certain things, less able to defend itself once imbalanced by these diseases, resulting in death. Plus there are all the legal human rights reasons listed in this letter and we must, as Canadians, maintain informed choice over this matter so personal in nature affecting this generation of children and we are responsible to keep freedom to choose and educate better in nutrition and maintenance of health with good quality sources of small farm organically grown food and health care teams that include massage, ND, MD, and athletics. We to start teaching kids to wash their hands more in school, and educate families on benefits and risks with vaccines....not take away our rights to choose! Health and Wellness = LIFESTYLE Matters, Food Matters. Disease/SickCare Management = Vaccines. We need the choice for our children. Mandatory Vaccines and vaccine injuries can be dangerous and taking these rights away seems unlawful. It's time the Canadian Government got educated with the truth and stopped messing with our Canadian Constitutional Rights!! Vaccines are far from safe. They are down right dangerous!! I think this is a topic that needs much for debate, research and balanced public information. I think some vaccinations are risky and the public is not given the full information about what is in them, for example. I thought this was a free country. If there is no risk then let those that have been damaged the right to sue those responsible . I am 64 years old and was never vaccinated and in 43 years working with sick and injuried patient never missed a day of work due to illness. I guess I am lucky The vaccine industry is unsafe and I don't want my children to suffer because of their practices and control over Health Canada. People’s choices about what to put in their body should be just that, choices. I worry about the quality of a product when it is government required. What incentive is there for the companies making vaccines to keep a high quality safe product of they will sell it no matter what? Let's keep people responsible for their own health and companies responsible for the quality of their products. 54 The Canadian medical ass'n does not have want to honour our rights and freedoms as guaranted under the constitution of Canada. According to sources such as the Weston Price Foundation doctors are compensated financially by pharmaceutical corporation for the number of vaccinations they do either directly or their professional bodies are. There is no unbiased science studies on the possible harm vaccinations do to children and how often they actually create sickness. Until vaccines are proven 100% safe and the medical industry will take full responsibility for any wrong doing, I will not subject my children to their push for profits. Personal experience has shown that vaccines can and do cause the very problem they are designed to prevent. I will not have my children made sick or worse because the corporate suck ups want bigger profits for their shareholders. i do not believe vaccines are healthy--but deadly toxic substances forced onto the youth so they become pharmaceutical customers for life I should have the right to decided not to have poisons pumped into my body by the military industrial complex (part of which is big pharma) who, knowing most sensible people would not willingly subject themselves to being poisoned seek to circumnavigate our right to choose by having governments to mandate this. I'm signing because Canada has a freedom of rights policy which should not be broken as it sets the stage for other illegal acts to follow. I personally do not believe most vaccines do anything for the body and are more dangerous than beneficial. It is just another way for Big Pharma to make more money by making us all sick or sicker. With all the heavy metals in the vaccines, I am of the opinion our children are not safe with these kinds of vaccines and only serve the big pharmaceuticals which have no interest in the health and safety of our children. We see too many cases of autism and it is due to the dangerous mixes they want us to believe are safe for us. Parents should choose what is best for their precious children. Too many foreign substances forced on children at the advantage of the drug companies! It should be a parents right to decide what is right for their children. Who knows why is in the vaccine and what they aren't telling us. Probably another money grab by big corp. C'est à moi de choisir ce qui est bon pour moi ou pas et personne ne peut me forcer à ingérer ou m'injecter une substance, surtout pas Santé Canada qui est manipulée par les Cie pharmaceutiques qui veulent nous vendre leur produit, comme dans le cas de la H1N1. Because I believe it is a fundamental right to choose how one raises ones children and what medicines one chooses to/not use. Vaccines are created and pushed by private corporations for profit and they've been proven to cause horrible adverse reactions is some people. It is a risk every mother should be informed of and every parent should maintain the right to make an informed decision regarding the health of their own child. I've heard and seen too many adverse reactions all in the name of money and greed at the expense of children's lives and well-being. I'm signing because I hate you blood sucking bastards. Leave me, my children, and my grandchildren alone, and go put your poisons where the sun does'nt shine. There are no true and honest research studies to prove they are safe. Read the insert! Big pharmacy controls the 'powers that be. In fact, if you step outside of what is being preached to us via media and the medical community, vaccines are unsafe. They contain toxic ingredients which harm our children in one way or another- both obvious reactions and less obvious reactions. Vaccines did not save us from disease- better sanitation and nutrition has. We seem to fear common childhood ailments nowadays...and this worries me. Messes and chickenpox for example. These are mostly minor and actually be help build our Childrens immunity. I would leave my country forever before ever allowing my children to be vaccinated again and against my will. This is a slippery slope going on the wrong direction. Someday I hope people will look back on this as the greatest crime against humanity. Unused to be pro vaccination until I asked questions and read the inserts and did my own research and not blindly accept what we are told. Parents have rights and government should not supersede this right. America is in on the wrong course.. Our great nation must lead by example and not follow them. I believe it's our constitutional right to decide whether or not we vaccinate ourselves or our children. There should be no mandates or "laws" decrying that we should need to for work, school, etc. I know how vaccines are contaminated with mercury & other materials. 55 I know that vaccines are more about making money for big pharma than for saving lives. Babies are being vaccinated at to early an age while they still have their mother's immunity. This is a money grab at the peril of our childrens'health. My good doctor says "flu shots are a one way trip to alzheimers. Do not trust industry regulating its own science. They have bought and rule the government agencies. Vaccines are not safe. This is unconstitutional and we are not to be puppets of USA's brainwashed and bought corporate pharma companies!

VACCINE INJURY REPORTS My son had a reaction to his 12 month shots. I don't feel comfortable giving him or his sibling any more yet his reaction wouldn't get a medical exemption. We all deserve the right to say no to any kind of medical drugs/treatment/intervention, especially those that are proven to have negative side effects. I beleive we should have the write to choose if we want our children vacinated. Iv had many problems with vacines with my children and myself. I feel it is wrong to not allow unvacinated children get their education! Their needs to be further testing in all vacinations especially with comparing unvacinated to vacinated and long term health affects. I have experienced the medical risks and to force this upon someone choosing not to vaccinate takes away the freedom to do what is right for our families!!! My daughter had adverse reactions to vaccines early in life. She cannot be vaccinated. If this goes through her health and life could be at risk. Please give parents a choice to vaccinate their children not the government. We know our children better than anyone. Medicine is not a one size fits all scenario. There are far too many vaccines being given to children, today. It isn't safe, nor healthy. Let parents decide what is good for their child. Not properly researched! As a Canadian living abroad I am discouraged to follow the story of vaccines becoming mandatory in North America. I am writing my doctoral research on the history of vaccinations and believe that anyone who has done their research would understand that the question of vaccination really has to remain voluntary. There is a lot of research in both my field of employment and the government sites showing that vaccines are not always safe. Also, this infringes upon the freedom of choice. Most children are strong and healthy enough to fight off these illnesses and this makes their immune systems stronger. Many of these vaccines are for diseases that are seldom seen in the 21st century and inflicting our your infants and children with these live/dead vaccines is weakening their immune system and setting the stage for other more debilitating disorders such as autism. Dr. Andrew Moulden, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Dr. Mercola Dr. Sherri Tenpenny just to name a few doctors who have connected, the dots ALL VACCINES CAUSE HARM. We have to protect the children. Read the inserts to the vaccines. Become aware. Check on Do your research I'm signing because there are hundreds of science papers which report serious side effects of vaccines. They are not completely safe and should not be forced. Parents should be free to research the science and decide for themselves which ones they want and don't want I am really concerned about the next 300 vaccines that are already being developed, become mandated also. Vaccines have been proven to cause injury. Other countries have shown this to be true. Just because Canada tends to ignore this fact does not make it disappear. Informed parental consent is key to maintaining a healthy society. Science is always changing and until the manufacturer is held liable no one should be forced to inject their body with something that is not guaranteed and comes with high risks of reaction. All the so called facts on vaccinations is bogus and corrupt to protect the income of big pharma. Time to end corruption CACL Canadian anti corruption league. Research regarding vaccines is one sided, vaccine injuries are greatly ignored and under reported, how can you do proper research without considering side effects and reactions very shortly after injection or vaccines. Listed Side effects on the vaccine insert are often ignored and labeled as coincident as little as 24 hours after injection when injury occurs, Vaccines involve a risk, no matter how you turn it, and considering the fact that 56 some of the herd needs to be sacrificed for the great good is against everything medical society stands for. Research is Biased and not proven to be without risk, therefore mandatory Vaccination should stay a choice ! Anything chemical going into my children is and should always be MY choice! Due to my own personal research being more informative then any Doctor, whom rarely give information on rather they just poke poke poke and just want parents to go with it with no question. That to me is questionable! I believe as parents we have the right to make choices for our children. When my daughter little we did some selectively. When she was in highschool and wanted to travel on school trips, she choose to have additional vaccines, she was a healthy adults by then. I will not approve this. We have rights and this is not the states. You have no right to give children or adults vaccinations that they do not want. The amount of toxic materials in vaccines is criminal and making us sick and giving children learning problems and many other ailments. I believe people have the right to choose based on the research - if parents want to vaccinate their children - that's their choice - if parents want to wait until their child is older or to wait until the child can make their own decision then that's the parents choice - do not take the rights away from parents to do what is best for their children I read the facts. Mandatory vaccination is against all laws (Nuremberg Code, Helsinki Accord, bioethics, human rights...); it is not based on scientific evidence, it is discriminatory, and is to fulfill the pockets of Big Pharma monster. This mandatory vaccine resolution would violate the basic undeniable civil rights of parents and children, and it is backed by flawed science at best and lies and deception at worst. The only winner if this is passed is big pharma. I"m pro choice. and Pro access to unbiased research. It is my right to decide what goes in my body. It has been PROVEN no vaccine is safe. I will leave the country if this happens, not that you care but that is the extent I will go to to prevent that crap from going in me. I have other therapies that will do the same thing, why would I let you inject poisons?

INJURY I'm signing partially because this is a bandwagon, demanindinf the vaccines. I will not go completely against vaccines and say they have no cause- I have had vaccines when travelling.. Where vaccines are concerned I believe that all people should have the right to educate themselves as the large amount of masses who push for this simply accept the knowledge that has been given to them through some internet source... Having known people who's lives have been harshly turned upside down as a result of vaccines I feel it To be inhumane to shove that onto every child. My daughter had a vaccine reaction and I didn't vaccinate my other daughter for fear of the same. This law is scary. I'm signing it because I have a child injured by vaccine and I'd want to protect my grandkids from it. I am signing because my daughter had a severe reaction to the dtap vaccine and I will not inject her and harm her again! Both my children were vaccine injured. My daughter was hospitalized and close to death after her 2 months and 6 months vaccinations. I have multiple health issues, autoimmune and connective tissue disorders. Aside from that and more importantly the issue of aborted fetal DNA and toxic ingredients are totally unacceptable. This is my body and MY choice. My son was injured by vaccines and the damage is life long. My child was vaccine injured. i'm signing this because my daughter had many reactions to vaccines. Countless nights of head banging, thrashing, rash, fever, temper tantrums,and excessive sleep. I refuse to give her anymore!! I almost lost my child to his vaccines when he was a baby.... The problem is nobody knows what side affects the child will have until after the vaccine is taken, but by then it is far too late. It should always be the parents who decide as they know the history of reactions, alergies in their family history. One should have a choice. My child had side effects from a vaccine. Beyond the rationale presented in this petitiioN, every medical treatment is between a patient/parent and their health care professional. As for vaccines, where there is risk, and there IS, there must be choice. Period, full stop. I have been personally injured by a vaccine. It is my choice as to whether or not to ever subject myself to another. It is every parent's right to decide for their child/children.

57 We need TRUTH to protect our children. We need to stand up to the Bully. My little girls life was stolen by vaccines. 2 of my girls had documented reactions . they are on a delayed schedule. I'm signing because I suffered for the first 3 years of my life with seizures and constant hospitalization due to vaccines. My family had to sit by and watch in horror and with the thoughts that they may lose their child. Once my Mother chose to stop vaccinating me I became once again a happy healthy child. Neither of my children have had any vaccines and they are healthy 16 & 20 year olds. Thank God for conscientious belief exemption. As an educated parent and also a vaccine victim, i believe we should always have the right to choose what we put into our children's bodies. I believe in informed medical consent. My son was negatively affected by vaccines. Though I did not realize it at the time, I am grateful to the nurse who refused to continue vaccines for him. Both my children reacted to their childhood vaccines with long term consequences. Neither doctor would acknowledge this in their records. I am not opposed to all vaccinations but think very strongly that parents need to have the right to choose which vaccinations and at what time/age they should be given to their child. I have a child with vaccination damage. Vaccines ruined my sons life. My son suffered severe side effects from vaccinations. Mandatory vaccination threatens our basic human rights! Our children who were vaccinated had reactions from mild to severe. We made the decision to not vaccinate subsequent children, and they were healthier for it. I believe we should have the right to choose what goes into our children's bodies, not the government. I personally know a 12 year old child who was vaccinated and has multiple learning disabilities now and wets his pants and is a problem child now :( I want to keep MY RIGHTS!! HAVE HAD VACCINE INJURY IN MY FAMILY AND IT'S NOT IN MY BELIEFS I have a child who was vaccin damaged!! Our lives will never be the same. I followed your rules and had him vaccinated on schedule. He was so gravely ill after each vaccine that one time I thought I would lose him. I reluctantly didn't give him his 18 month needle and it's the best decision I ever made. Vaccines are not good for every child!! I would have lost my boy forever if I continued to poison his body... He couldn't handle it! My daughter almost died from a vaccine induced illness. I truly believe that this is a violation of human rights and if this passes what else is next!? I have also witnessed firsthand and studied vaccine injured children and I would never be able to forgive myself or the system for having to put my unborn child through something like that! This is against our own free will, without our rights what else do we have? This is criminal! my child turned off like a robot who had its cord pulled not even seconds after recieving her first immunizations... and then slept for the majority of a week and has never returned to the level of happy and alterness she had prior to this... as well i believe that parents pay the price of their decisions so they alone should make the choices.... My eldest was vaccine injured and I am not comfortable with getting my baby done. I also believe it is against human rightS! I am signing because I have personally been injured by vaccination and I, in turn will never subject my children to vaccination, which as a parent is my right. I am the mother of a vaccine injured child. My son had a vaccine reaction. My son is faxing injured and if our government forced more vaccines on him it could Be fatal. It is our right as Canadian citizens to choose what medicine we put in our body and /or our children body. It is a violation of our canadian rights to force poisons and neurotoxins in our body. My child was irriversably damaged from vaccinations, way worse than if he had contracted the disease. I was threatened with child protection services if I didn't comply. I want parents to have the right to make informed decisions for their children. Weeks after I was vaccinated as a child I developed painful muscle and electronic like shocks which doctors have never sucessfully tested or even given a name to it. The reason there is no evidence that vacation is not a problem, is that the evidence is buried or ignored! I have a vaccine injured child My brother was seriously harmed by vaccine My son suffered from the vaccine, then the doctor had the nerve to tell me that I was a bad parent for even suspecting 58 that the vaccine, given 3 hours before the fever started could have been the reason for the fever, lost of linquistics and motor ablitily. oh, and at that last vaccine, he injected my son with something, said oops that was the wrong one and refused to tell me what he gave my son "do not worry I wont charge you for it as your son was not suppose to get it" At least two people in my immediate family have been hospitalized for major reactions to vaccines. They have both suffered life-long health problems as a result. Vaccines can kill. This I know. My first child had an severe adverse effect with her first vaccine so I didn't bring her back and I chose not to risk it with my other 3 children. Turns out the only one who had a vaccine has allergies and was always sick when she was little. The 3 unvaccinated ones never get sick. I'd rather go through measles (which protects one's body against a multitude of ailments) than having my child close to death in my arms again. I am vaccine injured and I have the right to choose for my son. People deserve a choice in their health care. I have severe adverse reactions. My son regressed after vaccines. He had a reaction :( As a parent of vaccine injured children, we have a right to decide whether or not we wish to assume the risk of injury or death on ANY medical procedure; including vaccination. NO!!!! My son was vaccine damaged in 1984. I know all to well that vaccines are not as safe as we have been led to believe. Vaccination is a medical treatment with known risks. If there is risk, there must be choice. My child has an autoimmune disease that is directly related to vaccinations she received. Vaccinations made my kids sick Vaccination is not without risk, my son has seizures most days and more vaccinations is not going to improve his condition. My first son has autism and I dont believe the vaccinations are 100% NOT to blame. I have 2 children. Both children experienced a very high fever and seizures after childhood vaccinations. I support being able to make the decision of what is best for my children. I have 2 children who have both had problems with vaccinations but the doctors still want to vaccinate them because it's what they believe to be right. What about what I believe to be right? I truly witnessed that vaccines are ineffective and do more harm than good. I think it is absolutely wrong to take this decision making away from parents and put it in the hands of government. I have become aware of very many serious repercussions from vaccinations and I think that our government and medical association owe it to the public to disclose these facts and to do more serious scrutiny. I have a vaccine injured child and believe that medical decisions should rest in the hands of the parents. My child has had adverse reactions to vaccines and now suffers with both chronic ill health and sensory issues. I do not agree with putting what is in immunizations, into my child again and this is a violation of basic human rights. I've never been vaccinated. My mother was forced to be vaccinated in the Soviet Union in the 60s. She became very ill like never before in her life in a matter of hours (she was in her early 20s at the time). When she ran away to come back to Canada she swore that her child would never be vaccinated. I have lied at school about getting vaccinated and even back then (in my youth) it felt draconian that I didn't have the option to go to school if I didn't get the potion of chemicals put into my body. Humanity can't "out do" mother nature. These vaccines are more harm than good and this nanny police state that is further being implemented is not what I want to leave for future generations. Stop forcing people to live their lives based on half truths about vaccines!!! Admit that profit and population control is what is driving this agenda. Who ever is reading this don't simply naysay and think "I don't believe it" without investigating. If you don't investigate all opinions, then society is doomed to repeat a Nazi Germany senario because the population doesn't question the motivations of others. I had an allergic reaction to a vaccine and so did my brother. Vaccines are not safe for my family and there should be more research into long-term immune and neurological impacts of vaccinations. I have seen first hand reactions to vaccines. It is imperative that we maintain the right to choose medical treatments for our children and ourselves. There is much evidence of corrupt science and serious damaging effects and less immediate long term effects for many. I urge you to protect informed consent and not to pass this resolution. I'm signing because I and my children are allergic to many of the ingredients in vaccines and I have seen some tragedies as a result of vaccines. I am appalled that the CMA is just ignoring the ample evidence of the dangers of vaccines and proposing we be FORCED to take them. Whenever this comes up, I remember Sheryl. I spent 14 years living and working with mentally challenged children and, later, adults in Camphill centres. For a while my wife and I, as house parents, had in our house

59 a girl named Sheryl Williams. Although only 12, she had a voice almost like a man, and a raucous sense of humour. She was such a personality that I would have loved t have known her with all her faculties. She had been normal until , as a toddler, she received the DPT vaccine. The same day, she went into seizures and then a coma, from which she emerged brain-damaged, and had to be sent to this special centre for care for the rest of her life. And I knew of other cases. We must at least be allowed a CHOICE whether to have a vaccine. I have seen vaccine damaged children at the Children's Hospital where I used to work and I know what efforts were made to cover them up. The statistics are not correct when the docs don't even put down the right diagnosis on the discharge summary.

Penta Project

Because my son's vaccine injury is invisible and consequently irrelevant to the medical community. Where there is risk, there must be choice. Have relatives damaged by vaccines & seen others seriously affected. I am signing because both my children have compromised immune systems that vaccines would further endanger. My daughter had a very serious reaction to one of her last infant vaccines and has suffered the effects her entire life as a result. She is 21 now and still struggles with health complications. Parents have the God given right to protect their own children. I am a vaccine survivor See Bob's Story and vote at Care2petitionsite create a vaccine compensation program for Canadians Bob Martin62123 I have personally been affected by vaccines when I had an adverse reaction to the flu shot which resulted in multiple food allergies. I believe that people should have the right and choice of what goes into their body. Im signing because my daughter had a vaccine reaction, We delayed because of her size, so for her "2 month" needles her body rejected the vaccine, and the fluid came back out of her leg, she instantly got weak and had a fever of 103 after 10 min. She was screaming and feverish for 2 weeks. I was then convinced to go through with the rest, for her "18 month" needles her leg swelled up 3 times its size, she had a fever of 104-105 for 4 days, and couldnt walk. 3 years later, it still causes her pain, and her has broken blood vessels all over her leg. She was a lucky one, her reaction, however bad, wasnt as bad as what it could be. Parents have the right to choose, they have the right to information, and the safety of their child. Daughter had serious reactions at age 2. After seeing serious adverse reactions, and discovering my children can NOT medically be vaccinated, I can't see how a blanket law could possibly be safe for each person's unique situation. My children have reacted severely to immunizations ... Seizures , convulsions .. All the symptoms you fear when you immunize . This must remain individual choice. I have mixed feelings about vaccinations mostly due to lack of public knowledge/actual facts. My oldest has all her up to date vaccinations. My youngest nearly died from her first vaccine and hasn't had any more since. Both healthy kids, both have had chicken pox. I have the right to decide what I do with each of my children as individuals! I would compromise my youngest child's education before I will ever again compromise her life . We don't believe in mandated vaccinations! Our of three kids (two are partially vaccinated, one of those was vaccine injured and our third has none- healthy as can be!) My son had a bad reaction to a vaccine and I don't think anybody but me or my wife should be able to make the decision to try that shit again, which we wouldn't. My eldest son is still fighting childhood vaccine damage as an adult. no one should ever be forced to put something potentially toxic into their child. As a mother of a child that suffers seizures, I would refuse anything that could make things worse for him. I would rather my kids get chicken pox, measles, etc than to have a life long vaccine injury IT IS EVERYONE'S RIGHT TO CHOOSE PERIOD!!! I HAVE A CHILD WITH A VACCINE INJURY, I WOULD HATE TO SEE ANOTHER CHILD INJURED IF IT CAN BE AVOIDED. VACCINES ARE NOT A ONE SIZE FITS ALL SOLUTION THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO CAN'T HAVE THEM! We should have a choice as parents, to decide what is going in our children's bodies. We are not all created equal and cannot all take the harmful ingredients in vaccines. This is a slippery slope, stripping us of our medical, religious and personal rights, it won't stop here. I come from a vaccine injured family and I cannot understand how one child's life is 60 more valuable than another for the "greater good". Vaccines don't work and they have made some of my kids sick and may have caused the death of my infant son. I also feel that they are the cause of 2 of my children's ADHD or at least co tributes to it. Please get rid of those toxic things from our babies lives, before more die or are seriously harmed for life. I don't agree with mandatory vaccinations!!! My grandson has multiple allergies too many shots!!!! and what is in them???? MY CHILD HAS ANAPHYLAXIS TO SOME VACCINE INGREDIENTS....WE HAVE A CONSTITUTION AND NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO PUT ANYTHING INTO ANOTHERS BODY. I had an allergic reaction with the shots in high school it was in grade 9. Had the needle in the arm. If you want to hear the rest can email me with the email I gave . My son was vaccine injured. He developed asthma two weeks after receiving a vaccination. My daughter suffers from vaccine induced autism I have a niece and nephew with autism. This is an epidemic and vaccines are at least partly to blame. I am an intelligent person with medical training with a desire to read research. I've spent 3 years reading thousands of articles on human health with a focus on vaccines and the immune system. As someone with 5 members of my family with autoimmune disorders, I was surprised to find that there are contraindications to vaccinating people with autoimmune disorders. Yet, there are no 'official' contraindications listed for vaccination when there are indeed many. There is so much corruption in the Fda, CDC, and pharmaceutical companies, these people do not have our best interests at heart, and anyone who tells you vaccines are safe and effective is either stupid or on the payroll. Not me. Not in my body. Not in my children. Improve your vaccines and your transparency in their ingredients and side effects and perhaps we can discuss this. But a company that has complete legal protection from creating a dangerous product cannot be trusted. And I firsthand watched my nephew regress into autism within 4 hrs of his mmr vaccine. What if that was your child? There are contraindications to vaccination, and given our family history, none of us ever should have been vaccinated, and we have all suffered. The underreporting to VAERS is another issue, when doctors refuse to acknowledge vaccine injury. I could go on for days and days on why mandatory vaccines is so wrong. If you make them mandatory in Canada, I will take my family and leave. I'm vaccine injured and do not feel that government has any right dictating what drug to be infused into our body. Mandatory vaccination is a crime against our children. My brother died of a vaccine reaction. This is NOT OK to force something that damages many children. Do your research. Read the adverse reactions. Vaccination is a choice and should not be mandated This is a right that we should be free to choose as our children belong to nobody but ourselves. Also my son died from the two month needle so there is no way I would ever vaccinate another child again! My daughter Katlyn Marie Fox passed away due to vaccines. My daughter Katie Marie James died in 1983 as a direct result of the Sabin oral polio vaccine at 5 months A family member passed away due to a vaccine in the 80s. Parents should have informed choices! My niece died from the adjuvant in vaccines. My oldest son had a really bad reaction. My neighbour lost her child. My kids are not vaccinated it has to stay that way My child is vaccine injured. Mandatory vaccination is against our basic human rights to choose religion, health, and education for our families. Educate the public on risks that are associated with vaccine and do more education on what the ingredients are...all of them. ...let intelligent Canadians choose what is right direction their families. I'm signing this because there is a family history of severe allergic reaction to some vaccines and as a parent I should have the right to choose which medical procedures I deem necessary and safe for my children. I have been permanently disabled by Fluviral vaccine. I lost my job, my health and my confidence in our medical system which refuses to put in writing that a patient who was healthy prior to Fluviral vaccine or other vaccines, and not healthy following vaccination. Before you MANDATE YOU MUST COMPENSATE THOSE WHO BECOME DAMAGED!!! I will NEVER AGAIN TAKE A GSK FLUVIRAL VACCINATION. IT DESTROYED MY HEALTH AND MY LIFE AS I KNEW IT. SHAME ON CANADA!!! I feel it's the parents choice. Why is it OK for someone to make you inject something that isn't even 100% effective. The ingredients alone are enough well should be enough to scare someone. How can anyone guarantee my son will not have an adverse reaction? I had a horrific one with the flu vaccine I wouldn't wish that upon anyone! The thing is you don't know what will happen and I'm not about to take my chances....

61 My mother had a flu vaccine while having cancer. She rapidly got worse and died within a month of taking the vaccine. One of my kids developed severe asthma after taking the DTTP vaccine. Another of my kids immune system was disrupted after taking the MMR shot. She became severely reactive to chicken pox and had it several times. Later she developed chronic fatigue/fibromyalgia. Profit at selling these vaccines is not more important than safety. There are way too many children suffering from adverse reactions to vaccines. As well, my mother almost died from a flu shot! The choice is ours, not the governments!! I do not vaccinate my children because I worry about the metals in the vaccines. My oldest son has tourette's syndrome and had started developing tics right after his h1n1 vaccine. My daughter has been injured by hpv vaccine My son was injured by the MMR vaccine. I'm signing because the MMR2 nearly killed my oldest child. 14 years ago my son developed kidney failure after the MMR vaccine. It took over a year to get his kidneys working again. My doctor at the time stated that he should never be given another vaccine and he never got another vaccine and today is well. I personally know over 40 families who say their children have a lifelong complication from a severe reaction to childhood vaccines ranging from diabetes, ITP, severe autism, Asperger's , Speech Delays, Motor delays, personality change, gut disorders, allergies and learning problems. My own son had an adverse reaction to the MMR booster shot at age 10. If parents were given a list of ingredients and possible adverse outcomes, no parent would vaccinate their child given the facts. After my son had a severe reaction to the MMR vaccine I have done extensive research and no longer have trust in the system or the safety of vaccines - especially those developed after the US passed legislation protecting pharmaceutical companies from any liability from vaccine damage. Too many vaccines have been introduced - many fast-tracked without adequate testing or testing on the cumulative impact on the human body. My oldest was diagnosed with autism right after 18 month Mmr and my other daughter was hospitalized for going unconscious after hers. I think people should have the right to choose, as there can be devastating results from vaccines. I cannot and will not be vaccinated. I have endured enough by which I trusted prior to. I will not be vaccinated. I will NOT be vaccinated by any kind of vaccination. No more. My son was deeply and permanently affected by vaccinations received at the age of 2. No testing was done prior to receiving vaccinations to show that his immune system was capable of handling the cocktail he received - clearly it wasn't. Many children these days are not capable of handling the current vaccines. Making vaccinations compulsory will simply be encouraging the new epidemic: ASD diagnoses and autoimmune conditions. It is clear that the pharmaceutical companies have strong financial lobbying capabilities involving these decisions, but the pharmaceutical companies have profits, rather than health promotion as their goal. Let's wake up! I have a seven year old who has autism, symptoms surfaced after his MMR vaccination. I raised my son who has suffered as a single parent with no family or friend support. I now have a one year old little boy and am pregnant with a little girl why should their little bodies be filled with harsh chemicals because of others profiting do not agree my kids are very sick from vaccinatins have many diagnosis that are related to ingredients in vaccines and I feel that vaccines are not safe for me, nor are they safe for any of my children or grandchildren. My descendants are all at risk for MTHFR which makes them even more susceptible to vaccine related injury. I have been vaccine damaged and lost my nursing career because. I have been denied LTD and tossed aside to die. Vaccines injure and kill and vaccine science is flawed and untrustworthy. There is too much influence from the pharmaceutical industry into every aspect of out health care system and that needs to end. People are sick and there is evidence to suggest it is linked to vaccines, so that needs to be investigated in a true and serious manner. I have a right to choose to live without risking my life based on flawed science and personal experience that the effects are devastating. No government or agency has any right to tell me otherwise. Are you listening? No one! Anything that is consumed by our bodies should be by choice. You regulate many packaged food items with dangerous ingredients without warning labels to those who don't know the dangers. Why should vaccines be any different? I have questioned the age administered to, amount, ingredients and types of vaccines administered for years. I worked in the pharmacy industry, and it is a scary industry. I want a choice as to what and when goes into my childrens bodies. I only get a select few vaccines (ones I've discussed with my doctor which outweigh the risk of getting the disease), I start 62 after the age of two (in case of injury it can be proven due to vaccine, and when my kids immune systems are better developed), and I don't administer them all at the same visit. I spread them out to give their bodies time to adjust. My son broke out and has had bothersome skin conditions since. He also became agressive that week. Noticeable because he was always a calm pleasant boy. Could be coincidence. Could be vaccines. I don't want to be pushed and bullied into vaccinating at a chosen schedule. I'd rather do what's best for my kids. And if you regulate vaccines before school age, I won't have the freedom to choose which and when the vaccines get administered. THAT is my right. THESE are my children, not yours. I do not believe it is safe to vaccinate there are too many adverse reactions and side effects. I have seen it first hand. Lack of objective evidence that vaccinations do not have dangerous side effects. I have experienced that they do have dangerous side effects. Mandating vaccines would be just the beginning of parental rights being taken away. Let parents with sound minds make decisions for their children. They have the child's best in mind. Always. The repercussions of this would be sickening. Lastly, I have children in my life who have been vaccine injured. This should never be forced in this democratic country. I am a medical practitioner and have seen many vaccine injured children in my 34 years of clinical practice. My oldest child suffered significant vaccine side effects that affected his health. Freedom of choice is critical for everyone. I was vaccine injured as a baby and have done years of research on vaccine safety and efficacy. I have found tons of irrefutable evidence that vaccines are toxic and life-threatening. I will never vaccinate my children! My own child is vaccinated, however my mom died of complications from the mumps vaccine, i dont believe medical procedures should be mandatory Because both my children have had adverse reactions to routine vaccinations, including an outbreak of chickenpox within 24 hours of administration of the Varicella vaccine I did not have autistic traits prior to a childhood vaccine.

DECLARATIONS: I don’t Vac, I vac but

I'm totally against vaccines. I am completely against vaccines. I do not support vaccination, and feel it should be a matter of personal choice. I do not believe in vaccination. Mes enfants ne sont pas vaccinées et ne le seront jamais. Si jamais la vaccination devient obligatoire je déménage en Norvège/Suède/Finlande. I choose NOT to be vaccinated. I do not support vaccines and I believe we should have a choice as parents. I personally disagree with the use of vaccinations all together & encourage the freedom of choice to respect the individual. Forcing an ideal on someone by forcing them to take a vacccination violates their rights. Mandatory vaccination is just wrong. We as parents should decide whether or not to vaccinate our children and not the government. I do not believe in vaccinating my children. Parents should make their own medical decisions regarding their children. I will never vaccinate my child with this chemical vaccines .if someone will force my I will leave the country my child my choice I am the parent ! I don't like Vaccines I don't believe in vaccinations or having them mandated. The choice should be our right as parents to accept or refuse. I choose not to vaccinate my children, which is my right. Do not believe in or support mandatory vaccines. I personally absolutely do not believe in vaccines but also because I believe that in our supposed free country that people should be allowed to make their own choices for their own health... It is wrong to fired anyone to vaccinate. We DO have a right to refuse any and all medical treatment. This includes vaccines. I do not believe in vaccines and will never be forced to. I vacainate my children not because I have to because I choose to. Everyone should have the right to choose.

63 Un vaccin est un traitement médical, donc un choix! Ce ne devrait pas être imposé sous aucune réserve! Et oui, mes enfants sont vaccinés. We vaccinate on schedule, all vaccines given. I did this because I trust the science behind vaccines and want my child to experience less or no symptoms should they contract one of these diseases. I'd want them to have an easier time with the disease thanks to the vaccine. HOWEVER when I got them vaccinated I risked a vaccine injury. They do happen. Some children die from them. Then there are some people who don't believe it is healthy and believe in natural ways to stay healthy. They would rather not risk a vaccine injury and instead risk their child coming into contact with a disease and being able to fight it. That is their choice. Both sides have risks. Let people choose which risk they are comfortable with. I'm signing because whether or not I'm pro, anti or just not sure about vaccines I believe in the freedom of choice. Although we do vaccinate, I think it's so wrong to take away the rights of parents in Canada this way. Parents need to be ones in charge of children and decide what is best for them. I am one who believes in vaccines but I DO NOT WANT governments taking away parental choice. Everyone has the basic right to chose what goes into their bodies and the bodies of THEIR children. NOT yours. THEIRS. I chose to vaccinate, but it is MY choice. Even though I agree with vaccines to some extent. The government should have no say in what medical procedures I or my children have to undergo. I am not remotely anti-vaccine. I believe they have helped save lives. However I am pro- individual rights and freedom to choose your own life based on your own beliefs and values. This mandate is 1 step toward infringing upon the individual rights and freedoms of all Canadians. It is not only illegal and unethical, it is most of all immoral. The use of force against another person to coerce them to act in a way that goes against their own values and personal choice is ALWAYS IMMORAL. I am signing this because we as Canadians should retain the right to choose whether or not to vaccinate our children. Although my children are vaccinated that was my choise and it was a very hard one to make. I believe that information is our best choice in all this. I believe as a parent i have a right to refuse any medical procedure that I do not feel comfortable with. My children are vaccinated. But I feel mandating vaccines is violating our rights Although I vaccinated my children, I believe it is the right of every parent to make aninformed decision for their family. Some parents I know want to vaccinate but prefer to wait until their children reach the age if 1 or 2. Others I know only want polio, dpt, mmr but do not want the chicken pox one. When I was a child our parents found out someone had the chicken pox and all the kids on the street gathered at their house to play so we'd all catch it, and our parents would be expecting it so could treat it accordingly (warm baths to bring them out external rather than inside, which would have been more serious). It's important for the majority to be vaccinated, but according to herd immunity, as long as most are. It shouldn't matter if a few don't. While I believe vaccines do have their place and value, I also believe people should be free to have options and discussions with their Doctors about what is right or not right for them. Just like any other medical intervention or medication, vaccines DO HAVE side effects and INFORMED CHOICE needs to occur when being administered. Informed choice includes the option of informed refusal. Our son and daughter have some of the vaccinations, but we refuse the full schedule as it is now. Some items need to be optional, like the flu vaccine. my body, my kids, my choice! (and i say this as a vaccinating individual and parent) Although my child is vaccinated, I support the rights of parents who chose not to vaccinate for a variety of valid reasons. I'm signing because we vaccinate but skip the flu shot after researching the effectiveness. However since it is on the pediatric schedule, we would be required to “consent” to receiving 64 it. Even though there is multiple peer reviewed studies showing how uneffective it is. And because of Gardisil vaccine to prevent cancer - not something I want my daughter to receive but will be forced to if this mandate goes through. Regardless where you stand on vaccines, the government should not be able to tell us what we have to inject into our bodies. I opted to vaccinate my children. If these vaccinations are in fact effective then I am not concerned about other families who have opted not to vaccinate and it concerns me that we would be forcing others to conform with something that is not congruent with their belief systems. This kind of legislation causes me to question whether or not the Emperor is wearing clothes? It is a parents choice. Not any medical professional. I believe in it but I do not believe in the flu vaccination. Vaccines are a choice. I agree with vaccinations however its the ingredients that are in them that are harmful and they are being pushed on people for profit not for health interest. I don't want to have to give my children EVERY vaccine. Not all of them are needed or even proven safe. Although I vaccinated my son, I believe parents have the right to make that choice for their own children. Too many medical 'interventions' that were promoted by the medical community in the past have had serious reprecussions (thalidomide) and we don't know t all even now. Let parents decide which is the better evil for their children. Monitor changes in diseases closet and take action only if necessary, for now. My children are vaccinated, yet I feel very strongly that we should have free choice to refuse unwanted medical procedures including vaccination. There continues to be an increase in the number of vaccines given to children, some of which I feel are unnecessary. Free choice is a basic right in Canada, and mandatory vaccines undermines this right.

MESSAGES to Doctors (all the rest are coded into the control and safety categories)

I want to trust my doctor's analysis of my child's health. Mandating vaccines removes the conversation between us about what is best for my children. And that personal conversation is what makes our healthcare so special; good doctors in Canada know that health is individual and that one size does not always fit all. Don't undermine the intelligence of our doctors by removing their right to investigate choices with us.

…I want to be able to see a doctor, as a professional resource rather than medical enforcer or judge. I am not a criminal. (this is part of a comment in CONTROL section)